e • #1 4 4 4 , 4,44*.V* - - - `" RHgaii tit isvnANICS' *4USINSTI ftflii N - OY ADAMS OOUNTT, • Opens gitrerday, Ilils of Apr i l. 701 . 118 ;Institution receives deposltes for it.pitys interest as follows :-- Por over te month,, 4 per cent, per annum. rot 3 and nut over 10 Months, 3 per cent. per - 'annum, " • . For transients depositos not leas than 30 (lays ~per cent. per annum, payable_on demand without notice. Too weekly depositors share the dividends declaim!' nnd payable semiannually. At tbe first meeting •rue Cly .deposites were imbsoribed by respansildo'Citizens, for the cur rent year, to all amount exceeding $lO,OOO, which will be paid in as required by the . busi . mcsis of the association. , • . Poi loans apply on Ili ednesday. ' Stains received on deposit° as low as a dime. Interest to ho allowed whenever the dopes ites amount to $3,00, and on each additional 45,00 and upwards Office . South. West Corner of Public Square, next to George Arnold's store.' Open daily from I A: M.,to 3 P. M., and tin' room, ins ilopositas, every Saturday from • A. AI 9 eo 6E. IL • • • rnEamor. GEORGE THRONE. plEAtilUkElt ♦ND HNCKETARY. GEORGE'AICSOLD.' "' 011UCLT011,A. John Brunet, Jelin Iforrier,. 134intrel'Ourbornw, Georg', A ninitl, A. Heine:olmo% Jacob Slu - sUelunin, Drivid McCreary, 51eConntighy, William Culp, John Mickley, Atobori Hornet, John Throne. • April 10, 1118.1101 4 .11 L . ..•4ALL.AND SEE US AT THE N:SIV STAND. WM. T. KING respectfully annonnces to his friendS and the public generally tkat he continues the TAILORING BUM: NESB in; the room recently occupied by `Alexander' 'Frazier, on Baltimore stmt. 110 has made arrangements to receive regularly' the LATEST FAS/f/ONs, and it will bo his constant aim to give entire to those whomay favor him with their custom. - Sibountry prtiduce will be taken in ex. 'change for work. WM. T. KING khdAyaburg, April 3, 1855. NOTICE. EDITORS of Country Papers will please take notice, that the advertisement of the Illustrated Edition of Irving's Life of Wash ingkse, for the insertion of which a copy oftho 'ork was promised, is from and after this dnto rescinded. Papua that : hay e not inserted it, will therefore not do so. G. P. PUTNAM & CO., Publishers. lVew York, March 10, 1857.--3 t LADZES—Do you want a pretty dress, han sonic+ shawl, or any 1113 W atylo ribbons, ar. • times in our lirio ? If sayou eau find the In. test styles,' and most approved patterns at the cheitp store of --- FAHNES'2OCK'S. ' BOOKS STATIONERY. MEDICINES. iintKeitotZl Om:fort:amt. A D. BUEIILER hal added to los former . SI. 'stock of Uooda an uaustia lly largo . , as. 154irtment 'of Magical, School and Miscella•i neong El p` titi'V+ • " embracing nil the text Books used in the Col lege; COmnion Schools, and standard Classic' authors, with the recent popular -publications, constituting a larger assortment than ever be-, pro opened in Gettysburg. Also. ~ 40411 U42164112//117 of all kinds; Cap, Idetter.and Note Paper, of the beat qnality, Envelopes, Gold Pens., and 'Pencils" Pen•Kniviis,'..tc., with a largo assort ment a PAU Cy Good*, to whiCh he Unites attention, being pripared to sell at unusually low prices. Petritl.9 ;has !ale° I largely llereiieed' his stock of ,llVltigx and Jllditinex, iir . hich ;can be relied upon as the best in the market. , IfirArFangententa have boon effected by which any artule in his line of business can be promptlyordered fnan the city. liettyfbing, Nov. '4, ]s(s. Flour fur Sale. IF you want a good barrvl of Flour, call at HOKE'S STORE, gm he has made arrange ments to have always the best, which he wil sell et 25 cone advance- MaY 2,1858, ALV7EYS oa TOMIE. s NA.ICVB 0111$28021 . : ty AS just received at his Rendyminde thing.Storeon York street nearly, opi* tete the Dank, the best assortment of '.READY-MADE CLOTRING, .or Spring and Summer wear ever opened in this place. If you want a well.• ruade COAT, V EST, PANTS, or anything in the line of Ready-made Cloth ing,:ut leas coat than they can be had outside ofthe city, call at Atiri77o, 1837 Ltidieb visue this' Way. Alarge assortraeutof Ladies' Dress Shoes and Paitera, for sale at COBEAN & PAXTON'S ALWAYS ON HAND:--Silk and Sof Rata of every_description, and for sale cheapt at BRINGMAN & AUGHINBAUGH'S. imitmf gm, Umbrellas, Fans—staeks P them—at BCIIICK'S dIARCWARE—Anotber larA -supply.— Lg. Como end mike money by baying at low erices froissotir well selected stock. • • • Kansa*, Oh , : WEIR Election is now orer and you at n pet the• beta Article _of SA USACIE CUT TERS at the cheap store of , • JOHN HOKE. 1 - Hats, Unlit. TIM' IN TIME.—A large amairttneta o ely geatlemen'a and Ladka' GUMS, for nal glisapat,BAlNGMAN.t. AUGHINBAtkiII'S Cheap Rut and Slaw Siam E W GOODS. .11abutislock Brothers (#ll4Dtlespeetfully inform thoir custons. TJErs and the public generally, that they 'aalLtst received the Largest., and best rielect• Rte ll44 _Mild Summer Vow*/ ofere4 Matrix. Saving purchased fat t CASli,they arc prepared to Jifer inch • nistatitati to deka!! et:ttpetition, • I—vao trouble to show Goods. &AB NESTOCK BROTHERS; 4s: t in iSta•ic' • (Office removed to one door West of Duehler's Drug & [fool-Storo,Chsmbersbuigstreet.) Attorney and Solicitor for Patents and 'An- slow, Bounty Land Warrants, flack-Pay Bus. pended Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Washington. D.. C. : also American claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold, or bought,and highest prices given. Lands for sale in lowa, Illinois. - and other Western States ; and Agents engaged locating Warrants there. /kW - Apply to hint personally or by letter. W M. B. MoCLELLAN, Attorney at Lim', AND DROSSOUTING ATTORNEY O FFICE on the South side of tbe Public 011ie°. Square, two doors West of 4he "Sentinel" • March 28, 1856. • DAVID, A. BWEIIL.ER, .Attorney at Law, . TWILL promptly attend to Collections and all other husiness,entrusttml to his cure. I.3"ollice in the Diamond, adjoining the'Store ! ...r Kean. ' Gettysburg, Pa., Feb.'l, 1R56. trAs taken Mr. Ernrextiox's office North 1.1. West Corner of Centre Square. • • z ItEFEIiENCE.—Hon. Thaddeus Stevens Esq., Lancaster. ~ EDWARD B. B:UBALER, WILL faithfully and promptly attend to all, business entrusted to him. He speaks the German language. 011ie° at the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Forney's Drug Store, and nearly opposite Danner & Ziegler's Store. OFFICE on Chambersburg street, Gettys- Mirk. two doors from Geo. Arnold's store. will attend to filing claims for BOUNTY LAND, under the late Acts of Congress, Pensions, &c. All business entrusted to his hands will re ceive prompt attention. J. LAWRENCE HILL, Dentist, ari FFICE in l'hambersburg street % P one door West of the Lutheran Chureh,nearly oppostteGrammer'satore, where he may be found ready and willing to attend to any case within the province of thti Dentist. Persons in want of fall sets of teeth are invited to call. REFERENCES. Dr.C.N.Hincn ot r, Rov.C.P.K a* uTH„D II " D. HORTBR, Profd4./Acous, " H.S. Hunan, .. H. L . HitraitEn " D.Gkraisair, . H.A.Mmicxxxvits no.. R. Inn mum 1 .. Al. L. Sratyza. -July *, 1848 • 1 - 4 1 A HNESTQCK BROTHERS have just re• 11 ceivedandaronowopeniugalargeand vari. edpssortmcut of Dry Goods, Q oensvraro, Hard ware, &c., .to which ,they invite the attention of those wishing Asap Goods. • 'Moor stock has been selected with great care, from the largest wholesale housos of. Now York, ;Philtulelphia,. and Dithianorw we are :ptyalin - AA to:oillir in dueements tq purchase from us, such as cannot often he had. Como and examine our stuck, and wo know you will not leave without haying. Oct. 3, 1856. LAST NOTICE. V HE undersigned renews the notice hereto. fore given to all persons indebted to him , to call and settle their accounts. And as this rt-ry nest. has heretofore been entirely disregard ed:be:a nuniber of persons, this LAST NO TICL fs hereby given to all interested, that all accounts unsettled after the 10M day cyf Marc/ iteit, will ho placed in the Itandso(,an officer for collection, without regard to persons. Those wishing to save costs will call and Settle before that time GEORGE E. BUEHLER, Februnry 6, 1857. AND &LITTLE:ITE ECIIILAPEF T Q USPENDERS,CraratS, Port monies, Socks I. res, • Stocks, Pocket Handkerchief's, Razors, Clothes Brushes, Woolen Socks, Gloves, Comforts; Muslin Skirts and Shirt Collars, are altiays to be found at SAMSON'S. JOJIN HOKE. Alarge assortment of Um'miles, at all or: ees, just received and for stile at ' T - ELE VERY ARTICLE.—A fine lot of WINTER CAPS, for male at ,BRING MAN & AUGHINBAUOWS Cheap Hat and Shoe Stere., - POCKET DIARIES FORAM; O F all sizes—from miniature final tt. large quarto- 7 4r sale by the undersigns).— Erery blisinesimati should have haven cow . T - A. 1). 1317E1HIER. Dec. 26 1856.—tf SAMSON'S 100 I/ BOXES I. B. LUMP TO. BACCO in store and for sale, at • 11 cents by the box, at BUEHLER'S Old Stand, the cheapens in the city. No. .157 Franklin et., Baitirnore. A PEW BIOHE LEFT. OF Jeromes Clocks, also a few rood watth es at SAMSON'S, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS and UM BREtALAS, for Hnlo at, CMLIMENS every variety of eve varieti and sizes at BRING:CAN At, AUGHIN BAUGH'S, euooessors ki W. W. Paxton. • Liar*, MatR e BL e A ty C i l e K an Silk d at a r a e d . S uc loach !fats for the . latest CdlkleAdNPrdiccnkirrtt.t F 1108 E whO are fond of Music !rip find a 1 large assortment of, Violins, music, Flutes, Fifes, Stc., &e. Cheap nt THOSE in need of the above article, would do well to give us a call, before purchasing lservbere, for Samson cannot be beat in giving bargains. ifiBMWV.r3o large lot of Trunks 'Carpet 13,Dge oq Allard which will bosold low to make room • • 4AMSON'S.' TIPHE Balks, Notes, dr.c.,a2f 8. Faltsestock k Sirs, will be placed in • the bands of an Attorney for eollection by thelfitk day of , %arch. Posen* knowing thenisetessop 'be iadebted to us are requested -to ki . d/ Ant Or befonilltat.titne, and Dow tIP; • 13. F.A.KNtBTOCK Ai SONS. ' Proresslonal Cards bIoCONAUGIFY; Attorney at Law, AVID WILLS, Attorney at Law, Alloraey at Law, W.. L. CAMPBELL, Attorney at (14 . 11'0,14r the, People iIS+NU BMW% SAMSON TOBACCO. COBEAN & PAXTON'S ATTENTION. SAMSON'S NOTICE. • rbiladelphlaAdvertloressents 11EILItING'S SAFE AUAIN 471141MP/OM/i The only, Safe which in erer, I's:lance present. c their glair. COll/Cllf4 lIS thelate calm sire Fires. A T the bnrning of the Artizen.l.l3ildings Li. April 10th, and in the GREAT 'FIRE in Market Street, May Ist, 1836, the 'genuine 'HERRING SAFE preserved the yewellery .of Geo. IV. Simons t Bra. ; Hooks, Pyars &c, of Fisher & Bro. and Ewditol &mans & Co., af ter remaining exposed to the burning ruins for newly FORTY 1101;11S, and proving conclu• sively what we ~avb o.ways claimed for them their great superiority over all securities now known. In these fires, the HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by aide with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per cont.inore fire than, ! Ilerrings,"canie forth tho acknowledged victor, not only preserving their contents iu excellent order, but being themselves in a condition to golhnnigh another ordeal, while the boasted "S.daintinders" of other makers were badly used up in every instance, and in some cass.3 their entire contents completely nestroylid. To the public we would simply say, that, during the 14 years that Herring's Safe has been .Iwforo them more than two hundred have passed throngli accidental fires without the occurrence of single loss. We would, therefore, caution purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested par tics. The Herring's Patent is the only I. ire- proof Safe made in this city which-is protected 1 1 by a Itaitent. !tight, and we will guarantee it to 1 , resist more than double the amount of heat of any other Salo nOlf known.:, .. • :; , rAniinsiglckiviiiNG;- • - Sole Manufacturers in this State of PATENT CHAIIPION - SAVES," 34 Wahnd St hdeufelphin. N. B.—" Evans b Watson's Improved Bala manderi," "Oliver Evan's," "C. Gayler's," and "Scott's Abestos," Iron Chests, (a large assortment. having bean taken in part pay- ment for "Herring's,") will be sold at low pri oes. June 13, 11356.—1 y DllllO, PAINT AND. GLASS IVIIOLESALE WAAEHOURB, CORNER OF : TENTII AND MABK4',BI4tOB, Office in Second Story, PAiladciphia. WE invite attention' to our enlarged stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils,t , Varnishes, &c., selected expressly for our sales, and compris ingoof iiiiesirainsirttnenis in o:illSited Statek,.which 6e' oft* low kices, , lffir cash or approved credit. WE MANIIPACTIIItt very exhinsively : Premium Pure White Lend, (best,) • Kensington Finn White' Lead, Pearl Snow Wbitn Lead,, "Vieille Montagne" French Zinc, eleet,f Pure Snow White ;American' Zinc, Philadelphia Snow White Zinc, 13.Iver'a Plastic Fite and weatherproof Paints, Chrome Greens. Yellows„ and colors goner-. ally. AGENTS FOIL: 'Porter's superior'Alkaline Window Glass, ~ Genuine French Plate Ginn, (warranted.). The New4eniey Zinc Company's products, Tilden 'and Nephew's N, Y. Varnishes, Brooklyn Prenitim Pure White Lead, Hampden Permanent Greens, Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, &e., &c. IMPORTERS.OP: • French and English Plate Glass, French and English Cylinder glass; Colored - and Engrnved Wmdoiv Glass, Daguerreotype Glass, , • llammered Plate for Floors and Sky• Lights Drugs, Chemicals, 'Perfumery, &c.,.&c. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN:,. , Druggiste Artielei generally, Painters' Tools of all descriptions, Hydraulic and Roman Cement., Calcined and Land ,Plaster, Paper Maker's Clay. Satin White, &e., &c. FRENCH, RICIIARDS .t CO., • Store N. W. cor. of Tenth And Market at. Factory, Junction York Avelino, Crown and • Callowbill Streets, Philadelphia.' April Io,' 'I4III4DELPfIIA . . WOOD MOULDING MILL. Willow Sired aliore Areith, Nor* Side. MOULDINGS suitable for Carpenters, Builders,. Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on hand. Any Patens 'Punted from a Di: t opting.- + lllSLAgents wanted in the rarities Towne in thin portion of the State, to whom opportuni ties will be offered for lame profits to thetn selreg. SILAS E. WEIR. April 10, 1857.-2 m piTAl'iS & WATSON,rtuuauELPlfia INANUIFACITURIEt SALAMANDER SAFES, No. 26 B. 2 . 0172.T1L at., Philada. TRUTH IS hfUIITf, AND MUST Report of the Committee appointed_ to4uPerin tended Me ,Burising of the frog Safes, al Beetling, February 27,1857. ICHADINO. March 4. The undersigned, metnbeis of the commit tee, du respectfully .report, that we sawthe two Safes originality agreed upon 'by Ferrets & Herring and Eraus & Watson, Placed side by sideln a furnace, viz: The Safe in eseby the Payumster of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Company, in hie office at Read ing, manufactured by Ferrets IL' Herring, and • the Safe in use by H. A. ',anti, in his store, manufacturetiby EintLi k 144ttvoa and put in 1 books and . papers precisely alike.. The fire was started at Si n'eleek, A. M., ond kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry eak and half ehesnut top wiled were entirely consumed, the whole under the I superintendenee of the subscribers, members , ofthe Committee. The Safes were then cool. I ed off with water, after which they were open. ed, and the books and papers taken Out by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lantz's store for public examination, after they were first ek arnilmd and marked by the Committee. The ' books and papers taken front the Safe Mane. fitetured by Evans & Watson were but slightly affected by the intense heat, while those taken from the Sale munufitetured by Farrell & Her , ring were, in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent. more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. • We believe the above to hare been a fair and impartial trial, of the respective qualities of both Safes.. • • , JAOOI3 K DYRIER, , " • DANIEL S: HUNTER; Having been absent during the burning, we Ally coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and boOlts taken out of the respective Safes. G. A. NICOLT.S. H. H. MUHUNBERG, JAMES MILHOL LAND.. EVANS & WATSON RAVE SOLI ON RAND 300.000' POUNDS or n1E4,80111 tiliiii,AlLF..lllH3 which they offer for ink on better iG7114.1 than any other tnanafactater in the United Stales. April 24, p351.—1y NE:W WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. AT SPENCER TRONA; 'No„ 26 South AA • &woad treat,' Philadelphia, Laporte!, Mauls/Adam, and Daalg La Drug; audiledt• . , . cines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye , Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead; French and Ameri. can White Zinc, Window 'Glass, Glassware, Varnishes / Brushes ) Instruments, Ground Spices, VV hole Spices, and all other articles usually kept by‘ Druggists, including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &e., &e., &c.— All orders by mail or otherwise 'promptly at °poled to. Country Merchants are invited to call andexamine our stock before punch:L.4,v elsewhere. Goods seat to any of the wharies or railroad stations. Prices low 'and goods • warranted. March 7, 1856.-Iy. JOSEPH PUSSEL, "1 Umbrella and Parasol eWanaraelurer. No. 2 /Vitra Fourth !reel, N. W. Corner.of Market, • , . 'PHILADELPHIA, HAS now on hand an extensive assortment 1111 of the newest and most desirable kinds, including many NEW STYLES not liernto fore to he had HI this market. .An (mambas. tion of our stock is solicited before purchasing elsewhere. March 13, 1,857.-3 m. HOYFRS LIQUID HAIB DYF. THAIR - DYE heeds cnl3l a trial to J. satisfy all of its Perfection as a DYE, and the fallowing testimonial from that eminent Analytic Cheoust, Professor Booth, of the LT. S. Alia, will only confirm what. thousands have previously home testimony to. "Laboratory for Practical Chemistry, St. Stephen's Plac Phastlelphin, Felnwary 17 t h, 1857. "Being well acquainted with.the substances composfng ./Ton&a Lipid Hair Dye r I am egfidig; that bifonoiiipg.,.the'simp!? „di fees tionf itlyftn forits eseqt, will. not !niece the , . 11.1 SEL & RIC EDSON here in press I L U s S work entitled he I:looms:ea n...utax,' I Edited by ht4thon Ili orison, Author of the 1 "Modern School for t Piano-Forte," which recently took the tits prize Medal and is so highly recommended billhalburg. Dreyschock, Jaell, Dr ',Bonn!, r.lithscile, ' Win. 'Mason, and others as. being superior to all other instruc tion books published. • , The Meattosiv's Gluing will be ready some time this taeuth. - The engraving of some of the important plate 'delays it somewhat. It is a ',lame qua , 01 . 4(46 pages containing minty beautiful e sings, and a descriptive 4, index to the ideas of over 500 different cotnpo sera of Music. It itt,an invaluable Book for Teachers 'of )t,ttie ? 4tuktCtint, and AB Players and Siniers: ' ' ' • Desirous ofmaking a rapid Introduction of this work, we are nduced to GIVE AWAY the fitst ; edition of 11 NE THOUSAND. CO PIES to people' Bite • ted'in musical matters, andvnswit.t, vAir TB • POSTAGE. N. i11...,;0tt1y ono : .py will be.'seutf to the same address. The ark will also ' be - sent in, the seine : order that 0 adding' seii ire.,tecei- InTy getwcopyfree of 4ensei,-by ire I ink your pante and ad dress without delay. Xi; 41,OttitOgdiii iftiiic Pk , Wiers, Boston, Nan. N. B.—TO EDIT ' .—Russel• it. Richard• son will send'you .wortli of their latest Musical Publi tions. Postage paid; if you will live' the abop advertisement (ineltt dink this offer.) one ilertiou iu your paper. March'6 1851 SPODTING! E 011,(% and , 1 `LI Make House the mime low. for duce. Farmers ow their 11 fuses. Barns do wo:to give them ' ' G ail 1. .all 41t,e. call. A. WAM . PROVISI . NOUSE. Tqg undersigned oul4 respectfully an nounce to the Citiz uaof Gettysburg, that he has opened a I'rovi n Ijouse in the room fortnerly occupied J. Brinkerhcff in Boltitiore street, hear opposite the Star Of fice, 'where he will „ft e constantly on hnnd. PlouziFeed i Groceri ; Stater, Eggs, - Lard, Cheese, Bacon, Chic ns, Pptatoes, Apples, Fruit of all kinds, Con ations, &c. ' WM. REEVED,. Aug. 29,1856.--lir BOUNTY-LAND CLAIMS. ISPOETING! Intl Wainpfer will pouting and put up II or, country pro. all others wishing he. spouted, would a call. • Er: WA M PLER. . - ... T , " F undersign wilt attend promptly to the collectio ( clainte for BOUN. TY LANDS under4.he late act of t'on. gress. Those wholtave already received 40 4 80. Acres, cart•now receive the bal. 'alum, by calling on ta subveriber and malt t ing the necessary a lication. JO I. B. DANNER. i Gettysburg. Mardi 9 : 1855.—tf SOLD OUt—PdlY UP ! , • HAVING disposedof my Hat, tap, Boot II and Shoe Store t4Messrs. BRINGM AN & AUGIIINBAUGH4 Who will carry on the business at the old s - , 1, I respectfully ask a gontinuance to my. s •essors 'of the liberal patronage, with which; e public have favored ti me during many yells. As lam now out of business, it is necespry that my Books and At.;counts be closed up itt once. All pennons, therefore, who know Iliemselyes indebted on Note or B4ok Aceoumare requested to call without delay end .'• e settlement. I will' be tbund at the old stan' . 1 M. W. PAXTON. Jan. 9, 18.57.:--tf , , • Asplendid. assort eat 'of Queensware, China, ,Glass, Stant and Earthenware, at COBE4N & PAXTON'S, OIL•CLOTH. and Ctir pet Bain,sof all sizes . for sale at BRIN tIIANAIJOHIN BAUGH'S Cheap Hal ad Shoe;Store. THE .STIVAND BINNER 9 Is published every Friday Evening, in Bniti more street, in the three story build ing, a few doors above Fahn estneks Store, by . J. T. MiILLIENNY. TERMS If paid in advance or within the year $2 per. annum—if not paid within the year No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid—except at the option of the Editor. Sire gle copies 6} cents, A failure to notify a dis continuance willbe regarded as a new engage. ID eta. • Advertisements not exceeding a square in serted three times for $l--oyery subseqnent insertion 25 cents. Longer ones in the scam proportion:. All advertisements not specially ordered far agiven finis will be continued un. tIl forbid. — A liberal reduction will be made t o these wlto advertise by the year. • • .fob printing of all kinds :minted neatly and promptly ; and on stilionnble fsrwi. ' , MEM DARDIVIRE STORE. V HE Subscribers would respectfully A: announce to their friends anu th• public, that they have opened a NEVy .H&RDWARE STORE in BaltimoCe at,. adjoining the residence of DAVID ZIEGLER, Gettysburg, in which they ate opening a argi and general assortment of • - HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, GROCERIES ) Cutlery and Coach Trimmings, Springs, Axles, Saddlery, Cedar Ware, Shoe Findings, Paints,Oils, &Dyestuffs, in general, incuding every descriptio,s of articles in the nbqve line of business—to which ahoy invite the attention of Coarh: makers, Blacksmiths. Carpenters, Cabinet. makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the public generally. Our stock havingbecto selected with great earn and purchashed for Cash, we guars stitee,(for the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they can he purchased any where. We particularly request s .ail from our friends, hnd earnestly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to es. ' sal:dish a character for selling Goods as ow prices and doing business on fair prin. liples. JOEL 11. DANNER, • DAVID - lEDLER, Clettrebutz,JunelB,lBsl.--11. P COPIES Gettysburg Female Seminary, TIRE, Summer . Session a this Institution A. will commence on: the first Motulay of ,April (April 6th.) For Circulars anti other information, apply at the tosideneo of Roy. D. EYSTER, West Middle Street, (lotiyshurg. March 20, 1857.-3 t - • , White Hall academy. r yAE Thirteenth Session will, commence on Alhwlay the =llls If May wit. The litre. nage of the public to tespettfitlly Terms $6O per Session of 21 weeks. For eir eulars•containing particulars address D. DENLINGEIt, Principal: March 20, 1857. Harrisburg. Pa. --/It 300 AGENTS WANTED. BUSINESS easy, usoful, tool botiornble.— Salary Ono Hundred Dollars per month. Capital required,.—Fire LUNN. tor partica• tare, cooks° postage stamp, and address A. Jl. MAIIATN, Plaistow, N. 11. March 20, 1A57.-44t ATTENTION, ONF, AND A 141.1 . I' ''-• .. .- . ' . k •-`v.„ _ .....,,.. .....'. - : , _ - 7... - . . . 0 , .. ''''''' ...,'".::::,...7'",..'.,•,:i 4 I.' • --.• ' - ° I;) ''. • . • t .......-..r....--,-..... r• - - . ---1 .. - ... 0 g.;„3 - . *'' _,•,1. .. .. srrip .. .'. GREAT PROW 'GREAT ~SEA•SERPENT CAPTURED!" •S A Art.T E IVI AVdlit having provided .nim ..tr•with an entire new. and. ecisay appa• Mos t is now prepared to furnish AIItiIiOTYPIDI Jr. DAGIIERREOTI'Pr...4 in every atyle of the nrt, which he will war mint; give entire satisfaction. Ilia long ex• perience and superior apparatns give htm utl• vantages seldom furnished by Duguerrean es tablishments but of the city. He hus a large number of speeitnena at his Gallery, -Li Chain. beraburg street, which the publican) requested to mill and examine. ' • 111E9,-Charges front 80 •cents to $lO. Hours or operating ,from BA. M. to 4 I'. M. (lola Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for nnuintures, always on hand, at tlui very !owest prices. $lOO, C hildren will not betaken fur less than • H • ftIifrAMBROTYPES taken from one'do lar and upwards, ami in the best DeeeMber%; LOTTERIES. rr Lotteriespf Samuel Swart & Co., are chartered by the State' of Georgia, , and fiiive sworn commissioners appointed to Super. intend their drawings, and certify . that every thing connected with the same rs done in a strictly honorable rainner. They - oiler to the public a fair opportunity for investment, 'the Interests of parties at a distance being as well protected as though they were present. The Managers would respectfully call, attention to the .faet that all persons have a legal. right to send orders for tickets to Georgia, as. the lotteries of Samuel Swan do Co., are authorized by the Legislature of that State.,s A lottery will be drawn every Saturday throughout the year, all orders received being filled , hi the drawing next to take place after the same comes to hand. According to the scheme one ticket in every ten must draw a.prize. - TIOSETO ARM $;0; • halves, $5 ; quarters, $2,50. No ticket sent unless the money accompanies the order.— The drawings are upon the principle of one number on each ticket, and are so simple that none can fail to understand them. There is no combination of numbers to mystify the buy. I er. Prizes vary from ; 840 to $50,000 t every prize being drawn; and result of draw. ing forwarded to all purchasers. 11%..A. list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel with the amount that each prize is entitled to, will be published after ev ery drawing; in the following papers :—New Orleans Delta, Mobile Refvier Charleston Standard, risiville Gazette . A dituta g eneer,Sav nnah New*, road New York Week. ly. Bag Book. Write your address plainly, and direct to S. SWAN & Co, Atlanta, Georgia. Prizes paid in fullt--no percentage deducted from prizes as in other lotteries. All communications strictly confidential April 17, 1837.-1 y ' ' _ Ilk. 'lO :►r It• *A 0 800,00 BEGARS of every description a n'd Brands, all of ,which are offered lower than any other •House in the city. And warrants all he sells to be of the best ma. serial. Call and examine. WM. BUEHLER ' • • • • ho. 157 Franklin street: Nov. 24, 1854.. KENTUCKY LEAF 51mth TOBACCO, 20 Bales Havana, 26 do &qui. 20 do Si. 'Jago, 20 Cases Seed Leaf. Just received and for sale by, Wsf. BUEULER. ,/yo. 187, FnulkUu stmt. PrOy. 2,,1864. Always Bow. etldng Now. READ THIS--OLD AND YOUNG I 5: ; , 07 SOP, tA,6 c —.. \ /1 , HAIR R INVII,IOB,:READ ANDJUDGF FOR TOURSFLY,EB JULF.B irAtfEL, Rm., the wet: knows 'Perthmer; id Cimatnut Hoer', Philadelphia; whose chok e prd uc t, f am found at Maxim every miler, &aye i 48, no doubt, the moat wonderful discover I .., R0i1e d „,,,,„ ~,,,,,„„, e,,,.„. p m . ~,,,,, Al •,pf this age of progress, for it will restore ; bare them a better family medicine, for common permanently, gray hair to its original color, ;;;;;;17,,,.".1: ; ,"=,„ ithh :XLI= 1 "P• , h iw Zr a r d in/ cover the head of the bald with a most lunar I, inside wan Me In RAPTIMP Mot limY row... ostrffirdliistr iant growth, remove at once all dandruff and i i ' n , l ":: 64 ' 66 ' 1 1 1 V : i ll”, „ ; ,:::::, 4 7 11 "1"**". "NT itching,•cure all scrofula, and other cutaneous , einailies e l r e;rotosi mom umaii i :ostsiiir s t ; I V I eis k eik.. eruptions, such as scald head, etc. It will . when they are known." cure,as if ' by magic, nervous or periodical i T W",""bt 1 7 1 1 :41 1 :1,1", W Alundnir W6ll. f"." Ed headache; ' make the hair so ft , glossy . and 1 . Pi. IC. Avis —Pit: I he've taken vottr Pine wine' wavy, and preserve the color perfecllj, add the , re" donee(, Sr the 110100 " w• 10490 w: rr or OPM.lllip and MIMI/ headache, Which huer rate yearn oirertakent hairtiom falling, to extremenld age. ' me in the sprin cue r e votes °freer Pale eared me. I 1 The following 1/1 from a distinguished mom. Inv* M oo d You ti olt' num.Y Pail la lay &WIT An enin•he and othis with natallins meow. Yon make bar Of t i ne medical profession: „ medicines, whkhems and I feel it •pleasto• to contmend ST. PAUL, January 1, loops. you for the good ytat have done and atedoin " I. Paortasoa 0. J. WOOD— 'OW; F. BEATTY, rag:, ffee.of the Penn. Railroad Co.. DEAR Slit : Unsolicited, I send you this car- , "Y" o p.. R. oi„ , nuadok. Drs ,l, Rm. tificate. After . being nearly bald•for a long ' "sir i I late pitman* In addle, my testinuhty to the. time, and having tried all the restoratives ex- ! iticsoy or your medicines, basins e rror red very waterfall he now or both Ymir Pettond and Cathertio null, and having no faith in any, 1 was endured , . 1; 1 V' i f :':„'„„,„ ~,,,,„,„, ~,..„ in my funny, our sholl k on hearin g of yours to give it a trial. I placed ever commit to be, while my mean. will procure them." myself lit the hands of a barber, rind had my ' The widely renowbed H. H. wrxvlgur, M. D., of Went head rubbed lyith a gush Ina brush, and the ::11„ 11 „i, / ,, I ,'„" d w ,„";. .; ~.seasevie Pau IA Iry spanner: i Restorative then applied and well rubbed in, I / certify from experience that ry am an invehtable mt7a. 'till the scalp was aglow. This I repeated ev- 11 :i„, v "."47,1 1 " r 11.„" 1 ," 1 1. "„,, net w k* "„,,, °l l l 4: ll "r,;,, n 4 cry morning, and •iii three weeks the ; young or siseioe4 laid follow, : I mY 11 . 11,0 " reffl„tt 0 111111 2 1 4' hairlappear'ell and grew rapidly from August ether. ,to all cases whernporangtremlLy Immo. last till the present time, and is now thick s u l ' prop t n i l inyf i fflclTTl e him ever roller fitkrare 1::: black mitt - strong—soft and pleasant to the bl then "P*Plioll, Awl PlfvellY nil a— white touch; whereas, before, it was harsh and wiry, Lik,„„e1„1"; m o, " ,, n o, h g a try ill oV i a ie sssy r "Tt il s:/" . es ib i s wite what little there was of it, and that little wits Cough Zeal - eine nth, World t slid i t Pllle are IN 110 disappearing very rapidly. I still use your, wise WISH., to that adatimbi, prepunalon for the nom went of dimmeet." restorative about twice a week; and soon shall . Anon, Me., Nee. MI, UNA have a good and perfect crop of hair. Now, . ne..l. C. Aria ..n Meat Sir: I has* bun afflictedbons I had rend of these thinga--and who has. not ? / ,":„Y b c rtl ;::,,,l' i ,11: f ., 1 ,, ;, 1 7, 1 , u ,,,: v j,;74• 4 ' e nn ' S o l i d orio" r ail k. o t but have not seen hitherto any cane where hav e r been completely need In!. few week. by your ems_ at t ipperson'e hair was really benefited by ! with what (senor of reiritelse I Witte eon only Ito any base suffered, mid I Of the hair tonic, etc., of the day ; and it really lolmaginn nod when yon retails what • howr gives. flu pleasure to record the result of myl " Never until pow hate t been free from tbh loaffoome expffrience. I have recommended your prep- times II &MICRON III) eyos,llhdl I , ttedaemm h t natininee sha pe At the :mondani:le pain : ler oration to others, and it alread y has a large elm& Ralph"' ha l terKM? a inY hood, ad deottorne my and general 8810 throughout the Territory.— g al ' . and i rrn k p ePi t, " l n oilli h e a p h :l a trtmtlia " a " = "l • The people hero know its effects, and have rat: nait'i v reekier f commenced taking your tht eoufidenee in k. The supply you sent us, as th:".1,,,.:1,,1t •Zden„,w,,7",„""l"filli,rlh"" 6 i . .wor e wholesale agents ftw the '.ferritory, is nearly, I ,; — ,l,;i e if a growths itt;iiiiiiy - lel! b i ro t a W n high - :NZ. lo• INT exhausted, and daily inquiries are made of k already a new pinion 'You deserve credit for your discovery; and I. 1„6, " „„ 11 7, 1 1"4 1 , h 0 1 e i ,Tri . s i o l =io b. estos ili cs",""i sm n , f w e ith m t h rj for one, return you my thanks for the benefit. sentiment of gratitude, Tomo&e t .11 MARIA RICKEL". it has done me, for 1 certainly had de MA spaired .1 have known the above named Maria Rion Impo, long ago of ever effecting any such result. her childhood, and her statement IP strictly true, Yours, hastily, . ANDREW J. AMERY". J. W. B Overesor of the Portsmouth illanotacturing eni!" ' . OND. CAPT. JOEL PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes NMI Firm et Bond k Kelley, Druggists, St. Paul. ,• Boehm, ROth April, 1854 "Your Pills hare cured me (min • bilkno attack whist': fFroni the Editor of lien! Estate Advertiser.] erne, him detr i ttnltgl o tpe Lievalnikh IV ilsrue 13 osros, 27 School Street, Mardi 20, 1855. end gun every remedy I could try l hit:fow l = Des a Slit i. Having become prematurely your Pills haze eoymAlltrer warms,o w l i t i e h e It . 447 (pike gray. 1 was induced, some six weeks rag: vAten, wen ptomptly tuned. r rim:mourn:led Mein glace, to make a trial of your Restorative. 1 to a blend tor coatrooms, which bad trembled him Mt at .i onthe t he mid me in • few days they had cored kilo. have used less than two bottles, but the Y make the beet medicine in the world: and lam he, 't . gray hairs have all disappeared) niel although to asY 86 ." my hair has not fully attained its original col- Read this from the disthunoetted NRIICIMI of the Supremo or, yet the process of change is graduall go- c"u whom, brilliant abilities have made hint wen y hug on, and lam in great hopes that in a know,a " ' hot Daly In thle but the neighboring Bute,.' "Mew Orkone.Sehdprit, 11114., short time my hair will be as dark as formerly. "air, I have great satiothetion In amtulng . 3oe that I have also, been much gratified at the healthy r Ywi-r and frylilifilletrea dean s edretl n o u y t eo hl ente,t h ,l:7: moist lire and vigor of the hair, which before vent nod dangemaia cough, by your Commas Parma... MIA harsh anti dry: and it has ceased to come and shire then hes enjoyed pethct hmith. My ettildne - have invent Omni been cured fmni attache 14 MR NNW out as formerly. 11111111 and Cutup by . it. It in an Invaluable remedy 'lbw Respectfully'yours, Rime complaints, Your CATiIaRTIC Pills hits* eatimay .. pale d mo th eaten., which has ' l) * C . :M• RUPP- cu erown w itlin r ti ."a a M. tr ni ee'e mod years,— indeed, thht rule la ' notch atom important, fmni the fart that t hod failed no get relief arm MO In.st...rhyieiltos *Melt Ala swim, idi the timothy sank', aid NW/Amy of Ike NameMploix moo. dies I bad raker:. ' . "You seem to us, !Maur, tam a peovidrolial 'Annul to one Dimity, OS you • may well Plypcm we are mambo ininalkil 04 lt. ' Zoom reepectfolly, LEA 1.• irk TIIAXTER. -1 , Sonar. C/mador Oils, 4pril StA, 11 1 3 A, "151..1. C. A r m:— Itotored - air: I hes • made a time ousb trial .1 lbt (*Ana am ro.L., iett me by p.m "aria, tool base Men mired by Memo( the &Nut(ia Rheumatism - under which he Mind me solfrriog. The Om MHP ow. lieved MO, Mill .I 1 MN' IHlR.reoill eIiHM '.....misery tenoned the dkomp. I feel hi better health bon Ilia. $4 Routs yecp. Ilercm, which I Alb Unite ritlitrly 10 the 10/1111 of ycill CATHARTIC Pius Yount with greet mina, INCIIIS 11. MKT' 'A I.F.- Tre above are all fromtontine wM• are poldirly Raman wherein.), reside, and who wool.' not mak.• them slam. menu without a thoniugh 101.114C1MR Mot they went Dna. Prepared by DR. .7, C. AYER & CO, Traetleel and Aeelytlekl chemists, Lowell, Mere re For Sale by A, D. 11 UEll 11.1:1{, rnd Druggists getter:llly, August 22, 1851;.-1y Professor %rood CARLYLE, Illinois, June 19, ( 1 855. I limk. tistid' Professor Iltoritriatair Restora tive, and hare admired its wouilortill effect.— :11y hair was becomintr, as 1 thought pretua. tur 9 lYgluY, Nit by the nse of his "flestiinttire," it has resumed its original color, and 1 bare no doubt, permanently so. SIDNEY BREESE, Ex.ticitator 17uiled Stated. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proplsinr.., 312 Bro qway, IS. V., um! 114 Ittrket Cruel, St. Louis. Missouri. AtIENTS.—,k, D. twEili.Eit, Gettys burg; Wm. timm,Tr ; It. Dull ry, Abbottstuwn; and Drumistsgetternliy. March G, 1857.-3ln. GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. A NEW FIRM. °NM E undersigned, having ent‘reil :into • parturship to carry on the Foundry lin. the firm of WA MU* 4ir. SONS, herrhy !peke :ktinwn to the'riti zena of A eliiins amid - 'ailjiiiiitug counties, that we are prepared to make r very thing in our line of business. We have eon. irmily on hand, the HATHA WAY and other STOVES, the Parlor airtight, and nine plisse Stores. 4)1 vnrions styles and sizes, Puts, Kt•lllea •Sittl, Pans.. Mill all ,other Iron ettoking Wattjtt frim.,Washing Machines. Ash•plates, Iltonotereners. rte. Canino. for Mills and other Machinery. PLOUGH I;ASTINOS Of every ileScription,.g:.c.— We make tho.S'ey/or, illneher sod differ. ent "kinds of 111 illieruto Ploughs. We have altos got different patterns of 4AII:ING.. for cemeteries, 'Yards, and Portlttl.4.aliteli can't he beat for bestny elleaMoss. ~.,./o". l ll.the-sbove strueles will ho sold cheap fur ('m,ll try Prontteb. IItrBLACKSIMITHiNG still eon. BRASS. (MSTINGS anti every thing to our 'lO order. runssmso ALICIIINES repair. ed at anorectif notice. . Dalai; Moulders ouraplites, wit will do ourt,‘,vo H rk RIGT. THOMAS WARREN, MARTIN •WARREN; HIRAM WARREN, • THOMAS A. WARREN. ' Gettysburg, ,May 11, 18515.-11.:. . 22LEMM, 20/7.0239 H N W. TI ['TON. Fashionable Dar. ws. ber and Hair Dresser, can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at the Temple, in the Diamond, adjoining the County Building. , From lons experience, he flatters ,hithself that he Olin thypug h all the ramifications date - Tniteridt JR'Opisktmeiot with such an infiri.,a , - degree of skill,ak will meet with the entire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins io the keen odeaf of his razors. f(e hopes therefore, that by his attention to business, and a de. sire to please, he will merit as well as re. noire, a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their pri, sate dwellings. AYER'S Are caring the Sick to ai extent neve, before known of any Medicine. ONLY ONE BOTT4,E OF OR. , SAINFORWS Invigorator, or Liver items* is required to cure nny one tumbled with, Liver Complaints, unless the most draper-. me of cases, when the seemva bottle wilt, with, scarce a single failure, restore the patieat to 'health nod vigor. We wish to can the ',nen tiou doll to these (nets, tbat the , lotigosator is compounded hy n physician who Itna - tocesl it in his rnetice for toe past twenty years witillt• saccess almost creduloon, sad tlinl it is ' Wain," ly vegetable, being mnaposed wholly (Wyman, Some idea of the strength of these gloom may. be formed when it is known One bunk or the 1,1;1;11)ff:or C 0111711119 as much strength qa one lotiolred doses of Calomel without mi. ) , yf its deleterious effects. Ono bottle 6 the surest thing knows In car ry away the bud effects of .mineral poison or any kind. Only one bottle is acetic() to throw out of the system the effects of medicine afler•a long. • sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yellownass or unnatural color from the skin. One dose after enting is sufficient to relieio the stomach and prevent the food from rising and souring. Only one dodo taken before retiring prevent* nightmare. One dose taken aknight limens the boweie ' , aptly, end cures custivoness. • One dose taken atter each meal will cure relieveesin. One dose, of two tea-spoonsful will slay as moves Sick Headache. • ' , perfect bottle taken for female obstruction Ma Onlyko cause of the disease, and makes a whileeure. One dose often repeated is a sure core for Cholera Morbus, and' a sure preventative of Cholera. Onlyone dose immediately relieves Cbolic o while. One'dose taken often will prevent the reerio , ranee of billiousAttacksi r wink, it relieved! ell painful Wings, • gar• One or two doses taken occattionally, is one of the best remedies for cola over known. Thousand oases nfinflamtnatiou and weak. noes of• the lungs have been mood by the; vigorator.~ One dose taken ; a short , time before eating give vigor to the appetite and makes food di: gest well. One dose often repeated curif ChronieViarn. rhcea in it worst fetus while summer andi bowel complaints yield almost to the first dorte. One or tip doses cures attacks caused bg worms, while. for worms in children, there, hi no surer, defer and • spoedier remedy. in: lbe world, as it never fails. , There is no exaggeration 'thaie ',siatei raents, they are plain and Sober theta, that we can give evidence to prove, while- all wit* nee; it aro giving their unanimous testimony is its avor. • ; • We wish all who are Bleat.; anddebilitated try this remedy, and test it thorouglikt . t i anti any who are not knefitted by iti use wtstletdo like to hear from., as We have yet to heir from the first person who has need a bottle of Invigorator', without receiving bone*, for there are such astonishing medicinal virtues in it, that nil, no matter how long they hare been tifreated, if their.cornplaint arises from a deranged liver, will be benefited,,if not entire.. iY cured. , • SANFORD ,t CO., Proprietors, -' 34513'ronliwni, New Tea. , oiI:ANTS—A. D. BUEIILEIt, Gett7sbnrip Wm. Berlin, ilitnover , i J. It, Usury ; • Abbotto, . town,. and Druggists generally, , ~, , : Mink 6, 186Z,-=-3m 1