BY J. T. 311LBENNY. VOLUME DO YOU WISH BARGAINS? IF $O, 00 TO Schick's Cheap Store, Corner of the Diamond and Baltimore street. L. SCHICK. has just returned from 4E/ • Philadelphia with a full and complete aulortment. or Spring Goods,. comtiutting of Black and Fancy cultured CLOTNS Al] C.U:SIIMEREZ, of all stylus and patterns; also Satinetts Jeans, Cettonadcs and Linen Goods, for Men's, wear; and Satin, Silk, and Marseilles vesting; also, Suspenders, Cravats, 'Handkerchiefs, Misery, and Groves, at prices to suit the times —which gentlemen wishing a complete outfit, would do very well to examine. " /Plat 11 1 3:t2.9" 21.11.1ID2IBM) Just received a superior assortment of Black Silks, which will be sold low;, Dercgo de Laines, Gingluttes, Brilliants, Calicoes, Irish Linens, Swiss, Book nod Cambric Muffling, Dotted SWII3 and Plaid %Wins, Gloves, Rib• limns, Collars, Dress Trimmings, which fur variety, excellence and cheapness cannot be surpassed in this market. Beccoßeet, that although there it a great rush to Schick's for, bargains, all can be accommodated. No, trouble to sliow Goods. Therefore call in, And examine. the largest; richest and cheapest stock y9u over lai4:,,y,our .eyus on. „.. Gettysburg, April 17, 1857.--tf BIGGEST llMOint Cheapes, TIIE undersigned would.. inform the gad • peopled Adams county and the rest of the world, that he has received an extra large -supply arm! kinds of MEN'S- k BOYS' CLo: •T II ING, • Boots, Shoes, 'Buffalo Robes, ke., from New York ;, and althotigh goods herb advanced in price; he is able and, 'determined to -sollmt a less price than !wrote-. Country Merchants are' invited to eall—he •will dell them Clouds lower than• they'-ean buy in the city.. No one can , coin to with' him, Autimm he hays his amid. 4 )es: that is to say s go to NOW litirlfand stay twb, three 'or four -mouths, and wittelt•the •• word to the wise' is sufgnient: If you .weed sack Goads as he keeps, go to hiM" and snake your purchases, to saremOney.• •" , • • •• • ' MARCUS , SAMSOM: • Oct.:II, 1856. ••••-' ' NEW FJ.,4IILY ..01i0C'E E. .1111WWW1414( 711ESPECTOU1411f ififoroni the. eitiieos of 11 Gettyttnirg and thu public generally, thot he has opened a new Grocery atad Co,iirectgoittry Niece on the. Northwest. corner, of the Diamoud r for nierly eel:uphill by kl.l; , KurtzTveltere he Witt have constantly on baud, a:chnice, variety or UROCI;Iu 3, COMCTIQNAICIES, and ,ClEttAlt. WAItE, and everything in his line. Every article that the Eastern Motrket can af forthwill be kept 4)11n hand or supplied at, the shortest notice.. A slittro of public, patronage is respectfully solicited. ~ All kinds of country produce taken in: ex change ibr Giouthw Yell. 20, 1847.--.lf . . SPRING MILkIiVRRY. MISS „MARY IL ,LAUCHILIN . has jus. OE taunted fma the City with the LITIAT iarxs is find impociation of fhncy , , JOLUIVERV GOODS. ito +VW' ahe invites the atteotion of her old Custuators, null the Ladies generally RuhrilS at lint. Baltimore Street, A Ilovtloora South of the l'reebyterian Church. April 17, 1857.--at. BONNETS! BONNETS! MISS MTREARY JIAS just returned from tie city, with n ucw stud immutiful amoruoeut; of DON. NETS and P•msll Glade of the 11104 i fathionehle style,. ',tint tdte in. niter the ladies soma end osetnine, confident that they wilftie plenand with her selection. Mies 11'Creary wilLoorry au the MILLINERY imilnese, in ail its brunette* a n d hopes *Mr superior work, end ream:ull/le price to merit ttn patronage oilier friends. April 17,1857.-3 m IVBW GOODS, NEW FIRM, And the Gash System. .1111 1 :OftGE ARNOLD 41c CO. ird.VE just rewired from Philadelphia a ,littlitholue assortment of Goods suitable for the season. Our stock of Readp..lllade Clothing . , and all Goods in that lino is extensive:— Cheap Cloths, Cassimeres, Cashmeretts, Drab Detate, Linens, Vestings, Drillings, &e., &c. Call and see us. If we cannot pleaSe you in a garment rendymadc, wo have ourTnilivs con• sternly cutting out and making up; and can make' you a germent upon short notice and in the very best manner. Our prices cannot be beat. Give us aeall. NOT ICE• • nave given Mr. 'J. C. GUINN an interest, ,expressly for the purpose of settling up my old business. I have now been, operating 37 years and 'have never, until nowi &terrain .ed to settle up my business generally, Those, ;therefore, who are 'indebted to me, Other by •bund• note, or book account; will please call and pay the same. April 3, GEO. ARNOLD. MEW' %II@DA,, Fresh rrival of 3;4 HATS, CAPS, • - ILIUDTa AND SHOES. -56. Wall raper, Miaow Blinda, Trunks, Carpo Bags, Tobacco, Sugars, Sc., at _ • COBEAW At PAXTON'S. April 3, 1857.-tf A largo stock or Boois and Shoes, selling at small profits at COBE&N & 'PAXTON'S. AAARIES. Gaiters, Buckskins and Sanding Cursale clamp at, 841141.11141 N AUGU. . INBAUGIVS. BRING MIN & lIIGHINBAtGII STILL-AHEAD. ! WE have just received a&p lot 'of CdPS, DOOTS • AND SHOES, of the very lotcst Spring , stvles, and intend selling it small profits. Call find see them before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place, PaxMn's Old Stand, Chambersburg street. March 20,1857. AND STILL THEY CODED. JUST received at HOKE'S Store, a large supply of if Goode, the cheapest ever offered in market. Call and see bolero purchasing elfiewhere,,ds ho is determined to sell very cheap for Cash. Also( very , cheap Millinery Goode. All Goods cut free of charge. , Ready.made Clothing on hand, Which . will be sold low. JOHN' HOKE.' • Gettpibur , Dee. 19, 1836, . • ' ©ORE. 001E1. gOOIE AAA! MERE WE ARE AGA.12411' 1 , ) ltAr ri'ii tlio 'tn hiMdsoeal. and cheapest: Stock .1.V.1L of NEW GOODS to bif fimnd thfs place. All the newest styles are to be :seen in the assdrtment,; and many of themare really Magnificent" without being dully., :No time , for particulars. Call in and see for yourselves, at 1. L. . On thePubliC Oct.3i, 185 k , , 171177-' 4740113:' I• Come ik.tiony,lngns ward io nme at least 20 • per cent, NA qty our,lnoney. o • cIBBAN 114 PAXTOusve just , receive& imp). nee now opening Ale largest ante told seleotoll stock ,of CfOODS,.in tluiir line or us- Incas, ever Offered in Octtyatiurva . fir." l #l, COPS,. 8 0 Offis $lOlll. Overshoes and socks, Urahndlas, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Faney'Window Blinds, Station ery, 'Perfitmery. and it%rariety Not al so thelargeat stoek'of ' r " fitlßENSlttlikg. cirrA.g. ar.sse Same find Earthen Ware, ever olfbred Adamlf comity—dß of Which tbeYtua deteim bled uf dellinwer than' they rata be hddodt any other Establishment, in the , CountY. Call at COIIBAN & PAXTON'S, south eastd Cdrper of Use Diamond:, No trouble, to show Goods. Oct. 10 t 1856. N EW FI R M ' .llatii . ..Caps,,BootsLand =Shoe*. • • • • TIIE Undersigned having purchased liom Win. W. 'Paxton, Esq. ' his entire• Stock of Goods, will continue the business at the•old stand, in Chambersburg street, a few doors west, of the diamond millerthe firm of BIIING liIAN & 'AUfililNllll IG If, and solicit the p'atrimage of their friend 4 and the public gen orally.' We have insule arrangements largely to increase ourstack of • • • - • Nati; ' Cain, Mao asid Sham ' and will always keepou hand it full assortment of all kinds,. Wuitable to the Season,' wh ill be sold at the lowest possible juices. Hoping, by strict attention to business, to merit a lib. oral, patronage, we invite all needing anything in our line to call and examine our goods fur purchasing elsewhere. ' ' GEO. E. BRINGIdAN,' H. AUOHINBAUGH, ' Gettysburg, Jan. 9,• 1851.--1 f 1 114 @ECU) %WM% The-Truth arknotvlegett. IT is tkpommon remark made by' those who have examined tho newlund elegant assort ment of FANCY and Millinery Goods, at the Store of • • 741013 WOMB:ZAN, on the N. E. corner of Centre Square, that her stock is the nor and enforcer ever 'brought to town. The assortment consists of ' Cashmeres, , • Silks; De Linea, • Ginghtunstlalieoes; Da Dar, Coburg Cloths, hiss• • • lin, Lumen, Sack Flannels, Dom nets and Bonnet Trimmings, Satins, Ladies' Press Trimmings, Velvets, Artifi chili, Black Veihi, Blue•do:, Gloves, HoSiery llandkeratiefs, French. Worked collars, • • Cambric,Jackonetand Swiss Edgings, Inserting., le•utlins, Sleeves, Mo. . hair and Silk Mite, Illack Lace and Embroider . ed Handkerchiefs, Braids, Fans, c., /Cc., and examine for yourselves. Gettysburg, April 17, 1857.--tf ' • The Gettysburg Railroad Company. • • UPHESPECTFULLY calls the attention, of AL Capitalists and those having money' to invest, to their BONDS, now being The length of their Road, now under contniet,' is 1t; miles, the grading and ITIRSORri of which is more than two-thirds finished; nil& rapidly progressing toward completion. By a resolution of the Board of Directors, a Mort gage of the entire road from Hanover to Oct. tysburg, and also of the unfinished work of the , Pennsylvania Extension, from Gett3sburg. to ! the Maryland line, beyond Waynesboro' , will in a few days be executed to GEORGE SWorx, Es q., ns Trustee, for the security' of the bond holders. • The Bonds will be issued in sums of $lOO and $5OO each, bearing 6,per cent. interest, with coupons attached,:payable sentimmtually. They certainly will form a very safe and desi• table investment, .as the Bonds will be free from taxation, and yield interest payable semi• annually, at 6 per cent, per annum. Persons wishing to subscribe for them, can do so by callin,g on the President, Secretavy or Trowel• rer of the Company, or any of its Managers, with any of whom they will find the conditions of sale. R. McCURDY,, livsideat. DAvln Wins, Secretary. Jxo. H. MCCLELLAN, treasurer. March 20, 1857. • ' OUR stock of HARDWARE has boon very much increased, and persons .building or requiring anything in this department, Should first call and see FAHNESTOCKS cheap stock FOR tw ROUSE: Inquire of GEOBAB RUING/UN. ETTYSBURG, PA.,- 'FRIDAY' EVENING, MAY .8, 1857. ,• - [ Prom Me Knickekbocker THE GATE OF PARADISE. • "T i mm evening, and the gentle Eve, Still lovely as the morn, Sat in (he glorious moonlight With her limed eldest born: Twelvetninmers ripened ea his cheek, And*lowed within his eyes, "Tell me," he said, "dear mother, The tale of Paradise." "To-morrow, when the morning atm Loth first begin to rise, Then• will I lead you on your way To the Tites of Paradise." The morning came, and as they went, She said, in accents low : "Now shall you learn and ,tell to me. What long I've wished to know. "First see if from the eastern g ato The flaming sword tins gone, And if the presence of the Lord From the garden is withdratvn. Trace every winding pathway 'flint once I used to tread, And see if all my lovely trees And all my flowers are dead. , "Then go you to the well-spritigpeain, Where I was wont to lava 1 By burning cheeks, and stoop to taato Its cool Verfleiving, wave., bee iii the shadow of the fount t ' • 14'stattie kit* I there,' With no vesture• but its innocence '''•- , ~:And.ove*hittlowing halt: . . ' . 1 "When you arc there, my deans one, • • 'Fail netto Ida and see ••", • If still remains the rose-hnsh ,; .• / 04420,platittid there ltylsae,:-, • • t, •s Solanted, that the crystal well .: : : ,•, fleck(' leaf and .9q,wsr, ~ ; i• t rs, v • Ani I eould see the midge From the window of my bower, , "Look—look you t4erytt the garden. : On yonder distant awe!! :, . • 0 lovely dp'dtl myhitppilieme y „ Still, still 1 hive you will? , - • , k , Slid' krielt,iipOW otie"driiiitry kiteti,"' ''' - I With lifted hands and eyes, - '''' - While her Joungson fla swiftly . ; To .0 10 gatOtt of,PartOiser, .. ~ : . IV. 4 FALL Thra. IN 4.6rIIPIALING . Oft !.. B A , 4golucn.. •• ' When autainn winds were„sighing, And aututnn leavesivero'rosf,•;:;, , And' thoyerie'Waddytng, • .":• 1 1TWas theta firith Joker! • Her hair was soft and brown, '•And her vbittia• - wati'iireet and IOW: Her words 4yentrflooks of ridging birds , •:•••That fluttered to and fro!'' • •4' ' :13ho.waajusSitheldaintiest, gips3: •;• :• • A mortal man could know! + _;. • ; _i Wbenitututun whidslirere sighitigi•• • Arai antumtclattves were inef , • 44 45 w. Amd tbeyear was dying r ,• • . I fell•th,/oeswith tfolu:Y. , • . • • , I would I had not :nether,' ••• I would I could forget her: • •, • ' For 't is saddening to. remember •. The russet wOodland places . , ,• , We haunted in November, Mid to think how cold hew face is, Now I' meat her in December! . • When autumn winds were sighing, And autumn leaves were reth • And the year was dying:'dying, ' Then 1,,fe1l stet with Jamey f SWEEPER FAR IN BEAUX. It wai evening—b right, star•kissed evening. We were seated alone at the piano, breathing a song of IteautylAnd joy; and as our fingers glidal lightly up the silver-keyed octaves," and music, "the soul of beauty," gushed forth-re sponsive to Our tench, it seemed that nowhere in this, glad earth could there be hearts beating heavily, so light and joyous were 'our own.— The last echo had died away in the distance, and turning from the instrument, our eye rest ed upOn the silvered locks and bending form of one, wboso'countenince besitoke a pure and noble heart. We had never met before, but he whispered softly, while a smile of beauty wreathed his colorless lips. "Tonne maidtin, 'twill be wader far in heaven 1" 01 how those few simple' words changed the current of our thenights ; and when, in words of winning eloquence, he spoke of the comforts of our holy religion, and urged us to consecrate our life; our talents, our all, to the service of our Maker, we thought no sacrafice too great, if, like him, we, too, might know the source of joy i if, like him, we, too, might see unfolding, before our spirit's vision, the glories of the Co lestial city. • . Weeks fled, and • that old man, wearied o earth, folded his thin arms, and went to sleep. _ . The laid, him to rest, away in the church. yard; : w ut e know that there was but the cask thfkt the spirit, no longer fettered, was bask' gin the sunlight of the Saviour's smile; and tiat his voice,, no longer tremulous, ,Mn. gled in the anthems of the "just made per fect."' Yes, 'gifted one, the autumn Winds are sighing mournfully around thy tomb, and and fniled 'leaves; typical life, are scattered o'er thy pulseless heart; yet thy,influence can not die. The hearts won by thee from paths of sin, are weaving garlands of affec.tjounte gratitude to twine around thy memory; and when at twilight hour we breathe a song of the "olden time," beautiful, indeed, through the vista of the past, comes the remembrances of those joy-inspiring words: '"'Twill be sweeter far in heaven I" houctat Dutchman, in training up his son in the way ho ahould in, frequently exercised hitn in Bible lessons. On one of . these occasions he asked him i ' ' "Who vas dat would no sleep totti pher's 7'. • • • "Shosephl". "Dot's a good boy. Veil vat rim; de reason ho would no sleep unit her l'4• • , "Don't know! sposo ho vasn't sleepy.". , lear-Wity is a dranvirinker like the hay crop? Because the hotter. the weather, the sooner he gets "cocked.", 114,Xygung lady 'who Iris asked to study French, replied, that she th ought:One • t4ingius sufficient for any 'lowan: • ,efF'EARLEBB AND FREE." THE BACHELOR AND BARE "What shall I do ?" and the 'old' baChelor , , stafnlied about the 'sitting room in a - Perfect rage of doubt, looking first at the napping hem in the willow cradle, and then at the busy k'rench, clock on tho mantle-shelf. "As sure as my name is Joseph Phelps that Wl° twofisted large•hinged nephew of mine is aboutwakingostal it wants one whole, hour 13r the time which iis mother appointed ftir her return. Whew! I actually sweat thinking a bout it. What can Ido with it---hoW can I treat it to sugar what d'ye call 'ems, or ltokl it or trot, or do anything with it?" At.this juncture% faint wail ,from tho , baby receptacle brought bachelor Joseph to his tibs. 'With'. an energy and alacrity that would not illy , become- a husband and baby tender; he coinmeneed , rocking the cradle, sending the indignant baby into perfect tremor of kicksand squalls.. Backwirds and. forwards, fromono 'side. of the'pillow to the other, the round Ted face rolled; , the infant fists ,were cletithed with a force that purpled them; while Yrom ,the white plump throat, came a cry that set the bachelor Wild 'w ith fear. • 'A : gniti'lie'loOked at th'e Clock.' tt i ee'tice . can I do,". exatim ed, liewing Woefully the little inflamed, hoe before him.. ••• lie sa t down in a big chair beforO.l4.l - tqconble , cradle-quilt over his .I,pees, aPewith a look of.terror upon his fapc., pro- CePaedttilakii'itby 'Troa ha' resting into his - kiii;just se`g lady i‘totild pick up pipeket hait'dkehief,' with his ihanibs and fingtp.--:. A freak yell from the rosy mouth of the baby was thokOnly expression of thanks as,, natured ,the:noyer put of fashion baby4.i i bt. Mutit be that something is pricking him. Blutol shoot" said Joe, commencing a march for ihe aggravating pm that was Iriving, the child Into' a "rage.' But no pin was tq be found,' uitd i;e iMido ' an attempt to turn iaby . • over, 'liut oh, the elunisinemi of Ilia tiogrbs— the'iltilo eel-like form fell out of hie lap to the flair, sending; forthi a cry that. WAS "looter, elearei, deadlier than before." "Lord, save met -I've broken its neettr..— wps the exclamation as he pitied baby up, aint agony' of despair tried to quiethitn. A theughtstruck Joe. Ile Saw a Lammehltug ' tag against the wall of the adjoining boom, awl .with; a. smile of delight upon his collate. ,nancit t ha : !vent ii:pr it. Suro, enough, thre ' '3 # , !tldgngo - Wdiget.- and AM ,a rearA 4 Thn* mint )of feminine ingenuity. was iwild with joy. lie pinned it over his cent, and fas te'r'Mtlilte sleeves bliind Lim. Ile took htby Mut 141' its head 'against the false hceist wokk. "Shades of Southern plantations and cottbit factories r exclaimed Joe, as baby rooted: its nose into, it About a rile, then cuddled for . a shooze. Then tbo' bachelor commenceilsiug• "Wonittare all a fleeting shoW; • 'For ma.i'a ilelusiOn given; . • . When tilled with bran and stuffed with tow, • TheylOok well—" • A tap upon tho dool clopped Joe in the Midst of Kis suggestive song, and before , he 110 time to disarray himself, the door was opened, and a roguish, laughing pair , of eyes peered in upon him. "Your sister is not at home, is she?" ebit:- riti)ped the visitor.' "No,' Ma'am," stammered Joe, growing ve ry red in the face; "and I hive turned nerse." Miss Mayes laughed ;. offered to relieve him of his charge; which he willingly consented to sitting near by, the while, intently watch iug her. She managed baby to a charm, without. the baique, and Joe was eaptiyated. Joseph 'Phelps married Faimy on my word he did. ' • JUVENILE Lontc.—That which thou bast to do, do it with ar. thy might,, saida Ocrgy num to is son ono morning. 'fiSo I did this morning," 'replied Bill, with an enthusiastic gleam in his c'ye. "Ah, what was it darling 7" and the father's fingers, ran through his offspring's curls. "Why, I walloped Jack Edwards,!' said the lining hopeful, "till ho yelled \ like thunder,—, you should just hear him holler, dad." The father looked unhappy while ho explain ed that the precept did not apply to any act like that, and conelinkal "You should not have done that, my child." "Then ho'd a walloped me," replied young hopeful. "Better," said the, Biro. "for you to have fled from the, wrath to come." hopeful p iiy way of a fina clincher, "Jack can run Alum, as, feat as ear.,' The good .man sighed, went to his study took up a pen, cud Mideavored to compose himself. NAWI'II AND DEVO:N. Flowers, that bloMn to Wither fast; whose beami are soon o'ereast ; Frtendship warm, but' not to last ; Such by earth are given. . Seek the flowfiris that ne'er shall fade; Find the light no cloud can shade; Win the friend who ne'er ,betray Col - - are found in heaven—Alias Gould Hon•'s DENOUNCED IN TUE BIBLE.—The rot owing la an extract from Isiiiuh 18: . . "In that day the Liio will take away, the about theirof their tinkling ornaments about their foet; and their combs, and their round tires like the moon." ter"Ah," said an Englishman, the oth er day, "I belong to a country upbn . which the sun nevi'. sets." "And I," said a Yank "belong •to , Yankee; , country of which there can. be no correct map, it grows so fast that surveyors can't keep up with . : /PorNeither belieite radilyi nor object ob athattily. [Front Are I:Tribune. Bayard Taylor in Northern Europe. NO. XVIII. KAUTOKEINO-A . OAT WITHOUT 'A SIB-TOE LAPPS: , KAUTOKEINO, Narit`cyriail Lail/and, } ,fatt.lo ; • While in Dresden, lay friend. Ziegler had trunefetrett to,me a letter of intraductioa frOm Herr Berger, a r merehant Hatamerfeet, to • • . . • his housekeeper in Kautokeitte. , Stich a trans ter might be considered a great stretch of:ttsi quetto in those enlightened . regionS of the world where hospitality requires certificate,' of character; but, in a 'benighted country like I Lapland, there was Mt danger otvery. fine die-. tinctions being drawn, and Ztgler judged that, the house which was ,to have been placed at . his disposal had he made the joarney, w.(lod. as readily open its doors to ins. At Muctitio 7 vara,T learned that Begerldmself was now in liantokeiMe, so that I needed only to 'present I him with his oWn letter. We arrived sohtte; however, that I directed Long butte to talco. us to the inn until mornings He seemed re luctant to do this, and Leonid , not fathom the reason of his hesitation until I had entered thin hovel to which we were condueted., , A single went, filled with smoke front a fire of damp birch sticks, was crammed with Lapps of all sizes; and of both sexes. There was Scarcely room to spread a deerskin on the floor,'While the Smell exhaled front their greasy garments and their unwashed bodies WAS. to stifling. I have traveled:toe Much to be partic ularly nice in my choice of lodgings. but in this instance I instantly retreated, dtterminCd to lie on the snow, utider 'Overturned Pulk, rather than pass the night among such both fellows. • We drove on. for a short distance, and drew up before a large, substantial log house, which Long Isaac informed inn was the., residence of the. Letnisnutan,(T magistrate of the district. I knocked ut the door, and inquired of the, Nerwegian servant-girr who opened it where Herr 'Berger Presently appeared' a stout, ruddy gentleman—no less than Herr Verger himself--Who addressed' Me in fluent English. A few words eufliced to explain ev erything, and in ton minutes our :effects were deposited in. the, guest's ,room of.. the Lands aunts house, and ourselves, stripped of our Polar hides, seated on a sofa, ,in a warn, carp. eted room, with a bountiful supper-table be ' fore' es. Blessed be civilization I was my In ward ejaculation. • Blessed bo that yearning for comfort in Man, ,which has led to the in vention of beds, of sofas and easy eltairn, which has, suggested cleanliness of body and of Dab- Ration, and which has developed the nob], art of cooking 1 The dreary and perilous wastes ever which we had passed wcre forgotten. 7 With hearts warmed in both senses, and stout:. ache which reacted greatfally upon our hearts,. we sank that night into a paradise of 'snowy linen, which sent a consciousness of pleasure even into the oblivion of sleep. The Landsmann, Herr Lie, it tall, handsome man of 23; Is a native of Altenguard, and he speaks tolerable EngliSh. With hint end Herr' Berger, we' found a third prrson,a theological student, stationed at Kautokeine to learn the Lapp tongue.' Pastor Hvoslef, the clergyman, is the' only other:Norwegian resident. The village, separated from the Northern 000111, by the barren, uninhabited ranges of the Kio lean Mountains, and from the Finnish Battle . mettle on. the Muonio by the swampy table lands we had traversed, is one of the wildest and Most fOrlorn places in all Laphthd. Oc• cupying, as it does, the centre of a large . dis trict over which the Lapps tango with 'their reindeer herds during the Summer, it lynever theless a place of some importance, both for trade an Jim the education, organization and proper e ttrol ot thebarely reclaimed 'inhabit ants. A church was first built here by Chorles XL of Swedee in 140, although, inthe course of subsequent hounded , enljustMents, the dis- trict wits' made ovei to Nonvey. Hatto cen tury afterward; some'fainilies of Finns settled here;' but they appear to have gradually mix ed with the Lapps, so that there is little of the pure blood of either Mee to be found at prea• eat. I should remark that throughout Nor wegian I..apland the Lapps •are .universally called Finns, and the Finns, Quails. As the change' of minion, however, might occasion seine confusion, I shall adhere to the more eor rect Swedish manner or designating thew, which I hare used hitherto. Kautokeino is sitnuted in a shallow valley, or rather basin, opening toward the north-east whither its river [lows to join i the Alten. Al. though only 835 feet above the sea, and conse- fluently below the limits of the birch and the fii•in this latitude, tic country has been strip. ped entirely bare for miles around, and nothing but'thb scattering groitiis of lOW, daric huts, breaks the snowy monoteny: It is with great difficulty that vegetablea of any kind • can be raised. Poi:Ms:ten Lave once or twice been made to yield eight-fold, but they are generally killed by the early Antuknu frupts before nia urity. ,On the southern bank of the riser, the ground'renuting fr9cen the whole year round, at O. depth of only nine feet. The country urnishes iothing except reindeer meat, milk and cheese. Gnat), and other supplies of all kinds, musibe hauled up from the Alten Fiord, a distance of 112 miles: The carriage is tutu- ally performed in Winter, o,6en,.ol.course everything reaches i 4 destination in a frozen state. The potatoes are as hard as quartz pebbles sugar and salt become stony masses, and evc wine assumes a solid form. In this state thei are kept until wanted for use, rapid. Y thawed and immediately consumed, wher by their flavor is but little impaired.' The po. tatoes; cabbage and preserved berries on the Landsmann's table were almost as fresh.: , as if they never.had been frozen. Formerly, the place was almost entirely de. serted during the 'Summer utoriihs, and the resident missionary and Landiman returned to Alice until the Lapps mune buckle their Winter huts; but, for some years past, the i ng distinct the sensations snob expo i nced n ee teutionery population Las increased; anti the each, and preventing alllater troalesion lathe: s- elmrch is kept open the whole year. Winter.' memory. But the other dts.y, at ldhonionstana;,• hieweyer, is the jettison When the Lapps are as I sat before tho fire in the early afternoon; Ilium! at Lome, and when their lite- and habits t darkness, there flashed tigress my mind isri;,. are most characteristic and - interesting. The ; Atm of doudleis Egypt —paini.tgeol rustling population of Kantokeine at present itepertepa in the Lot wind. yellow moantaio-walls rigor : , alma eight hundred in Summerit his scarce.; beyond the emerald plain of the Nile, the, ly one-tenth of this number. t Many of the! white pencils of mitiatetat in the diatoms:4l* familice s easpecially those of mixed Finnish ; creamy odor of bean-blossoms - is the sit*r- e se blood-116 in wooden huts. with the luxury i world of glorious vitality, where Ideathaeontetil.' of a fireplace and chimney, and a window or: nu unaccountable occident. Here,. LiCeiexist..% I ten? but the greater, part of them burrow, in ;ed only on sufferanee L and all enure frowied, -t low habitations of eartlewhich rettemble large ; with a rediter's demand to give it up. '1 gum,' itiokeliftle raised ;in the crest, of the soil Al ; My pipe across the room, sad. very Boo; be. • preseol, lialfsrieved-over and blended with the hind a fast reinditer.drovet away from the die.' inequalities Odle earth, one would never int- turbine reminiscence. ngine, but for the smoke here and there iseu- I went across the ("alley to the ectioelenaa. ing,from holes, that human beiugs existed be- ter'a house, to make a iiketch of Kautokelea; low. On both aides of the stream are store- but the teen was ea thick 'oath tatindewathat biases, 'wherein the Lapps deposit their sup- I was ebliged to take a chair is the open air ; plies and household articled during their smm and work with bare hands. I soon learned the, met wanderings. These structures are raised value of rapidity in such an etriployaiene,---e, upon birch poste, each capped with a smooth NV° spent the afternoon in 'the Laudiwasein'o" horizontal board, in order to prevent ; the rats parlor, occasionally interrupted by the visite and mice from effecting an entrance.. The. of Lapps, who, banter heard of *our snivel. church stands upon a slight eminence to the were very curious to beheld • the Pat Amer;.' south, with its low red belfry standing apart, as cans c who have ever retitled this pert 'of the' in Sweden; in a small grove of hitches • wldch world. They came into the room "with the have been spared for a Summer ornament to most perfect freedom, sainted the tandentianti, - ; - ' the sanctuary. , • • ;- • and then tented to elate at us until they were ; _. We awoke at 8 o'clock to find a dear twi- 'satisfied, when they retired, to give'plece .ta light and a cold of 10° below zero.. Our stay at others who were waiting, outside. We wite Ifttonitwara had given • the sun time to ebliged to Bold quite a levee during the whole: Crease crease his altitude, somewhat, and I bad seem evening. They had all heard of America,' bat double whether we should succeed in beholding knew very little else , about • it, and many of a day of the Polar IViiiter,, The Landsmen, them questioned us, through Herr •Berger;, however, encourageilits by the assurance thitt concerning Our religion and laws. The feet ot the sun had nit yet risen upon his residence, the three Norwegian residents being *able to though nearly t six weeks had elapsed since his converse with us a - none - lied there greatlyLee' disuppearence,,but that his return was now The Lapps of Kitiitokeino have hitherto looked for every day, since he had already be- ed themsetves over the of liatasjokatid:' gnu to shine upon the northern hills. By. 10 Kates:Mande, because the Landsnianti,liers o'clock it was light enough to reed the, south- ger, nett' Pastor llvoslef could speak with Ene • ern sky was a broad sett of goldee orange, dot- glish and trench travelers in, their own ,law, ted with a few crimson cloud-islands, and we gunge, while the merchants and pusturacif.tha • set ourselves to watch with seine anxiety 'the latter places are acquainted only with Nostra. t gradual approach of the 'exiled god. But for glen and Swedish : and now their Pride receive 4 this cireunettence, and two other drawbacks, 1 ed a' vast accession. "How is it possible?' should have gone to church to witness the said they Ao - Iferr 'Berger a "these men Comb-' Lapps itt their religious exercises. Pastor from the other side of the world, and IlvielhePone ill, and the service coesieted only with them as fart in their own:lungnage of the reading of some prayers by the Lapp you had never • spoken `any- other!" • The schoolinastere ridded to which, the church is schoolumitet, Lars Keine, it one armed fellow s ' ? never warmed, even in the coldest--days of with a more than ortlinerY share 'of itenten i enel Winter. One cause of this may perhaps be and inielligence came to t request, Wit trmild the dread of an accidental conflar 7 ention but take his, portrait, offering to pity tee, for nay ; the main reason is the inconvenience which tremble., I' !Treed to do it, gratuiteetelyi ors , t • Would arise from the thawing put of so ninny condition that I. should keep ; - it,reyself, and . antiquated reindeer garments, mid the effluvia -that he should tiring his wife' to be included in. - given outby.the warmed bodies within them. ,the sketch. , , - Consequently, the temperature inside the Hu assented, with some sacrifice of vizaity„: chinch is about the sauna as outside, and the and ennui around yesterday morning, hi his frozen moisture of the worshipers' breath forms holiday snit of blue cloth, 'trimmed With sear a finely cloud so dense as sometimes 'to hide let and yellow binding. - Ills wife; a sheit wee: : the clergyman from the•view of his congrega- man of about twenty five, with'a face flat tion. Pastor Ilvoself informed me that lie and round us a' platter, hia u rentarkehlY fair had often preached in a temperature of:3s° be- complexion, accompanied him; thimglr, aids low zero. "Atsuch times," said lie, "the very evident reluetatiee, and set yith eyesmodette words seems to freeze as they issue from, my ly cast down while I sketched her natures,.-.,_: lips, and fall upon the heads of my hearers like 'The circumstance of my giving, Lens half , a a shower of snow." "But," I ventured to re• dollar at the close of the sitting was Jaime& ; mark, "our souls are controlled. to •sucha de ; ately spread through Kautokeino, and-before A greo by the condition' of our bedies, that I night all the Lapps of the piece were umbitioua should doubt whether • any true devotional to undergo the same operution, Indeed, the i spirit could exist •at•such a time. Might not report reached the neighboring villages, and a even religion itself be frozen?" "Yes," he Heinen:dew merchant; who came in this'', anewered, "it is quite true,.the latter morning limn a distance of 'seven Miles, ob. , feelings, either disappear, or become very. fitiet Mined a guide at Ice;iit than the neual when the mercury, begins to freeze." The through the unxicte of the latter to arrive in„ pastor ltimselfis at preeentituftering the . Pettel. time to have his portrait taken. 'lto shod ty of indulging a spirit of reVerence Which : for noes of the imperfect daylight, however, obli, a long time led him to officiate with turcoveied ged me to decline further offers, espeeially as. head. • " • • there wera few Lapps of, pure, unmiied , hlood-, The sky increased in brightness as we watch. among , my visitors. ed. The orange . flushed into rose, and pale Kitutokeino lithe northern limit of my Win..s white hills looked even more ghastly against ter journey.. I shall visit 'Altempterd itent , 4. , • the bar of glowing carmine which fringed the Summer, on my way to the North Cape, and': horizon. A fewelong purple streaks of cloud there is nothing in the barren tract betwee* hung; over the place, anti higher tip in to repay the excursion atthis time. I hir!ie the vault floated'Bolllo 100Su 11111#81:8, tinged already scut oneugh of the, Lapps to undo.; with fiery crimson on their !eater edges.-- ceive Me in regard to previously-fornied opie• About halfpast eleven; a pencil Of bright red ions respecting them, nod to take away the light - shot up—a signal whichitho sun uplifted desirefor a more intimate acquaint:tete. , to herald his coming. 'As it slowly moved features, as in language , they resemble thet westward along the hills, incr easing in height and.brillianey until it became a long tongue of dame ? playing against the ntruaks of cloud, we were upprebensive that the near (Use would 'rise to view. When the Landsmunn's clock pointed to twelve, its: base had become so bright as to seine alinost like the sun itself: but after a feW breathless moments the to wel- come glow began to fade. We tooks its liehr ing with a complete, and after' making allow ance for the variation (which is here 'very alight) were convinced that it was really past meridian, and the radiance, which was that of morning o, few minutcs,beforn, belonged to the siiteudorsof evening now. Tho colors of, the firmament began to change in roti•crse or• der And tho dawn, which had almost ripened to'suurise, now withered away to night with out a sunset. We -had at last seen a day with out a sun • • The snowy hills to the north, it is true, were tinged with a flood of rosy flame; and the very next day would probably,hritig down the tide, ntark of sunshine to , the tops of the houses.-- ane th 4, however, vrila enough to &dial:) , me. You,'rdy 'heroic frielid, may paint With true pencil; and etill truer pen, dreary solemnity of the long Arctic night.; but, grently as 1 enjoy your ineornpamble pictures, ;amebas 1. twiner yourcourage and your endurance, you shall never tempt in to share Au the experience.— The South Loa cup which, one may drink to inebriation ;'but'ono taste from the icy goblet of the Nortlt is ehough to allay curiosity and quench all further tlesite. Yet the contrast between these two extremes has come home to wo vividly. but once during this.journey.-- A: traveler's mind must never stray' 'too far from the things ithout'him, and long habit has enabled. I Petto ihrpw myself entirely into the cenditiopsu4 eircumstences o:peet!fiepitnite of my , wtuderiug life,, 414ouby prowl! TWO DOLLitIRB NUM kit 9. Finns sullieiently to indicate an ethaologicali relationship:. 1 could distinguish little, if any ► trace of the Mongolian blood in them.' They' are fatter, fairer, and altogether lotindsorube" than the noinudie offshuot.l of that .racei aed resemble the Esiiniinaux (to whom they have . • beeu compared) in nothing but "their ride, filthy manner of life. Von Duch ageribe'a the:' difference in dtatutu and physical stamina, tweet them and the Finns to the use of the, raper•bath by the latter and the weenier', to water of the former. They are a4-neo North. ern Gips:es, and it lithe reatlese blood Ortilii class rattler than any want of walnut capisiiiy which retards. their civilisation, Although the whole race haibeen converted to Christina. . , ity, and education is universal muting tiler-; •no Lnpp being permitted to marry until be, can read and write—they hart) but iu to wont respects substituted one form of superstititta• fur another. The spread of temperance among , them, however, has produced excellent reaults„, and, in point of morality, they ire fully up to the prevailing standard in, Sweden and Not. way. The practice, formerly imputed to theuti. of sharing their connubial rights with aft guest* who visited. them, is wholly extinet it ever existed. Theft is the most usual fence, but Crimes of amore heinous chars 1 1 . are rare. Whatover was picturesque in the, Lipp( has departed with their pognnisto 2 o wjz.• ants now ply their trade of selling aro:shirr winds to the Norwogion clusters, or intoner their incantations to discover tbo conceals& grottoes of silver ore In the Kiolon Mounksier.. At is viin, therefore. fur .be roulette murk', t 'to seek in them the materials for weinl stories - and wild adventures. l'hoy are frightfully • e pious.and anitaniallate. Their conrerstost has diStrityott what, Hide or bitriorio . 1)417' there might, hail: besu in'thoir:Fon