Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, May 01, 1857, Image 2

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    deer skin, 041 tursetves, swaddled from head
to foot, with roily a small iti3,gincitt of svarlet"
face visible between
( te a r , fens' antrii•
bombs. It WAN a tru retie pletuto us
o€ th e by the rale 'Olsen which gikanterVd 0 1. 1 e
waste/4011mm onisidet " '•• 44
We bed a pan horse which soon . showtM
eigas nf break Ma-dot:lir especially when. vie
again entered a belt of country where the wind
hail blown, the trees were clear and the track
Idled up. .41. t half past eleven we saw the light
of the suit on the tops or the Mils, and at noon
about halt hisldise;yrstayisible.•,, The cold °Of'
ntonse; my hands became so stiff and benumb.
ed'ilutt, I -had great difficulty in preventing ,
them from (ceering,atul icy companien's feet
almost Yeatlll-Thelliig:• et was well for Its that
t 1 herd fr'3l"".lll),Alig9l!° F111') to and t!,'?
horse. The country WM a wilderncsi of
iiiertirnfal and ..disinal" scenery. , --low hills and
TScuttris,'firript boreal' snow, LIIO dark firs limo;
cult': erapolike mama alternating with
, ntoiessom Out Finnish priStilliinis went plena
'eke, chettrilif relloaw, wild insisted on our ritliug,
when there was the least prospector n road
totoliiary hilt ( the only olietin the road)
Wet met driving* reiudeer. After • this
welost all Signs of our waY, except the almost
tibliteribid• treek 'or hiapulk. ' The snow weal
00peithati eveNand oar horses were ready
bi.kdrop at. everysiep. We hattheen five hours
on the fond' . the driver said Kiltlangi wits"trx
eftersl",distrott, Rod at three, finally.** arrived.
Vireakireciatedrather betteeerhat we lnt , en.
dnred when wo found that thetemper4tture WA4
•44R•betorr itro. •,• •• ' • ,' 1
sell 'tit'since ordered 'horses. -end a' streppinr,
Ittimg ,- fellow wain' tent'off: in a bud • humor to
getithent,'• We found it• impandble, hdirever, I
koltreeitre milk 'or nnythiog salt, and us the
itild - wai net to be borne elsti,lnse were obliged
iesett to a - bottle efeegiine and our
ittlida2boend. The:old **man sat by the fired
s enioking andltid: net the least attention to I
loulAimands. • timid our • postillions in Nor•
Wegiah'itrts,:which theY laid upon a chair and
counted, Wiflt the assistance of the whole frinii.
rekonhig was finished they 'ask
trie"What the value of each piece was, which
•tiarte tise'to asecond generni comptitatien.—
.Thire'vests, arrntrently, more than they hall
'expected, for they both , tnado me a fornial ad
••dreie of thanks, atud took my hand. Seeing
'that I had prodoced a good effect 'I repeated
.uiy demand for milk. The oil wornatverused,
but the' men interfered in any behalf; she
iwent otit :and preseetly. s returad with a boVil
:6111,!«hich she heated for us. this nine
, our :horses had arrived, and one of our new
iipitillions }trimmed himself for • the journey,
• bystripping to the loins and petting on a clean
shirt.` lie was splendidly built, with den*,
trinscles.: a. white; glossy skin, and no:Hii-
Verfleity Of fiesh. , He thee donned a reindeer
soak, leggiugs and boots, arid ''we started
was:nearly five o'clock, and superb moon
tßgitiv.. This time they muunted our sled upon
4theirkwittiedges, ao that we rode much high.
04than usual. that way ley up the' Iltionio
.riser!: the track was-entirely st.owett up, and
~ t iter had to iirenk anew one; guided by the fir.
• trees stack in thOice., The'snow was full three
• feet•deap,. - and whenever the 'eledgotot a little
, 'Off the old wadi the runner's cut in an that we
4 ,,b0u1d scarcely move. • The milk and cognac
vlned warmed nstolorably, and we did not suffer
itnueh friiin the interni:'oold. 'My tittle, how
'ever, had beeti rubbed raw, 'and:l was obliged
::teitie a handkerchief across my face to protect
YR.'', While journeying along in -this way the
-*ledge suddenly tilted over 'and •ive were hung
•444'ead • foremost'into the 'snow. i• Our drivers
:•..xighted the sledge; we 'shook ourselves end - got
in again, but had uot!gotie-ten yards before
rtheltamktiing happined again. • This was no
/joke oat such a night, but WO , took it good•lar.
41 aniredly,% to (lie the relief of the Finns, who
r iteeneed•to expect a scolding." Very soon We.
rx Went over a third time; And thatua 'fotirth, af.
tei , whleh they kept near natind held on when
that* 'rigs - any danger. 111eeatne , very , drove..
riyeind struggled with all nirlitree to keep
elmlake; for sleeping was too Imenwhins.-
keeVtis tenses about him by,singing,,for
our encouragement, the mariner's hymn:
"Fear init; but trust io,„Providencef
Wherever then . mayst . 4.
Thus hour after hour passed away. Forte.
fostate/y we had• good, strong horses, which walk.
•Atatl.fisst And steadily. The scenery was always •
..lahe astne,- , low, wooded hills otteither side . of
cAhe winding, -showy plain ofr the river. We„
;Abed ,made up our minds:not to reach Parkajo.
before miduight,. bat at half-plea -tea. our
• 1 ,-, : tiacltleft tberiver, mounted the Swedish batik,
sad very soon brought us to a quadrangle, of
• 4 .10w-Ituts, having the appearance of an•
4,Leoulrl searely-believo my eyes when me stop
eared, "before the , door..- "Is this Parkujokir I
-a' asked, 44"h/17:answered the postillion. -Brais.
11'4 ted and I sprang out-instantly, htigged each
n:ktfter in delight, and rushed into the warm inn.
~4ilThe thermometer still. showed-41 ° , and. we
prided ourselves a little nit having traveled for
-- sieve:Aeon, hours in such a cold, with so little
.; Stiod to keep out animal heat. 'rho landlonl,
v..a.yetung man, with a bristly beard of- three
- Weeks' growth, showed us into the milk:room,
45 llama thereiras a bed of reindeer skins. ilia
er•arifelsrought rs someTresh Inty, a quilt and a
4..laikAwkin.coverlet, and we soon' forgot both
i.,.puthangrerand our fkozert blood. . • ,
This morning coffee was broght to us,' and
sa nothing else was'to be had, we drunk four
e 'Maps spigot). The landlord asked half a rigs.
i ( 13 .cents) for our entertainment; and wits
Anteroom* with gratitude when I gave •hint
double the sum. We had the same sledges its
: - • - thuit nigh, hut new postillions and exeellent
-1 arses.' The temperature had 'tisen to 5° lie
zera, with a elou4ly sky nerd a light snow
1: thing. We gut off or 8 o'clock, timed a track
`!••:, Tully broken, mid went on eta ine'rry.trot
vidie . river. We tool( smoeticitel ono Vank .nna
'Airiittetitiled the other, Mail. after ra'ss-utg 'tho
•-•;" Eyattpaika• (which was frozen' sothf, ,
'", ,, latliotigh Target 115118,e9 of transParetitlioe• lay
• °"-• , :iiited like rocks t. , :tt either•Sitlej we Int [he
-) , s.rcondish'6auk. NVQ were in excellent spiritA,
hope tit Tettehing Nltioniuiska • -berme
! , tdirle, but the Steady trot of our horses tiriiaigLt
olst'of she woods by itoon, and we AilW
airevAF the tier, seartering rillik4e, a• mile or
• *dross the rirer.,- our left, on
eluted nrett,.two:stin'y
kilfuswr humbler
babilAttwitirgbitivirluity:Tl is :#Munniu
.,..iiisra;•,iire the guraiiii.' it iiidc---Alteead'ot our Fill
gl,l4llllSoWatli Aad - of this long fetter
aAi • lt,N. - ;
dittholio ptiest frimit Detroit
t ,.iluittted Joseph Deiusau, was arrested at
kip hta, and locked, up on. Sunday,
•r *lt • VIAO4 4104 and. 'ski Ds •lal of
-- i
,-- ... i ____,...:_...
' - ' -
. ^l:,"„ir , 4:4 i th, -- • ."
!' • 1 1 , ;. ,„ ~ u.: 34-... , 4., • ••#.--. -.
- •••••:-......,-,.....,--,"1----rt-- ‘... ;":".,,,,, , • *'-S:%V.
Friday Evening, May 1.
D. A. nuentdm, EDITOR
Josserteeed Regolateens State MM.
PAYIP„IY,II43IOT, of 13nulford County.
. .
FOR JUDOES OF TIM surtuote: coma.
VEECIL'nf Fityotia ()minty.
JOSRPH J. LEWIS, of Chester County
NVILLIA3I miLLWAItn, of pltiladera.
Peraonsit Liberty In Vrimeopalia.
'lrliel,e,gialitture of IVi4consiu,have•parat
ed ,Personal liberty 'bill trained for thh
proteetion of perilous charted Ob fugitive
slaves, by according . them the right of trial
by jury, ,aaa, the writ of hal!eas,corpus,
'and providing that proof of ',slivery. shall,
ho made by 'at Nast two creditable witites
es before rendition. , Tlti4 part. of the bill
is sintilat to that eilnpted Vermont, but
the Milwankie Democrat says the' State
IVisconain has ,gone a step fdrihor than
Vermont, or aril other State in the tinion.
SllO bail proviOA by the, olUVenth Election
of,this oct, for carrying , out the detinion
of her Supreme :Court, that the liugitive
Slave Act is a nullity iu , that, State, , She
asserta that tb'e judgmenti and , deorees ,of
.indgei:,X Mar under': the • Fugitive Slave
Aei are void, tied 'OM, they shall not boon.
forced within the Criintinin wealth.' Tim
State, therefore, assumes the attitude, l if
refusing, the, execution withinher herders
of 40, 40t which .her higl4e4t Court declares
to be'unoonatitutional.
The counio of •Wisconsin comes , •iri di.
'reef conflititwith the federal' pnwer; which
is 'thus held up he enerratehhig !ation the
rights of the !Attlee , rind it is believed thitt,
the act of , Wisconsin, cannot find diiifavor
at thefiouth, which has . frequently set up
its State interpratations of against
efforts to wiforna distasteful federal . acts.
It would seem that Wisconsin has as much
right, to say that a person shall be proved
to slave before he is given up from her sov
ereign' protection under the Constitution,
is'South Cantila or . Virginia has to lut
etium aperson of color known to be Tree,
when the Constitution promises him equal
privileges wit,h his, teruppraryjeilers.
_ _
Stile ante Main
The bill for s, Iltrsse's,
the sale ill
of the Main Line Arris, Hasse's, Ilagnuther, -m. ~, . ,
Iry,r Jatoby, Jaakboa, 'Kauffman, heatley,
of do) Public! Works of Pennsylvania h as A ere Kinnear Kline Klingensmith, Knox,
' ' ' • ' lea„
plumed the House of Itoprosentativea ,in Krirk Ladley, h Lough/in, I,;a t r c e ti nce,
iii t; her ,
nearly the shape, it • was reported. The L e ii v t l t l l t i i i r its n ; iro k „l r i l i r i t ' 1
s,M i er n Z;on,:triZ, McAbee;
sum the State will get fur it, is nearly nine McCaltister, McCurdy,. dleknight, McMinn,
millions. The bill has yet to go through i.itil i ii l la ti ttey ,o o: l l , , , i o 'a I/
i t ) i r ey i
te P, re -r e c; ce o r ru ri e r, p l: y l • 00l
the Senate'; but every one who desires to Wra'aklitt, Reynold:, Y ltobbini, Itoiq, Rupert,
see the State relfeved of the burthen an Smile:l:l.N Sharp, shelly, Sipe, Scsrper, Thom,
any imposed upoh b et for the support of
W at, Thomtivon, 'f , rego, r t tet, Warner, 'II-eller
tat ' ertmmr, and Cooper, Speaker 90.
the Line, mug haPa that it will meet wish ' NAYs—Notie. Democrats in itatir. i
no difficulty, io that
,body. The citizens 1 , Every democrat prosentvoted ewe, and
of Peonsylvania have been ( long eeough , e very democratic member of the House
1 tax-ridden to support a worthless and un-, was preseut but one. , , , I
profitable system of public works, which,, The resolutions wore, sent to the Senate
are allowed to benefit none but a set of per -and were called up in that body on the I
titical hucksters, whose principles con- 27th. At the hue Harrisburg Convention
r I
fined to thelotoles and fishes they phinder 'Mr. Gibbons butted that he Was Speake
through the public works.
l'or the' Sti es ;t° at that session that Mr.
' -7---- ---
iii li• "then Senator r. Clearfield, . after
110"'Several years ITO, an intimate 8 ' i
friend of DaNttir. ''WEIISTiII asked Ihi'm ward 's Governor and now U. S ' Scualor t'
what he thought or Judged's:lBY? and he'
came ig him uu the , morning of the .., 0 7th
stud asked as particular favor '
that the
replied, in hii deliberate emphatic man. •
' , .- Speaker would award tlte floor to him
ner, Well, at the time of his appoint. •
that morning to enable bun to call up the:! '
ateut, to office lie was a t
bird."'" iswYer. House resblution. The Speaker did so;
iii Maryland, line 6oo m that, time his lac-;Mr. nig! •
er called
upthe re ; u lui . on, hi a d e 1
. j
nines have become somewhat impaired by a
strung speech in its favor, urg i ng its in- 1
agoi" As late as 1851, in "a` conversation •
c: • , mediate passage, and moved to suspend
concerning 'the character of the 'Sopronte , .‘, 'I , . . • . .. an d
Befich ; mt. wmistan,
said ; ~,t he time Abe ruleste put aon iis,filtat passage ,
f . ", the yeas and, nap having been called, the I
was when a well.rcad lawyer, who they , . , , e .
4,1 d 'd i • '. d ', ' restitution passou uy , t h e f ollowing vote : 1
sub Y,IIIA gra" Ils CaSe3 COW tor u
woo 45
row, b4fora
tba,sap i renw an e l En ;' , f n e , As---)lessrs. Bigler. Boas, Carson, Corn - '
Court ; but of now, sir, not, now. That /lint Chubb, 15..irragb, Darbie, galls, Harris, i
/borer ! Johnson, Jordan, Lois, iliuma, l
Court has.,become a court of expediency." M "` rim) "' /Int " nic/ " 43 ' 'Ml"'Siniderson,i
Smith,Sinyser, Wilistabou esti Uibbuns '
.r.l - - ' +- ' . 1 SProk!ex--2 , 1. , , 1
( WQ 3 / 1 74:i' o.vOTES.--The Superior, NLYS—dies4re, Auitrson, Sictekt mid, rot-
Court of New York , bus decided, in full tei 4
bench, that the notoof hand of a married I Thus it will be seen that Mr. Wilmot ro
woman, however walthy she may be, is (mitred. the strongest possible endorsement
utterly valuelest, 'unless her hnstetud is .of his course from the democrats of Penn
able and' wiging to pay it: Ia the case : sylvania, every democra`ic member of both
before the Cthirt, the woman was t sucd fut .11 ousetraf the LogislatUre, excepting three,
the value of a note of $500.' given' for hiving' voted to sustain him; ' '
hoard.atld lent mute:. , A decision of , the I It is worthy Of ibiO, 060, that the Leg-,
Court below was reversed, and it was rid.' isla'iure that winter was /Vhig in hots
ed that(t.he,, wife could not be.a, witness a• branches; yet l OUs resolution was intro
gainst Ile husband. So that all notes (Weed to one branch by : . a , democrat and
of married 'women are worthless except 'utged through in the other by a democrat,
'limes of invitation." ' "t .' .' ' (new U. , S. Setator
David Wilmot, true to, his democracy,
Irjqbe Governor has, as we auticipat- 1
ed, nominated , UENßY C. 11101{6K, EAT, , but bali occupied 111 " . ‘" we IP . °"" d " v " sibe° ;
as Supetioteudeut of Common Schools for h ha PartY which then ' endorsed bim
three• years from the first day. of June ' _as' falsely deserted the noble stand it had
next, .uudt.r the recent act of the Lea
ista. took,' apostatized from, the faith °fits man
tu cud shamelessly renounced all the
0 ., ,- . 1 , ,
, _ __, _-.L._-__!..l ...,.....!.... r.
, g der' o 0 8 ( 1 whj e b it did i n it s b e tt er d ay ,.
. 110 - A Locomotive between 8/1 L aa i g , f - ,k, ' ----.--; „ -- -----,-
'and Springfield, a day or two, ago , gij Ia "" 6 t . 16 '" s'l'hiSa"
te P ubic a n "mi of l'
t ucked to , the wire o' t the telegraPh. which ' l 'i?; . ."'" e 4"dg" and Regents,
a storm of wind had blown down, and a: * the ' 11141v°41413. electedat°elected by tea thousand
.3.najteit.• ou a licht vote •
way it went on its course, tearing the poles
- - '
for a distance of two miles;Sud keeping up I irrr•Tho salary of Loulti - 1 ,51;poleon - is
the most. tremendous crash and clatter, as' fie O Mil!lOn dollars a year, and his revenues
one after another canto tumbling down end I tronolle c Paitteesp•about due milieu and a
wore added to the retinue of the train.—. quarter a year.
The locomotive arrived in town in good
titne, and the engineer - tin:6 first disiiever
, a ilut he had the' lightnin • line behind
OP -, . -
York letier states that th'e
diwigreeable notoriety Mr: R diet has attain=ed, through the misalliance of Eis daughter,
has led him to adopt the , resolution to re-,
move to Aurope, Ilia ohne. country seat at
Tarrytowuis ofrerod for sale. : Mrs, Dealt,
.of course reuu4us in sUis country.
The Democratic Advocates of
Slavery Stunned-..bodge Wiimot
Endorsed hy the Poutssykoala.
Lnkiniatare, (
AID personi acquainted with/ the politi-
Cal lisiet,y.otour country for tinslast ten
yeariorinorel know tho fact thal wit
who . is now calleka*"black
minced his fittuZilli
visointo-43strgross, in 18413, against slav
ery exteusioit, he was sustained in his
course by his Demeoratio colleagues in
I that body, and by the party organs in this
State! and that when in . 1847, he moved
to attach the Proviso to the ihree million
bill, they stoodby.,liim,phownyi t that ,it I
had not then 'fieieitio antidomed-atio id'
'fbe? pivaintrg
,Gaelic says that it was
Only after`bir. flUebanan; in hie` ist`ruggi:3l
after the Presidential nomination then up
proaolibig,'had red the • "tray , against
the. ':Wlltnot Provitioi .that Wil
Mot began to'. Mind alono among the
Democratic represenintiies.:froruPenns)l
- open the old Jeffeteoaien . Platform
of 81avery restriction.. ,•
." The. Legislature of Ponnsylvauia, which
ivits,chosen at thegenend election: in 1848;
add which met ti Jautiary,. 1847, took
early action' upon 'this 'question; and it is
bra Eying' to turn . back to therecords of
that hotly, anJ peal hovi;•emphaticaily it
'There ;rote Whigs
and °emends in . these days, and their
party fights wore as bitter rts.any,that have
happened since; but upon this: (location
they wore united. Nearly every Democrat
Member of both' Houses recorded hie vote
in favor of they ilmot Proviso'.
Victio pielett,'aDetnacratio Merit.;
her...of the House from Bradford .. o6l2n%!
introdeced iuto , ,that body the following
preamble and resolutiona t.
.".Wittmcis, The existing war with. Mexico
may result in the acquirement of now ,terri 7 .
ierr ; and
CVtleitAs; Measures are now , pending in
Coligress haring in view the appropriation of
money anti the conferring of authority upon
the trentpunking power, to this end, therefore:
llesolved, fi., That our Sonator4 in Con- •
greAs he in:tutu:l4d and our . li r bpiesentlitivs ho .
telluested to vote'artinst any ineasine what- ,
ever 'by which territory will accrue' to the ,
.Union, unless. tts a part of the fundamental
law upon which any compact of treaty 'for
this purpose is bused, Starety or intro!tuitaiyi .
servitude shalt be forever prolsibited;• except
fur crime", •'
Ott the 2fit h of January this preamble'
I cud' resolution were • 'called • up, and they
were passed unartimotilly, by the following
'Ynis—MesAis. Andeitton, piaster,
Boltz, Bingham, ' Black; Blair, BotrYhner,
Bowman, Burns, , Bosh,
Daslasell,Clark, Colvin, Cornier, Drily, Dick
inson. 1)10min, Donaldson, Eche, Evans, Fan•
sell, fan Sold, Vernon, Funstertinieher t Foriylk,
Vol, Graqr 'Gratz; Haly,
• Hunter.
CO - ViNeitr E. ,— asioen 'Eoq. (or.
merry o One place, atltl fur •everal years
eriktur Viinlithiler, has
been 'agent . in' Califort
little girl observing a goose with
a yoke ou, exclaimed, '.Why, ma, there
is a goose gor-corsets on. walks like
sister Sally.' ,
itierhe Methodic Epissupal ileneini.
nation hare determined tu build a Vollefe,
usu . Palmyra, Kansas.
.littvr,Yolix.; April '291h.--'rho steamer '
thine* aro' cd heti' Viii_ afternoon from ,
Aitpitiwall, ich pertinhe left on the 20th
t i ll)
itOstant, ha ng emineeted-with the steamer I
Jfihn/L. tossup, Which:, ifrought down
nearly 82,000;000 in spouKaild San Fran
cisco dates to the sth instant.
Col. Lookridge's men on their arrival at
Greytown wore protected by the British
gun•boats from the Costa Ricans, who fol
lowed them down ,the river. • , i ,. /
Lockridgo remised ut Greytovin. The
20th of A prii had been fixed upon by the
Costa Risens for finishing their attack
The Costa Rican papers give different!
.versions of the. battle of thu Sib of March. '
at Rivas. Walker, they say, at Alto head'
Of 800 mon,.was roused at the poiut , of the
bayouet, with groat •km of men, arms and
arutuunitieno. iln the battle of the 11th,
utsar•San George, .100 Hamsters were kil
' led, as mated by sonic deserters from Mak
i er's. . The, . allies lost twenty-two killed
and sixty , wounded. At the last aecouuts
giVin in tiro Saute papers, General Mom
held hie position on the north and south
aides of ' ltiviut, within 400 yard* of the
plate and wai ionn to open tire.' . '
• • 'The 'latest accounts to the 18th of March,
state that fighting had continued at Rivas
for fear days without much impression be
irig•made on either nide. . • . ,
The news front California is quite mea
gre. The act.ef, dm, last Legislature for
the prohibition of actuabseitlers has been
declared titicetietitutional by the Supreme
Court cif• the: State. , ...
I AND .1.--There are no letters in the
Manuscript alphabet of the English fan
g wage which cause on much misconstruc
tion apt the' two sr the head of dal; article.
Many ,people are in the habit of writing
both alik, and thui people reading them
areunable.often to tell which is meant.—
l'here. is a rule for writing them properly,
but there seems to be so touch misunder
standing , in. regard. to it, that thejule is
followed by but. few. We have
anise curious mistakes made in piloting
oflicee on this account, and some individ4
unls placedin peculiar positions, 'by hail
ing the wrong letter published as the initial
of their names. It would save considers',
bib trouble Iti.every body, and printers in
particular, if people would follow thti rule
laid down by' leading pettsmen; , namely : to
run the J belo w . the line and the I even
with it
flerWe learn the, following Trim the
diarlof an elderly and respected.gentle•
man, which may be relied upon 011 the
4th of, May. 1812.,,h snowed to the depth
of four inches. The fruit trees wer in
full bloom, but the Snow ' , passed rapidly
away before a twilling sun, and 'the crops
were not materially injured. In 1816
there were three distinctly visible spots
upon the sun. and there Was frost in every
month of the )ear. j' In 1821., on Easter .
Mondar. it , gnoweill to the depth Of one
foot. In 1823, on the 17th of A pril, snow
fell to the, depth of eighteen inches; and
in 184 2 , a slight springling of snow fell
in the early part of June. We have nee.
er, huwevor, . lwtl , suoli a length's. cold and
wet reason, except that of 1816., •
Punta &Mort' IN St. Louts.—Tbe
St. Louis "Democrat, •in announcing the
triumph of the Emancipation party in St.
Louis, closed its article thus : "Let men
everjwlien3 jtnew, hereafter, that St. Lou
is has wade a proclamation inviting the
pepplo:of the world to come anti settle in
her midst, assuring them protection in per
son, properly and opinion.
_ .4 . - She is hence.
forth the Fred City' of the Valley of the
MiAsiasippi. She invites labor, capital and
'commerce, without distinction of country.
She proposes herself as a Centre of Trade
without any circumference." ,
Issua.--The . Evening Poet layi'
the following are . the issues presented by
the ruling party, through the Presitleni:s ,
Inaugural and the Supreme Uourt Dect-•
sion. 'shay will be pronounced, upon by'
; ; ;ilie ;people, partly through"their
;litres : and State elections, andApally
poked of one way or the other by the
PreAidential Election in 1860: ' • •
, Shall Slavery or Fteedom be the future I
[tainted policy of the country
Flits a negro ti soul. -to 'be Baia and
rights to be protected, or is he a beast of
burden ?
era or has not at.' independent State of
this confederacy a right to say that there
shall be no Slaves brought.within ita bor-
, Has or has not the General Govern•
ment the power in prollibit the extension
of the present unjust and .inequitable aye.
tea of Slave repteseutation ii Oongresa f
"LAD Disionaivto Belt 14.1." —The
Bente 'county( Pa.) School Report in a cu.
riosisy., We clip the following:
"In one district not "a scholar in the
school eould;tell.spe in whatcounty lie liv
and whets I held up, liellbrook's Ave
iflch globe, 010,ot:cans which are pain
ted blue, and asked what it was, 6 large
big ,at least seventeen' years, 21 age, re-
Ow e d, 'a bird's egg
"Soon after thisi,l visited another of in
utirorious chaiacter: • There were several
infants 'here, who Were not old enough
according to law, to' be admitted,.'
teacher said she had been informed by e
director that the parents, of these babies
would pay her fur taking:care of them,
and very artlessly inquired of use what she
ought to eliarige."
POWER or PneTim..—Prayer hes divi
ded seas: foiled up flowing rivers, made
flinty reeks gosh, into fountains, quench
ed flames of fltik, :nuzzled lions. disarmed ,
vipers and poisons, marshalled the Stars
agaiit'st the wielted, stolipttl the coons of
the, moon, arrested the gm in- its rapid
race, buret open iron getee, recalled souls
frotn eternity, .
~conquered the strongest
devils, commanded legione of angels
down from heaven. Prayer hue bridled
end chained the raging passions of man,
and routed and destroyed vast armies of
l proud, daring, blitetering' atheists. Pray
' tir hag brought one Man horn the bottom
01 the sea, and carried another in a char
iot or Aro to' heaven l What has hot
prayer dope 1-- , Ryland ,
1111:7"Naw Yolk Liquor Antlers' Menai
atiou, numbers over 5,600 Persone,,and has
a mit fond of $:300,000, which is to be
impended in_testing the coustiintiontility of
i l the License Law, recently passed by the
1......____ --
lira* Hz•Presidon t Piero Lee thaw f:37
gush. thorough.bred horses on-the tray to
Concord, for his farm ; • rins, a'skvk horse,
'and the other two brood PAM.
Tin isiftw Cent —Since Uncle Sam
has first turned coiner upon his own az.
counk„no less.than eightion'hundred tens
of captor have hean converted into cents,
making in all about one hundred sad fifty
Millione' of
,pieces, bearing upon one aide
the effigy of Liberty, and upon the coterie
the well known , legend "One•Cent."—
Thesti'"enppers",have done good service
iit their time ; they have rewarded armies
elyoungater for being good boys and girls;
they have purchased ship loads of mint
stick, and mountains of gingerbread; they
have afforded the broken down toper one
more swig of "red eye ;" they have come
"often" just in lime to buy bread for a
famishing family ; they have weighed
down the contribution box at church; they
haie atfoided ; to'yeuthe Of a gaming turn
the wherewith for a game of "pitch," and
they have determined more than one des.
tiny by the "toss of a copper." But
soon this familiar old coin will be nuniber
ed among tho things that were. :In a few
netilti their 'tiny and 'more'aristotiratici
sliccessors—;the latter having the old Cop.,
per blood crossed by an alliance with the'
Nickel family—will make their appear,
ance in public life. They will at first be
received with, groat favor, and thmes and ;
even quarter!, will be "cut" for the sake of .
forming an extensive acquaintance with
the parvenu coin ; but "a cent's a cent for
I a'. that ;" they will soon lose their glitter
and their novelty, and become as common
and as vulgar us their big brothers,' who
were decreed out of fashion and out of ex
notice by the XXXI.VtIi Congress of the
United States of America. One million
of the new , cents• have been coined at the
Mint, and 119 soon as: two millions . more
are ready they will be paid out and put in
Circulation. This will be in ihriut three
mesi.-;-Antong the itetne'of foreign news
by e'late arrival ie,the following •
.One morning,last•week , every_ newspa.
per office of Paris was visited by sigovern.
meta messenger; who, in breathless haste,
forbade them. to pint a want of the newel
which hadjust, arrived from Meaux.—
'Pho Gnind tifteire had Tied with one of ,
his fair *lied's, MatPlle 'Vacquerin by
name, and one of the most beautiful girls
in the placc' ',What makes the , affaireo
terrible just'• at this moment is, that this!
intrigue of the grand viea,re, which forms
one of tinilCcustitions upon which Ver
ger baled his proole,of the pOrroptlon of t
the clergy, breaks out just as Verger and
his damning proofs were beginning to be
1,011011. , iThe young:lgtly, whisbas Timed 1
the most brilliant offers otiaarriage,; ind
who is, pdestiesed of it large fortune in her
own right, has, by the advice of her pre
dinar,' who is supposed to hsve 'been her
lover over since she first attended his, min
lessiontil, five' years ago; only,waited until
Her coming, of and the , transfer of her
rifting from, the,liiiitTi oPher relations in
to4tlo own, to'take this extraordinry and
decided.step. The. grand 'skate is a tall
handiome mail. of good family. The fu
iiiives have landediMlr ind—and'ru
mor .declsres, that the reverend father has
;irate') to hie bishop. announcing his, in
tention of thrtiering his Iroe aux °dies,
and threatening en the first sign qf,perse
of th .
cutiob or mina grim on the part' a
ecclesisstioal authorities!, to issue a public
confirm.hinn or the calum,
nieet,,erhichv 's
ereuppressed in Verger's
; .
kAV gg h .seeilar nevispoper contains
the folliawing pungebt hit : '
built Ryntlersohe Npuoirork filibuster,
hal been converted 'in epiritualisin nutlet
the trance preaching 'of Mr.: Mrs V.
Hateh.q Jf :,01;s1411 tusk, - a7rtippectsttle
ii►ati, 011 + hM. le wink tle aniiseltieve
went crelltteb.lltutsertreliginn,,
To read and' write before yon , ente het
been decitle4, stuqqeesive Legisla
tures sn Massachusetts to he a necessary
quidigcation for the use of she electjett &an.
site People. Connecticut . has a reading
ciruse•in she voter's qualifications.
• ' rise ''up' in this
country as by magic. [t, only . requires
three or four years for 'an oak forest on
iitucksieSterrk rivers - , to hvoitie conserted
into a great commercial city. We have
wondered over, the pieryelou%;,iperease of
Chicago, but now our attention is drawn
to•.Bellevue , in Nebraska. SittisitaC by
nature advantageously; it will soon hive
the illy/Wages 'of Railroads divirging in
different' directions, which will make It at
an, early date the great city of the 'west.---
Elonsaa'lViinotrr....llanHeti.—' The" Per;
sian Ambassador at Paris,.Feroock Khan.
has fun presumed iciMuis NaPoleonfour
Arab horses. of the purest blood,• frorn.,his
master the Shah. Their peculiarities are
two—that they ere larger than any blood
horsed hitherto seen, and that them have
no manes. Paris was'ilory 'much tieligbt
ed with the beauty of these animals. .
. .
Siort or' THE Time:B.—The Loutoville
Yournal,cnntains a very able and caustic
review of the late decision of the, Supremo
Court, in the Driid Scott case. It is from
the 'pen 'of a coriespondent, though hmlnr
sett in the editorial columns. Even Ken
tucky, pro.slayey as she is, cannot consent
,to Taney's amedutente of the Constitu
Atlanta Examiner says,there
was a freeze at that plade Friday morning,
and that front . Alltinur.VP Savannah not a
single . field' f corn or Cotton is left etatid
log, On the 17th of April; two years ago,
tlie, thermometer stood at 08° in the shade
at Atlanta: ' .
GRACE, Nor SELr.--lufinite toil will
not enable you to sweep away a mist ;lint
by ascending a little you may often look
over . it altogether. So it , is with our mar
ei impravoment'; we wrestle fiercely with
a viciaus-liabit which 'would have no hold
upon us if we ascend into a higher atmos
A JEW'S .13.EQuEsT.—A Jew in New
York recoutly bequeathed '850,000, the
iuterest of which is to be applied to Dwell.
'Nitta the couditiou of the Jews at Jerusa
!etc, by promoting .eduestintt and arts
ernoogiltietn, and teaching theta mechani*
cal end agricultural onikloyments.
- firPTlie papers seam Vico Preoident
13ropiteuridge Df.bavinfi made• 0100,000
ver,y recently by buying free doll in the
northwest. ,
r;Prlikigsacicu have Oils p►'ovirb 9 4
Suds word is IP goon e 414 is au iU coley,
.ttniper. in diipuie.
cold Imuoser fulioas 1139 rod hot iron.
Misfortune and misconduet were
.both twirls., Our. faults are oh the parent
bf our, witte..and he with most deelsons st •-••••\
the world's froln has generally dune his '
beet to earn it.
trOIt., The greo . and principal cluthicteris
iies of Vo ll eys **kat Pain Extractor con
ISt. Of its never failing and unique proper
ty, as soon as applied to any external injury,
to eAer./. jail:diminution instantly, and rapidly to
reduce it. This feature constitutes its great
power to alleviate the pain of burns and
scalds, and other, painful diseases ! hi. 50 in•
credibly short a.'spitee of dine. and at will' ap.
• pear from the few testimonials hereunto itn-
Inosed. Every intelligent 'flied is fully aware'
that o in ll,vases of externalinjery, the pair.
COURT.—The following additional items (XI is • prodifeed inflioninaticid dm • injured
, parts k and, the
net refore,
eane Wpm remove the cause,
Court proceedings subsequent to our going
press, we,find in the lust Compiler:
• 2d. Its purificative properties neutralize the
CormiettwealthlicliarvelH4 tiyattled..r l i hat may hulk in the 'srstein, and
diettnelit' ler selling' liquiir when applled"uv: th e ,ores; trum meitny oilll f s
Commonwealth did netuiatlef risk inake out Impure matter to
„the surface., and eject it—
ienee the great discharge itroduces from
a ease, when the jury, returned a verdict of'
tim , asiuned by:burds _ alit l ) . wholl.pp oi e d
Not Guilty, .and ordered :the prosecutor, Chas. to old mid inveterate sores, Sult Rheum, or.
in°"Tulfii to pity the costs. , im
• I other U meous diseases. •
Commeetseeith va. J o h n Each box Of Gestriss: DAI.T.IcfB PALL EZ•
i t ,; OR lid18.111)1111 . it a Steel Plate lingrak.d•.
and battery upon Ch'arleg Cr est&
Ver( " c hall ' with the signatures of C. V. CLIGKEN-
Guiltyi Mita ofondatit oed'.6\pitry fi n 0 Elt.& CO., proprietors, and HENRI', ,DA
of five dollars, and costa of prom:Motion. '.• .' LEY, tunitufiteturer. All others are,counter •••
,Uotnmonitealth ?vs. Jones A.l...Hrili.L.Latk• Price 25 cents parbox.'
conji of :311' front Editrard Staley offrdtter .!4 4,11 , a t" 111)° '!!` i n dd . ll l".', /
• • , • • . • - •• • Clickeater'it.too.,Bl Barclay street, Nevi Yerh:,•
township.. ,The prosecutor 'not, being able•teii • ' • Maneh6,lot
identify the money,. a Vedriet -of Not Guilty
wgs rendered. !'Judge Pishet gav,i' the lad a
feirVitirdief Wholesale° advice. •
. ,
Commonwealth vs, Gee. Hou se.—lmreeny,
&O. Verdict, notileUty.'';'o44o , l county,--
I Commonwealth vs. Henry Hillier, Joseph
Her.not Michael 'iiibt,
Ite:,,atl„ i4of: .14p01) Iliindorlf , 4toby
'Pave of Ccturt. • • • . •
Rell[shaul Service's ibr- the, pet
Sabbath. . .
. • -
Presbylerka Church.---tiorvices.,.rnornimr
r eveningr Rev. Mr Van IVyhe:-. ,
Christ Church, (Lutheran.)---tieryimis' u
theMdvningl. .
St bows' ,Church, (Luthetan:)—Servicts
in the iintorritng and evening Rei , ..ft. Hille
Mciluxlist Episcopal Church.--Services
morning and evening.
German Reformed Chimels.-10 services.
Assomak Reformed Church.—No services.
Catholic Chali.h.—No services.
The: Prayer-Meding of the Presbyterian,
German Reformed, and the two Lutheran
churches is held every Wednesday evening;
Methodist, Thursday eyetiink,
Conimonwealth vs. Henry Bitner.—Selling
liquor without I)efitidant plead r gtill-;
eY,and was iiciit'en'Ced to pity , a #nii,t,r $llO/.
,(oned.bird to go ti Alto prosecutor and the hal.
'nue° to go to the School Directors orthe.prop
;er„dtstriet,l Tith ths.vosts of pFosa9uki”
and Battery, „uptut Aargelvt Nttlujctrfr. Set ,
tied by led/e`oltroU;t l . :"
Commonwealth va. Charles Crosta.:--Surety
of 66 peace on the. oath ofJohn. Shelia...—
Settled by leave of Court.
, Cominuitisealih:lo, Bitoer and Jos
eph Renner.:--Stirey.'.ot the Peace on the
Oki! of Ann yundoiff. Settler' leilve of
Larceny ofOloves '
anB coiufurt feint) Henry
Hartzel. Defendant; Ord Guilty,, and was
sentenced w undergo au tmprisonmOnt in the
Comity dell of six days, mulkipay the coils. •
e Corninunwealth. vs juetib 31untiorff.—As
!holt' and battory`, upon Henri pithier - t bet- •
ti e d by leave of Court.
Commonwealth vs. , John Sloneker.— In
,dieted for stealing a turkey frOm Daniel 'feint.
zelmam. Verdict, Guilty :' , 'and ,defendain
sentencod to twenty gays itnprisontnent iu the
Cutinty jail, pay the valrie the' property
stolen, and costs of proseeut ion.
. Commonwealth vs. George Sturky.-tChargs
'eti with, inereeing.the population without the
authority of law in such eases made nut' pre.
Tided. Defendant submitted to Coast, And
got the usual
Among the into bills tiokid by the Aratul
Jury, are tyro against William Wank, fur tiro.
iug And Pas Sing two cheeks upon" the Bank of
Gettysburg. Trial put ofF.• •
'The charge against Frederick Wolf,Stinsitel
Wolf, Joseph WOW. JOU!: niciger, lienrk
Spoelc, , Ditirl,o'. "'Oro; and IVilliun Hair, fur
riotous disturbtiaeMi of thipeitue nt the
dentin' Election, iu Abbottstown, spas,return•
ed , not, ag,rtm to pay the costs. •
Tavern Licenses were prided to Harvey D.
Wattles,' John 'Cate ; i3enitnitt Sehriver,
Francis Drown, Peter Bebively, Wm. 3l'Lel
lan .4 'Co., Dcuben. Stem, Henry
,Eithler, Mich-
Haftmita, &Apt Bus4i,,JoEtastaisli
ilMxlyeai, "'cultist laishaiir, Peter
I.ingettfdltrir, Joseph Ihnicevrtlgmb L, Grass,
Elizabeth Miley, Mary 31.. Brough, John .A.
Dicks, Jno. A: H. 'tether, Shuttle" Sadler,
'Netycomor, ,Charles Myortr, — Cottrail
Meta, - ;14 ti b. lltieket,- Muir; Hildithilind.
The application of Jacob Sinrtin, for license
to keep a tavern in New Oxford, was deferred
4,411,11,0 A P annual
election for President and, Matutge4 of the
Rendre? 'Railroad Company, will be held at
Company's office, in flatio;ter; tho 14th of
at .next , ,
Trlchf bF n,
1 1101040# ItAity AillOdlil t 61 ...ATARI)
Y um's' interesting letters from Northern
Etirolie:'' !It; has at length reached a point at
which the'tiutt:does not rise nll.44Cnuto,
~'4isletter 'Troia thi ¢ !mint,' being the
extreme lintit otitis winter tour, will be given
next week,' We:feel' 'satisfied that we could
not furnish the render with more ititeritsting
matter aa tills. Letters furnish .
more truth than poetry in 'the, following
I language of Parson 13r - ownlow, wile;„ in
( speaking of the personal saurificea of loco.
rein' . demag,ogties, than hold up tto ridieule
their voluntary forfeiture of selfrespect by
. .
herding , cud hympatltisiug
. tvitk foreign
pauperi and convicts: • '
"If they are only Dernomate, they
invariably ore, these demagogues who hate
Knovr•Nothings with such undying malice,
will lock arms with thew, and march to
the polls, drink moan whitley out of the
same dirty tumbler, and sleep in the same
lousy bed. ,
caoo.--4lere iv a fifcituie , of Sunday life in .
Chicago, furnished . by the Times :
'Here in Chicago on Sunday we: have
56 churches open during the forenoon and
evening ; but at the same time there are
no lees then 80 ball rooms, in each of
which the "baud" plays from morning till
midnight, and waltzing gees oil without
intermission. In addition .to these "fes
tivities," we have two theatres, cacti wjt
its performers in tights and very shosrgar
monis, rivaling Eilsler in their,graceful
evolutions." Saloons have..•-their front
dours', closed by proclamation, but do a
thriving bintinewthrough side opirances.•
Ttiere are. now more thou 100,000 Ger
i mans in Paris, two-thirds of whom, are
Protestants. The Evangelical Mission
Association, for this , people id now in its
siatinuth year, Ira' had' aid 'year an in
; come of only 7,000 frapces or which the
`King' of `Prusela gave one thousand, and
thq. Ottatav,us.. Adolphna ' Association of
llstuitemburs one thoustind two hundred,
ifOrThere are plenty of young 'gefillernen ,
Its well as plenty of old ones, whose hoards are - ,
turning grey,. which
,gives the former alert'
deal of uneastneis, and• exposes. fhb ageof the
latter: :To avoid these little perplexities .we
'advisesueli of our to Use Prof.-Woods.,
Resterntive, which.will,' in the .course • of
a fon. Weeks, change ,the. hide to its natural
colut:,,lt does not dye the lutir Ince Abe must
of the hair restoratives, but produees a gradtml
, change of color from the roots of the hair to
I the final end; and gives it:n fine and glosay app
;tearoom.' We hare seen many persons who
have used it successfitlly, and . pron o unced, it
the only invention which has come up to their
idea of a 4 .eure fur grey •hcads." We com
tneneett using- it about two moats afore, aid
if we aro any judge of age and beauty, it halt
made Ins at least ton park younger ; ,iu fort
we areheginnlng to look quite young, and feel
very; ; much gettlitgialiinni wife.'; The
change is mimettlons„,'and it would he as Alf•
fieult to find a gm/ hair now as it would he to
find an idea in the bead ottlte, Duke olftnek•
bighorn. NVe know several old maids and
same young widows,. whose locks are just ,b,r ,
ginning to assume a silvery hoe, and who hove
been !talking seriously about resorting to this
remedy, and we advise them not to delay any
longer... , It-never fails.—sl. , LorrisH•raid.
,• • • • . •
• • •
'- sprit 10„tut
FLVI nil DvserrTfarr t °write/it. PISBIIITS.
vios.—it length n cure for the alloy% which
may be most confidently•relied on, has mode
its appearance ; a cure so positive that it nev-.
er has failed, and never can fall., if properly.
administered, in proof-w,hereof the money paid
for it will ho instantly „returned io every rase
where it (lees not gi i velhe coat thorough, ;Olt -
Clickerter's Sugitr, , coeted Vegeta
ble Pargative Pills is the retiesly spe,korat Ur i
and reference is tondo irtall resrctithict 'phy
sicians, who will cheerfully give the most Mr
qualified testimony in their favo,r. Let coy
person afflicted with either of these disease+,
give them but one trial, and he is sore to por•
dome 'theta fur life i not only beeriest' they
care them mom speedily ter than arty
other inedieine, host also because they ore its
easily. swoillowed as bits of loaf sugar, nod en
tirely imatteadetailed with griping or nausea.
They are au Nei:lfni that:three of them will
etroctunllyv mauls;rip e• giant nod yet so mild
nljil pleitartitt:thet might
Luna Cull without repugitintee or iikitt,'"ey.''
. : . apriilo,2e.
There is an article selling throughont the
ctientry,thut has attained the widest tUitbgity
ever known as a reinady ti.'r*Liver t ntrijdaints,
Wt. have reference to. 1)r. Saitrrsl's invigo.
rittpr, or Liver Illeinedy, thut has perforated
cures Onion too krest to believe, werelt not
Tor the untroubled evidence that accompany
the iestimonials. It is, in troth, the greatest
remedy known -foritYYspepsity .Ittnialice, or a
general, debility that so octets baffles the skill
of our most eminent physicians.
I)r., Satilbril bus been for a long time one of
the eminent physicians of New York, and it
is said, timstot Ids cases were treated with the
Itivigunttor with such invariable suceess that
'he has been induced: to olferAt . ea u family
medicine. and let the world have the benefit
of his discovery. ' If. . those who are troubled
with debility, headache, languor. ur sow, lin
gering fever will try a bottle, we think they
might save. physicians' bills, and .1113 s, perhaps
years of sitsitertng. upril 1 0,1 to
A. REM ABLE , ! HAIR DYE.—Why has
no Onelbeetaled in making a. reliable ,flair
live except Wm. A. Batchelor ? -Because
therwtiulB , nold then mires. .the ~thought. the
time, patience and.labor necessary. Others,
hy short cuts; would buy a reputation they
cannot win, and by -eertilientea of feed chem
ists and newspaperbravado, fight, their
notoriety. BO o'lndustry Intuits reward."—
Witness the invincible reputat;on.uf W.M. A.
RATERIEI,OR'S, HAIR . DY)4,„ made and
sold, or lied, (in , ,'liiiiit ( iiiivnte rhorns) 233
Bronthrai'New York. '..: ... ,
'Every box has Wm.' A. Batchelor on an en
gravia 3 1et h14410,6 gennitle. . ; Raid by
Druggists in every city and ~teess in the HU,
ted buttes, .. .; .. ' . , .. . : .. aprillo Imu
muncher in all things that if you,do hot lie Fin
yo4l.will never , : pomp to an end; . r The first
pulled,op in the garden--;-the'first semi.
set intho ground=the first '(lime c pat 'al 't 'e
igoaings..bartfiation—are all important
They make a beginning; and thereby a horM,,
a promise, a pledge, nit assurance that you are
itv eitrueit: with what you liaVe mideitaken.—
How many a poor, idle, &less, worthless
spendthrift is now creeping or. acratehing
his . Way through the world, . who might have
held up his head and prospered, Wile had only
comtnenced to save ;.• if he - had.otily.ninde.n
beginning with a first dime in. the SAVINGS
King Denth'holdA court unto which did resort,
All diseases that rayugelhalow,
In order that he nequaintgd taiitbfhe
Wily business of had been't'slow."
There {703 Gout with his eruteh.atol hie terrible
touch, ..• • •
Sick headache and Jaundice Abe yellow )
With Dyspepsia who'd laid many, relhe 'neith
the spade . -.• • • • •
Of the sexton, that owe digailigTeli9ir,
• Bet iwere initg tailesargie-'6isch• one of the
tribe, _
That before. Old Death. Made their appear.
Said ho, "how is this? theru,is something amiss,
Youtvo qut Paie, of. igi!Or ra90..0 1 1k fle
ance .
Just tell me, I piny, the emote deltiy,
-- ",-You diseases are getting quiff) lazy,
Do speak up friend Gout aiid tell We what
youv'e a!,out,
Or slack hustueas will drive me Huila 4'0,4 1
Said Gout, "the fact's this—do no;: 4 1 64 •
- For myself and my friends n? me cares,
For our .business below' kitul ttircirell a 5a 4
From a cursed Pill cathartic called Ayres F
That Pill when folks try, miAl3l pub ;AU 9rILI.
For it driyes us (Asap put. of thosty4tetn t
Thus It suyos'pioplo's ktroath, solott see AV
fristpl Death, .• • •
itto tf(llite leu P 14 194
P4O, iti
MIIIII ,, DI+T Boni Success. Th e \y es .' PURIFY YOUR 8L00D.,,T0
the only certain
tern Book Guarneri, at Cincinnati, reports blood,
taelc"if keep o it
t h l e ) a u lT and wewe know of no
that during the past three venr4 and a half greunalr:dny which more good health ,
thoroughly and safely
the sales amounted- to 8340.88 Q being e ff ec ts that, end, than Burley's Sarsaparilla.
$80.057 morn than during the previous The season' is now at hand when every person,
term ; 768 300 volumes have been prin. would be henefitted, by p • few bottles. --jack
ted, '715,750 tram'', heshles pamphlets, I seaport (Arkansas Union.
Arc. Netv York city. the croperly
which wag purchased in 1832 has now
grown to mammoth proportions. Before
the division of the property in 1852, the
reported t•nlus of the real entitle owned by
It•o New York Conccrn; was 8130 508;
personal property, S/511.978; total capi.
tal, 8042,517. After 'the settlement. with
the Southern Cbureh, and payment •of
the total capital in 1853. was/Ha:le
708 The profits during the' past lour
y ears' have been 'eleven per rent, on this
capital. Th., capital, according to the
latest estimate., was above all liabilities,
AGRICULTURAL. FAIR. -- "The U. S. Agri..
culinrel Exibition to be held at Louisville
on the first five days of September next.
will probably excel' inky el the kind yet
held; as the. farmers of the W e in an d
Smithweist are Said to be generally deter-5
mined to interest themselves in its MIIICC(10.
We notice that ex•Se*ilttary flut,hrie has
been chosen one of the local existive com
mittee. The fair is to he held on the spa-
Mous groupie of the Southwestern Agri.
cultural end Mechanical Asimelation,
whirls have en 'area of forty-thrpe acre*,
and are said to be admirably calculated
for the jumpsuits. The premium list,whlch
antostnie to come $16.000 will soon s be
issued. " • 5.
ONLY Mrs —A lady hid two children—
bdth `girls. The elder oial 11 fah' Obilft ;
the',yotinger a beauty, and the mother r
pri. Her whole love' well centered iii it.,
eld,t l r/waip. • neglected, while . Sweet,
—s . the pet name of the younger-10.44%Tc'
evri attention that 'fit,Ye could healtrw. — "'
One day, after a revere illness, the mother
was aiiting•in the permit, When she heard
a childish, 'step hpop , the , s Mire, end her
thoughts were instantly upon her favour
" that )ott,Elvieet 1 " she inquireti.
' 4 6 No, mamma" wag the asd and touch
ng reply; idn't Sweet ; Its only me,"
The moilter'i heart smote • her, and
him; that hour al only me ' was r roblol*
to tin:equel•plane in her affentions.
Hentiinui:Exteirrion —itinter s int•mur
der :hue been , perpetrated by. the °trines°
authorities . in -the. province
oit.H OitePtleluinti, a Homan epitle•
lie eniivionaryovhcP wseieuppoded be
inciting the, people to rebellion. s He wee
seised by. Alm authorities', and :received
one h.ittilred hlOws nit the jaw from the
sole of rohoe; three hundred blows were
then 'ittlinintafered 'with a rattan, Heil the
blood, of a dog sprinkled over him. . He
aulTercil intenrely from theite outrage' (or
five dive; 'when he War decapitated. hie
heed hung to a tree, anti. .the hop inuttAed
themaelver by' , throwing stones at it until
;14111. •
—( ' he IVheeliilq l Va.) Times says
that 11811011 lime since a Mall wilts keeps a
.groeery. in Fairview, Va. afillie distance
telt on the Naiinual Road West, came •to
Whee/hag' and bmight a barrel id ninlas.
ere.' (tu look it tonne, and commenced
retailing it in small quintilieS In his cum.
,whniss,waret:ittackell - ,with a
strange Jeri ASI sieltionis, from which, hltw
rvdr, they, apeedily 'recovered.' Ni' one
zooid .m 44,1,4111 feu this sittgulaP fuct until
b,, niolasse 4"i) irr 4 wis pretty well drain•
sni and the head Inocke reit ill it, when
the ,witele comitufilliy was •astimisluul at
the Iliseovivy ut a id•gro Chrid e ptiout eight
days 4411. iesille the barrel. The ‘ child
was living iu dile bOItOM of the bar:el'in a
state.. 4 partial putrefaction.
Paulk.a citizen of Alabama,
was killed lir 'lBsllf by the rmllision °lmo
4rmitio , (ins one nl which he was a pastoo•
per) 1111 the Stouthwesiern railroad in' that
State. Subsequently his relatives seed
'4lo , railroad enottpany for damages, and a
.Jew days ago a jury gave a verdict againet
ithe company. fur 820.000. •
esei.VV hat word is that composed of five
istters, Irmo tvnici► if you take two. oue
remains I—. Stone.
IlirrNear Pawn ititruge," a draure has
'has opened in the earth, to the extent of
several hundred vents in length. and about
iwenuF feet in depth. Smoke. impregua
',lrti with tt attiplotioua atuell, issues front
the &ewe in clouds.
flOilinray'i Ointment nee! Pale havo a cos.
niepoptaii reputation. In ncry. land, Chrli.
' Sett tit !savage, to' which`commerce has car.
061 thetia,'they ha r e beciim.i. standard rerne•
dies for the int i t painful and dangerous co
ISla!httl •
to ' which humbnity 'ls Pablo. ,The
pantmencis, an acknowledged apecifie for all
eruptiki ttinairous, and ulceroui disorders,
pad" there is no, !patinae of, the stomach, the
`'Pier or the bowele, th•t - inSV not be' subdued
.by a eeisistent use of the Pills '
Thh Greatest Wender of the Age
"No' Pay if fir: 'Cabins' celebra 4 ted Veuitian
Liniment does .not cute Cholera, Dysentery
Coagtii,, Dyspepsia, Vomiting
Toothache; Headache, Chapped hands,
.Cold Feet, Mosquito Bites,.lusect , Stings,
Clineis Reumatism, Swellings, Old Soros Cut,
and Pains -Or Weakness in the
dtabs, Sack and Chest. No 'tampon, TRY n't
' ''' Dr. Tohias'has warranted his Liniment for
,eight yens without over hayng.itiemand for
;the - retard'afthe money—till r that is asked is to,
,iise it set:Aiding to the directions. No one will
per be mahout after'nneu using it. If you
otici - tioVfind it , better than 'tiny thing you have
Ake' tried before, get your mines, relurneft
ti*Thoutiands of certificates have been to
'Phiiied Speaking of its virtues. Nowst•daysiit
is the practice to 611 the papers with with
dent fikinj unknown persons, or given by
those Who - hak never used the medicine—now
Dr. Tobbui offers to pay 1000 dollars to any
who will prove that he over published a
'Nee 'C'ettificate during the time ho has had
~)therne'dlcinayliefora the public.
Gsll on the Agent and get a pamphlet con
Lang genuine certificates:
As persons envious Of the large sale of the
Ne,netian Liniment have stated a is injurious
,th`takti it internally, Dr. Tobias has taken the
folloWing twill r ,
r, Samuel T. Tobias, of the city of New Yok,r
duly sworn , do pose that I compound's
.Liniment called Venetian, and that the ingro
dionts of wbich it is compounded are perfect.
ly'harraleas to eake internally, oven in double
",thti gaitatity'tiatned in the directions, accom.
,piii,yingesch bottle.
' New York, January 9th, 1856.
•• , .
Sworn this day before me,
' ' FERSAis,TDO - WOOD, Mayor.'
Price 2p end' 50 cents ; sold by the Druggist
and Patent' Medicine Dealers' throughout the
'United Statee. • •
ItiS.Also for sale,pr. Tobias' Maroc
„meat, in.pipt,pottles,.at 50 cents, •warranted
supperior to ppy.othet:.
• De:Tohlas' OffictilifiG Courtland street, N,
...r , dielk,Alsoidtrik. AUFAIXOI I ! GektplArg
pod'll. S. Mil I , t4' Ea* Betlith
Sein.l9, 1856,..-14c
Carqfully corrected to nursdalh April 22, 67.
Flour, Howard Street. • • $6.60 0.00,
Rya Flour 4.00 4.59 •
Corn Meal 2.75 3.09
- Wheat, white .. 1.60 1.64
Wheat, red I 50 • 0.00
Corn, white • 61 64
Corn, yellow 66 65
Rye, Pennsylvania • • 93 0 ,95
Oats, Pennsylvania 52 ••••'
Clover Seed 7.00' 7 25
Timothy Seed ' 3.50 3.:.,
Huy Timothy • • ' '15.00 20.00
Hops • '• •• I 14
l'otatoes, ' ' • - '7O 71,
Bacon, Shoulders ' ' ' ' '': 9/ 7 ® 101
Bacon, Sides
Bacon, Hams ' . ' • '• -121 ® 13f
I ?CA, Hess • ' • • 23.90, ®23.50
I Pork, Prime ' '18,50 ®19.00
IBeef Mesa
Lard. in Istrrels • ' • • 13 a 141.
Lard, In kegs ' • , /4)} a 151
I . WiiBl, - I.lnwaslted ' ' 26 a 27
' Wool, Washed ' ' • ' ' 33 a• • 36
Wool, Pulled '•• ' ..,.... '6O a '.'34'
Wool, Fleece, common ' •• ' ' 35 a :35
• Wool, Fleece, fine.. . .. . . . . .. ... . .. . .30' a ' 69
Wool, Ch*e Merino ' • s' ' 50 a • 55
I Rutter, Westeln, in kegs .. .. .. ... ' 13 a 14
Butter,'Rrill, ' ' ~.; 20 '
a 23
Cheese!. ' • ' ' ' • ' 10 'a 121
Ceoffee, 'Rio ' • • '. •"'lO a 101
C4ue, Java ' 4.. - .: .. . , . 16 . (1 ' 'l6
11, A 31411 r 8lit
11,ycpit*R.,..A,Rii1 30, 185 7:
F.Lot2IFt jr,S lAA:, from wagoip, , $6 00
1 4 111L / LT; , l .60 to aog
RYE '"
CORY,. • , , 65
, ,
; 46
IIUCKHEAT, rer,buoh . e! • , 55
TDIOTItY•fibED, , 00
FLAK• A SP,III), , • , .1 s'o,
PLASTER O,P . • 6, . 00
YORK tot kAr\
. ,
It ar, April 30, 1857.
FLOUR, 11 WA., fromvagorl , iql 12}
WHEATal , bushel, s - 1 65 to 0 00
'RYE, • " • 75.
CORN, " •
OATS. • " ti , • ,4J •
TIMOTFIY-SEED, ill bushel, 2 60
CLOVER-SEED; " ' 6 50
PLASTER OF PARIS, ton. . .6 60
. .
On the 9th• inst, 'by. the Rev. L. Gerhart
ABETH HAAR, both of• the vicinity of .Ab
bottstown. 1. • .
In •Pulaski, Tenn., on the 11th of March
last f :by Rev. C. R. Rosboro l ,Mr.• CHARLES
C. LITTLE. (formerly of this place.) and Miss
MARTHA J. FURGHSON', of Pulaski.
On the 2(l' inst.. by the Rev. E. HotTheins
Mr. JOHN KEENER. of . .. York county, .and
Miss MARY ELIZABETH woLuortn, of
Berwick township, Monti county..
On the 11th of March, at Leepy's Hotel
Rockville: Md., by the Rev., J. Ooliening, Mr.
WILLIAM B. HUNTER, of Adams co4:and
:dial B. JANE WILSON, of Montgomery co.,
Md. • •
. _
On the 29th inst.,' Miss JULIA, daughter of
11. and M. Chritzman, aged 14 years,:? mouths
Land 24dnys. •
At the residence of her father, in Shippens•
burg, on Easter Sunday,' the 12th inst., Miss
MARY CATI ..11U N E ULIUCII, daughter of
the Bev. John formerly of ,York
Springs, iu this emotty,agecl 16 years 8 r snont his
and 15 days.
%On Monday.mortling in Jitttlertown.
ship.,juSEl!.ll ORN D CtlWP.juged about
47 years.
Ott Wednesday Itto., in Monntplensant tap.;
of disease ',411 the heart, Mrs. MARGARET
BEII,Y, in the 711 rearo I her9e
On the 211 inst.,.I . ACOB 'L. SCHLOS4R,
son of r. George Schlosser, of Menallen town
ship, aged 6 munths t atid 16 , dnyt. ,7 •
' anzoolt.azzro:
WILL citr,y . on the .1)IMS§11A1(1,11
- business,•ln all Ha brattultes; rind hopee
by lier superior work and reasonable'prieen, to
merit the patronage,of her trends.. Please call
and see, . ••,. • • •• ": •
May 1, 1847. 77 :4 • ;
Ihave this day ant ortzed S. PA XT0,14,
of Gettyeharg to dis Pose Of the rigiu. 'to
stinks and use S. Davis' •Blatforin Bee-hives' Eti
the Townships of Butler, Moutitjey, Meant.
pleasant and OXfard, itl Adints county.
NV NI. GREELEY, agf.forpagentes..
May 1, 1857.=—1
SY a .Resolution of the Board of Direct Ors
, of.the Gettysburg Railroad. Company, no
tice is hereby givett to the Stockholders that
'he SI VfIt.INSTALMEINT on each share of
stock will be winked to be paid in - to Joni,,t,4a, Trcaiurer na the.,coinpatty,
on'or. before Vitescily' the' rlth..; efa- y
, of.M s ay,
1857; - ' D: WILLS, -&.tfy.
May 1, 1857, . ~ . . •
' . REAL ESTATE....:
Up , . ,
.Saturda li ; the .211 d of May tiexi, at
12 o'clock, AL
IN'pursuance of a decree made in . , the Or.
phan's Court of Adaniut county, the under
signed, Executrix of the will of Jaunt Scorr,
deceased, will expose to Public Sale, on the
premises', the following described valuable
to wit: • A Mid of Land, situate Tyrone
township' Adams count, adjoining lands, of
Leonard. Delap, Abraham Ltnah, Peter Miller,
And others, containing ,
lOU .10c
res, .11lore o r Less,
A Log Barn, Blacksmith Sim/ and other im
provements thereon erected. This land Is
near the public road, leading from Gettysburg
to the York Springs, and within about three
miles from the latter place. A large porticy;
of the land is covered with.valuable
rendering it very de4rable. Persons wishipg
to see Ikeproperty wiil call on the subscrltter,
or on B. Ftiley h at York SprinA Rrevious
to the Off of Sple.
ler 44ttendance given and 'laying made
'known o, ,th e day Sale by i • ;
• i .1 . 'RACHEL Sq,CTA Executrix,
y 'As gatirt--4;, J. BakPOlsl l Clerk.
May ip
NOTICE is herebygivcn to all Legatees and i
other person , c oncerned, that the :idiot's
istration Amount creinator mentioned will;
be presented at th Orphans' Court of Adams
county, fur confirmation and allowance, on.
Tuesday the 26th day of May uczi, viz:
235. The first account of Heury PAice
and Michael P. Rice, Executers of the last
will, and testament of Christian Rice,, deceas
236,, The account of Charles Yeatts, one of
. the Administrators and Trustees for the sale,
; of the Beal Estate of Win. Yeats. deceased.
237. The . acconnt of Samuel Becker,. Atl
i ministiator, de bonie non, of the estate afJohn 1
Crouse, deceased.
238. The first account of Nicholas Deatrick
and, David T. Cooley, Administrators of the
1 estate of David Cooley, deceased.
239. The first account of Abraham Mickley,
Trustee for the sale of the Real Estate of
Nicholas Bushey, li„sq., deceased. . ,
249. The account William Orner, Executor
of the lest will acrd testament of Felix Omer,.
Sen., late of Menalleni township, Adams comi
ty, deceased. i • . .
241. The first and final account , of Sam*
Beam, Amiutstrutor, de bouii non, with the
will annexed, of the estate of. David 510se,
deceased. • . • • . ''; • •+ l ' •
'242. The Gist and final account of. George
Benner Administrator of dm estate of. Simou
C. Berier, deceased. - ' " • '
243. The secorndi account :et.JOhn• C.' Mc-
Callion, Administrator of the i aiiiite of Corne
lius MeCallion, deceased., ' . 1 ,
_-.... - • , - 1
• 244. The first accoun ofJobri C,McCallion,
Adreitiistrator of Catharine McCallioa,,,deedas - •
ed; late of Liberty township, Adams ea: u' .
, 245:. The first and final accenni of Dank/
Bucher, Administrator of David Sipling, de
ceased', ',
246: The acconnt of Franbia M'Bdddy and
PhilipHuchly, Administrators of the estate of
Moritt Buddy, deceased'. ..,'..., • .! ,• .. : . L' •
"247. The account of AugusturDtincas4 now
sole and noting Executer of the last 'will and
testaintint of John' Danean,• deceased. ' :.
• 248. The first and final iiccountof Daniel
' Sheets, Executor of the Will of David Sheets,
deceased: I, - ' " '.. .'.. ':
' 249. 'The first and final account of Henry
Fehl, Administrator of the estate of John
Bollinger, late of the State of Kentucky, de
ceased. , • t• --,,, -... . r,
- 259., The - firei and final acontint ofDaniel
Kehler, Administrator of the estate of Jacob
Kohler, deceased. • .. '''''
'2SL The account of Joseph }Clank, Trus
tee for' the sale of real estate of Adam .Long,
decealid. ' .. ..: '
- 252.. The first account of Jeremiah Culp,
Executor 'of the last will and testament of Ma
ry Fehl, deoeased. =,;., -- - • --- -. • .... '
.253. The first and final account of Jacob
•Sandoe i Administrator, with , the will annexed,,
of Mary Bell, deceased.,, .
. . .
254. The first account of E Spang
ler, • Administrator of the .Eistato of. John
Spangler, deceased, late of the. Borough :of
Berwick.. . • . ' ~ i
255,, The.aecount.of Francis M. Buddy and
it ra
Leah Crouse, Administra of the estate of
Jacob H. Crouse, dece .
256. The first and nal.aceciunt of- Jacob ,
Martin, Guartlianlif Me .Milltir tea Susannah
Miller, .minor children of. Aloysius Miller, de,,
ceased. 1
257., The account of Joseph Maekley, Ad•
ministmtor of the estate of Mary Sample, de
ceased. ,' i
258., The firstand final account of George
Ehrhart and. Daniel Ehrhart, . Executors of,
Theinas Ehrhart, deceased. ' ' '
259. Second and , final account of Henry
Benner and Josiah Benner. Executors of the
last will and '.testament of John Benner, de
WM. F. 'WALTER, Register,
I)er fIsXIKI.PLANK, Deputy.
Register's Office . , Gettysburg, I
May 11$3 1—td ; . •
11 1 1)137,10 .
, , •
OF• -
T "'Subscriber, intending to remove West,
• "•,ailfoliiit nt'Pttblic Sole - upon the prem
ises, tm 'Saturday the 18 1 h °slay vf June gest,
thr place upon which she uow resides,. situate,
in9pusberland,sownship,,un „ . tho cast side of
the Carlisle road:lll4es north of 'Gettysburg,
adjoining land's pf Joins Blocker' and Solomon
Welty, and containing .
4S' Acros and 74 Perches.
Thc,bui)dings are a neat , •
• ~7yro-ITORY CAST,
arg , OWo.o4 l lillig l Ct :MOUSE
with Kitchen;' and' Frame Barn weetherboardi•
ed—all hi good repnir. • . ; - •
• •
flier is. an , unfailing supply of water, there
boing two wells, foitoof them at, the Kitchen
do it end n Spving . ., The iniul consists
chiefly 'idMeadow and to capable of tieing all
.turne'd into lite same. It it in" good'' state of
ciiidration and Well fenced.' TherE,is a Vizi'.
ety. of Fruit , ed pietriises-'-fin unusual' op.
portutilty is hereby afforded , fort:tibtaining• nu
excellent anion Farm, most ;eligibly ; situnted
far sulvantageoue cultivation, and furnishing ; a
very desirable resideuee t „
Stile to commence at .111 o'clock, of
ijahl'daY, when terms will be incite kanniii and
attendance 'given by
•-‘ • % ELIZA LATTA.
,• ; •1857.-3 t • ••! ,• .•• ••••••,' • ;
"me Sumys eardedly taken by C.
if. Hopkins, Civil 'Engineer'.
PHIS Map is'thafted upon a scale' , of 11 in
ches:to the mile, making it very conven
ient to find by it the front one place
to another in the County, and it Will have upon
All. Post, Offices, Hotels, Stores, Churches,
School Houses, CemeterieS, Mills, Mechanics'
Shoini;ke., Will be marked and the residence
oficvnitr raortacry.notnes. in the County will
be noticed with a dot, and his name carefully
inserted. It will be .distinctly Engraved,
handsomely colored, and the booler ornamen
ted with views and engrayings of Public 13uild
ings, and p r ivate Residences in the County,
and delivered to subscribers
For 35.00 per Copy.
The undersigned have examined the draft
'Of the Map of Adanis County, now being pre
pared by Mr. CONVERSE, and are' well sat
isfied with its general correctness. When fin
ished in the style of the Maps of other coun
ties shown as specimens, it will he a beautiful
and valimbla map, and possessed
by every family able to own it in 'the county :
As the mdps aro to he made only for Sukscrs
bers we hope no , person will fail to, secure one
while the opportimity presents itself.
D. A. Buehler,
Dr. S. S. Schmucker i
Pahnestock Brothers,
Geo. Arnold,
A. D. Buehler,
S. R. Russell,
C. H. Buehler,
Dr. C. P. Krauth,
R. G. Harper,
J. L. Schick,
Prof. Muhlanburg,
Danner Sc Ziegler,
H. G. McCreary,
Ds.cid McCreary,
Rev. R. Hill,
Dr. H. S..iltiper,:
rib. 13 k 1857. tf
• • vEsTe, v eTs •
N:nnustall7 large ossortmerit, of every
4. description juA !salved'
`• ' PtisgOWS ,
• ,
NJ &R 66TTYSB1{4:,
BY if. S.
Dr. H. L. 'laugher,
Prof, M. L. Stoever,
)1- Jacobs,
Dr. C, F. Scluttrer,
David Wins ;
G. Swope,
Cobeanls Paxton,
Rev. Jacob Ziegler,
H. J. Stit' Ile,
Rev. 0:P. iratt•Wyck,
J. Honek,
Dr. D. Horner,
M. & W. McClean,
JP/In 1,. Hill.
List of Paupers Remaining In
the Almshouse traditions (aunty
on the first day orJalMalty,
Females, 41
Children, . 13
Colored people, 3
Total,, 'llO ,
Transient Paupers not inoitsikd in the ebore
Americana " • •• ' 51
• Total, . , 817 .
'Wheat,.. ;., ' : 452
Oats,--• k •347• M:
Rye, . • ' , 34
Ean orCorit, 1028 "
Cloversetsd, • '• • • 8 " •
ill'imothY Seed, , 6 "
Onions, .• . 36 "
'Beets? ;. .8 "
Potatoes, • . 45 "
Turnips, • • , 37 "
Loads of Corn Midday , I I
Tons of Flay, .' • 39
Meads of Cabbage), . • 2300
Pounds of Pork, '3762
ArticlaiManitfaclureqmar the Isi;of March
• •t 1856 to IstoJ iftirch 180.
~BaTrills- or Soap, . -• , ; , -
of •SOnr-CWW4., ''' • : C
Ponrids of Ilitrtl Soap, „ 300. .
~ • • • 96..
Show, pairs) 117..
• . Panto,.• "'•
• • • / 19
• Shirts . • • • • ,
. . , 79
; .41,. • •
Calico Dresses, , ; ,63
• -• • %.•50 •
APr.olts..o 2
Stockings, (pairs) • 7B .
" .Footed. . • .45 ,
Chaff Den4ll6lol, . ..•
,Quilts, . .. r l9
8 .! i1.°1 4 411 ,1, • *.,r ~0
Cotten uraSsea - 42
• 9bdrt „
• COiebil • 7'
Holstpra; ?: • ••• 2o'
Iliaridketeithits, •'•• ; ';• •• . • 83.
•Pillow Skips' s . '• . : • 37
~ . ' 24
' Drawyers, '•••' '
Coinforts,. ' Z4O
Flannel Bhirts,,:o •.• :3 20
• , ..14
• Sheets, .• 30
Bendslips r .
„ ;: „ 6
• . Towels, , JO • .
•'• • : JOHN • SCOTT, Stewcird.
April • .; - .
.•. • .
. .
:UDR the Treatment of Cahcers. Tumors
I' Wens, Uleers, 'Scrofula, any Growth of
Sore. Chronic Diseases,. generally, can be'
Cared Of cuftble,) without surgical operation
or .poison. For all particulars write, state
diseases plainly, and enclose twenty.five cents
fOladvice.:!. Alt letters must have 'a postage
stamp enclosed to prepay answer. Medicine
can he sent any distance. Address
C.. b. KELLING, M. D.,
`' ' 71ferlanicatrurg,, Cumberland Co., Per.
Iltr3fechaniesburis g miles from Harris
n*, on the C. V.Railroad and accessible
from all
parts of the Onion,
Old. and young, Trier and rich, come all—
we will do von pond. ',‘ •
prTo those alllicted who cannot. visit me
personally, I will send, per Mail, on receipt of
0,00 onl, a Recipe i to ' prepare Medicine,
with full d irections oruse, &c. State all par
tienlars. Address air above.
Feb; 20, 1857.—:tim
neAtTII on
TUE blood furnishes the material of every
bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the hum
an I , mmo. ' When pure, it secures health to
every organ i when cornqt, it necessarily pro
duces disease. Ifollowity's Pills operate di
rectly upon the elements e the: stream of life,
neutralizing the principleof diseivie, and thus
radically curing the malady, whether located
in the nerves, the stomitet, the liver, tile bow
els, the muscles, the skin,the brain, or any oth
er part of the system. ,
Iblioteay's Pi/la are equally , efficacious •ie,
Complaints common to the Whole humnarace,
and in disorders peculiar to certain Climates
and localitiee.:___
Dyspepsia, and derangement 'of the liver;
the.soarce of infirmity and su ff ering, and the
cause of innumerable deaths, yield to these
Curatives; in all cases, IMwever Agrarated, act
ing as* mild purgative,idtentative and tonic
relieVe the, bowels, ,purify the fluids; and
invigorate the System and the censtitution nt
the same time, ,
When all stimulants fail, the renovating and
bracing properties of these Pills give firmness
.to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles
of the victim of generel
All irregularities and ailments incident to
the delleate and sensitive organs of the. sex.
are removed -or prevented •by a few doses of
these mild, but infallible alternatives. ,No
mother who regards her own or her children's
health should fail to have them within her
reach. • ,
The Rondos "Lalidet," the London "Medi,
cal Review," and the most eminent of the foe.
ulty in Great, Britian France end Germany,
have eulogiSed he• Pills and their': inventor.
Holloway's Pills are the hesl remedy known in
the world for the/Wowing diem:4We
Asthma Henda•ches • • •
Bowel Complaints Indigestion
Coughs ' • Influenza.. , • •
Colds.• , ,• . Inflammation ~,
Chest Diseases . • Inward:Weakness
Costiveness , Liver COmplabiti
Dyspepsia • Lowness et .tipirita • •
Dtarrhzea . • • ' Piles ' • .• •. •
Dropsy Stone and Gravel .• •
Debility • • . "Secondary . t lymptoms
Fever and - Ague• !Venereal, A. ecnons
Female Complaints Worms of all kinds
Va-CAUTION 1-. None aro genuine unions
the words "Holloway, New York mid London,"
are discernable as a Wqter-mark in.avery leaf
of the hook of dire.etions around ,each pot or
box , the same may be plainly seen by holding
the leaf to the liold.,"1. handsome reward will
be given to any one iendering such' infoinia.
lion as. rniiylead to the detection of any par.
ty or parties counterfeiting•the medicines or
vending the sante, knowing them to be spur
*,,* Sold: at, the Manufactory of Professor
Hozumsy, 80 Maiden Lane, Now York, and
by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in
Medicine throughout the United States and the
civilized world, in boxes at 25 rents, 623 cents
and $1 each. •
• — •
!Er There is a considerable sanog by taking
she larger sizes, • ?
N. U.—Directions for the guidance of pa• 113 particalar)y .tnvited„ to the large
tients in every disorder aro. Waxed tip each ment of Ow ant fancy GfAIT&B,S; latest
box: lO '
April $ 7,'1837 :-- 1t I,•, Aiwt PC•o B:ueo4
0 . 4444,0 4 , 46 ,4 L
• -
With Woods Improvement,
THE undersigned, having been appointed
Agent fur the dale of Manny's Combined
Reaping and Mowing 31achine, with Wood's
Improvement, for Adams Comity, offers them
to the public, believing them to be the best
combined mac hine in use. They have been
successfully introduced into different parts of
our State, and have rendered general satistite.
lion. , it received a Silver Medal at the State
Fair Ida tho first Premium at York,
'Cumberland, Centre, Huntington, and other
County Fairs, where it was exhibited.
Farmers fleeting; a Reaping Machine will
pleitaacalinpoit the undersigned, before pin ,
chasing, as be always takes great pleasure in
exhibiting these machines._ He has one set
up at TAT4 , s HOTEL, in Gettysburg, where
it can be seen. Early orders are tiolicted, as
the number , received. from the
. iminutheturer
will be in proportion to the demand, Gettys
burg, April 14, 407.
Gettysburg, rd., April 24, 1857.-3 m
AVILL find it tomheir advantage to call at
1 . 7 Fahnestock Drother.s, kind seu their,
large and cheap stock of Chalks, Lawns,
Ducal's, Tamartine's, Delainels,
Gingham's, &c., which are selling cheap, nt
, F 'Si' Sig it of t the Red livid..';
Apra.lo, 1857."'"11
TIE Books and Accounts of . 8, FATIN•
ESTOCK .& SONS have been put in my
hands for. collection: Persons indebted': to
said firm will save costs by calling with the
undersigned, and settling the gum..
April 10, 1857. , •
Co., .Agricultural Society,
THg monitors of the Mauls County Agri-
Miltural Society, are requebted to meet at
the Court•house, iit Gettysherg, on Salmbiy,
the 2d do o Arco •tic.rt, et I o'elitck,..P:M.
A' full attendance' is - desired, • rui 'valness of
importance, nod interest will he subthitted to
the ineeting,— •
JOHN M'GINLEY, President.
'April 17, 1857,--td
S TO 10 (MOD'
NV4 7 4WITIV.t.. :" *.k . •
or Salo by
April 3,1857.-4 f
VW . ? '
sale at the Book Store of A. 1).13 LJE LI
LER, on uhatnhersburg street. Darer
ent varieties on: hand. ,
Gettysburg,46. 30. ,
VOR Ladies and Pentlemen, can be found
, in immense varinty,and chenper thaw ev:.
er, at SCHICK'S. .Step in, and examine the
new sfnek for Fall •
Oct. 31, 1856.
j. AVING'in ere mad our stock of Hardwuro,
11 Oils, Milli* Mimi. &e.' Itio - ure prepar
ed to offer veiy groat . Inducernenta!to; c&onu
THE undersigned, appointed by . the Or
: phalli; Court, of Adams County, Auditor
on a Bill of, Review in the account of Jacoa
A. Mycno, one of the Executors of,' George
Beardortfolcceased, who was Tesiamentary .
Trustee of Susen,Worley, will nttend 'to the
duties of' said 'appointment, at his office in
Gettysburg, on Friday the 156 day of May
next, 410 o'clock, A., .1.r..-of.which par',
inierestire hereby notifie&, ,
D. A.. BUEHLER, 'btt.,
April 24,118.5'7.-3t •
' OR THE •
' ;One Dollar -a Year.:
CiOculatiOU , 0ver . ,100,900
~ ` " JOAN S. DYE mine A 61101 R,
lii) Ina had 10 years experience
, ns
Banker and pnlihsher, and mithor of
Armries of Leeture4 at the Bioaftway ' Tabee:
iurcte lien,ror 10 suceessite nights, over 60;
006 People greeted' him ''with rounds 'of lip,
plunse, while he exhibited the manner In ivhieh
Counterfeiters' execute their frunds;'and the
surest and Shortest mesas of detecting theft I
The Bank Note Enth.avers all say that Ire
the greatest fattlie of. Paper Money
Greatest Discovery of the Prtiecot Century
for Detecting
Counterfeit . 'tank Note.%
Describing Eery• Genuine Bill in Existence,
and Exhibiug at a glance every Counterfeit in
Circulation I -Arranged: so atitnimbly, Viet
Reference is easy and Detection. Listen&moons.
No ludex to examine! No pages to lutut uPI
Butso simplified and arranged, that the Mer•
chant, Banker and BUtiblefi,l Man can se ull a!
a Glance; r ' r •
English, French and Genitan.
Thus eath may rend the same in his 'own Ns.
tive Tungue.
All the Private Bankers in America.
A Complete Summary of .the Finances of
Europe and AMerica will be published in each
edition, together with all the Important News
of the Day. Also
Fro:n an Old Manuscript found in the Fast,
It furnishes the Most Qomplete Elistory of
anti describing the Most Perplexing Positions
in which the Ladies • and Gentlemen of that
Country_ bitVe been' so often feint • These
Stories tiill continue throughout the whole
year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ev.
er offered to.the Public. .•
In.Furnished.Weekly to Subscribers only,
at $1 a year, All letters mnst be addressed to
JOHN S. DYE,.Brokei
publisher and Proprielor, .
70 Wall Street, New York,
'April 27, 1857.--ly '
p r im, rroprictor of tb,p Mercantile onidtlit
would respectfully, call the attentitin
he Merchants, Farmers got Mechanics resi..
ding out of the city ! to tlig,Moderattb terms for !
a yearly subscription to the Guidr,' Wing to'.(
Mail subscribers only DR cents per annum,
rnakkg it the cheapest Family Newspaper in
the United States. The columns of the Guide
will contain the usual variety of original and
spicy articles, written not oplLto please but
to instruct. In regard to politics, the Guido
will maintain an independent tone, and from,
time to time will adivocute measures as con
duelve to benefit the, greates, number. Post.
masters and others are respeekfully requested
to act as agents for ibis popes, to whom we. I
will forward specimen copies free when desir,,,
ed to do so.
As an inducement for persons to interest
thornselves to obtain subscripAons fur the
Mercantile Gunk, we offer the following pre.
Upon the receipt of the names, pay
in advance, 'we will fhrward them, by express
or uthcrwhie, if ordered to the address of those
entitled to them : •
For 300 subscribers, 'cash, • 435 00
For 250 Slibstribers,' we will give
splendid tine gold wathlk(was,
'•runted,) ' •' •
For 200 subscribers, an elegant gold
' locket, 4 &sacs ! wort4,^''.
For 160 s'ulicribers, 1 elegant brace's
let, worth
For 100 'subscriber, one gold 'rest
chain, worth ". 10 00
For 75 anbscribers,ane gold pen acid
• ' holder, handsomely 'etigtaived,
Werth "
For 50 subscribers, ono gold pen and
holder, worth,
For 40 UnbeOrihera, ono g4ld p:ad rind
holder, worth' • a 00
For; 15 subieritiers, one medium gold ; • '
pen and holder, worth 2 110
For 12,subeeribent; one gold Pen and • •
holder, worth.', ! ' I 00
AlLeanamunieationn should he addresied to
IVM. 11N, A li: islFY,..Editor rind
Putliultet Of the N. Y;
Guide, No; 193 Greenviieh St.,
, , New York, •
eir,Newspapers throughout the li,nion by
publishing On above appropriately displayed
including this notice, 2 months, and calling
attendee, editorially) to the same, and sending
us the paper, will be entitled to
,an exchange,
and creme a gold pen and holder worth $l2.
• April 17, . ,
Extra aci:ossinswitslions.,
rrILIE undersigned returns his thanks to the
public for the encouragement hermothre
extended to him, and takes plettsure iU au
nouncingthat he has completed arrangements
by which.
of CoaClies Will be inn bet Ween Gettysherg,
and Ira: lover, to amulet:l with the trains to and
from 13altiniore, York, llarriaburg,
phia, &c., Persons desiring tickets or inter
umtiun " will call on the undersigned, or on
ell AP.LES TATE, Ticket Agent, at the Ea
glelltdel. in Chambersburg street."
Akr•lipecial'attentfott given to all packages,
ttm; or other businessi entrusted to the under
signed between Gettysburg and : Ilittiover,
which will'be"promptly and carefully attended
IV - The undersigned , hatralsti effected ar,
rangements, , by which he will be able to sup
ply Coaches, for' Eutiaral and
other occasions, at moderate ebarges.
~, , ,
T ----
a t.) and - see FAHNESTOCK'S cheap aju:d
Vl' feLetty 'also:lntent of Diees
you'vrent anything fashidhable, that's the place
get • it.
T ,
O the voters of Adams County ; Encour
aged,by itittrierous. frienrls .offer my
self as dcandidate for the office of SHERIFF,
- at the next election, subject to the decision of
the American Republican COunty Convention,
Should I he elected .1 pledge myself to dip
charge tho duties. of the office with prompt
ness and fidelity,
Curnbdrland tp April 10, 1857.
r r illE undersigned now ,runs a DAILY
LINE of touches through to ,linhimor4.l.
from Gettysimrg o by, way of Littlestown and
Westminster. 'Leaves*Gettysitrg at II o'clugh t
A. M. Passengers for lialtiniere, or tiny of
the intermediate' phteesi ; inquire at the
'Eagle ylotel. t_
WM. TATEr. ,
• .
„ •
firio•oivitirrient of UK
pont received And tern ovie chop
prio:guian Aughis4birigit's;
AvAixraq gentlemen, for gentleen, of va.
pious kindi, Just receivoti by .
ONNETS. Ribbons and Flow:oil, In laiie
assortment at • • • SCHICK 'S. •
• ' • '
T have just reeeiVed,i, splendid - nficniimeni
of Wool I.lnder,kihiris and OraWerg, which
will he sold low .
NOvvi. the only time hi make "Yery pretty
and cheap selections of Spring and Sum
mer Goods: ,1, yotiih'e truth is, that irynu
Want .elteapatpl ., pretty cloods: to ealrat the
norh west corner of the diamond—the only
plapoto get them. , ; ••, • ,
R,M±lnr:6ll.9.Dll. •C 4.17'1111%•0
constantly cm' blind; MI goods eittfrea of
charge. Callond see !Afore, purchasing else.
Where ;,attha . pheap Store . „
• " • • • lIOK,E,
.._ •
.1 .FACT--!MONEY RAVED by buying
your Hats; Caps, Dhoti and Shoes at.
BringaraA trt Aiighinbraugles, •
UMBHEI,LAS, Parusnla aped. Fans erm be
14 10 0 . 8 0 0, 41 / 4 cheap, at, SCHICK'S,
Cloths, Camsfinen%
17ESTING8, , Kentucky Jeans, and • Cotton•
:ado,, the .largatst, and' ehettpiitit, ;tuck in
the country to he had at •
CLOTHS, Caaitmera, Vastlags, and Shawla
a large aapply, to which this attration a.
all is If ycal daiOre:to save miThEr hay
at . Tr Am
- -
Jetvriry and Stationenj.
Ni, .quentity and the best 'stook ever
XL brought to this place. If you doubt it,
call iu and see for yourselves-at
VOR RENT, n 110,115 E. Inquire of •
114 stock aril Altrow4li hail been Terl
'u qcK'incpued, sn4 CO buildipg
er reoiriug alyttOns 4 9 44100
ihould'frst ci4 an 4 spi OOKh
The Gettysburgiallutat
- Tompear
r) EsrbvrvuLLy caAtt attitatkii Oft
1.16 Capitalists and thew, 14TO money Irk
invest, to. their VANDB,noilibettig leaved
The' lengh,ot'thairWiadt Porr o.lo , ofttrel.
is miles, the, grading Mid ingpnyf "o
which is more thaw, taro•thitda 8nW40,, audit?
rnpidly progressing toward tompletioa., : Ily
a resolution of•iheard of.Directors,* 404- :f
gage of thu. entire toad from. Honorer to,Oittc ;
trshurg. and.also.o4 the, unfinished work o(*.
PennsylviWe k Exten.sion,frotnOetitsbarg to,
thu 3laryluid lino, beyond
in a few days be. executed to Gonna Ei*tit.v,
as '.4'rustee,. fog the secorby of*. bowl
The 13ondis viii be. batted in easu.okslool;o
and $3OO each,. bearing 6 per cent.
with convent atwhed,.payablo semi•anowo4%
They eestaittly will form a very safe ImA desk,
raid° insect rent ,, as the toad s will be fhb.
rum tax,i4pp ' ante yield iltresest payable semi.,
annually, at 6 per cent. per Annum. Peillnink
wishing to subscribe. for_them, can `do. so by
culling on the President, Secretary 0r,Tet114113%
rer of the. Company,, or any of ts,.Mantoirti...,
with un,y of whom thgy find tipoondiuong,l
of sale. IL. .SEeCURDY, .rresittent.„ -
Dsvin.Wit.i.s, Secretary.
.IKo. Treasurer,- • .
g0,'183,7.:• , , :
laltiMmtst WOK
Remind s . few dvors Sof:that litethf
H. SKELLT unipiactfully isitikunit
ej a his old euetoinere , .ikrid : th!s publha
giat he eontin
USINE.SS, at his Del.'
Ind. in &Joh Baltispore
me, where be wilk,bis
fRPY to sicoomeunlate,el%
to may pioroiriz#
work animated to hie
vrarrauled to (11,ettil,
be of 'most etthetuntml make. 'Phankfut
for Oast favo're, he rolicite contittimntseitt
public tronege. . ,
o r.rhi NMI? I'ork Spring agid Su*,
,per SMONSare received, Call AA
ice them: . ; . •
April Wi,.1856..77-11.-
2h the &h 061 Director., of Aflame Corrafir,
, ,
Climrtsmp: : In pursuance oftoe 43d! =CI
thin of the let of Bth of Muy, 1854, you are
hereby notified to meet in Coorentien, at the
Court House in .alirrysaulio, on the first
51totlfay in Mayi A. p. 1867, beivg the iburtle
day of the month, et 1 o'clock in the afternoon,
and. select; pica yore,', by a majorlty!of . the
whole number of ViFectunt present, one per ,
non of literary stud Spentiticluttolomenta,. and
of Akill 34 experience in the art of TeechiPg,,
us County •Supe'rintendetit, for'tbree Succeedd.
hog . years determine 'the tunoont of eompen,
Hattori, for the sOnle,,and certify the result tq;
lhalleirrklbar,g i
required by the :Slob told 46th sections of 104„
act, Ctionty
• • • Of Ada RY;
April IQ,
ET,TV , RS of Aduiinietrttion On be Es,
.11-4 tam pt liEtaty BECKER, deeWeilal
law of I.3utlur township, Adams, moiety,
having,, been granted to the subsdriber, re,
sumo township, be hereby gives
notice to pbrioni indented to bul4 Ramo l yz
call and settle . the Hanle ; and thugs beving
claims are requested' to present :the sans*
properly autbentio'ato4 for settlement.,
ETTFRS of 'Administration ntv the . FAtete
11 'of NARY 111i1V1TT, late of Mentdletv
township, • Mums county, deeenseci; Wang.
been grunted to the ' subscriber,. residint fit'
Bender:trifle, in said township, he hereby gives
itivo to
. persans:indebted. to said, Eitnto t to
van and settle the s t and 'those having
claims nre rec t oosted to present tho stone, rep t.
erly at thentiente4 for settlement.' ,
ABFL T. WRIMIT, ittiper. ~
April 10, 1047,—,04,
Il 4°'‘.BBLACI2. FAT stop 4
nil fur Bale by
No, lb? Franklinstreat,lboltirnona
1 11)XF ON
REs'r cGltpSti
o~TOBACCO, in etpre anti lot
Kale by WM. BUF,lll,pg,
Na. 167 Franklin !poet
SUES irravrx,'
TO the Voters of Admits county pr-Pticous,
'uteri by !tumorous friends, I Direr myself
ads c a n didate fi l r Lim otiieo stiLltIFY,
the next. election, (subject to the decision p
the Democratic County Convention-) SIMON
1 be nominated null electe4,l.. pledge iuyself
to diseharge the duties date office tt lth prompt,
DM Ufa lidetitp,
ISAAC mann%
aril 24, DV, • --,
B A gall'O't from the , residence of the sub,
Saturdity . lBth 01, April IPA& STANTON, an OPPrelltirt 3 ,l
bound by the . 1/ireetora of the Nor, of Mn'as
COutny, laid tirecnburg is a bright mulatto
bunt 15 Or Itiyears of age; All Persona - an)
forwarnedliot lo harbor said hoy, if oi,ey so
they du it ou their own reapensiliilitt.
• • JOhLril
LittleFtorin, April:24; 1557:--av
, NOTICF.: ,e-
T . . •
HE ; Aecauti. account of AF, Joux
conwittea of the pera9ll auajictatu ,of
Caounk Jlirri'ini;n, a Lunatic, no* uf Ddier,
York County, Nennkylvitulai . bna tietth filkt
thu Court ui Cantiaoli llcaa tif4iiains County,
unit will, Iv cuntirnikal uy ibc npW ,POUSt Witati
36t/i day nexl, unlvis . causa Oa*
to am cuutraiy.
• 40/IN eicKiNG,
A mil 24, 18,5i.-11,*: -• •
Doty * T FOItGET to Pill st. BDEITCK'A, all
ye who g iah to purchase "ebuicil article-a
otTerfuluery,.klair itrushmi, ',Soapy end er,
crything t l‘e .
Om. hue,
EDAR ware and endless vetririty df Bows
bold Articles to be hod 'very cheap a
LyE for milking Soap. -4o he bid At •
nONN4TS, Ribbons, Nradois, And Shaw's,
to be halt vet 7 cheap at
0 per Cent. Isterest.
A New Saviugo Institution.
IF yon want to invest Tour money yith
certain return of good intents+, and su the
same time furnish to , your fsmilie, thaOrhich
will be pro6itabler rand umifill—buY en / 0 41
Goode et
Fahneataek'a Cheap Stars.
They have receivr.4,and are eau** &de
log everything new nod- deniribin iq 0104
• Aprii 2411001e - 4. ' •-•