Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, May 01, 1857, Image 1

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    1 ,:Of P':i:.4....'4,0iPi.1.1.0.;,'
xr. so; ao f 0•
Sehirk 3 o Cheap Store,
Corner of the Diamond and italtimore alma.
JL SCHICK' has just returned from
• Philadelphia with. a full and 'complete
a:iyortment of Spring Goods, consisting of
Ifitek and Vancy colored
of all, styles land patterns ; also Safi:mita
Jeans, Cottonadcs and Linen Goads; for Men's,
wear.; and, Satin, Silk, and Marseilles vesting;
also, Suapenders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs,
ifoiseq, and Gloves, at prices to suit the times
—which gentle:nen wishino- a complete outfit,
would do vet.y well to examiee.
alb: wax zhaiDltafig.
' Just received a superior assortment of Black,
Silks, which will be sold•Itv; also, forego, do:
Laines, Oingliams, '.Calicoes.:!lrisit
Linens, Swiss; Book • and. Cambric
'Dotted Swiss and 'Plaid Nualins, , GloVes,;Rib•
bona, Collars,' Dress' Tiimmiligsiac., Ad•-..tte4
Which for 'variety, excellence. and cheapness
cannot Nasurpassed in this marketr,.. •
Iteccollect, that although thera. is.a
great rush tatiehick'a for bargains, till, can be
ilecOminotintedi NO Goods:
Therelbre call in, and exatiue the. largest #
iichest and cheapest stock you Overlaid your
eyds 'on.' ' • „
Gettysburg, April.l7,lB:s7:—tf
•rtt qtfi&l?) trgiti&
The Truth Arketotoregedi,
Iris a entnelon remark mede by,those who
A. hare exntnitttd the new and elegant assort•
ineikt or FANCY and hiillinerrOoodd, at, the
Eltoro"of . ': • •,- , „,
on the N. B. corner of Centre Square, that her
stock is the' newt 'and CUBA PEBT, :ever brought
to tewu.. 'rho nesortrnent coneists of;
• ''bilks, D Lariee,- •
Clingliten.briliebeti , De
Coburg Clothe, ?Ifni.
Linnek Sauk Plinnels Hon
Ties': µOA Botinet•Trihunings; gating, .4
Drois VeliettteArtift:
.do.;• Gloves; Ha'sierj ,
lloodkitreldefs.'' Froncli Worked collorio
.• e.itill.irie,lookonetnud Swiss ltdgiugs;
Ingtiitidgs; Mdslins,'SleevoN, ) 10 4' .
hair nodit Blook . ;
, .
' nod Aohrouler- • •
• ' 'llindkerehietk: • •
• ' nos, .
Vic;, , •
Cur ;,,TOio.selves, •• •
• ' • ;If ,tti i
)ncxtafielt fitift 0 tilit ent
A••10.11".'114Fli 'added tc‘ het forder
• sto ck of Gdod• an ithoidally large in
ortment of Chimsical ' 8660 an d ; Sfineelln:
• •
rtvon B • ~
313 R 0101E1111W PSC
embracing all the text il s oalpi used m the Col
lege, Common tielt r etllni and stan dard Classic
nuthorq, with the recent poptdde IQ:tendons,
countitating a, larger assortment than ever' he.
t'oru „paned in gettyabuyg; Also "
a It 4..te.it44*-21.1
of nil kinds thp: Lettr arid' Note. Paper,'
the beatAindity; Hnveloiies, , Pold Pena and
with a large.:aatiort:-
Panty Goodui• • ;
G) which he invites attention,' being prepared
to mill "at uiiiieoitlly lorepritlea.:r,
' • has . also largely inePeadßii. hi!J
stock • • e
Drirgts .aud ahliciblex y
which can be relied:upon as tha,bes!. AU. the
market:• , • • , •,• -
asrArrangements there been 'effected,. by
which any ariielo in his line of business eau be
promptly onlemil from the city:: ,
Gettysburg, Nov; 2,4855 . .tt; ,
Haig, Caps, • Boots and Sham,
. c.,.. .
/OHundersigned havin g
iv vl in. W. Paxton, iing-t,Pis 'dare §tocict
tit:Gadd/4 tiontinhe the busbies:l at''.the old'
d ' eh "It' 1 ir nt, r 'findoom
.4tuu , itm ecs aim s c
west Of, tli;,dintumid undo rifle Aria of 8111NC1,,144;514.-kUIfiIINBAO9II,
,,144;s14.-kUlfilINBAO911, dna solicit" the
. patronage of their and t h e pnblie gee
orally ~.I,ye hare . arrangements'largely .
, *of f ; Care, thmik - anie Shoes. '
and , will always keepon,hatl q fttliMiSorl4lo4t
'.of all kinds, suitable to the, semen, which will
boisoltl Mahe loviest possible price'', Hoping,
b r striet attention ; tt, busiumw,., to. incrit a lib
, oral patronage; weluvito all, needing anything
' darline to call-and' examine our goods be.
fore purchasing elsewhere. ..
Gettysburg, -Jan-:Q,
;:tv i o lie aft way,. If you toant to rare at least .20
per Cent of your money.
flOtlEAl , l'& PAVON have just,receivei,
artil - nre now opening. the largest and beer
:selected stock of GOODS, in theirline of bne
inees; ever offered in .Gettyalmrg, to vrit:
n;it Mali ) .Caps,-.
Overshoes and socks, Umbrellas; Trunks,
• '!Clietiet 'Bags, an cyliiri d 'Station
. cry, Perfumery. and a variety of Notions; al•'
'',ao•the larAreht stock ,of ! • , '
•` ."qu'rit NSISNIRE,'CJWIINJ; 9E ,89,
.st o ne and , Earthen , Ware,, over offered „in
Adams county—all of which they are, determ•
p l ined to sall,4lmyor t,ftan'thug: can bo had
any other Bstablishment In' the CAinnty.•—;-,
; Call otcOI3,NAN k. PAXTON'S, south east,
Corner date DiaMotid. 'No trouble" to ithow.
14 ,Ociods:' •• ' 1 - ' :•. '
Oct. 110856.
Flom. tor: Sa4e.
r P'y on iv ant a good butrel of Elpor, Call at
1101{S'S STORE, sabre has an.ette acra,oge•
-.moots to have always do beat, aaddeh be teal
sell ttt , 2s'ettota advance.,
hioy 2,185 G. ',,
, latOß tbe aletiest a ofoodSCH kalicair calk,
Jr, IC 'S
NEW '...',GOODk:',IEIT.: Mt,
:::,• : i -And the Cash
.Sygem. •
I 'AVE just received from Philadelphia
.1 handsome assortment of Goods .suitable
for the season. Our stock of' .
Readp..lllade Clothing, •
and all Goods in, that Hue is extensive,—
Cheap Cloths, Cassimercs, Cashmeretts, Drab
Detate, Linens,' Vestings, Drillings, &Q., &c.
Call and see us. If we cantle,: pleaSe you in a
garment ready-made, we have our Tailors con
stantly cutting out and ,making up; and can
make you a garment upon short notice
the Tery , best manner. Our priecs. cannot be
beat. Give us a call:
have givuXdr. C. ODIN-Nan intercst f
Oxpreind i r . for.t a_parpose ot settling ,» p lay
Old business'. "have 'WOW'. fieSti• oOetitting
37 years and have never, until now, delermin settle generally, •, Those,
therclore, , ,wlnt ate ixidebte4 ,to nao,,eithor by
bottd,, note, or booli accbart, will plastic call ,
ri • '
• ;•; GEO, ARNOLD. •
, ; ' • • .
jait -Yeturried troth • ilte eityi'vith a
1.1 , now and beautiful• assortment of BON,
NETS and
- firthafiFPOWl eatorbei
of the, moot faiihionableetyles, which she, in.
vitas theladiest,pcall confident
that they will - be plea s ed with her selection.
Miss Alrepi7wilt carry on the
business, in ull
iiihninehda, and hopes by lee
superior' woik,' ttletimbable 'prices to merit
tile patronage of her friendm'.- •
April 1 , 7,4857.,.-r3m ~ • , •,,
Mbs.,,v4Rit . .a...oarciatakhai ;um
returned Goan City':dith did' Latest
'6'l'l.'6 'held itivorintioh of fling. • • •,;
to which she.invites the attention ,of her.old
custoruersonid the Laiiies generally
, ItUU 14S ut Mrs: Wityrr!s, 111th-twin Street]
lb* 1100111 Soiith'iif the PrO.gbyteriunthiirith.
April Ili'
Tit 41
‘VOULD respectfully inform their' custotn•
tv V ers'ond the roblze generally, tkt4 ,they
Intro just received teolturgest ? and best select
ed stock of
ev er offerott to ilient: , Haring
,purcitheed for
th CAfilLtthei nre'pre'pared' to offer 'inch in
tltteetnenti as to defy oil etirapetitiont• , Give
ito, woad—no triotWo to allow Citxxlo.„
S'igtt of itect.Froid.'
April 111, 1851.=—If'
'••• • TIALARCIVII 1114.111(190N-• .! •
jut reeeiiedutihin ;Iteidy-inade ao.
&A. , thing Store, on York street neatiy•oppo...
site, tfie prinh, the : hest .ftslortment of f
or Spring gummeir liner, ever; opened • in'
this plaeu..lf you•want . •
COAT. V 114;s1%
or, anything in the lino. of Ready-niade Cloth)
at less.cogtlian'thereatt bo had "o'dtside
of the city, earl ai ' • •••: •• •: - '
I' • •
Aril 10,1837.
5500..‘ RE WARI).
Y• order bf the 'Count:3l of. the Borough! o
Gettvebu% REWARBiII3F.SSOO.? is
Nue* offotrd tor such ., infortuntinn, e;.t, shall
impure, the . ',detocion and donvietton the'
Penton or pertions" who fired the Baru'of
JOHN BUUON mi , the night attic lOth inet'
•,,. ; LJOH;N.,ICULA Bargees. '
; .March 27.,),857., ' •
XE fir,:luittitY • ORO Mill"
it.'it. 46.4vi.isiir • `
D ERPECTFULL informs the citizens of
I .gi•Gett.fabitig and! the public generally,
thit he has opened a new. .
Grocery; anti , Con f ectiona r y
~ ~ • St . •orfl • 4 ., • .
on Northwest .ttie corner of, the'vinmond, for
theily occupied by 'A.S. Mutt,' where he will
have constantly on hand a choice variety, o
CEDAR WARE, :and everything ;in his line.
Every article that the Eastern '3.ltirket'can Of
ford wilfbe kopt on hand or supplied at the
shortest notice. , A share of public patronage
is ieopectthllY solicited. .., . r • 1
All kinds, of country, ,produce taken in, ex
change for Goods.
Feb. 20, 1837.—tf
azact;urr, strocxx,
And ,Cl4tapest,l
T"undersigned would inform the. good
peoplemf Adams. county and ,the, Fest of
the world That, he has received an extra large
suppl,t , dull hinds of MRN'S & BOYS' CLO.
'fliPiG, , Boots, ShOes, Hats, Caps, Suffelo
Rebeii; 'O, from New York; and although
400ds'it10 'arNanced iri price, ho is able end
determined Co sell at a less price than hereto.
titre '
Country Merchants'are Invited to ,call—be
will sell them Goods lower than they can buy
.in,the, city. No one can , compete . with
unlesir,ho buys his Gorn:ls as; he (Les : that is to
Bey, go to'New York and stay two, three or four
Months, and watch 'the' chntes.
A wind to the wise is sufficient. If you
need such' floods as he keeps, go' fohim and
make your purchases, to suvu money.
Oct. 31. 1856. , • ',
The ; tentipn of Ladies.
; .;
particulntly, itwit ff id, tci ilia large
maw; plt!ip,ancliancy qmTps,,
't - '
a ?
wm, IT,KWO: to tiPiLY announces :to
~' ,7,7,41if fliPslo ;*%4 -4 PrgrarailY
ti c t h h° rt u ViPl, the - . 1.4 414‘, PVA't
19g ' ti ' the rob ni; 't• 'Cent y ' dealip!ed 'by
extibaii. i l iVaifei,` "'tin '' . ltilitbniire' 'iifebt.
:Ire"fikie flitekhil : tiritlngeinenbetqo' , receive
itiguletlyi the 7 .LA TASTo'PASIIIO.A'3,‘ :' and
.ittvilbbe, hie ionAtant , Ainntb . - give,entird oath.,
NI ten* wi-I,llttlytfitiron him , w.tlh.thei,e pustom.
Inge CQuil#72o7 3 4Fieg l ,',4 1 Pe:N*Pik in Pic-
MIIIIP3r9 T Tißkl! ' '''' . '' teal: l`. .h'I ' VG:
"`,l3rettyibinrAinil 3,i - 1855. • ' •
..:;...4,.„ 4 - . -,„, ~ .r . •
Vt e@ • P)
RJR _.._... ~ 1 1 t • , A
't.:iso.; Ps.10444;;419"g4:0:4;;;;;:•;:.:
ni IlritTS;ADAPS4 o ''''' ' I'•!''
~ ~
Wall Paper, Widoiv?Blindsi .Trunks,, Caepe
lAgN,Tolxicco, Se gars, &c., at r
PODEAN rt PA4.rpir l S.
... A:piAi, .Ik7. -4r : •' ' ' •". ' ' - -
~.._.L. .. ...L.41._. '4 , •--,, - .
tliNßl•havejuet ieeeived 'a . Ndto lotitir
- ft " `q4T,S7' ICA fr o 's ,
: I. :
1 r
1 ,, ANDI awns,
bothel Very le'teSt' Spring 'honked !small ;prefiti., ~Call and.!see, them
before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the
:pine% Paattou l 4 : Old, §tstittl i ,, Olusuebersburg,
A'rq/ 20~ 1!157
"" I artAItITE''STON.E.-: •
rrEIE undeceigned,respeelfullpinformi,the
vitizens. of, Gettysburg.;end, Abetwill id
te n gly that ' 4rY:l 3l ,re ioremdf,9AibfitE
yq.4,4 • Y f tAlkoo b9mh.nikttipprii streoti
oppbeite Abe residence. of Benign 'Shry&e,k,
they /tie to fuiiiteth ORAN] TE
STONE, dressed in i4wiystyle,`lbr , '
,Idoomate,nta, Door Sills
- „,,
'end c.iely 'kind 'ot ,bbilding and brfintn'ental
general" eetriety of dretiaed
Granite: • • • 1 ,
Aidr*The undersigned having had consider
able experience in their.busin, respe c tfully
invite Pepens.w4hing anything in then. line
to give mi a call—so, we are prepared to flan •
ish the' tiatiaO CHEAPER then it has
over been heretofore offered in Oettysburg.
: 6, 3857.,--3en
exa Nim%ax TUE
G Stieceive'd at' NONE'S Store,' a large
supply 'of 'Winter' Goods, the •clipapest
eVer . dtfered in market: I Call and see 'befcre
purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined; to
sell very cheap for Cash.
..lisp, 'very cheap Millinery ;Goods._ All
Goods out free of charge.:,
Ready-m(4de Cpnt4iog on hand, which will '
be sold low. ~ ,
. ,JOHN 110KE.
Gctivibur ' Dee. 1?,1h56. • '
©ME ©MEI COME 11,111
Erma; WE ARE littAnn
WITH the hondsontest and - cheapest Stock
V of . NEW GOODS to.ber found in this
place. .•All the .newest styles are to bo seen
in the assortment, and many of them are really
magnificent, without being costly.: Nit imo
for parqoulari. Call in and 'see foryourselvo,
at' '
' • ' On the itiblic Square.
Oct. 31, 1856
FOft RENT--a small twa sthry , brick.
1.1013:3E; with Jot and:stable, Qn,•Jlail
Roadstreet, between Carlisle sod lirmhingion,
trAers. Inqiiire at this office. , •
Tan. 3, 1847.
.Ladies 'come Way s
Ala . 44 assortment of Ladies' Dane Shea
and Gai!ern, for sale at
• ' 1 • COBEAN.& PAXTON'S.
get ' . 3 tr 4,w II
round ko I.mary to smooilleu. ell,
ALWAYS. ON ITAND,—SiIk and Sof replied Oil boarder ! my ;hut too." Car.
Hats of Ovciry'degerintiOn,' and fin sale await f Lain', sa e ,iiegomtuodating loafer
at BRINGMAN AUGIIINSA.UGHS. •' 4 . [.- ' •
t o and vaniutied.
I VESTO,•)I EST'S ' : •
Winntisuittly 'large assbrtm4Otp of ov-ol
Et;t9oP,l. , r)?,,,.r.eice.ivq at ,
• fIAWN 8 . '
. .
• „ ' ' •
2. GET TYSBURG, PA., FRIDAY ( • EVENING},'' 'SAY, 1; 0)57.
VIE ioAugE as *oki-Arri-68'
OF ADAMS' oollttlFt;
Ofiep.t Saturday, 11th of April.,"
HIS Institution receives dePosites for
,which it pays interest.' as follows: '
Foiover 10 months 4 per cent, per annum.
For 3 and not , overlo mouths, 3 per Cent. per
. ,
For transient dopositcs not less than 30 days
t 2•per coot, per annum, payable on , demand
hodt, notice,
The weekly depositora share the dividends;
ddelared 'arid payable semi-annually.
At the'lirst meeting weekly deposites were
strbieribed by resPonsible'citizens, , for",the cur
rent: year, to an .amount , 'exeeeding -$lO,OOO,
which. wilthe paid •in as required by ,the
nun Of the association. ,
i•EPr 10.ni701
91 9, on Wodllonday.
t t
gnu receive
, oit d o to rovit,' is to
Interest to be allowed whenever the • thitpoil;
ites amount to $5,00, and on each additional
$5,00 add tipaitirds '
°lace ,int tSCutk., West:: COXParl ot
.T• s ublitr
Square, next to Ge9rge Arnold's store. ,ii?p , on
daily from A!'.11.; to 3'i'. fOr'i , ocetv:
irtgAdpositesv every 'Satuklay t . from,9 At Ate M.,
to 6Pc/L. "7_5. I • ,
Ain '4iEdnitA I '!!`
•• /..17••- ---------------
. A 11.1':: .ZII4NCT9*B.:
John Btanghil 44 ,1 0114 g0r,44j0
P 1 , 1 0 ) 917 1 .1 . 4.,, I; A P? Id a , , ; , 711
A. ,fiftißt,mpliati.„ iteok, tuppe n
bicereafy,' ". '
''4l oll6l;filelig r '/"
Hbrd'''J(;hh;Thliihei:' , 4ti vta
rnAriritiCi; 18,67u4:i t
„ .
• •
A Full LYnic.-uThe name, of Mrs. Norton
has not bean as familiar to•the 'homey ,wnrld
of lite years as it deserves.' It it is true she
Ihas written lees than shelwas accu'storned to
produce in the early portiote of her career, but
whatever comes from het pere Is alwao worthy
I of reproduction; as she is' an artist of the
highest a:nd, purest qnalitY. , Net 'recent
poems hove more vigor,
.ana dereqtness than
her first works, but amongst the best of them
all we ' are , inclined to rani ,the 011owitlii
which we find in the;columas.of, the London I
Illustrated Timet.: , It Is an ,exquisite lyric; I
and reminds us in it wierdlisauty of Uhland's I
finest dreams:
. ..
• • '•!, ; •Bif,TsS HON.. P9 lB !riffirr'??! . • ' !,
Word was brou •
ght to the Daniih•King ;),.• )
Ttiitttthe 16've °Phis heart ity Artretling,':
And oai ned : ?tor ,ibe, comfort !his tcioe -would
bri • • tt••
nd~e,akthgeet, yoa Avrtre•P,T ,• ing •
Better he 111,v ea each gcAlon curl. • ;; ,•
pn the b r o w .
p of ouit.,§espdipnotiari g;t l l,,
Thai his rich crown jerielirof
•'knd his Iloae 6(41'6 Yilkislit alike" "
:•;„1.;;••;!Loci a lty ; 1,1 ••••ii,3 ); ' , 711:1 .
itufFtrYt 7 - 1,19! mtt,iBllo.ri; ;
• r) '
Vesich i ciliimott 7l ntitig'it i ghlfartestid
tept'fcr battle anti' diyii of nied;" l
'•!!;!(011 I trideikit ihrough'yhtr . wtitellying•l) •
Sparswerestrpek/itt,the&mituag ;flank— ; . ;•,
Warnmetchargem staggirtid ; anti 'sattltrr
giridfei,;,wfre,•plackents4, gitths ;were
'•u• ." • t,•
riqAct, as they wou ld, King rode first,
hit rnee the Nei lay dying I • '
;11 •u; ,;.•;•• ;. , •
Rh} "re, beaten,
,one by one, , •
VO.urtVi e
They 114 e rim rind''faltered, and home:
ward gone;
.1-As ?on. fair page nov,follows f ilope,— ,
' ' Cu. strength and rite courage trying I
tinS'Kinglitiked that' faithful child';'
Wiwi' was the thee - tbitt nitswering's'aiiled;' • '•
They pissed 'thee drairbridge 'With clattering
.; ; • din,, • •,;• ; •• •
Then he dropped t• and only the King rode; in
Where his 4ose fay ,dying
Thel'ing blew a blast on his bugle . born
; . (Silence!)" ; S. •, -• •
,I`lortnswer came, but•faintandforlorn,
An echu, returned on thoncld gray morn,
The MistlC portal '
Fir dCad• in 'the' light'of , the dawning lay,
The 'pale sweet' form cif tile' Welcomer lay; • •
Who had .yearned for hit, voice while dy-
The' panting steml, with a droop ing crest,
Stood vestry , ' "• • ;,1
The King returned from her chamber of rest,
!The thick saw hilitist• • •
•:t • And . that dumb companitir eye ing: ;
The: tears gushed forth, which he strived to
, c I ke c k •••••• • ,
1.4, bowed his head on his charger's neck--
POlt, steed I that every nerve'rlidiet strain=
Dear titeed;Our'ride httth keen in vain,
To'the belle where in'y•love lay dyiiig I', •
tlifGbD S. GO (.)-I;.''
• . ;, ;
'Not nlawY yearn agoi,tl Sober in a western
borne was,takeii , away by death. Ho bad toil.
ed to obtain a' liveliboodfand left only poverty
to '
his ~grieving ,widow,, and
,orphans. She
replyed: as her last resort, to start With her
children on toot'toi the far frienAs in New
•"As' night came .down upon her weary ,
grimage, she' knocked at the door,Of a humble
and ablitary •cabin, to:secure shelter till the
Mot:Ping. lA.. wife, was there alone, who, had,
,recoivod o,charge from_her hatband, to let oo
stranger stop there,, if one came in , his absence.
His hogQitality had been abused, and he motde
a vow to receive, travellers no More. But a
.orointto'tt heti rt,,cotild not resist the tippeal of
that, weary, widowed pother, and, bar, hungry
When' the , husband ;returned, he hatfiliPY
I pruvtid 'her,- and. threatened 'to 'waken tho
sleeping+ group;. and 'send. them forth 'into the
darknonss of night, , But she proMised to
'ivitteh 'till' the dawn,' while 'they Alilinbei•ed on
ihai'lloiar; if they'mighfreihrtin. ' He'esaiittent'A
and at the Still of midnight she eon , that
mother, uncoascions of her presence, with
tearful 'eyes gaze on .her•children, and heard
bar exclaim, !"Oh, my poor.' heart, is . breaking,'
but God is good-trty poor heart istireaking,i
but God is good." • •
How strong ; and •beantiful , that Christiana
faith in such . an hour. How 'iMeettind holy
is resignation beneath .so dark an"eclipse' of
I earthly, prospects.
Suiely the Christian. should never 'despond
in trial ' , nat. wander,in prosperity, when, to do
eitheris practically to decoy the unchangeable
gm:Kb:lass and sacred.nearnessCif.god., ;
And, 0, it will be "theseverest part of hell," ,
to knowiluid be cornpolledi:to feel, while the
heart is 'breaking with hopeless.despair, , that
"God is good," and only good. .
One br ortethe sands ard i flowing, ;
One by one•the moments fall;
Some are earning, !Mine are going,, bo •
Tl4l,6t.'ive.FrB9; them !` ll . • ,•
tans. by one . tby unties
,wait thee,
Let thy whole'otrengtit go to each I
Let no future dreamt elate thee', •
• ,Learn thou first what thie can teach.'
are golden link& °fun' token,
Reaching heaven but Oke by one
Talc; theta, lest the chain lie broken,
'l3re the pilgrimage boddne.o • ,
Atrig-A ;hint - went lilt° the' hall of a boarding.
house, in Barclay street, New 'York . , 'a
or,two sleep, wbile the bonpAers were st
.per„nod gathered up 01 the bats on the titbit).
Be. wan making his wog out with the booty,
when a boarder, a little behind time, came in,'
and,asked hits what he was about, '.'Oh," Says
the' 0:44 the . gentlemente bats
, .
iiilrßeA Paint, Thinh :la ig!'nftt 7llnProvo
/annt * 4 44 01 C figugithis 0 111 4 A) igh
jurrto die4aitim piladieso
a wooden ladle, stood beside the dorm ; This! Without change; low btack fir fonstsost eith•
beverage appears to belgenerally use by the ler hand, with • the. decorative 0 WWI , Islowa,oft
' ' ' ---- ' ' ",• '
No. V. ADVENTIMMS AN030711 TISICT. Finns for quenching thirst, Instead of water. I them; no villages, or eigns.orlifes , excel/lithe
' Oar:postillions were sitting silently epee the ! deserted huts of the wood-euttens, sordid . ate
.11noetoirees,•Lepland, (I 6 8 ° Nerth;) I, , hench, and we followsd their example, lit our elect but one doddering Me wholeldaysi .lhert''
Jan. 10,1857. '
• drank
We dso much milk , for want of
,n,tore the fi rst glance,, went on with his work; ; and 1 boats, tweeny to thirty feet .longotuened,boes
solid feed) at Jnwieitai in spite or 'Wend the -t. .. rt. fa mi ly, 4 r e d ' tam ui' rd Then k V 1, h itin
'•„ - ' that, • ("Wee metnuers o. ots c este . to. i pvu . eat y wee o mew ,s e g
sleep under our 'Sheepskin blankets;• We' both
,gather in the duo'); corner 'behind (he' fire ' i out the glorious coloriug of, the patt, days...*
awoke with headaches in; the 'morning. i The plade, *here equally silent; Half; an hotiri The sun !Ml' before ,Orle Welock, and the :dull
Pitrik 'landlord gave me to' undersfend, by passed, and the spirit Moved nobne' to open I twilight deepened apace' into night. .a.lething
bolding up his forwfinger, andprononneing the hie mouth. I judged at lasi that the horses I could be more cheerless and dietnalt Ave smell!.
word !fur,” 'Mat I wits to, pay ono ritSr 4 oter bad been baited sufficientlY, sile n tly showed •cd and talked, s'e'ttle, with Mud silence: Ives
(about • 2G, oeuts,) for our entertainment, and my hatch' to the postillions,: who, without. I tween, and r began to think ,thet, one More
was (ronging ;with gratefel,eurprioe when I selves e got up and went away „withe u t, n , word' such day, would disgust eisesseith the:Aral*
added a. trifle more. We got under .ii yby haviog been paid to mar tho.quaint drollery of Zeno. ; , ~. ~- : • :: ;;, '.s • • ',. , ': ' .wil
six o'clock, When the night was jyst At i i th em od ent „ . , ;,,,, , , , It yens 4 o'clock, and our hones were beghis
had:4;mA It *sie next eo' ithispointiblete'dis- While at,H pnranda, We lutdbeenr ' eceti l t- ring to stagger/ .wben Itstreaehed a little }ills
Cern' t anitraili'cin the' ' spetlese' anotr. Tfset- mended tesno Kengts' - 11ruk /o '
~i t. ne, age called dkijnlka. on the ussian eide. Tho
Idg iti'ffOod' luck "`
tO'COcipeovertatoing," , we •tio l 7'of the forneaa and H'ltOnie.•' il ad l:here," , Psstillloe s t opped at a house ß , or ratlsere tputtis
Rillowellintlni Wake of the•sOnslionde,, 'who : ‘ ,,,i were iold. "you' can got bc033,41,4,4 yowl ranglo' of huts, which,he made me,Oomprehensl
had mondted oar baggage sled upon ono of tho went': ' there la A 'fine 'house, good' beds, land I was an Inn, adding, that it waa, 4 Pektft arld•s
- :and Pale Parebe4 upon big plenty ii, eat' htel drink," ' Our bliteeinterpre I belikor (a Teerfully'unintelligibledietarteet) tet
loft Y seat. Quelmreeti 1vAre.! ,0 1933.4;e,b1i!., we Hoeft spotted this advice.: :"Honit, go' I the next One• ,We entered, and feend.pretniao
1te , d,1,8#19-ste I:el/1o, the,next eeltien, i telda on to 'Kexisvera,":(the beet station) : said. he, i enough in 'the thin, sallow, ealltlY•hairedt,4,9d
IrlitTFAtCheCl- about 11 ? t' f Ittl ,: . . •,• . ill'oll at, Tien s, gy b ert , ey.a,rypjkag is g9o d,e i inostelmequloue latAllord, end awhels,,,heryS, o e ,
' rosy•ehildren. to decide es looters, WColl!!) , TA
,Me i .ri Wee mostly Open the' Tent'enit „Toward Kepgis, thee,this oasis in the rtictic nes
itiVet:, i tstit i nes i tatten-ttith' e Wo o d s . on 'either elation, our souls •y,earned. , We dreve un until i ushered into the milk-room, .whieb.wee 141ItroS
side, to cut off bends. • 'The- `morn wee , hours 16 o'cloOc'iii the brilliant nioOnlight mid iota !. and collected; nod, had n aingle narrowshed„l
in da*eitig, with the 01:10/6 splendid transitions , I delie4et alr—Torthe temp:Attire *SS' wi t/ idly I employed my sambaing, with geed I effeet, / the
Of 'miler. ' The forests were indesoribable in I 25° above ' nt•rol - ' - beffir'ea hreahin' . the hills I (luck-witted children lielpieg me eut,iandlln
their /Meow, whiteness, and wonderful variety "announced •'judetion of the two ` 'rieer s ;-.. ! due live' we. got a supper of fried .metlo6l
of snowy tidorument. The weeping birches There was a large house on the top , of• w bill i bread, butter, ;and.lotit milk.. The children
leaned'over the road, and formed white, 'ring- eh our left. and, , ta our great joy, the postillions 1 crime in • every few, minutes, to •stare At opt'
ed arches;'the fine wore mantles Of ermine drove directly up, to it. ,alolhis Kengis 7" 11. writing, And .operation:which they. probable ,
and ruffs and tippets of the softest swats's. asked, byt .theirnnswers j meld not, upder. I never saw beftne, ,They would.etend .intffient
down. Snow, wind and froOt, bad worked the stand, and they, had already 'unbar nessed ; the '' curios' for half an hour at. a time, then it'd.
most marvellous transformation s in the forms horses., . rdenly reek
out, and enjoy a relief of ohouteteltd
of the forest, Here were kneeling mins, with • There was a light in the house,
tilid w e laughter ru'se's i
outsde: Siete:lotting Attar.
. 1 '
them arms hanging listlessly by their sides, and caught a' gliMpie of a ' eminen t s' I fitee'et th e ;• engt we had been, regarded at all the:444%0
the white cowls faffing over their faces; there ,'wiudow,'Us' We drOve tip: But" the light"' Zeds '• w i t h in t ichwnw i t e 4 n ot al w a ys, t ul ati 4 nd 4 :
lay a warrore hemlet; lace curtains, torn and I immediately eXtingnished, Ad everythi n g h e . I mistrust. Whether. this watt, ,simply
,tl. s
Legge , ung fismi the of little - Gothic) came silent . , I knocked , at' the dock , ehitik !
" d •11 . points' 'festation of the dislike which the. Rips, bats
spires; cavern..,, lined with sonny incrustatiens. I was partly 'open,: but ea: one Caine.. I then ; for the Swedes, for whom ; they .probobly took
Oven:pelt:aheves, . doors, loop-holes, ,arehes I pushed ;, a heavy leg of wood, widelewee lean: I LIS; Or Of Other. 81.18pielOIM 00, Weir •seset, wet
and aroedes were thrown together in aTaetas. ing egaieet it from the biside f fell with a irmis, could not deeide. , ' -.I :, :, ...o.;-•-: ,%.,,,,,
tic confuoiee, and mingled with the more de- winch reverberated throe the honed. I wait 1
sided forms of the larger trees, which, even, ed awhile, and then, groping my way .
After a time ono of' the neighbors, wlteg,ho
neon n' I been 'bent , [atone' account:AT log knowing a '
Nit { ?very ieW words of Swedish, wits .uelteredt,lnte
were trees. but in fittm, so completely were `passage. to the 'dam; of the 'loon' WWI'
they wrapped in their dazzling disguise. ' It i beßn lighted, 'knocked fondly. ' Affeir l ei little the l'ona'-' Through'' him ' J ' t a t tered , hnnittat
'vas an enehanterfand, Where you hardly der- I delay' the deer' wee'ayoting' ihini, I and ascertained that 'the next atetion s Kiblee.
ed to breathe, lest a breath . , might , break the who uohered me into a marm comfortable l A4 was three nd aha If Swedish miles distant,
'meth , ' , • . room, end then quieily stared at me, awif to, but. there was a place on. the, Rusailin ;side,
There was still little change in the features ask what I Wanted. 4 •W ' are tra v elers an d Pone mile o 0 where we could horseso-,
ofthe Montry, 'except that it became wilder strangers maid 4 en to the •.
' ' 1 " ' ''' II wish ' snip , foe '. We hodjiniolutd writiug, and Were •eitting he
and more rugged; and the settlements'; poorer }'night"'"'Phis is' not "an inn," he answered ; I the stove„ consulting how we ahonld arrange
and father apart.. There were low hills ee, •"ii is the residence of
• t h o fi at ," o f 4 ,h 0 tr ,,,,,,, /dm bed ao no to evoid contact with• the;dirst•-•
I either' side, • wildernese ot: birch >and • fir,- and .workobfll m
fs-ay , herb :econtirk that- it, is:the
corletsiWhen 11101,MMI,XMAIraeI,410d,',40144111
floors of level Snow all Over the 'rivers and end eastern in Sweden, in remote districts, for we must go into another house.; We- avowed
marshes. On approaching 'Pelle, we saw our:I travelers to :call .without ceremony upon the the yard to the opposite building, wheie„to
1 .
I first reindeer, standing ; beside a hut,„ Ho was 1 perootomagistrate s or any ,other .
,prominent our great ',surprise, ,we were whored .isto:A
a largo and handsome animal ; his muster, , man in a village, and claim his hospitality.- I warm room, with two good ,heds, which had
who wore a fur dross, woof 'course set " doW n I In spite of this dotibtful reception, compering . I clean though' coarse. sheets, a tablo,•, looking,
for aLepp. , At the inn a skinny old hag, who 1 thatour'horses Prere,already stabled and the ; glaas/ and' a bit of carpet: on the floor: oThe
ngregated: to
known dozen worde of ' Swedish, got us Sonde I'l'lation three or four . railei fdither; I remarked I whole male household co
sdeme oar
lima, Milk, and raw, frozen salmon, - Which, i again i "Belt perhaps we 'maybe allowed to re• I takd peasooien •and,: ascertain
with the aid of a great deal of butter, :stiff:reed : main here until 'Morning?" 4 .1 will ask," he wants were supplied. '•I sleet Itieurlously.,un.
Mr fUr a Mehl. ' ' Our next sta ge s ew t o 'ics r di s , l l:replied, left the room, and soon ; returned with . : ail awakeued , by, the( sound of, our dead*
16 miles, which 'we Made in four hears,: at/Affirmative answer. , . ~ „ ;
.While in the midst, of a for e st on th e qw e di s h,l We had a ,large, hendeomely furnjohed : sooner sate that my eves were own thawla . .
aide, we fell with a herd of reindeer attend. I room, with n sofa and curtained bed, ME D I mate:lied ~of his', cap and ;"threw it .upou•the
ed by a : half-dozen Lepps., They c ame t ram p. 1 which'we tumbled ,es awe as the's servent s eirl, / floor moving about With es much awe nnd hi,
ing along through the snow, abut tifty in hum.. in compliance withe hint Ar miiiV, Karl k;rooiht, j knee as if it,were the Emperorn•bed,rooet.;-.,
her, inclioling a dezeu *hie], ran f o s se ,' Th o lus some bread, milk and cheese, ,We had a 11113 daughter.lirought es excellent eeliew,bet
, ,
others were hernesSed to peas, the'eanoe-shap-,heaP of coffee in the morning, and wer , 3, p re ., times. ,lye washed our faces with our tutablere
ed reindeer sledges, many of which were filled: paring to leer's when. the patron appeamd. o .- of.drinking water, and got onder way, 4 hag/
With Stores and baggage, The Lapps • were iHe wai a short, stout, intelligent Swede, who, past six. ' - • ' , , ~0
rather good.looking .young fellows, 'with. algi - eetedue Courteously, and after a little 'coo. The temperature bad ohanged.again In th e
bright, coppery-orange complexion. and , wore ; versation, urged IM to sta y until' after break- night, being 28° below zero, but the sky was
4410 nmans so ill-fitvored, short and stunted !fast: , We were too hungry to need meth' per- clear and the'morning Moonlight suiterti:;' We '
as I had imagined. One of, them was, indeed I Malden, and indeed ' the table sot with /jade 1 are now so far north that the mbun does nos
really handsome, with his laughing oyes, spark. ;or capcailie (one of the fittest gainediirds in the I set at all, but wheels around the sky'sinking
ling teeth, and a slender, black thoustaehe. i world,) : potatoes, cranberries , aud whipped Ito within eight degrees of the horizon:at mien.
We were obliged to wait a /loade r or - 00 , cream, accompanied with excellentl7ineaa ale, day. Our road led across the • river, past :0 4
hour While the herd passed, end then' took to lend Coucleded with coffee, surpassed anything ; church of Kolare, and through a stretch •oeihe
the river again. Tho effect of sunset on the :we had set down to for many a day. The pat.' Swedish forest back to the river agaiii. i-tro
anon was marvellous—the spotless , outids ! I t" M
gaveP considerable information about f our great surprise; the. wind had suit " blown •
and drifts; far and near, being stained with' I the Country, and quieted u little anxiety' I i;as I here, the snow 'still' hung heavy on the; trees,
soft rose color, until they resembled nothing beginnitig, to Teel, by assuring me we /should ,'end the road was well beitteti.• At , the-'ll:ust
so Much as heaps of strawberri ice. L At Kar. I find Pest•hoNes all the Ivey to kluonioniskail shot 'post-house we. fnand only a me t ier' : w s t h
dia the people sent for an inerpreter, who w as i still 95. miles 'distant, Ile informed: me Ma i the umaltroop of children-,'the eldest ofiho ln , •
e yelling mum, entirely blind. Be helped us Iwe had - Already got beyond the daylight, as 'llboy of sixteen, was seliting. fir temsliotereb.
to get'our horses, although wo'were detained ; the sun had not risen 'yet at' Kongis: ' This, es.' I called cut "hevorete rt (horses;) to Which
an hour, as oely one horse is kept in readiness I however, was' in cronsequence or a'bilt to the ho made a deliberate answer, and went otiwith
at these statione, and the neightiohood mu s t I eouthward, tis we afterward found that thoeun his work; After nom° emu/ululation witlfithe
It'd:soon teil• to Procure auother. ' I employed 11 71 ;‘ again above the horizon. ,' ; :.: • old'woman, h yOunger bey was sent °Memo. Of
the time is leatoilng. a few Finnish words— ; We laid in fuel emstiglsto last / u4' through where. 'and we tout down tet'aWil;t the wsult t s.,
the whole traveling stock;• in fact„ on which I • the dey and then took leave of our host whO I called Tor •tneat,' milk, bread Mid: batt er ,
have been obliged to: rely since jhee„, That ' invited MI te,visit him on, oueretern. , Vow's. which procured us in course hf lime widteh e r
you may sewhow few words of a strange ; a p g , : ing the Ternerus, an hour's drive over the hills I of cold milk; some heeml made ofgronnd • bar.
liege will enable you , to trwrel,ns, well as to Iheatight de it/ ihe'Village of Kt-xi/Imre, 'where! ley straw, horribly hard and, tgeph.• gild a
give a sample of Finnish, I herewith copy. my ;we were obliged watt some time for our her- I lump of sour froien butter. there weresorme
wlitile"vocebutary i ' .'r .'' ' • •'' WI: At" the' inn there Arai Wwell forty' feet' putrid; fish in a ',wooden •howl, on 'whioii the
one nx (ready • ' w ahith, • deep, with the largest sweep-pole'rever saw. family hakhlealrfested. while , an immense pot
two ' •' car i: drive mil ayo peril 1 T he landlady and her.two sisters were pleasant of sour milk, butter, Inokett bread and•,,straw '
three '• : kolma • . hew muehl guiegepaliai bediea, I:Ml:sociably inclined, if'we could have Meal s banging, over the fire,. contained their
fonr " nolia a mile peligorrna talked to them. Theywere all
,spinnieg tow, Milner. 'ride was testimony. enough Lathe
viis bread 'lehe L'
eix • vil- , ties: , '- • meat', , f file': •tlieir wheels purring like pleased lionesses.— amounts we hese beard in - Stockholm. tafl Pie
Seven • . ; s,ettima
~. milk _ maito , ,., ' Thcsun's dim came in sightnt a quarter past Year sfainiee in Finland ; und.weseentatlliks. _
eight . hall . eXa hillier ' vor ' - 11, and at Mint his lowerlimb lest touched the ly to Partieipute in it. ' ' ..: ..:' 'O.A
Murk • ' oheew fire; - • a kat.
s ''
• v-- ' : horizon.- The sky :was of :a enbiedid 'saffron I chewed the straw Areas . vigorously 11, 0 te i s
ten, : • , skiumenn .ii, hen , ,frellge , : '
a half .
~ pu o 6 good hula - „ bee, , which changed iota ; a beeping, brassy hour , and siteneeded in wallowing enough -to
hoiseS - ' heverste' had paha
~'yellow.. "; •; ,
ed When , .• • fill my, stomach. though'uot enough, to setiery
lieneediately yarsin ' ... ..... Our horses Premised' little for spe my hunger, The younger, children. occupied •.'
1 We kept tin our waY up; the' rider,: in the we set out, and their haroesa being illadapted themsplves,in peeling off tho sofe innee, hark Ot
ihrillisrit afternoon Moonlight. The h orse d' truour sleds increased the,•dif6gulty. Ipsteed the fir. which they ale s . ; ravenously, • Titer •.
„;',.'„ 3 4 0 ,; ; • 3r , were the' &0 saintsoMs t l en , to, ofhames,there,were wide,wooden yokes. the ;-wore handsome, fairlkinned youngstere;,,but
whom t r io i t In vain: itity'dpailit” : BraiSted ends . of which ,passedthreughthe inortiom in I note° may ankbeeutiful at , those ot.the .j.iprr.
;Stith diffienkfrestrainekhfainitlination to 'miff the cads of the shafts, and were fastened with land Swedes. We were obliged to whit 'pore
their ears. Hour after h o ' ur w ant by, and`we pins, pins, while, as there were'rio' helly.liands; the than, wo hours before the horses errivedvlinte
grew more and more,hungry, wrathful and ins. I yokes rose on going down' hill, brn:ging our i losing a large, part of our daylight. ' Tbo-pas ,
patient: About eight o'clock theistopped le. f sleds upon the hoeses heels. The Finnish I tillions thstened our sleds :behind, tbeir,,Orn
low a buml
ou the Russian side, pitched so me sled,, have excessively long shafts, in order to , large sledges, with 'flat runners, whiefr.get
hay to the horses, climbed the bank, and sum prevent this. Oar road all •day was upon the I through the snow more easily than oure.."We
moned us to follow. We made o ur way w ith Iluoitio River, the main branch of the Torneto, I lay down in the sledge' stretchedeureehrill at ...."•,.
tsome difficulty through the snow, and entered and the boundary between Sweden and Russia, I full length, mum A bed et her, .covered ;our s' -
he hut, Which' proved , to be thW abod e of a above the junction. There had been a, violent feet with the deerskin end set Oft . :Wwilsed ''',
, cooper—at 14st the oceePatn, a rough, shag. wind during the night, aid the track was cons- ; gone about 4Supsiigh mile whim uspotin tmo
gji dirty Orson of a fellow, mu; seated upon pletely filled up, The Torneaa and Munk/ ~ stopped,-to teed the hones before whoa* ea
• the floor, making a tub, by the light of the, fire. are both very swift rivers, abounding in den. i the, Hnesiros side. ' Theo wee nobody,wlthin,
The joiate,overhetul were piled with seasoned gerpus rapids, but they are now, rapids end ail, I hut some coals woo/ thooaltetroatthtkifortk; '.l
- wood,'.4od .loi4 hlindlea of thin,, dry fir;. which solid as kr o oic e fr o m their sources to the Both. shoited that it tied been Used; appaunly, as: or 1,.
Li` usi4 for' I.6rehes 'during 'the-long Wi n t er elan Gulf We plunged elong alonl,e, hoar; pieta of rest add shelter • 14. ; up, prielna
dm-lin - ea: i There Was neither chair nor table after hour, moratiuto halfthd time clinging to ' riiM, TAO was titivellinielone st ryas' there,
in the hut; but a low bench ran around the one side or the Othert , to prevoitt tiur sled frond smoking /Ai Ilitsti.' 15'4411 ititildwik'Oetra
molls, * O 4 a roligh: bodate 4 4 trart•Mtilto Spinet '"tivorturninti-sstid yet' it upset et !Mkt it dozen ilikeißa; 'ittitlnftkee, atte r Hat' Tfools's4 er .
cite'ciNnier."4"o.-buokuto Of law silk. whirl de timoi during Ibii 'day: • Ther• laverilws. ; ibel sitrogr JO ipa • , :12-volopki, *Noe alibi !
, .ts..-:,...1„.• R.:,- , 1,,,..
.. •
1 owi 4,,;%
I. yril~•rt~;i~r•.r;, i
~'. !:'r„': i'.r i- ~~i t_ r 't'//t•II~ }SRs)Y
„. •.• 0 ,• T i! r
TWO , DOLL Alft3 , ',PEß''
: , • i• •I:: l‘r;! ;JO Z.44:4,11