Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, April 24, 1857, Image 2

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    ittt IfitHANNER.
ami dat 4 'tit,' 11; i"
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' •
► Friday EvftiVg, April 2
.1. lihifhell, Rntraß,
ion ISOV P.Ft NU it
DAytp L ..01 i ytte,,of Bradford County
14111 tyr Ten! RUttiRRR COURT.
iii-A431.U.N.-11:14;.11,4•4Wyett0 County. _
JOSItIPII .1. lagW IS, - of tbo4tor Couuty
CANAL 110 St MissioNKß4
WILL ILL IV AR 1.), of PhiludertW'
!! 14;14..8. .;• . _- - - - -
OlOotiOn in lanui3si Ile for
:Vapor, &0., repelled itt i cote . plete Avner-
The vilielcs AiZerirau tick
ttighost, to theloweakofficer,
„i t•'Kgs tI)V0e1 itit a au ijnrlty of abOtit fire.
idttlhs °fall the votes ha,e, TIIQ Jilt/rod,
,neticitsg the,rePolt, says it of iteelf a
t , .l.ll4lB.3footrefutatiolt of all. the elauders aft:
ou the Ain:dean party ofifiouigvllle.
Air,..Deeerlleg: Desneereley
2 , : , tiCrlluth.of the Cabinet uffiecra of Gov.
el- Siink— , 4vti John 4 4 1, Pieta itlilo43 of But.
-- •liii rito 4111su Laporte , of 13raJfmI—;•aro on
''''' the 'A , l eriefin Republittan State •Conintit•
Novae then ate bath true bonoo T ata,
and eilitlniti, Apt spstrioiti Deipocracy.
whieb ites hut. One, purpose : the i uorease
.:. ,oi the Slave, PPlef.bY che exteueign ov! , f
.[ Ace: Territories, of the Ariatoenttic, Labor:
dogratiingf and corrupting ~ Institution- of
14aoh a party is' un longer *or.
of the alippert of Anterican.eitiortm.
Weotice tliit'there is a-bill pen.
1' before 'the Legigleturt, whioh prop.
~ p oses n false the *alarms of the rootlet°
Judgeenf this C•nutuonweakh to a laving
. .
figure, thus : 7 —For those whinge atton4auee
...41.1Cunr,t,tigre net
,CICOAd rflUr weeks, per
annum, the PIM of $l5O ; for thee° whofie
.....aktenderiee Court exceeds tier weeks
3/stiti dot% no; , excosul'six wecks,S2oo ; for
Pltilibee whose aueudaneo ttt •Court exceeds
itheirnot exceed eight, weeks,
'' 1 1 250 ; tie t IsOieevrhnse 'attendance nt ii;1011
' does " hot'exeeed
tee weeks, soo; fur hue Winne attend
. 00u:1c:coeds teu weeks and does
„wet. exust4 twelve weeks, 0351),; uud for
4litise-mitese,etteutionoe, et .knurl exeeetis
t • Itteive troe64 840t1. F .. .
~,Ce ' OblilliiNDAt 6:Yr.—Au ordinance re.
the municipal. Jaw •coniFielling a
Christitin :Observanoe 'of the Sabbath -has
jast . pastiod the"eittainnitithitareen Coon`
The Aineritist! itilluencoresisted it,
but' it *4 no `Use;"the'iltirriners" carried
tbedaY.'" diiven through'
by the Foreign Infidel Germans, who re.
fiat 4 Sunday es a day tnustinettc and
and who look !you all, rehtraints
of the land As, tyrannies'. The beer sa.
loons and gsrcleus there, now expect WI
large i••.busittetia on &relays as they'. dot
ibreugbut the other six days of the week.
If allowed to titre tensic, theatrical", die.,
to'entertain their cu,totaers, they iliitik
air, we ay recetpta would still be more
gun.. Maid Wilus' et ha 'addressed n note
4enerid 'Packr, the Democnitio candi
date, requestiog Inns to natua a convecient
place to begin the e.anettas of the State.--
'gt)" 1411 del!. P,tteker decline,, it is the in-
•Itilai9gt Judge Wilmot to etuntateuoe
-the campaigasione. sometime in Hay.-
CANAL BQARD.—Tbe Harris.
.burg Teleg ropi dogs, a bill will undoubt.
Jedly pam 'bolls ißonses,. Abolishing the Ca.
nal linartl i which it nothing 1130iT than 'a
- hest of corruptioo If nothing el.e would
Wake' ha fit favor of the pale of the Maio
Lino'uf Impror'entents, it: would be
the4llYHto!Td: of. Can't Commishionera,
aihn ileotifitge more fraud , sod Istealing
11M4.; any, other official Bard in existence
on Ibis ,earth. ,
107+The."fair electien"-proutiaed Ran,
au .is jar: such a one u Louis Naingeon
had when he wall "elected" Emperot
tqestintyr maid Paddy, 'you may have
your chola otthe two , buret", bop be the
}lowly Virgin hav l the grey one."t—; .
They may:fteltidt" to May at home or be
theaied and Writer; murdered in the bar
'co a quer P..)rter, as k • beau
appeinte4 } q 'Master at Harrisburg, in
to site tonal ;fa. Tr
!nulred out
Andrew llopkina,.',§' , n., Folitor uf. ;he
Harrisburg Vasson, 1.16 been appointed
Itemiser of Laird 01502 Nebraska ter-
QUIT. lik;.4,ltY.4t,i•ted dint Gov.
Geary will sound in meltviudiaafiari,:p'sbli eL
aidesteb bin rtiurnKan'ints As ca
anternor, and that - it wiil'inako i proiound
imptimion upon tho publiO wind and Lit
Lit it all tint, Giivernnr, hit where it, min%
ill "Tlia Missouri Democrat of ths
, of April enatsios a cull fora sous =Stint
of ShisiDelisoesacy of- St. Louis Ind all
others 'hero .'who are is favor,of ancoui•
a~iag'white ;kW. is 4liseuuii and iti that
itti4ialf our igays th lead.
fag liqmot iievi to :that toista'' 'sod couuty
are lap 41 0 i , itenDpe n i oe
41140,,i' Aid bolt &dm 49 a mho.
'rho Ante oribe Main Line
KT The bill for the sale of tlre Maio
tine is progressing through 'the !louse.—
Ml the votes hitherto ,taken kedleate, ite
passage by :a eonsideritble innjorl!y. We
.ilneerulytrusttli4t In a clay or taro
.tll5 hill will llitio pissed ita , fivat reading,
,nod that befoti the Legislature rises, it
will b , :cotne 's few. 'sou, intent it as
undivided upon no other'quesii.itias nOti
the sale of the liain Line. lion of all
parties detnaud it, and newspapers ofevery
tone of polities unite to urge the measure
as the ouly hope for relief from onerous
and oppressive taxation. We are glad to
see from the votes in the House that the
bill is not viewed as partisati. Thome who
seek to degtads it to that level show their
want of appromiation mile importance, and
it maybe justly suspected, have a, sioisler
object therein. The disenslion to which
the pending of this , subject has led, has
divulged several very interesting and hn- I
portent. (sow which, for convenience. we
Propose condensing into one article: It i
hus been proved, • '
That. That our State debt hat not
• {
been . ridneed utithus Me kitten cure
1847 40,628,249 51 11852 41,524,875 37
1848 40,474,736 93 1853 - *40,560,279 54
1849' 40,511,173 92 1851 *40,618,14007
1850 - 40,7.76.485 42 I 1815 • N 0,196.994 22
18.51 40,114,236 39 I 'lB5O *40,177,835 25
Adding the balance now due—SsB4,ooo
—the State debt'at tiietunt 'A
610,701 ;
835 25; or over $130,000 wore than it
way ten year! ago. , • 1
Second hurinit . this Ihe people
have been fieavaly taxed, and the tax on
,real and personal estate alone, has yielded
414,469408, .11, as.arill be soon front this
table, -taken' from the Auditor General'.
Reports. It ainounted'in
'1847 1,380,781 19'
I'i43 1,350,129 49
1.849. 1,294,921 23
1830 ' 1,317,821 55
1851 1,972,170 371
Instend'of paying tho' debt,' thie large
amount has boon spent in "now work" on
the Pudic Works, and in keeping up the
Mein Lne.
Third. During the hut four yeartv
the gross expenditures on the Main Line
hove exreeded the gross' revenue derived
from it,112,154;387 13. As these figures,
compiled tromofficial &moments; show : I
Yenr. Total Receipts. Total, Expenditures.
1853 ' $1,465,813 23 $2.124,265 30
1854 1.219,919.01 r. 1,855,2111 76
1855 1,144,224 . 33 1,M16,404 30
1656 1,244,071 86,, 1,662,429;20
5,074,028 33
Exoess of Expenditures.4o fOur; ,
Year* 2 154 87,13
This inuludes the money' spent on the
new Portage Railroad. but, throwing that
from the *meant, the expenditures still
exceed the receipts nearly , half a' m ill lion
1, 6 f 'dopers, without °clouting interest' paid
oncost, or allowirg anYdisoonnt for "wear
and tear" of tuaohiaery. ' •
l • Anfrth: The gross revenue received
from Ihe,Nain Line, is diminishing. It
.11,502.417 43 1855 11,144,224 33
1853 1,463,013 23 18.16 1,244,971 86
1854 1,219,919 01
Being less in 1856.. than in 1852 or
1853. Thus while the gross reventie front
the whole of the Public Works his been
gradually increasing, the Akin Line is an
ouutly losing revenue; the Branches are
Fifth. rise expenses of working . Mel
Main Line are increasing. This is ker
eft by the following table., The first col
umns presents •the total expenses.on the
3lsin Line for the years named; the sec
ond the Construction Account for thaw
years ; and the third, the working expel).
les of the Line. These ate increasing as
Year Total Construction Other
&manicures., Account. Expenditures, .
1832 31,488,34020 8111,789 18 3 9 04 88 7,09
1853 2,124,265 30 866.048 47 1.25r 1 .216 83
1834 , 1,855,216 76 615812 07 1,239.404 75
1855 1,586.404 30 583,645 64 999.758 66
1869 1,662,429 20. 449,892 60 1,2,12,536 'BO
And this, 100, while the gross annual
revenue from the Line is diminishing !
Sixth, The Slate Engineer's Report
shows thief in . n
.year or Iwo large appro
priations will be needed torrepair
rebuild aquednets,, elean out the, Canal
and make the Linefil for; business. That
officer Indianan the necessary repairs of
the. Lino for' 1857 8303382, being
8117,040118 more than was spent lust
year in the same department. The next
year, the slim required will be larger.
Sevenik The appropriations So the
Main Line,'eonta;ned in the General 4p
propriation"bill as it has passed Me House,
are $258 487 10 more than Me gross i ev
cane Atai year Irons the same. SU• that
if the State retains theliue through 1857,
the los including interest on cost, will be
overone million of dollars.
Eighth. 1/ the Line were sold, the'or.
denary. _revenue of the Stale would Soon
pay the debt at the rale of two millions of,
dollars a #ear. The ordinary revenue in
1853 83,277,985 87 1 1855 54,246,249 78 .
1854 4,733,751 65 1 1856. 4,134468 47
The ordinury expenditure of, gOvfra•
meat" in 1856 was 81,300,615 05." 133
rina 'if 111 e Line had beet' sold s year since
the debt could have been reduced about a
million and - a. quarter= of dollars besides
The amount of purehass . money; MI will ap.
Pear from ibis official table :
n.enmpe from ordinary ' •
aourres. • • $ 4,134,168 47
Interesqs.jable .01,507,955 AO
'oolinasj Expeanea1.300,EV55777,,, .
4,895 5 578 'B6
4ppleidio' it to payrrient Of „
pal. debt, iu addition lot put. • ; •
chase went ' $1,235.497 62
Add parcbams =pray , 9,000 000 00
'total payinent *kid 40016 kart'
. t /0 230,422 62
The intercei' Payette , an nu a l lyu would 'of'
I course, decrease with the payment of debt;
1 and very soon, if the bine were sold the
debt could be . reduced linutrally arilie me !
1 disco millious. lo ten yeare it would
be reduced to u comparatively insignificant
Stich ate the plain, indiipaitable' foot
in etnnectiop with the sulijest., "Svery
consideration points fo a sale. None
I weigh against it, which ire comps:attic
1 with ouch A/ are briefly indieattd in this
article. For twenty years the iiitixons of
Pennsylvania have uncomplainingly borne
the most gracious taxation. It has Weil/L
-...- .t.
ed upon their industry as a feerftil incubus,
and has paralysed tunny oftheir interests"
It is proved that the raeuipis from this
taxation-are swallewed up in working. the
Mans Line, and other like expenses. If
this should end and a' beginning be made
in paying our huge debt, this'is the time,
to commence it, and the only effectual way!
is todispose of the work whielt involves so
large expenditure. That dune, the people'
eon look forward to early ennomipation
from heavy. taxation. No true Petinsylva-1
Pion. should hesitsto in this crisis what
course to pursue. One leads to the condi!.
ed oppression of the publio . ; the other un
their relief. The people will watch and
reward those 'who tire now faithrtil.—llar.
risburg relegrO. '
ICrThe Bill for the 'stale of the Main
Line of the Publie Worts bun paned see•
and reading,in the Ilo'use, and there
ie lit
tie doubt that it will pus finally. , The
provit.toue of the Bill are snob ea to suer°
the sale in the event of its psssage. .•
, .
INLITY 11 . 0 PROTRPTANT . 011:148.—Our
reader's will be surprised to jearti that the
Papacy haths asinine(' to coprof the pub_
lie sel l 10, of our bortiegh. to (Helms
the kind of studies ;hat 'shall' he tolerated,
in 1110,10. kcertain Popiidi Priest named
Miller', a few- Sundays ego.' in
forth to OW Catholic • congregation of this
place, took occasion in true lorteetly style
to tienintece the 'Protestant 111Ide. as a
book of heresies. and interdicted the
reading of it by Catholic children hr our
pnblid• iMltiodc. This Roinim dignitary
hails frrini•Charnbertibtirg; Franklitymuo.
ty, •in this where he has a small
charge of Catholics over whose spiritual
destiny he prestd.w.end who occasionally
'is called upon to officiate for the few seat.
tered shevp of the church of this . towri.
demeanor un this occasion-was that
of an o ffi cial of nu, meat, dignity or aniline'.
,ity, and his - directione . to Catholic parents
'peremptorily prohibited, the r eading of this
vile book hi catholic children, sad coun•
retied po'sitive.ineithordination to the rules ,
and authority or the tehools, in case they
should. he required to do ea. This bold.
and ilaring assinnption of the papactiis so
entirely Mew a thing in this (immunity,
that we were wholly unprepared to give
it credence;, but 'further inquirtel in the
premises. have removed Ail doubt as to the
verity of the , racto- removed ,
(Pa.) 4userKan,, 15th,
1852 1,339,636 30
IAI3 1,381,350 59.
1854 1,810,403 :i9
1333 1,721,1.14 79
1836 1 682 0:15 21
$14,464,663 H
5,074,028 43
iiittORKDITABI,E To bossannir.—The
Him. Hiehard W. Thampsen. of Indiana,
as very Men} , sia'avrare.has had, for mime
years, elaim for forty 'thousand dollars
against the Government lor services ren •
dered the Cherokee Indians. Mr. Guth.
• vie, as Secretary 91 the Treasury, refused
to pay the,elaitn. He was Appealed to in
all possible wsys,, and even threatened
with suits at law, bog he steadily and per
seam-junk/1y refused to the last to let ihe
money be paid. The new. Secretary of
the Treuetiry, Mr Cobb, has allowed Mr.
Thompson's claim., Although he 11116
been in office only about " ` a month, 'and "
deriugdhat lime has necessarily, as a ; f ew
incumbent, had very many mimes de
manding his attention, he promptly, and
of rourse with little or uo . opporunity for
esitumation, allows .a 840,000
which Secretary Guthrie, with all possi
ble opportunities for • scrutiny through
series of years, rejected over and over
LETTEkiI OF Pocirnt FitAmmus.—Ntr.
A tienry 23:evens, of Verniont.'agein of the
- liotitutitkp in Paris, is said
to base diaeoVereil it collection r of four
thousand letters, wholly in the lumilwri•
Ling of Dr. Franklin:. A great many of
them were written from Plassy,.., near
Jt is not .generally know that
Franklin invemed the manifold copying
ink and preps, now: in each general iner-i
nantile use, whereby afire simile of each
leiter is innuediately transferred into a
book of tissue' paper. Franklin kept du•
plicate. taken in this manlier of all his
lestiers, public and private.
,' •
Tfig Moamar/A. 7 —A Washington fetter
saysthat it lit , proposedto send to Utah a
military forea, 011.2,5q0 men. officered by
Men of character who , have families who
will accompany them r also, to
as Judgeo ind as Executive officers men
of moral worth and standing. Who tiara
families; and thui, it ia_hoped, that a sa c
mew will be formed which wilt pretent a
good exAmple to the ~ 3, i ints," and fornt ,
the nuclei's of an enlightened and moral
Halsey. ifl• New York, was shot in the
thigh, t day ftr two since, 'while lying hi
bed, by a rifle bail discharged from a whi
tlow of the house corner o f Wooster and
Houston Street, by . Charles A. Morse,
who. it appears, had. been steadily drink
ing Inc the vast few days, 81111•Wilis affected
with 4elirinm',tremens. When in this
condition Of mind he suddenly sprung
from his bed and tired the rifle , through
the window. :He was arrested. Dlr. l f
Halsey'Otijuries are of ti dangerous char
,ew ,York piper say/ that, Col.
Pomp° was apked,tlie othrr day to take a
cracker and .a glass of wine at the house
of a friend:
uuttleailined bread, air.' Seel the
hel "Sir, unleavened bread, air—the
word cracker is not "to be found.onber in
the Licriintire or in any id rny wOrks. It
is - unleavened bread sir ( from Lois lettere,
Latin. to Aft, or tire. sir, aud un not. and
Bakon brad baked meat, sir --signifying
spociee of bread•that has nut Nen raised,
sir. Yes. lir, thank-you, sir. -I will
have one or two pieces, sir, of tiulesvened I
bread sit:"
. •
llcrA vote wro token l ate ly el Low
. ranee, iceniuuri #'oboll liquor be , cold in
t•Lowtorce." !us, lidagaitiot.
BAYARD TAYLOR, in recent, letter da
tedl Ilaparands, Owedish Tomas.) Jan.
J. 1807, end headed "From Under the
-Aurora Boresd," thus describes that
ithilthihenou, ai seen "at home" in the
extreine North: ' ~
It writ) dark'when we reached Eitnias,
wlittice'we hid welter-mile to. Old Lulesa,
with tired horses, heavy road's', and a lazy
driver. I lay down .again, dozed as nau
tili and tried to forget nay torment. lip
passed three hours; 'the nigh; had long
set in. with p clear sk.y, 13° below Zulu,
and wind bin wing..' - All 'at once
an exclamation Iron) Branded aroused me.
I opened toy eyes; as I• lay in his lip,
husked up.vard, anti eaw a nuttily belt or
Itio:sre . of - silver Bid'Stretching directly
news' the zenith. with
. ita loese, frayed
ends slowly swaying /land fro down the
eloper of !hi sky. Presently it began to ,
waver, bending, back and forth, sometimes {
slowly, rionielftlitts whit a quick, spring.
log 'motion, as if leasing its elasticity.—
Now it took the shape of a bow, now un
dulated.. into Hogarth's line l of beauty,
brightening and lading its ha sinuous trio•
ttun, and finally formed a soeplierd's
crook, ilbemod of which suddenly begot
to separate and fill,ofr. as a driven by a
! strong wind, nun' the whole belt .hot
'away in Wig, drifting lines of fiery snow.
1 It then gathered again into a thileuLaan—
till fragments,' ivhich alternately 'advan.
mid add riettetted, shirt hither and thither,
•against and across each other, 'blazed out
iii yellow and rosy gleania, or paled stains
-playing a thousand lantatic pranks, as it
guided bystitue, wild whim.
,We lay • silent.. wills upturned faces,
watchingc this..wetiderful spectacle. Sud.
dent's. the scattered lights ran together, ad
by a continua impulse, joined their bright
endti,lwisitddr thent' ihrough each other,
!rand fell in' a load, luminous curtain
straight downward through the air until
its fringed hem . swung apparently but' a
.few yards over our heads. This phenom
enon was so unexpected and stalling, that
.for a inument I thought our laces would
be touched by t h e skirt. el the glorious
auroral. iliapery. It did not. follow the
spherical ourve of the firmament, but hung
plump from the zenith, falling. apparently,
miaow' of leagues through the air, its
tdltli.gailiered together among the stars.
and its embroidery of flame sweeping the
earth, and shedding a pale, unearthly ra
diance' over 'the wadies of snow A mu-
Mehl afterwards it was again drawn np,
parted, waved its flambeaux arid snot its
latices hither and thither, advancing and
retreating as before. Anything so strange,
no capricious, so wonderful, 'ao gloriously
beautifuWiscarcely hope to age again.
s. •
1., __,...,_...
"Porter's" Mil IS responsible fur this
a well known, higly. respect
cd Knickerbocker. on ate abide' side .01
filly. a . widoWer with five children—full
of fun- and frolic,- ever ready for a joke—
to give or take, was bantered the other
evening by a utiss of five and twenty, for
not taking another wile; she urged that ,
he was hale and hearty and deserveu a
matrimonial inessmate. The Judge ac
knowledged the fact; admitted that he
was ,convinc e d by the eloquence of his lair
Mend that he had been thus very far re
inisto;end expressed contrition for the fault
cnuferitial ending with offering himself
to thel4dy.. s telling her she could not cer•
tainly reject hilt after poitoit,g Out to . him
his heinous offence.• • . 4 i
The fatly' replied that she would be
I most Itsppy to talt.t the situation so un
iquely advertised, and-become hone °lbis
bone and 114111 of his ; but there was
one, to her, Sedan; obstacle.
.‘ Well," says the qudge, "name it.—
Aly profession is to surmo u nt Inch impedi
muftis:" "Ali! Judge, this is beyond
your powers. I have vowed if 1 eves ,
marry a widoWer, he stuar have 'len Chil
"Ten chifliren. Oh ! that's nothing."
says the Judge. "I'll give You five now,
and my nom; an :demand in instalments
for the •balanee.",
ding new.demoustroions of the migratory
propensities of our, counirymito. have
come to notice: •A gentleman recent
ly found amid the , ruins of PalinYra, stir
'rounded by all the deciiying relics., of
Oriental grandeur, a New England farmer
from Berkshire county, "keeping house"
with his family. Again, a friend from
Boston was traveling. some ',ears ago, in
Greece. and stopped in Athens. To while
away an evening he visited the theatre
While musing upon the topics which
every scene around him suggested to his
mind, and deeply buried it, classic assuci
arming, he heard a voice behind hint
remark, "Pooh S this ain't nnthing. You
ought tosee the Tremont Theatre, Bos
ton." Turning round utter amazement,
he exclaimed to ; . a, gattEC 'Yankee on the
best. bench, "Where on earth did you
come front V Without moving a' muscle.
of 'llia face, the : person . rejoined, "Got a
little: vessel dotin. here hethe. Peiraeue,
inn come from Thomaston, Maine
rue effect can be imagined,r—Loivell
Umbra; Cortiocrrtote. , —,3lra.'Cora Hatch,
a spiritual airtime], gave a jecrure on
Sp:rimalistn in New York city,lt night
or Iwo ago, whereuPon the noturioug 104 i.
aft Ryntlers took'• the door and delivered
hiniself mg follows: ,
langtoge is beautiful and o:pros.
sive; =it far exceeds any preacher.
expected to, be humbugged, and
~1 ittn very
agreeably disappointed. I :Oen come
whenever I can to . hear that,laile speak.—
I thought when I cattle that I'd" Just drop
In and have a little hot. ' The theciry of
that is beautiful ; I never heard the beat
of it in the pulpit ';+ that prayer . exceeded,
any Thing I ever heard, and I've-heard 'ern
tor tt long time.",
The Ceptako watt 'evidently convicted,
but the idea of, Ma hearing prayer for a
Jung lime, or vetting himself up as a judge ,
et pulpit oratory, rather takea pa. ,
DON'T. LINO Tag . flittNess.—Mr. John
Dailey. editor"of the Warren; Psi:, Ledger
a' Buchanan gaper has retired from that
concern on account of diraatisfection with
hie .party. He .charges.. the Democratic
leaders: ‘ of Warren county with_ having.
tried to bribe him .to endorse their poll-
• 101::rl'he Dred Scott decision is work
ing a revolution ainting the American
papers in New Jenirty: -Those which
lest year were noel inveterate in their
hostility to all pions fora junction , ' of the .
opponents of slavery OXIMI9IOO, now ear
neatly counsel such 'Minn will 'secure
a cordial union.
[Prong the N. E Tribune.
isliiYS4l.9. , •
Imcourrotr, K. T., April 6, 1857.
Gov. Charles RobinsM and Hr. (.1.
Dieisler, iiio:of the primoners held so lung
hist Summer on a charge of high treason,
came to•day to Lecompten to await their
trial. , They had givou bonds at -Me time
they . ..were liberated last September that
they would appear before the First Dia
triet Court at this place, on the first Mon
flay in April. But there was no Court to
receive them. The Citric was sedulously
huuted up. He stated that the proper
tithe far their appearance was the tires
.31ouday iu May. Gov. Robinson wished
the Clerk to make a minute of the appear
auce. Thia he declined to do, but said
abet be Would 14 ',prepared to Ante that
they had thus presented thewselvem. He
said the beads wire now by law, whieii had
boon changed, returnatio to the Sueund
District Court, and that the Court enehlil
'meet in Man and., moreover, that, in the
discretion of the Court, it should meet in
.Lecotnputi. It was' also stated that the
Wrath, docket, dm., were at Leavenworth,
and that there was nothing now ou the
records of the Second Diotrict Court a•
gainet them.
Judge Cato was present sod Gov.,Rob
idson addressed himself to him 'tisking
whether his boadmen ware responsible fur
him for a longer time than that for which
they had given bond, and a variety of oth.
er questions relative to a change. Judge
Cato declined
,to auawe e r these on the
ground that they were, legal queations.—
He stated. however,. that they were bound
to appear at the May term, of the Court.—
lie stated, when the question was put to
Lim, that It was under an not of Congress
and not the Territorial law that the change
was made. This was either n mistake ur
a mistateinent, as it was the roc of the late -
Legislature that made the dung°. The {
only regulation in relation to the Territur.
MI Judiciary which passed Congress was
an act determining that each Court, should
bold its sessions at one point. This act
passed ut the tirst session of the late Con-
Ciingress, and was a law' before the heeds
were drawn.
I went into the County Court. which
is in session here to-dity. I asked the
Court if the precincts min been dslarmined
on,-or where the vnting, points were to be .
Judge Wood replied unit there was to he
four precincts, and the voting places were
Lecomptuu, Big Springs, Franklin, ar.d on
Washiugtou Cleat, at or near the place I
where I'urt Sanders had stood. Thus it
with be seen that Lawrence, the most. nu• 4
portant place in the Territory, and larger
than all the towns of Douglas Glancy put
together is not to be permitted to have an
election held there. Tue points where the
elections are to be held are where they can
bring imported ruffians to beat. „Could
aLything be more significant of the comma
plated villainy ? Tills conduct is not only
an outrage, but is to cover up other outra
ges. I asked, also, if any of the lists were
yet posted up, and learned that they had
not beau. In answer to my inquiry I was
informed that they might be up by' the
12th inst., as the Court to adjudicate the
differences is open on the 10th ; it will bo
seen how much olisuceis to be afforded to
detect fraud. In every step yet taken
these bogus olfieials have grossly violated
their own law.
E.uory, who beaded the party that
mobbed .Leavenworth last Hummer, and
who, it is said, murdered Mr. Plnlips of
Leavenworth, ha, just got au appotment iu
the Laud Office. Mayor Murphy, the llor
der•Rutfmu leader of Leavenworth, has
been appointed' Indian Agent iu tharke's
place. J. C. Anderson, the Border-Ituf.
ban prosecutor and bogus legislator, who
resides at Lexington, h!ts got au im
portant TurritoriAl appoiuttbent. Chris-
Oen, tho bogus oouneiltuou, Pro-slavely,
has, been appointed Postmaster of L3W.
recce, vice Mr. Babcock, a Free-duce
.Natioual Democrat removed.
The new Administration is handing us
over ruthlessly to the Border Ituffiaus.—
Let Mr. Buchanan and hie
compeers beware. There is a point • be
yond which Northern treachery and South
ern fraud way not safely go.
The following is from Macaulay's His
tory of England :
, But during the last three centuries, to
stunt the growth of the human mind has
been the chief °Nein of Rotnanistn.—
Throughout Christendom, whatever ad•
vauce has been made in knowledge, in
freedom, in wealth, and in the arts of life,
has been in inverse proportion to her
power. The . loveliest and most fertile
I provinces of Europe have, under her rule,
bean sunk in puverty,in political servi
tuck, and in intellectual torpor; while
Proteetant countries, once poverhiel Jor
sterility and barbarism, have been turned
byp skill and industry into gardens,,and Can
bolt of a long list of heroel and states
men, philosophers and poets. 'Whoever.
knowing what rtaly - and Scotland naturally
arei . and' what r four hundred years sgo,
thetactually were, ehall noir compere the
country round Rome with the country
round Edinburgh, will be, able to form
some judgment as to the tendency of Pa
pal nomination. the descent of Spain,
once the first among monarchies, to the
lowest depth of degradationHhe eleva
thin of Ilolla'nd, in spite of many natural
disadvautagetr,'tci• a position'" such, as no
Commonwealth normal! has 'ever reached;
teach the same lesson..
"Whoever , passes in Germany from a
RomanCatholio to a Protestant Principal
ity ; in §witzerland, from a Roman Cath.
olio to a Protestant Canton ; in Ireland
froth a Roman. Catholic to, a Protestant
County. finds that he bas passeq flout a
lower . to a higher grade of civilization.—
On the other attle of the Atlantic the same
law prevails.
aThe Protestants of the United Stales
have left far , behind the Roman Catholics
of Mexico, Peru, 'and Brazil. The Ho
man Catholics of •Lower Canada remain
inert, while the whole continent around
them is in a ferment with,P:otestant scar.
ity and •enterprise. The French have
()oubliette shown an'energy and intelli.
gence which, even when misdirected, hada'
justly entitled them to be called.* great
people. But this apparent exception, I
when examined, will be found to confirm
the rule, for in no country that its called
'Nunn Catholic has the Roman Catholic
Church, during several generations, , pos.
seamed en.little authority as in France; --
.History of-Voklatul, vol. 1, p. 41.
Itrrlila Secretary of the Louiaiona
Legislature, .f. A. Warner, refused i n . e x.
grit compensation of 8800, on the . ground
that be .accepted the'Offine with w
edge of the salary, and ivanied no more!"
Ram 'ono • - • • ' ••.
LOCAL ITEMS.. I DIT 1W A Di)o.—Col. Curtin, Secretary
of the Coin wealth, we- understand,
Religious Servlceis for Ilse twit was bitten by a
_large dog in Chesnut
Sabbath. , ..oireet, Philadelphia, en the sermd inst.—
.h.:thyterian Church.--Serriceu morning. Fearing that the dug was mad eminent'
andeveuing, Rev. life Van Wyke.. i surgeons were called in and the wounds tilturch,' (Lutheran. )—S ervice s in i were caUtertzed. Groat anxiety is felt
the nig . iiing. • ' - .1 for the reiult,—Harriaburg %Wiwi/ph.
St.Vantes' Church. (Luther:tn. )--Eteritices i,
iii thirmorning and evening. Rev. ft. Hill.
Afelhodisl -Episcopal .0./iurch.--Servicea
morning and evening.
German ilefointed Church.--Morning and
evening (Eng:bill.)
Associate Itetbroted'Ehurri.---No services.
Catholic Chruch.--Serrices.
The hoyernlfeetiny of the Presbyterian,
Gerniam.Reformed, and" the two Lutheran
churches is held every Wednesday evening;
llifethodist. Thursday evening..l.
, z . ..- - ..—.-. -------
gray -We Imre•received a long Commumen;
tion from a friend in Petersburg, over the sig
natUre of "Q.. in the Corner,'' intended as a
rejoinder to the proceeffings of, the late Bdtica
tioiial 'Meeting. held • In 'Petersburg,: which we
are compelled to withhold. It is only a few
weeks ago that , we declined publishing a
commimication on the.other aide, in reply to
to the Public Minot meeting in Petersburg,
at which the. School Board, the County Super-
intendent, I&c.. were (lotion need. We declined,
bacause of our reluctance to increase the un
fortunate ditilerilty existing in Huntington
township, by a . useless and possibly personal
controversy through the public papers. The
Same rule compels us to withhold the present
communication. Both sides have been heard
through the medjum of official proceedings nf
public meetings; and while %ur columns are
always open for the publication of the doings
of meetings of citizens, when of sufficient gen.
seal interest, we do not think it would contrib
ute much toward soothing the irritation of feel
ing which already prevails in Huntington
township, to admit into our colartens a contro
versy, which would inevitably, from the feeling
already prevailing, degenerate into bitter pen
sons' recrimination.
We !mike this explanation.- to guard against
misconception, and we fool assured that our
friends . in the Petersburg district. on both
aides, will appreciate and approve our motives.
BREAM, who resides in the neighborhood of
!Trostle's Mill, in Remington township, has
met with a very severe-loss by- fire. His large
splendid Barn was consumed on Thursday
morning of last week, aboht 10 o'clock, to
gather with four valuable horses, three wa
gons, a family carriage. and farming imple
ments, three or four hundred bushels of wheat,
and large quantitiesor beyond straw.. Ngood'i
stable near the barn, was also consumed.
The same gentleman font it must valuable
stallion by poison about tan days previous to
the burning of the barn. The fowls about the
yard which ate of the grain in the trough
where the horse was kept, died.
It will be recollected that Mr. Conrad Bream,
a relative, who resides in the same neighbor
hood, had a new brick house' destroyed by fire
some three weeks since. No insurance on
either properties. Mr. Jacob Bream's loss is
estimated ut $4,000. Cbsquier,
biloiaorhe Sale 11' the Main Line," is the
title of a neat pamphlet, from the Bulletin
Buildings, Philadelphia, comprising a series of
letters on the subject of the Sale of the Main
Lins of the Public Inipmyements owned by
the State The letters 'frig' peered in
the Philadelphia Rcenia din, over the
signature of "Adonts,"ai. a now put into It
more permanent form, a e request of numer
ous friends, whose attention to the letters was
attracted by the bold array of facts and figures,
and terse amument, which char.reterize them.
Several of these letters have appeared in the
columns of the &rift. They will contribute
powerfully to bring about the end to which
public opinion for some years has been. tend
in.g—the sale of the. Main Line. We congrat•
elate tha author—our young townsman, E.
Mentsesofr, upon the favorable dun
pression his Letters have made on the public
this morning reported in favor of erecting a
' new Courthouse, not to cost over WPM,
together with the old Courthouse and Count)
Buildings. This action of the Grand Jury
will commend itself to the approval of all hav
ing business connected with our Courts. The
utter unfitness of the present Courthouse for
a convenient and rapid despatch ()noisiness—
the want of ancommislations for suitors, wit
nesses, and jurors—and above all, the lose
mirky of the building, in which at present are
deposited all the official Records of the Conn
ty--eigibiees of Titles to Lands, ►fills, Judg
ments, Igorgages, &c., in which every citizen
is more or less interested—imperntively de
mand the erection of a new Courarousii.
Dar• Court is still in session tut• we go to
press.' Two cases hare thus ihr monopolized
the time, viz :—The . Commonwealth, ex relit
tione Jacob and Emanuel Spangler • s. Henry
Spangler, intended to try the lunacy of the lat.-
ter. Verdict f a defendant.
~ The Commonwealth ` s. Francis Bream--
Indictment for sellipg liquor to minors. The
Jury this morning came into Court with a ver
dict of Not Guilty:—County to pay the costa.,
There are a large number of Commonwealth
cases, which have been acturnutatink for-sev
eral Courts, a number of which will have to go
over .to Augtist term.
lar The Rev. 1).
.A. Il 7 ll.nos,f3rmerly of
this county, who has been for soine time Prin.
cipal of the Alexander High' School at 111onro
' via, returned to, this phicis with his family, on
Saturday last. Tlnir health had been so
mucliimpaired by UM African climate, that
they Lave .fouud necessary toliavo that
couutl7. - •' •
. .
• • Enigma. - •
I am composed of 26 leitert.
My 13 2 ir 26 is'a small animal.
" 19.3 21 3 16 318 is a great Latin poet.
" 8; 10: 6 . 23 1.:1 :22 49 is to, nuke
known Maything.
" 23 20 9 2 12'7' is' a tore in Wisconsin.
" 9 6 14 5 M a short voyage.
" 15.20.9`3 12 is an Egyptian plant'of which
they made.bread. • - •
t• 24 2 11 8 20 18 is a rock in India besieged
and taken by Alexander.
:17 26 24 is .a Imtly's name •
" 4 1 22 is a kind of flour. . • •
My whole is what.sitould never be forgotten.
, 008 D TO DlCATLl.....ollleiday
eon of Nicholas Seaman, about seven pars
old, fell into' one of the alop•tuba at Strad
er & Koyt's distillery, in Milian, Ken typify,
and vreutoscalded to death The little fol
low was mimed from four , o'clock In the
afiernoon,' till late In the evening, when
hie body watt found floating in the slop.
fluehmomitletely 'choked.
HXNRY denies, that man is
made of dust.. Ile ways modern science
has established. by a wide and careful in
duction. the fact that plants and animals
principally cosibist of solidified air ; the
only portions of an earthly: chariteiorif
which enter 4110 , 010 V composition tieing;
the atthes'which remain alter combustion.'i
All the other parts were originally in the
TOR.—The grids?: •liitT principal clionacieris
• tics of Dalleye Atagicul Pain Ea:iractor con
sist :
. , -
I•';.'list: Of ita never failing and unique proper
. „,.. ..
ty k oAstem as applied to any external injury,
Ito eft• - • , h inflanamolio o n instantly ? and rapidly to
!iialtieelt. This feature constitutes ita great
power to idles-lite 'the 'Pain of burns niel
scalds, and , other paipful 'diseases, in so in
credibly short a space of time. and sts will ap.
pear from the few testimonials• hereunto nu.
hexed. Every intelligent initillis fully aware
that:, in all cases of external . injury, the pair:
iii produced by inflammation uf the injured
parts T • and, therefore, if you remove the cause,
the effect inns' cane. " 2d. Its perificative p r operties neutralize the.
poison that may lurk 11l the Ay)/tern, mid wi1f,..,.
when applied' to the sores, draw rapidly all
impure maiter to the Ae. • and eject it—
'hence the great (Bache it prnduces *son
sores occasioned by burnt-41d when applied
to old nail iii'veterate sores,Wt Itheam, or.
other cutaneous diseases...
Each box of fiEriumF DAI.I.NY'S PAIN Er-
TRACTOR 1108 upon it a Steel Plate k.'ngraved
Libel with the signatures ore. N. CLICKEN-
Elf A: CO., proprietors, and HENRY DAL.
LEY, manufacturer. All others are counter
feit. Price 26 cents per b0x.... .
119,-All orders should he addressed to C. V.
CBE:kenos-4. C0.,81 Barclay street, N.'s. York.
lerThere are plenty of young gentlemen
RN Well as plellte of Oid ones, whim,: beards are
turning grey, which gjves the former a great
Ilea! OrldinaSinesB, and eXlnniea the age of the
latter. To avoid these hide perplexities we
advislS such of our readers to use Prof. Wood
Hair Restorative, which will, hi the course of
lbw weeks, change the hair to its miters.)
color. It does not dye the hair Mil the most
of the hair reNtoratives, but prOduces a amino'
change of color from the roots of the hair to
the final end, nod given it aline and glossy op
penrnnee.. We have Neel/ many persons Win)
have used. it auccesafnll y, Mid ' , miawed' it
the only inveution which has come up to their
idea of a cure fur grey heads."' We com
menced •using-it n bout Iwo iiionts since, nail
if we are any judge of age and beauty, it has
made us at least ten years younger ; in fact
we are beginning-10 look quite young, and feel
very touch like getting it young • wife. The
change is mit-motions, and it i wintill be as dif
ficult to lied n gren hair now as it would be to.
find an idea in the head of the Duke of Buck
ingham. We know sovvr al old maids nod.
wonc young widows, whose locks are just be—
ginning to assum e a silvery hue, and who Intro
been talking seriously aloud resorting to this
remedy, and we- advise them not to fla w any
longer. It tierer L 1411.4
apt in 0,1 tit
FLUX on DrSEVITICIG. GEN ERA 1.. Ihmit.crk
-rioN.--At knit!' n mire tor the ahm - tt, whieht
may he most confidently relied on, has inside
its appearattee ; ii cure se. punitive dint it Hey
er has tailed, asul never co n y fail, if properly.
ndministerml, in proof whereof the money paid
for it will be instantly returns' in essry case
where it does not give the most thorough sat
infliction. e!ickener's Sugar-coated % - tu, -
tile Purgative. Pills is the remedy spoken of t .
anti reference is ramie to all respeetaltle phy
sicians, who will cheerfully give the most un
qualified testimony in their favor. Let any
person afflicted with either of thps. i e;
give them but one trial, and he is sure to pur
chase them tar life; not unlv hematite they
care them more speedily and . better than any
other medicine, but also because they an us.
easily swallowed HS bits Of lila augur, and en
tirely utunteinlyuded with griping or nausea..
'llley are su powerlid that three of them will'
effectually operate on a giant, Mel yet so mild
and pleas - ant - that a s child might Swallow hull' es
box full without repugnance or injury.
There h an article selling throughout the
country that lets attained the widest celebrity
ever known as it nnoedy ibr Liver a umpluitits.
We have reference to-Dr. Bttofortl's Invigo
rator, or Liver Remedy, that has .iiirfornicill
cures almost too greid to believ e, were it not
for the undoubted evidence that 111.(VIII pa i‘y
the testimonials. It is, in truth, th e g
remedy known fin. Dyspepsia, Jaundice. nr
general dellility that ,0 ofren banks the skill
(our must eminent physicians.
Dr. Sanford Ines Itdeu tiara lung Hine nor of
the eminent physicians of New York, and it
is said, of his eas e s were treated with the
Invigorator w it h such invariable success that
he has been iiitineed to idler it ns a family
medicine, and let the world have the betielie
of his discovery. If those who are troubled
with debility, headache, languor, or slow, lin.
Bering fever will try a bottle, we think they
might save duns' 1.11115,' end days, perhaps
years ufsuilering. . • aprillo,llo
no one succeeded in making a reliable Hair
Dee except. - Wra. A. Batchelor ? Because
they would avoid the cares the thought: the
time, patience and labor necessary. Others,
by short cuts, would bar a' reputation - they
cannot-.-tin, and by eertifitotes of feed:chant
ists and newspaper bravado, fight their way to
notoriety. . But it s ,.re le sed, '—
Witness tho invincible reputation of Int A.
iold, or applied, (in nine private rearm) '2.13
:roadway, Now York.
Every box has Wni. A. rintchelor on an, en
graved steel label •to be,
.genuine. :Sold by city. and • town• in the Vnt
ted States... •. , aprillo, lin , • •
MAKE A BEGII.4.NING I SAVEil—Ra.member in all things that it .you do not begin
you 'will , never Come to au end: The first
weed pulled up in , the 'garden-4e first seed
set- in the ground—ilte - fir4 Weide put iu the
Savings inalelution—arp all important, things.
They make
,beginning. rind thereby 14 hope, a proinise, a pliNke; (111 amistirutiee that you are
in earnest with you have inolertaketi.,-..
Hew ninny , a ,
peor, idle, dolessi .wortliless
seendthrilt is now Creeping 'or scratching
his way through' tlio world, whci might lutve
held up his head and prospered; if he had only
comtnenced tp./11110 - if he had only rands a •
beginning witlin first dime' ii 4 the 5/SINUS
HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.--Tbousands, vrbq
live by the sweat of their bms, sections
of tho Union' rely upon this great retnedv as
the beat motection against tho disorder% otthe
stomaehAver, and bowels, so prevalent in
;hie climate during tiilt Sprin4 and Fall.
the crowdsd city, and the 'frontier settlements,
on the seacoast, and on the alluvial soil or
the southwestern rivers, thoy are equally indis--
pensabie t for wherever internal disease exists,.:
either in an endiimie or 'epidemic form, theyy .
are taken by the cautious as a preventive, 'and'
by the sick as a means of cure, •
_ .
• PUMPT . YOUR .1.111,0Q1,21.•,-Tic parity the
blood,.,and keep it pure, is the ouly certain
guarantee for . good health, and wo know or nil'
remedy which more thoroughly end safely.:
effects thut.end, then Burley's Saraaparilia.--1
The senson•is now at hatid when eve peksOn
would be benefitted, by n feW,betties.---Juilx
ionport (dikcismi Union: '' ' •-
Bpi' 10,2 t ar
li a re inArkable difference in the manner I
of seeking public favor, 'as adopted by
plitici ins. example: we have it.
(ruin vety good authority, that the paw - .
silver: , an iiiratit4 for Gubernatorial honors
—Park?r. Black and Mille—
house"- for several days preceeding the
Convention which pot Packer in, lumina.
David 19ihnot received •the news of
his nomination, silting quietly at home, in .
the midst of his Wilily. "neither he nor
los friends kept "open house!' at Harris
" Writ. or elsewhere. 116 1 (141 not find it
necessary io attend as an,rintaide delegate,
even. He,was'aelected to,liear She Union
Standard to ghrious triumph.
; ', • ••,1. We most strain every iierve to elect
Tinge—the glorious' Monier
ty—can give Wiknot 8.50 0 majority:— .
Site Coo and she WILL do it. Organize,
—Tioga Agitator.
ELEMIgNTS OR SUCCKS9 191 80A19114813.
A judgement quick and cautious, and
clear and round—a decided purpose—a
firm will—energetic persevering industry
--punrstuslity. and fidelity iiievery engage
ment—justice and houor controlling every
transaction—and courie;iy—that true your
tatty which springs froui vittline kindness
presiding over all the intercourse of life.
such 'qualities, indeed, whenever and
wherever exhibited, may be s6d simnel
to ensure.a lavorahle result; Inc they are
the means which common sense dictates,
and which, Providence 19 wont to bleaa.r
Balled, arqueliusier to ihe Emperor Napo•
leon, hat invented a post office automaton,
Which takee up every letter thrown in the
box, places it under the amity, where it
receives the postmark and date, and
throws it out again fur delivery to its deto
nation. The general post office has made
a trial of the invention, wilizh hat. turned
ont satislact why, and it is now in treaty
with M. Salina for machines to be
lu«tied to all the prinuipal post odious
ti.roughout France.
KreflL. FREMINT, we see it ststed has
I:e'en busy since the ulention to writing
out. a complete record of his various "Ex
Outing Expedition." The work is near
ly eempi e l e ,'i.end will be published. by
Peterson, of Philadelphia. Thu
hunk will be gotten up in line style. illus.
trattell by the same artists who Wartl
gaged on Dr. Katie's retie Explora•
and limo a tit cump4iiion to Met
popular work.
ear . Ephraim Harisork, of Hen
&mica county, was by liglomg
during a soma which passed over that
sPotion on Monday of last week.
The Greatest Wonder ut tile Age
No l'ay if 1)r. Tobias' celebrated Venitiati
Liniment does net cure Cholera, Ihsente
Chulic, Coughs, I oyspepsia, Vomiting
Toothache, Headache, Chapped hands,
Cola! Feet,- Mosquito Bites, Insect Stings,
Chrouicl/eumatisiu, Swellings, Old Sores Cut,
Barns, Bruises anal Pains or Weakness in the
Limbs. Back and Chest. so 1113111121:, ran tr.
bus warranted his Liniment tin.
eizltt years without ever having a demand for
the retdru of the money—all that as asked is to
ta it Ace.irali..g to the directions. one trill
• r ..• L. trillnutt it after olive using it s If you
not anti it better than any thing you have
. ever tried before, gel vollr mom?, returned
of certificates Ittave been re
••c,•ived speaking of its riI'IMON.
Ai the practice to till the papers with certli
CILIUS Unkl/OlVil persons, or given by
th m• who have never used the medichie—now
l'obias oilers to pay Won d o ll ars to any
4/i-12 14111,1 will prove that he ever published a
falAe eel-614,0e during the time he has bud
Lis medicine loetbre the public.
Vail on the Agent and get a pamphlet con
.taing.gettnine certificates..
As persons envious of the large sale of the ' ,
Vueet.att-Linieuent have stated it ha injurious, Dr. Tobias has taken the
14111to6lig °ATI' :
.1; Samuel I. Tobias, of the city of New Yok,r
beito; duly sworn, du depose that I compound a
Liniment called Venetian, nod that the itigre
shunts of which it is conglutinated are perfect
ly .Larniless to take internally, even in double•• • gatatitity named ttt the directiutiii, accom
plaint., each bottle.
11W " York, January 9th,
S worn this day before me,
.Pride 25 anal 30 cents ; sold by the Druggist
and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the
Unit...l States.
Uso for sale, Dr. Tobias' Horse Lini
meat, to pint bottles, tat 50 cents, warranted
superior to um. other.
Tobias' Offlee; Si Courtland street, N.
York. ,
lir A. D. BUEHLER, Gettysburg ' ,
and 11. 8. Miller, iinstmeriin.
greatly, corrected to aursda,y, April V.), 67.
Fleur, Howard Street. $6.12 4 0.00
Rye Flour 4.00 oD 4.50
awn Meal 2.75 4 3.00
Wheat white 1.45 1.48
Wheat .rtnl 4 1.47
Corn, white .., µ 62 64
• Corn' P y • ellow 60 6,5.
Rye, ennsyivania 90 6 95
Oats, FutinsYlvaula :all 53
Clover Seed 7 75 (,! . 0 8.00
Timothy Seed. 3.30 4 3.75
Ilay Timothy 15.00 420.00
'fops . 7 14
Potatoes, 70 75
Bacon, Shoulders , 91( 10f
'Bacon, 10/(41 00
Bacon, , : 2 / 4 1 13i
s'ork, . .... .
Pork, Piitrie . , 18.30 419.00
Beef, Mes(l..:.• ... . . .... 15.00 a 18.00
.Lard, iu barrels . • 13 a .141
'Lard, in kegs • 141 a 151
Wool,-Unsmakett... .. , 26 a 27
Wool;;sf l udi e d, 33 36
Wool, P.oiled 30 a 34
Wool, Fleecer„- , common ,3 s ' 4''
Wool, Fleece, 50 a 50
Wool, Chdiee M 44110...... 50 'a 55'
Butter, Western; in kegs • 13 'a 'll4
Butter, ... . .. 20 a • 23
-Cheese • ' " 10' a 12/
.Coffee, Rio ....,... 10 a 10}
Coffee Java • '":ls,a l5
HigovEn, April , 22, 1857.
FLOUR 11 frtim'wagous, •$5 75
bushel ; ,: 1 1 1 30 to 1 40
'BUCKWHEAT, perbnshel
POTATOES, 'per bushel
• • YORK, April 22, 1857.
FLOUR, 71 hid., from Wagons, $5 36
WHEAT, 11. bushel, • 130 to 140
RYE " 75
OATS, ' "
4 1 ' MOVER-BEIM, " .6 60,
FLA X-Slill1), " • I M
Oh the 14th hist., at Couowago by the Rev.
Mr. Daugherty, Mr. A. O. N OEL, of York
county, to SALLIE M., second daughter of H.
Spalding., Esq., of Germany township, Adams
county, _ -
On the 19th ult , at Sicamore, Wyandotte
county, Ohio, by the Rev. R. Wilcox, Mr. MI
CHAat O. OLAPSADDLE; (rormerly of
Adams county, .Pa.,) and MistiRACHAEL A.
LYLE, of.felferson county.,
On Motida . y, the 13th inst.,. at the Conowa
go Chapel,' by the Be,.' Joseph Enders Mr.
km, Illinois, and MLitt MARIA NOEL, (laugh:
ter of John L. Noel, Esq., of Weal township,
Adams county..
On the 14th inst., by. the:Rev. Jacob Zieg
ler, Mr. ISAAC STOKE, and Miss, SUSAN
NAH E. HOWE—both of Petersburg-
On the 16th inst., by the same, Mr. WM
LIA:t6KIIISE; .11altimoru. and Miss RE
BECEWSTOVES, bf Frrdona township.
On Saturday night last, in Cumberland twp.,
Mr. HENRY MOONSHOUR, at an advanced
On the 24th of Mireb, 1856, in Hancock
county Indiana, Mr. JOHN BOWER, former
ly of this county., -
In Niles, Berrien county, Michigan, on the
20th February; 1856, WILLIAM HENRY,
son of Enoch and Amanda M. Pleegel, for
wetly of Mountpleasant . township, Adams co.,
Pa., aged 3 years - I month and 3 days.
19 o. 26 ii. 2 AUL= St., Philada.
'Report the Committee appoinkd to superin
tended ti..' Burning rf the Iron. Safes, at
Reading, bibroary 27,1857.
'MUNN°, Maieh 4.
The undersigned, members . of the commit
tee, du respectfully eport, that we st.w the
two Safes originallly ag.:eed upou by Ferrets
d: Herring and Evans S Watson, placed side
I by side in a furnace, viz : Tbe Sate in use by
the Paymuster tie Philadelphia and Head
nitilrottil Company, in his office at Head
ing, ortnufactured by Ferrets ik Herring, and
the Sao: in use by H. A. Lantz, in his stero l
inanufaci.:ireil by Evans S Watson, and put in
books and papers precisely alike.
The lire mut started at 8} o'clock, A. M.,
and kept tip until four cords of green hickory,
two cords dry oa;.: and half chesnut top wood
were entirely Commuted, the - whole under the
superintendence of the subseribers; members
of the Committee. The Safes were then cool•
ed olf with Titter, after_ which they were open
ed, and the-books and papecs taksin out by the
Committee slid scut to 11. A. Lant.::'s store fur
public examination, alter they were first ex
amined and marked by the Committee. The
books and papers taken from the Safe mann
Matured by Evans .S; Watson were but sligbdr
utketed by the intense heat, while those takeu
from the SA manufactured by Eurrels& Her
ring were, in our judgment, damaged fully
fifteen per cent. inure than those taken from
livailsa; Willson's Safe
We believe the above to have been a fair
and impartial trial of the respective qualities
of both Sates.
Haring been rilmeut during the Imirning, we
full• coincide with the above ,:tatentent of the
codditinn el the papers and books taken out of
the respective Stat.:6.
300.000 PoUNDS
231 319_ -- 4" _ME Mi
which they qiThr for eale oa better terms that
any other manuArturer in the United Slake
April 24, 1857.—1 y
MO the Voters of Adams county :—Eneour
aged by numerous friends, 1 offer mrsel
as a candidate for the office of SHERIFT a
the next. election, (subject to the decision o
the Democratic County, Convention.) Shoidd
I be nominated ItIVI elected, I, pledge mysel
to'discliorge the dutice of the Ace with protupt•
toms and fidelity.
_ _ _
Mountjoy tp., April 24, L. 157.
DO you want a Magazine a year for 50 eta. ?
DO you want a IQ Paper a year for 50 , ets. ?
Do you want. the Star and Banner a year for
50 cents I
Do you want a Gold Watch for 50 cents ?
If so, call at the News Agency of A. J. Pot
terlield, and you Will find el,OOO worth of Gills
to be distributed, on 21st of Noy next. Send
for a Circular.
The latest Papers, Magazines,,te , for thini
week just received. Metallic Powder for Re
zor Styops, Tooth Ache Lhops,, constantly ou
hand. . .
A. J. POTTERFELi.),Neura Agent.
April 24.
• ---
.111 AN away, from the residence of the sub.
.!.1.11 Scriber, on Saturday 18th of April lust
GI(EENBURG STANTON, ,an apprentice,
bound by the Directors of the Poor, of Adams
Cousity,suid Oreenburg is a bright mulattif a•
bout 1.1 or lli years of age.. All persons aro
forwarued not to harbor said boy, if they do so
they do iron their own responsibility.
Littlestown,, April 24., 185T.-3t ..
THE second acconnt
,of Di. Join; Aut.,
committee of the person and , estate of
Quoin:is Brcristism, a Lunatic, now of Dover,
Y'or'e Coiity, Pennsylvania, has been Bled in
the Court of Common Pleas of Adams County,
and will be confirmed by the said Court on Ms
26th day qf A ay next,. unless cause be shoirn
to the contrary. '
April 24,, 1857. —4O l •
TioN FORGET to cull at SCHICK'S. all
-11.1 q
'ye who wish to purchase choica articles
of Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Soaps, and er
ersthing else in that line. '
CEDAR wnre and endless-variety of frame
hold articles to be had very cheap
LYE for making Soap to be bad at
" 55
3 80
7 00
1 60
6 00
BONNETS, Ribbons, Parasols, iyncl Shawls,
to be had very cheap at
nIIR stock of HARDWARE hue been very
much iucreused, and persona building
or requiring tinything• in this department,
should first call and see FAH.NESTOCKS
cheap stock •
NAT. 1111215.
have jtisfreceived, a spleudid assortment lof Wool Uudersidrts and Drawers, which
Will be Sold low at
ONNETS, Ribbons and Flowers, in large
assort:neat at SCHICK 'S.
From an Old Manus&ipt found in the East.
It furnishes the Most Complete Llistory of
and describing the Most Perplexing Positions
in which the Ladies and Dentletuen of that
Country have beeli so Often' found. These
Stories will continue-throughout. the whole
year, and will prove the Most.Entertaininger•
er offered to the Public.
118,..FurnisheA 'Weekly to Subscribers, only,'
at $1 a year. -
,:Allletters must be addressed to
JOHN S. DYE, Broker
Palle/ter 044 Pr+lpriefor,
70 - Wall Street, New York.
April 27, 1857 I'y
.16 per Ceni. Interest.
ir You want' to invest your money with n
1 certain return of good. interest, and at the
same time furnish to your families that which
will bo profitable and isselnl;--buy nil your
Goods at
l'ahnestoca :Cheap' 'Store.
They have received, and are constantly add•
leg everything new and tiesiruhle to their
April .24, 18570—tf • '
r HE undersigned,. appointed by the Or.
JL phans Court of Adams County, Auditer,
on a Bill of Review in the account of Ascot;
A. MYERII, one of 'the Executors of George
Deardorff, deceased, who :ryas' Testamentary
Trustee of Susan Worley, will attend. to the
duties . of said
,appointment, at•his office in
Gettvsbbrg,,on• Friday the 15th day. of A6ty
ecd, at 10 o'clock,' A. M.,—of which 'ad per
ties in interest are hereby notified.
D. A. BUEHLER, Aud'r.'
April 24,1857.-3 t
.... :... ~•
, i __.. , -- '. ~,,,, .1, 1 , ,„?, „.•
. 4 17.&_ - , ,,.; t :1 Ard: ' , , ' l4 •
.„ .
' ii'lltVf• 1. 1 ' .' - Ss '.'; , t' F:
• . ' -' :,,. 1` ::, : t:.
~,." :- 11.V. r 1 ',
, i (-••
THE blood furnishes the material of 'every
bone, tnuscle, gland and fibre in the hum
an frame. When pure, it secures health to
every organ ; when corrupt, it necessarily pro
duces disease. Holloway's Nis operate di
rectly upon the elements of the stream of life,
neutralizing AM principle of disease, and thus
radicaltr,filyring the malady, whether located
in the nerves, the stomach, thejiver, the bow
els, the muscles, the skin, the'tifain,or any nth-,
er part of the system..
llotogya Pas are equally.,etlicaeious in
'complifitta common to the whole human race,
and iu disorders peculiar to curtain climate/
and localities.
Dyspepsia, and dertunteinent of the liver,
the source of infirmity and sulfuring, and the
cause of ionumeruble, deaths, yield to these
ennitives, in all eases, however agravated, act
ing as a mild purgative,alternative and tonic; •
they relieve the bowels, purity the fluids, and
invigorate the system and. the constitution fit
the sane titue.
When all stimulants fail, the renovating and
bracing ntlipertieli of these Pills give 6rmileilli
to the shaking nerves and enfeebled ninnies
of the victim of general
All irregularities and ailments incident to
the delicate and sensitive organs of the- sex
are removed or prevented by a few doses of
these mild , but Infallible alternatives. No
mother who re , mrds her on or her children's
health should ' w
failto have them within her
. f r ,
The London "Laneet," the Lni.doti
cal Review,' and the most eminent of the fac
ulty in Great Britian,- France and Germany,
have eulogized the Pills and their inventor.
Holloway's Pills are the best remedy humors Lt
the world for the fidlowiny diseawcs : .
Asthma Headaches
Bowel Complaints Indigestion
Coughs ' Influenza
Cohil ' Inflammation
Chest Diseases Inward Weakness
Costivenuss Liver Complaints
Dyspepsia Lowness of Spirits
Diarrhoea Piles
Dropsy - - - - Stone:llWGail!
Debility Secondary Symptoms
Fever and Ages Venereal Affections
Female Complaints Worms of all kinds
rlB,..cauTioN I—None at e genuine unless
the words ”ifolloway, Mw rin* and London,"
are discernable us a Wider-mark in every leaf
°Abe book of directions around each pot or
box , the came may be plainly seen by. huldioo ,
Nte t; to Me light A handstime reward will I
be given to any one rendering such inthrtus,
tion tut may lead to the detection of any par
ty or partied edutaterfeiting the ~m edicines or
vending the .same, knowing them to be spur
*** Sold at the XrAnufactory ,nf Professor
ITor.i.owsv, 80 Maiden ;Aire, New York, and
by all respecurble Dru h . giAs and Dealers' iu
M.Alicine throughout the United Staterrarid the
civilized world, iu boxes ut 25 vents, ti2i cents
and 'AI each.
ID — There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger biZUS. •
N. B.—Directions fur the guidance of pa
tients in every disorder arc affixed to each
One Dollar a Irrar.
Circulation, over 100,000 Copies
WHO has lind 10 years experience as a
V Bunker and publisher, and author of
A seeky of Lectures at the .11 , ot:flossy 241ker•
akacte when,'for 1() successive highs, over 50,-
0 1 110;People greeted him with rounds of lip
plause, while lie exhibited the manlier iu which
Counterfeiters execute their frauds, and the
surest and shortest means of detecting them 1
Tie Bank. .;.V(,k Engravers all say that he is
the yreateet Judge of Payer Money tiring,
Greatest Discovery of the Present Century
fur Detecting,
Counterfeit Bank Notes.
Describing Every Genuine Bill. in Existence,
and Exhibing atilt - glance every Counterreit,in
Circulation Airanged so adtuirably, that
Refiregce id easy and Detection lustatilussemm.
No lodex to examine! NO pages to'hinn up!
But So simplified and arninged t that tho Met ,
chant, Bunker and Business Mau can se all at
a Glance. •
Engiish, ProsCA and German
Thus each may read the same in his own Na•
tive Tongue.
All the Private Bankeriin America.
A Complete Suinnim a the Pinnaces o
Europe and America willbe published in each
edition, together with all the Important Naos
of the Pax Also-
A- New Saviugs Institution.
Witl► Wood's Improlement,,
I PIiSIE undersigned, having been. appointed
i- Agent for the sale ofolnuny'. 'Combined
Reaping mid Mowing Maeliine, with Wood's
Improvement,tbr Adorns County, offers them
to the public, Notiolng them to be the best
combined mitcliiiiii in use. The,' have been .
successfully iiitioduced into different parts of
, nor Sttte, mid have rendered general luitisfue
tbm. It received a Silver .Medal at the Suite
Fuir lest fall—also the first Premium at York,
Cumberland, Centre, Ifuntingtoti, and other
County Flail, where it was exhibited.
Fernier» needing a Reaping- Machine will
please call upon the undersigned, before put.-
closing, as he always takes great pleasure in
exhi:iiting these mathineS. He hits one set
up at TATE'S ROTEL, in Gettysburg', where
it can he seen. Early orders are *solicted, as
the number received from the manufacturer
will he in proportion to the demand. Gettys
burg, April 19, 18'4. ' • '
Gettysburg, Pa., April 24, 18.17.-3 m
THE Lotteries of Samuel S wan L• Co.,' are
chartered by the state of Georgia, and
have sworn oommissiouhrs nylpointed to bnper•
intend their drawing, and certify that everything connected With i
the same s done to a
strictly honorable manner. They offer to the
public a fair opportanity for ir.vestment, the
' interests ofparties at distance -being as well
protected us though they were present. The
Managers would respectfully call attention to
the fact that all priamta have a legal right
to send orders for tickets to Georgia, as the
lotteries.of SulattelSwan & Co., are authorized I
by' the Legislature of that Suite. A lottery
will be drawn every Saturday throughoet the
pier, all orders received being filled it. the
drawing next: to take place after the same
conies to hand. ASeerding to the scheme
tote ticket in every tea must draw a prize.
halves, $5 ; quarters,42,so. No ticket sent
unless the money accompanies the order.—
Tim drawiniti arc upon the principle of one
riuutber oo each ticket, rtnttitre so simple thus
none can fail to under/Hind them. 'flier° is
no cotnbiinttion of numbers to mystify the buy
e. Prizes vary from
t 840 to i0j)00
every priinieing drawn; and result of draw
, i to , forwarded tet all purehaseri . •
16,-A list of the nntnhers that are . 1411W11
front the wheel with: the intontit that each
prize is entitled to, wit/. be Pnblislitid after
ery drawing; in the fellowinehtpers :—New
Orleans Delta 'AVegtst4l.7 Charleston
Slandard, Nus{iville GazAtio Atlanta Intelti.
.aencer, &warmth Netrecatal Prew York Week.
ly Day Book. Write your address plainly,
and direct to
S. AWAY& go., Atlanta, Cenr9la.
Prizes paid in fulkL 7 no percentage deducted
front prizes as in other lottsrics.
All counnunicationsitrittly ,„ confidential.
April' .17,
WILL find it lo their advantage to call at
Fahnestock Th•otlirs; net! see , 0)0'
large and cheap stock, or Silks, Churn's, Lawns,
Tainartiaa's, 'Defame's, Calico's,
Gingham's, Ste., which Ric selling cheap, at
• Sigaii die Red 15.0nt;
April 10 1 /357 t
ear UP:
riE Books and .14:eounte7ef FAIIN.
F.STOCK A,- SONS have been put in my
hatide for collection. Persons indebted to
sail fine will nave costs by milling -with the
undersigned, and settling the lame:
April 10, 1851; .
Adams Co., Agricaltural 'Society
THE members of the Adams eciantrAgri.
cultural. Society, are tequested to meet at
the Court-house,
Getti•sfmrt, E4ltirday;
the 2d clay or May' nosy at.f &clock, P.M.
A full attendance m • desired, as. buiiness of
importance and interest Will be atibmitted to
the meeting.. • ;
. , J OHS LEY, President.
„ J.„
LL JTULE, S4l0 9 /.
April 17, 1857.,-td
S TQ 10 GOOD 7
or Sisle: by GEO. AliNoi)."
4143; 1857..:—1r
van .sale at the Book Store ur A.!).111.;.kti•
bEll, on tinunbersburg street. Itiffer•
ent varieties on hand.
'Gettysburg, Jan. 30.
EDITORS of Conntry Papers will • plense
take notice. that the advertisement of the
Illustrated Edition of Irvitlei Life oi' Wash
ington, for the insertion of which a copy, of the
work was promfied, is from and after this date
rescinded. Papers that have' not inserted itt
will therefore not do so. ,
G. P. PUTNAM & Cf),., Publishers,
New York, March IA 1857.-3 - •
L A DIES—Do you want *pretty drug, ban
some shawl. or any nonfetyle ribliuoe, ar ,
tieteilii our line Y /leo you can find the la•
test styles, and most approved patterns at the
cheap store of .
VCR Ladies and Gentlemen, run be found
in immenee vaibty, and cheaper thin ev
er, at SCHICK'S. Step in and examine the
new Monk for Fall and Winter."
Oct. 31, 13.541.
HAVING inereasettpur t 4ikolHardware,
Oils, Paints, Glass, 4.0. We are prepar
ed to oiler very great iridneeiii`ebts to persona
CaNsii;ise ess,,
VESTINGS,. Kentucky Jeans, and Cottol
v Mee, the largest and cheapest stock id
the country to be had at , •
C ,
LOTHS, Comtism's, Vestinis.and Shawls,
i w .,a . large supply, to which the attention
all s rite& if you desire to save money buy,
Jewelry and Stationery.
,+ NY and the best stock ever
brought to this place. If you doubt it,
call in and tate tbcyourselvea--at
. , . •
FORFRJ7NT, a HOUSE. Inquire of
gnu ripprietor of the Metcnntile Guide
I - wunkr mspeettlally cull the attention of
he Merchants, Farmers end Mechanics rusi:
dittg out of the city, to the moderate terms for
a ye•urly subscription to the Guide r being to
Mail subscribers only 50 cents per annum,
nialikg it the cheapest Family Newspaper in
the United States. The columns of the Guide I
will contain the usual variety of original and
spicy articles, written nut only to please but
to instruct[. In regard to politics, the Guide
will maintlin an Independent tone, and from
time to time will advocate measures• as con•
ducive to benefit the greatest number, rPost.
=stunt and others am respectfully requested
to act as, agents for this paper, t." whom 'we
will forward specimen copies free wheu desir
ed to do in. •
Man inducement fur persons to interest
themselves to obtain s ubscriptions for - the
Mercantile Cuide , we' offer the following pro.
mitims. Upon the receipt of the names, pay
I in advauce, we will, tbruard them by express
or otherwise, ir ordered to the address of those
entitled u. them :
I For 300 subscribers, erush i $35 00
For 250 subm:ribeni,-we will give a
61110Ilditi tine gold watch,
For 200 subscribers, nn elegant gold
lockia,•4glasses, worth •
For IGO subscribers, 1-elegant brace-
For 109subecriber t one gold ,pest ; :,
Cltini`wtirth . • . ,
1 or'ts sitbseribere, onigald pen: 44
holder,. handsomely engraved,'
worih' -
For 51) subscribers., one gold pen and
holder, *milt
For 40 subscribers, one gold pen snd,
bolder, worth •
For l 5 subscribers. one medium gold
pen RIO holder s worth
For 12 subscribers, anti geld , pen rind,
holder, worth
All communications slinuld be addressed to
IiKAKENEY, Editor and.
Publisher of the N.Y. Mercantile, • .•,„
Guide, No. 19r 4 Greenwich Bb,:.
• --New York. .
111"Newspapere throughout the Lillian by
publishing the- aboVe , appropriately displaved
including-this - notice, 2 months, and _calling
attention editorially to thetuune, and sending
us the poper,,will be entitled to an exchange,
and receive u gold pen aud,boldcr mirth $l2.
April 17, 1857.-21 ti
'L,741i7 a AV ceo mniothir ton a;
trrl irEindersigned returns his thanks to the
public lur the encouragement heretofore
extended, to hintolnd takes "'Pleasure in an•
nouneing that he hut completed arrangements
by , .
'of Coached will' be run between Gettyalnirg
1 and Hanover, to connect with the trains ti, and
from Baltitunre, York ; Harrisburg, Ph:ludel
phis, Ice. Per, desiring tickets or infer
maid') on. the undersigned, , o,r :on
CHARLES TATF, •Tieket Agolit, at the Ea
gle Hotel. in Chumuntaburg Meet.
110 - Special attention given to all packages,
SC:, or other 'minimax entrusted te - the under
signed bet Ween Gettysburg and. Hanover,
which will be Promptly and ettrelidly attended
rir The undersigned line aiao effected ar•
rangenients, by which be will be tittle to imp
ply CoaChes, Stages, &C.; ll* Funeral 'and
other Occasions, at tnodotttle charges.
April 17,,1837;+tf ' •
rpHIS Mtn .DYE needs only a trial to
of its perfection as n LIVE, and
the following testimonial from that eminent
Aufiltic Chemist, Professor Booth, of* the U.
S.• ).t int, will only coMirin abut thousands
have . presmusly borne testimony s.u.
"Laboratory for Practical Chemistry,
St. Stephen's Place, •
" rbiladdphiu, February IVA, 1857.
"Being*ell acquainted with the substances
composing RUrer's Liquid Hair Dye; I am
satisfied: that by 'following, the simple direc•
(joint given for its use, it.will not injure the
'Hair.orSkin, bUt will give a itatural awl dur
able cola,. to the Suir.
JAM n n
EN C . v(1070, 444alytic Chewable."'
flotitelt Fluid, and Horclie Indelible !lib, tot
too well known and introduced to require any,
additional testimony of their 'character. The
talek have been increasing since their first in-
trodnetitny giving evidence that the articles
truly, pmeanis that intrinsic merit dammed at
first for then) by the Mnnufacturer:
.Ortlers, addressed to the Manufactory, No.
416 RACE street above FOURTH, (old No.
144) Philadelphia, will receive• prompt' sawn=
tion , by. ,
. J O:4FX If E. HOVER, Manufaclurer.
April 17,
. •
111 1 CREAliy , •
JAS jusrreturntd from the eity, with a
new and beautiful assortment of BON-
ai l d..tanqr 0rt4.1
of the most "fitshionable styles, which she in
cites the ladles to call and examit.c, confident
that they will be pleased with her selection.
. Miss M'Creary will carry on the . •
business, in all its branches, and hopes by her
saperior work, and reasonable prices to merit
tee patronage oilier friends.
April 1,7, 18;i7.—atu . .
MISS .31A.RY H. I.AUGHLI I N has. join
IN I. returned from the City with the LATE.IT
STYLES ittot itoportsitiou ut iiiityy
to which AC invites the h tient ion. or her old
customers, and the Ladies generally
ROOMS nt Mrs. Wiltves, Baltimore Street,
et few doors South of the Presbyterian Church.
April.l7, l 8; 1;: - 4. - -71t. . .- .
1131 7 1*PALTy, . • •
Tp t voters/of Adams County: Encour•
age( ritilmerotts friends I offer My
self as a candidate for the office Of SHERIFF 4;
at the next election, subject to the decision of
the American Repnbltenn County Convention.
Should elected I Tledge myself to die.
charge thu duties of the office with prompt::
Doss and fidelity.
Cumberland tp April 10, 18:4.
TEM undersigned now runs a DAILY
LINE, of t.oaehes through to Baltimore,
from Gettysburg, by way of I.,ittlestown and
Westminster. Leaves Gettvsburg at 6 o'clock,
A. M. Passengers for Baltimore, or any of
i l k
the intermediate places, will inquir at the
'Eagle Hotel."
.. . WM. TE.
, . .
KEEP DRY.-;-:A fibs assortment 'of UM
BRELLAS just received and fur sale cheap
at Briagnum & itughinbaugh's.
" . : . fr•i , " •
. ,
The liottysburir Railroad
• Company,
upESPECTECLLY calls the 'attention of t
Capitalists and those ; having money to
inveet, to their BONDS, now being issued
The length of their Road, now under contract,
is 16j miles, the grading and masonry off
which is more than'two.thirds finished, nod
rapidly progressing toward completion. By
a resolution of the Board of Directors; a Mort
gage of the entire road from Hanover to Get-
tysburg, and nLso,of the unfinished worlc of the
Pennsylvania Extension, from .oetttsburg to
the Nnryland line, beyond Waynesliorn", will
in a lbw days be executed to Ortout;s. Swum,
Es q., as Trustee, fur the security of tlie bond'
The Bonds will be issued in snmsslo,o
and 4500 each, bearing 6 per cent., in rest,
with coupons attached, payable senii•annually.
: They certainly will form a very safe 'and ilesi;
rahlelnvestinerit, es the Bonils,will he free.
from taxation, and yield interest payable semi-.
annually, ,pit 6 per cent. per annum. Persons
wishing to subscribe for than, can de so by
calling . on the President, Secretary or Treasu
rer of the Compitity,:mr any.of its , Idaritigers,
with any of whom they will, find the conditions
of sale., R. McCURDY, .President:
• ,DAVID WILLA, SeerCiarti. ; =
• JNO. H. NUCLEI.LAN, 't•euaurer.'
:Mardi : 2o, 1857. , ,
, .
TS, no doubt, the est wonderfa discover
1." of this 'age of progress, ha' it . will resters
permanently; gray hair to•its original color,
covet the head of the Laid wish icniiiiit. hiker
Mut. growth; remove - at once all dandruff rind
itehing, cure all scrofula ( mid Either 'cutaneous
eruptions, duck us scald heed, , etct ,
_. h *in
cure, as if, by . inngie, nervous or periodical
', headache ; 'make the heir sag, .gleirsy and
i Witvy,'and preserve the color perfectly, aticltlie
hair from telling; to extieme old age. ; , ..
/ The 'following is froni'n distitigisiiiihisd Mem•
ber of the medical profession i '
.' ' '' ' '
• . 5 ; Si. Ps et:, 'January le 1855.
I t ititietsitEin' 0. J. Wool). ; • • ..
Otiiit Sin: Unsolicited, I senilyou'this ear.
tifibate. , Alter' being nearly bald tor a tong
time; having tried all the restoratives ex
' trint, and haring nolidtb hi any, I was induced,
oft "hearing of yours if a trial. I placed
mysitlf in the hands of a barber, rind had , my
bend rehbed with 'good, stiff brushi and the
Restorative then'applied, and well, rubbed , . in,
till the scalp was aglow. This I repeated en-
Cry Morning, and • In thiee Weeks' the , young .
Imillippeared and grew rapidli 'finint . A ugust
lard till the/present thee,- and is now thick
f black eiel strong—soft and pleasant to the
touch :..whereas, before, it waitharsh and wiry,
what little there was of it, and that little wee
GEORGE ARN O,LD ..k.,C o'. , disappearing very rapidly. I still use your
i restorative. aliens twice a week and 111101101141
, •
H AVE just reeeived froni Philailelphin a ; have a .good'and perfect crop of heir. - . Now,
.1'1.• hawlsoine assortment ef'Gia . , , :di suitable ' I had read of these things-and who has, not ?
for the season. Our stock of - 4•••• •• I but have' riot 'seen hitherto tiny case where
Ribla dp ii, ;Mr rid e ` etf, ill i ipi k, 1 any person ' s hair was runny benefited by any
J. _ ~.. , . :• .. . • . .. . of flair tunic!, etc. , of the day; and it redly
and all G o t in that. tine,. is exuencite.—.. oree me, plenstire to record th e result of ,, iny
Meal) ploths, CeslmeroS, Caslimerettm, Ora .. b exiierielice. 1 have reConintended your prep
betcfci-kineits• . Ve ' lli ng s, prill g 4.l., "' e " ! Oration to'Others. and it already 'has a large
Call and see us. •If we cwierit please'you in rt and general •
garmentrerc mate, we lace oar iior c ~T he people here 1,„„„. its , fr, e l s, awl lig,.
,i . ttaTiLly eating Ottt mut making . up, and- can
~ ,!..1 s
rionimence in it.. The- supply you sent Us, ,as
make you a garment upon short-notice Curtin Wholesale Agents for the finwitornis nearly
the very best tnamier. Our prices mama be exit:tested, and duilv inquiries rice made of it
beat. , Give us a call. . ~ ' '.., —.' ' '''• ' t Yoifiiiiiterve credit for your disinivery ; and I.
• ' -
N t
u ,., ; , . „:„. *
..... •,' ' , ' :dor one, return you my thanks (brae benefit,
. . . er lit bus doimme, for I certainly had despaired
1 !pug lige of ever affeeting any each resulti, ~
.. ,
I have given Mr. J, C. GUINN an interest, ; -
, Yours, hastily, ' ,, ,
, . , . , ~ .
expressly, for the purpose of settling sm. my l ' • . X. IV, ROND:' -
old infinuess. I :base, n ow 401) , operating , Firm of Bond A:Kelley, Breggists,,St. Paid,.
I 7 years and lave , never, Until now, di:termite. • , __;,,.. ,
~ • •
eel to settle tip eiy usiness generally, Those, (From the Editor of Reel Esters' Aclierthier.l
theretiire, Oho are indebted. to me, either by Ilineros 21 School three:, Marelf 20, 18A5.
hood, note, or book accuunt, will please call t BEAK Sl it; - Having became prematurely
and pay the Saute. i quite gray, I was induced, some six "weeks
i since. to maktca trial Of sour •Restorictiie, I
: have 'timed less the ii two' bottles, :but tLis
gray hairs' hare rill disappeared; a n d although
'my hair has not fully, attained - its original ccls
oriyet the procesn'of change is graduallx,,,go.
Mg on . ,', m and I ain great hopes that in a
short tone my hair will he Mr dark 'ae.ferme - rly. '
I Lave also been much gratified at the liolithy
midst/We and vigor of the hair, which he ire
and dry : nod it has ceased to,eoma
out, an formerly. . .. , • r r . ,
~r2 r ~
Respectfully yours,
. ' .' 1): C. I ituiii.
And the Cash System.
lANWiSAIN -I ,**
Removed a few ikon Sonth of thr oldS; and.; .
--- . s
Til. SK ELEA' respecifolly; inform
it • his old euxionters and the public
4t generally, tlini he emitin. 1
Iles 11111 TA11,0121 NG 1
1i . 4:‘, - 4
,1* IJUSINESS. at his new professor hood.;: c '
' t- ' •, -stand. in Smith lialtimore ! _
vi 7 1.8
ime ,
~ .
1, 1 11 ')' Street where he will he t y . u.i.r 41 .•,_,•1: : , it!!
..! .....
..)9 r
. !gfiffo ura.
'l, -, c t ' tt' I, PIVITUEIetS rrolessar n nod stun nest
4 '4' . k ' -V lin i t iq t° Heutillitri . °ll4 , l°°ll five, and hare adtuirol its wonderful fffeet.-
1 " ' who may patronize non, my hair was beaararast,,,aa I draught, , preaut,.
All work entrusted to kin tdrely gray, but hyllie use et - hiso'Restorati,.. 7s 7
_ t car,. aerunied to fit and
litlisteresiimsd its originul color, alai bawl
he 01 moat sllllB%lllltial Milk - e. Thnukful - nu doabt, pur ... m . a . nr .. .ii_tl .. e ~i litgEsE,,,,
. 1.„,.
far past fasors,hePOlieile a continuance pi t ° J.l ).' ' 6 Y•
pithlie pairnitage• ,EX -Se na I bl'' UnitedStsties:-•'..
7 l'ha New Fork S;M:ing , mui &in.
mer Fd.9,lllo4VSare received. Call end,
see them.
April 27. 1855.—tf
EmoyA L.
B 11 1 N 7'.1 N D.'
TYM. T. KING respectfully ahnOtinces. to
' his friends and the public: generally
that he continues the
.N.t;BB in the room recently occupied by
Alexander .Frazier, on Baltimore, street.
He has. made arrangentents . to ' receive
regnlarly the LA V .1 0 481,170.5 ti, and
it will be his. onstant aim to give'entire Satis
to those who may faVor hilll with their cnstom:
trareountry produce• will be taken in ex
change for work.
Gettysburg, April 3, 1855.
ERW liqQAlSt
Fresh rrival
Aft HATS, CAPS.., •
augilv .
f"'"' AND' SHOES,
Wall Paper, Widow ,Trunks,: Carp°
Bags, Tobacco, Segars, &c., at •
_April 3, 1857.-tf
71t the &hod Director)! of Adana* County.
Gnm.ptex : Tit pursuance of din Cid sat .
don of the Act of Bth of May, , 185-1; you are
hereby notified to meet in Convention, tt•the
Court House ill GErrYsßuno, on the fir.t,
Monday in Nab A. D.. 1857, being the fourth
dog of flie month, et 1 o'clock in the afternoon,
and select, aim rove, •by a majority . of the
ichalu umober er Directors present, one per
sae of literary and scientific attainments, and!
of skill and experience in the art of Teaching,
as Comity. SOperinteudent, for three succeed
log years : determine the AMAMI. of emapen
satinn for the same, and certify the result to
tbo*.State 80,erildendent , 'nt Ilarrisim qt . ; us
required by the 00th and 40th sections ,of said
act. :" HILL, Co unty littloirintandent
• of Aduats County.
.Apri!lo, 1857.-01
LETTERS of Adnainistrntien" the .Es-'
tate of HENRY • • BECK Eli, deemed,
Tate Of Butler township,. Adonis , 'etittuty,
having. been •Onnted tti , the sabseriber, re•
siding in the same township, he hereby 'gives
notice to persona - indebted to said Estate; to
call and settle the .ante ; and thoselmving
alaints 'era • ictplealtd to present the same
property, authenticated for settlement. •
- Apri1.1141857.---44 =• •
, . .
ETTERS of Ailininistnition.on,the Eatati
.4 of kIEIVJTT,• late of Nteziallen
timnship,..Adamit :county, deCiased,. having
been grunted to the sabsiriber, residing hi
Bendetwille, in said township, he hereby giveti
notice to persons indebted . to said Estate, to
call . and seule the same; and those baring
claims are requeated to present the tutrae,rprop•
erly authenticated for settletnent. - '
April 10, 1857.-6%
n,a`b BOXES BLACK. FAT in .atore
° -.7 . awl for sale by • •
No. 1 b 7 Franklin areal, Saitimoral
JIL lur It! TOBACCO. in . nuts for
'sale by 'WM. BUEHLER,:
No. 147 Franklin atrsN
01:0. ARNOLD
/ 1 2 BrOlidWay t and 114
Market sireet, St: Louis, Missouri..
,AGF.NTI3--Ai D.'-, Get*
burg; Wni. Derlyi, linuover; JOAS•ph A. Here:
ry, A libettstown ; 'and Druggists- generally 7
March 6, 1857t—ilm.
DR. aexpozpos
. • • •••
Intiigoralor, : Or , Lev er &net y
required to cure uuy one troubled Mich.
Liver Complaints, finless dm most ,despers .
ate of cases 'when the'astosn Wide Will with i
scarce a'stngle thilure, restore the.
health and vigor. We wish to call the tweet
lion of all, to these facts, that the Ity4t/ralnc
is compounded by It phYsician Uhe hap iied'it
in his practice fur the`past twenty years with,
success almost credulous, end that it is eluit eq
ly vegetable, being composed Wholly, of gyms,' t
Sutue Wets of the toretnith 'uf these gums
may be formed when it is known one *bottler,
the' Invigervior Contains as much
one hundred doses Di; Calomel Without any .14;
its deleteritnis effects.
One the surest thing knoWnth'cir.
ry away the bad abets of mineral poison o f
utiy kind. .
Only one bottle 'is needed to throw 0i5t0(..,,
the•systetu the effects of niedicine,a er.ati i 2
- It' ' ' 4 i '
sicktieha.. .' , . , '
One bottle. taken for Jaundice rentOieliflitll l
yellowness or,untiatural color from the eliik , ". l
One dose after eating is steffieient to relieve
a t t e d s s t ot ot l i r l i a n c g 3ll ; tand preven Abe food , t r irom :, ririi ,.tr A .,,t ig ,
Only tote dose taken beforerettring prevents
nightuntr : o .,
S -
,H,.„..'., '3
Oneduse'L ken atnightloOAistte-loWele:'lysitly, tdcorescoaiV :B t)le(;tietukeiarter ach : 4 : ,wili:ivri rt:reijereeia., . :
One do.'4e of two tea•spoonsfal will !iliii,iiii .
moves Sick Headache. ' - . 3' ' 3-' l '3
perfect bottle taken for female obstruction re
Onlylie CAUde of the disease,,lnd makes a
.Whileeure. ! '• " . I ,- ,t.;”.
One dose often repeated is a sure cow for
Cholera Idurbus, and a sure preventative of -
... Only one dose immediately relieves. Obolie,Z . ..
, • ,
. One' dose taken often will preent the recur- %
refine of billions uttacks, 'while it relievetr'alt -5 1
painful feelings. ~, ,• - !..., ~,,f ,- .r:
t Itfir-Oile or two doses taken oieasinnallY ii . ' , 1 -`
one uf.tlie 'hest reitterlir.s'for cold ever known. •
Thonsand cases ttflitlitritutatiott. sled:, week:
tie.. of the lungs havti...beett• cured hi.the In.
yiltoralor. '
- l'
One‘dose• taken a' short time he fore' ore 'eat n 1
w '
gives vi t ror to the appetite and makes fixid a T ... -
One dun often repeatedelites Chronic' DiaW;",,,
rhcen in its worst tornts, while glummer and
bowel conitilaints yield almost to . the'firsiiiristil'''•
One or two doses ctiron attacks caused bi ,
wormi, while for worms in children, there ti
no surer, safer and 'speedier remedy, in ' the',,
world, us it iteverTails. . • • • - •' ''' ,i I
There is no exaggerntion in these state-
ments,•ther are plain and sober fnets:thafire' , • t,
(inn give evidence to prove, white airetio ups ~
it are giving. their unanimous
.testimony in ifs .. ~
favor. . - '.
• .
We wish all wlicver,, sick; amhiehilitated
try this mined}, and tent it
. 1.-.,antboroug , •
any who are not bonefitted by its urn we alsmakl
like'to benr from. •as we-late yet
from the first person who has aged a bottle
Invigorator without receiving bezeit l • Iker,
there are such •sustonishing medicinal virtues •
in it, that ell, no matter how long they hive •
been affected, if. their complaint arises frosette - =*
deranged liver, will be benefited, If ste4entko•
ly mined,. • • • ' I,r•
343 Broadway, Ziew lok•
Wpr. Berlin, Benne., T. R. Ifeuti;ANdil •
tows aid Drutititsgn,o golly.
Always .siontitednr wink