" . . . F f ia " .. '•••=.1 . f ,••• , .... , . I . 1 ' A . 4 N 4,,.........,. ~., . . r.;eiLi , i ." :el. , . . LK. ..i,.. -., ,•.,..-. . .. ~ . .... . . „ ~„. 7 .- - ''' ' • -,- ,• ,S '' 'l,••';', • BY D.'`At'StiErftl.o,.• VOLVIVIE, THE MECIRANItIBI - SIVINGS INSTITUTION OP, ADAllfe cousTY, Opens Salurclay,llth of April. • Tais'lnatitutiou receives 'deposites . . for which it pays interest as For over le months 4 pm' Cant. per annum. Fur 3 and notpver 10 mouths, 3 pet cent. per For transient depusites ' not less 'than 30 days 2 per cent. per annum, payable'on 'demand without nntioe. ' • ' Tue''weekly depositors share the' dividends declared and payable semi-ntionally. At the first meeting 'reek!, deposites Were subseribed by sespioeible efitaens.'for 'the nut , rent year, to au amount exceedink. 4,10000, which will be pair) in us required by the bowl. 11C14 of the a.ssoeiation. For loans apply QII Wednesday. Hums 'received on deposits as low as a Interest to be allowed whenever the , depos ites amount t0"55,00, and on each additional $5,00 and upwards .Office in fiontit West Corner of Public Square, next to George .Arnold's store. Open daily frotd9 A. M., to 3 P. A., and for receiv• in ilriposites, every Saturday, frou 06 P. .SL. TIi s tESIDENT. OEOROE THRONE. TREASURER. AND SECRETARY, EORGfI ARNOLD. uilixerona. .Tohn !trough, John Homer, Samuel Durboraw, George Arnold, A. Heim - helium', Jacob Munnelimith David nelireiiry, 1). AleCousitighy, 'William Culp, John Mickley, Robert Hornet , John Throne. April 111, l8:17.—Iy. LlO or P.r.itopiars aßeanaalialiag ha tine (1111 , 41101100` Of:4OOMM 1 , ly 011 illollr.t duy ofJualuary.ll97, Malec. 5:1 Female% ' 41 Children. 13 Colored people, .3 , Total, 110 . Trnu.cieut Paupers not 14pluked io the above Pm...4..11(15, 'Hifi A itwrieutts, 51 RUDUCE 01? FAJPI FOR 18511. '482 hn. 307 :4 " Pr2B " A IL G II ail_3 8 45 37 4 of,rapm, 11),11,,thy :ked, .." I>,,ets,- • ,• 1,03 , 14,tif (I(*ft :Fodder, Mit*. vr Hay, . ilezule.ttf Calilnige, • -251 . 00 of Yuck, .34'62 ' At:tic/re ,Iftlinfiletured from the Is/ nF ,March Is3i ro I t V.Varch 1857; Par,Keli, qopp, " ,er`; , for.erotit., Ynnn is tyt - IStwqls, •Htr.A, (100 Shirts, . ' I)resses, t i et - tat. 4, A prottA, Steckings. (pitiri) t , Footed. Chair 1101,11tieks, „Shroud:;, Cotten 1)c- ,sett Short .oowits, Coats, WithittsPz I; , Islets, 1 - ests, 31110 w srps, Mittens, ltrawyers, Controrts, rianttel Shirts ,, linuttel ShitiOs, tilteefs,. .B.Sfitiett, Totvels, JOIIN SCOTY, Steward; April il l 1857 VIII 940 Ugglivo The Tinik ktiowlegrel. ~ . . . , ~. tir i. a. cianinett remark :undo by tbme whn . hare exaniined thenew itnq elegant almirt, 'tient of F.N,SGY and Millinery Goods, nt . tlie .Store of " , : ' ' ' . 2Z10.0 SiVa7.IELL.6.II. .011 the ,N..E,Acoriter of Centre Square, that her stock is the assn and ctreArs i sv ever , brought .to town.: • 4 1`be.assetttnent•coitSiste of t • ' Caihitteres, • "Cates, • , '• ' . 'Oijiglii4naLo,tlipied, De' ' Dage,Cohu4 Cloths, Jliis • • ' lift;l.,tnnen, Sack Flannels; lion • nets: ioa , BiiiinefTriinininAii, " Artr fi ,ciali;.•Binek Vella, Blue de., Globes, Hanilkarchies:t French IVbrked sulfurs, piinifiric,Joekodqtaild hisi!rtbigs, Ifitslbis, Sleeve's, Dire hair 'and ' Black' ••°' ' t• • Lace and lfithrnider• ' • -ed finridkereltiefis , Braids, ans F • ' , • &c. 4T• •-, •• • 19;,gedi and examine, fur veurselyes. atttysburg April 17 185`i.•;--tf NOW IS 111 H TlllB. W is the only time:to make very pretty ,111. and cheap selections of Spring and Stun nter•Ooods. Intel' you the truth is, that if you want cheap and prekty.Goods.: to call at the noel' west. corner of the diamond--the coly. place to get them. ,Also, • • ..• . • ,CL 4 pniff,VVX. . , s9noantly on, hand. • All goods cut free lf ykiryc.. ( Call and see before purchasing eslse. where; at the Cheap Store,of • -• •• • JO:IN ling. April 3, 1857. • ,SIISED, by :boyifig J0i1tr,4 1 41. 4 , Bqots nudasihoeß et, ,Brietoffease et. Aluyhitatough's., ,~::.~ *HIP OP ADAMS Homityritta/ 'Surreys writ id/ytaken b e y Ci s ' Hnpkin#, Mai/ Enyineer. TEIIS Map ie dmtted'upon a scale, of 11 in, 41L. oho to dm mile, making it very nonvor• lent to find by it the fluittinoo imm on&placi). 'to another in the • County, aqd will have upon, it evety • FORMIC ,ROAD. All Paid Offices, Hotels; „Stoma,: Churches, School Houses; Cemeteries;3lills Mechanics' Shops, &c.,be marked, and' t he residence of YVES?' CIUiPtttTY•IIOI.DV. irt the County be noticed witlf a dot, and his name carefully inserted. _lt • will ho distinctly Engraved, handsomely colored, and the border ornnmen ted with views and engravings oflPublic Build ings, and Private Residinces in the County, and delivered to subscribers For, $3.00 per Copy.' The underAgned have . exateined the draft of the Mop of Adams County, now being prom pared by Mr. CONVERSE, cud are, well.sat-. witifits general correeteess. When tint idled iii the style,of tIM Maps of other court-. ties shown as spoeimens, it will hen beautiful and valuable map, and ,should by posse:l3o by every family able to own it in . the county. As the maps are to be made only for S'ilPscri. , . Lyre vie Imporno person will fail ti) secure one while the opportunity presents itself.. F It D:-A. Buehler, Pr. S. S. Sch mucker, Fiiline4ock lirotherti, ife.i. A. D. Buehler, S. IL Russell, C. H. Buehler, Dr. C. 1. Kramh, It. G. Itixrper o I. L. Schick, ' Bra. Danner Ziegler, lilecruary, David )IcCriairy, Rev..ll. flilh Pr. 11. S. Ilither: • I Feb.:l3, 1837.--tr DR. KIELLING 9 8 C4NC4B. INST/TUTE. 17 4 10)1. the Treattuent of. Cancers.. Ttpnors Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronie Dis.oises, generally, can be enrol (if curable,) without surgical operation or poi.inu. For all particulars write, state 4i003•411A plainjy, and enclose twentYlive cents for 4'll letters ttl ust have a postage 'clamp enclosed to Fero , answer. Medicine can Inc sent any distance. 'A'ddress KEIJAN - 0: n. D. ic;diii rib Cirnaiet.kind 'Co.,' Pa. LEY gevlianissimrg is. ki thiles from. Haggis terg,.o,l the C,. V. ,11.ailr4d. 411(i accessible From nil parts of the'Cnion. OH nod young, poor and rich, come all tvo will , Qo you:good. • •; iV^Te agjicted whp Cannot visit. me p;•Nonallv, I will send, per mail, on receipt, of t5.;)(1 only, a Recipe to 'iwepare 51ediehte. Arid; fall direction.; for use, &e.• Stateall pun pettlars. :1 0 .31Iress as above. Feb. 20, 1857.—Gm BO YOU IISH BARGAINS? it kip, (10 To Sehlek ) Pi .Cheap Store, en.-ner'of ihe Manton . ), awl skeet JL. t',CHICK hat just returned from , • Philadelphia, a full and complete it , turtinent of Spring pods, cuitsistitig of -Black and Pitney colored'. 4, • 50 . 62 iti 45 90 ~ ' CLOTOS PDID.CASS'OrErktE Ad' all styles mid patterns; OM Satinefts Cottenades and Linen Mods, forMen 4 s, wear ; and Satin, Silk, and Marseilles vnatine; MSc), Stumm:lets, Cravats, liatulkerellieb, noisery, stud Gloves, at prices to snit the times —whieli 'gentlemen wisliiy* a completa outfit, would do very well to examine. t• •~. P . fit ~.~`~'. aggil alarbz,wri4 Just received a superior assortmptit of Bleck Silky, %hick will be sold low; also, .Berege de .I.nines, Oinfharns, Brilliants, , Calicoes, Irish 1 'Linens, Sww, Book and Cambric MusHns, Dotted Swiss rind 41thiliiis, Cloves, Rib. l hons, collars, Dress Trimmings, &et &e., &c., which for „variety, excellence and cheapness cannot hesurpassed in this market. leecalect, that although there is a great rush to Schick's for bargains, all Jean ho aceomtnodated. No trouble to show. Good. Therefore calf in, and examine the largest, richest and chititiest stock ion over laid your eyes on. • Gettysburg, April 17)-1857.—if . • SAMth Fa hoestock Brothers ' WOULD rciipectfillly inform their custom• ers , and the 'public generally, that'they have jasereceived the latest, and beat select. ed atuck of- ,c Spring and Snrnuu'r Goods, ever offered to thew. jiaving pveliosed for thb dABII, they nro Orepareil to offer"ouch in• dubeineuts OM tO 'defy all competition. Giro' oft ,a ead—no trouble, to ehow Goods., VAHNE4T9CIL•I34O'II4EItS, Stos qf Red Prpitl. April ' 'ALWAYS I IN TIME , BTARC.F.IF /LAMSON ITAS just reevicia4nt his .4entlylufle CJor 14t thing Store, on, York street novly oppo nilli,the flank 'the bast assortment of . READY-kADE ..CLol4llNris or Spring and Summer wear f ever opened in this place. If you .vaut a well-made ,C()AT. VEST, PANTS, or anything in the line of Roady-enade ' .Cloth log.. at less eose thati ,they can be had Outside c of the city, call at April 1008.57. •$5OO REWARD, Tl vinkter 'of tlio - Conneil of the Boroligh of .11.0 1 tlettynbufg, A REWAFt,DI3F $5OO I he'rebY.bffered for'such information ns shalki ancu'ro the ., :detection and. conviction of the 'person or persons who 'fired the Barn of. Mr.! JI)!.I.S.MUPCK. on tip night of the 20th Blot , C,151.1 ) , Purgers. 27;1831 : if TM lIRELLA4; Penteolf. and 4 Beacom be (tuuel geo4 .aut.l scl,UPlcs,. -: ~ ~,' BY,M. 8. CONVERSE. ENCES.% Dr. IT. L. laugher, Prof. M. L. Stouter, M. Jacobs, Ur. C. F-Schattfor, D. McConaughy, Vivid O. Swope, Cobeau & Paxton, Rev. Jacob Ziegler, 11. J. Stable, Rev. 0, P. Van Wycli, J; Munk, Dr. D..llorner, M. & W. McClean, 'John, L. Hill. SAMSON'S ,GETITSBUFtG t , , PA:,,,ItIIEGAY' EVENING; '• 24' 1.8 ff." • : , I/ 1 1;74 out 00-0, 1044*# ~ I - lig 4s,ottos P. stoitass. , '' ' ' That& God fot pleats . nOveatheir ; " ‘ ()haat it, tuerry-rills k' , l. ' '' .; ' .. ~ And clap your hands together Ye exurting, hills I .;!,...: ;; ,'lltank liini, teeming valley I • , I . - 'l'hank Wm, fpitful plaittl,, , :'' r'. l . kor the gulden Stiiishine, , ' • Acid*thil iNerliiiii. ' Thank God good .the giver I \ , . • ,Shout it, sp rti've bieezpl ' ' Respoad, oli mitibeul'rlrer t To'the•Midding trees.' ' ' Thank Him / bud and Willing f • • As ye grow , itud:singl • , Mingle in tbanksgiving . , Every livipg thing I ..` .- • Thank God, with eheorfahipiric • • .I.n a glow pf love, .. . : For what wa inherit, , ,, , , . , , And.our hopes , above I . Universal Nature Reveals iu her birth;' '.• When God, in piddsant Wiathei, Smiles upoti the earth! • • "AA VER' pr IrS.IfILDEST .Foiw." . "\Vi have no slavery in,St. Louis, or only is its mildest form ; ant what few slaves there are here •ire fur better off than the laboring whites or free 'negroes, and would not be free, not one of them, if they could." Such were the ntnarks that fell upon my ears a few days ago front the lips of a lady famous for her goodness of heart. ti,nd kindly charity, her uni versal benevolence, and neverending patience with the sins and follies of the world. Such Are the remarks you hear daily from all classes of people, if you dare approach the thrbidden, inibjeet. "Slavery in its mildest form," let us , see what. it ie.. Mouth after. month, as the' Tolled On, and I sat at my door rd 'slumber evening,' or sallied out to Market in the morning, I noticed four little' hildren playing uPon:the'payement ---tweboya and twiigirle. 'The eldest . Widi a Slender child, with: rather a dark ~§oniliero skin, hair almost hhiek, and a large c,hlack eye.., Ilerinot iouswere. quick. herhiligh, timid, and her, ways scemed,as of one fearful. of some inipendiug evil. Yet she. was ever watchful and careful. of two little ones who wore almost always with her at play: and over 1. whom,' as the elder, appeared to' have , I charge. Next her in size was a curly-headed, Ipanel:faced, dark-browed boya. roll ckhirg, devilinospeara littlemiciiiip; who defied ail son: 'I row'inul sadness,' and Made'oidi I'inget gray ', leirs;aild'Wish)te'whee “tv. tkij , rig4hi l ff.. might huge been tire year,' old, the eldest Ol t seven. The two longer children, pretty . and delicate, seemed like hrother and sister to, lis two elder r Yeti had noticed that the smaller ones were dressed more tastefully, and with richer material.. I had also noticed the going out at morn, and the coining in at eve. of a trim, neat girl, of *hint twenty,. as I supposed, who seemed to iivo in the same hotive ;: bat as ' she pasted mo, she never looks up, and a , shade of cure rested 'npon'her hroW, that told of some 'd'eep suffering. sonietitues 'would see her, flitting. to antlfto and s(0 3 . 1011 4 108 she would ho gone weeks,, and then I .would see the t i ro older children clinging, to, her, as she turned the. corner,: and limig,ing .to , hor skirts with shouts of joy, as if she syere a loved nilither juit returning from tilong tihsenC'e, or a dear sister, gentle' and kind, whq held ,their heartli ;Whew. •fce6ing; Cif q uo r . was sure-they wore, the children of the , seine father, tihd . t.494 filcher :61'16 sat at flip deor, of a summer night,, and watelied .their . gambols upon the street,, as they led.the two yonnger ,ones about, of drew the baby in its little oar: A year -went by, and LIAM thought them all 'of one household. • needed 41 sentustress,And asked a neighbour where one could'o' form& '"Conld you 'nett hire "WhO do you Melia?" coloured girl. No,she's n col oured • She's ,s white as I am • but she's, slave. Did You: aster. see her-that pretty, neat girl i that ,ypu see going in mitt outlle ,-i mother of .Ella „mid charley,2,",. , almost gasped for breath. , "Is Lizzie a stare; and Ella awl Charley her children?" "To be sure they urn." i ' • ' thought' these children Were all Mr. "Well; I supine they are" said the lady with a leer' "hut the two oldest are j...izzie's, the other two7ifre.l,--7 2 -'s. Atm ;is ¢ second • wife,yoa a°W a s p, „ e camb re a lndower, and , tiPputfLizzie's,htishatid ,clowa • at Slemphis. Lizzie is q splendid soaminressi and ataysorti,lrome and sews round part of•the time in,•wdira weather j in •winter, she goes on steamboats tuSehamber•maid. She is obliged, li•hen,.on t4.bestcro '•psi„her toaster thirty' dollars inouthu:sed ell' she gets' over ilia bait for litirsalfAiailinhe theyitrit'lrept`sci inert. 'She is bet:ter puiey rt`feUe e went to the sealzistress, eed,' affer,awliile ' 1 Well4rd . .lwr” tele pf aff, , R4PY 4 ,ffeo gic. ll ”ti How F9Y(I.d ,T9c 4 P' 4,l ,tongue speak those words, andeot grow pal eleri in,her nreurb? • -• • •.. • Lizzie, had Axiom torn from a bame at She South by s aheritrs 'Mile. • Mr; J. had bought horns a fancy girl, arid her fete wed likelllntliers4now enhject'to the 'capriee oh jealous Wife; her 'Children edlen whet?' this With (lured.- She Was 'driven away to earn waves ma a boat, sOmetimes•at n fearfill rate, and only _able rosstisfY mother's love for her e„liildreu by yielding to the exactions of! her, nieste.r,.who was good if Ile obeyed, cruel ' to her children if she dared resist any enact; meet of pis will. She had high, and holy thoughts. Per lov6 for her childree was deeyi and. strong. \Then at home, she would gather, ~ them to he,r arras, and weep over the through the lops mht r .,agd slaropt ,prey chst• they i might die ern they were old euough,,to kuoar,, their fearfel degradation,. I never talked with, EMBEI •'BFI ARLER AND..?ItEE." 11Oilnit Oder), an4s.hon t filie spoi]ng4 to rev tliat the tortures of the incOdliqu, awaited her.— She trembled from held 'to.fuot, and started at every noise.. She had been- kindly:l-allied, and could. road and write.; 'III e liAlikel me dress," said chef "and keep my. Childeer no that the world may 'call. tri'm •ti: paid Mister: . Ho never stiikOs Me; hat lie tens, me •linin thttn'. ' And 0,',,iti.e . 8:,', ~ t i,) knovh What 014 ; 'gets 4 ihilc l'ill 9 '"l' ti ' ' but bread and water. gone / ...q i nf ling .Xlit thi,cl 0 tii i i' Gcia I 11.0 1 4.....8.ggi:.t. ,L. 49 .P)" fillf. .POlne dab';' ' 01E*. sPitt's ap,prptty.li. c a n., gat fourteen hun• died dollars for hor..when.sheltEfourteen, and. Olathe °ln sell,Gharley.any ati and, if,l don't do his bidding, he mill: ..0, mistress,ll(there's i a God in heaven, he will' blast~ this notion Cori Its tOielrethirist. "I" dennetimill hate yoti all, evt I ify body ''that Ist friie'-:.--Yes;!'6ery 'one=` hO4 l iirOie Yougrin IM'iii:Eit*: to ydlirCiiild'lett 'l4, ' liiii;ibittlili, ii,idi' help tiolOolsetii: l iOWivtl)ed.,, Wittt . „reiss . ,say,s ' i ntiglt , tu 3 tfo Fotu,p tun, when: 11. 1141. T'?• ° uc: I l ftlifi RIP, .o;e4ftd l 4 iiVexiiipAy 41 .1 4 , me all i t ' I -rift w, 40; ii.blit,i l PP,l 3 l94N B APIA' cure , the. hertrt4rh r e,,,,ttud to, , ltck",trgeteil-dilte e, . lady don't take kuny.lbe fearjithatc my ;,poor, children will; be ktld ;whoa liget,baidc, anti I novee see them again. He dittet.tell'me.Pam it slave always; but b, mititrass,l would Vatli , I let ben dog than such 'a thing.' l44 l , ' •';''' • '. ' I 1 Her sobs and tearti choked 'her' utterance. Poor Lizzie' 1• ITer's Was n case of "alitery inl its mildest forin''— " scarce Slavery', at ell," ' 4- I some would say, who only lo ok , upon the sun' i face. Ave chains and whips ; to the limbs , :I,' nd I back so inneh , more, fearful than they terriblo a g ony of, t h y. mother's boart f .threugh Ispig• • .yearis of agonizing , suspense,ll4oking forward to the Inte.of her children, , who Must bear AIM brand of , shaine: and ignorance!t i hrough"her; fordvor; 'more; ehrtilis".larid"stri ' ', litarirdion' and hard work—all that malted" yery , torti f, 1 hie? That 'ChciAtiati' Iditica,igik:iity Gnu 'a' 'woman or high 'ittlit hof.iirthifiiCtti,citil !ie . :Made 'i the victims ofniu'slust,be maileito,berir the I, sacred' tilitneaf aidthe that It ' BOW 'a a l l dalight°ll l .a l M liP, 'OAi iice.b l l4lo ill III.P, 8 1 1 . 1 Pn• bles,. to the same fenzful life that "has.withered *di . lic,r,wontnithoody,and,turned...tb / gall,and bitterness. Avery ciip:.of existence; and yet , that' this is "shivery im one of itM mildest ford's?' 'is' most 'l' , d '' ' , -...' ' ' ' ' l'il ii'D l'' 7.4 .— A : q./ V . 1 . /3 .t, 6 1i . ../ 4 / 2 .4 ' r . A'fesi mOrithi:tilime, a don or tlO Edit, a hoUt fit !a. country lit the western ,parf ok,tentliiitylvt Ilia itekdeimoided Ipdgiog that he had liquor had,bettljolly„compauipna -throughout the day: (The laodlord' wits 'Clary, goutl.natureit: soul; and: ha 4 fushibed: rather freely that day himself. • • • "11 ;vitt Where the, room is, eau yea - ffnd th e' tdago ?". 'said the ; ; nu its tu9elf din ' e t a June c, ' 1340Jhat"inust, •11UW No tr • • '• it nu, Abe° 1 , ; , (1 1"9" , T4lll n blessingst' Virgin Ot(ivr rs on, th e s i n f u l , " 6 re:Pitle4 Iri*llluan,"l • • .tf ,* ,`.llte'di`feciiona * wore givpn vldtn and also.. a eatulle.• He wad, directed to go tol.a :renini on the second floor of the honk.. Isy thee time.lte Lad reached the top of tho ataire, liglAt bed' NeCtinioeStingnihe4;e:fid Ite k licid tbrgiltterl l in `,eliiddireetibh Vti:00'0'"" ge°FliO ;Or of rot stood alik,hilyijar,,hSreeepuottered the inside of tip .coom , ta4 l l p Ilea nit, whiclyicy. ±1441; a eutqti wA4 a sl9Ol . upon t it. (I reeliqg isle el iued, .tualte.ttoy further, search for Ate .roun; Jo which ha had bob. dime ted diveit. ed Ititnatlf ot' his 'clothing end quietly crept :ill. to bed. He had heed iu ' but ii it few momets •• , P when'a young ladjound gentlemilW 'entered the. robtu. . The IrishmatCCied thC4' Clo , i(l,y l , L. I , YliCY'seated'theMselves' in theclaiiii;ld °top ir.6,iiliiiV:tdcaell ether,; 44;4t+r , eitr:iiikij; imliffijy,"f:oripino time !.11, yolqng Ind!' ,t,l,;,ryty I#l,ltripl,trouud her waist, bt t u verr cout4ly niiii,nusr, and,itapripl.pd tt I;i3it mpuq.:, her tompir• - jug:, lips, 'see , amused ,the , Irishwatt vastly, and being dice from intltisbuess,-,hp concluded his sleeping tupanion.shoulthba ft participant with hint is the enjoyment of the scene, and nudged him, 'but hiS compauloh stirred not. ' He put,' hid' lottid'up`Olt him' Mid found that he was locked in the, ontbraCe' ; 4l cicoh., , Synonymous with this. diticovery, l lie 1 :)PP ,1 4 1 ,e 11 94 01. IA aTe l o l init l lo._,: 1 , , , ‘, 4 '4,ur,cli9r 1 zug.ttialr 1 Holy §jti4tt pr./divert Heind seveoly touched ',the floor ..with . his feet before the young httlyuntl geuttptuitu were inuiFiug rapid thridoridolirdlile'44jrtvii, tut- . _ rb,r hang depicted ee their" euuttkantineeti. They had Veit ,reitehpd the itp'et' the 'stains iOilitna* Caine :ntaltili t ,se!oug 4 E v id 4 a Estiinielwere eiti4tt at hid 11 ' _ee..e„ intent en mnkius ulut t iptt. prey, nu the" whole three went.;mobiiug . duwfl the t 1.914 Lit 4111)rd !) delculP)e;%!4ich yt.,the hree Tep t ched,theToot at thp stairs , tirst., ; The landlord stood aghast's,* the Irialithan rushed into the bail-vow with dotlinig be• tweenlxim and nudity butt ga.rnient Tnigutdy atyled's the ' hair on 414'hetiti Omitting oil' end, hie eye•batis ready to leap froitit eit sacyutu, and lie gattiductur o lFeatlt,.; It F # diiilit that would have wade a watt faqh tyka had a:4o.a vh)cgar face fFoin the, day of, hid birtliv. Nothing ; coulclindyce him . .talie, bed that night again. When the young • iady• and gentletuttn found 'thit• it 'wad not 'the corpse that hatl'ao itneereinOttiouely , hounded from the bed, they returneeto the rpm, (they: beiug . tkiewatph9r,s,l?ct.l,lp)lioy, dou4t , ,ke.l 3 relc't9w 4l . t 4Pr C° ll 4og . 4 4... the -P9io 1 1449 At 4 4 4 been 49 4 9 t 1 d 9 4 1 ,7 - • SitisA wag, ußon viakting a medical muse um, vas, 6how/i soma .dAlgEt and utbe tiPock malty ofmortAlith '!!lP.z4Vvek'n a1e9401. . . " ,JO the, "I uevy.rthoy.gl)l.,*.de4 01 . 114 ,be iimktplk spirit.." • - • . r.~~ I: fir ~) ! 'o'o l'_ 1 . • s'! . NO. XIV: ,fIROSSING VIE ARCTIC! CIRCLE lU()k,:xun, in the Frigid Zone, Jan, 6,1857 r 't ~ , ' /Os Obliged id remain three 'dnyi hi Ha 'pirate:lg; apillYifig 'p'oultleds; gargles arid' lip- , iiimets,4fortiticlitig to ihd atieiarriCitlatfiCtiolll4. As• my Swede/hires ectircely 4ifffielent foe tile comprehensicm :of !prescriptions, 'or 'medical tophniealitieli ha gonekal, a written. progremme of ,mytreatment was, furnished.. to, Fredrike; 1 the soryaut-triaid, who ,was kroperly ; imprepsed `withthe'' ''' ll'l' . h 1; devolv ing responsf i ity„t orey : upon. I her. Frodrikti, no Tottbi, • thought ` hot my,i I ' iife,wastp,her, : haado, .and :pothing, could ex- 0 ceed theenergiwitkovitich she , , out4ertopif its I ir p4;seivtitic:ti. 4;tioctually to ihpminuie al)- idaiV4iiiiiiii:ehcilbell all i plidtitrtla;alla; li . she I ffercalied'iir iiii4Pedietli:ity' tlierollc } tiolli ~ : m. my. , , Trot, it 'vrai'OUrii• to he tepertel IA the 'd'fietor at hitt'llaat Villit. ! I' heti' the t.i.-tti oreattennile ' and mallons in my month. from morning till 'Aight;'lllt skint •betitilaW 'llliiitkilell r eader die. ; 'lidorcltitik' or iiipiiiiitlia'i but ipi 'EDO 'Atilt, ', ' C44i;iiii;ti'Vvvlil it'it*:'.,'.4B'i.fie'46'el',0 r ,iilii - 04 7 ;i4k# l i l 'ii,ViJ,4 t p r 3, , " . i , T.hili gOod-hearted'giel! wa ti, genuine ,!speci men ofothe Northern' Swedish female 'ii ,Of! iiiiediifinY !Agfa, pluritpitut not stodt;: -kith '4 - : rather' slender ainiet 'tied "eZdarislifelti ( f.c,'lind a . :l I Toot 'whiek ittippedtirinly , "iitift - iiiinbly' is the.' l'saine tihte, 'she ' was ' do eliderfelli'hiali, sii;'otin, eoeldiriAli to see, : Ifer i lmir was ot that ,p l ilky , blonde Oa Commottin SWeilenEllereyese olpfir, ,Pf0 ' "" 1 ?)! 4 4;, 1 ef qi'AP iiiFikigli, iiiill.•Wclltfornted, 1 , her Pl'C'ilffi Priihict liPlieitti4.Pint.f. nta ,11410:rot; ,loar,cul,bec,,,teclb,eo,white,, ; get u I lir , ati4lll6 r- , ifqct :illatl , ISM Mute, s they . mould taiikmher , foe : . tune in 'America,:: • ''Alwaysi'mheerful,' , Ifind !1 andiattivii,lche hailinetertlieltiss,aqutidlifb of 'it t she 'wfic alike etfaVolliiirilMiliaild 'end hoi'tt lee; 'tad had "11,' Citiiift“ th lit rOf i lt to ';liotit. •' She. i . JAW° ;lit dresiri'thd'lndreiliiif'ilaii;Weei 'ittid 1 1' bileilklii nit dui oerlY pollee teinle we , yetlfty in ti l'iled,'li;:itie . or ' fleaett , #lth,,,'ilie' f,i'a,iiriOnntiaMt.ti P . 1 11 1!-.AJ I P ' 49,":91P.. - :. 1 $vil , ;.4 1. 4.i!', , tIIP , Inhi: f”riv,!!fri gtwpt7o.§.otqp4j9Far Paidnight, - timre•Ft4.o4,l‘ iresp,iteifigm.labon, :Although „flittering , itcptt a idistresoing congh; ' she': had the out-dont - pplowell as flue Inglitor , thitids to discharget-pnd lwe';autviler-iii:!'it;'! olteepidrin Jacket; ;hartieciling horses',ltt'a 'thinpithere of 8041Aflow 6fip . :” , rha. iienrard lif s'ileh a sorriee! was possibly pbowt'ef.iiht'AtneriCan dollars al year. Nyheo,nit leityin4 I gave her abrut as much its one of Our, kote),3oslllptllo9lll4 i CX- ZlPAfPitiPtalOrtFiNtAJPKOCkalrtha /Baur:. girl , waaprerwholumi withi'gratitude, unli,eren.the otere.lendlady walk so.impres3cd by mymener l °sit) , that she, ;Kidded of: Moding us a "gheepi 'skin for one feetr saying- we' ere - "good , :moli ; . l ' • There 'lt isomethiag exceedingly 061114.1re' and unier,histionied in 'tbenote'ners of theca Northern 'people 7 :tl'. ritiaiglitforWitid lioneAy, '''it;liicii'titkiai the holleCty of 'Otlierc 'fiar' . inflated' ' f ii leiCiit hilidtVesc 'fte'dglod-Will`'Which May : li firs lie 'firdridoliiiii; boeitacejt :yisti'n'Ailpirt-• t't "' it" total ' ' ' f ..1? ons ra ivym i ihoficonsetoncnpis o ,n, at IS Clittled ,in. hi g hly citilired, ,circles,; .'pro - . Arleid i fl':,.,,,Tofl..l'PrYlfreelltlP p -Pt anitenf WiliPheipom 3 countries, , might denote: laxity ;of morals, , ,ic:lte..... the evident : stamp of . ' their perity. illto thought has hften.recarred 'to me "whielv is the most truly 'mire' t o ld 'Virginal . nittkreltheffttitiditets'A'Melleiiii Oa. illtii bliiiii. et et 4IM sight' OfliPitir. of beets outCille ti 'gin tleman's bed foam door, and who requit!e'i that certain unoFonding Ratill pf the body and ar- ti'l c lothing"`P ' bl4lt a . 1 b eCA 9, ° .°P : 0 eVilligifi( i Y 1 delicately, eifenethtcilliins , tering, or,,tho,sim- I ,p l 9-11tinded : !§wilish, woumn, who come into Piirdtedleongi wtth:etiffe f : and. make• our, firer , while ,we gut ap ofutl dress,pouting and: going I during e11 , 61 - ,iyarious stage aof the toilet, with , tlie frankeit openneciousnega of inipmpriety f ' :This is'etodefsty lit itteltealthy and natural a s .j "velot6tV; not , iii"' tlitise'Marbid furies which `litiggOet itiliaoiMititin , er e !: on this alert for Pralientiiiihies, Is:tithing has codrowil in; iiiiPfpiisidn'ori i tte virtue'olthe .•;:o;-,thero Sited,op more tiinatifi , raot t awl 1 int‘p rervly , fi4t . more respect woman or more faith in tlic inherent purity Rf hot nature.' • : 'l . Veihatdinitg quitrtent itf Ilapanmdit,' tinil Mir ;illteittliin Oftietlithilhdre : by au meanie irli litnite.-" A' 'hinge' tooin,' carpeted ; prete'tlio fient'ito 'miter ;fold by douhle wiinlips, and hjitiefd'byall'ireteptise" Simian shove,,weit alio; i [ 111, tp alk , )!'e lity i l two laid c, one which„ lie- • cume,a,,,lppad 444 during the day, a;hockgatur uton table, the ordinary appliaimes for waste ing, and: betide a uumber.ofceugravings on the walls, (auf org them a potroit .of • the Novi Dr. I l aird,) our window comfit:foaled, a, full view fToiiman, and liii, , ice' ii 40 ,ncr94.l the, riser, where 'Notify:is of porsopc daily pass tb ' nail fro. The enctorit window : ithou eft us ;tho I 4rctic dawn, growing, brightening th.rongli!ita, woudipful grndatioim of eutur, ffir four houni 1 ,1 when the puleorange sue appeared ;abore'thei I distant, housei to slide' along- their 'roof's foe; twopounyand then dip again. IV& buil"pleVil tient ,Mealt; einisictiegmostly of reindeer:Mad.," with' ainece Of StikiNoli ZrillibertieS, poor es,' which Mid boon' Iroiee, put'wefe r i t il Filt', bli:,'Fillitlin'iloe.g, twit biga in'aiddition to ' the block shingles of liadbrod, lilog1,431) porter and excellent 'Drama beer., In fact, hi:no'Connlfy . inu'of the 'United Statea'oduld we' : have' been' More ierefortrible.- For` the • keit' ihieh 'the' place affin:ded, daring four dept, with aswitil piii , isitiii i for the itrurtiok, we pL'id . about ` coypu dOtia - n3:”" :' ' ' - • • - 'Whe day hofbovour oepartazp, endeavgFed to,,,ohtain unto: information t eotteerning - t l he rogadolapittod,hfit-was disitppointe& landlord aege,rtained that there',yrer3-skfuts, relaYs Of po,t-horses, as , fanny Mtionioni4a; 210 hut' beyond this - 'et?nld tipit'giet' people 'W4fS"alk'klnilisk, spolto no Saredislt, were miserably pii4ii,'4o nathi4g to eat.. 4 X.wee told Av. a certain of;ftelal peasonege at tip apotheeitry`e shOP.,app,lro Goruitaii,,antilLhaliAenid 110er .! ) . 1 :•tthP. 01 4. 6 .01 f? , darl'eXe4o 9.kisvu'fl'Ped Finn/ Pribtine. 13.1 irk) kt. bit '.lN'''.Nolirkknir :B UR OPE. =EMI "s o '::, =Ell c ~i/ r-. , ~.. ~~~. - .,r~. , i~,,n std " I ' ' '0 '€' ‘;‘. could not underlain my fir ~ question. The peoWe eaten gd , emeil, ont.iieli ignotant'et the, 1 • geography of the waatitty'laiyotid . l[Typet; Tor I nese ; or • Matarehgl,4ll "miles 'off. , . The decrli Aar's wife, a buxotn,.thotherly lady, wbwseetned : f to ;feel ,quite an ,Interest., hi our undertaking, i and was as kind and obliging i as, such women 1 alweys, Are, aproeured, fur veva aapply, officid: I broaCrado, of, rve, nitd,delightfittly, crisp, and 'I holey-and ibis ;its the'Sn)astanee Of ?,or . ,ptep' 1 1 aratons. Reindeer initteits were` hot to be -I , fourid,.nor a reindeer 'skiii.to ao'ver mir feet, so i ' I:we : pitied, as before, on,plenty of hay and my:, 1, fieetch piaid.,-. We : might, perhaps, have had 1, better success in' Tommie,: hut I:hawked one 1, there.whe ;,vould he likely, it),As 6 44WAlnd ' WO' i i : not,e,tera visit the phi, ple,en.,, We Intatiakeu, I thprecautipr ; pr uin the fitly ian vise t • get Jar with ;Ismail swell el ruebles k nt Stock. ~ i . , i 6 ii heian,, but now find thiatli, was quite onneces• I iiir?.y.'‘Nl"Oatish‘t s, W Alirvii 'fiat! ‘Chteri4 TwineaSi 6l 4 travelltil,atiirtheltabilloi 'Ole of !I'the.frontlerpit.h. ',all-•a ted.,. , a.. i t , ii.. i, , ,,, ;Trtuiting- to t lilek, -whigh ia; fiallnit flat; best ~1) 1I NI :after iAli.wel:elar.tett iv:mt./11%010411de, ' yesterday at neona, The Agy was itiaguilicieht,, the ,a,ky ,elmalless al44:re.Whpl4f?tlL us pejisliefi , steel,.and the mercury, 31° , , below z e ro, . - Tice i asoft,scarcely more than the breadth of hill iliac , h.hbye thh heri4ort, shed; e'fititit !ornialte light 1 er,r . the brdatl, level sap4.Plains, and thq i l illatish-White hemisphere sidle Bethrgatia pull, Tid! ) )°l ) e.)Tli4, l "(s9e , ?iuf :4? 1 , Alt Wel:ll4f feet- I l l'ir ili P !''!`j. , e ? (l ` l P,'4OY., egid a licki'll)rivi lig; despite ihe sharp grip i too)c open, any :I ncase' Rod' ealaltal ThWe idtie 'days, Sheri 2,11 they are, have a majesty of their cieffP4 f: aiMp or, anbduefl I thbtii,la it helf it'ibt4dth'iitidSetant-, 'fieitee Of hue) impartintalike , to the sky 'aifil to thatninow.y ,, eutalt,.ar.,,if tiated‘glass qms ts4c) held: ,11:14rPr PyPs• IkW ToPPIca i7a, - al° , v, • to, OmeflN t i lrs9 , lP. f r9vls4l:Cs , Ae .,, il4C'l si t'n they produce ` upon the treyeler's aloud. Cot.' iiiiely; 4 ik(ie v l ery:tevetiera..)oiiial, diiPr.Mition sthilnh aceumprtnies the .I.lolan taj ' ghti'., aud:which oven the absence of hay:ray daylight might be , tOrrsidered sullicient to Prildneel ' '' : • ; - 'tliir7iiii.l was WelTYeitten; l bur narrow, 'and., We..hciX.'great dilliMilly - iii passing the :Bunt! hay and wood'yams which met us, on account, of gm depth 'Of fire , labile ittiowo6" l either' tilde.' Weiiitil several violent overturaS . aittitich times, tane•of whichlittataielied us' hie'li!iiiii.iir (Cup hel loved, ..pipel.a...al lama i which telialerbtl ' tlftdated . i disconsolate for the restiof the def.; Welud i het p,notbetwreu Ift,,And'Oellereliv4htelit'i'l!9 Pt it P 4 1 4.1: s99llALfterifie,Villffrriappraeller.we Pl'O e i t . i .t a PPO i i:r ) 4 , Y Pt ) l l i:ticThi v itl' 4 1 )P ,* iftF t !I f u ltuattian - PrOntieel ntion at Thk k jpwn of Torn, Toraa, across flth frozen ,tlyer, leo - .4;renllyi I ltliiidgini,'Wlihillelifiliip i.bo'r e.ed i'ili'sPirit Of, its lild lelni telt ii'si it 0464 thh 'Mit did* lOW '4ad, buildings. Campbell, I remember, finis, ' " i I , colit ws the iiankh ,wlCoffieo't hgery brivi" with' the: Same ' disreW , l elf gettgreplat;lehlyli :lattices him grow palir 'treti.4 'along , the Sample; • liainiiiti River: ‘''Tliere hvdsi Ternediili 'hut I dookediw , vain', fur the Matlary brai." 1 :1;Ibi at hill witbinaighb,taiondirdOtiitithiirat eiretao lel ten nii,3 t}? 9 11.4 .wwit'sliwie941. like O's *Ws,' ter s OPT:if 0 9'4 d fi 4 iif? IN'Pe.filtql ike.flAP.9 6- its of the rivers and the retrocesiitief . the . . pea. . '. 1 attic nit il ban e"le?t ofthe r iser, %lath lidea" l Of whieli'i , ‘, , kiiiva6l'•viit;',lestt. little' vila , gt:e. The ' eettictri'was• well oleitied Anil, pultivateld,'aull appearqd sou Opulent 'Mill flourishiag, that," could scaiecly rea4ii in what part of tho world ,we. were, :: The !inn net at a , quarter past, out; but fur , two hours the, }thole southern heaven was superb i'aaitl lineal of ruse 1 and srange.' The sheepskin lent ul iay. our 1 landlady kept our feet warm, and we gaily felt the cold in our faces;`my nese, PAnceirilty, i which, 'having lest' it coat of skin, wipe very fresh anal tender; requiring !!Einsautr!lntre: At . a e'elpelc,'Whei we reached l'aiekula,the first I station, the northeru sky was ono broad flush of the Ourest,:vielet, melting 'into lilac iit'the (zenith, where it itiet that fierraltip of adoilet. w e .refreshed . eIII4IIIYO *i1.1%1 1104 etilkr Bell ~peadted ahead, ~willt, better Oases. A.t.,3 o'• clock it was brightmomalightoith,.the Plilialf tali. 'lies go , top ilia tidy ov e r the levtal,heargi l i itiad;' tiad in two hours reached lierp!kyl i a, 9. late how 'iiiii,livliVie we totilid ireqiiiiir.tilil facecimmodatiOna ' due'.hilds '. lit 3 e'l , lii l itPS : 4 of reindeer skins ;‘ a 'frightfntly digit , nntillch o i l , 1 44, 1 i_k, ( „,, , aaf e w:•wOid a I pr s'wedieli, pre.) . pared,itti•o supper qf tough nmat, , potAtieiioa , ale. , , la3yerything was now pure Finnish,,end the first, fpiestion, of; the : gl,l,,,ftilaPpyi:Aran /font naor yi s ai : (7 „ (yliere,,destlivu nettle from ?) , sliewedot ig , inwaWee of the,tominanestr il l,: e . , K,. dish ihinot addres s tube awoke us with a citO'Oieelyee. In that tior;iiii,, iott;ilegqcLv.4 roi-usv thil.l?aidtiriiibro: idiloTeer'Skii, - wliefi iWe Pmetired•fbr Aemethieg keksfiniti n'ldfillaji:-'2,2 'the Iluxboticis (houselivetiAnut , he the iiiwpira i,ikictkilettl t hgrolimtuiel - no oherg4fer:thirenteto I tainment, but said; we,' mioa.•giill. what me• pl ease d, ~ aT. offered .atN .: a, , valitti re; 1 4w,, Vata e TT! 1 4.- , 4t )9 l4 4l‘k i f t •Y- ,Ic u kl A P , nlic;qußcip .11e I sent the girl to pay that fr,..tkan,,lted ini most heartily.',. :. ~,, 1 ToldayliaisVeeii : tt`day'iq ' htl .l 4'aie;h4ti;',liTi ouch a glory of twid‘fiatspfeladors fur spc 101, ` 1 hinarat tia:s buy and ;4llthe:cliaini et:dayfighti jo ; any I:zo'nP. Itei: iletried iise;•_eli; : with a' teerperittiire (id' ?,i# lithiw . ietiO.iiii) I iceloing . apj the left bank' of the'VoriireL.l 'l'llW cc. j uati 4 i nwitt rose in bold ' hills, acid thA feiittarei'of "the scea,ery .bucaine: broad 'and; usajestic.' TliC northera sky was, again wire viertat,atuatwp.sle real tinge from the dawn' Tystpd. oti thq,pps of the snowy hills. The prevailing color Rr , the i sky slowly brightened into lilac, theft lute pink, then rose color, : whiehT;ligain gate, way to a' flood 4,o . ..splendid Orange when the situ akpear ,ed. Every change of color affected the tine of the landscape. The , woods, so, itrapp,ed in snow that not a single green .needlo 7814 to' be `seen, took by tur n the byes of the sky, and , seemed' to give out, rather thee to reflect, the ,opales • ....._, -...,......„ l eent lustre,A thaportilag.,.,T4 taw. tahi.ne dispel q Ini,Kbteneo ittteid' . sl,f *. Asp spiel' . ,facts. At . neap the aun's ,diao was not more IMMI MUSIUMS • !i 1;il• , - ;:+1,171,1 , 11 4 1 • vi TWID D,pLLAAI APNl % ** ,L 1. t+ • t 'OA., rico' 1 1• , '• lA ., 4 . 1.11 YO,VADEOPI :fp ii 1 ~~~ ~. ~~.i • . t - 1 - 17.7117 - 11'17.-: -. 17. time 1° above , the heritow, , throwing•a levet golden light en thmbilhf, 1, The t nek}hpltglayt us, was a', blue as the Mediterranean, and the whulf of/helvtenieverbped4 caeopiqd us with .PilaCt, . -r97715 1, biFt V 4ll , sl° l- itiO If 1 14. rang-. ' .fitfurgdtiu the magic Offt,, , V, 1r , ,44 kb° grsl' 54 41 9" 17e some g?t_t ho t with raw, salmon, ,qhingll bread "arid Trozeti batter., Our tort s were good, and 'wd arorg 1 /r 1 ~ , 1 .1 , . 7 ,ii, ~ . i4,,1.. . ; V/ mi... 1 alerrity aterv, ,, , up the irozen .1 0rm.,501. +.4 1• iti,ioi *Ctle filled frittipeopie going td 'efitirch, '',.pf.bliablyteics.lottra 4 e some tidtigiiittit'annitierna l ' ry, today btithikTuesday. t•Fresh i : ruddy-facee huti , theyo':6bn^ fent.°Seitt '4llilifig filvif.tooo resolute carriage, hut the most of them were 11041tivelyttiilyi ktta4 by ebhtritt'st *dills tbdt frank id wedes,.theirt ex preSsion ) Was , furtive and litli3; ten s Neon Peckila..we pulsed tt, fi,neeld,phitqch of _red , brick;,,with a yeti hand- 4 440.11 0 4 1 1 Y.— „ 4 4' 14 ..lettliA;wet,liffu l tatl berses,in, tepi ntilifttest ands, iif,t(tf'.e,doul4. the ,frozen :r°r99la t 1 xatarengi. where we should reach' thq 4 ixtio ditlCie. 'Tl‘O'ltills Vega liigheiN tlSTviiiiVneep- Itig'doiddes,'liiiillthiz'lrii'e'r vlit'4 l Bllll . llllii i 6il9 'l:irdiid=zit'iilitiri ht Milid 'itilar, 'With tlid tied! , ittaWted ..tat tlt byt.lreihes: ,-WeAcfpet'at- sharp, -look•out foti the.mettetsin dr , Avasaka,:oriq of' the nie tioes,,, of Celsius, , ,Muulterties autt-;the gr l ll9l l ,Acat44 l, o l eiinnet f'4o, fittrik 4%41 ( 0:16. to make observations determining the exact ^ thrmid E the 'earth. /,Through ithittAneentain t ii ii letil,,the Arctic, gitelu,•passeei though)oun ini?l'lAre,., tieitber,aaflieloptly i .mntite pelt . pot ; !Lee!. t 9 determine the point. We took tt fat grented, hovvever t as ft, toile one way . ? eth, Other' could Make but little tli T lerii i ce ;'aud as Mittitrengi litiS due vie'st'ofavasitkit,' aOting tile river, 'Ve decided plate)) there fold take klitinet on , the 4*rctitt 'CI rcle. ,' t.. • no- • ... ,m,..i., ii Theiticrease df viltagett on both , banke,' Stith ths'appeanttice of a• large church., denotild,lout 1 a1 ..- 3^pytiach, to Matoreogio • and VII illkW att,quel t 1 1 41481301. elttlY•Toilattitli ktlllated 14 11 .0fP*7 Pit'l ,, P4w,. ,l'it'!"ir , ,Arilb gYhigrilVlvt foul bq tT . p.? c!tpe r thiln itve9ll..a., Hero we were nt 1 , iasi., entering the Antic zone, in the aced of iViCrL:ti' ai''' tof d 1 1, 1, m" rt. ma ton a reap I often' Itasited nertinf my nand; Whetilouilking "tottib'r thi;frOpical spalini,. 'itti tiatartifis it for eneiextfenle; to suggest the ' °posit'', -I , tecolt our bearings with a templets:ring. as wocitsp,Te !dot,forward, apd , es the summit of ivasitta bre eititl wo 4sah ga'veld Miceit ;Wftieiilsiartled our postill inn and-oi l latlYt iiiiittliened Jibe gait of our horses.: lt, vine , itoposailsel tr,t (toss 'cur eapo s : £n -they;, were. not, yuly,,tiett :uptal !Rite licaol, bct4fc o 4ePlifiOP 41 ,i9P r .1 ) 1ii:4 4 1-,..°A4re ;wq 'IP F4l i ci t Otl't4 t r l l! , . ( l°"'jli i " r if v !iiiP e • A r , oo,.rulor 1 i 04,44 kateito Ipf,tlTH,thr,,,!?,; 1 'eel he 'wlll;pinve ' desitoilietbii ! 4i,,,, tittyp , it;it'o'4ithillia. ' ':''' ” ' ''''' ''' „,,,, i 1' • i , l 1 -lii , i ~, , f •el 1 1 1 1 bOCIll ' Il ' It ' 0 " 1;YAAl t 1 , 0 drove" Bits the',init at lit at4'll4iiii; 'iOlfeh' 'yici l 'ficiriif4Ai'i; fitplo t 'filici hatl edidif titittietiii'elliV4liir Tll6 ibtalitild; l' a salitiw;t;Wstery-ejta 'Fien, Wilotit:lietet ii. lbw imarde; of Swedish, , rife- :tat strocilli in- ttpr sid: iloikii lig house,' ttfia fOrnisb oci a flialfer.or ttoill4/ 0049 IfTl4 'l7aefkriiß44 ll ) ,, Aqi,whjohoYff.,Vijitii a 3 g , ti qi i ,fqlo'l l ,`,WrY,r;i4'l99!/", IbrslYghf:frant , M,Para" l3 : 6r;°o a 4 l‘ftl,'l l 9Pt i l': V,v;MN ( jouiai i yraised found a servicerble . ...pixp, i , lig tliiii nothing : wan . ; , itiil4.4 to cgnYpleiF one.in; 1 bilee. We swallowed the l iticiiiiii3);.l6‘lNhq ~, ' ri'''' (l l' L `rtllt. u ftijitAileshPiu°; bi'v°.”Pl^t int" l " gl2lBtefi our it f Li e, fliPP,,,liyi. n; lepßoßitg takq hone as a sepveuir u ,the,plsme, mid set • .l, .1 i ...,., ..,,, i it.e.si, aid ~ r • forward in a cheery moot). . , bi,,, , ,, 0 ~ :.), .1 i Ivit 0 , ur rutty now cr os sed t ic , river anp oepg l On th6' it ilisi:in' side to ei'plitep iviiii , th:o s eloiriiiiiig tiatio`' of' l i ortilittakdmi . ..` I.iie•iiftb6(44l'i. r t.l. , , lightra3 eypi more Apntilothil 1 hare Ofitt Orilla fOreUgOlii, I Theraware broad banda:pripuTlit i pure crimson and intenpe yellow; !11l filing ttigetheriaio fireliciritthie.ht.ifiibeilli 1 alb North :been eI a: veyiliolu)t' , nf ' ~ilik thin Jib►c,god,theti the.aortest:yidlet, I,llla Oqzzling itis,PaSticiPatO 4 , 4 1 4 .1 11 ,1 , Rf 11 ' 4 1 7 11 Nhic!! (lift not fire s au w !hu Pt3o, ud,, a nd strpierl„us if 09d wi,l e,l to part : tl.to . by thi.4' twiljiht . glory . fy tile, lrt ot M!,5. in ; Vali, Ell ies,'•elle4l4'the piagiiihppnee of' eeareely.leas;hrillitiatt +4 Our tea Iy,t6" tuietilt broken, lending t h rough deep Hinityi tnep9nte4 on the river, sometimes Ibrough floae little glenid, hedged iq With l i ra ; drekqiing , i;iilt pOove - m -fuiry 4rctic aulittp!qts f rwhitel aileqy seal Wp rpuplie(b.b!te 1 4 11 rpliagOf wpolkyi /4114 101 43 , 00 Anat l ! at 'a l 4 e ,F lll aPl aa ‘79kl, l •.‘?, l l;sridiN. TRIA to make IL!'s on , 9e. , Ftstuii/I : pointt •t ' band tl • V(t . 1 ert e !pie, Ei+B4lto.' ibti4P l i.UP'usu;il lor putiog i which'speoAily procured us a Fail of souF breq itud hurler end 1,P)V10)9P1119' big-hprou ,or sweeyoj)k, TlO ?vplo avul A of Y s told iuqp Naas OUF FN y titlioti4rs'ii 411:)v; st;rind , i•as eoipbt. 'l4 tls'- course: - bat'. aeIiOATUAIQ . learned tbat.'ozeoP sigpifies lira vppl 10,4: him • 116.'41614[40110y )IF-40'*(641)/f1134 gping out the poor !'4ttµrrte Ikatifi have at Ipast discovered tho Finnish for ‘‘thank you i"lit? t “koUd'iver ibis hbiduJur fist twlrlie,tco, order lOrsei at 6 &elm*ttoribtrl . warning, , Wir likewtie a-m.or .4 4illigigt! r ? l,o 4 3.l,Vajny .Al ppOur loum Emiffid.l .14 yery,,nne!rtetptygiye4 9ttrAilktr u i hion s nail itvenl4 ' l?epTietli t t. tq flifol I,,aiejpoiX A fen witi?' frozen noses. . The nreteury hEirisol 14? per9;* l *. 14* '4l:y and itttnii l threateping su4w,:4fmr,n. Gpn but got. tosecTiqp.iskit 144.40100,4071;,. ACRI'd• , *. .F7•11)4, -- • . Stir Aloci Omen) icor,ohi4intOptbeke; men's liven—the ,e;Tors of tkiiatt,o.pn ntp agirf ; than thou cattet surer, *V IO T r .!,'F'l7.91 1 5 4401#4 pus 11 poor irislow : • 4 4 til 4 , 4 I , urT FA c Asitlptozwisoli*. llo !Yilf ; * l * recta ans felt. e.wrzv.tbk , ll igialiMl =WU 4 •