Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, April 10, 1857, Image 1

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    t l r t 4 t 4 11 .11 t
11P1w 1 A. 115 t3Li~lli.
o !:
If:1 , •
VC) '
, Lump :
• v,* I.4qi
t,/ tfi
Prologs,lonal Cards.
tf,t4 , tl
irk FrlgE in. Chnmbexeburg street
JP one door Weer: of the Lutheran
C Itarehinear,ly opposite Gliammer'a atore,
• where he may be found kailyand willing
} 'to attend to•aily ease within' the province
'of the Oentiat: Pereons in, want of full
Initi:Of teeVliqiti invited to eall. ,
• , •'. , •: ' ii,EFERENCES. •' • ,
Dr•..(3.N.lfir,itzmaiit,•l Rov.c;P.K.a.urn,D D
i••••• a. liongsg, , , Prbf:M.J•enus,
• 4 . , H.S. Huhu, • • It 1., .Badtaffun ,
~ •,... D. GI CARAT, • . .. fi.A •Mtin'tfurfloan
;Rev. It.. I 'income, 1 , " M. L.qiii•cavlcti.
,-, July 4, `lB4B - '
W,M . cC L E'L.L N ,
Attorney. at Law,
COME On LIMA:MARTI 'si'lo of the Public
gpirtre, two Adore' West of the "Schauer
March 29, 1856.
DAVID A.' 11 U . E LE It
Atliirney at:Law.
IVELL promptly attend to Clollectiope and
V all other bamiles.4 entrunted 'to Ins' care.
tsrtilliee in the Diamond, adjoining the Store
of A. 11. 11.1.111,TE.
Gettysburg, Pa,: Feb: 1, Law,
0 .7T1.: . 1:E..N tio t
~ .fi is w . i t r i
o ffiep North
IVrst Cone
ith;F:EIIENUP.;.--Bot. Thtuldotts .Starens
"Esq., [Amon:or.
EDWARD,B. 13.U,8171LERi
Attorney it !AM,
,1,V11.1, faithfully
. turd promptly attend to
Y al l inisiness entrusted to him. He speaks
biliguaac. 011 ice at the. saute
place; h t ." South Baltimore street, near Forney'a
Drug Store, and nearly .opposite Palmer
Zie-lor'it Store.
W,. L. CA3IPi3FLL,
AI I °rake) , at- Law,'
Chrunbersburg street, Oettss
,. - burg. two doors from Geo. Arnold's store.
- will nttetiii thin. chums for tiorstY
the bun Acts of Congress, PeqvrimiN,• c.
All entrusted to his hands :will rO
veiveiwrinuptattention. ' .• • ; .
Attotivey at Law,
;((ltttee, re.npved to one door WCAt of Duel:does
Orti4,St.,B.lolt-Store,Clotnibtrdlougstreet.) A
AttoriLty aiul Solicitor jri' Patents and Pen-
lititnity Land IVarra as,' Back-Pay pun.
:winded Claims, and all other claims against
.the (4nverittnetit at Wanlifugton, D. e• :
alma A tuariean claims in England., Laud
;'\Parrott< located and Hold, or bought,and
highest pricet
.I.7tods lor sate in lima, Illinois, and
other Western States ; 411(1 agents engaged
Warrants there:
ter Apply to himn,,perstinally or br
letter. ,
STILL .411E.1D 1
IVI3 have just received , n,Nrie lot of
&I L
11.11's; qv - , las
of the very lf,tent , Spring. A tyles. aid intend
selling, nt. nnqill . profits. 'O,ll nnd nee them
hefere purnbyning elneu•here. Itomemher the
pto . ev . Veation:n Old Stued,, Cheaubershurg .
ftr.i. ~ • , ' .. •
Minh 211,1857;
lir: 1 , 11.411,LY GROC,ERY.
XLESVEC'EFUIiiiI' infer:lts the citiieni of
' Gettysburg atat.the public• geu e i a ny,
that: lie' has opened a uew 1 •
fire/ 7 yrs', and Cpnifectioncirtr
, •
, 64 the Northwesi24_ornor.of iheDiamond, for.
Knarly occupied hyA., B. Xurtz, where he rwia
habe coaatautly-,'oti hand. n, choice, variety of
0:EDO vir.&4l3,itulevoiytl l ing in his lino
.4vOiy ariiCla.thaitheliiisters Xarkat can of
will, lee kepi on, hand or, appplied. *
5 4piteitt itatice.. A shaie_ofPuhlic,putronage
to rCaPgatfully,
ir94Fc 4 4P „
R in
MI kjnde tA
0 . a104044 , 714
qj t; And the uhcOPest /
111118 undersigned woull Inform the good
-...!•:fttiople:l3f-Adatiis , county and the reit of
ttlia that ho inns 'received an , ek tom. large'
,n4pty of l all-kindi of MEN'S 'b., BOYS' CLO::
• PELII4I3,Y Shoes, Hats, Oaps,..l3llffalo
,Ildbcapite., from 'NeW . .York ; aud although'
0/oath:ire adrancild price, he is ahli and
:detet!toilhed to aell , ittillelui price thrill' heretn.
Ithiintry .Ifet:niumits , are invited to call—he
„wilt sell:them Goods lower than thereon buy
in-the icity.. -No Ono ;can `compete with /dm,
.uttleas'hd htlys his Gootliina he &ma : that is to
.say; go to' Nei , York mid stny two; three or four
,months, and watch the ehances. • -
'A , word to the , wiao is outfit:iota. If yen
ailed such Hooda as he' keeps, go to him and
,make'your purehases,ro save money.
Oct. 31,.185G
White' Hall' die . *
cr dem! /
wrilE Thirteenth Session will commence on
hronda* the 4th of hfay next. The pittro:
nage ;of the public is respectfully solicited.-- 2
Ttitinc-i6O per Session of 21- weeks. Poi eir- -
AOlitrii matching particulars whir-13s
•.‘ " DENTAINGIA, PrinCipal.
' - 1 Harfisburg. pa.
I •Mareii 20 ' ' '
V 9741‘1" SYS • '
A.: N, , wmigually . largo.; assortment, of every
droriptieu just received ;,
~1. .1 , ••, : , • $4,3180,1it.
• I.• I iit '1(1 ati I S i .• "•• • • '
• ';•0/.4II7•1 'I , FEARLESS'AND %FREE."
I. '" " •
POOt .
-Oljer•lattbratiCronn .
Lisa thesokindiyieldintsnvivr -1
ottid, 40014 1,,a emwd.of people !'
• Muving t unisless, : pi,and fro i• ,;
Liki)tO,gings of spectres
Moving, noiseless, through the snow., '!
The'.:the'eehoes all tiro feiCeless,
To the steps that come and go,
EVery step, however nOiii3less,'•
Leaves a footprint in the snow ;
- And each print, altho'llis voiceless,
Tells its story to• the Snow:. ' .•
Here is the fact, of yontkoml maideo.
, • Age and Manhood:-pleasure;
Some. whom care bath overladen,
Some whom,oare bath Knight.
Steps of ontolMed, youth and maiden,
Criro Will follow r ite/ in vain. :
Yonder prints all blear'd—uneven— ,
- Mark some weary pilgrim's shoon
After all his sink forgiven; • '
• May:the grave accept him soon ?
He whose steps seimaso'uneven—
May the grave accept him soon 1
There *foot-marks ; hard and rigid,.
Pruirn their , pressure we tuay know
One whose heart, as winter: trig
ieltS not at another's woe
But beware I 'Wrong • howe'er
night will 'overtake with won. • ' '
' Tin an iritpress neat aiid slender,.
genie fair girl lath pass'd,
Gtxll o'erwittch te.nder'f
Angels !Shield her from the blast I -
-Heart so frail and thrm so slender; '
,C 7, ; •
Need bo , shieltitsi. front the blast I
Berea' naked foot seerna creeping,
Ylainly.ntark'd each littlo , toe ; •
End soave mad-cap child been , leaping
lfrom ; thp window, in the snow
Om I, stane beggars brut is creeping,
Cre ,
shivering thro' the snow
. I
While, with whoop and shout bewild'ring
iterc it bunch of , merry - children
teuv;. the' 'oniticit O dancing feet
To that hitite-foot Child; betvild'ritig'
Are 'those initikit or &sliding `felt' I
Thus hpon the Prospeddieary,
T cauld gaze forAiiirs, unwear,f,
Countingfootprintslwthe'istiow ;' • •
Altising.o'cr the prospect dreary, • •
Wading , footprint* in the snow!". .
Itt the ri ies no univiie *moral " •
Fontprintß in the meitieg 'Midis ,
:With the, soft 'inrri do-not quarrel ;
Jiut a little go!
31imuwhilo, all may find a atotal,
codtprilit4 in.thq
_Though, in.breadth not eitentling over ten
miles, the, Vend 41ms:seems bdundless to the
eye when lookingfenn north to south,; find the
.murniur of the waves as•they break- eit'its 'dint
strewn 'shore,. together 'with the lines if drift
coed and fragments of bitumen on the beech,
iti waters a reseMblauc'e to the ocean.
Ouriolidb:,:aPerfeuMt; tlic `sensations of Switn
ming in, sq strange a sen t ) put t 9 test the
e;xtreine buoyancy. felt in it, and ; X,was quickly
Nottvinced that there,was nfi; . ,exalgeration in
that. ,Z.,foiaml the water almostlepid, and' so
strong ,that: the chief difficolty Va 9,10 keep
autheiontly submerged, 'the feet starting up in
the nit at every vigeromsstredie. When float
ing, half the body rose above the seriked,',.ita,
with a pillow, otie• trii4V have slept on the
I .
'it fter sonie time the' Stitingeile.sB .of iIM son-
Stitimi io seine. toeittinrot tlissppeMed, and tm
IP),i°4el'ing the OIPrTC4IrIOBOT/
had feet to ' n eut, udisti,lo! Ais if Oidadder. had
been misched to each heel, they .flew upwards,
the struggle to! recover myself tient my head
down, the vilely bitter and beny water, from
which' I !Mull hit4erto itMartled ttiy head, new
rushed into My hibutli, ears and nose; abd for
due horrible element mementthe onlydoubt Thad wits
ithether I was' to hd drowned 6i. pOisMed.: 7 =
Coming to the serface;hoWeiier,,TSTlMfolatid,
ma4yg furthey.ulViß 4 ;‘ytillc,iu deep
ICliier, W ich 1 sin inclined to lieli ► is almost
linP l * lllo = 74 f4 . 2l 7 , l ;iret • ... ,
A correvondent ol the London' Yonthiti
streeto:;lYlatewthe folloWing atiecilotO; which,
we vitt) , for the . etipeeita beep& of young men
entering mercantile II e , ,
once,loiew,a young man,v.said an emi
nent preacher the other day, a Bunton to'
young menr"thdtiwas 9 bl:dreithicitig life Ili a
Onti - day onovtitisaV'to . Milit.
.' t
fie, was 4: 9 IPg III ,!? f PAPTR*.• ; 1 47 68
tckl l 4Pur;
int@ndtio,exeeutipu of; , tlUs ! work., „ifie made
artigigeelits *** rrPightl'aliCF o tR the own,
about Abeir,eariaapd,borsofy,and; resolved to
begiu,very , ,,early in the morniggi Ire instructed
6e-taboret's , toibe, there at half.pastifoir
'..lElisiniistei cOtries , ityand, seeing
sitting itilhe doutiting , liouse; lookiiery bittek
iditinfitig that his commands hate betibetni
oaoc>ited ''
MiiSter;" R ipon WON
requested'id get out the cargo this morning."
1 8 A d P ll 9l"'Pi4 g/9;19114.'1T4°, Ault
h?/: 0 4.4 l e.ace:c"449fW! ; ,‘•
"tie pev,er, louked ltchind himfrt;9,thatonor
Meatr—neverl elumucter was' haul, con:
tidetim) was established. iLlo was ibund•tn be
ilte, man to do the thing with promptness.—
lid very soon 'came to be. ohe 'that could not
be spared ; lic wai as necessary tolho'firnt as
any of thaparitiers. 'lle was a religious' men,
and went throug . e'a life at g rCiit benevolence,
and death was able to les; his chit.
di'v.M an ample fortune, lid was 'n'oit smoke to
flat plenor vlaegar, to the. teeth, but jusS the
contrarj.L , .
Hams of the' Louisville
Journal, 'gets off some bard—thitigs.i Beer,
We see the nprightly, , though' naughty' nu.
thorAs t: ho culls herself, GQorgq Sckul, has
ewesspcl hpinelf, yni:y strongly in. favor
!OR& ibgtßed*illr 44 4 4 4
lAA lit erft iclotT
tFlAtli:ja *ripture,, we gaols she twill have her
RLIhJ , '1: .•.. :
# -'.i.i
;11, •/!: f1;1 7:,„1
t.4Kratp. :pa § ; protect Ms
his mother muLaister from the wauts, and ills
oflife., • Ferris had etkieled a:liboral education )
and ~baviog entered:tbe Navy ama , Midship.!
man, had reached , a Lieutenancy, by mason
of Ilia,superior 9.eptiremerita and .goml..c?n
duet. 'His profe:ipion bad leci him to all'iMrts
of the world, and* had carefully irntrocedhis ;
a4yq‘ntilse.l4 7 tilopgli constral4eA by,
mea49., the Practi(!ei of tho Ings.i)gr,
id o.ccrlTY.
He Aed zee tvvith the sinly doughter.of na . rria'
nue of Oa wealthy - citizens of 13ostett
at a fete given' on , board the: ship Ito which Ihe'
beltingid,, and lad becomA hitnediately etitiin;
oiNe:d. of iter r but hu well knew fu hi Ss')Vie h6ait:
th 6 difference In thnii' 'Minnie's lb' iiiCel a blue
riot. ' Ile iiiia
or n
fug' seretril months subseqet to the .time
atory , l.l
0111 . commences, at - the neusq,.ot
• 1
. • fi Lmuslliikk oPier n 0 mbre, esid:E'etrislo
himself ) ',lf lam jee.ted,st by, ben friends „for
offeringihnnliorothen'avilties 4 'with what i cod
tempt yould her austere parents "recetief
proposition for her htti4 'rota ,epe, eoltoor
n !!_
it: ( a l. lf4 j r" " r was•4 l dPeArtfiteqi old men!. ho *lke Aftid, to Sxo,kind .to to the .poor,,
giviugSrOy,of• hie , boa n the 'relicif of the
needy....Bllll he waa a Jwfange .:Tna4, he iseldow
spoke to thtise.stroolid: him yet , he;eiineed :the
wannest lovit , for his' only child; and Anne' foo','
hived , hor father *kith an sidetii altectitid. His
delight wisiOTi'ore over his litirarY, ii•Vitig,"us I
ify were its the Company tie l the t
0 kcieveritt • oeCesi onswhen Ferris, r
house, and enuvelaiiem‘y4hAnne
lie Obeerred the old man's eye boot ptetjiledp
on him, when his heart would sink within him,
'and he' would a Tealit) : or hii sit'un;
Jerrie woa one eVeiniag in Ileaeon . afreet'm
the 4c;nse'or. Mr. where ia
,spito of
the cold rceeptiou Le received .frofn . those he
generally mot there, ho atill enjoyed -himself
in' the belief that Anne, tyas not indifferent to
his ,regard. lie had been relatinp tp her; at
her request, Idn.„Akipetienee . with different .iin;
lional — chartieterii with whom he had Miit - r,
speaking of their peculiarities, and describing
the various scenic elrects of differ ent countries.
at near a sweet leaov
) •(e •
'atm wasindustrioualy engaged iu deatroying.
Ards bervilag close 10 ,. her ear ' said :
"Auup ) will you pluck that ruse'us s' token
‘,„ •
, •
-A! ,•-
ft ...._ .• thld winter nietti . :,hit ' ' sv i?'
whistled shrill tough tie bare ;hides ;15e life gi-,
ant trees that • lined; i lle , e?tail. Alit kound
ilaS'icoVei:`e'd Witlianow, upou i VeLcje /surface thei
light of.the;meou fell I ,icti , dazzling splendor f l
staddiqg ;the, ini , rested :groundwitb. brillisur
iliainondo.l 'As the,Otld . South , clock ; struckl:
nine, a* in his cloak, Sought
the shade of the large'irees in' the park; from
,whenOte : he watched. theucoming otinamirous
carriage loads of gaily dritkitsi people of both.i
t3exes, whO entered vete of the'priticelf'houses,'
of Beacon street:' Through the richly,' 'Stained,
glaim widow/lithe ' goigAiltes ; light' issilbd;ile te•
ateAdjr tided,' tieconipteihed - ly i 'the:Ult.M[4
tones of "iiiileie tionf afialiand ; the llouS.;i1--
lenibafeilutVrery poi4seened cr owded With'
gay and happy spirits. The stranger still, con.
temp sted dite
scone,---.llB.cloak, which enrol. ,
ope4ole.fewor pert Olds• features,.had' fallen, ,
discovering A, face or manly.,beauty, ,a fall: .
1 44 1 1 i, e,X4p, with j arching hrows,,eud , short I cur
lni hair, as ),lack as the , raven plumage, set-
Ling, ott to a giultlulvantagolis Greciamstyle
, offeattire---a becoming ~ : moustache curled a
bout his mouth, giving a decidedly - el/Mine iiiii.
pearanee to his whole face. 'fho naval but- 1
ton ouhialcap showed ,that .he' belonged to 1
that plass of our national defence. , a ~ , .•
. "Shall i eater," said he thoughtfully to him
self, "and feast my eyes onth'arrnsi`niNer e'en
posSess ? 'Bard late. that r "should be'liodfid
to the iror chains otpdveiy , •:let r tiui
and a tare soul "as 'noble ' we' the lest'of iniM. ,
Wo.will seo„" and crossing, over , to the 'do;
scene, lie Mitered the 'hail, 11e castoff his i
ove'r shoes„ handed, his goat ;; and cloak to a
tiervaut,,and µrely/lounged, mingled with the .
beauty and fashion that thronged the :rooms.
Gradually. ho made 'hie Way among the crowd,
in whose centre stood a, - bright Mid :_beautifei
being, the queen in-ltuditiess of that • brilliadt,
assembly: ' The blonds. of the West End thick:
'ed about her, seeicibetov'Unapproring glinige
from those 'clicanif blue U)'eS; haltieltilicfed,;
she ausweyed or, spoke, on tile topics okenrer
sotion, without Apparent interest,. Suddenly
I.she started,: blushed deeply, , dropped -a half
' courtesy, dn. hiked of recognitime ter some one
(vitliout•the group'. ' Her eyes net longer lien
'guid,' now sparkled witliauldultlet, 'and 118 otir ,
'naval fridad nideied Sib groi'p abbot her,' ,31i,,,,
laid hei:liiiy‘gliered'inind):l4S;siiiink-;-; '''' •
~." IVelconee, Ferrii4 - Wohied reared than
saili`n4 orders had taken you to sea this bleak
-wq a t 1 19 r."
!!We should not taro lifted anchor without
first paying tribute to our quoen,!! was the'
gallantreply. :, ' ' ' ' -• ' - ''
A titter ran through tho Circle of ekelusives
at hie appearumee among theth, 'brit 'Whet' 'the
lady appenral; 'there was no iochil for; : eoin•
plaint:'" :
TLo gag Ace nes of the nightwore. o np, seveFel
time hn`d Torre tlitrverd completely .ppt, at
funit : the around
l' l o ll etheill An bat AU enviable
;; „ , c ,
,; ; „ „ o , ; ;
Ferris Ilarvard was a lieutenant. iii,thelia
vy and depended entirely 'on his pay as an Support awidowed inetlieratUryciiini
eister f t 4 both of thOrh he eras ev • otedl.ioiittach•
edt HIS father Was reself-rnacie One'e
beeti alaudceiircil met~laarit, 'who "wiled and
freighted Ai:;lneot the iieariestteinigil • r4 ) saiii
that hni.inifortt;ne
and Sickness orerteok h ad, and he sunk inin
' t 40111 it;
70111 . ,
,U 8 oyi ,
Pinne;for slop, Oimostiiiehind it Vows
'the potOrMl.,., Ton knew the niyatie language
r of bath, will you, vlpose. and ;give, aue one r/
• . i 'llush-n-linah, Ferris," said the blushing and
pluckingiand.handing him
;(I' tbii '
of 'the' eti
p i This , ptuitiod when ' the atten tion in.
pony' iiresAit viiis'Arkwo, to' sththo engaging :11.)- ;
ljetht:',...'Nkiv4e t'feidielikif Ferri's; eived`rmy.
I ‘l3tideiic. of `Atilif6i ioie`, the from her tell-,
1 f t,.!!! 0 .1 . 1 0 - Th,o owo , !al!, pie ced next to his
beert, itudi)io left the aPnrtitent, Lte had
4 . prgecgded, h,ut,efew ; steps ,when t helves, pipepst
-4 *by, a poorrnithiliceut,clothed in raga, ;who
, was exposed:at that ;late hour of the night; to,
~ t het incletuedey.ofthel seastiu. ~i 1 1 ~ : ;.l
, • 4 'Pray,' air," said:1111) hoggar td Aired, "can
yoW give ltne' . it 'trifle? ~ I am lierWlY Starved,
ea rkilleifihrOiigh by this 'n'iiktr's l iiir.'!... I ,' .
"'Perils liftbr a lbw ' lioillgOt ' Cii)l4riitition
Will the heglirt i r;tdr : l4 hlul' a the li'enri"to
. turn away the su mug o acrea
ture liandedrhim "6 / purse captaining five or
~vix donors, : prging,birn , to, if k riminerluite
: shelter and r food. ' Tim' beg .r.. blessed, hint
and, , Passeil on., ~ ~; 0 : 0 4. 4 , r .t.,! :,!, 'I
11- , A fewhights euhstituent• to thisfoccurience
he:was .ragairt; ilt , lier fatheile ; atioustit t I , lfra.
.11—, Anniete Mother,' receivethiro; at She
'MI 'most ,of hei'Visitarli;' Witirtibriiiiwhist thin
' ktraltied and 'di l tifint' ircithit l ig i l l''PliinCa Wo- i
man of '
rid"Oriitil.iiilferiiritcriniti l powers, 'site
always retired early condneiang her inter.
cyitirie j WithitheiCty in iimost . ftkrrital inlnner,
k' l erifs was . mash 'sur r' e : d ghat Mr );i r k -
had , taken ,no Pqrtigulltr=ninliner, Of hie intfrnecy
gilliS ),IQUfier.fOrt he.aeldOra . awei,llizu and when
ILO could, tlio old, mare' eyes kelt 1 iteralrypon i
him in anything but a frith* kitidAnditing 1
spirit, In - tliisllll einmhilie M I at ra I 'il a ir ha tj
course to iiiiii\ie since Atunies acknoviiedg-
!tient of her liffeet t icins Tor Ono .and.' now
, 1 14 Was ,PilPlitYr4iPtiwo , froot (.4ie i goal of hie
.happineril?, : fort tiis, better: judgMent. WMlllllll+l
that the consent of berrpurents - weld sever be, '
Obtained. r! , r : ' - ~,,, , f - , -, , ft ~ A ,it It -..,,. d ,
~, On. this:lima:den ho !fedi fahen'hir lea 6 as
ristial, when ho tithe -net ; by the Ifeigef iiftlie'
'former night;'Wheitigailleolieftdiilitiii;'iliblir:.',
ing 'Unit
,he 'ebAle ilifti •pci•Oittik'qse, lii'Willit
him; And "that tintt iiie y tnofiCy Ith'ih : d 114#:,:Vo- 1
and rent of rt,mieerable co der 3 flitePall°•ikad 1
Itldf;(1. ~ „,I, ;,,,,tali rr, ,; ..t t r.,.n t e,rt,) 1 tht :,.. Ili, •
,- 4gaio , ;l'gT6l.• PIPPO. tro, t tPuTio r inl the poor;
,nut 'p ',.l, l lkridt AP the tettme Vittle l )o(( . .hillrli
,tlita.- Ithi,hismulfffiliflifOritt.pil, (toniftritinfidho;l
-the practice oftiiiid , etda only 'iii'the suplpett:l
of •thrkie ?dependent , upon' l bim.b 'lie left"flie;
beggar 'rind ' piuttiOd en Ifir walfhlipilY iii liirvityg:
rim tribttted` tii , the' al lOvititifth' Of lirithait b ititt I
I f oring: ' " “ •'. ' -: " ell' , i . ' - , c. , 11 ,',_)i.,
Not 1614 snliseiiiief,yer4lN6iiii,y; o ;,;ii.,
iiii at tile house pc ' gt' , . ' , #77 ' ,i:atal i4. 9tt'A'"`
ly rolln4 Arlio? and her fntlior ,filOne, „the I I
for iner, engaged upon ri piece - of• embroidely of
a new pattern,. . and the dattor , ,Peeting. over a
vol in tie ,of ancient !philosophy. l ~; , t Al,i .^ I
~: On hie r ontreoce; .tivold gentleman took
no further tiplidretit notice Of him then it'Might
ifielitiatioil 'of' the 'head; land I. , kiriid illEttlinilik
s ip.s'r• ', 0 'r , 1' * '; * "..."..1 L'9 , 7 ~.0, ':,l , :.'it . ,
* He birokn,'Cliiitr `liy., Annie's' eide r ' 'end, told yer i pillii),oTe iji . , , l6Wlvlt''iitde d z i't i eqs, - ;b:4-
1 7 , ! . elFTIF'i't° 4 ,.'i l sPg,i,!lhnfail?,E P 11 11'?
f't`4" .;
! -I. 1:,) , 1L.• , ..1c-r:i 4t(' ',,1
, 4 , 4 ,9, 4g Nvil)11191: 1 ;ear LYYPldlPl:gte)Wgerrt ,l
. _
kaow,"; said the ;gorroisinglirl. longer
ago than yestrirdity-he spoke ;to mereintine to
a•connection with prtnn.aever
bdt one min,!! intidlhWbettitty;rgiving hintl&
Ferri' could bear thus epigfieniie
tit 'fact the hTnt aiiiii,netc to
another, epurned itOo`
ed, to that part,oc tito
04h,14'4 4 .1ift,e!Tif%. 03Tc,intr94;tpory,rpvi;a4s,,,be
hu t vp .detibtlestrobettrrOr Sir, XII ti 4
KiaVY.iu your: family for' more than a year past.
I From the fact_ that you did *not , bbject te my
attentions to yo it ddtlghteY Uiave'bohn 4ed to
lApe that it••inligittibt'
your Mity.l ask,: sire
Soot op3plon m thii l , lll4Mir ,
"if ivivdoftiiii reillett ltlr
,~"and'have g reMMO, °PjqcFP
A!!",...Y,94,1kr9 rfriq ivmry, hpArel
• •
ilpitber . offenyout oaughter,
bo, t embohiened by Jove i .1110 k yibu now . forher
Karla.". ; , ;
-no old butnittid bylfe book; and 59'morlrig'
I,6.,,,,t6t a dl e i i i.i s ika : 11! i • • ;-•;.
' 3 l:food tiii.lrody eithciibii OW '64judif " I
'" ‘;:l• • •
•t ,
alt is youri ii •
-- - gorria,oaug tio-!asltinishPlent to. his \feat
mixing 1. • :•:(f!
hgrdly , know• lig!! 'to• 'rbeorve - your kitid; , •
nags,-my deir Hier 1 . 161:144 , tot' ditrdrunt •tiesit=
, ;JListen, '
f you thlnk tahotild'hav9 1111pireitioll u hositipe
inlltWalb know
1 :Yo . or character ? Do you thick thitt I should
bavA given •Suuthin predioits:child (add liexo
placing, her hand in 'N'errid).to liefore I
had proved you ? out of ma-•
nv suitors from the .wealthiest .and highest'in
society, I have long sine.; solioidd you n'S one
itu iehoin I could Teel 'confidence. Tilt world
„calls me a cold and calculating nian—perhepe
lam so ; but ; I 4ad a duty to perform ta Him
wlip had iptrualad tne with the happiness of
his blessed,Ohild ; 1 have, endeavored to put
form that trust faithtiapy—the dictates , of pride
Fd~e beef . coantcr•balauced bq. a desire for'
nay daughter's happiness.. Ichose you first-r
she Las yinee voluntarily donors°. r I know
your life and habits•v-your means and.pros
peetts—ryou',beed tell me nothing. 'With '•your
wife you receive an ainplo fertnite 411661
"ibutl and afrectionttle btotlieri canui4 but 6itike
, ;!SA!.
t ;t. ,•1",
gpod husband. But etay.,l,will be with you
in a moment,': and he, loft the love rs ,togethe r. " The story of your marriage with B- 7 - 7 -- was
only to t.ry.four heart, then, and thicken the
plotp said Ferris to 'the blushin
At this .moment the door 'opened,- and the
beggar whom:Fcrrie had twice relieved,, enter
ed~,and stepped up to . Ferris, and , solicited
charity. Annie recoiled, at first at the de*•
ted appearance and, poverty stricken looks , of
the intrtider, while Ferris :asked in astonish
ment Wei , he had gainmi entrance into the
!Mese: iminvoiti,:'the figure rosa ; i6
stately beightk and caatibi off the ditighise'it
had worn discovered itie person' of 'Annie's
tether. : 'o ,
, , Tha.s.stonishment.. of the .joyars, - can,' hardly
ba,conneived., -r. , .., , ~ ~ • ' • ~ •
"I determined ," said tha faiher, addreaping
I'erria, ,"after, I, had otherwise proyad`your
I:l;sracter;44i tst one 4iriiii, w h ich, oral' Sth;
ilia" li ihi'greateiel-chtrit",Y: All he 4 Yeti
' failed' in that; 'ytni : Wo'uld- also Vara Ailed - with
me in . . this purpose 'oe marriage. . VOW *tie
weighed in; the balance and not found wanting.
r -
Here, sir, Is your, arct purse ; .it, contained six
dollar! when,yon firs4gave,it
thq atrast 7 it ,nBw , contains a, 4 chock toraix
'tholnatia ; and hero is your second, thatcon
tained fivo dollars, which is also multiplied 'by
• - 1 11011,41 0 4 1!! NPY:' ,B /4.4,the!cd 4 i Matti R4Flrris:
7f9 ', 11 )° 11 19 9 1 (1Pe‘,t'o, it, . f`,l4loril 411. 40' nem' Pf ,
oxplonat t ion- 7 it j, 1 ,,, i;hir; l 4,,elte!ra,osoc!lpp.
l'Aip was o( course ll mystery t? mule,, but
when aZidttined; add l ed to her 'love fur her
futureantsband. s? tot 514 1.0 ; •:, ,'-,? r
. ' tdlilArd vto4lo •
i; . :,
k6OtrYaiOndeitt: tit'ilto ' ; ' oii4s' .. Fo;;lit,yiPt9 -
rt i ' i iio l :4ic4io*4 i .ooil i ! 's ;:i#Avt. • iivticoml 3
iifit;:t,lko I :o))o*iiiiivti , ieollig;iiii.oopt . ipr !hi.*
,Imi•watt,,tta„eyte!rluras. o 4:itccutreilla few
year*. neon; the,lino iof the• greatllntereal int- I
iprovvenatapefl,thatLStittckllt oihes 4nei,ef'
those acts of genuine Itindheartedielsk 'whieli;
fill %I' 4 14 U ll TA Ll 'eth41'f9 1 0014Y•Cfknfei°us*,
i nesa.ttit . t,here - .18 aotnething i of.tha aegetatill I
i'-",.f i ltiic,9 ° ,i l 4 4 ?l‘P a llirP - t•; ., .. ,•1; .1 ',1,:, , ,';
- ItF"itir,'ZlKlißt ti/i5.14 1 i40: 'O , OO .449 11 PEtttnt,
where:occurred t OR, tt'utfahipment, of,pmetten- 1
gets fii;:im the West, was moored a:eanat•hoat,l ,
I awaiting the arrival of tbe train ere starting on i
lits *tip th rough:: to OM HastW c'The captain of
the boat, ' a tall, iongh,'atin''orelitlewned mien,
' vitdtel vhii, daft knpailtitmiditig the !dhoti; 'et
hie iiiiiit,Vheit'thd ei caral rolled aii,,tia it'fe . '*
,Frventeeta; altet!ii . jittiiiiotalithii ltalf 4 ado"ieU
l igektitgliisnlirne'aiti; 4o id:htlibiratoli'lftiking,"
up to, thu„paptain, addragand
,Lim something
Infter,tltis w,ise: ,1.. f +. ~, . 0 , , , ,',..., :_. ' • ''.,
• , ,!"Sir, me wish 'to go . on ;East; bat our farther
' progresti tmday deliende Upon you. In' the
tare we' have , j nit ; left' . hi' ii'•itick 'man: •wh (le
ppresence is diettgrecalde. We have
fl4ted'ii eiiintitit s fee`fty (lid' iitOidn i g6ti to 'mil;
'..t. ''"L t d 4 , • . ''•` ''''
t.,itt. l ri _ll ! 93 ,71. 4 8 93 an a, paesagtt, in your
boa.,' If ho !geed, we remain; what itiy year
ROmitlet ;, nen.' rephed•ilte capm I , ia " I have ,
heard.l, •• t
the passengers through their committee.
Has the sick man -a representative here ?"
Tolhiii . dittkiieked interiogatery thei;:, was
no tinsmir;)" , ehOn;witheMett: Moment's' ' VtI?ISC,
'the Captain Crossedover'f6 the ;ear, end :ettter
, ingi - billitlid; tit' Otte' ortidt;it' . .poOr tiiintelat'Od,
4rotii,ont Cquitt te 'who4e: life va.4 nearly eaten,
t!PPY that Ffinle.r , worm, consumption. The
man's T re adw4 ii,_Pwc4 , in iii,4,l'l!lg? and
'rm.weeping..., l'he. miptain .i advanced Red
8 PP1c970,4in , 144"3. 1 )'• ,•„', .. ... ~... : ; 1 •,• :. .'_'
„I.o, , sir,!Loaitt,the shivering invalid 'poking
np, ; 1114 faceetnevr lit with,tieuibling eipectatimy
"are you the captain and will you take' me?--
God help, HT ; .,.I'h? pesleegerti, look upon me
as a hreitt:bing, , postilunrs, and are so , opltiud I
ou see fir 4 atittlying,:bao)lt,if am.spared
to reach r my; mother, I shallidie.happy., She
lAve,s ; in garlingtotheir,ontt my journey is more
than lialf performed. I am a poor' painturi
and tho only cliijd,pf t a p. i i ri,whpl -e arms wish
to diti:fr • ;
said lose
every pasacu g er for 0°,4•'3
y ; thistime the wholo crowd of, passengers
•styro ; greupeti s aropetithe.boar,.with : their bng
gage piled on the path and they' then:lB4%Tc
awniting the tleeision'of the captain before en- 1
gaging Weir pitssubc. , .
A itiOrtieaitioi4 aeath'itti,tierisiim was made
knownt,~ikt they licheld loin coming
cars w th l V5 OYing,burden, cradled in his
uSbipg his uay, through.the crowdl
with the sick man, he ordered a mattress to he
spread in the elniicest.part . of the boat, where
he laid the invalktOrith all the care of a par.
ordered` the teat
to hf 3 dot ready for starting.
suta newfoU.Snii . ,seetued- to possesS the
astonished patiengors—t at COlsh ame and
eentmiott, at ~timir.,inhanianinty. , With one
Oqidraoa impulao they walked aboard tho.boat,
and in Aiew Ivor* after. 'another committee'
Was sent to the enptain, eniieating hisltres
euce =tong the , passengers ?n the cabin, ,
He .seekt., and ; 'from theii addit there arose
, • •
a v tl'iN -hair e'L a t ti t t .t. t Yh o t , With tearAhlips in
itisoyesi *thatt.tqugh,aun•eutbrowned wan,
flag they (1;4 ; mt)leci-bufore him; and rimy
a§kad biq fotgiv.eaadt. , 'at, turas a touching
'scene. :-Thet.founteiu. of. true syntpatby tree
broken in' the heart Of eaten) and itti waters
welled !np;'' eydkieg the iitteninte bf all pies
, th' w
e inetita!, a 'puree al Nonde, • foi
the mail; with a i'God speed" on his way
home, to die in the'rirtni of his ioTutut:
42 - Tkip„Voice of . Israst is Sho, title 44.4
weekly a4vocate,of -the ilohrews in San Fran-,
cieco~.J has attained within three. monthi.
eiroulatictu of three/ di/kissed copies: Them'
artiAhitti thousand' Het:4.o4lollnd ten leitut
inlbe Slate of California.
rirAt night, wo cannot tell Whether the
river icfshairow qeep t i ileither`iainV4;is
judge . bf ' , le'sirehtl or seerit Wino:` ~o'kiioi
nitoir 'have or uMit"bb itoli to
' • ' ' '" •
V'} r
One lazy' day a'fartnee's boy ,
Waihoeing one the corn,
Atatnoodily had listeued long : c,
To s hear the dinner horn.- -
The weleotini blast Wris heni'd at last, ,
And•down he deopped his hde i •
',.But the.good man shouted, in his ear,.,.,
"My Loy ; hoe out younrow
, Although a "hard one was the row •
' To use a ploughinan's,plrase,
f' And the lad as sailors have it, •
Beinning wll e
"I ca g n," said he and manfully,
' ' He skzed again his him ;
And the good'man smiled to see: '
The boy hoo,out his, row. ;
The lad the text tornquher,ed,
And 'proved the moral well ;
That pierrieveratice'to the end' '
~ 'Atlest will nobly tell. .:<_" ; , .c
Take courage man I resolve yoh can,
And strike a vigorous blow i
••• in life's great field of:Veiled to il, '
Alyrpysltoe put your row,
Two. yonng'surgeotia oP Pans one° had it
-divot(); on some' trivial affair, which 'exulted ;
challenge; and - the subsequent arange
mama foi• a..duel.. They reached the ground
early in the morning, with their • seconds and
pistols and found'an old woman theni holding
- ti.Sloutlitily the hand.
"Whi are you here?" asked one , of the
comhstants,,turaing towards the old women,,
laienight fConi old Pkrre p the
boatman`, thtit''Vail en aged to bring,over
two young gentlemdn this morning; and 'Colt
mutv tliere . wds qck ty3, a duel," itneWhied . the
"Are you fund,ef such eighth my good wo-
Pqlrir ; ,;; ••• • • '
"No" obe quickly returned t "hut on the
contrary, I dislike them meant ,to
come and riee tlud One. This iti,rny grandson !
rn father', my son and njily child, fell in a
and!' Young Jullen Te hot and iMpetnc4
and ,I hive feared he might' f iioMe tithe' fall
into -this same error if hb were not watned.L.:-
So ,I have brought him out hese that be might
4•. some ; time ;see. gne friend. ahoot another,
hoping that the scone, will eillictually.cran him
of all desire to maintuin hie honor at suck fear.
ful,mrpetiee; 'feu may goon: ,I will not
trouble yon."
The ttricsurgeone gaze'd first upon the old
*onion' and lad. fair•heired 'and
then upon . .each , other. • Thy
then emiled... ,; , ,
f .t .931/011#,0 giro here lesson Po. said ope.•:..
9101. TiVll, giro 'her bettor" answered
ther° e • . •.,
Anrl they shbbk bands and went ..,beek,
the city. •
Tug llis,n.kusag:Fsg:V.-The late. :Dr. Bops
ton was pacts disputing. ; With M farmer about•
the ease.with,whieh a minister earned. money, :
!ibTow, 4 said 4 the farmer, "whem l you, are,
d"'" expect
ae on to marry g couple, you never expe,
a leis sum than three 'dollars, and you some
times get ten ddllars—this for as fete
service,", : . . :
9,00 h r replied the doctbr, "I woulttagreti
'to give you half of tny,very next marriage. fee
fora bushel of potatugs.", ; , ;,, •
"VerkWell,° said ,thofarmer, takc your
offer,' and send you the potniocs:"
A few days atterWardS, "the doCion was Call
ed on to aplice a loving couple nt Detaw . n,
place about four milei Trott wherelie
When tho cerentohyi was over, the ;britlegroOmv
said, to the worthy minister rt • • •.• ' ,
parcon,. I
. a'nose .1 musit ,fork,orer
something for your trouble. , ,What, nay yo
to taking one of my terrier purl/
, ; The bu t ,
lireed;r i fell you, in the country.
,nice toave in the hirer. fall five ;lol
lois—Life-fa pose' fig urti 2 would do for the
,The doctor took the - poptvith joy.' Tile joke
was too good 4 heltestenedlo the fartnet, any
"Nor, friend, here is my fee- , ,how ,we
divide it?
The farmer reljahed the joke so 1%:ell, that
he itierditscd thei)idatoes to half a dszau bush.
Goon RETORT.--A ..Foreign, Vditor
Georgia, when it.A'qta nncertained that pnshan :
art Sleeted; and thaAhnOre h'ad carried
hut one Stitelwaieiroivink " over the
can, in xi public crowd in the street.'" An
American faced up to him and remarked':
"Hut numbers aro un mark.
That men right be tpund,
A' few 'werivared iii Nnales Ark,
While many millions `deetvnedl"
He continued, "when NonWs Arkiested
the l!dountain :of Ararat. ivaiteil.vatieittly The
the flood to subside, Noah and lis-family,:
Maht in number, went forth, and,re.peopledtba
world! The American Ark of this da3;
on the Mattitts.ifi,tif Maryliiith: and
with his ` eight voles is waitito; for the flood of
ForeignUrs to 'dry Up; Ivhen he will go - tbr!it
'and re-peOple the earth, and arrange for Artier'
icans to rule America. •
A Sopuntk er,berr it tnaT I
coneern.n, there in a world or
pinitr earnition sense' in - the
Intj4,.'•out windoth eol.hl 'find it : Oaf:"
' "dfitdatn," snid altusbatid to hie young
in fl altereation,: , ,whieh nooletimen
spring - ttp iu the 'khest. of fannilien,"l"when. a
man and hiswife havo qanryeled, and ,gaeh
eenniders the other at funky which of the.,,two
ought' to be the Cunt to advitnee toward& a re
eotteilintion?' '• * .
"Tbe beet utituioa Una wiatist" of .flui two;" ,
attid the wife, puttini up heiinoutti 3 . 01`11 tlBB,
which,wng with au wietioa. , , She ilit4
couqtlered: - .
IML:Aceorilitit to . tini OffiCita ratiirrie the
township' of Ilighleed, iii county a the
antatteat diatrict
e!glikta_auttlea, juoksork towaship, Piotter
counte r hue foartem.
..; ;,-.;.
" o' • - .11 , .; 1" , t 41 -
-Ivr of Byttothets.- 1 -11:10 'it .mbitakerl' Wet.
that itrY retideti hstraittric damp, and. , hastens
its decay. ' Oa the'contrary, nothing so °free.
(tinily Adept the building,' Ali May be ? tieoe Yy
examining beneath the ivy:after a rain, where
it ii4ll'l3l o fOund tlnif th'e *slli aid aiwthOugh
ill'ardittid'hi tleluged with wet. its exuberant
arid Web•lille Votits,.'isaufrig as -they 'id frOdt
every;;portion ;of thti hmuches..on which IS
grows, 'binds everythingi together, that! Comes
within their reach, with such,a firm and Int*
este !ace•work, tint!, not a single stone
,an ha
kepltivPrl from its position without ; first tearing
• away; its pretecting safeguard.-In prdef of this,
we re eilti rtiiii s of ancient `' Castles ainrhuil.
tliuge for While' in those parts he the'striictitre
4iiit.fevie 'nottle - ndtthtni of thii proteceitwr,
ttllhaVe gobe to niter deerty; ithe r re the ivy •htis
thrown 'its pteserring•mantle, every thing =is
imps ratively iiresh sad 'perfect,' and ofteh•
times; the yery, tingles of ,the sculpturett stone
Itr,,f,Tin,d4o))o ahnoqtP 51 1 1 'rP• 41 14 ,entile as
when they first came from the hands 0 . 1 the
builder.—dinte;•icali Agricullur iit '•
TfPC L 4 .)V or T4 2 ' Flitala ;Rixo• -- . 1 f. 1 4
tielnan wants a wife, ho wears a ring.on,tbo
first finger of the . Jett hand ; if he is
, ongaged,
he Wei r ' it on the second' finger ; if married {
On'the'thirtf; 'and on the fetirtii,' if ho 'never
iniends'tniet married: When a' ittify I'S ha
engaged, isbc, wears a diamond ringed hoi first
finger y if engaged, on the socond t . if •niartied
on ,the third t 'and on the fourth if she intends
to be , a paid, When.a gentleman presents , w
fan ; a fiower, or.tinitets to a lady with the JOrt.
hand; this. on his part, is ,an overtire ,or rq
gard • should she receive it with the left han
it iv considered as an acceptance of his es•
teem, but if With his right hand, it is a retuit4
of the offer'. Thus' by ti fokeits;
explained 'by rale,thtiptlsSion" of hturali
'Pug I:tetorrt or Turonmioe.—i. Ang
stutrit . iihO lioaidoid at One ch'ifitie l ,rriiipir -
tete, Managed, for it long time; by cute ittti6evic
or auother, to postpone the = payment li iV
bilry At last the landloid•heeittne,quite
tient, and stepping ,upto.his juvenilo boatderg
elappe4 him gently on the shoulder, artil,askedi
him for some money. •
'I 'hare not a red centtibout Me Oft ptlsetN"
was the laconic xeply. .
"lint; dear air;' iund the landlord "f
ran'ptNord'to keep's' boarding".hcutta ;Admit
boing*pliid." •‘" ; •• i
losoPirtir; , 'eir; You oesn't atfall
some one that caro l • • ,:-•- „ ; , •ri
• --71 ". -
viTS Ati'D - * and a,'
keris.-=tinitt: spring 'a end
ben 'in. oar , aeigitbdrh end forineil inti rriatef
'acquaintance ,with each other,'fro)iekitg ,a idi
catching c.riekets and grasshoppers, together;
as if in Parte ip business , , In. due course
(f On? 0!) hen brought Ibtward 11 :11C°, ( .1 1 t.9 1 7'
chickens, and puss 'appeared three
tens l'hci united flimilies were afterwards to
he seen daily; in a field directly 'under the
dove of our office,'engaged in the seine lthe 7
of -besineSs—chming gragsboppers togetlier;'
and having a nice time of it. A' citty , orate ",
since, one of the kittens was seen to come' out !(
with the chickens from: under ;the wing of ttio.,
lien; and occasionally they wili rub - their aideci
against her "drumstick."—.dockro. .414sisrii ? ,
ter. - •
tack swine :if properly,eared for ll*
. 1
stielker front wind and stoTni, pad is warra ,l
diese, with Proper inod, :"I.q . itiOre
and sulph6r.' proinoio"the gerierit'
suppled Ocensionally:f
MOH° of the most suocessful
uilities in Spitin is the .celporient-systitti.-1-..';
Pothtvps titers is no European ootiutty: ivitinst
thisitystont.ltiut better witiptiso. .11oe are be,:
ing IY°P )17 the 44h. 1 4i treetr sad vivo;,
wee d iscus sions 'oyez. the. ; Ireci t pa. dl,flrotu.„
this we hail the tiawli .ofa fxr"brighter day. 1
pfiy"..4 wicked wag wralawyer, in one afar
county C 9 4 r! 4 vrOiten t ilecitiOlkli*eil'Oe
* the f 9 149 wi qllery to .the; wpfee,,,
sionnl brethren.: .4%thy Judqe- 7 - 77 ,4 1
neebehi , t'y`?" 'i'lte = "Olonibere of the br i te*,bea, t .
and - there present} ineWered,' "boc~use he
knows act law."
$5„,..1h0 Baptist Church was organiAtd is
1639; and is now 217 years old iu 618 United
States: ^Ji had $,791 church tuiiTili;gs, 4 "tnii.,'
cd at $10,931,382, and'
• • •,
riertie'Coligregaiianal auroli was t orgi t n
f ined in 1520, and is now of '
in Ainerion: !-At'the''tdkir i tg of the 6oilaniViii
1850 iv had - 1,614
$7,0743,662„an11 aoetnriodating 106,177 1 liniu 4.. T
'0113.;' tt,
-116Plhe Universalist Cbnich *as of iintzed
iu Vsford, Mass., 1786;'now , of Iryeara
standing, It had 490: Aura ed i 6 usr"
Viliteg,t 4 Ntor val* , at, $10016,414,, MI,
caunnadating 0'4,4 1 Loam&
1;e1.4110 blethatlitt Church, was . oiisnizeilt
in }AttltAmpre I)neetn . bet• 25, , 1784, Anis d nPw. ,)
'of ytnt!s ,ittnucling in Ainetlett.... At ,
461 . nlittres' edifice, valtie4 itt,414,62P 1 ,6144 i ,
and accomnt'on . ting 4,20:1,334)3ert.
I Tbe '
:Rotnan Cti,thylica orggnise4
inliuitimoroin 1633,and are zu?4r,9fV4A yeaFs
titay hnd only 1,14,1 thurvh edifica
in the iTnitZmi Stateh,'vedueA $8,1) 1 (43;8365iid
aCeinlmoduLing 520,920 bOareis.,
gelt-The'death of a printer is thus desesibed
in iut Eokli:sh pa/Ors ."Geosge Woodcock, tisk,
*Of his iirdicesickr„l, the type at hoiresty, the 1_
of 'all ; ulthough the I of death has,
pit to. his existenee, ever) , if of his' lith' wait,
without a • . • t -
M-A Mr. Gainers, as Indepindss4 now
s student'onievitOtege, Londisi; yet big
Iheat,,iii %I& ir fair to'liyiti the rikeeahiekt
Itr..l3purgeoe ae abeibiii models Whf41101; • - 1
-- _.__-- Ip~i