Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, March 27, 1857, Image 1

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    8• ,
voLTIMg Mitt.
• f,
trw, tAtal Y.A.,B,UR"
,L:c ;
204000 t
strrotalyz 143.6' OP U6liUTribL FIVORANTYGIi
;%96:,?0,600 ' ( 1IFT81 )11:.
ra Remitted 'l4'the'Assbelatien as * Semi,
) •rtts' , 2olooo - Eneraitingit 'are bold 1
lifsbstrani:ENT Wpm AND' VALUABLk
Farm, 40
1 Yarn', 40 Acres, snore or less,.. , 3,000 00
with large tere•story , tiousei • •/.
part +holm, and part. Crime, •
' 1, - uncessary outbuildings, and . r
!NrY.,ldill;;thereoit °mould,-
with water power for almost • .
.740.1.1 11 0r9086,41tidisituateln • - •
I.4Fseedom.tow.nship, Adams ,'; ,•
county, Pa. •.,
tuni Lot Qt Gettysburg; 1,600 .00
1 Out Lot, near town, 5 acres, 700 00
Wow(' LiotittlGettysburg,/, , 660 , 00
, `"Y de. dot . •••• 300 00
1 Tract of Land, 36 acres, 1,000 00
1 do. 20 " 600 09
2. splendid Garriages• s2oo,each ; 490 00
1. jenny . Lin, - tuelusway, 2OO 09
2 15aggled, . l5O CO
'2 Gold Watches, extra fine,,Sl2s ~250 00
. 1, do: — do. ", 100 100 .00
- .4 ": 1 10 , • 90 .180,00
•-• "
~60,1,(120 00.
'l5, Ladinte' ,Gold lYiii.Ches, 65, 975 00
to . 6O Goo 00
Watches, , , ',3(1 .600 00
'42 du: . 20 440.00
du. • do , ,
",,O' 'Oil Paintings, 19 100. 00
quill:Ear Rings, ; 2.30.50 00
's' dO. ,do.,
.„ . 2 , . 10 oo
P 2u'W(ll.l P67:1, '2
40 00
j . ; :oid Finger, Itings„,;,, , 2
.50 90
20 gold Greust 2 , 49 ,00,
3'493 Applesof. , !old . 2,505 00 1
1 Groin
~,I.'l.lethawity. 'Cook Sto'rts, , 55 ' 4 440 00
.1,0, Green Moutitaili leced,Cutters, ;159.,00
10' flows $l2 50 125 011
2 extrit Saddles,337 7:7, 00
` 2. 'Wet eilyee•moutipeil,lfurpees, 40 , 80,00
810'8 11.34 s or lithitiette, , GOO 00
3, Port 0 00
' 2O CO
' - 1"11 - uudr theWUrld., • 250
J .Adreitteiiis'idneountrigercbaut, 7„.51.1
f , WlittWilit'Cririst, 25 00
loops, • .• • 9 2 ,00
~•,.:1,811.1f. „Gress, , 30.00
:too 4!‘jriAluptsaivi, ~ „ :1574 00.
2481 Lithographic prints, 444 00
29.1/9 d . . 20000 00
491.Ft:sons wishing to become , Sharebok
odurs", aborts Property,.can de so by • for
-I.4l.ttlingl•ONti. DOLLAR?, mg:receipt 'whereof
we, will send dicta ao &graying:lnd certifietite,
which: will entitle they holder thereof:to one-of
the,tiifts, 50011 as the engravings .are all
old stylise will gicett.tai .the hark:holders,
kind a.,.Con yowl° a held in Gettysburg, when:a
Committee will lee chosen, to whom the , prnik.
, es4y, Will he delivered, , to ho distributed IC/1011g
lie Sil.trldlUlderS. Frinn.the growing popular
it,y,ot these Joint Stock Associations, it: is
duulidently.believed that the property may be
istributed anioug the Shareholders it/ IL new
mtlff}..All °niers for engravings nail Certili.,
eates,:by, maul, should he
. , s ;11.011.81t,T., COBEA.N, See'N,
Gettysburg, Adams County, Pa.
..111.,!edry town and, village in thu United
Slaws, to sell .Engravings, to whom a liberal
conuniasi.nt, will . be given. Arr All letters of
/milky, accompanied by a. postage stamp;
0111•be'promptly answered. • .
~,GeUysburg,, Jan. 27,1857..-am
Cheap Pau and Winter Clothing.
W N ha .. no gut np our Fall and Water
~,,, ;$ . ' 11/I.IIA.DE CLOT!! 4G
nsul n ol Overcoats - in
,great va oty,
yil.F., , i , . at. of every diseriptioni,Nloakey Jack.
6, ..,%'...,47
..1., ‘ .. 00s. Patatthuts, Shhl4, Drawers, Sic,
t ic e„,, 4so Boys clothing Ural!' sis'es. Our
stock ~o 1 ' Ov'ereotitinA'Clutlis,' YUsi.ings, CA23.
Vi cauTf r , C'..34lnetts l cords;4..e;, ,iilargo and
NI, anud ;having, cxpecheliceCWorkinen con
/tuntli-entidayed cutting out and in4ing up,
11,(#9.904inoc,pleitui you with ii ermcm. ready.
I tnade.,, , Wll e ca sell you the material, take'yOur
snicisrne and !cake you: up 6 suit on the shor
-4914 nig.(eis. We selfaim.) but our own Inaho,
41 warritni
. them well, !pude, and insure a
pi4,94,,t(i. orAi,4 sale,' OUrpriees are low; our
motto "lieiii,,, ,, sninll Profits and 'flack sales tor
ilie Coat; ' Plepip ' call -- We cannot be beit.:-..
Aw Iktiic York and l'hikirielplikk: Fall and
177ntertashiona just rreeived.
~.• . ., 0,1,011.0)i; ARNOLD.
...";03:1856. ' , " • '
.... , .
ETTERS . torAdininistration' on' ttib' Estate
ILA of RENR).' - tY,TO I.I3AUGIf, deceased,,, ititeofilatitiogtos'iOwnship,'Ailitins county,
Ildtdh '° bti4n granted to the sithheriber, Vs
itittlit#llslhol samelSotiMatiiii,ltirelik - giveli
itiaelitid 'to itimi Ostme;'to
settle' the taime and those .ha'rinir
claims, arc, retitieifell' to 'iireseirt tho, aktno
f idtlfitatbehtielited foriettleineat
°• 0 Ailta'r.'
F . ' 4l T LAST 'NOTICE:
firlUgnntlereignetl.r.eitewa the , notice here*
.11 . -.1 fore ell persona indehted,whim,
midaettle their. accounts.'' And aa this
frequent:has heretofore been entirely, dieregarth
ed 4.anuurnben .of person% this LAST NO
SHOE fti hereby,i given- to, all interedited,i that
'alkieerpanta- unsettled, after the .100 day if
Atrealt eat., will ba.placed in 'bohemia of ay I
officer fur eel lectioa,.enhout regard to persona.'
Wee, wishing to pave ootte,pi‘illeall nod nettle
before thatinte - • , . , , '
TFebr6ery.6i 1851.; , •
Conui tf you want to' sane alkali 20
per, cent. , of your money.
CODE A. 1.1 PAX'PON haVe just received
and are now opening the largest and best
litilected'stock of 'GOODS, int their line'
evei.ofreied in Gettysburg to wife'
„fiats; Colts, , int)°, s, Shoes.
Overshoes and socks ? Umbrellas, Trunks,
Carpet Hags, Fancy Window I.3liinis, Station
'ery, Perfumery, and a,variety of Notions; al
so dm largest stock -of • - - • .
, qtr#Edreittwas. CIILMI.9, G
'Stine and Eaithen Ware, ever offered in
county--all of Which' they are ileterm
' 'nod to sell lower than they *.can bo had at
tiny other Establishment :in the County.--
Call at COBEAN it PAXTON'S, south' east
Cortier of the Diamond. No trouble to show
° titit.' 10;4856. • .
01 7, "W
;.irazit I. Us, .71;
*ntrenotif ginotinteni.
A- , 1): , BUEFILER lint , addod ti }informer
s,stocis,of Goods , unusus lip large nth
ortolan! Classical, .
• I.oc. •
lEIB11311411:1113111L.:Miiiiti .‘"
ems rtichi .per
I te'xt'lfooks Euida Eli& Col=
lege;' Com wail' Seiwolq - anit ktatninrd' Clusiie
nith Elie rectilispepOlar'pnblientionsil
'constituting a inrigai-ansoriment.than ever,bc-.;
fore oponetlin• Gettysburg. • Mao '
412 d.l tint
of all tunas . ; qapi, Letter and Nora o
the'heit quality; Eiivbropes,' Gold Pens' and
'Pelleils; Pen4fitivCs, doi., with a , large assert;
mental' •C;-; '44 41'4 4 1 - • .
... . • , Assoc,/ Goods,: ~, • , ,
to:Which' he invites ttention, being prepared
to still et-unusually low prices. ,:i.. ', , 1,
t ri9.lla. hos .tilso largely ..iner,ensed ..his
DoHos anti I ,7le4Ceitiis 7 ,
widch„con br relicti upon as tie . 'Lest in Vie
market._ , - , "
Car Arrengetien ve bden 'effected - by
whit:finny article in 1 , ine of business can be
promptly'ortlered from •eity.l
•• tiettysburg,':Nov: 2, I I '5.
MOST 13 E& , C 1 F1 10 ,q 1 ; 14 $9 1 IllEFk t
, 11,1,N,EttY
,A ! , 1
added to hot, already large stock
11 new and elegani'assoriment or •'' '
to.which, she would invite the {atte'n'tion ot her
friends and the, 'pnblie,'Lehe " vnig that 'ex-,,'an
uhtinntlo . n - wilt eat idly theni thit her GOods aro
ho.4t s tooted satid.litost !thshirinnble:as.well
RH 'the chelLpiNt eseroffered in:this place. The.
assortuieut• comprises , • .
• • • :• • eaShmeros, • •1 ••:
•• • 1 ••. • Silks, 1.)e% lanes,
nage, Coburg ClothkOlus:
lin, k,inuen, sack Flannels:Bon.
itehi and Bonnet Tihniningi, '
Ltillk;B' Dress Trinimittgi,'VelizetS, Artifi- '
Veils, 'Blue do.; Gloves,' Mimicry
likudkerehiets: French-Worked, collars. .•
• ••Cambric,Jackouetstud Swiss Edgings,
Insurtiugs Muslim; .slceves,,Mo 7 , ,•
~ •
Lnco4d.n .Ern 'router-
, .
' braids, •
Ifi Cali • And extiniine for yourselves.
aottysluirg, N0v.14, 1836. , ' • -
rp[lF.ol4ll System —l5 yenrs experience in
.12 the Ceddit imsiness has motistiOil nu() that it
will .not do,.and I have now determined, to n
flupt,the Cash System—ntul offer I he rollowing
Goodsfor Civikor pnolimo only
©NEAP. CL©7lll3•
Blue;111tiek; Brmen, Green, ollici.&c: Fan
ey Over coatings; Beaver ClothscPcter'Sbami,
Cluiimern; block and every variety of limey
dolor's, Cassitiottf, Velvet ,Cords, Jeans and
pantaloon stulk , generally. „Coburg.. cloths,
Merinues, Detntge,MuFliu belaines,r, Mpacca's
Cunene', Gingli a tits; e., kith
Ladies dress goOda: Ready:made Clothing in
Brent variety, - Welltnnde atich:hcap • •
• Dinuesties.• •Fresh - Groceries, Qucensanne,
IPleasevall.celcandes, and judge ,for
yeatnelres.,„ All will be sold at the lowest, Cash
prices.GEORGE ARNOLD.•, •, • ,•, .• ..„ , .
lids, Caps Boots and, Show,'
fir RE. untlemipedLltoring purchased, from
J. Wns. VI, ;Paxton, gmq., Ins. entire. Stock
of Goods, will,eontinue the business at the
stand,' in Channhimlnirg,strcet, A few doers
west of the
MAN •AUGHINI3A.IIOII,, and solicit, the
mitrenag'e of their foam's um! the 'public `gen •
ertgly. We hav4' 'male arringetnents largely.
to Inerease:ohr stoeit•of • •
Hats: Cap., Hot!ta iried Shoes,
ketiori`liatid• iissortlnent
hindsesuitnble to the season; which will
be sold tit the .lowest . pos,i . bln prices. , Xloping t
by strict attention buitnessi to merit a' lib
eraFfintromtge',. we invito air Weed lit anything
in outline,, and. ; examine our gocals,Xer
foreyurcbafing elsewhere.',
, pe,ttpbpr g , w. , ' I
IPIS.'::':00 . P:::.::-P.Q,M;A. 1 1 - :,k!"!'.
. . .. , ...
, ..
' t - itl3#l3 - Vtirli' tii.II.I2".ISIG'AINI. .......,
IrilrfA'f'ffild'lit,'iitig.tinle4t'and.'clitia*t Stock
'lv l'oft.N . RIV-:GOODS.Abilmyfiiiindvialthill
pitied. AU. ,Lba : u awest' a tylea . ; are to . ba! witja
la itai aasortatant., nad aTkiy,oflloi4 fkrare Ily
RAglifiaa!it ti .nrithciat t , s lig, epott)....' IP n!ci
fpcLimticatarp.„.Ca)lsl tEld:kqeforyoUcab ifs ,
at : 1 il .
-•.''' " '," ' "'' '..' Uri th'iliiblic Siiiiiri."'
• , ev,,,, iiql I: i RAM,: . tr 41 . ..i, J.; - ." , :t.: 0 ::, , I ' ~,,, A
...."".. ".) ''''''''.
.. . ~
31 .. et ' P.i.i:i EVOUrr.ror. Arlie. , . .. ,
I 1 1 1 ' .1
Du Ann& a gRRI hamel. ,
Cf , FIcuT I , call af
Il OK E'S STORE ? as he !Ai iitado ariange:
to' have aiivitya the'be'st, which
advance:' - ' ' ' •:'
May 2,11856
. JOHN H01i.H4,-
COMo and Make. Motioy 'by buyitig lox'
prices from our 'well selected stock. . ' • •
. • Sign of I:o4Front
Kai sus Oh.!
HE Election is now over and you can, get
_the' best article of SAUSAGE CUT;
TERSuCtlio cheap attire uf' ' '
Icr ilimpwaily. largo assortment, of every
rlescriptiarrjust,recaiveil at •
large steak of Boats and •Shoop, selling at
AL 'small profits at ,
Isplendid assortment of lqueensware,
''Cblnts,'Glasa,'Sfoite and Earthen viare;
BB AN' & TAZT-ON't3,,.
iit ILIZI ;
T , 'PI a •,;;,GRAirtiStlV. 0,•••:/14•1!.,
1,1 1,10.4‘
" 1i) I) 7
',74k 'aiWrzt? rid ciwr
...Be gentle, for y9u litt/0 know:
;Hew many trials rise; •
Although to !tee tbeyrooy ,93puB ! :
To,lier of Oita size. • . , , .
• •• :t. 1;2 4. •
BeAen tle,,tho ugh perehtnee i tlatt ,
ak a,rpurm n nu, •, „,
iC 4s kr
e lore luny spa ilnem
And joy to be thy
BeSentN;;WPftl".lol(Puillf,. POP,. ;• t!
tAa Tomait'a tot lo.lrO t r ,
Then yield ber,iilnt atiliport
'4"fd'UV ) •';
• J ! 17
Begettil, for,lbe nultlestheftrto
,• , timet rnitotitava . lowegrief,
And et/ea driitisli *OW' '
.• ltfaY tieekio'fitd'relier:
Be genii!) j nova
; pre, rteithetbero f
deairer' 64i. than fire. •
' 'Theri;'huiliilild;beir and litill'itirb'eaf;
•Be 'gentle' thy" Wife. -•; 3!
; ,[..lf!or. the. Star ; an. 4 Pa:oFr-,
I MR. EDITORI:4-48 , Webatt! r's
rein i+ going the rounds; 1.. have been thinking
it would welt fur tlur-readers of the 4 iStarl:
I to h'ave'aii opp'ortanity' eolititaring• it with.
than of eiirreisiionaene Titetintning
It; to , be genuine, , I send lt,for pUltiletition iii a
your pairee—:ifi9u pleaso
How• is it that grel}t men 'diff9r
in , their estimate of gliarester 7,
does it happen that Mr. Webster loses sight ,OC
the grand apology*. .13yrou's vieets„ .
oaf use ofstinvukstbf
It is' wall for the support of.virttie anitgatel.:
nets thet•youreorrospondettt's sweeping eharli
ity doka norfuld an echo in every breast.-for
m.bere'theit Witold be the dividing little between.
thekstiniatioti 111 2 %01161i' iteitkiortb.' , Wduld )
held, and the.positiop oteupitallYWieketiietia
of every kind. "
A is for ticior Byron a (lentil; let us hppe that
in his Intest bours.hp,fesnil js,Snly6nr , iphoF for
his soul than, tile poor, plea. P 4 4 ;!•t i lt•ii,epsc).
(lie" , --a plea thaVniustlbil•the Lest latep i wbeti
they stand before the i bar4of ss.righteons
ail-seeing 00d..' • ). it ioars trulyi
)'• ' . .;„ . 7
In April, 11,45,, is a ieiter ,
Webster,wrote: „
have•rcad.'A'ent III; yof‘lqie
ron's life.- Whatever the I)uptik.itagioatiois
shall hereafter picture .of •a, human, being, I
shall believe it all withiptlierbou*i 91:94 taunts( that fact some
times runt by all fancy; as steamboat passe;
a seawaeitneliOr:' Iliave tried -Mud' to find
somethiOg'in him 'to like,' beside' his genital
and his but:there Was • no' other likeable
quality about him. He wasm
an carnatien ,
demonism: Ho ,is the mai man in English
history for a hundred years that has' boasted
I of infidelity, and of every . prnhtical, vice, :net
included-in'what .may be termed, what ,his
I ograpber does term, meant.etia. j ocd Boling.
broke; in his most extravagant youthful sullies,
and the 'aicliAdlind Littleton,.were•saints to
hint. All Atem'a can Say rs, that each of ids
vices had awl:ai l- v . II I Mo or 'smite 'prudence near
it. W . that were not Lb. co' uld
oseape hanging? the' Oro rasher `' ;;;renal
says his, moral condimi 'mainnot;:bri 'judged or
by the ordinary standard), this, 'is' . true,
.if a: favorable ; decision ia , loOkOd
excellent reasons aro given for 4ia be i ng a bull
huvband: (the sum of wftielt
very bad man:. .L.coufess that I , wss very
mach rejoiced theniand. anrrojoicetw, that
,he riati'driien out of England by publi :acorn;
'becailse bin tes were' not Mily in his ;wind.
pfei:' He amva . _ - iii 'ollo6iiitdall virtue from
the' SaYs;lfiers is it
merit in audit cal i ugiadal pi; it . thtigh
the• preacher is seduced; Inte,v,i6ltilioni?f them.
This Is true. dotsitheariis So l i:Milting: But
a theory of iiving,pn4l IT Cr
the element/4 of hatred to religion, contempt
morals, and defiance of of all
debent part of the • public—when .Itafora has a
Mari bf lettersavitwed it? Milton were,aliye
to're:thist 'certain prthninent (characters in his
great 'epic, eould 'embelltstr,them-with new,
traits without vioratthg 'probability;
Qi.. .. Q.A ' .. Th ere is ii OA g that M
betrays fl base, obgenen?ut 'Spirit , t an the
glatiiig of seevelstubi'to a matt's ierliation r
lampoons and stiiiieti, that' ar e wiittea with tilt;
anitspirit,iitre like ,polsoneil `ditriscithich,jciot
only inflict a vtattil,btt maeo it iiiMirtiblil—..
For this' ;reason .we are very Mach ti;z4ble'd
1 when 'Omiteeethe talentaorAlinl°rP"4 rilie ul i i
in the possession of an ill.tiatured t019.h.t 1 39'1 1
t etintiCit he algreater gratification to.l.barba•
I real; 'aid lohninan wit, than to ,stiF up sortow
14;theiheati'eftt prilatolientonii to raise ulna,
I'sineso amoog near rclations, and. tt expose
whOle filmilidi to 4 heriiiion, l 4A, the same tinie
that Ito, remains Allseen ,and, *n di ,, B 7.l9M'
If besides the i ac9omplish mont of ,hemg . witty,
sod. ill-natniedia tnau is vicious into t he, bar-,
gain, he ia one oee of the most mischievous pima.,
turtio that can enter into a civil society. - lila
I satire will then. chiefly fall suport, those who
Ought to' be i ntitst• exempt from IL Virtue;
tin'erie; 'Mid' eveiYtliing that' is' praiseworthy;
will'ho Made thil subject of ridicule and bur
footterY. It is impossible to . enuinerate" the
evils, which arise from' these' tirroitis that arise
in the dark p and we know of no other excuse
that is or can be made for, hem, than that 'LIM
wounds they giie are r only, itnagionrj, and
produce. nothing more than a secret shame or I
sorrow in the mind of a suffering person., . 1
, 1103..1t is enough to-make, one shuddqr to
read the printer's advertiscrinent, for a bo pf
"moral character," when it is well known they
intend to'make a "devil" of hint:
aelfra.:raitifigtoirsayS 'ilfichaS - rfotledi
that.when flour was dear or ;cheap ; she
invariably to pay the same. money ,fora half
dollar's worth. • -
1118. Seek,
.fox friendship . , among the goad if
you wotild yourielf occupy an exalted posi : / .
tiou..J:l. 110
. 27, , 1857.
• ; ir
Br Im•ErtlY,Aitl ) NEgr.:
A beleto—nefelt, coo know The, pangtio
'Which iderce the inideststfol;
ml ti
CirAll'iith iJkiiito'criabl ' 'g force
" The'werels efkorrow roll:, ' , •
Whettftimt the heart's ende embrace
-I.lls second seltis torn el,
_., • •
gay ruthless death's unsparing ,band •, .
, t hlade desulatforloral, , ~ ,
No wonder bur nand oft. reverts •
"tO Where' b•ur'kindte'tl' diinill i'' •-• ' ••
No wonder that our tears should fall ' •
4 Ailhan calle4 , 4 l oWriAreiffilr , •
Ve'must .all • separate,' dad s et these_ are
some. who perhaps: know loiatwell the: real
. meaning of . those. wordei in .ibis. !earth .we
seOkinfe 'efted..;=aiitt often' litidirtt;6 meet•ne
nnii•e.' The beautiful and 'AI sad' word=
fiiii.,,:iiih4:inlt' that
we All More or lean t'eet:'!, ;NW'et4iies part
with those we loye'aii''.qarili 'vCiti to high ei:
pi:K.44191i of meetiog,,aga)ti.„
. A yet tigt4nr
wet //lea part . tg.,x4Pet: 49 , m.grebt :Pg ° o l :° rin .
claims, those ilium; we lova; flr,-the, Viethl),
those upon wised ourvmery ieffections. baVe
been placed, intl.!oll, With overlfewing hearts
and weeping-eps we bid the beloved relative
•• o?'frietid a' laitt add eternal' Waugh ltAh I no
tiiiiterner, for iii an litqM i t 4 ithilil there :we
• shall meet th6n; ag,AinrTeed"tit fiteit.f'l'bere
nitie, we elfalliiieh'theii 2 Chet I.,liiitOeiP and''''
heat. theiv lips utter AiOuii''
Itr ?
andlove.. 'lid true th 4, 4or it is " 4e ; vast`
~..........4 --,.,......... e ±
ri l f.ruesau aro. 0 . o
~ay our are .
wititi6p.plsmuri3,4ll4 mirth, wile ihe
lueeeeW l6 sun 81 4 1 thame•get, !!•01‘.0i..0 0 14 may.
gather around the bright fiefshine of our
hearts. v"Doisth oftereoniet inr,aahatbialting
benrititid phtect: its bend? , claininrband upon
'the filii brod'efehe beloved shill endeared to
thii• l hearti:'•Whhit it leek notiti the pale face
if tliii4o; iluitie' Whom' iii,:,.ilit4lcikrin in
life: . 'Mid Witt'i , lM4' we , ' hitiNkjefe'd r'fiatije
1 ~.:, 1. 1 1 ,• .• tte, , W
_, iti,.! . .4
a. c nociiii,,u9r m J.eirsocietp-a sa?.,e , illiin
!thought rushes to our Mad thit'ii i toil tibial
some day lay in the quiet embrace of tienti: C .
' ll `Telt;itliii iffino — filiif r,'Wlib - rdlfir friends ' bn
eirth,'Oviiii when ie'haVii 'the happy 'explotaL•
dud of Meetini'llieiii soon igaiii.'•' Ant?' yet - it.
-must 'heli'' we nil must lielian‘ief;.flow qiitat
Bowe meet each other With suture laid ;ilea&
ing countenances, and often part.,mal,bldeitch,
adieu, little knowitig,peybupe _ th at 4311.141 b e
our last farewellppur •la tt sePOi t iielq• . 11tier'l
It In the hidgmMit. morn, : ' itid on , Alint; day
there Will be sattinthledit the ban of, oil alb:
;vho haddl lived, upon I thit eitith.'t •Thlidi , saint
and 13 Mein' shall stafa side by side;' and there
will stand' tlio*se Wheat we hiel *lid - with 'hi
early• lif ' •'. aiur there 'willilso 'Steed tla; frichde
.3 1k..._
ofeur'•youth those we loied those ; whom id
-• , t '. • • . t• ' • : -.. ~:+
parted with by , denth; they will also be there.,
Aud, render, you and I shall be there at the
Ortiireetion day.. Ont . tern will eoVie 'id taq,
anda , ip l it be with "stow step' and Weeping i esis
that We:esee n4.l.Oi.he'tiirj!). i iyil.iii,tl„y;.l . i,a6
' 01 P 11 • 5 4. 1 0 0 kelkt.l4, ;qt . ti..,thipe,!9,9P, ire
have,committcid ,in thin lifq, or will it Ip,with
ready.steps and happy, touutenaneee, that ,we
ascend to 14 ' bat of Godll • And if: our lives
have been bidin the refuge of:Purist,. or. if , we
have fought. the g0t:1.3410d luntll!tbe- iud,;then
cheerfully will 'we -Meet out Sivionettna i les at
the Retiurveetien :mein.' • - 'And :idt.' iai ihittiii.,
fer day 'there will chic r many detvie hehtts,
wlai.ii tlaliniislitilllie dritin;iiatiVe tightdbini
placed on the' right band of God, and the Itdek
ed on the left. -Ori.that!.day, perkiarm..aLrilh
shall be siparated from batten/band, the broth
eiqtvint, thdikeet, the Irkrent:frcom•thi: child,
ma ill theSe till° have beci faithful nhto death
iilt;ibar te' their home ialleiv%; the' til'ad'•
aims of the' bleat:the'ret6 parlor separate ' no
4Mre'rermier; but to itivell,witktialiedireh 'h
endless, eternity.
=` Ifitunsti.: Tun 41 .Tair
rifeaufatinrer Wait trti;;eilleif on. a infinity' in
company with t '"Wife;!atika
little Vey of some 4e years' of sloe:4
,I`ll4,fitile felleWliad sun
was trying, apparently in 1111411, to unloose the
knot: in'theatring; Whim the' stranger took qmt
hid "ktn`fc ' and 'offered to `6li the 'knot; saying,.
"You'idn'if epeh it" . ° OS child Itiaiediiitely
said; "Please,
,Thp ,tecknake,Orer. t o
deligpted wit! , the
remark,,‘ the little Piefl4i•et . the.
253 r on army uuti,l he exultiegly 44310 ,his
( •
PRightl lor!ten I,heard.lof
the circumosnce,;f4ro;shoulkhavo tower 'dual
ces in schools, and nutty ; more ; cleveti, ; indus4
tFippe,yoc , it , has (inf.!
, , pp i r .),y : pi v atis
nonltlctich!licir 'children ,npt to in,f`.ll
:but f. them
•:.: ..1
°'°v°r I,sP? 1 . It 9 y.
1 4imljng.siotrie , diPicol1_et#00 Ca. P?Peff
tlY004; awe 4*r Af4 -Fry
I:Vl:lmnever i of,ontortilly irritable
te taper etriving to. rep rues the pf anger
:...loSeping. the : mouth :',/ort , lest the tongue
shotilil atter. uoplarded words, 1 eay to:myself
there's a member ' of the Try
;W : tteu 1 gee a kind ind Ipying sistF „showing
kindness to bur little„brother, lessoning
the, daily defies and trials of her mother s I, 114 Y
there's a good member of the :Try Company,.
rlVhen I tee an apprehtiei attentive to Ira]
master's intereins,' and making skid eat of his
leisure hours,' Saito myself, there'll a member
of did Try^ Couipiiny, , '' • '
,WltelieVer I sift', a Senday sehbol . teaclierd
reeUlarly ut his post at the ap'polirtetl tirito, and I
and' greeting his class smile, I 44' to
tuyselfithere'e a tuetuber of the Try comps'
..Pafontaf teaeli yourlitti - dLonaV to: be , ircaid
members of the Try COmpany. Every' family
itniphave ita Try. ComParly. Dear 'reader(
are you A' member of the 'Tip Corapaiti?—:.
Band of !lope Beaky,.
saturps deeigned the hetkitto be idirajii
wan* an . band tol f9Bl-h0met.,....
In: one of the larger towns of Worcester
county, Masttchusetts, used•to. live a clergy ,
inan , whoin wo will call Ridevroll.:. He was:of
the Baptist persuasion and vory.rigid hit!
ideas ,of !floral ! propriety, Bo had , his
ontploy anold negro named . I, 3 cutapel., and if
this individual was not so strict his morals
Ittshisrillister;lin was al least it very' cittining
dog; and poised iti tho reverend
,patteFii of propriety. • !Both pey was' a 'Useful
eervanysed the 'old elergymin nevei. hesitat
,ed tottuat hiin•with the mast, important' beef.
Now , happened that there were dwelling
!:in And about,thdtown t sundry individuals who,
I lied not the fearof the' dreadful penaltils
which Mr. itidd4ll pren'cited al;ont be'fore'
thaii 44a, for 'lt witiethe"h , ont of these pcdpld
`to 66ngregate on Sabbatli evenings upon' tylev-i
el in 'dui oulskitu of thwn .and
'there race horses.- The spot was hidden frotn,
view 1?y, ft dense picco l o! woods and
, for i Q. long
,whsle the itiaday, evening raCes 'ivere carried
on theta WititOh`t' defeet)on by th a iititi:erS, or
Mightlrivilitaimed them.'
• I ltleled hitiMened Quit tha good old clergy=
mss owned, one of the beat . hornos in the coun
;tip—Allier-horse-kerne Of the old, Morgan .stock, '
witk a mixture, of ,the. A.raltap. blobd ,in his
veins c and generally9inown that few,
beasta coulA paas bhu on the read. Mr. Ride :
will, wtdt t{ dignity becoming his Call Stoat
ly deelhieir that ilielfeeineali horse, ne-v
-eritiforded liidi nily gintilicatidniOnt that for
hie 'own !pari;'he 'front d tutleaVelutvti oth- 1
6r. ; Yet moany oonidMot bity his Morgan;=
could --
nor, anpetnoeut of argument iferaitadd
himp Aiwa?,
The church ; woe ) so ecay.,iNttgopd clergy ;
man's dwelling that he, always walked to meet•
ing and his itbrie 7 was consequently: allOWed,lo
som sin ,itt the .;pasturtz.'
- 7Y o PlPftrilisCavined 7 fili" l l9 lo3 :7"eP 7 were
Ibp the UtPift,fln4rbeFec!cd!f4 t,°.,en!'e! hi s mas
ter 's horse on Lis own account, for he felt sure
that riitn could Neat anything tn , the
rttape dit Gorse Neali that .; could be prOdrieed in'
;that quarter. So' en" the' Very. next Sutitlai
'evening he:.hid, the, bridle under ,his jacket,
Went i ont pasture and caught the horse,.
and rode off towards the spot where the wicked.
ones were congregated. Here he sound some
dozen horses nssembled 7 ,and the'racing was
alir i otqiN begirt. eetift Mounted his beast and
tit'the signal NO started. Old Morgan enter.,
oit!intO the spirit 6e o c : thing and...came out
ahead of ever thing, SoPump won
quite a pile, attd,befortt dark, he was, well iu-. 1
. ?omp u rtuceeeded.. in getting , home without
exciting suipicions and lie now lenge& fot,the
Sabbath oftornoon 40 count, for he• determined
try i 1 Rln. e,clid go,agnin and again lie,
won and this . qourse of wickedness he tallow 7
ad UP for two moiltlis,making his apPearance
tlnitrneing• ground'' every
neat aiesion' :pi he could' after umeeti4witb
outP•hiltift'during this time Pcitupey was not
the only one who had learned to love the
tug. No,,for,olpdorgan himself _ had come to
love the excitement. of the thing too, as his ev
ery motion when upon the track allowed , how ,
zealously' ! NO entered , upon theLspirit of the .
thingsartir no:linTiraye'tti'rintlitt a
secret. • One (Sunday .lur pious , 'deneon.behbld ,
this wring (rout ,a, distalice and' fitraightivay
real to,the pamon ) with ,the alarming
; puce.. L T.4e ; 4qr. was utterly,
OtlFlTl'r•rlllBoutraged id.,l4..Jesolyeif,tit ! one4 to.put, a
,stop to this
yriCkeiltiess. Noble{ the week , he made inqni
'jai- and learfied that thie thing had been pine.
tieed all.suntruer, on .Sunday afternoon: • He,
Intact his. parishioners keep quiet and ho told
ttiein 'chit on nett Sunday he werbld mike his
appetylance on the very spot, and catch, rheas'
in thOir ,deeds of iniquity. • , '
Sunday, afteqir9pr;•Mr.
Ridewel ordered romp iO,britif i , up n old flier. ,
inn '4oput hint, in the.Staftle..2 The order
was (!l:keda though tic4,%Tithou
inio en the ,parL of.the t faithrel ne,gro: As
wri.sts theAllernoolfservicla mere' closed the ,
two deacons and seine others of the - members
'of the ichereh accoiripanied the minister home'
liith digit horses. -' ; ;
• "It is the most flagrant 'f)ieeiS Of*abomination"
Chat Ater Camel° to knoledg,i3," d the 11•
efOrkytiicn,tta they rtida on.: 2
•ist)th°!t' !i4Ted deacons ~.
rAping.oa the .411141st1i uttered the
le dreadful I" echoed the aeon4 deacon.
And so the conversation went on until they,
reached the top',of a- gen,tle 'eminence which
overlooked doi plai ti• where tho racing was Car•
ried on•uiil where some doter' horsemen, with
a genre et 'lookers on, were nut:tibial]. ' The
aiglit was tinn:whicli chilllid iho'gml . parsOn to
bia liiirewinittett inotiOtileas until he had
nutde alnrinion.' tr nth theix tuna.
lug to bis cginpanimus ,
Mow, my hrstkiers,? . said us ,ride
down, and confront the iwicked wretches, and if
they will get.down on their knees and implore
God's mercy, ana promise to do-so no more.
we will not take ligal action 'against
0, That ink own laneehouldi be dexecntted
tlitta V' 'for was indred a iiectioa' of 'his. own
As the good clergy clergyutgg,thus spoke be started
on towartfs the.: scene. , lkonnlii of the
wicked'Wien were just drawing.up fora start as
minister-approsehod i sed,:somo.of.ile
ders 'lll. once reeognized:weid .
didifoti reeogiiizel the reverefied Onion who.
rode him. ' ' 1 :
.'Wicked men t" commenced the Parson as
he cum& near enough for his voice to :be
'heard,.•!obildree of sin and shame
'Code onold hose ? " Cried one of rite 4ueiclai
turning': towurds the 'miniver.
,"I,f 3: 9 a ata
for the , first ' gnat, you will !lune to itir your
stumps. ~Now wego.h
"Aly ,niy wicked
"All 'ready shonGlho vilni led in thenaiit;
cutting the rninisier "itntl tdr it Is I"
i i And the 'Wont for iittirting was given. 'Old
i Morgan knew that ward too well; for no sooner
, fall upon his ears thlin he '. stuck out his
• nose, and with one wild .snorche started, and :
'the root of the.racors, twelve„in ninnber t kopt
Ihim company. • ;;, .„. ,„
"Sflo•aol who•tto I" eriedtke par sonnit the
, top of his, voice,
''fly the' Owers Old 'fellow,' i ' II4P ' tii . kee'
. p ,
.o .
, ,
,one I"' sholited one of thn'illelteri'me'rf whit)
had thug' far; Managed . to keep diOdo by t h e side
,of the parson.' "You ride.irell)h ' r.: ~t ~.
,' 4 1 Who-ho.lici.ho-lim-o I, wham 11. yelled the
clergyman, tugging ut tha reins ; with ail ; 114
might. '
' But it waso f no, argil. Old 'Morgan 'find
now reac h ed ahead of all Competitors' and he
came up ' Mtl l M‘.linige stand( three rn4 P ahe a itd;
wheii; the iMillfied il6rMonS Wdre 8 i itii di ni 'With
eyes and mouth wide open. ' ''L; '' ; "., . •
"Don c t•sthli;" cried the - pidge; who•had new
iccognized,'Partinn Ridewell, and. suspected
hi s b us i ne ss, und whp silo anw lat i once into o'9
secretef phl,Morgaq joinipg the race., I , " Llon't
stop," he shunted again ;?it, i i ii a two mile peat,
this thpe. Keep Fight, on ,persoli. I'oti are
good , for Iltiotliee mila.''''Novi'',pou go-Lb:rid,
and grie is . o °'' ..' ' :-. '. • ''' ' • I .
' Thes'd wolibi j oreourso. were knosin to
the horse, and no &nosier Uid Morgan hear them
than' ht steak Mottos° out again 'and, again
started. ,off. ; The : poor parapst,dil,his,iittnest
to Atop thq hewitelted-unintl, Out 11 P9 lll O 11111
ho Amite, ,tike . nuore ho struggled Pad yelled,
the faster the animaisvent, , rind ere many nig
iiivin6 lie was at thestanding Paint: When Mor
gannth* stopped' of 'his iii own 'Acodril. ' There
was 'it huiried whispering among- the 'wicked
ce'sond d succession Of , yery, cerioutt winks
rind knowing mods seemed to indicate that they
undetatetall' - n-• ~ -.: ' :' , l .•0 ''t 11
I'V. ITTITIY: 0 0111 rPar 8 9nr7 Pic" 5409 11 45 9f
the nhoruinatioNppptfoachiug th,q,spot, where
the mipist i er still sat in his saddle- 7 1m paring
not Yet . euitiejOnity reeo;le'Sed hiS Lirdlence , 'ef
mind in' diiininnnt-:"yoii ride' I , ieit'i we 'htid
mit looked fdr thili }Mnor." • ' '•• - : 1 i ''' • •
"Honor, , sir I" gulped l tlie. pars\
a, looking
blandly into the speaker's Gacd. - ~; :.-- 4- , -i'l
?!.Nyel for 'tit !an tionor..l Yott arp•the ifiret
clergyman whe.lum ever joined ue In our Salt
badr,evening cat : ertaimucute.!'., , , ,
„"1-I,,sir-- 7 I joined ycy}i,r j .7 Lj •
"Hr, ha, ha 1 0, you ,did it well., Yout'..
good ()canons really 'think You tried:
,to stop
but: it;'How
slyly Yon lint your 4toilie tti' 1 '114 7 T'lltin't
hiama you 7 for! . feelliig 'proud - of 'Old' hitiri .
gailpfor I -.Should rfeel so' Olsen' if ,I owuod
him, ..Put you need not fear,,.l will tell all
who ask me nboui. it' that you Aid' yoarieilt.
for I I Nicittl7 rather stretell tho truth w littfo'
than hai , e 'good 'joekoy , asiyon , are lto
auffer."77 '. Int; 1 r
,This htia been spoken tio Ipyd.tliat , Ito;t1P11'
cons. l ln4 l ear 4 g'ff•TY.,w?rdt!‘!!! l t4g . P4m4F•1 44 3,
son was bew l i , ldese4 . l i yst i !c) , !1 , j91:
self, I'vich a fhlalitng ; ey
1 What
2' , .• ; 1 , ;; I
"Fiord oh o " interrilpled one Orthe party—=
and as he spoke the %rest,of ;the rtieing - -
all niouutod their h0r.1634---PhOld. on a uiinute,:
parson,.: .We are willing to allow you ,to : earry
ulf.tlps palru,,hutwe don't,stand. your, &mpg ;
When, vie, eno that yod , pad determined to
try if ',your li , orse ti would .bent us all, we's.
greed among oursolne tiMt. if you came we
would let'yoU denil 80, aild'you
luilt'sron the k two heat. ' NEiw
let that- I;atisfy 'yew' Hy !Jokey . you -did' it
well ',When yod want: to-try :it ap-,ltin,.:jdet
seaci: us wordfaud, we'll- he -ready ,fee .yott•-•7
4 0 0i 1 b.1 13 .!" sr
And : att the wretch thus, spoke, he tll:ird;
his hers c e'e timid, , and before th e astonished
preacher could utter a t woo tiM wijole "party
had ridden out of hennng.
time "ii'aeOVe one 'debt; AurCli
men could speak. They knew not whettri say!
111.1ty should i tbeirlainititer:.4l4urse Itiv . e t ipined
in the Mee, Without some pertnisidon frord , his
tuitstcy'? Thep knew; heci Mitch. he' let by the
atiltriaVand tlength 'the; tihoOk:thliir heads
With'doubt..* , ' i s ' e 7 ' .
. Ages' very strame,l! said rine. :
, • "Very,"answered nesond:":-. •
Mitetuarkably,l' suggpfgeti. mother:,
. 4 1 , ,
".°P II4 .I . !°A) 4r.9 t/ kTV I P " J I P4 # i 4F w :O l h " /
can'alTif,4l3itOut•7; '1 t •• ,* • '
the, brethren looked at, each ether, end the
deacons shook their he ms soleine
and'iMin4sfvelakintil" 77' '
raiit,'l;tiett to ihb eteisgyinetei
hoesei- but none of the brethren' ifoLtld: atop;
and beforeLilloudayohed.dratin to Cleseitwiut
generally known that Parson Ridewell had
raced his horse on Sunday, and a meeting of the
ap (Min tick 'for the next Thuritikty.
Poor Bidewell 'was almost crazy with':vexa
tion; but, before Thursday. came, ;Pompey
found put how matter! ;stood , and he assured
his, master that he would clear the,rnatter up,
and, , after a day ' s search, he discovered the
astounding fact that some ofthose wicked men
had hetMlit the habit'of stealing Old 'Morgan
trete the pasture,'aud 'racing It jm on Sunday
afternoint I Pomit found out this much,' but
he could not find who did it. •
As soon as thisbecame known to the church,
the members conferred together ar:ti they corr.'
eluded that 'leder. s uch ,circurostanc, a high
•mettled horse was very apt to runaway with]
his rider when hefound himself aeoniire tree*:
So Parson Ridewell was cleared, but, it was I
a long ,while before hl , go t over that blow, for
many were the wicked wags who delighted to,
pester bun by offering to . "ride a race Out
Ridewelk grew older„ his heart warmer' and fin
ally be could hiugh t with right good will *lien .
spolia of his Unixictled Ride.
~~r ~ ,
Nt l a v t r Ell .. itt,f) ; ,
FEEP , . 11. F 5A88 . 4171 YOUM9 41f4Y
, .
1.. ; Keep the Sabbath, audit !maprm. : ;
.From , all dangerous , errors. These et
bound in the .world, ' are, dressed l uli 14 every .
kind of fiieftiating garb; and Meeta l Y6tttig
every wyMith :the: Spiritual Ilieepef of thet
Sabbath hued tiunnl boat of Innii , which than
missiles cannot penetrate. . i , y
bad trains of I thought, Many give
the reins to their thoughts, and suffer their,
imaginatinns tnei drive, the, ear o lvhar()ver,ihey'''
;please, if it only 1!,lo car of plensace;
the drive. le through regions qf
and itiwardthe giitriat;rdcipice 'Of
But faittifal Sabbaill•keeliing'fbiniedisi beti"
. .
sten thntieit trains' of tholight •It" pas ,
tit 48 it' distaiste for'any , otlier; and is lllereforer;
'fi most ,, ' powerful, safeguard , from. all aril ; :3
:thoughts. .I , l` it
••B It, Will keep you from bad bonka, , Ifpn: irC
will have an appetite that will loath? tharo c, ;
nnd dts9ernmont that will show 7?1
though 'they tritiiiMio their fort cOl'ors', 0 . 41 " '
have the venom to 'of the tierPent:' Waifs:re
iinver`iedn 'Slibbntli.led'ePing young knit' lota
'Of bait hooks'.: ' ;\.; ttr,
It' will; of course, .konp you;front ; bad; f.
'company:. Your 'love for the -Sabbatl,,,illo
'quarry pui, tia aCtnatter .pf,epurse, iuto the,
giety .of,.thaffe whe Impe l r:espoct,,, unto.all ire •J
commandamtits, of the . Lord, you ..lotot
all sympathy nrith'svli dpers., With the.'Sab• "
bath in your "walk 'it; Ace " t
course of the ungodly, nor stand is 'th t eJ'ris' "'
of sidtieis," dor it lit the : seat' of therierlig•l'i :
• I) )337i )0 /
will . .
b:' It lceep•ria from; had . :Iraldtty; .. , 11641: A
trains of-thonght, mad bud booksi and bad coms
patty, Are, very,.cormi ,toiprodupe
But I he, sanctified,Sabbath, liko,thq apse!, that,,
,wieltin fhoning,
sword agaidst firm all Eyetyhcillowed Salt
bath will help t cuiifirm nnd fix the itio4rof
'all good train's of thought,all iboil'tiOolti, Irina
all ;Animas !labia' ' • • .!•:, •.•
6. It will'keepyi in theliath that' theol
tree:and faithful servants of. God have: trodden,"
wh ieh, halfwit/10j US Q th more arul,more
.the PerthFt dff* 1 • - :
. tr.t!e l ig I I? t il l ; n r9 11 Ptl ii e s Piq P R I 69I f - 1 13 _ (111 0 1 (
,to hieg yoar heart, to - the 'tt!!botti? T . ou,koep t , I
and are ftept. 'You' ii;
Eirdn' g c#4r. - 4 .)
, 1117'17 ...711LE
b's" tLi4 "O'f,Yik`iot;:'`
shellre; in'erellaht of'T'ortamou4~r~ in'
fornic~r,iinii ' t ` I - ' ' ll •+f
litidi)nrebradd: tiOrne'Wobl''Orhint,
, ?/h Ith huthod Nse ighb an d paid fol., atld Mr;')
Sheltie bad' gone 'to Ate thaelt ranti,,LO , gat
cltoge,,fot• ROt e. :i'llAiPAttling , 49. lAurF4
bet4 : 4l)op there,/lo,ggw,i,n.aglasswi t ich hung
BO as to reflect the shop, t,Btout arm reach i up, t
nod take ,from the shelf' a Mealy chese.
stead of appearing suddenly nt d rehtikipg tthe
mint for his thefi ne an LT i4oiiid, th
lobing ' custom - foreitr, 'the entity genif'
tlthiiith,gttvd the .thief hl ehatigit itH
,Itappettisly and then;;under..the.prqtetteini
of lifting OM tit /P i rtit On; dig bPnlO.fer4
him, took hold of it and pxPiai l nl 3 4l 1,, .;=
‘‘llbY,l?le3slllo,, 1 "*.l't h a ve !V;Oflrl,94;th
Oti1" , nib] . tint 'tither, .",;•Oti
you have 1;61, tiii'reouilted with' Ow'' ,
• , 'Well; vielir *e 'ivciti't 'di:44A° intittei:T
it's stro enSily 'said , f3tie. ftittiui
tho bay 'itito,the:Biales iflitare. l l aid
he, :' l l c44d, you'eo 9 I knew 1 Nile right-mixpii4o u
a PlidtPka .of ngnrly.3wql)tY P9u,'lgd ;) I q w sqVirpf ,
if Tott wot the wkolf,,yoo have
it ' t rii take pit' f it out if' yell aly HOt*
'''l , lo; l C said tie ether, sigying the'llands'id
fir I S 'Open the Wajr' 'tile 'llak; 4 .l;iteltst
will take the whOle.."
And :this he did, : paying fbr
by receiving the skim, , heeitenfOtAito:i.
price of the wool. .
daVailittulitoecisioit, Mi. Shade' mliesinfra
barrel or porko A. few .montii ialtari44
Oa° : fla,y,aslrod,,ltiat, tip) quaationc-r'!d,i44anil
ewer, fou! out , who ,; tuolt tlutti pork., ~,)drit
SlieafQ r, ,• ,
"leo was; t e rp i py, pu are the e
for 11011131;ot tripsolfouit the thief' new olth9
r • •
• Th 6 fellow was detect,4 tliet g ahreite
4ouler; whO pouiesodr . l the . ' valutWetidulty
knowihg what
fete epi ttiph—short tidy"
quick, like the iniffot.a lodomotive
‘'Si4eionother,•auut o nud mew
Weji an 9,v,er. t gerv, we be; • ,
IVC should liave iiind to utlzzle ' 41 4 .
Ifthey'd•blocreil the engine ivhiseie.#;/. `,7
• A 'person tneeting an ol mite tett air
vurl: hair, and a very bhieit
ed him how it happened dint his beard wua
not iiigVaitis i the heir of his Ladd I ' 77-1
'Why, geese, don't yrin'tiee,''' reVitidtliei l ttkr
nirth, l “it is because the; tnie is' tu'enir j'ettisti
younger than the other."
Vt."Sainbo; what you . get '&at . Wittnti
Wear at tneetia halt Send:ll7'o . ,
"How knew 1 bak a watett,7"
BC:C*14801 seed do dada tiang,oßt dp yor*at , ,
in Emelt."
"Go niggar 1 SPQ BO IO° 6 " a h il lt r .
rouno nr neck ypu tiuk 4'horie iniiav of
The muscles , of -the "Hiatt:lt jaii;" pro:
duce a power equal rtoJour hundred' t
thirty•ftve poueda. _ you, Oar htul or yr
lingora, in au,augqrontl'a,oulfi. re yr ,
not (liaputa the veracity of thiaamortiou.
!Rift'{ciuen j Ukirta ! li CQU P 4i OM the- follow
u(lvflri:!es9u/( 111 L: 1 I
4 xi).l.)-.9"ti!3!'94?l)the_,VlPt °C:6 01 41( 1 ,
married L 0./droll* of mealog'a otexpa
riolic4; who Kill diist:ado Mit fioni the'step."-
' 4oneat, !n,recotameailieg .
a eor, she would give , yelii Shit
'year, withoui 4 beeativa aild b.
"ii reel in the tirade," for she vista . oat
, ,
Cow' that, aim bad 411,1,4"