TOE STAIIIND BANNER. CETTYSAURC. Friday Evriting, Dec, 19, 1856. p2.A. IiuE4HiER, kin Tim An Honest Contbsslois 'er•The Triable:Labelle', lotin ll:keyed a tiecture on the evening of the 12th„at the Tabernacle in New York City. His subjcit . 'was roreiga Intlaenee ; and his Anain,p9rpose appears to have beep to extol the Irish Catholic* and the Locofolo party: Alluding to' the last Presidential "eleitioh be said'of the Irish votes cast : "Ilipy ore the great conservative element in due, cpnritry, They elected Buchanan.— But'ror their conservative influence the four Northern State which 'went for him, would havotiroted for'Fremont, and Mr. Buchanan would now have been presiding over the South ern half bf these //is-united States. Eo sorted that the Irish Catholic who confessed to a pri9l, that confessed to a , bishop, that was appeopted by the . Pope of Rome, was thel mots efibefii,archanipion of the true American idea of CioVeinment, and the most effeetuid barrier against' the spread of foreign' influence in A.merieti. - "•% ' -• llfiiehel' here admits and bOaats thtit Iriab elecited , Buchanan against the Dili of a majority of the Diti4e citizens rof the coantry. Let the .fact be Doted and , rentembcred. • ' • Important Constitutional Case la the Supreme Court. Otr.The Suprotticourt, now in session at Washington, has under, consideration one'ef the most important Constitution al quatitiene over brought before it, in volving the rights of Slave holders in the Free States, and the relations between the several States vind between the U. S. Gov ernment and the Territories. The feats of the ease are these : DrEdmdason; of the 11.2. Arturremoied witlt a.elate (Scott) froth .Missouri tct Rock • 3slarid, Illinois, and after remaining there three years removed to some, other !unitary . post In ;own. • Taliaferro 'had also 'carried a tdrivti worititi to Fort Stielling, who there married Scott. 'flier have two children, one of whom WILS born in lowa, or Someplace north of 36 cle,tv.:36 stud the other in Missouri. 'net parties •finally went. to' Missouri, and became the property of Sandford by purchase. Dred bcott, • brought tut action in Missouri for the rceoyery,of his,freedom and that of his wife and their Web, on the ground that, by having been voluntarily , by their owners taken into Iteelerritory. and becoming domiciled there, ihey'litul become free. The court, ' fudge Scottliresitling, decided against the elalin' of the itistr.iee to freedom, on the' pound, we belielei that their ownets had done no act ex hibiting an' dutention to maaumit them, !did that,. therefore, under the, Missduri law, they were;shiyes. Dred &et now brings this suit as plain., tiff inierror tro the Supreme Court. The' ease opened 011 the part of the plaiAff Mr Geyer, of 11toi, fidlowiog on. theother tfido, , Mr. Revordy JOIIECOD , iII prepared to follow 111 r. Geyer on the same side. Mr. Blair will close the argument Thedeeision of the court on the all int portent questions , involved will he of more importsoce titan any ever hertofore made. But they may not meetall these qtiestions, and it, vary easy to evade them. 4-,Congress. di)ateen the President's Dies samtiri.lx4), ,He us s continuethe ob ' jeci , of,whieb , ,4 apparently, seems to be to ascertain the exnet,points of difference be. tweets-the tww parties., But little businead will be done before the Holidays. farlhe Democrats in tho Pennsylvania Leilalatitra will endeavor,. • under instruo; tiotiti from Wheat/aid, to concentrate their divlandprefereneen finally upon Mr. Buck alew &Mater. Several coin" etit havo,already retired, with a prospect •of whim, provision. The. ,Opposition . will likkily veils upon Simon. Cameron, as the ii'vailable ',ph ' • oraTPJoilit ,UNDERWCiOD, who was thefall' for sup= po4l l tiOr 9 ikiant, and who mado several 'l4R4rOll York I° fl'7°r of ilia eleOgan'efFrentont, has returned to his plantation,' blit bas received notice from the•C'enitisittee of Vigilines-tliat be may rei#l,ii 3 O;Ty joiig enough to:settle tip him' aifstrs atHd t SE he persists in renewing his eitiseusbly. 'the committee will withdraw theletronlotiOn; sod leave him to the mer oytof this 'ComMintity. Irreol. John A. Hyesong, of Mercers burg, ono of .the israprietOis of the "Ful ton Ilapublicaw,? ks: a candidata • for the p44EoBergeltnt-ott-Arins of the Senate of Pennsylvania. The Col. would make an exaellentisticer. and we hope he may be suodetsfol. • yi;'tbe aray, we may, in this 'connection, say 1.4 t thw o ndien Pqmblican; published trVitesirs: liytWorig and Sellers, at Mer cereb#B,, is one of the most spirited of our exchanges. , Pohl, independent. and fear less, it deserve" a Large patronage, which lip hops orb is rumored tbat.the Hon. T. H. litentottattd Hon. L. N Kennett will be auttyo the United States Senate from Att s tafwasi, s by a coalition ,-of American amid Demo Cram. _ _ 411111.A.M....10NN VIIAPMAN died vs :, ry suddenly:list Wednesday, of apoplexy, at 8 1‘istraly," the irosidonoe of hid eister, in Charles ounty, lid. The deceased, daring a long and active life. tiled many *bike Oval ions with abilitvand asefelnete, and wee extensively known and universal. 13; eeepttetad 7' ia , ll;uitteit,y, ' , OM, of aim) oat*. vrera rejeotid pa/Limit:it of infor= Aft hosficratorts.` ;;~.;.•n~ : ; a~ ~: } ~ ~: 71". ";;'.!!):Atlt'Z.S.Vso.e-Uiklakr.e..Vr;; , ".ArCe.'V;...tei„Vs* • --" • • • • . Number ofForelgners c7l ArEST "12XT0L.77707::-IlttiE, ed Dating the Paint Tear- I ENT P0571312E OF .A14:11122. IttriTSome weeks ago, we stated that the teoefoces tarried ,Eis - Stfe in 0/obit by means of the tor9rgn vote natitralized voith. • • in •this year fluid , tinte tusjortty7,of the? Natives °Oil's country :ivei r i oppred trli the Oolicrof the Locofoco party. Whe 4. suit of ilia October:election, in this 'State Secured Buchanan's (deletion to the Presi cency. If his party had lost this State in October, ho would have-been disgracefully defeated. So that the men whose votes o-; • tented the Locefeco State Ticket in Onto. bur, may be said to have made Buchanan the l'resident. ZZMEM In October, the bicolor:to majority on Canal Commissioner was 2700 votes.— 'l 4 ;icnt the itiliklineti table, itielticling'Orily ono-third of the State, it will be seen that the number of Foreigners ,naturalized in those counties was• 4919; , or nearly twice the Lucerne° majority k the whole State ! This table does no include Philadelphia, Allegheny, Westmoreland antl, Many other of the leading counties. .We have no doubt that the Foreig,n veto Tidied ihis State this 3ear tbr the first time, , rebelled 15,000. Will not our friends in theme°. . - - ties not yet returned,,obtain from the Pro: tlionetary's &Bee, the, number tuoiratized in them, and publish the facts that te-rull and accurate table rutty be made ? What we have, shows that'-We are governed in this State by newly, arrived Foreigners-- She vote of the long resideits - being over balanced by this 'popnlation It it humil iating to feel that the 'Amoriatutbern can not rule their, cauntry, bat such is, the filet under the policy of the Lncorpco party.- 7 , When shall this base party he dethroned,' , and a Patriotic ooe subStituted for it ? , We publish the table as far as we hove it, in the hope . that .the unreturned coun: tie; will send us the report of the extent of "the Naturalization: in them within the last year. When that is done, the public can see how it happens that the Locofneo party has preserved its ascendancy in this Commonwealth. Examine the table : . Adam', Bed fiird,, Barks, Blair, - Cambria, Carbon, Centre, . Cumb6liind, Pnuidnu, Brie, Indiana, Juniata, Lancaster, . ItlilDin, • ' Montour, Potter, *Schuylkill, , t Suluehauna„ **Wayne. "York, 1' •y. 9 B6tween,BooAnd QOO asitlitional btintAted • it_ • ' ' ftherdardbeiivan 11.00 If4oo'lloiiinn CattMlio'rotuiti.'invthie'eonnty, most of them Locofocos. ' _ . * 1 '217 peniona faded to be naturalized by reasoti'nf tbe' nonAoldiag n, special, court, an aniranneed... 1.311 foreigner:l .were nottiridized in Wayne county"; and 84•1' of these ‘ were, between 00.,eiesidnutial eleetious of 1852 and 11150.,_ . . . ,-E4Fdoottioniot-46 feet'inticli•enronragell at the, pronipttieltbf ninity, aer , snbserirs, who during, the , past'irek 'hare crone Op 'to' the; "raptain's oftice . and performed - a -little' act:which always gludilens.the printer's ,heurt,.. —Bucks !:. . "WO ain't , saras math. for trionynfour enitseribers. The few who !mail answered our r etill. ere . true frien6 in neell'; ' het what shalt, we say of the:hirge mumber• , who manifest the artost: prfeet in4ifiereuee, bnut'the payment of the: little • bill/ they. owe tts Tlieless sald'abent such "ousto= mega, probably, tb better tiOW TII IIE3IOOIIt . AIIO, SWELLtAiI'I bIIGADELPEITA..-.111 iested , eleetion cave of. Mann vs. eatisidy, no undergoing investigation in • Philadel• ibis, sonic remarkdble`deVelnfieineitialittVe ,already bees made. It: appears eriine of the "Denuccracy.7 in their. anxiety rfnr„ "the EUC06143 of the perty,-,voteci three times under Mimes :How'Mr. hind, a 'euaton:honee officer labeled ' , for his party, rill be, Seen b; the tel4titimuy of :William Adams,,,whieh we, append as .rt 'specimen of ihe evidence adduced', as fol. Adams, . iworn 7 -..1 reside 'at Ha 315 Smith El . eVenth'slreet‘i.l nth i'plata ter, I voted atthe October election, at the See-. enth Precinct of the Fourth Ward voted as Thomas , Jackson, (name 374,0 rt the list of vo, tem i)three besides myself voted an : cempany, for Lewis C. Cassidy.; the . first. I met .on the day of election was a Man named DivinnY i end . shortly after we tuet . Wni. villa)! introduced niato McMullin, and ho' troduced us to john 'Ringland, hit brother-in.! law; McMullin .told:us to 'go to! the' 'poll; - in Shippen street near Seventh, .and. vote--that, it would be all right; no one would interfere, with Us; we.tbenwmit to a tarern, in Shippett street, near Seventh' near' the. 011,, and got drink; Mr. Ringland Went away, and, after a ahort absence, came back with" a' paper, hay: I ing names ilium it ; the name of Thomas Jack son was given to me; the only other name, I , could catch was 'Molly; names were . gbien tel three othersin company - with us; :two' I did not know; ,I never , saw . 'thew' imfore don't know where Divinny is now; . have • not heard of him since . the election, mxcept, that he .was down in Moyetnensing: [laughter,' After.the names were given - we went and voted j I think'. DivinnV voted first; T did not know the two others, - but they all voted before r did; I gave the name of Thomas Jackson; "heard — the name of Mealy or Mallv,-one or' the other, for , they are near, alike. We. all voted in. direct succession; afterwards we wept back to the puplic house, all oyes; the same house.' Here there was a slight exCluinge of 'clothing, and the same thing was repeated with two of the voters. Two of the same went down with and voted under' differeht names; I did' dbl. change my clothes; the two who voted chatty, ed theirs; the -tickets were got from MAting• land ' • I got a ticket from him, but did mot vote, it ; I had a ticket in my pocket, a scratched one, which .I-bad got from e. MAW nairtc: , ,JtVo• b9n ; than X vow/. 07Tliti Ueit .tit Maissachti s!)tta awaking bat, eight I lluobanikki-InAn to-33,7 Republiestos.' , The North :China .Herald contains an ten edtinier - Am:if Rev. W. A. , 4.lattia, d Nin o , !April 17, 1850 in whli Terkinteresling account is gi en ()ERIC tirigt oflpriasent revolution ry movetiaent, successes and the s - `sequeat—roversee-whitili uttended the in surgent force, mid proceeds to show that the ground once lost by them is now being rapidly regained. The exultation of the f Imperialists was of short duration. In predicting the certain downfall of the Manchu dynasty the writer remarks : "This is a gloomy prospeet for, those, , who have witties44i the itoiribid iolirnalgsf I of Chinese warfare. and disheartening to rib Mid inirelifints 'sv iiiriffit "sfrirggrittg• wit it the fluctuations of .y crippled commerce, in hope that returning peace will indemnify them for their present lassos.. But while the bloody tragedy May be rednied to its minimum length byt Mr triumph (not lite ; ly to be very speedy) .. of- thmNaulcing - in-: l surf s euti, nothinkipuerecertam,then . that, I auy,uttcnipt, of il a foreign goiernment to restore 'peace by , lulling the' Manohns 'to suppress the' rebellictri,l'wEttld'prOtraet:the . struggle, aggravate 3ha calamity of the Chi. IMO. and burns the permanent interest i ,of foreigners. ; , ; ;io,r no pan whe, is aequaimml with Ohitiaeaq anubt ihnt • tbOlomirijcu of 1 1.. M, 4 130 4 APFe,rfli/4 38 : 1 P 4 4,ii,t,0..kii'0 it unarupt . eliite 4:Tit:ensure anq rspuieltoh. without, any„iillitonee, _either , of ,lor,,iir fear, by which to, ,ennt eel i t flair eubjoet t, powerless tq repiess the i - drates who ravage, the coast, and the banditti wlie,ltkist 10 ,1- ny parts nftlniiriteriar,,it titiErn , tire wore. even tranquiliaCci hy'the'pewe s iful seteryen tints of soma foreign nation, they would bo utterly, impotent .to maintain lt,,in' that, conAftion, ,' . _ . , , 1 , .; Mr. Martin says, .with , mortificatio n that u'early 'all ,tim .foreignera engagtidia gainat the insuygen:4l, aro ~,ttnerlip.p3.7t . and , protest against his count,kytnao .partunPat ing in the strife., going on ,in that cinpitti. Their ettorts, lie . mays, eanuot be followed, by anuottusuent success. The ' Eniporor r i bars - dmmoned the assistance of seven ~ tribes of Mongols, but this tua.ure would ottl,jr" arouse more fully thepattenal eta. _. money ofthe Chinese. isitrArep rAAo,n." N. P. in his 'very enter , tattling ldlewild letters to The Home Journal,:iive 119 last, week a very" eltoiCe bit Of gointip tonehini Bayard Tay: r and' the , way people, love WM, He ia' nnty abroad op otte'of his' ailventuroua jourtieya to the Nurtit arid' iti a reCent letter to The 'Tribune, dated at Gotha'in Germany, he deticribes alithptirty of {tls own, speaking iti• it as onty German Isoine —the lionie provided lor'nte,"'" The devtiription is in the . high• eat degree captivating. The pleasant town id Gotha, shamed on'the 'undulating tatile-land 'aiihe' loot of the Thoringian rilla,rMet aboVe the lerel ol the' sea; is one of the moat quiet Ger , many. The sight•of a tourist i'venusual hero; and von will find the old heaitme4s . and sinspif,ity, of German home life itt all itslttitY. • • ilayard 'raylnr lied . 'brined the "ac go intsnee Mid' frieridshipMf a' Gertnati gentlemhe Whp had been' his 'traveling' eunipaiiien iii it E t. • tly Were toy gelher - in'adetieir:lar . :rernitre" from 'Kolb hilities ; - and their 'aegituittlatice, 'brio( tt'tvati; was yet knit by tintfsnal assoriationa and'by a sy nipatliir that 'list! been rlteiprocally etimplete. 'Phey'pitrfed' eiich,in his Aern h6me, and Willittitt the ..promise nr . 'enrreipondenes; 'anti it Was soma 'dune beftire . Be yard heard . big ,C4erifirn - friehtl. The leiter when ii cairn!: was the lorinfif conveyanee clAaie to belong to him and In hi, hetrti— :a free gilt. ` and 'given 'as a plpdge acid 'token friendithip.': ,grintilds ivbie • coinplefe - .the' !Muse lurtitsked: — :ln order that it' alintil d he no . •bordee to the ileit4owber,'lhegiveratltled itiCt it 'alibuld bb 'taken Care 'of by him all 'lt wlrs'the proper'ty '*lleinivWheehintid e . onie; WitifitiO•if 'fie beierreanie. • " -'• DEIIOCRAbIi! AND KANSAg:— , 'r he Font ii(villtrii)itrithl, of the 14th i .tA prominent and high y respoctn e citizen of Innlleville , tvhn was never ettli, er a Whig or a Know was' in., • or , ,tiqt.far Evantiville a few (taxa af. ter tlic late Presidential election.: lie conv.ersei inn with a, highly, in telligent Sm(infliten nal Indiana' Delitorat • who is a member of 'the I:egli;lnitiVei .91e2ei of llta ' t Siete law partner .01, one of the Demoirafie ininnhers of Ctingrnsm. _ Iu ;that ! conyersatinn, thel.44ld?‘; die, gen tleman pressed home ,of ;the . Kansas ilittotiOcs; and atlifeil tite chipM 110i , 111' linty , p ; 4 r ty,, I world settle th;?.tn. The linth4na tit;9 , ‘ liVeseif his views, ,these em s . retparks: "One tliing s; tiled. •Kansas muss Caine in as,tl §tsta.-- 1 •Ifdocs. pie peniuereiie pdrty gees to 11--.ll'everywhefei4,, , tha'iiinriti' We •of:ho Iferthera seetion,of ihe; parry ha'ye' stretched 'Matters a O.en! the of hartnortious action Democracy, bin 'there are things we . eiV.l, ;stand, aptl the bringing of ginifie into ffsa aq a alave.t,itte,, is one of Iltiquesiionahly tide gent!eman ed greatamittern truth. 'lt kapsa,s be ' b rought' in as a slave Stitte:thanetnoarnt % party to the Forrtil:,p!see mentioned, by, and: . if Mnisas, be: brouiht•in.aS a free State s ,he„ljetn{;cratici . party &mai' Will stp`p •sbiirt'of!tho same hot destination.,, , , MARINO A CLEAN , BREAST OF The St.'.Loniii - Learfer;ca . . Deitiodrati journal) of uestlay bot tat s t he fashion upon its own prosperts 'There ie aIeO .the Cntholir, and the no 7 mCfattnilie hJ Olive4o'6o conciliated. ' 'Rest' i .Ltin thei'Vilitife future hdpe of tlilf:'Deintscritic:ptirtt live in attaeltirte• to itself the(*lrish patojfc' vote; Which has bq u4nltiistii, but which i;•now pretty well' satisfied Aist'it psis beef' betraft•it by the BeniOn leader's -and Scild in the Kno•Atl. NOllli6kB, to Serve' the rif man Talk as much its:s4m- Preakie;'thit' Democratic party iri this city' Will ' remain' a helpless 'thiuority:' until it olititit4 the cordial and ;nnattintons 'aclhesiOn - of KnoW:Nbthing enemeis rineh the BentoMilique both 'know that this'is'l Me calm;-'evil hence 'they wish to drive the. Leader, if possible, into such a post; MT, as to - alienate our Irisls and Catholic frientlSi• .. -' ' ' ".'-' Ir-Pfrilkwprai thernererdiela—ffhti Auction runt yoir have Tobbed , gieli „ riuterP 0” , ta!tqXl rift,— It; t• -e • 7Vt STA RADII. qui. d m has.wlfh one oiled elDirt, 'v r ur v :e :past el:ash the ...lit '' t! . .• a w rooo olt effort has be nee e tit Ice s TIM vile mill , wiji4 , ,stil utfr li and is c rile n under o ur fiat''' . ag. i INe Ole hi v tho,4pee et, a rnyr, of ,tal 1 411te.aitik Xiiiied .' e r. A aof South ,Carolina, recenmmending it revival of the trade by the authority of the law. and whit has ende'avored to persuade his fellow citizens, that . the system is every way commendable and justifiable. As all i 11441161 dii ifiti• Idi filil i in thin O'r i n -which the Slave Trade is yet carried on, a gentleman' who recently arrived at New X9rk lxinti / the,gasi.of Afsicr ,tp,sna,that Ve'len rh 4 trdirt g'obtf inithofity. l llmV there were thirty vessels, all sailing under the .. 1 5 Wriiir,PiCiselnel iii fffili - ifirtiiiiele ni ilii mouth of the Conv,River, wailing for car 7 goes of slaves, and, eeckjng for opportuni -1 ties to get to eca unperceived . y the cruis ers. Persons were stationed near the mouth of the , river.lo title. warning of the 'vicinity of.National...yeaints. And thus to announce opportunities:when with A dark night and a fair winitolpsetradere,in hit Man beings Might 000 . .their esCape . in' safety. The tnillifi'oOverninent have a l 'elentuer on. the CORSI:. bit it is - too • show to 1 •ibe of much service.," With- it TruPitinus breezb elitimbuilt slayers find ,little difihutlty ! in : e;vfnkin,g. the pursuit of ,their clumsy tuitagnniat., itijit, long, ago, a brig (supposed . to i tniiiii Ainericaneraft.) was makinclier War • Oit of the•;metith of the Congo '4iter; ' witli''four hi:lndeed ne igroes turboard; when Me-- was , espied by the steamer ‘ which,prOmptly gave chase. The brig slippetl,awatfrom .her- pursuer ;with the greatosteasii.i i ~The, fired ,several aliula at ker hilt without, success, When the brig hailliiviMt of tlloleach of I 'the steamer's wins, tfieeaptaiii by way of 1 tantalizing the•-balli eillzruiser, ordered a! megro to be'pulled •up ito the • yard arm, where he was allowed_to, hang for some .time, as an insulting anion of the ticknowl• i edged characterof the • yessal. Tli'l eap- Jain alsO signified his . s,zultation by stand- • tug at the stern . ' and Riffling ashis brig bailed a wiy., It-is soil that ifie trade in • the vicinity of ,the ,Conio might be stopped or at least materially , diminished. by a ,soiall'weil.artued ineanwr. capable of sail ing fourteen miles 'an hour, winch should ,cruise 111 interVals Illir,a ohor!, di r imuce op and (limo MP river.' • • SUGAR A3D,THIC TAftllv•— . Sugar,: which has ad vaticed so Ingli4. in price in coast , - quer.ce of. its scarcity. pays thirty per cent. ad valiirtiat''titity on its iinportation into the Unita Stites. The public, tchit use it. think it 'dine to viake it'du ty tree; for now the,h,glier the price the greater the ditty rhe duty, operates as a tax *yin the entite, eonsumptun of the artiile, and therehYs antounts to -near Jwelre Mahar, if duty free, would be '.Melt sjcittta where it is now 12, or QI reins whiie it is now 9. The European papers ail debatingmhether su gar will go up or Oro in price. and the hest opinion appealt be, that there will he a fail heli“ . o.Fehr i tary. as the increased hes So di/111111OP d the world's eon. stooptioutif the ar t rhr ifrit it inure Own ootocerhalaber;s iinintsheu pratlor —Phil. 'Ledger. ! , • . DR. KANS.7—'P e,,1',.1,10(,1p:phi4 , Atn,cri- C 4,1 leAtl!8 , ilfei! r,toret that ; .the hedth et KARR . iIRR floclinf (I rather than improved,'since - hjs arrival in Lon don. llis phySirairiS' 4.orehen:lye that his disease is settling into the char t imer of consumption: and, with the hope That milder skies may arrest the.progress of the insidious destroyer. and reinvigor ate his wasted constituent, they have de. creed that he' shothil Pass the winter in the West India Islands. whither he has al ready gotta.. Through the • idessings of P roe idesicer, it is trusted that this ehetige of climate may effect the desired restora tion of his health, and., that lie .will-Jive long to wear the duiWiring, honors that are alread tivined around his itane;,:thil! to gather additiinial ft.;r hi itself, and is country-ill'hUlfitteneite paths al ficiPliaPi' • ..,. . I • • • PoWIFIC N Vll, Oll -- Tile New York 71,;/1:3 , the an nooriVeMen t 'that a tie'oF project for enex. .011h4 Iras that city. em hraciiig 'most re,seeeta)le with PETER poppeti, 'Esq., it their,hentl; that the Caritain" 'Cletie f ral . oI thit - islana con• ttives at the idot ; thet,ve4aei . airet4o 'previditl with 'the itercii;tiy;.iveilipopi of ttoriox . iiiiiii„ anti tlt it , jtl t fnotlirr' year the gem of the Gulf ti4ll: ihege UtiifMtl . lielee I In oth-, er Woetls'; fin Trs4arilic. T.oetfril)h. , , eabl4 . vi;hich'hriikel4 thA'Atteirlit io lei 'it over the Gulf of St. 1 4 atFreitep t hcvc In laylaY,ii tteiWeen ditire, it. ,veti itoplbtft,it Spain, wilj cheerfnlly asient'Vo' thicinainetic connee- 11611: ,•t.e •. ;., . • ~ • , i; 4 4.4 • ' "Meil Cuttncti A ve......v.0s he o culist Church North has,'siiitroliiiited' "lis• B ,ion?r,Y - :Ptirl)4 B e4 l (nr,1t. 1 19.; YPlc.' fitl s7 snots tinumet ,to $20.11130, Of, this, in omit 010g.QQ.0, ttre; 4.911Vci. and. 1‘7315:7, io'f °reign . milti . one ! Africa is their ehielGrid,, revovv,g ; 027,767; , Gina and Cl 'erre evly rece#,e,e vett p 10,00.0; Intlfe,#7:soo;.Fr,Ance andirp,r4v y. $4,000 etch ;Annzries;s3.spo ; Getairal :South s2,p6o; Nor way,„lS,Viaiil and Denmark. The domestic lend is divided• the populatio‘sePeakintEng lish,49s,9oo;,to ilte.Oersisns. `$40;000; to.the lodians, 410.340; the Scandinsmustm, $10,5004 ,to; the Welsh, .115,050 ; 10. Ahe French. Sl,lOO. , , B ,EVENTIVE ,OF. , ScARVT: eorreapondenlio(th,e , Boston ,Peittl Reale a s:ttnple - pTeyentiyqokracarlet.feypr, He says iief/adonnti; tak erloqvarY 0 11 1 3 1 1 ?aillt.evelY mentber of a fa,cnity— r adtilte, childreo;ser... snots and,ell intnateara.will eerininly.pre sent,the spread. of ,tlihr, Ilterlful• disease• in every lonsehold that {Soy ; adopt it, as certainly ausaceination prevent the; ematl . cents ,tyi)l; pureheee,a year's supply of any of QuOlorncepathisil A wet finger applied toe globule and placed upon the tongue O.OlPd OrleAuNe all. that is necestiarrto ,Ptesent • the spread pf this, disease. •::l1 LOOK OUT FOR A: CIiANGII,OIr FASHION. ---A, fa ritt. Je4tcr , Faya:.--,`AApfßeent lheke I/hat tita4n)paria( Vourt. rEtf,arga.olzetl pre: Bath! ,agaiapt jilts tppli Hulk w. 9 1 11, by:=Ate Atahca.,,ja w61.10-19.giver Pump' c ireu in f e react) 'too!o...ip ,hafjoony.'swith: that of the.,... crittolinea:..—Xhitt—is why 'owe of the gime or bag. rril3l • vet hats, %vittt large 6'rirtp4 , lin'Alie siyiecx diedtrAapiate tttt raltiiigei.' Y'T art ,77%,1, . . •Niii: iirrlbii" Meiji Ilk Tiiiiit Tifintr. —Dr Rush was an untiring student.— Two young pkysicians were conversing in his presenceronco; qnd on °tither; said "IVllen ; ed sty studles—" i "When •on fini lull yo s i ‘dips I" sid e the duet , ll •abYt tly. Wit you in st he aha yi , tb. Is vel-fin ished ished y, ur studies ' o syou .1 Ililo,Aol l expect to finish m eiwhil I livr 1 A \ 7 litHe ' once &limy he tntd bien• able to collect such an immense amount of facts and information as his publications and lectures contained. '.I have been. enabled to do it," replied he, "by onono. mizing my time as Mr Wesley did. I have not spent nne hour in amusement for the last thirty years,"anil taking a small note book from his pocket, and showing it „Wpm heiAntil; F.6l•(lllinAnhia . „ !wok as this once aweek with observations and thoughts -which •ocour.aio, me...snd, facts. collected in the rooms of my patients; and these are all preserved and need." - , ' -------------- --------- WErrv.—Clergymeniregnently admin- • later personal rebukes from the pulpit The best that we can remember WAS that of an Irish citrate, whoao Christian Dome was Joseph. He, had been ,premised a living by a meniberAt the great Butler faintly previous to his coming, lo the title , and the m* 'rule promise was noel- ' redeemed': Slid, on the first 'opportunity the curate bad' of piiinciiirig before the powerlul Aoblemort,..he, selected for his text the!conclusinn of the fortieth chapter of Genesis- 7 i",Yet . did, net Ille chief but- i ler remember .Itieeplkii forgot ,him."— 1 'Pic Irish Joseph specilil:i, obta ined • the gift of a ' , dry, valuable' living.—.Engliih Paper. 1 WINTEit 81;01ITS lee upon Bullard's pond in the suburbs of Boston, has, during the week, afforded flue skating, • The Traveller says ; "Last night„Metween one and two hun dred persons of all ages and both sexes were on the ice'engaged fit:skating. There was, we are told, sonic exeollent skating, especially by °neer two young ladies, who seemed to be thoroughly at home up in the icy surface of tho hike, exhibiting hot h as regards grace and swiftness a mark ed contrast to the rather et/mourns efforts of timir worthy sires. During the even ing the Marseilles hymn was sung by the assembled people and. with fine effect." • ®_2 - .At the conelusionor,Nlr. Crinen•; (If n's ettl! - gy upon the late ltlr.Glayton, of Delaware, delivered it. the Senate, on the 3rd instant, ie the follow tog remark : " It must be pleasing to us all to learn from the Irmor..ble Senator from Bela. ware. ( Mr. li.i . yard,) that Mr. Clay toil died Chridiim. So he shonld have' died. Snell a death gives to humanity its proper dignity. Full of this world's honor, he died full of the tnnre precious, impfs_tipt lie ly•yonil the grave. ,01 him wlioso.dies \ye may well exclaim, •"0 death ! where is thy sting ? 0 grave ! where is thy victo ry ?" DITK4 IN A STORM.—A 11!telt of w0(1 clurlig were caught in the flOrlll 11141. Well , : • ant'. the snow and Meet falling on them. loaded tlit;nl NU heavily := to prevent their Several of them fell to the ground in C.mgress ,street: where four Were ratight this morning. The snow end oleet had fro-ten on'their plumage go . ;te to prevent their flying.— '!'roe Bu«gei. imrcitinX.The Chinese tsilors do not meanies , their customers, hui make clothes according, to the pattern given them. An American captain being at Canton and wantii.g a new coat, *.ent the proper quantity of cloth and an old one for a paitern. which was copied even to the hole in the elbow I. 0 - 7 The .Leabanon (Timm) Herald. rantaina the particulars of toe murder in cold blood. under the 11105 A horrifying cir convo,vice.t, of Mr. Holden Smith, by his wile au old lady of 05 ! CithFe, irtemp entice. Also, in another part cal the enmity. Flank 'Baker murdered • hie wile bt shootinalier,through the head with a pistol. cause. intemperance. JUD% W.U.trr.—A piragral his going the rounds of the Democrat press, to the that, Jude. M bean had declare/I himself favrrable to, the election of Buch anan The tpune declaration is note ro-produced'in the recent letter of John Van Buren lo . thiS Bostntt committee of in vitation. The Newark illeilcury is an thortzed. Ao give, this assertion an explicit d e ni a l, and : to say, that, the. Judge dined an open ticket,,forFßEMONT and PAYTON. . • GREAT AinTvAr; or Pout:MT.—Seven thotisond live•tnrkeys, and three thousand chickens, from . 4 Upper • Canada, were brought down yor.terday , hy, railroad, and tinned nut the Somerville etation.— Boston Jozii•nal. 11 -- News front Santa •Fe that the 'gold tallies on the Gala river are richer :than the riattest,in•California. Many Ter sons had left Santa Fe to go thither. A I'IItiNCELY PoRTEtt.--,rhe porter at one of the Hotels : Dayton is unwed Charles Rothschild, and said to be a near lelatice of the, hluropean banker.— Ile has plenty, of money', but, serves as porter frotu eccentricity'. RUSSIAN SQUIRREL FnADE.—In 1542, 1.960,000'.4tifiel tildes were eiportell trout Russia to Mini, in exehange tor tea. illostbfiSiese ikins ea me from Siberia, and ; were the cpiarry''of the' exiles' traps. ' ANOTUER NEW StATE.—II is reported from ‘Valhingtob that the territory of 'Min nesota, through' the delegate, Mr. Rice, will take steps: tibring• the pesenusession of Congress•. for ' into the Union. - ; . ,; • SINGULAR Firip.-:-Llkliteaiily; in his His. tory of the fast, that no large sogiety,el ; whioh,tlejangange is not Teutortist r -,( . qethip) . hatr r oyer ti!rtted Protestant; Iliatthereve,r , a Inagu t agl deriyei karmtilotontll.oire is itp'eldeu, tho reliiitin of taivier . 4*otne to this dity:pro. vniis. te`Tini"'isediSfe'tif Boitchf and CharlA. town seem' te like their Mayors, onir'tho former have reeleeted 'Mr. RICE by a cote 8649 , 0ut0ff10.142,•:ind the lotto'', Mr. BAWER, by 1347 out'of : rrNone are, io fond of secrets se those, ;who' tio' not minti . tti'keipCthinti,;4ituSh per son covets eftrets tut rt spendthrift. covets pntl the papers sof tlint: . -oity sey`- tthlit it dranrverowda,oC admiring atnlitpla . ( tpf •Oubiyand •j Irr it an or) your jriPadt ! IXTANAD—A Nits in Urery section of , fruited tnies and entindst, to drew. late S ADS' lnr c ;typo Quarto, tier fatuityiise,ctititlid tile People's Pictorial De riseatic witivabout one thousand engra vings. This useful book is Oestined. Vire eon form nn opinion from the Notices of the Press, 16 have nn unprecedented eirenlntion in every !section of our wide-spread continent, nod to form a distinct era in the sale of our, wqr4.— It will, no donlib'in n tow years become the Ltildo of the American people. ino.t liberal remuneration will be 'nil Ter.lops whp !pity be pleased to prottire AubserlberS to the shove. Fran 50 to i 100 copies may (mildly be circulated and sold tin each' of thb principal eitiCS`libil townS'Of 'the Union. It will be sold by, tfultllerillti°" only. OD—Application shothl be made at omen, ias thb fluid will !non be occupied. ' L. 117 - Parsons wishing to: net, as 'agents,',and do a safe.businessi can seudfur n:specinten 'co.! py. ,Ou. , receipt of the establtshed . prieni , s‘ the rectorial Enmity,lZiblo, wo o wellbound, book, he' corefullY end Ad.* rirtied Per at our risk and' „. expense, to any central town Or Village in' "tlia United 'Stntes_i excepting those' 'Califordini Oregon and Texas, , '! , , fa"ltegister your Letters i 'and.yeur money frill come,snfo. . In, addition to the Pictorial Bible,,vre troll a large number of illustrated rpnrily Works', 'very pdpithir, acid Of Mid a high Mor nl nod Unexceptionable' charaeter, ihat 'triad good men may safely engoo in 'thc:ir eirettln.: .confer n public benefit; and re ceive n.tair compensation for. their labor, /119... Orders respectfully solicited. For fur ther particulars, address the subscriber, ,(post paid.) .140.131,11 T SEARS, ' 181 Trininat strcet, .21 - ete riwk. Dec. 12, 1856.-4 t II AVE YOU SUBSCRIBED Cosmopolitan Art Association rpm? THIS' 77111/D YEAR / QEE the rare inducements t The matinFe• . noil have the pleasure of announcing that 'the collection of Works or Art designed - liar Idiitrilnition arming the sithscribers, whose I lalaWB are received previotm to the 2fith of January, '57, is much larger and more costly than on any previous year. Among the lead, iuu iv..irks in zietilpitire—executed in the litin'tit. Marble--k the new and hcantiful Statue of the "WOOD SYMPII," The Busts Of the Three (Arent American Statesteett, Clay, Webster and Calhoun, Also the extvtisite Ideal Bust, A1'01,1,0 A N 1) DIANA, iti Marble, life aiie, Together with the following (inutps and Stttt• ' tics in Carrara Marble—of the Strugylei for the Iltattl, Venus and Apple ; Psyche I Mug dalon ;.Child of the Sea ; onoccnee ; Cooke Itir,littol Little "fruaat ? With numerous works in Bronze, mud a eldleCtioll of NEVEKAL i!UX• FINE ()IL PAINTINGS.. II) leading Artists. The vh i e of ehieu are to be distributed or allotted among the stil seriberk w hose. nnilies are received previous to the Ttrehifprigloth Jannary, '57, when tho distribution will ink., phiee. - T MS OP' till BSC!? PTION. Every pillicriber, of three dollar., is entitled to a e,,py ut the -ph. wild Steel Eligrrivifg, —latarday orera copy of n,y'uftbdlti lu.,la MaguAiiies tine year ; also a cope of I lie Art, Journal one'year t and a Ticket in the Annual Di :trilkat ion or 1S urks of Art, Than, for every ya paid, n person not only gots a beautiful EiTraving nr 3hign . ,ine one year, but also reeeives the Art Journal non year; and a Tiokel in the A initial Distribution, making tree dultur3 worth reading m.tticl heaiiles the ticket, by u 'delta vit;oulde paint in or piece of :itatuary may be received in addi tion. 'l'll , ,se who prefer Magazines to the Engra, dog "Saturday Night," en,, 11.1 Ye either of the t: li twin (,tie runt : Magazine ; Cu. dq's L.dy's States Thlgnzitip, idterbucker agazine, en ha in', )lit,.7azinoi Black ‘voud .11agaziiiii, Southern Literary lies reuger. No person is restricted to a single share.- , .. Those taking live memberships. remitting $l3, are entitled to six Engravings, and to six tick= ens in tint distribution, air any !ire oldie Maga one year, and six tickets. Persons, in remitting funds Mt:membership, will please register the letters , at the Post. Of* lice, to pmvent loss : on receipt of which, a certificate of Membership, together with. dm Engl. 'ling or 31agazine desired, will be for. wit MO to noy pert (tithe country. For nirtker particulars, see the November . Art Journal, sent free ou applientMn. •For membership, address C. L. DERIIY, Actuary C. A. A.,• 3.11 i Brnathvay, New York,. or Western (Mice, Water street, Sandusky Ohio. • re Andy to 1). lilT 01 , 1 A L'G 11Y, no . norti ry Secretary, Gettysburg, l'u. Nov. 2t4 1836.—1tt • • The Greatest Wonder of the . No. Pay,' if Dr. Tobias' celebrated Venetian. Liniment does not cure. Cholera, Disentery,, Croup, Cholie, Coughs, Dyspepsia. Nontiting ! !Mini ps,lootlitieliii, Headache; ChapPed hanils; : Cold Peet, Mosquito Bites, Insect Stings, Chronic Iteuinntimin,'Swellings, Old:lures ! Cuts , Burns, -Bruises and , Pains or Weaktiestritt the Limbs, Back and Chest.: No NUNIIIIO,, TRY tr.. Dr. Tobias bus warranted his Liniment for, eight years without ever baying it deninutt for the return of inoney-Lall that is asked is to use it according to the ,directibint:«; 11'6 mid o'er trithoui' it rifler once 'itiing:)‘..4f do not find it bettor than anv thing you have ever tried' before, get your money returned! I IM.Thonsands; of certificates have: been re ceived speaking of its virtues. Now•a:tieys is the practice to fill the papers with certifl• . cotes Arun unknown persons, or fen Uy thrtto who have never used the medicine now Dr.. Tobias offers to' pay 100(1 dollars tit arty one who will prove that ho ever published a false certificate during the: time • ho halals his medicine before the public, . . • call on. the Agent and get, a., pamphlet :coon, taing genuine certificates., • c. . • As persons pumas of:the large side of the. Suited it is injuriett" to fake it internally, Dr. TObinalins taken the:: following °sent , • • • ' I, Samuel I. Tobias; of the city of New Yorlr,o being duly sworn, do depose thatl compound a.: Isieimmit,eriljed.Y;ettetialyaini that , the .ipgrcr : d ionfs of which it . is arA . ,perlyct r : , 1y harmless to . internally s , even in .dfMble the quantity named in the dire'etioef; , ncediri-' panyink each bottle. • -.t New l'Ork,;Janudry 9th, 1856. • ;:,': Sworn thiS:day before s;: • FERNANDO , WOO Dqsrayen ,ss:and 50 cents ; Odd bEthe Dtlfggikt.: mid. Patent ;itleilicine Dealers tEroughput i qlp, Uaiied Stittesi. i••••+:. , ' . . tioLAlso forstile;br.'Tcibitis' ; lToTtie triSttt,in pint. bottles, At 60 cents ) warranted` superior to any other, ' • , ^,, ,; • ' 'Dr, ltibins Office; SG; Ociattlatid street, N. Yark 20-Alsu rt 7 gettyliPum Di 4 H, S. bliller t ,gastHp.rHit. :Sept, 1.9; . • ' • i A.DYI3 FOR, THE not attained by indolence and - atuait no aerowlot r/tad to ,universal farop, The., world will not be blown like chaff lute achan., ne't iiidientcd by troihitOn4 iVitt end the nuetnired of II'ATCHELOR'S iAA rft '-- DT A won by:, itittehl ng When Viihore slept; stal;P - tabled lilies trittinuic:worth' And trathfulltiesb, filnature. I;in-routed not to, disappeint, then hopes of thesp who use it. • Made and.isoio, oco,- apgetl: at the o gi !n+ tort' .233 ; Bynadway,.. New York. - See that each ho 4 has li7p6 BATCIIKIOII. on do others tole q uitumu • mn STA4,IOI)-,,A)NNIM. E 7 TV BP. Frid * tvenilig,',,beceber 19 . • Religloust tit" xt rttti:ik:o /1 4 1a11 .. Pvegiterian Citir'eh.—Services morning' anwevening. . . . Chriet Olinnek, .(Luthorna.)—Services thelnarrning and eyetiing, • ' 4 1 1...11 111 04 CAni4, '(Ltitherin.) , --,Services morning. and evening, Rev. Mr. SerVictikiiiso' oh Chriiittnna, •Thnrsday next lar.'SchaTtii.... • • Meihotitrt • Bilivenpal ohnreh.--Preaching in the. 'morning, and iirnyer meeting in the evening. O , F-own /? , formed Chore/.—Services morning and evening. Aesomate Reformed Cliterrh.—No Services. cat lie , Cinirch.---Servicem in the morning.. The f'ruyer-Areating of dio Presbyterian, o,lertnnn Reformed ; and the two Lutheran ehttiaies )telit every Weldnesday evening; Method iat..Thuredar evening. AtiiirT9,gll ll .o, against errors, we shall an. nettmOliereafter:only such nnmrs of oflieinting clergymen ns shall be lea' at this office. In all tinell,ii'asei, the names ..must be han4dd in by Theesclay evening. , • • • v". WOOD WANTED • • • riru in 'Want of ROOD, and hope that 'floe° of pin pittrinie 'wlio intend tn 'send nti Webtl on pecintnt of: subscription,, will do twat once., • , . _ .ATTEMPT AT: JNdENDIAItISII.—:•On Monday- morning laat,., Mr. At.i.:i7l 7 l4zen, uptija',gOing - np to**itid the Towy cidelb'ou theTtlert-house,.fdund upon the garret of the •• • • • . • . • I • • • . Court•himse'. . pile of combustible • tnuterialsi paper, chip's, ttii.riMe, &C.; with a eight par• tiaflyreiinsumel the • midst of them. "It is supposed that some person entered the Coml. house by one of the windows after night, foiced the',dneflettilin„; to the garret, and placed the materials there With an intention to fire the Courthouse. The materials were not there some lour or live days. previous, when 'Mr. lied lwen last up at the clock.. diOlii.).—We understand Mut' Alr. SA II Ilmtnar, of Cumberland towl.,hip. has pur ehLthydthejTense,aml ( : ivne (1 by r. .1 oi •.+; nix, in Cliaikilwrsburg: ;oreet—pane $1460.- 111i:Cto.UIM;pureliaticia the property on. Baltb in ib . .. 4 frht ; :111161 . 11i lK Presbywrian. etwitb;' oseqe4 ' .. by Mrs. Il.tnt,fors The Tristiles of tits Mothogliat lipiaeopal Church purchased the brick property On Ikiltuarirc Joie, t, adjoiuing the 'property of the Hee: Fleury Clippinger, for n Parsonage-- prij,; $lOOO. skiyi;cht. Wednesday morning, lira nrnit alit eoietieil ill one of tho rdinits efeettnsylvairia Colkge,`upiin the third Ik r. A hole a yard in diameter Mid been buret in the floor, exten ding th;ottelt to the juice. Bel for the timely drietivery, the eote. , quenees might have here, serMiet. The tire is seprosmi to haveeriginm ted . • fr.on n sirirk from the afore—the COll tit.- tilvnem, no ',rpm:me, or the ettreiestnetot nr id 1l) lvi sleepiug hi an adjoin• \ r Ltto A I).— Nr, learn that the Staeleaaltion at thi4 rand have it in conte.nrintiol. pth irtly, to lift their charter ana the l;unin,kar. The ire 1111;irrai911.1, already union tl to it-12,000, which. is milro than regnired to• make the Z,l,Linrterly Conference of rata tied with the Evangelien! Le: theuxn Ncnnd of West 'Fatinsylvania, and rusi• dent in A,bon.; c Ware, ;IS9CTllbied tit letA. burg, Y. S., on Tuesday the 9th presiaber and Rev. Mr. ROTH act ing as Secretary. , (3onferetani rentained i , in me-an.ot several days, and after the usual exer cise:land hnsiiless t adjourned to meet ill Get tyAnrg,'on the third 'Wednesday in 'February next.. Orplians' t"tiart will meet on day tiekt, 'at wilicli Ititiu the 'llO%- Associate Judy ex will take thniir tients. lief. The mercury this 'curving was down to 10° —.yesteiilay morning 7'. irr, De, Franklin "was once endear in ing s turkey by an electric he received the; tvliole force of the battery hiiitsell. ' ReCottering, he good litiMoredly remarki'll, that instead of kill , " t i dt n t flues I parade , a n g o ao an.t. :s' y he bad hearlys plit 'air end to tomiorrowmfertai, at 2 ; SINOUL 417. NIAnaISOF. LAW nemi ,114-11 !R .: ) i m ,(1 3 ., o 1r the heirs ,of the late . 11 '4 6 4 e I. A ' avv i swhio;hal : ? 3i t ia t ia Q„, Chatnbersburg streets ad- Beliedin owls recognize. the marriage vertispil to he sold on Tuesday last, we under- or 4 hey offoiirtedriwith a.girl of. twelve stdtietrainot SOW: ' v'ahil the parties ate are tO be separat ;; ictoluxmaTED. ed. Pll°llll'l arc ° T. 4 ° ' •. • t—Pcrniit me, through RlCE.—There are 551 rice plantations phger,,,mbring to t!to ott sT tioh of (Air Duringli, in Georgia, North and. South Carolina, itiohoriAps,,ammiter whit:ll4lns recently been, ; each ennbjeotot frequent remark. ,ruler to the There are 41,745 tobacco estates of 4,000. project of lighting our town at nights with patinas each and over, tbat in . .Keritusiky.: lamphghtd Thu is 16cuill which has been " l'ennesiee and Virginia. There are 1,7;20 seriously felkin our community, and one vliieh ' in Maryland. ; can etisily,retnedied, • There should he a ! I got-Counterfeits on the banks of 11pr. 416 t:it , least at every crossing. The utility risbarg, the Columbia Bank and the Gi; niulgreat convenience of suds a project is it) rartl flank, have made their appearance. aPpitrent,i and Ahemxpense to whieh the.llor.i Those on the bank at Harrisburg. are 16 E rt. ongh would thereby be subjected would be so ; and are rxecuted.with su (Brie 'et skill to de- trifling; thafive are sure the imposition of.aniceive 'persons who are not familiar with addithinallightticiAir that purpose would 'ki t' the gentiltie notes. willingly submitted to by eypry good citizen,— . 1, if' 1t in said, that England draws front I hope that this matter, having been thus ' tiv annually e9nitt r Oltsp,o66 (hriafrtilltens. brought to the notice 'of our uCity Fathers." w.etenieinber 'that will receive the attention Odell it merits. Let one of the ..earljb,st-lessona • taught) by VI; -us hive, lot „ A CITIZEN m ; i Yankee school estere wairliOw tn. .e .. • t •l''';: lour own ,:pene. ' ' tar Thu nlnriu ,uf on; Sunday nigh!, was oecaaionud bt rho burning of a cliiinnef. --r- • j . [V OIH IP N ,"4 7g I n * , pentitlrstcs ter the LegiFiaiure xe °Pr ".. lt ' —/ '"? °C ased t,° notice 13 ', in 11 -"- eounTy of WiFe6nsiti. syrieJ. Roo t , your,upirumudast week, no article in refer- , I)emnoret iq Uogg, 4 i,ree' Soil ; T./ once' to the ptkoting of shade trees in Centre H. know Notliing. So it was .I.toot l , • Stlit(ke," V i .nd ;in 'other the toss , !-• ,Hogg, or NV's, viith , the . ,votere,, , stsky,e : i Thoefl wile.huie,thue Bided, in tieuti. - cough i • • , fyingtha toirti certainly daserve great praise: I alid ispoptivolhOgg suggestion thrown out . by , 6t.• the Court- .11q4,10, eertainly,,b,, ditigraCii to this age -tit improvement,, and. to ••our town and coutitjyand shettld he'removed Its quickly' as hoik :if the of its 'tumoral 4014 , 4 Ise.bopgist,,hßfor9 tho ; Grand jury, at thee next: quarter .aession' 'of .Court, theit'theYiellillreoi; elder the esihjeit ufey,•beforel they girp t / "...sterdict egaiiiet' it; 'and 'dhoirAti our sister count:lei that the spirit of improve ; .mont.-htia not died out, in. old Adams. Me, "know tho*fol!olOt tliii 3 Ohnitifsititoltt•heorti- T ly approve sutth a eourse,wad would willingly ;par is inali ftdditiollat ia Order tdtlittfe'd! Coaithinsso of whiekl we need not? be 'nehano INdsrlittegite. 'spirit , of ' 4l unloulsil futi • cosirrhiftreeti count};' it le" ve'rj , desi•• rabid t i tuft l it'illidd itt • titetiit4tion' ore wens ll si ttitL f iq t iiii!Ofiiii 4 ifeial uniroite••• sncut A ts •;,,ti PRESII)E2O BUCAT I.7PII I S I M4RI 71: •f) r d 4. k , 4 1 : an:;Ga "I"ii ' e " w asnington correspon dent 40,49. Baltimore Patriot ,comiiastnicooBl 4 1 11 e; folk lowing gossip respecting die President elect. We q 1 e. but; y,eryl !it'll icrpthitiee riP tumor of Mr. Bisclianates prospective marriage with Mrs. Polk; though; so far as he is canccriieil,,the _allietltic would be equally auspicipol Jo, hie .domesiic jiappi• ,nees and his - political un derstood that , the late President Polk; .who, itidefatigahle writer, left a diary Of his administration, containing some very querulous observations on the conduct of Mr. Buchanan ; !them 'Stieretiry of State. This record it was the ambition of his life to have published after his death. Owthisi lie desired the reputation of him self and the administration to rfist, and no doubt, he left lust menet]s for its pu Llica- non. Mrs. Pollt's Marriage to Mr. Bu chanan, therefore, in such a (ICTe, might involve a conflict of duties. As the widow of Ith. Polk, she must feel bound to pub. hal; :act the wife nr. Mr. Beehanan, to sup.' press{ these damaging revelations. Alio. getliet: rite •question is a complicated one, anil.4lemands the next . Presiaint's most de liberate consideration.. Sixty-five years of preparation ought not to result in a mis step..:;, ; But here is the Baltimore Palrioi'i sto- . . ry : "The gossip concerning Mr. Buchan an's alliance with the .widow of a deceas ed .-Iffestilent; • the ,accomplished Mrs. l'o,lwgtows stronger ..and stronger. and acttiallvbegins to partake of probability. In lady circles it was hinted • that . his .ac.conipl i sited ~niece is op posed', to the Union, and wants to preside o!er.the White "louse lieii, all the lion , ors thereof. She. acted in that capacity ler him, whilst in London,: and of course thinks herself equal to it here; ahe is rigla jftlie, alliance aloes take place, it will bd the first instance in American his tory .ota:President elect marrying."— N. Y.' Post. A STursx OF Ltica.—About one thou sand dolla rs in old American and swinish gold coin, and French silver, were found. last week, in ii attnehed to the dwelling of Mr. Peter Texter, en the Smith Mountain, in Imwor neidelberg township, Ilerks county, by one of die girls living with him. The smoke house had been used by the family daily for a Ermtt many years, in entire ignoranee of the treasure it coneealed. and it was 10 the operation of rats (all created things, it eectlat , , havetheir uses) in undermining the brick floor of the place, and exposing to view*: old buckskin bno 'in whieh the com was contained, hat the discovery was Thi oldest pieces . - -bear the' ditto of 1783. and.the - American con is princi: pally a:the issues 'Old 890 and 1804. DeatucKATic GRovnt.-i-From thlsAiiy n e I=6ll iiierease in numbei' find sirength. This giornti Is hicyitable.—TertOont riott • ; • i, • , , The growth of the Democracy in V,cr mont late is indicated thus ;In 1850, for Van Riirtn. 18,018. in 1552, 1:r l'if.i..e, 1304-1; in 1850, for "Indianan, 10,577. It will,,cortititie to: grow as it has done--down hill, like, a call's sail.— Bulling/on ii. Free Press. "ttigi.A Missionary in speaking of Ole 8:Ind wielt Islanders says they 4.tiave he roine very trartßlil of late,' Ile is Heil —they are "very trietatile. A informs us, thpt,eight ntn, of ten .are •broke lo harliegs,'•ittldo . the busidees' of jacktis ees and oxen. ‘Villiarn Slade. of Alsiend. Ist IL, was one hundred years old. on Tues day. [4nveinher 25th. Iris brother, Sam. tad ;Cade, is ninety•seven years old.— Their 'farina are enntizions, and have been (templed by them seventy-nine years: They are both - revolutionary pension ers. rt An Ir shoran, vied fcq !flurrying six wows, an bolo;; asked how he could be sueli a hardentol:villain rem " 441 With grand nouclialance.— W hy. pleat yer worship, k was trying , to get a good tats. • ttlinot Atilt 'the . Papacpie to be rbtkiihree'to - Jerusalem is becoming very prong inr uroppr cire.ts. • fi • 0:1"Tlfe i Latium/ter. ;In I itij rya ily ; s ap ; that the brokers of that city ate paying 80 cents on the dollar-for the notes of the Laneaster Bank. " ' thEe:lltteAtylig#4 ti! Iltbkraromptt otCin . cinnati. for Pie month of Isrovembor.o 'Mounted to 85.885'60 prJn•A: son of General Charles T. James U. S.' Sehatoi froin Rhode lelatid,' , was droivhed on' Wochuisdiky last while skai: log on bohg ;POmd Crahsion R I • Two. LITERARY SALAD•BOIVEBO7"SIII7 ' O) for.the filolitttry,"-..Lettuce "ria.htd - ; fur . the Social",—Lettoce- be Tumorod, that Douglas Jerrold 'it'd Charles Kingsloy 4111 visit ,Americis in the couivEt , of 'the' winter. ; •••• ' MEM 1 . •", '. - h." l'i ;I;3' i1 1 i F__ , .... , ' I. 0 , . 4.4..60 0 VT . ~ • 4.-A..„-*,„,___,-. • , I. -- Nosly --- ...,v"--: 1. -•- , '' - "..ex — '. BY,. LAST .NIGIIT'S The Southern 'Conimertiol Con " •'• reunion.' , SAVAIVATI ! Dec. 13.=Tha reso%tionsiti fa; vor cif free trade' and direct buititiOn,Tor the support of the - government, were lrsid table by a rote of 57 to 24, but subsequehtly' reconsidered, end a corhmittee erotic from each State appointed to CoNitlet• the sabjeet; and . . report at the nett Conv e nt i on . " The resolutions in favor of.completing:cer. t:1,1 71 r.i i !r throng)] Georgia,' Alabama and were adopted. - :sir. iiil,l)llrd n resolution advecatitig the orguaization of n detective f)lice, to ferret out di:ern-liens of the peach 'tithe Smithein States, and a union of Southern planterSTor the establishment of C like! agency. " The re rotations for the' appointmint or ft "committee to enquire into the expediency ofi reopening the slave trade, were farther debts. l Mr. Albert Pike made an - elogeent speech in opposition to the measure, on the ground of 'humanity, and hoped • the whole world would ultimately be free. Mr. Baker, of Alabama, replied. HO con. trasted the condition of society in the' North! and &MA, drawing 'a conclusion in favor ofl the latter, and hoped thatslavery would always exist. ..; The .resolutions were: rejeeted—Alabama, Soulh Carolina and Texas voting hr the affir mative. Various resolutions were reported in favor of granting, mail contracts to the North and South American Steamship Company, the es tablishment of foundries for casting cannon and small arms, recommending Organizations to promote southern emigration to Kansas, en• gaming whether it due proportion of tho arms and munitions of war belonging to the govern ment aro kept in Southern•arsennls, asking Congress to ptit the southern bordem in a state of defence, and sympathiig with the liemoerat ic movements in Central Amerca, and the in. troduction of slavery there p all uf which were adopted. MEM The motion to reconsider the vote on the Pa cific Railroad resolution of ,to-day, with the view of offering resolutions in substance that Congress bits the power to make any road in territories, nob, in the states, was tabled. The vote on the resolution ro-oponing tlto Slave Trade ems explained by an atnendmont, that said vote is not actuated by a feeling of lloferenco to the North. A letter from Senator Toombs was rend in favor of abs,ilute free trade and direct taxa tion. The resolution relative to the Pacific Bail road was adopted. There wag much desultory debate in favor of the tipeuing of the Slave I:ratle, and the ex• elusion of every thing Northern from the South. ti The Conventton resolved to hold its next meeting at Knoxville, in August next. FURTHER FROM NICARAGUA Movements of tion. Walker—Dur ing of Die CPU of Granada. NEW YortK, Deo. 1.5.:- - - 2 17he steamship Teti . nessee arrived here this morning from Niear agna—The account 4 brought by her of Gene. nil Walker's movements are substantially the same es thoso tOugraphed from Chntiestun on Sat da Uen. Walker had fought sev,xal successful battles since the departure of the last strainer. lie -had, however, on account of the Ricknes.s prevailing at Hrunnda, found it necessary to evacuate and' burn that city. having first re• moved-the nick and wounded. He was at Vir gin Bay, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements when lie would auaek Iti • - The naval engagement before reported-took place in the harbor of San Juan, between the schooner Granada, with two six , pounders :old twenty-eight men, and the Costa Iticait brig, with six nine pounders and une hundred and fourteen men. Tho latter was blown up, and forty of her crew rescued. LATEht. —Dr. Derickson, a surgeon iu Wal ker's !Huy, has arrived at New York, and fur - 'tidied the Herald with a highly interesting narrative of events up to the lour of the tail or time Tennessr,e. Walker had• 2(1 meu•killed and ;10 wounded at Massaya, and by his orders 'Granada was set on lire, and all consumed es cept the main plaza and a church. On the 24th of November, all the troops left in Gran -1 ada by Walker, to the number of:150, besides 1100 Citizens, were attacked and surrounded by 2,500 of the combined Central Americans, con sisting of Costa lti4a s' ms, Guatemalans, San Sal vedette', and so e twenty Americium who de serted from Ceti. 11 al ker. The American for con thus besieged are the elite of Welker'S ar my, and are under the command of 13rig. Gem Ilenuingson the commander of Artillery.- 1 Nothing has been heard of them since.they were surrounded. Tney were entirely cut off from Walker and;his remaining forces. At the time of the aback on Grenada, Walket was on a steamboat ott. lake Nicartikutiyttiliicli ii but a short distance from the town, from which a road leads down to the wharf, at which were , stationed 29 'Meer. to'gitard`sotilillings left' there for shipment. The attack was made be twcen the lako and the city, thus cutting off the retreat of the besieged, and preventing rein tbrcements. Five hundred men attacked the little patty :at. the wharf,. but were repeatedly driven. ,baek with great loss.. For two days these met, held their own" against such despe rate odds, and would not have yielded thee if there had not been a traitor among them. On tho 21,1 day: one of, the men--ra Cuban--went over to the onetny, informed thdm as to their number and condition, and showed there that an.enorgetic and, continued assault would take, , the place. It was made, and the place was taken. All were massacred but five, who throw Ihemselves into the lakeenti attempted to swith to Gen. Walker on the boat, four of whom were shot Or drowsed. One only succeded iu roach ing the boat. . ~ Walker had to linudred men at Virgin hay, • including one.hundred recruits which had just arrived from California. . • All Nicaragua is against Walker, and every power in Central ;America is equally hostile to him. ]f he rule in Nicaraguale will.not only have to conquer it, hut all of the. Central. A merican States. . . • . [Whilst we cannot but sympathize •with the bold and brave spirits who. have.' been duped unto the service of .Walker, we could have but ittle sympathy for .Walker' himself, sbould e ven greater misf,irtune overtake • His de , sign is evidently. to create if now slave govern ment, with the. view annex if' to the.l3. States... For the sake of humanity and the intere it of our country, we hope this scheme of the Southern Oligarchy .may,be frustrated.] The Altillgipated Insurrecllgh In Ten tie hst e.;-1116•4•ILIzienelUess., Cixchvg.til, Dee I't: from. TtirineSiii, 'llll",i'iifbrmeil the Evansville Jouimil that the' whole ragien.'freti'Meliiphrs thtougli . Clarksvillr, Dover; 'and into - Cuinheri land, was in the highest state of alarm-ifi're gard. to the.movements•of negioes. The jails in all the counties were-crowded: with: the arrested blacks. Tho County Courts were ' sembled in each county, and-.l7lgilancia Cont. mittees and petrels were 'appoitited fbr each nei<hq4uthil; s atatck . niliiiia gives bad been hung tn. Hover, Ai:taking 19 in all:- No evert act had been committed, but the roof of iTaurrcc.tyiery ,clesigast was. said to 'bo conclusive.; ' ' 111eilco--Surre der of • . - Puebla:: •• • -r ' .Nor Onitixtt;DCe. 14. The stestner Cnt Itourt hits arrived frdin Vora Cruz, ;with' antes to tile 'Oth inst. ';Puebla surrendered ,to the i;9..rerriiiht'forecs'on tire 9th inst. 'Thit neap of Vichie'rrhi,tretitiis tiipfirrtia.`••PitirturtCrii: inObloz tire . 1 order 'of the day. Odii;. the Deidilit :defetice of; tlje • getrituseitt: ''• • ' '• • • nA na t i p e .tl"9? l f thi**o449..„,iptity .. 44 97,„14 , tini the .oune to-day kL i pt corgia, has sent a challenge, or'notifprelfinkniiy;there to, to Mr. Hill, one of the Fillmore electors of that, Stale.) . Their. itikfouecK fi question of Veracity conCerning the terms a greed on by then}. ter' "couductiog, public flis. eusSion de'ri 'thepre'sidentittl Vontesi, '` Edgar M. Garnett,"or Ira., has beku'uppoitti, ied'assistant clerk of the Coulter Claims, at al salary 0f.52.000. • vo ..; _ • 101.TetEst Storm at puristic), • BUFFII.9, severe ale visits this regiaid ye:steidity,raiidtthkpyniitliglitiltra Snow. yoryi $l , -)lpny, IhNcityVitild great damage was done tp property ii Several.` ,ware }looses were•fintOoeed,•ktid'tiitt y• ln . - ifio l Jewel' part of thif ditv Were lion&l 'buildings were-entirely destroyed..:r . A' steeple in the Lninyeueistmet , cilu:ch was blovnudown4 during thu service, but ; ,n6, One waa,iyjuro4. • 1 , 1'• r 19 11 s. GTOV'dAY . messenger arrived yeatOrdfiy fr o m kuijsas with dispatches tryticiv; titions to the 'lease of tlppreielantives, f om the netuaOhittryirii; of Gen. Whitfield'as a delegate Mora and in favor of Gov. Reeder. The petitions 'will ; be presented to the liouse.• The same; .gentkiniati , bring); , intelligeneet that up to Dec.'l, the land..4aleu.were.progres•! sin g orderly, and to , tho .ettiverial satisiaw,i o n of the squatters. There, iiplility ovnioney iu Leaveov . rorth, and amiitters without it can ea sily Obtain it. ' Col. Titus and his twu cOmpanies have left' Lecompton en route for Nienn'guitt . Gov. Geary had 'refused to allow I)otialilson to put the hAll 'and chain upoirthe` Beate 'iris onersc declaring thortmorode •nitlt" 40`gdarlr !of humanity would desire,torintlietk the disgrnee. Tim Governor has.denutuded of gives the • Presideht. the removal ofJgdge ,Lecompte, and no., tiso that he will if it, is , not dono r , • WAsnixtrroF, Monday, Dec., :14 )656 The House of Representatives has uttered its, just condemnation of the slave•trade today, in the adoption (152 yeas to .57 nays) of the reso lution offered,by Mr. Etheeidgemi Tiressee. Nothing bits so startled Hie beinoiray dur ing the whole excitement of the Thirtyp•fouxtl. Congress as this brilliant ad of Mi. 111herid2ge4 Mr. Orr tried to break the fall by iiiirodueinK subsequently a resolution declaring it 'expedi ent to repeal the law at present fiirbidding the African Slave-Trade, but it waS it weak subterfuge. . . Mr. Colflix of Indiana has miven notice ofa bill to abolish the duty on sugar. More More Exeteemenrt itronday, Dc6. 13.--The pan . ple of Alexandria, Va., have _beett greatly alarmed tin- Several days past, in consequence of a threatened insiirrectiail'among the slaves. The military were collia out last night, ai4 thirty-two,lavcs were arrested at a hall, where they had ;18,a:tabled without permiation, againSt the laws of ttm . *tate. haS 4404: arms and ammunition,nnd the people througl 2 out the Counties of Alexandria and Fairfax are arming themse:ves in fear al a general outbreak. ,No,evidpnee bat hean,,faup4 l agaipat any et tle ittritv6B; arrestW. 7 Ole of tlfeValiot lasi night each pieee . of property will be lined turd . whipped for 'riolat mg the law , fitinding-tlie ball. About twenty valuable slaves have escaped from this District recently.. , , Akremit of a ,Coforeel Preaclnw Tampering will' Shire:4. ~ Lori:it - mix, Dee. 15:—Ou Saturday maror ing last Ler. Win. Nuderson, it colcreil preacher of the Methodist idenoniitition; captured on board the 'steamer Telegraph,' with acarpet bag tilled with incendiary dash meets. lie had also been engaged in rununir nlf sluves about tjarrolton.' t The ilpengetito his poiiseB3l implicate distinkiiiOnid.noKlll-, enters'. 'lle wits taken' y6letAliy:o where *(loO'reWitrii FOUR DAYS 'LATER FROM EUROPE: &ranter City or ,litallinabre. '.- PHII}AvEI;ritTA, Dec. fit—The st eamer Gitjp of Baltimore arrived lore. this Anorithaet ;xi Liverpool dates to the to oral og of 'the ti nit.. The report that England at leneth.ogrees. Avid) the other p.mar i t to remssemhle the. Cow.. ferenee of Paris is 'repeated, and it is said that t he OonfermMelxviniltortly meet lit Pais. Au insurrection .iu telegraphed tis having brolcit out near Palermo, in Laily, umler Bar on Bentrutia, who hail some live or six; hun• ilreirtilett under 'Trunks had beim sent, to disperse them, but nblietiun 1;:ta yut ,taken placo. • • • 1 ; • • 2 There are rumors of ilillicalties in the Keg- . lish Ministry. George.R.- Mathews, entistil at Philadelphia had been appointed, Conga ~ate Odessa.. . „ Theru is no 'Fienelt news Qf itt:iportAtt‘r.. Remoral or Jod Leenrnilte 'arid .114 . Aiii D •naftlion ' ' ' uccrsiors dippotojted. . : : ! WASHINGToriv f 'Dee".l thi=—'llie truth of the rumor,' of Abe Remora] of Judge Decompte is now confirmed by, the nomination , by the .Preb ident to the Sedate of James O. Benison, of Kentucky, ap Chief lustiee, ut Ore ptiprenie Court of Kansds. ;The rebent inabfs'and rep resentations of Gov. Geary . determined ahoy course of the administration in the-premises. u Wm. Spencer, has likewise been .notninnted' as Marshal for;liaueas, viE.e Marshal Donald son, removed. , • ;" ' • Thomas Cunningham, of Penneyivania, has-I been appointed ; associate dustice.Olthe Supreme : Court of Kansas,,.in the,plueo of Judge Murrill, deceased. • ~ ~, The h Tennemmee Lontsettlx,.Dcie. 7.—The city council 'of 'Clarksville, Tennessee, have instruct: 44.17 e Itecordet to notify the Iron masters and other 'owners of slaves, thakept,alepkwill be permit.. • ted to come to the'ckpo retnpm more than two hours, atoompankad . l4, some re. sponsible whiteperson, . ueder-n — penalty of twenty lashes." fi Iti es haiit* master's passes 'are exempted: `,.! , ,;• . • Persons barks slave. going to or from Christmas leathinen, are not to, them to pace through ClarkSville, miless some respect• able white persttn:`..Wilt /ff . * thilin together, and not allow them, to mingle withy,lltte , roes , • ; Atthilhitin. Tennessee, 4cfnie twenty : fiCe or ~+ thirty nogrcies hard heen arcestald ansp q et e d of being concerned iii the cea4 , irncy /. , Th e citizens` have appointed it committee,,tu inn: the matter: ` r., a a ! Erect et: the apprehended Inani•reitone 0 1 ,,Ots i i w ri s Pap.. :hauls atyj cv tti 'from.; nstkriami l'etukisee t sthie' that 26 iron furnaces iu drat region' had Atop,. :p e d'oparations , owlng.,-to the nEiprohetulo int surrettion• ~‘ 1 ,-• LATER FROM MEMIXreWe have adviees from Vera Cruz to .tho3o The siege!qf Puottla. Still eintutts. isecond.„.of third titno ,wittiin the COmnionfort.arlruitditra-, tioti't,hitt that town has heOu hWittl,9 4 : • Cliitt:'ll.liitrex has 'offeredltrs soeyicra 5.000 mon .10 4SSISt. the gbforrimept" to put down I'Meirlutirins." Santa Anna publishes along protaif against sow 1j of i Cogsraortfortioillusinislm-• 6 P IO 1it1it!ta;44 9 444 4 041 hiPi tiT 4ie P r • • nra ROh bFF, the we nowt' WIS akt staleithait, *ho was at the liana or tho, adlniais+ initiarl 'of the Crimea before. the-war ; Aidd `'on the Ath ;Notember at Odesfa.ll' raorciioory Neje: ,frons.. . .ciarge agatnst. ;. / At the July term of the Poet trict Conti of Utah Territory,: heldl:at nos, in Carson , county, Judge'prommond charged the giaritilurytveirieleibly and . eacneetl!upoo the subjeot,ofplygenteiidif 4elatink,it 1 rbitrone 'lost helsome - tea ON. el inetitution4, ' 3 • ' :r. • . . E41*147r v op. l lllFnfaisarmvioxer r At,' 401 i 7 k T i t : l,lElllN T r , 1 late eleetfoth this Distrief,O, ItOsa....reP , 0„n*11.E , ., ~'0 1. , •,'• .. , , „ / P, E N,?$' 7 ~. il. in 'Congress I)3r the Hon. James Tlii;rsiigton, cast nearly 63,400iviii,iis i t, Tile (.14 Disitie.t. of, THE following APplicition to keep it Pub. South Carolina represented by tie Hon. folic) , 'IL lic Ilmise of (intertidal-tient in the County McQueen r. polled in all...;rhout 7,1 yptes. ,, of Adams has bedlt filed, hi my 'office' Wilk Mr.. Ini or .,,, k ,bi t if,,•tita r k t 0 , 4 44,,,.. ,: t i ~,i1,,,,,,' the requisite number nf'signers, and will be than there are in the whole State of S'bnilt Car-Presented at the Goan', elf Quarter Session, on Ana, South. Carolina ha* sit. ItepiAtintatirsi t he 1141 ' of Januar)" lil'lti i in Congrtss. .. • ' ~ • , 1 ISAAC.IIYERS, Franklin l'ownshipt Itehe,Vera fork fidget., the great. 'Fatal- 1 , , ' .• • 3. ' 3 ' BA r ' Dwrm, ly ovaky paper; fur which the most popular I cit. ''' . of ° nark? ' ' l ' es ' tiftn ' t t 'writike xi, tho tiatflilfy.e6nTritfatti:4o4 utliCitc,l i p et. 19, 1 a 6 . - 7 -31 ' ' tained the an estraordmart cirephftiqn uf One • _ LADIES' DRESS Fliß' Hundred' nd Ninctillifiusant) coPies and I • subscriptiOns era contiottally peering tat•-• See , i ,I , i• '-----,. die Ledgers advertisementin friOtlidt Winton. ,' A F ine -4 ,, ortnici4,m now, and elfgald , ' HALLEY'S RIAGICAL PAIN EXTRA b- i fine Vr,e i nPh,Ballte.s•EPufn . es,SIIPta: and Roe, TOR.a•lllterAleser lashillatett to. dlacttge.ry , kfartin, • flerieft, tout Fliteth POtit •i m all , ..loeve 'made in Mitoria Sfedie'a, IlierebS , wills con , and railliihniiblV'naidO I, to kfantilletts, Cuffs, •be so 'quickly allayed, and where parts in 'it I lfiettrtities,'lktrfAtlett;.Mitirlitlfe--instreceired lith state cif inflamation can be so;itapitily retlantltfer sale at tho'llst arid• 4.: hp Store of (Weed to their natural state, nor, where wounds ~ , • :.. , • ~,„ i 1,, i. , S., S..I',CIIEARY,.. and cures can to so thoroughly and ritpidl , i4 I Dar il - onferi fo Porklapte • —kluskrut, Kink, healed, and ilet;ityuilltiths Itenlitttl 7 withoitt et- i Otter, and F oy Firrna,, II ~r , ,i,. 8. S. kre , thnr.•scar or defect, ,than•with .13A,LIsEY' 8 , • 1./eq , 10 11.)e--,:lt. MAGICAL PAIN EXI'II„ACTOIt. • • • , s In Cuts, 'Wounds, Sprains add' Ilitti.4oll.--' casitalities to which children are eanstnntly , sul.jectortilutectiontfthegentiinelkAittrltTB PAIN. EXTItACTQIi t. -ts ever l tlia eaten )-- How much Pain and btiffering luny not, tints he prevonted,l, Moroyer, Life itself .in Wier. dependent upon having nt, hand; the ,QIIIMInd PA LLEY EXTRALIO If., and , Air ilertiettlars of which I respectfully refer ,to mi printed pamphlets fur the truth of which . fiiold likyself, resporuttle.*. 0 , If t. " it , j ..e. z . 7. .... 1 ,1 I Vql7. sk,:tifffn947attViSoeltlselindjiiityri 'how Aevere,•has over'yet.ln any Mtn Instance. resisted the elf-powerful; patn•snbdtting and healing qttalities 'of • • the DALIsEY'S' PAIN , EXTRACTOR. )1 No • • Fain•Extractor is fieititteetifn&ill. tk !maims u pen it -a Steel Plato Eng rave d , IL with the itiipmtures or c. 1.-. c 1 ENE & 1 i ta( CO., urfiortatotS, anti' HINII •1, ALB"; 't itmaliftillet;HtY PticE ° 4 eeet?t i;''4),{ 11M.Alloidereehdtibi tie ciachipele4'..4l,o . ... 4, Clickenor at Cii.vBl. Barclay street:. ig , rark.; ", ' . ,•, . •,... •, ~ , t May2B,Ot•';',, TO RENDER • •iii; NEDIVIN.E Attr, i f t FECTLY • palatable is f cettninnitiqoatlidt 1 , trance ,totrards the..etadientlon of itittesse t." bk. cause, there can bq 9 dual ,L, .111n4. - . .tine it t, , cause of protracted illness is the( iftitirilA 1 Inetance We haVe 'to' straltoi—lnetlichie , bOn: formahlyito the dircotions of the Fltysicitter-§ Various experiments are therefore,resurted to by the tnediejl,l,ractitioner in order •,to 'dbl. guiso, the taste of,hiS, prcscription,, s llacourse is generally had, in such cases, to those ititie. les of food which the patient is most Ilinine, and which are commonly at hand.. The cab sequence is, he luathol; the sight of,thom ever afterwards. NA., OLICICENER'S SUGAR COATk:Lti YEG lir AltLij P I IW 4 ),‘ eranediqs this objciatiois ent,frelg.! .4'4 itediOinit )0 No I completely enshrouded bpilm coating; of ring. ' ar, that the .Pill may be snllered tO.r9alailil . 1(1 the month a,considerabip length of time with„:,j out, inducing , any symplitin of netvica i or tbs.' gull. ' Their cprative, pinptirtieS ,ti d , chirp} confined - tn . Join itliiintis 'ultiel(ori/iiiiiii'd In Int -1 purities•orthe• ht.:JAI liett6o the!''intike int, the root of . and the relief they. afford, I 0/111110t lief otherwitwthan pertnanant and i gfoo• hod. ,Thily plpeo f rpitp,ire in site vug l pasitipit she 'decapiell tit' our birth. '' They cleahke life Isels, puriff,4l4,ll44r;POYatill insensi ble perhorattlmf tibilllesioreti healthy action to the ,Imirt, Ihe,litcri e : tul f 1 3 / 4 4 , lunk.....Thqir, virttie.rkrd soltokitir:': and certhilliii ittatoeing heiilth,,that ; thei.prdpriutod aitbis,hintself titTrit. turn the mode . y.paid for,thein in all case,s !idt e re. l tiles" de npl invegetVeVar AatriFITAMOA. ' ' ' t-V" ri!pie /!ills inivy lip had ,f/f §tOrOICOOPori 4 in every c7ify; town and village In the 'United 1 Statow...., • ,' ' • ' '•'• •gee.l2,'At' • --....---•:•••;,:j.,i7t- " . . - .1. -- 4 , - ,-.- , 4-. , ......• : / 'l"' - , ii.i:VOI :At ,7114,ILIKET• ilexorr.n,,l./co ~18i )13,56. . 1i'i,01•11„ - i4 14,1.,'frotit waguns i , • ~;',"• ..$0 00 ' W 111:,1T, El Infshel, ). AI; la 1.4 q, 1 01 . :, . I, .. •. , , , 74, Cf/lif ' oA TS. ' ' ' ' '., 1311Oli.A1'IIMAll-, perlitishel ''' • Pt/TATA/ES, per bushel" •" ' ' ' • • • 7,1 1 1 'I'LNIO'IIIY-Sh./41.),• I, • ' . ! -. • 0 00. C'LOYEI3,BI4EI), -• • •-• , •.! 1i . 6 00 FLA .„ , ...,-81:11.), , . . . . 1, 24 PLAS'I'EIt uy'liAii,vi , 6 00 • tovat'lliViiittft . T.''" • s t;ii,k;'l."iiesl - 14.1)06A4, RLOI 1,14..,fr00k.w,v0n5, ;41 00 14'ILT:A . 1; r 0 14 0 1 ; 133 W 1 45 CORN, 4 ' OANN, it , . 1.") T13f41.1tY,5ERD,...0 Loghel, .g Cr.() V,ER,, . " 7.09' FI,A.X.:SEEII), "'76- DIASTIiIt,'OP•PARfS,II 10'76 , , . • rrAtTilizOten niA:itgit.m.. .. .. . . . • ~ . . . . .. • [nrefully cOt+ettal I s Frau'', Der. 18, . B ati .. , •,-, ,. • ~ Flyur,llioninrd 5treee....„...„.56.62.1®,, QUO 1 Rye Flour , 512. (in 5.25 ICorn bicill'..., ' 8.91) (4 13.2„ . 6 Wheat . white 1.57 (cg ,4.60 iCorn, white; .. . . ....., ,:. ..,,.. '63 (0 64 Cure :L )e:llov It'llle,. Pennsylvaitin.„,. .. .....,„ 81 (4-00 Outs, l'enusylvanin 42 (0 43 glover Seed , , 7.73 i(10,8.00 ,Timothy Seed • 2.25 ((4 3.50 Hay Timothy -..,;,...1,.r . ...:F.(4.i1 . 5.00 (L 1,120.00 Hops - 7 (La 14 Potatoes;, 1.;„', .i . .... ,; 79 1..6' '101.,. Baena, Shouldore . ' ~.. .. V/ (.5•..t 7 t•l lineon : Sidra. ' ,•- •; 9 (4 ~'9/ Bacon, Ham 5..,..,...... ..... ..: .. . . 1 .91 (4, , ,11, Pork,.Mess. „. ..... ~....19;75„(019.00 'Pork, .Prime ~..„... 18.op.o_ocio.00 !logs „.. 7.75 , a -.8.00 Beef, Mess • ' 15.00, a 1.6.00 Lard, in barre15...ii.......,5' • ...,:.... 121 a 121 Lard, in hegs • 12 id 4.1111 Wool, Unwashed.. „. . .. I . ........ 24 d• 26 W001.,W..aa.d.,,w p , kvril,.**".•••• '1, 4 44",t ' 46 W001,4 1 01011LT4 ' .:1:16..i t i : 4:ZA% t ' ll . ' 111'. ' il 4 lig WOCII, Fleece, tommoh.:. ... ... ..% 35 4;3:.1 ' Wool, Fleece' : fi1te..,,,,• • t, 30 - 4 ' 611 Wnol, 011016 e Medmo ' '' „ '3o d'' 33' . Butter, Westerniin hega„:....i. 14: (1 . ,: 15 Buttei, R 011.„ . ,.. .:..,„'..... ... .„'....' '-20 - 4 - 228 Chtcse, :'' ,i:....1' ''' t : lb "it , .11 Coire6, Itio ' - '-' ...., ' ' '' ' '9l 'd 1 1 .4 Caret; ' dart ‘'..t . ...., 1 l''' 141 4' ' 13' ' . . , - .: '.!-' •'• - ' •:.` 1 ' - - VSITED STA 'FIRS JOURNAL - , . _, , /rcior w „f ow , iittli l lWil 4 : , •:Zi • .- ' - -4144" 4.4 l ''' '4° • ' * ' ' A I ltnskrated' si ottriMir kr tii;e4iiil; If g 1 61711 1 • • On the , itli inst., by the Rev, A. . rot ler, is. printed , nvil .A er co m A j ohig: 16 l arg e Mcf_PEWEa MHYARA mg C411 09;*"1, 2 '..1tis "pnges—tonnithabdoitblalb6.ntriOnnt, pflmat LAVINIA lIES'A or W rlite i lt9Totr4t-it • ter each year than ran be obtained for. tine Oiiiteld irlSt.;', at !reek', f,y 'the , A V • Mr- lame pare in any other publication. LiIIy.Iite.AVII.2I.IANVICOEtIi i F,R; Of 'Al O aht i i i.„Sitliserintion Prlcer‘. 'l' i , '5ll C6nts a year. pleasant township ) and Mid! MARY G U' E; of T Sevetk,Cottidlit,o,ol3o,4flarolo .. $3 n•yena. ••'''. ~.' East Berlin: :I. ;11 : I '1 -, l '' f ( 21 Copies Co nne,addreoS. 1 , ;43,5i a .year., . 9 In. AbbottstownVon,',Friotty last, by Rev. It. Gerhart,. NI r. JACOII STOUFFER. Atid 111fil lin ' d / i . p i r 4 1 1 0 1 3 91 Rb9nll indueetnents are oftered to gentlemen- wlto will interest then:. GEO RGIANA urns ) both of this Once. !selves infaatalitling the eirealation ofilite micro At - Si. ThAlUtAbOrtiV-'3 l ogAttkAvil, l'Et.i :, pnliligapilti , . t64.,1291p; epeoin l6l !.7"Piog:+rill? hr' the Rev. Eilviatd 1a. , , Lyeety . Me. A. T., ...4e rural on tipp)iention. ~,. , ~i ' , f F`A.RNES'FOCK; .of Lancaster, .and Mize -I. .. ~. , _— J. Ei o ' u".. CLARA - I)4RZELL, of Ilerkieotliltdr. ` '11 ; ir: 1., spruce streel, .Yrio lorkl. CLARA . 1 4 . T. 8, liiii-it!.:' , . . , , 44. On the 34t inst., in litonntplenannt townihipi mr.. , GEORGE GULDEN, aged about . 73' On the 30 nit., in Butler tot;nehip, Mrs: MARY BAKER, wife of Mr. Samuel .13aker, lirdl.V 14411 . 1 01 . 0 t for .parntie, in.full aged salient 90 ye ' , ars. ''' ' ' dress, At, MO Armory, Oh 2 Sclhfj On' the 4th inn.; in Butler township, Mr. dad the 20IX of Dec-nu m:7, at 2 o\tddek; • `ISAAC RIDDLEMOSEH, in the' 34th year of 1 P. M., witharrns and aecouirenienta his age: '' - • '' •' '. • • • - ' in ectritphate• orclet.. ..- - •!- • . • Yeti tuddenly; of•atTection of the heart, on '. By order ofthe 'Captain. -- • ' • -'• 11th Inst.," l -Mr. JOHN DEAH.II2EFF, Or : CHAS. X, 1/2LitXIN, V. S. Straban toWnship . ... aged about 60 - yeat4'. - Dec. 12, i 'liNs: •. ---..- '' '-' • - : ton the 12th inst., at York Springi, Miss , ' • ' • ' ~.1 . ' - •.' '• ''' r ' 'ADA,LINII FINLEY, daughter of Franklin 1,.' , ~ t .___. , lifillint ./1/4singt,,,. • , i and •Margaret 'fr.'•Oardner, aged 8 years kl it 4Adx- ,sikAnd Maack Hats of the .lauxit ''dents and 25 days. •. ~ • , I'' :style end. at 'reduced prices: fee Araleit - '' Adtv•c4Ve keye4 tltee v iiut atkfarml achejtvi ? . , ' •• ''•-•'" '' . ~-. : .0 0B t'" 6 • FIX" ) N l2 -",..1 That Heaven had alrnoptt ifa aliatitit• ''?" 4 1 ' •• 'm.o. - .1817 arks r . ag i vi a n all kiki lot . . ~ When God. in, lawny 'alai ' hut part, 1. And todp2eltidirtlily I cplicrch sitienat .thil'Oifitc , WilEj' . lg&S tt ii llttf.lltmktr I:lAliii Fiegridemi or "&14** *1 Coil 6r Com , faallteas in the C6uatiimo;46Posiailr ItM lift& Diet ti'aird Justieei Of thi COWU or Ofilt.and Termlabr and, Oenetet/ ilkil,thslif6o, re- Wit trial " * f¢riker!pital-istad: olhifit billindits' hi fhia nail ilisteKtyridEl;liugLllr.titliSiLtattaJilillf :NPO ititri,Esip'sc,Jr(dgeti ttf, the citfiiiia of o,yei and f riniunieh'‘istni General rlail_beliverl, flue the trial: 'Orin Miplat iii,4 allied; bffdtitleutla tlie CeuritiTritAdlttn-litritrisrludd *nit pirfeaPto licaritfkrUte thdlOth day of Nov. . IhAtbrilifiti Ur ofti•latd. and Inonsand'eight inditlrialf. and f lll l 4 /fat'ainiqn.meOireetel fo,r,holdiatt. ,t' t',,Ntrte'rt• - 4 , ll'nvi,iiii'd General'CliralWirSesz iioni of the Pence, and General Jail Delivery# 'and CotiVt aft)iret It fol A Gettyabargi on Monday /he 19th of-Jamrary newt-- ' xaricE Is . illit,EllY, GIVEN to girth*: ,finttices °raid Peace, the Coroner and Coons; bles within the wild county of Adams, thaltliei.! be thew and there in their pl'opel; personairitlt their lions, Ilecurals, Intinisitfunw, Exarairia-'. - . 1 tionrn • Mid ether. liememlwatiteru t?llo thorny t things which to their 14110cm:end in that baba., rwriri ~,,,,,....J., ..,,,,7" , appertain. to;ho dime, and also, they Who ,irill . F ail -A- A Ai 2.IIAJLiJAMA XZS 1 !from:cid? agnitt the. prisoners that lite aabsil c t I I .„.. t „rt in-14...1, -;:::; .r. lit ; , 11,1 , ,1 ire in the JOH f the said County bf Attains, art, ' Vi. 7 1114 4 U.1LS JAVP.,6I.Fr .811 , 0.1118. to (le duct' dildithire t6,prilseentu a/palast then!: ;. . •„, •." •.: ...; , ; ..;.-'-..--4. i• 1... , .: ,;-, • '..' , : Ill - us Allan h e just : . . irilliliii. undersigned ; liiik-j wit , rceeirmil freno! , ,,, 11l 'I I I.fiAIAS) Shen,yri 1 . the' Cithm-ri MVO "ivrofirl mind , ofikrl FT. i:Sheriffi fiffiee, iletiyibutg,/ • , • It. -1100Kril, suitable. .for prep elite, .to .which help Dee. EL 1ti66 , , . f . , • .., ~ -: invites, attentionr-inhinding Alin -choice . Anii.Y'' -- , --;..e.- • :._.._.:__............0 R AN, Pao's, and .311soclinnennu Books,. got,np 1 ,e..._...._. ~ . valuing piaireibilvii i t s idir: ~.., :. 1 id .fiail fiinO, bilfding , ,and best. letter pmtss.-- ' , r ---- 1-- - ------ , 1: ,I' . ;l'. .'...‘hsrl-- , . -:,,, •.- —; E no, w A 111) li BuE HLE ft v Frany - SilnliMse.''i •," -. ' - . •••.,•,; , -. -. Aitokime7 sit 1 .,1 1 •4! . . _ ~ (101 l Petri, avid Penfuls, Pert-r,uannaies, • 'i . .. ~ ,- .. • . . ~ . Card cases, Pitliffvos, l &4. '' 1 2_,." , .. ~. ~ , IVIIIII, faithfidly and, promptly it ,toi ' , A ; -D Buy lib rFL T 7 all business entnisted to him: :,ile ilaraisi : G o tit:tib ur iiiiti c lf: it. , 1464...t-ttl ;,,,-. :. .i ~' the German laps:pre:9e. Office at this same _ .....,(.., ,„ ::',,,,, , ..,,,...,• ~,..],; ; -;-''' .i ,, '!..; place, iof;oathrjfaltitnoraistreet, atilt Forne_eil 1 ANDritrzyz.Vinir boIDiEZI, dArup. 8614, - ,lind ritarly.roppesire . Ducat* * : ' ‘, :.• ' . L Miiglar'a Store. 1 4 ,USTreettilitdiatt,HiillE'S Store, a inige . .‘, :'t.; . ' , supply of Winter Gnert.t, the !clienperit 1 W. 4Y ": li .A 31 P It 14 L is i river. offered In market. Cull 'and ace ben re , -1 , A t io rne , Ai Luis ) , m o v h e n r s y i , l: 4 lsez e he 4hi sre i r 4: l7 , l" A tde ,, te .,, 7 , i , rtd, to t, tit ., t „. l i,, cilit a,n3beraburg, self ht, I -*t oo , ,y e ry, Oloor.r4l7ltinery.),doodi. Al,l Irtrg, two, doors fromfie?. diltuld's stPref Guide6ut- (rile • of.eborge.:, .:'. ..; • , .mill attend to filing claims for noUkty,,.l,seti, toativ..ointio!,Otothiog sue hand, *Weirs *ill; nh'dei the late Acts of Congress, hittftoull &et. Lt 50 1,11, 0 , ~,,„ , ~,- _ , JouN uoKE.... ~;All linsin'eni entrusted to his heads will iv . Getlis ai 1rg,„13rt ' 0rA1 ( 64.0.,, ~.{n,„: • ''. ~ -, 1 eeicre pronipt attention. The'GreatFiiniiii•Wediliiiiiiei: - . .... -, , , ,:::,iy-1-.... , _:4,.:..-,i... , ,.. , :; •' . '• i : ' 9 1 1115 , ,NEW, YORK bliffliEli.t. Has , nor fl, attained the extraordinary,oirculation of One ,litufflred and. Ninety Thefts's!id dopiest-4: The 1,131/olift is do-Voted td polite literatunt,l original tides, sketches poetry, esys; gossip and current p(ittit; fth'd)a i intitcps: I moral tone. it is everyWhe e aeknowiit fiV odged to be tfielw a ,.l4l4sl extrufinim ra ary sat tuln6nttl 13(fitnii,, t tlic,F,r!Ilikletdr'ef e r, eutp oys the bestttalentiiitttim ctitertiY,ital trentkit's it - the hititt,•' piper: 'Seely wiittlis• i.;Fanny Fern, Sylvanusilikihbt jr4.nnd Ensehatii, tßennett r are mtrtnattently engaged tin It, and will elite/ter tnaliftlhor paper herealtert— ,tirs.gipurnoy, also, cpastAntly ,writesfer it 1 , so do p,,hosteof gig in.pritlar,autheM, inPlud- I ingNtit. Znina Bonthwortit, Cary. Mrs. WanglinneMttry W. Stanley Gibson, t Clara Sydney, &c., dm. The Ledger is beauti-, fully iliestratud i every week: The New 1' orlf Lgflgut is printed ,On betted ful mhitetpaper, and is T composed , of eight, pa gcaftetu.king the handsomest- wedltlyt i paper in the co • Jt is published et ery but.s and sold at the news offices in every city and taint Tht db hthttt thetcareiffilihiid Mailv;el for subscribers at,twutlellars per aninita l tivo i copies are ant fur three4hllary3.,, Any persoti obtaining eight Hubseribers, nt $l-,$U each,' i (whivh iff our lowest club•rites * , and Aending ll us ;12 will be entitled tootle cep) , 'Terme . ,terarittl,cly in advance. Address all I letters to R0111.31.11tT fIONNEIt, PublislistAftfiristrAtltd,,ssigitr. t , 4 4 Eked, AIP :4 1417 -• r I H',..—Noty is a Itond dela to sule,eribe, -as, . 0,1 E RSOI , I 11 ON NhTf'S flreut Vrigiatai At:i re] of Frontier/Atilt., will be commenced in the edger on the first of Januuryk ' Dee. 10 0 .1866,-2U, ' .4+ Ertl ted 1111 0 azine 1:911, fl7'.. v. Afi.o T E. R i' N c P And - 16 'tienuary Number, the totn• meiteciernt of tljsi ,Fituftlt Voinitir,"thit piing peogrossiro::Anithicitn IMniitliff:'fvfil tit lagent ealitiOd.. -- itit , prii4 eliatigeil *4l tt .tinec nir'icselliterictions ni!d>iiihfgly? i Wit 'rdriii ride and satisfactitm to the succe ss" which' it,l ..•.• . • . • ; ins already aeltinied, eqd,,tlio.,posiiton„ it now I occupies li!nillnepnblibblions of I . pouutry, IVith the iiici,•eusO of price, and, tbe,ithibense' resini'rectit . publf,jlteri `cOrifidinitlt ) hdlieve 1857 dint'pllt firm ; two of the tucisrniaghllieelit voliitims'oiei ik .shed in any,serial pppjoia or tliis'sidd'ottlie Atiatt'tie Aihent the brilliant (minces which• it will embrace are _ -• .TnE,4ivE cr oi;:proglVAtiiii*Of),N; lireplirGd hya Writet, and profusely and elo,ttontly.illastrateil,,.There will also .appetw durieg toe pelt lecv,etal oiigi• real poems, a feat* „contained no otliet violin° intim eniiiito. here trill IN, coin mepeeliin4lte. J, toffy titildbei., fa be eontin , t ued in each number Until completed,. AtA3Oll/itEkut% , , pti c bLic, he • hrmsolt inobdn Original I)ownuig b'lll 2 thepiciien't,tvli n large netnbecl of hiiiboroug o'popylar series entitltd ttiq Pity of. Wmbirk , top, 111ustrit 1)e ' Alidi ?init.]; . N of ..htmeriefi;;;'6,ll4teiciu American Ilistniy, blograpliienjaketeheejp47 Akevr.witb Tlti r t eiti ( iersyykml r di tpkinti 4,1;a) cimi Cry •s upon thhi Atiigazine. hod `it ;4.01411903:v=46bn ,ofthe publislu,tB that It shall not be surpassed by any Maliniintiu.t . bli Single Copies S'ubstiriplum•Priee ' • pOf'finttofiti. wo Copies to one tiddregi I Fite 'Copies to one address XlO per 'annul/11 ATTENTION I -' TpinPRNDEN LUE s •E PRitket &NATION. DAVID A. BilEßL.tlit• , • •VviLL - prompt! ) : attend to Collectione Ant,: other .bwomess enirusted to hie Ceint.,' liair °ince in Diamond, adjoining the Siert B. Koirrz. , • oi,*ttiSburg, Pa.,. Feb. 1, 18,10. , ,• Attoratie y , ,114fCtilkeu 7tin STErusoNsB. office, Nertik, West Corner of Centr e Sqnate. Thattdeup Btevini 'llB,sq., Lancaster. iV 111'. 13 . N0(3L131, L A N, Altornf3y LE!tc, • ,AND PROHECuT?NO:4IITORNXT : FYIOE dnth, South side of the Pubn4 N./ Sfiu,rey twa doors West of the "Sentinel" ;Oates. Marl:1118) -- • c Gig AU G• A4llolrnel (i)tfie. teitiorto to Uh!' thwv Writ of Bushnell , Drug Book.Blutit,Ohstuberabotsatrset.) • 4 ,4lkir/4 and Sulidiot! jiot PalesBl4 and ;Pe* . isnunty, hand Werrehtn, neek-Pay ewe. i3diffni Oln hitt!, and all (Oft claims tigainel the Governintnit et .Weolithgtnn, h. C. t ri Aineritall claims in England. Lend INltrnAnts'inbilMti aiiil geld, or boUght,intl highest prim OP Lllidfi (or ' Minis, anti nthiyr V 4 o6B,l4l)Btnies Qind 'Agents engaged .. . kicatiag 'here ! • Atfaralyty to, hint , personally or by letter . ' • - i , 'il' . .. - ' , .'. 1 1; . .-A - tv:: ic k''N'el':: 0'...1...L.4.;.:. • Peistini, • ' POTCS in :l i liambershing street ' l lO, fine ,tiortr West of the . 01turcli.ttearly opposite 13 rationer's store,' there he may be found ready aiitl willing to attend to any case width) the ptovirte* bf the Pera&ielfi waht of full ,sets °finedh are invited in call. .REFBRENOIIB. , Dr.C.N.lsrkLuenhr, Reir.C.PINA trrs b D. Hbw!ak , % Prof.M.'JAcniss. I , H.B: . " I...BAvaingst.. IM~pR, " M. I. 84inorst. July !NV ;; • • tire, IttUR.l AVE I . krivC jUst published It new oditiott this popular and tialcitule work, bud ran, supplj ; our +gents had Canvassers. !ilk out delay% Besides at otitplete Distory aline Ivairit..' includes the LIFK AND ITTICON OF NICH. ODASI., with sketches Of SOHAMYL I the' the Circassian Chief, and other tiiitinotshed chitOcteh . ; ;also descriptions of RIM-STAN SOCIETY and GOVERNMENT, he., &e. ) !making one of the most interesting works ore! published. Tt is beautifully illustrated with litre tinted platen, and 'bound in the best an ner. We soulL a specimen 'copy with particu' gars of agency to any part of the United Statett l'teo of postage, on receipt of.the price SL23. o h W. BRA DIAIY, Publisher, 48 North Fourth ^vet, .PAilacleilyAio, Ih., NOTICE• ETtEAS testamentary ton the state or 4. ISAAC I'AX TON, deceased, late o!' hiountjuv townshi p, Adamt county, Penpa 4 ring been granted to the subscribers, they ebz give notice teen persons Indebted ' said Estate to rallend atettio th'e shinso lad • 'those having,claims aro requested to, present i them properly bUthentiented foi seitlelsent, lilixltl bENNEn; /IENItY'CWTZ, I The first !mated 'Bitterer tesidre 11%-' R ent joy township—the l a st teamed' 113 COW beeland township. • , N ov, 14, 185d.--6t OYSTERS; TRIPE,PIG PEET: ifri ARE! 'Mt 4134erstenett has taten 'tire Mimi o.ntly ocrupied by Mr. George-Fry •id OhninbersbOtg street. and drill ahriYa Itnetlolll hood rapPle of the best OYE TPE .TRI PTO'S FEET, othet refreshment.' = =done yip in the best style and to the taste O . the most fastfdlutts epicure. Cali in anti wag tut. 111"Oyartis 'trill Ito supplied to. faildiEdd • id such quantities as they inuy ttesisst. • j'AVEL-.i, • 'Gettysburg, ttec. Ift36:-4( 'IFiE 4ndersiknett, desiring to close op bia Books tea A.tainto, boo plie.ol tkit Lq th4Atio4k;of Wm. B. 3 102 1. 111 •Wit - rikW 48 2 I'S 4 004616init.; • All peracuis. litiothotios Alf moilfae - tats, atiftottoestad to ettl with Mr. Ntaollig . at ao ,earl r dot?, pad peke settle n - s JOHN: fiNt'-f;' , Nov. 28, 2828.--41 =IVEMI