Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 12, 1856, Image 1

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Hoops on barrels, kegs and pails,
Hoops on boxes, tubs and bales,
But hoops as they putout woman's dress,
Making the woman seem much less,
Are things most indefensible.
Hoops when their sturdy . clasp confines,
In brown old casks tho richest wines,
Are objects of admiration—
But hoops , as part of woman's baggage,
Aro like the whoops of a painted savage,
, vile abomination.
Hoops make useful, pretty toys,
For active little girls and boys,
But hoops on 'woman gentle
Are things to sneer at and to scoff,
And like the vrhooP of a whooping-cough,
Neither useful nor ornamental.
For while dear woman bones her skirts,
And !yid' a skeleton flaunts and flirts,
She had so much to carry,
Man finds it hard with her to talk,
And harder still to sit or walk,
But hardest of all to marry.
For when a smitten wretch has seen,
Among the lost in olinoline,
The one his heart holds dearer,
Oh what a chill to ardent passion
To feel that through this hollow fa:hion
He never can bOnearer I
That instead of timidly drawing near,
And pouring into the thrining ear,
The flood or his soul's devotion,
He Inuit s tand and bellow in thunder tone;
Aeross a half acre of skirts and bones,
As if lulling a ship on the ocean I
And if by chance the maid of his choke,
Shall faintly hear her lover's 'voice,
And smile her condescension—
Why he captures 14 mass or hoops and rings,
Skeletons, bones, and other things,
Tuo horrible to mention.
Thus lovely woman hoops to folly,'
And drives poor man - to melancholy,
By her groat frigid zones ;
Thowlet her hear a warning voice
Between her hoops and hopes uakol ch oico,
And give do dogs her hones.
The following from the pen and heartof
Mr: Chester, of the Courier, is beautiful :
"ONLY ONE 'flies() aro the
•werdsof a mother who has lately followed
to the grave a little form that was taro
precious than herself; a. form that Death
envied and so changed into unable. We
know how grovious a thing it is to hide
our jewels in . the dust. We cling to
them with all the tenacity that life eager'-
. dors; we'cluitn them as all our own, and
•often (lieut.° the Creator's right to theta.
But if we would remember that they aro
merely loaned to us, how much easier
would it be to part with them. We
'might indeed sigh and weep to give them
up, but there would be no snapping of
heart-strings, insufferable pangs, no terri
ble desolation.— "Only one left." Then
let your affections concentrate upon him.
You cuuuot benefit the dead—then seek
to benefit the living. He is a noble boy,
and will make a man worthy of the moue
if you direttt his young mind aright Per
hops lie WitO watches over us all saw that
be needed all your care, and so took the
rest away.' Too much time cannot be
.spent upon a single soul. Eternity lies at
the end of the path in which the buy has
begun to walk. Be this reflection unto
you a constant monitor, and a ceaseless in
spiration. "Only one left." And do you
Tiltrotor? They might all have lailen ta
ken. More mercy has been shown to you
thou to many others. There aro many
Itachels who weep over the loss of au en
tire household--;will you repine who have
:still` one idol left? You must not. It is
-base to do it. You insult the Almighty
while you repine. Be knew what was
best .for you. Receive' his chastenings
graciously, if you cure fur his benefits.
•"Ouly' one left." ' Ooe immortal spirit.
Ono. pledge of affection. Ono staff on
which to lean. One joy. One console
tion. Knows your heart do arithmetic F
Counts it a unit of so little value I ruoth
.er I Mother! Be Content. That little one
shall be to!yOu in increasing source of plea-
Buie, if you' will but train his infant feet
Ito walk in the pleasant ways of wisdom.
"Only one left." Wait but a little and ,
you shall hive them all. -
.SION.-A meeting of delegates represen
ting the Methodist Protestant Ohuich in
the Wet recently took place at Spring
field, Ohio, when the following resolution,
among others, was adopted: •
&SOLVED, That we recommend to the
'several Northers and Western Conferences
to appoint at their next session their rep
resentatives as usual, and clothe thea with
vonvintional powers, and instruct them to
meet in the oily elf Cincinnati, Ohio, on
the second Wednesday in November, 1857,
ancl , _then and there determine whether
they. will attend the General Conference to
be held at Lynehbutg, Va, in May, 1858;
ar whokher boy will take measures for the
.organiz,tion Oa General Conference em.
bracing 'only , annual conferences opposed
to the system of American Slavery.
10"In' North Carolina a Fremont elec
toral ticket was formed and sent to Wash
ington to be , printed. Think of that neces
sity in a free country! But an error ap
peatlngin it, it was scut back for correo
•tion, and owing to tho delay which fel.
lowed, it , was not prepared in time for pub
lication. In Virginia many Fromop votes
were cast,. al though but• few are as yet re
ported: ilnieutuoky, Missouri, and Ton
new!, the germ of a Republican party
urns manifested.
- 1119,4rentic e sage President ,Pierce, in
a letter to the. New Hamshire Agrmultu.
ral eoniety, declares hie preference for a far,
mer'e life. He will have a chance to go' to
'raising potatoes after the fourth of March,
:end, even 'though he may be as min.
.arable a farmer as be is a President, we
.don't beliive he will ever be able to raise
as mill a potatoe as himself.
DANIEL 177gBrZ y• Rig , COR#ESPON-
Little, Brown & 00., of Boston, are a
bout to publish Daniel Webster's corre
spondence. A few of the letters have been
furnished to tho press in advance of the
book. Those possess peculiar interest.
In 1824 Mr. Webster vial* Thomas
Jefferson at his home In Virginia. He
wrote at the flirt° a description of the ox-
President, and kept notes of his ionver.
sation, of which we give the following
specimens :
'Mr. Jefferson jimmy between eighty-one
and eighty-two, aboVe six feat high, of an
ample, long frame, rather thin and spare.
His head, whiob is not !mealier in its shape,
is set rather for ward on his shoulders, and
his nook being Ibug, there is, when he is
walking or conversing, au habitual pro
trusion of it. It is still well covered with
hair, which, having been once red, and
now turning grey, is of an indistinct sandy
,His eyes are small, very light, and now
neither brilliant nor striking. His chin
is rather long, but not pointed. His nose
is small, regular in its outline, and the nos
trils a little elevated. His mouth is well
formed, and still filled with teeth; it is
strongly compressed, bearing the entree-
Moo of contentment and benevolence. His
complexion, formerly light and freckled,
now hears the marks of age and cutaneous
affection. His limbs arc uncommonly long:
hit hands 'and feet very large, and his
wrists of an extraordinary size. His
walk is not precise animilitary, but easy
and swinging. He stoops a little, not so
much from age as from natural formation.
When sitting he appears short, partly from
a rather lounging habit of sitting and
partly from the disproportionate length of 1 1
his limbs.
His dress, when in the house, is -a grey
surtout coat, kerseyinere stuff waistcoat :
with an under ono faced with some
rial of a dingy red. Vie pantaloons aro
very long and loose, an a of the seine color
of his coat. and [
stockings are woolen, ei
ther white or grey; and his shoes of the
kind that bear His name. His whole dress
is very much neglected, but not slovenly.
He wears a common round hat. His dress
wheu on horseback, ilia grey straight bod
ied coat, and a spencer of the same mate
rial, both fastened with large pearl but
tons. When we first saw him, ho was ri
ding and, in addition to the above article
of apparel, wore round his throat a knit
white woolen tippet, in the place of a cra
vat, and black velvet gaiters under his paw
mimic's. His general appearance indicates
au extrabrdinary,llegree of health, vivacity
and spirit. His sight is still good, for he
needs glasses only' in the evening. His
hearing i.l generally good, but a number
of voices in animated conversation confuse
Mr. Jefferson rises in the morning as
soon as he can see the bands of his clock,
which is directly opposite his bed, and ex
amines his thermometer immediately, as
he keeps a regular meteorological diary.
He employs himself chiefly in writing till
breakfast, ,which Is at nine. From that
time till dinner he is in his library, except
ing that iu fair weather ho rides on horse
back from seven to fourteen miles. Dines
at four, returns to the drawing room at
six, when coffee is brought in, and passes
tho evening till uiuo in conversation.—
His habit of retiring at that hour is so
strong that it has become essential to his
health and comfort.
,His diet is simple,
but he seems restrained only by his taste.
His breakfast is tea and coffee, bread al
ways fresh from the oven, of which he
does not seam afraid, with sometimes a
slight accompaniment of cold moat.' He
enjoys his dinner well, taking with his
weal of large proportion of vegetables. He
has a strong preference for the wines of
the Continent, of which he lila many sorts
of excellent quality, having been more
than commonly successful in his modb of
importing and preserving them.,- Among
others we found the following, which aro
very rare in this country, and apparently
not at all injured by, transportation :
Edam', Muscat, Samian and Banchetto de
,Limoux. Dinner is served in half Vir
ginian, half French style, in good taste
and abundance. No wine is put on the ta
ble till the cloth is iomoved.
In conversation, Mr. Jefferson is easy
and natural, and apparently not ambitious;
it is not loud, as challenging general at
tention, but usually addressed to the per
son next to him. The topics, when not se
looted to suit the o' iFirrieleffiand feeling of
his auditors, are those subjects with which '
his mind seems , particularly occupied ;"and
these, at present, may bo said to be science
and letters, and especially the University
of Virginia, which lemming into existence,
almost entirely from his exertions, and
will rise, it is to lie hoped, to usefulness
and credit under his continued care.—
When we were with him, his favored sub
jects were Greek and Anglo-Saxon, his
torical recollections of the dumb and events
of the Revolution, and of hit residence in
Franco from 1783—'4 to 1789.
Patriok Henry was originally a bar
keeper. He married very 'young ) ,arid go
ing into same business, on his own no
'Count; was a bankrupt before the year was
out. When I was about the age of 15, I
left the school here to go to the college of
Willatosburg. I stopped a few days .st a
friend's in the county of Louisa. There
'I first saw and became accquaieted with
Patrick Henry. Having spent the Christ
mas holidays there, I proceeded to Will
amsburg. Some question arose about my
admission, as my preparatory studies bad
been pursued at the school connected with.,
that institution. This delayed tay admis- '
'don about a fortnight, at 'which time Hon
ry appeared in Willantaburg, and applied
for a license to practice law, having com
menced the study of it at or subsequently
to the time of my meeting him in Louisa.
There wore tour examiners—Wythe, Pen
dletoe, Peyton Iti4olph and John Ran
dolph. Wythe and Pendleton at once re
jected his application. The two Randolphs,
by his importunity, wore prevmled upon
to sign the license ; and having obtained
their signatures, he applied again to Pen
dleton, and after much entreaty and many
promises of future study, succeeded in ob
taining his. Ho then turned out for a•
practicing lawyer. The first case which
brought him into notice was a couteOted
election, in which he appeared as counsel
before a committee of the Houk' of Bur
gesses. His second wag the Parsons' cause,
already well known. -
These and similar' efforts soon obtained
for him so much reputation that he was
elected a member of the Legislature. Ho
was as well suited to the times as any man
ever was. and it is not now easy to say what
wo should have done without Patrick Hen
ry. He was far before all in maintaining
the spirit of the Revolution. His influ
ence was most extensive with the mem
berm from the upper counties, and his
boldness and their votes overawed and con
trolled the more cool or the more timid
aristocratio gentlemen of the lower part of
the State. His eloquence was peculiar„if,
indeed it should be called eloquence • for
it was imprassive and sublime beyond
what can be imagined. Although it was
diffeculo when he had spoken to tell what,
ho had said, yet, while ho was speaking, it
always seemed directly to the point.—
When he •had spoken in opposition to my
opinion, had produced s great effect, and
I myself been highly delighted and moved,
I have asked myself, when he ceased,
"What the devil has he said 1 1 " I could ,
never , answer the inquiry. His person
was of full size, and his manner and voice ,
free and manly. His utterance neither I
very fast nor very slow. His speeches
generally short, from a quarter to a half
as hour. His pronunciation was vulgar
_and vicious, but it was forgotten while he
was speaking.
Ho was a man of very little knowledge
of any sort ; he' read nothing and had no
books. Returning one November from
Albemarle court he borrowed - of me Hume's
Essays, in two volumes, saying he should
have leisure in the winter for reading. In
the spring he returned them. and declared
ho ha& nut been able to go further than
twenty or thirty pages in the first volume.
He wrote almost nothing—he could not
write. sfhe resolutions of '75, which have
been ascribed to him, have by many been
supposed to have been written by Mr.
Johnson, who acted as his second on that
occasion ; but if they were written by e
Henry himself, they are not such as to,
prove any power of composition. Neither,
in politics nor in his profession was he a
man of business ; he was a man for debate
only. His biographer says that he read
Plutarch every year. I doubt whether he
ever read a volume of it in his life. His
temper was' excellent, and he generally 'ob.
served decorum in debate. On ono or
two occasions I have seen him angry, and
his anger was terrible; those who witness
ed it were not disposed to rouse it again.
In his opinions ho with yielding and practi
cable, and not disposed to differ from his
ID private conversation he was agreea
ble and facetious, and, while in genteel so
ciety, he appeared to understand all. the
decencies and proprieties of it ; but in his
,heart lib preferred low society, - and soughs
it as often as possible. He would hunt in
the pine woods of Fluvanna with overseers
and people of that description, firing •in
a camp for a fortnight at a time without a
change otraiment. I have often Wen as.
tonished at his command of proper lan
guage ; how he attained a knowledge of it
I never could find out, as be read so little
and conversed little with educated men.—
After all, it must be allowed he was our
leader in the measures of the revolution is
Virginia. In that respect more was due
to him than to any other person. If we
had not had him we should probably have
got on pretty well, as you did, by a num
ber of men of nearly equal talents, bat he
left us all far behind. His biographer sent
the sheets of his work to me as they were
printed, and at the end asked for my opin
ion. I told him it would be a- question
hereafter whether hi , s work should be pla
ced on the shelf of history or of panegyric.
It is a poor book, written in bad taste, and
gives so imperfect idea of Piitritlk Henry
that it seems intended to shqw o t e wri
ter more than the subject of the work.
pavement in London is one'of the greatest
marvels of our time. It covers nearly
8000 acres, two thirds whereof consists
of what may be called mosaic work, done
in plain style, and the other third of
smooth flagging. Such a series of works
far transcends in quantity. as it excels in
quality, the Appian way, which was the
wonder of ancient Rome. and which cut
but a poor figure as connoted with one
of our commonest streets. The ancient
consular way wits but fifteen feet wide in
the main, and was filled in with blocks of
all shapes and sizes, jointed together and
planed only on the surface ; the length of
its devious course. from north to south of
101, was under 300 miles. The paved
streets of London number over 5000, and
exceed 2000 miles in length !
' letter from Morgan county, Illiuois. to the
St. Louis (Mo.) News, says that a little
girl, daughter of a widow, named Ironmon
ger. was killed and partly eaten by a via
cious sow, near Jacksonville. The shock
of the horrible spectacle killed the moth
er also, and on the next evening a emu
phone lamp .exploded, whereby one child
was burned . to death and another so dread
fully injured that its recovery ii despaired
A. shepherd once; to prove . ,the quick
mess of his dog which was lying before the
fire in , the house where we were talking,
said to me, in the middleof a sentence con
cerning something else: " I'm thinking, air
that the cow is in the , potatoes.
,Though he laid no stress on these
words, and said them in a quiet uncon
cerned tone of voice, the,dog who appear
ed to be asleep, immediltely jumped up
and leaping through the open window,
scrambled up to the turf roof of the house
from which he could see
,the potato field.
He then , not seeing the, cow there ran in
to the barn where she was', and finding all
right came back to the house and resumed
hie place beside the fire. -
After a abort time the phepherci said the
same words again, and the dog repeated
his kook out, but , on the false alarm being
given at the thirdtime, the dog got up and
wagging his tail, looked his master in the
face with a comical expreision of interro
gation, and I could not helP laughing, aloud
to him, on which, with a/slight growl, he
laid himself down in his' corner with an
offended air as it determined not to be
made a fool of again.
' ERRORS ABOUT Ting HONEY 8811.--••
The following remarks fiinn the Albany
p play:dor, may correct dome eronneous
notions about the
,modeoo erandi of the
' at - -s
-industrious bee : v• '.s '
.4lany suppose that thk bee culls lion.
ey from the Lectar of flowers, and Simply
carries it to his cell in the hive. This is
not correct. The nectar be collects from
the _flowers is a Ramon of its food or
drink ; die honey' it depodits in its cell is
a secretion front its melifie, or
crating glands ; analogous to the - milk
secreting glands of the cow and other an
imals. If they were the mere collectors
and transporters of honey from the flow
ers to the honev-cOmb, doh we hhould
have the comb - frequently. , filled with mo
lasses, whenever the bee have fed at a
molasses hogshead.. Th h oney-bag. in .I
the bee performs the sa lunctions as
the cow's bag or udder — rely receives
the honey from the secret g glands, and
retains it till aproperoppo unity presents
for its being deposited • appropriate
store houses—the honey-e4b.
'Another error is that dui bee collects
pollen from the flowers accidentally while
it is 'in the search of honeg. Quite Con
trary is the fact. 'Toe lilie,*- - "virhtro in.
search of nectar; or , honey.• as it iv im
properly called, does not collect pollen.—
It goes in search of pollen specially, and
also for nectar... When the' pollen of the
flower is ripe and fit lot the use of the
bee there is no nectar in the lower., It
is generally supposed, also. that the bee
gathers the wax 'from which it ~ con
structs its comb from such vegetable sub:
stances. This is also at error. The
wax is a secretion from its body, as tlie ,
honey is ; and it makes its appearance
in email scales or flakes under the rings
of the belly, and is takeetietice by oilier
bee; rendered plastic by mixture of the
saliva of the bee's mouth, and laid on the
walla of the cell with the tongue, very
much in the way a plasterer uses his
---,A few days ago we met a gentleman
from Alabama, who gave us a piece of in
formation in regard to , ascertaining the age
la a horse, after he or. she has passed the
ninth year, which was new co us, and will
be, we are sure. to - most of our readers.
It was this : after the horse, is nineyears
old, a wrinkle comes on his eyelid at the
upper end of the lower lid, and every year
thereafter be has one well.defined wrinkle
for every year after nine. If, for instance.
a horse..has three , wrinkles, he4itt twelve :
if four, he is thirteen. Add th number
of wrinkles to dine, and you will always
get it. So says the gentleman, and he is
confident it will never fail. As a good
many people have horses over nibs it is
easily tried. If true the horse. dentist
must give up his wide.—Southern Plan
gia. A gentleman repeated the follow:
ing beautifid thought in the presence of a
young lady, who was the personification
of the thought expressed•:
YOUNG WOMANHOOD, -...-The sweet
moon on the horizon's verge—a thought
matured but not uttered—a conception
warm and glowing, not yet ernbodied—the
rich halo which precedes the tieing ',oa—
th° rpay dawn that bespeaks the ripening
"A flower which is not quite a flower,
Yet is no more a bud."
'Or rather,' replied the young lady, ism
my mother &aye of me,
"A girl that is too young for beaux,
And yet too old to play hoop: , ,
(![)'A runaway couple from Water
ville, Me., one , day last week, went to
Fartnibgton and were married. Their
enjoyment of the honey:noon was inter
rupted after a day or two by the arrival
of the young lady's father, who took for
cible possession of his , daughter and was
about to carry her home. The affair get
ting noised about, however, the villagers
assembled about the hotel and insisted
that the man should have his wife, giving
the father five minutes to surrender her or
they would take her out of his hands.
The old gentleman was obliged to give in
and the runaway couple were restored to
each other's arms in the presence and a
midst the huzzahs of the crowd. The
old gentleman finally came round, as fath
ers always do io such eases, and an ami
cable adjustment of dffieulties occurred.
ae`The vote at "Sprinkel's Store " pre
cinct, Rockingham county, Va., stood :
Buchanan 188, Fillmore 1. The . Rich
mond Whig proposes that the Americans
of that city give the "lone star" itcompli
tnentary dinner.
There are four Soathern States whiph.
combined, cast 35 electoral votes, just the
number to which the State of Now York
is entitled. These States are Alibama,
Louisiana, North Carolina and Georgia.
We bait, now 'he official votes from all of
these States ; and •we append them for the
purpose of showing the peculiar power of
the South in this confederacy.. Thus :
1,4 Buch'n. E, Vote.
Louisiana - 20,376 18,873 0
Alabama 46,637 28,552 9
North Carolina 46,764 36,030 10
Georgia 56,417 42,355 10
170,194 126,086 35 •
Baden. Fiume . Fre'tnt. E. Vote
New York 195,314 124,206 275,440 35
Total vote four Southern States 296,280
." New York 594,906
It will thus be aeon that New York,
polling 594,900 votes. it only entitled to
35. electoral vides' in Mamie° of a Presi
dent ; while tour Southern States, num
bering but 290,280 men in the South,
have as much• power in deciding a Presi
dential election as, 594,980 men in the
North ; in other words, one southern vot
er wields double,the power of a northern
voter.. This is what is called 4 fequality"
by slaveholders and doughfaces.
But let not the comparison stop here.--
Buchanan. in these four Southern States,
gets 170,104 votes from the people, which
entitles him to 35 electoral votes.; while
Fremont gets in New York 275,440 ioiee
or more than 100,000 majority over the
vote given- to his compitt I
ultLym the States
named. and yet gets but 35 electoral votes.
With the advantage of over 100,000 ma
jority of the popular vote he has no advent
age whatever in the electoral vote.
The grandeur of man's nature turns to
insignificance all outward distinctions. --4
His power of intellect, of consciende , of
love,' of kn wicg bud ,, of perceiving the
beautiful, f acting on hileown mind, on
I outward nature, and on hie tellow area
,are :glorious 'prerogatives.
Through the Alger error of undervaluing
what is common, we are apt, indeed; to
pass these by as of no little worth. But
as in the outward creation, so in the soul,
the common is the must precious. Sci
ence and art may invent splendid modes'
of illuminating thelpartments of the opu
lent ; but these are - all poor and worthless,
coelpirei-with the common :.1%l .whieh
the sun sends into all 'our windows, which
he pours freely, impartially over hill and
valley, which kindles daily the eastern
and western sky , ; and so the common
lights, of reason and conscience, and love.
are of more worth and dignity than the
rare endowments which give celebrity to
a few.—Channing.
A Sul . = CRAMBEEL—The Sultan of
Turkey intends having a good time. Ito'
is building a silver chant net. All the fur
niture and, appttEtenauces of the boudoir
to be composed entirely, of solid silvei.
The round table in the midst is of admi
rable Workmanship, tho surface .is of pol
ished silver, engraved in rich arabesques,
the lege of twisted pattern, highly burnish
ed..;--The sofas, the chairs, and the piano
are all of the same precious metal. The
boudoir is to be hung- with cloth of gold
looped with silver cord. It seems that the
Sultan has destined this unique specimen
of oriental recklessness of expense to be his
favorite retreat in the garden of the scrag.
lio ' whence every ray of daylight is always
to he excluded, and where he intends to
retire for the repose and solitude be cannot
enjoy in the palace.
The King of Sweden's speech on the
opening of the Diet, on the 23 ult.; con
tains thefollowing important paragraphs :
"An er.l ightened toleration for the faith of
others based upon the love of one's neigh
bor. and inspired by an inoomitable con e
vie:ion. constitutes the essence of the ()og
meg of the Protestant Church. The an?
cieni laws which impede the . freedom
worship must therefore give way, so 1111
the community may be in harmony wi h
the Constitution." • , . '
rA New-York (u!. ily has 'made a
donation of $20,000 Ittlie Alexandria
Theological Seminary, for
,the purpose of
enabling the necessary improvement to he
wade in the collegiate building. An en
dowment is also in progress for a• Training
School for Clergymen in Pennsylvania.
Just before President Pierce's election,
a New Hampshire clergyman published a
certificate of his good moral and religious
character. Soon after the inauguration,
Pierce appointed the certificate-maker'
chaplain or purser in the navy. Another
preacher has taken the hint, says the Lo
uisville Journakand published a certificate
of. Mr. Buchanan's moral and religious
character just before the election.,
1113" A new' 'baby chair" has been in.
vented. The seat is supported by , spiral
springs which elongate in proportion to the
weight of the occupant of the chair. and a
scale marked ou the frame indicates the
number of pounds weight. The' child is
thus amused, by the elastic' motion of the
seat, while the parents may have the grati
fication of noting in; weight flay by day.—
Proprietors of babies pleas° to' take no
APPOINTMENT.-001. T. A. Maguire.'of
Cambria co., Pa. bas ieceilie4 the , appoint
ment of Prothonotary of the •Supreme
Court of the Territory of Kansas. Col
M. has been for a mumber of years Cleri
of the State Selma ?f Pennsylvania.
serThe first years of man Mast make
provision for the last. He that never
thinks can never be wise. , • •
Pouroai CorraTcsica.—Tbe Wits of.Ttick-
SOP, Mia 9. are getting up $l3OO to pay for a
portrait of Millard Irilmore, to be presented to
the city of Baltimore.
[From the Pitteharg Gazette.] .
Our readers may not have been aware—
indeed we did not know • it ourselves until
yesterday—that the dull smoky city of
Pittsburg has been honored for two weeks
past with the presence of distinguished no
bility from England, blooded gentlemen,
and of course exceedingly wealthy. Not.
withstanding the general ignorance of the
community on this point, a few of the fast
young rueu of the city, and some of the
staid England residents became posted and
'have paid the distinguished guests due
honor; we are sorry to see, however, a
desire manifested now to deny having paid
these honors, which arises probably from
excessive modesty. ,
Lord Arthur John, Hudson and Sir
Charlet! Miller 1 Their position did not ear•
ry them away, 'and instead of sporting it
at the Monongahela, they contented them
selves with the more humble accommoda
tion to be procured at the Fulton House.
This moderation was charming. They
wore communicative too, and their admi.
rem were oonfidentiallyinfortned that they
had 410,000 sterling deposited with S.
Jones & Co., bankers. Drinking, eating
and riding were the order of the day.—
Money flowed like water; every body was
urged to participate with them in the
good things .of this life, and every body
was urged to. participate with them in the
good things of this life, sodomy body ac.
cepted the invitation.
Sir Charles owned a 'sand batik in MIA=
sours, sod such scud for making glass 1
"Demme, sir," said Sir Charles, exhibit.
iug a goblet, "did you over see ettch*gless;
my sand-bank will ink° the fortune of any
wan ?" His &bakers never did see such
I glasa, 'of course and' the glass merchants of
I the city, gave es:teusive Orders for this map
Inificent sand, dettirmined to excel the world
Fin the matter of sand. Then Sir Charles
dealt in patents;and disposed of a right
for setting saws to a druggist in this city,
and got the money . for it.-
Lord Arthur John was nOt ouppd in
sand or patent rights ; his views were
more in' the agricultural hoe. Ile doubt
less saw in' the distance a large advance in
real estate in this vicinity, and determined
shrewdly to be in ,a ctondition to, realise
i be anticipated •profit. So he visited the
well knoWn farm of Mr. Peter Perelnent,
Wilkins township, and. was posted as to
terms : examined , the grounds, the horses,
the ;gallons implements, &0., and condo.
ded to purchase at 15,000 for the farm and
2,000 for the stock. My Lord would give
Mr. Perehuseut a check for the amount
on his bankers, S. Jones & Co., who bad I
2 418,000 sterling on deposit, when the,
~deed was made out. In the meantime,
Mr. P. must give up hit, coal contracts,
for•the horses could not be used, and Mr.
P. did so at a loss of about $4OOO. •
His Lordshipo and Sir Charles frequent.'
ly visited the farm. A. pig would - please
their fancy, and to town porker would go ;
now a fat turkey excited his lordship's de
sire and to town' it went ;a pair of elegant
blankets followed suit ; and any number
of bottles of real' old Irish whisky - were
also sent to the city.. Things went on
swimmingly. My lord and Sir Charles al
so cultivated the acquaintance of Mr. Mc-
Laughlin, shoemaker, Fourth street.—
Mr. MuL. has the htinor stow of being
their creditor for goods and cash lent to
the amount of $45. We believe the trans.
action originated in this wise. Lard Ar
thur John and Sir Charles dropped in to
buy a pair of shoes ; his lordship pulled
off a pair of tolerable boots, when his aris
tocratic eyes behold in the toe of hisstock
iug—a hole. A half reproachful-sigh es
caped hie Lordship, and he said, "it is a
d--. 4 shame for a Hudson to wear a
stocking like that !" This attracted the
attention 'of Mr. MeL. A pair of shoes
, soon fitted the feet of his Lordship, and
hid from his mortified vision thereat hose.
"What is the brassr' said' his Lordship
running' his hand into his pocket. Sir
Charles said, "My, lord, my lord, this will
not do, charge Allis to any account, Mr.
McLaughlin.' And it was charged. -
I ffis lordship told his friend that Judge
McClure advised bite to remove his do.
posits from Messrs, Jone.s & C 0.,, as they
were not safe ; he reeommended iu ;their
place. the old Bank of Pittsburg. But
his lordship was fearful, the old Bank could'
not receive it at ail, so he bought .oh ars
count at Burke & Barnes, an iron, safe,
whims is now in his room at the Fulton
House, to hold at least his doily spending
money. The safe is worth $l5O, '
~ ,
On the whole these representatives of
Euglaod's nobility met with an exceeding
ly smut reception: Their acquaintances
were only too proud to accommodate them
with small sums of money—fives und.teus,
aud they wore not too proud to wept such
coacomsdations. They had no pride to',
talk of. For instance, Lord Arthur Joint,
instead of allying himself to some' noble
daughter of a noble and ancient house in
his own, land, plighted hisuttelf to au inter
esting youug lady, the deughter of, his
lordship's landford of the Fulton House.
Aud the marriage ceremony was to have
taken place last night.
.If we were disposed to moralise at this
point, we might choose two Subjects--the
importance of "blood" in frep America,
and the marvellous facility with which free
Americans can distinguish that' saute
"blood" in noble visitors. Alas for them,
however—but the sequel will explain.
Yesterday Mr. Perchment's Lawyer fin
ished the deeds, and Mr. P., documents
in hand, waited upon his lordship, for the
cheek npon Messrs. Jones A Co., for Si 7,-
000. But his lordship was out of funds,
and could not pay him. So Mr. Perch
merit waited • upon Moms. Jones fk Co',
and found they bad never a cent of his i
noble lordship's Money. In the space of 1
a talon half hour, what 'a change; that
farm was not sold, but he was ! Mr. Perch.
ment,accordingly brought suit before the'
Mayor, against Lord Arthur John for ]
swindling, and the warrants for '6lB'ol.ost
wera placed in the hands of the officers.
Unfortunately, his lordship had hind
a buggy from Mr. Jacob Gardner, to go
to Brownstown, to return io titue for the
wedding. Ho did not return, and it is
supposed he slued the opportunity to
reach tome country railway depot and leave
the vicinity.
We sin cerely sympathise with the bride
and herparents. The guests were invited,
the minister was in the parlor, the supper
was laid—Lougarey, who had-advanced
his lordship $lBO in jewelry, was to act as
his groomsmen, and he was' there. The
police officers were there also, to watch the
arrival of his lordship. But his lordship
disappointed all.
We presume we have not named half
the persons who have been victimised by
this precious scamp. A man named Broad
head, a brakestnatt on the Central Road,
and an Euglistnan, was induced to loan
him $lOO and go to Philadelphia to lift
£ll,OOO sterling, which he alleged wait
lying there for him. Mr. B. was to be
home tit two o'clock this morning. • His'
lordship induced a simple Englishman to
act as his servant and take care of his
hound—he had one. ,
Notwithstanding - the seriousness of one
or two Phaips of this oceurrence, it , is as a
whole the moat laughable affair we Lave,
ever hoard of transpiring in this city.--
The money losers have not the least sym
pathy, and they will be targets for "roes
mg" for six months. . His lordship's atter
ney was also (Waived,' but rather had Ma
eyes open towards the last. .
We have the pleasure of recording the
arrest of the titled, gentlemen by officer*
Hamilton and Wray, about half past ten
o'cJock last night. They reached the sta
ble at that hour, and as soon as they saw
thu police they mu, but they were so glori
ously druuk—drunk as lords—that they
were soon overtaken. ,
Wben taken to the ( layor'a office, $5O
and a gold watch were found on Lord
Arthur John. Both were committed for
a hearing to-day. In the pence office
they still retained their hantiur. ,
Lord said dictatorially,"hand me* chair."
The officer replied, "you • are 'old enough
to help . yourself." • so . he did help kip
self." OF Mr. Sunman: The tele:
graph informs us , thafMr. Sumner's phy.
filiCiallS imperatively forbid him to Mom,
liis . seat in the senate.. The following ei
tract from. the correspondence: of et
Springfield Republican will be read with
painful interest '
WAsuimarozi, Pee, 1, 1856:
There hi no knowing 'when Mr. ' Sum
ner will be back here. He is impaties,
to once more resume lie seat, and raise,.
his voice, in the Senate chamber; and
during the long and weary , weakness of
his uneven prostration has even been're
hearsing the speech he desires to makes
when again in the National Capitol. He
undergoes a severe discipline with cheer
fulness, riding on horseback several hours
each day, and living and exercising with :
self-restraint in order to bring back
the needed strength and tone to his nervous
System. But there are many friends who
shake their heads in sad doubt, fearing that
he will never be more than a shatlow of his
fbrmer self; that it only hope and courage
that keep him from sinking under the ter.!
Tilde effects of the wicked blows he re
calved ; and that as these resources t can
not last forever, under unsatisfying Ie•
sults, he will ere long be obliged is con
fess his body and his mind mastered for
this world.
His condition is uneven ; some days he
appears vigorons, fresh. standing strong
and erect, and on others be is bent with
weakness and pain. and appears like a
young. old man. But at dumb, whether
on the good or ill days. the weight of an
others hand upon his head sends a pain
ful thrill through his entire spinal ealttinni.
This shows whtve the trouble lies, and
that it is no trifling matter:
A. Calmat Jona-1n /11innis a 'short
time since, the, Democracy advertised : 1
grand barbecue, to take place' on A Fri
dal:. The thing was advertised. and prep.
arations on a large scale made, when the
committee where utterly taken aback by:
visit from the Democratic Irish, a leader.
among whom said to them, "An' shure,
didn't ye know better than to have a bar
becue on Friday, whin two.tbirds of die
Dimmycratic party can't ate mate 1"
icr Cassius M. Clay, in a Wealth at
Oliicago, a few clays since, declared, from
his own observation, that white men can
and du labor in the fields, and that in Ter
as there is a German settlement, where
they produce one-third more from an acre
or cotton than the slaves do.
- lismolous RE•ticrioN AIIBTRII4.-•
The Vienna correspondent of the Indent's.
dance Beige says it is beyond doubt that
since the , publication of the concordat, nu
amnia° persons in Silesia; Moravia, and
Mohemia have embraced the reformed re
ligion. A piper published in the north of
'Germany says that M. de R.----. one
of the richest manufacturer's in Hangery,
has embraced the Evangelical religion, to
gether with 300 of his workmen. -
perTh3 Providence Journal shrewdly
remarks: ~ We have known Democratic
Presidents to turn out worse than the,
promised, but we never knew one of then
to turn out better. We do not expect to
find the first example in Mr.• Buchanan."
The 'Memphis Rppeal captions
anxiety in 'relation to the conduct al the
negroea is that quarter. It appears ibey
have a habit of largely trequeatiag rirts.
penny 41rinking shops.
(0-Whon a isms Tolustarily own» kb
what ho sap !. be admit* big, word
sutheient. Hence, sweiriogia.shmidiwk
/titbit pfluibitnat Nom M
sud we b u r yoe sat not a taut, '