BY' b. •A. BUEHLER VOLUME xxvii.t soRTE Thr VIRGINIA 7:While kenning not long ago in ono of llilletSettlit-Western counties in Virgini the following thrilling, incident took place. *luting in a stagecoach, soon after brealr fankallio morning being a delightful one in ttlat.btter pan of the month of May, I took,asy seat on the box by the bide of the +davit.,-. Mid behind me, on the top, was Matadi a bright intelligent-looking mulatto I boy ; apparently about 18 or 19 yenta. of, B %e:it...After, being on the vial a few min. nun', I turned abaut and asked him where !Willa& ping. Ile replied ha wss going down a kw mkt to live with :Hater who kept the at the west stand t tliata_lto had liral with him the last sum-, and that his mater had sent him deeds to live with him the cumin' season. ollltraing from the nay, the driver re matted tome in .under tone, .'the boy I , llneeircil ; I am taking, him down to ;he 'I slerelsot. a-few miles on, where Alves are I kitpt, preparatory to being sent t. . foui•ii. , ans,4 ; tine deception is practiced to get him fremt-bis holm' and mother without ete d . sing a, tlistuabanoe.on the place." Ahortikafter. we drew near to the plade . whom ills' boy , supp wed he was to skit"; Ille.lipegaisiti i edger ale, preparstery to les. vtug.thetitage, the kir arrielew he had tonight, sway beta hiivholue. The aliieei raid i.,. hint• in a detailed "tatitetl'avdee,'—' I "Toward mot to'get tiff here." , The Bay, inatstoutsitoteut, replied ; eit a latter fot2o3l* , ter l'se gang t. live lititre this wammer." By Chit tittle wol had reached the bowie, 'and Matter making hit'appiamtatte,, Joint (Mr that wat,the name eif , the boy) 'delivered his letter atel.aPpaaled' Master. to be delivettl front thatomtuand itt the driver:', fiat, k 1 tater^ aisle co reply, al this kind of -.1 sreptiou was no•nemettling'w hinsl Af ter. hatiling.eitelstaer ands !tatting it ,np,. lie -was about putting , . it in nis whbu it ached nu she_ mind of the boy that km ersa-sklibunl was heated to• the Ott exclaimed, ia agony, "Tell ine,•Musti vr, sold 1", Ni.. 7 reply was m e d e ,—. Ile l akelattneilagainy.—Tell me if L'fn sold 1" This Wei appeal' bitught the neeputibe John, yeas aro" ' Tau, boy .tbrungh Ithaseif back on the , -top of the stage, at/0 rolling,' iti agony,' set.' ut such a wail'of woe as. no eon in tho stage c Add 'en.lutatt oven , the hotel: • keeper Walked away in shinee, ter harried into his boi slid drove off in .baste, to denim the noi;,e of his cry. The proscnierS were all deeply lirvo4 by thitli4res, of tha'64; atid "trie , il va-, siooe leafs to - ititnio- Woehtlea crushed s e irit, but h:' akiiity was Stiotid the reaelk of their bynipathy. Whee•hk nel- had . s , oinewhat i nbated, I.:ae eschimek '.-Oh if thiey had , only 111 we bid my Mother good-Lye. Thetharti lied tit, toe 1' 'They bare lied to' we ;I .11 they had e told Me I li - Mt tioid laid I could Ind my Mother gocii'bie r r a gibe with: out tusking theiii tiouble, bard as B: 4 lfitAiMe ffellbte . plimx4 on f/011.19fWe eethtkd'unkts silks leaving the &stink tiani-Oirbilis &rain!. net hi a'pretty thick , ut berante tattlitt had iersielf the' 'wood a few rods} 'Lhesalsetti e l'behn tee rti:`? 'of ihe r Mfl:so and Tan Illteitia **a..;o4l.l, ! thle' alt ;IL d„.. Tr , 1 „ .E.tit,Vrititti‘tht. tetll4, that' it is's; fur lite. "'Ttar dviver" ,4;roPra teittalsiol put...Wed:lllll • 04. i-ovitig -sot no watch, he returned. exclaiming, ‘''You 1 iu,vat.llopo.whit J„conl4 j tatelfhtinr ° ' ' ' ltis drove no ..tuilusttrusew.whins he milled up his- heree4 to a 4 1/entre s tq4 aitlitag to• the inmper,'ab4h ocl. -- Wlstm,,avezeuct , : tutar, repliedt ••••I"tit'ili:''lefehostie sh4,,lnerntag, with , t dugs, to hunt a Cle;m e 4,, wo uld ant. tie I b•aablkFartir , MOIL. Tion :aid' to Lila fig/tiler: had sent 'alb boy iohn au eM image that nimving to be deliberad at the peri,imad that' he had jumped from the toped the stageanil Taken to the woods,. Ine Ili* pt, was, --We will !twat him kr you itOtworrnar 1 " The driver said Its arishisil4enty to.notify hint of his In jug iu the studs.- AoArt ilteee on,'T +nide the inquiry, "How lonik luire'you .:rives stage on this road V!'.' liereplied,••zsitout Mteeti -"Do 1 3oe- , fririquentls take nerees d - toeti 10 -the alaveleti '!" “Yes„ frequently."-- Whattwilrhimestie of this boy, John 1"-- lie seplitsi,r"lie will skulk about the wools until beis •ne-srly starved, and wilt some light make his way up to 'his 31ust ses Mame; and se about two weeks I shiikl brit% itinual.ran again tt. the stave-pen Itandmiffii.":" After a pause., even this cid •rer &elite his ' , degradation in being the itu-timbent• Of such tnistry, breite out in the est/dictation "'This is a mit sed hus-, ittess;v,but . kt this c a se 1 / 1 k . it 'not the • , 111111V4 . feitnti in The' wan who aold hits is hi4lown Clther'!"' Stephen &mesa, is his speeches, says ouch &boat amalgamation. °serge Nye.' of Newtrorki•is his speech a t go. athisipil to this' propensity, and 'said r Fox sambas. Charles' 00 1 0 , liaiiitsol a lady-of rash. who, in Pets said to hire. "I don't care ror *vi e Alp s ofa souse." For was good naturektle.he aims as follows : lady add ito sne in tier oans honse, "I do idit cue farcua di:reships of a louse;" I foiginollo dear creature for what she has slut ' Yoe lathaa sreak !nest of what runs in their "OfiA , trAirie." saq Geo. , make no persepallapplimion.i." Nye,he uproar vas treqieOuoul.. ,10:7111i St: Lows Daily Leader, the _ organ of t * Catholic. and Pro-Slavery par ties in ; Si. Lows, .expreses the npininn that the,abulition of slavery in the EW- . tern anti. Northam States vras'a l'•grave social, sod polittcal error." Whit •opinioo.coultl- bo expected--from' that' , 111eLArthia` six immas it is said, elyvl4l postinanetes Sue been inested in Olqnfni rob- Ding the sisal& l'1." , ; Otte of the Republican Toilers. 1 Coloired Persons not elliZens of A case has just come to our knowledge' the Culled States. of u man that fought with Washington I Application having been made to the bin.self in the war of patriots that shook State Department for passports to a co i n. off the yoke of tyrauts, Rod who, for that pans of colored minit . n , rei about to Visit act, has been peoaioned by his ever grate., asn . ee . n re= reply ful country in the just and full Nitta of Europe profeasionally. i eight dollars a mon Ili—ninety-six dollars a oeived by Mr. Rico, olcrk of the Superior ycsr--who has had the black iugratitude— Court, of New Yerk, who made: the tioplit "Black Ropubli,:an" ingratitude--te 'vote !cation. The, re ply i p from J. A. Thomas, against the "pure Dam:annoy" ~of• t he ' Km Aasistaot Secretary of S l ate. who eountry—against the "democratic: doo. ''' tripe" of waking "all men free and equal" ; "7 e thet ). B6eretar Y NareY refuses : the re' by extending the right to wake and hold ' quest. • His reasons ant thuaset - forth: . ', slaves.. Yes, it is a very toot that a "pen. I A passport ii a certificate that the par. sinner of the government" did cast his vote 1 son to whom'it is granted is, cs oitizeu of, at the late election for that terrible Jesuit 1 the united 'States, and, it can on ly be ie. end great enemy of his eoutory, John . C. 'sued Upon proof of Ibis filet: In tin Pa- Fremoet. And this act of almost treason' airs which accompany your communication was done in the State of New York, in the: there is not satisfautory evidence, that the couuty of Essex, in the town of Muriuh,S perscina for wluito you request, paisporta by a tnan of sound health (for his years) are> of this ilescitiptirm. •They"ire) reprti= aud ill full possession of hie mental •&mil. 4 osentod its ;your; letter all"eolored," nod de fies. Think of ,that, 0, ye guardians of Iseribedin the affidavits es "blaek," ;from the United States Treasury. and cut off hie ;Which statements it may be fairly , inferred pensio ' n, for he is, a "Revolutionary, pen- that they tire pegrool. If this is t o there sinner Who , believes and ; dares to :my can be no doubt-that they are riot citizens that "revolutions never go backward." , of the Unitixl Shires ,Tlie i i ticiitibil iitiitii2 "Johu," said ho, "is this election Worn- er free negroes are such citizens ill not'noW iogr' l, , , . , , presented for the first-time, but has re "ire4/ greadfather,iireyett going to,votor 1 peathdly•arhion , in 'the :ailtnihisliatidn of 'Yes I am. I have not voted for „sever.l tlto untimiallsed, State goveraupeutths , l' :' ta il yeare;but Darn going to vote to-day.... in 119/1•11 controversy arose allalltowboth. , hav e read, petite impeitanee of one vote; er free, persons , of color ; were j ettigentkpf, Isnd the duty of all moo ilk this crisis to thiUnited'Silitee i 'lvi,thill the intent and vote and lAm goiug to do , that, Aluty. ' Il i meaning of the lets of Cohgriiall4flailin e bust time is the that 'label! have au ,oppor•- ,foreign and. coasting.: trade," 'id; all ilible' ~ Lowly to,rCcorts col name against tyranny. t 9 p lu m ate ; me s se h r; , st t c A e s,i 11114 in favor ,of; Haa glorious Republican ' Wm, Attorney General, decidtd that,thay, pruniiplesthat I have fought for, in -4erol were not, and moreover held that the words, ware. I are new ninety five years oldiandl "citizens :oftlavlTaited Ittalei." , iiire'lisiftf. .1 must vote for my candidate tor Bresi- lin the acts of Congress in • the same sense , debt, to day or neve!. So hitch up the as in the constitution., This SieSS ; ,,iSi ItiliO/ wagon, and I will go with you, boys, and fuliy autitalue in a recent opiptoo l o ; , c , e l fire one ,morn gun for frardoni.",, . , :e, ` present Attortley General. ' ) Si, he did. He got. iuto , the wagon with ' The judicial decisions • uflhe'ediinticsi ere' a little assis'ta p ep— tu rode t two ilos.-o•got to the Hanle effect. 'Li Kent's vdturnetitti- offt and walked up to, the voting ,place, ries. vii. 2. p. 277, it is mated that in 1 whife asetireefOutstretehed hands would, 1838 Chief4ustioeDagget,Of ernineeiieht, 1 if necessary, have giveu their,tormigth to held , that free Weeks -11r0, note"eitisentsli sustain him, and each, ; would have felt within the meaning of ihe ; term ae ueed, ire; proud of the honor of handing him a• Res. the cemititutiOn of the Eltlited Stutee, and public:pi ticket; and asst, was, -, his peed- the Silpreme!Onirt 'et r enoesstO,ltt' the` circa lent u'de - gree of 'glory to the cause he ease of the State agaivat elittrioirde t held came, 1., supprS, : ', ' 7 - ' ' the lame cloctrine.•„, 4 - 14, 4„I , 1 i Approaching the, j udges, he said, "Sir, Such being the construction of the _con. I want to vole.” • , 'Outten in regard to free persons of color, " Wi n" °ell") r f. it is conceived' that , theyottnnot tiii reglad "John Titus k_ and, if you 4011bi•lin ed, when I heyotid Abe, jurisdietinn tof this iinn,e of the tones , and ditatarde; of the y ; government, nt Int outfit d t th full. • hts• ) 'g , m e ~ , • 9 0. : ' , Vg ennutry t hrive of the seen I I , ot o ror,tho, o f oitigeitii ; b rit 00, Secretory r directs ,me iLutu t no l kinerican, citizen , go look upon titraaY;'that •tlitingli``thli'Veistibletti•.: 4 „l44 the.:army ioills,or,in eauntry. Whets:gees , not certify that:web 'persons- are vicarious - my lust ii;1114: acid I cenge houte,stul lie of the United States, yet if,satisGal, pf the 1 down, - eritisOed that, 'hSVo,4clno uay, duty truth of the facts, it would give acertificate , , toill '' ty; .ami °Ja i ufnlr ; # Ol 4/ for roll that they were bore in the Uhiteci Suluts, _ (sir, ' - Squire u--.....'s Indigestion. Stich are the menohat, rllled ,up %he gles ,of would regard it to he its duly tor pro,), ' 9ld Squire 11---- was a very 'Me dell's 11111.1pelly of the ,kanpire SIALet toot them if wroaged by a foreigit ; goverus : eistol and substantial Ismer in an infer , menr;While within its jurisdiatioe,foro le., itir town , of ,Nrotsartaisetts. „And a more , 'ital and proper pu'rpose. I amazioig eater never lived in env _interior ,:r , , - ) ,,,, : ),. dawn any Where. Anti espeeislly much Abild iiIIIIVttI, bT At A l A, 4 o4;irrififir ; did he eta When /fresh pork was no he hip , r , The - Clov'elaitd Herald of Rowley the , noo'rishnient.: : Well, ai a certain tithe Ithlinet., notices the arrest of Frederick one) of lus hogs had hivit killed, The morn Btiur i . a teaehln St er . Mary ' s Parish (Ro- - bexi• • , , .breakfa'ing, there wat fresh .breakfast,Mid tire old mai ate most tvon ,tuttn Cat holie)' School , on the i•eidoit iof to , ditlint•iy;r: i ii , the , erniis, of i he rorcittton coroner's's' jefyithat u child nettled Batt. 'fi e are his hotelmen, mosrethet of bread fht Foreman) hgell , heitrlY 9 years,had come and hotter: , mums Pid Mt! cloie ,. .e. 'A. to her death on'Setuttliti' ev'ehitig,' frton a H th ith• fl!')' l 'nfler•el!'"lstili "( heel' Pork : ) pirketa injure pie, and tie usual Recruit- , t irtilieted l,rn,ott ttfu,22d ult., ., ,4 , , . . , ~ --', ~,, , ~,4 0 4, , r , ~ , 4 (, , , pantmeats. His aitermint a tonenenn w a r . eteryrnenrirfee (filtett 1 ime,7l ne nee. with a nook Of eine. ilt appeared ,frora like Mitt 4 , )the foreno'in. When he s„l„„ j ,,, r wiiiii:w., of I s t ( i rth ,, m t , NI ' p on, 4B the 'evidence of atlior scholars, that „13arba• futrneohluae to eupper i iis , favorne tlikis sdehusotts, wit: • u bodied, aged 82, preliclied is had gollyt,k tt‘ugged ph oe i i " or , they bed not hern,prvpured aspart of that meat. ~ix )eurs b, fore im death his`halt-ointery 'rite old man het ed • d c hied rill fresh ee rm ont and it is stated SS ll Ilia without a aro called, got uphy some, Protestants , en ~ , ;, .4 , 11 ,41 441 4 1 purk wn , atidea to the s4bst.nott.-ds. Ile . arallel tha t lin , grandfather mind :Sunday, for which the teecher whipped ! ) . t , ~ " i , ' 1 , • 4 ' briar . ,' la - - . - ).., •• - • arc ' ll i• Um," Y , as fisMi • ,11 Me e'eratog : father and father also presehea lido to won, her. A witness says : , I , , , ~ h e tc'e"'"Ei e ""l e 'elre: holl"iftl 'ow!' "'el The pamnrates of rho four eIergYILICII of "The teacher whipped Basbaraky i lay-,,,ii. Just before pang te bd, he 'tousled a I tfifi, f atu ity extended beyond two Itureired ing her' di-lou a 'chow on her belly, end , motel(' of apples 'tut me them. in the !years 'inc Rev. Theron. Allen, a in:ulster 'beat her with a stick; he made her take • tught he was to krii wPh Pt severe, , cholle • i o f pat,fiet,i, tins..., for 45 years, io audition hold ^f lit! , i riiiii4 , P. of„ the 011.4, 44 , 1.0 'tile diicior iii'' rills Mel till morning- Ito uncut:rung published sermons, left .2,700 whipped leer ; he used a t piece of , calm and iff , ,,riyi a roi4h , a our:tele in saviie t I cermons +critter' in Shutt 'lnatill, Villioll "lip hhvingli drkok`on it3"fultiug 'hold of the the °id inol'ff.lou: 'the next day Boiled sue has y et b een able te'd e si i th ee . ' 1 crook he , atruck het: sheet,' this shoulders ' W..---, tole of Hs neighbor'', wi'llt its I------,---- •••-- --:•-• and back, aid struck her u few times low.• 'to rnoplole wilt, the ,roll Squire." - Faith- I ,Wood vs: Cool.—Cal, as Ls • generally er thAVII ; cannot say , how many times he , fu) Bolles," ssol the lttPw,irthy,..l like'th rknown, is the produee of buried trees. 4 Struc4 hei°;•did 'not see'llim strike; ler fin ha tia died :list might.• 411 never eat en i ritzy's& r thidrryjniund hue :calculated that thohead ; tie took' hold hi her-kair 'when ' other rtumted tipple ss 'tiro as I live. ,I I :th'uer e eceod three feet thick 'is. equal to lie 'whipped, her; She , screamed mid 'l4ll' never did love llikm : Ter' well, and last 't!.hu produee,,of 1,940 acres rat , forest i Tim loafed very hard and loud; his blows wvro , tight I Ste Only Iwfb. atl r d - bee nearly kill- kir s t c oal Millet; were worked in Belgium iu laird' hard, and he toad° ugly faces while :ed nie." Bolles never old this 114(ir r y , the year 1168, and very suet' after io fug hit Wei • whipping tier; 'she cried real Gard' without langhing,—N. yitlessen g er. ~I laud. There is u,,w mind fish tiniSti u} .. until recoils, when, she went home With , l, ' '• - • -----`—' l touch coal in Great Britain' as in any other one of the little girls. Site ivied very hardy country ; and it is now estimated that there , to get up when be was whipping het, but is in re than 4,000 square 'she Coal not', because he was ; sitting on mile these isles i s yet to cut out. !Mir so that 'she could not get up. She miles .of coal field Rae' on her belly out he ,eliair, holding ; _rat ' to,the loiver round of the , ehajr,, mid the 1 teacher had hold of her b 'sir crushing hOr down on it. Tim tatehor told • Ba'rbara' ther'ought not to have gore to the-Bugged l School, and whipped her for going to Sim 'day school ; he called her up on the fioor for going there, and whipped her for that. When Barbara went to her ttlilit, after,the Master whipped lien, she „could nut sit up e.te,elltkis because she got swab, a•whippiog on' her finek,•anci 73.:irbara said it hurt her tit situp ." ,Thitt statement:WU corroborated, aid from tl;e testitoonyo of the ' , chiles , Sing , wallet, end of the:physicians who made a post menet') examination, it wouftrseetA that her death•eas produoed by the beat-0 mg.' , .•, )'• - Two'Rapli too Weir- A mau•setnewbut advanced . in.lllO,:, Whii tips tbe ether pori• of a strong Minded 1141 Y, !fad great faith in. - Spirituttlistn'.' RR 'Wife' openly • proclaimed her i n fide li t y , WO 'Ail' r e mot i.istorier which often' fork nu ii‘ iif 1 l i C female character Pir 'it !Ong titbeiefd: sod• to fse 'elm vinited'a Irir etforii ' ihroilgh . , test or expe' , .;nient •,YA f ' ' ' . t last , ilia ' 1 er"Stili aions vif.t he itwitultidtinduccd'''freiti' tic tE , '4 -1 , promiti& ro make one 'of eeirele 'tit thh'illst. ,',l?nco•ti fit odebrated"ineilEtioi; l ifit4 rtin e-• difitm, however,Altat - 'she' filiolilirpreeoe 'finr 'husbut,diti'itcdring 'fbff ' houge:',iiti'd, nothing Wont& •besititl 'di 'ildit43' liY'liths ) whirlr •shoulid - discfOse io• 'lbe attn , lititn . ", the fact that any contiection'eirated''liti tieeet, them. - , ' • . /The Wits on entering fouutl•.itwo goo tlu men in tr:titibgnild the u O reitaid medium. Soon "afte'''r Atii,:t he litf:,blind`'ratue in. and a circle tiSii for Med, ih r lady ~ of .courso, ~CA. kung PiaCeoa,is over t h e others, Olip,es.• ' certained that a ,spirit was present , who Schuh! eem ut un lingo with tier, and was 4e. , , sired to ask any' test question which. . ; she' might thibk'proper. After having beim: i infornied iliac sini tutta,,plit• he r . q nes I ions so as t) have.; them answered affirmatively ' by three rune, •or .negatively, by , one rap, she questioned as follows: .. "Am I'murried r'. : .11rattrap! „ 1 1), , • ~ ~ .• - , •••••-• 't Rave I ever been, married but, ono ?"; "[low many ; years 1 , , •,, , h ' ap, rap, rap, rap,rap, rap t , rap, • rap ! '("Eight years") said the ft:edit:n:4, r : -- -; • .411 a v'e' I Children I ; " • , Rap, rap, rap,/ ,:, :.. : . .....‘ . 1 "How many ?"' , • .. . •• . Rap, rap,rap rap I '..'FOur "), said Au tuddiutu• “ • ~. . The lady MIA 1101110Wh4 startled, at. I ho, 4orreetness 4f, ;1114se answers, ! acid 'freely confessed It. ' With a radiant tape; the 116418 ml than I .hree'd 44", abclasked the ' follOwingiest questioos: , . . ..:km I married I" • Rap, rap. rap , I , • • • , - "Row long have I been married ?" R 3 l). rep, rap ! rap, rapt ,ruP• rap, rap,!., "Strange,coineitlettoo l''', qaurinipecl the Medium. . . r "Ray? I.chilflrcu r' , ' It4p rap rap.l, ..How !tutu ?. Rap,: r9l “Whli ..good eaveos l Row /bp Rap The !tire awootte , poi the husband, ,when last seen, was walking on the erse,y, Efate. To this day' hidy refessits to disbelieve " , 41. PRETTY R.IDDIR. —"I will ennsout to all you desire," snicks young lady to her lover, "ou condition, that you will givO what you tiavu got, .what,you -never can haveiand yot what. you • eau give wt."— , What did uhe ask fury..;• A husband. • A Turrl DRES94-Ari eiohauga paper, notlor the head of "Good Advice," advia• "iroting,tneo to • , wrep themselves up in , virtue.",' A ootetnpurary laym, aisa n Prussia rattles, aro, poi pormittpiitcv, "SitinY of them i miukt, ,Trill, to aciatA marry . uud;r twenty Cie, nor feuart, uNir,r fie '611 1 16 611 1 16 irimuer c.overou*" twenty four years of age; ' • t' ••, •• '"• =EEO • Dt Liticitsg:4 number of amitsingl incidents oeourred at the diffeien't precincts on lastluesday, says the Wheel ing Times. Wo heard, of a Gerumu•,wb o inquired at the Court` House in this city previous to the' election for "license.."— Uprlti.being a.sked whet sort of lieuuse, ho replied, 4 . 4 ,Deinocr:atiu license." wish. ed. toi tuka 'ottt hi' tursliiltion papers.— The iguiratit fellow. wtisinder the inipres: sign that his "papers" Were ti ..Deutoftrtitic license," and that by voting 'fur another than the Democratic candidate he laid him self obuoitioue to the rigaur of the GtEtTYSBERG,. PA, PirIDAY. EVENING NOVEMB E R it, 1856 ' 1 .- LAZY BoYs.—A lazy boy, makes a 144 , tegtoiii 'Writ , % t he s essions er -- Congress. man, just AS sure us a emnked twig (or e s , The spirit of duelling which , had almost g e w i died out oven atliOng Ole moo bet ,headed it'iirooked tree. W bonnet. Hair a bov up it.ifileuess that (lid not nmke a siftle 4 ;of the 80 4 1 E4 but revived with, three-folii vagabond when hd beanie a tuati; linte l ; vigor througliont the length awl breadth of I E he had a fortune leNbiii to ithep up 4 p; the laud. It pervades all clgt,lses and races. pearauces ? The gmat mass , of ihi e y e. ,,l As au instance proving this fact, we copy pmipers, and criminals that fill our p en i. the following paragraph from a California tettilaries and ahulteases, have come to DIP": • ' •'' 'hut they are by being hrouglit up in ! , "Two Digger Indians fought a due:a few I idleness. Those wh n constitute the bu.i citys since, at VOINJUO with bows, and lir. netts portico of the community, tose who i rat ; both were slightly wounded." tuake our great uod useful teen, wire train.; ;hale of Sir Jonah - Barrington I Dig. ed up' in their boyhood to be Indtrious. ; gerludiaos on the tield of honor:. Huh Yery Enduring ,—A late advert - --"------- went the %Hie: become 80 conmieu that it is under in an ,Irish paper, setting forth' e I th tunny shoull not be surpri.ed if wo should next !atom by these libels upou humanity 't We conveniences and advantages to be ( rived hear that Ourang Outangs were taking from metal wiudow sashes, among tber t things ohserved, "that, the ensile.. nod 'l° bout with small swords." lust torevei, and afterwards if the owns had I Serious Cisure l e --The liesTrutister at no use for them, they' might be eel f Plattbur • ' or rg, .‘lO , was arrested lust week and old iron." ' • k held • • \ to hail to 84,000 on x charge of open. ' ----7-- • 1 it ipiirA boy earned Mooney, about tlk , ing a e ir and communicating its contents. teen years old, While engaged in driving, 1 5 e...m,, m b„,„, n f 0 n ,,,„,,, „,„,, ~h.,,,,,h, ,b ti nisoine tit Ilamiltoti, New Jem ' „•,„„i n „ i "" " \ i'v t ; - '' ' - "'"'"v-" e " o arrive at as tugton. , art Saturday a ft ernoon, dropped asleep an , °--- -0 I'd/ off antintdt the 9'l'itterYi which to 116;0140,a eunAbor ,of deer hoe recently tiliitd l and injured him io as to cause death be au icilbd in the lower ,eoe.p ' of Wit . - PI ~ in about three bourn. oriel. , , . , , , s “FEARLESS XIID FREE' • - ' • - 411 E PERPLEXED HOUSEKEEPER IT MRS t.',D.c*:. f wish I blur ri dozen pairs •., Of hands thlis very minute ; ' ' I'd soon put all these things to rights - • The very deuce ifill it k c - - , • Here's a big. washing La be done, - : ' One nem of hands,to do it; ~ Sheets, shirts and litaeleings, coati and pants, , How will I e'er get through it! ; Dinner to geffor'sixter mere. ' '' t '-' No loaf left, o'er, from Sunday;. A baby C/0/1 itS fin can live-- , .. 1. He's always co on , Nonday. ' ' • • , And there'S the ererim,•'tia getting sour, , , And ,must (orthwitlti be chaining, An • d liere's Bob want 4 *baton on— • • 'Which Wa' shall the tinning I' ' , 'Tis time the meat whin the put. The btead'was wodrekt for baking, The clothes waren&Thfrom the boil— , Oh, dear I ,the Lab . 41 waking, , Hush, baby dear ! th re, 1 7 - ' I wish he'd sleep l'llttle, ' 'TIII,I Oduld.rdn and .rsoine wend . To hprry.,up,that ott)e. ~, . i , I 9,4 I dea,r I if P..r-.-1 cornea ho"me, , Arid finds things in thii'pother, He'll just begin to te l l rit'all ' I -Abddt his tidyrtnOther! • • f R6ienie• her kitelfeb iiiieil to lie, " Her dinner always ready ,:, ',. , , : i Exactly when the noon bell mng--- 1 ,-I , IldsliAlushl deiirtftile 'Freddy. , • ',.lr ' y, Aid thin'vlilf 'einrie ac d me hasty w:ord, 1 ,, . Hight dut'bellttelllrnlthitti ilig--- • They ! fiy, Om 44•YOF I.from wires I,l ' I 'Set lo iermets tudri ieg. """Mow il that 4 great des, • , • ( Thaf' eh iliduld id S' to sinnin . gt . ' '' , ;9"4 t C• 4l " l 4stflflite• 0 :1 , 0 21, !aing., • ' I.:lWhenl was young I used to earn . , l ,u My living,without.troable, /•• . i Had 'chitties' neihnorket tuOneY; too, , ,4kuti ,hount of leisure'double. X aevecilraanied 'of - §uch. a fide Illhen I, a:luss r i,',wiaieourtud-- , • , Fife o ,tririlh'e,i- nerse,seomstress, cook, house -I.4eiper,lelisnaborrnaid; laiddreis, dairy-woman '*Fidsgrub VnerollyrL-doilg the work of six— ' , All for the sake of !ming supported. . , : , ..,........,..._.L ..r.,....._ ' , ... 'IFINTER jSONG. ' Af.the.wiials.bleir, - • - ~ And i the. tuzowesnow, And thoSre snip spite, l'; . tote Itralive'vikil wntet 'inght I : - - Wh - tttli'it rigti seen, '` , , et e a ,! . - t , ~,, Liana lioh.liaten I "• . ' ' ~ , 1 i •If the world be white, ~,:. Ho I there is fun oda winter i nisrht. • ''''' - ijer tii,,CrAndtailo t w t .thOn, -- ;Lei thOsndivs 'snow thou, , ) And the ,world wax white, . Allis right on A winter, night 1 'cr.& fleld i rettidettinedical MR- car of S t.!flioums' Huspitt;l. stars that the eorporetilin Aif Antwerp now te e i ve 120.. 060 francs u year' for the sereepi'g' s Of 'he otreets end the 'enutent. of the esspools, I A te ni ny at a Low Ebb.—The plow , dontruetors couvertiog the unison s into :le powerful guano. Formerly t rpord- • • aus" ercsmnt gives the knowing. fact and' .tion 'used to pay' ...0,00 0 . francs yikrly to , moral upou pet rid of the city reiaNe. At Pa 4 tins ] i Th e A rca a fE camp h e n : nan can Aliku 6 toWn' guano"' is roanafat!prq.d, !m m measure the. amount of minty which, h!Hs ictaCh'hup ...extraordinary powers as\ fer-been inflicted upott ttio morals of tho coon. : tiiiier. . • . • • • , try by those disgraceful q u arrels *doh .,• NEW Iroum, Nov: 12, DM . . . Several months ego, ene'Dr. Michael P. Moore; of 151 Chambers' street, was demi• sed of attempting the death of Mr. Alfred S. i Liviugston of Trenton; N. tjwhy hiring two negroes to kill. him.. The negrees„how ever,' divulged the secret, and Dr.. Moore was arrested; but owing to seine logal tech ! nicalities• he Was discharged front custody t ind the affair quite forgotten hy'tho piddle, !untilsuddealy hrought again to their notice, by the deposition of ,11enjawin P. Moore..a brother of the accused, - who unfoljs a sin. gulag tide of guilt and tnytery: 'Fie de (poses.that the Doctot , visited .him: lit' his farm in. Southport, flinnectieut, in the mouth of April last, and moutioned, to him that Mr. Livingston (with whom deponent was not acquiinted) lived iii ,Trenton, , and - had 11-10,6110 in his huute; ',liid further 'stig goeted; that if deponent would go' to Trot; . ton, inkratiate himsellinthe favor of Mr. ILivingstori.lind take an opportunity to, kill hint, the B.lo,oooeotild he ,lividell between , the brothets, and they dould liVo•on it like "fighting coelti.!' . Mr. Betiiimin Moore, bad, however, too much onesoience to enter into this agreeable little : pecuniary specula tion, and as tho Doctor has auhscqueutly expressed n determination to get Liviogsion out of iho way,'by foul Moons, he has tion••,•• sidered it his duty en- inform egainsit'• him: 1 The ! sicoused bait been ogein:.arreatcd,! and; committed to the Tombs in default of bail.. Senator Lewis Case. The Philadelphia North Anierietin well says: General Cass: the"originut proprie , ear and projector" of doctrine of squat ter tiOneteighty, 'et. tion-intervent ion,' has' it' laa been‘beateu and shelved in his own . St let:igen.' The 'Presidential Can. AM 4B settled his national hope's, and 3 5 their : ry of the Republicans now prevents his return to the ;Senate. There are many , ,persons, who will regret.. this, ' for,. General Cass bus long been regarded with the high est rtisret and 'esteem as one of our leuding , siatestuen.' • But the •bountry• will really lose authing by his rotirpnent. , lie, bus pessessed the power to .do much, but .Ilan shrunk timidly from the responsibility of a lciader,' folloWing willingly in the wake of others. In 1850 he'followed H Foote, and in 1855 he' helpoi 'Bengt:AS 'to repeal the Missouri Compromise, Toucey is:done 'for I in Connecticut, Cass in Michisan, ,Diekin • son in New Yels, Pierce 'in New . Slump ;hire; Ddugias hi Illinois, and afew. years more will seal the fate of that 'whole 'tribe of misguided 'northern- atatasuten; ' cElapemont - Two Bricleltuoini to oOe"llriitd.--:-A. Joseph (Mo ) correspondent; 'writing on thu 2,3 d of October..says : • - Jaw night nur gossips , mere throWn int') ecstacies over anelopittuent, which certain• ly wa.4 one of a' inost'extraordiinarY churse , ier. It seems that two 'young g mite:nen' were addressing aloutig belle up town; and that she stuiled uf ually (you both. Yes. • • terday morning he was to- be inarried,-to one and last night to the other, and,strange to s:ay, she kcyt, bath engSgetnehts.' At 9 A. - M. one brid e groom was matte ,happy by 1 her pledge of hand, and heart, and at 9 P. M. the other wren wads happy, by , thu •poe- , 1 session of her perlen.They due;;, 1 and' were' wedded' at , lust 1 twelve tulles distant, and continued ud their way to reultus unknown. I t MIMI T i r r • , AB4 of Botnrume. SPEECHOUCJIAKESIIIMII A young married Pair arrived in the cily, ' = ,••• ~.• • tiava the Albany Knickerbocker, yesterday, 'ufion tilk °X: lBl. ° 3 B. f l a, mire epa d iti Al from Buffalo, whose departure from that P O /4e grA wroiliontinthdldinastfl place was attended with a icene whose , ! • L. 4 - 4 ".• : ' , " pleasantness was aggravated by its publicity., is Plettaant , tot belmid•ones mores the The bride is the daughter of a wealthy sli d 1 familiar paces of home.-the ,otate. hoes*, aristocratic merchant of Buffalo; and one of , the ,comuum. and the will4nowastrtilus. the most lovely and accomplished Ohl pore ‘•pleloont fa behold the of that • city, where ta i titess an d in ,„ in , l countemsnetta of !Heil& >And, all this plisionents stem natural to their see. ThelPUO , i , tnerstmed.still ,nple• btu: the ws4. husband very, respectable young gvn• eunte Wh i eb l i O u ' " W a les firle4 iu' behalf tlettuto every way, twee in wealth, an equal I nt the beloved Dountionetialtht which- for Ito the lady. • The marriage being opposed Yet"' I hit" , . 04 1,rsnd:Phntnitri' suns"! by the lady's father, wile 'privately sole& l'snu'enlhttanllY •IlvilluAlwPnrollnt gold pf 'tangy where I was placed, by•an • onsougha aired by. elergyultur yesterday , morniugi I and thu bridal party bad juit.arrived I n tir rr i gs - I thsnki Ynnlnt-' th is Wei' 'railroad depot to take passage. for New , come. , i,thaltko also., the distinguished York whim they were overtaken by the tiro , g, ellti e ttiel l W ith lin i ntr 'th e li t uissitml Wi th t her of 'the Vrido, who did hot . ininie 'of , ' ",sirin nuPlnY. 11 livank.4oa. - my fellow. their marritto, and was led to believe that' . Cnizene `t iti • wil i* " emitted mul t i. tutee giaetnethe,succordendltstrength his sister had sacrificed" herself. • A lemma . . j of tru ensued between hint end, the husbond, j their ' o 3inti(illticeit stud • 'sylised, ,:niter. 9 11 og !lc (the brother) ,. drew . a i r it l a .l . l i / b 7. 4 oo 7 o Pr w la h i c lY. l.e l nt h , the young:mei of N s ,. , tot. it was ontueutately taren f rom h im • ' milli° an ' tutu. • berent fountain, this: brondlaprantling hos. and fired in ' the air by do, grorilustnan,'who ' was in attendance; and the parties iteptire); P ill i l i t Yl l sksSit s rho. IPentuestdreire. ted by him and another gentleman .: . The r t, t „ .4l " . ,xln'tiseth hits Itentt 010,11 might v v, husband then claimed au capita4Mo with "' We " h i/stunt '. h ouse,r l hisu d . '' without tlerounatraiiuttofitey kind," Arid the brother,,exhibited the marriage,certifi-l eht t te ' ur Clitc, • and at (Mee r r elietied Lilt ' fears; this ; ,4 °P ,g in g' hilk ` ' been ' earl/well '' h y' brother then ' rile to • the father, - who hasteh. which , i hnugh l amb' led to thu oars, read the certificate; aude.tif."Pr l r est o ttilq lintoil and &advancing . ter fretting it.little, gave his blessing to the e t triti y , tni e9m ,PIF I S ittlatin'iststill'id/Pnwed happy pin., and,got ashore juatita the last I° t l itt 'P eril itt l rele P re * Aw bell rang. t stto.l , PlAo,4 l o ailldly,tproossaas;ol' Maui* etomittial tit the reoturailou ofio shattered _., • peack.•of-a. Veteran. . • ~. sYslnnk, f•,RoM ann,sinunloninnoAtiltulne . i, j Brevet Brigadier Gotland Jomso Dom:. of le".110,0 es; ;wk."' innop, of the army, died at Baltimore tto slltf•lt-7116144, Murget ,my- desire TUCeidail night' hat, aged 'about seventy.l l "r• r,ITYo e• n 'More. limittivrortionths harm • three, being at the 'time of Ida 'ilerith in titeabled drool the per. 'command of the military department Of the 1 . 11( it , olott of „any:, public, Althea., During E list, , li e entered t h e senkois si capta i n Inia„weary„periutUltaire,beentionistratited of the sth infantry inlBo4, and served withi daily to Pmt heirs: t wof •reounciatino distinction through all , our subsequent tsarist — rilltkined atfirstto, mY. be.!: •shal Alms aml iutcrtnediate grade's 'to the cob:Milky holy regaming•The, power • even to of the 21 artillery, acnrunnt brovolted brig.'l walk. „•But boYeltd thp constant, irrepree. adier general fur "gallant and maritOrinus ! ,Ihle griet which likuoi,woll ['Win the breast conduct at the siege of VeraCrua" in , 1844..1°1' e v ery IPlittrint 48. be disceritL the, pre.. Oen. Bstaiticsm was zairginian by birth, inunditino• of hiscountry i .my chi. f • sod spent Koine 'Years of his youth in E n!, 'sorrow 1 , 188 ,41119 n, ceetont. by , . the, necersity rope in the family of BrOahltint , Iluurite',ltO which I woo ,e.monood of renouncing all while that gentleman' was Minister abroad:'' s " in thecontest Jur, human right.. He, possessed 'all the higher' and tothleil ,w h irh s he ttitth i g V i n i g r e ss * h is si n es qualities with* ehartioterirc, his native Slatge:' eliveti 'l l° '• lhU WilphQ)aild " " :419 11mei " and died respected and esteemed !v i al! who e i hil; fr gre'lc i PlY An ( ts. wound from the know Min'. - • • •i etea l rlivAdlntnfilt analitte ,ttud belt behind. ;I.wbile his eompanitina railed to the oiege 'of l'roy. did , not repine noire ierced:Seclashin: 1 rtiOt "tl4- to day Ind ;week to week: I "allay adoglit dist health which:we valun , nmet Wily when lost. and' Partiewally eleatot, mr.orasp, or health . ,! stt - Ove 4 tor 'health I' prayed. W tonemtain,pineps , r spurt •It al the , sea•shore, !and Ilsoughtit onthe 'motto.' tilt, ' t Dc ,er, Cheee; 'COller f lie? i`ot hueßol !her pel She kiwi eluthes tibighb before:, b4rue4.,, pg,exeruebu 2313 1 2 . . • , .. ... 11 al. wariiing., a.. ; eh ( ill,eitd ectortid iill'ille'braeing ntilitent.ea wi 1 itature.. , w 11,e .. iii . , 11 , Illt : . ~.,.I.l, t ti gainst the too otnionon pnictice af hasty bil l ', vials tceurt•ed in B:indusky cottlit'v Itist,week. • aee " ntlied ifit ' 4in g 61) 'tili''`'illfli• /, 111 0 , 7 , ' eotifitliiniltP he mil tii•litt 'i'eattVrtd ori aii tit Dattiel*Stearna; Esq.; who had bet •n ill with ,, s hy ,„ ,( es . sr , 1 16 ,, or :si a 4. h oo t., , li t fever for somti'titne, to all appearinee'dioil"; , ‘ , l44; ‘ , Ei! d ail, i i h o „, , ,..., : ,_, 1 1 , :" ...4 , ,i ,. onyriday afternoon; all the.arrangeniente ; us l ied „,, ,Bui ,g eol, . gis s li/116,7,141d, leaving'' ” were made, ,and the friends and ' elergYttlati. culled eti..iii4alidi 'MsPlitifit'litt•ta et , 4 were ussentbled to pay the last tribute .pf ; , .. , , • 0 , • ~. . ~. ~ .iliat Flan:lit. be perimilhd tit appear ne 7 resct 'to the supposed deceased, 'Noon tne - lure the. People ilitriiiillii lireictit rativai: body uppettred worth to tho touch. 'ltestu-s , 141 , 1165 r , ,, mid , isihyd , piss i iril i e 11 ,, rt ,, 5 ; ' rativea ' were adminititered, arid in' it' few ::: 1 7: s. lit:h,..h, I. , 1ii „.,,„„ i,; s lid: ' But Itere inittutcs the Watt, who ;had come ati near, , a , 4 '.' m 1 ,; 14 ,; ii .' '. ',', '‘ '" • heittg buried alive, was tatting up., H e i f .„, 1 4. , . ,been' .d.htliiiiiiiniliiinrtlin.,,,i• , , • . . - ill remit id iiiv 1 tiiihihtlitv' to nut yet epuu to now in a fair way of rectivury,, 7 -Cilifirinatii,,, , 14* . •• t -4 4 . ,the edit, '' bvett now, though happily liit- Clitnitibiali ' ' ' ' ' e ' d•lritni• my lung prostraiiini:" 'atilt I , iegiii. ' 1 ing iolukiatittie- thinly of the 'Citiidiiiiiits , Of ' , health:l titu vonviratur dio i•titilrei• 'that I 'aril : stilt Ail invalid, cheeVeil: liii?e'ver; by th e araiitantir that l'thillreion * iiitli 'un. ' impaired' vigtir • be , petinittei:[lo l a i li t ,,,i all the , reaitimeibilitita .of nib' , pitsliiiiti....— I' Toil rotKtfr have.' gala "abdut sityrell'i hiii ' 11' hr I.i 1 t the orefial ''l you wi p i i.i 1 o on. whir 1. 'liciii. , . tereititul'iin , ilia . chirs'ater.. Maitre ' I a• i , t!rese per:wool tonfcialtota;" With' more pleasure :i•turn , tio.olliei' thing,. ''' ' It shoot feet' that" I lilted in one of ' ,thole diltiee ii! 4 itii ' thp 'll4ari pr tisdptip and .tie judgeitictil ,:iliiifitniit,'illiillUwed the, . I first ofit+dituitity to liars wiiiictup, the t 'innCuriat acinneledgeitiettts to any able, gen.. trims aiid fsitl4ul Chlfeigni.'`..kili.l WS ilooll* l'ugeltief We' latin'red iii mutnitl'iruat, hon. mahly leaning t tiponastelt tither:" By in, dienbilit l / 2 1 lih was left ills' loletepreeente. • tilts of 'filtiaviielitientia' an the floor of the • . . . Senate, - tlinitigitti o ut menthe of heated eon. feet, inv.iliing her gaud ,iiittie 'aud her, 111051 eherisilted* serititnetiui: ' All wh. watched the . eurreitts' el debate, oleo as . itniterfecily:le I'dia in MY 'diiimilt reiiic. '.. meat. know withwhieeeirditires.'rouri ia g and 'ptilieti he itted--tilidWitig . hianieff.; by his - extractidirialy 'incisive,' equal ti. , , she estrabitliiiery ' oceieien. - Bat ii' be', 1(. 14* • tii'me , iiiittittilar iii reogniiii' his ' unfailing' oyinpaihiely Nit Myielf.' and lila "" Manly asaainiirtiirh 01 'all lliee'teePortsihiii,' iiesof ilia hoer': lath nott t hent fel legible' in a eulogy. or to upon' itlY;'ineili tains(' service •:,;- bait - die atone! leelittg. , 'whkit : prompts these 'acknoWledgesettur - tio illy "s • colleague. r ihinlWatpa' auto ille'lerolllMbij.' ' ' wealth !ran whielt we beiactereitted itur • ', trust: To rdaseselinsettuailitit'ilf uti ' all. great in. manatees, treat-in elliiidtenta. I now plvilge.anewtby dennialit ' !toyer ' hetore did else' Nevin equal,' pviikt' and ',if. ' • - ' i et,titiii ; for newt before araceite ea emir. plceely piiirewited by 1/trite. •iiiintingentit' - which, wheel anitatilost iii..tienneantetalite: ' or•cif,zen; Manilla, vhstaeter , wkly be liig4teet teamed ea ~tliat ~ whet istleiblnlit - ' ' / natural body ie,e'stimed 4 spirietnitilbetteli - I My filial ,ittate r,1110.11: INI?1, shit* ; s im , ii iiih,„ , ' when is exhitiitalhem es enweiriliet dill,, pattern of , a a q i.iim., tkiwoolowatti . elikiit according, le I /14,1111/Itlitefilliii 11111;• . ' ilollie/kit') Jobe .ttii ' INV *it AO- yea ' bog' Clitiatiaartti , :"aajap' . pileitc gruert&:itii,,ertetereef temegiti k it ia, u hig.and , itmetketwilV44#llllll lo l4. ll lo,., [bodi. 4 : Mr* 11100,0111a141q$1' " 10 . 11. 1 A.„*i,;, ,I, ! 4010111 i 40 4 1611 .64 -46 0" V4 IW' %eget, we opindiiie etio”r4l4olo —. *ill"; ON. . Singular' Political' Wager On Friday 'afternoon: Major dictijutnitt Perky Poore., the !ate Fillmore imodiclate Ifor CongFestt in the Sixth .Pintrict of Illaesu , 1 (Musette,' arrived' in' }Lotto's with a wheel : (i harrow tlit barrel of apples*, which he, had wheeled till• the way •from Newburyperf,' Lk Itlistaiwe of!thirty•sts miles, in two•und a' half days:. The job,,wtis in fulfillment of .a !'hat with Cdienel burbuttit, the. Fri:Monti Slate Sentitor ' 4eCt,',tlit Pilluatire n would got mcr, votesiti Mutbudliu;set(s thitii 'no coucit. ThO 318jer,—wheeling. his' tipples, {Vag accempanied Up State Street by the Filluiore clubs of Bunton and Charlestown,f it Military' company, and a mounted cave,. i mule of citizens. The nevelt). of the per formance uttracmd many. thousands .of trio people, and, the. Ala' r..was greeted , with tremendous and tutu uous appluuse from;; ufl sides: . I.k deliie . the apples to 001. Burbank en the steps of the Fiettimit'House; when both gentlemen delivered congratula tory speeches, mounted on the barrel. Ten thousand people were present. • Pttper anfl Rags.—There are in the U nited States 750 paper tail's in actualaper ation,, having 3,001 t engines, and producing in 'the yeau250,000,0110 pounds of paper, which is worth, at ton cents per: pound, 8?5.000,000. To produce this quantity of paper',4oo,ooo,ooo pounds of rags are mini-, red, I i pounds of raga being necc , stiry to malt one pound - of paper, ,The value of thes4ar'S, at tour eenta a pound, is' 10:13'llere is un old Euglish riddki, bat it is milt worth guessing: , • • "Moro tickle than:the wind blows, More fragrant thantheclamatic, rose; ‘Vinichirikes witirdrrad . tho honest tar; WharNelsoofears eitiiiist the irar; Atihat's.unkler than the frigid zone; What's swecter than a 'unit:al kiss, unravet.this:'.' Bore toe'it Kiflyhl •.AintPuy' Cs tor: rol.pouileut iu Cupeuhaften reiforics Ise ihst ; the". niujeity, of Deutubrk I.lnpionferreCa Khighthooti of„the order of Xlinrieborg our eountrywau; Morse, the itmeutor of tho electric ieleg4ph,' vho is, `thciefore, fir, iku,,uu,l,. if he ohoi sl►s toNbi, tailed eon inatki of 17r. illome. 7 - 4V.• 'rims. • ' • I Mettbeire, priipciekelef livery stable ac ?Weber& weeiiielieciby burin lest Friday sad died 04 Baturdey. fr' U6'.11,""11.A.' P:1 j0.:44.j1 11; :14 ' P "7;.,I.MI4IIANSVIIL • ' • "*ti 4' 1 . of ' 'lTwoAthices are ter e o e sett, One tfthe•tritiutiiiiite ;'etteh'W'utitilitY vtiiee; In both fromspiltedge thou'diditt riljoice; They were thy,chugeh anusie, Liberty." 1 , I Its Wiped , ter liIP eritnnittinni ol medical