Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, November 07, 1856, Image 3

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    i 4 •
Fmtate ,at Public
~ :t4ta„it :of, an Order of the Orp7,an3'
tritt,t p('‘ldn.tua County; the.understglied,
,JOirti4ll4ll kf.t.he'ininor children of WILLIAM
, fI ,II,IIISAI,N, deceased, will .expose, to public
1;4, 1 1,04 Au-,preniises, On nur.sday the6lh day
• .t!" 40,04 , 1er *tit at 1 o'clock, I'. M., tho rob
c licrif,taktlfiaprllq kcal notate, I,lz
0ft, ,, 11,1 Tract Of La
' 4- Akita:a in . Frrinktin tomiship„Adarns county,
-i • - • Pa; tvlioiliing lands of Conrad Walter, Jacob
// 'Setht..; IstahltLittle, and others, containing
• "149 Ati.e 4.. mere or leAs. Improve
''" 'triente ore LOU DWELLING, Log
, n ,, Wagon sla.•d,Corn
lind other out buildings. a well
~ a
ot teVer•failing, water with punip
4 "fillt.; bear the &mt. ) an ORCHARD ni choice
'" 'frlit..and , other improvements. Abort 25
6 "-kaftESl aro'in good limber, with a lop propor
I '' tiYiri 'of Alesideitr: There is a Spring of water
' l ' 4 'o4 "the ' phinibtel, and n • small ran passes ,
. 1 I l th s rint#ll:iti. ''.l'ite exteniion of the Gettysburg]
j il ilthilrbidliasit.l thratigh the Farm: 'Also—
, a 4; ?/4 4 /: i 4 ,114friiisfilite . Ladd,l
isodirpipipg I,p...kCitliti, wore cir less, adjoining 1
lands of Pete:. : k i:-. Vivi or Melitteny and wit-
Attiv.ffililitql. le :to .v./ re,l7 With ft Nt•rtt te timber; i
Atie-alla and oak,. .
geirthe n!tov.. TraetA will;he.ttold Reparate,
or to leer. as !nay .. .sait intrvbaAers.
is itteltilarice
. ..will e be tOVOR and tonne
• it wii clia , ;(0" ofed 6 by:: .1 i':::,;' , ';• -
Ifnot tkdd a... 3 above, the Farm willbefor
ti.p. lrfovoiie'in.ut from the isuotApril ilext:
0 ir• -) - 1 i.'.4 i.: fi IE aE' TR OSTLB, GII(laidll. I
1 , i . fret.tit),lB4.—te ' -' ' ' .' • ' . I
;',,tl' l- 01t1 1 11AN'S COLLU.T SALE.
Lea l'i„virtno of proccedirgs ;in the Orpians'
muIAA , iietirt of Adams county the. undersigned
t i~u ;Snle
. upori the premises, on
..vh A rotlxdaylhe.t.i(ft . day or IVorember 71e.dp. the
latotia,thWit,g 'mentioned ,and described valuable
~u;iz yet e • ..Trort of Jfirseed,.....
flittitt r airn iti'lAtiniore township,' Adants , county,
didht latidt a Jacob Ford, John Zieg'er,
;containing TWENTY ;AOILES,
1 " 1 dirt: tit; less; of patented •land. About one
•ji*, is' ti.ell.tinthered with Che3nta i and the
1 ""i-eMAirls ina g 05.1 state of cultivation. tilt.
• goatest part 'of it having 'beer well
•Tife ) iitild• it ,Aittutted about two and adtal
lades front Petersburg and ifi'v;cry. desirable.•
• Au-indisputable title will be.given to'the per-
• `Sale . to commence nt 12 o'cloek, when atf'.
al: Ind:00e 'will be, given and terms ma4e
,d'AfOrdirtn end Agent for Mc .Owners.
W47,1Ckt.P , 1; - ,1806.-3t • • ,
I- • lwi ' A ort42
.%. t lc 15th of Kera ilber
Tr'l•.l • •
,Adm,„,„iitn, of the
••:-.-,fit•eoai.Nl, late . ;ettyt,i)tirg, Adania Coi, Pa.,
„..,duill,,ealmse. to Rehire Sale, at the.-Coart
--,,..,bintseijindltii,llora'oh. Gettishtirii, the fol.
ES.I.4!.CE; viz: the
ttl re•operry • •
,tko . ,chtimlati•sbuig Road; a ' short
. 131 "distancti adjoining lands or
-4/ 91iTik` l i l Ygi0 1 S°lPilia47, l7 ."E= denil o an d
soltiout 3f ACRES. more
:tti .
04,4,4m31,of : e?,:e6lionif . kaird' itt_a . good state of
"!V ;
'end etli: I
onl; l l,itildipga.; . '"lhere is a eel of exeel-"I
• lelit'ivitce nOtii,ethi'4lotie, Mid a variety of I
trees oathe . stren:diMa, everything I
Gi(l it iii good order.'' .
•bax ~..„ .
.Tedo. Lena or Ground,
itan!F inCumbcrland township, Adams
61' 1' INttjolui•O Intl/ ofaucoli Herbst and otheng,
e tn ,Tr 01, Willky, aad .known on 116 :plus of cm ,
' - "'"li ii - hi6tiluid oitt hy ThaddeuS. Stevens, Esq.,
mi lots No. 5 and .li, containing 9 Acres and 1f;
114 ',1 1 14•Cheis' more or Mint, These lots will be sold
- /rifl i iiiiii. t ii e y , : or :together as . may suit per
!utich.'ilictia' ' J:"' ! -•'-, ' • ' •.t.
. L ..E?„7-Attendande drill be given and terms
. "'" l, . tri,kait knW
on. ch.! 'day of Sale by . . .
VALENTINE, 'WERNER; ..4(int'r.:
‘ et. 24, 16.5t1.—t5. , • ‘: •
,1 . ,,0.ti...41,..*(1 . T.A.C,P,',', - .:..:
.n r o,..4:TTEEtSTotal4 en ! ary 4.. t?
1 , 61 , oma lt y„ to•oiltip, $
rj giyek.
, • to ail ",pasuiti indt , biea to t aeto
,e,tyl 056.6 ing
t!li. , allie,...pvtly ant limitica.
' •
3(tllN 31'11:VAT'S, L'zr's.
113511-1 , ;8i - '
tif Mt I
4 I
• `"; , • ,
vet and yoll.,klan
" I ' l
ip 9 :7 9. l;i f. S, A , VS , A , GE ,
• 'VErtS i eitetip tltsn! ,.
N.,„110 K
Tifintbst ti - 4c, e 1 giNbEtitt! TO ME.
N9.4 l Pyr :00.04 Me Cush System iu
, I J,Elsoiess,' foAlielitiroose of settling.up
old basitieo, , =all;indebted to me of
ititedittg. either by Note .or Rook ae
'l4Aidittti., pleitsimtll'utel imr the same...
1 334titn . /6564
,NOW WE HAVE Tililll,
fi44 - 41 .13altinnire' and' Phila.
thilvtliit.thet hest assortment t",f
/hits, Caps, 80, is and
111 ) ifs, , •Sh fi,i;
it% .'t hit/ evlnt been .offeretl Adams County".
unittaditer4Allreqinr,s,.nnd entirely
itf i rmempi) ti{.4lland see them ; at the, old ‘stanti,
y, F .dolp, in Uhatukte,reburg a!feet, a few
i tAiri fßtttr s t corner.
19 ".11itia
eti nittsfw lilf,T• ~ 1 ".
. fy,u, SALE., •
444 t , e u; 4 , 4 .,
,u Meal U-OrSeR
flov 4 1N/tvetto . rtreortived r it :Splendid assortment
Matti Milool•Citlxishirte and Drawers,
ow`tilt.betiteltilotrat • •
1144 /I) 4 k
, a to I: 114110,g thq übovo attielo, would
01 , 4;4 .1404414 aF‘ uc A Grill,l- 0 0fore PurebusiOli
fift,,i3Ofge,, for Suulsowcwuout bq be.4in givitug
.tshln Ws: •
Is published ever) . Friday Elening. in Balti
more street, in the three stery'build-
• ing, a few doors above Fehn.
ri`'• estocki Store, by •
.. •
.'.-If paid in advance or within the year $2 per
annum---if not paid within the,•year! $2 5U.—
No paper discontinued until all arreamges are
Otid--except it the option of the ditor.
e 6 ples 61 Cents. A 'failure tii"uotify u dis
f:C/.3 ao- 3 I continuance willbe regarded AS a new engage ;
411.- 111/111,31,11,44,1Utu 61 : 4144 at all Ackplit plena not . exceeding a square in
' d P•magaingraved and fur sale at sated three ti f $1 --every subsequent
4 7 . . . iniottion 25 Nellie. Longer ones in the sosurn
R NttgleotlLAAPlt ARP 1 / 1 3 tlen t-ery ordered for • time rill be continued 'nn
, 1 .1 1 11 1 , 4 tad }w diem! sednetion will be made
•• • et . x t ei itayt,intig ue*rtinent, to those who advertise by the ytar.
wee kAlliNk.4/OCKS I - Job tinting of all kinds xecuttd neatly
• 4"4 , , Auld prompt! vend on reasonab terms:
* 91 - "87.01a •
lquiViruulta and... ',ltrilet Bags on
, an, winch will be s o ld !Mr temake room
Y`,'tc ' 'SAM§ON'S. • ,
. „
'(irX 1.4 'lke*: !SORE LEFT.
. 1 7," Cjiasles, also &few pod watch :
.60,Av : . .843.180N:23.,
li Y virtue ofan order of the Orphan's Court
l X.P at' Adams county, will be uttered at Pub
fie Sale -on the pron.ises, oii Sahirdity. the,Btl4
1 day of Nom/Aber next, at 1 o'cluck, P. M.,
the Taluabla Farm of ALF:XANDEIt CAMPBELL,
- deco:lced, situate in Strnban township, A&
I 111114. county, .I'a., adjoining lards of John
I 13rinkurhutf, Michael !Ylitagiver, Win. Weible,
1 Gene Walter, and others, containing , '
II i
IS9 acrem no el 13 Perches,
more or less. About .10 ncrert sire ,in good
, Timber, the balance cleared, with a fall pro-
I portion of excellent meadow. There aro two
sets of buildings on the premises. First—
; the Farm buildings, COIISIStiIIg , .•
:of else and a-.httlt story Dir.& t, dttl
j 11111, part frame and part log„,,,l d atel .
I and plastered, a large Wash , .= ..;... - -
i and Smoke loose, Spring house, lar 4 c litre,
Wagon Awl, Corti crib, and other
ings, and good Orchard of choice fruit, .tc.
Die tither buildings Trout on the Hunters
town road, cousisting of a two.
story brick house, and a frame i ,N"
building annexed, a ith a large j;t n `' k c j aWlV
portico in front,, Wash-house,. ...,
Smoke-house, two Wells 'of excellent water,
two gardens, a good Barn, Wagon Bhed, 'Cora
Crib, n Carriage-hob - se and other out huildings.•
An Orchard of choice fruit of till-kinds, ..t.c.--.
The yard has fine shade trees,' (lowers,
For i beauty and , desitableness of. location
'di& property cannot be surpassed' in. :Straban .
toy!utizip. ~ The,
,Gettysburg liailrond pusses
through it corner of . 'the.:Ferm. There, is a
School house conveident. ';flee' fencing is
part bOrtrd end. Part poSt and rail, - atill in good
The Patin t. an be conveniently divided,. and
will 1,0 sold divided, or entire as may 'suit par:
chasers. - •
atY'lf not sold at abie, the FARM will be
'for RENT to the highest bidder, for one year
'rpm dm fh•at of April , text. . : •
Attendance 'will lia:gireti and terms made
knoWit on:daY - of sale by ; • "
Oct. 17, 1856.
fr HE underitigned, having entered into
jiaitneship to earry undo. Foundry bu.
etne wider the.l fironof WARREN &
SONS, herehy. thake known to the chi
zeds •of Adonis and.. adjoining counties,
that we are prepared to make every thing
in our lide ni huSiness. We have con.
wally on hand, the HATHAWAY and
000114.1NG 4 ATO' 4r IEWo,
ihe Parlor airtight,ind nine plate Stoves;
of viwihus styles sod sizes, Pots, Kettles
and Pans: - end all other Iron Cooking
litailefls,.Wriifilti Onus; Washing Machines,
• Ash•plides, &n. Catalogs
for Mills and other, Machinery. PLOUGH
CASTINO6 of every description, kr.—
We' make the . Seylor, Blocher, 21)11 differ
kintla of %V ititerOM ploughs. We
have sitaii got dttTereiit tinticiffs
for Ceinetaries, Ysids and Porches', which
catey.he beat for heauty
_or cheapness.
the above . artmlea will be sold
cheap for cash n. Country Produce.
[MASS CASTINGS and every thing
in nor line mile tu order.
77111ESIII.N . q:' 41.8C17.1V,S repair
ed of soorteat Moulders
ourselves, we u ill do our work maul'.
1114N1 WARREN,
Pettysburg,. May 11, 1855.—il '
avr S. •
Come This way, +.l' you want to ;sate at lead 20
jxr 0 f yolll' 11101111..
[' C OBEAN A: PAXTON have just received,
and are now opening the largest and best
&sleeted stook, ot GOODS, iu their liue of bus
ever offered in Gettysburg, - to wit:
Capg, illsofjs,' Shoeß.
Overshoes and socks, Umbras„ Trunks,
Carpet Bags, Funev Window Binids, Station.
- ery,l'erfanaery, and a variety of Notithis; al.
the largel stock of • •
CHIA ' •;1 (41.4 SS
Stotie and :Earthen Ware t .ever offered in
Adams county—all of IA hieh' thei are determ
ined to sell lower than they can be had at
2klly , Othfr -
ENt4b/Wlnliint 'in "the .
0111 at COBEAN PAXtON'S, south east
Corner of the Dianiand. -No-trouble to show
Oct. 19, 185 G
TO the citizens of Gettysburg and Strangers
irlaidegire to know where tw rind a large
and handsome 'variety of Summer HATS and
SHOES,—are invited to call et" W. PA-X.
TON'S STORE,' where they, will find the
most elegant White Beavers; and White - Silk
Hats, Panama, Canton and Braid •,-also, Sof
French Hats, and'a large stria( of Gentlemen
and Ladies' and Children's SumnierShoes and
GaiteriCof tired-Style and price. Call , and see
Juno 13, ' - -
mlll3 CashSystem—?S yettirsexi)eiienee in
the Credit business has satisfied me that it
will ,not do, and I have. 730V7 'deterzil ael to A
dopt the Cash System—and offer ihe tutlowing
Goods for Cash or fmninee Only :
Blue, Black, Brown, Green' Olive, Fan ,
Over Coatings,BeaVer Cloths, Peter'Shanis,
t.asSinieis, black and every varintv of (hue*
'eolors Cassinetts, Velvet Cords, - Jeans and
pantaloon . stuffs generally. Coburg - cloths,
Merinoes,Debage Jtuelin Dellines, • .A.lpacens,
- Ural - Coes. Olagbains, ,te., pith nvery yarietrof
Ladies dress. goOds. Heady made Clothing it/
great varieth nell_made cud cheap.
DOtnestifs. Fresh Groceries, .vueensa are,
'lease call, examine, and judge for
yout,s . elves. All will be soltint the lewest Cash.
Oct. 3, 1856
Professional (suds
Dr. J. Lawrence Hill,
• . . • 'DENTIST,
ifIFFICE" in . Chninbersburg :. street
11 jp Hilt') door West of the .Lutheran
Churelhaearly oppoeiteGraninier'ssiore,
where he mny be found ready and .willing
to attend to any case within the province
of t h e Dentist. Persons in, want 011111
sets ofteeth are•invited to call.
Dr.C.ll.lllsacuelia, Rev.C.P.KiaAeTti,Ll D,
.. D. Ffealaa, Prof.M•JAcous,
" H.s llni!sit; , .. ILL .11.suanza ,
HOT. 11, 1014X4014. I .‘ M. L. BTOIVCIII.
..fitly ~4 . . 1849 . .. .
11-11) •A. • B E IR -
attorney at..faltr i
WILL promptlyattend to Collections and
all other tipsiness entrustal . to'his care.
wofru. in:the Diam6nd, adjoining the Store
'of A. B. LititcTZ. -
Gettysburg, Pa.,. Feb. 1, 1856..
, :11tol'Ory fit late:
W .
LL faithfully and promptly attend to
all businees him. lie spraka
the German lanowge. 011ico nt the same
plane, in sOutli Baltimore street, near Forney's
J)rug Store and nearly opposite Balmer &
, Ziegler's Store.
At/I:4N ha' AT' LA lir,
, ,
and •Proseent ing• .Attorney.
OFFICE on the Booth side of theTohlie
Square, two doors West of the "bentinel" . „
0 thee.
Afarelt 28, 1856.
D. 31,CoNA
47701? 'EP )17' 1-111',
(Office re.noicil to one dour West of 'Nettle
'rug & tlook.Btorc,Olesintitrabute tre e )
ratfirrifeY and Solicitos for
Patents and Pensions,
'Bounty Land Warrahts. Back-Vay sus
pended Claims, and all other claims against
the Government at Washington, D. C.:
also American claims in England. Land
IVarrants located and sold, of bought, and
highest prices given. •
Lands tor sale. in lowa, Illinois, - and
other Western States ;:ind Agents engaged
locating Warrants there.
Se 2- Apitly to hint personally or by
letter. - • •
Altorney at Law,
El ASS''taken STEvH:littv's noire
North Nest Corner of Centre
RPFP.Ity: on. Thnthleuc Stevens
noni.;Lanciisti.r. . .
C Al@ IT DLS 11,
Aut(witicy ;at
Th .FFICE on (lhambersburg street, Get
lyshurg, two doors from Geo. Ar
nold's store, will attend toliltog claims for
130UNTY 'LAND,' under the l'ile Arta
of Oonaress, Prosions; Stn. All business
entrusted to Ids hands Will reel-ire prompt
Gentlemen's Wear.
(11,011:18; Casiimers p Vestings, and Shawls,
a large supply, to which the attrntion of
allinvited. ,
Ifieu desire to stwe'tnoneY buy
LAPIES—M von want a pretty dress, loin
some shaid, or any new style ribbons, ar.
Owes in our line ? If so von con find the la
test styles, and most approved patterns at the
Choir> store of FAIINESTOCIVS.
Il • 7. 4 .. -- : , - . : z7 'lsF, -- 7-:, - ..7.7 u %re"'
- : t
r „,.. , .... -,;,:,
2 4
' I'
AMITEI, WEAVEIt haring provided nim
self with an entire new and costly appa
ratus, is now probated to furnish
IP ago e rre y pelt,
in'every style of the art, which he will war
rani to give entire satisfaction. His lung ex
perience and supertor apparatus give . hnu
vautageti seldom furnished 'by Daguerrean
tablishments our of the Thy. Ile - has. tt. large
nuteberOlspecitnena . at his Gallery, ..a Chnut
bersbarg.atreet, which the pUblicara requested
to call nlO eiamine. : ;
Eta:Charges from 50 cents to $lO. diours
or operating front 8 A, D1.,40,4,4 ) . 31. Gold
Lockets i •lireastpins, suitable for miniatures,
, always nn hand, nt the .very lowest prices:
.146;0 - Children will not be taken ror less titan
- AIII3IIOTYPES taken in best style
,185 t;.
ietAxo7.4, etc.
.I . IIIIS-.: . %),.t,F0R, 0 ROAINS 1
tIM NUEL ZIEGLER 110 just ',re
tiirnali front the city, widt . the largest
Iocnf.GEOCERIEShe has ever before
opened, to which he invites, the atie.ntion
of Convinced that he can offer RARE
BARGAINS. He has also' a fine lot o
Hams,Shoulders, Ste., Shadi.•
.Mackerel andHerrinus
Oranges, Let onfl. RaiSins* . ', le, Pates.
Altuitilds, Nuts, Cundies of 'all kinds, To-:
haven, Segare. sntitr, Brbtfis, - 13ruslies,
Bhteking,•:with a •general assortment of
variety goods.:, Give us a call if mint'
chiup.and oot/-nett door' to the
"Star' office; Baltimore Street.
Gettysburg, hlay 11,1855.-7 R,
. . ,
.1 1 / 4 naLITTLETE EC Erax rsa. •
SSPENBERS,Cnivats,Portnionies, Socks,
Knifes, .Stocks, Pocket. Hamdkorchiefs,
Razors, Clothes Brushes, Woolen. Socks,
°bria r ,goliforts, Muslin Shirts, and Shirt
(lairs, are 'always la be round
1111108 E who are fond of inusin,,' trill find a
large asiortraent' of,' 'MMus; illecordwne,
Flutes, Fifea,'4., &e: Cheap at S •
" ' - •
' ittukcirttliebt ' oft Qeeensware,
A' Chinn, - 01tietfifilone tulti Enrthcn ware, at
.CUBE ''at-P/01{1'011'S...
0010- " :StAtitititier;
I ,
~ .
Encrtatittir Moo rtavent.
4 D.. BUEHLER. has added to his
.01 • lock Ql . (linkin an UllUnnally large as
unman of Classical, School and rdisceila
coos • • ' :
embracing all the. text Books used in the Col
lege, Common - Schools, and standard classic
authors, with them:sent popular publications,'
constituting a larger assortment than mi., ' be-
fors opened in . pettpibuig. Also, f ' . I
a utak tezt(i)oziatia' .
of all kinds ; Cap, Lawn. and Now ,Paper,, of
the best - quality, .Envelopes, {fold Vous , and 1
Pericils,-.l','eu-Kuires, .tc., with a largo assort.l
count of
to which he invites attention, being prepared
to.sell pt unusually low prices.
Ite3„.llis has ulso lurgely increased his
stock or--
Drugs and JllilicineH , e
which :c an berrelied•nlinn aa' the beat in th
market. •
lltkir.i.rrangemente •have 'been effected .by
which ani_orticlel in his line of business can. be
promptly ordered; front the, city.
Gettyslturg„:%.:ov., 2, .1855. ,
IV; %A%
Removed d fete doors &nth of the old Stand.
Ir SKELLY respactfully informs
ej his old cutituitters and the public
.1, generally, that lie don i
' BUSINESS. at his new
4 y
viand'. in South Baltimore
Slope; where he will ha
'happy Ib accommodate all
who may patronize him.
All work entrusted to his
ear, warranted to tit and
he of moat substantial make. Thank fit
for part .fagors, he solieits a continuance o
public, patronage.
IIC:7" The New, Fork .Spring and Stan
mer .F.3.51170NS are received. Call and
See them.
April 27. 1855.—tf
. _
4.; XTEEN. miles 114Irth-weA from l'hiladel
phia, neur Norristown, 'a., will be open
for 1 DUNG MEN and BOYS above 14 searA
of ago, from Ottelter I , 11 4 5.3, till June 1, 1837.
The site is healihrul, the Barr mating prospect
exceedingly beautiful, the novotmuntlations
suthcient for 140 boarders and 'AU students,
and the terms not exorbitant. 'The range of
sfudies is extensive, the teachers experienced
anti able, amid every reasonuble effort is made
to ptontota the physical, iutellec . n it told moral
welfare of the scholars. .1 Circular will be
sent to order, with particulars turd references
if desired. SAMUEL AARUN, Primapa/.
Aug. 29, 1185(1.—Itn
. .
anderAignctl would respectfully nu•
ununce to the Citizens of Getlyibtirg, that
he has opened a Provision [louse in the room
formerly occupied by Mr. J. J. 'trial:edit:lf in
13althnore street, nearly opposite the Star W
ILT, where he will Lye constaittlr utt,hand.
Flom., Feed, Groceries, Butter, h`,ll,,es, Lard,
Cheese, Bacon, Chickens, Potatoes, Apples,
Fruit of all kinds Confections, Sze.
Aug: 29,4856.—1 y
AL. - 0 TOBACCO, 20 Bales Havana,
25 do Sagua. 20 do St. Jago, 20 Cases
Seed Leaf. Just received anti for sale b
No. 157 Franklin street.
NOV. 24, 1854. •
Varm ter Sale or Aent.
THE undeedgned, desiring. to relinquish
Farming, will sell at P: irate Sale, on
rcusoouble terms, the FARM on which lie re
trics, about wet mile, front Gettysburg, on the
Millerstown road, containieg about 120
Aieresi with improvements.
Ita..lf not suld, the Fano will be for RENT.
For terms apply to J. N. BURKET.
Sep. IJ,
1;"4-1F, Subseriber Subscribers wouln respectfully
announce to . their Irina(ls atm the
public, that they have Opened a NEW
HA I) %V A RI.cSTORE lit Baltimore st,.
ailjoinnigtlie residence of DAVID Z1N.01,101,
Gettyeburg, in which they ate opening
arge and'gemeralmssortment of
Cutlery Coach. Trim m ings,
. _
Springs, Axles; Saddlery,
Cectur Wire, ShoeTindings :
• Paints,bils, iSc, , lly .
eituffs, •
. , .
general,:jacotliog every dedttriptimi of
articled in the 'above, hoe of bobbiestito
whirili they invite the attention of ()oar)).
mockers, Blacksmiths; Uarpent rs,enbinet:
makers. Shoemakers,: Saddl rs e and this'
generally;.._ .
I •
Our stock' having been eec ith great
ear 6 and pnr.ttli4slted for Cash, we gnarl
autee,(frii'llio - 12eSily monoro to dispose
of any part of lion ns reasonable terms as.
they can be piareltaaed any where.
We particularly request:. .all from our
friends, imd ,- ealdestly a share 'of
public favor, as. We 'are'dotetmined to eit•
tablish a character. for Goods aj
ow prices and doing blisess on fair print
fifties. •
Gettysburg, Jun el .311861.—tf.
vErre VZST.S.
N . 'unusually largo,' rtsliortment,, of every
IL description just received at -
.an OF. THE PEACE, has 'opened
." an °Hire in the front room of his residence
in •Ilaltituore sireeywhere ho will be prepared
to attend , to -Salver/Mg, Conveyancing, and,
collertin g promptlY and punctually, ;
Gettysbur g , April 20.--ly
• .
2.410niy b af e v 06,14 1 ,2,4 in *Wee present
el thew copied-a in ?helitie
AA T 'the btirning of the Aitisen ,
-April. 10th, and in the GREAT 'FIRE ea
Market 'Sheet, , May, ;Ist,: 1866, ;the ;genuine
HERRING SAFE preserved the yowellery
Geo. W. Simons & Bro.; Books, Fivers de , of
Fisher & Bra; and Etvdurd Scalene; af
tor remaining exposed; to the burning niins for
nettrlyFOßTN. HOURS, ,and; proving conclu
sively, what we 4,.tyays claimed for them'
their great iluppriciiity 9ve . r , ell securities noti
known.: - ; ; ; ,
In these' fires, the HERRING'S SAFE,
`standing side by side with those'advertised as
• ;
!"warranted to stand 10 per cent.more fire than
ARDWARE--Another large supply.— ;Herrings,'!catrie forththit acknowledged, victor,
Come and makel money hy . buying at kw . net qnly preserving tkeireoutput* in excellent
prices Mir wen Selected atock___ 9,*F, hut.being themselves in a condition ,to
through another while" the bikustett!
Sign:of:Red Front. mailtaiiandeist' iif otrieeiitakit's Lliadly
' Vink of Gettysburg,
" 'Oet.l2(l ) 1856,
NItIE is hereby given to the Stoekbolders
the Bank ofGettvahurg,that Vied
tion fok TuiwrEr,N , DmEcToßs, to 6614
One year,: will be held at the Banking-house,
oe Monday the 17th . dfiuir N4ir vie Itr nest.
_genetal nteeting.of e Steekholders will
be held at the same time.
, J. B. WPUERSON, Cashier.
Oct .
if:es as ey Good s,
ICieT w
i'hliwdelpl, ,
VANS 4 WATSON,- No: 26 South Fourth
street, Phi ladelph et, , hap' had the surest
demonstration in the rolloving, certificates
thatlheii- Melee's:eters tor Salamander •Sares
has at length fully warranted theropresentif
tious which have been made or ificui, as reu
dering au undoubted security against the ibr
ritie element: •
' ' •-• Pult,,thm.phts,'April 12, 1850.
Musa& EVANS & Wsfrsow af
fords us the highest satisfaction to state toyou
that owing to the very proteetive qualities o,
two of the Stilainunder Safes which we pur
chased of you some months 'since, w e saved a
hirge portion of our jewelry, books, capers,
&e.,exposit to the calamitous Oro iu Alan.
stela! ?lace, on the morning of- the 11th
When:we reflect that these Safes were loca
ted iu the fourth story. of the building we occu
pied, and that they 101 l sulisequently into a
heap cat' burning ruins, where the vast concen
tration Of beat calmed the braSii plates tb rite..
v.O Cannot but regard' the preServation 'of thy
valuable Contents as most convincing proof o
the great security afforded by your Sates.:
\tie shall -take much pleasure iu recant.
mending thetoto, men. of business as a sure re
liance against the lire.
, April 12, 1836.
Misses. EvANs WATSON :--I have to offer
you my testimony iu favor of tho &tem security
afforded to my entire stock of jewelry, books,
papers, &c., during tit c recent disastrous con
flagration in liduistelid Place, from the fact !
that the stone:were clintained iu two of the Sal.
animater Safes manufactured by you.
having fallen front the filth story of the Ar
tisan huildiug, wheru they were previously
placed, and exposed to a vast heat tor a lung
lime, the preservation of the ytituable deposits t
seemed to ovary, one who witnessed the open
ing and interior examination, 'u mutter of pro 1
(band astonishment.
Toall who tatty require a perfect protection
runt the ravaged ot hot,' shall not hesititte to
rueontatend ant ute Lit your .Sati:s, its 1 uunuid•
er they have ouw untletzune the must trying
lest. N. .li...`dtiii.liA/N.;.
PIIILaUEI,PULL, April 12, Itiati.
511,SSItti lii ANS & V% A TS,' : - etitlemiew—
Su doubt, you will be deeply gratilied to learn
the good condition iu which I discovered my
book, of insurance, certiticutes of stock,
uud outer valuable documents, when on Fri•
day last, I °polled the Saha made by your
With my knowledge of its great exposure
both to the intensity of the heat trout su hut a
I lire, as that which ckstro)ed the .I.rtisati
ing, Has also front the lucre o! the tall front its
tinnier elevutea position ill the' third story, 1.
could einertant but slender hopes prior to its
interior inspectlon, that the contents which 1
once so Ingidy prized would ever be of any sex
, rice to mu, nut sr there tears are nvw happily
rcineved, l it el at idly iue LO say tujott, inut
van nettetoorui recommend ,he yJ ur
Sates to llho way WIS/i to tech 11 e
to the perfect, security which ioteli moons pro-
video ugithlSLbil triguttui,au e.eineA.
I.J 1.0 W Alt in utter.
Constantly tin 1111.411.1 ruwut Yew ei aid
Thiel t'ruut Locks fur Itau . ss, 6tores, &C.
April 25, ltifie.-1y
FOR Merehauts, Lawyers, Fanners arid Oth
ers. having /looks, 'arrs or other valua
bles, to pres2rve from FIRE or BURGLARS.
Day S Newell's (flohb's) BANK LOCKS.
A CARD—Tip: "F ae Pamir Sin:," that
preserved ourilooks, rapers, ifs..., during the
Greatlj' ire at Hart's Buildings,' was parehas-
ad'a. • GETZ .1 DUCK.
TERS." i z u
EVA:sIS' Premium Ventilated Refrig6a4
Lord fur emdidtk_cwid preset.% Mg meaty, !
a, water amid II amides for culinary purpo
WATER FILTERS, for purifying braelcislt
ninthly water, whether ellheted 6y rains, lime
stone, marl or other causes ; can Le had miter
to or attached to the Refrigerators—w small
quantity of Ice cooling the whole, in the warm,
est weather.
Use of Warm or cold water.
WATER COOLERS, tbr Hotels, Stores &
sTo.j.: TRUCKS, for moving boxer, baler,
GIST do. •
NO. 61.5. SeCond-st., (2 doors below Chesnut.)
(EsTAnt.istruo in 1835.) '
Feb. 8, 1856.--ly
11. lIYItAM. 3 [T. MAY PIE.ROE
Y. Vi NOS, entited "Bolton Abbey in the
Ullen lilies,'' a splendid steel engraving,,
' trout the celebrated painting by Landseer,
and the "Departure of the Israelites , front
Egypt," a large and beautiful engraving from
a:painting by D. Roberts. The retail price of
the above engravings is $3 per copy, but will
• be sent fits V'ehttrve as tbllows : •
Tito subscribers have established a BOOK
.A.OENDY in Philadelphia, and will furnish
.any book,or publication at the retail price free
.of postage. Any persons by forwarding the
subseription price of any of the
. $3 Magaz i nes,
such Us H O
arper's, Gody'utttues,Gruhant's./
Frank Leslie's Fivhions,'&e., will receive the
' Magazinet fbr one year and a copy of either. of
Alto abo , e beautiful .engravings, free ofeharge,
or if subscribing to.a $3, and a $l,. Magazine,
such as Peterson's, and Clutllen,'s Ladies'
Christian ' A int tied * they will' receive both Mag.
azinei and a copy of either of the above en
gravings.- ,
Every des , ...ription of engraving on .wood ex
' ectite4. with. neatness and despatch. • Views of
' buildings,,newspoper. headings, views of ma
chinery, book illustrations, lodge certificates,
-business cards,,,te. . All orders sent by mail
prtimptly atfeuded to. ' Persons wishing views'
Ofilicir building:3 engraved etiii send it duper
etitype et-sketch 'of the'liuilding by nail or ex
press.: - • , , • , • , - • '
•Persons atr a distance having:saleable urti-
clee would find it to their advantage to address
the sitbscribersias, we would ,act us agents for
ille titan of them.
An - Smith. Third-st.dilladelphirs..
• ' NoV.' so, , ittss::-=ly
'''''' FIERRINGP.S . SAFE - : ~
used up in every instance, and in' some cassa
their entire contents completely deoroyed.-
To the public we would simply say, that,
duffing the 14
.years. that. .I.lerring'm.Ssfe has
been before them, , more . thaw two hundred
have passed through neeidental liras' without
the occurrence of a single inks.
We ' would tlietelbre, 'caution purchasers
against the misrepresentation of interested par- I
;ties. r The Herring's Patent is , the only Eire
.proof sare made inthis city•which I
: s protected.'
hytt,Patent Hight, and..
we will guarantee it to
resist more than double the ainoutit of heat of
any other Sale now kiiiritn.
; riftEL',6A, iteitnixbi
Sole Manufaeiniers .
State of
.N.leanpro's PATENT ciiiKrioN SAFES, '
. ,
34 ... lra/rintSt. hiladefrhici. I
..g78.--i"gvans 4,1 Wiii,tonta impreved Sala- i
menders," N./liver Jvan claylees,"
and ' l :Scott's Abestris," iron Chests, (a lrirge
assortment having been taken in mire pny
inent for' "Herring's,") will . be'sold arlow pri
June 18, 1856.--ly
t. Second street, Philadelphia, Importer,
Manufacturer; and 'Deakr in Drage) and'Aledi•
nines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stulfs,:Paints,
Colors, White Lead, French and Ameri
can White Zinc, Window Glass; Glassware,
Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Groudn
Spices, Wholo Spices, and all other articles
usually kept by Druggists, including Borax,
Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, Se., c.—
All orders by mail or otherwise promptly et
tended to. ;Country Merchants are invited to.
call and examine our stock bethre purchasing
elsewhere. Goods sent to any ut the wharves
or railroad stations. Prices low and goods .
March 7,1856.—1 y.
JOHN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Bar
her and flair Dresser. can at all tinier.
he found prepared to attend to the culls of
the people, at the Ten, ple, in the Mammal (
adjoining the County Building. Flom
long experience, he flatters himself that lie
can go thritugh all the ramifications of the
1' ass/Arita. DepurtMitfiof
wit?.. such an inlin,t,t degree of skill, to
will 'meet will the enure sbtisfaciion of all
who may submit their chins" to the keen
°deal of his razors. lie hopes tlierelord
that by his audition to business, did a de
sire to please, he tvill merit as well as re
ottive, a liberal share of public patronage.
The sick will be attended to at their pri
vate dwellings.
31 1 S ' 1. I:: 1, o. .A
\A j it from the city watt h
d• /•'.l:\•('l' (,(e(/t:
to which tte:
f WI , : h 1.1 I •
tonnut•ion will sati‘lv thern Mat. ka r Act
the uest selected alai melt tushiunahre as well
as the cheapest ever offered in this place. '1 he
assortment comprises ::;i1
bilks, De Lanes,
Gingliams,alicue6, De
Bage , .oburg lotus, Mus
lin, Lumen, Saek Flannels, Bon
nets and 13onnet Trimmings, Satins,
Ladles' Dress Trimmings, Velvets, A
ciuls, Black Veils, blue du., Glues, Boiler)
Ilundkurdnon, Frunuh Worked
m brie, Jatekonet and Swiss Edging's,
Insdrtings, 31tolins, Sleeves, Mo•
hair and Silk Hits, Blitek .
Lace and Eadmoider
ed Handkerchiefs,
Braids, Fans,
&c., &c.,
C t!Wl,s-Call and examine fib. yourselVes.
Gettysburg, April 18, teal.
wlBllO l / 3 to retire front the fanning and
milling business, I will sell at Private
Sale the following viatutble Real Estate,
known as •
LOCUST, G R OV /$3.9
situate about one and Motif mile S. West from
Ltlestowo, Adams comely, Penica„
No. 1.-32 Acres of Mead
o4 'bottom of a superior quality of 'red gravel
soil, will adapted to timothy, 2000 bushels °-
lime having bwen put on it. The improve
ments ate a LA.ItLiE AND VERY BEAU
er Shbp, two 1/welling Houses, a
Storit Loom, two Bake Ovens, "tiot , t. •
Stables, three Hog' Pens, Lime-kiln,' ; a ;
and all necessary out-buildings. The
Mill is' built upon the most modern nod impro
veil plan. Thu duo and race aro not sur
passed by•any. . Four County roads centre at
this Mill.
N0.2.r--37 Acres of Slate Land,
very susceptible of a high state of cultivation
j 8 or 10 acres .of which are. heavily timbered,
with about 10 acres of meadow.. The
/improvements urea lare and very i • t ..
complete GlilSr MILL and , Owel• ;; ! ) •
ling House. This proPerty
joins No. '
No. 3.—A Farm Containing
156 Acres mostly the red g nivel qsoil, and pro
duces well, 48 to 50 Acres of which are !meld.
ly timbered and about 20 Acres of meadoW.
bottom. o,uoo to 12,000 bushels, of lime .
have been pat upon tho land: An abundance
of fruit trees upon the premises. The
iinputrements tire a Stcone Dwelling
House and Kitchen, Smoke Haase ; I ;
a l• u nge Bank Bartz,•with Wagon
Sheds, Cora Crib, Ilog Pen, and all•necessary
out-buildings, 'fbis property is also a part 0
No. I, and known RS above. there I s n o t a
Moro desirable properly in the county than
LOCUST .13401/li, either separately or. to,
gather. Call • and see it. These properties
will be sold separately, ,or together, us may best
suit :purchasers. 1, will sell on accounnuda
tingterms. Any person wishing to vitpr thwi
property, will please call on Edward Stehle liv•
Ing on tli o premises, or myself na
'burg.. '
Aug.. 16,1856.-$5
, d ri EORGE end , Henry Wampler will
‘ 3ll ' Make • House Spouting and pp yip' ,
the same low. for Cash or country pro.
duce.' Farmers and 'all others wishing
theVli amis. Herne. &c. spouted:woidd
tlo V1 , ""to give themenll.
Flour for .Sate.
F you want a good barrel of Flour, call nt
ON.E:SSTORE, as he has made arrange.
i mcuts• to have always the hest, which he will
old ai j 2o cents advance.
May 2, 1858. , -
ALl u r 'grl'OßACCO. in rilire and fne
sale by • ' WM BUEEIIIEk • .
APEItATF, by their ,powerful influence on the
111 internal viscera to purify the blood and 'time
late White healthy action. .They tem** the
obetructlems of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other
organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular
action to health, correct, wherever they exist,' stich
derangements' as are' the ofirst causes of diffuse.
An extensive trill of. their virtnes,.by Professore.
Physicians; and Patients, has shown sures of dan
fierons diseases almost heyond belief, were they not
substantiated by perif3ne of such exalted position
and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Their certificates are published tn. mj American
Almanac which the Agents below ' Pound lire
pleased t oi furnish free to all Inquiring. ~
Annexed we gite.Directione for. their use in the
complaints which they' have been fOund to cum.'
Foci CoemaNess.— Take one or two tills, or
such quantity in to ge n t ly nitifeldin bowels. Cos
tiveness is frequently dot aggravating' elm* of
Rum, and the cure of one complaint le the Are
of both. No person can feel well while undid a
'costive habit of body. Hence it 'should be, as It
can be, promptty relieved. . . •
FOR DYISPIMIIA, which Is sometimes the cause
of Costivenees, and always uncomfortable, take mild
doses from'eneto four— to stimulate the 'twined,
and liver into healthy action; They will do it, and
the heartburn, bodyborn, and coufdiren
9 f dyspepela
will rapidly disappear: 'When It has gone, don't '
forget what owed you. •
For a FOUL SUMACS, Or Morbid Inaction V, PI•
Itoreehi, which prOthices general depression of the
spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills
at first, and smeller doses afterwards, until activity
and strength is restored to the system:
Pain in the Skanaeh, Dark; or Sitte,4 take from tour
to eight pills on going , to hed. If titer do not oper
ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they
do. Them' complaints will be swept out front the
system. Don't weer these and their kindred die
irders because yen'. atrimach is foul.
Fon SCROFULA, EUTHIPHLAII, and all Diseases
of the Skin, take the Pills freely and frequently, to
keep the bdwels open. The eruptions will gener
ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many
dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by
the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, and.
some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate
the whole system hove completely yielded to their
influence leaviug the sufferer. in perfect health.
Patients! your duty to society forbidit that !on
should parade yourself firound the world covered
with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sures, and all or any
of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your
system wants cie,,w,ing.
Tu PLIDIFT TUB BLOOD, they are the best medi
eine ever discovered. They should be taken Nei♦
said frequently, and the intpurities.which sow the
seeds of incurable diseases will be swept nut of the
system like chuff before the wind. 13y this property
they do as much good in preventing Meknes' as by
the remarkable cures which t h ey are making every
LIVItIt COMPLAINT, .1A111,105, and all Nibous
Affertions, arise from some derangement either
torpidity. congestion, or obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render
It unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the
health, anti the constitution is frequently under-
Mined by no other entice. Ittaigentititi is the symp
tom. Obstruction I,f the duet which empties the
bile into the stomach CI4IIIII, the bile to overflow
into the blood. This produees Jaundice, with •
long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness. or
alternately costivenes4 and dial - flora s ',Texans.
Feverish symptoms. languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes In
ability to sleep, and .sontetimes groat drowsiness;
sometimes there is severe pnin iu thin side; the akin
and the white of the eyes become it greenish yellow;
the stontaelt acid; the towels sore to the touch ;
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever,
which nine turn to bilious fever, bilious cone, bilious
diarrlura, dysentery, c. A medium dose of three
or four taketint night, followed by two tr three
in the morning, and repented n few thiy,t,will remove
the caustrof all these troubles. It In wicked to suffer
such pains when you can cure them for 25 rents.
RHEUMATISM, ZioVT, and all Inflammatory Fr
yers, are rapidly cured by the pur4ing effects of
these Mils upon the blood and the stimulus whiek
they afford to the vital principal of Life. For these
and. all kindred complaints they should be token in
mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely.
Ae, a Dixxim dis is both agreeable. end
useful. No Pill con be made more pleasant to take,
and certainly none has been made noire, effectual to
the purpose for which a dinner pill ix employed.
DR. J. C. AYER &
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
rirFor Sale by A. D. IWEIILER, nnp
Druggists generally.
August 22, 1856.—1 y
EO. E.AUEIILER informs his
T.( friends and customers dial ho ha■ a
.ery large assortment of
nn hand ready kr the Sprinu Silk, made
by experienced ivorkinen gnml ma
terials. who+ will he FOld Intl' for CASE]
and see.
GetfYtibtlrit. Mardll 0,
B ,S' 7%1 N D
„ 7 1711) 7ii t e ful i l iUl?e "° g 4 c " n c e e r 8 al t ly o
tint he cantinta;s the 21111. B CPS f
.N P.Sti in the mint adlyining t1;e• store of J.
Lawrence Schick', Juidfront4
' on 'the Dia
mond. He has !nude arrittlgotfienti to receive
regularly the LAT ES r • . 11'..15;1110.Xti, and
it will he hit constant flint to .give entire seLls
to thocie who ttlay favor hint with,their taistont.
,tkir,'Conutry produce will be taken, in ex
change for,
• - ' •
Su t.'ss, 18564.-
1001000 SEGA RS or e very
9 • d'ear Florian' 'a n d
13rlinds, all - of wide!' ard.' nfleredAnwer
than any- other Ilobse Aud
iirrinni•air he selle to be the kek mu
teriitt. and examine:
Di 0. 1 5 7 ' Frankliti street.
Nov. -1854.•
flo and sec EINESTOCK'S clicap end
pretty essnrtment pr, Pieaa 'anode. I
(on Rant aunbing f4kjeaeble, tl!at'a t),il place
to setii. '
• BA Coo'lll. oak)
tit 11 i;enti by the, link, tit
Oh Stand ; the bliett'pefi hi tatty ciif.' 7 No,
,• .
, • ,
fry Ellhdeibigtt6tl' will' atten4rohiptly
A"to' - thtl6oll . 4tition of eltiihlif
I l l r ''LAlll DS HAiitl' ittYCO'f COll. I
gross. 'These who havealilearfy ie6eived
,40 of Slk',Aerrs, coo ,now , ; receive' she bal.
urge, by, ealljug,ou tho enty , eriber pt d mak
iug . the neeeeepry epplication
, 1 -,, JOba. riAlig#F4R.
tqettyiburg,i4ereb 9 i/A S M.-rtf.iy, •
Air BOXES iItACK eters
No:. I b 7