TIR STAR AND BANNER. CETTTSBURC. Friday Evening, Nov. 41.6. Eaminshro Ended. I:7'Th° struggle is now over. The IrcTicratillis great Republie have passed Itilliirtverdiet upon = the great issues—or rather the candidates-:--presented for their or disappreval. • The whirl of or - `Atenfenewhich his so fierroiy agitated the Ihhidtilty loi'the last three months, is alrea.l subsiding. ' In a few more days' •Pihn:elsittis of will bare resumed ; tttiferbtzlittiry sway over the-Ipublio mind,t tle , .itte"gritifidation;' we presume of nine tenths of the American psopls. For our zbldste, we' free to confess that is shall yidly Aare' in the relief from the tut.- moil end' bustle of partizan strife thus af -I±tottledis .For mouths the, columns of the 1 I.PSTsdan:bnve been almost entirely ded itoted to adist.nasion of the issues.involv.. Fird lit' the' cativais 'throngh which we have ~passed,,end to n i v,intiication of . the cause oaf, , Frtiedom.fl. Theselssues we deemed ittgreitimportance, and we have no 13103130 vs regret the time, !ober, and attention we,tke ' llesiowed upon them : Be Abe result what it may-and at the time of r peonies t,this . article we , have 4. ;itrOisg foreboding that the Buchanan party have i liquiiipited; consequence of the divided lota oftheir opponents—we' fell that sic have diseharged our whole duty. , We -,atand - i.actjuitted, , in our conscience, of whatever inay betide the country by remit "Id din election of the eindidaten of the of tho cincinuati COOVOCI- z.- We now turn gladly to our accustomed ,'duties, and hope to share with our readers relief that must be felt by th e' one* of theta, ,in storing of our col umns with other than political matter.— , :Deeply indebted,to our friends for the iuurked eiridence'of unwavering Confidence Jorntsbed,in the constau f tly . increasing list of patrons, we shall aim to make, the STAR whrthy 'tif that confidence. For the pm , eta adiert' to . polities--tuaintoining ;' - the'iuteiriif of our political' views, and ;prepared the proper time to reenter the t4tolltical arena, and,do battle, as heretofore, earnestly_ and attar !ly, tor - the cause of 4ight, and Truth sad Justice. We shall aim, during - the coming will , nteq ttr Werthe +readers of the . STAR rego larly.'itniktod on au - treat Ava n t*, alike /mild ,i4l4pllt!iciii, foreign- sod domestic. Our bcatesded exchange foroisbes maple facili ties for gathering the news, which will be p « }egiiletlyserved by in our ample columns. ''Witoineedele, and story,' shall also claiui our, attention and 'contribute to the later- eat of our columns. In a' word; we shall Itint,to:moke the STAR a readable paper—a welcome and filth% visitant, to the social ~otro~t~proflt le to all and harmful to 4.lltottor.- . • ' ef' !iltitlithese assurances, we bespeak the nificeS 'of the friends' who ;11111/4 4 'firtbeiSei hided eateridiug the cis. STSR. We sluill bo pleased to,-.suser the names of new / .106w:fibers on our list. There are many 'of 'Mie; county who take no „, mazy paper. A word to such tram our • „friends• would materially assist in swelling .bur , list. of subscribers, and put us in pos. mission of tueseito-rendor the • STAB more iiiterciilog 'and profitable to ourselves and !". 11 11 ; :4 • • r -•• • , The County. I== , ti ''.ntillfy : the official table in another col. teen that Mama county f •Apputtai,a majority,ol292Jor the Buchan 04a:eke:lora' Ticket. ;• l'he total vote 01 the bounty litiittle-4Brielianati. 2637 ;'U - nion r ,straight out Fillnere. 24. Of the cmat,l9r the Union pectoral, Tick- Fremont received 1120 4 and Fillmore 1220: We need hardly . 'say . that in this result Weiiigiiiisapp' ^ m,tiedho ped to .' We had , kei. A dams , connty "right on the record" , ~ams, . , v •-`in a ihit greai iestie of Freedom or Slavery. . t ' i if f 4t 'lt; 'ii're. ' - The 'bold and persistent rvarsion'Ol the rest woes involved in the contest, by the .advocates of Mr. 'With the 'difficulties growin g ittSl,ll4„tins imperfect union between the ....‘ftirittle of Fremont and Fillmore. have eon . resultadversely to our hopes and titsires Th!eie atone aspect of the vote that The small number of votes t eAst for the straight out Fillmore ticket, giinaes ; that but few of our people were singusrdid enough to be caught in the trap them by' the unprincipled traitors rho uptlerlohk to betray the American fsprif: ,iror. days before the election, ..111;wasinat, of ipe Hanover Spectator, with a‘vither heel:Ors of Saamansum dt Co., tray -I.rs. the eastern townships of the county, ...i tt ßireulattng the “straight out ticket,. and ..ii`Attlessoring to excite discord end heart lmhattniilpt , among the friends of the Union Ticket. The result shows that Irt4';'"l I 11/1 . At i MPWP e A!Plita . were too IVO too warmly rierinati to principle, to made tools In the hands of these pal iti erl ttieketus. • stio,A ootemporary says: rivear:opieeitat. Ole nook pt long , ax. t 40-44""1040!""P*Oull. air editor of a i . , Ateeelipar,W*mive: far'aterir . credit for ea* of hur paper'isi for . era 'sta in it." The Resell Is the State. -scr The efforts of Sanderson & Co.. to betray the American party of Pennsyl vania. end give the electoral vote of the State to Buchanan. have been eneeestifid. In most of the o‘unties their schemes I were frovtrated, but in others--Philadel: i phia. York, Ltnraster: Monroe'. 'Lehigh. I Northampton. &c,—they succeeded droo -1 (sally. The effort!) of the friends of the 1 Union Electoral Ticket, in these and nth ; ercountitts were paralized by this diversion 'in favor of the enemy. They went Mtn the contest hopeless of success. and failed to poll even a full vote. To Make matters i dOnbly sureohnnsands ni the traitors who vessed this ustraight nut^ Fillmore move men' voted directly for the Buchanan elec.- tdral Tirket. The result, of course, is the - triton ph of the Buchanan Electors! Ticket. The Same game was suerevfolly played in ,New Jrrsey,-thus giro% the Durhaneers the benefit of 31 electoral votes, which 0110117 to ha ve barn east on the elide of- Freedom, and which wottext have been thus cart in a fair, manly contest. Debtitutlon to Katisat Mr. W. F. M. Artn. the general agent of the national K 21111.211 committee. has made a report of a visit to Kansas under taken by him at the request of the of the cuteminee. We• make the follosing ex tract. : Districts I, 2.3 and 4 —ln first senatn. the institution. So long, therefore, as At rial district Topeka is l oca t e d, ae d i n t h, se very is .right, awl it is right to buy and four diatriet a Slothing. shoes and groceries, sell slices, there is no wrong in the 'foreign are wanted. Numbers of families are en. slave trade, and every Consideracion of tirely destitute. Half the funiliee in policy is in favor of it; but if it be these disorients most suffer much &nit:gate wrong 7 -if it have no vitality and no letter winter if nt•t toasted. In the first districtlitantet, but as to be tolera t ed only until it near Indianola. a family of five, mother, Imo be laid aside.—then every. act of vale less children, the eldeet..7 years old, was lor purchase is wrong. It may ,be difli- Wed, in a state of 'lineation—their father cult to see how even the introduction of a privetter al Lecnmpten„ la slave cm give us the rig la to hold him, District 5.---Domeratomie, near tile !if he be the member of a race which has a 3liattouri line have suffered mueh,have i native right to freedom ; but admitting lost their crops, will require much as.-; this, it can confer no right to sell him, sistance in clothing and provisions. .A : much lees can the iuheritnneo of a alive portion of the last train :eft Lawrence to iby one person confer the right upon an settle on claims in that district. and with I ather to buy and hold him. At last we them previa' were forwarded to supply i have to meet the question face to face.— the pre sent necessities of the settlers. :We must detcrrnixo that iu the nature of Ditlriet IL—Council City, on the Santa ' ,binge, there must be unequal races ; that, Fe road, is • settlement of three or four in the nature of things, such uuetpial races ' Ittredret: l in six miles square. They have ', may co-exist ; that it i. ri gl.t to promote suffered front-airkhess growing eta of the; as well as perpetwite sueh co-existence ; want of proper provisions. having lived ..n and At determining. we me a be as - toady • pumpkins, and ereen com, ultimo! bre.d. to to to the slave from Africa es front any or meat. On Dragoon. Walker srd Serif- I seen. et of our own country, and be idle- I ler creeks whole families are complete:y i coma! in our choice by asi mple considers- prostrated with sickness. scarcely able to , lion cr its policy." helpeach other. t , ---- On the Elm creek. Neosho ricer and i RT - Mouss AND SurclDE.—.9 if ecting other neighborhoods, from Council Grove'. Scene —The body of thu I etude, who, a down to Camden. nearly every person is :few d, ys ,;(,, comm itt e d su i c id e at N e y 'sick. A physician on that creek, whO i rank; by jumping over botad from outs of went to the territory two years ago. in ' , ..3 the Brooklyn lorry boats , has been recoe good ciremnstances, is now entirely ora -1 thine. One hundred families are located ;sized .s that of Lizzie How.yd. The Her-' l on the head waters of Neosho. many of :aid says : whom are naked below their knees, bare! Lizzie Howard °nue to this city from headed and bare looted, and women to R.,, hury, m uss , some th re ,,y ears s iU ee .— destitute of clothing that they am ashamed - 1-he was then IS Tear lof ago, with blue ; to lie'sebn.' :eyes and light tiair, and otberwite a most i ' . From Council Grove down to Peer's ut . t i v ., ,i r i. s ..... . .......-hast sr.:-.1.,./itil setiteatioo.'iterunTstity tautiftes are nearty $,,..,„„d t i e aertua h ounce o f ma young ma , ' denim:it—May families entirely destitute- I . who betra red, and, as is u..ual in Giloh ca- i Forty sacks of flour would have proven- .he,N, desetiicil her. Site thee became an red forty families from leaving one neigh- inmate of A house of ques mutable repute borhood, who lived while there on coriri n m erm .„, reet , w h er „h t , f orme d t h e se . } grated by hand. . iqauintatice: of a p.m% matt _attached to a Districts 7 and S.—Pawnee Big Blue, certain [...summit Lin Broadway that is tttc.. new settlements, not very destitute. much frequented by fashiouable people— ' District 9.—Grasshopper Fail., Muddy. and for him she conceived, en ardeut at- Soldier and Slough Creek. ablaut forty . tacinneur She then removed to a house families Sr. this district entirely destitute.. in timeue strut, whore alto was summit. Thy lat h ers of two isfifili" ate confined at ded with-every luxury that could be pro- LecomPtim‘... One of these families 7, °- - iided by a woman that le. ! the life she biSta nffiTe motherless children , °leek!'" did. At this time her lover wasfaithful, eleven Y es " 01 a g e. who has taken "re Of but latter:y he cl7aplayed a .lisposition to 'Smothers. - TheY lire On green PumPkins; cur bee ae.quaiutamic, end else women of green corn and grated corn until. it became t 1.... house say, silo experient el the most ton hard. " They then lived on pounded L,„,,,,,, , g„;„h ~‘ ;,;,,, c „hi„„ ; „, corn and pumpkin. • lOn S..tturday tog:ai lust !Le ,DartieS ,net _ _ _ .. . . . . . , . . District Io.—Burr Oak settlement, : s ..... rjeural i y n r: it e - rn ,, e ,,r,• 4 h a .. where she Dotialdson and lowa point. Considemble rweeatcd : mud, wi 'bed hito to doom ilestilution in this district. One family vi:dt her. ;Hu coldly reflood. 'She thou lured' for four weeks on nothing but i p:eadci with hint to go boom with her, to witlvee' 'meat. abet wiihal to coutoluoitutte si :thing of District li.—Mount Pleasant. Onenia. importance to teem both, but• t refii.ed &c., are not entirely destitute. but will re. Ler imitoriunitiea with rUdeuess. Wi•un quire assistance before the expirstion of ded at. his conduct,-, elm !oft the ball room the winter, and retire:l to her home ; sho las down • District 12.—Leavenworth. Stranger for a while, but shortly after Creek. dec. This district will require tiros; dreased hereelf and left the house, and ...me not considerable arsistanee, to which I gave seen again until found a morpt On previously called attention, this being the Thursday her district in which the Delaware remains wore cony eyed to .:rusr - Greenwood, where obe was interred, with lands• - • which sue now offered for sale — the picture of her false lover placg d upou are keeled ' - t her breast. The Stone ut the.,gra ve wax ' LONG LINE OF RAILWAY.—It ie l' ilifen, i el P i "` ire • Tile 14 " hel Y ' 1 the house, her female companions,. a cler• stated that with the exception of a few aur:rat, t w h e e re umleriaker and his wife. wore miles to Virginia, there is now aconnected present. After the reading line of , railroad all the way .from Bangor,,,of the Episcopal burial service by the on the Penole , cot, to Montgomery, on s! ,..lergyinati, one of Lizzio's female comp in the Alabama ; ere long the chain will lona read Hood's touching poem, ' "The be amid the terra and subs Otiencied to New Orleass, thence to be of all e pr o ese f S h ig t , h a t lc er wh. fiche the fkurteml cer• carried westward until it reaches the 1 tege returned to the city. Thili is one of shores of the Pacific. i many similar stories that might be told of RETURNED FROM RUSSIA.—Dr. HENRY L. SSITSER. of York, Pa., who sailed from New York fur Russia in April 1855, and who .pent a year or more io the service of his imperial majesty, as 'Surgeon, has returned home. jlrTho snow last Friday was so berry on Wesiern New York railroads, as to bring snow plotighs into use. Riau:atom I,utkirrir 121 FRANCE-- Louis Napoleon has positively and per entptorily ordered the prefect! of Prone* to allow all the Protestants iu their dis trict the tree mul undEsturhed exercise of their religion. &airing that ha. may heir of no more persteution. of the Protes tant*. and that they may never again be dhourbed in Their 'Sorokin. PAPAL 81C10TR11.....-411 lady lately loaf a daughter at Rome. and on the tointihieh was in the English Protes tant Cemetery--she wished to have the ' verse from St. Matthew. "Blessed 'are the 1 pure in heart, for they shall see God." inscribed ; but it appears that some officer euntitteled• with the censorship entered the workshop of the statuary who was working at the tomb. and forbade him in irribing more than the first half of the 'ream as be Braid it was neither right our just that herettes.should see the Lord. - ia-Ths arrivals of eadgrarita ateas de Garden. New York. average from 1200 to 1400 a day. About two thirds ire Irish, autrone third GIefILVIUO. 0:7111• Charleston (S. C.) Standard strenuously advocates the reopening of the Slave trade with Africa, a r a calculated to supply the great west with slaves, with. out reducing Maryland, bold in bondage in Virginia, Maryland, &c. It says : i "Nor, in fact, if there he . a greater lobo- .--t manity in the foreign than - in the domes , I tic slave trade, du we, upon present modes ?of reasoning, incur a share of it by °pea -1 ing oar ports to , foreign staves ? We feel relieved:trona istair 'odium attached to the domestic slave trade, because we do not etinge in it ourselves. We only buy the slave from the trader, as we would buy him from a neighbor, , and are not to know , the means through which becomes; and i for the very saute reason. wo may be e lqually nueancerned about - the horrors: of i the slave trade. •We have only to open I our porta to foreign ila'Ves, end the [tier chants of England and the: North will , readily incur the odium of bringing them to us. If the trade Can be legitimated in the tribunals of international law, they will I bring them with every consideration for :their health and comfort, dictated by an !enlightened perception of their interests ; bet if not legitimated they will run' she: gauntlet of every rquadron of observation 1 that can be put upon the coast: of 'Africa. They will bring them to us, right or . wrong, as fast as we will ho ready to receive them. And the capital and enterprise of &glued j acd the North, finding profitable, employ ment in shim badness, it is not improbable that both people woul come to look on it , with indulgence, and, ceasing to war rt! gainst she trade may cease to war against : liCn iu the gre2t tnetropolis POWER OF ENDURING COLD. The fol lowing paragraph is taken from Dr. Kane's journal : ...The mysterious capacities by which - • • we adapt ourselves to the climate are more sofiking here than in the tropic... in the ;polar zone the assault is, immediate anti ;, sudden. and, unlike .the insidious Mathy of brit conntries, pro•duces its result rapid. '4. It requires hardly a stogie winter to tell whdare to he heat-making- and accli matized men. Peterson, (or iiiatance, who hut resided tor, two years at Upernavihy. seldoid entered a room -with a tire: -Ap• other of our party, George Deily.- with i a vigorous constitution.' established. habits ' of free exposure, and active, cheorlul thin peranactit. has so inured himself :to the opld that he sleeps on' our r sledge: jour neys-without a Moltke* or any other cov ering dean his walking suit, while•theout 7 . side temperature is tnirty degrees' belovi zero." • '•-., •• ' • • . Sitar TaxE.—We talk _of the misera ble price paid • for shit t-making,and Hood's touching appeal has embalmed the sub jeer.. But in South America shirts are prepared with less labor.:ln the forests of Orinoke there is a tree which often attains the height of fifty feet, from which the natives are said to procnre shirts.. Te procure that confidential garment, it is on ly:necessary to strip off the bark and de prive it of its red fibrous parts. . ` The heitd is throat throngh One . eud, and lantern holes are cut to admit thearuia, arid, !m -etalling to Humboldt ' they are' equal to our India rubber goods for keeping oui the „.. .....e A ZLAVIE GIRL 1 Mau SET AT LIBERTT.—A brief metal excite ment was created in about the court house' abOut. noon to ay, from the fact that upon a Complaint made by Ruben' Morris:. Esq., a wtit of - habeas corpus etas issued by Judge Herrick. and placed in the 'hands of- Deputy Sheriff Merrill. diren court him to bring with . him before . .. , ,._ the ourt a girl 'tamed Mary Anti Mirandi . who. it is alleged. was restrained of her 1 liberty. The writ also commanded the sheriff to summon one John W. Smith, who resides at No. 7 Seaver Place, to ap pear and shoW why 'the said Mary should not de discharged. . ” .' 11 wita . stated that the girl in question was indented to Mr. Smith. smite four j yeere'since by . her masier sr the South, ! and that period she hail resided in Smith's family. 1 , The girl states that she is now' thirteen ! years old. and that about four years -ago she lkft Linville,. (!she could not name the j State) in cempany,with . Mre. Smith, with m' , who she came to this city. She also states that she teat sent here by her nuts. ter to take ehargeof an infant child; that !.her master died- slant Iwo yesra , since, since which time no remittance', Halve been reteived, fort . the support of that child ; that the relativettor family, of her decease& master r have mien sent -for her to retutn. but that Mrs. Smith refused to allow her to go. The girl, in Omer to interrogatories from the court. stated that she had out be fore left Mrs. Sundt' because 'she would , It' not let her go, tin t, svelte ditlmot wish to live 'With her ,any ringer,- but on the - con trary was Aleeirions of leaving her. , . , Mr. Smith did not - appear ,before the I court in answerlit the aurentous, and the-I court at once ordered the discharge,of the respondent, and . decreed that she was. at liberty to go where she pleased.—Borronl Journal of Saturday. . I TUE YEAR IBs6.—The year 1856 ,is the. hitter part of 'the 811th rud begitittiok of the Slat year. of Hid Independence of the United States ; thtitss69.:h year of the Jiittun peried; the • latter part of the 5616th uud the beginning.,of the 5617th yeur since the crcrtiou of the world, :Ac cording to the Jews; the 2609th yeft,r,, since the foundation of Rome, according tif Yarn; the latter part of the 1272nd, and beginning of the 1273r1 yearn( the twelve lunatious since the Hegira, or flight of Mehemet, which took place 16;h July, A. D.. 622. The Alphosine Tables make this year the 7089th from the creation ; the Greek t`hureh, the 6365nd, and seine &uteri] Churchet:, date it sixteen years later than the Greek Church. The Chi nese adopt the Sexegenury cycle, of which sixty cycles hate now elapsed,' their era commencing 2700 years B. C., so they now deem them-elves in the year 4545. The Talmud makes this year 7200. and the Samaritan Pentateuch 6565. Amid all the abstruse and painful calculations which have been made relative to the chronological prigre‘is of the world, the Chri,tian era is, undoubtedly, the most correct and authentic. According to that the world was, created 5859 years ago ; the deluge swept the:43lth 3671 years ago, and 2848 yeambeforiv t,itrist; • and we are now livaog.i , the year 1850, dating from the Christian, era. . _ THE DYING htlsH Balf.—A Clergyman had for sonic weeks seen a little ragged buy route every Sabbath and place him self in the centre of the aisle, directly be fore the pulpit, where he was very atten tive to the service. and as if eating up his words. He was desirous of knowing who the child was ; but he never could see him. as he vanished the tnoment service was over. Hod no' one knew whence he Caine. or anything about him. At length the boy was missed from his usual place in the church. At this time a man call ed on the minister, and told him a person, very ill. was desirous of seeing him. but added : am ashamed to ■sk you to go so far ; yet it is a child 01 mine, and he refuses to have puy one hut you. He is altogether an extraordinary boy, and talks .1 great deal abut' thiugi that 1 do not un derstand." The clergyman went. The rain pour ed down in torrents; soil he had six miles of roggef mountain to pass. Oil arriving where' he was directed, be found a wretched cab 44 and Aim than he bed seen in the mooting was waiting at the dour. He was Outwit ia, and found the inside of the heel as miserable as the outside. in a conker on a little straw, lie beheld a poor creature streched out whom he recognized is ths boy who had so reg ularly attended church ! As he up. proclied the bed, Ihe child raised himself up., and streebi forth his arms, said, 4:1,11e own right 1 otthaili gotten him the victory f i 7 and in edia:ely expired. WoR11.—"I iijh I was rich, and • not obliged to learnt trade. I have to be so puticival--alwaY it the shop in season," said John Hawlins in a grumbling, dis contented tol.e ' o his mother. "There's Sam Mead, his faber is so rich be does not have to work ; ail there's leliabod Saul• snn ' he don't donything unless he's a mind to ; but I, Ibave to work." John talked at if be thought it was a great hardship; ad 1 have, known other toys who seem w regatfl working in the same light. It a a false light, boys and sure to mislead ind ruin you: Let us lons at the utatt4a moment. Of the 606 con viols now in tit Ohio penitentiary, 400 or t early 60 perinn. have no trades, and 250 cannot reaiHr write. What lesson does this teach ll' That education and reg Oar occupauci are two great elements of st_tecess. Moll training is of course imior taut.. Butiirithoui habits of ludas• try grafted on - a,egtilar occupation. the perils ,of the yodg are fearful. Alt:unit any trade is betoethan none Some trade, calling or professil should bo thoroughly leerned. It occdes the mind, curbs the passion:, and tasilithe faculties of youth. It prevents your inning to waste or what. is worse, running') ruin. A gond educa tion, hab its of hustry, and a useful call. lug, are c f far greer price th sic the great est fortune withcothe qualities, for kis these whisk makiiteman.--CIIILD'S PA.• prat. t ~.. . . . CHRISTIAN utnAcTra OF VIE KING , ow Petussr.i.=—Alitsrecent meeting of Eranielical Allia4 i the Rev. Dr. Krutn. macher defended h'Christian character of the King of 'Tussle: ln England this monarch is sElon of as'an habitual drunkard, but " his,'haplain declared the charge to be unaided and slanderous, and that the Prusin King was a most sincere and Consist Christian. ' At the Close of his addreel hie eminent' divine; in the name of t King of Pr'uisie, In. vited the Alliance ] Bold its 'next meet , -. in i at 'Berlin, ateihe'ltoyil'''ihvillition was accepted. 1 A ITHLL OP GAS IN MICIIIO/01..—We learn from the Mt. Clemons .Advocate that a glut spring has been diseovered on the premises of Mr. Rose, about four miles above New B iltitnore, on the border of Lake St. Clair. Some workmen had been for a considerable time engaged in digging a well on Mr. Rosa's premises, a rod or sonorthwest,of the house, which is of brick and 'newly built, and lied,' by digging and boring in all, attained the depth of seventy-five feet. They had drawn up the augur to the place where they left off diggingao'd commenced boring and there left it, with some other tools, and were at dinner, when they were star tled by a violent noise, at first like an ex plosion), and then followed a roar like ""blowing off" a large steam boiler, accom pacied by a very perceptible trembling of the foundation of the house. As may be supposed, the inmates rushed out and be held, to theitter astonishinent and con sternatiiiti, iNFwell vomiting forth a huge colUnin of maid With swill a force as to throw it to the height of over tam hundred foot. Limbs on a tree close by, some of them two or three inches through, were knocked off and broken in, pieces by , the coarse gravel tintiNelebbles us they would have been ,bye shower of mubkot balls ; the body of the tree and the apple trees for thirty yards away were plastered thick with sand and mud, the augur was blown ono hundred and fifty toot into the air,und fell,at a disteneawf one hundred and filly feet from the well ; a stone weighing six teen pounds was thrown up, nearly the same height and fell a hundred yards off. The ground for full an.sere iu extent was covered with gravel and sand to the depth of from one to six inches. The gas has been several times ignited, and burns with a beautiful white flame ; and though the well has been filled up, for fear that the entire uuderpiuing of the Swan Creek county might he scattered to the four winds, the ourtent of gas is so strong that it finds its way through several crevices end around the edges of the watt, and may be at any tiaie ignited, us it often is, for the satisfaction of visitors.— Detroit TS ibune. PERFUMES AS PREVENTIVES OF MOULti• INESS.—Moultlinoss is occasioned by the growth of minute vegetation. -Ink, paste, leather, and seeds most frequently suffer by it. A clove will preserve ink ; any essential oil atuswers equally well. Leath er may be kept from mould by the same substances. Thus, Russian leather, whibh is perfumed with the tar of birch, never becomes mouldy ; indeed, it prevents it from occurring iu other bodies. A few drops of any essential oil will keep books entirely free from it. For harness, oil of turpentine is recommended. Alum and rosin are used to preserve book binder's paste, but ineffectually ; oil of turpentine succeeds better ; hut, by small quantities of oil of peppermint, anise, or cassia, paste has been preserved for several years. Dr. Maculloch recommends the addition to the flour and water of some bro..vu sugar and a little corrosive sublimate ; the sugar keeping it flexible when dry, and the sub limate preventing it from fermenting and frotu being attacked by insects. A few drops of any of the essential oils may be added to the paste when it is made. It arms - whom w the air, tutu may be used by merely wetting it. Seeds ma also he preserved by the essential oils.; and this is of great uonstquence when they are sent to a distance. Of course moisture must be excluded as much. as possible, as the oils of °tins prevent only the had effects .of moulds. —Family Friend. TUE NEXT CROP OP WHEAT.—The Lexhigtun (Mo.) Express of the '6sth ult. We have never seen the wheat look so fine at this season of the year as now. , - The late'rains have brought it up most beautifully, so that it now thoroughly mats the ground. In some localities South, however, it has been greatly inju red by the grasshoppers. A gentleman from Southwestern Missouri says that they have been destructive in that region.-„.. We do not hear of them in Lafayette, but in J1)1.1[11 , 1)12 county we understand they have made their appearance, and we have ourselves seen come fields in the last named county completely destroyed by them. LIE ATTEMPTED MURDER AND ROB BERY AT BELCBERTOWN, MASS ---4u gustus W. Walker, of Holehertown, wbo attempted to murder and rob Hall, the wattle dealer, on the Belehertowu road, near Springfield, on Monday evening, was bound in a barn on the Ware road, hid in a hay inow,eon Wednesday. He was car ried before 4 magiAtrate, and, alter exami nation on a charge of lissault with intent to murder, held tu $3OOO for trial. The . prisoner, who is (rite a young man, is re spectably connected, but bears a bad char acter among his neighbors in Belabor town. At the commencement of the present year, there were in the United Suites shout 22,000 roles of railroad, employing about .5000 locomotives. It is es.iinated that these locomotives consume between four and five million coils of wood annu ally, the product of at least 100,000 awls of woodland. word spoken in the faros of one ellipsis will be heard in the locus of an opposite ellipses hund red of yards' away. Such, a principle was illustrated oddly in the great church of Agrigentutn. in Sicily. The architect, perhaps intentionally—built in an ellipti cal fortn,• several' confessionals, with cor responding ellipses, .in which, whoever stood. heard all the secrets whispered to the priest. A horrible amount of scandal sprung up in. town ; nobody's shirr. were safe from getting info unaccountable pub-. iicity. The church soon bCcame a tem ple of truth that nothing wag left in be hid den, in'it ; ,a(latit. by chanCe, a die- Covery was iiiade of the'tale telling .tones, and the w'alls had' their ears stopped. barna" signifies in the Indian language . ~.Here' we reel." A Story is told of a of Indians Wito fle'd from a relentless ftie in the trackless' forest in the south. West... Weary and travel worn they reach; ed . & noble river which flowed through a beautiful -cmintr. The chief ol the band stuck his tent pole in the ground and ex— claimed ibAlabamal Alabama !" ("Here we shall rest I• Here we shall read") Lola Monies will shortly . retire funk the stage. It le said that ahe has ....recent., ly become veFy deeply interested on' re: ligioussubjects. • • "Y..- - o , y, ADDIS COUNTY-OFFICIAL lbS..The following is the official vote of Ad• ems couty. The last two columns show the proportion of Fremont and Filmore votes cast for the Union Electoral Ticket : g , P •'4 R. I g f P Gettysburg, Cumberland, 182 224 103 138 Gettysburg, Littlestown • Oxfoitl, York Springe, Fairfield, Berlin, Menall6n, flunterstowu, Franklin • Conowago, I T eidlersburg, Mountjoy, Mountplensant, Hampton, Abbottstown,. Freedom, Union, Butler, 285 362 133 92 131 53 180 371 226 225 150 82 115 194 176 120 153 175 115 42 78 100 116 81 247 56 137 88 106 68 44 56 139 59 106 12R ,2637 2345 Ch9,..The "straight-out" Fillmos ceived 1 vote in Gettysburg, Oxf Springs 1, Hunterstown I, Conowm pleasant 6, Hampton 6, Abbottsl lin I,—total .24. • The Reenh KrWe annex a summary of the result of the Presidential election in the several States, as far as ascertained. The figures indicate that Dlr. Buchanan has probably received a majority of the electoral votes, although largely in a minority of the pop. ular vote. Fremont has swept the Nor thern States generally by an enormous tna- jnriry—losing Pennsylvania and New Je rsey by the treachery of professed Ameri cans and the want of a cordial union be- tweon the opponents of Buchanan. Indi ana and Illinois arc thought to be lot in the sniiie way. The balance of the Nor. them States stand firm, and roll up unpre cedented majoritio for Fremont and Free dom. The telegraphic despatches arc somewhat confused, but indicate the fol lowing general result MAINE has gone for Fremont by a. bout 30 000 majority—there being a gain of 1700 in 84 towns since September. NEW HAMPSHIRE will give Fro. wont from 5000 to 7000 plurality. Iu 132 trus the vote stands—Fremont 20,- 345, Buchanan 21,913, Fillmore 278. VERMONT --Fremont eneepa ovary town in the State. Majority from 25,000 to 30,000. MASBMIFIU3I3TTir—TLe publicans sweep *the State, re•eleeting ov. Gardner and thu entire Congres. pionsl delegation; including Buda:4;011e and Bunks. The legislature is almost unanimous,„ securing the electioti of Sen- ator Sumner. Fremont beats Buchanan about 65,000. Returns flow all but 70 towns foot up--Fremont,lo2,9ll, Bu chanan 37,373, Fillmore 18,944. RHODE ISLAND goes for Fremont by a henry majority, giving 5,628 over Buchanan and Fillmore combined. CONNECTICUT gives Frotnont a plural ity of about 8,000. NEW YORK bits gone for Fremont by a plurality of about 30,000 over Buchanan.— The returns as far as received foot up—Fre mont 138,096, Buchanan 112,182, Fillmore 73,173. The entire Stets Republican ticket is elected, with u majority of the Legislature. In Now York City there was touch rioting,. the Foreign rowdies and Irish Catholicstaking , possession of most of the polls, and beating loff American and Republican voters. The result iu the City was a Buchanan majority of 20,816 I PENNSYLVANIA.—We have but few re. turns from the Northern and WcStern Coun ties. But the treachery of Sanderson and Co. in the Eastern counties, and the running of a straight. out Fillmore ticket, has so damaged us, that the.. State has doubtless gone fdr Bu ch.man by a large vote. In the city many of these rascals voted openly for the Buchanan ticket, giving it . a majority in the City and County of about 19,000 NEW JERSEY.—The Americans and Re publieans united on a candidate for Governor, and have elected him. But the Philadelphia tricksters succeeded in preventing a union on the Presidency, and the State is thrown to chan, along with Pennsylvania. MICHIGAN is Republican all over—Gov ernor, Legislature, and Congress. Fremont has fropt 15,000 to 20,000 majority. Tho Le gislature, which is nearly unanimously Repub lican, will have a IL S. Senator to elect instead , of Gen. Cass. Thank God for that. ' 01110 gives Freesont 6 majority of about 20,000. INDIANA goes for Buch• nan by probably 10,000 or 15,000. ILLINOIS doubtful—although last des. patches look favorable to Buchanan. lOWA and WISCONSIN go for Fremont by large majorities. MARYLAND gives Fillmore about 10,000 majority. Baltimore City gives 1,000. There was terrible rioting in several of the wards. The Trish' Catholics ofthe Bth ward Made 'an attack on the 6th ward falls early in'the day, which led to a, fearful riot, which for a time put the entire police force at defiance. Guns, pistols, knives, clubs, irtones, freitly used. gtotne five or six persons were, killed,, sad fifty- or. sixty wounded—most of the ,injur ed being Americans. , „ . 'KENTUCKY doubtful—but ,claimed for Buchanan by about 6,000.':. TENNESSEE also doubtful, but chances favOrable to Buchanan. LOUllttlANA.close, and claimed by both sides. In New Orleans there wet much Siht . mtg. TheseMaining Southern States—Delaware, ,'North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, ~ , Alabant, Ar)iaMsa's, Missouri, Texas--have'all gone for iluchanan by decided anziorities:t Nothing from. Florida or Califbrnia. .RECAPI 1911"YONT. • Maine 8 New Hampshire Vermont : 5 Ms.isachusetta , 13• IL Island 4 Connecticut 6 New YOrk 35 Ohio . 23 Michigan ' 6 Wisconsin ' 5 lowa 4 Maryland, (Fil DOl7ll Tenneasee Kentucky Louisiana lllinoin California Florida 179 45 96 42 275 87 ' 5 137 39 14 .1 GO 214 '157 68 22 60 fit 140 92 28 104 71' .3.39 23 77 18 63 25 31 17 71 13 45 37 19 3 .56 73 .S 51, Q , ..,.:4 ' . "•4S . As it requires 149 v ea to elect,_ taking the foregoing table to bo rrect, -Mr.. B uckanan must carry 23 votes fro the above ilouhtkul States, in order to elect. Wo think he will certainly do that. fierA shecking tragedy occurred in Phila delphia on Wednesday. Isaac C. Shoduck t clerk in the fancy dry goods establishment of Messrs. Wilmer & Clawger, No. 139 Market street, met Philip S. Clawges, a member of tho firm on seventh street, above Chestett-charg ed him with having seduced his wife—and itn , mediately drew a revolver, discharging three or four of the barrels, all of which took effect, one entering the stomach, another the breast, &c. Clawges was carried to the hospital in a dying condition. Shurlock immediately gave himself up, and before the Mayor juitified the deed. lie says his wife had confessed the se duction, alleging that Clawges had drugged the wine he had given her, in order to accomp lish his purpose. The affair created intense excitement. Clawges has a wife an d four children. 1120 1225 re ticket re ford 4. York igo 2 ? Mount- Item) 2, Ber Ifigk-The Richmond Enryttirer, the great Buchanan organ nt the &nth. ranks the Ger mans with the negroe slave. It says they (the negroes) •are much more capable of intelligent. It' exercising the right of nuffrage than the ig• norant Machin:sn at the North, whose rotes Call be bought for a dullur, or a fill of Lager Beer. The Buchuniers boast that their doc trines are the same in Connecticut, Virginia and South Carolina. LAGER ERR. --Tboosande of signs best-jog this inscription are nailed up all over the Queen City, mid in most of the other large cities of the country. This differs from ordinary strong beer in no es sential particular. Its name imports that it is old, and this we believe, constitutes ins highest. renemomentlatiou. So popohr has this beverage !moons, that immensely large breweries for its 41181111illeilITU, and vaults for its storage are being construe• ted in Cincinnati and vicinity. A metal observer eau readily distinguish the whis key from the "lager beer" drinker. The litter is not so boisterous as the former.— The. beer di inker becomes sluggish nodi stupid, and bloats up like a slop fed nog. Some who were violently opposed to whis key drinking, and hove great horror of temperance, are brutalizing 07n:olives by the free use of "lager." Its influence up on the body is more marked amid deadly than that of distilled litiammrs. The b••'r drinker is quite sure that he is hunefitted, because he gams in flash and has a more brit hy color. But be is deceived. It is a well known fact, that a bruise or a flesh wound, upon a beerArioker. is almost in curable, and even u slight serrtch upon the hand has often been known to result in death. The rosy hoe upon the cheek, in stead of Whig an indication of health, is the very opposite. If men will drink al cohol, it is the part of wisdom in them to drink the real **naked :rush," old fashion ed whiskey—Crusader. . • LATER AND INTEREST'S(' FROM MEXI* co.;—The New Orleans. papa:; have advices from Mexico to tho 19th Ilk* Sir. Forsyth, the American Minister, bud reached the, capital The city cf in Lower California, had been ruined and nearly deitroyed by a hurricane on the 17th and I Sth of Septetn ber. Almost ontry building in the town was overturned ; al! the vessels iu the har bor were lost, and the greatest misery pre vails in contequente of want of. fpod suit shelter. An express had arrived at Vora Crus front Minatitiau, announcing thilt Senor seeond Oliver of the war steamer Downturn, formerly the Santa Anna, had seduced the crew and raceway with the ship, on the 12th hot. ,It is said that ho took also some goods and tuoutUr and carried off the collector pf customs, the treasurer, and the Governor's se rotary.— The war steamer Guerrero .was • sent in pursuit. • It is reported that the • rebel Castrajon has died from severe wounds which he re ceived in a battle he had with the govern ment forces. "Do you call them large turnip 7" "Why, yes, they are considerably' largo but hothiug to au onion I , saw he 'other day " "And how large was the oniou ?" "0, a monster ;- it weighed forty pounds." "Forty pounds'?" "Yes, and we took off the layers, and the sixteenth Ilyer wont completely round a demijohn that held four gallons" !"; "What a whopper I" , • "Yourdon't mean to say that toll a falsehood ?" ; HO no • what a whopper of an 'onion, I Draining tiff wet !suds and marshes adds to their value, by making then) to produce 'mute;{' and by improving tbe betdth of neigbbUrbpods--both important considera tions.' • I • A COURAGEOUS EDIIOII.-T e ynch burg Virginian notices the marriage of Sameul Welker, Esq.. editor ol the Valley .Deatocrat.:m Miss Mary. Pont mers--all of Sliendandaah county, and addin,AVe knew Mr. .Walker, a year or two agn, as a mild. unidest and • man; and neuer for once tippling tim to be possessed of the daring and teckiess ness of spirit nvceisary to induce him' to seek an induction ihto the Interminable and labyrinthian iirricacies and Myster ies of fashionable erinolines and Modem hoops. Out editors, are brave—it is an essentialfreqnisite,M t heir qttalifiestions tq be.io.; and" it is not their cuit t om to waver in the'discharge Of duty or falter in the fere oldenger. We wish otiecadves te Due coie!lopuraty a safe and pleasant ti sin s enterprise.'' 1.A . T104 11110AHICAN. Penneolvsmia 27 Seis...ferrey 7 Deraware 3 Virginia 18 N. Carolina )0 Georgia , )0 S. Carolina 8 Mississippi 7 Indiana 1:4 , Alabama 9 Missouri 9 Arkansas 4 Texas .. 4 more) 8 votes. . FUL. NB STIR IND BANNER. CETTISIBURC: Friday Evening, Novomber 7• Religious Services for. the next Sabbath. . " Church.n-Servieea morning, .ev. Di. }laugher. Chrul Church, (Lnthersn.)--Services in the, morning Rev. Mr. Officer; find, evening, Ref. Prof . Jacobs. • $l. James' Church, (Lutheran.)---Serviees morning and evening, Rev. Mr. Hill.. ',Meiliodist Episcopal Church.—Services in :the' Morning; 'Rev. Mr. Sigefoos ; evening, ' • .e'ernsan Relorined Church.-Services morn ing and evening, Rev. Mr. Ziegler. Associate Reformed Church.—No Services. • Catholic CATireh.—Services Rev. Mr. De Neeker. ' - .The Prayer's Meeting of the Presbyterian, 'German Reformed, and the tiro Lutheran churches - is, held every Wednesday evening . ; Mettiddisi. Thuriday evening. ' APPRENTME WANTED, 11 , 10 le.. the Printin - Business. will be ta :. ken at this Office. Industrioue habita and good moral character requisite. None other need' apply. WOOD WANTED. eieer•We are in, Want of WOOD, and hope that those of our patrons who intend to send us :Wood on account of subscription, will do , so at once. 1611.. There will he services at the Marsh Cieet; Church ou Sunday the 16th instant, at 11 o'clock.. Rev. Mr. SHANTZ will officiate. • iier. Mr. EYSTER will preach at the same pfitce on Thanksgiving day, the 20th i at the same hour. - VA—There trill be aervicea. (Communion) at the Primbyterian Church at Hunterstown on Similar- next, at the usual hour—Rev. Mr. Van i'yke officiating. !DISTRESSING. —A child of Mr. Samuel J. Little, of this place, aged about thirteen months, came to its death in a most shocking manner on Satan':ly last. 'flue child, it seems, being left alone in the kitchen, during a mu. mentnry absence of its mother, was playing with the fire, which in some way communica ted to its dress. The cries of the little sufferer soon brought rvisintanee, but, ala 4 ! too late.— A few lingering hours 0r suGrin g , and then it died ! PRO-CLAMATION. PEKNSTISA NIA, SF (a Me Willa and by Me authority of the Coninvomeenlth of Pennsylranio. JAMES POLLOCK, Governor. FELLow Crrtzt:Ns :—A public acknow•ledg ment. of the goodness of Almighty . Gud, and our conitittit dependence upon Lip Pruvitlence, 1,4 eminently becoming it free and enlightened people. • As the "Giver of every good .and perfect gift, He has crowned the past year with his goodness. null caused our pathe_filt... t with , fatness." Our free ' institutions our rights auk li . privileges, civil and religious, aye been cow.' thaued land preserved. Science and Art, with , the great interests of education, morality and rel;gion, have been encouraged and advanced ; industry, in all its deparunenui, has been hon ored and rewarded, and the general condition of the people improted. Oar Coinnemireahli has Intim greatly Wom a" The ravages of disease and death—of famine and pestilence, have not been permitt ed to come near us ; not have the horrors of wet disturbed the peaceful quiet dour homes. The earth has vielOti her increase and richly re.iviirded the labor of the husbandman.— Imichint prosperity, with smiling plenty and; the blessings of health, have been ours.— Acknowlisdzing, with gratitude, these bless- , ings'of a kind Providence, let us "enter into I His gates with thanksgiving., and into ilk :courts with praise ; be thankful unto Him, and bless-His name." Ueeply impressed wiih the importance and propriety of this duty, mid iu accordance a ith • the wishes of amity good citizens, 1, JA MES P 01,1,0 OK, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 'do hereby rucotninctid ; '.Thicraday, ilmtO 20111, day of 10- 7vessi bet' next, at cm daptr grorral Thanks itiviity Curl Pcuisc throughout this Slate ; and earnestly emplore the people, that, abstaining , bons all worldly business and pursuits on that I , !day, they unite it. offering thanks to Almighty 'God for His past goodness and mercy, and humbly beseech. Him for a continuance of His blessings. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the Suite at Harrisburg, this 21st day of! October, in the year one thousand eight. hundred and tifty-six, and of the Common wealth the eighty-first. Br TIM GOVIMNOR. AN DREW G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Nov. i, 18511. •• , • LOUK Our roli 1.01,135.— , I MS -• t he season when math; are more bottle to be taught than in almost any other. Th.. 4tuinspliere out al donrs is damp, without 4b , lug very cold, whit.h tern;its people to -dress less warm then they should. Alpie - fiver, when heated with walking . persons 4requently sit down in a chilly parlor or sitiingrporth for houses generally have a lower temperature rlurihg this tuontli thaw “exists without. The retoedt• is to dress with sufficient warmth to resist the damp atmosphere ; to mautain enough fire in tlwilllings to expel•the dampums, and to • avoid throwing off overcoats and shawls coming. home Unless the temperature -of the room -is sufficiently high to warrant it. Thottaands of persons, especially fa ..males, have laid the foundation . Of fatal , ~diseases of the lungs 'by neglecting these , ,precautions. "An ounce of preventive." bays an old froverb, "is worth a pound of ! cure." Three fourths of the,penums who .die prematurely fall victims to some viola. tiontnf the lima of health. To keep well .and„ enjoy king lib it is milly nemessary to Aie careful. unless, indeed, constitutional .and hereditary disease interpoies, and a :rest then, existence may be gtiimly pro- longed.- Qom:of:map ropuria ail 7-400 ' , lock, of the Weymouth Estrae, in Mitch- Itise., the other 'day, sent one of his negrra to dig. a "sweet potatoeier yam for (limier: The negroe commenced at the tpp.andtiug down into the *bowels of the laud', at lent three feet, and found the potato. to grow larger and• larger'. the fur , that lie ,weaj.< He , ran away f r ight his t Akier, that the Pries:lke' Evil, had hold Of the .other and of thatpcuatoe. ,i:o 4 )l , iecond negroe:with more moral cour t age than the first... broke off the potatoe at . ( 1 ,61, length of two and.' hall fees. The other etippoved to have come up some.. whet, in China, ou the opposite side of I J he earth., , ; Oft wan Leos.—The Rochester(N. ''i o ll'.;) `Union, +aye that several fishes, whit Jour - legs each, have been brought' trom -)Voittlefinnee. New Mexico. where they wereesughtin a oniall.stream. They are! 't .00%4 seven inches 'long. end resemble a; young codfish, with legs like an .alligator: s t, They hies been !ent ,to Prof. Agessix, at .i)Vaiubtidge, - Idass. . , . - • - [Front the dineinnatt. Commercia A lietucky Elopemente._-Teard vermin' PlstolN. ' About a' - wee@ itito d very respectable citizen of our neighboring burgh of .Nre port, nented - ,MiCklitwaite, was applied ; 16 by a gentleinan..aboard,' and , en ,apart• ment for himself and lady. , Mc. M, at first objected, but the stranger was iinpor tueele. alleging that his wife was cols° 'retiring 'it dispositidn that she'Cuold' riot endure the Kato of the inmates of a public hotel, for,wl,tichressop he w:ts more than anxious to be accomuiedated. 'At length, Mr. Mickleweite consenteirto the 'arr.inge• inent,'and after having prepared a cozy little room for . their, 'reception, the lady, a very 'magnificent' specimen :of- feminine loveliness,. Was duly inducted within her bower. It was a matter of admiration to the host aid homes's, the love and devotion which seemed to pervade the newly arrived cou ple; it was evident that the. honeymoon was at the full.'and that . ottvii imam* bent as ono" inhabited' the little snuggery up stairs, which, however, to the loving pair was a, Whole world—a` universe. strewn with golden dreams anti rosy . finviers.-- But an old bard—not Shakspeare—either I wrote or said : , . , 'Vie's a swindle and a dream, Things ain't always wb.at they seem." and Po it turned out with our turtle doves, who it seeing-- "Loved not wisely but too well." On Wednesday last, shortly after the arrival of the Lexington train, a gentleman called upon Mr.. M., and requested to know if such s couple, describing, the pair in question, were in the house. Being answered it; the affirmative, he desired to be conducted, to their apartment, which being altown him lit sting open the door, and there seated upon, one chair. his legs luxuriously resting upon another, eat the gentleman. while the lady bending over him wits daintily arranging Ilia wavy hair. At atklat sif the apparition whiah thus burst upon their view, the pair eta rted, and looked aghast, but as the intrutlor threw from his breast a revolver. the landlord placed himself between the parties and demanded tut explanation. The story was scent told ; the lady was the wife of the recent arrival, and eloped ;Mont a week previouit, from her home in Les ing tom Ky., whence her husband had tot ed Iler to her present quarters, with, the lit ' tendon of avenging his wounded honor. In the meantime, the gay Lothario had sneaked out of his room, and loft the house, leaving bis guilty partner to bear the &Mut of the storm alone. For awhile she tried those unfailing resources of woman, tears and liriiierics, anti then, while aelinnwl ed. giog her error, she palliated it by pleading coldness upon his part, which chilled her love, and impressed her with the 'belief that he had ceased to care for her, and how in despair at the lose of his affection, she hid imprudently, and in it moment of reet• less insanity. listened the seductive plead ings of his false friend ; and then she fell knees, and gazing upward i scan; her tears, her large and lustrous eyes fixed mournfully upon Ins, eke im plored him either to forgive or kill her. Our Benedict was moved—he cast pie look at the inurileroug he still held in his hand, mud then glanced at the beautiful figure at his feet. It was a ino• meat of anxious doubt to the host, who remained is atotionlese spectator ; but "beauty ii. tears." and stipplitint beauty at that—pshaw—the odds .'were ell on side.l he threw the pistol from him—raised I his worse half to his b.ismo, and the next morning's train bore them back to the fair city of I,lritiginn,, illoorl.ll Justice During my absence, two during crimes have been committed : A shireff stele one of the Sultan's horses from tae midst of the camp. The Sultan sentenced him to lose his fiCati. lie then put iu the plea of his birth. "Then," said the Sultan, "cut off his riJit hand, that he may be disabled . from di Agreeing his blood in this 'way iu future." There is uo oxneutiotter ; the butchers aro bound co perform this duty. The chief Jewish and chief Mussultuan butcher beingellled they offered for a sub stitute by a sort of public auction, the crier commencing:in this way : "Who will out off a head (or a hand) for a dollar P—one dotter offered and thus they ran up and down the street. No one offuring, they increased the bid to two, three dollars, Sce. When They had arrived at two doubloons 105.,) a tall black stepped forward awl said, "That is my price.' A tub of tar was bought, the black husked uff the hand in a hurry, and, on dipping the stump in• to the tar, it proved to he cold. Ile had, however, b mond the arm before the ampu• ration, and they ran to the neighboring blacksmith's shop for embers, which they threw lute the tar,' and, settittg it on fire, the stump was then, plunged iu, and eo scorched and burnt. The shireff was then let go. In the other case, the culprit, a man freak the interioe, had killed a lad Who was plowing 'and Carried off his cattle. The Sultan said to the mother of the lad, "Hamlet , .his life, and take ono hundred dollars 6 ;*eslie said, "I want't he life of him who took the life gimp sort." The Sultan three times rereat4his question, doubling his offer : she said i "I ask what the law given me, and that9aw you are the Sultan to execute." The culprit was led out to the execution ; tbd head, as we returned, Was ou the market gate, and the dogs swarmed round the eareass.—Travele in Morocco. • THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN IN THE Wotthu.—The principal topic of conversa tion here (Calcutta) is the discovery of the highest tuountain io the world. " At the meeting of the Aointiolociety of Bengal, on the 6th inst., Major Thutlier announced that Col. Waugh, surveyor general of In dia, had completed his computation of the positions andelentions of the peaks of the Himalayas. The result was ito depoli&liki mountain Kanchinjinga from it ,throne .:ss' the.highost point; ti the earth'a surface.- -That distinetion belongs' for the present to a peak one huedred miles front Kanchitt. jiap, and between that mountain .andl Katatettudoo. .This peak is aacertained to I be 29,002 feet Hbovo the ems level ) ,Ettn ' chinjinge is 28,156 feet, and .Detvalagira r the mountain which "sebool,geographies 1 . ,persistin calling ' , the highest in the world," is only 26,828 feet. The . uoun. rtwin has no name intelligible to civilised, teen, and Col. Waugh has therefore vee.. tared to donotuinate it "Montt Eveiest," after a former surveyor general . . A Special' report on all these' peaks wilt shortly he forwarded to Enghted, and',vrilt, V hope, attract some attention.. ,The efforts of this department to ittorei'm topographical knowledge, and ; Om spacers, of Cot.. Waugti :liidiri4pally, him strartilt.'l4tifecid thd public i 4cognitine -they deserve...-Calciar, , lie eorrojvndeld,of . the Tfrnes: ~. , li Scene. Io the Arctle Oceian. From Dr. Kane's rtew work opon hie Arctic Expedition, We make, the follow ing extracts. It will be remembered that he Started a second titne in seirch of Sir John Franklin, in November, 1852, and for about three years it was not certain that lie was not lost 'himself. 'lie` has published an outline of hie excursion end we take the following interesting sketch. Thkfirat is a scene with the moon and .suir both shining. The T seeond is a des. cription 'of one of the many exigences of that most perilous adventure. "The moon is nearly . lull , and 'the dawrii ng sunlight, mingling with hers, in vest! everything` . with" an atintiapbert of ashy grey. liclothini the gnarled hills that make'llie horizittof our bay, shltdowe . •mit the terraces in definitimt, dull grows darker and colder as it &inks in the finrds and broods rid nil dreary upon the ridges and Measilrelest plains dice that melte . ' up . the relit of our field of vieW:'' Rising up above all this. and shading down into it strange combinations, is the jiitetise moon light, glittering on every crag and spire, bracing the outline of the background with contrasted' lightness, and printing its fan tastic profiles nn the mum field. It is a landscape Such ae Milton ur Dante might imagine—intirgatiie, desolate and myster iotis ! I have come down from die ileck with the feelings of a inan who has look. lid upon a world unfinished by the hand of its Creator." . Here is a thrilling - narrative in a differ- eel vein Oire fastened at last to the great floe near the shore. making our harbor in a ertiek which opened with the changes of the tide. imperfect diet of the party was showing' itself more and more in the de cline of their inuscolAr power. They seemed scareuly aware of it ihemseive4, and referred the difficulty they found in dragging and pushing to something un common about the ice and sludge, rather than to their own weakness. 13nt, as we endeavored AO renew our labors through the mooting fog, belied on all sides by ice fields an distorted and rugged as to de. iv our efforts to cross them, the truth seemed to burst upon every one. We had lost this feeling of hunger, an I were almost satisfied with our pasty broth and the large draughts of tea which aceotnp• soled it. I wit' anxious to send our small boat, the Eric, across to the {ultimo hill at Appall, where I knew front the Esqui maux we should find plenty of birds ; but the strength of the party was insufficient to drag her. "We were sorely disheartened and conk! only wait for the fog to rise, in the hope of 130111 C smoother platform than that which was about us, or some lead that might secs us the painful labor of trackintr• I had clim b ed the iceberg ; and there was nothiug io view except the Dalrymple Rock, with its red brassy face towering in die' unknown' distance. • But I hardly got back to my boat, before a gale struck us front the north-west, and a floe, taking up a tongue of ice about a mile to the north of us, bcgan to 'swing upon it like a pivit, am' close slowly in upon our nar• row resting place. "At final our own fine was filen driven before the wind; but in a little while it en countered the stationary ice at the foot of the very rock itself. Ott the instant the wildest imaginable ruin rose around us.— Toe men sprang mechanically each nue to his flt3iloll, bearing back the boats and stores ;-but I gave up for the moment all hope of escape. It was not a nip. suc h as is familiar to Arctic navigators; but the whole platform where we stood, and for hundreds of yards on every side of us, crumbled and crushed and tossed itself madly under the pressure. Ido not be. lieve that of our little body of men, all of them disciplined in ittals,, able to [meow urn danger while combatting it.s- I do not believe there is one who this day eau ex plain how or why—hardly when, in fact— we found ourselves afloat. ..We, only know that in the midst of a clamor utterly indescribable, through which the braying of a thousand trinupets could 110 more have been heard than ilia voice of a man, we were shaken and rule • ad and whirled and let down again in a swelling waste of broken hammock*, and, as the men grasped their boat honks in the stillness that followed, the boats ebbed II way in a tumultuous akreed of ice .and snow and water. "We were born along in this manner as long as the unbroken remnant of the in. shore floe cnn filmed revolving, utterly powerless, and catching a glimpse every now and then of the brazen headland that looked down on us through the snowy sky. At lest the floe taillight up against the roam, the looser fragments that hung around it began to separate, end we were able by our oars a n d boat honks . to force our battered little flotilla clear of them.— To Our joyful auprise, we soon found tior 7 selves in a strech of the land water wide enough to give us rowing room. and with assured promise of land close ahead: "As we neared it, we saw the - ohne fOrbiilden wall of heft ice In at Sutherland and fidkluyt. We pulled along its mar gin, seeking in vain ettlier an opening or access, or a nook of shelter. The gale ruse and the ice began to drive again ; but there' was nothing le be done but get at grapnel out to the belt and hold on for the rising tide. The flope stove her bot tom, and lost part ill her. weatherboarding, and the boats were badly chafed. It was an awful storm ; and it was not without constant 'exertion that we kept 'afloat, bailing 'out' the scud' that broke'over us, and •varding off the tee with boat hooks. "At 3 : o'clotk the tide was Wilt enough for us to' scale•the ice eliff. Otte:by one we, pulled up the boats upon narrow, shelfolie,.whele .tog' uniting at `. :eh pull. r we., Were toe much worn down to unload • but a, deep and oarroW gorge Opened'in. the" cliffs almost ,at the spot,where: we clambered up ; andiias wp the,boats into, it' on an even keel the rocks seemed io close above our heads until an abrupt turn "D r ib° courke,.of the ravine placed a-protection ibetween , us and the gide.' We were Completely enceved.". SiNOUIAR.—There is a child lu Co , hoes, one half of whose left eye is blue, while the other half is blurb. c The, di• is equal, and the liue, whield is drawn perpendicularly :stress the I eye, is straight sad well &fined, the col or chauging abruptly , Iron: blue to-black. Cases are frequent where each of the eyes area of a different color from the other, bpt we tenture:to say that it would bedifft euicif not impossible, to oiie another in- Ittpets !Ike the oils in qUC4tIOO. .••• ' A (MILD . RIVAIITSCO AIMS BY A WWII' AN 1.-Tht! Lcaeltport (N. Y.) Journal t)( the 7th soy. : , , fragedt toolCplaee in this village on Tuesday,-exhibiting such revolting cruelty vs be'ilmiset• incredible: A little .66y, five years - uf.age. beltmging toe Mr. Story on Winshborn itriet;'wati roasted alive by a fiend in human akep#,naattd Eliisibeth Craig, a white woussn.-whose hushind is a Islacleveean. The evidence- elicited be fore the Coroner's jury ihows that the Vic tim was left with a - ,smaller child .by its mother, when Elizabeth Craig, who lived' in another part of the bourse, took the op. portunity and enteredthe apartment and proceeded to the execution of this horrid deed, which 'it hiss been shown she hid previaussly threatened. ,With horrid ire ' preentiona of "dam you, dam yhts!" the child was held on the fire by -.its tormeu. ter. until! its legs and bowels were burned to a cinder.., then wiflreitianie revenge the body of the child war reversed by the mur . dress until its brick wad burnt to a crisp. Tue little suffer e r was (mind in a eorner of the reom. and. [teemed out in an uneon-' scums state until yesterday Morning, when he showed a return of consciousness. .and , When asked by its Another -for the first tinie, "How came :rod to bum,yoursell?" answered. "Elizabeth burned me," and then, as if rdnallmr . the horrors of the awful scene; with:ls - 48re pictured on its inusginition,exClaittietli .4 dsmit you, damn. you !" evidently in its, of the, im precations used . by its, tormentor,. Death soots put art end to the sufferings of the child.. 'rise woman was 'arrested, last . evening. Site tells different, and .con flieting,storiev in regard to the transaction. Bheis 'saidoo be a.• sleeperate Chatiacier, and came to this place from some of the Eastern cities. , The cause which led In the perpetration of this murder does not appear, but it.vvas probably ow ing to a depre"ity. ol heart, excited to ) frenzy by some boyish Iresk of her vie. tins. It is said that • she had made she threat that she "would like NI put that child on the fire and put her foot on it." . • THE riAND.—Look at the /land. A little orgiti c but 11( . 4 curiously wrought ! Hew manifold and necessary aro it 4 func tions ! What an agent, has it boon for the wants and designs of man ! What would the mind bo without it 1 How Jots it Moulded and Made palpable the Concep tions of that mind! It wrought the stat ue of Memnon, aid hung the brazeu gates of Thebes; it fixed the mariner's tretnb liug needle upon Its axis ; it heaved the bar of the find printing press ,• it arranged the tubes of Galileo; it reefed the topsails of Columbus ; it held the sword with which freedom fought her battles ; it poised the axe of the dauntless woodman ; opened thit path of civilization. It tumid 'the ntystie leaves upon which Milton and Sholttipeare inscribed their burning thoughts; and it signed the Charter of England's Who would not render honor to the hand. l'he 11110 wing is an epigram on a,achool •master who was 'born without a rigid "Tho' of thy right hand nature has bereft thee, Right well thou uniteat with the hand - fhat'a left thee." A 11.1onEL .111A . kon„ 7 .rMr. _Clow, the mayor of Port Laitra, Texas, se he was elected,; pulled'allliiselat and roll , ed up his sleeves, and *vitro work at the repairing of one of the htidges, which was in so dilapidated a canditiutr us . toltijure transportation. The Laren lleiald thinks that Mr. Clow will tuaka an efficient may. or. Wm. A. Bsrmie . Loa's aim DYE. —1 , 70 BURN"- INO —Bliscering Cotapou at could ever have at milted the universal favor accorded to this Dye,, the original, nevcr-failing favorite. Nature is not more true to herself than the brown or black produced in the reddest, grayest or most frowzy hair b b . y it. Made nthd sold, or apPliedi at Batchelor 's Wig Factory, (in eine private; rooms) - 233 Broadway, New YOrk. Wm. A: Batchelor is on the boa of all genuine, others are imitatim.s. Oct. 10.-1 m HALTIIIIORE HALTIA10:11.11, Nor. 6. 1856 FLOUR AND ItIEAL.--Sales of 1,200 We !lowan' street $0,75. Iloward ,street Extra ut $7 124. We ,quote Family do. at $8 25; Baltimore Extra .is held at 84 38 25, and Family do. at $0 per bbl. Rye Flour—Sales of new at 4 75(455. We quote old at 3(4 .31 25 per bbl. Cora Meal—liales of city 111.1111 utitetured at $3 50, We quote country do. at .3(o$1 25 '0 lAA. I ( RAIN AND SEEDS.--Wheat—About 8,000, bushels offered; intl . sales of fair to good white-'at I 55( . 01 58, 400 d to prime do. at 1 58((3$1 02,. and choice •at $I 05. Red at 1 48(04I1 v0fl„ bushel. Cali—Sales of white at 64064. to 65 mints, and yollciw at 64®66 to 07 eons bushel. Pyti—slth.si of ldaryland at 7341)75 cents, and Pennitylatials at 85 cents per bushel. Oats—r Sides at 37:t0 40602 ets. per bushel. Seeds—yo quote Clever at ti 50 0 . ;:57, and Titinithy at ara3 50 per bushel. PROVISIONS.—Market more active. The stock of Bacon in the market in first hands is very limited, and jobbing demand.contieues good. • • , II A NOV 11 AR fisFor Nov. 6, 1856. FLOUR 11 bbl,, from wagons, - „Sti 56 WHEAT, . 7 0, 'bushel, l 25 to 1 87' RYE, ,1 ' 75 CORN, ' 50 'OATS. • 33 •BUCKWHEAT, per bashel 40 POTATOES, per bushel 80 'MOTH Y•SLED, , 200 CLO V ER-SEED, i 5 00 FLAX-SEED, 1 25 PLASTER OF PARIS, 6 00 ' YOUR 1111Alili ET. Yong, Toosdny, Nov. 6, 1856. FLOUR, bbl., front iragono, 26'50 WHEAT, "#, buhel, ' 1 37 to IAO RYE, " 73 CORN " 52 OATS, " -35: TIMOTHY-SEED, lA : bushel, 2 AU CLOVER-SEED, " 5'50 FLAX-SEED, " 1.75 PLASTER. OF PARIS,I ton. ' 675 . szttp. - • 10F. - 7 ; 4 •54,- IVANT2II). • 20,000 "s.`"'"' in Decembef next, for which. CASH will be paid. Farmers who have the article for sale, will do well by calling making engage ments with the subscriber, at his Flour, Bacon and Grocery Store, in West Middle -street, Get tysburg. GEO. LITTLE. Nov. 3,1856. tf ' - PARASOLS, 'Umbrellas, Faus--stac k s o L them—st ' SCHICK'S. Phieig neglected often prove fatal, leads to consumption r anoint the parts three times a icing with DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR,. f If secretion form in the rectum then insert the "Pile Syringe" filled with Extractor, and grad• • unlly discharge it as the syringe is withdrawn. It never fag to cure cases of any age or vire ! knee, nor to give entire ease instantly to all, requently curing by one.application. ' Piles are known' hy the heat, itching, and pain of the anus. Illeedirqi piles are ceased, sometimes,W the falling at the whole bowels, which then press the intestinal canal tight gainst the back bones and . keeps the blood 1 from returning up the vmels, similar to the blood being kep: at the top of your finger when string is tied tight around it.; such is Ire quent, and for scrofulouii. humors and ulcers to form therein : theti,pioepre 'perfect adorn.. Mid supporter, and Wear a entripress to the rec• tam,,and continue to use the' salve` shove, also rub it well over the' loins and abdomea t for some time.' and the natural belts that sup , pert the bowels will be contracted and' made strong, and yonr_life will be saved, If proper ' ly applied, ovary cuss will be cured.: •It: never W, Jenkitui,.,,Esiv, of ,coluntbusrOhio,„Sec ,.rotary of the Ohio Isdrance Cumpan - y. -- wha was taken ti) 'Nei ,. York in" extreme debility, with piles,' to have an operation by ' -'lllu - &lee ,irated Dr. Mott, as the only chance to wive hie ifo, accidentally heard of time Pain Extractor, states. "For years 'his diSease defied' medical skill, and grow worse until life became intoler able ; ho was speedfly cured by Dalley e r a Pain Extrcator." , . • ' No Pain. Extractor is gouuitie•sunlesa the box as itpOn it a Steel Pluto Engraved Label with the : signatures of C. V. CLICICENERS; proprietors, and HWNRY DALLEY, manufacturer.." Price 25'centit per box. telt—All orders should be addressed toC; V. 'Cllnckener & Co., 81 Barclay street, New York ug.2.910t. MA RR. 1 E . D. • On the 26th.uit4 by the Rev. Roth, Mr.' FREDERICK LAUS,atid M iss MARGARET PRIEBECIC—both of Gittyaburg. • On Wednesday meining, by the Rev; Jacob Ziegler, Rev. DAVID SWOPE,Tastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church ut.JOhnstawn, Pa., and Miss CLARA J. CULBERT, dankh ter ofthe late Dr. Je.sie Oilbe t, or Gettysburg. • On the 22d ult., by the Rev. Mr. Andersen, Mr. ALEXANDER. LITTLE, and Miss LOU- ISA CLAPSADDLE, both of this cunuty. DIED, On the 30th-ult., ISAAC PAXTON; of' lloutajoy township, in the 924 year,of,his:' age. .' • On the 2d iat., JOHN. HENSEL, Of, this. county, aged 55 years, 9 months and 6 days. . - On Thursday morning, the 6th inst., in Alt. bottstown, Mrs. ELIZABETH HAFER., .(sis• tel. of Saip.el rahrtestoek of this place,)• he 64th year of her age. •• , • - On the 16th ult., at McCutchenville; Wynn, dot! county, Ohio, ALEXANDIP. Dunito. RAW, son of Isaac H. Durboraw, formerly of :Inuntjoy tovinship, Adams county, aged 16' y. era, o months and 25 days. On-the• itith of Sept. last, at W ost . Hill Grove . , Wt . od county, Ohio,.M rm. El J. BABB, daughter of James Robison, forinerl7 of Mount. pleasant township, Adams county in the 30th - year of her age. , , $1,200 A YEAR. 1000 .I,7entx ;Panted. • • 4 GENTS:minted in every part of the Uni-' t ted States, to soli u beatiiijut and lastruo. i era, work, "The PANORAMA - of the OLI) "WORLD and the-NEW;e' comprising, A.view of the present state either Nations of the customs wtirld, their manners, customs and peculiaritiea, and their political, moral; Social and industrial , condition , interspersed with . . • a , . 1113TORIGAL SKEICAE6 ANECDOTHI, By WILLIAII PINNOOK,', Author, of , ;the History of England,' Greece and Rome: ,Eu. larged, revised and embellished with 'several hundred engravings froM designs of Crooine, Davereux, and other distinguished aitlstti.' It is, also, illustrated with 24 beantilitily colored plates, with costumes of various natieni, Ste., Agents selling this work hare cleared,sloo a month. thS,..fiend for a specimen C and prospectus, which will be sent by mail, post on reeeipt of s3,oo,.'aith*.particulnrs of agency. I. W. BRADL EY, IN h/isher, • Northlblirth Sired, • • ":• - • ~. . • 13.,44.additioe to the usual' peiventage, Are, make an extra inducement to, Agents in the way of PR.E . MILIII2'. B. Nor 7,4856.=3w saitmairvs Simts. 1 IN Pitrsulnee' of sundry ;Writs,' ofrendifibni 1 1.; &w:4 po a i l` Pier: A 6.4 issued: out of the. tourt , of- .ommon ,Pleaa Of Aditna county, r °Pennsylvania, arntio:me directed , wlll be ex , p 0 i, e 4.4 , 4 'Public Salk, iiirlitrAdayi the 11th flay of November, 18:A, at 1 o'clock, P. :\I". 1 on the premises, the'fbllowing,Rear Estate, riz : - A LOT OP; GROUPD, ' situate iu East Berlin, Adams county, Pe., fronting on King street, bounded int the west by hind of the l'eirs or Isaac Tritt, ilec'il.", and j on the north tad e.asl be an alley, on which are erected Two Tvio-siory Leg Weath er-boarded Dwelling HOUSES, one •. of which. b e e n . One-story Wenther- II I' boarded Back Buildirg attached, a 'Shoji, and n Stable with a threshing floor - and I corn-crib attached, aull all necessary nut-build.. ings, with a well of water :tar the door, and, Fruit .Trees on the Lot. Also,.A LOT' OP GROUND, situate in Hamilton township, jhear the town of East Berlin, containing 2 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the Heirs of George Clark, •clecettsed, William Wolf, Jesse Jacobs, and a private lane. . . Seized and taken into elocution as the prop erty of Daniel Spangler: ' • .. -ALSO- Ott Saturdag, the 15th dae of November next, ad 1 o'clock, P. ..at., . . ~ 'at the Court4touse in Gettysburg, A. Lot of Ground, situate -on .South . Baltimore street, Gettraburg; boiinded tly rots - of Alexander Woods ,and Mrs. Denwiddic, and on the east .•• - • ' bt.an alley, on which is - erected a ' "'ll'wwrstt°orrYy I.SriletklC4Kacikl.toOfilSdif•n.l,,,uf•tiuthmue - .' n' c Stable; with' all necessary out.builtl, lints, and si well of Water. , - .. Seized and taken into execution at thb prop erty of Hugh De•middie. - • • •• • . , . , HENRY BHOMAS;• Sherig: Sherifra Office, Gettysburg, I i-• v, -• .• - i i. Oct. 27, 165,1.—ts Par Teu per gent. of.tlie pin:Maim money upon all aales by the Sheriff must,be paid over immediately after the'property is seruck,down, and 'on failure to comply tlitirMiith, the • prop erty will again be put up ftgrsale. -.- . • , ._ ' - Railroad i Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhold ere of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, that, by a resolution of the Buurd of Directors, the' fourth Matallment will be required to lie paid ontheir ateck subscription, on or before tlie 121 A day (yf' Nurembei..ntri. .DAVID WILLS, Secretary. Gettysburg, Oct. 24,1856. • • i : ATTENTION ! . - Independe iii Bluts ! •, VOU will meet for parnde,, in full - '.. d A ny d at re e a B B A o a f t A tb 'o e ttent A be rm r7t4 o 2 l3 o' Ba4 cloc ei k r i ' 81 ( P. M., witharmiattd accoutrements --- in complete order. .. '. ' By order of the Captain; - '' CHAS. X. MARTIN; 0. 8. Oct. 30 i 1856. ' goop PROPERTY AT ff .rirtivATO. THE subscriber &Tars at Private Sale, the Property' on which he resides, situate in Butler township. edjoining lands of Isaac Mrcrs and Martin Thomas; and containing TIIREE ACRES, more or less: . The itn provemuntsura a new two store,. roughcast, DT.dli n g-hc ese, with a gnarl back-building, Stable, Blacksmith 'Shop,- Dry: House, ke. It it a fit.d•rate yt turd fur 131acksiftithing, There is a variety of firl-rate. fruit trees on tho premises. :the au'oscrilter iniendA f o go to' fiteiniiig. hence his desire to sell: If not sold the property will be muted from tho ,first of April next. WirThe' property will be sold CHEAP.— Forterws apply to sobscriber • • JESSE SLArI3ADG.a. Oct. l 1856. -3 t PUBLIC SALLE. • • On •Therrada9 the 13th :lay of Novemiter next, fit. I 2 - o'clock, V 11SHE undorsignil, Executora, will sell at ' Piddle Side, on the Firetniscs, the follow ing:valuable Chesnut • • , • .Tiniber situate' in Dickson township, Cumberland county, adjoining, lands of Abraham Trestle, Alexander Young, Darid Linc,,Abrultantlfy ers, TheinaS Lee, and others;-: No. 1.--Containing 5 Acres and 46 Iserchesi Nn 2.--Containing 3 Acres and 146 Perches. No. 3—Containing 3 Acres( and 147 Perches. . . • The public road leading - from the Gettys burg awl Cailislernad, - Near neecher's Raw. llendersrille. patios through the'said, lets: Sitid - lots';'are about 11 mileit lions Whitestown. Terms will he made known on ddy'of sale Uy. • ' " • WII LIAMI). , - ALEXANDER. S .13151 F-Si , VALUABLE I!AHSI AT Pll.l VAT E SALE. irrEIE undersigned °Tent Rt. Privito Sale the valuable Farm ma %%•hioll here.9idea , oityo. to. itt toiruship, Adams county, adjoin Church, Farm of, Jacob :Trostle, and others, containing 173 0 ://tert'it, more or less. Tho improvements are a two , story . Log and Nl:eather.boardedr TIOUSEI, with Stony !back-heilding,n a hault .Barn; Sninke blouse. (oru sini • Crib and other outbuildings. '!here is'exrellbrtierer-luilinglrter cohvenient to the horrse.. There hi a large and excellent Orchard on the prentibos. :.':stream of water. rens through the farm. - The 'bind is in a good state ureultivation. . • Persons wishing t' cites the property will please dell upon tho subteribor, . • ' - • •JESSS 'SMYEitSt Oct. 24 r 7856.-43 t • Di o'l' 1 C.; lE. rriflE`second' and'final account of Amog X'Lefever, Assignee•of the estate and effects of 'Aimas !Attie and wife; formerly of Ger: manytniynoldp, Aflame countylna been filed inthe Court of Ctimmou Pleas of said tonnty, and will be confirmed. by the said Ceurt on the 2 td day of December uuxt, unleaa' cause be short to the contrary. JOHN : piapNie .1"3001 7 ,Y4- Cot. . •. , , l'refehersi fistio!ted.- fp HE fliihrd of School Directors of Straban •1.;, towiishili,, will: incet'at'. the house of JA. - - COD*L. GRASS, in Hunterstown, ;on.,Boito , flay 4/0 daylf/Yarentber next, nt 1 o'clock .in tho afteention t ilar the, purpose of einployan,; . Teachers for the Winter term of the schools of said township By orier of the Board PHILIP BE Seey. Octi 111 y 1880.-3 t ' ; . x1111(321-10 smocic, • Ana, me cheap,/ 'PRE npOersigned- %Tula inform the good JL people of Adams county and the rest , of the world, that he has received an extra . large supplo.of all kbils of I.lo'S'tt. BOYS' CLO. THMO, 3ctota,, Shoes, lints, Caps. Buffalo 'Robes, &c.,•from New' ,York ; teal although goods hare advanced in' price; he is able and detertnined to sell:urn less price than hereto- Country 'Merchants urn. invited' to , will sell them Goods lower than they can buy in ; tlte-city.. No ;one can •compete with hint, unless he buys liig Gondt its bed cs: dint Si to °nY , ge,to New York and stay two, throe or four months, dad watch th 6 elnincee.' • A word to the srise is sufficient, " If you' needSsuch Goods as Jtis keeps, So to hilt and innke yoiii:purclouses, to itave money. SAMSON. Oct- 31,1856. 11 EG ISTE lI'S NOTICE. OTICE is hereb'ygiven to all Legatees and IA other pardons concerned,that,the ietration Aarotinte hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the. OrphanS' Court of Adams' culotte, Air confirmation and allowance, on Nowlay. the 17th do of November next, viz: 191.• First and final account .rif Wm. Wolf and George Di* k, Excentors of the last will and testament pf,fohn Nagle deceased. 192. Second and final account of. George Dick; Adminishator der honis non, ;with the will annexed,'of George Bardt, deceased. , :93. First account of David Biehl, Execu- , for of the last, will and% testament or Joshua Biehl, deceased. 194. The'first accouut of. Peter Smith, Ex ecutor of the hist will and testament of An thony Limith,decensod.. • • 19S. The first account of liifichael Lear, Ex ecutor of the lust will and testament of Eliza beth Lear, siereosed. • ^ . 1.56. The tiro. account of Abraham Bushey and Daniel • Ordrn; Adkninintratin7 of, lie es' tate of Samuel Spahr. (Incensed; ' • • .'•NSf P. 'WALTER, 'itegister, • er DANIEL PLANIt, Register's Office; Getty.sburg, t Uct 1 , 856—td . . DRESS 1 0•0, D . . FOR Ladies. and Gentleuien, can belonnd in inntienee variety;and cheaper than ev er, in, and examine the new Atock for. Frill and Vcinter. Oct. 31, 1501 i . ., , .15 TIOE 'VHF second Acttiiiiit o,f, John Lohman, As- Hignee voturtittiy - deed of its signment fdr - the_benefit cieditois of Ja tnF B. Jutnison;• Of 'Tyrone. township,` Adams county, , hnS been filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas of said county; and will be con firmed by the said Court on the 23t1 day 'of Deeember nextotttless tam be- shoorn to the contrary. Prol4. Oct. 31, 1856.-Its A TOWN :PROPERTY AT PRIVATE..sALE. Ilebaor paiticulars apply to GBOR.GE Gettysburg, Oct. 31, 11356.-IP,-.- Igqslk i, - E#G1PE . 1 . 7 ,. .c . 1!p4= , ,:,...1 . 1 . 7 , 111R11 WA ARE 11. 4 % AIN WITH the handsomest and cheapest Stock ' VIP of NEW GOODS to be• found la-this place. All the newest styles are to be sen ta the assortment; and many of their' are really magnificent, without being 'costly. No time for partiettlars. .oall in asd see fotymnuelillui • at." .1 L. SONTOK'S. • On Me rutolte Reward. --1,- Oct 31 le-sd. Pio .. iii....i - * . A.tift(,':':7 r i Wil.EittAS the Hum neattrivltimill ! T V President ofthe 'several Courts of ei*, mon Pleas, in the Counties Composing the PPut District, and Justice of the C l ourtti of Oyer and Teriitiner and General Jail Delifity, ibr the trial of all espital'and other Affeudets in the said district and B.itatEl. R. Rosachtand Joni itil'Gtxt,y, Esqrs q Jtldges of the Courts of Oyer l and Terminer. find Otmeral Jail Delitery, fur the trial of till capital end other offenders lii the I County of Adams—have issued their precept? • bearing data the 20th day of August,in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred amt ' fifty-six, and to triedireeted for holding *Court lof Common fleas, and General Quartet sea ! Amu; of the Pence, and fieneral Jail - Delitery f I and Court of o)er andTerminer,rit Llittioburir on _lfonday Me I ith or AVaccinbrritezek-- ,': NOTICE: 18 }1E1i1;111.'.01 - V.: to ill the , 1 Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Cattita , bleu within the said county of Adams, that limy' be then and there in their prover personswith their Rollai Record:Si inquisitions, Eau:nine. tions, and- other .Reittembraniwt to do those things which to their °MCP., and In that behalf appertain to be done, and Cleo, they who will proieeuteagaiust the prisoners that are or shall , be in the Jail oldie said County of Atlams t site to be then and there to prosecute against Masi ua shall be Just( ~. IllignY Tftlt4B ) aker(r. . Sheriffs. Office, Gettysburg ' '' . to ' ' Oct. 17, 180th f ' • . &dap tall and 'Winter. atothimr. r, nave now got Up our Fall andV :iwt Stock of READY•MADE CLOTH 11; a tonsisting of Over Coats in great 4.4 hi) , Dress Coats of every description, .Monkey.. Jacks ets, Velibli Pantaloons. Shirts, Drawers, ilieb ulso, Buys clothing of all sista. Out stock of Overcoatings, Clothe, Vesting', Cato Sinieres, Cassinetts i f Cords, l ic„, ie letge and full, and having experienced Workbien con. "tautly employed cutting out end making up) if we cannot please you with a garment ready made, we can sell von, the material, take yew' measure and make you up a suit on the shins test notice. We Sell none but our own make ) and. warrant theiq 'well made, and insure a good : fit or no sale. Our prices are low, out motto being small profit's and quick sale" tot the cash. Please call—we cannot he .beat.—• The New York and Philadelphia Fall. and Winter fashions just received. • GEORGE ARNOLD. Oct. 3..185d, , CAB? YOUR BREAD UPON THE MATER S) YOR:Ar. • TER IlANYilielS YE. SHALL VINO j./': •-• A CERTAIN CURE FOR ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS :Don't Condemn it• but try It, it cannot C. A lit. KS'S C'ONCE.N'TRAPEO ELE'CTRIC P4 ST T E AND AttAmsbi r.ux_ ExTrukcruit err Mari 'and ileris. teopy, sucured accurditlto law.( SMALL JAR) • Filly tents, LARGE JAR. , TIIE ELECTRIC PASTE tete upon the Muscles, 'Tendons, and upon the whole nervous sysicie, riiinoving - torpitlikr .atel pro clueing a lienlthi• action of the blood. There being uo volatile matter in ita composition ' , it remains in action until it accouiplishes its work. It certain lose its strength, and is al ogeilier ,7 its 'constituent, parts being entirely,regetallie , What, ;will it cure ? We answer-.4lhea matic' Pains, when ,everything else fails, Craii!ps, Cholic, Chilblains, Duras, Scalds, Sprains,, Bead-Ache, Tooth. Ache, Swellings, BruisesiSdres,Ring•Worm, Tetter,StillJ oints, Contracted Cords, Fiesh Cuts, Ulcerated:sore*, and, all Scrpfulous Diseases where &eternal remedies can be, used, Sore Thimits, Stir Necks ke iVhul it will cure for Horses 401 Callk.— Sweeny, Spaviu, Fissulas. Poll Evil, Wind. guilty Ulcers, Cholic t Sprains, Collar and sad. tile Galls, Stune'Brutses, Stiff dolma, Verdigo, Splints, and Runiiiiip Sores. lelf...Fer sale at the Patent Medicine Store of 11. A. Itockafield & General Agents, Lancaster, Pa., and by A. IA RUELILER,Get• tysburg, l'a. • IttirNone genuine bathos° bottles haring the words '.E. C. Allen's Uoncentrated Elec' tric Paste, or Arabian Paiii Extractor, Lam caster, Pa.," blown on the bottlea. par. Look out for CounleVWs. Don't for. get to ask for ALLEN'a . April 25, 1856.—1 y • WHAT CAN WOMAN DOI long expected book by.'l'' :fiAl;Tli- JL Ulti is now ready , for Agents via Canvas sers. It is having an hotneuse'ititle, And is ccusidered one of his best efforts. In , it will be tbund Or. Arthur's views on the vexed question of :‘ UPWAAIVofijipIaUTS.. And what site Call do all Sistr,.ll'Cle, and drother, . „, Specinaen copies Boat, by Mall on receipt of the price* $1,00.' J. W. BRADLEY. Pubh*W— .. 48 North 4th St. i Philade N. 11. We publlsh all' Mr. 'Artl,or's New Btx)ks. Scud fOrqurlistowd terms to Agents. Oct. 10, 1888,4=-31 TDB 1111181111 IN SIGHT ! CONE TO. HO E'S 87'0.11E. chcap' A I and If T E Ai! 1: dOQDS,ax heis dotermiued to sell fkie Cash and Country Produce, at short profits.. IIVADT..I6 - .II.DISIILOTII7IIIO. All goods cut free of charge by an caper. lanced Tailor. Oct.. 1 o,' 185 G. HAY WANTED VIET& ONB haying Hay tonsil Will do -well by calling on the suintorihr• m 'Gettysburg; who is desirous of purchasing. The highest hi,urket price will. be paidat tll'times: . 'o* - As he intende having the Hay, after being packed; healed either' to Theurer ;or Baltimore, the itreferentte to haul will he given to those (rout whom he may purehroti. • -• SOLQMON . POWERS. Dee..24.lBM;—lf . New* Ow the People AHNHSTOCK DItetTBERS have just re ived mid are nowopeninga lawn andd ntri• ed fluorite cut of Dry Goods, Queenswa re, 11 ware, .ke., to which they, invite lho attention of thoso wishing cheap Goods. As our stock bit been selected with great care, from the largest wholesale houses ot. New York, Philadelphia, and Baltiniore, we are prepared to o'er in• ducementa to purchase front us, such as cannot often be had. Come and examine our stock, and we know you will not leave without buying. Sign of the Rol Front. 0ct..3, 1866,7_ Ladies Carve Ibis Way. ' bres. ShOtil A 1 2 8 03 4 :1 4"tia ; n r t elL L at es , , , OSHEAZ4I & PAXTONB. PRUNES, - CARPET BAGS 'kid VI DRELL/18;ra( ula at • COHEAN k PAXTON'S. love, NA m e al, a thef..s Ararstotioi 4* -0. and jirke: for x 7() strehrl), 1 A B tyle 48.1 COPL- ' 11114.=7 8 d orpoobl 9r4 stock - rat ;ars mitS44EAN,-A