BY D. A. BCJEBLER VOLUME XXVIL 1 •, No God following verse t by that sweetest of poets, 3161:Lydia Huntley Sigourncy, suggested by 'Words 'in the 14th Psalm Of David, "The , . "Sol liath said in his heart there is no God," is the'flnest things in the language . : ' • 61c4 ".vu God!" the simplest flower That on the wild is found, :§lirinlali as it drinks it cup of dew, trembles at the sound ; • • ."..No'Croil"--nstottished echo cries :.:.aFrom out her cavern hoar, • • , And : everkwaudering bird that flies , Reproves the-Atheist lore. ,The.soletan.fotest lifts its head, The. Almighty to pruclaitni ;The broOklet on its crystal . tan, '"' • 'both leap to grave his name. • faiote , swells , the deep and,vengeful sea, . • , .I.!Along I'6 billowy track, , The, red YeeillVillS opes his mouth To hurl the falSehood back, The,palm tree with its pritMbly crest, The coeoii's leafy shades, 'The bread:fritit bending to its lord, Lt you dir.idand glades ; The winged seeds that borne by winds, The, .roving sparrows feed, The melon on the desert sands, Confute the seurnerN creed. "Nu God I" With ii.dignation high The fervent still is stirred, And the pain inuun turns paler still, At ?well uu impiuits wor,l; And front their burning thrones, the stars Lu ik (town with angry eve, That thus it worm of dust should luock Eternal. majesty. A sketch or Joseph Smith, BY Wit. 11. -PAYNE. , Thirty years ago there lived near Pal. insra, Wayne county, New York, an oh • Route individual, itleeie name has sii.ce he .00tue tAmiliar to the world. That indi vidual was Joseph ,Smith, the 31orinoti prapliet. A sketch of ;iris person's lit'e is interesting, uot because w., find .filythin . 1 iii - his character to tidelire, but i.eeaeae it present's to our view !ill: origin .4 )I,A in, ~, ism, uric of the 1ii...0. t.x.tia%.tgati: 1.u:a,:i1.g.. • that the art tkl bas ever witto baud. '1 ides of a new retigion ,iriginatiog in a per 4niti possessing less thun ordinary -abilities, i tied rapidly ha:reusing in uutuber till both Ilse Old arid the New World cuntsin in of. titudes of proselytes, is a subject, of much - interest,. To g ive the reader an, idea of -the •origin of this singular sect is the object of the present essay. The t'aseity of which Joseph was a went. 'bet was .I n ge, remarkable net titer for in ; telligenee.uor italuictry. fits lather pos: • ..sessed ii visionary mind, and cherished the within that .11 piuplatst would arise out of hiss family. It is hard to say why he tdiould urrivuoat this eonclusion, yet the ' means ait auebuiplishing trio wishes were Avidently in his own power, for it was soon ainieuntied to the world that a brother of alosupli was time expected prophet. It is 'Aiiidelit, that this appaiutinent, - was illet Divine authority, eke so serious n iiiiitake.eueld not have occurred, (or the ,prophei suddenly died—died of surfeit—of , .outing bra much raw turnip 1 The hopes inf. the Ambitions father were not to be ,blasted. by this unfortunate occurrence ; ,for it was semi known to the people of tiifford street, where . they resided, that, ' ...lusepli . was the successor of his brother. '. 'in order to obtain -a clear idea of the . 4irophiii'a, it Will be necessary to tit - 1,4 to Ids early years. The boyhood of Joseph was passed on the firm with his "d!iitlttlil. Dating the winter mouths ho at ' tended the district school, where he acquit " .' ell tire little knowledge .which he possessed. '. 'lois remembered by his sehoelanates as '' ' being idle, and somewhat vicious, and was . taLkattied by all as a very dull scholar. As •'' it yiiung roan, his prospects wore anything ,but cheering. lie was engaged in no `steady 'employment, and Might viten he " . "found lounging • around the bur-rooms of " ,palinYra; ill company with persons as . '‘' crlitt!ilei,s' and idle as• himself. This was ".'tlia . 'general character of Joseph Smith up " tu'4lo3 dine , if-his prophetic career,.and no •' ''Wne 'Would have ,unitised that ho was to " teilinliii the founder of is new religion, or • '. an inglorious martyr st Nauvoo. ''`Joseph'S proplietie powers were first di-' • recited to the acquisition of waulth, and, I' lett:it:4i diigging seen engaged the attention "of thtt'fantily, 'and •pert •of the neighbor-1 L'Aitiod:" iNight-after Might these fanatics labored, urged oil by visions of untold wealth, ~, j..i.LV:tynti!!t;'s were made in . mid, :salley t but li''iirtA tie, the tickle goddess, I „,rer,lWd to luille uomititem. Their gulden', visions were ° frititles's ; the prOpheey WW I I glee, , •,- .o ..i.l ~ le ~, . ,• ' . 1 a 1.4t , e, tB)/1 stitte , of affairs a circumstance „„oecur&d Which ievived the.waning hopes of the prophet, and gave a iletV)lfreetiou te.ais, genius. This was thh'ilisiy;vety of „ I,llo , lloolief 'l)lortiton, 'or MiiiKiod Ilible.-- TiiitsAy9it preyed to be tl(eyurig eal of feeble germ :*Bich ,pro: ; ,fitieed,t i lie tree frgian , t properilons, whose bt!aiichet liaVe extended over it largo part' w of, , It . was pretended by ilie propliot that tils'fotteril wits 'found on , .. a bill, below the surface of tlitrgromid,' militant on, plintop El 114 .44,;, This being' tetsfitissok&by : amiy,sterbrits prilemes i/eataci. :falai tyntk nov,knotfn,.na the, Mortuop Ili a:Wee Irtbis.o4 510416111 tgßoup'!. of ,its 0 4" gin. Its atithentio history is as follows :-71 .I,t was written by a Vermont 'lslet-66m1, 11 ..ilaile i nii - Spilltliiiii l - .Itv - was4ititentletl merely `lliiil it'' tVoilt lb f 'end , Wasiobtitled'"Teall ', , Th ii klifitiliiiid rip t' ' l'o intd MY , T Wel ' - eat her, died '!bafolie i 6 tsitiinlittion;;'it*it 'after , Various ifittiiiits",!!tnillinto - tint • liana - ofJosepl4, 1 SW far " Whit its cinee in add it' il °oases ry to "'hin i iiiiibltitiniiiiohnnins. , : ',' • -•:, , ~-; •r. . ': ' !zi rlari l ioi i iibittleAliiiiiiiitibb6l7 : Ovinv 'ill' bd. easel' I ;1,, , ,1tie !...1! • 1.1- •''' •• I - 1 t $ll , l.leS), ppt setittan , t , v moil ' prompts us to ii mim?rate obi tatiuserttitti::Whieh contain an ' i ?e i nt tit .i tu r sii &Mtl' tiines'leng since pass. x ',l l i gway„, It 'profeSseii't he th'ii bistpty, , pi e i a t pa'?ple'Witiel'luitlitx.ONiti at th:e time ,r, MI 004(44 . 612 ' nf. " tnn6tlnv, and • whose , ,1? Rpl4',": twit° was' Sleifnete' The style' 1 .pelt . eak s iti, tin itati tin Of the . ildly' Ili. I )„.. th,:bl i tt, an polar ; of beauty , of dietidn, seli-i 0 ~,ru.,ofiiharaetet; and Ilid divinity of Its tau" i it . h Olds' ticiaoliiparisoli t .'' l lite on: . ..., n :11 Ji,). .il:ii , I ly work with Which coo Mormon Bible can be compared is the Koran. .'Each is the oracle of a fake religion, and the author of, each of the books was an impostor. Well way Mormonism blush ai ria rontugo. The lifo of its founder exhibits no feature worthy of imitation, and his character is associated with all that is vi cious and immoral. Mormonism itself is a specious hum bug, ,whose vital principle I is poligamy. Such is the man—such the religion of which he was the founder. ,The Little Outcast. "Miqu't I stay,,ma'am i I'll do any thing you give me; cut wood, go after water, and do all your errands." • The troubled eyes of the speaker were filled with tears. It was a lad that stood at the outer door, pleading, with a kindly looking woman, who sill seemed to doubt the reality of his good intentions. The cottage sat by itself on R bleak moor, or what in Scotland woald have been called such. The time was near the latter part November, and a fierce wind rattled the boughs of the two nuked trees near the house, and fled with a shivering sound into tile narrow door-way, as if seeking fol• warmth at the blazing fire within. Now and then a snow flake touched, with its soft chill, theeheel: of the listener, of whitened the angry redness of the poor boy's benumbed hands. The WOLUtill was evidently unwilling to grout th, child's request ; and the peon• liar look stamped upon his features would gave ui t gested to any mind au idea of de pravity tar beyond his years. But Ler woman's heart could not resist the sorrow is those largo gray eyes, or apparently heartfelt distress his words sug-' gested "Come in at any rate until the good matt outlet, {mute ; there, sit down by the fitd ; you perished with the eold," and .he lif rude chair kto nuurt , 2,111 C; andthou gt:Lneing . ;,tthc chill ,;very little she et)fillistivd setting the bible I.)r Sul,- per. • Day after day passed, and yet the boy begged to be kept "only till to-morrow';" so the kind couple ou:eluded. after due cousideratiou. that so long al he was deeile and worked so heartily, they would take. care of him. One day, iu the middle of winter, a ped lar, long accustomed to trade at the cid .mge., made, his appoaranco. and readily dis posod of Ilis - g - ootts, as if he Intl - beeu waf . cd for. "You have a boy out hero splitting wouil,l see," lie,suid pointing to the yard signiticautly. "Yes—you know him ?" "l have secu him," replied the pedlar evasively. "And whore—who is he ?" , r "A jail bird ;" and the pedlar swung his pack over his shoulder ; "that boy young as he looks I saw in .court myself, and heard his sentence—ten months.— He's a hard one. You'd da well to look keerfully after him." Oh I there was something so horrible in the word jail. The poor woman trem bled as she laid away her purchase ; nor could she rest. until she had called the boy in and assured him that she knew that dark part of his history. Ashamed and distressed the boy hung' down his head, his cheeks burning with the hot blood; his lip quivered, and an guish was painted as vividly upon his fore head as if the word was branded in the whole fru:lie—relaxing, us if a burden of concealed guilt had rolled off: ' "I may as well go to ruin at once ; there is no use trying to do better— everybody bates me—despises we ; nobody cures a bout me —I may as well go to ruin at unite." "Till tne," said the woman -who had boot: gradually Iseiieniug the distance be.' tweet' them, "how came you to go so young to such a terrible place ? Where was your mother? Where .was---" "Oh !" exclaimed the boy with a burst of grief that was terrible to behold, "oh 1 .1 I liain't got no mother—oh I I had no mother ever since I was a baby. If I'd only had a mother," he continued, his an guish .growing more vehement, and the tears gushing out from his strong eyes, "II wouldn'a have been bound oat, and then nicked and cuffed, and laid on with whips. 1 .1 wouldn't a been saucy, and got knocked down. and then run away, and • then stole because I was hungry. Oh I I halo% got nu mother since 1 was a baby." With strength all exhausted the poor. boy sank upon his knees, sobbing great oltokiiig sobs, and rubbing this tears away w . ita.his knuckles. And did . that woman ,s.taud there unmoved ? Did she coldly I bid him up and b e. off ? No, no 1.,...1 pock.• • 'Site hail keen a mother, and though:all herd children slept :tinier the cold sod in the:; eh:miffyard, 'she was:a tuothar still. :. t Shit went lip to The boy, not • to. batten,;. !' hili: away., hitt 'to lay here tiugers:kindly, t I ao"ftly upon his heatl—to: tell hits to . look' Ir'iip, and - frodl henceforth to , find in.' her a Zrauther..• Yes, site evou put her Arius: us .laout.tha neck - of. that, neglected, forsaken , .one;;,she,.poured froin her .lUt/ titer's Iteart t, I sliteeto, womanly ..words-.—wordi ..of good I , (pausal and tenderness. ' ', • ' , •th I hew eilin was her Meer/ that night' 1., —hevilieft her pillow 1 : 'Violent 'ethereal, 'filled'up'her dreams. - - Her angel Children Came 'to her With smiles,- and pressed their little , pahns‘With hers.: - She -had. linked a poor suffering heart_ - to her own: by the most si I kon—ithe -strongest- banqs of loVa:. She had plucked souse therus, , fr.4to the ;patikofo. sioning,but,repentant.otortal...,—. None but angels,. co u la . tritneaw her holy joy; without envy. Did the , boy , We' . ve, her ? N , .- ,o .L—h , e it with a her still ; vigorous ' manly youth. The • low oharaoter of -his countenance his given pleat; to an Open I pleasing expre s aion, depth enough to make I it an interesting study.-::His- foster-father( is dead ; his -'good foster Mother- is aged 't end sickly, bin she knows no want.. The 1., . , . . •, . '• . • 11 TYS 8.(1.11 . 4; -F:R E G 14 - G.V.E 11:B E.f..1; /846. . „- . . . . ; once poor outcast is her only dependence, and nobly ho iepayi the trust. Truly, 1 411'e that. saveth a soul from detith,:hideth a multitude of stns..", The Peasant's Feast Ah article, in the Co►r _rier des Plat Unit, giving an account of the festivities which took place in illoseow, it honor of the coronation of 'the late Emperor Nich olas, describes in the following manner a feast given; by Hoverer Nicholas, to a great number of peasants. • The Champ des fiemoisselles, is at Moscow what the Champ de Mars is at Par. is. The Emperor .Nicholas htd caused to be spread on thib immense Geld gigantic table where 4,000 covers•brought together 4,000 peasants, from thirty to forty leagues around. Seats rising all aboat the Champ des Demoisselles received the' . spectators of this feast, the Roman proportions of which and it prodigious abundatice, remin ded the spectators of those repaSts are stilled called, even at this day, feasts of Lacunas. The Emperor enjoyed the 'formidable appetite of his unaccustomed guests, and when dinner was over, ho cried out, : "My children, take everything away, it is all your own." ' And the Czar pointed to the remains of the feast, the plate, and the silver etivers. At first there was among the peasants a 'moment of stupor ; caused by the intoileit,": finis of the good cheer, and the sudden joy. they felt. But this moment lasted no lan. ger than a flush of lightning, and they all I fell upon the table, tumbling over each other, with cries and gestates, impossible to deseribo. No spectacle could equal the savage originality of thisauthorized pillage, and when not a vestige of the repast was left the,peasants rushed toward the items, 5 - 0 4 with red cloth : "Everything is 0455," they cried, a:s they desired the :pcctat,rs that ;he wield. take the: ctot!. on tVtlio:l Zfloy eras' an add mivure of respect f‘r the elevated e;:te.l, and sat t. 410! away cc -1 they contd. Tbere was in (heir! unheard of see Les order - and diSorder, al most modesty, even in the brutal vapidity with which each one attempted to increase his booty. In a very few minutes the! seats offered nothing more than thepine hoards of which they w,re made, deprived of all ornament, and the air resounded with joy and triumph. In the cottageis of many of the Russisn peasants ut this slay May be aeon a silver cover,cup, a piece eirrecf`Ciiit Z.;o:;--eare fully treasured like holy relics. These ob jects are the pride of their owners, who never fail to say to the strangers who visit them : "Wo took part in that feast that the great Emperor Nicholas gave to his chil dren, as be calls us," and these guests, mere grateful than partakers of common feasts, would die with hunger before they would sell them. The writer in the Courier adds : - "The reign of the Emperor Nicholas lasted thirty years, and his union with the mother of the august Alexander Scoond, forty years. This union passed without a shadow, and the Emperor Nicholas, on his death bed, replied to the hlmpress, tvito asked as she embraced him, "Do you love melts of old n' "Do I love you ? When we met for the first time, uty heart said to me "Hero is the guardian' angel of your life," and the prophecy of My heart has been fulfilled." • Never was thare, seen "a more uuPed family, and the Emperor Alexander Sec and inherits this family affection. The Emperor Alexander Second is thir ty.eight 3Atrs old. Ile is nearly as largo as hi,, lather; his carriage noble, his hair chesuut, his countenance soft and agreea ble. The graceful companion ho has chosen, is endowed with a firm and enlightened mind. Both of them love Franco and the French. Our fashions, our customs reign at Moscow as they do at St. Petersburg. The following lines, by Dr. Watts, to a lady to whom he wished to pay his actresses, upon her saying she would have no such ill-shaped fellow as him : 'Tis true my shape is somewhat odd, But, blaming meos blaming God ; Per, had I spoke myself to birth,. I'd please the prettiesOnss on earth; And, could I form myself anew, I would not fail of pleasing you, Thy charms have lung been dear to fame, And half the country boasts your naine ; But who that dimpling chin supplied, And lerittliv cheeks their rosy' pride, With hair of' jet thy temples graced, And with a slender shape thy waist ? •Thyaelf hadst thou thus beauteous 'nude, To thee the praise were duly, paid; But singe the power that fashioned time, With,tWsatue hand created me, Who might have totieli'dmy frame like thine, And left thee one deformed For what thou art that power' dere, And sueer'st My odd shape no Morel' Th 0.3,1 ev es dim dart (Instinctive rays ia.,tlhtm sparkle to Ilis.praise; Thy brea.d, the seal ,:icluoo {.t,4 snow, Tench 1014 , praist: top,m:aud;ii9W !, ,Th q Beave,“ inspire thy yielding voice. To ono 'that's bettin worth thy'ehoYee ; And irthe res!'tity Snit The iliolight Shall neVer give me pain, Bat that I teuiptuo greateromirsei: • ~ Heaven l'it adorel'm niademo worse.. Th!. Red 9wl is a , most etfec dee ally of the ,fartner: The'attinlier ncipiCe which one of these birds destroy, is immense.— Near a neat of oWls,, nearly a :bushel of the °flat wits ia.hered. It Wsa ' - 1 end on ,examination, to consist alinost pxclusively; of the: 'fikeletnitsot tined. - While the yeene arc in the nest, "the paretite.b~in 's mouse to ii every fifteen ounutee. They are Most difligent and persevering' hunters.' Tina oWI- ) tleps not attack pigeons.; Rut the,aparrow h)twk Or' hobby "dons' 'The , saitstanne which' the ;'Red - owl, or Bait (-)ul I I may render ,the farmer in the lion'of the littfe petits,' the: once; 'may- be very, great. , • In 1846 the population - of lows im 78,088. • Tho estimate. •of :the, preaent year '600,0004 The increase laat year was 274000. - • . • AND 14MT," A Vlslt'tvi the stiller of Robert ' • • 16orhe. A Europeart . correa(iondent of the Oen.: tral prestiyarian that paper with an account of a yieit 411: the mister of Hohert Burna,,in Scotland. : The writer says: , , , We •visted an iendeence which coin.' mended a view •of oldie Castle of Mont-' genferie," ,where Highland Mary lived,. and then' We went tadte'spoi. where she and Burns har' :their lai&rneetiog. A little brook Separated thent,liteross which•they extended their handaVholding between. them a Bible, over which tithe'. made their vows of unolinnging iidjistancy.• Shortly after, Highland' , IdsrisMied. • . I sew , • that 'Bible in, a'collerition;efOelice of the kind, and read on' the fly leatkjit verse taken from Leviticus, Ifilitnk, abritlit •fidelitrin•keep-' ring' voWs, written bv : ferns foe Mary.— Faltened ,to the•saint 4fteaf was a yellow ringlet. 'Po me it Witikhromething to see' a 'lock of• Highlan d, Mly'ehair.• • Returning to Afir,•vse passed it pretty , little residence; half hen bv, shrubhery , in which Mrs. Begg, t e only surviving sister of the poet, reed : na. Arresting our ; carriage at the dinar, : y'rang the bell. A pleaclant looking ycon't woman answered it. Said I "Would it be agreeable to Mrs. Begg to receive a 'calf from some travel lers from the United States, who wish . to pay her their respecisl" "0, yes," ithe prompt answer Wit, "my aunt is al ways delighted to ' fise visitors ' from America." She ushero us into the par lor, and after' waitink•A: few moments, a little .bright-eyed, quiek•moving old lady Caine rustling in. • I eilused our visit, on the ground of a natural desire to see a realative of one wl(kiti writings were known and admired -riteevery• part of the United 'Sidles Slii:oV* it evidently pleas ed with the complintent. and answered, "I'M thinkiii ye ken iti groat • deal about Robert ikt AsoPrien;'' anti :rdted, that s he received wore calls- ire.ifi gkkiktietiken trout "the Stk.ttkA".th-..k0 trkkailtny o tio.r part of she world. She :411.kwttl . 'nks 231)1i1..: lvt tern oilier brother, writion'in a hold round hak.d ; ).leer an originil portrait, whkelk she ile , :lared was a correct "liViiiiis.— Mr... Begg is the Jenny 'of "The Cotter's Saturday Night." But hark! raps come gently to the door; ... Jenny, who kens the tang oldie stone, Tells how a neobor lad came over the moor, i t To do stuns errands, an convey her haute. One of my frionds . e, an allusion to thp fact .theL...iwt.m...... Oriiginal 'of this revere: --- Cate IA) . thttd-avro ..'wradv "perhaps the less that is said about that the better." 1 Little Gravel:. There's many au empty cradle, Thero's many a vacaut bed, There's many a lonely bosom, Whose joy and light is lled For thick in eveiy graveyard The little hillocks lie—' And every hillock represents _ln angel in the sky. A Tournament in Virginia Moutlay was "quite algal& day iu Rich mond, Va. In accordance with) the arrangements previously announced, the Vciluuteer Re gituant of the city paralled in the forenoon and marched to the Fair Grounds, where a large concourse of eitiris--Llatlies and gentlemen—bad assembled to witness the . interesting eeremonies!and proceedings set forth in the progratninf. Shortly . after 11 . 'o'clock, the tilting commenced; and occu-, pied:seieral hours. 'there were seventeen competitors for the binor of selecting the Queen, all of whom d4played more or less equestrian skill, but (lily two of the num ber succeeded 'in titling the 'ring three times successively. 1' be contest was thus narrowed down betauen tho "Knight of the Forest" and the "Knight of the Black Steed," who again Faience(' their lances, and strove galantly * achieve the suceetes -to eagerly. coveted. •;Fortune however fa vored the "Kniglit q the ' Black Steed," and he bad the prosatisfaction of carry ing o ff the ring, ti subsequently or, crowning the Quees if Love and Beauty. Bohm - the tonrnata t was commenced, the military were rev wed by the Governor and his aids, and at. he close of the cere monies the' Reginien marched back to the city, and were•dis - bed. They made a flue display. Cuu.D CAIWIND I of those fearful incb village of Neshoti which go so far to terest in written roe Just beforii , sunset was scized. in 14 by itfull grown 'hot ,crettins awl the tr or, tvas Lwriio ilito tarot was given, an ,atof arr,arluy col woWa;Thet oft, to Wen feuud ot it al jecture with refire "pleuty it this is t h e first in ; haWbters sacrifice have frequently titrwerb, cowing t door of the how Trib une. er BY A BEAR.-000 :ate ocourred near the on Sa:urday week, reato the thrilling in of pioneer life.— child five 'rears old tlnt.:llCo of its UlOther , and in elate of its tic effort : : of it,. moth to thietek. Tho a the tarp, with eluba tiencel searching the '4l4l.l3. 4 'nothiui Lad i which t.ll place it Con- 1 e to its 'fate. Bears / hie, neigihertietid, but! nee where human life y them, though thciy iui .of 'mock from the 1 a:: in this eobe, to thel , —Afpnitowoc (Iris.) HEIR.oRIDAL —A Linn- The' bridal arrange tioesseau of the PIIEPAILING FC don paper eas4l merits, the 'titagt bride, dTc., in tnatriage of the r atterhe, aurae' huttdredrire act to witness that l Moil with silks ceakly lare. iuti tirOideries eapi, gowtia, gl diamonds and ,Aiid rliqu tibo,'color and have been'eng embrot ea have ivo;kr • w of the approaching liFeas royal of England. mach atteriinin, that ity going from "London There are six "rooms attna, ribbons, ~ v elvet., aifiolveraiexcluisite em d and adver, bonnets,. ti; body and table linen', city, shawls, mantles, etasof e!ery• done rip terial.', Thirty persona during.eevecal menthe y,, and 120 'needittworu n the ,flifferent articles. Chlriefie . Potato. . • This vegetable, so much discussed, and which . was announced to the . world by th e French Institute at Paris', under the name of Dioseorea batalas,is on exhibition from various. contributors, at the Pair of the Are bricau Institute at the Crystal Palace. The roots are long and of a pure russet color ; . the fiesta being the unrest white.— , They are very large, and weigh from 17 to 28.eunces ; the growth of a single' season. As a number of persons have been cultiva• ging -this, plant during the past summer,- ive shall soon be able to decide whether it is as Valuable as has heen represented. A cultivator writes to us that "this root is destined to revolniirmize the alimentary basis of our conntry." William It Prince, of Mumble* N.Y . , hag 35.000 plants of this esculent . under . cultivation, and enter tains very sanguine views reapeeting . prospectiva importance iii the 'lJuited States. Ire asserts : 1. That'the Mom. tea blaatus of Decaiane is perfectly hardy Iduring our seierest winters ; .2. That it is wore nutriaious titan ,any ' Other` Suellen' . we cultivate ; 3. That its sulture ea sy and simple, and, its produCt so: great that it con be afforded incotaparably Cheap. er than any otner nutrieious vegetable, it having produced in Pranee at the rate of above 81:0 bu.hels per_norii: d 4. That the combination of every useful property ren- ' don -it the greatest vegetable boon ever, granted by (}ad to man, and that its intro-' duction to our country is even mere lotin. I taut than that of cotton, and that in twee. i ty years our naiieual statitities will report I the value of the annual crop as greater than the cotton crop. Such reliance is placed upon this root in the Chinese empire, that according to Mr. Prince, one half of the populatien! would prislr from famine if suddenly de prived of it. Accordiug to the same-au-I thority, it will supersede every other pia. to and in a measure be substituted for Indian corn and wheat. It iF said to wake good bread, and the roots propagate easily e.t.a The 11.-r.icole,' published under the direction of the French Institute, devoted twenty pages to this' subject, concluding 48 follows;—"This es-' cutout has now been tested in every De partment of Fiance, oven to its. more nor thern limits—the shores of the Mitt., ana l it is to be deenied henceforth incorporated I into the agriculture of France:" PergeCutlon ha France. A osin„ - frident of the Record publish i'aiitillter OM iii - a4: - ..e.t.-`.i::aatinti,:bi Prance: At Si. Bel, a large village ibtiut four leagues from Lyons. the Protestants have been forbidden the exercise of their religious Worship, and forcibly turned out of the church by the gem with the Mayor at their head. On the 4th of last month, the prefect of the Department sent an order to theevangelist, M. Imuiseharpiot, to desist from holdingany further religious meetings at St. Bel. N. Louis Charputt felt satisfied that there way some mis , understanding ; but on arriving with 1 several members of his congregation •In front of their house of prayer. he found , tie door closed and guardtd by six gen darmes and the Mayor, who explained that he was acting upon the orders he had re. I, ceived from the Prefect. Thereupon 51.. flitirpiot requested his friends to retire. 1 declaring that .he yielded to necessity in the face of an armed force. • Notwith standing what had occurred, the brethren.; as was their duty and their right. anew- !, bled in their church' on the 24th. to cele- ; •, . ; , . , .brate divine worship. which was nearly ' . ~,,- -2---, .- -- ,,,t—__ -...--.----:',-,,._ concluded when the door opened. and the '" ' ungli ' ll :au 1 2". "'S ''''''' mpaieel wg l . taro fed Mayor entered followed by several gen- Co hint and a M hile a chi standin co n pies nw o witha and thew ell ' darmes. A report was immediately drawn I tip,'and the. persons present, upwards oft All held then mighty seind—tilt hale! forty, were ;Ton art 4 thousstad pounds, and am putty well - called upon to give thetr names, and then requested to retire. M. ' Perporshund, 'thou tremenjos boveen nugget! ;I wonder how lug you was wen you CharPiat 'lain dt'alared that he nalY I. Woe little, and if yur mother wod axoyounow quieeced because in presence of a military That you've grone so long, and thick and phat f force. In the afternoon the congregation Or if yore father wisidd recogniae his uffspring were obliged to meet in &bother phew to ! And his kelt' thou.elefauteen quodruPid! 'worship God, and it ii behoved this meet- i I wonder if it hurts you much to be 30 big, ing will be the pretext for an action a- And if you prods it in a Month or so. guinst those who were present.l suppose wen' you was young tlia . (tdn't gin I You skint milk but all thekreule you had staff 1 luta your little stummiek, jilt to see - ,' Ilowlig youde gro(i' and afterward the nol , Ted. you oa oats:old ha and Rich like. ;With perhaps an ocataionalpunkiuersqttosh!i • In all pinbability you don't no lure cony ! Illiimer thou a small katf;" for if you did, : Yude brake down tendon(' switch sure tail, lAtol rush around; amid hook, and befier, Aud run over folk-sin; thou orful beast • .. 10, abet a lot_ f 'mice, pine yude 4 tiattik, And s.Assengers, and yore tale, ' l 'Whitcli lian't we far from phorty'pounds, - Wald maik nigkunto obarrel of us-tail .soop, And, I 1 ea with t aleep.of snakes. k cutoff rz. - i Winielt, Withsali and pepper, cud tar water 1 lietchtm;w9u Idu 'I. lie bad to `talk, 1 Thou Ode itaglorious ibseekt! • - Blic I Most klose,'o most prodijus reptile! . Ar.d., fur in;, admirashnn, of yu,, when you di, rie rite a node moo yore buddy and retaaueo„ Pernoudein 3 - of yam- race; - - And as I don t expect to hovel! halt a dollar Agin to spare for to ink to look tifYit, and as lain% a ded ted,l will sa farewell. A FliteND has favored us with the &I lowing excellent jeu &esprit upon Dr• Kane., It was sent to our correspondent in a private letter from Bream Mayer. Eby., of Baltimore, who wrote it 'upon. tiniohing the perusal of the Doctor's new and thrilling,book.--Washingion genre. . . EPIGRAM UPON OUR, ARCTIC ILIPLKOtta t -DR. ' • KANE. ' From Um dawn of civatiou the name qf old Cane, • • , - Has been cursed as the author aslagirig; But glory awaits in our age ou the Kant, Who st.aris not, though 'famous for stston-, So 611 up the cup to the Kale of the Pule, Whose marvellous tal - 'though en fable, ...- It fesis that fiat gcnrrous ileids of r. Mown Our K.V:ilt its.• reality's ABLE, (Abel) • INTERESTING EXCERINENTS...tigOIIIO et Ipediments have: recently been made , tit Chicago to•test the troth of an alleged die , crivery of an English physician. who as. sem Mitt the last scene stowed bya dr- Mg man will remain impressed upon :tie 1 retina as does the impression upon a (Is -1 giterreotyper. plate. The experiment 'at Wand:Chicago, it is said, confirms this statement it is Suggested that 'murders May be W detected by this means. es the figure of the murderer would be - impressed upon' the retina.. 'Howe if the permit' was -assassi nated from behind by a third person, While lookiniin'the face of his friend I Might not the denoeent man be liable to be hung upon such evidence ?—Phil. Ledger. A fissr.--: , An eminent modernt writer beautifully says e ' “The foundation of domestic happiness is faith in the virtue ottoman ; the foun dation of political happiness. is confidence in'the integrity of man; and the founda tion of all happittos; temporal and eternal, —reliautie on the 'goodness ol God." ' All Hollow Vasa. Last evening many oil country people —English, Irish and Sc otch - ce!cbrated . the ttme.lionored festival known as All liollow Mu, oeNut Crack Night. it al ways being observed nn the e vening pre (*ding the Ist of November, which is Ail Saints' Day. , The observances of this sea son are eurions,,and can be traced back many hundreds of years, They consist principally of charms and rites' by 'the young ,people of both stsca, to discover who will be their partners for life. Hurts iu'one of his poems describes these with 1 Igreat iniituteness end humor. ' 1 In all•nations the approach of winter is tailed with appropriate festivities, it be ing regarded as the season, of in-door en joyineut, and the 'cultivation of kindlier feelings in secia! life; thus the holidays— the time for gifts between' frihnds and•rela tives-alwaye transpire dtWing the first Biondi* of winter; and have their apple. plate expreshion 'among the 'people of ev ery clime. . • ' '' ' s • 1 tinning the most usual observances of Hanoi, Went is the burnirg of nets by' the young people:.' The damsel will • place . 4 three nuts upon the fire; 'giving cleft of!, thein the name - of une of her admirers I If the nut crlcks'or jutopttlhe lover will f prove unfaithful, but if it burns brightly i he will probe kind If the , nuts named after the girl and her"lover bur* together they will' be married.' The The following; from an old 'poem, tells the story very 'nicely : - • ... - These glowing tugs are, emblems true Of shat in human life we view. The ill matched couple fret and (we, And thus in strife themselves consume: Or from each other wildly , start,, And with a noise forever pert, • Rut see the happy, happy. pair, Ofgenuine love and tooth sincere: With mutual' Ilinaness; while they barn, 'Still to each dthet kindly 'ittim ---- Andas the vital Sparks 'decay, • . Together gently sink•avniyi . .; . Till life's tierce ordeal being past, . Their,taingledSlSilC4 rest at last. : Another custom . place % apples in a pail of is 7 aitii;itud whoever l catch therm iu their teeth they are entitled -In the ap ple. Of course the head and face of the apple.seeker often go under water. Still another custom ia= To catch th' elusive apple with a bound, As with its taper it flows whizzing wend. Nallional Traits. , Itle said' that' disputa once arms be tween tots i o .nohletuen--ono Irish, one Sesteliz4tii` . 4410.1;419bi1dr.4014411 T 1iS .10 ike IVOTICOVe Yalta of their eintlifilihr . cm:L. -- It was Nspco ‘ ifolly claimed that. the Irish Wetc the most witty, the Scotch the must !onnning, and the English the mot & frank. The three agreed . to decide the matter by walking out into the streets of Lo don and ask the first una' they mut, tile:Leh nation, what he would take to stand watch all night in 'the to wer of Sr. Paul ' s Church. The .. first one who'catne along wits Johnny and he was accoated thus .: "Whit will you take to stand all night •to the tower of . ® St Paul's r "I shotild not'want to do it 'short of a !guinea," was his frank reply. , The next one than accosted was a Scotch min. Ile replica with bit native cunning —Ana what . will ,youzive"?" I Lastly name along Patrick, and when 4t,sked whrt he would take to stand ail 'night an the tower of St. Paul's, ho wittily an swered • "Ari,itittie, T think I ahouhl take a coahl." Fbchluir Op' G ov. GsAity.......A Kansasl6e room was then thoroughly scaielted, correspondent of the Cincinnati Gixensi ai : u d il lt h l ' ar as e 87a 'paved tehes initupobsib ft it : 14 pp t t ; h. as deseribei Governor Geary. of Kansa:A.l:e she ars had • then. couceakd in her shoat, Mal early in oGovernor Geary is about six feet ter:sidle afternoon. *mole wasagliushowestked• inches in height. broad shouldered and about the hells; and the felestat ;About , bony, bat not llesbY: and having i slight rushed to her room and found, the Ur'. stoop.. Hi s t os si ies d i s not goo d ; hi s so dense they ouukl nat. cuter- Tar' eye's are deep snlikenin his head. reserub: box, who was near the house, waS ling port holes iu a fort. . Ills nose usthits„ thately alarmed, and vweeeelled la. olio long. and iuclitung •pug.' the lower ex- pi:lit:kg the Same.. Tho unfortunate inanity. showing , to tutu woman had evidently 6red ,her cloth!, itt', upwards, as? though he would draw his t bout the waists :as leer bleat sod sheuidere, inspirations from a stratum above that ; trete bun" la the mtatahusliug maims breathed by rillaMOU mortals. Ilia color although life was not extinct. thorn i ds . is swallow and bad,'and the fare almott :no outcry whatever, and „though ilis-din exy;reosiouless. Ile wears hiv beard long, gsred until ttm next day, ,end . spit adrAt to but the bait of,his bead mopped shorts—, converse a little, she tuautfett• little or A lew grey 1111[3 appear in -his beard.--• no slutittuat of pain ",ditu: _ 4144 • • Ile wore simple citizen's dress—a long She Was not - witlioni - mellit4 ber skirted blue frock coat, a bell crowePd.; madness, for it was *teed this 4414 chimney pot , hat, long outs fashiort. but tore up the cups sad pieked it sampui, well preserved; but his reenter for a etc • We:gooey to, fetristiabpesetPS vteeko f Watt wai wonderfully disoified." eltieb weld efallt TWO, DOLLARS PElf-ANNO3L .; •71.' • SUMIIEFe4S.. 1 How •an Astreimer Missed , UM An old French gentleman, , named i pr nicknamed Monsieur Fricandeau, rested for an assault and battery on Hen Jacob Mitaacbt, aGermangentlemarklete ly. arrived in this city,. vrho, condescends to tell fortunes by astrological observatisge. Thetsuse of their quarrel is thus related by Mons. Fricandeau . Gyre loose my leetle female dotHe :oise ; I hear Monsieur 241!tnacht know something about everithing. and I $OOll Co him and say-- •Sare, 1 rill give you 'you dollar-4f you rill tell ate my Relise's fortune.- sate I anti her.' •-lle asty- r AVat is dat414,1, is, she your vdo r "I say---•No ; hut I . loin her much bet ter den six. seven I vould ;nit give you von dollars (or to bring her back to me?. . . Den he say—• You mngt fell • me 'ln Heloise was born. and I kaikalaie her na tivitee.' I tell him all dat, and ply him se idollate. and he make figure on ze papier. l and tell me that Ifehnse sae gone ol wid an antra man. anti would come iterate no more. Atial l elk him vat tilt tude ' r man vault] du 'arid Illelonte, would he make sasage T tie say no.,he would marty . her, lien he got toiler side of se water. ~ 'a/len I laugh, he ! haw! and tell him fieluive was one dog feniale. Sn'ha ght mad, and call me von • French homebug. and say I want to cheat him. and vy 1 Wit tell him sooner dat Helots° was not von TOOIIIO. • ••1 say—Ny ze star no tell you gat You "Ire got any doilare on zs ' false Fire. *nee, and I will give you ze law , Witt mime . , ",Eltn ye nriake ze fight, and , he 'eve efli ie veigh, and sey pin me in se dark lane ; and I 'age donenothiug tor to bri;ek ze law— only Woke se ' head die : meal star man Tot *heat me." • • ' It appears that bloomer Fripandeas had been sharply dealt with. and ,liad *tarried enough bythe loss of his dollar amt his night's iinkisonment: So the astrologer's complaint Was dismitsed, and 3lons. F. was set at liberty .—Piti/addpitln Mercury.: • The Soleading , ' fur tae - Atlantic Telegraph. . The following Account. written an glAcitt, thkelinitt4l Buttes eteanter in relation to the sounding - 11W the Atlan tic telegraph , athiresnied to' the eilitOi'of the illastraled London Newt will be reed with interest. ~ • • *`Kota singl4. rock has been met with. not a particle ofgravel or sand has been brought up ; hog n appears as it Naiii`re had presided a bed • , •,npit as i snow hunk.' tp use Maurv's own words, for thciex press purpose el receiving a telegraph:ca ble. . • . ' • "Lieut. Berryman says that be is sat isied that the lead, with the sottneing iip armies, has frequently buried itself tarns twelve feet dtcp in this Material, mid ft. doubts not that the cable will sink and int* bed itself in a similar manner. The grea test : depth attained has been about two thousand and seventy lathoms. (about two and third Miles ;) hut perhaps the most remarkable and at the same time the most satisfactory result is the perfect confirms* lion which these soundings give (tithe opinion of Lt. Maury as to the existence of a great Olt or level at the bottom of the ocean, unparalleled by any thing on the surface of the earth, and which ho propes ea to name ...The Telegraph Plateau.-- For more than thirteen hundred miles the bottom of the Atlantic, in the direct i line of our track , is found by these sound ' Mrs to present an almost unbroken level plate.'' Nature has thus placed no oblate. ,ele in the way of this great undertaklng which may not by cautious Perseverance be overcome; nay. rather (if we expect the enormous length of the cable which will be required) it would seem that the line to be followed by the Atlantie presents absolutely tower engineering dif f iculties than the shorter route (though more corm plex from nature el• the bottom) on which the Mediterranean cable must be laid,. A Singular Alrair—A Woma■ Burning Ilernellito Death. The Bath, 31c., Sentinel of Saturday contains the following account of an insane woman in that city bussing basalt ton death: We learn that Met. Smsn Patten, wife of James Tarbox, of Topsim43, who Cie a hog time bad bets subject to h?Peless'iti sanity, put au end to her existence the lat ter p.ort, of last week, by means of.Sre.— i As we hear the facts, on Friday about ten o'clock, site made an attempt 10 burn her !self by means of ruction tottches,.ibut Was detected by tutane 'of the :sinks issuing twat the route in whieh Aie was cou6red. IMEME3I