Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, October 31, 1856, Image 3

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... 01A
8,. Itol i
d the Ant of
• u• , •
i t
, ' t 0ra1.44p r4 1,1%-of k h , i !
8 e, 4. :low tat a ' unk,t9 g. 04144 lie ben
era' :, .' 0 dotirool.*Vala):'"eitac
teollWlMl4 Of Vit y . 18P,5t -is - 6jolue4l
ou,m,e4k.gitia Vs bile Nolieteof Filch Elm:
ettetfiehtt•tfrilitlititl". - :0 AMOnieriltii in .
tittioo.lthnt,,4:rerli toe to be 'elected i
Alttilitleiinillinfl of 'lit ',am of Con:
gieseetwerwritairaar nod...lining one uniform
dttAliaq6V,ll4atollis for Ele4torli of
ivefeell,f'Und• Vies t'igaidentio all. the
:,i'lalfa ilr triViOn;4
. nroved i.iimai3: :23;
litiktret tretefotik ' Iti ,` a MIN it Y 'f H0)1 A S,
841tosig7efititc,.4.1ouilty of Aloino; do, •
foOnOnjtt;gltethis Public 'allied to the
kileetentoof , the•esid County of Aduins, thut,
aftlo4ll446llf'* ; held on
I :7llliirkrygite",l,l4 du of Narember next,; ,
tat'ithitfeilitseTWENTY•SEVEN ELEP
TOikl,forwirresident sod Vico • President of
thtttri,tAl'Otatia:ati to bg elegtet3;,
I nlidPirardlstrlel; co m pmcd' of rlieliot
oduli:olC,daiiutieli . and the :teWn'abilv. of
4..ltrefherlattat,' at theCourt,floase l jn Gettys•
trt thkt'piatwid - distriat composed of tfin
townt+tiip of Germany,' nt the brovm now oe
-4'04 bly , Lcar,Neeps, hi the .toivd . of 'Lit
ticatriartis, in th itrwtialtip . ctf Reritiang:
:In lim 'Third -di - strict,: composed. of Aim
430011 of Oxfordt'tti the house;of Widow
Mil/s t y/Ur the, olio •of New, Oxford. -
"To 411e4 ,4 611;iiaiArl'ut . , emnp;sed.of "the
tat(olll36,o.Litibio . kti anti H untiugton, ut , of.Calob • It.• Hildeliraadi it. late
44NiCtultri:i drildiutington„ ',' ' , . .
~ ."
!Art the fkfrit,',clistriet, cprn posed ,otl!i'p
townrilips of flamileonbuzi arid Liberty, at
thii Public tieh . t.or,hous'e,ifi'Alilleratowo,
In -*be Ststh district, composed of • iiie
tiWiiialiip of, Iluteilton, at, tfitl house ti.iii:',l.;:i
-eqPiPti,,by PA?liilrtiest,Couter, lu !hetoyokof
.li3g.ilteiiiii... ,, • , ~ . . ,
3N,lbtf,s4vu,ati ism f,od;po9ed
it,47141q, of 3lppallen, me' in Riablio 84001
daiaau is I,6lle'utler'svifict.
t bib f Alit!
towhithtelt 7 tribriyate;.,lM;ilFwf oflJtwob
.L L . (Altai tv4tlititlerattoWii: •
t); bli . litOged•qaf th
tulatir eiriPtailn, at, 1,1,61i'540 1 loco tty
otAttMs - Jettii)ti ites4,l-,toltiu .
00 thRbgAd t'h/'
Idwn'ltOlt "r: the
tuwexhip ut Tyrone, at tbe house uf"ttnuul
itl , 4llBsTWtlittb:dtntriet, 00 113 posed.Of A tho
0 9 , . 1 9! 1 1 ' 4 ?t . ON°.
.efr o y . ,,ter,n t ail towesnip.. n: c
44',,r,owlstkip"ef e.lemett. ' V:141 -
said Itava4ip, , eituate at
P 6 A'd i-O
-fw.pd,t,4) the ittiFe•-l'aTents, , the °tier 'from
(16ies4;140114144.11ktovei, '
-.4tt %be ~dont h - dfit t eicr, coirfitlllo4:
4ite.,4oteuship,vl .Reading, , ut the
MA :444 rlo,}4iiipion.
_ .
AllitibleWiaetitit district,co mposed of the
AtAio,,,to.q. ; t l 24o4tilo.c.rrwiolr. at the
',district, elitepneell of
11,KATtitpik)V, KEreo ow; at the,thouie e
ltielsigineMerite - in•sold
liii4 l. 4:Selenteenth district, contine.l of,
ithekotoornabiplnf. , U4rion, set. the -bens° of,
Icighteetyllt •*tript,,,cotnpnetnl of,
01 16 M/e ll 4cqftntilnl in pfid,,tiMlSillit, I
RFC e e c;ctton to be open.betureen thf
hours of 8 and 1-0 o'clock, iu the forenoon,
11-public proclamation, and to be kept open,
until 7,,r4l"cipelt I,lle, , ,evetting,:tvillen the
polls tie'closea.
,And•tbe eevetal Jetties, InFpeetorii , awl
bare attswied at, 68144
ilweicat for members of the General Assem
bly, shall'attend and perform at the said
election of Elector@ be like ditties, and bo
the like, ;penaltiea for neglect. or
iiiscond*i•as are or, shall be liable to
aeithi'ele§iio r n ine ;Acre of the Gettiep I
...;41 1 41 , tite :Judges of the respective Pis.
Amite aforesaid, are by the said uot required
iIV sioet4t thd , Court, House, in the borough
Gottysburg, , otic . the third day atter the
*Ma [ll4' t f6ctiMi, being Fiiiley; the 7th
teit . sio(l4.frilf4h,;4; eli4 and there,to pot form
the4hiMii, ;kit ir,e'it of th em' bylaw,
L I T . /TOMAS , shet if.
erw - imuic,, mettysi)prg.)
7 ,ffr 4,Pa-44656:7'
1 . .7 description a n - d
•e - v
Atit9l4s. ans
Oposupsettter Hossein And
41sssassisosts sll'Ai.teils.totitif she lost els
wit try!
;, 4 o "'
..15% tt. d al ,? ' Trabklitt
t.1 10 ,V1 4 1%. 4 11 1154 ' ,
z 7' • • . °V! ; :g
+i 4, soortstentvrall kinds, just op
:4,l44Wsisoksori abyss* toy cheap,' at
1 10% 44 . llmociro VOATI.
ty 4.5. Mau
_ Ehitatruitiqtattity, Laid etitoper
Ibis Oa at
• Pk/Bi4lo S AJL,
rvi4ne.a.4.l tittiior of the OrPhite'! l 6oTt
of 4tlauts` coonty r ,iiill be 1:479rui1, at Pilb•
Sale on the ineir,ises, on ..i'aturdly.thci
(Tay 0/ . .Nrireiutre nr..1.1,: at •1 P. 154
the rat uablo Fatni
.of A t t t:X tiDE It,PA'AI pnst.t,
deceneed:MtuAtt. loetthip, Ad
ams county, s'a., adjoining lands of,'/Oiffl
Brinkerbitii; Michael Saltzgieer. Win. Veiblei,
George :Walter, and others; containing!. '
- 1189:4crcx... - tid '43 iriiPktaPii,
more or less. About AO. acres are, In', ;mai
Timber.,.he baland.c.eleared, with it pril,i
portimi,or excellent. meadow. , ; Therarl,o , 43,lirt`,)
2keij of buildings on. the premises. First—
tlieFartn, 1.60(141g5, consisting., •
of one told adtalt story, Paul. li r a
part frame ,and part , log, 4. 1
pod plastered, a
,large Wash,
amt:Smoke house. Spring louse, Inr,rC Barn,
IV!igt.nt ,Bing. Corn crib, and, other nut:build
ings, and good Orchard of chnle.l fruit. ti le., ,
• hnildlitgs frOntthe itunters
town road; consisting of a :lit).
story brick HOuse,•and a frame
building atmexell, pith a large , .
portico in front, Wastplisitse,
Smoke-lame. two walls of extsellent Water,
two gardensot.good Barn, Wagmt Shed. •t'ortt
Crib,. Carriage-bolos and - other out buildings.
An Or.lard choice fruit 'of all 'kinds; tte.•:-;•
The yard- lasfine shudO trees, flop/ars e
grasses,:&e. • ' •!• • • ••
For [wordy. and ktioSiriallei r k , 14.1' Of location
this property cannot be surpassed =in; • Stnthan
township. •The Gettysburg, Rttilroad passes
thronill # 6?rtier ofittai bar#44 a
Selid6l ' house co'nvenient. The fencing is
part, hoard and part post amid rail, atpl . in good
°Met. ' ' • ' 4
' Farm shn be criireijiehtly : tenlie ?NI
will ho 'sold or
•,. „ •
'OD — mit sold as above. the:t'AßM Will bit
for RENT tktlid 'higlAr. bidder; tar one year
from the first of Ariril 'next.
Attendance trill be given sod tercn4 made
known on dny of 2 , nle by
Oct. 17, 1856.
-'" "'A - NEW "FIRM:,
fillUE,untlersigneilv havino entered inn)
partneithip tit carry on the Foundry he.
eidess'dridie the "Mu w A ‘REN &
SON he rehy' fihtktl knoWn I the, citi
zens of Adams and atijokning counties,
that we are prmare4-0 ;mite , every thing
in our litte•liflhfilitiblik"AlN4 have eon
straoly on hand, tho HATHAWAY and
Oil Parlor airaghi, and nine pima Sl o ths,
of osmium styles and sizes, Pots, Kettles
and. Paue. , and •all .otlisr Iron Cloisiny,
Utensils, Waffle kons,Washing Machines,
Ash-plates, liont=serane're, '&e. enemies
for Mats find tithbellatihitferetit.'eliOUG
CASTINGS of every deaorlPtioni
We make the teylor, Blocher anti diffpr.
ent kinds• ni Witherow Phnighsi We
have Filen got different patterns of
forC'entifsteriOs.Yarda and Porches; which
can't beaniy or'cheapneac- 0
abnie , artmlei . wit! bn' soh!
cheap for Cas h .r CiiiJlitr. Prodhq
IcrßLACKSMlTHiiiiinuell„ .. it • 1 10.1 1 : coil
BRASS CASTINGS and every thing
in our line nride t tad's.!iir
ed at'shorteir &Wee: fining
puraelvni„'we dn'oni. Work ,
1 ‘ ‘WARREN,:",
Geltysburg, M;y I I, 18.r.,5.-7g
~,;q...-:7?:7';,.'.'q,9,..,9..;..72 .' ''5:'
Came thili ay,Lefyou ecaiif - to tare at lease h2O
per cent. of your money.
COBEAS k PIIATON ball/just received.
and are new oieldirg Elio hugest and best
selected stock- ot UOGDS,in their line of -bus
iness, over offcead in Gettysburg, : •
giats, Caps, Boot«, roes. :.
Overshoes• and Hooky, Umbrellas, Trunks,
Carpet Bags, Fano- Window Blinds; Station•
nil, Perfumery; Mid a 'variety of Notions ;,
so 'the I.trgen stoek of ' t: • it
' r.ntv..t ss,•
ts:tone and • 1015 t !tea%
Adams notility - -1;11 or lt !IR t. eyiu.
'hied aell lower :to list liad a t
any other .tliMlishment Itt 3he County.
Call at CIiBENT. 1"1 5 .Y . X 6 1,0.k 4 5, south et:sr,
Corner of the .I.)iatnoud: ,,
Goods..; ‘; • r - •
Oa. 10,1854
„.-•.• I.MPURT
o .the citizens of Gettysourg and Strangers
takbovs , villere zu 'find ill4gp
and handsome .variety- fif Seminar. HATS LA
SHOES,--are invited to ttali at- W.. W..; PAX
TON'S S'101t8; where they. will find the
most elegant White :Beavers,. and ;White-Silk
Hats, Panama, Canton and Braid; also, Sett
French flats, and a large stuck of Gentlemen
and Ladies' and Children's Summer Shoes and
Gaiters of every styleandiprice. Cull and sea
he4otials.:•. • . ; tt
; 4.; j ir W. W. PAXTON.
4011114:13 1 1856." wi ri,7 !-•••,i !• t: ft?'
NEW'!()OI, 4 4-t
reFlESystciiiiis!Settril exlierieAc,iie ; •
I I •Jr. 'th`e`Crediebaiin'e4 . .elieV iritiidif . d'itif4.lfitt
' will not do ' aid f,hoe4pV"d4lBfin'inirtiPtl-t
dopt'the Cash Bilitcrti—Ltud dffe'r qn,
• Goods forCRIEW Cash or p
P roduce oulti .•• •' •
Blue,•lllliek . , Brown, Green,'lllii•Ci&e! y.ri
cy Over coatipis; Beaver ClathO'eteiShitnis,.
Cassitteri, 'black - anti evetyLiiriety of fancy',
colors, Cassinetta, ...Velvet Cords, Jeans and;
pantaloon stufF
‘ geperallj„ ,Coburg Cloths; ,
lderinoes, Alpaccas.'
Calicoes,Ginghains , , ke.;•with'every;;Otileriae
Ladies dress goods. Readv• made
great variety,.well anode . mid-death'' , '"•-•
Domestics. Fresh Groceries, Queetisanre,
ace.' - Please - call, examine; and - judge for
yourselves. All Vim litsholdet the lowest Cask
rices... • , , (IMAGE ARNOLLti
•• 1 .
/ikatgato atv:poitt.
L. 19 chpap Nati
ILPI I / 4 protty:esaarttnent of Dress' Goodei
tiu.oranit o yihiog . faehionable t that's Itlei3lACC
.to get , . .
04), BOXES . 4 L :r_o r
84CC(.1 sp•attwe anal 1 .
AL 11. awns by
,tlta 803U,F4AJ.ER I S
plttliteml. !tut chelpetd to the : No
151 Franklin it:, Baitintory. • 1. .
Mufalo }Lobes..
ind r ii-cheap at
11111: 1 •.'•'r SAItISONT2
Ate,ts,,VMlll - ,
r'figlititisertsitent, just Opened, and wit
be sol d cheaper than the rhea_ peat—at
. .41
•- serßlafiks'af,all kindr, f or
sale at thiq office.
• '!.'l Pto~lii~aiial t'~+~~ii ~.~i~...
Jr. I. _tawtenge Bill
111 ( ham oto_titg i /tweet
CI V:FIVE ' ' ii b
li /
one door West of the Lutheran
Chisrelhnearly , xypthluteGienthier'iisibie;
where he rnay-tes found ready and WilliVig
toattend to any ease within the province
Of die Dentist.', Persons in,want,ol:fol
sets °fleet,' are invited to call. • :
REFE4ENCEs..- . ' ' '
Dr. C. N.ltanceca *ll Rece.P.K a i V TI if I P II
" D. Heaven, Prof.Mr,licossi,'
'. tf.s. Muesli, ' :.. 'il)T..ErALinfiltill t
0 .1). flizancßT, ' ... 14 .1.Modisraertiii
Itev. R. Jos:vies. 1 .i M. h. ftvinvisii.f
July , 4, .1808 ' ' ' ~.1 I ' .'": '' "
i o,.
ttorney 01 w
wiLL promptly attend to Colledionaark
all other . busitleas'entrosied t 6 hie Pare.
M'Ottiee in the Diamond, adjoining the Stole
Gettyaburg,, -Feb. 1, :lam
• atioriito ift, tar.,
WILL taithfully and promptly I attend to
v aU, husineaa entrusted to, He speaks
the Ocrme4 o . language.' ,Ottioo 'et the •satrie
plaph,in 4outlv i lleltitnore street. near .liiirney's
Druif Store, arid nearly, opposite. I)itnner4
• • .•
Wilt. B. M'CL"EL,LAN'''
Wiiil A PriNetiff
oFF ' ICE (in'tllo side pt the Pitfic
s(junlice, two ttdore Wept of MO',MO.tatinel"
'March 29, 185 G; , ,
NA Itt'C N
O A k
i'o; on e
Dru 4 dunk !turn t.firm4itrALutl at feet.)
Aolirti Ai'
rati'ittg 4)1(14 1 Si OE6
obounty• Land Wat:raitt*, BaiikzPay, ,ons
-proofed Cittinio,' andtll other elninttihgainit
'the (4twernritont at - Witehington,
olqo *American blaiAtii:iit nghtntl. Laud
Atrarranni Ineated antLeoid,..or bottglikaud
highest,prieer, giveu.o
LArida for Sale in lowa., Illinnio, and
other Western States ; Aguot?
Eel-Apply in him personally or by
letter; ;, : . ;r•,.„
, Attornei nlt'Larit, , : • .
IFlAS•takeif 'IVIr. STE,Vitarttoces (Are
North West Cornet or Centre
, 14,Sik`li A'''. .r.,Z. , . '.!/r
!Imre. •`' 1 . . i
111:1V1 1 .:RENtIkz-Hitnvi'Thltitdeits Bteirns
Esq.. Lancaster.
'W. L. .© A jEt ;
A :4 , CAL w,
411146 . 1()E oriChnieheiliburg eureet,.Gel.
Y. tyshurg,' Iwo doors Pfriiie Den. Ar
noltl's store, will anent] tofilleit'cloinit'4 for
ii i
BOUNTY LAND e n . ef i th laleicts
rof.:C Rilli f iE;lis. Pinsk 0.4. c,i 14 1 1 Wes", ets
•entl-Aillecr io his' hanirti W r i rretii've pioetfit
aiten!ktT.,,,, ,, ) ? ~.,\,%'N
.1 0 )4) j)tE24
" ' TOBA(;CO4Iin P tiov ' :and for
sale fly NVIVi. 'IIILIEII a:R,-
Na. Ib7 Franklin street
Gentlemen's •IXfear •
CLOTHS, Cnisimers, Vestings, and Shawls,
rt large supply, to which. the attrutiou of
nil in invited. lf you denire•to nave nuoncy hay
at •-FAlptHsTocKs.
ADIES—Do you molt a pretty dress, bail
-1J soine showl,,or any liew Ntyle
0,01(441,0pr .If so you can 'find the ia
test stvleeo most approved pattern.rat th,*l
elietipitoie of FAHNESTOCK'S.
op A D „ C:4I . N
, A
4 ..-
• r- - -
r„f, r ,'
• _
4) )
AMUEWEANE having provided. nim
1.0 U R
self witkan entire new , mid •costlvappa
ratus, is ziow prepared to farnisli
ii .•.1 . 1
Dagfterre type i ,
inlogrymtytlqjlap Att,:arttigh: her ill war
rant 6igice entire iattufAcittituf 1114 144 ex
periencemittpprictrplpfraltip sir, him ad,
vantages seli om furiushed'hy Dagmerrean es.
.AoliOn74- , ?"4:1PIl l e e ivi•iik9 , l 4 , lfyr
lii lnt 'il? ,"ReOßer) 46 44,Nl_,c , I l igt , '''' 1. -
Pqo.'irilL9vto)L4t49,oblicqqrltifiT4 1
t...l'e,alitjll .earin..'' ) •)• • ' 4 ,r,''' °.
4 i
iit4t. urges icon 6. ee titi t to ell:",",fliniis
soriopemting from B.,i:' : ki'4`KSt u Golld
Lockets, ItreaiiKAAseti di for miniatures, :
mbraysmei hand, sit, thqittery,Mwest„ prico,,,,„
..7. - Childremisill uotte taken tor .less l tkem,
".• ,•..... ..ttl , li• • . 4 , fd• .1 . , ..I ~•/".• ../ . I . ,
AMBROTYPES taken inlbnnt , style ?
tr 04 lizli p il2s6„ ..,.:I, .f : , 1 .,, ,;1 , 0 l,e,i. ‘; .'.,
, -rB ikil.',oll.l, .4z4., - ,, ~,, , i: !
71-11S1ITIV - PqR 'llltl IGAINS
MA UEL Imv:juoi.) re.
-n-A - turned from the eity with the lurgek
lot of GROlol3glE 4 StiurlbitwVuer before;
j opened,to which - ITtrinyitee thu atte ntion
At ill;e;:nfithiteell`th'at her - ntiii;t4eeißlijeE
HArnsi , ghoulileis, 8tc I Shad,
" 'Miekefel and Herri,tigsi
'Oranges,' Lamont!, Raisins; Figs, bates,
Altnoluts, Nutii, , Candies of all kinds, To.
haccu,.S.egars, Snuff, Braun's, Brushes,
Blacking; withlialguneral,asa'nctofent of
...ara r rietrgtiodo. Altilive ua a call V goy tam!
' to buy 'cheap and good--nezi dobvtaithe
Grp). u,rg, : 3l tty, :01355,.t -q
AZlPA 3 cirr 3 7- I, TBE' 6 " t -E. l3l" kEl l
Knifes, 7 Stne,kai Pnck.a. Handkerchiefs,
flazotwt,OrntheTT-Irnsilesr: , :WP*Pt§4lk B l
Mni Sl{irPs . , , dirt
collar", a!u ,alv!4" to; bq ;found at'
'ft aLOXES BLOR FAT k shre
yryilTr :m mil for gale by "
" No. IV Franklin street, Beltimena
• T. 0
I Dltt r Ois i MEDIt i 'VES'
A . las added to his• r
/I • stock ot tided l
* an unpsually a A ft..
oe , ClnAel6o,l'Seterblitlid t o a.
3131111:111111L10.111141.1141B, ?;•-• ";#
eMbraeing all the test Books used ih o Col
lege, Common Schools, and standsid Olassie
authors, with the recast popalar publicitions,
constituting a large,r assortment than ever be
fore. olieneditr ifettystmtgt
ateviitt l afbiA l iora/r j
of nirltmOVActiliglieil l an t ititili Pa r, of
the best unglity, Emplopes, gold Pens and
Penciler+)l4l,CniVor,iii./Witldtil Bap assort
ment of '
O t G. 0 (i/i; ' ,
t ,
to'whielt he tniltettatteption, being , ,PrePered
to sell at unusually low prices.
1119.:}le hsd ;alio Idrablif Inettiaied tie
ttbek - of-- ' '
Sheik masa Oldicfeirs, e
,which essu,ln relied upon ,the beet, iry ph
,market. „ • r!' V 'f r
SarArnmfornents *ave. beet Affected, by
,whieltitoyariaelp ill his lino of baldness can be
pronmily . m3lero . (ma the, city.
I firMQ."fg 4
01'1 . 1.010 ‘44_1,1 • I=LI 0,1,"
SKNAI.I,3r respeelfully +inferno
his old euettitueralfaitul the public
'" •
- -nerally, ta(t
he win'
ff 14, - 0 'PAII,OHING
USINESS, at hie new
iand, in-Soeth 'Sahi tie
tree,' Where( lie' lvillahe
iappy fio'n6mintnf,ilate all
, 40, may ,patrpniie . 11
11, wqrk.entmateil in his
Aremartatiled.t.9l fit and
lib hi 1if614 ''rhanktu
for Jp,tst c fasnrs ) , l ilefnlieit,s a continuance n
inddie rCirnnage. , j ,
11Crl'he Nona Fark .Spring and A'arn
mer .141311719.1f5aS 114410. 'Ball and
see them.
,Aprsl 11 30 5 ..7.711 o'll
IX,TkIEN miler Itorth:weet fnim
tJ Philadel
pneat , Norristown t .;Pa:, wifl be oOn
I for YOUNG AtEN; aml BOYS above'il4 rears
_ -
of age,: irotrt fietLbet P,lBs'6,•tilllittne 1, .1857.
I The healthful, the surruundin4 prospect
'exceedingly beentifni,' thb acCointitodations
setlitient'for , 1411 boarders end 200 stadents,
and ehalteittut , 'not exorbitant. The 'range of
iitinligis ex feh i sijec, s the teaehers 'experienced.
and Mut etety itasenable . eifort. is made
to promote the'phygical; intellectital andjaertil
ifelfure 'of 'lli'e' , seholarit.. A Circular :wit' be
• Nen tO o'rder, with particulars and refercheea
if desired...l . SA.NlUElli 'A Alio N; 441: '
Z I/ : 'Norri:sfiiivo. 'Pa.
Aug. 29, 11854.-Im. -
airlfTAM TIOUS 73:
unaeisiOned . 'DdiihF an
-11 nounee to the Citizens or Gettysburg, thlit
he has viftencti n Trovisiern House- :in the rmA
thrtlierlyocenpied by Mr.l. .1. Britikerhr.ti ii
Biltinilire - streew.nearly oppettite the
lice; where Le will h,:ve coestnutly, on hind,
Floor, Peed; Groceries; Rutter, Eggs,l t rittl'
Cheese - ;l3ncon, Clticktins, Apfiles'
kiiids, Confections', &c. '
1111.1118. 'KENTUPKY LEAF
-RW OR.WCO, 20 Bales Anemia.
25 do S'aquss, 2Q do Jago, 20 Cases
Seed Ife4l. 4ust receives' mitlfor sale bj
- . No. 157 Friinklin street.
Nov. 24, 1854. . ' .
Warm for Sale or Rent.
TILE onderalp...zied, '(l4sirtuk to relinquish
JL h'artnin,g, will sell at Private Sale„.„ 01)
reasoimble, tqrtus the FARS' on Which he .11e-
Wiled, shout one erpni Gettyshtirg, on.the
Slillerstown about 110
Akcirept,, with itaPitireritents. '
X*4)-11' not, the Earth will be ter RENT.
Perrep apply to: • 3.',N.111.711,1i1LT.
Sei;.l9, 1836.—tt 1
•,, - , _
--'Mil -11011 i
LI lILMA 11 11
'"' ' k iJhpeFit, rri,abaibi re[iertiolly
that:they . o'prk . etf. 1 1%1KVO
adjoining the l ryBWeasggl i
Gettyabucg, In. wrtich Trey ato opening a
urge mid guaeial assort:went of
4,tld. Xs. 4c 4 ltiiii—inings,
' , Springs; Axle:s4.Sa44lery,i .
I i f r +.lll .
a general, incuding every flessElp,;ol4.9l
arlitlVO itt Ifie?Athitkid !line of busittess—t4
which they invite the a ttehtitin. of eckschi ,
ntakers,Blar kano4ks, Carmatert,Cabinet:
makertt,'Wlialilaltbral l Aiaalth; and the
(1,04419 :111111
o,r, i nock f having bean sttleemti with gpeat
-tato ant! ,purobashett for,Caehi, we -part
41)10411)r .the iteady .Ikliateyol‘ djaptise
:or if oh tag teasonable , ternis
they ran "
We earttquarty rtarest i fyittl'finm tsar
frAmii3,:a . 44:rappieliy :; seitcit a share of
public favor, es we anktleteopfgetl,,te es,
tablia)ve ,chavaeter fil,gods •ttl
ow piton:s itithiloilfg4luiiiiiiith r tMtprin.,
•1 tr'lr.);';` , tr• •
t: : JOEL .1) 1 ,0 4 1 1.101TE`ii„
imviß , 7r4Ctierift.' . .
:( 7 .4tPrpbtrtri,rwm,r,3,lB4A,ol,.: t
.I'll"aiiniin,llly WOO WBtiOrikc j i . ilt i ' Of:l3l'o7
1 / I :'3iiit.,l'CriVed
• • •
3 1 ):
CITE .;PEACE 1165 111-570141 g
'Offiee in the front room of hiareaidMlce
)0141tirame. street, ¶here he will be prepared
to aitend ;t4i , Serivening,, Conveyancing, efli
dolleiting dahlia, promptly and pupptually.',.
. • Ciettyaburi Apri 20,--ly -
ondereigned, will attend promptly .
, 41 . - rolhe'rellablion of claims for BOUN
TY LANDS'ondtr4 the 4ate Het . of Con
gress. Thcise.Whii . have;kli'i'edy rceir`id
40 or 80 Aries, earl' naw'rereive the bal.
m . OAT eaßigir . qty 11,2)!r 0 soak e!iber .
ing the necessary a" realfon.
Gettysburg, March 9,1880.—1 f
7: 47 IP( tlt . ..Ali :IA 11111 61/1 ,vl?(lgo7lft,4l
_ -
F 1 R E R 0 DYSI '' l
BAr;fAtiv3Dervflusors'Ail istritkieto
AUVANS & WATSON ) No.-26 South Fourth
. Philadelphia; have hed,thti snrest
tieiniingratkim ; the. ,follostiog,.pertifidates
tliat that/ 1 menhfitetato of ,Balatritiodeml3ifes
has at leogtfr watrante4;sho lemon:lnter
tions whidh havo besh , Made risf thtint ) ; ,as 'reit
daring an, undoubted-security against the tee
rifle element:
Patustiintentl, April 12).1866: ,
Evsse & WAfEsos af
foitis 11+1 thit highest satinfnctiUn to etatti toyou
that owilig to the Viry !ptotoutivo . 'llbalitids o,
two of the' Salittnanded Safes' which Wa Puri
chewed of yoft tome months since, We eaved a
large portion of our , jewelry,'' books ?,
eSposed tO . tlicf calatriltbei to Ron
stet:d Place, on,lite mornings' of , the , 11th
When we reflect that th'exe•StiThs4ere loca
ted in the fourth story of the building we emu-
Pied, and that they .fell , ealteCquently l iiito a
beep of burning ruled; Where the vast eoneep
iration- cif beat!ecihked 'the limas irides' to'rne't
Itbeann'ot but regard the preeerratiOelef 'tli.
:rateable eoinente ne mbtt eiihrineing.fireaf a
the'great security efferded!bY your !Sates; •P
, ''We shall" take trateh`vleadure'in recoln.
!Mending them to melt , 61 busineste tic * sure til,-
Hance agniesit the fire.'' ". 4 ~,, •- ! '!!' • r ,
••• '-•'' • :: OEQT .. 311SIONS•4 BRO.
, Ptil4saitt•iits,''Att'rilli'oBs6. t
;Militate:Ed:oast W Aiki.)A'..-r have ta . 'Offer
r you My.;itilkilln djijr, ilk 'firer df the r grelitimearity,
affordedtoln'Y'efutirilstoek'Of lea!' Y,' lioeks,
papers, during the esti:4l4'M*
? it
lingrittioit le" l i fited,o ilithilllelhet
lliaf the &fine' tr'ire r earittlilt ed in'ffittbf tliC.Sel;
' inatent)ei Stied iiiin titnetured ki . ir 'Too; '' 4 'g" ' '
Traritid fallen frOtii iliellfth story 'oethiai Ai
'tidttif Iftlildlitg;' l / 2 ihere thdy• 'worn • previously - Plfici4d, P iind'expciecid to e Jest fleet lei-along
gittie,'ibe'pretteriatiotioltbe'veluatile' deposits
,tteetri(til 'to erery . and -*to . yiiiiietisiil' tha ' open
nteand interior - eidinihatioa, •a ma tter of pre.
foundddtonishmeet,; .• '' ' '''" ~ 's • .
''recill - whe rinty rettiiire ti• **feet protection
rote the ravages of tire, I shall not, hesitate to
recommend the ate of your•Batioi, as I edfisid•
er. : they hive now undergone the most eriiii . g
se t. • .•' ' : • 'N . : . N. 3IORGAN."
. , Pitti.dartultii,,April 12; 1856.
gimes Eidxs&, WierdoN:.- -tielitlioneii--
Na doubt you wlll,bo deeply gratified to learn
the 43 1 ). 0 4 nlnulitiPn in. Wlliph .licaccovered . my
hookoMficy of iuserattee ; ,ceriiaessees of stack,
and other valualileilominielits, rilen• on Fri
day. htst, I opened the Safe made by your
With my kaciwledge of its great exposure
botl;,tti,the,intesisity of the heat from su. hot ,a
lire, as thttf.Which destroyed the Artisan build.
ing, as
„also from the tbree cliche fall from 'its
,fortut.4,eleiated position in the ithird story, I •
ectuld entertain but slenderhoped prior wits
interior inspection, that the contents which I
once 'so highly prized would ever I . )F, of any ser
vice ta tne, but as t4bee fears are now happily
reiecived,• I feel it 'only due to say to yulti that.J.
'ban henceforth recommend the nee of your.
&fee to all who 'Mai-wishto feel it confidence
in the' f erfeet. Security Which such ,means .prk .
videCtigaiitet so frigittfut an element.
' •,, , •'EDWARD' GARKILL, Bookbinder.
•''' 'Cenettintlr, on head,, Pattie t :, , i'mrcler :, and
Thief Proof Leeks for 11,anks,;.Stoies, ,E•o,. , 2;
April 26, 11:156. 7 .1,y,
~ ~ .. - ---- !
"Philadelphia Advertisement,"
VOR Iferehants, Lair .y .ers, Farm . ersrintl'Oth•
6i^g, havink Books, upers or other tabus
bb..4, to preserve, frntri FIRE or BURGLARS.
1/ny & Newell's (fiohh'sl BANK LOCKS.
'A CA RD.—Ttir: "F tic hoot SAA:," that
preserved ourßnok., rarrs, dv.,' during. the
Grbatb` ire at Hart's Buildings,'•was purebas
ed of OLIVER. EVAN, CIS. 2nd., St. Phil
EV.ANS' 'Premium' -Vehtiltite& Refrigera
tors for cooling and preserving meat?, butler,
milk,' Wake and all articles for culinary purpo.
WATT. 32 MARIO, for purifying brackiBh
or'nauthpi water, whether,effected by rains,
ins, lime
stone, arl or other causes ; can be bad septa'
le or attached to the' Refrigerators—a small
quaatify'of Ice cooling tlm,whole, in the warm
est weather.
use of Warn+ yr cold water, .
• WATER COOLERS, .for H otels, Stores &
Dwelliogs. •
STO ,E TRUCKS, for moving boxes, bales,
speoild-t., ( 2 door* be.lOw Ciiesuut.)
lEsriims4rn, in 1815.) ,
el;, 5, t I .Y, '1 ••• •
,h, ..{.r. Al Alr MAO:
Pl i tEE OF, CliAttGE I !'!
T'") PPLENL: II ), Irl'Aubp a EX. GRA.
' Ni outit.4l(.l' "1.141t0 9 . Abbe" in 'the
Olden 'tidies, a splendid steel engraring,
from the cell:1)11,4A pedilivgpily ti Landseer,
and. the ' t licparture - iiCtfie "Israelites from
Ethii," alarge and beiatitul engravin g, from
a fainting by D: Roberts: ''Pherefail•pried rf
the ahove engravings is $3 per copy, t but' Will
be sent free of charge as follows : •
' The subscribers have established a BOOK
AGENCY in Philadelphia,and furnish
any book or pUblieatiou . ,at the retail Piles' free
bf,postage. Any pe'ritliti, by, t'eo'retirt)ing ... the
subscription price of any of the s3'lsl`agitzities,
iqh as Harper's, Gody's,Pritiftitit'siGithani'e,
Frank Leslie a Fashions, will' recetva title
Megazines for one yeni4nid a ackly ofMtlieeof
the atm. e IfeatititAlingta; tiye ofcharge,
or if subset:billed - 101M afitrilesF, Magazine,
:Mehl Petert's,.. Chbllen's Ladies'
Christian Annuitithey , well receive btith•Mag
itzinitt audit copy of either•otthe abOve. en
Every description of engrtiting on wood. ex
edited with-neatness and despatch. Viewstof
'buildings, newspiaper'hbildibger,Pirielii °VMS-
Ohinery, book illustrations, addle- dertifiCatda,
burliness cards, sac: : A!! orderibeeit. by /Mail
• Promptly attended . lo.'!Perionbivlehbig
..allaturubuildings ougraYed.eau Asosll4afiger
iotype or sketch Qf the building by mail or ex
press. •31 )1 V. i
Per s ons at it is :mei. aving saleable arti
tri,, sU4'hScri tt4lli Aerdili s id it 'fotheir,ltd*titt et take foiciite foe•
e' stfa
"'• • r .'" ikr;
- 'Ao .
!`"Nrov. 'ho,
?Inv , c.troix,r tv • ,
• - , , " • .-..
.le °Ky . S a f e every iwPidnee prewre
ed 'their eilli - 0 conients in the late erten
AVT: the burning' of tbe Artiaan lildinga
'April 10th, and in the GREAT . FIRE in
Market Street,' May Ist, 18,56, the genuine
HERRING, SAFE preserved the. yeweller? Of
Heo. W. Simons A Bro.'; Books, Pirdets . 44o, of
Fisher 44, Bro,' Mad Ewdard Semana k Co., of
ter remaining expoeed to the burning ruins for
nearly FLIRT? HOURS, and proving Conclu
sively what we Ai% 41.wuys 'claimed for them
their great superifirity over all securities' now .
In th'elfe &rear the IlEfißloo3 # B,' RAPE,
ittatidinkaido•by able with' tbOse 4 Mitertirred 'tut
"warranted Ul'B4o , ll'lo' per cent:More
,fize thin
Ilorringa,",cama forth' the acknoWledged :victor,
not nnlj a preservirigar contents in excellent
t %Mitt Ives' iq tptiditip#'
go through till) iihire- the b`&4lled
Ilikalsenancktra" of other maker" were badly
aIT T "e", :f 107 ..t , ft pith
idallip int ellorys 40 in 4 01 49 04161 : .1
their entire contents completeljr/destroyed r T
s publ/e wp would ;$411 )1 1'; !lay, thnt l .'FOR A - -11AAP•1L.01 al AG B
during the 14 ,yeart , that MR-11We, Sefe.Vi f
been } ,before thou, „more t t wo.;beildted
have poised thZotigli
. acoi,dental , • fires vi,ithlnt
the occurrence of a slue° ' •.'
Wo equld t , tberoce l oeution.fairchasers
asainst the nusreprei'onttition of inta4kted ear
, r,atontis thp only„llaree
proof Safe tha to in thiepiiy'abiehle'proteeted
to 3. A"Paielit dfid'ae Will knetwitteetlf to
resist 'more dam double the amount ofliest
soy heOftle now, knowq?,,t . . ; Al
• ' F. % ItIIIiLM ,!IFKM#O9
' ,4 *. /113 1/ 1 0:"CEPIrOITI Pit. 9r
, P 4 T - PCT
. WifinNlBl.'lloo/1911:cf..,
N Watson's Imprpred
menders," "04ver .van'ti," "C. J. Ghyler e t '
and 4 'Scbit t i, " Iron ChCstk, (a ititii3
assortmeht having been , taken in parturq
lnent for '"Herring'e,2) will be Bold, low,po•
June I 3 1856.-4
DRUG STORE. : , -- . ,
V ,spEN - oft, i Tti0AtA,„..1.,,,, 26 South,
1.1 • Second street, Philadolphin t Importer,
31anufheturer, and Dealer in Drngs And 'Medi
cine; Chemicals,'Acids, Dyn . .Stuffli, Paints,
Oils,'COlors; White tend, French and Aui eri
can •White •Zinc, Window-. 01 1 4 1 38 r. 0111 4gwaM .
• „Br ashes;,, ,Inotrnmangf,
p i te yhol)Sis, audAlllrr , slatl: l ,
ls;lapti i trg e l l t T Tieiil 4 ,nl
Indlgt, Glue, udlifoasl,to4, ~ &c. 2
, mail'ior othe;w i lse , yromptlt it.
tended to. Country Merchants are invited to
',call and examine our ntock before t prehusing
, elseWhOre. 'Doials`Sent. ti any
,nf. e wharves l
lor railroad stations:. 'Prices low, rind gtuls
warrantad..i. , - . -
1 , . .MArch 7,-1856,7.1y.
' 2 1 ,41/20 . 10 7 4 1 42:41i;Q 'an 'OitO
70H,D1 W. rrorir, FaMionable liar
4!r • bar Dre.tae - r Can at all timer .
,be found . prepared to ettend to th e , calla of
the people, et , the 'Perri pie: in the Htatnond,
ailfoiiiing the Ilauntyi swilding,. From
long experienced heflatters hititself that ite
can go through Blithe rateifictitions ofthe
"rissiOktiej . Department' .
With.rtuch en (16gree'! Of - skill, at
will net l with the entire satisfaction efUll
who,itity . enbutif their' china to the keen
°deal of his razors. He Ifbpea therefore,
that' hy Ilia attention to butdoess, and a de
sire to please, he will merit es well, as re-,
raised litierAi.share, of public patronage..
The sicltbwill be attended to .at their pri•
rate dwellings. .
' - A Ngli SUPPLY OF FANCY (1001 A
''• MISS 411 , 41:1LEILLAN
jjAS just returned from the city with
v6rj.large stack of
ifildiLNEßr tr• FANCY GOODS,
•to which:she would:invite the attention of her
friends and the,-public, believing that an ex
amination will satisfy . them that her 'Goods are
the bi.tit selected and Mostfashionable'as well
as the (+tiniest' eVer of in this place. The
assortment comprises' .
ashmeres, • '
. f9ilks, De Lanes,
,Berge, ohurg laths, Nes- •
lin, Linuen. Sack Flannels Bon- .
nets and Bonnet Trimmings, Satins,
Ladies' Dress Triminings, Velvets; ,
cials, Black Veils, Blue dn., Gloves, Hosiery.
Handkerchiefs. French Worked ollare,
a rnbrie,Jaeltottetand Swiss Edgings,
Insertings,.Muslins, Sleeves, Mo•
hair and Silk Mils, Black
Lace And Embroider:
ed Handkerchiefs,
Braids, Pins,-
Ste., be.,
Yek-Call and oxaminO for yourselves
Gettysburg, April 18. 1856.
1 1 111VATk SALE.
'WISHING to retire from the *filming and
V milling business, I will sell at Private
Sale. the following .y 411111641 •Heal Estate,'
known as,
situate about one and ahalf mile S. West from
Ltlestown, Adams 'county, P'entiyu.
No. Acres . of. Mgail
.9ip bottom of a superior-quality of re& gruvol
soil, well adapted to timothy, 2 000 bushels o
hm: havtm
. been put on it. The improve.
merits ate a I. AMIE ANI VERY 11E,A
I'IN UL'MERCHANT MlLL,'Sats hiiU, Coop'
err Shop,. two Dwelling Hotlines, a . • -
Store Room, two, ,13ako Orens, two,
St files three Ilog Pens, ;'' ;
ail& all necessary oue-bilildings. The
Mill is built upon the most modern kind' iniiirb
Ted plan:' Thb !dim and root areqtot bur.
,passeti by , any., . Jour Comity, roads centre, st
this Mills •
.. . ..
No. 2.-37 Acres of Slate Land,
:very 'susceptible bf a high state, of cultifhtion
r 3 .:Pr 10 ^eetee of , AthickL,:ire heavily, timbfirod,
, with about 14.kcresof mcadtiw. 'l'he ! , . ,
1 inizovenientki nrojt large and 'very [m a
1 corn plete GR [sr 1 :111_11, krid 'D:Stel- • w
I ling .:House. - Thisprupecty 'ad.
joius,No.. l. • , ..,:f .0 r - ,,. ,-: .• ./7 :01 , Ifl f. ,
1. , No. 3.-A Farm: Containing
115'6 AererPmostly the rbd'grtivel soil,:atut pre-
Idticers welly 40 to 8 . 0 . .Acres ofl which etrd•heavi•
I ,Y ,;kfehlised and tkit9e 2 , o ,AVrle P 1 !PRltticlif
bottom.. 19,,(!ti0 to 12,006 bushols of 1 1,h - up
Itile'bedn'imt epoiiihe hind'. '' An ribil6lahce
'of ftnitticesobpciti the:prat:hi:Ms. 'TIM' ' : ti`i
imp.osernetita-are:: ,Stone •Dwolliiitp
2 , 4 .
gqiukiknti .g.i 'tiken,,§rpiiik,o , ,,.../4444. g .
a large Dank 13arn, with. wagon
Shedtt, Cithi crib, liar Isiiii, 'and all' hh - Ceis
nitt:baildingii: ) Thitt pritiairty'in Mad' n.'part • I
•140.,1, arad:known•aemboste.•, ' There: up nee a'
moro.desital)ln prnk) .tho .ofnlut.Y.,..thact
.140C1.$1' . GRP Vb . oithor. scparntely,nr„tn•
'Other. 'call and 'ee it. ': 'these prOpekles
w ill be Skold:tlepicately 'Cm together, as 'intty'bent
suit - purcbairers. iilliwill'11011: 'Ol3 acctoininodi
iting ,443 . 11miif Apy Pfriten Ytehteß: tPalfw.. the
property wilt please call on Edward Stahl" 'iv::
burgl on . the , promises, or, myself in Get4i.
t: ... '! ~ r ' ," GEORGRARNOLD. '
, Aug. ,18:56.r!-$5...i."..- : . ff.. ~: . ~
.Itenry Wainpier , will
Majte frouse Spouting
.and put up
clic, same low, foi"Cash eMintry prp•
duce, Farmers 'and all' iithe're wiehiiig
th e y ti iflirni,.&d. 81)014(4, Would
do wr"to give them call:
FlourfOri. , 81110:,1-i • , ,2`
IF yen want a - good,barrrl vouti cnlT,:af
1101it'S WATF,E; as he hai made • arrange.
manta to hava.always the best ? which he swill
'tell' tit' 25 ' dents: ddioliiieti.
4 ... - *l. - 401fht) HO,KEit. {
2 C/ B fi, 6 -oolt: do 'to tez.:l
shem.--at St RICK'S.
• •••;
41 . 1 t2N.Es , EXIStRitIVREMPJ?nd
n Y .th9Jid of a.mictufeepe,, A:Tiie,(1`0111i0 . 100
13 'or fiii thiautta?i' of .ciel
th,ese this k i tinqiiikelf•wtiell
iubb4tl' an ifid is"citiMed to it 'f_iorgaw. of
• inward p o rt. Diseases of tlio'itillieya t '
detti tho'Pvef, ati'eetitiniCarthelieartildfin
-466'04"i:4.1N Lung*, Asthinna,-- 044
toidi4"nro etteettniili eured:--0
knowt that sail. passes freely;
through !wino or idoet 0C air: thickhota. •Tb
healing 'Ohytelyegt far more readily penetrates
through aurbejritttikhylaftlif the living
„ody,. towing che p i. t'dentrbetThward cont
meant be , 'hit Withi-
FiT.--Are 1,-,
i }2 VeiPEGA. 9 ,te4ATANilt7itt AND seOR: I
etint, lit/moss.
No remedy has dos•
, Snit
The ii
the gl
lug CI
rely a
EIC3 of sot
and tutuors:,.Prothasoir o wayluil4 liy co
1 . 130
mend °film. Allied. Ouvennnents,‘ dispatch
to the hospitals of,tlie klatt,,large.,sh?feaents
this Ointment, used under Ake:direction'
of . :the Aletiical staff; in • the! aural siiienet.
wounds, ,It will cure any ulcer, • glandular+
availing, all Gem; or contract:llOn . of of the jointa
wools 20 years'. standing., .• • I
. . • '
Mal othe n r altnilnf dintreasine.
plaints cull be effectually' awed if thi'Oilitinelt
be .well rubbeditt ovi
i d the' partel aeted . snill
by otherwise tbllowitg r
the' firinted .tlit 'diretitiona
around ench pot.
8014 llre .(linitural and ills seitedi bit tiled
His Aiwa*:
lintllints • • • Lanatnpatti • I! to
Harm; MercuriatEruptiono
Chapped , Bands , ,
Chllbiiiuslilieutuattsa t ' . 1;
Phittalas ' Salt Itheuin
Gout Skin 1./istusses:
R'rCnsts Legs, tvelled elands
Sete Still' Joints
Sore Heads Ulccia.
Sore Titi.onts tttr Vrattrall Pores
Sures of all kinds' ^ i t' 3 Violetideol all kinds
Sprains • • ' Stillds • ' 4 % 41
*„* Sold at the: 3fith..fitel brieirof
floLtm wnv, tio Maiden line,' New Irtirlic--Arni
24.1, Strand, London, and : by all reSpectaida
Druggists and Dnalers of Sledieirtes tJtrOaght
out the United States, and the eitiilized world,
in Pots, at 25 centa,423 ,
VirrTliere is a considerable Paving by tak
ing thet( larger size .
N. 13. Directions for the guidance mr as
ileitis in every disorder are affixed te,,each Box
f Noyl 11153..---.44W1
LET T2oaEll ER
HA La vilir AYS . Fit Ii . SL. 1
,! s,. WiLIYkARE-Wil ;OK it'Lx''
T has been the lot. the,harmau nee to ,
d down tretthe by disease Atilt etifferingo r -...
110 LiA)Wltl 4 PI she HOE. eitilly
to the itlief of the • WEAK. the filtllllol.l.t
thetlikAJO.A.T.F.6 and the.INKI Ali, ot all ell
mates, scq; untl,ccustt talons. :Frß
fet6ior tiollowey peistioalty eup.rieteells the,
ntenofitetutoof"hi9 niedierhei le the
Stamm ) and btlere thee' free shit •enitht
one& people, ate .the, best resiede the world .tmir
saw tier the remove! of clieettse.
The' toe Pllit Purity Ylb ireeiet. l " 1
These fansoteirilltr are eltptCs'sly
to operate on the stomach,. the liver; the"ki
,neys, ;he lunge, tkeekin, URA tthelowels,reeir
yectin4any tlurangementin theiellanctious,pu the Liiixl 7 the very fountain of tile an yl
hus etteink Onus. " 1, "
Nearly the human race have taken
leaufbllen Obligati& allipettwei
the world, tterntilikletgAhatelkettlound equal
to4hgnt,iucws, Pkdisonlers of,the
pepsin, and stomach euutplaints genera,ll,y,-
They soon ' g;i4o h e althy ,tone to these' oq3ane
• howe4r much dertinged, and when 'all 'tali;
saiia DEMUty , ltlaoattMj
!,':,Mnnv,otii the, most sdespmlo , 'Governinenfs
horejoPotilstioir csoultest, blowsesitothidutro
;diiction ot , tlieso .Pi%,,,that t Aft l muy bccomo
thd 'of ihe'rnasileti.„Leatried Ctillogs*
admit dieffieiS' the i lioetit - ileinedy
evist..knovsmfor liertiome of :dhlictileoheatth;Or
17,1zere thaltystosaJma becn,iMpairE44a.its
Vsgissating, ropopies, never, Ns4xvlicf.
Arabs Complatts., 4 •
Noye,isele, youngp.
'thirseeliihratiAlinedient It corricis'and Jeg
ulates the monthly _ confses l atilliilletbdit;Watiirg
in.•iiitifiyaeliteii4fiie! a charm. It is also the
best and safest medicine that cast be givan to
ales) Al Ol fora
ociWdAhhollir.`tia , Umlly iilidthlbe'vritbou
f” • , , vi (,t I*/*".'st ,ti
..HoUrne!4.oti,lls'frlfPte Oat rcni4„btioarcia
ilia 1°674'24°1:44P of Alle
ith tiffitOtowi
Yna" " larra.*
Bowel Voissilaintir )1.""
CV. "" rsmixs,•,.., •
; ; • ..breT awl Ague
Chest ) Diseases , Fposala,y . sitophsitata,c,
Dy'Spoisia lleadhelies .
IndriAtion - " '' - tobb'thirahorit ,( I', ',
Influtinzal itikionatitiosyslififtitchr;
Inflammation , Neehoess ,, t)
Yenorettl Affecqoot ,Lis:er,Cgotp!stipta, •„,
'Worms, of 'allitinds - I:Owlets] ot
44 ' * Old ht the •iniin'iiffietoe ie v t!it P'rbfessui
HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane„NeViYotiri, lad
244 Strand,London, by ell respeembhaDruzgista
'attic Defilers of
throe the Dui;
led Statei, and the civilised wbild, 'boxeijat
25 cents, 62+ cents and $1 each; Li. '• , :n •
Plitt-There is a considerable saving by Ws
it:lg the larger sizes. •
N. B. Directions for the Oidahce cif,.p,a
tiuots i every disdrder iiroitffiSced to etfdll j bei.
Oct. 20, 185—eo w ,
' ' • '
; onAnsa-ND nulling*. •
- .
f rP lB N u rSCTYA 0 1 4 Pu t, I milelognffoes4
Pottyabnrg, %hero tfie, v!tnotps land, pr
FILIJIT'TELOS Ito tultintleff na t foreilb
al t iota D. kylilk/kAki Rtivildeirtv.
tBeßerf , 11 - ;;6,-..1.6t. 101 1 ,14 , 1111 udT .:117
i4Pa44, 1 ,1 * pg ' 1 1 1:44
fail to please the mosifiatiiiibee: Tall at