Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, October 31, 1856, Image 2

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hi* Fulfill; ON. ;V.
---- evicitftmDt..,
LOOK Mit Volt
lirLet every Fremout, and Fillmore
magi , bale , vOting,. compare his ticket
with 'thb thltowing. - None other ate'itett
ulat'4“:'bbrtinscrupttious foe, assisted by
tutt}tuvei'it:toijoitting cutintiea , will leave
coating outlone to deceive Toter', nn.
thus tlefesti fraudnleutly, honest oz.
ItreAion` of public senthuoui. llsware I—,
Jno. Feanobt.
Jo ' deph ' Hdatards,
George N. Eckert,
Mahlon kL Ainkinson,
U'llsnti Jewell, •
Albert G. Howland,
Win" Darlington, M. D:
AU. third, '
Miebutl H. Shirk,
Simon Cameron, -
John M'Cortniek,
Smith*. Thompson,
Russell F. Lord,
Froderiek''E. Smith,
Abraham Updegnar,
Joseph,l). Simpson,
He ekilah Haidotir,
Eibiabl Scull,
Wm. M..Sttqrart,.
Alfred Puttenion,
D a pt C. Sawyer,
JPainter . ,
''nee L. M'Guffin
George W. Arnold,
Hillard ElMoire,
J.I3IES him,
Joseph Edwards,
George N. Eckert,
Mahlon H. Dickinson,
Wilson Jewell,
Albert G. Rowland,
Caleb N. Taylor,
Wm. Darlington. M. D.
William M. Baird,
Michael H. Shirk,
Simon Cameron,
John M'Corrnick,
Smith B. Thompson,
Russell F. Lord,
Frederick E. Smith,
Abraham UpdegrafF, •
Joseph D. Simpson,
Hczekiah Easton,
'Edward Scull,
IWilliam M. Stewart,
Alfred Patterson,
IBennir C. Sawyer,
iJacob Painter,
Lawrence L. ArGuffin,
George W. Arnorld, •
antes Skinner,'
Once More unto the Breach !
116. bet all the friends = io Freedom.
Fitie.Spe'ectli and
. Free Kailsaa go to the
Polk on Tuesday the .4th of November
mid vote the !Mit" electoral Ticket.--
Fremont men inOillmore men should
join heart and hand• in taking die State
Mini. the friend. or Slavery by aiding that
tiekel. Each, can vote for his loon indi,
viduat choice. and by the combination on
thOUnion Tizket - Can secure :for that
elude. tbs. fullittrerigth of lii. , preference
.There be do reasonabl e
oliition to dila. There' is no .compro-
Illiali:of principle required. It is in accor
clatik,Wititliii ,eutiree Pursued. In voting
tuv the lintim State and County tickets;
and:hitiatt , strike every .one ' not :only
faie:tind‘hinirsible, tint the, only course
diarhill talCe the' electoral • 'time .of the
Nunn trout., the, filavery. :party. Let the
friends:An Fremont and 'Fillmore' every .
where go to the pone and vole the Unihif
'by `'theme two
midditlitei and the result is mrtain to be
that will'rejoice the hearii tatt l e
opponents of Slavery over the Union. ' '
Como the' Work Once
Wr say to the friends of freedom,
gird nn your armor anew fur the contest,
and. make rtady 'lour bow , for the fight.
Til'ere ia but it .singlet week left fur the
work to, be dune. There ere thousands
of vett who wined the, shatn ' Oetimentic
ttrket at the late election, who can never
p*elinerl ,the Cincinnati pfatform ; also
trienwho refused to vote in Stateelections,
bid olio in tite present fearful crisis, when
ail 111 W ir'St stoke. will rally to
crinilithe aorta enemies of Freedom that
ever_ Minded defence of wrong. We
call upon all' our friends, everywhere, to
tiquuble th'eir'efforte in a cause u holy as
ever wars yieseeted to a free people for
theiraupmt.. Rally with new hopes and
ocieripinationoindefence of truth and right.
There lino ouch word as fail to men who
tote good cause with truth and right
Noon their side.' Let no man flag for one
tithinent in his efforts; let tie )(Mk anew to
ori,rleiganitation; bring every man to a
~kutiFistdre of the justice of our cause; let
revery .effort be made to bring to the poll.
all who'have a rigbt to vote; ue prepared
on the 4th of November to exclude from
the liallot•box every bogus vote. We can
sweep..the-Statein November in spite of
the riiirnbined efLirts of the hosts of Si,.
very; Again be up and at work, night
and . : day. until the close of the polls on
Tineedey evening next, and let no ordinary
business Pritten.t.atteutiOn JO this great and
intiremiee duty.
This is the only question in this elec.
lion. Many are trying to cover it np, sod
to delude the , people as to what is 'before
ONE VOTE . , them, But, fiiends ! beam deceived !
Iltrgeo sometimes - uegluot to exercise We do not intend to touch the South, or
.th'e: - tight' of luffrage; because they think to abolish Slavery, or to prevent the return
one e°l° eft!ette-cueetePtennel forgetting i of fugitives, or to jeopardise
„ in any way
that its`'eggtrgato is - :!nsd3 :.up . Of °iD g l° our Federal Union.
votes. • NoW s ,fo every friend •of Freedom We - only moan to sustain our country'swe would say, don't neglect to %vote, if you • ; •
tonstitutton,hy giving to Kansas hernghts.
pwaituy out get to the polli. . 'much
If this is not done in tkie peaceable man.
-•" 1 " 4 t^^ , ..• rPotliour, vote as upon the vote
of Ivey other:Man:- The 'right of voting ner, then violence will contiritse„ Wand civil
a gr=sl privilege, should be exeroieed I war may comel.if it is not done at all, then
wheuevee an opportunity: offers: One th e destiny of this nation s as a Free Be
14 4 t .f dead° the result, end woe to 7ttn public, is forever ended.
If preedout fails - through you negligence, 1 . h : et fee r
110w-cittseue man y lov e r
vo h or, VOTE!
14- and your country ! vote fair Fremont-4fietr
President's Lice-. Libariy and the' lininn k.sumui and 'die.
, . . c ona u lu g ou, jour how_ sad your native
hot *MU nuona4 frassiourfal - peril.
4mixt Tuesday
- Num su4ollaien . I
Shall our- Republic be Free or
Slave ?
pj Men and brethren ! are 'lon pre•
paring to iota on the 31ain Question at.
issue In the Presidential mutest ?
• That question is not, Shill Slavery' be
extolled into Kenna f or, shall she be
left free and quiet, to, decide for herself
whether Slavery shull be introduced or
not ?
Slavery is already there I It was first
admitted, in violation of all honesty and
good faith, by sloe repeal of the Missouri
Compromise, which had solemnly dedicated
the soil to Freedom; it was next esbblish•
ed in the code of laws adopted last year by
the pretended Kansas Legislature, , which
oho House of Representatives at Washing ,
ton, after fulyuvestigation, h;, pronoun.
red spurious and void ; it was finally fixed
and finished, by being made irrepetilabla
for a length of time, by test oaths render
ing it impossible for opposers to vote or he
voted for, by edicts forbidding the discus
sion of the subject, and by other laws,
which even the United States ' Setate has
acknowledged to bo infamous, tied fit , only
to be blotted out. Thus has Slavery been
already famened upon Kl3o.Be—not by its
inhabitants, but against their will.
made such by invasion, and violence, mid
fraud, and treachery. Its citizens cannot
help themselves. They are not permitted
freely to vote or bold office, or to make a
Free State, if they choose.
If Kansas remains as it is, it, remains a
Slave Territory, and becontai a SLAVE
STATE, ilb violation of the ballot-boa t of
Free Speech, ind Of oar ltiptiblican Libor-
ties-,in virtual overthrow of the American
Constitution' for the spread of Slavery
through the
. whele country, and with the
speedy prospect of a despotic form ape.
ernmentover these United State.; I
Nothing can non/save Katmai Or -our
Republican institutions but some revolution
of her affaire--some: help fur her from
without—some overturning of the Mllin- .
lent legialation which haft' forced Slavery
and tyranny upon her—some restoration
of her formar'freedosa, that she may, as a
State, decide her institutions-for herself.
The question is, SW kite Slavery which
hat been fraudulently imposed upon Kan
sae he overturned T Shall that. spurious
legislation, and those tyrannicalesactments
and those violations of the hallo. box and
of Free Speech, be suppressed Shall
the, authorities sent to • Washington inter
fere, and restore Kansas to her Conewitu.
&nal Rights 1-
Fremont, and his platform, -and his
friends answer, YES I We must, and we
will annul What has been ddne ty violence
and fraud, and , we wall put Kansas where
she was, with the privileges of becoming a
Free State, as ber actual residents desire.
Buchanan auswere, No. , He, and his
platform, and his friends all say, We will
not interfere in Kann' ; we will lot her
alone, to 'remain as she is, in Slavery,
without the chance of becoming Free.— I
We propose only to keep things as pestles.
ble and quiet as possible, for tha sake of
the Union—learing untouched the frond
and oppression in Kansas, in order to ap.
pease the South; who have brought it
about, and who might 'resent its' repeal. •
The Southern portion of this , part Y—by
far the larger and controlling portion—are
determined, as all their , papers" show, to
keep Slavery in Kansas, =and the Northern
portion quietly submits t They tell us
than Kansas is becoming peaceable ; but
What of that, while the tyranny and the
fraud remain 1.
Fremont• is for doing something, which
alone can save Kansim ;'the othei is for
keeping quiet, which is to , give up to eter
nal Slavery and oppression. Between so
tive correction and passive acquiescence the
real issue lies. • •
Americana ! which is your answer to
the questioo ? Shall the rights of Kansas
be restored ? or shall she be left to the
terrible doom . which has been fsitened
upon hor ?
Tim Prospect
Ot"We heist not been inclined to belit
tle the reverses of our friends in Pennsyl
vania and Indiana. .We were sorely die.
appoinied t r od' depressed by them, and
said so freckly. We are now able to as. I
sure our friends everywhere that the prom.
peer has greatly brightened within the
last few days. AU our advices from both
States are cheering. The sincere frietids
of Fillmore, though they threw Indiana
against us at the State election, cannot
lord to do it again. They want to get the
selection into the Douse; and to do this
they see their State must not go for Bu
chanan. So in !Week; PO in flonuecti
out. Whoever really means to elect Fill
more through the agency of Congress mit
pereeive that,it will not do to throw Free
Staten to Buchanan. Thus our' late re
ar.) likely to prove an important el.
ement of strength in the approaching cen
tre. hleantitue the Fremonters are work:
lug with desperate energy, and good re. ,
ports come in from every quarter. In.
single poll district in (;heater County, Pa.,
there are YIPTY•IIIX Fremont voters who
were not out et the State election. They i
are cooing out next week. and mil! bring
tbeir nvighbors with: them. Friends of .
Fremont and Dayton I we make no boasts
—we do not promise. you success ; but
you can win it it you will. Just alto-
gether resolve that you .wile Township
organization, resolve;and a week's reso
lute work by all bands, will secure your
triumph.. Clan you 4int' all give a few
days to your country 7—N. Y. 'Album.
The Tricksters at Work.
ICPIt seems that the Philapelphis
trialtaters have their lackeys and agents at
work all over the Suite, and even in Adams
county. Last To asday a friend called up.
ou us with a butte batch of SPURIOUS
TICKETS printed in Philadelphia, which
had been cent to him. Doubtless the
County has been flooded with them. The
annexed erraet from a prominent Fillmore
moan in .Elanover addressed to a Fillmore
:nan in this place, shows that SENARY
LEADEktif the Hanover Oietalor, is
engaged in the .work of Sanderson StCo.,
iaodoavoring to defeat the Union Electoral
'Ticket :
"Hanover, Oct. 28, 1856
DEAR Sta :—I had that our man LEADER
has some of the "straight-out" Fillmore Elec•
total tickete, 'Which he intends to distribute,
and . will no doubt send some to the polls in
your county, 'especially where there are Fill
more mon. I write to apprise yon of it, so that
Our friends may be upon theirguard. Although
I am a Fillmore mau, I have no idea of endor
sing this cfro r t to betray our cause and throw
the State into the hands of the Buchanan
I oen. We all here go in for the Union Electo
rtl ticket. See to it that our Fillmore friend s
iv: your county are put upon their guard against
tl? 'se spnriobs Tickets. Yoursin hate
Some time ago we had occasion to put
our friends upon their guard 'against tlds
same blame, as king at, heart a Buchan
an map. playing into the heads of the flu
charism interest, aud'seeking the defeat of
the new eflreedom iu 'Pennsylvania.—
Tpe above letter shows him to be engaged
in the Wink: 'f the Philadelphia tricksters,
wlto_*,.tistyt.d us at the late electiun, and
now seek the triumph of Buchaniim by
seducing voter ) .* !row the support of the
Unihn Electorsl •Ticket. LOOK OUT,
f:77Bince . writing.. the above we learn
that LEATIM hia, i teen at work in daerent
parted the County, a, tributing antiun
ion Meets's' Tickets, aL•11 endeavoring to
excite divisions and heart .burning's among
our friends. LOOK ODT, FRIENDS
ICP Let every - tree !friend of 'Freedom
in Adams CUunty' be upon their goord
sgainat spumous TICKETS, nu, Too
-1 day next. The county bas been Fl 100D
ED. by SANDEnios & Co., of Phibulf•lpbbly
with spurious Eleotoral .Tioketa,ln the
hope of deceiving honest voters; and there
byiyentributing to the defeat of 'the Poinis
Electoral Tieket, and the triumph of the
13nohaneers... These spurious ticket.. will
be found in every township of the county.
The Same men who betrayed us in Fhilit
delphia at the late .elect en,. are again at
Work. Theitvilluioy has been exposod
but they-oontione•their effort*, with uuu•
bated, seal. LOOK OTT FOR SPIT•
The Union Electoral Ticket.
tr.7ll'lle friends or Fillmore vole this
' ticket with the name of MILLARD
FILLMORE at the heed of it the friends
of Fremont vote with' the name 'of
JOHN C.' FREMONT at the head of it.
With. !hie exception the ticket voted by
the friends of both these candidate' sire
alike F but they are Pledged to give their
owe* in the Electoral College so that the I
two• Inevidential • candidates shall receive
the votrurgiven to them respectively try
the people.
Sancastor County.
KrThe Arinetklo' Executive Comtirit.
trio( Lancaster County have endorsed the
*nion 'Electoral 'Bake, 'Lancaster will
give a g,ocsireport on the 4th of Novena-
wgi-Er.liesident Van Buren and his
sow Smith. Van Bolen; were thrown from
their eirtisse last week, the• horse. taking
fright,and , runni'ng away. One of the
'arum of the• former was broken and the
latter was-slightly injured.
lerTho offietal Teton's aboar a LOOO foto
majority in the..Leitaleture of on joint
ballot—to the &sore, g euti.B uebanan,
sad, is the tieuteig,oAisilitams
i3J {tTU
"Once more our glorious banner out
Upon the breeze we throw ;
Beneath its folds, with sour and shout
Let's charge upon therml
ler'Let the friends of Free
labor, Free Speech and Free
rr Kansas in Adams Count.y again
gird on their armor for the
great contest on the Fourth of
.November ! On the result of
that day rests the all important
Suestion whether Freedom or
lavery shall rule the Republic,
and let every man who adheres
to the Republican principles of
Washington, Jefferson and Mad
ison prepare to do his whole
If Kansas and the vast ex
panse of Territory beyond is to
be wrested from Five White
Labor and given up to Slavery,
let Adams County have her
skirts clear of the crime. A
majority can , be:, given. against
the extension of Slavery, if the
proper exertion be made, and
the man who aids in giving that
majority will have' something
to be proud of the longest day
he lives.
Yes, we say, go to the Polls,
and see that every man
who is in favor of
the cause of
Freedom, ,
Free Speech,
Free White. Labor,
Free Kansas, and Free men,
put in his vote.
.Be at the , Polls early !
Be at the Polls all'day !
Get out fife last Mall !
Let none stay at home r
Keep a sharp eye on the
. BallotOx r
And see that all spuriouS votes
are challenged. •
See that our friehds put in* the
right ticateti
.If you 'ftti be
triumphant you Oust be
Vigilant, ndustrtousnod firm !
What Differeeic e Three' Weeks
Makes In !Pen; lieratic.Nielorles
In October, 1840, the {Whig)
Pennsylvania on Co Tress
, Losing the State' by 4,
But in Notember,lB4o,the
• for President mts '
Winniug the State hyj
,In October, 1844, the Wlte
Governor was
But in November, the Whig,
President was
Showing a gain 0£5,083.
In October,lB4B, the Whig
Canal Commissioner was
The Democr tic cattaida
elected by 2,636.
Bnt in November, 1848,": the
vote for Oen. Taylor lb
dent was
Carrying the State by
In. October, 1852, thq Whig v
Canal Commissioner was
But in November, the Whig v
Gen. Scott for President w
Showing a gain of' 27,
The full vote of Panoply'
or never brought oat at,
the Presidential poll gWail
increase. The difference 1
lat. Presidential candidate
cers bui always been very
In 1840 tho difference
ber of rotes polled io Unt
vonaber was tia fellows:
In 1844 it, was as follow
November •
In 1848 it was :
In 1852 it vt.ta
jerk on the State Ticket /
is a little above 2700 votes
. 4000 a fen days ego. At
fraudulent votes , were one
eitaniers, through fraud ni
So ligation Papers-4a w
and 'Ole importation of n
States. • Some 4 the . sem
in thesefrauti t , is ho_are lei
pligbalij4 he liatireil Up fi
—ln bILYt ion county, k rheum', there hes
been great catchment .ott account of , the
diarovery of a pint among the ncgroes.ta
rise in lehellion on the 15th of this month
Fortunately, the plot was dimoveted in .
time to ,prevent one of the most bloody
__ massacres in the whole annals of jemmy..
• Llions. The !plot was very extensive, and
egroom svho were taken up• and made to
"The increased Vote. I confess
Sometwenty miles
in 2 l4ics te_ d others
A comparison 91 the vote ff ' of Philadel. 1 0 .
of the Degrees, say the rising
was 44" tele place the day of the ?maiden"
phis and twenty other counties in the
State for Nov., 1852 and [
an .in-
1860, Aid election. ' The men all being' from has been shows that while there home on that day, the plot was to murder ,
crease of over thirty per cent. in the vote 'the women and .children first, and thin
of Philadelphia in lour year., the increase
In other parts of the State is leas Thanfour ettsck the unarmed men at the polls.
e oo
Several white matt rate been implicated,
per eent. Over twenty per cent. of the and notified to leavthe uniy in a
1 - 'file letter states that
Abe ? camp ae. givingScott,Democrat, 12.48 , be.aecounted for by the Buchanan Doom- on t h e ° °r° a t h e
"THEICATION."--This is title 1 . 1 2 6 ' 8 in
. a ' --
----- — C I d excitemen t ' intense.
and that several negroes have been htihg.
of a new literary journal pubblied io aeilOoeinan, Union, 210,112.. . Democrat- . racy who managed the increase.
• 1 The plot seems to here been very eaten.
Philadelphia •by
° Crying and Blebiw..— 'ic majority, 2,774. The Senate stands • .
;The paper evinces math taste an ability, Demerits 16, -Union 18 ; ` end the ` house 1 .. 3 i _ , . ' sive, reaching
as far as Thee.
PUCK , " tose t hei r ' ' -- • . '' •
and is beautiful ic' its typgraph Terms 'of Representitives ' stands titismoorate 08, 1 '
.. , •
',2 00 per mum. Utior k .-47 :. " I hornsenMovember •
, . ,
~ ~ s e 7 4k k e Uovernor has akpotuttuill
1 AS F. POW= AdjutatUt. Idelteini 1 / 4 41 14
• of Oen. &trump. . . •
, ,
' . lindlaiii •
The gliam Demoorsoy are carrid the
State by - .a small majority. Th#e 'are
thonsitifis of persona in Omit idaa well
as in Pr nosylvania,, who will vot er Ero.
moot and Freedom in Ibei Territilies on
the 4th of November next.' The annals
`alone who will change their vote 41 , carry
the State for Fremont and Free4m.
Kr Tim people of South :Carolina have
li n
returned Hoo. Preston S. Errs): :to Car
gres. and armed him with seam canes,
a brace of pistols, a revolver en a raw
should Old I.lne Whigs nehlate
with the Democracy. will reqeir a no wonderful tax
upon the 11101230fi of any Old Lice Whig
to adduce for himaelfreasons why he cannot
now "Elate with th-e Democracy in sup.
port of James Bucthanan. How long r'
time has' elapsed sines the stigma wit a
stereetypesl one, that every supporter of,
Whig principles int this land had been
boughs by British gold, and knew no other
reason for the ad rummy of ‘ the measures
the party proposed than could be found in
the unjwitiflable epithet of a "British
bought Whig f" Ito they remember when
this same .Demearacy, not content with a
fair and Meuse opposition to the Whig
party, laid hold of every opportunity .to
gain an advaotagit over it, and how they
defamed and villifled the candidates they
placed as their nominees before the people ?
How, not content with ridicule, they des
cended to low, scurrilous abuse of Whigs,
Whig principles, and everything that 'par
took of their measures in general? Do
they remember this t If so s we call their
attention to the following extracts from,
their papers during she campaign of 1844;
when Henri Clay and Theodore Frelior
buyeen were the candidates of the Old Line
Whig party. Let every, Whig of the pres
out day read , them, and when the coaxing.
of the Democrats) , are reaching their under
standing, let them'call these eiiraete up
from the put and learn the object of the IMPORTANT—Buchanan Withdraw
present friendly and patronizing attitude ing from the Contest.—The ItichmoOd
of the adherents of James Buchanan.— Whig Perpetrates the following joke
Here they are : Al we anticipated, we received late rater
" When they ( the Whigs) take the man day afternoon -the following brief and panted
but sorrowful and indignant letter from the
(Henry Clay) 'foaming. with passion, with a melancholy sag s of Wheatland: g
pistol in one band and a pack of cards in the
other, as their candidate for the Presidency, ffb the Democracy of the United States.
they may expect to win the support of the mor- WHICATLANI Oct. 16, 1856.
al and religious, by associating with him • lam an undone individua l. My own State
Psalnillingiug professor (Theodore Frelinghuy- has gone against me. If not, lam sustained
see) with a. hymn book in his hand and a Bible by a most 'ridiculous small majority, which a-1
under his arm. e mounts to the ,ante thing. All the rest of the
"Clay, half intoxicated with wine, raving at States - seem to be going the so.e way. 11
a debauch, and Frelinghuysen fervently addres. therefore withdraw from this infe al contest. I
'fling the Almighty at a prayer meeting. II am no longer a candidate. Rum indeed,
"Clay at the card table, and Frelingbuysel eras the'honor of your Cincinnati nomination.l
at thn.communion table. I cast it from me. A cuss upon the whole of
"Clay pointing with deadly aim at the heft ou. As respectfully u I should be, I
of his fellow man,and Frelinghuysen leeturin JAMES BUCHANAN.
against dueling and cold blooded murder. Litho Dawning to York County t
"Never was there a tyrant or usurper so , •
bloody and wicked, that he could not finds - U:1" We ate glad to see that our fr ien ds
Priest or Clergy of some 'religion or sect to , in York are doing "the nice thing." York
cloak.his crimes and tnock Heaven by invok• ' .
ing its hie:twinge on his enormities. Our Whigs : county, in consequence of the divisions
have not read in vain, and they are attempting . there, has been looked upon as a dark
to profit from its lesson. !spot throughout the campaign But lightl
"Religion is called upon 'to tikithti blood y .
hand of the duelist and sit down with him in is breaking oven there. The Fillmore
the seats of power. . men have endorsed the Union Electoral
"Religion is called upon to take to her em-
' brace the devotee of the gaming table and the ' At a meeting of the Central Ex
brothel, that she may share with birrk the Civil unfits Committee the following resole.
I power of the country. 1 ' tion was adopted':
..fiewsifth,ec, the qqt God, is takes upon his
'sanctified alioul , iera HAL, THE PRINCE Whereas, the present unsettled state of
OF REVILERS, and sit him in the chair of the opposition to James Buchanan its the
State, that he may sit by his side." : State of Pennsylvania is mainly iittrihuted
, 1 , to the wreckless anti unwise policy punos
,A' litoortsaek hi Preperalloss. qd by the majority of the Committee,
71! the Editor of The N. T: Ilibune, headed by John P. Sandersou as Chair
gut :___Withit, five days the presses will pu b, man, in not agreeing to some one of the
lisp a letter purporting to come from John C. reasonable propositions offered in their
Fremont over his own signature ' admitting Committee, by which all the opponents of
I that heds a Catholic. Can this be nipped Junes Buchanan could have united wi th
in the bud. and in time so as not to be used for out sacrificing any principle; and, where
' electioneering purposes on the eve of election
when it woula be too late to contradict it.-- D p uttin g 1 ;
as, in forth before the pettpk ,4'
' • km, in opetk.itntst
This is no humbug, as they have let it out "'""'Y''''' t wo "" .- .
to rho Buchanan ticket, it is evideut that
more than once in the heat ofdiscuesion.
Yours, D. the division of the vote cat,' hate no other
Ovid, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1856. effect than to cant a largo majority for tic
kilo means. Let us have all the Root. man who has declared himself as the din
backs out as fast as possible. We expect (finest' Platform, so
to the Old Line Whigs, Americans, and exceedingly obnoxious
a letter from Col. Fremont admitting that all peroins who value the good name of '
he was born in Patagonia ; another that he their glorious Republie, the security uf
is it Jesuit of high degree ; a third that tin our valued institution-, the hi: wings of al
has bought all the cattle in California Free Bode, of Free Schools. and ut a free
d whereas we are deo
stocked hit Mariposa estate with them, and
c r o e n u s e c o ie f n e e ti e m ; ing ar i i ir votes in ' a
body with a
is going to snake the Governmen s- tay for view • of defeating Buchanan and clew log
them. The men who are engineering the our own gloriouk standard bearer, Millard
fight against Free Labor won't stick at tri- Fillmore, to the high o ffi ce of t he Presi
flea.. If .George Washington wore now ' deney of these United States, therefore.
alive, and leading the contest for Slavery it
Resolved, That this Committee urgent-
Restriction, IN he naturally would bit, we ly recommend to the true friends of Mil
should have affidavits thick as hail, prov. lard Fillmore to vote the Union Ticket.
ing that he embezzled the provisions of his . The Americans of Hanover, we are also
army at Morristown and Valley Forge, told aseured, will present an unbroken front for
them to the Hessians, and lot his soldiers the UnNut Ticket. Dr. GoLossoao and
starve and freeze for want of them. The SZNARY LEADER, of the Spectator, are
people understand this game, and won't where they have always been—in the
be easily humbugged. Here is a specimen ranks of Buchanan. Their treachery has
of the gan.e now playing in the shape of a been unmasked, and they are left alone in
lull for a Buchanan meeting in Fishkill, their glory.
Dutches County s •
..Courage, Friends.
"UNION AND VICTORY I" In 1840, the State went against Harrison
The Buchanan and Breckenridge Club, and ' by, 4,649 imi j or i lw , an d yet at the Pres'.
all others in favor of .Bse AS:peech, Free _Kansas, de ntial election, which speedily . followed,
and Freedom to all parties of making their
the State w ent for Harrison. 'III Lanus.
own platform and advocating their own pried
plea without being called "hypocrites," ac., and ter county there are 8.000 votes—not out
all opposed to the extension qf Slavery, are re, at' the recent Stale election--which will
quested to meet at the house' of Jeremiah go for Freedom. So in other counties.--
Green, Matteawan, on Friday evening, Oct 24, We can easily overcome the' Democratic
at 71 o ' clock .: The meeting will be addressed i majority. Thum& will vote on the
by the Hon. Richard D. Davis, AlbertS. Pestie .
, question of the Extension of Slavery and
and E. Crummey, Esq. . -
I voteignity of White Labor, who dit' not
—New, this rather, riles our 'temper ; i et ell, or were indifferent, on ' the
and if yon see any letter from Col. Fre- I 14th. Work, men. work with atom
mont, saying he is in favor of making ' hands and hearts, for a - glorious victory is
Kansas a Stare State, upholding the bogus Neveether• ' . ' • -
"laws," or encouraging the Border Rut 4.
The Peace P ar [y •
Bans, you haves right so - get excited ands While pmfeistog to deeire peace in die
brand' the'forgery as it deserves. But •if mimed ICRfilas, the Administration true to
is'is anything in the Dog NoWline, just its Slavery proclivities.. contrives to' send
t owit ti at it,M tt f go on with the , orgatt im o ' g ,. Governors to that Territory who' enforce
the Bogus Laws. Gem* is‘foltowing 'hi
canvalain g and " lin g' ''
''' ' be steps of his predecessors. Free State
nl ir
.en are imprisoned and oppressed, while
the Ruffian, artradmonished in milk and
water style, to go home. We are sick
of the trifling with the rights of the citizen.
of Kansas.' 'lt means nothing more •nr
lees, than with' the :permission :of the
North, the 'Democracy will •maks 'Slave
State of Rinses, and deprive 'Northern
freemen of the inducement .to go there and
-make for themselves 'happy homen. Is
Ism ,palpable:?
ote in
an was 125,902
i 9 .
iQ vote.
aniala seldom
State election,
'abowing a large
tween a popn•
ad State °S
. arked.
eon the num-
r and in Yo•
7 chapati ms
hay elubned
out 20,000
I by tile Bu-
Irish Natu
froil 'oiher
'anis ingaLed
f iii all
Another Falsehood Against Fre
' mont Refuted.
~, , I ,
siarifier is so prreistentoy urged
. . .
by the opponents of Col. Fremont,
on the last night of 'Fliiity.first Congress
he_ struck 'Senator •Foote e blow, which'
brought blood, and afterwards 'sent him a
Challenge, is pretty effectually disposed of;
'by theveirtiipony, the most reliable that
could IN (inked under the circumstances,
viz ; that of `Senator Foote himself, a
political opponent of Cal. Fremont, 'and
who is now actively engaged in slumping
the State of California in •bellilf oaf Mr. I
Fillmore. Mr. Poole, in i•estrd
ed in the California papersounequisocally
denies that poi. :Frenalmt 'struck bins ;
but ataies . thift the oi4y iblow that passed
between them 'vrae4iven by himself.
, - \ 4 4 1; -
i• t ,
_ .
wirrion. ANNUM STZWAST, Presi•
dent of the late Fillmore State Convention,
and Elector at large on the Fillmore ticket,
is out in favor of the Union Electoral
ticket, and has withdrawn his name from
the ultra Fillmore ticket. This aflame°.
ment is made upon the authority of the
American Standard, the home organ of
Mr. Ste Wart. We give Mr. Stewart great
credit Petite nianlineia in this rebuking
his man Friday (Sanderson) by. repudia
ting the ticket for which he is endeavoring
to enure votes enough to the State to'
Buchanan. We hope that all tho honest
friends of Mr. Fillmore will come out and
support the Union Xactnral ticket, as it
affords the only hope of giving Mr. Fill
more any portion or all of the electoral
vote' of Pennsylvania. Read what. Mr.
Stewart stye..
Hon. A. Stewart, whose name stands at
the bead of the straight Fillmore electoral
ticket, is for the Untou ticket. He says
every ,man.soho is nol for Union is for
Buchanan. This is hi. own remark to us
and, hundreds of others. '
:71 , 2r;I:tvinv ,
The Slate Tichef.olllllelliN eel iter•
ported . Majorities.
• 30 . .
Elk r.
Lancaster -
Monroe 1519
Montgomery : /906 :.:
Montour 561
Northampton 2939
Northumberland 1179
Periy 159
Philadelphia '3434
Pike 561
Schuylkill 17311
Snyder .
Somerset "-
Venango ,
90 ,
0, ,
1609, ,
11' .15116.
1239:p. 4; ! , •:, 44 •
. 2088
266 • ,
A Their Aurallam.
erne subjoined remarks are from
the Daily Sun of Philadelphia, the °Meet
and most influential American paper in
that, city.. Every true Minor:men will;
coincide with the views of the Sun :
The Daily News, in ha clessifieation of
the few papers in this Sate which sup
port the...might mud' Fillmore electoral'
ticket, and endorse the milldam of Mr.
Sanderson, places the Sun among them.
The commits of this press ha. given no
authority for min statement.emi that there
may he net doubt as to our pelOilinn ntiffirir ---
subject. we deem it our duty to explain it.
We are M favor, of the eleetFon of Millard'
Fillmore to the Presidency, anti Nosiness
to cooperate in every honorable movement
having that end in view.' Wr are in fav
or of the Union Electoral Tirket, bee:tuna
it enables us to support our favorite eanili
date, and gives as reasonable ground for
belief that by sustaining it we ran enure
f or hi m several of the electoral votes of
this State. In nn other mode can this
desirable result he secured, for, rheum
stanced as we ere, as real friends of Arne'''.
can principles, we have no other chilies
than between suppnriing the 'straight out'
ticket and aiding Mr. Buchanan, or sup—
porting the Union electors and aiding Mr.
Fillmure In taking our position, then.
we are doing the greatest possible formica
to our candidate, without in the least corn
promising our prinriples, and are at the
same time correctly repiesenting the
distinctive Native American party, with
which we have always acted. If we ad
vocated the straight out ticket, we assure
the State to Mr. Buchanan. while with,
the Union electors we may Nave a portion,
and. at the same time, pr a our nation—
al organization, as a nucleus for Gum op.
eratinns. We Ire not prepared to ground'
our arms or aid the triumph of the bitter
Democratic assailints of our principles..
We yield none of Americanism. and
While the News and Mr. Sandersem
claim position also as Americans. we ;.1
cannot forget how short a time has
clasped since they both,refused to
support American candidates. and denoun
ced them bitterly. using all the "dark lan
tern" slanders of the democrats to hnng
them into opprobrium. Recent converts
should he willing to serve a campaign or
two in the ranks of the American party.
without usurping its baton of command
and assuming the poet \ of Generalissimo.
of its forces. The difference , between our
position and that of the News is simply -
this. We are working to pleat* and as-
Sist.the trite' Fillmore men anifthem only,
while the course ref the Nermeratidire our
democratic fellow citizens frantic with
ecietecr: - For instance on the mend it the
Sanderson Sympathy meeting trot Sitter- ,
day 'night. might have been ' oimerved that
mune h democrat and zealous' Romanist.
Mr. Francis Tiernan, on the 'platform.
while 001. Thtnnas B. Flortmee.' George
IL Martin. Req., and others et (he same
political stripe; were in ' , the body of the
meeting, lending-the '-niovernenvall the aid \
Ind comfort in their power: 'Of all the
gentlemen of our tiquaintence.' MAKI are
more desirable for their *tidal companion
ship than these.: but vie have not 'been in
the habit of co-operating in political mote
menu which they ' , encouragod' by their
625 '
• . 123 •
. Yi
2 •
u ,a ß m i s AS o l Meetingsanty op pos ed of
to th et
citizens heiepe el of Ad
' A t
h i e . 1
'1 Missouri Cotnpromise and the extension of'
lilseery to Free Territories—who are in favor
of maintaining the integrity of the Union and' ,
the (lomprommea of the Constitution against;
1 .*. the aggressions of Shivery Propagandists e,nd
t ' Diminlonimtm—Who are opposed to the election
41 of James Buchanan and in favor of the Union
State Electoral Ticket -- will ho held at the
i following timea and places :
McCI,ELLAN'S STORE, (Latimore) and
JOHN'S; TAVERN, (Union) Friday
1 evening, Oct. 31.
N BEN evening,
and IfORITZ'S TAV- 1
T0,41 - 0101/4 0 'FALCONIMIDAIL"
D. Peterson s abou to issue / the humor
ouir ritbsigs'nf - nathati F. elly,- Leber
known ly one of the
most populat: and genial" - conttibsteeo to, the
magazines andtistra papers in the :Gentry.—
They mei° ; be . jmblished for the puspose of
creating si'fbild for his widow uni children's
support . . , Complete in one large duodaciaso
yoleele p ,l•teit4ifully illustrated, for $42400 is
paper never, in hro , volumee, $l,OO. Advance
copiei of either 'edition. will be sent at once,
'Avti - cifpoitutge, on remitting the price of the.
.editiilltt wanted.
newwelikly..psper dewite44o the Turf, Field
sportio,ltersture sod , the Stage,. is one
.ainlng the beet weeklies Oir only =hinge.
•,4 is published at 848 Biondway, $13,00 per annum, in ad.
Tenet. Tbi editor. Col. Porier, ; ,biut the
Yeritatiow of, eft aokneWledgediiiperior4
se s Sid of unrivaled ozperience
icNotirripet4oxi .
`,', ---,011111)V:Are:Birast:,
Friday Evening, October 31.
lifilatiolui Bertllces_ Mar the ■elt
ii:esbyteriats. Olnerch.—Sertices, morninr
mid evening, Rev. Mt. Van Tyke. •
Christ Ckurck cLuthenus.)—vices In the
morning and evening: •
El. Agnes' Church, (Luthemn.)—Senices
mornini , , (German) Rev.. Dr.. Schaeffer.—
Eveatng'Rev. Mr: Hill. ' ~,i , . . ,
4,lfethochst Episcopal - Church.— Services in
themorning, Rev. Kr. Anderson, Evening, Rev.
41.sairlf"" 1 "
1 / 41,
o c. -man Re orwialChurmt—No Servieek,
_, 6 ,..„,. 7 , 2 4, rued, Church.--Servicei in
the """'"' efenre. tilir, ( , inmOnfon) at 10a . o'clock—
/W.365. Vs f araar• • .. :
where , 6 :4urch.---No Services. .
The . it ,„...,,, ,, lteeteng of the Presbyterian,
(s erftuni ,, l „: l . and the two Lutheran
& m i tes i h , t h im 0 , , , ry Wednesday Svening ;
Blethoditi,Vkungher ev cuing'
. .
are , in in •vraut, - •••,, and hope
that those ot i our patrons•WhointeL " lia r 11 4
Wood on acoonAt of aubaripfiea, wt. I I "ka at
EItN, Eaturday Nov.
GETTYSBURG, Monday evening, Noma
her 3rd.
INl‘Sevenfl Speakers will be in attendance
at each meeting—commencing at early can
By order of the Committee,
R. G. IIYCItEARY, Chairman
Oct. 24, IBSG.
so-The Friends of Freedom in the Bor
ough will rally in their strength at the Hell, on
MONDAY EVENING next. Let every op
ponent of the Cincinnati Photon:l:be present.
Important business will be transacted. Good
speeches Will be made. Come one and all.
.Byorder of the
Oct. 31.
YOUR :1111ErfillEN •:'
11117Z1Vir STAX..OI" 361:51'
On the Fourth of November !
litirDON'T FORGET the meeting; at
ERN To3larron; Night—and GETTYS
BURG;eu 31enday,Evening.. , '
'The 11.1trittssit Freedom at Work.
war The meetings of the friends of the. Un.
ion Electoral 'ticket, during the past week, at
itunterstown, Two Taverns, Mumasburg, Lit
tlestown, Middletown, Mißert:town, Heidlers
burg, Abbotstown, and Brough's Tavern, have
been largely attended. Fmtn all quarters we
lave the..assurance that our friends are at
work, determined to discharge their duty as
true soldierain the great battle now going oa
between ...Freedom and Slavery.. Fraud and
treachery , beat us at the election. There can
be no.doutSbat a majority of the Freemen of
Pennyylvaitia are against the Slavery-Exten
sion,;Berder; Radian Policy of the Buchanan
,party;ita•liiir expression of the views of her
people can he obtained. Friends of Fredom,
.nett to,it.that Adatu.s - County ,does herAnty.
eigraattatlvent .40' Aleatory Leader
-serlrark speltigo. ,
Mn. Herres :--This Gentleman of one idea;
made his grand entrance into petersburg this
month*. chuck:full of patriotism. His one
horse machine loaded' with John P. Sander
eon's Bogus tickets. But, alas I for the frail
ty of lemma; hopes. He was :net by re-iterated
eheers.for;Fremont, Fillmore, and the Union
Ticket, i and left Ithis . /eisighted district full of
frOthand fury. While the "escort of horsa"
cheep forms made him believe, "That
It is a•hardroadtto travel-ever Jordan." ' May
he realm ao'llanovee and cast himself on the I
bosom afliti Asir friend the'Diidtor, and may
his insmy inftmettiaffriends give him such a
welSenteaa he Alumna&
Y• were gratified Auring.the past week
ttioPl4witb:ititr old friend, H.. J. Settautsa,
Eag m ucas on & visit to this place.. Efe• goes
-the wittle•lSgure against the Pro-Slavery r ilor.
der Il ! t,iffian.policy of the Iluchaneers. •• He
' 4 1 1 4 4 4 44 'amp attxthingelse. •
. •
Grand doakosehe pf Ineafttainerod .
Spritsgs Maria Ileo rallahed=The BieAv
ryPole up—Bad 'and Bred Anye
the brace on 21. n Cent Cotton I
RURRAH 1 0 012 NORA 1
The great outpouring of the quitittscance
of Locofocoleim in Huntington toanithip oaf
Saturday the 26th instant, was truly a glorious
affair. The presence of the. "Infant , Drum.
mer," , and his pupils astoniiiied the - 4mtives.— .l 4
This greet avalsnehe of Deimoc:racy *retake up:
the slmihering eiterOes ittlaa feirest. • The
"Royal Bengal Tiger,"the noblest of the tribe,
.nifide the Woods resound with 'his 'hideous
growl, and the forest ii-eelanl' with the'
sponse of the young cabs. Figeonsarielsquabs„ l
irortards and geese, raide the woods redolent I
with music. It was a glorious triumph ofl
Buck and Breck. The'eleligation From Pe
mrsburg was "worthy of the Democracy." (as
Stehle says,) , oftlaslaenighted region. !Dr-con
sisted of •
His Judgeship—Pigeon No. 1.
'The Royal Bengal Tiger.
TwO Cubs.
Five Young Squabs.
The delegations from other parts of the dis
trict consisted of tmentyfire of the unterrified,
111 told. ' The .pole was raised—speeches by
not and Stable---and Duck and Breck now
Tung t. it:wended forty feet from terra-firma at
.„„ era mt's expense to these "lovers of the
'ein:' i '
"Holoizepree Palge-"I'
wee the truly
•nobleme fit , efe.. me of the friends of Buck and
BraCk,whiletßigeou No . I.cried-Amen.
farce!" This great eft
the:facet! the.
not himin ry
f,,,veacince of :Locofocois. M g g o -
to ease their
„ o , , gh for one day •fietermia 'l"
, mulcted gas
overek..trged soOls ofilwir
and started for thelenighted tows, a P- ete ""
burg. "Let 's beard 'the lion n, was
.his ch.
. ..„‘
the itobld .ilivalroussemasile of the it, 7' m
itable Stable, eisel I to PelerbalS thej'atarlett•
"And so did Stab 'le, end vomit toe,
For get first Jo It4wn
Nor stopped till wiher 11% did get tip
He did again get do wi
The quiet village of fete. g`'
1611. trilo•
was somewhat startled with the nine°4 the
grand cavalcade. consisting of throe carriages
and one stove wagon, containing dui" "i n f aut
Drummer" and band,
"Who discoursed isuch sweet mnsic to bla,"-ki
white and free,
That even little 'Ring' resolved to have
"Three cheers for Ruck and 'Breck," cried
they. , Three horrible groans , was the response.
Then came slipper. Ihn cent ;linters are glo
rious things-"particularly to hungry men af
ter such a
"Feast of reason and flow of soul."
Faint calls were made for Stable, and soon
this champion of the Cincinnati Platform ap-
peared. But even the "glories victory" in
October, aodAkcarding the Lion in blaten;"
failed to arouse his stagnant energies. Like
Bob Acre, his indomitable courage oozed oni
at his finger's ends.
"And not performing what lie meant
- And gladly would have done.
He frightened, stared; then frightened more
And then cut dirt and run."
"The "brill fife and murdemus drum
Proclaimed that Uilpin's race had just begun.'
'Tis a time•honored custom to furnish dis•
tinguished strangers with an escort, and truly
the escort furnished these gentlemen was won
thy of their Avocation.
"Now let ua sing long life to 'Ring,
And Stahle long live he;
And when he next doth come to town
May I be there to see."
rFor the "Slar and Banner."
TlielFlllol Appeal.
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from
whence cometh my help. hiy help com.
with from the Lord which made heaven and
All parties regard the impending Political
crisis as one of immense importance. All
tn.° Ohristihns must feel that it is one which
involves precious, social, moral and religions,
as well as merely political interests. Recent
events are calculated to remind us of whatwe
should never have been unmindful, viz: Our
dependence for success in every good cause
upon the great Ruler of hearts and of na- I
This appeal is therefore made to all who
believe that God hears prayer. In the brief
time which will elapse before the suffrages of
the people shall have decided the Presidential
contest, three things.will be done by all truly
,Christian people.
.1. They will appeal to God for the aincer.
hp and uprightness of their political views and
purposes, endeavoring honestly and faithfully
1 to teriew their Petition in all its bearings 'up
on die great interests- involved, and praying
earnestly that they - thontundru may be guided
in the tight way. • i_,
2. They will recollect "The Lord reisrrsdA,"
that even the "king's heart is in the hand of
the Lord, as the rivers of water t He turneth
it Whithersoever He will," and that the minds
of no men who have power to influence the
great decision, are beyond the reach of his
control. With full conviction of this great
truth, and the remembrance that God' . hal of: ,
tin moved the minds of men, in relation to
matters of great moment, they will , make it a
matter of special duty and priv il ege to beseeCh
of God that he will so , move upon the minds of
those men Who have the , rightjo vote for Pre*
ident of these United States, or the power to
influence the votes of their fellow•eitisens, du
they shall choose that man to this high office,
whom He, as the great King, "will delight to
honor," as a just and equitable ruler over men
—over all the inhabitante of this favored ,
On Sunday evening, in St. Jamest Cbureh,
Gettyriburg, by the Rev. R. Hill, Rev.JOSIAEL
ZIMMERMAN, of Millerstown, Perry county,
and Miss MARTHA E., daughter of Dr. Sam
uel E. Hall, of the vicinity of Gettysburg.
On the 22d inst., by the Rev. C. W. Dump
3. As' even "faith without works is dead ," ',fletlysburg, and Miss gAIITHA HAYS, of
so all God's obedient servants, while they. tall ~
York. .•
On the 16th must., by the Rev. P.Rosen
upon. ham, will go themselves ) if practicable ,
'I miller,Mr. WILIAM LAUGHMAN, G and l
and by whatever influence they may properly ! Miss ATHARINE LEINERT--both of this
exert apon' others, to the place of po litical ' county.
concourse, on the appointed' day, and in itst On the 9th. Mat, by theßev. L. Gearlicart,
• • •
appropriate place, deposit their ballot MP the t Mr. JOSIAH SH UT, of York county, and ;
Miss LYDIA ANN OETZ, of Adam') county.
representative of their pleasure in the dectis- On the 19th inst., by the same, Mr. LURE
ion'of this question. j ,11EATEICOTE, of Glen Rock, to Mies CAR- I
Having thus done what. they, weld, sad 01.INE MYERS, of Fast Berlin.
discharged their individual .duty,•°D.J.'. v w ill On Thunder the 9th inst ,in Bloomington '
byPa., the. Rev, W. H. 'Rex, Mr. THAD':
calmly leave the event to Him to whom events DEU Wm.
REX, formerly of Adams- comity,
belong, and pray and . .expect that Pe, as is and Miss SUSANNA, eldesttkughter'of Wm.
His wont, will, even from aeeming evil s still ; and Jane Wise, all of Clearfield county ; Pa,
On Thursday, October 2311. at the residence
educe good, and overrule all our nationaland
of her father by the R ev. F. Netseher, Mr.!
social' affairs- to th e . promotion. of his. own • JACOB hilkli R
CIE, Jr., of Tyrone township: and ;
017- ji Miss MARY ANN BROUGH, daughter of
Let those permontyrliose political position, , Mr. Andrew Brough, of Reading township.
PriliciPl63 or i nit P nan ‘ nnkna in their mi n ds ler° n theAllih must, ,
b igat v' ott e rtl i ml
the least de_ters of oppotit,i . ,'„orr to, the course township ? sod Mies MARTHA B. HALIYFr
pointed out above, recogn/i'irto inch oppopeo 8 , UN, otAlamiltontas townobip.
- this root positive thstrhals- paltiogir Pine
plea or purposes, ate not all tight is the sight
of God their kludge, end let them "at "they
that mustsire account.' . , • •
In ose yin New ork city ease 1116.-
000,exeni 16.000, c0w..., 550.000 cheep
and lambi, 40,000 ulna ) . $BO,OOO
To Morons —This didlonitp. which everY
mouser experiences in administerink medicine
to infants; is entirely obviated by Dr. Click.
seer's , preparatiOn, 'called the Sugar , Coated
Vegetable,Purgetive Pills. The pill is enema.
ted with fine whiti sugari so that it resembles
and tastes like a sugar plum, whtch .no child
aver yet refused . to, swalloti. ; Poi worms this
is an assured remedy, and it ,his been,yord
with excellent effect , in cases of teething, file
matron, of the Perm School writes to Dr. Click.
finer,. that she has used.for some tithe / his Su.
virltoitted Pill,in both ,these complatnts, and
always with entire success., ;„
may be had of storekeepers in
.every eity i town,, and 'Wage in th 4 Unitld
Oct. 24, 1856.-4 t . , ,
Piles neglected often prove fatal, leads to
consumption ,• ; anoint the 13arts ,three times a
If secretion form in the rectum then insert the
. "Pile Syringe" filled with Extractor, and gtad•
ually discharge it as the kyringe is withdrawn.
Itnever fails to cure eases of any age or,virn
lance, nor to give 'With* ease instantly , to all,
requeutly curing by one application.
files are :known by the , heat, itching, and
pain of the anus. Bleeding piles are caused;
sometimes, by the falling of the whole bowels,
which then press the intestinal :canal tight a•
bluing:the back bones and keeps the blood
from returning up tile .vesselii, , similar to the
blood, being kept at the top of yoni finger when
a string is tied tight, around. it; sea: is Fre.; ;
' quent, and for scrofulous hinnora and'deers
to form therein : then procure a perfect adom 7
final supporter, and wear a compress to the rec
tum, and continue to use the 'Mire as above,
also rub it well over the loins and abdomen
for some time, and the natural belts that sup
port the bowels will be contracted and made,
'strong, and your life will be saved. If proper
ly applied, every case will be cured. It never '
W. Jenkins ! Esq., of Columbus, Ohio, Sec.
rotary of the Ohio Mumma Companywho
was taken to New York in extreme debility,
with piles, to have an operation by the cele
-ated Dr. Mott, u the only chance to save his
life, " roci
For yeardentslly s h' hi
d o e
defied medic the Pain Extracto al
l tsites ' athe 1 grew worse until life became intoler
.„bie ;hewtui opeedily cured by Dalley's Pain
2,T 0 Ni x , E xu -netor is genuine unless the
box es eten it a b...ti‘e Plate Engraved Label
. 1
w ic i o tti , th ; ra p al = : i d s I " : c.N 4. 11 ,.. Y .
to IIA r LLEY,
manufacturer. Prioe 25 et.''' 7 f" - j'; ri v
11116—AE orders should be a, br o T ior ' ° i - o ' 11 ;
s 7linckenera Co., SI Burley etre, .. 2910t
ne 4ll;..7tering Compound coda ever 'have ~1 " '
ta i ne d the vnivenual favor socordednothis Dye,
the oripeal, Pe INF 1
, 00 rite• Nature
not 'more true :0 center can dm brawn or
Witch produced in .$,Nt reddest,grayestorsnost
at' Bat hair by mc 1e and soki,.or applied,
at' Batchelor's Wig Fact.: 'l7s to 1-4—a,te
rooms) 233 Broadw,ey, Now °r '_., 4-- " uh °-
Batchelor, is on the Um of all
, 00 1 /Yu ne t tam
are imitatiot.s.
Oat. 10.-1 m
HomowAY's Ointment and Pills, cert:la
;Remedies for• Bad• Legs and Old Wounds.= '
Alfred Goslet, aged 27, was for nine years af
flicted with an awfully bad leg, there were sev
eral wounds in it, which defied all the doptor's
skill and ingenuity to heal. He tried a variety
of remedies, but was not benefited by the smite.
At last hit was persuaded to have recourse to
Holloway's Ointment and Pills, these remedies
soon affected a very favourable change, and
by continuing them unremittingly for three
months, his leg was completely cured, and his
general health thoroughly established
EIGUR AND MEAL—Sales of 200 bbls
Howard street at 86 873. Sales of 600 bbla
Ohio at $6 81 ; and 400 bbls do. at $6 873.
Sales of 750 bbls City Mills at Mt 75 13 bbl.—
Family and Extra Floitr—Sales of Baltimore
manufactured Family nt $9, Extra do. at 8®
$8 28; Howard street and Ohio Extra ,at $7.
25, and Enmity do. at B 25@$8 50 V bbl.—
Rye Flout--We quote new at 4 75(05. and
old at 3 ®s3 25 V bbl. Corn Menl—Salea
to-day city manufactured at $3 76. We quote
country at 311@;53 25 per bbl.
GRAIN AND , SEEDS.---Wheat— About
16,000 bushels offered, and sales of fair to good
white at 1 55(x51 . 62, good to prime do. at
1 63@$1 60, and choice at $1 68. Red at
1 6cepsl 83 to $166 per bushel. Corn—Sales
of white at 60®62 cents, and yellow at 61®
64 cents per bushel. Rye—Sales of Maryland
at 75 cents, and Pennsylvania at 86 cents per
bushel. Oats—Sales of good to prime at 40
®42 cents per beshek , Seeds--We quote
clover at 6 76®57, and Timothy at 3®s3 26
per bushel.
PRO VISIONS.—Market not so active, bat
firm. The jobbing demand continues good.
111.11110,1011 MIAIRKIET.
Ilrtortto; 'Oct. 30, 1856.
FLOUR It wagons, $6 30
WHEAT, bushel, 125t0 J 40
RYE, 76
CORN, 50
OATS, - 33
BUCKWHEAT, per bushel 40
POTATOES, per bushel BO
von*, MANS ET..
Your, Tuesday, ,Oat. 39, 1656.
FLOUR,bbI., from wagons, i $1 22
WHEAT, 11 bushel, , 1 37 to 1 50
RYE " 75
CORk, " 63
OA a 37
TEROTHY•SEED,II bushel, 3 40
CLOVER-SEED, " .6 50
BALTIMORE. Oct. 30. 1856.
On the 20th inst., LOIJSA JANE, daugh
ter Of Martin Sheeler. of Straban township )
aged 0 years 10 months and 2 days.
In Baltimore) on the 18th inst., Mr. RICH
ARD Id'ALLISTER, formerly of this county,
in the 61st ear of his a; e.
,bildependritt Briscx
vou will meet for parade, in full,
JL - dre aArm o ry,on Sahli ,
day the Bth of November, at 2 o'clock.
P. M., with arms and accoutrement*
in complete order.
order,of the Captain.
CFI/LS. X. MA11.1 . 11.1, O. S.
Oct. 30, 1866.
• •
1101,,F0r particulart npply to
Gettysburg,' Oct. 31, 1856.'--18*
..11ntry , nivit All El AietiLTN!
IurrITII the Inaulsornest and Cheapest Stock
`V of NEW GOODS to be found 'in this
'Ogee. All the' ne*dit etyles are to be been
in the assortment, and many of theta are really
magnificent, withourbeing wetly. No time
for particulars. Call iriand see for yourselires,
st . J. L. SCHICK'S. -
- • ' Or* tde Put9ic Spare.'
Oct. 31; 1866.- , ,- ;
FOR Lwilee and Otiotlenien, 6iti be found
in immense variety; and'eheaper, than er.
err, at SCRIM'S: • Step in • and shut
new. etocklor Fall and Winter. -•••••
°et' 3 /i 1855.
VILE second account of. .Tolon Lohman, An
il. signee under., a voluntary deed of as
signmentfoethe benefit of creditors of Jules
asitniscin, of 'Tyrone 'township, ',Clams
County, has been fled` in the Court of Com
e/on Plena of said county, and will be con•
firmed by the said Court' on the 23d day of
December nextourlesooattse be shown to the
Oct. n, 1856.-40
T strike*, T
Ind the Cheaped
PRE undersigned' 'would "infaiin the ;good
S. people of Adams county and the rest of
1 the world, that he hea received an extra large
i supply of all kinds of MEN'S .14 BOYS' OLO.
THINII,Bote, . Shoes,Hata, Cape, Buffalo
Robes, kn., from New York t and although
goods have advanced in price. he is able and
determined to sell at a less price,than hereto-
Country Merchants are . invited to call—he
will sell them Goods lower than they can buy
in the city. No one can compete with WM,
I n ' to Ne York and stay two, three or four
'As he buy his Goo& as bed tee : that is to
.._,, i
= 'Nod atoll the chances. .
w s o o
r'•d 441 the wise - : is sufficient. If you
6.4 .111 " ch Gat 1 as he keeps,
go : to him and
fo 4 'l to save ney.,
'lle Pm' Furc"" •see,
if !MOS mo SAMSON.
Oct. - 31, 185. '
A GOOD - Oitiii,ElT Y AT
. -
subscriber offers at Private Sale,
, tf ; e
to .
F . ghip adjoining lam as Isaac'
M Bl Y lt e l r e a r a l n7 y ,114. 11 / lin Th o r e wn or all y
provements are
n two.
rough-east, Dwelling h..•
e g bl e
f u l
a good back-building, b •
'Blacksmith Shop, Dry . Ifot.
he.. It is a firktate stand fort. .
trees on
There is, a variety of first-rate frtu
the' premises. The subscriber Wet,.
farming..henee his desire to Sell. n° ,. t
sold the property will be rented from thk'lit. •
of April next.
M;',•''..The property will be sold CHEAP.—
For terms apply to subscriber • • ' •
Oct. 31, 1856.-3 t
THE second and final account• of Amos
Lefever Assignee of the estate and effects
of Thomas iittle and wife, formerly of Ger•
many township, Adams county, has been filed
in the Court of Common Pleas of said county,
and will be confirmed by the said Court on the
23d day of December next, unless cause be
shown to the contrary.
Oct. 31. 1846.-40
Oa Thursday thel3th day of Novemba..nart,
at, 12 o'clock, M.,
THE undersigned, Executors, will sell at
Public Bale, on the premiaes, the follow
ing valuable'Chesnut
Tilnber tots,
situate in Dickson , township, Cumberland
county, adjoining lands of Abntham Trostle,
Alexander Young, David Line, Abraham hip
ere, Thomas Lye, and others:
No. I.—Oontaining6 Acres and 46 Perches
No. 2.' -Containing l Acres and 146 Perches
No: 3--Containing 3 Acrea and 147 Perches
The publit. road leading from the Getty'.
bur and Carlisle road , (near Beecher's Saw-
Mill) to 13enderarille, passes through the said
lots.. Saki lots are about 11- miles from
Whiteatown. Terina'arill be made known on
day dole by
Oct. 81, 1856. ,
Teat/herd Wanted.
Mgr, Board'of School Directors of Strohm,
tOwnship, 'will meet at' the hotase of JA
COB ln• GRASS, in Ilunterstcnrn, on Satur
day ihe 151 h day qr/t7hrentber next, at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon, for the purpose of employing
Teachers for the Winter term of the schools of
said township.
By order of the Board •
Oct. 81,1856.-3 t
TILTOTIcE is herebygiven to all Legatees and
other'persons concerned, that the Admin
istration Accounts hereinafter Mentioned will
be. presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams
co unty, for confirmation and allowance, on
At nday, Me 17th day of Norenther next, viz :
191. First and final account of Wm. Wolf
and. George Dick, Executors of 'the last will
and testament of John Nagle deceased.
1 92. Second and final account .of 'Georgn
Dick, Administrator de bonis , non, - with the
will. annexed, of George Bardt4eceased.
93. First account of David 'Diehl, Execni.
tor of, the last will and *testament of Joshua
Diehl, deceased.
194. The first accouht of Peter Stnith, Ex'
ecutor of the last will end testament of AisL
thorny Smith, deceased,
195. The first account of Michael Lear, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Eliza-.
beth' Lear, deceased, ;
1116: The first accednt of Abnthamllnshey,
and Daniol Grove, Administrators of the es•
tate of Samuel Spaht, deceased. •• • ;
WM, F. WALTER, Register,
per DANIEL PLAeti Deputy.
Register's Offiee, Gettysburg, 1
Oct. 24,,185q—td f
uririt this oftio.
Gairt TOVii DICIAD. OWN fur wairam, PDX AT
Don't Condemn it but try i 4 it cannot fail.
Man and Hurst. ?
(CoOf rigl ireclited according to ling
SMALL JAR; Filly mints
LARGE JAIL One Dollar.
THE ELECTRIC PASTE seta open the
Muscles, Tendons,-, and upon the whole
nervous system ' removing torpidity and pro.
clueing healths , action of the blood. There
j.rbekg us volatile matter'be its conyosition, it
remains in action until It acconolishes its
work. It cannot lose' its' strength. and is al.
t ogether harmless, its constituent pins 'being
I entirely vegetable.
What will it .cure 1 We seawer—Rheu.
medic Pains, ,when evteything else fails,
Cramps, Cholic, Swine, Scalds,
Sprains, Head-Ache, Tooth-Ache, Swellings,
IBruises, Sores, Ring.Worin, Tester, Stild obits,
Contracted Cords, Fresh Cuts, Lie x niedfiores,
and Atli Sernfulous Diseases whuru external
remedies can be used, Sore Throats, Stiff
Necks, ase. '
What if will cure for Horses awl. Cattle.—
giveny, Spavin, Fissulas. Poll Evil, Wind.
gafir, Ulcers, Cholie,Spraiim, Cc Bar and nod- ,
die Galls, Stone Bruises, Stiff Joints, Verdigo,
Splints, and Hermitic , Sores.
ka o .lruct gale it Ehe Patent, :Atedicine Siore
of 11. A. Roesafield d; Co., Getioral Agents,
Lancaster 'Pa., and by A. D. BUEHLER, Get
iffirNorse gennine lint those bottles having
the words "E. C. Alleu's Concentrated Eke.
trio Paste, or Arabian• Pain Extractor, Lan
caster, Pa.," blown oh the bottles. •
111111" Look out for Counterfeits. .bon'lfor•
geg to etik for ALLEN'E.
1856.-1 y 4'4
Cheap, Fall aad Whiter alerthing.
WE have now got up our Fall and W nor
Y Stock of READY-MADE CL(yrii - NO
consisting of Orer-Coata 'in ; g reat
Dress Coats of every description, Monkey ? tick.
ets, Vesta. Pantaloons. Shirts, Drauers, R:c.l
ac., also, Buys clothing of nil sizes. Our
stock of Overcoming”, Cloths, Vesting', Can
simeres, , Caasinetts, Cords,. Lc., is large and,
full, and having experienced Workmen con
steady smployed cutting - out and making up,
if we cannot please you with a garment ready
made, we can sell von the material, 'take your
measure and make you up a suit on'the "bor•
teat notice. We sell'none but our own make,
and warrant them well made, and insure
good fit or no sale. Our prices are low, onr I
motto, being small profits and quick sales tor
the cash. I'lease call-we cannot be beat.—
The New York' and Philadelphia Fall and
Winter fashions just received.
Oct. 3, 1856..
THIS long expected book by T. S. ARTH.
LT% is now ready for Agents.and Canvas
sers. It is having an' inimense sale, and is
ccnsidered one, of his best.efrorts. In it will
be found kr. Argiur's views on the vexed
question of, •
• witiitittOts azaisrs.
And , what she pipi WiA and
Specimen copies sent by mail on receipt of
am $l.OO.
J. W. BRADLEY. Pubiisher,
48 Noith'efh St. Philadelphin. Pa.
N. B. We publish' all Mr. Artl ,Nea
Books.: Benct for our list, and terns to Agetite.
Oct. 10, 1856.!--3t
.n;,:4441t040:.. 7 .11v.;:5igir:!
c omß
por t ch " FA. L and, WINTER
Goop 4 AA he 'is 'fdtermiried to sell for
Cash and Country reedti,!op at 'hut. Profits.
Also. t,
ItitADTZeNlAlbrltfLOVAnts.Z l '
All goods cut free of *rt. bi •an PIP O '
Oct. 10, 18.36. •
jpgRSONS rmilihig Hay to sell will do
, well by calt.'eg on the subscriber, in
Gettysburg, who i h u Naifttlis of purchasing.
The highest Market p.-ien will be`paid at
ell fines. ix.V-As lie itcenlis having the
Hay, after being packed, Infulell elther i te
Hunofaiiir,Baltintore;- , the peefetellYe to
beet rill be. given to those from (9)6n1 he
may"pitysha4e. •
Dee. 24.1.852.—tf
News for the People
:eisived and are nowilpening a large and sari.
ediSsortrueut of Dry Goods, Queensware, Hard.
to which they invite the attention of
those wishing cheap Goods. As our stock has
been selected with ,treat care, from the largest
wholesale houses of New York, Philadelphia,
and Baltimore, we are prepated to offer in
ducements to purchase from us, such as cannot
often be had. Come and examine our stock,
and we know you will not leave without buying.
Sins of the Rea Runt.
Oct. 3, 1836.
PRE unders igned offers at Private Sale the
valuable Farm on which he resides ' situi•
to in Butler township, Adams county,mijoin
in gßender's Church, Farm of Jacob Trostle,
and others, conyaning •
130 "'cies,
more or less. The improvements are a two
story Log and Weather.boartled
HOUSE, with Stone Back-building,
a bank Bun, Smoke House. Corn see
Orib and other outbuildings. Them "
is a well of, never-tailing water convenient to the
house. There is a large and excellent Orchard
on the premises. A stream 'of water runs
through the farm. The land is in a good state
of cultivation.
Porsche wishing b 14ew the property will
please call upon alb rubscribia.
Oct. 24 ) 7856.-A-44 '
110 - OTICE isherebrgiven , b) the Stockilyld.
ers of the Gettysburg ftailroad Company,
that, Ly a rest:Auden of the BOard.of Directors,
the fourth installment Will be required ea be
paid on their stoelcsubsdription, on or before
the 12th day Nof Netratber next.
- • DAVID WllulakSecittotry,
Getty,tbueg, OM 44, 1856. ,
Ladles *time *kilo Wfl
Alege easortraftt of Ladies ' Dress .B,hota
aad Gaiter yforiala at '
TRUNRB, Aura" IBIGS 'lied llM.
BRA, 8, for nolo' it
- - - COI4EAN 44%11014'8. •
//arap "fats.
tiLACt analloaa Hite tifihilitikit
avle etid •at n4lWeedlirices 46r hale at
.• . .
A large itedlcofto4l - 4114 5h0ei,4414111, at
ivaan vrofirloit
costly h PAXTON'S - . •
Valnableßeal Estate at Public
ny virtue of an Order of this °reams'
11 Courrof Adams County, the undersigned,
Guardian of the mikor children of WILLIAM
NEWMAN, deceased, will expose to public
sale, on the premises, on Thursday Me 6th day
of Norenidernext ,at 1 o'clock, P. M., the fol
lowing described Real Estate,
Tract of Land,
situate in Franklin township, Adams county,
Pii., adjoining lands of Cunnul Welter, Jacob
' Settle, fume' Little, and others, containing
149 Acre., mom or less. Tho Impairs.
menus are u LOG DIVELLINO, Log
Barn, Cooper-shop, Wagon shed,Corn
I• 1 a Crib, and other out buildings ; a well
1 of never-thiling miter with a . pump
in it, near the door, an ORCHARD'of choice
fruit, and other improvements. About 25
ACRES aril in good limber, with a full propor
tion oflleadom There is a Spring of water
on the premises, and it small run passes
ihmugh it. The extension of the Gettysburg!
Railroad passes through the Farm. Also
, ,
Tramof glioiripot ages Land,
emitaining 19 ACRES, more or less, adjoining!
lands of Peter kinke,-Victor. Melllieny and oth
ers, which is covered with .first-rute Timber , •
chesiiiit and'onk.
Str - Tlic above Tracts will Le sold separate,
or together. as may suit purchasers.
far Attendance will be .gives and terms
made known on day ofsale by
fErlf not sold DOI abore,the Farm willbefor
RENT for one year from the let of April next.
• GEORUE TROSTLE, G'uarclitne.
Oct. 10,—ta •
ny virtue of proceedings in the Orp . hins'
1-P Court of Adams county the :underslned
will sell at Public guile upon • the promises on
WiituAlay - the Nth day qf Nbrimter next, the
following mentionei and , described valuable
'tract of Land, • '
sitnnte in Latimore township,; Admit county, ,
adjoining laittls of iscol, Jolla Ziec'er,'
and others, cont,,Mirg TW.E.`,k;'.l:l' ACHES—
nims! 1"41,4,1 pittmml• About one
arm is . 8 ( .11 aml the:
rositltie is in a amyl sifm of sultriation. 11,e '
greatest :purt of it having been well limed.—,
the land' is situated ,abont two, usnil e-half,
miles fives Petersburg and is very ilesirabie.
An indisputable title will by given to the put ,
chaser. • ' ' ' •
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock when at
tendance will be given and terms made
known by.
- T11024A8 P. GARDNER,
Omardian and Agent for the Owner.
Oct. IT, 1866.-4 t"
On Satuidag, the 15th of Norember nest,
.v 1 o'ci,orx, P. M.
TIRE undersigned, Administ ra tor of the
1! , estate of VALENTINE WERNER,
deceased, late of Gettysburg, Adams Co., Pa.,
will expose to Public Stile. at the Court.
house, in the Borough of Gettystrarg, the fol.
lowing REAL ESTATE,,viz: the
•Irifsitsion Proprrty,
I yin .oh the Chamhersburg Road, a short
distance• &um the town, adjoining lands of
ThuologiealSerninarv. F. E. Vandersloot, and
others, consisting of * about 3} ACRES, more
or less,of excellent land in a good state of
cultivntion. The improvements
are a two.story frame HOUSE,
frame Carpenter shop, frame t,
weatheyboarded Barn,. and oth•
er out•huildings. There is a well of excel.
lent water hear the door, and a variety of
rhUice fruit trees on the premises, everything
heing in good order.
Two Arita or Ground,
, .
a ituate inCumberland township, Adams Co.
Pa:, adjoining hits ofJacob Herbst and others,
and an alley, and known on the'plan of cer
tain lota fold out b e y Thaddeus Stevens, Esq.,
Its lots N 0.5 and b, containing 9 Acres and 16
Perches t more or less. These lots will be sold
separately, or together 'as may suit pur
chasers. •
/fir Attendance will be given and terms
made known on day of sale by
Oct.; 4 ; 1t35 a ,--11 "
ETTVMS Teidtttnentary 04 'he Befiltd JO.
31.4 SEPII O. THOMPSON ; 'do, -ased, lots
of Germany township, Adams county, Yonna.,
haviog been granted to the subscriber reside,;
in Littiestown, same township, ho hereby gives
notice to tut persons indebted to said tstate to
cull and settle the soma; and those having
thiims will present them properly authentlea.
led for settlement. •
Oct: 11, ]serf =ac
leans as, 011:
THE Election is now ut-et. and-you can get
the best article of SAUSAGE CUT
TERS at the cheap stpre of
HAVING now adopted the Cash Systens ih
my business, for the purpose of settling up
my old business, all those indebted to me of
long standing. either. by Note Hook ac
counts. will please call aud psi- the same.
Oct. 3, kEtSG,
Bank of Gettysburg,
Oct. 20, 1856.
VOTICE Is berehr given to the Stockbolders
IA in the Bank of Gettynburg,that an Elec
tion for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS, to serve
one year, "
will be held at the Banking-house,
ou Monay the 174 day qf IsTerember next.
A general meeting of the Stockholders will
be held at the same time.
J. B. BI'PEIERSON, ccuhier.
Oct. 20,1856.—td
H 1
ARDIVARE—Another large 'supply.—
Coma and make money by guying at low
prices, from our well selected stock.
Sign qt: R 1 Fronj,
, lints, lints.
WHOSE in need of the al-Jee 'l% would
1. do well to'give us a call, befo paranoia:l
elsewhere, for Samson eunnO4 De in gitAirg.
_ 4 , gpsgoza.
ALargo lot of Trunks and CArpet ltage dtt
hand which, will be a01d41 , 7 to make.!ittrin
O PTe 4 t44Cl°C3CB'al"a VA l V h esl SONS
A - Im
large aortment of Umbl'ellaa,
oea, jest received and kir Rle
taUR litbkii of HAitlDlAiefiE bas been Vex,'
label 9ncreaso, and pi . esons'biiilding
requitisg anything 9n ibos department,
should Eniit call and sic' FAHNESTOO/03
Aril 3141 TIO*, •
. .
/16.1 E «in fiat! a
bur ,”CrTalW:Wdi, Accordeons,
Flbtei Vic. Cbeap at
splendid assortment of Queensware,
China! Q)Eisfi_Stone and Earthen ware,
Ire cariefribe Sick
lettere krolirs of, say It •
INVALIDS, 11111 IND 1111:10110I
'meg EASEL, r the theme*
Cheatiott Mew. rAtkidelpaja e was out*
are Mond irt almost edify (aIM, dye .
.1 am tamp" la may of year Carthame Pa NNW t
have fiend theon A hitter family Ve 4110•111Milr
ore, than any other within say Idonw Map of Myr
Monde have mallard hulked 11.11111ta thala:idaem;
Melds With me In halleaina that Illey pneWintesaintedinto
"Inns* tot Miring ant dieser** mod atthilt the MM. Thells'
are nnt enly 'Restful, hui oath and *mans m Me Mien
;paha,* which menet nsake theta raked i r o• peirflo .
when they Me knows."
The renedthle Chancellor wmentAw Irmo Be. Sol
Munn, 15th April, le B 4
"Da. J. C. Avis— Sim I have takes year PI erith
.treat hesseth, for the Holmium, leommr, km of appetete,
and 1111{non hphitachlo, shirk hart of tali ram smenshoe
In. la ma spring. A law Mars dyes, ISM mired M t
hare need your Cherry Nandi! nun, Yvon la my SOP/
(of roughs and Nide with undill.. antelena INalter
medielneorrhirheerer and I reel it a plumes to menneed
yea for the Dmd you here dna* and are doles."
JOHN P. BEATTY, Esq., Poe. of the Pena. Itelbtead C 0,..
. • Pe. R. R. iv., PlltsfdpShr, The. IS, 11/ 1 / 4
"air: I take Owen, In adding uy torthomoy I. the
ainleary of your medicines, haring derived troy materlal
Menet!. Om the one of both your Phrasal and Calbettle
Pude. lam nine without then; in my family, nor 4'lll
over amain( to be, whale my ITIPOnn w 111 procure tbeen."
?Ise aid* Tennorned fl. S. STEVENS, Al. I)., of West.
Worth, N. whim,
"Samna mod your CAT/Mine PILL In 111. (*Safi, I
*edify fmni expedence tint they anon invehtable pugs.
the. In mem of disordered ninetlrmeathe liver, redoing
headache, indleesolcat, trativenim, and the rem verlidy
of &eves shot follow, they or. a doer remedy th en any
other. In all craw ohms • emotive remedy, b mitilrest,
I emAdendy rocommina them Pill. ro the' nubile, eso •
o n rtperi M nr to any other have aver Fonnd. They are sue
iO Ofentlinn, And plifiltily
tasks them an Invaluable ankle fro,intblic sum. • I hare
(let menyjeare known' pm" Cherry Ped•ret MI MO hoot
Ihnoth n Wine In the world ; and there Me or, In. ate
mho Inferior to that admirable preparation Ow the Masi.
meta of dliemeo." . • •
.11 An, as., Nis. 21, 1633.
"DR. J. e. fhoti sir: f have been afflicted Inns
I 'MY blab with scrofula in it, wont form, and tone. after
twenty yearn' trial, end an nntold of amount of suffetine,
have been completely cured In a few week* by your Mlle.
With what feeling. •or relating I write can only bet
Imagined when you realize what I have suilliwenf, and how
"Never until now fare I been free torn title Imotwoute
dlwagln some ahem. At lime. it munched toy am;
made me almost Mind, !wide. the II nenthinsble • pnlni vet
ether. It nettled In the emit', or toy bend, and draimpad my
hair, and ill, kept me molly bald alt my dare; amnatlnnu
It crone MA In my fats, an d kept it Atr mouth. a raw wee .
"About nine weeks ago I Con.nieneed 'skim; your
Martin Pill.. and now am en rarely nee Win the romplanit
My gig are well, toy skin le rule. and toy hair low nail
minted a healthy growth; all of which rakes mti OW
already a new pawn.
te Roping this statement may be the manna of sonveying
labrosation that shall do mood to when; I am, with every
notintent patllude, ,Tenns As,
I bare llama the above am RI
id Marfa R
IMO ham
Mr childhood, end her statement Is strictly true.
Cam JOEL PRATT, of the chip Marlon, mites &eh
Ilootat, flab April, 1854:
"Toot Pills bare cued me from a Minas melt which
all.. firm derangement of the Liver which had Mennen
very unions. I had failed of any relief by my Physician.
and from every remedy I could try; bet • few dome of
your PIN have completely restored me to health. I bare
given. them to my 'children for worms, with the beet ef
fect*. They pmmptly cured. recommended them
to a friend for motiventee, which bed troubled him Mir ,
months ; he told um its a few day. they had cured him.
You make the but medicine lb the world; and I am Dee
to ay , ea"
Mead this from the distinguished Sondrar of the Ignorers*
Court, whoa* brilliant abilities have made him well
Mown, not ally In thu. but the neighboring Stares.
"Nos Ortaus, .ofpii, HMV •
NSW t bare great atisfection In wearing you that.
myself and family hag. bun very much haThfifild by year
Medicine% My wife was cured, two years since, o a
'yen and dangerous cough, by your Cuss*, Psalmist,
mid glace than Us enjoyed pukes health. My children
ham several num been cured horn attacks of the fade-
VISA and Croup by it. It Is an Invaluable onnedy, kw
theft emnplaints. Your CaTifiRTIO P 11.5.• hare eating,
cured me from a dyrupida and costivemma, which has
grown urge me for some years,— indeed, this cuts is
much more inumrunt, from•the tact that I bad faked I.
gal renal* finam the beet Physicians which this envies et
the country affords, lad fmai any of the sumemus nue
dies !bad taken.
"You seem to us, Doctor, Ilk. a ;workloads! Ilewilair
to our family, and pm may well suppose we are IH4 Ilth•
mindful of It. loam reer z iltily,
VITT TtlisiXTXl4"
. 1 itemise Cineler Ms, Java sih, In
"Du J. C. Ansa.— Deemed flirt I have made a thee:
ough trial of the Cemetery Plass, lan me by your spree,
and have been cured by them atter dreadfitl alteumallem
under width he found ono ati f seing. The IM lasi re.
Ileved me. and • few subs ''
sent dorm fume entirely
immured the disease. I feel In Fetter lwahh tow Matt ke
OCIDO years belie*, which I *WRNS% swift* to the Wm*
of your CATHARTIC P/LI.II Ytutte wM VW MANIC!,
. LUCIUS 111XrC4LP."
The above are all from penorte who are embikty transit
whirs they mate, and who would not make these stems
mime without a thorough conviction that they wets tree.
Prepared by DR. J. O. AYER & CO.;
busied aadlaslitical Chemists, Lowoll, Mw
139"F0r Sale 'by A. D. BUEHLER * up
Druggists generally.
August 22, 1856.--1 Y -
WHEREAR the Hun. Roans. J. neves
• President of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, in the Counties composing the I9th
District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the
trial of all capital and other offenders in the
said district, and Samuel. R. Rusam.Land Jon::
Itl'Orrttx, Esqrs., Judges of the Courts of Over
an 4 ; Terminer. and General Jail Delivery, for
the trial del capital and other offenders in the
County of Ada.;-have issued their precept,
bearing date the 20th day ot August, in the year
tif our Lord one thousand eight. hundred and
4-44, and to me directed fur holding a Court
of Commit Pleas, nod General Quarter Ses
sions of the Peen, and General Jail Delivery,
and Court of Oyer Mel Termlher,at Gettysburg,
on ifointoll the 17th of Xuretnber nest—
Justices of the Pence, the Coroner and Consta
bles within the said county of Adams, that they
be then and there in their proper persona with
their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examina
tions, and other Remembrances, to do those
things which to their offices and to that behalf
appertain to be done, and also, they who will
prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall
be in the Jnil of the said County of Adams, are
toile ihou and there to pro tecute against them
as shall be ja.d.
Sheritr, C): 11c. tlettysburg, tc ,
Oct. 17. 1856.
lIIST arrived. from Baltimore and Phila=
delphia the hest assortmem of
lints, eisps. Donis and
that has ever bees offered in X lama County. •
— 1tE9.411 colors and 'kinds, (Borne entirely
new.) Call and aee 'them at the old stand
newly fixed np, in Llittmbersburg street,a fel;
dooxafrom the 'corner. . ; ,
March 28,181 G
10 to 45 . 1eat1 , 0f-florses.
. 1 0 Pk
• itztioura - zi - R4
justvreoCted; B,lPeridiB 4LI al rtrotal
&AVIA Undershirt-V*lnd iDrowter , leach
*eh sold 124
upitbtialtet6tery Friday 'Everting,Bald.
,teorivatrelit, , in the three evory hada.
MO' few doors *hove Yuba!
ettockti Store, b y
q).714,.• : 4 7 5431 .t E
1 1frpsid is limes peliritifin the yi per
Fanaum.-t•if anti pnid.eitbin the yew
2( per discoutinned-nntil allertesingoars
" rse thsoption creels LOON •eh:.
:foe eopivut tenu. A rsiNt• t• ••14 $ die
tvittinentreieilltwregarded.aa s nes alms
Acireriiiemente nut eierrling amino'
sorted three times for V—ever/ ,
insertion 24 tent& Longer ones in t. sync
proportion. Al! skeertitementn eon stpodelbr
ordered for a given thine lilt bar sosAiiiit a
111 ta k id. A liboul reduction sin bn z
to ages ebo. advertise hl• the -Phob,--
sitttiag of .0114hitit' 4444 gmbs l ,
sokprowpti no4o/1 11. 1 0 0 14* • Pali