{, J.k . ;;! ..; li. BUBBLER; . „ ' iOLUME =KM . . , . • '1'" „ 4ertikiii: the • 111011 e. , • I :,!' net WitrPOr •ifirg‘W7 Mae*” ,illgt r ikelogilthei ' Let us be • • ' r'loneierheart and in erideavor ; i•Xiskeithe start: of Kansas "free" ,prirepr country's flag forever! . every doubting soul— ushed.be every, paltry faellisi4•••••• , Shadows that now daddy. roll i, ••••dr. , - 4 . 1 ?•M Free4ousta•mg ere lqbeliefl• 1 • -71 ` yeantarnow, - Must be obeyed 4. e:Dusturd spirits quail and falter; Tav •Pe..l 144 toil—rwith °train* Wit . , ow K t : Freedom's holy o alterl 14) pt ' • - .Lsbor , initbe light orday, Firm,writh neither strihr nor clamor; Labor,litecrificoprsY, • , qtcop.,Freellona's shining armor! 'Chains are korging7tilavery's cup put,,vray. lips of pressing I . Nal?ert•eio,ei , herirlit--bedee upp ! Yours Freedoms holy blessing. , , the sunny prairie hind. • Now the tyrant's foot is treading— Let 114ptruggII, heart and !wind.- , Retells 'Freedom, grid andlfleeding. • 'Shall we falter? Shall we at tad, With it mocking lip and craven? Shall we wear the "traitor' brand, li insulted Freedom graven ? , Shall we puede and bicker, .now ? Sec the erns': in,,Kansas planted ? Ahall wo see the ltiillinns bow, ' And live on by.Fivedoni taunted ? , 'Dv this glorious land of OUTS. Whither pilgrim feet are thronging, Turning rroos the tyrant powers, ' And fir Freedom's altars longing— , lily our fatiters' hopes and fears, Struggling through a night of peril— • ' Ity kiln. Mothers' praterk and tears; Ilihrld Freedom's hour of trial-- 4.ll , llre•C'earr iroaw they begun, lip the great weals they have spoken— ' lit their tolls,:and all they won, • • By the chains of Freedom broken— '' lletthe Pilg4lsetrebithat„,prossed '•‘7,4lnotlt and prayer "Br God' p A riti blessed,' • est Freedkit everywhere the niehtoiles a tte Nisi— • By'ettelt great constant. yerwideg , •'• , •l• ••• • renal sacrifiee be east 4 !LT port Faushom's altar burning ty, ' lie the 'fallen—by the (Ste • : 71 rir •• , • Freeeh now are undergoing-. • "'A Ad, the hearthowoue desolate By , the Kaunas red. wave flowing— lly•the•gle'rfons Martyr's mune, „-•-•"•e.‘„•..A..t , hia post of duty smitten---• Aova • fU 1 t+ -;'t ift4tuti, '• • t 'to heuct..witri eAt ro • 1,n0,. An.N. t:1 RI bot ~1111/Ig • ;tesitors. !hese ar e , kal wr , 4 , • • lieselr bowing,' Wittily kneeling---- • • Bastard - suns end craven slaves, Freedoms life-Wood basely stealing. . 4 ,e• • • Up,together !ISM'S,* one, • ' _ Titlithe•tnight fled bath given ;" • iAlliutke M ll braggart traitor AI hrour. old Freedom's faue be driven I .• . • Strike together !..let us be Mute in heart acid in endeavor— . Strike till Kansit,n riseth Free. •' Freedom's glorious child forever ! The..ltinehneßa loSTORY•01? THIS QUAKKK CITY lam+ Hopper. the well knriwn Qua was emphatically the friend of the friendlem. and pridulously de '‘ented this Ilintg life tti deeds of benevolence. `Untold artinibeta of perpon. have been res. eued fine] miaery, degradation and ruin' by his kind apalatance, 'iruppora and couneel, 'land 'now live to blew their benefacter.— MbeAfoltriwing imieresting tilo of truth plumed how tenderly he wed a wanderer :back to irittne's.path. and bow tenderly be .erib.skedAnse who meditated the deatroc : tiAn of the poor and lowly. A otsitg girl..the only d. t .. g hter o f a poor Widow, rotunved from the country to 'Philadelphia, to earn her living by cover ' ir t e niubtelleal She was very handsome ; ' h glietsy black hair. large hvantiog .% .e. Wad 4 1ips hike *et coral." She W3l' just that seecpiablisitge when youth' i< ripen. hito•vreithalhood ; whin the soul be. lonn'to be pervaded by that restlesa prin. eiple which' impels poor humanity Co seek perfeetiOn'in ! Union. r A't a hittel:beir the stern for Which she worked. an English traveller. called Lord 'HenryBtairt.• had -tusked' lodgings. He win a 'rtrikingly 'tendon:le man. and of prineeliparriage. ,s r distinguished stranger tooled trf dfi ci Irma' the hotel he woottunteted'the'umbrella girl. and'was et- • iraCted byheruncotntnott Minty. He ea- My traced her to' the store; where he soon 'efteriamtdti went to ptirchase an umbrella. •ThiliWaifollotted pretionta of 'Bowers, -ibitity the wayside, 'aid invitations to piihllCtbr'rtdo t l'all'of'whieb 'were - gratefully 'tided/innd by the tuntospeetinif - rustic ;' for 1144"Wita silligturriiht 'of the danger of a 'city -stleWete ) the tolbirreld of her Hel)sitts inerely lilsyinir a game for tempo rary" eiteltobient' She,' with 'a' bead of'Yolitaboh. :and' ''heart' melting bitdefthe influence of Inve,.uncoosciously. tnelitlieein'glithee.'happinewof her whole lire: ' Ivr• . • • Loictiqfilitty' invited her to visit the of July. In t 1 sinpßelt 'bf het, heart, she believed tiiiir4feasions, and consider- Id !Mardi ?his bride elect; .abe . therefore accepted' 'the' invitation' with innocent Itaihkinelts. "But she had no dress fit to ou aubh a public occasion with IttarttiMiten of high rank,' whom she be .H60411141:1 be. her Nth.° husband. While tth theuglits'revolved in her mind, her si'Yogs Wete•linforitinately attracted by a lietiatiful 4 ribe 'bf silk belonging to her stilbpkttere , 'Could she not take it without ,beitig•uen,^•and .pay for it' secretly when abir bid - attest enotigh of money 1 ' The liiitiatitin'eatitittered her in a moment of *it ! She'bonocalo the silk and ear. berlodgbigs. It was the first ; e had, pyer,stolen, aniherremorse itfpl f kq w‘rlld? haiß_oakried is 4R41 4 54 , Ai.f9Pry , : phe A '• " was not sure that re tame would be; met by a spirit of forgivenittie, , On the eventful. Fourth., of jttly sho came out lit her dresa. Lord Henry.oom blimented her on her elegant•ippearance, ut she ,wee, not happy. On their way he talked to her in a manner oho did not emripriliend. Perceiving this, he spoke Rion, The guiltlcto young lure stopped and _looked trito,his face 111,,PAPIActifili re roach . all 4 burst into tears. The noble ian took tier band kind. 1 7 and*Pidi "AV dear s AffeJ°o44 innocent goi w "I am, i mi . " abe reolied with n - sire sobs r Kai, whet have I isnee4, 4 , or said that you shou ld nek me such' r`; ' . lion f" The evident, sincerity of her words etir red the , deep (infamies of his better nature. "If you are Moment," saidhe,'"God for : . bid that I should makelyou otherwist— but you accepted in Invitations and pres ents so readily that I eupposed you under stood me." "What could I udderstaud," .said Wei "eseept that you intended to, make me your wife I" _,, , Though roared amid the proud e st dim thictiene of 'rank he felt no luclioatiou 40 smile. , He blushed and .was silent, • The , heartless conventionklitim of the world stood rebuked in.tho presence of effectivity ate simplicity. He .conveyed . her to her humble home, and bade her farewell, with a thankful conlicioustiests that he had done no irretrievable injury to her future pros pects. Tho rentetubmnee of her to him would be as the recollections of the past iyear'e butterflies. ' With her the wound was deep. In the solitude of her chamber I she wept in bitterness of heart over ruined ; air castles. appearance the dress she had stolen i in make her appearance befitting his bride! Olt ! would not the heart of her poor wi , olowed mother break ii- she should over know that her child Was a thief f Alas, her wretched forsbodiog proved too, true The silk was traced farker i t, ishe was arrested while on her W 4.; th e 'store and dragged" o prison. ~• e rect is. io r I wept incessantly. ,On the four ".. 0 ikeeper called upon Isaac T. , , 'x',4inti, i informed , him that , there was a•, tit ion who appearei to be utterly„fiiiisilk , ibintl determined to die by starvation ilind hearted friend ~ immediate', went to her.safiatance? 'We fetel;he'r.lyieg in.ihe ,cell. ,-,Olih her face buned.in her hands, I sobbitig t ,es if, her heart would break.: 'I!. tried to . k.ti.tet:irL her but efiutti'vbi‘in t ,,,., t eniwt:e. - • .. ,i L , `,..1 ,- .•,ev tt:4l•-t•e,:t1,,) , .,•,!4,ti4,-e.14ipe,,;,. 4ii,AWf.-!;t'ut;f4t.eitpll,i (4 44 4 o , l 1,. , 'bile.{ . ,s.. . Whorl they warn isie i,i• 1 gather be li , tit the. bate • beak hole her. 1--,,n- I fries,hod his bend eJlibly ttiviu hlr bcgu I tifu head, and said in soothing tom. • '.My child cousider me as thy father.— • ; Tell me all thou bast done. If thou bast taken this silk toll :twill about it ' • I will do for thee as I would for my, owndaugh- I ter. and I doubt not that I can help ttee out of this difficulty." ( Alter , a long time spent in affectionate I eoireaty. she leaned her , young head.• on his friendly shoulder. and sobbed out, .01i, I wish I was dead ; what will my poor .anther say when she knows of . my diagram.' 2 I ~ . . . "Perhaps we,can manage that she new. er shall know it," replied. be. Alluring tier by this hope ,lie gradually . obtained from her, the story of her acquantance with • the nobleman. He hide • her be comforted and take nourishment, for he would see that the.silk waa.-paid .for .'and . the prosecution withdrawn. I He, went immediately to her employer and told him the story. , ',This is her first offence.' said lie. •The girl is yoUngi and she is the child of a pour widow.„.Give her a chapee to retrieve this one falser 4:, and she may be reetured to soeiety,f-a , 7 7 1 . 4 ' ful and honorable woman. :.I •vrill i that thou art paid for the silk.' The man readily agreed 40 withdraw the prose andsaid'he wtiuld have deli other.; wise with•the girl if he had knowtrall.the circumstances. 'Thou shouldst have in quired into the *edits bf theta:ie.' replied Friend Hopper. i The kind hearted, man next proceeded to the hotel, andowith Quaker simplicity of speeds inquired for . Henry Stuart.— The servaneloon returned and conducted him' to the climber, The noblemen ap peared supriseil 'that a stranger, in the Quaker costume, should thus intrude upon his luxurious privacy. When he heard of his errand he blushed deeply. and frank ly admitted the truth of the girl's state ment. His benevolent visitor took the opportunity to .bear a testimone against the sin of profligacy. He did it in such a kind and fatherly , manner That the young man's heart was-touched. • He excused himself by saying that he would not hats tampered with the girl' if he had knowrPher to be virtuous. •1 have done many wrongs. said he, .but thenk,God, no betrayal of confiding, inno cence weighs on my conscience. I have always esteemed it the basest set of which man:•jal caOstilui l The' imprisonment of the, poor girl and the forlorn situation in Which she had hien found distressed him greatly. When Friend Hopperrepresent. 00 that the silk had been stolen for his sake, that the girl had thereby lost profit able employment, and was obliged to re turn to her distant honse , to avoid the dan ger of exposure, he took out elf ty dollar note and offered it to pay her expenses. 'Nay.' said Isaac, 'Thou art a very rich. man, I presume. I see in thy hand a large roll of such notes. She isthedaught- , er of a poor widow, and thou bast boon the means of her doing a great injury:— Give me another.' Loni henry handed him another fifty dollar note and Waled as he said. vau understand your business well. But you have acted nobly, and I reverence you (or it. II von ever visit England. come and see me ; I will give you a cordial wel come, and treat you as a nobleman." "Farewell, friend," replied ths tanker —"aweigh winch io blob' 'la W 11,044 ;;;, ; ; i 1 Ith on hail behaved nbbly. May'st thou bejbleseed in domestic life, and trifle no more with the feelings of pour girls.; not even with those whom others have betray ed and deserted." When the girl was arrested , she had sufficient presence of mind 'to assume labile name, and by that wean* hatAruit, one was .kept, nut of the newspapers: did this'," said she, .'for my poor mother's 'take.",: With the, money liven tby ,Lord Othatt tYie 'ilk' was paid for and' site Wait ;idyll home to ber mother well ) provided with Clothing., Her, plefe "col residence forever' rimmed a :secret hi the breast, of her benelsesor. Tears aft 4 "thiie events ininapited a lade called at. Friend Hopper's house and asked to see him. When he en. terra' , the 'he footka' her deome:y i dressed young matron and a tdooning.boy fivit or int years old. She rote rn iluicklY. i to - eet him, and her voice choked as she I said, !Friend, Hopper, do 'you not knows melt ' He replied that ne-did riot She 'fiiiiid her tearful eyes earnestly ilium him,' and maid; .Itrou once •helpell too when in great distress' But the good missionary had helped too many, in distrait , to be, able . to reconnect her without otore•precise in. formation. With a tremulous voice she bade her eon go into the , next room for a few minutes: then dropping n'n her tined site hid her lace in his lap and sobbed out: am the girl who stole the silk. — Olt; where should I now be if it had - not been' for you.' Whin her emotion had somewhat calm.' ed she told him that she had ',tarried a highly respeotable man, a Senator nf. hie native statitf tieing on a visit in friend Hopper's vicinity, she had again Mud Hain poised his dwelling,' iookiwg ` wiwluhv at the windows In catch a sight of him; but when she attempted to, enter her courage "But I must return home to-morrow," said she, "and I could not go away itfitht out once more seeking and thanking him who had sased me from ruin." She re called her"little boy and-, raid to him, "Look at him, and remember him well.; &qui was she beat friend your , ever had." With an earries 4 e invititiOn jp pisit her. happy home, and a fervent "On bless pau, ' she bade her lieneficicir farewell. . , „ "DYING FOR A COCKTAIL. II .--allii•-hae obly one fault—he sets too high ::a vslue, ot distilled liquors. This habit, hits ridn oed L'Avis,to R ec l c :1 , 3 I gvtitt• tri-i hir, toii.O. 44:r L tt t1.,.‘y!4!'r.:,te" , ,;' , 4*1 - A,;Vi, ti IV,lattlflOk fiA)it6 his Jokes. :ever the lazi. fet, and at, eititeri ,, ii hii.rooav with his hair 'streaMing oUt behind like iinomet : "For heaven's sake hind me a glasi of liquor—countryman just fell down in State street and out: bis.h6dopen so that his life is despaired:ol.", • The bat-keeper , Hew , around and handed Davie three gills of firstqpaliti of brandy,. Divis' seized the mug and ' rushed int..— Ha returned in 'bold' ten minutes, and Raid the man was better and had been ear -1 ried to the hospital. 'Bar-keeper said, •'glad to hear it; and felt like a Samaritan for the remainder of the day. In about two hours after. this Davis wag arrested for singing dm ..Star Spangled 'linnet" from - dry•gdoda box; in Broadway..= l Strange fellow, that Davis I—Don'i wean any harm, but. .will have his eoektail.—t. That's so. Powsa OY,,THR BIBLE.-•-•Tbe mother of a family was married ; to an ; infidel, whf made a jest of religion in die, presence of his own childrin Yet she succeeded'in bringing thetti all .eury in t liti , feset• of the Lord. , I one day. asked her how she phi. • anted them from the infinence,olti. ether 1 40 lihuseite.tititnettUl, yello 110 0 1 1 e9 1 . r to her own . lv • her anti ~ ~ , it;,. cease, to the out jif eifailiiir ; ." l'ilet oppose thelinhori of a iiiiither. but that of God. - From their earliest Tears my children have,always open. the Bible upon my table. 'phis holy book ha. constim teil'the' whale of their religious inetructiOn. I was silent; that I might allowoilita'speekTl Did they ..propose a question, did they' commit any fault, did they .perform any action, I opened the Bible, and the Bible answered, 'rept oved, or encouraged; them. The constant reading,of the„ Scripture ; alone wrought the prodigy !inch lii rprisea yOu.'-;,:tlefulidie Monad. - - ' 113.01. following We don't . believe, ; the follotviog story, uot ‘ e word of it. Ills predicated . upon , a reads like a lie, and is a lie The writer goes beyond all compass—al6 ""reasonable compiles," vs Falstaff - • • • in his * drafts upon our credulity : - ”An ald'deacon in 'Yankee land' once' told us a glory. He wait standincone day.beside a Rog pond—we have his own word for it-..:and saW a large gorier anake make' an ailed( upon an enormous bull frogy . ..The snake seized upon one of the froeavirid legs.; and the frog, td 'be on a par taint h s anakeship, caught him by th' tail. sod' both commenced swallowing one another, and continued this oarniveroui operation until nothing was left of miller of them. , ' ' Anstsei•:, • . ..• • Thole who have had much inlerOnree with childremeannot.fail to have remarked with what simplicity they lrecitiently put questions, which, even those of 'mature years and extensive knowledge are puzzled to answer. The following is one of those questions, with an admirable answer: 'A child said to his parent, "Father, where does God get the color to make cherries ao beautiful and red V' "My child," slid the father, will tell you as soon as I have been informed how he tinged all the leaves with so beautiful . a green.' Louis Napolen owntra beautiful pair of bay hitraes piirehased for him' in Lewis WAfill; Ng* Yorke for .11000. ' .11 ,‘,rd . 6ETT - YIBIJ . Ret, PA., FR'IDAr-g Egor, of the Boston. Ch.riii 4 nt lirentsn- FREMONT AT HOME. ' ~ • - . .. New Yonic, Oct 2; 18t6. ....8141, ,•Fasksaiii: l --This`forenoui I marted out under a hot sun, to full au engagement which I made yetterday. At just 12 o'clock, M.;"1 rang the hell 4 the door of No. 66. Ninth street. As I stood, therei - iriiiting for au answer, to my !sum- Monti. I intitiectively cos t 'my . eye. tip to see where the halcony had . been Woken, for not many evenings eincq thire NOS a crash there soh tewhero. whiktititea pre cious- load was upon it.; - ':.l3nireedid veo nothing, the hand of the egticir. litving made all right. 1 had just n that there; was nothing to be seen; When.thedear was opened. I handed my card to the wen clautfand was conducted ,tolhe.front par lor On the secotirfloor. whtle: Lwao left alone somata° or fifteen utiettles:' The a partment wailoritisbed,ip estyfe of sim- ple luxuriousness, everything there being made either for comfort or use... :Upon the, Walls were , some ia t ittable pkintings, and among them a flue portrait of ,"Oldßill lion.' Al's% a charaoterie '. likeness of e the iron shiteeizian, ealho*l . ; :illany, books were there some of them, m, fit:read ;. and I could t ,h not notice, thegilieee latter Were works of noble merit ,: iwillY intim, titio,biciturisill, and records Impor%ttnt travel - S.' The beat phut* wire+o edited certainly been often thum ,'('., i AN leugth ilitrattendsut Called open.. mad desired me to follo:vatitn. In a tja , 11infly fur nisped alginates!, 0p0u 4 .1.0f r Of- the first tom, I found my host.,lo - wits , inn prepared to inert mush a meet ' r None of the- published le) 1, had r dent a l , seetsdidhitn4uetiCe.: lei t . ~ tvaas I thethilonol John Charles ifreuient, by 'the hand—% _„. .f ... , ' t. . -..; i I had expected to see a print &tilt:lull ] featured, dark, sharp-eyed gem widCthe, far Of, I , rough:and-tu in hie'. I &obi Von' (4 him: I wad looking for as 6 tiolfriteeltould 1 pierce we through , and um jaileal any ‘ where' hut at - holm. ' In s 4; I. Wail all prepared to keep cool andr au .out • ward ehow ill...ease.: Bit. - rkr . -; i -; I met a Rau rather beau ihe - medium size, scare - is mere .bit.lk iscomailied, with a"wild; modest eipreision'hicdattenuitco, a deep meaning eye, but beaming within-, tellehtual light ;. a iirow i nobly ',formed tbuugh half hidden by the dark curling hair wide) parts in the and Wont. away'ou either side; a told O q uiline 6,00 - widi those finely•'euried,4lostrils. w ,nirtrkift, If..;.,:timg., P.m , iivlr. V. 3 sr!. I ratixr tiii,-, .r.,., ;.,,,; JA5t-_,;.t“ , ::4411!•';t , ..- ; 0 Ar ttiv iv.,1,%•.)q, -I, 0,.,;,.. I ,c , -.. t• toe, ..:i0...? 14, , , , V .115 0 ,- .1-bh, ;, 0u!:i,.,-- 0. ; otiliiw f e,to2 J., iNI.I", liirilfniirldr. [ll,r hal ji:/ lit .I.'/I/1141 , 6;1.111;4: ,4...t.,.;1,4,,,Lit........ .It is- all tuan—true, pure, and noble.— I l ia fee 4g . s P e 'l L "t0 6 . 1 4 11 ",j1 2 his fucer especi:dly, in Ilia eyes en ,li,s ; and the varying shades of i ltiV.,,,l, - .ance betray at oncenhe man *,°.. 4 ' - Site& to con cealment or pregariesitipa: ..1 -, .. At first the,visitoir.lo? hardly willing, to believe that the lightly b At,. Rim before hint is die Alexanuer ~of litilifivent=t he Vespucius of the Rocky *ma unns; but "when we note that fittnned of muscle— that fine knitting . of frauto-Athat opera. bundance of nerve and arranged muscle= we are'no longer at fault. 4 - , •, e . I Ind not spoken with hire a full minute before 1 felt as perfectly,., at home us though ;I had been with a member of toy owe family; His 'ohtlutation was , frank and manly, free from all study:'- . and bore 'upon he tone a` genial welcome, wondered ere I was lutroduced, if ter 'cos- I tuwe, was aujuit, or oomme ii /troi, far I I knew that some of cm:yr/gig (r) Ropubli . , can gentry, when Milled upon to serve the public, were very pneetilioni iu, this •rel specit,' and it is not to be Wandered at that ere I'left the dtawintroten ;viva one list leek into the inirror..4o be assured that all was .right. But when I fehnd 6 0 C'Cl I thaeked my stars, that I hid studied My I own conifers in my costume. Hip .4wit dress consisted of a thin pair. , ,oVpintoi; without.suspenders, no vest. and a coin: mod brown linen sack. And so•he receii ved hiegueste. Why. I tell you. be is a -perfect man. juntas God made -him, without foreigd. airs or fixings of any, sort or kind,. ;He • pif Republiean to the backbone 4 and youtnalf rest 'assured that he has a "backbone,'" too. None of your stiff open that ma"( bend till itiweakeintir none of your India rubbbi ones that bend:to everything=lnit it is one of your finely tempered, steel fix.- tures, that bends ,beneath no ordinary weight, and never bends to lose its-noble' tipmghtnees. In . eonviiraation he is free; *ay and, pleasing ; with language just fitted to convky his tintift; a spirit of mild gnixl nature pretistnal With luSt fire enough to those t eip.set eyekte shore , they multi burn rather warmly were_the stroke given. As we talk on we find him possessing a 'gendarme funit•of sound, practical sense f keep and penetrating:; reading motives mildly, and deducing 'hid concussions with more than ordinary ir9. 4 curacy. Ile presents one of those Peed .liar moral mnfatmations, which seek gocid in everything I ever ready.to grasp good" advice 1 seeking counsel trove those ( quill-' ified to give it . nevi; acting on a precon ceived plan when hip js shown a better ' • but no more to beAuitied from what he I kuoye is right, than,his t own Rocky Moun tains eau be turned iide:the Pacific. I have seen just ".enough of John' Charles Fremont to, assure me Shat no 1 mortal man can blverve hint from the I path of duty,land uoman knows his duty I better. Why, his whole lira is one living,' vivid pictured proof of this. Whore is the min who has faced death oftener iu the path of duty thin he l'' WSW° is' the 1 man who has sacrificed mire of his per sonal comfort te'the good of bis country than be? , Surely the , man cannot be found. Amid , the opride,potup and Mr,- cumstance of glorious war"many, men will stake Their lives; but we .1,1...11 finafi r ,. ** ver s . Who 'Will nobly ,' bite' ihe'ittbn z .110,1,1 gIEtiRLEI3B% ANOr skistiour , • sand death, w npon the pioneer among the menu& 'it!Wil and wild savages 'of the Rocky Mountains, and. that, too. for the single purpose of, opening the road of civilization and Christianity tothe vast, rich regions beyond. Fremont's !Illation wan emphatically line of ,peeettand good . ; will, and .his highest . , hope. was 111 lie might be utile to Open to his countrymen a short and saferronte to the Taeifie coun try. He did it—aye, he did.. It, •or be would not be rusting upon his !enrols. Col, Fremont was born' at , Savannah, j Georga, on the 21st of . January. 1818..1 andleconsequently at,' she ; present time forty-three yeers.bf age. Justeethe prime' of life—in the vigor of full manhood ; with .11 noble experience freth,upon him ; one of tbie people . in .the broadest sense of the expression ; *kb his sympathies *arm' tor humanity ' ; no bitter prejudices to warp his judgment; but fresh and strong, firm in theOglit, and.lookiug only to the eternal laws orjusuce and truth.for his guide, he stanch at the . present time pre-eminently qualified to' represent to the world of nations the *publican lionti• ment , 'ef this. glorious Union. • Eptin the N. 1". Herald. Visit to Col. Yreinont- z —An Inter : eating , .., The stiideuts of, , the Union , Theologioill Boinieeryintinibetilig abont,'s huOdred. 141 terlisY proceeded 14 , - te Oa residence of Co4Pseeml ~ Ninth . street. fur the, purpose ,of tindering ,him theingrea9 l 4tione.l, iThe: hour flied, lot the Irtirviett,ossii 42 .. ce,e100k , aswhiob time the visitors arrived , audAe of 'their Number, DIG Q DIG E., Cobb. ofilrarry town . ,delivered the 44Joiving ippropriate address : CoTr*reixicint-;-Thegetillerthin presented to yoll'A I, thia time forma large majority of the tpembers ,of the Union Theological . ituaiutety., .poMiug from no , less than fit , teen Su(test g yepresentiug nearly, all our leading eon - audtive different roligidas deninninat ' .s, we have assembled in this city to p e for the sablvd ministry' A deep t rest in the,present 'State of tie r clonal is ls is net iteficting, but is the na• i tural resup4l4 our 'tierielial,,pui suits. We deem it,te '''at'pleasani o ffi ce to pay our Iv *poets l o / 4. , uot'orily us a Lintonwhose rA slit ells ' :e'iludhareer we holier, not ou ,,ywsifittirewhose high attaiumeats we ups i galore especially as the preseut ~ - is'ax,agtive 2 ,of those groat prim:lidos 4"."44littrUi ell zeal support audi .1 Principles which the I 'icon every page. "And tk the almost unanimous influk ant clergy. and of those who are iu•days io mane to till the pulpits is exer:oti in the cause you. reprog u toseems otu moos of goo*, We lietie.ve it to be the cou'se of truth-- th° caner. 'of humanity; and' the cauie of God, and us such It breathes the firm coo • &tonne that SoOner'or later suboess Musk be auto. ; Accept, air, .0 our .chosen leader+ our largest, cougratulat ionn,,our.cerdial co-op eratiens,,and our sincere wishes fer ,your attain's'. 1"- it Ii Col. 'Freemoot replied in sm. inset— !. ['SW glad to see you, bitiause you ate young - men. • Youog mon geuerally, decide to follow ,their iustittets .without previous calculations, ond,arti always ~fnupd ".44e. riglit'and generous aide ' ; but yout supphrt, geutletheti, is' Sate ( indidition that, our cause a goo4one.. Aveu are '4eparated to a high aud,sitered calliugy it, could not he expected , t h us you, . would,. manifest any interest in arlifical , content ; bot . l toxin-, min that the hittltiVsie 'ore Waginifls not wholly'a`political one.' The'victOry whiebi we hope' to cabieveirilibe ono 'of diviliss.' t,i9 11 ; 4 4‘01 4 1r4Yr 11 ,40 :without Which, illation cannot be supported., You cannot advance the diraliotuse to which you have devoted bid's, if we are You will rometnber that on oue occasion I WolisierXidd'thit 6ist ditty of a free. governmout, Moto suppnt its tibia ty,',l 4o that yna.can ,consisteutly ,givet, the publieau party ,yo . iihear!yapppotl, and I haPPy. 'receive the assurance of 14 . Reisudisidled. Kr Some ''Weeks ago; the Richmond Enquirer, the leading DittioeratiO paper of the Souths pisbliShettlr folkiwing eig niti cant addendum it a protiOus appeal t o the old Line 'Whigs t.L. kAe shine ps tsOnis seem to have miatakin both this motive and' the object 'of our ap peal 1.10.10 ,Line 'Whigs, it is proper that we , shoutclactinit.'ourselvea, of the unjust; accusations to which inchpisconstruction . posses us. We invite no man ofa ffAiy principles' to join' the •Democralsc party. Such an overture would be as insulting' to him us unjust to our party. - A person wish Whig coniiiitions cannot; consistently , and honestly. profess to be of the Democrat iciparty. 21. person with Whig convictions cannot be admitted into the Democratic 4.rganiaatiOn without to some extent ear: intiting its integrity. and debauching its priucioles. We have a creed which con. atitutes a teat of Democracy, stud to which no Whig can honestly subscribe, because it is absolutely irreconcilable with thu prin ciples, tibial he professc ‘ s. No object to fu sion because it is neitlik consistent vril h • personal honesty., We no Whig to come into the eutooratic+korty sinter's, he chooses voluntarily and frow Conviction to abjure his ancient faith and to profess ' allegiance to nuP particular platform. • Those Old Linn Whigs, who aro just now doing the writing and speaking ,for the Democracy, way understand from the; a bove insulting language, if their minds are not too much warped by prejudice, that, they must work for nothing , and find them-, Nivea in the present campaign, or (*solo gbo t namo sodtiadore Oar itkitb. . • 1856. • jProns'ilie National Era. To Pamir, valuta. Oh; State, prayer•founded 'never , hung • Such choico upon a pimple's tongue,. Such power to bless or ban, • • As that which makes thy.whisper 'atai , Fur which 61 . 1 thee the centuries wait,. And destinies of man. . . . „.. Across thy Alleghenian chain, With groaniugs from a land of pain, , ' The west wind finds its way ;, Wild-wailing from Slissnuri's'flood,, The crying of thy children's blood i Is in 'thy ears to -day. And unto thee, in Freednm's hour, Uf sorest need, God the pork' To ruin or to save,•+' To•wound or heal, to blip,hror tants': • • With fruitful field or wilderness,' • • A free home eta gravel Nay, 'more I transcending time acid The question of the 11=4111100 • .. Is thine to solve anew; ~ And, trembling doubtful on thy breath, A thrill of , l fe or pang of death • , shall reneh'tliq wide earth through. • • Then ,let thy Virtue match the Criiipo, Rise to the level of the time ; ,And, ifa NMI of thine , , . i Botta, or tempt thee, Brutal-like, .ii , . t ot ForNetherland and Freedom strik '' •. • • As Justice gives the' sign." :9" • Witl4,Steeper, from thiOreem of •, , ~ The'great Occasion's foreteek soli And tet the .North.wind'iltrini , And golden leaves ofAuttitnit be . • - Thy Cotonal-ofvictury ~ •'.'7 ! :. " , , And thy triumphal song I , - , • . ,' '.' ' , inliPuriant Accriosionie,„y, are glad ;to announce that the !yen'. "erablo . atid renowned Hematite. firKftitY— fie w)io ties been the pride - :end, honer nf tlititgreat city, for years she On riralledi ii Jul tint excel, SkIROCANT afld 1-10140N BON io the form—min •whose' name has cruised the Atlantic, nini been hear& by the learned of .oilier lands. and,whipiei rep utation. is co-extensive with the •Union— ! Ws declared his determination to vote for the only .conservativu candidate before the. 011 . 1)ple-4011N• . C. FRIIENoNT. • - • The ' virtuous . mid .m,lightened - all over the tend are declaring their determination to rally Under his banner, Ae the banner of the Constitution .and, the; When the liglitetdf the past..l4o umemporaries of the Constitution itself,„.ihnic • Whim, 'Saw VrAsiiikirio ' Ne. mod learned..,wiadom &Om hie lips- 7 whin'kiiew J . forriii'AoN, were the intimate 'lfitstafs of Itlaotsoti, Nolvaos and JamtsoN—the Cumca,„ the, INOHiMd,Ahe DUANNi; and the • fitwaiva l —laud. - who would =MEM ( .. 1~~. . . In Dongerons .Cutnraisf. • A Philadelphia currespatiditui , of the Nary York veaieg Poet bas the followings . . . . During the Taylnr and Fillmore iiiiratiou. Mr. Buchanan resided itilatheati ter."and also 'Mu very respegsaide "lad worthy gentlemen. and his ininuirile friends knovra as General Furd and Judge 'Yonder. smith. Ford was u General of the State Militia t Vundetstuitli was an useociate Judge the'Coanty of Lancaster. These gent,lempu,, separately and jointly, did a' large huisioens in searching oat •widowi 01 deceased • revolutionary offieers and sol diers, ptirsenting their eluiius to the de. partineut at. Washington. and recovering, a" their imams, large .amounts 'of money for pensions due them. In this laudable labor, it appears', by' the records, Ford and Vauderatuith wore ably aided and second ed by James Burienau, who, doubtless, 'night have Acted 'with 'pare motives. A few months after the departure of Mr. Bd. 'cliauati from the United States, and while perforating the functions of American Mitt ister, resident at London, the administra tion was forced by the irresistibli3 wdig ht o 1 public nOttion, to cease 'the. arrest ,of General Ford and Judge yondersinith, on a series of charges of forging peusiou claims said by, perilous employedjo the department to nuriuut to over seven Intnelrid thousand dollars : known . a strange mistime agemun the dietinguished felons were token bet* the fellow.ustinciate ilf.Judgb Vender smilb,(Who'Clearly had Ulf jurisdiction iu the case,) and were admitted to bail in the suet of $5,000; :hut very night both'geutlnnian left parts ucnnowu. Fur some months I nothing officially. was, heard of the renegade Anima, until in a dispatch , from Micister James Huenzinau. at Lourioa; to Secretury Marcy. it'' , 'Washington, he (Buelmuuti) 'informed Marcy Abut Judge Vonderrimitn. called ea him at the American. Consulate. and had passed several pleasant ; visits pf several hours duration with him. .I'. H. A. ha taker me !"-Paid Mn. Varingtoo. "if the flume ;i'ipiair op 'it pole, with some old winigan'ti geriet tied to the top. end -1 painted on it ?" and she laid doir n her opeetsiOs, wiped her eyes and gaiie a sigh) Ike sin dell and thought the old Irdy'li der was a happy int. ' • ABeinxti StbE viEw,I.L-We learn from a reliable source that 'Rev. George D. Boardman of Barnwell (Mort House, !South Carolina, bus been complied to' abandon his pas.torate for refusingnet . expression of sympathy on the side of Brooks to bisnut• rage'ou the iqassae.busetts Senator.' .Mr. 8., no are informed, did not volunteer auy expression, ,but it' ijs elicited from t i lin by direct tuterogatory.a man. ' ". ThrPliiladelphia Bun saYsi 41 Prank'. lin Pierce, fotir year. since, did Inoti up giant like, he ham grown *Mall by degieira, and his degree. may be 'graniitically jut ted as little-in-war, leas in pclactNiand, *it in theaffecUo4a of hie coma trpnan..!!, qt ,1 ; 1.0 , ) A'l•. - t4 197 I • r - , IKON MEEE 1389mpcANK Kx . St.,. • BRFKiNce READS. TWO silo3l' A Birdcr Ruffian Fraud.,;, irrlopiteropuoty and alsowilto lbw 4 3 0 a" fr.!1 111° oulating bills for aseeing• headed "BIIOIIANAN Sc ElltEClrdf:ll 40114,,: i4rid Fads KAN dAft 9 i Poor fools--doe's they kiibit,that we have , Free Schools In PennaYlvania. and that:the Oliple Can reed and nedilirtod r liiUlhatien and Breoltinridge in Aim' o! Free Kansas I 1 Why they *dt.. , :e*ildfll charge 'Belly•Broolia wi . of FieelErials. • 1 , 1, 1- 1;4,;1 'knave Irtalitt circulate ;,. the'futeettlen. It is about kid' d'; • the ' idteueous fraud of 1844, wherilldifer,. 'Were iiiroulated in Pennsylvania -iosciriptlon • ""POLE AND 'DALLAS, • Mai THE ; TARIFIt t1e1842," Whieb Polk hid repealed by the 'casting vote of Dallas, immediately rillar.they, tained'power, • • Can the Freedom voters be defrauded/ in a aitnllsr manner again P It would 'iii: en insult to their intelligence to susthi'i, IrrA: friend ha,' aent'Us a copy of the bill alluded to above, which Can be aeon itt thin office. : • t 4 tettantno of full poeket-booke; : .orns there ever l a 'inure ,fereible 'etfpresition, in the itay of A Bindle, than that given by the Yankee, when he ettid;-.. 4 •VVhen,.l left hum: to, come to stork; niy,pocket•bunk way as full att a swelled cow in a wet clover p asture ; but when came away ni the ateinibuat, a gittin - on neut hunt again, it looked e/a ni dun ele' pliant had atomped onto it.l". INTERENTING INQUIRIES view .of Mr. Buchnniu'i political clutritoier acd hie• tory, In :40121 Pnnosylvariia county ahOuld ho reside? Ammer—, Somerset i. or, in view of Lie horn Bucks; or, as be hlowa hi. own horn, Clarion, or, as his political career i 3 almost run, Huntingdonej or, u be Is being hauled over the coals, Carbon , ; or, as proclaimed Polk abetter tariff man thou Clay, Lie-com e iftg arose his prospect:tare scaly, ?Oh or is hp is going topot, Potrersor, Ohio c1.41411e: ces are declining; fruyile I —Will-Mr. Bit Chemin 'withdraiir---Philit.' Bit/kite,' 74iij . :.4 . ..',......: : . :. ~;,i..,..'•.,..,":"j'.6-':;1:?4‘:';`,/,:';'.' tap;. ~.1~~~. ;ir nw. .~.itFr. rt~r„ =MEE oe inl*o - 3'i - 7,-x1m , meter:14.444 , :-- becauee ye didn,'t kemy yer Aight.:hast4 from yei.left, A girl who had become tired - of mingle bheroolloastothum wrote to hir "Dear Jim oome right off if yau'ro ,- ontri: Milt el; all. Edeard Kcidermen ittlinair* in' that I 'Nhall haye him, arid hp !Lege and kismcm the as Caiiiinually'tki:CE 'can't hoiii out Much longcr." Plants. are Ittjuriims ,to health who's it kept in sleeping ructu r benause though tQ the day cline they' absorbe . csihnuic acid gas,nod give eat oxygett,which iA healthful; in the. night.the revers-it takes place: froui the absence of sun-light absorl bed.and carbonic acjd gas given qui,vrbich. vitiates the air. DINNER 1101 HON.. P. S. public dinner to lien. P. S. Brooke, cuwe off' t Ninety•Sia. S. 0., on Friday. Col. Brooks WAR presented with a gold goblet, a silver goblet end two gold headed canes. Speeches were made by Senator Towns, of Ga.. Gov. Adams and Hon. A, P. ,hurler, of South Carolina. BrinenB.--Spidern have-four , paps for spinning their thread'', cab pap having. ono thousand holes ; and the floe web it{ self is the union of four thousand threads. No spider spins more than four webs. and whop the fourth has been destroyed,-they. go fillibustering, and sioto on- the webs of their neighbors. •, • SW An Advertisement In the Ledger says IMO 'agents wanted tia it'll the tira and Public Services of James Buchanan." We think this a pour, from the feet that ith Buanan hitnvel , long ago,. sold his life and public services to the South, end they , cannot be had for the North now, • The Nr Y. ,Enening Post. (Fremont) publiahes an estitnatell vote for President in earh county of New If orb, which, um up as folios/a : Fremont 217,000 ;' Filhnore 120.000 ; Buchanan 140,800. A Schenectady editor, describing tho feet ea squall upon a canal boar, says : .:‘Wheti , the gale was at its highest, the un fortunate craft keeled to larboard, and the and another mak of whiskey roll ed overboard." A gentleman once observing that I Per son famous in the , musieid profession led a very abandoned life, a wag replied. "Aye, the whole tenor of, his iifaiiss been base." A(011116 Those of our readers who have bt Atm, • . "responsibility: • , will foes th 9 beauty of the , following little intif At our , bomb at home, Ire 're a reset baby ' As fat as its the And for mischief, utusio, or .ith;tellti. May , Of brats be's the gemitel of alb . With cheek* like twee** '• The prettiest of 11011110, Endeared is out: bu fonCiret, ..r. , . Itt t awbul 'segue '4 •• • ( A , TCI A 1 #1, 1 4d ta5.11004 1 0 , 1 hA 'MY Hefty 041 11 11a14 AltP4 , , T S' tt MEI