• IESOLUTION o 4:lllEii . l4i2tT9 TOTHS rosstrrutidt+ c s .,). nits MUM towsst;Tll, •ereiAiimoibt th e 'Senate ITO ilouze of Mtpee ts'asi iti its Clisamoniewnla Pentteglea• 7aptutot .21ktensiam thrty Thtit the •thl• lo i t e ististailitisttio ism : l:atm:4ml \ ct:nti• st :istilitrattritticiwirewill, in &beard:thee' 'with tilis.prcritiolis tenth etiele•ther9. oei' s 1.1 ) ; ' -0111. ST .‘. *hall .be an additional art.:flo . tb Constitilitiodtpi do.siguated us artielo ' op pr. stlT's. Btrititilf"tilhe State May contract 'dblits, deficits ur ht. revolt 1104tmttt.4 tactet.expenscs nut otherwtse,prOvided I•utt4.l4.4l,timaggrugute antuuut uf such 'debts direct ittial it contingent, whether contracted •by 'victimot . ,y,tkii;'9r mete nets of the General, *senittli, , kir periods , 11,11 :ecltgeoed deven hundred and filly Allows• end'dollttht , tend`: the money arising arum the •erathnt , ,Of seth debts, 'Altair Ito npit,ted to . tthe t ittai.ted, tito°dus t ' 'pe ptise whatever. :/eetuotil 2, , le odditiod abttfolimited t's . .t.t c 0.,. tuertlehrsktt reptiul tiitrasiOtt,. sapp,•es, 411:41.1erec!,iun, defend the •Stateitt war, or to redeem the,presentoutstind lug,. indebtedness of the'Stum.; but the money •artsiog from the euutpte . ti ugblsuch debts, shalt b4;illl,,ii:A 0 alp purpose km i'llk;l4 it is raised, or t,t repay :such dents, nitd%to no, other pur• 4)oA.T;whatever.“ t. A Liectior J .I.P.icept.the:44th above specified, %le `seCtilins'otte' and two article, Ito debt vli.stever preated" by, or on haul& 'of ,the State.. tSectinn Te ,pi-tnide for the payment of 'the prtstent alebt,'and any additional debt cow' ttratu.liet afer6.wid„.the legislature shall, at its dirs'a.atetetiee, , after4he adoption of this amend ,sneut :create st sinking fund, which shall be inutieteut to pay:the accruing interest on such and a n nually to reduce the principal tueretif sk:y a sum not less than two hundred .audttilly thousand dollars ; which sit.king fetid shall cont,ist of tho net annual income of the public works, front time to time owned by 'the orate" proceeds of the sale of the saute, ()zany ,part thereof; and oldie income or pro•. ceeds of sale of stocks owned by the State, to. .gether with Miter Muds, or resources, that may 'l4i:di:Agitated by law. " The said sinking fund .may ;be, increased, front time to time, by as. ..signing to: it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the State, not required for the cur rent' 'exPeitses' be government, and unless in case, tit war, invasion ur insurrection, no part of. the said sinking fund shall be used or ap plied otherwise than in extinguishment of the the amount of much debt is reduced .ftitliiu; • the sum of live millions Of dol- Section, 5. The credit uf the Commonwealth altati nut ftreny, Manner, or event, be pledged, air lemma any individual, cdpipa ny tory°. r,ttiunr, or ; nor shall the Climmon: mrealtht , lntreatier t become a joint owner, or stoekhelder,,in'ttny ' company, association, cOrgi/t4tittO.'' • Ccannionwealth ,shall tint AsSunte -the..dtbt, or any part thereof, of 'ally eity;!norough,or township or of any -Corporarigit:Or•nssocilition ; unless Heel:4old 4411, list been , contracted to enable the State to:repel:in virsion,.supprees domestic insurrce! titinolothild Conn of war ,; -or•to .assist Oki Shad' t4o'diScharge of nay of its proent tit eiitedniss. , Section .t. : .Tbe Legislature shall not author izo.lanyv county, . city, .borough, township, or iticorptiraie'll'dtstrict," by virtue of in vote of its citizens Cirotherivise; ,become Stock holder itt, any ; J eompany, association, or cntroratinn,..; or to •obtain.trionep for, or loan .its. vredit, to any imrporutidn, association,. institution, .or party. . 09 'Is&Al; `tiolu irticla to Fenid Constitution, 46:416iiituteil ss article-111, as So(lows : ;'' :IL) 'lF:mix zit, OF NEW GOV N.TIES No county shall be divided by a line cutting 41frtifii'O.iiltentli iffilts, popuL%t 'chi, '(either to farm a now county or otherwise,) without the 1 ... .express a.ssent o f such county, by a vote of , thseelMalfireafritbr..shall littjAnw county be!..i;itrailisbed; - coutaining, less 'thin four hun- Artd4tlremilest . ' , ',: . f , .,:- ~.. 'piton :int nonnwr. - . : ' •,- ; Ern . aliel,kitt two of the first article •of the C iNtiOnZiitrike out the words, "of tic cily q , 4 1 , 1 071#;11. 0 1,,,,. aid ; of &iris -couaky'respc•- •ti ''; ; froitt section.tive;saine . article, strike t u ' Ahli , tiieidi,.'"ut Philatirlpitiu und,of the tiff,triiiiitie:ri" tli.)4 sersiott seven, sawe ar t'. ef ! iiird.e out die - woros, "ariqser tfte city of i' , tfittipkfo, nor tiny,' and inser t .. in: lieu .tli T4, l 4,4klllls,'"ninf.no :" audstrike out sec fitrltillr;gaine article, and in - lieelhereof insert, the fidluwit%; 1. i • • "Sectatek . 4. In t , hescar one thousand eight hit adroranh sixly;lbur, and 'in every, seventh year thereafter, representatives to the number of one hundred shall be apportioned and dis trihuted equally, through the State, by districts, in prop.srtiuu to ihe number of taxable iultabi tants in the; seie'ral.parts thereof; except that Any i•liiiiity containing at least three thousand five hi. , ,elred taxaliles, way be allowed a sepa ratworepresentation, j but no more than three , ti.unties"shall be joined, and no county r- shall Lc-divided, in the formation of a dia.. trier TsAny - city. eontaining a sufficient 'nutia ffier oftaxubleicto entitlelt Or at least two rep resentutives, shall have a separate renresenta ,tion'toisigned it, and shall be divide:: into tron• nrenieut;Edistricts of contiguous territory, o, %equal taxable population as near as. may be eitelt. of which districts shall elect ono repro 'tentative.?. , ' ' . At the end ofseetion neve% name artiele,,in sect' thene'. l wardA, "thi - city of =YJiiladelyAia irlsall be divided into single oenutorial dialreele, 140. lif7„s,,,erritur,os I Nita/ in item -61/ toPtt: , iait,'ll,f 14.!sede ,flo.ienirl •4411 be iei ' iiithe:tormalio ii oiiith The legislaute, at, itstirst•seSsion i mfler the mdoptiottAX this amendment, shall divide the 43itp,of ritiladelphis into senatorial and repre •stutatit•ittliitrieti, in the flaunter 'abut.% ,provi tded ;suchtlhdricts to remain unchanged until 'the hpiiprtioriment • in the ;‘year. one dietitian(' wisht hundred, and eizty-tour..,, F 01:41111. ANKNEII ENT. t , :i,TcP be jaliOn XXVI, Article I • 1 ' , ilia! legislature • shell have power to alter, 'trerdlcaior auuul, any charter of incorporation %lino:utter couferred .hy, air under, any special, Ku' wliinever iu their opinion it tansy Arai injurious? toL thoei . tizelrs of the coin n4unteidch in' such. mpuuer, however, thut Ito Nualim:idail/lbe done' to the corperutors. • 1- ' " Pir'fiGU'r•, A pril -21; 1 /35 6. "itmeeibia, 4, 111 ht this. resolution laze. On itluiltirstamakedrueut, yeas 34, nays On, dm labecoul witainknant,..yeas 19, nays G. Ow the 1144 anionlinpult, leaf nays 1. °alio .fo.rth ainendiueid, yens ?3, cane 4. •hstruktfroiii , tle Journal. - • 17114,-AlUi t .sl. MAO lillt4 Io House of Repnesentatiuoky • ' April 2k, ' 4 April 2! That this reseiluticn atate.s. 0n Akt keyr,l;dittent, yens '72, tory, • tfi t ivirtilitl Licetelment, ; yens 63, telt 25. -4.)11 .064 isaciludrue.ut, ..7ilas 61. , uays ; 16. • the 'ilurtiv.duient, pais 69, rurys • WILLIAM JACg, Clerk. ' • ' alheratntry'rOlfte A: G. :Fil•J :. 1 3 1856. 'tj Seey. the VAAL. Secretary it VNice, q. ria t klpir r , Joakik JP* Izisylcruis, rr • w • Itio:ltmitai covey thstetteekhou.tend. fore %Amts.& true *ad correct'ecippotdse,origiteel Rata retatite to ap , eautadateist of the it'Autrtiigtoot," ae , the saute reuutitai‘au fill is *As Who. In testimony whereof I bare )•hertunto set n hand and cause m h° affixed t he seal of the See . f tary's Office, the day and year a. bore written. A. G. CURTIN, Sec . ,' of the Comtnonvreelth. IN SENATN, April 21, 1856 • riesblutien I tropo.inveraendmunte to the 'Collett 'Lotion of the Cuustuaimealtb, being en 'tier rottsidkratien, Uu the question, • -Will the Senate agree to the first amend. ment ? - • The yeas and nap were taken agreeably to the ; pros. isions - of the Constitution s and ware as fulloW, viz : Ycza--Messrs..Bniwtie, Bickalew, -Cress•' well, liyanii, Ferguson. Flenniken, tinge, In gram, datiaiscm, Minx, Launach, Lewis, Mt- Chio* Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther; Straub, Walton, Wherry, %V ii. kind and Pn.tt, , • Grubb, Gregg, Jordan, Mel, linger and Viatt Su the (vestige was determined in the tar- Ott tho'quoAtion, the benuto agree to the secual emend went ? • The yeas :nal rap W. 113 Luken agree:Jai. to the pro isions of the Constitution atal were tut follow, viz : YxAs--Messrs. BroWne. Buckalevr, Cress well, Evan, ,licare, ingrain, Jamison, Knox, Leunach, Leivis, McClintock, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, and Wilkins-19. . n• • NAlll.—aleisni. Gmbh, Ferguson, Gregg, Pratt, Price uud Piutt, 4:peaker-6. ' Su the questiou wad determined iu the of fuluutive. _ , On the question, Will the Seuute agree to ;the third amend. meat T The yew and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitutiou t . and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. BroWne, linekalew, Crab!), Cresowoll, Evans, Ferguson, Flenniken, Huge, Ingram, Jutnison, Jordan, Knox, Limbach, Lewis, McClintock, . Mellinger, Pratt, Prise, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkias, and Platt, Sjieuker,-28, Nvt4-41r. So the questieu was determined in the af firmative. • uu the question, Wtil the &saute agree to the fourth atnend The yea,' and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follow, viz . YEAI4---Messrs. Browne, Backelow, Cress well, Evans, Flenniken; Hoge, Ingrain, itimi -600, Jordan, Knox, Limbach, Luau, McClin tuck*,Pricel Sellers, Shuntan, Souther, Straub, Walton, ,I , elsh,, Wherry, Wilkins, and Platt, Nava-- Hest Cmtb,, Gregg, Mellinger and l's.Att,-; , 4 • • So the question 'was determined intheaf. attentive, Journal of the House of Representatives, April 21,1856.. The yeas zintl nays were taken agreeably to the prorntiuita of the Constitution, und on the first proposed noteuflnent, - were as follow, • YE.ts:-: , :-.11e.sais..AndersoMBuckes, Baldwin, ;Bull, Beck, (Lyecuniug, , Beek,.(Yerk,) Bern hard, Boyd, Buyer, Brown, Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell, (.:arty, Craig,, Crawford, Howie:ll, Edinger, Fuudold, Foster, Uetz Haines,. HitMO; Herper, Heins, 'Hibbs; Hillepts, Hippie, Holcomb, 13 undecker, brie, Ingham, Innis, Irwin, Johns; Johan', .Laporte, Lobo. 4ougalcur, Lovett, M'Cahnont, APContb,,Maugle, .stenenr, Miller. Montgoniery c Moorhead, Ntinnetuncher. Orr. Pearou, Pureell,, Itautaey,'. !teed ; Iteinhuld, Biddle, ItOberts A ,Shenk, Smith (AI- legheny,) Smith, (Cambriu,) Smith; (Wyo ming,), Strettse, Thompson, Vail, Whollom Wright, (Dnuphin,) Wright,- (Luzerne,) Zim merman, and ‘Vright,lrker-72. NAYs---MCSAN.Augustine Barry Clover, Cobourn,, Dock, Fry, Fulton:Gaylord, Gibbo• uey, Hamilton,. Hancock,. Housekeeper, - Hun, eker, Leisinring;llagee, ;%lanley, Morris, MUM - 111% Puttersou,Sttlidbilry,Smith(l'hilatlelphia,) Walter,:7lVintrodo and Yearskj "_4 Bn-theiiiiiestiint wUs dutertniued in . .the ati Ou the quegtion, Will the House agree to the second amend meat ? The yens iltl,aays,wilire token and iv'ere as follow, viz : " Y Els--Messrs, Krider:lam'Btiekus, Baldwin, Ball, Beek, It.yedniing,) Beck,. (York,) Bern hard, Boyd. Mrovin, .Bru "litchi - unto, dad well, Campbell, Certy,:eraig, Vousuld, Foster, Getz, Hanes, Harper,. Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Liilligas, Hipple,.. Holcomb, Hunseeker, linbrie, Ingham, hods, Blida, Johns, John. son, Laporte, Lebo, Longaker, . Lovett, M'. Calmonb Rearthy,M'Cumb, Alam;le,Menear, 31ontgcteuery, Moorhead, ..Nunneinneli. er, Orr, Pearson, Purcoll, RaMsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shook, Smith, Alleglie nyd -Strouse,, Val , toh,.W right, I,Luzereed Limmermatiaml Wright, I..4,peaker \ai ,„ Mese i l. , • Augustine,' Barry, ,. Clover, Edinger, Fry; • UabliOney, Hamilton, 'Hancock,liti , neker, Leisearing, Manley, Mor els; Mumma, Patterson, Phelps,. Salisbury', Smith, (Ctimbrinj • Thomp• sum Walter,Wintrotle, Wright [Dauphin] and Yearslev--.25.' ' ' Su die question wee ueterntined in.• the af firipative. , • • On the question, Will the Bonen 4tgree': to this ithtid Amend ment? ; • ' The yeas and: imp were taken, and were all fOikiV, : - " • ' YE.A/t-MedSrli. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball, BeekaLyeumitig,l Beek. [York.J Bern hard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Buchanan, Cald well, Campbely .Carty,•Craig, Crawford, Ed inger, Pausold, Foster, Fry, Get; Haines, Hatnel, Harper Heins, Hibbs, Billegas, HipPle, Holcomb, Housekeeper, Imbrie, fig ham, lonia, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, M'Calmont, M'Comb, Mangle, 51enear, Miller, Montgomery, Nun ' nentaehor, 'Orr, Pearson, .Phelps, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Riddle , Shenk, Smith, (Alle. heny,l Smith, leumbriad Smith, {,W) owing,' •Iln NV ballot', Wright ; [ltauphind Wright, ILuzerned and Zimmerman-44. NA. YS- —Mears. Barry, Clover, Cobourn, -Dock, Dowdall,•Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, -Hamilton, 1' ancoek, Iluneker,,Leisenring,N •Carthi, Magee ' Manley, Moorhead, Morris, Patterson, Reinhold, Roberts,•Salisbury, Wiutrode,. Ycarsley and Wright, s.sl)Cliktr Su the question was deterugued in the at ,firtuntive. 011 tilt; questiolt, . • Will the • Raise agree to the.-fourth autend. %tricot Y , . • Thejeas and nays were taken, u.d were as follow, viz : Yzszalessrs. Anderson, Backus, Beek,.fLyconting,l Beek, York,l - Bernhard, Iloyer, Brown, Brush. Buchanan, Cald well,CantplA, Carty,,Cruig, entwlortl, Dow. dall, Edingsr, Fausold, Foster, Fry, tietz, Hamel, Hurper, 'foment, Hibbs, Hill, Hille g us, "fipple, Honmeub, Housekeeper, Hunseeker, boom. Innis, Jrwiu, Johnson, Laporte, Lebu, Lot:gal:or, .Lovett, M'Calmont, M earths, 31' Cowl, Shingle, Meneary Miller, Montgomery, , Moorliead, 'Nunneumeher, Orr, Penrson, l'helps, Pureell, Rainsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, .Shenk, Smith, [CaMbriad Smith, [Wyoutitald 'Thompson, Vail, Walter, %VI:allot:, Wright, ILuzerae] Yearsley, Zim merman and Wright, Spec:ker.-09. NA.l4—fitrscrii--- Barry, ,Clover; t °bourn, Fulton, •Giliboney, Haines,' Haueock, irighatm, Leiciering, Dlugged. Muuley, Morrie, l'attetvou,:gulliburY, and Wins:wilt-- 16. So the.qiieationivai • datnimined .finuadve. • tl.crecarys'Officii, • ' • •Hdrrilibusgo lune 185 &27, . • I do certify that the ahovo nod foregoing it true and correct copy of tha "Yeas" and "Nava" taken on the Itesolution propuaing n• melidmenta to the Constitution (lithe Common wealth for the aessioti of 1856. tr Witness my hand snd the seal of said office, this tweitty.setentk ; day of June, ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. A. U. Ct.:MIN,' Sec'y of the CommottAyealth. PROCLAMATION. a!" EREAS, in and by the Act of the General Assembly of this Stute,.entitled, "An not to regulate tho Gen-. eral Elections of this Commonwealth," eine- . tut! on the tld of July, 1889, it is enjoined on me to give Public Notice of such. Elec tion to be bold, and to enumerate in such notice wind officers ;aro . tO be elected : I BENII,I"THO3IAS,, Sheriff of the County olAdanis, do, thereforo,, hereby give this Publie notice to the hllectora of the said County Of Adams, that . GENERAi ELECTIQN will he held in said County,"mt the Secossd Tuesday (4 . ,Oelober. wi3Olusl4 l ht) in the several Districts composed of the fol lowing Townships, via i In the First district, composed of the Bor ough of Goitysburg and the township of Cumberland, at the Court. house in Giotto In the Second district, composed of the towniship of Gertnanb at the hout.o now oc cupied by Levi firepe,:in the town of Lit tiestotru, iu ttto tostitstiip of Germany. If the Third tiisitict,_ computed of the lowuship of Wood, at. the' lulus° of. Widow Miley, in tho town of Nati Oxford In the Fourth district, composed of the :townships of Latimore and Huntington, at the house of Caleb H. Hildebraud, iu the township of Huntington. In 'the Fifth dietriut, composed of the townships of Hewilumbau and Liberty, et the Public Sehttel-house to idillerstowu. In the Sixth distriet. einopobed of the tewuship of liatuiltOti, at the house now cm. copied by David Neeetnner, iu the town of Bast 1u the Seionth district, cotuposed of the township of bleuallen, iu the public School house In the town of Bruderevifle. In the Eighth district ' composed of the towuship of Stratton, at the house of JocoL lintes,siu Huuturstown. lit tbe giuth district, composed of th toeuahtp of Nrauitlitt, at the house formerly occupied by Jacob iu said totsu. ship. lu the Teeth district, composed of the township of Cimowitgo, ot the house of John Bushey, in McSburrystuwu. lu the Eleventh district, composed of the township of Tyrone, at the house of Saltine, Sadler, in klenflersburg. In she Twelfth district, composed of the township of Mountjoy, at the ,Litiuse of Geo Solder, itt said township. - In the Thirteenth district, composed qt the tuviuship.of Nlountplemaut, at the pub lic Schuol-houlse in said• township, situate at the cross roads; the one: loading from Ox ford to the Two Taverns, the .other 'row Bunterstown tip Hammer. In the Fourteenth district, coutposed a. the toweship of Bowling, at the publo. School housa in flamptim. In die Fifteenth diAnct composed of the Borough awl towuship of lieruick, at the, public School.bouse iu Abbithitililiti. In the, Sixteenth compoed of the township pf Preedimit, ut the iliAlott of Nichulaa Mink fa said townsuip. 'tAtreh aentienth district, , COMputad of 'the towoliips of Union, at the 110112 iii of Euticb Lefever,, in said township. In the Big' hteouth district, eutuposed of the township of Butler, at the public S'ehool house iu Middletown, iu said township. At which time and places win be elected One Auditor Lieuerai of the Cohnuoti wealth ; .Oue Surveyor General ; One Canut Commissioner , One Member of•Congross, na represent tho District composed (A the Conn ties of. Adams, Franklin, liedford, Fulton and Juniata •One Men;ber of ;State Senate, to, repre soli' the Ucittutids u" Adams and ,Franklin One Member of Assembly, for Adams couuty Two As..,ociate Judges; Uue Gotum6siouer ; One Auditor ; One Director of the Poor; ' One District s ttorney ; and . , 'One County Surveyor. . Particular atteutiou is direoted to the Aot of Assembly, passed the 27th day of Febru ary, 1849, entitled "An imerelative to vo dog at elections in Adams, Dauphin, York, Lancaster, 'Cumberland, Bradford, Coutre, Greene, sett:Erie, via: , ,S.atrrion .1. Be it enacted bribe Senate and ituupe of Representatives of the Corn wonwealth tif Petaisylvithia in General A. monthly met; and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the saute—that it shall be law. ful for the qualified voters of the counties of Adams,. ,tatuseter, 'Dauphin, York, Franklin, Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, Greene, and Erie, from and after • the psi sage of this sot, to vote for all candidates for the various offices to be filled at an elec tion on one slip or ticket : Provided,, The office for which every eandidateis voted for, shall be designated,. asrequired by the ex iating laws of this Commonwealth . SECTION 2: That' any , fraud committed by any person voting in the manner above prescribed, shall be punished' by the exist ing lower of this Cornmouwealth. ' Attio---1n and , by virtue of the I.4th.sea lion o f the act aforesaid, every person, ex cepting Justice of the Penoe, who shall ' huld'any office or appointment of profit or trust under the . Goverument of the United Sfates, or of , any city or incorporated dia. trio, whether s commissioned officer or oth-. erwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed under the legisla tive, ezeuutive or judiciary depurtmootnot this State, or of the United States, "or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the S to .Legislature, and of the Select or Cowmen Council of any City, or Commissioner of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appoiutineut of Judge, Inspector, or• Clerk of any election 'of this Common. wealth, and that no Judge, Inspector ' or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted-for. • ALso—That in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act relating 'to eitoutieus, andlor other purposes, " ap 4)roved April 16th, 1840, it is enacte . that ,the aforesaid 18th section "shalluot be con• •strued, as to prevent any militia• officer ler .hurendi officer, from serving as judge, in *e.pector or elm*, at any general or special election Ili this - Commonwealth." • And In and ky au Aei of the General Assembly of this State, pasted the 2d day of July, 1839, it is directed that the inapec tors and Judges be at the places of their districts ou the day of the General Election aforesaid, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, to do and perform the several tiuties required and et joined on thain in and by the ',auntie'. And, be it further directed, iu mid by the act of the General Assembly of this State aforesaid, that One of the Judges Of eiteh of the different distracts aftkesaid, who shall have the charie' of the 'certificates 'of the number ''of votes which shall have been given for each ca' nifidate for the different tithead than and there voted for at their respective districts, shail meet o n the third day after the election, which obeli be on Friday the 47th of Ociolier aforesaid, at the Court, house, iu the' Borough of Gettysburg, then and tlleit - to make a fair • statement and certiticattduf the iiuultair of vbtes, 'which shall have been *oven at the different dis tricts iu the county of Adams fur any ?er ten& fur the afilea aforemid. LIENRY., THOMAS, Sheri j: Sheriffs Office, Gettysburg, • he pt. 8, 18fi6. liruireapktpoll tardfc ( uman Dr. 1. Lavirrence Hilb ' DEST/ST, CI MICE in Charnbershurg strek t .N /P, one door West.' of the Latheran Church, esrly opposite Graknmer'sstore, where he may be found ready and willing to attend to any case within the province of the Dentist. Persons in want of full sets of teeth tkre invited to call. REFERENCES. ' Dr.C.N.Dxstiapcsr. Rev.C.P.ICRAtriI.D ri " D. Hoktitig, Prof.Ml.JAcnis, " H.S. Hunea, '' H. L.B teams' , " D. atrAltNT, .. H.A.MVIILICIC 111/110 I/011. R. J lIIXOIOII. I .. hi, I...9TCRVIN. Jodi , ..., .Hip -- --- DAVID A. BUEHLER, .01,...ney at Law, IVILL prontptly . attend to Oollectiops end V T all other bugtoess entrusted to hie eare. tl'Otlire in . the Diamond, adjoining the Store of A, 13. KURTZ. Gettysburg,' Pe 4 ., Feb. 1, 1856. EDWARD B. B,UEHLER, attorney Es law 'WILL faithfully 'and promptly nttend to V V all busitrem entrusted to him. Na xprrtd:r the German Itlystrge. Office nt the same Once, in Sinith,ltaltimore street, near Forney's brug Store, mid nearly opposite Datiner Ziegler's Store. • -.._ WM. B. M'CLE.LLAN, ATTORNEY AT I.AYT, .florti Priiserwitsr. 411toritey. if - VH(IE on the South side of the Public -1 1-1 , square, two doors West of the "belitinel" office. .411ml' 28, 1856: APCO NA UGH Y, .1777. 4 0101; I' dr LdI!1; voice re.„oved in nue dour Woll. of 'lochle Drug ',St I.luolc-Store,ehambtroburg 4tYrel.) siti.fPriieg'oaett Suitt-11ot (ir• I'at,•.i►ts and Pensions, tsnnnty rand Warrabts, .13ick-Pam ;0(111110.4 01 aims, and all Oilier claims against thu Govertinionynt Waslitlignin.,l). U.: ,aloto American claint4 in England. Land el& arrants located and sold.-or boughtoinil Itimitest prices.. lor sale •in lowa. Illinois. and tither Western Stites ; and Agents•engaged :16cating Warrants there. . ill4rApply to „hint personally or. by :letter. DAVID WILL& '.*ttUrney ni Laws. HAS thkell Mr.. STEVP:NBON'B noire . North West, Coiner of Ventre F ogre. . ItIiFIMF:NCE.—Hout. Thaddeus .Strvens I:sq.. Laucusie•. fE IL IL, ts:, FICE nn Chatithershurg street, Gl.t. tyshurg. two' (loots •I Geo. Ar nold's store, will attend to filing claims for BOUNTY LAND, ,under -the late Arts of Congress, Prat:ions, eit.o. An business entrusted to his hands will receive procui4 attention: • • TORE. g NuF: , Subscri!)ers wouid respectfully •_a 'ennotinde3/., their Wanda and th. public. that they } have opened a NeW.- MAMMY ARE STORE in Baltimore st,. adjoining the residence of llst;to:Ztt.ouitt, •Gettyetturg.'in which they ate opening.a iiige and general asitirathetOof 11.11AILDW4114: IRON STEEL - . GROCERIES. Cutlery and: Coach Tiionings, , , Springs ; Axles, Saddlery, Cedar Ware, - Shoe 'FindipgB : Panics, Oils, & yes u b, n general; incutling every descriptioJ of articles in the above line of husittess--to which, they invite the attention terCoarli. , malterit; Blacksmiths. Carpenters. Cabinet. 'makers, Shoemakers. Saildlers, and the publicienerally. - Our stock having been selected with great' earc and purChashad for Cash. we quart anteit.(for the Ready, Ilioney,) to dispose_ of any,part of it on as reasonable terms as they can be purchased anywhere. We "parnetnarty requesta'sall Irom our frientleo.tul earnestly solicit a' there of public favor. as we are ileiermined to, es-' tablish -a character for selling' Goods -at ow prices and doing business on fair prin. liples. JOEL D. ,DANNER,, • DAVID ' iaburg, lent I 73.1851.--4 t. HAY WANTED. :PERSONS Iti7ing Hay to sell will do well by veiling on the subeeriber; in Gettytibtirg, who is deeirnueof purehasing. The highest Market price will be paid at all times. .O::T , As he intends having the. Hay, .after being packed, hauled either'to• Hanover or Baltimore, the preferenceto hetil will be given to thcisulrom whom he may purchase. .801,0 MON POWERS. 'Dec. 24, (882.—If_. 00B () XE S HWY(' .02NPRESS .TOBAUCO;'in 'tem ind lot .sale by WM. BUEALEF, Zia. 147 Franklin strut • Philadelphia Adverlixernealil FIRE PROOFS! THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF PHILADEL. DMA THE WORLD ! EVANS & WATSON, N0.,26 South Fourth street,: Philadelphia; have bed the surest demonstration in the fulloWing certificates' 'that their .manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length fully warranted the representa tions which have been made of them, as ren dering an undoubted security against the ter rific element ; Pnrtatist.rnix, April 12,1856. MEMEL EVANS SI. WATSON :—OelltS—le -ftirds as the highest satisfaction to state toyou that owing to the viir,y . protective qualities o, two of the Salamander Safes which we pur- chased ofyou some months slime, we saved a large portion of our jewelry, books, papers, &c., exposed to the calamitous fire in Palm stead Place, on the morning 'of the 11th instant. When we_ reflect that these Safes were Irma; ted in the,fourth story of the building we righw and that they fell subsequently into hearof burning ruins, where the vast conceM trillion of heat caused the brass plates to men, we cannot but regad the preservation of tit, .valuable contents as most convincing pkOof o the great seeurity afforded by your Safes. We shall take much. pleasure in recom Mending them to men of business as a sure re. fleece against tbe fire. GEO. W.-SINK:INS BRO. PHILADHLOOII, April 12, 1856. Messes. Ersxak IVATSON:•—i have to offer you my testimony in favorof the great security afforded to my entire stock of jewelry, books, papers Am., during the recent disastrous con• dagration in itanstead Piece, from the fact that the same were contained in two of the Sal amender Safes manufactured by you. Ilavin# tulle,, from the fifth story of the Ar tisan budding, where they were previously plaeedi and exposed to , a vast heat for a long time, the preservation of the valuable deposits seemed to every one who witnessed the open ing and interior exatnination, a mutter of pro found astoubtmeut. Tonll who may require a perfect protection tom the ravages of tire, I shall not hesitate to recommend the me of your Safes, as I consid er they have now undergone the most truing tat. N. E. MOROA N. Pumsontamik, April 12, 1856. Ntessits EvA IV Arsos -13 ent lemen— No doubt you w:11 be deeply gnitified to learn the good condition in which I discovered my book, policy of insurance, certificates of stock, and other valuable documents, when on Fri day last I opened the Sure made by your firm. With my knowledge of its great exposure both to the intestsity of the heat from so tot a tire, as that Which debtroyed •the Artisan 'build ing, as also from the force of the fall from its former elevated position in the 'third story, I could entertain bat slender hopes prior to its interior inspection, that the contents which I once so highly prized would ex-6r be of any ser vice to me, but as these fears are now happily removed; I feel it'only due to say to you, that can henceforth ivcommend tnu two of your Safes to all who may wish to Iccl a confidence in the perfect security which such means pro vides against so frightful an clement. ED W ARD G ASK I LL, Bookbinder. Constantly on hand Patent Powder and Thief Proof Locks•for Banks, Stores, Sce. April 25, 1856.—1 y "i'ltiladelphia Advertisement:" EVANS FIRE AND THIEF PROOF SAFES VOR llerehaMs. Law y era, Formers and Oth l: ors. haeing,Books, (per., or other raium blew, to preserve from FIB . E or BURdiaARS. Day Sc Newell's (11.1.th's) BANK LOCKS. A (IARD.—Titc"F ILE NOOF SAPS," that preserved otrrßocks, rapers, &c., during the GreatF ire at Hart's Buildings,' wits purchas ed of OLIVER EVA,.NS, 61S. 2nd., St. Phil tura. UM% & BUCK. "REFRIGERATORS SAND WATER FlI. TER,s." EVA2s:S' Premium 'Ventilated Itefrigera tom tor cooling and - preserving meaty, !miler, mill•, water and all articles foreulinary purpo ses. WATER FILTERS, for purifying brackish or narddg water,' whether effected by rains, lime stone, marl or otheecauses ; can be bad separ 113 or attached to the Refrigerators—n small quantity of Ice cooling the whole, in the 'warm eat weather. • ;PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS, for the we of warm or en/41,wnter. WATER COOLERS, for hotels, Stores & Dwellings. • STC.,Ii TRUCKS, for 'moving boxes,.bales, • SEAL - PRESSES, CGPYING do., DRUG GIST du. OLIVER EVAN. No. 61. S. Secondlit., (?,floors below Chesnut.. , ) (I.lsTAistaspro in 18.36.) i836..—1y • • H. BYRAM.] I T. MAY, PIEROE FREE OF CHARGE I ! ! rriwo SPUN . DID PARLOR ENGRA. VINGS, elicited "Bolton Abbey in the Oldeu Times," a Splendid 'steel engraving, trom the 'celebrated .painting by Landseer, and the "Departure of the Israelites from Egypt," a large and beautiful engraving from painting by 1). Roberts. The retail price t,f, the above engravingir is $3 per copy, but will be sent free' of cliarde ias follows: The subscribers have 'established a BOOK AGENCY in Philadelphia, and will furnish iirtybook or publication at the resail_price free lof postage: Any penions by forwarding the subscription price of any of the.s3 Magazines, such, as Harper's, (Jody 's, Putnam's, Graham's, Frank Leslie's Fa-7hions,itc., will 'receive the Magazines. for ,One year and a copy ofeither of the filar @ beautifut,engravings, free of charge, 'or ifaubsaribing . tci a:s2, and a,sl, ..Magazine, such na Peterson's, and Challen's Ladies' Chriiithin Annual,, they will receive both Mag azines and a copy of either of the abode en . . graving& • • Eveiy deseription.of engrasing en wood ex ecuted with neatness and'desateti. Views of buildings, newspaper headings, views of , ma clinery, book illustrations, lodge •certificates, businets"cards, &c.. All, orders sent by mail promptly attended , to: Persons wishing views of . their buildings engraved can send a, daguer:. , eotype or sketch of the building by manor ex press. .. Persons at. a distance having saleable aril ,eles would find it.to their.advankage to address • the subscribers, as we would act as agents for -the sale offbeat. • . • .13YRAM -do PIERCE, 60 South. Thi Nov. 30 1.850 --13 , - HEERIUNG'S.SAFE AGAIN rms 'cimaPiamti The'on/i gafe i ichich, in evrA t ipt-t ance p reee , al their entir%.iontenis in the late C*l4- eive...Pirei. • • A T the tainting of the Artisan I,lildings •Xl. April 10th, and iu the GREAT FIRE in Market Street, :Map Ist, 1850, the' genuine HERRING SAFE, preserved the yewellery of Geo. W.Simonst Bro. ; Books, Pryers &e, of Fisher./ •Bro. and Bwdttrd Seinaus k Co., af ter retnaining exposed to the burning ruins for nearly FORTY -HOURS,. and proviug'conelu sively *hat. we .invt..s.ways dunned for Ahern their great superiority over all securities now known. In these fires, 'the lIIERRINGS SAFE, standing sida , by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 Ter cent. more fire than lierrings,"cameforththe neknowlelyed victor, not catty avoierving their contents in excellent order,tbut 'being themselves in a' condition to go through another ordeal, while the luiasted "Salamand•-s - of oda- ' '-crs -- were badly. toed up in - every instance, and in some cases heir entire con tents completely destroyed. To the public we would simply say, that, during the 14 years that Herring's Safe has been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without, the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, caution purchasers apinst the misrepresentation ,of interested pan: ties: The Herring's Patent is the only, 1 , ire• 'hoof Safe made in this city Which is protected by a Patent Hight. and we will guarantee it to resist More than double the amount of heat of any other Sale now known. . • • I RILELB 8s HERRIN(4, Solo Manufacturers in this Statoof • a IiERRINWS PAISHT CHAMPION 'AFL'S," ' • 34 • • Witlind Sti N. B.—" Evans 'dt Watson's lintiroverl'Hakt , menders," "Oliver p.va q ' N ' . ' "C. d. aaSlued," and ''Scott's Abietos," Iron Chasta,'(a large assortment having Elena taken in'part pay theut for . "Herring's,") will' be'sold at low prt. June 13, 1856.-17 NEW WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. SPENCER THOMAS, No. 20 South , • Second street, Philadelphia, Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs and Medi. eines, Chemicals, Acids, ,Dye ; Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, erench and Ameri can White Zinc, Window (Bass, Glassware,' Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Groyn e Spices, Whole Spices, rind - all other articles usually kept by Druggists, including Borax; Indigo, Gine, Shellac, Potash, ace., &c. ; All orders by mail or otherwise promptly at. tended,to. Country -Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goads sent to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low and goods Warranted. March 7,1856.—1 y: Za. P italigalAt Vannig JOHN W. TIPTON. Fashionable Bar. ber and flair Dresser, earl at all times he found prepared to attend to the calls of the people. at the Temple. in the Diamond. adjoining the • County Building. • From long experience, he flatters itiinself that he can go through all the ramifications oldie l'ussteureest DellffriMent with such an infinite degree of skill, at will meet with the entire satisfaction nf all who may submit their chins to the keen odeal of his razors. He hopes therefore. that by his attention to bueineas, and a de sire to please, he will merit as well as re ceive, a liberal shore.of,public paironare. The sink will be attended to at their pri- Vale dwellings. THE LADIES' STORE. A NEW SUPPLY OF FANCY GOODS I mugs M'CLELLAI% eAS just returned from the city with a very large stuck of JIILLI ERY & FANCY GOODS, to which she would invite the attention of her friegds 'and the public, believing that an ox. amino:6ou will satisfy them that her Goods are the heat selected and most fashionable as well as the.eheiipest ever offered in this place. The assortment comprises Litshmeres, Be lanes, GilighowN,nlicoos, Do Tinge, ohurg loths, Linnen. Sack Flannels, Bon nets and Bonnet Trimmings, Swills, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Arai , . dials, Black Veils, Blue do., Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. French Worked ollars. inlitic..lackonetand Swiss Edgings, Ituiertings, Muslins, Sleeves, Mo. air and Silk Mies, Black Lace and Embroider ed Handkerchiefs, ;,Braids, Funs, tk,m, end examine for yourselves. Gettysburg, April 18, 11456. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND INmad fROPIERTIT tkir Pit 1 VA'l% SAL E: WISHING to retire from•the fanning and alining business, .I. will sell at Private Sale the billowing valuable Real Estate, known as LOCUST G OV situate about one and ahalf mile S. West front Ltlestown, Adams county, Pcnn'a. No. 1.-39 Acres of Mead ow bottom of a superioritmlity of red gravel. soil, well adapted to timothy, -2000 bushels °- lime huiing been put on tt. The improve ments are a LARUE AND 'VERA' BEAU TIF Ut MEacilAyr KILL, Saw Mill, Coop' er Shop, two Dwelling Houses, a Store Boom, two 13;14 Ovens, two Stubles,dhree Hog Peps, Lime-kiln, ; n ; and all necessary out-buildings. The Mill is built upon the most modern and burn veil plan. The dant and race are not sur passed by any. Four County roads centre at this Mill. NO. 2.-37 Acres of Slate Land, very susceptible of a high state of cultivation 8 or 40 acres of which are heavily timbered; with about 10 ncresof meadow. The • improvements are a large and very complete GRIST MILL and Dwel- ,--41jd ling House. This property ad , joins No. I. - • .• No. I—A Farm Containing 156 Acres mostly the red gravel soil, and pro duces well, 40 to 50 Acres of which are heavi ly timbered and about 20 Acres of meadow. bottom.. ,10,000 to 12,000 bushels of lime 'have been put•upon the land. An abundance of fruittrees upon the ;premises. The imp.ovementsure a Stone. Dwelling House ctini Kitchen, Smoke House, ; a. large_Aaelt Barn, with Wagon " . Sheds, (*.torn (kik Hog Pen,, andell necessary out-buildings. , This property is also a Tull .of No. 1,-and known as above. There is not a more desirable property ;In the county than ,LOCUST GROVE, either separately or 40-' gether. Cal Land see •it. These properties' will he sold scparatelror together, as may hest suit purchasers. 1 , .will. sell' on accommoda ting terms. Any person wishing, to view the. Property will please mill on Edward Stehle lir mg- on the -premises, •er myself in Gettys; burg. GEORGE ARNOLD, Aug. 16, 1856.—55 800,000 SECARs of every description ati d Braude, all of which aro offered lower than any other House in the city. Aud Warrente all he sells to be of the besttua-, terial. Call and examine. WM. BUEHLER, .11o: 157 Franklin direst. Not•. 24. 1854. . BOA BLACK FAT in store w-irwo and for sale by WM. BUEHLER, No. 167 Freeklio direct, Baltimore TOBACCO. 100 BOXES 3 L B. LUMP TO BACCO in store and ftir side, a t 11 cents by the box, at BUEHLEWS Old Stand, the elienpeas in 1M Franklin itt. j Baltimore. LET US REASON TOGETHER HA LOWAY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE ICK ? IT hasbeen the lot of the human race to be -11-weigheildown. by disease• a i d snffering.e 119LLO WA V'? . PILLS ere,spcelilly adapfkl, to the 'relief of the the DELICATE, and the IN Flax *elf mates, ages, sexes, and i censtittitions,' Pro lessor.. Hsuperintends ellowar personally superinnds thin , matinfileture of 'his Medicines is • the •Unitedi States, and offers them: to a frve,ael onfighti ened people, as the bent remedy the world ever saw for the. removal of dideese: . , + . f 1 ---• I. • , I '- ' ' riii , Jeginiii loisifildlia' Ithogiiik. 1 ". til l These famous.i'llhi 'nilt i eii)ressly CO ibined. to operate on, tho i stnniphh,, the iiverilt e kid neys,. the, lungs, the skin, and the bo chi t cor recting driy. derangentetiithheir fitsinns, pu/ rifying the blood, the very:fountain of lilei . aud has curing disease in all its forma, .., i posplesso and Mimi. i l ie4;laintif. ... . . . . . Nearly, half the human race: have taken these. Pills. It has been proved in all parts Of the world, that ,nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of dys Pepping and stomach. complaints getienaly.—s limy soon give healthy tone. to these organs, however much .deranged, and when all other means have failed. General bebility. 111 wealth. Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their Custom Houses lathe intro duction of these Pills, that they may became the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for persons of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its in• vigorating properties never fail to afford relief. reheat. complaint& No Female, young or old, should be without this celebrated - medicine. It corrects and reg ulates the monthly courses ut all periods, acting in many cases like a charm. It is &Ise the best and safest medicine that cnit be given to Children of all ages, and fur at.y complaint; consequently no family should be without it. Holloway's 4U, are the beat remedy knows' in the world for thejbllmeiny .Direases : Asthma Diarrhaut Bowel Complaints Dropsy Coughs Debility, Colds Fever and Aguo Chest Diseases Female Complaints Dyspepsia Headaches tune and Gt.vel Indigestion Influenza ec otulary symptoms Inflammation Inward Weakness Venereal Affections Liver Complaints Worms, of all kinds I.OWn'ssoi Spirits Piles old at the manufactories of Pridensor llot.t.owsy, 80 Maiden Lane, Now:York, and 2 l•lStratid, London, by all respectable Druggists and • Dealers of Medicine throughout the Uni ted States, and the civilized world, in boxes, at 2Zi cents. ti2.} cents and •isl each. I:l9,:fliere is n considerable saving by tak ing the larger sires. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tioOtA i every disorder are affixed to each box,. Oct. 26, 185--eow €ILL IND SEE US IT THE NEW' S7'.HN U. TII. T. KING respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally that lie continues the TAILORING BUSF. 'VESS in the room adjoining the store of J. Lawrence Schick, and frimting on tlin Dia mond. lie has made arrangements to receive regularly the LATENT' FA,RHIONS, and it will be his constant win) to give entire antis to those who may favor bin.' with their custom. Oar Country produce will be taken iu ex ,chtinge for work. W.ll. Gettysburg,-Sept. 58,186:i. .1, too IifIVC2MI.2I 9 J USTICE OF TltT PEACE,: gots 'opened an office in the front room 6flistrevidenc•• in Baltimore street, whore he will be Areptti.4l to attend b Berivening, Convoyisnemg, pod collecting thtims, promptly and punidadly. Gettysburg, April .20.—Ay BOUNTY LAND V12.1)18,. ry HE undersigned will •artetra promptly -M • to the collection of claims foriROI.IN TY LANDS under the late act of Von grays: Those who haerisidrein!y'receiell 40 or 80 Acres, •can •receive 'the. bal ance, by vallingunlh l e .011ueriber end wink mg thetrieceasary • - JOEL B. DANNER. Gettya'burg, March 0,1855.—tf . TIN WIRE! TIN WIREI EO. E. BUEHLER yinftirms% 'his friends, and, customers thin he has . * 7ery large assoruneot uf,. ' TIN WAIRIN. •• on hand ready for fbellprintalileVniatle by experienced' workmen attt , of gond 'ma teriale..whieh. for CAgH 'or COU.NTRY. PRODUCE. - 11:710111 t am ' eee. . .; . Geityaburg, March 10, 1854 NOW WE AVE'J THEM Tvar anfred .froincHnltimore and Ithiln. :dolphin the best assortment or, „ //0/8, • Capsi,, ifoopv,,tattri t that has e'er been, offered :in :Adentp'Vonntv. All 0 0 1 M, allElvkillti*, •(soots etAiely new.) Calt.anttpeu, the% at the ald:efanil, newly fixed tip,. in Oniinbersbnriatieet t 4 .t oir dooroTrOtfi tlo cornet. ' • V. W. * PATl'bra-- ) ml 4-- Maich . 2f3;1856. FAM AT - PR!VATEt SALL('- ~ • fvflE.nlior6'Fit , em is situated ahont dirk fourths of a mile south ofGettysbarg, and contains about 44 acres uf land. The improvements are a doulde! log and •; frame. H 0 HS 13; weadxr.l ioarrAd and a large brick bank BAHN' t iAnd other outbuildings ;- tyre melts of water agar the hotuie, with pumps in. " There ,is at ace!. lent thrivin f ORCHARD , with choice fruit, and a variety o other fruit, consisting of T'eaches, CharrieS, r .For .furling , turr , tMilpia,apply to the au lisc Gettysburg.,„ ji v i • r?There are alio FillY Acres or Land ad, joining the above properly, thrttcan lle,hosght at a fairvprittr.'• ' ' • : .Ik. , cqttv AN, tietlinkiitot for sale.at this office. •