Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, October 10, 1856, Image 2

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— Psidpy,'Flienit . ig, Oct. 10, 1566.
I hope we may find some means in future
ortiliielaing ourselves from Foreign influence,
—political, commercial, or;in whatever form it
may be atlsitnpted.`4 wish there were an
ecettn of fire between Chia and the old world.--
, :c rpit
t 111110 N.
-41: re peat that t never can,
land , ritver• will vote, AND NO
voTr.,to s slavery ov
t.. vad
'yr . territory where it. does not
exist. Never while reason
!lords' a'seat in my brain--nev
er 'While my heart sends the
xlial , fluid through my veins.,
Never*NEVER- , --NEV.ER."
• - - • Henry Clay.
' cOndur all the
MiiVelne.nts which, ,have , for
their obiect ,4 10 :repair the mis
chief - arising' from the violation
pf s giind faith in the Repeal of
:the, Missouri Compromise. I
am opposed to slavery, in the
abstract •and upon principles
sustained, and made habitual
by :long: settled convictions ;
I . John C. Fremont.
Wan& lima BIICRANAN I under. oath, 1853.1
"/ Frernont's services were
voAiible,;,"he bprq a con
„spigisbUS part in the conquest of
liforrna4 , AND IN MY 0
irreedo.;" in the
lAfils m l l4 fhat ' EVERY VOTE
*41444 . 0 . TUESDAY NuT. The
illooltauesi wen ara xuakiog unwonted and
e..lel.perati)efforts to curry. the black flog of
:14:viL 1 :tu tho County.—
are, foiled. Let, every
t 4 W, kt . 061.48,14 4 tugh..the outire burden of
itheltoutest rested upon hicown shoulders.
frothrtheire' no bisikgaits—no holders
, ele'44On, ; 0.0 VOTE
meo . taet ttat vote foratly 'reason, bo loft
7rl I it , •
i'l upon. bor. tfriende to be it
tbti Let 'tfiery (fiend &Fred
111;ii 'to attend to
i . It
Val 1, T E TOLL Sr
-nttbt Alit' friends of Freedetn have
cited !lieu ehallenger4 at 'every eke
i%she ,County., to watch. ,and
ohallehge illegal votes that only be , offered!
TliteDuchatiera are itleaper;ite, and
dbrb"to till Cads io carry 'the'
~;„ P ,severnl c t o.,districts, we.
hate) understood that fraudulent asses's.;
utentsi.have been made - -sows:' of theui'
delite"ris Saturdb:f night. Fiiday is'the
r4t t lay 14;1°4 usssi;sstuout eau be.'
4sifulpto gise tllp rig ,su rage. Look.
out, friends ,of Freedom... While• every
legal voter should be privileged to cast his
ballot.htitubleked; lee" to it that no fraud-
VeteilluS 'put iitin
- o,;#'oA:V.i,z.K.:t„*..l).npA.NLzi'!.
Neetingeoare ituportant. sage a eon
teulPoratki,Had , they fit?ottic) be field iil
R4eiTtetifirierttie Stale, but minute organ
ioii" i4.stptcr: ;' A •rtioßouoti .
t. 4 4 1 k 4 / 8 T il'i . l -, EVERY SCHOOL
lIIFTRICTOmnuId be worth 20,000
I starti' l i 'canvass •in pro read in your
to TUE N ExT HOUR .to
imuiry„oppo this , point, and if the work.
haii.not begun' e l BEGIN IT. " The min
who`taltiitti• lois to I thorough canvass of
• rcudOre wore efficient '
stosice than the atom eloquent orator. who
• '
P101C. 64 , 0 r 3 where oat iti Ohio, last week,
At Wilda!' ttilinsltip election, the Loewe...
letittialtheicAstice iiy 16 majority, and
ttie"CiitiplterAitiogi 'out its Roostir, tied
htialle'lV•fortlt MCA 41 glorietie vietery."--
Jsu't that eignikeiti'l“ On - the oite'side,
we VVI .31AISZ, lOWA,
otivet Aitanai lOrtia. s siO Hope fie,
neighbor meet have
tai'ipt e a tith homepathie sysitie, ar swill
. 416aekare seSeleat for ,
A bold Bid for Know-Nothing
Read it Preensea of all Pailles.
, (Zr Are' nave over P aull 'over charge d
'that thelotid professiods of peetiliar hive' s
and regitrtl for the: ..dearForeignere," and
.Ipereeetted CadieliesMsy the tloccifoasi
leaden., was hollow-hearted and 14pocriti
cal—all the blandishments and wooings
addressed to these 'classes being nothing
more than bold_ , bits fur Foreign and
Catitolio vothi: Were we not , rtlit ?
Read what Gov, runts, of Virginia, thl
embodiment of Virginia Democracy and
file leader of the Buchentin forties, in that
State says:. • Mr .
' Floyd addressed the
meraburite;of New York, in Wall street, in
that city, on the 2 d ' "
instant, in reply , to
the speech of Mr. Dxslits, a few cloys be.
fore.' 'flint we'May not.he charged with
, ,
misrepreientatinn, we give Mr. Floyd'it
own words in Oil ) An we find, them in the
Baltiinore Sun—a journal friendly to the
Buchanan. interest. - We ask every true
voter—American, Whig,Denuocratio, Cath
. ~ ,
olio or Foreigu—te read and ponder them.
and see the depthe.of meatiness to which
the Sham-Deuniensey are prepared to go
iu this'eoutest, , Says Mr. Floyd
"I fled 'front a Sojourn' of one "week in
the city of New York' that the enemy of
democracy is not 'the Anuericau party..-;-;
There are bonds of Union 'between the
demeeracy and the Aniericanforty. .. I tell
you what these bonds ire. 'They are the'
bonds of justice, of truth; of patriotism
and 'of tight (Bravo): They are the bonds'
of the Conetitution and the Union. '
[A voice..—"ltew abuut the foreign,
vote ?"] - ' ' s ,
Mr. Flayd—"l will toll you my friend.
"Ithault thee, lew, forgiving me that word"
When it Was proposed on one oc
casion to the assembled chiefs of Greece
I that, they should invite their ,great ad
-1 versary, Elector, who had dealt death
and ,destruction in all ; ; .their rauke, to
au entertainment ant, feast, some of the
sturdy and resolute objected, because he'
Was_their enemy. Nestor. the wise ; and
considerate chief of the Grecian host, pro
posed a union, and it was agreed to, and
the atalwarth, through the 'rugged and
the, daring chief, who had objected, final.
ly gave, up his objections with this deck
ration.:—!LET HIM COME. IT IS
, ""Now that is the answer, wy friend, .
bout the foreign. vote 1 WE WILL a
! Your city is on fire.
.: : There is e couflagre.
don raging. In God's name will,yon in
quire who !Moll go io put it out 1 (Cries
of uo, no.) Let ea put it nut" fellow cid
: zees, and the fire companies will fight in
' peace afterwards. (Laughter). Now, what
I have got to say is this—aud yen will
arouse me, I crust, follow,citizens, if there
boa little egotism in it, because if there be
auy.subjeet that I bate most to talk ablaut
:it is the subject of myself. -I' have never
jasipreased an opinion that I intend, to re-
Llls44Frigitr• .Datialaychitutr:2l3".
....,- SU 0 shunt! In e allpel3t , of Ito
; 'litical affairs, that has fastened itself .upen
my' conscience since I came here 'to the
' North,. that I—the head , and (rout• of of
fence against all who offend against the
' democracy—l who stand by it, agaiust all
cowers and all goers iu my small and in
significant way—Las. to whom there is
not a man iu the State of, • in
the South who would , say there is, any
;ground of suspicion against,his faith to
the democratic party--I tel yell here
'now, that lam an eleetor,of the State of
and going to be chosen—the
world , , of oppression and obloquy could,
' not prevent we—l, fellow citizens,
Fillmore men.and Republicans, if you can
show tuct that the candidate of the : Black
Republican partY can only be beaten'! by
iny :vote , being out for Fillmore. that -1
,spill give my pole to 41r. Fillmore,, if ihe . i
' &pond bpens and ignition): e (Great
applaue.) A.nti I will tell you m
wore. Virgieja, ' democratic Virginia, I
;dud, never, faded and never, Altered—
( ( tico - 7"Nebor tirc.7),--aye, and nay- 1
l er tired, either, my friend, since she Brit-:
i ish flag .took,. its, receding, course ac.rnee, the
water;, 0f... the Atlantic— Virgtni.a. too,
,tptli come up grid stand sl my back in that
' movement ,and it; /hat vote. . ';
Now, ~ lellow.eitizeus, whet does that
proposition' ausettitt to in' plain English.— Mr'Ft:t:renie endeavoringto offect -a ma
,' lition lamweeu the A.utericau and Buchan
an :men, and is willing if necessary to a
bandon 'tßuelautian and, carry 'the : Demo
eratio vole °reit° Mr. Fi Ihnore. the nom
inee of the moth abused .ad despised'
4plpfr,Natlrtpg'.. National, Convention.-
1 But,,says a„fritto4,—` , What is • to be done
with .the Foteign veto in chat case 1"
1 .
Why, says Mr. 'Floyd---. l •We waft their
vales—toe 1.01 invitethesa to a feiiirt to-, I
4a,y, and . COW, THEIR TllllO.B7'S 1
. . .
Is not that:it in plain English'? ' Dees
it not ft:eyewhat we hav e always 'Charged
na n Looofeco
• , ,
that the prefeasiot the ,lead
era .
are, hollow-hearted and :hypocritical ?
They -wane the voles of the Foreigners and
. ,
Catholics ; but' they will'treat them' 'is
eticsnieti to-moirow,„ if 'aced be: The Ell
eintiteeits:,are, ,are,:. ed at the sabres,. of
popular. indignation ,eveked by their law.
less aggression Upon the rights of the Free
NOrth. They have been toadying" with
'the Fereiguvote for yearm Finding that ,
. •
that game will not save) them, they, sow
turnaround and deliberately 'propose, to
abandon that interest inn treat than as
eneuliea. provi fled die eKnow-Nothings"
agree .to, help them in, their extremity :
Buhr it is tau late, , Mr. Floyd. ' , You base
•tuarkedriht the ruisC of yoUtParty, by its
abandonment'" of everything like honest
Fi'esiiileis pad you moat *bide the cense-
, linpurtapt Acqubiltlon.
'lerGot EAltrxxoN one o(1)
United Statei Seilaiorefrom 'New :York;
pali4thei a latter is the Nero Cou-,
tier .and 'L'nguirer of last week , in which
he dociares in favor
,of lb" election of Fri
mask andtsytou. ' '
The Buchanan tame detail in
„ The electicn for 3layor,l'iPl, lti- I
more . , OD Wednesday last. was fihrcely Ch.
tested by
r both Partic's. The 13uchaneers, I
knowing that; defeat in Baltimore, iwouldwould
seal.their fate in Maryland, made a most 1
desperate struggle.. , The vote was the
heaviest over polled in the city. Ttrostas
SWAN, the American Candidate forMuyor.
ha; 1580 MAJORITY over Wriromr,lhe
candidate of the . Bnehaneeni--.being
GAIN, for the Americans, of 1200'' over
theCringressional °leaden Net year. • •
Tht City 'Coeneil stands'--first branch.
18• Amerioatui, -7” Buehaneers3 'second
brantle 5 . Ainericans, 5 , Bnehaneers.
There wits much rioling•and'fighting da
ring the daY.'. -Four' (Cecil were "killed
abed!, 20 wounded imp pitched' battle 'near
the - leiingtOti - market between the' ,, Newi.
Market"- boys -and
political' fighting
Florida Election,
SAvANNAtt, Oet,ober, ele.etion
in Florida for. Governor and Congress took
place Yettierdiy. It is repored that the
eleotimi threngliOnt the St . :lto 'WWI
contented, with the probuliilitiesin:favor of
the AWOrhians. • ' • •
Connecticut Etectilon•
ILtarronn, Oot.B.—The..Courant Mr/
one hundred and twenty if i7C toeing' have
been heard from, of which the Frementer
have carried 78, the Buthananitet 48, and
eight divided 'rho Frernonters gain 23
towns and the Buchananites 14.
Delisware Election
The eleotinu in the State of Delaware
. • •
on Tuesday, for "inspectors an d Assessors,
resulted in favor„of the Buoinneers, So
that Mr. Buchanan has •a:Probability• of
carrying at least one State in 'November.
Pat. down Delaware, withthroe lotev, fur
Bncitanan—the rest 4oubtrui..
The Context In Kenlucki
Lottikottta,e,' Oct. S.—The 'Executive' Amer
ican Comrnittee'hare recoutlymuide a new re
gister of their vote in the State and pronounce
Kentucky certain for Fillmore. •
Look to, the County Ticket.
y"-r•Frietitls of Free
fuse sight, of the County Ticket ,in the
great. struggle for , Freedom., If ~ono
• , •• e re • portant --Ustarlris
inlfei—tbai of next TuesdaY should claim
the precedence r '.Elait the Union Slate
bud County Tiokets next Tueltlity, and
Buchanan is dead. The struggle in No.
vember will :be an easy, one. But you
will have a member of Legislature, State
Senator, and Cougress, to elect—the two,
former, besides other important Legisla
tive duties, will be called on to elect a
United States Senator, instead ofßeef-
Bigler—while the Cengreastuen will have
to vote direetly ou the great question of
Freedom its the National Legislature.--
their associates on the County tieket;stand
forth as the' representatives of Free Kansas
and. Free Labor- T while their, ; opponents
ask your suffrages as endorsers'- of'the
Pierce and Douglai dynasty and 'the info•
moue policy . , ol the Cincinnati Convention
Platform. See to it, then, friends of Free.
deal, that the County ticket is cared for,
and that EVERY VOTE be , brought to its
full •and undivided support -on Tuesday
next. '
AL: Noble Letter.
ae.The readers attention is invited to a,
letter published on our first page, by Sew
UEL 11. ING,ILL3I, a life-loug' Democrat,
member of Jacks'ou'S Cabinet.--
Read it carefully and. theu baud it over, to
y our Buchanan neighbor,' It is a 'nettle
letter, and must intake 'in intpression upon
hottest Democrats.. When the opportuni
ty. Mien!, lot the leader get together a few
of hit/Datum:ratio neighbors,• and read it
for thew; and impress its truthti upon' their
winds. We believe that handredi the
Buchanim, party are wavering iu view of
the tuotheutous issues involved in this con
test, andthey,need but to be made acquaint
ed with' thetrue nature of those issues to
deter:Diem them to past their wiles at - the
ensuing electieu for i FitaEntik in N-
More Lying.
p° The aelpiler, true to i tit detennin
ed purpose to he its ,eauei; through the
present canvass, asserts: that .the Union
meeting ut fleidlersburg '`tree Gluiest-so
entiro'failure.-".".Now we are' assured by ,
te' truthful and reipeetablejernlinnin from
fleidiershurg, that the Union rueetiug
outnumbered the Buehanau taoetiug .hold
in the same place at least throe %to ono.—
If the termer was a quilure." what kind
of a nasal wind tho latter haYeleou 7
Bo ,with the, meeting at Arentitsville.—
The, Compiler says it . consisted ,of A ‘pno
Fillmore men, three li'rfimonterti,
eight Demotiritts.": 'Notv:thei,ruth ss the
as counted
. by . agentleman apres
ent,DUlpbered over ~sizty. . Whet :think
the, good citizens ,of Heidlersburs and
Atendtstown as to the ampiler's truth
fialneoli:' • •
1107°Ouf Cause is a just du' e•
If each men will do his duty an
'rtiesday • Weldtirsi,,auiPeed.
Jon N. PraVIANCE• in a card to
the Butler Herald, declares bitinself decidedly
for But:haunt' an d Breckinridge. The thun•
der of the .9tar and Scntiael wus premature I— '
[Compiles' Monday. ;
orrOur neighbor is growing . , bolder
and bo lder iu big lying ptsprigsities.—
Nowiesq.what Mr. .PtiaviAticlitnself
says ih a letter to the Butler Herald over
his own aiguaturo
Putler, Sept. 30, MG.
Mr. Entron :—,I desire to say, in regard to'
my 'communication of the 20th ilittf., , tbat I do
not wish to be understoof that the Union was
in danger from any other cause than that of
the attitude assumed by political leaders of
the Slaveholding:Stittes. - •`,l'.‘tere is Mulling iu:
the principles enunciatediu the platform of
the Republican purty that is tot National and
Constitutional. Nor do lbelieve that there is i
any just cause existing, N'illiCh wirtild warrant ' ,
the Slaveholding States it assuming a hostile
position to the Federal Government in ease of
the election of Col. Frenont, for his election,
F though it might be by the Electoral votes of
the Free States , only, vould be clearly Can
t stitutional, and should be peaceably acqui
esced in by every State pf the Union. . .
The principles adoptrd by the Cirreinnati
'Convention do not ;runt my approbritiott.---
! Hiving n o perk' al motive td subserve, Viv
i gret that m y moti es slould bo called in crea
tion; and I win say that I shall not either
ask or accept an nice from either. ... • .
iety InstEfterable.
; • •
nit .Enquirer, quOted by
i one of' ;th e ablest Demo
of the South, says %
ave wei, asked the North, 'Has
nt of` universal liberty VAIL.
he:evils of FlllO3 'soutert -ix
ud do not most thinking men
l otto to subrert and re-construct
swat,. <This gloomy silence is
1 t:e proof; added,tp,snanj; nth
ybiences we hut e 'TiOnished
in . ,No bong ina ii an' impruc
iicietyl it is everywhere story
p anzi .insurrectionary. _ We
policy told humanity alike
'ars of tha Wt if itfirce '. B °fiela i
•d , coining p.'efterations. Two I
i llicting fort. tt,',of society'can.'
ized mon, co-,ixist and endure.
vs, way Sad - cc.. , lei to exist.—
e universal. 11',',..fteS secieig
littoral, unehristitoi, it, must
• y to n shire ' Socie;tr-- rz social
e World, universal us th'an."
the T 41 ,11 G o : 0 1:1
o i c o Si l: e m
not the experin
En tot
among -you prir
Still no tf
another conclui
er conulusive
that free,socirt
tictible feint of
ing; Weotorglii
repeat, flien, t'
,Arbiti the exte.
to new ptioplci
opposite au] c
net, among ell
'fho quo must
The otheibee
fall, and give
.tylleft ad (re,
Free Schools &C.,
lab Side Democrat. also, it
e u rviiime Editor belong. tun
,t . families 4 61 Virginia. ind 1
icritic candidate tpr Clerk
I louse of Representatives,
Hunt the •
Burhaeati pe
one of die ,4!
48 * Ole Pen
of the U. S.
last wittier.
-"We have g tq hating everything with the
prefix FREE, oru free negroes dawn and up 1
through the w .10' catalogue—Fit ER farina,
'REF. , society, FItE.E will
FREE thiijkin FREE, children, ond.FREE
schools-all be , tiging to the sane . ;bniod of
damnable 'But the worst ' all these
abotninationi t t i ti syitein Ail FREE
'SCHOOLS: elNew England syStetti of
free scfioola h-Witt 'the cause and prolific
source of the fiddities and treason that have
turned her cit s into &alums and Goinonrahs,
and herland to the common nestling-placeis
of howling I t !wild° 4. lie, 'alwintnate. the
xyrient &run a `,SCHO9I,S 'ARE FREE."
'l'he- • ' n Argu
meats. apinst F'remont. •
r e hope tit the . Shainocratic Organ
.ceaaa, Iferea r to tin - anything .on
politics,. Wu a ni a truthful ayttop-
4is of the entire t aronede of accusations
it has been se fag for' , the last three
-months.' It is p <entail in so
a form that all v read wh at has ap
peared in the F eyistic organ for the
last three-month: and all t hat will splicer
for the next' alit eke Here'it is : Fre-
moat is a
Know Nothing,
ief, Cheat,
.tard, Pauper,
, t. 'Frenchman,
Bibuster, Canadian
Ward, •
Ily, Bankrupt.
e rnlabdrer 'Pon-
Swindler m
Let the Nor
Wity dean'
for the benefit t
anti amiable - v
'Southern organs.
Biqa shut .
',‘The prevailin
North is that of ti I
genteel,and amial
drudgery, and yet
clatter' with a Sou
vent -This is yo
therti'hdrdes. are e
'llia silence
proves that they'
hove lovely de
courage to elle,
Why don% Mt
views on thhi
its readers* the elegant
iwa o( - 4 , 0. 4 Buchanan's
The:Aftwogee *raid
l in none meets with in the
• It (mice, • struggling to be
hr mere . who do their own
019 are hurdly fit fur %%o
de rn getATeutan'ibody set ,
free societtrwhich Nor
btiviiring. to' extend • into
'the Locoruca 'pipers
•ordially endorsti the
rine; but have nut the
.ut fairly, end pay sn..--
ive ' us Mr. 'Buchanan'e
resting subject ?
• • cil6iiies and, :Small
ed Farmers.
ea (Alabatna) herald, a
tlvocate of the elainis of
Must rate's the Democratic
1 . trality", by this . striking
most' violent
Mr. Eltie'nine)
doctrine of ,1
language : • • • •
• "Free socielll .15icken of the; narne.—
What is it but a conglomeration of GREASY
struck THEOKISTS. All the Northern and
especially, the Ne England States are devoid
of itecietyfitted foil. well bred gentlemen. The
prervailingClaas cite meets is that of MECHAN
- OWN DRUDGMY ; and yet who are hardly
fit for association with a• Southern gOntle matt%
body servant. This ib your free society
the Northern hordes are encleaVOrfug'to extend
IMO Kansas." • , • .• • ' • • ' • •
ICP"Ou Tulsday last the' Boehm:tan
leadcts' had ito less than nine Foreigner*
naturalized'fotthe Corning election: Two
utters were attesupteti, but failed, by'rea.
eon of • judge litsura intating upon the
constitutional reqUiremente. From all
• .
parte, of the Staie , we have the, same Infor
m is estimated that the Bucluin
an rote io
,the State 'will -be% strengthened
at • least 12,000 by this 'vises of 'newly
made sovereigns. In Philadelphia alone
hilweett five A nd six thousand Foreigners
haye been naturalized within the last few
,' UNION • 'aide' *teff)iiV - . f."
Religious Service's for, the - next
, • • Sabbath. -•
Presbyterian Chu rch.--Serricas , morning,
and evening, ,Rev. 31,. Van Wyke.
Christ Church (Lutheran.)—Serviree in the
mornicg—Rev. Dr. Schaeffer.
St. James' Church, (Lutheran.)--Services
morning, nod evening, Rev. Mr. Rill.
Methodist Episivpal Church. -L Services mor
ning, and evening.
German Reformed Church.—Scrvices, Rev.
Jacob Ziegler.
Associate Reformed Church.--Services, at
ternoon, 21 o'clock.
I' Catholic Church.--Services.
The Prayer•ifecting of the Pryabyterian,
German Reformed, and the two . :Mutheran
churches i 3 held every Wedneaday evening ;
idethodist. Thursday evening.
THERE will be a meeting oftho Friends of
Free Kansas and Free 'Wier TO
NIGHT in the Court-Hoye, at ,64,o'clocke--,
Let there ben full turn out.
SEirlhe meeting will be addressed by Hon.
T. W. WATERBURY, ofNew York,and.W. L
Csuestir.cEsq., in review of the speeches, of
Messrs. Hepburn and Monahan.
Oct. 10;1856. •
M . HEIM will be' t grand rally of the Free-I
men of the Borough at the }l-11 of the
"[Tibia .on MONDAY , EVENING
NEXT, at Gi o'clock'. Let °reel', man ,be at
his post. Important business will claim the
attention Of the Clitb. '
VA-After the meeting in the Dail, the
Binh will march in procession to of
BENJAMIN &mama, where good speaking
May be expected..
By order of the
Executiue Cemmillee. •
Oct. 10, 185 G. • •
Meeting in .Liberty. Township.
THERE will be a meeting of, all in fa•
vor of the Union State and Coun
ty Tielicts, and opp osed to the extension of
,iluvery, at Hunter s:School House, in Liberty
t f „. wnship, TO-NIGHT.
t)ct..lo, MG. • • .
litreeting at , the Twe-Taveras,
mgplilf: will be a meeting of the opponents
AL- of Buchanan at the Two-Tavern,
liountjoy t..wnshiy, romon!tolv (Setti-ddy)
NIGIIT, at. 6 h a clack
-1111 All oppcved to the extension of Sla
very to Free Ter..ii ories, and who are in Liver
o f t h e Union S ta t e ? ,.td County Tickets, are in-
vited to attend, *ill wit regard to Oast party
Oct. 10, IKM.
I ' llll i ll
Ylko. Bill Rolling_ ()i!:
The Spirit 'of Feeedoth Aibasest(
, ,
110.Tturing the past week •The. friends of
Freedom iu Adams County have been glorious
ly at work, in asserting their attachtnent to
the great principles of Freedom azserted by .
the Fathers of the ii4public, but ,whieh the
'Shain-Derneeracy of the present day repudlete
and trample under font. The meetings at, NU-
N - en:dm School-I-louse, Bendersville, Middle
town, Gettysburg, ileurrtjoy, "Fourdaindule
and Mountpleasant, were largely attended,
and a degree of enthusiasm manifested that
has struck terror into the hearts of the Slavery-
Extension Democracy. Our limited space
necessarily •confines us to a simple notice of
these meetings. They give cheering evidence
that. our people are being aroused that they
appreciate the vastness of the issues involved
in the present campaign, and are prepared
to stiike boldly for Freedom and Free Kansas.
The re.orm: are at work. Let the good work
go on—''a lung pull, a strong pull, and a pull
altOgether," and victory MUER crown Our . -ef
• • , -
rexy . large and enthusiastic meeting was held
in 13endersville,ion Saturday afternoon. The
meeting was organized by appointing the fol
lowing ofticers
Ilresident--W ni B. Wilson.
Vice Preside/I/a—Henry Hatters' (Y. 5.,) Ja
cob Group, Jacob Bear, Henry Penny', John
Sluill, (Straban,) Samuel E. Cook, Win. Wal
ker. Adair Vehl, Joit),
.Necretoriss—JosdPhWeikeri, Joiepli Lieber
Nicholas G. Wilson, Jacob Thomas, John El
den, Abel . T., Wright, , • • • .
The meeting was addressed by Messrs.
Crooks; Stambaugh, Canspell, Gibbens, •Of
Lancaster county, and:pConiughy. After a
number . of songs by the Union Glee Club, the
meeting adjourned witliihreebearti cheers for
the American Eagle, and 'the Union State and
COunty ticket.
IiIIDDLETOWN.—Another 0040111 incit
ing was held at lliddletown onfiainrday ,eyen
lug, which was addressed hyV-
Conaugby, 'Gibbons, and Ga rdner . Offi c e r s . - .
Vice Bresiiients-Wm. F. Walter, M. Die
trick, HI Hartzell, .Wrn. Cram, •D: Walter, T.
Wolf, J.. Y. Bushey, Eilirard Stahley, ,
Secrelarii s—G. B. Hewitt ] Henry Beattyl,
Edwurd Muuter.
The meeting in the Borough oil Monday night
Wlla a glorious, demonstration. Ati an early
hour the people oommeuced pouring into town
in unexpected numbers, swelling the crowdto
such an extent that, it was found impossible to
accommodate more than a fraction of them in
the Court' House. 'lt was accordingly :deter
mined to hold the meeting in the oPen'air.,--
The residences of Messrs. John Hoke and Pe
ter Martin, in the North-west corner of the
Diamond were illuminated, throwing out a glare
of light over the entire, square. The .corner
was soon blocked up by a douse .orowd r and
the meeting organized by the .appointment of
the fullowing othoers : . '
eaI:BIW 'Y E. •
ION. JAMES vathot
JQei Vinern ll . . Ton John rGirslon
Jiscoll Cover. . Wm. ,
fininuel 'John S.
Joseph Walker, Geo. M ere, '
John Basklulder, Cunningham,
Joseph Weil,le, James J. Wills,
Joseph X. lierr, . Henry Dotterur,
And. Hein tzelman, Abraham Reev'er„
,8. Durboraw, Peter Trerstle, '.- -
Joseph Wierman, 4. David Beecher,
HagliM'llhenny, Dr. S. Meisentelde'r,
Eden Norris, • Samuel F. Neely,
Sanshel Diehl, Jnmes WAllister,
Ma4vreil Shields, 'Wm. Morris' co,
Johik Chamberlin, .10bn Pi 1 4eta1.:14,
• - • Boort 11 . 9atzalilo. .
t*RMIL .--
Col. Franklin Gardner, Rena Myers,
Gen. Wm. F. Walter, lia:nit ..lifickes,
Baltzer Snyder, A. tenghinhangh,
Daniel Minnigh, Thomns Blocher,
John Cress. -
The President having returned his thanks
to the meeting in a fete pertinent re marks, for
the compliment in calling upon him to per
Hon. Ssmcs Comma, was introduced to the
meeting, and proceeded to address his fetlow
citizens in unable and eloquent defence of the
cause Of Freedonyagainatthe time:miens of
the Slavery Propagandists. 'ln the counrit •of
his remarks, Mr. Cooper took occasion to vin
dicate the reputation of HICKIBT CLAY from
the villainous efforts of the Slave-driving De
nioeracy, to holdup the'great.patriet as an en
domer of their Slavery-Extension policy. --Mr.
Cooper was a memaer of the - celebrated Com
mittee of Thirteen in the Congress of 1850,
who reported the Compromise measures of dint
year. He was -brought into daily and confi
dential.intercourse with Mr. Clay during the
protracted deliberation's of Committee;and
bad a right to know Mr. Clay's views on the
Slaiery question. Anxious as the great pa
triot was to bring about an adjustment of the
difficulties whieh-then agitated the country;
his soul 'Taloned 'at ' any proposition which
looked toward extending the Slave Institution
to the Free Territories. '
Mr. COOPER alluded especially to a conver
sation in the Committee - room with Mr. Clay,
Mr,' Onttnri, : Prei Wont brth'e 'Senate, 'sad Mr.,
Mishuni, SenatOr (Anil :' f orth Carolina; With
other members of 'the Conimittee, being pres
ent. In reply. w • it suggestion from Mr. Cooper
that certain phraseology in one. of tie resolu.
tions might thereafter be construed as antago
nistic tci the principle laid down in the Missouri
Compromise—Mr. Clay, with an earnest tone
and jesture pectaliaito him. replied—"Aii air
--there is not a line or word i n Ilse entire Re
port; tehich can, by any possibility,4etionifrued
us inconsistent with the Missouri Compromise
And yet the Conspiler atidthe lyitig spirits
who now lead the Buchanan party persist in •
charging that Henry Clay is good authority!
for the repeal ofthe Missottrtyomproruise and
the Slavery-Extension policy. iif the Slave-Dri
ring Democracy I. ,
Hon. A. O. Omni, of Harrisburg, was
next i n troduced to the meeting,and proceeded
to hold the close attentitin of the crowd fort
more than au hour in "an able, eloquent and I,
telling speech: Wit and :sarcasm sprit-Weil 1
throughout, and•stith the pungent application
of facts, figures,and argument!, 'drew out fre
quent bursts of applause.. He ably and.elo
(meetly vindicated the rights of Labor, the e-',
quality of Citizenship, and the claims of Free
dom, as gottrantiedb y our Republican ittstitu-
I tioni—ridiculed the Disunion threats of the
Slavery-Propagandists—administered a merci
less but richly Merited excoriation of the ,cam
didate, of the sham-Democracy, for the Presi.
duncy, and urged the vital importance of the
first eleethM. — It ones a capital speech and
was well received. • -
Mr. T. Wlicriteoi, of New York follosedin
i r further discussion of the issues • involved in
the . preseat campaign. He made an able ar
gumeitt and was listened to throughout with
marked attention.
Thus closed the demonstration, in Gettys
burg. It was, we repeat, a glorious demon-
stration—tar beyond un_r most sanguine ex-
peetations in numbers, regpectribility; and
enthusiasm. The indxstaniiiii Wen of the MSS
ty . wens preSent--SOlid men who are nut in'the
habit of ;arming out to political rneci.jugs;•ex
'ciMt when gYent principles call them fiord
their homes and 9cenpations. ••• • , •
• The' Gettysburg 'Wee Club" during' the
evening sang some .eni'dla/ ,songst and "die*
meeting adjourned with three' hearty cheen
the Union State and County Tic:lota
[Some disappointment was felt itt.thu'lrrY
senee of Mr. STEVENS, who had expectcul lo•rm
present. It is due to Mr. Stevens to soy .that
we reVeived - a letter from him since expressing
*his deep regret that he wai unable to fulfill his
engagement. He led, an earnest desire to
meet his old friends in Adams. Bat, an im
portant professional engagement, which he
endeavored unsuccessfully to have postponed,
detained him in Lancaster.]
PLEASANT.—The "Fremont and Dayton
Club nf Mount Vernon and vicinity," had a
large,and spirited meeting at Voiicy Grove
Sehnol Honie, in Stri.b . an towartdp, 'on Friday
evening last, which was addressed by D. A.
Dvmmen, Also, at Ifannt Zion . Setoni House,
in Mountjoy,,whieb was addressed by getups.
ADA* Ytar,.D. A. guraum, Juicy Col.; F.
GARDNER. Also , „at ,Millefit School -House,
last evening, which was addimmied*D. Mc
CONAUGUY..,* 'All . these, Meetings WO
well attended, and much endinsiafm mani
fested bpour friends. 7 The "Glee Club" was
present and sung a number of 'apprOpriate
songs: , • -
~..,4par.Tudge Hirst/Ss . , of .Carlihm, and , a
mountebank orator, lrom Chaster . county,
-named - , Mosonas,, addressed a meeting of
ihe Bachaneeni in the • Diamond last night-,a
majority of those present being.opponents of
ittlehanan. The procession *uf the Bachaneers
numlxred 103, men' and boys, all told. Both
speakers dealt largely in • the usual union-Hp
.Ving vhsipsodieS, by which the Locofoco
. ,
rangties of theresent day are Cbarammized.
&dice Hepburn, as usual, dealt in loose as-1
section ond bold perversions of history and
truth. MonoluM did the work up brown, dia
kusting.every intelligent bearer by his ribald
slang and bad declamation, proviig himself
•both a fool and blicitgwird. • • •
ita-we aegret very much to . learn that
Benjamin Fickes, s sou of Mr. John Kokes,
a respectable citizen of Huntington township,
losthis life by *owning, near Virdlitunspint,
•on /the 16th ;ult. , We have- not- learned • the ,
.particulars v fatiher than; that by some saiship
le :slipped .from a : Canal. boat and was
'arPlOed- - • •
14R,Q8, CALI O O -7-011, Tuesday last, a cow
belonging to Him/ Mt:ottani; Fag., of Straban
to,nsliip,iali44—the calf weighing, two hours
. siker:its birth; 89 pounds. Whether this cow
iA of thlit, 619'0 btod which the Buchanan cow
boyilfdecliim about, ree cannot ; but the
'Owner, "cansay, is a whele•soulcd,thorottglt
going Fismosnit.
FOE:CIA/111)A nieeting Fenn•
taindale on Weigeimlay night was unexpected
ly large mil enthibeiuntie, betokening the right
tering in ibet weigleterhood. The iastiel be
for the Country were diseussed by Aleasts. Max-.
welt Shield', T. W. Waterbury and D. 9. Bueb
kr. °Mem
• IStiiefew/—Assnef Medi num.
rear Wigwam,. Win; •
Sprenkk, nnJ Gine 'Miller.
Sccretarits—Dr. S. C. Walker, 6. Gray-
-!r.:A. J. Purreartzi.o regurats vs to
state that he will organize a Waging School
Bast week, of which' due totitiei I'M be given.
Ma. narrate observe in the last Compi
ler that a erSieepondett, viio' , 4ils himself en.
der the classical cognomee of "Gemini,"-- bet
ter known, however, in these parts as a newly,
fledged Buclaulan sportier, of the Doetor gefissi
aßercpts to break the: fiwce of the Unexpected' ,
Union demonstration in thisplace,on the night
of the 2d inst., by a laiorti, notice, trtitOlit.
is difficult toasty which is the better - entitled to
distinction--stole wit or bold falsehood.' The
attempt to disparage', the Ottuatbeni atten:.
dance upon that occasion, might Ito very evil
for the readers of the Compikr in ether parts
of the county; but whon'the' Dr. andestooli to
put the meeting at "twenty or twentyre• ur
these latter4ay saints, i ! oughito have ilcirid
in mind that his reputation for truthrelottist
might by that falsehood be called in (patios
by those of his, neighlmrswho.bad the" leasuro f
of mingling in thtt glorious derconstration of
"Freellom-shriekers." . :Dut'io- lltfti
world. When wen OnCO4htintlctu tl . V poth;olof
truth for the, devious mazes of , error, it
quires a stout heart atuta ling parpose. to se,
gist the inevitable terideney to still deeper teal
lower degradation. The neophitic zeal of a
postates from right and truth is proverbial.- 7 -:
New converts always make the most; active,
,I - lence, doubtless, the new-born zeal
of theoctor. But, Mr. Editor, I beg The lib
erty of-suggesting to our quondani friend the
propriety of a little comasteneyie hiti prufeie.
; sions. This thing of being "sometimes pig,
and sometimes ptippy,"--ontAny getiiiitte
true-grit ,DemoCrat of the blood royalscho4.
and another an old-line Henry Clay Whig-,-is
as little calculated to cetnnmnd resPeet,
bold' fidsehocxl is likely to surd a reputation
for truthfulness. As to dial , cloud--by: 74iCh -
the Des vision seems to Imre hew troubled
on the night of the, 2d, I hilee nOly to remark
that it is a hue idagultir that unhodi else soli it..
Now, I do int know thrh our friend has :any
special reputation for "seeing double( nue
havel ever heard of his claiming marked diet;,
auction for familiarity ;with "stare'ytitl ,eCi•
mice." But his achievements in the,,line of,
discovery, as announced through the Coolpirer,,
bids fair to earn lam that *bit& be' dins ,terns
worn before. I know, sir, that it needs "op
cikeen" to see what cannot Le seen—battle
Dr, says he did see 'lt did 'that "all atrerred
; and that lie is fl'inani erireM, tin one con
doubt aflerthe rensarkal)lo ari kismet i 'exercise
by which he retacial, the Union meeting to
twenty-live." More of this anon.
Hunterstown, Oct. B, 183.
' Mr. .folitor : 7 :11y of,last„tvecks seems
to have touched the sMistbilitles 'of the vera
cious editor of the - Crinigiller. "Wootul:d pi
:Juni. the writhirro PI
, by
the r:
under astintion Mhniiri.:ctered
by um, shows that I did ttt:lnis4 iwy , ..n 1.4-7--
1 must admit that I hatllly , ti;cpemed thin
. play of sensibility. Prtlinnul stupidity, over
wecuingvanliy, end insolent impudence, gen
erally:go handle hand ; but.tliey ,artr.not apt
to make him in whom they centre, settsitito
the shaft's of trath. Theetlitokef the einsipi
ler futuisMas en exception ta..this:...,Wlietlier
this Ams been °tensioned the -s nwstions
of his Men j udgt tuna, or by the friendly alters or
pietyhis in adopiing tnY . sittttitats earl*
tualignity and ciii;fine him withintlie Ihn
its of discretiow, I cannot say Be thi4 'nil it
may, I itululgo kW: liopet . ,that het:clines iii, the
ursuit of his, lying pleopensities—alias
town disciple of "grounfi an; , t lo .lo .. isw4juli r
l?vfonit uttilestakingto , otrrry the
worker defamation into the, midst of neigh
bors oe s ue, men as ions itlossm.wax. , The
Cempitermanll evidently, howe-er, missed hilt
ioatalt iii rilirigatiOK;th,3' paternity of, these arti
tho' verbiage of "Ahbotts-.
L o we bully," "disappok, t office-huntei." 41et
tyabarg butfocm,r .Ntloitg-u'ed 'pedal "extremi
ties," clearly ..tiemoostsate ti,e Paternity of
udder the Quitote Musltt!'to h t , a iti ‘ dent con
vert to Slavery Prorognodistm wht.' has Pnviv't
recreant to the principles . ,whielh he ;me, 8 ° /V
-cetitly and str,r.ealdusly ttioirpd', clearly
show that he is gtiikiiig wide .6ellite mark; As
you know, Mr. Editor, elite" never lloattmt:
aspirant for or a candidate' for offielt;'of any(
kind l tittne laps, I aware, that. 1, hav l e : ever ant
joyed any special reputation , either as a' "hoc:.
form" or "bully.". , A plain, practical Farmer..
-claiming nothing more in stature than "live
foet . nine,"-!.-I have an :utter loathing for thlt.
class of political InOVlntebatlitS, 41110 roam over
the' country, dealing , in reckless,
malignant Perionaliiics, and hold , perversions
. , , ,
of truth, as the appliances of partiian-warfare.
lfwith,this explanation* editor of the Cent•
piler'thinkshectin be more euecoisftil in des
igitatifig the personage,olvourhumble servant,
he can "try again." • '
Fairfield, Oct. 8, 1856.,
White ..SPiliOti.;
The:Riehotond Examiner, 01:118 . of .. the
. . •
leading Iluebitnan papers tu Virginia, bold•
ly declares • . • •, •
"Until recently, the defence, of Slavery has
labored under great difficulties, bees!nie its ap
ologists (for they, are more apologists,) took
halfway grounds. They confined'the defence'
of Slavery to mere nogp 'sl ivory ; thereby giv
ing up the slavery principle, admitting ,other
forme of slavery to he wrong. The line 'cif de
fence, however, is now chained. The South
now maintains that Slavery is right, natural
and necessary, and does not depend upon d(/:
firma °Pomp:ea-km. The laws of the Slave
States justify the holding of white mon in bon
0::rTho Compiler, a week or two ago,
stated that the Fremont men , of Indiana,
after having challenged the Buchaneers
to a public i tliecuesion—baeked out cl,
the propoeition--hir. SisvaNe refueioi,
to meet the Locofoa orators T '
Wo learn from the-Indiana papers that
the whole story is a fabrication—false from
beginsing to, end, as every sensible man.
hereahours supposed it was. '
i." Iliii.-.,:for.FßEEDogi,...iiv-,
7 *ommr4mivin
Mechanics and Laborers unfit
;: s ifiiirSelf-,Goverdeitet)t:
The Charleston Standard, the leading
Buchanan'orgat4 in South Carolina, says
"Slavery he tho natural and normal condi
tion of the laboring man, whether while or
Musk. The great evil of Northern free noel'.
sty is ! that his a serrik CI Sin of neck/Palace
and ,s4anoneitai nafilfin. self:government; and
vet clothed with the attribute/. and powers of
citizens, Master, and Attie la a . ..elation in
eoe'letyroi-neeetanro na that Oflutrint and child ;
and' he Northern .Slater trill tje have to intro•
dare if. Their - theory of freelovernment Law
delusion." / ,. .7) . ,
..• A Dentist:
1101'1:listen Hughes' i tas pubiished a
card 'denying resPiniiiibility for the
lettti•poblbilleir• by Mr . • McMetter, editor
qf t he Pretiniii i t i ite :Yearns!: charging•
Freinontwith, being Clitholio. Bishop
Hughes soya i ll° •knosie nothing about
• ,
Bettor, to own; your Labor than
•;.,,to hire it. .
Get,Johnson , "of Georgia, in a npeech at
the lute 13ueitaintrt ,Mate Meeting in Phila..
41 . elphin, Ihelti this .language as reported in
she Pqnnsentaian
' there is a ailTereuce of opinion hi regarn to
ii,hether betterioeveitpitat- to
taboii or' to hire ii, la:Penittylvanin,
yott'liatidaterinitted it one way; while in Gem ,
gis we have'deterlained it in it:tattier. We con
no!. hirelaborin'the catple, fields, or the rice
liWs.n,tp,for the toliecco pliElttatioitherethre
Tv Lys,* 5'1451 Wilt tsnolgtllcland now under
,Alitivatiou Cur cotton, tobaccti end rice would
lain i>ll 1i •`:
Union IRlectorol Ticket.
' l lllre Union Saute Ootutuittee have is.
it State ',CotiVetitiou of ull
duppowti toJatues Iluchannun, to meet in
JloraiOsuag, ott 'the '2lst, of October, to
On Both Side 4.
The Viebsitiurg, 31iiinissi0 Sentinel, n
Ilueluousi pnper, firlS •
"We do.restnd•DEFW any one to point to a
'SINGLE voinz ithm, Mr. Buchanan overgavo,
during his Congressional earenr, invulving the
spiestionuf' Moms% that' was not ON THE
SIDE OF IPILE,IMUTH, and opposed to the
• The Providecoa; ttliotla Island, Post, al
lin n streitg littaisztiu paper, says : •
4.3lr.hattan ref rr uttered sentenee in
d of SIA.V II:1W, ur t whispered a word
is favor of its existenoce. or am/ a rule' which
ail banes!. mita c ould .cnnstrue into a wish to
trap art Ate lintifuliae :"
IVlaat a pity the "squatter mivereign"
champions could„ not uteet and compare
Mutes I Now, as Mr. Buchanan rmilly on
sitlea ? N>ry ;eta'? !1 was tt,fod.
.critlist. that a Democrat—a free-trade wan
mitti then a tariff man—in favor of Cott
reasioual power over slavery in'the Terri-,
4ories,_ and then ha favor of "squatter"
ipower--whymay Itu 1101 kw oven a slavery
: tiriipagattfiim. in MiSitimippi, and utt Abell
tioast 111 Rhode Island Y. That is the
May that islerthern Dough Faces seek to
cheat the people of the North into an up.
• prurad of their course end designs.
The Patting dibetritiotteet devotes its
.eptirst unlimber for Oesober to an earnest
zappral to Cite enemies al Slavery NOT
-To VOTE!FOK ritnsitota. It dechlres
thus Übe Ititireb:icatt Party is NOT in any
fienve,vir ut alloy extent, COM AOTTEO
'TION t audthAiiteannot be retied on to tin
ant thik Whatever to iiiometo the over
sihroto of I'loveay, /limp; :
t•Titc ilteitubitesit Party is tint II party
:STAVED. butystily for the security of the
'free. It is net - a party (or the black mail.
- licit' O N Int FO.4t. THE WHITE ,MAN.
Jt itretst *Partylfut-the'resctieofthe whole
•country from the- despotism of the slave
powor,irtict °city ,for tke rescue of K'itl•
tram ibe Richmond En
This' Virginhillueltanan organ, speak
int/ of tlw frionde f oi Mr. Fillmore et the
ititititfr; toys!: 1 '
"The - people ofllte South ore not pre-
Pared _for *ll this. The best among them
ar6 - ; `liit'vildy taking their places among
those oho sill/petite the election or Ja w ,.
jlttlehmise, iessinx to„vote for :Milliard
'rrikticite t 'die trailers who deserve the hal.
*er o .:Tlit r xelfsh who ilea the apoils,. the
;1 4luiiici*leCtuati91 :ikoinprllictid the'rile
fad the' preiudieed who would
.rui:i t4e,"Sleith; sprint!' than aid , the Dena
party i 4 'lhe-•aihieverneat . ' of a
vielorspottes the-, !Hark Ilrpubli
4/precio kg' crab :Mkt ard at /he
South who follow lhelorlunee ojAlilliurd
~11FillmoreP 1:
. . .
anotliter , arilele; 'in lit ismie; of 'tile
minne , tiate, alter'enittnerirling: thif Tenons
who itaftbeen*Alielletlfitote the South
ottllnftf,t)l.4be.. turfpletan ,Hr abolitionism. it
..p, , pcelaf to mlvocase the , expulaion from
I lVtlXiltia 4,Blllflinse who ate,stispecteil of
,b eter ,Vox:opivtions
_upon that estion.---
But hear it speak of righumn that Jona of
;' . '
"With glove •evidenees of practical in.
ittifetiektVii % 44qin . .v;.*4'itris'Alld 'by
, sekn i, s b o litioNste in this state - that there
'lie ilioidattger that slavery in the 'States .tv ill
top find our intimations that this
tifFpWillski . are rated as humbug antrchar
llatanry. , ; rle feet la we trannot hope for
.4battee things Rotate men are Tolerated to
41 . 'NOui hem .eo•nritiiiiiiy. who
~ o eoupy the
iiatite*Ation.of Abittitity to the South
wiantainedlsi every .I,7aek
4ittitifcpn , the ~Norlit. - Bitch there
•are atelking abroad in the community,who,
Jelaimixemiption from puoieliment worse
'shit( life vilest A'bolitiociet of the' North.
Trio . lite° 'fly Pocrttias I pretenders', wolves
ii n sheapin clothing. venomous vipeFs s who
z tehooldibe crushed without
o llectiottan sten; are aeking the old4ine
to co 0:63 to oheir assistance 1
ViistVilYsfoa walk into my parlor," void the trpi•
der to t!tia By;
1 1 . la thy 'parlor, L oa en-ri.ros-i-ty
( tallying try for ThoodaYireact
:,,:i'„,,,r asii II " 114)ti g Ike "Ise%
rk' 'Soil, • rm. Labor, Vree
zs , 'Speeeh, & Free Men!
1 - 4 . 1 -111MIO AND 1 7 .1CTBRY t.
I I ' i
. .
O'frinn Stott.—Once , iii a happy
how a sweet, bri lit baby died. On tho
evening of the day, when the children
gitlicqd round their mother, all sitting
very sorrowful, , Alice, , the eldest, eaidr
Mother, you ,took all the care of baby
while she was here, and you carried and
held her in 'your arms , ail the time she
wag sick; '1114,' mother, mile took her on
the- other itiitir: il'Other Ode, of What,'
Alice ?' ' (hi the ,other sitle of death':
Veh . o took baby on the, in ier e„ tun er •
lie was 811 little she.. coed. Mit go alone.
'Jesus met her therin! answered the inothm
er. •It ire i*lle•took -ula :children' in
his arms in , . bleies. them and .said, I,Fie tier
them, in come unto me, ami (Aid • not,
for, of•• inch is the heaven V—
ille took , bal;lv• on the tither side.. •
SiVigoWeitt elittivrait.=There is
vast amount of individuals ehgaged it the
present time easing their country ; , to,
entire neglect of their business and fanti•
lies. These men, , would be - Muck batter
employed in taking care of themselves
and ,thof.e,-imMtkliately ilapetithint: uPiot
them, and leave their• country to recover
from any imminent dsoger 'by its good
.13ousiltutioe,• • The demagogues of
the day. call Upon , overy man to devote his
time to his country, hut *hen lie makes a
pauper Of 'himself by• such folly Chess
ilemogokiles will he the very first to laugh
at the credulity
could: be so easily
led.astraY. . It is Some people's business
to, save the country. every four years; they
make 'a living out of it.-. Phi/ Ledger.
Geouirse AsotaxtoNl-- , -The Witihing•
ton Union 'mein's tit have, a bitter sPitu a
gainst the . Noll&nisi Intilligencer, since it
came nut for Fit.bions.. In'the true
it of conservatism, the, Inlelligencer says ;
"This glorious Union has stoud firm dur
iog..Aittyleisu, 'end: With .the. blessing of
liesveti. it will stand firm sixty years
- though. 'the , Unien
and•itti Misled confederates Choufillies a II
the time to , predtct•tts downfall." •This
the (initial denounces .tia of "genuine abo
lition coinage puzzle our read.
eta to distinguish bet Ween the bogus and
the genuine at this rate I •
dry,• in the Supreme i..!nurt at Boehm, :the
:rentlared a verdict 'against the city
•for 82.2511 , damages, in favor of the heirs
cif.Genrge Pal.nea; who tit& from injuries
cause'd by slipping on ((twice on the pave
marts in '1853. Negligence on the part of
the city auiliotitier was alleged. .
if a well brud woman iP suprised Itt
cureless enstume, she does not try to
duke heitittil Oil door to conceal' deficien•
cva, nun does ehe turn red and stammer
confused excuses. She remains calm and
aelf•pustseed, and—makes tip in dignity
what she may want in deroratinii..'
HON. DAVID BARCLAY. who now.ropre
,pents the Twenty-futirth Congressinnal
District 'titbit State. composed of Warren.
Vettangu. Clearfield, Jefferson, McKean
and Elk counties. elected by the Deinueats,
has renounced BUORANAN and the Cittein
dein Platfortn,entne out rot Republicanism
a nd taken the stump for FnumoNT.
.PAiem neglectedoften prove fatal, leads to
conimmption • anoint the parts three times a
If secretion form in the rectum then insert the
"Pile Syringe" filled with Eitractor, and grad
nay discharge it as the syringe is withdrawn.
It never tails to cure crises of any age or vine
leans, nor to giVe entire ease instantly to all,
reticently curing by one application.
Piles are
~known by the heat, itching, and
pain of the an its. Bleeding piles are caused,
.somethneA, by ,tho falling of the whole bowels,
which then press , the intestinal canal tight a
guinst the back bones and keeps the blood
from returning up. the vessels, similar to the
lilmal.lating kept at: thetop of your finger when
a string is tied tight around it, such is fre
quent. and for scrofulous humors and ulcers
to limn therein then procure a perfect adorn:
ifial supporter, and wear n eempresS to the rec
tum, and continue to use the salve as above,
also rub it well over duo loins and abdomen
for sonic time, and the tattural belts that sup
port the bowels will be co utracted and made
strong, and your life will in.- saved. If proper
ly applied, every case will by cured. It never
W. Jenkins, Esq., of Columbus, Ohio, Sec
retary of the Ohio 'Nemec° Company, who
was , taken to New Itwit extreme debility,
with piles, to haYO an Oper4tion 'by the cele
britell Dr. Mott, ai the only chance to save his
life, nceitlentally heard of the Pain Extractor,
atatet,'"Fdr yearz4 bit discaso dc6ed medical
skirl, and grew -worse until life became intoler
able ; 'he was slt6cdily cared by Dailey's Pain
No Pain Extiactar is genuine unless the
box as wain it a Steel Plate Engraved Label
with the siknatures of C. V. CLICK ENEIt
CO., proprietors, and HENRY DA 1,1.1.1 Y,
tnatinfiteturer. Price 25 (Tim per box.
tos...ut should oti/ires:wd to C. V.
Clinekener& Cu., 81 Barclay in.ree.t, New York
EN POltT.—The fullowing is an extract from
!a lett/r written ! tif Dr. Oliokener, by , Jkati Ida
riavei,piirt, of Ihiladelphin, who' was cured
erne inflammatory Rheumatism, by •the use of
Clickener's' Sugar Coated Veg,etable Pills, all
tar every other means had tailed:
Dastr'Sat,—.; . .
!'lt 4' with etnotiens of the greatest gratitude
that I I,dress you et this time, and beli eve me,
I speak the xentimenta of my heart when / as
.sureyou thaC tiirolgh yOur means I. arp, Ow en
ahlc Move in 't hiland et the living. 'About
six months 'since Imut:attacked with the i
Matory rheumatism and consulted the bestirred
ion! advice 'in the Different Medicines
were . giVen, and - the utmost r a ttention paid
me, but all 'was of no .effect, and I thought I
was doomed to linger out ' , tin. existence made
arratehad by phimeal suffering. The physi
ciami'said they led' done all they .could and
premised my speedy departure to the land of
spirits. W hen they 'had given me orerysoiow
had I becom.e that it was impossible to stir a
limb without the greatest .exertion t aud -even
then every movement was excruciatingly pain
ful.. At this time 'a near and dear friend rec
ommended to me the use of Clickener's Sugar
Coated Purgative Pills, stating -et the same
time that they if eV thing could afford .relief.
Being on the verge of - despair, and ready •to
*gasp at whatever promised 'relief,/ 'commen
eed taking -them according 'to direction. - - In
one week,. strange as it may seem, my pains
left.rne'---mylealtli was restored and I becanie
a new and different-being:' 'I am gradually
gaining my strength, my appetite is good,. and
the diseiee Is4ladly . drivettlehmirty.sYsttitn.
Excuse.= for : troubling ;tit with fhis State-
Ineallt,batai am sO.muchrejoioed at speedy
recovery imperious du,ty. demands etym.
ir . .ppw/e uttilet, ottite, method of the s Otire.
• - lieve" me to be yoiirs; ' '-•
4 !TiulY indinneerly; •
City . of Pkilancipltia se. , • .; -
Personally appeared before me the subscri
• her, reocrederof the city of PhlladOphia, the
above named katildn M. Davenport, whe,'on
her solemn oath„ deposes aria says that the
foregoing stateMent nitrite, to the best of her,
IMaivledge and teller. In witness whereof'.
Thave hereunto set my land, this 26th day
of MO X. D., !1f.t44 •
• Ilifir These Pills , may he bl,d of storekeepers
in eluicity,"l9ri stud ,vraage -Umtcd
"`" .t
a rATltril LtTT 01 , PlitTelciANs.-.-11t has always
been said that J'hysicians would disparage any
remedy They did not origianto therrulelihis-' 1 Come this way, if you want fa sari at letist 20
This has been diseuven by their liberal course ( ofvoin . mow) ,
towards I)r::..t.C.lASey's 'preparatiops4 They I COB! di PAXTON have just received
have adopted them iiito.ieneMlusn in their
practice, which shows
,a willingness to counte
nance articles that have intrinsic merits ivhich
deserve their attentioh. This doe the learned
profession great credit, and etrectuallysontra;
diets the prevalent erronives notion that thti l f
opposition to prbprietisqi remedied is baud
their Mteres t discistd them. "Wehavo'always"
had confidence' in',t he honorable Miniyes cif our'
Medical men, and are glad to lied It Sustained'
hy the liberal weleorne they accord to such rein
°dies its Aye's Crierry Pedoraf and,Cathariic
even though they are not ordered in the
books, but' are made known' Ito . the people
through the newspape re —Nero Orleans Della.
. WX. A..BATIQUXL9II ? B 1141 R, DYI4-1-NO BInq•
INQ-11113143ring Compoond could, over have at..
mined the universal favor accorded to this Dye,
the original, never-failing favorite. Nature is
not more true to, herself than the brown or
black produced in the reddest, grayest or Most
frowzy hair by it. Made and sold, or applied,
at ,Batchel or's -Wig Factory, (in nine ,private
rivras).233 Bread way, New York,. WM.' A.
Batchelor ! is on tho box of all,genuice, others
are ituitatioi.s. „ ,
Oct. . ,
HOLLOWAT'A PILLS, an invaluable Remedy
for Dropsical Symptams.—Mrs. Emma Huntly,
of Houston s 'Texas, aged 45, , list fill was
thrown upon a bed of sickness; her feet and
legs began to swell, street ladiettting•drop.
sy at this period of life. - Misband became
greatly: alartuhil; if' whi • feared that she
could not recover, so:dreadful Was the attack.
After trying tnany remedies without benefit,"
Mr. Handy, at last, put her under a course of
Holloway's Pillsy.whieh she took for 'about
three weeks, and-the swelling considerably di
minished i by continuing them for five weeks
more, she was completely cured. .I'hese Pills
will al:moire all billions and liver coniplaiuts
iu a very short time.
iimaimons, Oct. 4, 1856
FLOUR AND MEAL. Sales of 200 bbla
Upward street at .$6 ti2i. . Also, 500. bids
choice. City Mills at $6.621., and 1120 bids do.
at $6 50. Rye Flour—We . quote old at 3(i_a
$3 25, cud new at
_5005 25.. 7 0 bbl. Curt,
Meal—We quote country at 3(03 25, .and
city manufactured at $3 75 bbl.
9,000 bushels offered to-day, and sales of litir
to good white at 1 45(01 53, good to prime
di). at 1 53G1 56,' and choice at $1 58. lied
at 1 •lo®l 43 bodily). Corn r —A boat 7,009
busheid offered to-day. and sales, of white at
50(4161 cents eehts, and yellow' at 60®66 eta.
- rt bushel. Rye--Sales of Maryland itt T 4 cts.
and Peonsylvainia at 83 cents r
Oats— Sales of good at 40004 Coins bush
el. Seeds—We quote Clover at $8 50 for old,
and new at $8 75, and Timothy at 3 50443
75 hashel.
PROVISIONS.—Market quiet, ansl holders
are firo. Stock on bands modetate.
1111.4NOVIElt MARKET. ,
- lissom', Oct. 9, 1856..
FLOUR r bbl., from wagons, $6 00
WHEAT, 't! bushel, I 25 to 130
RYE 70
CORN, ' • 52
OATS, • 35
BUCKWHEAT, per bushel \ A 0
POTATOES, per bushel 80
YORK, Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1856.
FLOUR, Z hbl., from wagons, $6 62
WHEAT, ii bushel, 1 35 to 1 50
RYE, a 75
CORY, ~ 52
OATS. a , , , .55
TIMO'CHY-SEED, 7 0 bushel, . . 357
OLOVER-S, a 7.00
FLAX-SEED; , a 1 50
P14..51 ER OF PARIS, V, toh, . 675
On Thursday last, in Harrisburg by . thenev.
OFF, of Fairfield, Adam's county, and Miss
MARY JANE HARBAUGH, orflarbaugh's
Valley, Md.-
At the same time and place, by the Rattle,
Mr. PETER , MUSSELMAN, of Hamiltonhan
township, Adams county, and Miss ELIZA
MUSSELMAN, of Cumberland County:
On the 7th hist , by the Rev. Jacob Zieg
ler; Mr. FELIX. W. WINER, of Mei:ellen
township, Adams county, and Miss 'MARY,
JANE IMBISON, of Shippeitibure Cumber
land county.
On the ••.E.sth ult., - 17 the Rev. D. , Bosserman,
Mr. JACOR FLECK, of Franklin township,
ler .township.
At Petersburg, (Y. S.) on Wednc.sdai}•• last,
by Rev. 1 4 1.,Gwitin; AIL GEORGE BARNITZ,
of Middletown, Butler county, Ohio, and
I.IIIUNOER, daughter, of Henry
Bittinger, of Washington city.
In this borough, on'Friday night, alter a
long illness, Mr. SAMUEL BLACK, , t tad
iibuut 27 years. His remains were interred
on Sunday afternoon, in Ever Green Ceme
tery, attended by the
_"Gettysburg Benetieiel
Association," and ate "Independent Blues,"
both of which
.he Was u member.
On the 9th. inst., uesil,,l4l4oown, JOSEPH
OTUOMPSON, agedifi years. .
Valuable Real Estate at Public
My virtuo of an Order of the .Orphans'
Court of Adains Count}', the 'undersigued,
Guardian of the rninochiktreit of WILLIAM
NEWMAN,..ffeeetued, iesposo
sale, oil the prernizes, on Thai.sday ' Gth day
of Aroconider 'tied, at 1 o'clock, P: tho'
(owing deseriWd Real Estate; viz : •
4 Tract o
situate in Franklin. township, • Adams . county,-
Pa. adjoining landwof Conrad: 'Walter, Jacob
Sake,- Israel Little, and . others, containing
119 Acres. more or . less. The Improve- -
mente are aiLOG ,D.WELLING,
Barn, Coopenehop; Wagon shed,CLoorn g
" '
Crib, sad other Lout buildings a well
- ot:never•fuiliug water with puny
hilt, near the door, an ORCHARD of cholee l
fruit; and other improvements. .About 25
ACRES are in.good Timber, Vith a full proper.
tion of Meadow. ' There is a Spring of water'
au the premises, and a small raw purses
'through' it, The ettoasion of the Gettysburg-
Railroad passes through the Farm. Also—
Tract Or .Lasad,
•containing 19 ACRES t more or less, adjoining:
iands , of Peter Hake, MellhenY and oth-.
,ers, which is covered with first-rate Timber,
ciresnut as d: , ;,
se-The above 'l'rsetri will Le sold separate,
or tbgether, as may suit purchasers. .
WAttendance will, be giv'en and termi
!made known •on day `ofsale
Oct.GEORGE, TEOSTLE, Guerdtha.
t lo 1856.—ta • ' '"
-6( . ---
. Independent Blues ` .'
013 wili.nsee,t for parade, in full
' J. dregs, at tlie Armory, on &gar
, clap the lath inst., at '2 o'olock,P, AI,
with arms and accoutrements us• cora.
plete order. , . .;
x,ll:t;ourt of AlTeals.will beisoldbatwoen
.41e bourn of Land 24:)'elock. .. ,,,' , .
$y order of the Captain.. • • ,
4 * 1 . 1 4 16 ; 0:
Oft. ' 4104446. r • •
VEIT 000'1)5.
and are now opening the largest and best
selected stock of (1001)8, in their lute of bus
iness, ever offered in Gettysburg, to wit:
lints, Caps. Iloots,,,ShoeS.
Overshoes., and seeks,,, Umbrellas, Trunks',
Carpet Bags, Fancy AVindow
~Blincls, Station
ery, gerftonery,. view& 6t Notioi'm ; al
so the largeet stock of
ques.ysittias,.oll.s4s, ar..ess,•
Stone and ,"zarthen Ware, , etmr offered iu
A'dnins couitti 7 4ll;f which they are
idea' tit selrlower thith the' Veial' tit'
any 'other -, Establishment' in-the C,Otinty.--.
Callat COBNAN !PA.XTON'S' south east . :
Corner orthe Distrtoud.lltio trouble .to show,
Oct, ,10,)13q,6
1 rrtg•tb, g aipeeted liciolc by T. S. ART
UR, is now ready for Agnuts and Canvis;
sett. It is.havirig 'an' immense: we,!tiiA , ;iii•
coluddert.d.fine''of hi 6 best tifrorid. In it will
be Ibund Mr. Arthltr'# 'vidre' .the "rued'
question of • . .
WO.fflfirtT RichtirMA.
And what she can do as Sutler, IPife, and
Mother. ,• • •
Specimob co p iesacctby mail ou: receipt of
the price. $l.OO. -• • .
J. V,T., ) BROART, Puttlirher,
48 Nollit 4148444'hilifla phin, Pa.
N. 4./ AY4 ,dr tipfis Nov
Books. Send for our llst,,Mta terms to Agents.
Oct. 10, 1856,-36' • „
• . mISI O
.. •
^ S j ust reformed :crop tho
Pew, aryl banclionm,aamirttnentmf
Nfrl'S and vxNpy Gomm whieli
open for exhibition (in'
and respectfully! MAUI 'tidies of Gettys
burg and vicinity;. to call', and exarldne' her
assortment at her room int east York street di
reedy. orpordte the Bunk!. .
.Oct. 0, . • ..Ir
c6,4E To-'noices rtdite.
I O It chesp'P And' Tr TE It
X GOODS,' as he is determined to soll.fOr
Cash and Country Produce; at short profits.
EIIYJADT .M. 1% EITS rnme.. •
All goods cut free of Charge by an exper
leveed Tailor., , • "
101 1860 , i t ' ' •
. .
It) to 15 head of Horses:- :;-**,
TE 4 m#Nir imys' FeNb
GO 44 it c'l3' tinu4juil.
Fur Mail aioA Horse.
[Copy right secured According to law.]
-SMALL JAR, 'Filly CeDl3
LARGE JAR. One Duller.
THE ELECTRIC TASTE nets .upon' the I
Muscles, Tendons, awl upon dui whole
nervous systetu, removing, torpidity nulls prit-,
dueing a !testily actidn of the blood . . 'rherc
being. no• volatile' hiutttr:icritr> composition, it
remains in
. octioti
work. It cadnotlose ibi ittrefigth,, and . is nl- '
•entirely ve4eta . ble. • • •• " ' ' '"'
What it cure ? Itrustver--Ithen
matic Pains, when 'iderything else' AAP.
Cramps, Cholic, Chilblains; , Scalds;
Spruins, Ilmtd7A chp, Woefh-Acbp,
Braises, Sores t g• Worm, "I' mut r, J 'dap.
Contracted COrdi.; Fresh I . 'lu:rated Sore,
and all Sernfulous' 'Diseinies• where
remedit.43 can be . eked,' Sore !Throats; Stiti
Necks, &e.
What it will core for Horses and Cattle.—
Sweeur, .Bpavin,'Fissultts, Poll Evil, Wind.
gent:, Ulcers, Cholte, Sprains,- Collar and Sad.
die oRM:4:Stone BrUiscs,
splints; and litunnintr Sures: •
TIO.For sale at the Patent Itledrein Store
of IL A. Itockalicld & Co., GeLerui AgentN,
Lancaster, Pa.., and by A. 1.,:1.3111A1LE1G, Get.
tysburg, Pn.
IrZrNene genuine but those bottles having
the werds,"E...C. Allen's Concentxuted Elm!,
trio Pasw, ,or.A cal;ian ,Pain rector, Lam
caster, PI," blownl on' the liottVi. 1
'Agirbitst out fin.' (S ti bon't
yet to aik.tbr . 'ALLEN' . .
April 25, 1856..--,ly
BAY' lirANtil),: -': ' l , , ''.'.
PERSONS hazing Eby to sell will do
it. well by calling on the ,übseriber, it,
Gettysburg. whnis deetroustif purchasing.
The higliesf Market rive o ill be paid at
t,ll times. Lk...7 - As tie ittieniis having the
flay, after being packed, hauled either to
ilanoyer or.lJulumore. the preterenee in
haul will be,givpn to„those (ruin whop he
.ratty purphaliet. 1;
• , • ,51N46 , A1 014
Dec. 24.,1852.rrtf -.1: •‘
1 - 11S4'' arrieeir i*rata . `llllfititit; : f 1 ila
delphitt *As* ifssoartinent of
IfistSl.4)lloW Baia! s and
1"Ibleorot r
t ,, r
• '1 it 1 !:tst
that has ver been offered in Marne County.
aggSl isilrirs , kintle;44iiiiM 'entirely
newly fixed up in Clianiticrtiliury syeet,a few,
doorsiroilt:thei , fiadriten.',ll'
March 28, 1 1856.,
flint stock Of HARDWARE'bedUerrritry ,
1„/ Much incroaattli,rind. , persiiis , lonilditig.
or requiring.; nuythiur
should first call 4.l44piksa;pc4s
. 4eaP'siPek. I; '
• . • i:!..
IlpfloBE who tare'foini 006)14e4 'WI
A; • large assortment A'iolins;lAveortk•Cons,
Flutes,. iko. , Cheap:at,. •,, 4
• •• • • .SFLMSOIRS.
: :t
• Boot)/ .'•'.
A large assortnientis just - openerl;' dhd hill,
.11 be iold eheaperthat/Cake . cleapeat et , t
rn of above attiele, would
Ido Weßo l ! give uB‘.ritil% bet* purolu*ng
elaewhem for. Satesoneasanot be beat in giving
ba eine. ;' • - I
51n119SIME90 •
gee lot. of,Tiiniks and liege on
.a.hand which 'will be eold low to make room
. , ' ~• . . 8411.802415. e
F J , ecotica NAN alio a few good
tient . , 4
roul'Orirtierit 'pri
st receivl4 it t rid,tbr • •
P r -a t -4 SAMSON'S.
Antralo 'tubes.
:11118VieizA ive4iiid foil isle cheap si
• . , : 4Aiivcovo.•
, ' 1
Hats, lints.
!Cheap Fall and Winter , Olothing.r
1171: hare now got up our Fall and,Winter
consisting of Over-Coats in great Variety' :
Coati of every description, , fotikey Jack
ets, Vests, Pantaloons, Shirts, Drawers ) . &c,,
ke., also, Boys clothing of all sins. Our
stork of Overcoatings,
simeres, Cassinetts, Cords, Am., is Inirge and
fUll, and having: experienced WorkmeMetin
stoutly employed cutting out and inakism np,
if we cannot please you with a garmeur ready
mado, we can 'tell you tho Material, take yonr
measure and:make you
,up a suit on the slim ,
test notiee. Wessell; untie 1,14 our own
and wariah'shun ivell and inqune
good,fit or. no sale, p prices ,nrel low.. our I
I m9ttn beiu small profits and• quick attics .lov
the cash, Please, call— We' cannot he I
inter New'•'Ydric Philadelphia 'aintt
' The
• 'mini pat receive A .
.1:1E0R14.11 ARNOLD. •
Oct. • ; • ;; •;.
;liewo , f4e tho. People,
I,I 4 ,6:IINEF:TOOKIiR(9.I - 6:ItS iutvejaat
cciveJ iuidnrenowoipemugrt htigri DAWN:ari
d asanittheiii of I)ry GOods',Qu'oeMatar'e, ll ut{l•
ware, lee., to whichlhe`•" invite 'the' atteatiou of
those Akoar Mack bag
been' selected with great care, from thelargest
,wholettale houtes.of New "fork, VhlliidOpliht;
and 1111164norb; We 'ttl4 Ilrapared to biter
dueementa putialtake from oh; madras cannot
often be had. Come and , exgnii oar Brock.,
nud'we kii ow you will wit
• •• } , S l ll4 Pi . - 4 i74e 444, ..ti•on
Oct 3 1,33 G. ' '
• • ••: ~ • •
li r :11111'1.4* i'''S ,
.R.tgasTDß:iiiid riliettrsbar#
rind t Aditint . Couiny flirt+ &real' rea'rly.stitcl
atlatit'that War- utt(l6l flay; cireiltri. l l
,stances is .t.tlitailftll4l‘l4 rot
'orifelot Oiags is ;41pg:rapstj
erthelesslr y4t3 l waa't good Atubretype
How is Y9urnungaing to remain ,
thig few days longer , and
happy to aecommodatii - taw at' riumit 'ni ;
tniddliisteeet nearly uppesitr , Ptirtlikait;,llo.lfis,
at city II W. ~/1
rriFIE Cll4ll Srstettl-35 years eAppriepue,itt
the,c,reditjasioess, IptfiUp) Xllftf It
will 1 nt)W "cleulti - ,11 to a l l
ttolit; thu hp . t t illittittlig I
bloods coy Cusli•kir'p 'rißlCl4lcelily . 1 , ..' 5 1 4 , o , ‘
••• t. „ J. . . 1 ,„„
Blue, Black, ISrowlp,.o,i:ett i ,,l„))ji•e,i4;F,,,,, , ,gapt
(7 flyer Foal ings,.,Beuse l r
Unssiinerh, blnelc VIIrP3O . riill(:V
tkil66i. Cadsinetts,
I tan lel Outi st tiffs igenefally.
Nleritioes, Dubttae, Muslin Delunes, ' AlpaecaSt
Llalioiest ke., with' every variety of
Ladiv4Are.4A 14 0 50 s• J-,4 1 1( 1 Y.lott(le , elpiAtiog ,
great va cloy, %veil ittutie",i4o.elleaP. •
Llorueslies t .I.4eslt troto!ries,;gueeaspitre,
&c.,AcC. Please 'call; einniihe, add Itidge
youtselvei. All will he, mildiii,'-the',low'eaittlihlt
•. Oct. 3. 1836. ,*
CHESN U'l` 'l4llll EIL-LAND
~o o •
inklaicriber,olfors at TriyaN Sale, y
a 'tract of CLlEgliTilt . LAN)), sit uat itnOur
Nfildletii4m; Einfer
joining littids'a the`of 3olia Qatekei
atul Edward blattlieirs,' dminiiiiing mom
ACRES and Forty eight Perched, of patented
land , - timber is mostly young. Chesnut
of from twenty to ..tivnutydiva yearn, gr01Y0),
and very yaluabld.
'Gettysburg, Oet 3, 1S111.—:4
• •
• .
.1) :9 Irt: A 1 4 3„
ITO the citizens of Gettyditu>igAhtlBttltners
who ,lesirotq .4 !low whom tp ilk' go
nud'handstnne varlets. ofiSninnaer . 11/VIS and
Ski( iiivktetl rail at 'W. W.
TON'S STORE, where' they will 'find ,ihe
most eleikitht W'bite'lieit‘ , en's ; and ' White 891:
-lints, Panama, Canton and. alsn, , Stift
Freach lints, anti a large stottirfortGentleitten
and ,Ladies' and• Children's Summer tihoei I
( N!•tri orcveD; style lil I see
W. W. PArffifsi.
June 13, 18511; • 4
trAlrlMG . •noio' ' , adopted the' eindi ''SYstiAn in
4n3i .busigegsi for the puipaskofwettling.up
my old business,, 4+ll tWoe.ville*4.4v o nie of
) . 011 ,g,
connis, will ple:tise cair ' . pl t y the tame
Oct. 3, 1856. ;
' Conte and 'nuk e pioney, l by„huptigftt,Prr
(ricei from our well seleeied stock.
,Sign rd . /fed hl'r„tu .
Wa15821 , 3 (arr...)11)0.
0 and set; liNES' chcitp itpfl
1. X pretty ..,,,ortutent of DreSs if
• ion . want anything- fashionable, that's the. /plum
to get it, - , . •
R ,•
T have `u #tas.36ltittMg
1. 'of IV6iilot‘naijrski4'tg . itifd 'pr&vi6iiig•which
will be hold low ut '..v 114+
••: 1 •SAI/SCOPS•
,9yni! c941r4
A grilePlA Agaor4axel+ r JciPani
" eQugripsl,foi.,B?floost7,,,Alsop,,..ktt:
if 'i •. ' ••''; ''‘' :i; (
Ditiatis , ANatOitotzd c43i#0144. 1,
(Iv oat" ,
diti4ll , o l Aer kith 1;0 33 ,o;
4, 1 / 4 ~11.1 I,
~,; d i k• lot
A 24 !illusut t 1
.1 ugY 444941n64, qY
n j ugi,` ceSkii,;o"tii.:: • .
".,-; • .• ~agy is t g o ; .
1. iJ1,1.101'.. ,TRIFATRAIDOVIA , )
; SSORTMEN 1, flYeniopstieh lts
„AC), fait to plooso:thesqust, fastidious, :Call la4t
"Ari nA i rii ', o 47* . r 36ll E4o
' ' Stbeks, PoPlcot `lliirdice4:l)iefs,
Clothes''''Bruahes;' 'Woolen'
(ikoes, CbtAfortii; Muslin 'Shifts and -Slat
thltdrsi Artrielo bb (build - •
•, ,• .; • , SJIIISON'&
.4 published every.•Fehlay .livening,• in lialti
etreeti.;irt the three awry build- •
ipg, a foie doors above
ustocks Store; by.
'if paid ia'advarree or within the year „V 2 der
animal-4f not paid within the year :32
No paper discoutiaued until arrearages ate
paid—oxoept at the %mono( the Editor:Sim
gin copies 6 cents. Ale:due to notify dis•
continuancewillbe regarded as a new engage.
..4dtertilements hot exceeding a square in
serted three times for sl—every subsequent
insertion 25 cents. Longer ones in etre aeon
proportion. All advertisemeraa•Awe apeelaTly .
ordered for a given time will be 'continued nn
til forbid. A libert4 , reauciion will be I.Made
,who adverUse by the year.. , • ,
Job 44°140 of all kinds xconied :neatly
wo w ,
/44 I I 14,3 CV •,, • e.
. • ' DILUUS .& 31.EDIC1;iNE.S;::.::,:,,
A 1). BUEHLER, hits added to his former
stuck of Goods an unusuallv largo •nm
sortmen.. of Classical, SehOol tilt! Nifiedia•
g i elltlH
-- nearavvialrim.alig,
. . . • ••
embraving ill the text Itooks used in the Col.
lege, COM/Lon tit:holds, and standard !:lassie
11.41(110E4, wit. 1.1.110 I'OCIIIIL popular inibikationA,
constituting..larger assortment than ever be.
titre opened ia Gettysburg.. 41120, ,
al It cat.t . Le 21 4)4P 2ii .113 11
of all . kitois; Cap,:Let!pr l'uper, or
the best q u ality, ..V.ii)eloyes,, Gold l'ctis, oed
Pencils, keli-liuiN wiJt )tsstirt•
moot of
to which he invites .thention s • being -prepnred
to: sell to unue ;iw prices. • • - -
C. lle
has uls,• largely sinetehsed
stock of.• . •••• , ,••• ,„•
Dl'lfall nitil AlslqviDoem,
which can be relied urpii ns tliwbe ,
bet'' In the
.'-) • ' •
Li-yr-kb-augments be.s.e been effected by
wbielititiy nniek id 164 Hitt litisines`cuti be
promptly ordered from tho I
Getlysburg,,Nvy. 2, 185,. ' ' '
O . T I 0
On 7itcsday and Wedstorday, 2tith and,:29th
1 03INIENOlisleritt ,, 10 .1 01464 A, 11. i '"of
catch'; day livtenditig "to
'quit littai lICSA and remove to the
itt puillic • auction ! at his . sturii:
Pniukliit 'township, his evtiti-ntock
of STORE (1001)S. Persons tlesiritto to ,
inako•Chcap p clutbeA, , irt t Itdiy , 1.
vantuget:o cull; UK:tootle ,
initillito,dai - ni gale, ;'•L
hu orbiwitid
311i/t Orinfirri , he will.+4ll his ItV)tilrqiidifl..Anti .
Thro ielnil(llololll , A,'Ati ill, 'PIP
r. ttis bil(istomhii'etiphimrits.l4l.").tdm-,` hit thasilt):
;Ywk•,itoi'ul+kett3ua/ tte4 Afsii '
A I tenant' ca wil I }K. ,
tea emu' '11 . 61e
Ichowei,; r (~,, •
Sqvt. 211 i 1856
r41114A.' • ;Clls-Aibig. .111A.1
""' filits;/ , 111.1 h
it, ..e° l 9Pe 5114((orif,ibe, old Slund..; ,
.1-1.-F.ll{.EGlX,rom l )oattiti ly•• fornisr
foi lila: old it bietituultoic , :and ilia
Aely..TH . l;y list Ole ttoripti
iipi,' ill'. • T4li.qm.c,
I ),USINEV..-ii! him JleW
Still!.! ill South lin!nmorn
nappy imidareull
All wnrk,untrnuced"nr.lnu
~art.° W urruniutl t o lit sintl
be DI mosuotibillsitttial .ffinke,
fnr past, fuvoro,. ImUolicito wcontinuuneu'n
publip Trilronugi.
fi slllolVS'ity3 1 . 044 ed; , 'Cull
t . ,
‘,2 i les: north-west friain. Phi ladel,-
phis, near • Norri,itown, Pat., Will be "ope n
for OIJNG',IIEN•na;d IiOYS aboyd 14 tears
or age, frionOetober 1, "KM', till'.llll4 1. 85T.
The•site is healthful; the saarrotandhag prosrot
exceedingly beautitltlr the ''necenlanodattionta
autlicitint tbr '140.' boarders antt 2QII ,students,_
and the tam s .not• exorbittint:''' The range' lir
ftraitsl46, lho . 'le+ l m4 ll . 4 6tPitiltlied
n td ithlb,..'rand'everyreaxonable Li nSiifle
to.proinote the 0314.0, intelleitnal and moral
welfare of the% A (Jim:afar will be
Hear to order, with inarticiallarra 'unit referenced
if desired. SAMUEI2 AAR)N,
N urrista:a wn, Ps,.
-,! Aug. :211; 11856.-4m:-
,untieraignecl , would respectfully r u t.'
tununie to, the tizens of Oettysl•Org, thht
heltni,openeil a Provision Hmide .in the room
ferreerl,F, Nr,'J..l..l3rinkorkir in
I.4l4illlQre:struek ne:irly..opposite the Star Of ;
ticy, where ha ,will 11,.ve constantly. on hand.,
Floe :Feed, Oroeeries, ~Butter, Eggs, Lard, I
Owes!), Ptoottoee,',. Apples,
,ecuit of All kied4o " '"
; . ' , r•IVAL • REEV.EI3:
16,56.1 y
11 4 1 " ' RIBA (30;' 112 0 9 '13111 ti
25 do Saliva. 20 du 4 , i, Ann,. 2(1 c'll6l'
fired • • l anal 1'
cellp )t.
NPF; 2 I§o4. • •• ~' 1
, ( • i• 711^^.
G EORGE and 14 egsrp. Wtuninnt
/wu' s tiNti IMO pptr in)
. • 14
vile some low. for caul: or 4... minim pre
tlngc, n and n 9., tithers , veigliing
now& Barns. eltm. spouted; *wad
,do.."7o!tp.givt t haw. F. , • V • t
, Ve: l 'l4E, WAIMPLCR:
114 - , Flrosto•
r; P ‘• .; t
F goi blii 7 A .roont.,,a,,tt
iaitiol6l3EB 5T0.11.E..\ - '-iei lie orritege,-
.n'entift4 hod
,'• I JOHN, d e lt•
.•"3114 , 2, 'lB5O. • ••• k
±" - t - - r"T` • „. . — 777
• • • .
, reli tio? . eih
-vii .11 l'riviete - $414, en
reemoioutile tehttd,''theiPAßM.oll' - l i
utesot fi.aP tette fa-can the
Miller:1101W - ce.'dtarttieg
Ardivet‘c•kii .•
,'• net toild; tife Fuxin i% / ill•be'fcce'llEN'T.
/441- terms apply to J. N. .141.713.iit'r,
-bept •.
SAN, .SQN!S...;
, fake to
Tr Asneimora elected :At the last. Spring
ehietiint are ilete6y'notified to attend ay
the ComtuigsWner'x the Borough , of
(.;eitysbutg,:fo'reedivO 'lll,ink*.gUai;sitnont.
Oeutibt,'nnd flee ibeeett3ni-'y innttnetians it P.I.
Ah4sgors, for Vtaiiu,' 4 3onowago;
llet~rtek, Oxf rtl,' '2ll oun t
idernonit; Gentitany i Striilk'und ldountjoy,.
will.tittend on Wednesiitty Mel:Wiz ()ciol er
sex(, nnd the A NSeb - sor3 fortilteaorimgh, C
'Fteedoin,. Libortt., A nn ,
okl in, Butler, .llenel tyrone, .11 . 41k q r i g .
tonild T.atimote, navial 011 T iturs d a
October 16, 18:16.
BY otderof CitmarniBsianer,
Sept. 19, /856,
cair.x.4lth realtsEnT. •
Illea•s l zurwerj• :;ooptkpilfa ip {he seal Of
•A= 'Rettl y v/Iyire tbe varionB kinds of
FRUIT • .LREF:S• Oro cultivated and for sale
• • • • . I ).44 l .PrArriegchr•
Sdl). 5, "1866::6t
VIARASOLSSt 17141*11 , 4N . Tonfii—i:lacrlcs
(1114/7K," ,
it ey „Goods,
' ..rtriet
()PIIIZATB by - their Pnwerfol infliteswe en the
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimit.
late it 'lnto healthy action. 'fbey remote the.
obstructions or the stomach, bowels, liver, and other
nrganit of the body, and, by retuning their ill-email' '•
action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such
derangements 64 are the first enures of disease.
An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors,
Physidamt, and Patients, hos shown cures nf dans
gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by persons of such 'exalted positiOn
and oharseferne to forbid the surpleion of untruth, '
Their certificates are published in my Ameelesn'
Almninact,which the Agents below timed ore
pleased trt fattish free to all dnquiring.
, Atmore& we give Directions for their nee in the
eompleints which they hare been found to Min.."
k 'Pon Coetnrewsite.— Take one or two' NUS,or i
snob quantity as to gentle MOTO' the bowels, Gus.
tiveneout is frequently the aggravating ,cause of
PlI4/1, and the cure of ono complaint is the cum,
of both. No person, con feel well while under 4
costiie habit of body. Bence /It should be, its It
can be, promptly relieved. • • • •
i molt DTIPRPRIA. which it sometimes the calms
ri:Cariirilliett, nod always VOCOMfOrtlilde, takernild'
doves—from ono to four— to stimulate the stomach
arid : liver into healthy action: They will do it, and
the henrannir. hodybints, and saulbura of dyspepsia •
will rapidly disappear.. 'When it has gone, don't
foiget what cured you. „ . . • .
/Or 6 FOVL bTUNIACH, or Morbid hursion of v
Produces gtmemi depression of th e
spirits and bad hrulth: take from four to eight Pills
at first, and smaller doses afterwards until sotirity •
and, ktrangth is restored tn thr syste m.;
Fon Neuvoreftges, flicffkana,critg, Norsus,
Pain in'the . Momach, Back," or Side, take from font
to eight pills On going to bed. If that ddnnt epee.'
lite sufficiently, take more the next day until- they •
do. t,These complaints will be ewspt out from the
system... Don't, wear, these rod ,their kindred die.
orders because,yoor stomach is foul. ..
Fon Settnent, Eirrareiras, and all niiefuss
of the Skin, take the•Pille•freely and frequently, to
keep the hinvola ()nen.. The eruptions will goner..
ally soon begin. ty,diminfsh end ,disappear, • Marty
dreadful ulcers and sores hate been healed up by
theintruing oriel porlfring rtfect of these Pills, and
some disgusting 'dieOiiScs Whielt seemed tit Saturate
the whole sestem.hurcreomplotely yieldivi their
influence,• foaming , the ,entforer In perfect health,.
PAtients I ,your duty to, bark-al. forbids that yqu,,
should Oracle iottraelf' around tite • 'ell euvettal '
with Pimples; blrifrbc , f;• ulcers;
Shies,' rind all 'or'sny
of the unclean disettice of the because your.
system wants cleansing.,. • .• • . • • ••,
To F,ITRIFT. The tiLOOD, they are the best wadi.
mine over disenyerctl. They shoo be taken freely
end frequMitly, and the impurities 'which sow this'
settle of itiediable diseases will be swept out of the"-
system like chaff before" the wind... By this property
they dotes much good in preventing ,sielinees an by
' the retunrknide cures which they are peaking every.
'l,lVl{lt CIThitAINT,' . XAI:I , IIIICII. 'rind nit billow
A f fectioris; arise from seine derungentettt-- either
torpidity, , oongestion, or obstruetions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render
it unfit for digestion. 'This]: 'digestions, to the
health; and the ecinitittition is Ireqiiently under;
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the amp.:
torn. Obstruction of thw duct which, empties the
bile into the stomach, reuses the bile to overflow
into, the blood. This ; produces Jaundice, with a
long' and dangerous trait' of evils; COstiveness, or
alternately'' costiveness end diarrhoea, prevails,
Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness. and melancholy, with sometimes in
ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness;
sometimes there is severe pain in the side; 'the skits
and the white of the eves beentne a greenish yellow;
the stomach acid.' the bowels sore to • the touch;.
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever,
width-may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious
diarrhoea. dysentery, &c., A medium dose of three
or four Pills taken at nigt, followed by two or three
in the morning, and repeated t few days,will remove
the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer
such pains when you can cure them for 25 cents.
rtIIEIMATIP3t, Gour, Gifu/ Liflommaigry Fe
vers, are rapidly, cured by the libilfying elfechi of
t h ese Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which
they afford to the vital principal of Life. For these
and all kindred complaints they should be taken in
mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely.
As a DiNNau Pm., this is both agreeable and
useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take,
and cattail& none has been made more effectual to
the purpose 'for,which a dinner pill ficemplayed.
DR. .1 AVER ar.
Praotioal and Analytical ; Mambas,
c? Sale lry, it, D. BUEHLER, anp
Druggists genprnity.
ttAllUitlL IVENVl O .Wharin g titusitivi - nitn
A:7. Welt' with an entire' new and tostlvappit. ,
futtiV;ia unii , prertqlixi furnish •
pu, . ,
ill +WWI style of tbe•art:. war
vapt to litre ntuire eatistitetion. !wig
porienoe awl superior apparatus
ruuttt~essildunt'laruishetl by Dattuerretut
tublisithNeuts. mut Of the city..., has A large.
aim bur er specimens at his 'Gallery,: ~1 Chear
iterabutu•street, whiclt the'publie..ure requestad
to•rall and exauaine.
.fib A3tutiges from 50 aunts ha sl9t-: Hoare
or operating from, A. ld 40 4 1 1 ::.M. Cold
Ltie4roA, Ilrmuttpins, 'sultana for miniatures,
always anitandl, ntthe very tu:trtnit.
llikirem will nut be talent tot' lad* thou
S4itr,•A3lßLOT).r.PES,lt'ik,en itt, Vest style.
tillfflAtt_VOA NS
12111CA3,%, iShe.
1;114 1 1kNIJEL EGLER hes ..jnet yr
turned r - lite•nity with file largest
Int •or 'GROUERIES lee. taw ever house
.openeti, he. invites tile attention.
nt•iti o centvineeti that'ee can offer . RbRE
BARG/UN& k . He Aras also at fine Int o
I.l4,Txri,' , s,houldiers." & c . Shad
• Mackerel and , .Herrings,
,11.tinkons, Rankine, 1. kV. Detre.
Atitikenle. Nola , Centiles of all kWh'. To°
lokkkosh k • Situff r Browns. Brushes.
131kkekiti, with. st. general aseatrieurni est
varlet/ gnevile,o Giveats'e eell ff you went
to key chup'asill genet—e4trxt dour to the
"Saar' ales, Beltiennte Streer.' '
T ETTETiS of . Adt talatratioa haring Leew
granted la the aaba'olbari,„rtiajt!iair it 4
Peterabutv, (X. 5.,) Ada a 34 roe aty ! mithu
thus . 9e 1Y,11014 . 14 1 `il A14%4 OEI3. 4c5e 014 .
late of the satae place. th'irr hertby . gtte u"
tier to alt persona,tadebted to cdtid Unto
to trialse iteroadiate piling and those hitr
ing claims or demand' itgM , llBl V . itooe; us
the deeAaard l4v
witltout delay.
J. A. a &Amp, A 4 0 ,74
J...w. G4liy;igilrft it
' 'For. Nage:
6twvc1 , 1044 1 44 91 11
45ii1.14 4 44 . 0 r
V; 4.!