11.Y..4DA BUEBTAILL 1 1_ FIRP;OS,PI.I.g.f.E.I..OMEIN.L • AT a ineetin ming ts of the Atliftrui county:lanais] Fire lioutrance etaiiptiay, Seta, !tc,185(14 folio wii4 Report, of 0417 op. vieggiPaPJAktritis m die gnat year, was submitted y tho , Executive Comitteii, iidiipteb`by Ito IttiariVatici l iirdered to bo pub.. ou aunt of Cash and Notes on, hands , - at last pettlettlentlS9t. 1;1855, 11115 851 ni Cash Premiuti received the , 745 28 Cesh Interest received lin Notes, ! , 84 49,1 „r !.„,. $2 . 546 IN =MEI Ctrs!' year; tut per - 1 •'l'reaearer's Report' ;: ;- $7B Cash paid,Treasurer ,Snlary,, ,15 John Knopp, for loss by fire., 1 " U Joh nein hartc " " 3 Ntites ontstanding, bennng interest, 1938 teshin hands of l'ritasurer, 509 Amount of Property insured as , . per. last Itepott, $664,126 66 Amount of Property insured du ing the your, Surrendered during the Year, • 511,967 00 14pired during yw, 50,023 31-70,090 31 Ammons, of Preolium Notee as per last iteport, $38,551 48 iwoun(orPlenlium Notes token duriiig'the year, 14,988 96 453,540 44 Surrendered during the year,l67o 74 Espired during year, 1,525 21 2,195 95 Number Polieiesaa per lam Report, 525 " " issued during yeur, 152 But:rendered and' Expired, Policies now in force, , AVAILABLE FUNDS OF TILE COAL PAN Y. invctted, {dotes,) in llu& tifTrco-surei Premium' Notes uncollected, . _ Sop:. 414418.56.-U 1 / 4 CLECTISIMiII FOEURV. FIR 11. , The lasaa . elts le Nut 86604 .• ..7 . - 1 fir'•When'ihe rriiiiii, of Buchanan, save 'reflaunilersigned, having entered into . , ; .. •., . :. .. =, .:,.. •-•.- . • , • ~ ~,,, . •,R,‘,,,, i c y b . ; the Beetling Journal,- call . she uppontniu i piquirithip to divvy 0 the . Ont it ! :gismos .tinder , the firin.of , WARREN &.- l of ,Slavery Ex tension, "Abolitionish."' SONS, thereby iniake'•known 'to the ciii- I .thev LIE, and they know it. The time • 1. acme el Adams and Adjointog counties, , has,gone by when the cry of ' , mad dog" W are' repared to make every thing ! can be used to keep rogues in office. The! in our line of business., We have con- • stmitly on hand; the 'HATHAWAY and / opponeide of Buchanan are no Abolition .other • ists. That faction has its candidate for COOKING %TOITE%, I the Presidency—Gorritt Smith—and they the Parlor airtight, end nine plate Stoves. , will Hopper!, him, or Mr. Buchanan. fre of various styles end sizes, .Pula, Kettles' ale willing to let Slavery remain where and Pans. , and all other Iron. Cooking . . • Uteneils,. Wattle irons, W ash ing IVlkehilies, ti es. We seek, not to disturb it. We Ash : Owes, Boot scrapers, •itc. Citstines :say to the South, you shall bo protected in for Mills, and other Madhinery:'PLOUGH , the rights which the Constitution, gives CASTINGS of every description; k-c'. , you, and breed, and buy. and sell slaves' 'We make the Seylor, Blocher, and differ- ; as you please. But when your ruffians' . . en{; kinds el Wltherore Ploughs. We litivelilte got different patterns of . i att em pt to force elavety' into Kansas ; 1 i ' PENCING & RAILING. ' i when they determine to extend it over the for Cemeteries, Yards and Porches, which whole unocupied territory' of the country, . . , cen't 'he beat'forheauty or cheapness. . and thus crowd out free labor, that is a ' 111Cekli this above article"' will be •solili nother matter, and a lt houg h the so-culle d cheep for Cash tr. Country P I - r " c° ' i Deniecratic party of th e North are willing 1r. ,,, reLACKSMITHING atilt con-1 . inuedc. • to do your dirty work to gain your votes , BRASS CASTINGS and every thing ; there are free men in the North who will , in, our line made to order. ' ; not c i,, i t. TO.ES'HINO IifdICHINES repair ed at shortest ' , Ace'. Being , Moulders (minivan, west AI 'do our work Kuntz. -• THOMAS WARKMN, • • •,, - • '. MA RTIN .WARREN, ' ' •,. , GlitAM WARRIW, THOMAS A. WARREN. , I • Gettysburg, May I, 1855....:41 ..._ _. Geltysbarg Female Seminary, REDEOCA REYNOLDS BYRTER.' TillUS Institution having now passed 'into the hands or Mrs. R. R. EYffiER, ed bj• her htlaband, the Rev. D. - lilYits'Ett, A. M., will comfitencelho Full term on the /burth Monday of Scuternber iSept. 22, , 1856.) The stadiee pursued ut, this Institution eitc brace all those bianehei of tbe Mental, Moral and Natural eieuces usually taught in any of oar Female Academies or Collegeaof Ihe first .'order, together, with the, Latin , . French 'llBd Ciermatrl.tnguages, Music and Bra:wing: As the Institution is designed tcitie s. Board ing as well as a Day Rchool,' the' , Priueipals are propel:ell to receive Young luulies from a distance inte'Llidhilutaily4i aid parents and ~guattliaue; assured that „every ar rangement WAI be made['dr; dicii`d6taroft. " The' RA" refi dere oit 4 , and ibtelligen re of the.cotnmunity, together with the reanarktv /de sula,brity, ot:ita.,liftttr,contriliutto mike (104114jorg a locahoia peculiarly well adapted for an ,Ito4iiittrini ' stediem, and seta euopa r see circular, or inquirer Oldie Frill • ;". : • • • . 4431 1 ..raick4; )551.,=-4f '' '' ''loght• TeectsfersiWanted. 1)11 gg s F Y;ool.D.fivi 'dili.. of butnberland town. • ''.' : 'lthip.itill , ineef.a.'lhe hOuse of Bot.touV , litttVi:it,' (Atty.lborg, ',bre Saructitty the 184 da!PotOctittft n.l x V.' he 10 tAlaelc, , A. Af.,10 •employ l'eachers for the Schools ofsaids twill .; (4hiltr ti I • 11. , ', t a •• , . 1 • • • , ' E ts he Ciionty Stiperitiie'rUlent'aill' be pre •!}h'iletWeittuiiii`ta6plictinti. ,‘: .. ,'; ; .1 I. etsl.:449w.r tul • ..- ~1,401;P813.441V.4, 3.1 EPPR 4 . 4';'.•771. . ~... . . , . ; ' :aiatzemou , s wear ! . CLOTHS, gassiTera,'Veatings, arid Abairla, vv $ largo aupplry,:to whirl the attrntlarCof ii , itiPitpdav•ifyotrdasira to ave, monist buy IfAt I • ^ FAHNESTOCKS. *stilt ADIXd,,-.-DO you wani apretty dress, lofn• XI acme shail, or any new atyle ribbOne, ar ticles in our final' it eb'yolienn' fid..the ia• vitratiftt miIf 4 IPV:i.ZIPEaMPs. 9 .7 • !. •." . - 0 • ifiii=;B=Ml t B STIR IND BINNED. 44tite ' CETITITS3URC. • . Fri ay, +venn 77 & Oc t 11, IF 6.. hope we tnay find soma means 'in future tf shielding ourselves froM Foreign-influence, political, commercial, or in whatever form it ay be attempted. wish there, wero an eean of fire between this and the old world.— fdPrson. OUR CANDIDATES. FOR rrasuanr. JOAN CHARLES FREMONT. FOR VIOR PREPFDERT, IVILLIIM L. DITTON. $2546 62' 200,1;07 98 $864,734 54 Vulva Stale autitCounly Ticket. CANAI. THOMAS E. CuCIIRA.N of York, (Whig.) A GENERAL. DARWIN PHELP of nrinstrong, (Amer.) Sußvritoit UENBRAL li. LAPORTE, of Bradford, (Republican.) CONGRESS, JOSEPH PIIMROY. • RENATOR. WASH INGTON CROOKS. ASSOCIATE JOOOEB. DAVID HORNER WILLIAM R. STEWART. tineDinr.Y. JOHN HESSELMAN. COMMISSIONER. PETER M ICKEE 1 7 ; (of Daniel.) DIRECTOR OF THE POOR. , JOSEPH KEPNER. SURVEYOR. ' JACOB DIEHL. $793,744 23 551,344 49 ' 027 $1,9850 509 901 48,805 77 AUDITOR. BERNARD BELDEBRAND. in*TRICT ATTORNEY. . WILLIAM, B. MeCLELLAN. Southern tricolor° Sentiment. ii r' Hon. Letvrenee 31. Keitt, a mem o( Congress from South Carolina, and a warm tupporter'of James Buchanan,' de: livered a speeth week before last in Lynch. , burg., Va., in which this passage occorti : "I am as much a lover of the Constitu tion at any man, but when you, ask me to luve,tbe Unioti, when my constituents are not equal to the men who catch coti.fish— when you ask we to love the Milo° in Which the gallant sons of Virginia, the' de-1 soenclants of Washington ,Jefferson Mad iiton,!Alonroop and other distinguished men of the old school—when the gallant eons of Virginia are.tict the pour, crasy constit uencies of Giddings and others of that instep, God help me, I am against the Union. I want no grappling at the same cards with those fellows whose hands are •gieased with black:grease. 1 been as much it friend to the Union as any man. I atu now ; 'out I never will admit that they aro lour superiors. I love the Union to rireasouublo extent ; trust none of you,lnve it any .ttiore f" but, when I am caked to. put my constituents, under ;he feul i tlemination of, 'such net of Meek r i rrne4 l . l l B Greely,,Suinner, Seward, Wil son Chase 'anti Giddings , all, , 1 have to say in, constituenta'subm it, lei Thfs is, the tone Southern ionsofoon:lead: era assume notof devotion to the•gnion," or of . tlitinetsumity of , its preservation; bUt of deep attachment, to. ' , Southern., and to the, Oonstitution as they under stand it. Southern Looofocus love the Union to a reaspeable.exient"—no more. How them citn„the.triumph of the, South ern sectional candidate,' Buckauliu,st rength. en tbs.:Union f Ititruth it , would great. , ly weaken it ;.• foi it would keep hi power and placer and countenance such , fellows ab Kehl; 'QuttruM 'Davis, Soule • and Rhea, velto" are doing all 'in their power to create an intense Southern feel ing antagonistic to that: inform ~ U nion" feeling which patriots Oosid have, but to which Southern Buetuuma =Et lay no . E T TYS R F 1D: E B (.1 CI 0 IkEsil-iti0.,18443.,1 I claim witalever. Let the people iIN It lie , tense people how they give encouragement, to Southern ..,. I. In — l 330, Mr. Such/man iMiiporlell it' ... , .. plotters by electing theirlaviitite candidate. . bill to prohibit the greelation,ot Abolition James 'lluchana n* ,:tti,. :the Itigitest officol . 2; In the al . aitte noiiers thrnogh the inaili. ,: • , •• ~ . ear he proposed and I - within their gift: ,- ', . . '.. voted liietho atheist on tit Arktmeas. , - ' r Mr lFlllmpregio ?million. 3. In 1330-1. h &Unuttered and voted KrFor•)ii. l lhlinteiti w e s 4 ei 'l. 0 - y • ever) Att ', • respect and cannot behave he wih tend liituselfah r aidlin bird He is, we think, too honest to4.'et candidate fee an office not with a hope otsuceess but io defiiat a rival. This is the position, how ever, that is assigned him by the Wash ington Organ the loading. Fillmore. or gan "Were the conservative national Amer ican party to withdraw from the contest, a schuotboy, who has learned addition and subtractiou, could in one moment deduct 120 from 206, and show' Fremont!is vote to be 176, and his majority over Buchan an to be fifiy-six votes." Now we ask any candid friend of Mr. Fillmore in the North if hi iolorth to is aware of the position assigned him by this Sopth 7 ern Fillmore organ, and if he is a friend of freedom will he nor consider it his 'duty to oppose Inch a pioject. If, however, you support Mr. Fillmore in the belief that he will ho elected, then we can justify your course as limiest citizens, but, for free dom's rake, don't lend your votes to di. vide and distract . the Northern majority iu favor of tree soil and free homes, and elect James Buchanan, with slavery, war and eztravagam* in his train. • OZ7' The religious sentiment of this (-pun try was never called out in any political conteSt. as it is in the one now before . ;the people. It is making itself felt; sod there are irresistible reasons why it should. Flo so. There never was a time, perhaps..iu any country, when so' bold an attempt rte made to ignore the plainest teachings; of the Christian religion, as is done at this titan hy : the party supportiniMr. Buchan au and Mr. Buchanan himself has avroW• I ad doctrines which strike at the very foUn- Alation of Christian itintitutienn. We qan well see, with IlMse facts before lIA, why the Christian - ieritinnut. of the -country should bo opposed to Mr. Buchumni ; but we ennuot reO how ,any, rum prples4ing to . 1 be.,soiowii•d ;ej'= tiese tAiiiilielV I religiuni i awl ipCCI:I:t 11), his inrfessirms, car! give-his I support to the piratical, slarcry.extending, ' polygamy encouragiug; policy which looms 1 up like a mountain in the political position of Mr. BUchanan. We would like to see the man wh.i suppqris these principles, kneel before his tnaker)io ask a hlessingon his efforts. It seems to us that the con. sciousuess of his own hypocrisy would strike Lim dumb. Pa The "popular so vercipty" doelvin e some time since bald by the Locos, but not non' advanced any more by their lend era, we have frequently shown to be a "de lusion and a snare." Gov Hetulin, in a speech at Philadelphia, on Alonday, in re viewing the Cincinnati platform, put t h e absurdity of this doctrine iu a very strons , light. Ho said "The next resolution says, the people of the territory may permit or reject slavery when they shall inve a ' , efficient number of settlers, and meet to form a constitution. This appears very plausible, but what, be comes of the territory before these events take place—it may bo 'filled with slavesand• foluveholders. Well, you are in favor of die Kansas-Nebratka 'bill, because you here been told that it will give to the peo ple the right to govern themselves. "You belong to the territories? how do you like ' your governor ? In what manner did you elect hint ?" "Well, to tell the truth, we did not elect him at all ; Mr. Pierce op. pointed Mr. Reeder to.govern ue, but be soon left." "Ali ! yes, he had a little too much of the old Jefferson. Democracy in hitn: You elected then Mr. Shannon "No, I sintet know that we elected hint ; he alto was sent to us." " Well. you elected your judges ?" "No. not exactly; M. Pierce was 'kind enough to amid us our judges, and among them a Chief JUstice almost as good us Jeffries."" Well, you have elected your Marshall and other. 'air ihorities of coarse ?" "No, to tell you the truth we had nothing to do with the elec tion of any of the officers, nor with the management of any of our affairs." Approving: orlhe • gePt The Ciiminnati Convention which nom inated James Buchanan for . the : 'Preside& cy, edepted . the following resell:lien: thus approving of the scenes of violence, rob beryv rapine, and murder in Kansas, which Pier*, has sanctioned and aplioVed by redoing ittAdanything eo auppress tbetn,• or to bring any of the'perpetrateis to jus' tich'; and by his din declaratioite: Beiolved,, Thai t h e AdMinistration of Fraititliti Pierce has been true tothe Democratic principle', and therefore true to the great interests of the country ; in the faco ni violent opposition he has main tained the laws at home, and therefore we proclaiin fcrOUß' UNQALIFIED ADMIRATION OF Ills MEASURES AND POLICY." • • John M. Botta and Henry Winter Davis ere bath boldly advociatiog free speech in Virginia. - They exerriae the Buebonen men terribly. and . the Rzylnif ntr. the Buchanan organ. think64lo4a should be Indictedflor treason ciFEARIES /ANA very in the Distrlipt fJntumina. , 4,; In 1839 !mann for 4r. Calhoun', Ninon' Reaolutiona,: , pfitting tho rights of the States and the 1141 co Fedraf authoc, ity; and spitting it Ai bethe duty of the Gooempyruipprotecti, cuitimhofa the in. apiutioni ilAe .5 4 (haft," 6,' 10,1838—i6 iinl,4o" e • invariaily voted' with Southern Seniors, :.against . the consideration olanti-shoOry petitions.) 8. In 1844. 7 -5 hp asiv•anaads and v°tea . . I for. Telse i• the anneisti of 7. In 1847, he austainet:the Clayton Compromise. - r.,::,.' • 1 -- 8. In I - 850, he proPoietl id lurged t he extension sit the Mussouii Cloprosnis e 1 0 oho Pacific Ocean. ' ' i - ' • • •-, • f 1). But he proinpily actin seed in the I Compromise of '5O, .and,ent ityrthill his' . . . influenee in favor of ilmfaitl ul executim Di the Fugitive Slave low. 1 10. In 1851, he renionstii l d against an enactment of the Penh;; Legisla nue fur obstructing the arre4 and return of Fugitive Slaves. 11. 1854, he negntiatB6 pr the aequi. anion of Ohba 7 -(till'ormg• fioo.ooo,ooo for it.—Ed of O. B.) - 12'. In 1856, lie approties If .the repeal of the Allissoari resirtetion. Ind sapporr.r . the 'principles of Me.. Viii:sits! Nebraska with 13. Ho never g‘ve a we against the interests of slavery, and sue r uttered a word which could piiiir . iie oat yeniiitive Southern heart.--Thch. Eft I liter, Buck amass Paper. - $ , 1i - 1 , The Dltrerehte• , serMr. Buohinnues file:i. of nation; I govornmout are as fpilewe ;. "Gentlemen, two weektoinee I shnul 1 have niade you a longer Spech, but now a have been'Oaced upon 'pliform of wliftA I most heartily Sp ' ero e od that I•en 'Sn ppenk for we. ug be opresentelixe of the great Demforatie ar • AND' NO'l` SIMPLY JAMES U lANAN, I -MUST SQUARE MCOI DUCT AC CORDING TO THE biIrFORNI OF .TIIA.T PARTY. jimi'l dr l Io new plank, nor joke One from l. 1 , f, piscluiin 1 ;s loOpieolly,'brpsd, aptli,i !appal for ; rtlto i wii Il) - - ._ ~, e. tnocrayhipartYl' ~. : t• -,,, •,,. ~,?%; r::' Mi.. Preinont days l ''''';'6tititteure,, I -th liii. i ii:tiii.L'4 ln! ,, ('friendly call, itied ant le o iceeffic ibis 1 1,, Y t ~ , . enthumeastie expreseeio4 0 your' fie nitwit to the cause fu which ie eng,tged.: ,Thu entleusiteaue ,youleacquenifeatN, itc . d, i 41 , 0 . k so ‘ undneel of the,caeleo i whieit it„isde reeted, give nia ,grew cafedeoce . .i ''' "your final add complete sueeci. 'lf I . ithe'Clec ted to the high office toe wheelie your-par thility has nowileated is I :will .endeavor to adoieeister the Govelowat, AC'COlt,- VINO TO TOE Tin!:' SPITtI 4 I' OF THE 1 ONSTITUTIthi as it wasietter preted by the greets enetwie a framed 'and adopted it, and in such i wily nit to pre. serve both Liberty and XII ion." Brook The Columbia AS'ouili Carolinian pub lished a *perch by din tlia.in from which we, make .the following at.rants as indica tive of the treasonable. ail Ll.PV.fig p ro . penalties of " tun cent J iipty's" suppor ters : '• As to,my ptwitinn..lo.7 . How as wait en 1851. a co.;operglatii DISUN/102V -IST I I think it' bestio dies.ilve the Government tinder whin we now live. Hut in doing this there f a difference of opinion as io the merman) be' employed. I believe that something (s due mar sister Southern States, who awe the same in. terests at stake as we—';nit we rfilionld be prepared to :lei with dna and wait .on them. an that we may et4iptrate in the disenlimon of this .1/AVIDLY diCCV;II- I) UNION. , " Mr. Buchanan. our e‘ii.lifiate, is an able, dignified and conatirialive.atatesunirti, and 1 am assured that. it!. cried, he will be Thithful to .the South Moreover. we should• support, him, bet. um be, stands pledged to a platforM ineiplea which commands the approbsiis •oI every, t,rrus 'Sottikerner: ' '• ' "•' **Soon the 'great gueiti deney will be settled, mad Alnatil.ty 'l. November found that Fremont is el 4 is plate. It is my delibe we Mewl() 'on. thi! .4th•' march to Washington, et ni. the , Governuum RO URY, and leave the coney ... , . Ifir•The loot loteofoco rick, to get op lan American demonewar n,` in ehiladel phia, against the Union § to Ticket haa proved a most disastro failure. Tne thing wall'.‘tempteil on 'i i iieriday evening of fast week. . lion Lew} G. *Levin be ing Abe. tool or infant ineniof 'the: finche iiiers2,tooccomplish the esilt. .T 9 the' honor of the American party- be it said that theyl set, their ;faces- povnimously.. •a gainst the movement. ,e.vin end , his co-- ailjui ors i 'uferes hooted - if I P In , r the hail,— They were not permited tease the Amer jean party for rot base e•purpose,, ...The lmeolocos were beatilqulb? Ifoils4-:. , -.. •. 'twat Pioarrk.--Tkere is a' lawyei doive East: tier'excessivell homitat• that- he puta all him. tioweritota cut every 59 dotyruipqd is he that evemthing shalt, have its ileto Education is the 'AIM of civilisation; and u its liB>ii PeauWes iho dark reue4Bo of barba rism the scales fall from the eyes of the idols= ter.and he throw s .cy aw ay his idols,and arias' lip thAlioNfta! -9fartan• • • t.fti 1 1 IA 1.1 Samuel. D. Ingham .fur,Frumont.4 LOtiter &One' tiltstsillsor ,Jcillek— , • , ston'sCablissit. 110°'3 very large Fe# enthusiast le mini; i iog cone off at the RePublicau 1 4 12( . 1 31 1 °r ters'in Philedelpbia, qn Illoeosy lleutynsimmu "as 0e11461,t0 the ~Chaird ; , ; 1 3 . 4 lion, Charles Oihboel owed to All. , mooting cunt. Hop, Samuel . 1).1,14101tim,1 formerly p. tueober of Gott. 7 feeketeee,Cabt moot, who had betill itivitett to, mhiress, them, Lied replie*tecl,hatjevitadoti its.it 'otter Ye. pecliating.the false peen/et:soy ,ot,the•thiy, and musteinieg ;the plinuiptcs Aucl coth dates of thu pttrty. The, gun of air._ foghere read the ;letter, as followaq TRENTON, Sophouher 24186 k CIIARLEB GIBBON/3i El , Chakinati•Riintblicim:l3tate anttniitte. DEAR 'Silt have' duly 'reeetVed pure Of the 'l7th lost.; inviting my :Alen*, dance et a, Kepuhliean, meeting ill ^Hi J r delphia ou Mooday evening next, or,if cannot, be present, tenant! you ntior WOrds °ten eon ragemeht. to t 1 71 W Who are' litatir: lug to promote the return .of:the Federal, Goveroment to the principles of Washiug e .l ton and'Jefferwin. inflrmitiiia - of lige will prevent My!'enttiplialieo.with' the:for mer part of ; the :retittest.r.und • b o,tioub t weaken the force, of uny tempt.tp notnply I wnh the latter. any I have long ceased' to take any atitiie pfri't to political affairs, yeti ur the 'momentous issues 'now presented, I should be unfaithful to:the dictates of my judgment,.and tho conscien. LiOUS Coal9 , lCtlepa of q , , soietttl- , +duty, if I withheld my aid that, be , thought 11.4eful in the trial of tire great cause pow beforellie :Ode' atleis. tore termed'and ltrstiituitio'l to Aid . litie of the beat govern tnetits iknovitt• the'werld, and it has:pleased' Alatiglity,(„inci to 'bless ,this uutiouapparonily more ? than soy oth er ; !‘ we aretharefOrtr''b'outitl the meet orderen t ions AA they.ltave*4nen hooded to us, and resist, on the threshold ov ary, tat- tempt to interpolate on the setthAl consti tution, of our-political charter false! or oor ruptir.g doctrines and Ou ore side, of tbegreitt isstiebeforo Ile ,the'rlght - to slaves in all the mint°. ries o ftire United States is elitithed hy vir tue of :the , lOotratitutiotr.'ilf , ' the'United :Oates. This elide' 'Slag IS 'OOIIStrIRII4VO •ppWSC7ApPIOSSiki lO-o',Thttowitis, an incidental powers nor in , the , ; ohnis; those necessary and proper for the °semi. tion.or the graotbd'poWer, tier' hive Ifs focates perstanid in - ati•atterupt to 'derive it from •an expressed;' moaning of, the coostiturion. r: They SAW clearly-that .this would ba impossible, ,and have flow 'rested their claim! on: a alrigei Inw," , eiidt;avoring - to' prove that "Slavery is lite Into-mei . cutitliii.to of the kibbrink, mon, strhether ,whitc or black t'' and us is tieeetry ,cori!lary from th probletn,they deduce . .that the great erd of, Ntlrtherti free Society, is that it is burdened with rerbile - aet. of -mechanic/ cud `laboriis; un. fit.for self-government matter and slave their , relation in 'society,. as fleetetearY de that o( parent and ehtid, pod the . Northern States wilt yet have to , introduce ; their theory Of self-goye'rnincht is a 4.leitt• Such are'the doctrines and !prin. eiplea sow at work undermining the very foundation of a political system devised by some of the ,hest ,and wisest , wren the world has ever seen . ; in promote and se. cure' the happiness, of all witbiu its dutuial will. not insult yt)isr understandinglby intimating dm other Fide of, i chu, nrouniont in this great cause ; it is familiar to The whole doctrine crf frsedmit, is de'di t ed in the poliiicutlitt•tittetions of-free States, ialninlee•on a sentiment tact cc4turnstio argumeat to suppwrt ; but tlsere.are nth. er Meatiest:al fssues which are el Mit loss priciirtdimporiance than the *hairnet. &ie= winos above referred to. Itafiwo Nib el6o. non otPresideurPierco, the great viumnion which hati so arm' threatened- to disturb the harunirly. ottito 4tnericna, people, was nettled satisfainurily to a largo majority hi, them. North arid 'South. Nathan:a Can: ventiuna of. both the great ' didip couvenciltbeforn.:that elrotion, Ihad solemnly pledged theirvoustituoncvngaittvt I all fin erre agitation of the slavery questinn, The Presidential ,elcutian of 1.85i-mut 'placed on this foutidatiMi by both'iniities'i and thirpresent Chief Igagititrate-tista'sie cially, chosen .uuder: , itillyenco of this .iinpsoie*eolopact, 9uil acovraance , ther,e, with, when about, to. nialto his appoot. to' GOil, is a witness to the sinettrity,r this 'Oa% 'of 'fide li ty 'ilia ^trust; lie pledged himself to the whole American people that his power wetild Jft.tf..,a'ertind tolirevent further agitatiiia on this diatrectia.g and dangerousleeetiOn. Catiany one•conceire ittu •pleage' snore 'sokintn. or that • could klitive been , lands woreirteveeably binding .4 ban this, voluntarily sgresid tupost lay sit ,perkiesottnj nuiveraally approved tits great tneasuse of pul'aits.gotalhuil a greattiation it lileining. I if the Prest on the *elicited xi it *ball be Jed, our zourke to 'opinion Ali 'Diareh next, ze th?•arelvires Me TR Ed S tienceit to• God. The -prialiimi of . .. Charles the ',First to -vhaintain the right of:Petition,- the , vinla. • - htton of which cost Iltwitis , hoad..could.vitit compare in imposing th that which I'Vesident itiatter on the •Ith, of 'gar" ' 185 g • Can the history be erttlited which will (record the fact that, ie . less than nice months (rout that tiute,, lie ,ha,cingageil, iu a conspiracy ..g? accomplish in it's most ob. noxious form whatliy had thus promised' ! - to resistl- That he -not only used his 'of--I power'to effeot the repeal of the LAlts .tolltriCompromise, and curry slavery into .Kausa.s .Iswless violence, but that Ito Catered into u conspiracy for that purpose, is su,ceptitile of incontrovertible proof. • • Paw ti Aid:Waco -vas P.resiiteitt• of - the 'Senatc,-78: At Pipgla4 2°f 'the Lou: matzo on aerr4ories. Who int . 1 ; ,:e ,t =NM I 'bill' leporied ( for the organization of NO beaska ents.sileur as tciAlio iVliossodri Corn / promise. . The ennapireey, Was not then.or ganixed.. , The : second,, hill contained , a rlechiretory clause 1111/1 the Missouri Dom. ) 1 Piotaise had, lay tueants of some provioas i legislation, become inoperative. 'This fri v ' °loud disguise •wa.s, tin thinbt. the ati g ges , lion of *owe timid member of the conspi racy. ,probably (.leveret ,Pierce. "Con? science mekes, cowards of ` us all." But, it . WllOllOOll eiptistl, und t h e tuning manager --Douglas ,-- was obligedit to give the off " a new dress. • -'' ; •- Then, fur the first time, the doctrine' of. rale It ter,sor,oreiguty Was introduced, and anew clitu.e repealing the Aliesouri Coto-, promise, sae clothed in a unneiog phrase . - ology, full 'of effeetutiou . , of great regard for,the right of the inhabitants. of ,torrito rite to make their own institutions. ' • , Tint plans w. .of the conePireters seem now_ in" have been . settled, and, they' three , off 'the mask. A Wiliam, having ,Ileft his seat lip the, Senate t was busily .. couiPli:iing his ,organization of Blue Lod ges of Brigands in Itfieseuri, to, fermi slavery upon Kansas 14 vielence. Tito l'reildent of the United'States was ' exerting all his power to aid Douglas and 1 'his associetee iii' repealing the Missouri Cmnproix.in4 With it prefessed desire to es. fablielt itiptittereevereigniy iu'all the ter ritories.' 'The, liove'rectint of Afehisen,- so 'Arita 'the truth could ho drawn 'out'of the reluctant' witeeseess 41,r0" 'fully 'detailed in therrepert of IlteCongreseiotel committee sent to Kennels: • ' ; - • .'but if nitty.be well to notice - some of the tiokineetnig 'Hoke between the movemente in Missonri.ond those in IVaenitigton.— The linvernor of K 311141114, true to hg trusti denohneed tho inbasion of ECnian - byr At ohitiott Inn! , iris banditti, driving:off b; 'vie. tem:twilit: judges of eleetion, taking pokses: Bind of the polls; tniiking uew frutichise Iniei to trtiit, 'non.resideuts; and bringing , .- . voteni from a foreign State -toolioose legis littera for Kansas. - - - - • "AM/dean- du turn denounced the Herrero or *the Pret4tleut, 'tied demanded' his Te• moval. The Prosidetity,peiliEllii mill trent'. blimiiinder the -burden of Iris , pledge, -or *deemed by A tollisonte .Pieetical illugtration of the Senatorial pauattea,,••Squatter Sost erelgtity..." hesitated and sough t 'to -atloid thooresposibility of air act so bold, -by. -get thig clear of'diteGoveitior by other menr. die•flattered,' coated. tried to -hitt mid rte, end -filially 'to buy him off with a betittr-of , ' heel but all in vain.; his integrity wtreibi 'flexible. but Ambisou lmust bo ,obtstoti, 'cud m frivoldue pretence was sit-zed Mean to lati'r.C,Stai.the plan.of the grand conspil• ritfOri.-,....wit",.Colreet. emoperanutt ' last,,fie,! 'Weibingtort <,' efidtowmritsuttnitaeirxestriedt and' Vice President Ateliitiontitl. not 'atop' here. Work bad been. prepared in Kansas fur •tite coitus. Tito territorial jedge Ives suspected of being , too high leinded and independent fort the -bittiness Atchison required, and was also ''removed and untitheruppotnted, Who fully answered tthopurposeithr, which he waarchosen, and 'whose name "will'li'll '.a niche in , Anutrieun ilisteryleintilar.ao that-beet:tided by the. um teriinisJeffri-ye in English history: '" '.• ' • Laws had - (melt -passed - which' • like Musa Of ' - Orton, might be said to 'have been- writtetrin blond. To, beguile;- pith. lie opiniomP the- hue 'entlery of law.' and order was raised by:the same bands , Wlni lied tikere possession: of dm ballot -,•h0x,,, ofKonsas, driven off: the .4hr-ere-anti legal , 'veleta with revolvere and-bewittlitives.„ 0 I `''fit., , . d - ncoinpasse by - the se dultagesi. the I eimls're; in- puretinitte Of `a general 'notice, toiseitibleil :logeilier to : devise . the 'best mode of relitiL . 'l'hey proposed a-form of government its ' tini;formity- with Il ;1119i10 1 Silligplid'by'tlre people 'of Mee Torrittliies,- Mine "'organized' as Klima '' ' Provident d'ieree. in thefaeeol these 4riiiteetlents, and i theTtinatitution of the Hotted States. its: oraireedihni Voreeniblege,i.convetiedlor a redt ess of gri;eaticitii;ltts treitionable. 'His Ji-ffreysian ; judge now cangtr, the , sound, charged hie grand,jury ~eactirdingly. and ; had. a number of respechtble inhabitants , of kitties indicted for treason.' JIIJ UK oil Itiloili Were eiresMtl, and ilta've been' Ina- I priptieed.' . under '. a military - guard. 'for I menthe. but now released -mi.hail—tlitm 'llPklloWledging the falsity, ef the charge, as, treason is not a ,bailsblelll4llll.44: ' 'A i•-i..iiloiti lfeets wanted it) prove th e' cones/Vett anion between' the Prettidenf ' entldtie comumspirator ? . Ilannk at,sherif tit:Ml proclemetions fror.o, Witeltiogion, their, thinly sliegnised -but pa,pidi, , M ale sign to deter ib. people Of, . Kansas ;from ' tlue earertteh inn - their rights. 'l'ilti' Beth , 444 -gives, io -Gov. "811entoitt to direct, the military forms of the IMMO Sistea`4i, l l 'a discretion,--Tbeiremployment 40, Make' arbitrary.arreets alter ilia lumpier of, those ; i:liteli ilited'iitidti 'the Ilikliie of Pselic— 'Phe eitiptoyinio`t tiflereigii" - br4ands, uo der die . trixsk title Ol - smelled toihin. to Wee/aide-the great- high wey of: the 'West , strobou the , transit at umigrap te .seeking 41110 UV on /Jotted . Suites land. ` in with ;44; w .these shinige, the ihdietinent ',if . lil 4triniing'l4lice situ hotel by a ghtutl Juty,l and alit). seminary punislintettu 01. bum I by burning withotit a _trial. , Wutiltl. you' l l yet like.to ede to ca t ty, of those iiidiet-, mothsl l'lii3i set inti-.)t titan have' !Mee 'Mute in - imitation of •thaco; who ' seideo- I ced a- swum.- to be. iranielied Mr-towing htliett upon 1r aim. At the tttea..sitoe; , lion, the,tt intlicto k ente verrd exeddlolt the • Sown vf La ortdoen ut a sailed, 81111 the pettplet ruitWti Icy nklett faincitto police ex. eronotterv. .: Notlionieltt with' their. Out regrs,• prowling bregunds Iroot , the Blue. Lodges and froindistant „§teles „Nam in. ,l cielgentry ericoursged to ,s-sti*e through the 'territory, robbiitg, linnititttig,e:t . in lour , tiering in cold blerid; . torpeacdhle Inabit.: ants, avowedly to exterminate theta front the and. underthe hue, awl grief abedi. foto of "law and, order," ditty, t h e / au , m at order of Missouri invaders ,adioinie- , toted by Judge LticoMpte Sod' executed by Atchison. -Appeals iti tine President Were lissWniroa by aeletwitee lo , iiseprotee. , I hum of tit ote, .*Werc,. li: hi Wa...llltt. eorlllY--00,1 gravely referred to as tie , y, nf t nSwAsn 4441,4 Privet PitIMB L 3l, Onion coder' When under din 41:lenses the last invasion from Miawnuri, the people, of Kansas seurti special deputation to the President of the United litates,ihe not only !peremptorily refused them any relidf, hot !illiquid them by reproach, lov having med. , died too much with their in @dnjons it, stead of minding their own bitsintiai,niean ing evidently, that he had proVidid for their institutions., through his confidential ifhnd, Gen: Atchison, and it a ease offence for them to interfere - yritirhin4 atui gr0"1.9 .Pre 6 9 l nPti9"e fur, melif!R,ltPd9 their own drudgery",to attempt to fentii in et'itutii society si4Corditig in its °natural and tio:mal condition/ 1 "i When the. Presulont•matle'this rtiply to the .Kansair deputies, he tiinet have so absorbed in the linings of the eonspiratiy as to have lost 'all compCnct;,ons reinizis• conceit; fie was eo determined upon the ezeointon of their_laws, that hopreferredto jeopardize the whole military appropriation for the rear, rather than forego the employ. memo of the army ; to , establish the Atchi sion,cnile. The facts i !nide thuiiiihrerted to constitute I.ut 8114101 part lit , the potable 'evidence t hot might be aidducedii? toilablish the chirge,uf • ce.nspiracyrimong certain WO (win two iietes of ,our national prominent, to interpolate n'titlial isod diti;e eonstriietiiht of; the federal eotieiltutieni. upon a point ob foiirful. and vita/ ititarest; to Accomplish which soleine4iledge• Isere been o, 'yioloted, ,; und , mea n , employed j 4 which the:reat 'pritwiplea of demorratin i goverostreni ;g hare been •Wholly'eM retuned and disregarded, and an' actual camp tlt4tat atientotetl, snore abhorrentio dreftoen than anything ,ave have been from , infancy taught to comlettin in the imitievenienia of the old Wbrld, '.• ' • ; To those who have been. Iraland,'is I (have been ,fr nap Iry ; youth, in fl ~( 10!CintiOU 10 , IfeU/ACTAtie , principles , m the enet:rem X have thaw .oerenrilv 'fircsioted to view 'meat .cause Qdt141101Tal : pain, 'at , well el alarm, from tbeioudhe•exclushre deviate/ cif high public .itinrrtionaries, placed in power ' by, and 'reputed an represent, the Dcanoe. racy '.ef'dhe United States. We haite cherished with artlettorlevotion the beady- I.oleut sertiiarting in dile tern), iliac deeignalds a graverrimene goad° ;by die gietiplOifur . ..their Own good ;!.but how writing 'hi ver.y siticere, ardent, ;patriotic . Berpocra t,, to he cortapelled in See his duno. honored.patrity mic,firrarithoted, , vot only uu itttf, ;(febfrUction of, s3cred` , triglits. • but to the egiablialtoritntt of tine. Irtnen'autiveisire of a' democrat'ic eharfer 'itself. There are caucy datioiples,uf,eor. men en who, relying on the ;prestige of au imposing . powder name, have used t. - AN C i i et i tle . prpietei iberp,llllllllEpUrpe• could have hue toned t e that the paint * DentataideY could he 'Jibes - effectively a. . , . befiell-before ite'Model keptiblie, abound., ing with every 'thing necessary in 'human happipess, ,vves eighty, years old ;!• But, all is not 'yet lest. If itigh.a ills have prirtnituted niaiiie and by vile ninelotirifitote betrayed gas,' We" have' Hill princiPlue to stand upon, • !rem 'whieh: we eon:make battle at the, bollot