Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, October 03, 1856, Image 1

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i~,c-n1 ,n +'~rrt
010 qi) ,
, 11 1 .1 ;, .41
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. •
.'''''oßPHANsf•-•-coOirr SAI,E.• '* BOOltgo',-STAT Eitifi
~.... ... ~, ,
~ „,:,..,•„ !,,ii ~,,, ~,.,, _
__ ,.
~ ,,,,.,,.,,
~.. , „ ..,,,,,,_,
. u ~,,,,,,a ncen ce of ordere.from the Orpheus' • ' l4 ligilos. & MLufvi.eir,o..Pl
' 4 l Leoutis of ,Adinis and,thimberland Comities,' ‘-'.' ' '. " • • • I• • • • ' ' • •
, 'iriltliehold .it pithlii3 %%endue 'upon the prowl... 4 ,,, i ' , •...,, •.1
...,.,• - .„i i ...;•-;;;;;".;ir....,' „„„''''' • 41 ,' i
see,- an .Ifadtie,idgy. Me' 81/. day' "of aloha. : jtatt,t4OVlO, gIAM/10.4;4MCItti
next, the following 'deseribed'Reel estatel late •'' - • ,• ---- • ' .-, . ..
ofilAeolt 13: ;Smyers, deceased; to wit t ktract • i i ' C. BTJEFlttit'liiciiiitdetrtiihis ihrmer
~of,land situatein.rind adjoining die Village 'of. II • stock of 066411 nn''aiititually`' hike 'as.
Whitestown, in Iluntingdoci comishipilAdtims Sortment. ,of Classicali i &hod ,' and .Miseelia• 1
' Cel4l4 , Yi.j adjeleintilandsior.John ,, H. Oreop, , peons' , . •, -: ,•1 ‘T ~ ;i'I . I. f ' .n ' 1
William H. Smyers, the Chesnut Greve Fur= ' ''s
mice peopetty,:andcitliehi; eentitinlng . 1 S EIII CD 4111:11311161CIIIIIC i ='''''';;. . ....
40 , 4erra. more or moo, - embratiog all die text Hoofs iti AIMCII.
-Iwith :a. TWO.STOTIV'B IT'
RICAiAI4IBION , le got ' Ccinuil ° 6 815h°618 ''' and ' itiMard.. ‘ lgill c
• ' • 10 IISS,•13ink,Burzwand.other ire. !authors, wil.h the recent Ovular publitaticins,
,PFPvalrenta tharann., , Theland is of i ccalatilAnialln lariat aasartWanf: than ;aver.- b.e. j
• 44 gocid quality and lu as b j peu extensive • fore opened in Gettyslihrg Aisio I 44. - : • , i
~ lithed, It is liteirsuPphe'd 'With excel. el tle 4 utia.(l);o2l al it '1
lent water, and has a young •orehard'br 'choke t . iiiiiii . kihciti ; . .Cap,l,to.,,,A,,Notes, fitper,,ipfj
fruit planted thereon. ~ A Ise. ei iriet`of • .` •
"' 1 ?
'beit, q - uali yt , Envelopes, Gold 'Pens d
0 0114;AZID,•"- ''' ' Pencils,' Peri:Ktilvia; dim; iiith'a' lirge Moon
situate about two mile* frocu l WhitestOWii; in I mentor i'•)d :. -.. I' '''' '•• " ' '. • • '
upper Dickinson •thsvhship; CitlilberliMil . um.' ~. ..i. , J;Fistity Vloodmi -••: • . 1
: ty, adjoinintlitidte of Nicholas - Mullen. '• oho
to which' he invites attintion;' being prepared
•llumer . and , Others, einitaitilng 10' A rem
r lo sell et uncannily low.priees:'
- .;cieri.lor lessj,-Altia, tractis.about i mile from 1
(lie Ilendersville read, j! i ,
~ , , ,
~13%.11 e Jme„. also . largely increased his
• ' ' • stock of—
" Also, ii l truet, of WOOIILAND in Dicken • i ' Ni b ', hi- a - i o d' J." i t iL t t r in es . • •
a iti loviiiiiiiin CuMbnriaild'' County; about one . ' li r ". -8 -. ' '
m il e f rom W . hi test ,„,, 4t ,c,„„ tA i iiipg 6 AcjtEs ' which ' be
relied upon
et best in tha
4itiiiire er leis, adjoitthig laiid,i
Of %Simon 1. - etja • 'Parket. ..' ,
:Add U th eitii this lot is well timbered with Ches. 1 . '
• • ~, ~, . ,
been e ff ected by
ouat, antlin einivenient to the ,liatision :Pared:: , !thigh any ningemente have
article in his litioof business can be
, l proMptly ordered from mho the' city.
. - . -' '• '• 1 Gettysburg,
, Gat Thkriday the la day , fg' (kinber next, a , —__...._.. __L ._ 2, 1055.
•it met uf, Woodland situate,iu 3 lenaltentownahio
mbont:l}' miles from Bendersville. adjoining
Lands 44 . Elijah.,l'plirose, George Adams, Jacob
Rebut and others, containing 10 Acres more
iur r l i rs. i There is a. , ,pcblio road ,within 200
. ..Ito s, of this tut,;; , ',..:
h •Abso. a Aram., ufiVoosliiind in. Tyrone town
•.i,hip,,.. Aqiuns Caucityr'nbout, li tuile's frOm
' , ltestoivil. adjoining lands of Solomon Star,
.5,u,t; :4;cotTelklarman, llariisil kildseer • and nth
-era, comathing 47 Acres. moiie or loss. .ThEit - e I
ei+ a public road running through this tract
making it very easy Orneeess• • ,It is intended
to divide ibis Irk& kits several lots which will
lo- sold separsiely for the tonveniente 'of par
•• - llinifSales trill commence at 10 o'clock up
(in rich day. when attendance will be given
siud terms onsdA known by
. . .
Aug. 29, le:AL—Ls
E4 - ••Carlisle Volunteer" copy, and sendAill
to this Mica fur (toilet:don. • .
• X•I . L. LI e e
SA Lt',
iirrsit!Nri eitiie from thu
-11 shilling business; I wilt sell' of Ptilnite
. ...Slue • the following; tnliluble AteW -Estate,
Itinnsu • .4. 4,, ,
- LOCUST G 110 V
.u . outtte übout one and shalt mile S.. West front
I.tlostown, Adams txtunty, Ycmi n•
Nck 1 .Acres • 'of , Meads
-41. bothoig of a superior quality ut'.:red' giat I.
8911, woll ilidripaid to timothy, 2000 bashels o.
lime having been put on it: ,The improve.
mvuts'site a .I.AlLtik: ANL) VERY, BEAU
cr ;.ihup; I. Dwelliug Houses, a
MeretWO 'HAW Oven's, two
t.iialilits,:iftrern Hog 'Pens; ; a ;
niud'WlirehessarY out-baiklingi. The
• miii is trails 'upon the two& modern' and ;Impro.
, The dam 'surd rage •aro not sue%
Pirated laytany. Your, County r,orttla centre at
, ,• , ~ . •
No. 2.-37 Acres ofSlate Land,
very auriospdhlo or a hightatalle of eulthraeion
b or, /0 .1411SW' of; Which nra,heatily. timbire!ll ;
"dill. 4 40000 Putvsof.meadotiN The ,t.,
kluir,roy,erneati are a large, and :very t an
4.•0up1ete..61/..1;4',1: ated Dwele b i tt
or 1,41 . .
No. ,Fitfft, on sluing
liiil,AFres utast I,y the . rod *mire', sun, and. pro.
slndosi 41:11, •401.0 / nd Ai•rps ut ~slsioh are !work
'astif'd.linut In) 'Aeraii of tnenclow
` 10,000 1 to l'2,90(1" boWseli 'of' hind
havii been) put upon' tho lend. • An abundance'
ast fruit trees upon the'prnsuises; The - ; •
i sup oventenis are a.,tirosse /Dwelling
Ituusq,iunt ii.iteltep t s / §inf!lin Uosase;
I :4T9q %PAWL Darn ! , with,
_Wagon , •
81sOsts, , Curia 'CriS alt rieFasarx.
-44:bushlihirs. I.lics'proaerty is also, a' art of
N I 'and kaolin ' tibord. There • i nest - it•
motte•dtnilmble properiyin• •the ' con niy thairs.
LOCUST/ iiiiUVS; either+ deparitely or , to. :•
teas Awl' Aloe it; I These. properties]
1014,foRitrittely or tngoiller, as may beet a'•
su i #onircisits , frs, felt,
ti terms . terms. 'An person wilting to view ttip,l,
porly plic eon °lit ward' Statilsi tir7
&eta T 'ihtar'•pre Ws, 'or niYinilf iiv Joao.;
but t ; -f . ,:„
'OLD: I i
fie% • 7.
l" -- "7 Ot 11
killn4Pll,gitoo, Executors of the lastirdl
and timitaniedt, of tlie Rev. JOHNr E.
,ridie - ,pniere Pu 'thirnelliiV, Aiti
da krill sell atPublic Sale, 04'/"(1. I
.day the 3d day of October rtext, hie well known
far'msl ilansion' Farm, containing about
1 60 .AcrevoW Patented!,LQl4.. situate , in.
.earl k Latimore towniihip, on tho . road that leerls
,to, Carlisle adjoining
lands9e3'ohfi .)acoh Stie;el,' John
Martin, and OthetriTthe north branch of lalli
m/Bil'Creek pisAs throughthis tract. '
• • • 1 1111ie
_no is •IV well finished tvio.Story
,STONE ROUSE,. with it basement
story .and cellar, a large STONE
' BARN, DU iicioloy I•lh
Boutin, %Voile bepr, Spripg, Rouse, Wagon
.8111 ed , 'A never Tailing Spring
•of'exoellelnt'mater'hear kit. ben door. An
-exerillent , • Orchard • choke - knit, 'abe ut 10
.acres of; meadow. •• •
Whopt en .firra adjoins the above •tract.,---
EFAthereo a Two STOR,y
k.tljutpgOUSE 'Nadi, new, a don.
Hayti a nother Out Houses, an Or
-4,01116r gob& fruit.' Some Meadow, and more
This fartn Contains about 00
ACREStif.'Patehted •land.. I These . farms' 'are
onfiti•leod Chesnut. fence, and. there Is Ix full
propplAr . ,tionof Timber such as Chesnut, Oilk,
an( Jekfiry, aud woll watered by Springs, and
the 4abie grnop_di is in a good ewe of cultiva
tioilip_riirdeeli Weal". Eye, Oats, Corn, Clover
and. vielorfiy, in . ' abundance. Sale to corn.
!amide at''lo &black,A' /d wbonterme of
. 84 i , wilidre made known by • '
(JOSIAH ALBERT, , JEcetutors.
J YWAIty ./4eP30.61-141,
iu • A. I IFYKylatlety •:,;•,!
• .",•)1 GEO. ARNOLD'S.
it tlltm;. lo• :rya, li., ~ "'••:-P 1 - .i - ; t4; 1 51. , .. 7-'.l 11 , 1•4 mi , ./9rtt:(ll /ion ,g;Tf I t. -
..1 'ff 110 . 1 . •o, I "Ili 1 11'1
..1 L. I' .: II (I f
• ••• : rfl ,••• ~ i 1 i -):,! At. -.,1' ••, • , 11. t, ~..f)ovit .. ii r I 0: .. ,i , '. ... 1:•. :` , ,•: , it•lnLe• ..., 0: •;...1 . - It,r3
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,• . ..,,, .'
~ ~ i • ~, . ,•,,, „...
.: , ~,,.. i 4. r ...-, . 1 .1 I 1, 1 .. ,1,. ~ •,,, ,•. . ' ' ‘,,.. t , ' ' i ' d •
..1.. 1:;., ' : 1 1
.1. 11 . .d1 ". .: 1 1 1 ", 7 ' II , 1"
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. . . . .
.64.) ,Cll ": 1 nip i.•t.
461 t lf,twv-DATo TS SHALL FIND fl"
•. , • ~ ,
owet couden t n il.
.Lot try It, a cannot'fail.
For Nan and Eorse.
, tOoR right itocurecl aocordios to law.l
SMALL JAR,, Fifty conta
LARGE SAR. One Dollar.
1 171 HE ELECTRIC PASTE acts upon the
.I. Muscles, Tendons, and upon , the whole
nervous system, removing torpidity and pro.
doeing a healthy action of the . blOod. There
being no volatile•matter in its composition, it
'remains in action until it accomplishes
/ work. It cannot lmie its strength, and is al
logether ha'rmless, iiklonsiituent parts being
• entirely vegetable.
What will •it :mire t We answer—Rheu
matic Pains; • when • everything else ' fails,
Cramps, Chulic, Chilblains, Burns, Scalds,
Spritinsad-Aclie, Tooth• Ache, Swellings,
Bruise. 4, Sores, Ring-Worn, Totter, StifTJoints,
IColdractml 'Cords, Fresh Cats, Ulcerated &tree,
!and all . Scrofulous Diseases '
where external
remedies can be used, Sure Throats, - Stiff
' What it will climefoe Nurses ilia Cid Ile.—
,Sweeny,' Spavin, Fissulas. Pell Evil; , ;W:i m i.
gall-, : .Ulcers,. Cholic t Spruins, Collar and. Sa
ddle Galls, Steme Bruises T Stiff Joints, Verdigo,
Splints, and Running Sores,
' I For Sale at the Patent Medicine'Stoie
!of , 11. A. R.Ockatield & Co., General Agent's;
Lancaster, Pa., and by A. D. BUEHLER,Get•
tyaburg, Pa. . , . •
lerNone genuine but those bottles having
the Worda "E. C. Allen's Concentrated Elec
tric Paste, or Arabian Pain Extractor, Lan
.caster, Pa.," blown on the bottles. .
,''Look out' for: Don't for
:gel to ask for ALLEN'S.
; April 26, ,
et HE above Farm is situated about three.
A fuurthis'ofn 'mile south ofOettygtrg, and
contains about 44 acres of limd. The
improvements .are a double. log and
; s frame H 0 U SE, weather-boarded,
• and alarge brisk bank' BARN,:idi
other out.buildinga, ; two .well of water neat.
`the hotise, with pumps in. There an excel
; lent thriving ORCHARD, frith ch'oice fruit, and
a variety of other fruit., consisting of Peaches,
• Cherries, Am. : For. further . pa . tticulars apply
!to the subsoriberitrGettysburg..
lar Thera ,arit.elso Flay, Actea of Land ad
joining the above, property, that eau be bought
at a laic price.
Aug. 15.-6 i .A. COBEAN../1
• jOung,ic oat 4.
Till pursuance of an oiler Of the Orphans'
,Court of,Adaess . county, be; offered , et
Public Sale, 'upon the premises, on Pitfday
the 3ref•i:laf o f Odbber next, the Real Eetate
of Nicholasllushey, Esq., deceased, consisting
ofa Pluntationor tract of land situate in But
' kl4'towlisliiP, , Adams county, and, adjoining
lauds Ipf.,Abrakam , Fisher, Daniel. D. Oitt,
John Sietnour, Jacob Shank, and, others..con
taiPing 240 4.CARS; mom or leas, of patented
land. The j improvements are 40 ,
large Frame , and: Rough Cut - •
DWELLINGHOUSE, two sto• 1 1 1
ries high, large' Barn, stone And .- •
frame, frame spring house, with a never fail
ing eprlng;Witgote Shed and Corn crib', kig 'shop.
There are several springs • of Water bn the
farm; two orchards letth a varietyof good fruit.
There is a sufficiericy of good timber,. and a
portion in meadow. 'the ,buildings are situate
on the Monallen,road and' about'one mile . 'east
orArendlirellitii ih' a‘pleasant and eligible
uoiahpo{{Good "I'' ' •
Sale' to coldinence sill o'clock, P. U At
tendnuce will be 'givett and teems made known
; • iBRAHAIII Trultee,
By the Court--J.J.lllLow*, Mei*. '
Aug. , 22; 185V—td '
iILOVES & }WATERY, Ate large4C r pret•
tiegt'find cliespinCeiock" in id** at' -
April 18.. i : ...,1 annum
. .
ARASOLS, tfm!)relliks, Faip--atacece .of
L thern--S , , ; ; ACEIXOR . B. I
gabutotocit Svotbero ,
AVE received 4 and are now opening a veri
!IA: large and handsome stock of NEW
0001)3, of every variety. Give them 'an'ear
iy call if you want bargains. ,
• April 11, 1856. ' -
11.10SIERY.--A,narr article of SILK and
for sale at , •
' • .‘":.` ' • &On Ow Red 11ent.
_ _ .
JOHN HONE has ' ust received s fresh sap
ply of SUgM4I GOODS,, to which he
iitientiou of the public. , BP l q . eik
*sled M Steels id Sta prate" he icetabled to Cur
,itish4 Goal to ihe , satisteratiow ill who call.
June 79 1 JIM*. , . ! i '
, :;•f ' 1.7
ramie (tools
'SI ill 14 ml)ft;; me
L~.,. ..d ,1 c<
'111 1 4:
tihy' : ; 1-1 - 777,11 - 17757: , ..711 - "'""" " 1 " - " 4 ' . "."" F--- - rum.
Weill 081 Bray. 4 !I , IIP 610 r ;
I ' l Jr? ln'
• . 1 . it
n Fir 97.1 :$ll
• , . .
. you Want ' a gait • kit 'REA7DY-iirADR
'AiF F CLOTOlNG,,completb in' everyirespect,
of the latest ittylejand cheaper, as^ •tkej,can
IS' . piirbhiutell at' atir establament in the
. Coantylll. St MARCUS SAMSON'S, •ep
positp the Rank,.inXorkstrcet.. I, Amps, just ,
receivediritm the Easton Cities the largest
[44ind Viet sitioitmedf d 1 Doodd :tivi"offerkid in
0 01 1 9 6 4tR..! /a ollefing to. sell Mier Goods at
lower puces than liher ditalersA simply, -re.
inbitt l pdirChilteVa to all 'and Wily theniseives
of the tenth ottitY•ofitaN tits petstintil , essmiti
ItetiCill. of my. Goods
can /4
s •- " 16 P&" 44
'timely for cash, 1 buy cheaper and sell
cheaper than any other ptlistin ib the County.
My 0:44, s a.ra.mage•upla •ibti beat Idyls ItY ex-
Optienced'yorkipen, , add site't be Welle4JlY
any' cuithtiter Tailor. IfY ittuck' consisiti2, to
:part,lcif • 4 .., •.4 -; ,--. , /1., -. 4•• ~ I 4
•, Coats of Mlle:Abel,., 1 , I „;
prices„ C olors,,,and kinds, made tip in a puße
rior manner. AbieVANTS AND VESTS, id
the , latest and , Mbst•,fitshioriableosty!eal and
I every kind 91 good!. s uitable for. Spring and
Slimmer 'Wear; alsO • 1
' ' aziaree'2 - catat 11101Makiii ', ',' '
and is• large issorintent of fi(i4itteMinstr 'and
Bop'. reir4ishiv
~ , G.ooder consisting of Mt
tra ,quality linen ,bosom t sliitß, Suspenders,
Cloves, half Mlle, 'Colltirs, neck and pock- .
et Mardkerehiefs, : and en extriandinary 'Ss
sottutent4of Skulk
,palin and , fancy Self tad
jutting STOCKS, and farious other fancy ar
ticles' together with UtnbrelhitV,Viiiik4 Car
pet idags,;llnts,•Cape,Yßooti and' Shoes.. ' ,
Ittgi—l am also prepred to sell wholesale to
country merehintli desiring tonal! again, Iteady
Made Clothing. 411 . 1,mi:A PER acr.r.a VIA rt cir fIE
IRAN lel" fat tifk l btri kn. "It 'ilu 'dob l it lt, call
mid examine for'ykidiselftft
N. B. All Bo* b,qught,of, : ine w,111.1:4
ebangeii if not prove
Gettysburg,' Apn '11156.
'at lenbt 20 per dent.' cheiter; than you
ever bought before, retitembentt • Li , at CO.
BEANPAXTON'S, where therere tote
had in great Variety, consisting' of Gent's end
Boy!shne Silk, Fur and Slouch'Hata, of the
latest atyle, all colors wed sizes, ,White, Black
Tan, Blue, Drell, Ftswn, Ac. Also a larp
assortincht of Men's and Buy's Fine Also ,
and Grain Boots and Sboes, Gent's FineGlAh
and,patent Leather Gaiters. .
t'Areettl; it want 'l O / l eaking and
Fine Dreis Shoes, stteh hit Jenny Lind; Itintl
icing Ittld .Tiels Kid and *Morocco Slipp!rs--
so 'a beautiful assortment of Ladies . Dress'
Gaiters,' frith 'a largo " Flock of ffiissea ' '
Childretisfonefaniteri and Shoes , !thaticM Connor of Centre Square; before Rurehm
log elsewhtire,ns they have .by far theltirkelit
stock of Senannstble Good; in town,. and aro
determined to sell very cheap. Take, care
and keep' n
"' ' SHARP • ' '
lookout that you da notmiatalta • the-plane.*
Remember ,CQBEAN 4t PAXTON'S ' Near
Stare, at the Old Stand.of Keller ktirtz.
Gettysburg, Mar& 4,1856.--tf
AT Tilt
VOW'received and for'sale the largest; prey
tiest, and cheapest. stock of ,
I:hat has been offered in this pyme,atany time.
rhey nee all our own make, manufrietured out
if our own Cloths; Cassimers.. &h.; We
sae Coats, from $.l to s2ol.,P ants from.
Iti cents to $lO ; frPm. 621 ce9P,I
Boys , Clot/11as Ka Great Vatiity:
fur stock , of Cloths: ;consist of Blue, Black,
)lire,, Brown, Green, Drab, Claret, end 'all
GuiCaitsfradtVcOnsist of Black,
iniwn, Steel mixed; acid every vateety ; .. gf
3hudg c!f fancy cploum. . Also Dip-rine, qtwtft.
etes, iu great ,variety,Plnin, plaid andFigur
, id 'Castitniretts, Tweeds ; Jeans, Drab Dtitates
:Warp, .Algaccgs, Black. Saline .Bud'
;''bite, Plaid and.Faney Marseilles Vp.sting., .
Call *and see it We cannot t You tie will
ake yarn( measure, and ,. Make 'you a , garment
in the very. shor test notice. ..Havipg the ; Very
'eat Tailors constantly at work cutting out
iriitinakfing iip; we do in the neat.
'et and, best manger at, the :SANDSTONE
FRONT—,,and arc hard to.beat..
April 4,1'185G. • • • :z-
44 NOTICE..., 4,t
lETTER 'af litlinFe r tut tbs . Estate
I of GEORGE HULLER, late of Me.
'lapse tonreibip, Adams
.eottnty, Penna., de
ceased, having . been granted to the subscri
ber, reeding in same. torniship'•• be bier&
17,giyea • notice to ,, perootto•andebied :to said
T aute,. .to call, and ,settle :tits same; • anti
bc) . tte bariug.elsints ire..retreateti tos'presaat.
s same, properly iutbeuticated; for tnde
m ' " ' ""
• ' JAGO'DOI(I 4 E
vtag;•22. 1856.6 t • •• . • • '
CORN . DRYERS-.'. • -• •
THE itttentioii •of MILLERaii Invited tri
~to & very superior ,artkle. fordryiug
CORN, which can ballad at. all. times str..,,
'WA I 4 O .PS' B :g OI ItIRRY . •: ,
went fine ertitle bie r Eibtia or
it: Chiltern, fbr Gentlemen or Indies, 6a 'at
the len* of • :( W. W. PAXTON.
•,, 1 ; -*Wet& . ~ •
A SPENDID lot of superior FLY NETS
just, noeived And for; side,, set
them at SAONMSS:
CifigotP CL07111114 • • • - •
*rag' cboapetda and Bind,- ;assortment. •of
I,clotha for sale at ! •).
"• " ' ' • roax 110ICEIS
'you witit• 'cheip' and fahhioniblp
-.LP 'ROBES ? at..
ALL ,and • 'see , the ; new style of Blank
grown, Lilac and
p esA Hate at
4 P
glvsTp OK of Read
• itt,B.7, Tariail of FrcTiclenCiriPM.sed
efzi :Jag r
:111kt r y 1:111 , y1 1.. Nh , l4‘ J.'
„i f , 884 ND'
It tv IC
n ve,mag o , Oct 1866..
1 11 . 1 .'1 1 '11 1 ' l l q"11" 1 "111?"1 1
Aike gi.cif r ) . 1 4 4 1 RM4OratiCc i a . Dg,trine,
iItiLAVERT aort rd Et Cd 1 411 4 .64 6. ', THE
• ~..!- 0 1 i qa° 11.. 44,4, nAW: IiP<IMAIMITUR
• t qf! VER IfII L . ; OF .
F °7,11)/ 3 4 91 4 AT: II 44W V l fr
' tee peepl bavpse
'long Yiefcfeeto 'tite i tt'r i giraiit"
the slave Oligarchy in the tife i tiiii" ' . aMt th t d
latter hifocinie itibitti' ) isiittsr any
treasure it sees fit, ' initter E hOW l degra. :
diteg it MAY be to the ib f e free
tehite . tneW Of the llorthl ! ". ' "
• ; •ItTtot . tminy yearit site ilitiffillithortillitni
holders were con'teuted4iihitti t e'iliciP,''oliti:'
Man' chattels" orcitset4 .
where they bold thottil''i ""
New, they deMititlittfand'ilithitfrifif')lthi
Sieve States ' , front qiciinited
Fla:, &tin; 'tied
Yree'Stateti have on ly
and Californie..""'• ' '•• "
it'rxf;'the Stare' power' ileitittildeirall'
the ter: itorieti, and .hrOke ridetotti"
Semi t'ompromise; *brew seetitinfie Ind of'
those territories •
Nest, they demanded 'the rightio coat&
into /tea 84109141 k. 4tvir aktoonftwiteu.
everthoy choose; and stay.'as IbugisAltay
please, and the United isutteti;OaliiVoetinr - 1
about to yield to thetni.und,grautAiwout !
rageous demand,
• _But the last, the.cromning,!ihrikbot
icul Amount p Ow/ • IRV tit at:; 8 1 4Netriilaop, to
Le ? , centieed , to
,the A.P9,11.0 tliALM`but-j
must ; ,be paths ~ to J.-ineludit -./mrtdritte i
.A/F•N: ,ulsOt :<.lVlileift - te:oltatr'j
is eq 41011110TWE 144i 8 401
t. ceem te`eroidible.'o:tioW opetilY - ..1C71
vowed and lefettdsd
v very
,matty,pf the.
n'esrspapers 51 . 1(1 of the, publics . , men, of . the,
b:outh that, , support,,ll3ttchautio.,-,n..
T E ! e i /oct rill!t! i 4 ainn l ltrnP!tii9 3 l l ' by . ,, some
/I° ! l ! t°lll i.,°P7sl ) .P4i4.,, of the
Democratic party, hut
,not • genprolly„witbi
such beidoessas in, the Sun ~ehest.
the essiatertent apd, pature of, thiv i dpor
'rise of •IY, 111 •11ct 31 /4Ni, , the,
fel lew i ng i ext recta, from Upham' n, < popeesi,
and from . the speeches of. Butthenan < men,
are }peen. ,
Tbelt(chatond ouf ,tbe
De '
leading tuocra 'pont ytr t glota,,
tirtieuily supporting kr. tioehaniu, bolds
the folitivniglauquage in a Intl isnot ;,,,
reettli,'ibe'ileience Sliver y
hal :laticired under ''
cause its apologists ' (for'ilioy
apologist%) tooknhaltmay gropuds. only'
°°44ed the, 4elcOoo of SlavOrl4.o , •:rofinl.
segro . Slayery i
n ilterckY 141 1 ,4910 p 1 4,
Slseely jiriucipld , admAtiqg Othrr, forties „
or Slavery to be 41fr0i1k..." ' '
:The hoe defence ' boirover i 4e Innis•
cbaugeol w ,,,The 3outit nowfus ton tains: that.
Slavery is natural and nsursittry i ;
and dors not depend upon diffeonei of
COMPLEXION:' Tile bliss ItlP 4'filiA r
States justify the holding or 4
MEN io !bondage. <'.
AnOther Buchanan' piper, , the,' l'iitling •
one in South , Caiolins. , eays : - , • . :;
4. Blivery is the naterat and norteptpiti
dition of the laboring , ine4 , , "It s nlth'er ,
WfITF Or blaCk." The ' &teat:
,etil, of' '
Ik!orthernireesoaietY is; thitit is' - /i4r4kned
wilh. s ervile clue of bli4lollA N/ 0$ and
LatlOitgaSi. int&for Aelfewire "rifteli4
land yet clothed milli, shi_,,litsiib6t4 arid'
powers. of citizens.' i blaster and 81 is a
r relation in eaniety se necessary re' , " t ' l a
parent,aoAdid ; laud the Northetn tom
will •Ye' fbaY° ,P? , ,j4lr°cluce,,A. • Xhpir
theory of 'frep;gbvinzatent is a del ion."
' Thetreli•'Delnarailei' i dothrilid lisinK
with , a-rengeinee. 'Pour theorfof r "itiA , '
erwtneist - ts; l 'dellisiort,"--*..ifetboril ''n en
whether *hitt, or 'black td toeqeli' . .` i- 4:1 1 '
:Verily; matters 'are coining* . ‘pietiy•
..lantrwith VAC ' - ' ' ' .'l'7 1211114 ~I A. X
The, Richmond (Va.)' Ent#l4;
' Ruchanants bon ficOin ticl tfrittin, i rid
erect , by '; the, utlemocra tie" Orly' as' its
ablest Paper in' the t3outh',•ipaks "as fol.'
lows in a recent number s'' '
"Repeitedly have we asked the' North;'
'flu ios the experiment of %Riven's!, I i bet ,
ty EMU D, T , Are not the eils of PREF,
80.01E 1 1 4 )( INSUFFERA AU ~And
do out u.ost tliiiiking men a ogvau pro
pose td subvert and reocOnetr t it r Sall
po answer, This gloomy eikice Is eolith
er conclusive proof, added to many 'tither
conclusive evidences we we furnished,
thatf4e society in the long Innis an im
practicable form of society pit is every
where starvingi'demardizedind insurrec
tionary ' )
' We repeat, then, that poll," and human
ity, alike forbid the extesteinof the gaily
kg/ref society ; to new P, o ° P. and FeWlieg
generations' ' '''
• Two opposite and • sanitising' (ottis IC(
society sancta, among oiviiied men,"eo..
side!. stift endure, The Osamu% give way
fkn4 etkuo . ,to .Tfisp,O; beogme ttsi
..jitillt%7 944
y0.,,1t•0, , i 1011/1
utioliriciian, it meat:fall, sitd'itldo' Way io
dlavtf,sociely—ti Seri d syilesill old da , the
world, univertal as tgon.l •
And the itluseogeo (Ala.) I Herahi, a
nother taliant, Bechar= eigan, , says t
'.Free. society I We sicken tikhe name.
Whet but conglomeration of (lAEA
Trirlig;sx'A a,' PISTE D 'FARMERS.
atid THEORISTS ? 'All
the Nothern,; add esplecielly •the 'Ne* En:
gland States 4mA:hyoid of society fitted for
, well.bred.gentlypen,
,The prevailing °Well
'one Meets, with is that of mechanics, strug t
Allll4 l 'o le genteel, and sinati farmers *ho l
de their ciao ilnidgery ;'And yet van ere'
hardly fit for , assoelation with a Southerui
gentleman's body ;servant. you;
cree,Aociety which the Northern hordes are
endeavoring to eitend into Ifs:trial."
And the South Side Democrat, Another
-, ~t; ,11,1
Prt?Tnr,nen,l P ti 3P 1111 ! ) , I P a PP r l
sihO r e'c'editor :Otis iupportee fof Cler the
Hohiie iii'Reiretriaittivelib r y Remirr,st
. , 411/ 1 : „.:111 1 • 0 .
to members of t a preeenTitycesa,74?,',o!};
FREF fte •
sea everything a r this ityle
• , 13 101 y . lll •
, "We have got to bAtiogever i n. itug oitk
the ptclik' FREE gout tre negrnes ddaqi
unit-up; ' through
ERERfaruisoFilEE'laboroFßEE eitniet3,4,J.
4 ,l 4 ) 4 , Fill,„FltlilE,llhittking a ,FßEVehil.
them i l " l,F itPil 4, 4o, 9)l "7.o l )43 l lPnift,ltt,
die` einteLrOod of dargrudile unit- r put,
tote iritrat of the'
mddein 1374ter0 :oft "FIVIMC11001:8na
The NU* England violent of, free- schools
cottee tuttLittr463-se l eitie. oaf
the lrflfiglurie: fl i t u r s 9l.*ll, ll Fif Aur t hl
ed tier cities into Soooms two, tiomorrlts,
ands her letni duo 'thettiont
cei. of howling Redlefititee.' , L We s!esOsittJ
note, ;Me , .oysion. BECAUS.E. ,THE
S eil - i°g 1 ,4 3 . 1 4P 1 P144 1 4. , ih, 1 ,,, ;
• ThP Obarleiebn, o.).lSteerldortiolto.
nother,Dchweratie paper; in,idefundisg the
murderer Jlerborti ,Ithe pentoctage 't Cow;
iStelloulagi) , who shot' the ppor Irish Iviitetr
ouY4 ; .1 • Ia it
"IF , warria, MEN ACCEPT TOE , '
k4SFATED Ti4Arrur WA/414
t in ) , ,A imbuing ilbtl, 6). t omit ment . itig cad
-0 11' "GETTING TliiE 'AMP
1N 'DISGIIISEI is. WE' 11 0 1 1;
So Meat for extracts front liDettiodistie
newcptipets. , ' Nosii for a toil 'Friuli Dial&
ora t r i v A p eed h og . n .n, vnt l 4
Art i Dotibtie late 1)664614dd ' Fah aditi
fritni Logicians; forgot elvhblirer ad 6leg:
fully prepared ' opeecbr phslithid 16 'tile'
Wagthingtrth ttotie, iniyere. l 1 " •: ' '
.$1 coil vipOi the appenitritnt ft liderfid
prove it the, WIIITEILA:I3ORERS
a e ,L. _ARg,of
th 9, happy. , P 1 MOtttellledcorl
us oocufurtstd?,tY/frvesipClAciSplith,,i
South the elaies d o not suffei,:one-''
,labeireralbf the' Soriitr ,
,ku,Pl' ll 3to 6h4:oollihiftstvolartiol•fol' SS gotta
a0, 04nuV 6 , 3 r Qf OA3 la hcP;tlf4ltf. l 4'P9o,4?
•provide }or , theinthorn to
tVtto carttttite Otire of 'there:
silt irotttr''ef the'etteleffeWoiiit of' Wel ilfeidtc
of slavery, and this the superior enodialar
-or AO, .STIL helix On To Ismer. thednortlieui
WHITE, lahorer,". ~ . • ,
A c rr-titig ,t° :Po)fP!teAlili! ; .(liTcl)
Democratic splthortiy) ttio
tbera tfilf‘Mtti'°,',.!Tie(M°oll.:,!lom(l4o47
to i n!t i mv PrVe7",
15 .4Tli ' r '1 t 1)1 9
,' ~ c , qtr. •• , -,1 h.-
v• 8 t of to la
P° , , *r r ?r°P°lP., ", Mi t ,,A4.l..rft4
in a t spee c i f in the U. S. gentle !
oPET4iv/FM°T,ilP".,•gqglilVd,lll°llll „jcßt fu
well situated ecitulottsblf ,off wily?
slaves that oultivatetheAitat and cotton
Gelds of the South." - 11, I
r t .; k>, ) 1 5 1
•"t" tr . oa
•• ! tlanio
dis uc ti U 4 Or iviit
"The same 'onastpettoo of ,tbe power -of ;
n i golfed
tlititasleiiitery.ltobld;itiitiso 'the' Gov.'
I.6rnntent itrozeluding.foreign' born citizens
ti — crE4NAN.S AND 111 , 1 0 H AS . {YELL 4.B IiIf3G,F I RS.",.. •
i'3l,h4souriyetn r oen9 plaaees GEE.
3141 , Itkrd lAIS4 imliserituitiately with
Mr. L. H. Goode another. ; 410iaon
Demograt of Miasoori.i9 a yeeept apcech
igaiont the FreeState . men of.Kaoeva,,lle
riounced the LABORING men ju k; IINV,HIT4
These e:lrscla are E n . Miieirtgi)
score prints, er obacetro, mew. 7 They art!
from the :active, jpfluoutial papirt,
fluentiol men wbo lead. the Domooretie per.
Tha, Washington, U nion, the national
organ al the ,"Dentoaratic party. says Alit
Ole !lotke 3l . and 1 4P;f0P free , LABORING
MEN. 0( &top , ' - • •
• "Ares zUSE4I I 4 II I , E.BLEIR-NY,ED
8A1.181,t1 !ho, have boen • trap‘forecl
180 MANI* cArtE to that' coultry: 4 !
: SENATOR BUTLER, 'OW iiiialtr . O(l
'Quisasaln" Brook aahiniag light 6 ti 4
tiemontatia **bay: declined in ti area in
ifteB.434inati thht'ieiiVai-2 • ' " 7 .'"
, - 14.4 • !,
7 nc ;,•, a ;I :• a 1. 1., .
f •;1!
f • r
T w el ti fi
i:tLA list m o le
kury $26 ;,rzAf l! I, •rrTry'rl•
1,,, 4 frt:
v. i.,li. ii Ili 1. , + , 4i' ~., i '. , im ii, : 1 . 1;
"Ttrat men hasitt ho right to ycl i p on-
leis'tbey aro possessed of property as e
((lipid, by ,the qohtififution, .cif,§qpth ~Qpiel
irm: Them no n'irr can vote uptess he
nt2elen' itegokot:f. , nr . real 'witch 'filth°
V 1.111 OF TEN triOtIBAND dbli611). 11 ', 1,1,11 I
Ailtitillin is the• doctrine whitrau4Dntont
?soy, uo.calletl, wceM ibtrodace , Mt Ptitint
ityltiania. , ~, . .1 , , -i . , , 'i• h. , iho. .1
I JA3IFS BUOH A NAN,.the! , Prekiden.
' till candidate,of the men Anti of ill* party
who bold thesis odious view'.•all"Pcilell 144
de:36.Mo en the U. S. .Sitate, of reducing
TIVES.and LABOHERS to the Eedopidh
atandtird, which is I known ta ,, bett , iibotil
TEN OIi:NTS, A DAY. What a ,ftt !nett,
didate Mr. Buchnitun is , fer nj those r i m
would' make 11' 0 l'ell MUN stai/es i ,
"JOHN C. FillOti)?l'f, the Mk libeib•
lican arid' true] Drider?ia, wlitithits , tvntleed
his owp way ' front poverty , to,
pelf tefollowtog high tribute Ask the dig.
tin a
y FftP2IAIiOR., and yet his eim i
wien have the tneanimpoi to assert that he is
a Aluvi;.tinlii et. 'Oil: FrernOnenetier own
ed is dollar in human &Ail Bear what'
itf;PlYis 41+04t,.'freetitt4r." , , i ~ I'l
` ,l ?#Ei% LA-YOI I.- ":tho natural.. cap i tal,
',which cipintitutest do; red wealth of this
1 griiiii 'edhiit'ey,'-''stul i tfretites iliac ititellteerit
poll:wilt 4ho.'w wises, t;lon 0 14 , 110 'retied i dit
, 40, tLim.dbutwar i k , , of ', FltBH .INSTITU-
Ti °4ol "l . ,
' ' 'l'(le, N ow " York lieu,, if,ogii, on a t(fi.hc
I . d P l ti i4 4 Bl ;;k ial° Y .stk , .0.415. f ")llP b r t ,
damint . I stio)r,ntiti l . tr O P9 4 e 8 °. FulllvP, ,
Pour l ii4;VoA NS,` 0 OVIA 4 1 8 11 , 11 ,di
114§11;;Yie' ratty ftCli s fi l l to poverty, and
be,atlittiloostmpor i t their flinillieti,- 7 ,,
I!joie tehtth4 Po 14,ok's
i tlact, Stoic's lo
iiiAtti, of 11/0 7 I'OOR. ) 4 1141'FF! ' . .F.0- 1
le .;41 , jf op / ...,/ ; ,•1 ,,, ~. . i
i ~- 0, In,
"ze We pfpnts Uf nose otitdreq lii fu
StA 4 .L'lt.r. Let i ota. 1.451 t'urnpilms a
isiv'thar*kttfothe will thltb. Iliatie pargink
ituti take care Of) thenr.auti Weir 10E7+1
tit!RING, in. sio4'neas and in , health. -.
clothe sham, feed th'eln, poi bylise {teeth,.:
shall. he. legally entitled to their serbicec i
oh& let' theiiiitine '.Logibll!ture' &brim ili ac'
trlinei , er•rebeivell-the.4e patents and their''
UHILDBUIL WM obtains.. ilieli heriteesi ,
shad , tae ., care of Allow AS .1.40N0,1mi;
Tfit i k trv,E.„
,Tielifecietj'Weligloo • '
ii.„: e• .
Z i t i oll. ) 1 , fd 90 . P e , 0, PI ) ) c9An•
. wino' .gt!ti s rt Is! , tea 4411191.0 . 101 d
calumny . , stiiiittitiA• v eitculooci b*, hie' en
lett4iits,(o,lst,q9it„,rfelripilk is or per,. hrte,
thev,; will :Pe
ruite.Ari,,llllllftliot from Robert. F.
I 41q!IPI°1 1 t s .$1 nr : rfeit Yar4ri. Weil/
kuuwn eittzets of thet§4ete,,tittil #hct. Avis,
I ,C9/•„ , ;I:PIIIPPROR/fin : oglAnt
jug expetlidons.
,•5 14 rFtv" 0 -9r.f. lin
pi ll° lo o M.'!!'!),Y, 1091 1 4/ 0 11, I t), 14!i 10? , pep.
face . 91 ,
itivA,P94 Aq"?*(014 441 proof Ofi:ns .fehtity,
rY'.llo'M',-.'"?0:.i , a 1 ? 0 1$ , Vrtinlime,
11 T9 ni !: i n., ,, 4144 , 0; 4:t.ierlY..lNSPOßitil
14 1 , 1"ti n u!!; ( 4,Ol!! .Pl l3 Pf
i h Pfri!AP,sheY. , lre, ! 0 1 , 411i tY calf+ up all 4
'spread abroad . every silly. at 1 1( tt . bst)sd ,
stO4lll;eateriii!'holeier lthth OI e
they refuse to rtublieh any tleohtl or
,coo 7
Ira tutetaitmtl ,the„
rtible proof. ; „ ;, •
Li. •
' /11r.,Jaivtagatoliva ,let ter
is. pleo iptecest
big tfe shi;wittkr the, chepoter ) and o eeoii
mews of lgr.frce;iitnai i 0 miter itarticu
ITikosyn S ep
,MR . 1 JP6- 060.CH-7! 1) . 1iAl! Sift
Your ticifelof'th'ir' with iddiess•
, Me! )scilichiiigf 'My iteiletimindiiig' 6f
ol•i•lithtt,V; Frtlinotittedfoligioust tenets
tir 1fu. 1 11411 SlaverD i•am pleat.'
ed to yunuply with 1 have peen person.
illy'-acquainted for nearly two).
`''"in '44' 4i:fa
for itesural mu nano asbriciated)in the' semi
Vom, c ut, Fa_leilittV" , A. (sing • in;•Neritt
(13 ridi no t 11 7 1 1 eiicaprped togethereat,und
:114)ttirit:ill'er in tjie ueep ,;ro,rmce, of the,
+blue littlge,. far remused iroM eny,
, hobtratislii. , i' Fran Mir` daily ihi'criloUrrie`
and, intimacy it- might very ssiturtilly be
infor,ro,,'!nt , tho.tam-i ! ),", , otat 'Welberrame
preog r conToset ,r qpiu r
1.41 is a nt cliariMiers. 1 hoe no flitinitium
deeliklng' he . ginforYedge 1 then
obloined (of tiblaiad
}from; asiociationl witts -him', that • hid'
rvlig h ioua oPinjuna werst,. end, mill are,
these of the k i rottis)!ant ,
*) loJepeuiieni cif this, 1 will tome, that the,
Prayer. Hook ourieiii Ai the Blue
ißidge wad owned by John. C. Fremont,'
W it h, in! Home illtcflbed. oil r, the cover ! '
which Arab . thir, Coniston Prayer Boots
tided by, all Episcopalians, and me same
kind that 1 had from my boyhood been
' accustomed to' use.' This circumstance
is airkiii*ly iitipre4sed ttpiiu it,tmindfroM
the fact .that "thOre wad ! among .our nuut
ber a son of the Episcopal Bishop ,of
Baltimore, a strict disciplinarian. who-ir
ofpref o'
the hairy . ',lra' hn for Lamp n glee t.
ed to,bring his Book of Prayers, which
! produced in our company ~n o slight de
'pee of amusement st his expensti., It Air.
Ffemont Is now' a Heinen Catliolid, lie
tii"ust 'certainly have beeouielossince 'his.
, in raply to your, queptimi,pf Slavery, , )
wilt ietroduce a ithort; extract...from, the
journal,; kept by me 41 the time• spoken of,
in" 1827: 'r:L! L
4 1 tini cherat•
ter of my coultanioCri Frettibut.' The moat
taciturn, Epodes roan 4_0;11; 1 nrt; rengntlipg
me ofliani C., and . like biro, op pot readilj
dnewe bite converSitibri; 16'okind timer as
if he wer e,re s o l .ling-Volo.fliduult make) h
Euclid."' • - '
:*r. .ii .4, 41 " ''"uttrie l eiisk 4 'bra,
passed.: /aid gust tlylittigtumhby tisslssi•few
'days liborious duties. if uuccetua ictrukr a
~~~ rte_
~:s. s.rtlsa
• C 4 r.:,::11111 rIII HI
rough '41141 ftba+444444bt, it
a gettfu4L-% 'cliallionfl ot' . 'ob 'lll.4l;:triter.- 4
pe - reilici °tro' °Mina/ capacity. Such appg ;
cat Ibti locikplEit With' inklill7ndttlfntitbleitiliffiell
verance—anch determinatfort.tiveturmotmt et.
ocy d abstac t *---a patientigyefitikatiopllimar,e
* * a , a * 1 uk m b tit h,
hal alipsett: We aie ttinSpithill'tail 41141
priinitive of forests,-...Our.enterit brings in a.
door .i,pnr taciturn 1 0 1 ):i 8 11 2 .Praliih'
tivii lately '
.' Ho is tiaved respected n ir•
ed by us alt. Firlf Itfip'reit4ons ofpetsons are
generally tbi fidif./ It. is lithikr-tfait Fremont
will, at some tutu? day be distinguished;
. ... )1, it i
such energy i euckperseverance,guclt,pPillicv
tion sued: 1.0'64'i dandtle eWcdple'afotike, anti
will not. gd iturcirarilt4. , . tint t ity at measure
his confident, converaing.trith.„ c,..iy en
all subjegth irke7444, that, Of tr. Het
does not hontetti'llis oriinittna "o • t ' institu;
tion. He condemns it mech.-o.oe hi the Pr"'
Once, of ov i own,.compartionsi i
.I •?Irn moral
cautious."' '''' '' " ' ' ' - ''
'Phi 4 is frordlify jotitftal nearly twenty
j'ee.....11,g0i.t1 t. halitaVe' 'foal ' !vivify t Rave
beard 111r,Fromp,nt say 9(,the„dtynoralisi- -
iq effectil fl,v i. oary, thsVira .t iples itybut
would natit' vise interft4Tifce wtere it k.
established. Heil, olitid‘ed to Its emet-
Ilion. I ha vbl 1 (AMA lit IlD6li, Fremoneri
company in Kentucityi 31clubs and Cali
fornia, ,1 1 1 } 1 Pt)1 11 P. 1 1 . 1 ', 11 11 ',Pi gil t ?aira '
[ His Views an theft , citteattoti of huntsit
Slavery, are 'Wha't 'ill good' iitl3l; tiesits.
Of liiiMietitinilkCa , / thAid• iriiii 166 ha
doubt: Believing 'that this will isobar
you upon the adraiiti . iittiliia alluded lg.
anti trusting thafTuu_will;;i'all I eellainif
sholl,"lcaat yind4titti for.} Fremont Intl
Freedo , pt. I reirpildfiiiir_s, eitc.
r ',I 100,0kigiri; 'V. iluviriGivroiti
A Sontit'ititi I't4iiritieti Man.
.ii,hrlipgarue , itnicle a apoeob avliermarp:l
, Olikil,l 1 11 7011:91Vailini. IC few days 'ago; iii
whit!' ho told kit nisking'tta3 acquainiennee;
of,it CleUrgiani arlaJd traveling on the ltsie:
tituore and Ohleoltilliotid i liked hial;.gokt.
itwi' hi litinfidenee r 'and found , eat in V
4fit;ll..titacilbat lie was it , Framont nuitt.--u:
We:q'uote the'redt, of the l atory from att.,
Philad'ailibia iiiiiitf:rt :,, , t. 1.„
on o had:been up to 'refresh: hitnielf by
heitrinigiekpeddlica itchy et Ilid Repilllll4
crii'inecitingS at :the 'No'rth. fld laidseere.,
!Ind adiarad thd,rich fruits of our Freeacta
I aprend'a i l over our, hills:and ourealloyei-=,fi
!Notwithstanding:lh° :was a , Frettiont' lasi.
he said he dared tint* to. avow his/prefer.
ouctrin.Geo'rgial althoug he 'Was a luau in
'good standing there. p e. . is ate entititont
lawYar , and a tram of Ib is piitperty, anti
bus lived there all hb tile. ye declares
Abe, would'not hay, it ituoyrti fOr'thtiitdi.llll l
that' lie' hid held Suair ; iburiieisikiidu With.'
Northern to and u apbclallir:liiih hie : ::
fLaugliter.l Ho said 'he would ilk hard:"
,ino disclose, his_ natue f anil n i.ifill,not,d it t , Tl
Hit bowie iniertisted line *env il' ir t he
' . ' •
i d'totbe'grdtit inceting*a,i 'Payton., w ere
'I e whole population, pourtdout si tire
gat, gathering fur
I • r ,
.4; -!, 1 r f
i, ilbj tididg gt, !
ennui aver lint, an :he-went with me ter
Pl+l34i 0114? ho svent'tu,tht irlitrieuish:gittlf.4 l
:cling it Cincinnati; and he would Iliavet fol.- 1 ,
lowed to this:place WI iiiittutidt...j'illiumkeit- , 4
'to I l i that ' there would be'ihidiflt;l4o-7-,.,:f
ti!, ~,,,''f b t, law wiPiti:fie,.iiiit,c howita4.? /',, P
god d ' . 17.114 ono of ttle '. 110 1 3 .1a4. ,hots I :nor l'
E 16 42
,saw. VaaaNT I,h0Pe,:.1114:111M Pnit,lgkr-',
elat reeimint: 4300.dv.t0u -ailletnaii
iipate thousands, of white noun whoostillatc y :
to be
. Mr.,Burngatue then !dated thin Leh
,seen an lilecolthe , that' Govordd Wile of
Yit.'o ll i4. ,ofd ,intimated : tilat ,Ifgabybodyl
that°, altoul try ri tp be,a ,Ftenisist r electur, ,1 4
it would' be . 'eStisideincl ''ll' bitn as an in-
dictsble.hilducei'''Chieghteq' 'Tiffsloan
from Georgia, of whom I r livelioisepolida'h
laa;Stiligd.;ll . ow :ws let :the North •Who are '1
free toypeatt api w e piesser4ree c to:vote as A )
we fileaie—eptilA 'condone toting to keep „i
tlidoketipoil we:W.l4i of the .9oeth, and
apont.ourael vat ''ite thinight We' night '6 . ' l
Igo,. ngi,ene'reite; , for • freedom.Ll-Whiin wer , • 1
loci a ehapoerywhen 411 that :was required. '
of ti.'vvac Itinpy to gq 4 end deposit 1R the : T
b, i ffoi.:6 ox , d into , Wit, no un e Jo deter us rc
by th'ratii 'of violence: ' • '
tthat4 ) the t tilitem'' .
lab,ter in 1 41000111: is *arse ii Ilidtrott , ;
tbe 00gr0..11 , 1 2 19 7 a094a14 ( up*, bitte
With scorn, because h e hRs no, wait
aciaed,, lbw a ,
'1( 14 16 ilia ' miii46
lashe.4 the, stare ,,the' Tbit'/1
fight in no,I , BP mttPh for the. ttleTtittet is for :$o
the 'White itta!l of the ,6euth who is to be ,t
inade tree:,,.:
, - ;,)T7 I , I";1; ,
Beef 11:11811er.
- 'rhis individual • who -- now diskraees_
i i rn 4 Ylvtinii 7l 4ll3,q;ifijilid Sonar Rinste,
fppins , in hia diyty.contepp!ible oi ltmnippt irt
in in j fq, raking .
enunti Idng
engaged !ranking end: dbndihit
, Altai° A . pallnphlet cooaininvir taboved
peal tOr,tlie ele:ctlow,of Fel Ipgtp, act' 'an $
the end' nrii - a bitter attack. ml the ihipti
:Seattil IciVt. Wd think 'effort will
have as puioli effect. es the
10 wet Yetintint s and Pristine.' • The! pail.
ple are lint . goisc d to_ne , led ; by chai.toani,,wrk
who pro Cured the appiniceent. #iip, lo I
mphiqf Otte - 9,0f, Pofi 14!Iter
'General; "Nor ' twill ' tiiity' in any: val.'
'contribute - to - theeleetlbhittf.the-tnart 4116(
i s P1 e 4ged ,.1 0,.44111i11U8, him ja,thisqpia F err
"IPn • csni nty i The ttupttilteL•• `,
.pleo iriCkster. lur. ngptd . i ttqt Atm, eat,
well •stistnined YR Ca Fremont pans'
ids accounts with his neighbors Were 414-
ly scrutinized. •
• Oterbreebr
ifany t „td . wgiii 1
i cen 111,11,!ify,
' Detroit jilliobiiror) '
tires oubjiahre eo,Aritirrm.
( 5 -. 1 °I !#;IP!' 1 10 1 / 0 :":'fT
if' J 8 62, , 11° 9 11 r. 1 , 1 !4 01(A1pi44 5 ,1, 4 figiS r
for FriiMc l itit - ' •
I • .3' 3 : 0 -3
' •:ti
! AVois piestidell ) Witi VICO s
T 1'
` , YO
:41• 4 '
.AzgA •••,
;;:i `,.',i'i g 61 `,. - ii . ' 7 7 It-,.;
,P I v1 , .(1