Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 26, 1856, Image 2

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    ~lweallSir!*sa~ :w..c+ M vs. ~d ?:
__ _ rr' tr ';+ ,
.~ -
•. ... •
the setae ilireciion. When tire fi,
ling intetligetice %Whitt igutra w - , a.. (a IC itiaig
',reached the "Stitt.., Moir eglit'ors' . - dm goo
'oed the foul wroug in term; orfitting iii
*lgnation. It was but a spaimndic ett'ort,
liowtVeir, and in deference to the youth Dad
'the Fri:bailing sentimeneatf ‘l4 party,;they
'have dropped ulf, one after the other, until
ItPiliir,`atr far 114 I have been able to :racer
'tdortliere is o u t a Democrat l paper which
'dares boldly to justify Had defend the
Free State party, and' 'dormice their M
anglers. In Owe of enimerageniciit and
sympa - thj for their outraged' feltow.citizeus
from tl:e North, thine 6 livle e b,e. than
jeort ridi cu le thrltlic:r gloprottsed and I
courlition—inkrepre,entaiion ''l
their notiZe4-d'alreleilinTglittit a-preteudol
ildulity of the statements awl appeals
w ibeyOsend th eir' brethren; or. the I
States. '
1t lliit~
thtirhipidkers tichlititinl , the fllule I
spirit=-setae of then. igina Mg the questMii I
entire'or i ; other? of ,tre.iting it with
perversions; iniisrepresentatious and 1111.01
issues ; and others taking opmly rho
of ther'oppresetorig ;,tint no into of them
voiniting theorem. of Kmisas. iir,,
hes admisaion nailer
: the, ,Freq.Skaie c u .
wtilttlitiltledoPt-Pd ‘ bi
,IcAto denotietrations,, and, pro.
cesaieik of he party, I find bliiiners and I
. devise/; ts~ptft ping brutal to alts, tit re- l
ispoutet,:!o„ the ,appeals of that. people Mr . ;
enparalleled, wreak:, I
oilen,hited, im doubt they milli
dcd, to prepare the tinissesfor,i
reined of justice cud) protection,,
tut! are•
ignitlimiceetsistimee la -outrage 'and t;s
If r find-all the Demoprais
portion of. the Democracy
boldly repudiating the liansas-,g6braAte
bitt,ky insist,pg, that SEa , 11 r g
in go iota tti6Tertitorits to e spltO,Of Chit
gross or, the people.; and that, the iriligibij;
tam of ; „ the .I'crt it ivy,' have no - ,right
pate Territorial laws to forbid it Or exclude
it. ,Deumeristic Itepreseutatives front enn
it,yleaitiagvep, in the Senate and the House;
iqflPhttat these opinions, •
other. gqppreniaticps from
with Democratic leaders from other Stators:'
declitse themselves non eoMiitift
epon i thit heresy ; duo inevitable lOUditt:
9y. OfTWIkICIA, it is show, yr' ill.:6e, iii
prompt almost entirely the firatien 'of
sttY; More „F m
ree States. ,
4; Haying origivated a,mo7cment myself.
to Rid onr,,people 11,,sending them mel t
and; money, and having ,proseeeted , it With
the ; strictest avoidance of party , character
'and.asktiied clout ra lity, as to the, political
ststraist4. sod haying earnestly yoked
ciu-operation Of , MCII of
failed to,enlist iu it, to my kucivrledge,';‘'
aingloDeuroarat , . >lu the Ceuventiiins
.CleyeLtud,und Buffalo, culled without dia.,
linetion of, party, in furthoranceof.this, en
'terPrieo,, there. was no Dennicrat present
but myself. This cannot have been from:
'any wanti,of ; generosity or of me'ans,, but
enly in ,dcfurence to the prevailing tone
otted motiment of tho . parly whickis enlist
.ed ePOtt 4ke, other, aim, of the question _
AttdPoteoniyhave theY abstained fromaid.
ingthe movement, but in theirTressei add
'influence they.• hass, ed.;
r,deavored to crippleand retard; it bY'stieSr
hing at,:it,;waruing the community' lig4l;st
it as - , treasonable, and declaiing (bat, 'the
.traioney would, be misapplied, thus angles.
. turtling to preent,contributions even' frdin
. ; friends, of the,ureasure,
might g0,,0n with.ibis catalogue; and
.if i tteeps`rtiry.
gap tnlf that',the prevailing tone of Ilia
ruinsas 7 , but I c;ni l !lider
It tmly hocessary to add,that mint
coid: relates but to thejf The.lSAith,
r ...fehrire,the•gTeat mess 6i 'lie party is to be
~..„foend,,makea no pretensi:on, as a vvii:de, to
,11.,,edyneacy, of any t hiag; bgr , Pure 1.1,..ri1er
, de
What f ,then, hafe the Free State teen o f
1 11 K 4 00148 to expect front a Bentocr'atili'Ad.l
-.rfainistration, oven, if presided over by; Mr.
7 .Baohanan ,If he conh) be' left to act lip.
.;sou his own,impulses, utri;tticted ever :
I.,,,stii. influetaces, and freer 'front all pledgee
and 'obligations, expresS itePried: t be.
I€, tem would be very differeut.' But, unfor-, !
this is ant eleutimr,..
. ! , ...troirld. rightfully be considered a' decision
,Isigairit , ba,,whatorer. maybe his own pri
?.;eate, feelings. , ai at Washington,
...itio - Kanstur and elsewhere, ruld necessari.
a large extent, be filled with our eu :
arnica . Inforniatioh would'
.through a distorted umdium'; and' lastly . .
„ttecould. nop aid us svi,theut having' first
Inade,,up his mind to be,abaudonedaud
warred upon by Isis owe' party., l'hegolith
eould.charge him with rtolaiing . l6' pled
..;geo,,end etre, upon him with the 'bitterest'
„hostility, and at least a per, ion of the
Alen' lleruoc:roay woul4.iollow Eiler time.
es. ;lie would thus be left withMita'inir
ey support , his Ailinitlistraium,,unlesi
1. 11040111 d cast , himself. itito thearths of t h e
• , Republicans.- We cannot, it, seuuktit,V,
y, 'either ask or expect him to do this upou a,
• .spiestioti whore party fines are ao 'plainly
• *siva Aoeforo his ttle.ctiou. Like all ithin
11.,1412ediu the same.situittiN, he• Must obi!).
boi.the party sentiment n' whieh. . he is 'ele,Cted.
• That there are.Demoersts Pennsyl4-
nit who aro full of indignatieu,agaiust lb.()
''.derminet of the South in regata to Kiiiisas
aux well aware, and that they anulil usir
their 'Anemia, to redress her , wrongs J. am
jell satisfied hat s ciao.) , are too few in pro
_ .I:alien to the ,whole party of tbe Illgion
'a'• sustain: his Adthittianation in a war with
his party. They have f .,,ypt,been uuai. is
g.r , tomuike their opinions,ligpvar and he felt
-ia• , the PertY. and, of course. evaluot do so,
hereafter. , honor their good iuteutious,
; hist 1-eineot believe in Moir power.
14:repeat that I,buvo bean forced , m these
; wssoielations after uo, slight iitrtiggle
: , t , ley feeliegs and inel'ilations.
3 at ie bsitaa be eleafed,,und his . idguinistra- . 1
froin Achat toy . , jielgineurl
'ilairepela me •to hi gird
approbatie t.dn, a tbougn
support. At. belie - 0 ppW, .1 !oust
regard the D . yrnocraite party ac lull gm
u- ,
:• , reitted ‘itr Abou :Lein ts'ettiqualisiu,; toward
which, fat sallie time peat, it has Inen rap
-I.` +idly Moiling, and I quit,it, well ilA;Uretl '
- , thetdarytiuty testy country demand at my
• -‘,liindit this saerifice of personal 4.ling.
* , Very truly yours
Tee Locorocov Mee , given up a
SO* of eteoting their; State u Ticket.—
t M 1 to "but their wooer , : opi their
'iiitUitelitt in October no• way you eau-
,J - *.thiteth come of the green cora are utill
to ske-thei r pile" that Eiddiau'an
Z k : eerlw...the State in °November. Reas.
'f".011.--they impact 'to see a titration be.
3s - 1i titellea' the Aeterieaps and Republicans.—
Shell we gratiq them R.:• We thiult we
tree a unanimous rzelathauoti, - all over
State..-No Since
irrAD Electoral ticket for the State
of filetyland bee beeu agreed upon by
tate Fttuaeut Inca of dist State:.
i ..
. ... 4
41411 S 1 1 111/1111Y,BINNER.
--- r - , : s - ~1 • 1 , ' ,-
I t - ,
.T ,
i, ' / 1. 1V
1. - :. '. 2 ' 4 '.:' ' .4, ~,.' ..• •,:,
l'l - - 4
I,l4Niv. • ‘ .:,,.,
- s ,-
Thursilay Sw,)t‘
r 110p0 we may find knar,o meamt in. Inture
of allielding onv,i4vea fro n t Fori•gn influence.
'ever form it
may he atlemidea. •
viato ottiro kovo ! roon thisookt . ,lic old woqd.—
Fott`l ,l / 2 1KNIDitn,1 4 ;' ' '
111111.111 L. DIY TON.
Unluii Sintti lurid Comity
CANAL 00504151110g11. , '
TliVgAg Yurk,
Atiritioic onxistAt,
ItIV IN - P fELVS, i,e'iviiigtrc;,;,.T, ( Aviv e.)
B. LAPOIITN, of (Republican.)
coNquess. • •
'IV 41 L I 114 R STE W A RT.
PETER ' MI6KLEY; (of "daniel.)
,13IIRVEYOlc.: ~
./.I:Cbl3 DIEHL.
PROBietriti° A F TCdtrliY •
connected with Southern
Ple L0C.0,00 6 ' 'Pact* ' becomittg l ' u ' l3. ' w "" 3 " evil ''
. sotnety than that 'of the North ; that • negroes
ProOlt;iv,ter v'-'lrfse"•lirogrettst vat nre ncgroes, , and not white men; end , there- 1
Oevelop4eSit, °rib's lessdenc '•'
~ . . ~ -. l•t•fert. ol lo peculiar. domestic 't it ' .
11'"*The facility iillt . Which the migro.. :
Setith is en ala;teiy at all ; L'i l it, ls o l n u t t r n r o. tli tr '
driving Lecofoeto party adaptritsclf to, sir: fr, the neturalieletion of the' racesilu e i:l nt t r hi; 1
ie one
:the most
ni , , ,
k o .e r r ei w al hi c k o kz ed l i s ti 4 oMof society, whouerer or wing-
its eh aracterist les: , ,•Througbout
,its,eut 4 0
.. .tol 0 e further hOlf r trtll.7i i t;r i tl i ex x t t :• ' l m Al s o i l t i i°, l l %
t s .i ke llOr; . hr 't' i he' free; full and tilletithare .. , 'ivel
hi#pry, ii 'yea been" `all things to 'all • i '
men" ; , :and i(his.ne4r'hdvitaied tom - mil. feet freedom 'Of euxthpeareu•'PvPur'P,,-, u r t i l 3 -I )° F - ,.
fyo ibendoria , prinni i'••' ,• iltielniiinetifinethiirt s l iu n i t i ;:l'iroi ' ;;tft r rli, u i i s ' ';: l,4 .
, ....,.
.p e, w h en tenacity to
... n ,,... . .
it,1,1.14:e4te , .4 .; , .. ett ...,
0 , _
51 . 8 - , :
__ .•
8 I . imy pisonu!.,l to -ff to peace; progress and
is ; Je l l ?it tr . , uts purpose p ardety utAinqrican milt/3mm 1t I • 1
to he A l i v ei ryi
s eX e i t s ie te r n ee e , e i
seet r' it ' .
—accession , ,to.'ol4oo, and the :idiiiiibittion of t le A Merluall 11..01.1
of the Inavell and -fishes of, % •power. upon gcular those of th rtiel'eao"l:th'ittH''jp'eritri'-
, , i r. ~,
no questienlytathis fie . e,tlyerity . been more 'tiS; '6ols'efol di ? T i ll tf io n r u ' e lt YP' ' "'I Vri"
thitt'thC I•a l ritiern D t e„ e t i tfe i Xy lut iv ' ll l e vt i. '
decidedly manifested thaul.graccry. which ',lrv° said
has suddenly •iinifame the Minit things rotni, -30 ' l ll i tlem-i)ft ,ahould. ho I , ,Kcsolil-ed , to theni,
. , lon !. be in favot; of the 'free exintosian of
because the,MoSt,united lio:iimeTupulnus 1 outhern operation or us the dupes ..e• iirkpoi
iiure would' terra it, the estension .or -Sim erc . :' '
interest in the-couutry; •_. At party true le
I-''' 'rite southern Sl.avery, , Lneefoos.wiff he'. ,
eocratic tletitiment cannot be .pro
,'content content with Molting less thin thii—Nor•
very, Chico -Dereocraej, , ill its true secse, tltcre ':Looofecos . :must cease talking or!
and the
elevation •,
81.1 Very, its U..nioral and polities,': evil, nod 1
of man. while Slavery ire plies inequality of
rights and the degradation of 11l alt. Hence, '
'must chime in , with •ilie Smith in callitig ill
between the Slavery.(white u" well as thick) a lilt oink.
there is *to p'atUral 'affinity
tin arguing thit.Pree Society - is a ,Etti,nre l ,
two interestsitilinti . 1)
r,. .. : . 'early . i umnerats
prosperity ,eat, be , no.'
(1 . ' I' iiiiiit,lr - .114
,4 1
were ra ma i
~:,. ~„
~ nen, He compared an't that Perquithmt
'with the 7itirdeiali c tiftr .' Acl rePresrnte.l the gulled only. where a condition of Slaver?
. ,
.. ary, p;or t a i ils. Gradually the Polnett . r.tts of the
conservative !Sentiments. Now ,;' the • i
.elakming the;
kakna 0000i:t .,, i0
ailie L iti,„ . er t approach this mallard. They have
n • nn; wa tad . - abandoned. Wilmot Proof. °lsm, which they
the •Shive• power, wt kilt, is'itt
,Ariatoeitisy t ian d:l6,,,,fle„ed:doc.ena.ut , if,
proftiesteliii 1047. They have tetrOcted
11s . deesi.peit.eiplai
t‘pies : kkt,
am De 'i nnerm..: the demand made in 1849 that the cxten
! je , thougrt,',4)tili'thiS i'Subidititiitl'gtatiul.2""' or Slavery' wag "contrary to .'•Str te
k a
4apprke •,- 4 ik e ta t e •- iie t n . ill , ~.i:. :• . .t. h e int ; Ilightti," and agiMO t'he t, ,th is' ex tensiou . is
'dent. w I e
provetrient of the :11ttluao. Witioilit.: ~ B i t s necessary to the South and to the •t•safety
0. of the Itcpublic." They have abandoned
thbl.,,ogiagedi4 m. occur sudden! v.
~S quatter - Severeitti ty'-' and, . are, adopting'
.0 gr'4 iillWri:iii4f many;
the Seuttitten view that the Oenstitntion nE
years tvere,reqiired ., ,nre,lYlnljnerae l y -wPS '
.11411:1* 4 1 ,, §,P..,p,r,y.;V1 ililllaiiiix • t i nien :thti'U. Si' carriecliSlaiery with it into. the
Tdritthties." , They *re-preparing .tm: vote
, t
.which is 06 irre.iiip;a:ii: i 114 ' iiittrett it
ent i nte; ,; i i i i p i l
. .,„ ‘,t i, / diii et . i t aira tor" the - indefinite ektemaiort of- Slavery,
picPa . rtanry' to in , rate;;;,
Leon cousummated'hui for an iMaglt r ieir tie.,
he ttcxe n theother
of Oahe, acts
etitl . : the thi • 'os•Dutland
reltiitY ,, • „ •'.. „,, . ,
, ~,
1, ,
~... ages 61..sti;e Slave
contra. ,of the Afr ican Slate , Tradet , ~ Phis Dentoe-
le ate
eetly s
• ••• • ' ••:. •.,: I, •• • - tritcythak 'become the•lthiultnaill , of 'Vistas
versy, the i .J.Retnocratio . part y ay rufwthized,: , , , , i
and of the -vilei.t aristoconey• , in. the '
Wfila these Who aimed , to ifitiii the gitiwt h., rne •Y'
of an Artstaera'ci WhiCh iti fatal td iti i eo . S c " Bh—ltila witi" li"i on rh"nPai'l 011,,
• ..,,, ~. .
cial and personal rise of the pol.r. It so
iint. its
post- i into its (mpacions• - matir :l• Who 'thie has TM
continued fur many Yert;. ..'
141(16unit:tie impUlse; that has; an . ennobling,
lion hat gradually changed; and' is hiadual-
ly ehingh,g. ' In 18.15; when'the 3,leiticattl.ol?4,Bl.lSli' human h art ,. °r !i`,°tA, l '' nti ; d°ll " .
.Territo wis s acipliied, the Denfocratia ,,,ti°l • ll ca 4: l i )n g r ' ° ° ,. 1 . 1 ., 1: ',' 1 i; P,°. l ! t ierdi
• inipi •. - • , , •
teas • ~.I . • .. 1 anion with tueu wlQ,'deinand suobortoria
party t o t (arm itutinst unuounous, l + , ••• • • •
of; the. w p.
met room ;
ii ; tiie h., cot and I) , oldi ery only for , further loatrail
I hes ? let'the ballotbutes ans 6 ' •'- '
proposed to exclude Stai;ry from ;•it.. All • IV r ' ' ''''
their 'Legildattreit 'except tows , 1
.passed ••• , The October'. Election . .., i. , 1 "‘
,resolutions for it ; and 'the l'ennaylvanii ' Ir 'Our'friblidi must noti•forgt;to in bd
Democracy scorned the . suggestion , that l out in theft..,iretigtht nit the ' 'Seel:Mkt 'Tues."
they Were favorable to the: spread of ,Slave idayof.Ontober i ,to vete fOtthtttilitiStati
Labor, and tholdonsequent injury of white; lPieket.,: , Let out out : vote he..lciat....,,Rlifh l
. .Cabor. It! tS4•S; 1 they maintained the; it shine, be at the: putts' — istrik 'an& wiiri
ji . :.
"awn position, and s urged iha election of froniMorning tiline,lft'td get out the Satire:
trh rl. Casa to the iiresideneY, upoq tit 1 , Form of , ;i , "1
.. 4,1 ance
~.,• a i 00. p
gran. .11 that he was a. , ,Northerooman and theta* lists.,nadsoe,•thater,ery man will
~ ,be Telied upon to favor the interests - voter...'for. , the- Peipu !State-tioket 0.11 ihe
of iNiart,!afri , - I...iboterS, emigrating to the, ground: Remember that UPon , oureaccees
territorial. j.ll 1849 r ' the Pantitylvania gin Ohtciberitnpatids our triumph' in •Pcnie: , '
lt sio ce r itic , ,-,State Conteotion,, which met sylvtinia-in the November Cohaa. , We
in Pittsbergi'Liesolved that ; the, extp,nsiou ; Aught to hotsc,at least ihi, iftplitand en.
Pf , slayefy hayin,..l State It wits , was contra- >,jority for CoOlittAtt,•PitELPti and Lsrottrai
r y, to pi e . d cc t r i u ti pf:"Sfite..Rights," and aid , Wa can easilykraise it,up to Abet figure
therdetadtided that ,tt should 'be closely , it , we all dchonr ditty., ,All,togeitier now.
res t r i c ted to , its p res em .
,bnundarie.i. • They • Dozet , lose a vote ,if human energy ea'u'
sue by a — l,, rge• Manage to pull it for the cause. ~ ;, ••, i •:
carried the efentioc on tt'tis 1e.,,,.
But io 1856.-the Sonily.bogall' to threat
an to abetlite 2f their Nor.
thern hiothren did net Atoallik..l.qieir
'laical and Free-soli: firo'clivitiea'." This
eitni'dldttAie done safelyveinee kbe people
Inni beldame 'iMbetrinatedl;4a • the Free-
soil sentiments, without 'utotie'dodgint,;
and it was proposed in order to calm South- I 11:7`The Richmond Examiner, one ,of
m f ears an d s i ls ,„„ g i tat i on , t , R o t t xtn aor': the Buchanan organs, is ,Publishing se;
Wilmot Provisotsto and substitute' tor it I ries of articles showing the “suffielercy, of
at ter' So v e reig ty;" w its fries ds uPG,fot iiaeppn f leu p vc ru mea
declared to be equally friendl3t to freedtints It is coollyAiscussitag , treiron and its
while it spared the South'ilia toortllitiation• consequences ; yet B000feco„ papers
of the positive Congressional exolusioit of tWil k their readers nothing of this willainetta
Slavery from the Territories.. The dodge crime against the Republic.
pureeiled, anti, Squalor • Sovereignty was
aiiplied 'to the l lerrltatil acquired from )lex.,
,;, I 'litisl4isiationjwa's to he a "finalf
leitin the Slivery flue, liens. and Mr.
Hum was elected under.' the pledge thOt
he was4o soitthe' all 'exititement and 421
Alto bleeiliiig wiiuncls - '4 4 the Itepublicy.-=
Party' necessities subsequently requireti
dirt agitation should not cease, else the
South might be carried a say by fast.sproad
ing Arum icauirt, and the lett , leis devised,
a scheme tose 7 open the question and -rti.
agitate the Country. Thu - claim was' put
forth 1.4,4 the gotnprotniess palsqth i a it.
plicahle to one portion of soma territories, 1
`reliraled tho eetuproinitio-•ol: 1820 appli..
cable to another' -portion ; end the latter
! wits Oregated 'by" Onntteasional 1 4egisla.
!t ion.' 1t . Wad 'midis Rarities 'and Nobtaika
iierixt fatal! free!;, itti4eptial.tintde.them' li. '
,ablectii liti'cuAinvetl'. l Vet': Noithertf Dem:
ocritio leailers;' . 'in din - 'Units; opposed th a
~~~_ ~~
Act, a6il'endorsql filo witotig: ' t
'the Sunlit; eittlioldentt?'hy Oureete, now
peteriud furtUr that Shtvial to übt be CM/.
lillrenid 1164611 Ortild 'National tonstitu- ,
,tiott; . inn! 'r•
that the lieople of a l'errito tJ
intrtt do iniweito"prollibit it while
they re
tosin teiritoiy.' Straight iray the
'arate of tho Mirth, to keep the Soath is
the traces,"preparo to accept ari'l',.enderA)
tlootriiin;b4 is Mimeo 'in recent Ited
tieie - 'in the' ilarrisbuiy, Patriot and .11”.
Next, the, South demand: thenequisit len t
of labor ; and James 13u uhuhan 'pledgeel
idinselt to 'that monstrous measure..;.
•: Next, they .detuittitl• tbat Slavery:iirright
;trill' ought to he :extended. Thie ,, thie,
Northern 'Deinoarats are gradually
iiing to Indorse. That they , will finally
all dn'i•iiiilielnist nbutidatOy_provee.
an' indirntinn of:their proirit in, the di.:
reetion of •odritillyibvering Ike extension
Of Shivery, reed the follneeing article from
a 'reennt• number of the Now. York Day
"look, thif leading •Bunhauen paper in that
City : i• • ' i• " • •';
"We•Wd negro "slavery' . to be right, right
parse right tli t e,natu a re fin e d sects
rintSllfCiciZoit ‘ a re d e ft
detail, as t very iig else,
t )
;an in Ain huiunn‘ institutions, there are, IN•r•
1,1:!• .!ttii i ,
ropg ? manly lot r Gag.
the . idasong 'which ,itip
hnn to deillife for initMdrit for.
Pregideni, wilt. be , fourni iu to-Atife papir:
Dole; failAo.reaii it. Having (folio F o hand
it:to your honest Denaceratio
"Whnt ! genii Clay endorse the position of 1
the :1 4 oeoftirg pa'rt'y upon the Slavery clues.
- 1,
tiobr • ' Stag i 1 - 1 / ~
I OM. -xittly-L."Find
. pothing fitorter I"—as
we pro ed !tit Weak bypu: docipter#, titici in•
tend tgeortotueeto prore,in thrt'satpaw inoay• ut
plc ng as:the S'lar'hail this ktnd of ck p in
-.1;:7 , Wh, beseareelY. expect *tithing
aPprotehilg to fairness or lionesty front
theCdhliter: whose evident axiom is- 1
Nil is lui in politios.':' On no other prin.
altar, can IV?: ApC0111?!, for
t ibp reckless
i i
and b. Id perversiMis of truth,inigrep
resented s of history.. and still bolder
falsohoodc.whicla week. after week, adorn
our t
n e .
g . ruO r4a .
co , u mnfs . I o u t t hin' t hing
er quetiattlxswy
.(.40.,,,t9 to,ti Wiest°
a l cr
anti apolo 'lti lif the purposes and policy of
the St . +lig (Diutneolet, 7ils , , a Wile
`."' ' 1 ci ill' ' has ''pe . k d r ' ''
more rap an wees. ete rem 0-
von the 171/#l,ifer, IJwiisS its standard of '
I t Political puiAitii,k , is. 1 - 12rmy CLAY en
-1 dorbe tit ItePeal Of, die Missouri Compro-,
1 -itiga slit( Moil, ohl4l 'Asbeill:' memorial -. of
f" -"?'. ~••. ; . . ••:.
;tit whole pi):lll.eititier' ! }lzmir' CLalr--
lose liaiolii 7 nerei threbted wi th an erne
t in, otlier 'than in deep ay nspatity with an
larged and 'ennobling lautnanityL•eudorse
e policy 41"ouri:Slave-Driciutifuohatieers.
n tbeir•lnsintennnee of the right of the!
'lainiEffile . . t.o: cs rf3l ! It is.i property , lute ! :
ore? Territory in defiance of the National
onsiitutiiiii, au'd ihe will ()Ville Nltianil 1
ihilaTure'r 'Listen to die vbieo' of the)
eat Patriot, akit conies up to us from his 1
1 t alb, iii 'rebake the miserable demagogue,
t 0'0 . 1111; libels hii inetnerir ': :: '
ierb / a4 gentlem en who miuttain that. by
v tue.orthe:Corottltution; the •right to carry , i
sl vet into the territories already : exists. ICI.
li not [tenni that opinion avowed, I . shiorbl',
hi e'l'egota II:4i" it U.S one +;( the most extraordirt• I
al agltlniptiOntfy , euil• the most, indde/trib/e,
,16. 'thou that pits roe]; token . Gy than.
eu et mint put your linger on the part of
tie 'Oultlttutiort ' :which eonyeys . the 'right or
tie )owt.r to, eavry slave.s ,fiont one of the.
!:rte of the Union lo atty Territory of the 1
. tillite Setle'4." ' '' ::' ' i
- "Si litaTe Said that 1 rover eould vote for:
attilli inpeat that I veves. CAN and liNvEli
Wf LI.VOIC hi it, 111111 'NO EARTHLY POW.'
Ell, 'SHILL 'EV Itt• M.' KB - KB ' VOTE'
1 )
Bill . t/Eli NIA EXIS::s."
Be the Compitt..—i• toritt.4 this plate :
entpl tic ; ehunciation . f . hi+ po:ition by
Mr. Lax in . the CUUrSf• Of ill,' tuentorabl'a i
debt.s on tht '(!on; promise stn. moire of IS- 1
-nukes a garb led tpintati. nftoin one
1 '.: • ' - , f ' , ' • 4- • ' I
. I .speeut ' es our, it.,•; tau s e
scene s., on,
'ell he OCA CS .110 alllll/8.1011 Or (I l i.
lain the, U0i11..11 Nit b .1 Free Mate,
lution, agaill. l t the littler t : ti..pos,tion '
therit fansi:cg, who tore:llene! to I
vo clue lJuitm" in ease Calif , nett,
, ,
Intitto l i as a Free 8 tut e m i tv..t. us MCI
atiept now .19, in roped to Kansas !
50- 7 .
of hi,
io Yll.l]
fiona l
of $1
''ilia 1
one, whore in thy blush ? 1
,what butter entill W 3 uxpeot . (rein
,alett lad Fortes which. during the life. time :
of ilt gifted Clay reviled uhusdd and de•l
fame Atha at, A • liliertine." , nlue1161,";
. t 4ujirtr,''„ 4 "iittiiilerur." utt.t .•tra• it nr."—
'lThey Ai:J. about rout while lit ihg ; mini
nit. thi hout,ifeatl,they 1111.0 to.t lite de- ;
eene,y,t qui! ilfeir Iyilg. T here ; is said!
' toboA ;or:tutong•kitiieveq.."—hut "that',
Itt.t ri lint '
.fi • Cetllti to i/etilleti , iro still op( to
the niiperithle4snr!gogotes who itto r lead
[ tip§4r#Fi!lllg ,Pe" l "rnt '
,tialilho ens:Oiler, in reply to our
ulialltivio to det•ignzte a single 'leader" of
the iftetnont paity, who acireentes a diSso.
tioil id the Unioo, adduces the' follUwing
serviitent US having Wen uttered by tloi-
''l have to doubt bat that the free and slave
• qaia.tifjiettlit 'fo: laf 'separated. ThertTimien is
1101 liVill. piparting in connection wilt the
Isthiltr .. Il P•.•.. . .1 • . • , ' . , •
.:( NOV Horace Gieelyi never wrote, spoke
of grit ed . the ' fureping pu ragrp ph • or any.-
tliingi 'co iii ' Ho hum 'over end over a
gain tionnei3d .it a a base, villoinous
. ftib'rio ion; "enneeiVed . in falsehood, ut
ietedh:t fuliiiutod:.tind litrldiAtul in fake.
:itibitiir."'''''and'yet; it auntiniteA to go ihe
rohntitif 'the "Athctianuti. Prestee, jest as
thotiqr it :trek nil gospel. •
I •Sbliith 'iiio•Vtntimentainipnrel to Mr.
lliddi6col taid Fith •HenrylVarren. But
th# ft*ldeettiea•bi' , tile' Cif:Tiler's. rejoin
der; h thit i ld;ptrlialielithitt Or an alledged
piinitapti'fteln. - (he London. Chronicle,
Itegtuotty Alt ing die opinion
tliailreiont'weitericn would lead to did
lioleitintil.v. '- We , aWpOlit this 'quotation,
i l.
liiiii' lio"ottieriVettiontitiag (roil - the Bu-
Oitia it iiiiisiitio, , iS e forgerj , :i ~But even if
iiiiiicit 'rilitriihaws thottihe Eriglish.preSs
'hiiiriint'hrild' of'the:ribobt , slaiig, about
diethlion - t . , Sittieli:fortns'lhv riniu ammurii
-1 ricialrthe auctioneers ?a the preseutroun.
pat e
neFertsary to go io Rog
pradietions of
iti 'ease"3, - .utiijority of the Free
bie-rill' dlis'Repthlin' should ;pronounce a
isdun Ooliey M the Slave driving De
• kviitinurribeeofitbe Compiler
titiVelidg Orator; from
Ileek'it9wnio' our 'Allege bar-room
i=nittAre' &bunion and secessitni
then of their aoni: ithtly-won
kat their treasonable sentiments
find an echo iu tteaiii . ot Roy
J ,Des po Oinll . airi, : agaitty ;De ig.4..
r Wittioir , - Emir and o.gonma W.
wA.t.the! .Beehanau. candidates for
... : resod State Senator-mare now tray.
1 .! b e :c6 e ty, sirocating the.gight of
i've; , Oligereby -"to 6.1.414 Niggeriana
ir.the broad territories of, thu Repub.
the excluaion of .:' , Oreary, Meehan-
Filthyoperativer,"aud , Stnall•fsted
re"—and preaching Diaunion in
II la not allowed. They forget that
"" ' - --."Gare and ivied
y t' thetitingr for Adams County boys.*.
a op Ohio Jour—
AEI ys the.sJTll,T.,o!AbY:Aufui choeui:
411M1 t 4 Oct -support of OtoOt oonic ittatsp
-oat -life-long t i
abit of defgaiiiolii.
Freanonits Mith:
tr:reol. Fremont's paree la fora ion,/ thee
bed been linder the impregiton 'ihat 'their
iii trioua ' taoo wu born at Otivdnish, Oa.,
on 21st of January. 1818. hie Buchan
eon!, howefferrharti disootero:that it is all
a mistake s : titeii- Presses agree
as to the richt ; btir that ie a stinik matter.
A few days ago, Jecordiog to thb Buohao.
armory, we t`ad Col. Fremont's tool her a
oprostitue,"- and the Colonel himself a
..baatard," born somewhere dearn in Old
Virginny. Next, we had his birib Icitated
in Canada. But the Compiler kith a the
ihaah'itettt,b(Wise":f 1'
"Facutnr.--Col. J. C. FrelTlOlit Wad born
in FRANCE, January. 1813. His,tatht r w rie
an emigrant from FRANCE, and his tmither a
T 14 11 10: YliEirtilq; • '•
Aa our neighbor seems 4o thitik his 'reit.
dors groun enough to belie many Story—not
excepting the old saw, that "the moon is
made or green cheese,"--tve suggest the
following announcement for •his nest edi•
“Fncstor.—Col. J. C. Fremont was born in
one of the craters of the Atoon---tiiito rut pre
cisely known. ; his father Arattan ontignott
from the planet Jupiter, awl his niothe r a ea
tive of, the clouds. His diet in infamy was
4 greou cheese,” changing in umitheod to "mule
soup' and "rattle-snakes." long as
smutted with tromp mechanics," opF
iatives," and I 's mal I.fistO fanners," he is
deemed by , our Pouthein
; ntasteii unfit. for
"genteel ,sogiety," and ougt to . dist.tyrdeti r
The idea of electing hi m Fresident, undt.r such
circumstance, is a piece of impertinent pre
sumption that must be rebuked, If needs be,
by a dissolution of Mo.
We have a notion that this word& be
a decided iniproremani . ea the bonoiler' a
last dienovery. We wake no charge for
the t.uggestion.
IrT•The Annapolis (Mtl.)Republicanr
for 1101110 years an advocate of Whig prim
ciples and u warm defeulrr of Henry ,
Clay against the malignant hbols of loco
focoism, but which is now linikitivoneek
by jowl," with the men who
,basely Slam
'dared the great patriot, and tending itself
to the work of to dill Prefideucy
the meanest, because the moat cowardly,
of all; Henry Clay's defkawks--takett ex- I
ception to our active opposition to the
treasimahle •purposes of the Black Deane°.
racy. We nit: not surprised at this. We
have always found Nor nein renegades the'
utost.opsequious intik of the Slave: power,
and when they once get Ikild of the idea
that "niggerisin 'auust rule America," they
out-Herod their welters in blind devotion
to the teachings of the ...peculiar institu
tion." 'The Republiran cokes exception
also tonur charge that Mr. Breckenridge,
its candidate far the Vice Proideney,
"volunteered his services to clear Mat.
Ward, the m ui!derer 'Of am until:Fending
school mailer in: Icentucky.". We' have
un disposition to do injustice to Mr.
Breckenridge or tiny Other candidate.—
The charge rofc rrod to has beau going the'
rountlit of our exchanges for months uu
contradicted. As soon as we are satiatied
that it is a inistake Breitkeitridge
shall have the 'heitlit of a contradiction.
Mit the Ilepublkcin has shown itself too
tecklesioftrutit in its ncophitic zeal for
the cause it tas espoused to be good
.thority in the preset issue. We Pitould
as soon think cif crediting a. political stoo
-1 meet of the Covip 'ter that would re.
' quire an eserciae of charity which, in this
region, would.b/: regarded as plear evidence
of intense gu4Lility.
sig_The Bu.ohanan presses keep in con
stant activity a mint of misreprementions.—
It is the only coin they Neon to care about
turning out kind now. The Philadelphia
Penneyll/inlet —froth whose columns our
neighbor of the CaMpiler draws so heavi
ly—has the ::Ulloiring kcal coined lie In
Saturday's issue:
"The great mass of the ultra-abolitionilits
are found ismi:shalled in the ranks of the Fre
mont men, ah.d the praises or Fremont are
hymned in melodious accents by the abolition
orators, who, have branded events Washington
and a Jefferson as unmitigated scoundrels, and
heaped Upon doh the mutt ourngeous epi•
theta, because they were slarebolders." -
Now we. happen to receife the New
York Anti Slave?) , Standard. in exchange
and tile truth this the Smudird, with
the Boston. Liberator, and all the
. jourals
which'spenk for the .tultra.aholittonists" of
the Garrinon stamp, oppose the election of
Col. Fremont
,as fatal to their disunion
purposes,'add advocate ln dis4inot terms,
the 'election of blr. Buchanan, as the au.
rest 'means' tif carrying out. heir , fliorye
doctrine of a dissolution of tbe lYnion. On
the other band, the friends of Fremont
not only quote; with approbati on, the ad
mirahla proaiipts of Washington. and d'effer
ton, but they stand by those prineiples,
inscribejltern ort, their batmen', - fight by ,
them, and, more than all, Intend. to &ill..
'quer or fall by thein.
serThe Compiler quotes JAMES BlY 6 'i
ORANAN, i 9; his butter , 'days, :ere th'd Wan- I
tlishments of power , bad aoirupted. h i tt heart
or dszled'bis brain t
"Dtathilon ii a /Cord wAieh" not to be
breathed anunigst its even in a whiVer. Tile
wont ought to be etMsidered"one of dreadful
°wee, antl;eur children 'honk! le icni,qAt that
it is sacrilege to` pronounce stn ';
A noble sentimenithat. -, ! what
a burnitttcommentary on.:the treasonable
threats'of Secession and Zlistibion; 'which
form the staple commodity of every travel
ling liiicbliflA orator. ' How must the
cheeks of Mr. Etzehanan-...nuW'the'chosen
eandidito and bosom friend of avowed Dig
unionieta and Secessionists', and to be elec.
ted,,if Llectell'ai'All, by forcing people to
vor for him undur threats of,dissolution—
tingle with shame as his eje falls upon
the noble sentiments uttered in his bettor
days. t'Lucifer—sou of the; morning—
how art thou fillen*l" ' , , -'
fertion. &plug' Ingham,pf Phil
vadelphio, a toorubo;';ot Oftl. hekoOn's
Voief, is Our itt•ii ll:ter in favor of Fre.
Fremont ritii II Cat bone.
ICrThuse who are trery be , -
Ikea' Col,' Fren)oni g Romantas,,,s ma
times ilk why he dots not himself eny
it, it it be not ° true I So far sea' malt s
who . desire to regard the prtiirjetieS
of his 'position, could, be has ;done
so, date s'after day, over and szver.a.
gain, in the most solemn manner, aid
authorized published statements from him.
self to the tame end. Here is another of
this kind from his friend, the Hon. b.
Vir:' Wright, formerly a member Of Curl
ress from California :
WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 46, 1856.
lam authorized by Col. Frem tto deny,
in the most positive language, the report now
in circulation, ttithe effect that he is a Ranted
From a long and intimate
with Col. Fremont, J . will fgrtber add, that I
know of my own knowledge 'flint he has never
had any connection whatever with. the, Coth—
olio Church or the Catholic religion.
ifirTbo Buchanan party, grown derpeo.
rate at the . prospecls of defeat that stare
them in the face, are trying the gaMe, of
Vrow-beating their political opponents off
theieenise, At %hinter°, Ittat,week. they
broke up a Republican meeting called for
the : purptatti‘ , of • nominating .id Electoral
ticket ifee:Maryland, drove 016participanie_
into tho stroets, and subjected them io tile
most villainotts Waits. The . very : next
evening, (Friday,) a party of ruffians, tit,
the stitue city, collected at one of the Irish
andoco head quarters, and wade en at:
task upon a Fillmore Club quietly passing
that way, ltiilingtwo, and wounding about
twenty so seriously that most of thou are
not expected to recover. On searching the
hens.) where the attack was tivide, it was
found to contain a four pound cannon
loaded to the niuzzel with grape shot, with
a qui tatity of. intinieta, double•b4itelled
gulls, swords, pistols, &e., clearly showicg
that the act was premeditated, and that. it
wasAlwermirted by the Locofoco and Irish
roans, to *age a war of extermination a
gaiustthe Americans. In the neighbor
ing counties of Montgomery and Bucks,
opposition Meetings have also been attack.
oil with stotieS and clubs, by the Bitch
rowdies, and a ea-u is nienti.m.rd where
they tried to murder a whole delegation
proceeding by railroad to a meeting, by
tearing up the HieoperA su na to threw the
train off the track. It must be a hail
cause, indeed, that requires such means nf
political 'warfare. If the Bedlam:era ran•
not vote tlt4n or talk down their (pp.
neons by fair memos, they may as well give
up the °einem.
The conventinns reprl•Fenting the A ineri•
can and Ileptihliean parties of Alasaaehu•
gem+, met in iVorcester on Tuestia, last,
and after due deliberation, united in the
formation of a single Electoral tlekot•'—
The Atial;iierna adopted the nomination ttf
Fremont, and Dayton !nstend of Fremont
and Juhuetun. The Anteriegns lIIFA r.nm•
inated Governor Gardner fur re-election.
hut (hying to a difficulty in getting the Eft•
publicans to entlbrse hint, the .latter ado !) .
ted a resolution that they wonld nominate
no State ticket. Th * O fusion between the
Americans and. Republicana in Masitachu
sett& both us respeelc tl•e State and Na.
ttonal ianies, is therefore complete.
thoi Mayor of Wheeling, Vd.-, Alfred
1.;;Irp. in a proclamation• in the
Wbeeling Tanta warns the mobocrata a
gainst dietnAing the Republicanmeeins,
and eel's upon goad eitizcns 1,1 aid the city
authorities in quelling rlistrirbarces and
punishing offenders. Caldwell says
it is the ernStitutional right Orall citizens
of Virginia to oppose "the pinpagatinn of
- Slavery in the territories of the United
States," and * hopes it shall ha again be
said that: "the right.of. frvedom of discus-
Vion cannot en root be exereiied in Wheel.
KED.—A writer in the New .Orleans nee
seprtta , the assertion. of . Senator, SppELL,
of Ldnistant, that.' the Union ontotii And
eitihV'not to, be. preserved, !if, i'remont is
elected President. the writer says kr.
s)ideatihould never. proTelgt4o iudh ideas
in Louisiana.
THE REPunticAN State Convention, of
New York, met at Syracuse, on Wednes.,
day, and ruminated Hnn. JOWL King,
for Governor, and Henry ielden, leir Lieut.
Governor. A committee of the North
American convention; in session at the
same . place, was introdeced, and announ.. ,
c4 r iht? adqptiPn of a rerfnlutiort by th;A
hotly to dissolve its organilation,and ask
admittance litio the Republican Counsel .
tint•.. They Were admitted by d unani-
A REBUKE.--PresitlentPlencs Inv.!
ing determined to Visit his he in New
tiampaitire c public (peeling pl‘the,citi
vino of Concord was held op Monday,het
to make arrangements for hie reception.
About 1,0,00 ,Persons Were in attin dance.'
A resolution declaring it ginexpetlignir : tp
give him IC publier'reCeption was' adopted
by a vtite,f/f9O to; blt i ej) The reason sit
signed for this rebu4e, is their disapproba
tion of 'the 'President's connection With
the Border Ruffianism which has outraged
the Freemen ol Kansas—a large number
of whom are the sone of New England.
Ccninty :teacake!.
118. The County Committee on 'rueis
day hist i itubsinuted BERNARP
DFARAND, Esq., ,of Eat - 4'6011n, as the
Union candidate for County Audttor, lit
011:Ati?3i*r , b,ValinsittiO,' 5144140. The
sefeiti on is a Judicious one.'. 'Mi. Biwa
tiikiinitve",sentlentsig personAl
popularity, nittlkOlit9o ll l6 nollPAof tot,
cause, and bring strength to the. ticket..
, fteet4. (or, tree next
Pr . eabgeeriati arprch.—Servicen morning,
Rer.Mr"Vnn Wykt. 1
(Arid, Cliedth (Imtlieritn.)—No Services.
Jaime.? ch (Lutlieran.)—Serviced
morning, Rev. Mr. flurket.
Eriscopcjt'amrch.— Services mor
ning and evening. • .
German Re/ trued
Associate Ileformed Church.--\o services.
Catholic Church.—No services.
The Preyer.,Vrling of the Presbyterian,
German 'Reformed, t apd • the two Lutheran
churches is hehl kerV ' l ffeilneilay evening; -
Methodist. Thurslay .
11/11P^The-"Union Ideeting'.7 hehllast. Bator.,
day, night in the Public F)quart:) .. was very
large 4ttid.! enthusittitio. . one.- loony 'cif qua
country friends, from ,the, neighboring town
shimppposed to the . present cOtrutit admir•
istratieri of President Pierce, were present.—
The meeting was ()rpm ited by this appoint-
Ineo thg following officers :,
..Pre.rallent-4E.don Norris.
Vice Prexidenig--Cornelius Houghtelin,,
Solomon Welty, David Sehriver, John Bar.
rett. George S , toror, isaao Lieeer r David Ken
d [chart.
Srcrefkries=4eo. '1`I" Swopo,• &Urge E. -
Bcingnan, Robert Sheath, John N. Boyer.
trite ditto , Of thhi piper 4its called k tbri
stand; and toldreitsed the meeting in revievi of
the epecch delivered by Col ftt.Aim of Pitte
bargint the :121itellanitis meeting,On Th'ursday
evening;.and in vindication of the position.of
the.AnteriMot and Republican parties on the
great quindion of the nomextension ef Navel
teAti National Territories. The meeting con
tinued to. a lute hour, and the clime attention
laid by 'the crowd to the protracted nrgament
gives assurance that the peoPle are beeMning
thoroughly roused as to the importance of the
issiteuctavok`tuilhi'llau present' enfifpnign. t
the nose of the meeting . three hearty cheers
were given for the (.1111$4.
-There Avas one gratifying feature in both
these: Meetings held, in the pubile square,
Which' 6Worthy of remark. We refer to the
profound quiet which piNvailed, and the' nli
edilee' nllint4roption. 'lids is as if • should
be. There cat, be no manner of apology for
rowdyism, or in terrno .1.1. of political meetings
!,v persons holding adverse political views.—
Thy , example set b v our friends at the Blit•h-
Anna mi.tding nn Thursdity evening; wnn fid
loWett by (tor I tolitiettl opputtletits out Monday
°vatting. Both ptts.4eul tuff plynAnnt!y.
eel 'num
tirct,.flon't forgot the noTtitir!a ntitionneed in
anotlier column—tol., .rrior (Frhiny) at Pe•
tershurg ; Saturday, at Fairfield and Morita
Tavern ; )intaln-, A rretaltstown unti Crigh.
town CrIIP3 , IIIS, I'Ilk:fowl: and Mount rerrom
School Rouse; Ilvidlerslatrg, ;00l
liallterstown ; and Saturday, lleadersiille and
Nliddletown. Let there lie a ruli turn out at
:01 than m u ethopi. The "Uhion Club'' or
this place expect to be present at all of thew.
trick. iAstor , the dny i.nrliPr than
usoal 0113 week, to c.iable all . 1 . 1,1'03 to go Ii)
ATTENTIO.N ! uilt.ion Club" •ill
meet nt the 11311 . I . IIIS EVENING, rit. G. o'.
el.ovic, to tirtlie ttretthD:ittoit..4 fur the meetitiga
at reter,l,llt,rg 3.1,1
t. 7 ,6"(.)nr rriond. in tht , ,!i(Ten•nt
by applyiiii! to Ttii,uAs Erg., S. W.;
corner. it!.o )Yalnur -
phi°, belltriiithe.) with Diu:1111114as briir
my upon Pit 6,ileuthil Hit ;21....r, u., 11,1
mny bw-nce.'e
Uuu:lug nee:: Enlaitittil.
:.f;rutioo had been e tileel to the fi,f
lowing Sat:lime, of II LAW, to In• rlllnll on page
:388 °lam raeoldt!t•t fl - a• nith n nr
quest that we puhlish them :
Section 2. 'heat if nor person or pers.: 4
Anil 'Within II nl`rioll AP! live rear.-fonit the fr •c
day erit egti•;l. lII`Nt knoliog the pinc , :ige o f
this net, hunt. e htn:e or lidlOw, with the design
to kill, ()rattail kill or destroy any buck, due or
liven within thelitakta of the county of Adams,
and, filuill IW laWfully convicted thereof by the
oath or oaths of one or more creditable wanes-
VS, or the CoufessiOn of the party. before any
justice of the &nee in nod tbrsaid ,ounty, let
or they shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty.
five dollars tbr every such ,offence, une moiety
of whiCh shall, be paid to the' treasurer of the
sehoOl fled, for common ,selmol pormssrs, i.f
the, township whn.rein such conviction shall hu
had. and the other moiety to the person or
per4olifi wheshall to oseente Intl site fly the
81411 c. Aad the collect:or of school tux its the
tett °ship in, which Atli' person or persons le) ef.
fending 4011 ho convicted, shell proceed in the
saute manner, and shall hare like force mut
niiiheritj,ie cullcet Such, fines as the collectors
of county rates and levies havc t. 'under'the laws
-now existing,or that may hereafter be efiatted
relatiVe do the colleetiag of , count+ rates and
levies within,. thig commonneultrf Prbridoi
however, That no person shall he( ,Piosecuted
or Convicted for any offence ; Ogrifitst this act,
unless such proseention ; shall be: eoniinenced
within six moods afliir: the offence' shall ho
trmnitted... . , ~,, ;
Salient 13;.11q4 f0.,4t1c ' 4 tini act or acts
relative to the hunting . p is inconsin
'tont with this act„.be'..ou the Satoe:is hereby
repealed, ad far:4l,l4y Ord° it( the'eoeuty of
• W
ti.i. &ors' WAN iV tillut a w f—Th is
question 'may •be aolied before, lopg, for
,tlie,tiemo'cratia organs are beginnint to die.
cuss it grately. Abe SuubttrY Onerican,
which flies" his name at' the luott.head,
refers.. to i the rumors fat : 9ifft 'l3gurti ii
making efforts ,to get..iti.n to tl'ec)ine in
fa!or. 1 ' f4'Mrt •1 4 tilition , i who le to run for
the%Psesidency on the same tickel';in con
hik st
f l eet , Witti Mr. , BRECAINRIDOS, the dam
ocratte„ toupee
~ • ,
, for yyti , P Rl t l i t, and)
that Mr. , BRICOKINRLOOE had' VW' ild Mr.
,ttcte t 4tiii i for diet ptirposei 46.140, it puts.
no faith in , ilte repOri, says,,
'There hi hcr qucstion but the Sou th Aelu very
thd - present , state of strait*. The
truth is, party duttinctiors, arefast-belpg swat
lowettit by thai'all-absorbing . subject, the Bie
-1 very iptestion: The South is unanimous for
Buchaman, while the Western tbe Eastern
and Middle States, with few exceptions are Al.
most as unanimous for Fillmore, Rod• Fremont-
This is truly a strabge Suite of affairs and 4
much to be regretted.'' Any one et• all conver
t aunt with' our 'political affairs, must linve seen.
leria• iblit 'such: Would be the, result.
The crisis no doubt, bees heir)eited on b f
!'the • • ill-timed • action • 'of.. President • Pierce, ,
JudgeDouglaittud others, in segard to the
hiiiiiouTi•CotntiroUttieo and :the KesseuNebnis
,-" ; • •
Sliu Ciorrooporultoot betweou the.
Coundirtee of:t!io:1100•1!con party and
the candidates on die County tick
rill . Eietuusi smother colon's. All
opudi*Cii aeOLiro 'pines 114 e ztea...
*kat Qf Slatery to our FrOtairitOilii.
•: • -ncaritur•
. _
• • - •,, (cosiciricuani.j .
! WIMAPO/ifilsP•
, Cirrry'saitto, Sept. 844858.
G'emtleptin undersigned, pppnintl
ell by Ate Ilepubliean Convention held et
—Gettysburg' Our t e,llet doy nf..Septentber;
insttoOttg-Onnaritthe'for thi-purpoie,, do,
puribia`f to our addiese,to,,you
the iifsittirt'iritether,yr" do not sp•
pro*Of the'' lutforto adopted by:the, Con_
♦enUop, 3`'it - Pbiladelplii ton the 18th
tleyof i June, Assq your answer
fu? ,
YourNi, very reSpeetfolly ,
A. W. STAUB, ' P
To NQ. dons Meeerterts• sod the other 'eandetp,tee'pos
hrsomluatlole by the Union Oduuty Onoreuttoo.
6 FAIBTIFLD, Sept. Bth, 1856.
Wintleinew , ==l have the honor to acknowl
ledge• 4 ut . :004(o! yonr ootnutimication of
the $d inst., desirtng to know whether of
not I approve of the principles contaiaediti
the Platform adopted by'tbo ConvontlOn
whioh htet"in Philadelphitylast Juno. I
have carefully examined the Platform allo
t:Tod to, and cheerfully say that r , find no
- thing in it which does not meet my appro
bation—it being a declaration'tif principles
:road enough for,everilionest opponent of
Tho polioy,of t.ho prnaent, National,
tration to stand up on, whither ' It‘e 'lt a
Whig,,'Arnoricau,'ll4.publican, 'oh DeMobrot.
I,atu vory respectfully your'a
Messrs. J. C. &o.;
. •
' 'Oirtywatlttn, Sept: 4, 18513:'
Geutlenten-1 approve of the Platform
adopted`Vy v ilie'ConVeilliiin held ta Phila.
delphiti City the 'lBth day of June, 1856. I
have 'rasp boon, and atilt remain, a firm
and ,tlecitled Opponent of the extension 'of
Respectfully your's, Ste.
YORK SPniNasi , Bept. 8, 1856
Gentlemen-1u answer to your inquiry
of the 8d inet. o .pertnit ue to say that we
have exaMined the Platform of principles
adopted by the phileilelphisCooventiou re•
farred to in your eotonomictitior,and have
no hesitation .in saying that they meet our
spprobatn.n. While we should be opposed
int interfering with Shivery in the States
where it et - present exists, we are now sod
over have heen oppose I to the extension to
the Free TerriOries of the Union.
.I:uar:d, very r c +p,•etfully,
R. 7; rE\vAnx,
11EnwicK, geTa. 11, 18511
Gentleh Veer columuniestirm has
been reetdep.l, de<itin ! tn know trliether the
Platform adopted by the Philadelphia Con;
volition ill Jima 1i t, Meet. illy approbation
I see nothing in the proposition therein
maintained, widen onyht not to receive the
cordial endorsement of every anti-littehatiatt
voter in Adams county, who is oppoNed to
the idavery-estetud:m pokey of the present
Administration. I therefore answer your
interrogatory affirmatively.
I ma r l i n ,
gentlemen, your humble s - erv't,
`~ " Niry Oxv6itn, Ropt. 19; 1856
Genths,s 7 -Your's et the 3,1 inst., :ni
quiring whether I do tr do Lot approve of
the Plutform adopted by the eliirvEtution
lirld a.. 11.11:uldp!.ia on the 18th day of
MM . INsti, came dull: to luunl ; and, in
reply, 1 would say that I tacit 414rofully ex
undated that Platform, and finning nothing
tto rein oonutitesd inconsistent wits my
views, I do fully approve of the same.
Vcry respecti'ul.y, your 4 phedieut. servant,
JACOB 8188 L.
Grrrysllimo. &pt. 5, 1556
f •Godly tle ale in receipt of ynur
'..ennal.uoitlitiots of tlo 31 inst„ to which
-`wt , respectfully r , ..plS—Tliat the Platform
,11driptoil by the Convention kohl ut
Atiiihia on the 18th of June, 1856. meets
AtWappr..vitl, as it contains principles we
Lure -always maintained, Mill especially in
reitard . .to Slavery, that it sbouhl be restrain
ed' within its present limits, and not
tCrritury bow fee&
Yidurit, respectfully,
• W. B. :11'CLIiLLAN
To J: C. Etals,
risratti-grom Vittmato-unother
Baffle reported.
. .
Sr. Luias, Sept. 2001.—11 y the arrival of
the ,:teatalloat Polar Star, advices nom Kate
ins tothb Ititb inst. have been received.
Captsiallutison at thefiend of a party of
shivery men, 4.2. in number" is reputed to have
attac:sal the free State party ut Grasshopper
Falls, Dude I ltth inst., killing two free State
„men and ogiturii% their am:tuition, provision
r i b l'allewing day 1;4 'Harvey,
• , uforee of t Wa:mired free State men, at.
facile , ' Robison's party, occupying a fortified . ,
! leg lionse.on Ifink.iry Point. Alter a tight of
.two hours, ;luring which Col. liarvey , lost
twelve men, the 'Mimi proposed an armistice
....of thirty days, which Ks agreed to by Captain
The latter h o d three killed and ma.
,Leardaworth . .. - is .nearly 4e•
#aa'at. Leconipton at the
tt-,..: , -.diftii•std,iicas from there. L'
Far Ith r frtim::llitoinsos.4lore
bloody •work - •ropoyled..
Cutdatia, Sept.'.23.--Dates,from Kansas to
16tk itwt., says "TwenVligkk hundred
Missourians reached Franklin' yesterday with is I
7 t r . ileijair ofiliitiickihg; tiOlf i fice:t advan.l
gfiardfi Etnne hied. night, and
three pro-slavery-men are reported to have
'lateen killed."..;.Gt*.',Glenry, interlined, ordering
.the, 484;410 ans ofT,Y4ion the Int4erfell hack on
Fi•anklin. Gov, Cleary this ,ntorning
,ed chpp "ruffians” under .Genetal 'heed, acting . ,
.118 tekilarial They swear that the y
• , will luirthbleod, however. Our .citriens have
I.• iCIF44) O ( I .titetuselves as territorial:.mthtle, alt.
, ll'arvey's'- Free
OS/afezekiiiiieti4 , fought. at ~Hu pisterday
:stitAd werevinectrielig. Three pre slavery men:
were .killed and five of Harvey's 'teen were
wounded.' ..lielniegrintly. the:Able of
• +-men were vsaptunsd Ity the United States
1 4gf'buti'•!' Y 1 't
4 1 ;-71(1 .
Sr. Lome, :Sept. i12.- r itdditiontradriees
! „f.i scram ,Kansati:repurt that Geo. Lane wiih tine
, thuudped and fifty Froeqtate, [ rneo, Were Tao
•ving toward The quovemeuts wf
t• 1 stale tbildtiue of theFtiiiiStrititatiti)t woo ma
known. • .` .."t •
• twat ImmocßATic 436vrtmir.:—The
f?tpuhlivite - inntiuncee
Wcesaton aiti 'CRUM!)
.4;tfieedoin in the pira t tiki,ii,t7ibe:'llort;
Charlearitiagao, of Madison '.Ootiutty, cite
of Ate Judges of the §nprenter d! „tif
• - tNew- 'York. Jullge-31ason is en old
, Mentocrat• of lang.iwiatilligi attL %yam elect.
„,,ked to the-, (Ott be •nu • w,;bolos' by that
'tarty. but he , . cannot go the .V.incionati
''"-Pithirii-or. idatem. fie conies
- mut hr an able lettcr in the-Repubficart.
" t-- -
IMY.Gcrreroor Johnson *rliton
is of Col. rir etuegt . 11b a eartli..
again: the Pretatleeey.; , a l •
44:triewa719 OM ,i'aViollgalteillintlftelirOp,z NI - ,,, - ;.". , , • •
1,1 LI il NOP Elt ,giliiiiiire; _--
1 '_ - . 'Burners,' Sept : 34; 114.6:. .
FLOUR *Mit, Elver wagons, - ...,. .36 25
WHEAT,'' builiel; 1 • '•'l3o Vb I 37
RYE ,' - •'‘ •- : " ... • • _ -75'
OATS, ' ' i . ' .' ~ •83
BUCKWHEAT, per bushel • . 40.
POTATOES, pier bushel • • , •So
TIMOTHY-SEED, • , • 3.00
CLOVER-SEED, , .. 7.00
PLAX-SEED, • , . 1,25
i PLASTER OF PARIS, . ' 6 00
YORK 111 AR le Olt:
''"tiAiic, : rhaiday, • Serits 11 . 3, 0
. 18 - 6
FLOUR, 11 bbl.,'fromnragons, ,
WHEAT, ' bushol, • . :.130to 1 45
RYE, .„". , . . 80
CORN, 11 62
OATS, ' .. " ' . ' 33
TIMOTITY.SEED,II bushel, ': i 'B , 60
PLASTER, OF pews, •t 3 ton, ' ' 6 75
BA 'immune mARKET.
Sept.t 25, )8„56.
FLOUR. AND•HEAL.There was a fair
inquiry for Flour this morning. Sales of3oo
bbls 'Toward street. at $6 75 closing steady.—
Howard, street and. Ohio, Extra, at 726(4
$7 50. Rye Flour—We quote today at 4 311
$4 50. (4 7 0 hbl. Corn lffeal—Sales of coun
try at 3 a $3 25, land ; city manufactured at
$3 7511 bbl. • •
GRAIN ANT! SEEDS.--WheatL-A good
demand, tllis morning and the, market some
whati firmer. About 10,060,bushals offered
and sold, fair to good prime and choice white
at 1 45(x $1 .50 to $1 55. Ited,ut 1 35(41 40
to $1 4311 . bushel. Corn—Sales of white at
5/3(40 centskyullow, 09@q3 tau . ) cents
'choice 64 cents ol.bushel. ,ftyq—Verinsvlvan
ia at 85, cents f) Woquota Mary
land at 730:0 5 until VAmshel. gate—Sales
at 36(438 cents 70bushel, Seeds 7 —Sniall
sales of Clover at 8 7512159, and Timothy at
$3 ,75 Vintshel. . •
PROVISIONS.The !Market is
very quiet. Butter—A fair demand. Sales of
Western in kegs at. 14416.. cents. Glades
at 18@22 cents, Goshen at 23(425_ cents.
On the 18th inst.:,'hy the Rev. Jamb Zeigler
RIET L. MICKLEY—both of Franklin
On the 7th' inst., by the Rev. J. Philip
Bshop, Mr. SOLOMON SELL., to Miss
MARY KATE BlSHOP—both apittleonwct
this county.
On the 11th inst. 17 the Rev. Mr. Gerhart,'
Mr. JACOB C. M 1 ERS, to Miss MARY
ANN BINDER—both of East Berlin.
On the 24 inst., 17 the Rev. Mr. Glover,
Mr. CHARLES SIYI TON, of Peoria, Illinois,
to Miss CLARISSA ALLEWELT, formerly
of this csbuitty.
On :he 9th inst., in the neighborhood of
Hanover, br A. M. lierslty, Esq., Cot HEN.
HY bis:Vthje„er.,. t 6 , Widow
e:hlyear 11 • , • _
On the 24 inst., its. St. Paul's church.3lil•
'weoiltie 7: Wixeonwi, by the Rev. W. W. Ar ,
nett U." 8.. It ECRTZ MILLER. Esq., and
MIAs BELLA, daughter of George W.
Peckham, Esq.—all of dint city. _
On the 11 :TORN 110IRNER, of Chu-
I ashy, Northumberland Co. Pa.. Hon. of Robert,
and brother of Dr. David Horner, of this place,
aged :37 years.
On thy, IV) inst., Mr. JOHN LITTLE, of
Mountjor township, aged G 6 years, 8 months
and 1 I &}'R.
OW the I 2tll inst..'in . Macomb, M'Donough
county, Illitod4, of ilysontery, CHARLES
ttA Yt iv.n of tisane G. and Mary Jaao-Cliam•
Berlin. aged I year, 7 months and 25 days.
t , ; , .
EETIMGS of all oppoAeri to the gational
I , Aditiiiii.steation, and in favor nr the 1.
nion State alai County Tickets, will be held at
the folloivingepinees : • • • -
PETERSBURG IY. Sl—Friday Sept. 26, at
lieluelc, P. M.
FAI tEI E ED—Saturday Sept..27,at 1 o'clock,
MORITZ'S TANERN—catuillay Sept. 27, at
; o'clock, P. M.
ARESDTSTOWN—Mondsy Sept, , 29, at 2
o'clock, P. 3f.
CASH ro WN—llonday Sept 29, at o'clock,
LITT!, ESTOWN—Tuesday Sept. 30, at 2 o'.
clock P. M.
Rt. 6/ P. M. • • • '
11EIDLIMS111511,O=Thursday Oct. 2, at 1 o'-
clock I'. M.
litiNTEßSTOWN—Thursday Oct. 2, at 6
o'clock, I'. M.
BEN DERSVILLE—Saturday Oct. 4, nt, 1 0'
clock P. AL
MIDDLETOWN- , —Saturday Oct. 4, at GI o-
clock, P. M.
(~.Able and efficient Speakers will be in
attendance at every meeting, and discuss the
great questions invylved in the preseutcanviss.
Dot ith ere. bi l. full turn out.
jfe-Other Ileetings will be announced here
after: Dv - order of ,
Cowity Cotpmiitee.
Mass Meeting at Petersbut Y.
S., on Friday next.
fIE citUens of Adams county.,without're
gard to.peat party distinctions ' who are
opposed to the policy or Act presentlgational
Administration, and in favor of the Union
State and county Tichets- 7 who are opposed to
the extension or Shiverjr:tO Free Territories,
'sod opposed to the election of 'Shines Sitolitin%
au.--are invited to tuntemble in MASS MEET'
ILVG, at PETERSBURG, r: du Friday
flirt, Use 26th inst.; and hear the pent issues
of theday discussed. • "
Hon: TgAti4Ells STEVENS; of LancaNter,
Han. HEritt WiNTER PAVis df Bald-
Hone, Tuom.,th Fottn, of Ohio,
Hon. D. F. Bontiveorit of Chatubbiaborg,
and other Speakere, will uddrem the meet.
illbe'citimjea 9f ,ALt,', tUrifee are cot
dially iuvict d to attend.
',# Cr.? . The. meetihvwill. be organiiid'itt
1 o'cloetc,
"fieflio r ßniUC . ' 'Build' . and tho
.''Grettvabbrg Glee Club" will be in ittendanee.
113 : There will also be , b4neetine kt night:
By orderbf I.llli.
• . gontoitiltee of...trngtvgineatir.
rand, Nola, Hass' Ree fig
T H S rdOpendtVOtt l ; fAtl r iC : tnt 7
tloutrgintopasartyd3tintonB:lwho are
Opp o 9o(r to the corrupt . policy of the
; present :‘,blattotuil , t Admintbtratton--who ore
roppoied to the Kansas .outritges and thtt - ek-'
Unsion ofSlivery into free Ittritories—iit
rword,-all , good• Freemen,Arltethert . A tnericanSi.
ltepoblimats,llleuttocntta LocoftictUt;
invittato assetublehi a Masa '3lectingitt
‘ll6ltdentoille, on Saturday the: titk day ()TIN ,
tober'qiarii nt.l o'claik, P.1.1.,-.and heat As'
peat issues of the'caropaign discussed. •";
-tar There 'willbe meeting on the °timing
previotiti f liriday October 3rd, at 7 o'i.leick,
/°. Iti.,:at , 'Wanies School House, in •-ffienallen
township., .t
Severn( , able.-and efficiett speakens'^Will
itt sattendAuce 4,botlt !Tasting. • •
Let tittue,bno;:jl,turn-out.
ct the
; ini" , l l : lol ll 4 ti , dt rrtui Pf i rP t . a.
09; 4 0•4660:VW‘0f , , *i7 .406 x -4 'f a . `4 r airU
Piles - neglectea ' prove F :
coaiilpintAtia,Aqojet t t pa*. there limea, a
datitillt ALLEY 'S AfN ! EXINACT OII .
"Pile invert
Syririge'l filled' Ex ' avid grad
ers* discharge it as thirtyringe is withdrawn.
It itirSer &Bs to cure' aviator any age or vim'
lence, Derr to give entire ease instantly to all,
requitaly curing by one.application.
Piled are knoyarby;tbs it4li!kgell#
pain , of tird anus., -Bleeding,piles are tut tetra,
sometimes; by the falling of the whole bowels,
which then press the intestinal canal tight a
gainst the back bonee, and keeps, the blood
from retaining up the vessels,. similar, to the,
blood being kep: at the top of your fingefwhen
a string is' tied tight around it ; such ,is fre
quent, slut for scrofulous humors and ,ulcers
to form llre;filn f then, proiiire a perfect a9ota-
Mal supporter', and wear a compress to the rec
tum, and. coUtiniie to us e , the salve ai above,
also rub it well over 'the loins and .abdomen
for some time, and the natural belts' that sim
port the bowels will be contracted ,and made
strong, tted . your life will be saved. If proper
ly applhal„eve4 ease will be cured. It never
W. Jenkins, Esq., of Columbus, Obio,,Bec
retary of the Ohre Isurance Company, . who
was taken to
.New York in extreme debility,
with piles, to havt, au operation by the 'cele
brated Dr. Mott, MI the only chance to save his
life, accidentally lickd of t he. Eitiitetdr;
states, !Tor years, hia!liseaso "defied medical
skill, and grew worse until lifti became i ntoler
able ; ho was, speedily curved, by Dello a Pain
No Pain ExtraCtor .ia genuine Unless the
box as. upon, it a Steel Plate Engraved Label
with the signatures of C. V. CLICKENER &
co., propridtori, and HENRY VALLEY,
manufacturer. :Price 25 cants'per box.
VlssAll orders should be addressed toC. V.
Clinekener & Co., 91 Barclay street, New York
. • ang29lot
HAIR DYR.—It makes no difference bow
gray or red, or rusty the hair or whiskers may
be, nor how much they may have been injured
by bad dyes, BATCHELOR'S HAIR. DYE will ,
make them a beautiful and lively black or
brown without the least injury. And will nev,- ;
er fade , or turn rusty. WARRANTED.—
Made and sold, or applied, (in nine private
rooms) at BATCHELOR'S Wig. Factory, 23:3
Broadway, New York. • None genuine except
Wu. A. HATCLIELOR is on the label.
Holloinay's Ointment and Pills, the, most of
factual remedy for ola . Wounds and leers.-
Th e wonderful cures daily. effected by these
celebrated remedies,. have established them
with the citizens of the Union, - ai two of, the
finest preparations ever made knoWn; and it
is an astonishing fact, that they - 'will heal *and
cure old wounds and ulcers of twenty years
standing, even after every other.treatment has
been' restored ineffectually. Aft . cutaneous
eruptions readily yield to their mighty . poiver
and for the cure of Asthma, they 'are
Eight Teachers Wanted.
111 1 111 E School Directors of CUmberland town
-1 ship will meet itt the house of BEXJA3II2:
Setutivta Gettystmeg, on Saturday the 18th
day of October fejt. ut 10 o'clock, X. M., to
employ Teachers the Schools of said town
e... The County Superintendent will be pre
sent to examine applicants.
Sept. 25. 3t.
Eight ' Wanted
/VIM School Vractors of Hamilionban will
A meet at the public School House in Fair
field, on .77atraday October 9a, at 9 o'clock,
A. U., for. the
i permse 'of orapploying Eight
leaidiers. The County SuPerintentlent will
be present. By order of the B oard.
" • ' D. B. BLY Fill;, See'y.
Sept. 25.-3 t
Oa Tuesday and -Mdneaday, 280 and 291 k
op' October tutxt,
01DIENCINGat 10 .olplock, h. M., of'
enth day, the subscriber inter. ding to
quit husineSs and remove to the West, will sell
nt public unction, at his store., at 1.101!r s
church, let Franklin townahio, , his entire - :k
of STORE GOODS. Persons tlesirinh• to
!nuke elnqtp . purcbotscts ' find it to their at,
vantno to tall, goods will be sold at ct ,,
Until thedaci,l sale.
Also, ut the same place, on Thursday td
80th of Orlobe . r, he will sell his hotisehold sue
kitchen fornitnre. including finks, choirs, ho.
react, bedsteads, cupboards, goods, hnthawar
rook•stove, kettles, Am. Also' el good milch
Attendance, will begiveo and terms made
known on day of sails by •
Sept. 23,18566
A T a meeting of the Managers of the Adams
Cuuntv Mutual Firelnsumnee Company,
IdePt.:B, 16'66, the following Report of the op
emtiMts of the, Company during the past year,.
was stibmitted by the Executive Committee,
adopted by the Board, and ordered to be pub-
fished : ,
'Amount of Cash and Notes tinliands
at laAt•stittletnettt, Sept 3,16:74, $1716 841'
Cmlt Pt emitlins reeeivea daring the
year?.• . • 445 28
Cash Intereti ibteiied on
Notes, ,844 495;
Cnsh paid out tiuritig ydi k i, as per ,
Treuaurer's Report} , • . $7B 94i
Cash paid Treasurer's %akin'ls 00
John Knopp, rot loss by.fite, 1 28}
!' !' John " 300
Notes outatanding,,bearittg ;OWnit, 1,939 50
4.,ash iu hands of Treasurer, 509 90.1
Amount of Property insures as'
per lest Beport,, $65026 56
Amount of, Property insured
ing altar, • • , . 200,607 $S
$9 . 64,734 54
Surrendered during !.he
year, $11,967 00
Expired during yeat,,d9 t o23 .31 77 70;390 31
4793 1 44 23
'Amount, of Pre toium Notes es, per
hist ,Reportn „ , , ~ • $8;551 .48
4otottut of Plemium,N*ll Olken' .
during the yeer, 14,988'9G
$53,540 44
,‘yeetr,,, $670 'A
xpir,e.dduringse,4. ,
um er Po moppe. as
during year,
" issued - airing yeir, 152'
1411;1A 677
• '1 o,t, Alt 3. 1 03 '
Miele' rin.' in force, 62 711
kVAIL . A.B4SiItNi) 9 orrna COM-
• ' PANY.
Mcnieya (Note 4„) ,$1,938 50
m ii . 4o.lCof i l'reanurer, 1509 001
lid tea •48 so - 7 7 . 1
Premium * ee uneo , 4
White' h ail 'Academy;
riuilEilvrelfth Stititicin, :will Ommence
I Afondas the 3rd of .fforeoiper. ,
r.11111;for. :—s6o' , per et:salon ,sof 21 we . okg.-- =-
'1"11i 4 Osteibgue containing , fun Paftle4litli
' •
f' • i t3ept.19,1256.—V, • 4 •
urtikßEAti, in lied' by ;die Act,' o f
dm Oeuend AtiFembly ;X this
' ' fie ti.' Oen
Slate, en.itled, "A u act to regn l r ••
ernl Elections of this Common wealik," ehuc
led en the 2.1 of. July, 1830, it i 3 enjoined
no me to give Public •Notice of , sti . els 1!•.1co.
dint to be Iteld; and- to enumenitein Ate!)
notice what - .14ffidertt tire to , tio eleetea,:j
HENRY lIK/SlAS,,Sberiff of rite eounty
of_Adathtc, de, therefore'. heretri, give this
Public notice, je f tilt - Pectop U. rho said
Ominry - of - Adn MS, /66-11, ..,.,..,,- ~, ....-
will be liulal ' ~,,,,,,1 „ ,,,,e
q e
Serund rues< , o .0 t , ' i'llitrt. (the 14th,)
, ,O.
,in the pet f rat uAtric ti et pupt e s..a, yf the fel
lowitigLifolint:htkii'l iiir , t 1 • l. .1.
In the First dikriet,eeinposed of the 130r
-1 ough- of ,Gottysburg , ,dr,cl flotl9WPl l lt 11 4 ,
• eumberland; , 14 r the Court -UPCtitt4lt .G tr. 1
frar*.' ,. 4 ,1 ' . 4 "''.. •, •. n 'lt . r A .l. ~, .'.l .
1., ;10,the Second:district; compose:a pf the
t• township•of Gertnanyolst, the„linpfc•-t4ll w. ue.
t untied , by.Lesti Kreps t -rjo themiwtri -of,. 44.
tlestowii, itl-thetownstbiP 0i5q19 1 .1. 41, 1 1 ,Y..•; , 'I
In the Tltiol)pitrAety4trpitt•ed ef the
ptor DbhiP. PP ( . ). 1r° 14 ,-tn t';VN, '• 11 Qt 0 F; :tY, l 49*
Miley. in the ulna ,qfj... ew,(4forde f i , ;
i , in theFtiurith dist r i teti, ccutpottud of the'
I , lo*i:ships tit ilAlittiore and fluntitiguin,. nt .
to b libido df eolith 11. ilildtbritUdi: iu 'the
; township of II uutiouton. PlP ' 3 :s : l'!- I'
1 dnthf ;fit, lki oi,it 'rich, eq‘nptted L ittfl4,
1 loWulthips 4 fifildintitoutibu alftl l Thhiittji at
the PulolloVf3A4bltAbiltrtffelllfferstowit. ! •
iln theBlxthLthstrioll-Atumfultirlfithel
I ten rishito illlitt'ni,iltehtist tholimilteuhvr i)e. l
1 ei,plFd b y..`Dav id Nati& titiiti.:iii ..tfiti,lOW Of ,
East Burlitt, ~, , , .• n : - 1 ` 0 ,, ,, , "!:-.. to 1
In the Sevoilth disirief, cetlivoseali•ihe
tillvdttiiiisSAroilullfit, 0 (4fipiillli ziSt l lo l .
house in t/. 0 41 t4 r, n 9111 11( 1 . .. e ti v i v iii° ' ~.'
In the, pighfliditur et,..; topTecll_toe
tekutthipef Stilh4 al the IlliuSeJtif teob'
L'...Oreos, in, liputerelZwli•t; ~..' ' - '
• lo , the,l4,ltith ,distritit, toomposue eft the
township of Frunklinyat the house lot well),
oecupitti by Jacob B.lllhunithi lb iaid,toirti- '
obit / ~, );,I5 -. t • ts' II t 1 1 / 4' ...
Id fbe Tthithsilistnet • t - Omp so or ute
townkhipiir , Cottowago;urthe house of John
tßes/tes.cllkititAstrlltou%ftit . tct 311,trt
Iu the Eleveuth district, composed of do
tonnship.of Tyrone / iii the houtes 018givei,
iltuller; itrilenlleliburg: t , . - -•• , '. 1... ,
Jo the Twelfth district, eouipeped Of' the ,
township of Mouuljoy, ut-the botisti'd Geo . :,
§oyden, iii 24141, , 10viE11ip, s - t . , . if •il i ;
" Tu 4l ll4' Tfri devil!) tlflitti& tam pens or
the tdivushiP of Nloduipleasii I,' at the piitt.
liellehool..lnitisein said township, situsiltst
the cross roads, the one leading' from Ox
, ford tto the -,1 wo T. verus • k, Ow Lethal% from
Huuterstowit to liatiovey , ,4.. t i
In lite Fourteenth Clitteriet;' &itn posed e?.,
the ttkwitship • , tit't' Hooding,' la "the •ptlblip.,
Sehoobhouse iii Hampton.- ).• ' 4 , •$ ..,
lei the Ififtoitu ill distriet ' tcotopnielltuf the'
andfursoship' oftlieroick. uestile
pallid School-houdettiti'Abhotistnumot 't' .ti
to the Sixteenth , district; uoluposed of!
'the townithirof Treedeinf at titd:buttes ut
Nicholas Mortz; lir shill towusisiii.. :.t• ' ,
11l the Sev e ntuentlrdistrieVeutopiised 01.
the foivuship' , of ttiniout, air,the - butted .of;
Enoch Intover, iu said township. t••": ' ~,
In the Eighteenth district, eampotted sf
the iliwitbil ip &a/444 Bette iliblio Subout
1101180 Itt..lllll6solCUilitlibkWittiWlleiil/p.
At which time tonf'places will buitttiored ,
Otte Auditor (Übnaitl'of , tlie . l.lot'Aow,
weaiLii,.;, = ~ , i i. .,
'One but veyior'Ge ll
,•,,,, 1 .
, ,: , 1 i
Otte Canal h.lotiniussit;tior ;•
Otto .:0 um byr ot Congrc§i, to..iiiireseui
thp,i)Astrietoriutpusetfty(f- the Utitoi.,
Ates of .ALlants ,Pratili t litty , l39dfotd, ,
~.ultott,,aud Juniata ;.../
One Member of State Sertate,fo,opre, ,
, sent, the I.;ouuties.aift Aduins , ,attil
• P'ratiltlin ; •.• ' -. N ~ 4 G. ' '
.One blettilier of .Asserrtbly for Atiartt
county ; , i ~ ' i
Two As:.ocinte Judges;
One ( 'orilittEsfotter ;i;.••
Vitt tett(ditorltll ; 1 1 Ali I 11 _
4! i ilt T)i}e6t.oi lf 5 111 C Pub! . ft I- It t ~
()tie 10istriet i ttniney i auti, , ... • ,-'.
- 011e - cmi 14 stiiiier2l . . ' i ' r,
v. ' , .
". Paiiii;iilitt uitihttidit isdirCetdd to 4tb Alt'
of Assdtlibli, thit ji r ltli l dny",,k,lf,l4llrti, ,
try, 18.1'x, r entifieJ i' an' ' act relative i ll so.
.11U l i"t:t r Ol'eutinnif in Alfa iii tt',. 1:44bl tit r, l rk ;
111ticiStiti 2 r'; iiaiu Ikrlatia,'liiti if forif,'' Mil 'tit,
,„Urt (lite, dihltrie; iisr: 1 ' '', ' '.." • -
' 4 /fiCi.loei 4 1:'lle it Attaid bY &V Senate
~ .
alai 11444iliOittjioltatited of the Cont
nion44iirtilliilkiittol4llll in Gt•sierut Asti
I.9folly.;itift, inil i iilts km by 144044 by the
authepity,q,„,the sit tpr-tliat it, sha ll be low,
''fitt'ftit• at. qualaftisvote'r's 'of 'lls'e' counties'
of, 'l Atrulosoilltsta.stet; lbauphliti l i Yu k;'
sit ritto9 to 'fittest:ors. , Froilltliu,Ctittiliet t litoi, )iriaAfepl, t'entre;
''.l • ; - r . -, dt
.41 ,, N , 1 ifircenc;untl 'Erie` from' aitil s'itbr the pus.
rrlllE'Asttessobi' /Meted litNge‘ien •
stlSPring.)'Y!ge,';„!,tifl. act , I .4 .,"''',yple ,PF . ' till ell _Vtletva
2. elektind tab berelty ilmilied•tchattend (4 Ottrsibp:!?ltt: l ll9 ‘9 l llell, 1 1 3 b es ilid:itliii, Site"
-the Corunlissiefterlt Office in the 'Borough " oti , fine Hi; mi.) blip yr o t , l4et ; , C riliictit4 , ), ' fhb
Gettysburg, to reivu Munk Assesement Du. ,dbee tit. !vilijeh every ealiditfu 4 is ?dle.] fur,
plicates. and dm aeooseary, instruetieT, niieol- sii'a I 1 lli; ile; ig DO I e'd, titi regiurea it:y: l ;lWe et
i9`1 14- ' : 4 ,l64 7 l4 t r f' f " r POgui (11 im ' ill o• istiog laws • of tliiti,ljti:iiin'of;Wiill!li "
Berwick. Oif.. , z ,_," ii ! cn 't nea ", llf -,P, 114 . 1 1nt. ' ,SiiTl • ;' ' tIINEVIIVIt" fr:4le.' . C(4l l 4litfed
plea.auh 9e14011,1 ,, Yair an" ma ‘ ta ll , o 4, ,L ,0 4 i - •;,,,; ir •„ , •
[will Ottani} on' irediikdkg 415th df 04.44 g: ','..Y altY t i ling Perlrd er p,dp . tile to 111,1 , 4 . V44
. 21111.1. the:4s/oE6ord for t tite,llpral, Cp, l 9 ; ' , ...,pr , eittri.,l , ,t i td,,,,,sin . di bit the pnt4liedby' ':exisit.
lung:not Freadpi,..'ll'ber ty, , Mt tonhatt, iug 411...P.qi;ur,s , !!W5?Aitb ''' ,- • ,
FrajtkJin. Bitlief, etithFHTrron , tutting- A?.ti,?---•,,ltssod:by,virtue of di:33'4th sec. r
wo, awl Taft re: w p! ,.a y . tiii - a .,
, i , -.ln, riiiirsPoy, '11 , ,,,i k . . llie act nfureseid, tt,vitt , ,,i
,pc'fs,op, es-'l . ' '' t; - Li i T i‘ u'it'i "fit 't . N: T:ic •
odoa• 4k: 11 4W - - '''ff... ) i*". -', 'i . ' ' cefitif i :J'itiiieu i . '';i :il'i',' Pe'dite', kV,li t `ti ti hlt Ili • 2 ''D DV! ;Zs I' , 1 '''i k) . • '
-- ' l3l-4 g il i ai lid% ll ,l l °A",,n ers, ;; , ~,,', ink i ltubfany - tdbeeof upnoitifteeiit' ;,it'p`iltlit od 4 ' : .;), ''--'' -;"" " , ,
''' 4; •wt'^':-•" - Y - ', ,, r e rts - i '' t , t ' i • ,)c . ' - th '"G - '..- , ' -cli c u ji' e •i , Nelri'le i§ laxtikt.given 1011111,0,0 feet ntHi
Sept. 11l it4tl, i ' , ' . . -„ • „ 14 4 , 1 1. ,4 3c, rP ‘,lypi,....T,vie t g,!' e a 1 , i , 12 , 1 •:dif i q proitiiieriAiwrntll that the ,I,IHi;H•
—..._' -'-l-, ---:4--:--'-' 1 :---c--' -'-':-1--- --.--- ' Sates, or of uny"ettY or iticorpoilacil (Int l i'. ~ , , ', •i t , . : . ': i • i ii
, .„,,.. _ I ,1 i i idS . 1114»i '../ &Mt ith i n.l lattler ;tient one, IN • ;
, orq ~ once-: ,
11 11 ia lirii) , '
HE a ndeisignill, Treasurer o f,fl ie G ettAA . / erwili a autsrdioute ntbcer nr agent, *Lin , .. c dad v , f a ; ~ , ,,,,,ii,.m pti o li itiur,„„u?".nlieel oil
Tlsnrgt" , ttfillro.d Company, has - bepii Ito I le, or shalt be tunipluyetituntier.t,bn - legisla.:l Toeuditiil tile :NW day 4rSeltbiuthee 'text, viz:
strutted by a resdutiou of Ihti;Besid to }ri v e, rise, ext.eutive or -judiciary department ri4 I • I`3l_-The lira. aisv,nna' ~ df-l,unmlius Hess ,
the following natio, to the. delinquent Storlz.' tlii, St a io,pr 41+6 United States, or ot tiny l'fin*tletwl'h Flu ''' 4l ,, ksceuu'i," 4 th°,."/'L Bl ' `" I
hub et to *it :--rhat all mooted duo l on iheir en ) ut•iSioddriTorht 4 , (l divtlict, und also; that ',,'""` l ' f r ur ' s e ll t "1 • """" hies ' lute ,?`,' Rea d ing .
e ,, er , luviii"tnlti
r,f the stAit. to:fil l s lip ih r 11 . 1111 i
l eonty, ceeo . -e t
of ~,
Stock Subseriptime rattft.ba_pani in tip;bilu or ,
to ono o f hie rottei# rs itt the County, On or bc . •
~ •,_
~,,,, •1- ,„ ;4 ect or cifflowcto ~;.,,'"'h • t ) , 14 , (1 " . 1 % Al 4 . !stir! 44 1 4 d (41 .! 1 , 44 . / 1V,,,. i
,iiire the 6th ii, L. , the serene ,L„ igili t t 4 ,l ll , l ",,t4lPVLA ~4., , ,1 . , , vatv ', a d 1 . 01!!4 Lownover, A iiiinihira omit
, ngecrill be pl d f 3.1 oilie 4 . VJaaalli Ur4ll3o,nryoo Upifiblim.imier of ally/ the I.,ltile 01 1% iiiiitill ( . 11W110Vtr, lute el liiiiiii.-
fur, colleCtiou • .. ' 0 • itteurporeted %intuit-I; ischplaw incapuble oft! joy towitship;Atenestned. - ..,. ,
1,1•. 1 40}4NT VST Tressurer;', or exeroh-ing at the seind-time, the I *1 , 3. The tlr,t. account of :Joseph Power sod,
Sept. 19, If "*llieu urn uopoluttein,t of Judge. sl i tirectur ' The"lbilna Power, -Vimin ls trut 4 surthe 4-tate.
t , • 1;, . . • ~,r .. . ~. C .
3 0 • 1:1 brAk.x,,,,ikepprovr, deceased. ,
nr ‘,l l uric 9 1 41 )Y tireti"u of II”' ''' 14 ' llanti. 1 184. The bi tont! nod finis! illfetrantrof Wil
wcHltlr,lntiti that no .Jtpigu, lit'speetor„or,i,
limn' Kingi,4l.:sq... itlomettior of the List will, nr.d
other OffitiV of 44 'Until' eleuitliui Bhllll be ‘
testainent 01,1)11‘:)‘11:roel, (of John, sen4l
el,igitlftlite any' tribes t.t) l W theu , it tired dettens*l... , ', t, e ~T , :
WtSh-; - firbtii lit' the 'fourth '''reiitiii` of , tbe'l ' ,. 145.i.T1iti first hiss 'Omni senior'titlL'eprgn,
ACt tl"Xttst... - tniqy ciiiitletls4:ll Alii•c lath* SrenkfiwMiller. -. Adutiniltraur eflltlagdalenn
't t; dkocistions, nod 6;1 oihtn- o "'nit& 'Wiwi; titnetuteih '' '. ' ' • 'I; . )
! proved April llith, 1840, it i P s il :ti P ac sir to b tl ' thii i ' ~
I,t. i i ..ll..l „.. v , ..‘ L ii i .T i alll7 .4:4s4. l 2lol ?o";s ti t i e . , A re
1 the efereoid ititl - sestitmoliaLl not he 'non- I RegiHt w o off , o, (I, 4l3 ,b ka t g i, I . ,• o, • .
rtislitt'd l ,'iil to prAiiitY2Etil , Miiiitin officer or,i Aug, %, iti50 .,,,,i, ~ f ,
t boiru4 officer, from' nerving' as judge; it vi t--
, t . ow ,; I- , t It ~:- . ' . r .... : , ., _ - 1 , , ---.-- 7 -
,c.iii.ottir.oletit; t 'ui iitiy'gehiAiill'er' special ) ,- .t ' ,l'arill,tcr'f.: at, c i i! t ent,
election fn this Cutunintivie.7itit, i , ~ - ruinl..; ii
p n d em t g it e d. ..iring ti, mityrittioi
And in and by_ au Act, of the Getteritr i ~ J . 1 ,, a ,,,, iii , g , ~
~0 .n . i . 4 1,, 1, 6 \ ow ,tl(,, or
tAssetubly:of thin t3tato,-, patted.the 2d ;any 1 Tett.sdnuble torsos,. the Fife( on which ho-re
• 0f.Ju1y,4830, it is directedl4ot the iuspeo , sales, atnu,Nuenitle fitair Gettysburg, on the
ters , and• Judges be tiso the plums of their ; Millerstown ntal• . ctuitaiulitg , about IXO I
a d k ie r tr e i s e n ts id o t r . f v:t t 9 ho o tl 4 a i y oc o; i t ti be ti Ci ie c t n o c re ra u l uo ß i l ,, ec to ti ti ou f
~ , L4 :,......t .p......t :t e . sl l,s nw o ti.i tt ish k loi r , lgt or ot h; einu . ei n i iit
j oi :ri,oll.l3etrift . Tox
LEIN... Vii:
- • and prrfortn the SPV(3l:l l li'diltiee teciiired'aud '
s 4 e , ,` 4 ' T o 'l :. 1 ,-- .•:.1 i e" , . I (g):1 -
4. '"'" ~ t t ~
rbUfrt Stock 04.1A,RDirt(RR as been 'r.erY!en,l9ined tin,iietit' in 14itilly' the shine!' serf ' ' • " 4 re'' !'‘•,-*- 'll'4' irl.tlr+ . l 44 vav‘ tr+........ ...
; -N F - 41441°11 . 111C 7 23 . 74 : 4 . 11 4 d r. a ... ba MTK-1 Aua be it luit.ber4Areeted, iu and bithe APt -qmitusgarrit g AitiOzz itut
f or...quirkag wr umg- iu ,is uepartmento 3;04 Artohly oj t ibl B . lll l i l r VAI . ie 1. t 0' • ,
AGO first re it *ad weil FIt.ffiCE§TOCKB 4 Vt iL1 ,, .
~) h ,t • - r us t
...1,. v • ..I.2atir.:„.- • k,,
----.- I. '"'ESTOK ( /
i c""i'l``^' ` •••.. •• , ,--„,--•_.„. rer- , ....-t : .! • ;•+ 1 f -...- ...- ..:____---. ...,...... : ..... _ 1 ;„0 ,”fittt erg:a z ,M,
, t 1 11 4 4 e
r... L . A ., ~„.A it .1.1- let ~."
.. , ;J. ; I4IIWMINO9 ' 0 .11! !a !.. 0
.!.+ Uui
.... 011 , 1 . 0 .. : 1
...,, , ~,
~.,i , ~,, ,i . ~i 1 ~ i F„, ~ ~ ..s . i &,1. . 1 74 t 4 ; P.'r qt y ,..,V `ea r!..t; f' In Arl' ‘ ( ~e.l.i':: ,7: ozot i tt,ltilifiii.Vll4 j T4:l
.. Ilit 11.c!car 1 1.,p , „ ~ .....044.11414 LW, ....7 4 ..):' It . 4.. .!,..4 .t."I • i „ti It J. , ; st .;,,,,,,,,i4.„-,-..41
- "'to 'lickdOl Pire/tors tuft
rtadenellgtdAt S aperiStendent of t om
itsion Schools of Adams. County, hereby
gives notice.thin he will meet the , Ronal, of 1
Directors of the several districts Of the Coen- 1
ty, and the applicants for Stooln who desire
to be examined, at the To °wit% tidies and
..4 .
iii-KuTtloy•J-AtTwerTare Thursday s ; Otto
' Ileiltfoif 9.siciorit, A.• . r ): :.•
Gennany-nAt :Pul4lic, Felt 1
,Hittse; IP 'Lk: ,
tlestow4Thutsdiy,Oct. 2 at 2` sticlorkir.o. l
Dolour-, At,Schilt's School Gale s Fridity,t,flt. '
_ 3d, at 9ti cluck, A 31. : ~ • ' :
cotiow*3-: l At Sc/iiNA "II use, in 3lcSherei a:
' town. • Friday, Oct, 3d,' 2 olclook, P. m:
oisme—At ;seh.oi -.H. ire‘v Oxfpitl:
Saturday; Oct. 11th, at, o'cl IA A. N. c,
Berwick Township and ril • '-::'ArSclidol
Rinse in 'Abbeftstoirn; " bittliy, Oct. i ith, 1
- kit o'Cleek,'P:3l:!; ' ' l' --!• ,- ,:•• •( r: '.
Harailtoir—At School 11 ,in Beelin s ,:den-i
der . t)et..titb--et 9 'A. .••••/ • ••. . •'I
Re dr—At Ailopeok. ooki . owe,,
i x , ts, .. t , it . -
Lou i
1 day, Oct. 6th. at 2, P. . -2 ' '
Datimon_•-•••- At Livingsto 'a School ' Thou*
Tuesday, Oct. lilt, sir', 'Clocli . ,4 m.
• Tsrune-_7l-11nidlearhunES oolhouskTuesdayi
1 Oct. 7,at 2P. St.P f
~i i ,,,,i,11,4
• Mountplensint-uSweit amts . oo oust,
- Sainted"' lOct:gli at t MV ~ i
~ , I n
Stillban - AehinierStOWit ,EKilhouselAA4u l 44.l
• Freedom—Nrori . tt'st,goi )11.?wit:r , ;iVi l iditead4
Oct. §i pi # 3 .., e to,
Liblrt) - -: in,ynOu 4'54 litouse, Wednesdnyi
i Oct. tit, `i p:m. - o' ' ~
Hamiltunban—Public , .hoidholuie in Fait (
field, Thurrisy, Oct. 9. 9 A. NI. ,
I PratiltlinhottlhanieheFlohei et troll
• Thursday, Oct. 9; at t 2 ..M. b., , _* -
Butier4=-MmetOre SOlrlhouse, Friday, Oct.:
Kenallen—Pul:lic Seheolhonse in Ilepderti
ville; Friday , 1 . 044 3 ,41., ,
rir bt hold lifi 0*
it iseffileids of Edina
thin are requested to 41end: All Teachers
•ithii niplact tdstplrTcrigebiiolb isPitn/ctituty
xvirtaitend at one of slx pt, Oilii otatimisficiiiti•
A failure to do ilia inay,deprive, thett, iiltoge!te
• er of certificates. ~
• It.HiL L ; County *Sit:pct.:L.
Spt. 1 2 ,1856-"3( ' !:''' ' !. , ,..
• ' •
hereki given' b all lititiees
N' and, other Perini . % 'Concerned,i that , The
Itter mentioned will Abe presented at the Or..
phans' Court of Adams .county,t forteonfirmn
thin and allowance, on Monday the lith day of
October aptl4 e(* . ;.
186. The first account of Ignite Trestle and
Peter Trostle, Executors otAbrahatu ! Trostle,.
181. The firataccOun t Of Eliza llershei and
Benjamin Peardorif, Executors of the last
and testament of John Hershey ' deceiumd.
188. The firet and final account iif 'John
Administrator;or Henry. Earring, de
• 189. The first tuntfinal account'eT:tolitt M'.
Knight, Adair of the,:mnateOf,Tatni Wray" de-
190. The first and final neconni oelohn 31':
Knight, Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Catharine' WKllight, deceased.
W3l. F. WALTER,' Rep . ..der.
• ~ per D4xtxt., pl.l,lx,.Pqmty. •
gegister'S i
burg, Scia:B:lBsF. ;
A DJOU itltioD: count
OTICE heretty gi yen
,that an A djourne4
A. Court of Contrnou held iit
(;ettrHburg, in and' thtl bounty. ,nf Adams,
on .ilonflay At Ote,day, of Ortoloii'n7oxi, nt
o'clyCle, intli where all parties
interested are requested to be present.
.•HENRY I . l.lQMAS,*otiker,tj: -
Sheriff's OfficeelJettysburg,
Au••• ZO • •1856.: •
Sigh, narhers
- • •
THE'S choolDire.ttors of.Finikliii
• will the hum:m cil HENRY .M IC
LEV; in Cashtown, at 10 o'clock A. M., em
Sabirthey" tbe 271 h,, day - . of... September. Om
which clay the County ..iniiriliteiolmit will
present.. !JAM EA, MICKLEY, Seey.
Sept:l2; 1850.-44, , ; ,
PUp,LItl-t-t41 .. .14,:.
1171.111,1 nutlersi,gned; Adininistrators of the
I- Estate of llardtier, detect,. will
o.'er :it Pohl is Sale; on Salm-flag , the 217, 1 1
$ e lit:l6er imthrof, at his Into residence in, Pe
tei.tharz', (Y. S.) the following persouhl prop
odsgendS, Tables, Chairs,lli)cking Chair,
Eight Day and Thirty - Hour Clocks, Carpets;
Parlo, •.eharnher,, and Fintiklin'
Stoves.. one iThthaitity C i olvk , Stove, coittple4,;
one Sie Buffalo .Robe, Sleigh Delhi, ono
8uf., , y7- . .wAtoitt'a;tap, one: RoPlymAy - Puggy,
setts of Vamcsa,. Ilhling.Saddlaslitli:4 vari
ety. of ott qr.. satiate,.
,Ope.",,lron Safe, with
Powder Pit °of ,Loik, weixhi, -. lloo l pa
Also, o olauipOorltia. a'oll'aelisoneil Yel
low Pine Itskiirde 'atilt Plank,- *with' Scantling
Paling, Oak &e. —qt.: I
• -Sale to doinmente . g., when
terms will IM . made.known by. •
A. GARP:N.Iff }..4e/ou'r s
• ; .0; lutp
pst t, - :•
Sept. 12, 18.5-tits
$2546 63
$2546 63
.sbf;i44 44.
Firth Second Itted tidal - accentet- of Jowl;
1 A. Mathias, Adapt* and T-rustee, undyed
afillif ".igoti; , e b lr " I. t.e6di '
sutillriof ilia hn;, .re and fatly:
fGr t%/
ily, i t , c o n o war owns iii), Xtlints CoantY,"
Vu4lina .b een le in' lie' Conti of Oen won
Pleas ut A`dainsesnintiaforisaid,•-nd will be
confialled "bi , :tlS4taid . touit: i on the 17th day
of.liov6kber nett; 'Wicks cause be slioWn to
'Ala toiteys - I,actp N ricur, 6, i'ssilt.'
Sept.l2, 1856 -4t*
itetiLs ;qlllSiteiglbp *Mb tilt west of
_ .ftettso4,6l ' viiioart 'kinds of
FRUIT TREES are cultivated' and for sale
by BENIILLAN iyarrieton
.. w... '
•• 6 6
• k
•r, xi~_rzr~> - :,:.: - gin ~^`
the, tliff . crorit districtsforesti'l4, who shall
-- 6V-111n
nu A bi l i, Of votes
. which Phpll fififQ, been
k 0vt....0 f e e l ea, 'ddifilkVe Ur. the ttife r en,
.4c:46 q).?" 'fiqe( l4 . fo'r
re , pactivP:di*tri°oll:AiriVwe 3 , , 144ird
dny iyfter thii niectien, whieh, stutt)-
Frhbry.the 17th d Qilohrr uliirestlia: at the
house, i n the Borough of Gettysburg,
then and there tn- make a fair ststem2nt
and cortiiie.itobf tliwtioinbtor of vides, which
shall* given at tqlitzditilrentiit 4 ,-
trio's irt the-ebitnty:l rtriA4'utus ft. uny
fur t1:0 ofli
!!11.12*; :IT,63rAs
tee, k..etti'slii y4' .
-- •
'''GET'll'Sllll(l' 'FOUNDRY:
1,11 . N4AV
ri,a.Finintetorefett i Ifs fug enteted :flan
pnrinesh . iliqo efiriy. flin•Poomilry
Olhensl'inifier ; life few of WA It HEN ISt
SONS, Itreht ovsfie , .kilowri
. the eiti•
ients of Atlnine `,Antl• adjoining counties,
that we ern prepare' to ontke
lo Mori tinp_of. ,100y01,ron.
oonfoly on hand, the ItATil A Vir A r,,enii
S - ttn ,
_ .
' coul oittiNiv,... wrov }lsl.; :
t i ttle ,Parlttr qi:isztft,,a;!t r l ttiAts hmie .s 7 prya,
A i:priouis Stlir,ttapir. slpin Poii.'l , :tdifrii
nodlP,ios. dlqi ~liji :niftsr,l ton(.ir)9‘int's
I , 4llenitils;AValilirons4Watining Asnliinan,.
Astildides, Binit-syrnp'ers, at.o.- il.7nstintin
liii'Mithi'inii otlini:.Wit•Ftliteri: Pf.OUGII -
CAI,,TING's 6r , nireit'iletirtiptinii, ki..*--:-,,
We !nit I: edineylii'r, Bliirllfir ti turAi tr..r2'
tint: hinds of Witheroro, P.,/ptikliSi.'. ', ; lkiii
,itart it!soiwis'ilitkrent I) Bll e.r.PA .4 ,k
.., , .
for alinneteriee. Yards and, Pora)o i ls, 'wt,i,rit )
exult, bed:teat 'for hentliy or theapnesi.
'‘llCO4ll Elie ahoy(' *futile* rivill litrAloid
Cheiip'iit, Cish ii c';iuntry.t"i'rolOtre. i " '
4 ;tr,"fr' , ',l3iltt oKsst [Tit rfi i • 'erili .con,'
1P! 1.6 i 1 ....; ' ' ,:: ::::: ' 7 '" i ii ., ' , . , ' ;';,, i
itttAs!§ 4.lABTikti's it'd eveiir ifiltig
in our tine in:iilii to iollier.- „,:,,
• IMES 111 •A}I.IIOIII4VES repßir
eit at similes! itotie. Being tiloulditre"
oureelyes j ,we will Joitiotyr.
ft E.N.'
w,4‘it 1? , N;
..; r
; *AO
4, AI:A1111EN.
r.fiettyphlirg,".4l ay 1801k—it'
qui t YlNrg smillart
Ynwor+l.,37.H.,,RfraitccA 4grpioLus
rirtilllearlatit ! atifiq , .l)aving nol'ilfuql , - 1 into:
-11: the bands of 'Sirs: It. It. 'XifrEit, ;aid
' 04;1: Jtqr.:11410)3 1 )( 1 y0,,,? , ,R 4 H(f 1} .1 . :TiT,u2 1, 1:' 31 . , .
will COIIIutCIICO the fait terra, 1,“,.: eitilli, :
uVeYKAffki iii;; frji s t C 1 f4byr §fspi . ! ',:,l; 185 t;,y i
1 , 1:4, ottAM , P l enilil f, $!• 1 1 li
,t..s Akrifitt 0 1011, f II i:- . ,
,ITlCQ#ll,,tlyple lran . g.lps„grthe,Sletitltl,lloral'
and Natural Sidences useally - Wtiklifin any of
,our Eenode AindentiAts pr Uolle,,es of the first
Orii'Y "td . 'etldirlililt 'ilit Vali ( ' Fei , nelk and
. qinan ,ankt n tge4;llliime and Dra:aing. , , .
,4 iho,.Trtt,lttitii:nl4 di%tiigattl ,rule al toe rd.-
11,g ql,rqlr'i!N it paiy -si , totili pit, PTincipolg.,
et re,`pri.ipara 161
tri)lye'`.rding'l.,nditia . Wont a,
i nitatieelillft6ll7P',liiitily,'hud ' ptirblits',•all :
g'ilfi . ;diitns• ii t i.ty 4.,.:,,a.tri,d ifiitt `aril)'ar
r,ahlidusAn'at will, lie' inadt!'thr - thi'diethafi:R.
, ~l'll'e;fitore'lity, :t'tillnidisont„,eild inielliginwa
'i,if tln)edMintinity,',iiiizaliiir,aith the' rehrarliw,
We'iiihilli , it ' di!lts eliiiiie.e i eotnrilii:tii ) fli lila , . o i
f y
GettynliGr A ,ll'ilYntllnt peeelihrly 011 ailitlit,3l,
fpf.'ity la tlitilreti 3 Oftlif lib'el::',' • : ' 1 ." "' ' „
.iVt'illi'iitit 110 r saglial, "lihi - iir p kiiitlieis;'•a ad
itifeii.tieni4 - see 'tdiiiiii4i; "orli)cmilre of illaPrin.
a •, , iwi! , ~ .. .. -..,, sii
, (1' 5 44-.vk i ,i iii- g,; , A .•. :i : , ; I,f3l;;:fiq -- ,:. -- .... , ' ,
, „ , ..
, •
Iritozaletkgr, ig.toi apabtg Tr.
UPlkl',lCE..24* , ,lnil'es,ltt)rtli•weit.fronn 1:1iiludel•
, Itlila'ineltr...Norristown,,.l'o., wilt. be .otwu
for 1 0 li ' N1„1 MEN' and lit.),YS flbove.l4:senta
inPage, hind fletoberl4lBsll, till June r, 11157::
The site is llealtlitill. thb surrouttding. iirtiiiiett :
exrewlingly I)eitntiful},s3lle..aphoinfoollattonti ,
•Initticieutfor:ltlt/ litinrill:rs .nllOll2Ol , 11thtletits,
awl the terms not elorliitant; . 'nib Tanga ol'.
Akitdie4. 6 extollaiVo,• tlio.,ttnieliera eJsperietwod'
and able, awl every reasuntilire ellbil it ulnae
t o4?mtiwtcthe vID-s)e,rll,, tnlelleetualilll moral
ikniture of
,t)ke...ah'oltl'ci4:' A:Clietthir ‘'in be.
Amt. to or, lr, ait partme men ; re ermines..
if tleYii.eil; ,s
' ,OrtlYiti AA4CEN Printii;tri. ,
:I.i , „tt ~ , ) ~,„;;
~N nerlatoaw. Pa.-
...,4,4 . • 1.•pi . „11!P!V. , ---,11 „
.it.,l . . , .. , •
• ,
Oiat 1.0i14
'llol4lli 1)1..t f
10 or l . 44, o twang .0
u tos'giffeAki)p!itiition4 for
Teuelii;y4 iv toke.chwir yt tln 'P w oblie
tio,luioht , , HOU dirfllcf, WC Ike! 2401
tier,. 4. of W.
eithipba, Emi.,l369lnence 'aii'
A , Flohlif,,on!kron4llA,,:pea
(,o)vq x ~u tyut4ttdupt wµ. t.
,f49u14P1 , 104,f);P1Tu 0 94 ,, '
I yplyr pl. thod3l4o; s
T ILE „„(wrsi g ,u,_4l s ,Avin resp,,t; y
, , t- 1 0,11we W iiio,o ; ,:gizewt 9 f . q A tt,volirg, thoi,
he has opent;4l PrOviotion How -41 niuui
-,fiwo)o:l):ANcypi«..l4l - ,Ar. (.11, 44,
lialtimutv street; iienily dpromita the„§!or Of.
,li p v F .._ 4. ,till o tatilfv, on hand-,
: Butter, d!gjls,„.l,ar4,.
;(Ifsoeie r f I,latt4i, wool, Apples,
Fruit otiill'kiiiil‘,\'mftie.tfot &'e • •••
• • •
, . •
. . , a ,
fIPIARATE by their powerful influencetit; 'Me
I r internal necees'fi portly 'the blood sold et h os.'
tato it-Into„ healthy action. . They, rsinose Wel
, ebstrucifons of the4!Vnisih,lo;4ef , s, firer, fartl nrly r
ortnintlit thli binlyoital. to!resfeitticr tliOr lieefftin.e,
action to health, correet, ;therms.? they exist. guilt
derangements as are the tirst rouses. or trisesse
An extensive Obit of their virtues ' by i r rofetoserri
Physicindse end Ilatiestbs; has sliStvn , mites of du n sti
firrousdawases almost beyond belief. Were , they 1110
substantoitwl by
. persons of ,sUth exalted' 'idoli
sed chdrneter es to forbid this ititipition of untrinfir,i
Theist certifleates me published in•my'Alneriefiff
which the Agents. bslow • named,. aro fuwdsh free to alliiiquiring. -'„ l ~,..
Annex we gire Ph'efTlfinl' for tifeletide ili Mt;
'emlfplainte Which they' )tits been &dilate's/4i."
'Veil Coerl TONEAII.- -froki, One or.ivipol'lliaaq
such quantity ea to gently inesq. the birrhila, , Cy,sr
tiveneas -, is. frequently the. oggrrst,ing,,enture of
l'ilLoo, Mid. the,cure of onoforapirogV it ilie'cllt'ii
of both: Ito Perbsin can feet Welt.446 ,l triltibi
'tinkly° habit of litide. • 11)Ositr It ahoila *fit ft
'dente, promptly .telies eil„ , • • -,5 ; , , , , ,. , „t ~..t',4l v,f, ~,,
Pon Dtersesta, width is sometintaip.thFacsAt
.of.gestiristess, and otways ufeenijortable . ,fis ii6bl
&ties ..-fnom otidlo four— tis Miele letai i goi imiacti,
mid lifer into Ilinflty action: , Merest ad ft, iliol
'the' hearrivros,tasitAmeri;:sed itouqutis of,,dyipersh
will rapidly. d . omppear.. , When f ., Itigiv,Ficalc? hug'
• foriret what esied yen..
, , r
i ,,,,,
YoraVsoi:A7t.mtew;or Aroiliit/forrili , n ey „
th e
finf4ty, which piodtrew ecieial•seWiesAinit
Of ih . 6
spirinf and boa health:, tote Armen coati tys aißlit P,Ol
at first, and smalksdolllM./IfiirWhrao,l4lFY Af l i t i t Y
and strong th is reßtorod.ln the st"stegs„, ..
. s Fon Nr,lisortveso, Snit .. li Sifhaoltitiliaintsk,
Pain in the'StowaiA, Ltaelfe or,fisit;falle trete (pill
tit eight plasm} tieing to bed. s; If }hey des:tioe col
a” stiflieienfly, tak is more.thcols„; kdrry, 7 tbi,Ye
de. These complaints will be swept eith, lots Air
system., Don ' t war, these and- thpiit,fis fad air,.
I orders, because rent' steriarefi is font. '...,-",_,'' ,
' - Pon Smtortms; Eitymtegr.isc waling? rhsaifb
i;rtai , Skite, like the tilbs freely sill fneMorttlyt o
keep the:bowels ()Rest : :he 9 1 0110 VW. g•itq''
ally, istme,begiwto climudah and ,01:gnreSe„ , Ater
dreadful slicers mid wires iiiiistr heeis lbruttif,tl hr
tbe'pstrghig and nriri Tying i.sfre; i lit '0114 , 9 V.1114,,,dfa
I some Sliaguldfnit ditteassa whiehecomiest to pia . r, , ,•
the 'stole kestuta bate seruplubsyYssF , trAi,ltss •iw
influence, : basting tho ,tothri ,rts Ist.rlet ~. h..
4 1 1
Patients t,,your,,tiuty to .soro eV.' fitibliat I" r - ,, ma
,ahould parade yourself fisorms?' nip ItstAit'suszt sri
' with pimplesiLblotshed; ti/defi','Siraii;,onsifistlfoijiny.
1 Of the'imelean dine:lsta of the. Skitst, tilvi s mials )beer
i system wants elcausing., : ~ ~‘ ~.., ~,,:,,,,,,, .
' To•Pun.n7,rnx stoop bey nro the best chub -
einp ever, Ah , corered: They sbottld'Ur esVoli'roly
• tind freqtiontly. And the ihsidifitlise tirticlivisfer,,the
seithr el irtchrtible diens-es will bi 4tatipillt.ii*:tl.*
rattle like e noir before the•wind.• 'Aiy,A l 4l.lf:Ohltri f
, limy do as moots good; la prevention alsittlss oily
thq remarkable eases ‘sliVeklll4'l. , fra , • tooltillitbt - ory
Lte'zi . COMAAlltly/arsini : ip .i,stlistt ',Althoff*
Alfidionsi:srise from some dere namnent •••••Sti,ther
' torpidity, oengtodioa. or, ob?tnsctio tn" s, A Om Liver.
TorpidiAy and congestiOnSlAilte ,bc liiii,'Sdit ',moiler
.it ,un fit for, digestion. 'This 'ifi'lAsi..iotrpdtiC to. the
health; and' the conatitntreit:its'fOqintlltty 'antler
' Witted bytidothet conga": laidNatital ff.,1111 1 , vow
tom. Obstruction of the Mick is/I . :id% emp , tiers• the
bile i
nto : the atosneeb , assess, p,6irijo pi .ivofl;or
' into, the blood. Thls pitil'eta Juno e`7 rs.
l'.,leing'ina darigel - mis minis' iir , e'ailoi •Cd'stlt'eness, oe
Altereittely , costiseilemr:a*t•ttineraokol, ..I,resaii,....
' trelibrisb syreptconsiissguSr..syiti! ,, %AFay.kirs“.
reetlesenese,, mid umf , t i.milinly,yrif,,voncetone4 in
ability to sleep, no', someicthrz kt,r.t.ett6listfo... ;
sometimes titdrelkt...trite rattorti'ilieMiliP ..; iilO.kint
' and the white of the eves beesittilf•lte'rCenreb,yell'oeg
the stemeek . neid ..,t . lie liosektli; l o :,/,,,,; i! IF : movie ;
TO whole system, irntlideovis ! .,",. et : ziiii.,• 1 to fuser:
which may torn,tribilidup:reeilit.f.lrMls hite;bfito,l4
, diarrigia, dysetitery; - &6'. 'A filflisr& 414..e.of.ttrtm,
' 'Or frier Pills•taliori nesireit;'lllll , 4isetthis tau ,n Shies:
lin the Morning: I , od srptatesi'Ar 54r. :dttr , r s ill r94 , .%6
theennSe of alltlkesoti "tildes, 4 , 4:1? 1110*(40011M r
I iamb. yob's when Yots,t-an ersiti Irsi•tti'lui'2s - otolt.,
lILUZUMATIsit,, ritivr, ithlt . 4i) P. rittiftl:j7N deirbt 1:,.-
'3'i -. s, 'are „rapidly mired by - thez tisisity Ina '. irtivo, or
I these Pills noun the libel! aiwk 414 ithOtato, 'el ieli
i 'they afford to the 'it'll kriae.ipat orl4fe. .k'or Reese.
land all kindred. egniplamts thq,Anohi ho ?Atm its
' inild,doses: to more tlii bibn ett g;:i4lyt - Mi 1 trthly.
AN a - DIN emit' l' i tr.i', tills: its4bsrld buroablef and
' foetid. I , :tr Pill tom he Ovals. thoro , goaront tu fake.
,trill certainly orme"brits.bogit M041164'01,11 feeplal to
iiho Miniose lot which a 441141 iji s.kftakilOye'd.
.."'"::', l.'s ~ •,on , PILITArtE I) . I fT 4 ,
D. J. c. kinCITA64-.;."
Practical.,and,44ftlytOrtl Clio tea
. Ire - . For Sale lir A. D. 1tt..1..1;1,1 , 1k,,. nor!
Dritggists general!".
A s iit.clist 2:4 1551,.-- 1 1:/ :
• •• • • ,
U Wl.;il, provi.le,l tile!
eitlt wee, ire 1.1 t: • '1474 ty.tly
Avttus, tltAtter, peeptieetCeo
, . liuPi i h ,•
iPOgete't`* . t yprot„
• war
I'riiltt'l~' its entire thl . • -
I :give (tun tal
(Alt et" •'• Ittei . Ittrp I.
• y r 5444 , w reeti' i tliWptiltlietire ietittest I, I
A? . 1 1 til
,),(71tti01r!;ta OW, 11 0 „ r , 4
t 4 AY3I, t M. • Ut,lt,
tit'p.ititie lees. limn
•,•••• =-•
•• ,
ES tnlj:ett' Itt,be . At style.
"ta.VVOlt 'eSze
-..- 5
%IA 11 IP I'Zl EG t'lt 1i4,4 jos'
*IT !iiitiargt , t
lot of Ggopelil.E.lie, 11i4:4;)4i, t , r ,beforr
opelietkit? V. he siLyik s
A) lias,also a .poo lot 1.
Magi& SholliderSa'
and 'Ht iTititis
orsogrs,Aolooop, Viv„DoP..
Astooodm., , vottyAudi..s ; (4.4ll.loopis, To.
'1,H6,44 ,. t 4 c01rg; 'Su'utr, Brittutio. Pruftrier.
fit:1001 , 1g, getiend u,t.ortnielit of
vpirit4y A,4 a eat{ fir ti moo
4 , 4qll—;liii'4,:ot to 11.0
SDi et , 4.olo^T!'' e 4,
.... ~,,.., v , rici , .. .
trirtits- or .V;lnistitAtrillion hoving 1:1 4 ri
nj".6llt,lika,,,lP„ ;Ow 40..scrkitert4. ii•Aidiey 01
etertainWL k...T. S.) Atlitittri vOlilLly, on the I :-
111 4 e ,vf 111.14.L4,2 , 1 ClAllv.NErt„ kve.,....
int 9 "Cllle tiuuw plti.c, tlit)- 110:01: No I' -
/ice. to ,ull.. pvt..coes initebtuil to ad Esit • :
1 10, te:Akcjewiv , lwii pal, inti.t, ,ioljoae 1.,,v
-tug clitiy,,,,t lir ..Lehi. IS. Rif; 1004, .4lttr i,r , .
the ::41i41,11 , ,i5u:ic , 11. I r... 4. nol:ok . ft„tpo Wu._
without tlchty. '. , . „..,.,,,,,..„,,, ~
. -,, r : ( 4. 4,x; A it'D.Nl5ll,4 -4,1,.......,
' .1: CV. cA fillia* 7. -:-' -
't'5:4 7 •Ait. 4 4..i..i,04640 ,
f. 7,i. , a , .1 1 4 44 ,4r:finikloit _ - `:-7?-
: Q t7)tr., -...7 , 4 .W ..--..,:-.,
1 . ) 1 ', „
1178A i ' . fi ,. '1 . 1 .. ,nn ..,,, 1; .. .... i.,.-
tiMaiitrtd .
vi it,.,d,".#4h
.t..41.40,7,701.,„4*r - ,
1 9 twiaars Att,:itgiOitm:VlM.4oi# 4,...•• :'. 4 f.:'
~ .. • -.`-' , .:::i4: 1 ,044.1 , .:'-'• t•:1' 1 :4,
.. .. ~.. ,