Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 26, 1856, Image 1

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WING to retire from the farming and
milling business, I will sell at Private
Sale the following valuable Real Estate,
knorin as
situate aboutone and shelf mile S. West from
Ltleatown, !Wattle county, Penn'a.
No.. L-32 Acres of Mead
ow bottom ,of a superior, quality : of redgravel
adapind to timothy, 2000 binihels o
lim,einiying been put on it. TIM improve
it ' 'LARUE 'AND ' VERY'
er , Shop,. two. Dwelling, Houses, a. _
Store. Boom, two Bake Ovens, .two _
stables, three Hog Pens, Lime-kiln, ; a ;
and'all necessary out-buildings. The
Mitt is built-upon Thu most modern and impro
Ted plan,. 'Thu dam and , rue are . not sur
passed by any. Four County roads centre at
this Mill.
N 0.2.-37 Acres of Slate Land,
very ; susceptible of a high suite of c 'titivation
8 or 10 acres of which areheavily timbered,
with about 10 acres of meadow. Tho
improVements are a large and very ma
complete GRIST MILL and Dwel
hog Boost. This property ad
joins No, 1.
N0..3.—A Farm Containing
15G Acres mostly.the red gravel soil, and pro•
duces well, 40 to 50 Ams of which are henvi
ly timbemed and about 20 Acres of meadow
bottom. 10,1100 to 12,000 bnshels of lime
him been put upon the land. An abundance
of fruit trees upon the premises. The
.inap.oventents are a Stone. Dwelling
HoUse and Kitchen, Smoke House, ;
a large Bank Burn, with Wagon
Sheds, Corn Crib, Hem Pen, and all necessary
outbuildings. - Thin property isuldo a . part of
No. 1, and kaiwn as above. There not
more desirable property in the county than
Luousr GROVE, either separately or to
gefter. Call and see it. These properties
will be sold separately or together, as may bout
suit liurehasers. I will sell on accommoda
ting terms. Any person wishing to view the
property will please call on Edward Stable lie
mg on the premises, or myilelf in Gettys
Aug. IS, 1836.-$5
IN pursuance of orders from the Orphans'
Courts of Adams and Cumberland Counties,
will be sold at public vendue upon the premi
ses, ou Wednesday Mc 8(A day id; Ikkber
rt...rt, the following described Real estate,
nlJacott B. Stayers, deceased, to wit : A tract
of laud situate in and adjoining the village of
Whitentown, in Huntingdon township, Adams
County, adjoining lauds of John B. Groop,
William B...Stnyers, the Chesnut Grove Fur
nace property, and others, containing
80 . errs more or less,
C_III OUSE, Batik Rarn, and other ini
_ provernents th ereon_ The land is of
; • ;' gyail quality atal has been extensive
wed, it is well supplied with excel
lent router, and Inoi a young °Maud of choke
fruit pLuited thereon. Also a tract of
situate altost two miles front Whitestown, in
upper Dickinson township, enruherlund Coun
ty, adjoining lauds of Nicholas Mullen. John
Zimmer and others, containing 10 Acrew
'wore ac less—this tract is about mile from
the Bendersville road.
Alan; acme+. of WOODLAND in Dicken.
not township, Cumberland County, shout one
utile from ►vhitestow•n, Containing 6 ACRES
'tabus or less, adjoining lands of Simon Yotts
land *titers; this lot is well Limbered with Ches
nut and is convenient to the Mansion Farm.
On Tharsdoy the 9tl 4ayqf OeMU, next, a
tract of Woodland Situate n Menallen township
gamut le miles from Bendhrsville, adjoining
lands of Elijah Penrose, George Adams, Jacob
Hebert and others, containing 10 Acres more
or less. There is a public road within 200
yards of this lot.
Alio, a tract of Woodland in Tyrone town
ship, Adaras County, about 14 miles from
lyki t . e . sto wn, a dj oining lands of Solomon Star
ner, George Harman, Daniel Slosser and oth
ers, ccintsdning 47 Acres more edema. There
is a public road running through this tract.
snaking it very easy . of access It is intended
to divide this tract into several lots which Will'
be'sold separately for the convenience of per;
chasers. .
The Sales *vat ommence et 10 o'clock up
on each day. when attendance will be g i ven
An d terms made known by •
An g. 29, 1959.—ta • ,
eW"Carliele 'Volunteer" copy, and send bill
to this Office for collection.
IrflHE undersigned, Executors of tholaat ellt
A nd, testoment of the Rev. JOHN
ALBERT, late of LatiMere to*ruihip,'Adains
eiuity,. Pa., will sell at Public Sale, On Fri
. •daythe ad day of October ; siczt, , hie well kntiwn
forms- The Mansion Firm, containing sbn e t,
160, Acres of 'Patented' Laud, 'aw e - i n
said' Latiniore township, on the road that Muds'
::,from Deardorfro Mill to Carlisle, adjoining
lauds of John A. Zeigler; Jacob SuMel; John
,Martin and'others •Ihe'uorth branch, of LW.
otore•dreelr lime:through this ,tract,
• Iltere 'ts, a well finished two•StorY
STONE IfOUSEf with a baliensent
is b ■'s s BkUrAtid 4. Jorge STONE
1.11, I I 1 1 44 AAILN,, ...Dry House, Wish',
House, Work Slitips, Spring Ili:fuse, Wagon
• Shed and CO& Cfibs: knerer failing•Sprtng
of excellent water near the„kitchen door. Au
•excellent Orchard of
,Choicefruit, 'boat 10
acres of good meadow.'• ,: •i . , ,
The other farm adjoins the above tract.- 1 . 1
Erected thereorr are a TWO STOlt WEA'I,II
EN BOARDED: HOUSE nearly new, a doui
-able log 'barn and other Out Houses, an. Op
-• child °flood fruit. Some meadow, and more
-could be made. This ferns contains about 100
' 'ACRES of Patented laud. These farms are
. t..•under good Chesnut fence, and there is a fell
' ; ,.proporOon of Thither such as Chesnut, Qak;
. and•Hiekory, and welbwatered by Springs, and
ahe amble ground is iniazood state of cultiva.
: , tion,produces Wheat, Wye f Oats, Corn, Cloveg•
• iind almothy, in abundance. Sale to com,
imam at 10 o'clock,, A. M, when , terms - o f
.Sale will be made known by ,
JOSIAH ALBERT; , Mr o cistors.
/Lamast, Ilk 1856.-;-td -
.17 ~you want ! a fineartiate , ofi)tasp or
1414,40ePt4!g1e,13 'or 1.1015ea1l at?'
* A im • • • •WOV:Pl=ol4l'..'
eqBl4lC SJLE.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
CourtorAdams county, will be offered at
Public Sale, upon the premises, on Friday
the 3rd day of Oitober next, the Real; Estate
of Nicholas Bushey, Esq., deceased, consisting
of a Plantation or tract of land situate in But
ler towaship, Adams county, and adjoining
lands of Abraham Fisher, Daniel D. Gitt,
John Steinour, Jacob Shank, and others, con.
taining 240 ACRES, more or less, of patented
land. The improvements are a
large. Frame and Rough Cast •
ries high, large Barn,itone and - •
fmEne,)framespring Nouse, with a never fail-,
spripg, Aragon shed wig, sprn crib, log shop.
There are several springs of 'waiet: on the
farm, two orchards with 11 variety of goodlruit.
There is a sufficiency of good timber, And a
portion in meadow. The buildings are situate
on the Menallen road and about ono mile east
of Arendtsville, and hi a pleasant and eligible
neighborhood. .
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 31. 'At
tendance will be given and terms made known
By the Court.---J. J. BALDWIN; Clerk. "
Aug. 22; 1866—td
THE above Farm is situated about three
fourths of a mile south of Gettysburg, and
contains about. 44 acres of land. The
improvements are a double log and
I frame HOU S E, weather-boarded,
and a large brick hank BARN, and
other out-buildings; two wells of water near
the house, with pumps in. There is an excel
lent thriving ORCHARD, with choice fruit,•and
a variety of other fruit; consisting of Peaches,
Cherries, &e. For further particulars apply
to the subscriber in Gettysburg.
ti" There are also Fifty Acres of Land ad
joining the above property, that con be bought
at a fair price.
Don't Condemn it but try It, it cannot fag.
For Hen and Horse.
Copy right secured according to law.l
SMALL. JAR, . Fifty cents
'LARGE JAR, One Dollar.
.THE ELECTRIC .PASTE acts upon the
Maselee,'Tendrine, tin& the 'whole
nervous system', removing torpidity and pro
ducing a healthy action of the blood. There
being . no volatile matter in its composition, it
remains in action until it accomplishes its
work. It cannot lose its strength, and is al
ogether harmless, its eonstituent parts being
entirely vegetable.
What will it cute? We answer--Rhea
!untie Pains, when everything else fails,
Cramps, Cholic, Chilblains, Burns, Scalds,
Sprains, Head-Ache, Tooth-Ache, Swellings,
Bruises, Sores, Ring-Worm, Tetter,StiffJoints,
Contracted Cords, Fresh Cuts, Ulcerated Sores,
and all Scrofulous Diseases where external
remedies can be used, Sore Throats, Stiff
Necks, &c.
What it. will cure for 'Horses and Cattle.—
Sweeny, Spay* Fissulas. Poll Evil, Wind.
galls, Ulcers, Cholic, Sprains, Collar and sad
die Galls, Stone Bruises, Stiff Joints, Verdigo,
Splints, and Running Sores.
Ite4..For sale at the Patent Medicine Store
of H. A. Rockafield . & Co., General Agents,
Lancaster; Pa., and by A. D. BUEHLER, Get
tysburg, Pa.
illir/None genuine but those bottles baying
the words °E. C. Allen's Concentrated Elec
tric Paste, or Arabian Pain Extractor,Lan
caster Pa.," blown on the bottles.
ips4-Look out for Counterfeits.. Don't for
to ask for ALLEN'E.
April 25, 1856.--1 y
01IN HOKE basjust received
fresh sup
*, ,ply of SUMMER. GOODS, to which ho
calla the attention of the public. By "quick
sales and small profits" he. is enabled to fur
nish Goods to the satisfaction of all who call.
• June 20. 1856.
intrenotir flogortmtnt.
A D. BUEHLER has added to his former
~ stock of Goods an unusually ,large as
igortment "of Classical, School and Nistala
neous ' ' rat
31111111311111:111011EIL MEM
embracing alllhe text Book* used'in the Col
lege; Common Schools, and standard Clank
!authOiti, with the recent popular publications,
constituting a larger assortment than ever be.:
fore openedin Gettysburg. Able
altdi Z1 . 090 ) 2 0 217
ef all kinds; Cap, Letter and Note Paper, of
the best quality, Eavelopes,, Gold Pens and
Pencils, Pea' K n i vea, , / cc., with s large assort
ment of '
to which ho isivites attention, being prepared
to sellwhinnonally low prises
l®-Re has also,' largely increased his
otocK of-- , •
Dtft ' a nd alldiefoset ?
din be *died upon as the beet, in the
!Or Arrangements have been ` effected
which &Vie:trete in higillirie of business-can be
promptly ordered from the :city.! • ' '
4 4e4 8 bPrg. 1855. . ,
MIR attentinn teLLEmi.krilbed to
-11- to a very superior article, Cr drying
CORN,' irhicli coati' timid at all tune&
4llubr 3 14 1 8 56 . • • • •
, ,
11104900,.—A. prime article just reseiVed
j •t • ' SAMSON'fk.
lirtinatiO4RPET WSI ) .4I.7XBREL:
• , LAI3 for sale at. . '
pli:nritED. Pr* mid AA Al eillee vest
flifrßknkt of all , kindslai
3111111.D1r4141117 CLIMMEINCIL
"A'T 13kidS0113 • •
IF ,you want a suit of READY-MADE
CLOTHING, complete in every. respect,
of the latest style, and cheaper than thby can
be purchased at any establishment in the,
County—call at MARCUS SAMSON'S, 'oil
posite the Bank, in York street. I have just
received from the Eastern Cities the largest
and best assortment of floods ever offered in
Gettysburg:' In offering to sell better Goode at
lower prices than other dealers, I simply re
quest purehaserd to call and Ratify themselves
of the truth of my offer, by a personal exami
nation of my Goods and prices. Buying eXclu
sively for cash, I can buy cheaper and sell
cheaper than any other personin the County,
My . thiods 'are Made up in the best style by ex
perienCed workmen, and can't be excelled by
any customer Tailor, My stock consists, in
pert., of
Coats or all sheen,,
r itv\l
prices, colors * add kinds, made u in a supe
rior, manner. Also PANTS AN -, ESTS, of
the latest and most ' fashionable lit les and
every kind of goods suitable for Spring And
Summer wear; also •
?]OO.tY J &MB EllIIO2lO O
and a large assortment of Gentlemen's and
Boys' Furnishing Goode, consisting of ex
tra quality linen bosom Shirts, Suspenders,
Gloves, half Hose, Collars, neck and pock
et Handkerchiefs, and an extraordinary as
sortment of Black Satin and fancy Self ad
justing STOCKS, and various other. fancy ar
ticles, tiogetha with Umbrellas, Trunks, Car
pet Ilags, •Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes.
Itiassl am also preptired to sell wholesale to
counterchants desiring tosell again, Ready
BOUGHT IN Tilt CITIES. If you doubt: i; call
and examine for yourselves.
N. B. All Goods bought of me will .be ex
changed if they do not prove satisfactory.
Gettyshurg, April 11, 1856.
'VOWreceived and for sale the largest, pret
ticet, and cheapest stock of
that has been offered in this place atany time.
They arc all our own make, manufactured out
.1 our own Cloths, Cassimers. - We
have Coats front $1 to $2O; Pants from
12i1., cents to $lO ; Vests from 62} cents
ts.s6 00.
' Boys , Clothing in Creat Variety.
pur'atock of Cloths consist of Bine,' Black,
Olive, Brown, Green, Drab Claret', and all
.•ther colors. Our Cassitners consist of Black,
Srtiwo,. Steel mixed,"asild. every - variety of
Shade of fancy colours. Al*b Mar Old Casei
mores, iu great variety, Plain, Plaid,and Figur
d Tweeds, Jeans, Drat Detates
Silk Warp, Alpaccas, Black Satin, Buff
White Plaid and Fancy Marseilles Vesting.
Call and see us, if we.cannot fit youwe will
.tike your measure, and make you a garment
an the very shortest notice. Having the very
best Tailors constantly at work cutting out
and making up, we do things up in the neat
-:,st and best manner at the SAND-STONE
FRONT—and are hard to beat.
April 4, 1856.
at lease 20 per cent. cheaper than you
ever bought before, remember' it is at CO
BEAN & PAXTON'S, where they are' to be
had in great variety, consisting of Gent's and
Dey's fine Sills, Fur and Slouch Hats, of the
latest style, an colors and sites, 'White, Mack
Tan, Blue, Drab, Fame., '•Alsoi a large
assortment of Men's and . Boy's Fine Calf, KIP
and Grain Boots and Shoes, Gent's nue ClJth
and Patent Leather Gaiters.
careful, Ladies, if you want Walking and
Vine Dress Shoes, such as Jenny Lind, Bug
king and Ties, Kid and Morocco Slip Pen— al
so a beautiful assortment of Ladies' Dress
Gaiters, with , a large stock of Misses' and
Childrena' fancy Gaiters and Shoes —that yoU
find COBEAN k PAXTON'S, at the South
east Corner of Centre Square, before purchas
ing elsewhere, as they have by far the largest
stock of Seasonable Goods ku town, and are
determined to sell very Cheap. Take care
and keep a
look-out that you do eat mistake the place.—
Remember OOREAN do PAXTON'S New
Store, et the 014 Steed of Keller Kurtz.
Gettysburg, Merck 4, 185G.—tf
TT ETTER of Administration on the &tate
XI of GEORGE HELLLER, late of Me
°alien township, Adams county, Penna., de
ceased, having been granted to the aabscri
ber, residing in same township, he here
by gives notice , persona indebte.d to said
Estate, to call and settle the same and
thesni having claime are iequeeted to • present
the same, properly authenticated, for, settle.
AGO /DOYLE, Adm'r.
Aug- 22. 1856.—k
HE undersigned, desiring to settle aphis
I. Books and Accounts, hereby notifies, all
those indebted to him either by book actoivata,
or otherwise, is make payment on or .ireare
the let day of October next! ; accounts , then ea
settled will be placed in the habilis of an citlite i r
for CalleCtion, aa further inanimate will posi
tively not be , granted. The subscriber hopes
tharao one who may know himeelf to .be ,in
debted to hire will consider 'himself erice*a
in this Notice ? 'as it' is inteuded for• ALL--
Those. hiving claim will •pvestwe them km
payment. , , •
,R 131}1BABS:‘ ,
Sep.:ls, 18560-4 t
estrar CLOTHS
PrHE cirespostand bed assor!ateni ‘.of
clotke for Bah at' • .
NEss. .
o . oas
, .
TO you want clesp and fiuth onablik
17 ROBES ? Tree, eall et • I ? ; .
mid get the. now style 9f, ;Shel f
IL/ Brown, Lilac an&L,arl lifatd-0
NEWStOCK of polo e
, _
I Attest VanetTof Fancy Arteoletat
(. GOl/1101%;A4D PAAVON'S.
Ho ! for Kansas !
Virl'ffe Lecofoco papers aaellt seem
very anxiousto make ththe people)rilieSe
that the outragek,in Kanses, are elOggerit. ,
ed, and the troubles kept pp . for t•colitinal
effect. In order to ogeqtitiii, !I'.,tell s i
such cock and bull stories as that i st lead,
ing Fremont man of ' Berk ' mufti) , tat
declared that we have'tint heard the wont
of the difficulties inKiits2B--thtiji gre4
was wto be fought, t here' in 4itne
,1 a
operate ; upon the Oitober elegion `' n
PennsYlvania, and that, the Jr* Bse
men were resolved to produce antexiith
ment if five hundred lives were stteriteed,
or words to that effect. Theykowitte
try to discredit the statements :lieut.
On v. Roberts, of Kansas, and e hint i
l i
mercenary because he is trava lap . the
State and speaking to the penitbs / All
these contortions are hut the dyfig Ihroes
of a_ party which for many years , liiits.„rt
tained life by the must desperate:: rritani:.
and now is going rain a rapid contimp
lion. The Free'Shite men of IC4n4 in
tend only to defend their homes, link and
property ; they will not fight unless at.
tacked or molested, and Gov. Riotts is
a man whose integrity cannot` it i
peached successfully by the efiortio those
who garble and misrepresent etri ern.
lions in the railroad cars to.suit their own
purposes. The fact stands 'mot h
ed that he people of Katmai; heti , . had
obnoxious laws enforced upon 116th by
ruffian violence; Meesrs. Cass;; .
and even Douglas, ' have been 4n'pelled
la lulling *illi.ra44-, , ,
ploying the United States Aram,' antLfev.
ea the State militia, to compilinenien to
submit to them. This the penile under.
stand, and Will visit the sins of fierce up.
on the head of Buchanan, whole pledged
to the same policy. Americas, freemen
are not prepared to assist in meting white
slaves in Kansas, wisp are disqualified
from serving as jurors if they `tan. any
&ames to the propriety of holf i ngblack
slaves ; who are declared felon s if they
express such doubts, and subje vjed to five
years' imprisonment, faefened
by chain, ball and manacles !
. ,
Where are the Deutociats!
The Pennsylvanian and °the Buchoi
ap organs have beenassuringth r readers
ever since the Cincinnatti n... inationt,
that the great body of Old. Li • Whigs
were going for Buchanan, and 1/ way of
proot that/tech was,the cam, in he State
of Maine, foot , out of six Ruche n midi ,
dates for Congress, were, taken from the
Old Whig ranks. In lowa, too, the Su
°haulers counted on carrying t 'State by
an overwhelming majority from . e alleged
fact that a great proportion ditto Whigs
had-joined their Party. Nowt : admitting
that the Whigs ore generally Briehan•
an, the question arises, wher e are the
Democrats T. lowa and . Mains. eye been
carried by the Promonters by, rger ma
jorities than used,to be given in . those
states for the Demomatie party a nd- the
conclusion is irresistible thatif , WhiEs
have turned Democrats themaje ty Of the
old. Democrats are now, in.the: ; nit - limn
ranks, where they are battling . f th e same
principles that animated their y mnder
the leadership of Jefferson and itdison ;
I to
while the pretended and spari I s, Demo
crats, having disearded every ea inal prin.
ciple of the fathers of their fait are very
consistently .endeavoring ta ele to the
Presidency a man who , dist; abed him
self in early life as the deadly
,tte Of the
Deutoentio . party, but whoinbie iatter,
dart has assumed the Dont:taste name in
ordet mere Atonally to OVeltiioW DOM
ocratio principles.
oar THE Atiosv."lf the country is
eveseaverl, it will be fly its foreissiarn
hosts froni.the treason; fs.natient4 and foly
of its native citizens"
The above sentenee is from 1 speech
'delivered by Mil Griffith, ailag Nicht
brettnAat the Irish eelebratioti,nt the 22d
ofFebrnary !so t at Dubuque, It breathes
the spirit" of thousantbt of spenhea con
sten tIY matte by the Sag Niche through.
out the eountry. and such an outage on the
day Whinti 'govt . ) oar nation a lashington,
should. Make: oar cheeks tine ',with in
dignitren..- •
OLPIRONCIDV.—The Nowak likreury
ie informed by a private letter from Bor.
deatov re,„ tbat Corn mocktre ernAtaT v oOld
freesidev, 4 wile him" 'o' 'fired cog
Dimoorer; . iiae r vieeitly tieoliarkfUt
110 5EPTE.M1113116;1.8.66,
The Ghat. Issue •
'Crabs great issue which ne : . nivides
the country is sinply this, the extension
or non-extension of slavery. The Aachen
an, party embody air, who believithat nle. ,
very should be alloied, without bradtwoo,
to spread over every portion, of mar,, laud,
and. that , it should, sin receive; the;ie
cratragenitint and fosteting care al the gev7
lerament. Their oppinwout, on :the oilier
hand,, believe that the great interests .0,
rut Republic aemantl its limiratien and
discouragement. Not that they .. wish to
interfere iitit' the rights of our raster
•States, nor to attempt any contre!,9ier to-. :
cal lave I bet • , „they feel ,than iit, would ~,he
treason to humanity mid destructive st to t he
prosperity of our nation ) to'. permit the
boundaries of slavery to extenit,beyond it,
present limits. They. see tilt whatever
slavery goes, there industry id paralyzed,
population retarded,and the moll blip° ver.,
ished. They observe the difference be
tween a 'slave State and a free State, in
everything that appertains to true phYsi,
cal and moral greatnens. , Theyx jab thetas,
fore, to save the virgin soil of our tad
spreading territories from the' Amebas: of
slavery. And where is there a northeru
man. oralituself a slave to party, whine
soul duel not approve of this purpose ;: who
dive not feel that he would be &Wog the
part.of a patriot in ablindoning ovary party
to whiolt he may hive been attached. t,o
tally under the baither of Freedoni !
hero are, doubtless, many other (Widow
of vital interest whit* deserve the atten
tion of every lover of his coutiary,.blit this
is tilt great question'. Other: 'questions
may be settled at some future time, this
must be met and settled sow or never.
we prove faithless at this crisis:and suffer
the aggressions of slavery to go en without
reraike and without cheek, the* we; who
have been chastened with whips, may ar
gue from Progressive evil; that our children
shall bo chastoned with searpions.
Winthrop's Opinion , AP Fremfdatt.
Hen& old line Whigs Witlessly hesitate
to give their support to Fremont from au
applehtmstim that-ho has wit resihisita
ability for the high station to which he
has been nominated: Suer Whip . mai
rely upon the testimony of that emiueut
Whig, the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, of
Mass., who in his speeoh before the recent
Whig Convention in Maissichusette! paid
the following elegant tribute to Mr. Fre.
wont. Coming from eneb a high source
it is worth reading carefully
"For Mi. Fremont .I entertain nothihg but
respect and esteem. Our seats were next to
each other.during his brief term to the Senate
of the United States, and 1 was a witness to
his intelligent and faithful service. Our homes
in Washington were within a biscuit's throw
of each other fur a much !tinier period, and I
can bear the most cordial testimony to'the at•
tractions and accamplishments of more than
one of thiose beneath his roof. His scientific
attainments and explorations have reflected
the highest credit on his country as well as on
Propheiy Twig *ears old.
We of the North are cold.hlootled and
slow to move. Carried away - with the
excitement of business; checked tty th
..cares and anxieties" of this world, our
braver sad nobler impulses , are apt to be
come sluggish and inactive. Were this
tut so, how could we forget , such sling
ing worth. as Mr. Siepliens, of Georgia,
addressed, two years ago, to the North
ern members of ;he House of Representa
tives who protested against the Kansas
bill .f Skid 111 r. Stephens
“Weil, gentlemen, you make a great
deal of etawor On the 'Nebraska measure,
but it don't ',lam us at all. We have got
Used to that kit of talk. You have
threatened before, but have never perform.
ed. You have always caved in, and you
will ,again, You are a mouthing; whit.
littered set.' Of course you - will oppose;
we expect that; but we don't care for
ymir op,positiell. Yon, will rail, but we,
don't care
.for yeti will,
hiss, but so do adders. We expect it 'of
odders`, and we expect it ol‘you. You
arg like the devils that wore pitched , over
thit battlemente of Heaven Into,, Hell.—
They est lip hoWl ul. discomfiture, and
so will you. Bei their fate was sealed,
and so is yours. You must , submit to
'the yoke,.'but don't chak, Gen tiemen„we
have got yon in ear= power. - .YQU tried
to drive us to the walLun.l,Bso, but times
ere c h ange d. lota tienta woolliog,
m and,
hove come hoe - fleeced. . Don't be so
iinpuilent et. to complain. ' You will mii•
ly be's/upped in the face. eDon't reeisty
You wilt only be lashed iute obedience."
Have not recent scenes in Washington
and the general conduce of the 'Coombe,
Dangles or.d Stephens school, prove*
:hat they are men of ems, as well , as, of
words Such words • and ifuelkacts, how.
ever, liove a ,wonderlul powei,orgerpetem.
ling themselves , and' Jive 104 alter both•
the speakers and the actors are forgotten.,
ozrqbe Fremont men bad an inw
manse Mass meedug in Pittsburg on the ,
17thtbe largest ever hold ,in Western
Pennsylvania. Business woe generally
imspendetly population teeming etre
en Inillsice • •
Returns- of the elution lo Tenet frogs
*id" (sound** shots Deneogratiu major•
gee to ell hue dune. 7 , 4,
40 the Old . lt e ttie Wit
It in really: digusting tfotiec the attempt;
ir the iLocolete press ,- t o cajole ,the old
,Itrhigs to the !nipper' of their caridide ten.
Not eati'sfied 4:116:10.11ing lenry Clay by ly•
and they would now defame theillostri.
One, dead if they helieved they made' votes',
tberetiy;ihey are using 'every efrort to indute
old CIA y % hip to unite with them in the
election of M. Buchanan the; tiadticer.° of
Iripry Clay,
Whigs ! look at !thin infernal picture;
puhlittlied in every Locationpaper in the
.cmintry, in 1844,-,Which, to *hesdle ytOi
thdiMipport of their catididatia, host'
tolk to yeu of the Off/orients 04 and the
,ititit! glutioneWhig , pat
' ~ ~-
~ •
• '•
living Lion perebni ficai
i sad eniliodifnent
of Whig, piunw•
plea, Whig ,14
drew!. "In
805 ifuierell
with COLDavisof Kentucki;
Which led to hie lion:duel lin 1.4013
cbaltenged flumphreyllarehall, and
fired three tiDICH at hie heart • in 1826
he • ctillenged ' the greet' Jobtl, Haw
dot ph, and a red once, at his b cart
but without effect ;in 1838 he plan nett
the • CILLEY DU ELeby ' whit+ h a
foa 1 murder was peypelrated and
arl ire Dade a. manuic in 18 41
wh en elity.five Yeare old; and
.gra,-- -. • yAleaded, is under
6,0 00 dollars 11014 DS
to k . eep 'thepti ' • • ace!,
the ago_
he - perjuied h • iffl .
slilf to secure a s eat.
iY6 ' ' heUniteci • ffta tee
natal -In 184 he ttta , de
an infamous bargain with Jo lin
nincy Adams, by which be io M
en t fot a six-then sand ayeal of Eel
he. Is also well known as slam:
r blei and Sal) bath bleaker.—. .
rificiples• 'are
, , prgmsely, an d efactl 77
those of the .liartfo td
Conyentfon Fe erabstso
°opposed' , to e qv . ' al, •
' • tiffhtsf...o •Attil privi•;
• laps, - • a • nd<egaeTnil •
laws an 'd charter!
• ; tired pr > ivileges:. • , •
Also h e suie
tains t 'he fa.
cioue Al
t heir
• deo '4e 'of '
blood &
mur tier
tX/ ' N ' S ' i'I2IITION AND . LM
. ,
, 'f'he Louis v ille Journal eitys = "No 4 c if
Henry Clay and the sld WtSig party' were
good and patriotic and glotionso Is, the
Democrats whip want Whig votes tell us
they were, we ask if it does not seem atl
tutest 4 pity thee God , permWs titer authors
of the fiendish sliindess of 1844 to polute
and poison hit atinostohere with their foul
sad' pestiferntM breatd."
irreanont4st over*, fesilassititt:
We learn from the Y. Commercial
Advertiser, a warm tilmore paper, that
at a meeting of the friends of Filial ove in
Itichmotni‘ oonnty. kr. Y., on Saturday
last, one of the speakers. 31r..1t. Cook,
stated tbat lie'had 'had an' interview with
Col. Fremont. , who eSpresaly deviated• that
ho was not 'X', Catholio. The Advertiser
gives a repett of Mr. Cook 'a speech, from
wbioh we take the itolloniiis extract :
Some friends having deshord to enlist the
P poker the"eause of Republicanism, he
expressed a desire .to have all doubts re
moved on this mooted question,. but • said
that nothing short of en rissuranee from
Colt, Fremont's own lips wouldi satisfy
bins. An interview was arranged for.—
The object of the visit being understood by
the Colonel, ire avowed himself ready to
answer any questions proposed. Mr. Cook
ptyposed the &flowing, and received to
,sic ts the answer annexed:—" Were you
uierifed by a Roman' Cithntro Priest?'
frl 'vies," the Coloitel's lip quivering as he
spoke. "Did you an the time, believe io,
or profess to believe in, the Roman Oath..
ou r Religion I did not." it Have yon
befev3 or since, or at any time,. professed
'the Catholic Religion ?' he."
Here ltir. Cook bowed to signify that he
had no more questions to ask.
OFFICIAL laACE44lotio—Mre Krld the rot.
lowing in an axehange paper. for the
good old times" of 1718
The following iq the annual. message of
the Governor of New Jersey is 1718, sod
the reply'of the .Logltdature to the same.
They are sound on- the score of lwevity
"Gegtlonten:--I arn heartily glad to meet
you here after so long aro absence, and be.
Here you are 'not sorry ;ro.nteet we ia so
good oompany,
Yotu Fucoelleney—lt iti.wittv the great
est satisfaction we meet your excellency is
su'oh good Company now, and hope wet-when
be favored with 'torten."
04 You want a Bluing. that's whe yon
do," said 4 parent t o bi., unru ly non. ..1
know it, elad, bat I:II try, t o gelalbag adtb.
Tim reiltNON genneee luarsay, fa
amid to• he a softening of Itse, spinal mita
row, producing at times, slow of hies!**
tat taauldes, and the indulgenen al the
,pout: extravagant hanueinitiena;
NUMitgk /9
Olf 4:44
A Lettet j torn Governor .il#Cllo,l
Op lug ' -- 'il‘ I
. _. L ,
Ntw fling Orr, tleiletiNei 18, 141b6.1,
7b the Editers'of The Flushing Poet: : •:'
GENTLEMEN: The letter`ht yndr iter i edJ
pondent It.; and Your editoifal emotentittl;'i
upon it of the 16th itiet ; , se&ii in ettfirttk
courtesy fit deluged ai reply.
respondent does not in tidying ibis V. ,
dente tbe iliecies Of he ReiMbliear(partYl ,
arid the'elention of 'their esndidateLt'llti . 4";
that I AM ready to cool tam te my • khwo*i.
• about.' This , .61 1 *bill•
the !molt of any prefetettee as' to Ado
but in spite L of it. With Chlonet
I am , unsoiluainted. t hie never peattm
him, nor h'ad' : any edromuniMstimi
biet. direet or indirect, verbal:tit , 'Writteib;
Ott the other hand, u i y feelings' 61: frienti 4 i
Belli Mid admiration for .'!r. linehmittit;'tiit
a;man,are orito orditli±ly character; that
are strengthened by years of friendly intz
dimity and reelpriMal acts of Itincluesr,', till=
int ettnptekto this time by a single nifrinktt
denstanding or unplesonit fielittg t-abd
would arty time def‘iarl him promptly
and indignantly aggirtai Orions' ' attioltir
upon his reputation; I bVlieve hint td , bilit ,
Man of distinguestred ability; of high,';inv
tegrity and ralciablit experience. He lit
surrounded, tlio ; itt Pennsylvania byi'ttiguji
politi c al friends; *both penitent:lly 1. tote
and eiteetn. avid to whom I am 'united byl
ties of longetterished phiictitani2 then:tint
timeey, and the loss tif whose friendship
I should rbgefd es n great calamity: I ' Flit`
More then a tiliartet Ole century 1 Nano
steadily 'elided with tho Ifurimeratie• pia;
ity, and rever &Mimed that I should ilet tic
dotting my life. For years I have (4014:
Mybelf, to bring about Mr: - "tactual:o's,
athilittallork- Its 1848 and 1851' I 4*
one bf those lion ttirried for him tits 'dela:.
' gales of our district, and was his 'Milligan
Mid atdent ittptimter. Oct each hethettitita
1 alas M the National Convention art titieref
his delegates!. I and
Thcite Licht exceedinglY strong
Agri to never} especially with' one
eatorally of* conservative neat, end Sklar
iti O/T6 habits of thought and itb
!tort ) and 1 Nave resietecl fot monthititne
oi/ eviction* that were argingate to my piss
'tint decimation. I hole diligently sorteftt
reasbos and itigumenti to save myeeff Oho
Paid of breitkiog up elki assritintintm,ssid
myself frota my old friends,- felt
all in. vain. My love of °entry and %U
-ric' of 6pprection would not allow toy. feel
toga end irmlillations either Ed delude nay
jodgarent ot 11611 my ecteecliande; tied I
am compelled to forfeit my selftrespem by
eetrunilting what I believe to he palpably
. .wrong, or else enroll myself Its oppOsigion
to the Democratic yarty.
I see no reasoneble hope Of jostler and
sympathy for the people of Kunnas its' the
encomia of the Democracy. In its molts,
and with the power to control its gotime r gre
found the Border Ruffiana tit Mitatouti •
and their accomplices of the Seutn, whu
have trampled open ' the Constitution and
all the, essential principles of oar Doveiti r .
w ent, robbed Kansas of its civil ' , liberty
and right of suffrage. laid *este he teen.
tory' with , fire and sivord, ithfl repudiated:
even eivitisation itself •
In its plat form.l Rod the ennntritt . trent of
principles which would put the tope about
the necks of men for exereishig the oonsti.
tutional right of petitioning Congrese , lor
a State Government, or a redress oil tries
arms far worse than that which. lett Ve. the.
war of the Revolution, and. a. deektratiom
Ptigmatiziag as , mtnie& resistant:so to law'
the tdodetate and justifiable telf defense or
men shamefully and. it:famously nppressedi
by ruffian violence and outrage, beyond alto
homan endurance.
I find rite whole prey of the nation an
, eviabled in National Convention, with bun,
one individual dissent, explessicrs its *gun
qualified admiration" oleo Aduentistvationi
whioh has Feat itself as the totil and ac
re:Koplin° of all the Wrong* hafliuted apt)*
Kansas, and by its venality cad imbecility
brought the country to an' Westin° *tr.
I find all its Representstises in Congeets,
with three individuai exceptions, laboring
io earnest seal, by !Tenet, and vote, to cov
er up the. iniquities of this.. A.dmioistemionr
and the Roeder Ruffians of Mitisouri,' and
to suppress a far investigation of outsel l ing•
whit!) shoe* both humanity and repubh.
minima, sad defy theConetitution and. ths•
laws. ' ,
I find these same representatives, after•
the trueb was elicited in spite of tbeineilests,.
still refusing to relieve the• pPeople• from. e
code of *we imposed upon them by *for.
elk.* 'Army. and still refusing to admit them
into the Union. only for reasons Which,. in
the cases of nine existing States, had been
desisted untenable, sad of now:count.
lin them disregarding a Free es:insti
tution adopted in a legni,eonstitation4
and time-sanotimied matmer, (sed , whiela
no' man eau doubt to have retleeted the
will of the people,; and sopporting Pi law
to• produce a substitute, which it is easy to ,
show would have perpetuated in the Suites
giovertunent, the tisurpatioa which had; by
force already seined upon the Goes.roment,
of tfte Territory.
L End them refusing to make sfproprisfr
tit:ins for the army, unkts that army is to
he used to enforOe a ood4 of 1 4WW violative
ow their face, of the fjonantutiart, enacted
by a Legislature in violation at the; law. of
the United States, sad imposed by forsiipt,
farce upon conquered and subjugated
toerican citisens.,
them, in a word, steadily : oidh3s
by all their Coogro.stionsi notion to MAW at'
Slue Stall in notibeto Istitudo‘wail /boy
too, spinet the will of its intorbimols.
I nod tbst oes ),toner, aim OM doe
any colter stood out evilest tho ititsiemw
meat of bis whits fellow claim", iiknolismil
a MOM inaSion ity t6r De*oentiß ~tKij if
disitiot. . ,
I ied lo th• esnrsos saw Oar es dkei
tb itliolu wute ol Clii•itystgy prom
.. ~.