SMALL ' .. 'S. .0T 1111 STIR IND lIINNERY' .1 FoL g l it - als p 7L A z c z ,. l it , : afo to elect a i ma ? n, whose election in-' ________ lslam& THEOrISTSI ' Ali the Northern nod OPC t he se rani • ... ..-•-• - - !.t•VelFcally sibs Near England States art:devoid But, you ask, are these men the repro of uvietr &lea On tre- 13- hted Fenlittum" ' The sontativea of the unanimous South I' The rrairaiar alag hat' MOOS With is that of me ehaerea strz.4.imAc to be gem-el, nod small South contains many conservative . men Parsers.arse do their own drudgery: and :--rriau, - v men who love their country cud [yet whoa/re lardly rt for assoriatkof With A 'b e li nve i n F loe P r i nc i p l e , , an d w h o, if ens Southern ramieteava's body servant. This is. ' tycer E-ee society -*Lich the Northern hordes I couragec.'" to contest the ground with the t are er4tirt-611: to extend late Kansas." 1 Fite•Eati rs. will bring the Southern mind t T. "' Richtbtl"l (Va.) &miner. of into a hea I thy condition. But these men I Sept. 21. sass: I -- • are not found in the Butshanan tanks.— t "117.-. chi,e. is these preliminary remarks, Pis is isir Louise it is for the South to at. - • ' They are etttriots, who prefer Fillmore's r -tart to jam:lTc negro. tlayery as an excerr• election to all others. and many: of them I. e' t.''r-r! ir•i: l433o it- It is th e ma! form of infinitely pi ekr Fremont's to Buclianset. i, 'Drew tat has excited the wejudicra of t i ratirlaadnodgiven riaa to aboh • a tion the on- They are lea ding Statesmeo who' dares*, ,_. • Ey. tia . d a slawty which Las not hit until spzak (what nn Southern Buchanan man 1 , trryt.ikr P•••‘;•‘ -- T•al. The exPetieneet the does) of their af f ection for the Union as it Hprisrtioesated the history of mankind amply fi . t; .oUl o CANDIDATES. i riNDICATE SLAVERY IN THE Alif. is; they ere , elevated minds who despise 1t r I Sr RAFT. AS .k N.ATERAL. rxiVERSAL I the Yonom of L tapioca politiciansand they Yr* PRIINIDEST . „ AND CONSERVATIVE INSTITUTION.— n who hate Slavery and prey ''' - '' • - • • t slanmy in the general abstract, are P^ °l me , , : • JOIRIIIIRLES' FREMONT -I—L.- ---- • end with the prejudiera grow. for Fremont a eletstion that Kansas may - • 1 toga= s or sir . Al" stare trade, out of th t - .Icf r 7ia - a• ' wherever erever out tradi e i be saved from the I)l:linden of the curse. f Zr.,,,,.,47Z,, iii • d - ' i Northern men ham these syMpathiters. greaser prep mai o frace marl miLy. Sr if, it is flown by history. both: told they should End in this sympathy an, a:mm.l aswi rit.d r aJia. that Domestic Slavery b;' aadditio n al i ish 't a NATUP 'IL NORMAL AND, T 11.1., 1:1 i n due rent"i for continued I LATELY. UNIVERSAL INSTITUTION. effort. All.the maim ble men of the Smith I A cmr-pazi-an oft he evils of free and shive so- are arrayed against Boehm:tan and LOcero• der, fro= I'S', em•sasen of ditlerent countries, . - f r o m tk e E. ~,bil Poor Laws, from the farm I I'm.; all the Fire.Katera, Killilinaters, • Imes. revuLutioas irls3elifiet. snperstitionsj Traitors and Kitleil ere arrayed in favor agrariariseas. ati artarthies, that have oflate! of theni„ With whom will Northern , years anirted We...d.tro Europe. tool from thei I, comnammistic orxlsocialistic movements of thei Freemen array themselvos I 1 day, prowl tia.•=e'alfeicties only to be perms- I nest alai eosi...ring• whirl have rested" - upon the perit'a . vela?. invitation of domestic slavery lass leans. When it it thus flown that some. ' KIND OF SLAVERY IS NECESSARY.. ALL MUST BE WILLING TO ADMIT THAT, AS SLAVES THERE MUST BE. NEGROES ARE REST FITTED FOR THAT CONDITION." The Bithersand (Va.) Enquirer - of a re mat due coas.s to this conclu•ion : "If free society he ura.ateiral, immoral, un elteistiac„ it most ..01. and Rice war to slave soeietHy--a sselasystesa old as the wor/rl, loaf:, =Tel as max." And the Chatiesion (S. C.) Courier cr• CIETTUSONC. Friday Evening, , Sept..l9, 1556. I hope we may find some means in bemire of shichliivr ourseires,rom ,foreign intinew-e. politicae„corafnereisl,' or In whaterer form it may, be attempted. I with there were an ocean afire-between this anctthe old world,— Jeferson. . r • ,- ;* . FOR iricß FRVIDENT, p IFIW Lill L. DIYTON. Unto Stain and County Ticket. 'CiNAI, COISMISSioNER. TilbYritS tOCtiR.c.N, of York, (Whig.) AUDITOR GENERAL. - DARWIN PliEtP.§; of. krin;itronfr, (Amer,) RTETOR GEVERAL. 4.itkoltT4',,pf: Bradford, (Republican.) 41(. CONGRESS. JOSEPH PI.I3IROY. )11 triBHINOTON CROOKS, ,i4 e ? JUDOS. , DA VI D HORNER. ASSEMBLY. ' 4ll 1111.1SSELMAN. . 1 1 481 111 1 01 thi 3 Y1 (of Diilie!-) 201/18$0TOR '6l THE . JOSEPH KEPNER. fit s AV.SLYXYPIt-:t JACOII , DIEEIL. NV :SANER. TO%V - NSEND. 1 4 110SECUTI NO ATTORNEY. - - !VI B. MeCI.iELLAN. `-Slialrety Es the rstural and normal condi i trop of tile l&soing pia* , whether WHITE or 1 , arki.-- The .neat evil of Northern frce rocie : or i.k. ant it i. Lurie:x.4 with a cervilt. claw; of "SIECHANIt and LABOHEILS, stmt for, s old ut nername ..o3 :t. t= a. :e i yet to le: trod thed ue,, wil i h t. the i tribute: and p•orels of citizens. Mmtter and I Stove it a inchn'our in wq-icty as necesgary as', t that of parent and child; and the Northern theccy of hie g:verament is a delude:l." : These ;rspers all prefer Mr. Buchanan I for the Pre_, , Mcoei-, and repieshit that ex 1 creme S7latis-ra interest, which - is at heart is favor of montrehial principles, and ho3: 1 I; tile to the Itemornsic clement in Nlroth ens society. 1 hey take ground in favor, not merely of virgin slavery. bin in favor of the principle of Slavery; and ' - they lir ' else that tbe only ,favernment and soda , . ( ring society is- that which nests nmm ol)o -1 sutstic Slattery as 11 bands. " They consq(l- ' ler regrew slavery better than , white slaverY, tat white sfevety better time no Aarery. They predict that ultimately the Northern 'States trill be compelled to en.lare their mechanim awl laborers, and they believe :slavery the tateral,,proper and most pro , doviare coediti.m of all labor. Tlicy he. government. Tear give this clams votes ofkit. 4 . - A vete tfieie rote'. for lare lUttl° l3 ) I t in parts of :he Son:h. golly bemause the , illlficlr iltthbto DOm° oll6l4 " 111 - 41 intilt datuisrant party festal to rmist the move , Pllite 'l abnA r all 014 i i triii'iker **re tha ehGl mast male in their Laver. by the mitiori -86*A/61411e' for: t h is preseevation: ot . thia Ity 4ns e ,,wwling to raise. They siew one act jritieW"Tbeditebutond, (V s )• Ettnotter; - f mets---the wealthy and uell-horm---119 aleVii t aitlit 3 i/iliehein lealedlett paper, itioi entitled 10 rule the poor and him born— recent number. goys z . ' , am; r ~,,,etiran.J anal in word, eery, that. _ l .albektherSontlypresent a edemect and tur l the Declaration of. Intlependiseee spoke ditika franlv-' /At inn' Ih°' to th e barbariaaa I true th when it declared that 'all meth her spans ,population offers little hopes 1 ""T A r w i c . ; .pi r milikii,,nd self-reliant hala l had noel:pal right to the enjoyment' of i tr od A mer Into{ tarn retreats, Attie pmspects t Er e, likirsy and h i p p i e .. up _ , ,TI,„ mpn al,,' :1101 Mahe: Aril: uuloo cud devoted: „.. . . J r re4blfltion, no eliandis of cononeet. Let her, ate L'e Pflotiloco on which our gOVUrn • 1 iltrphMalfireftletaeli , Pennsylvanin and Southern; meat is founded ; and adcomite doctrines. QinoiSouthern Illinois Iron: the. North, and( which. ifes „_,„ ..„. _., drive client to make i ttlellighlunds between the Ohio and then "`"'""`" v! " I I ea the dividingline. Let the South treat change the government to a manor. F oil California, clod. it necessary, ally herself e h,. t 'lilt gutiititti with Cutm and Brazil. ~. U „ 66 . montuiger urea without, and a Bat Southern •••Dentoerat. do not end ilk& intWnecessitv (slavery) within, will beF Pere in the star against the Constitution. cure to make the South a great, a united, a vi l the Cnitore and Free Government. The wilant and tt warlike people-" 0,. ~ . [Constitution of the U. S. provide* that af-1 „jig: pl i arlegna (S. C .) Merenay i s as i , Ser 1803 ; the African Slave tinder shall he bbld , end impudent. and treasonable. It - alinhAted. Soothers supporter* of But thleiti thiejlanguige t. ' " fro n ,,_,, ~. . chinas ; a ft er menu% Cuba. and cora -1 There is pot a suoglo public man in her! Turing the North cc thheep oints li m it s (South Carolina) not one of her present e °t P Ilt i guisentatiresyr Set store in Congress, wha named. propose to change the Constitution! 1 111,Ro 1 / 4 01491stellto the lips in favor of disunion. so d rev i ve the t h e A n i t i na ., st ate ri .„d e. ,_, W e have ad enough of the ' Glorious Scapa." Hear the t.:l!nurieszon (.1. C) Standard on TifflifiodlatiOn - ma bar part.. has. long been, eitunoisibte ; now, with genteel &roam - Iselin:1o, the sal jet z. . • imidtline negko riots, open and professed infi- "With Cuba zedSt Domingo, we could con. &Bhp, .404 ike.itlic connection has actually tra : t h e p,m4,,e.i,„3.s of t h a trop i c; and with become diet erataide• A tkronghlY organized theca the m.:aaacre oldie aurld,and with that disunion party s athe desideratum, and nntil I th e power 43115. ` "'rte. Our true , policy it , to Ictlct e,Mmed the. South: a •ll time dern - i look to Bland ae demos great sieve Insw er e ted to ,puliticl4 " diielissiiin will he time k ind as th-r gamer -anent that is to ditUct Cr, 11;i1 .. ' '' I ` ' t license th e develkt , ament of the comstrr drailled • " 111V.,4e{lAYI'ledilll DeUtt admitted with- hythcAmazza. Irt.leadefeourtingEngland, Wilo 1.. 0 .. • we shooed taal- la» Braldi sa d the Westl a. !P.!' 140k! 1 !-(4i , s , it 3 vs s in 147 °r °c* -B **iii - Th e ,„ - 2 e „ nue a . " ies• 1 nen sweaty ofallhuice ~ , 411Atvicolaroueracy to . embrace the Slate with Brasil will give u, the control over the ralf of tleveso am.i ns !corer countries. together aliffikAlrittl4iilbll i N iearagua and Mexico.; and that, when erected. one 'of the brat Ir t t pLace tke tt.''' 2 ' 41 tie um ' e 'i' l enee a thi3 w rrean slavers. beyond the reach of. Joeftelimsit,t4i gircroment would be to fitearaeiint.aa lit..sae or ;abroad. With 6th,. 4 0 ;misk 4 eikvittyrith,Brusii, whom is oonsidk • nests azd 4.-6.10 n Ate (Brazil and. tile South) • can open G. 7 the Afri= Slave emi , nation si• )4antillsialriorsiliii.Yilit. it is * Vela Slave ' , min to pecie thenollle re ,, ion of the tropics. iiiiVitir,lnil`i'Aive 'the Slave trade. Alf If e eaa bar.ii,:y defoni tliis'apon the most en, . lamed .-Cr : of ~n ranthro v* a a f lk i kr*i f yi.ii.p l , th e who l e di...ion in. Thf. 6. C ix 2 P-' a. Ls , . •. ~--,, :_ 1 ~ „ • 1312e come 16-4,ea we lent boldly d e . ' Dwelt in the Suntli,;ere,laboring ottani- &no stiz.4 e.-... 0, zratikso befoze tire world. We measly, Lir Bit/Annan,. whom they emssid- i:L'ilh".2b P aulin sin g in g I - kr.. firm 1112 Norda. r We shoal 1 Or ltie l MePhSSelnative of the Southern Cal- 1ii,;,.-ria to mink 6,1-.,,,,,5.A...._,_ Th e true dn 1 %Min liolfo;,ttlhi e l i was oddit. e d to d noe COM . the! alli ti , ..e i,..lszaitiand regions suite ;o I 4414. N. , rt , t , A.. . , . Afric..nt nLlver.. bet . eE , l as and Brazil, wiil 111101 1 11 . 4 . ‘"91Th ' i°11 * Call =ear the e1r.,....r0l of . .ese two• Stale pow. .itedreetonlir They ;re opposedito Fite Be_ ens, insp.-cc _shape or Gibe ; either by peaty or aeural part-kesiepa. of the one gcnemment o r; publican Governnient. Wo have repeat_ the eabw „ r.. ..d. ,,„d s h e atdamaa, adiado.,,, his; , ko od- a tt i ken VI A and heard of, SOuthern men.'eyes to thitocinwaits. has but a eery small! Atom% if flavor of a Mou vre b y ,,,,,_ the best' view of the , pnaL a it:its:6on s and interests that tikrikilli IPrittotneet. and expressing the are , ev. i ' lcw.m ,.... 4 uP ; ju r)“. the re f T ... " c . o. opiniow•that Free Government has, p roved ' - ` - ' :-.llfre*, -.4 --13 —CY °- .....° P H ' a &Bum: Nben'eed this'eause our ' ~ ties of Soothe:it .iDe.wocrats" as sniiplird ' --11ONt „.l 'a . ' „.-* - • - rut. ' titheir ch-'ucu oft _:oi*ii elnnolr tiotcod Slavery as tight 11" own ea Patients. We soh lfik.lo by emetnied, and yet be in factor mit them to as i 1 , ..„ . .. ii Pubile i L wit i irtli i s of Free'Goverrautuo, Inc the prinziptes on remark that if ' '" tt ''' zi"l : it 7 . "cle '" i 'lrbil*, alone the MO •cao be defended are mare ' ll " e° will ''' 1"e officesi ~, , , r ii , ,. . , of S outh, who will be placed in honor.. ] l i a f e4) , .?I"iltag°an'tm. fts firm boOthera } . ' ~,.., , ,p , „l „,„,: 4 . 8 talus. th e, position baldly i obi: sad infl - tential - poritieein- into will he i "'o ut 4 ‘ , ., ee tr ' a r T iet, „ has proverb* failure. . aud chews to control Shnthern sentitnent, ,and I _ savers' bookii , V 4 -11Fave this Matte recentl • yl l4l° ‘ l/ he .applied with the ***nliteli" Ikkite4hbortirgiui PM Southern prem. We i ! helm" of " 3•l "iiag Publie iiliiriiimi• Is Alruklitriolfo vv i tiarev „,, t f nmi s ic AL L. it NIA to give these men the opportunity, le utu ri. m or : 1- :• - --. • i they seek of utdenniairg the pit/tip/es oFtve sorieky 1 We sieken at the `nante.,—, of the riiltles of desiroyin the govern- IlMini, itit kat axii.ugkititeration or GREASY inent,,aeal of disgraeint the. =lion l'' Is Sehtheirn i lhocorotem hostile ; to, palcF lll l. 4 . the Cowl If littlita and 6 - Giiveronitent-.lftentl'thene Sit traced •ifrom.. Southern Pa ". • . • , . 1141:nits : that Buchan binersixr,eortmsth,is iu the Soutaelp litatgs. ifin, l „pgnkoßraol adroit will snmiu,rry. , ,,fiingie . Nortliern State; except . ,§outbern-Dernoerats are gsfilusify ,beeppiify, rtionarcifists, pontitu tiogl.hoF i canie,pernocrat • the endorse n,;o: of ;Abe mo F seaufialous doetrines,; '4;oYlenddiilo4.l%;ta the eub;ervion ell allitecgoverionent. We, nek the atten-i tioo.,Relfig poople,So , these. t6eretopataots. Ittfehifivonrs Auutifsrik supporters, in the siOniMir4iPPiletted..4ot only _ , to she Pike* A s y sox stands., but to all free gnverPl i telt are, in favor of Boelesao, tifeeet l i.they.poesidergtl him plellge4 to a; proves opinino: ICPThe "Compiler," int answer to our chorge that the Democratic party andantes the . Lstwa of Kends.; and empowered the. President to enforce them IA nth all the pow or of the U. 8. Army. ceitiee an article from the Philadelphia Argos in which it is stared that the Senate twice: passed A toll for ,fair aljastment of the riming difficul ties., trne. Jirflge Dougla.q reportota Bill, which was .R , Gopted by II H Senate, repealing ciyetwor tit we ohnoxion: laws hut which was coup Jed with. other provisions for'an cle.ction i n the Territory ' tr.!lnon to 6 ics Cl a time - .. and under circa mataMeett whi . „l, I . pti rt .. . , • . ""„ .it Charge upon them, that the leader , ' of 'I ( ' would - certainty nave secured 11 ,Tto•slavery the I , reninnot arty are in nearly everviostance Duceur y ine „ tb,te..- No unbinv.if non can the lIVOINIi Idrocaten of a dissolution of the . r , ••`u American Ution. - • doubt that'suCh was the d . .1 . —_. . . eld ' . gn ..,. bill. r the (4) Char*. upon them, that they selected t,its. ps s sage w ould -ii:.o ce rtai n l y`„ - t h e iPrennta‘ris ti candid:l:e l first beettosehe would . . .. , .cud, Perritory to Freedom.. The Free. State P.'ltreutf° !•heitheir passive instrument in.the work d'i,sl4oa, and lien because he iv sup men would glad, have voted for that posed to , hale grown enorsnoualy rich by his culations; spe claw.° of 't he billwhiCip repwiled thos •. laws, , (a) Chew tipnn them, that they expect to litnitethilid • CohjeCtinrahle 11?' It. vrTi a in as 1 carry this election with money. They amine. ~ ... ~ . much as It still recognized the valid . of tit 'Frenone, for his wealth. Seward says t h e h o 1 •, . . :- , • i there is plenty of money to be had to ignore mid gas. egnsiature, h a d ft not b eet c"n• "I violate the Constitution, in his speech at Al., Pled . with other provisioner, The Formal. banx,on ithe 12th of October i and Francis P. of the pre° State men • te simnel/ that otii . , Blair sa s, the Missouri Compromise will be 011 . s tru ed• ~ I NAOMI' . e Fremont is .elected.'hy !toying up flue me n i n t o an 4: - 1.. 1 the Sjitc ors of the united' Sauce with the pa denec of insincerity,- But where stand ti 4 .'1 the Gen;ral tiovertititcht. - Democracy on a sahse'quentoccasion. wiles& isoitrio;'! ( ece .",a, to - ih e i r ' aid ,rli e :iinur i theM, I 1•• ii t imp' h•'tve iII YOk• in the . ' event - ofthiling to 'Senator Welier introduced his hill for the ' elect Fremont, be a sectional vote. See Wcith's ,rcrical of theta Lti,,.t. ono ; enecre d ii ,b 1 'P each auk! 11:ack . ttepnbliext .Conveno"ll i • a nY other provittons Why it la /able i,, t,itans or the 13:,stron hil;A:10,. ;and the sermon by a decisive vote—but one or two Deify,- Crate' voting for it ! Here" ens o 1 ' d Chi. ti itP" niti to show their disapprobatiori fl' •• ' d . ' . la' the . BOr•;Ltein''y Ward Beecher theni, that the? hare re: P o n''' . i vit. I the Mklouri Coinpo)ntl le tin. nearly forty o t in.o yes' -t. an now demand that it shall here:tared JIIIII. . m tin et cluesimn %rue presented ) arta it " l - 4 .e••a ml , oniol• ; - - 1.. '': Th . 'it I •• ' to titers eim te. far appraysl o r di• - apnrov 31 l: ' with ' churn. n W./ the.* that mit sati 'led in or:Wt'irt i we of n . r . {,* it ri ct us . and ' iil fiew.did thatiemocraci vote ? W• i ,; t h h ut ertiea,- they have pi - er;u ' ef;fi n t . tooticin i Cl for tha t Mt'Thel (9) _etstronbetv_so_wuzlhe„seeils Of ilis ril:lie•7t.,lP mar. ' . inrge tfpno them. that they have mice. voted for r p rica l : A n a these l aw ,. t i c , di...,_ :t•4l hC3 tIlIblit! I r.. Preside t who has n e ith er he ••• experience no,' , . vaceful to.oar country- ore to- ke•etear—tr, 'lle chat: ' ler ' t Ca ` `ltY. 'l' •-- • ` •'-' ' ti. • : inte,•• .. ty, to pre; vie ever the aCairs of the if nOcessary, by the whole .mi:ilary power G'ireriii;..l.'. • • ' ' ' of the GrevernmenL .. , ' i • flOlCh trge I upon them. that While the-ask . . . . - ' thA smi, , s of the ,tido, ..,A.l eiti.:en, they prepare • :title statue th atis ¢ o deprive loin of his rights; Let it front . this 6;14 forward' he born in ' ;h a ., whil e ;hsfy „....i. the. , bre not against the mind that*they who asnril the position of the Democratic party on the question of slaver:. Catholics.t , leimince.andidam sv.ears Le is riot v CnthAli . t. 'LA if to be so ts :t crime: 5i..,1 that i n like manucr assail one of the cherished', tine I f t h e ' i. onven t •on whicJi nominior il Pre- RtinqiPiqs a HeAt7 Clay.—CaVaer- i t e m e atreet•edie ref: uliate "Enow•Nothingism, . • /[f-This is no libet upon rho n.emnry r.f ;yid'. the ethrer wbie le• onni;naind hint made the-great ' awe/. - What ! lIENRY CLAY Kno-othin ,, i its :bidet rner atone. 1 - . sm , • endorse th e position of the Locor , en parry I NMI' F OIL ' 711 E KS cTs. upnw the Sheiery questinn r rt., who., i T --r ^ l .• rryniniet 'V pipit in- nomirstkr t teptigriancet m'-the, extension of Slavery bra _ (II oiveatinn, i , ait al wohnnt regiril to . was allele, 'that wliile living ihe whole TA- past piny dislinction! , and off the patriot :tartlee party stigmatised hhe• as an a t e di, •it citi7.ens of the liiiint.. imposed en the ii. einnist;'—:lsirendOrse the Slavery plank in:; limitable entensinn of dim Slane Institte the Cincinnati Pl:aortal- •thenry Clay, tion. North and Smith, East and. West, , the anther of the 31ixanteri Conmise,i w ere '"' iced` to participate in its delibera , mrn , . .s. If . eadoise' the infamentl Act by which that ) tion cleated by a iecliond rote, it Comp,rionisewan dectrnyed. and g ansav i will be the fault of the South," • ;wrested from n P:rnedone, the North sivin- 1 died. and the . Country di4graeed ! Henry Cloy endorse the Repent of the MissAttri con4rnmige r We repel the charge aa 'as aßtnder•and a libel-npnu the•character and memory of. tho iltu"strioutt , Statesman Motile upon those wliN to bolster no an unholy *cause;iitill eo per Hiptory, awl rgeklesaly. attempt to identify their wicked parposeothe name of so great. mut good a man OCrln 1847..J0h1t a Calhoun in, tfie National Senate - 'made a cprecbcin, attach be took the'round that slavery was not no evil, but a mfiral,,[l9liticar and social grnid; that by the Constitution Slavery was car tied over all the' Territories ;.:that the peo ple of the Teritories had' no power or right r to exclude Slt.vcry from .them until they form a State Cortitution ;;that 'the ex tension of tilavery wag necessary to Stave holders and to thty. safety. of the itivern maul ; that the Tiecraration orlindepen- 1 deuce contained doctrines which were ab surd and mischevinus. and 'bat some men were born to be slaves, others to he- was- This 'speech was mceived, with , a laugh Atcontentpt every • arhore. Eren South- I ern Senators publicly repudiated the doc,_ trine, admitting that the Constitution did nor establish slaverrany where, and that Slavery could. not exist eicepr„ t where , it , was legally established by, positive !in..— • The South end the North unite& in repudi ating- s ne. and ha - Mr. Calhoun' doetri' was , ... ..• proonunced a monomaniac on ,the su bject ~o6' Slavery. Now, however, ,Southern 'Democrats are ranging themselves on Cal 7 honnli platforna--and eimthein ;Democrats. eagerly hasten fundliricr monstrena • doe- trines which a' gve - „years; since, were do. nounoed as proofs' •otepartial;lusaniti is the , Suventer of themk- : . - , ~ • Begtheb Net" tett, bac vuumplox e.. • 1 A Colon) of Falsehoods. Tie Bocaneers aro growing dea -1 pe gi e % . I ,h e l e sin efforts to stay the tide of popular feelh sweeping over the coon• try, as n fittig rebuke of the Boitder sr, j w an p H e rr their party. Instead of 'swing t isles they, themselves . have raised—i es 0 voicing the highest Prih. eiples of ',contitutional freedom—their presses Neill) , groan with the basest ap• peals to puffin and prejudice. Falsehood, f o ll ows u p o n 'Alsehlotl in such rapid sue: cess i on , as tolefy all attempts to keep pace with therm', the vocabulary of Billings t ' gale isexanitrd in the selection of inrec. lives, to be lunched from the press and the stump *oink Col. FREatOtvT, and those who : loth :him, are .endeavoting to bring.back Or administration :of. the Xed. eral Gover n ant to the Republican policy inaugurated. by ' Washington, ' Jefferson, Slsdison, arif tho fathers o f ' the' Republic. , . FREMONT hiPOIN „... II . I!Een oba ractorized las an "It4dd s " "PaPist7Tiliktovr-Noth 7 i ing," "Th is ".Felen,?(nd "Thitor"e— while his fri Lis erode oconeed as 4'llisek. Republican ' "Niggei:-.Worshippors," 4 Disunioni t," and "Fiends." . . In the I . Compiler an and a whole column of l'ese falsehoods, taken bodily &Om that rekless partizan sheet, the Phil: adelphia Panspfeanian. We subjoin a few outs 'lt—Hiot s o roach with a view of exposing it falsity, uto let our • readers know the ird of argument by which "the "Border- elan " Presses seek to hold the hones voting masses of their party.— Here the (t) Ch have stnrt President `upon them, Democrats, that they tindidates for President and Vice are to be elected, if at all, by a svetionnl (2)Cha: nn.l the NO in his Far e upon them, thnt they violate duty inn warning of Washington, who well Address, ndmonisited his coun 'arm of sectioned and geographical 2—The• friends of Fremont. seek to re. store the National policy Wavhing tnn,aml hiscatopeers inaugurated, and np. pose the Bucnaneers . because, t Ley have In of , ctho solemn warn .in 3 of IVash ingtiln," forced upon the coutitri a ":mo tional" is/me:mull plaeerl, in nomination candidates pledged' to• a 'POO tiou aI " policy. dare therluchancernin designate a single "leader, 4,,khe F,remotit party" Who vociftelt oa• dissolution of the-, Amer 'jean Utliow'" The Open avowed • Diann. inniqt. and Secesiiiiinists..Nforth and South, are all opposed to the . , election of Fremont --whileliansf, if not, all' of,theni cordially suppnrt-Buchttnan, and threaten to dissolve the Union Frenrmt be elected. 4—listend of Fremont being Selec ted as a e tit i “pastilve , Arnmnt m the work of , • • disuninn," he was placed. int nomination expressly' het:ease of his refusal' frater . nize the traitors . who threaten Soces siou, and of his, expressei,l deterininnti . on to preserve the Union , at. tal hazards. and he wilt do'it: " 5-Neither. Senator Sewerd nor PratOs P. Blair, ever tittered the pen thnents fulsoly e.ecribed to: them, niir . snythiug approneh.' tog to them: . 6:—The °lay forte inVolced by either party in the present cannass,is the Bordor. Ruffian- policy of the Briobaneers. Ulu,- ttued in• the s beaticgi down - of American Amitors in the Mlle 'oil Congress, and in tbnPotrage% crimes and:murders by which the slave oligarchy reekm to, enforce their traitbroux designs. , The 4 infidel columns olthe pestoa Liberator" oppose Fremont's election just, tor hitterl,y aa 'do the reekless columns of. the.Conapi/eit, "t--Tbe 31iitsouri Consprrimise hatrbeert `regai.ded as a•tietCred, oanoiial cent pacr+by mett.ofallparttes r, Nortiv and Sonth, l until the traitor Deafens proposed,its repeal:: . B—The 'discord. in-the ehrintian , Clioreh,' /tan). hu , lbeen! ninule of thirblitor auneintioinof.lhnt, church the Lgeors hi because nilltmenwillingnest los en, tiorre the wiclod- policy which that party seeks to inaugurate. 9, -The assertion that Fremont "has neither the character, the capacity, the ex perience, nor the integrity," essential to the offfee to , tahieb the people intend to ele vate him, gives the lie to the high mon lins progoluoced upon his "character, ea wily. experience, and integrity," by Ben store Butler, Mason, Cass, Waller, and other leaders of the Buchanan party, years ago. 10—It is not true that the friends of Fremont propose to deprive Nibs adopted litimpf' of his rights. No party that we tome' of. Nis ever'propoped to do so. The friends of Frementhare never pretended that he was a Oath:dm, hut have uniformly denied it. The 13iiehaneere do charge it and hafte charged it, in the belie -'of draw ing off American :rotes, while' keeping a good eye to the Catholics. They playad that 'part e° 'outiesefullY in 11352, 'that they mu% kelp trying it again. But it won't do. Here. then, are ten direct, wilful, palpa ble falsehoods—and we have selected them only as &specimen of a whole column--in so Many', paragraphs. If bold lying could insuro the election of a Presidential date, the Buehanoers might have some hope of success. OtrThe ultra Abilitionists of the'Lloyd Garrison school—die. mon who publicly advocate the dissolution of the Union, have all coma out in favcr of Buchanan. The Boston Liberator, of which Lloyd Garriann is die Editor, has come out strongly in fa• yin' of Buchanan, and says : "We dissent from the sentiment that °the disposition to divide the Union , is rery slight now"—for it i. wide spread and growing stronger every hour, and will undoubtedly be greatly increased by the triumph of "Border Ruffianism" itrthe person of James Buchanan. There is a strong ground for believing that he will he the last Vresident of the United States, in which' caso'Tlthl JUBILEE IS NOT FAR DISTANT." is the inhilee” referred to. and Buchanan it the person who is ex. peeled to bring it about. What think the Detunerney of Adams of their abolition nl ly P They , talk about "Black Repuhli• cans" indeed. 7 Lee locos pretend to he in favor of "gond government." By this we suppose they mean such gond .government as has reigned in Kansas fereighteen months. dur ing almost eiery day of which an American citizen has been murdered for tieing op. posed to Bravery, evension. Buchanan's election to continue this "good fmvernmont." Do the people want the warm blood-of Americans to continue to flow in deadly combat on those fertile plaidlV Then rot them elect the Loeofr•• en ticket, who are in favor of that mode of government, and who, ,at the rate session of Dotigrass, voted seas to perpetuate this horrid cruelty. "nave yssu beard Ilse News rom tr - 7' The "Compiler of Monday ix pro foundly silent on the Moine gne.tion— not even mentioning that there had heeti nn eiection ! As Mir neißithor seems to he withodt news from that zegitiM, we re fer him to he last relegrap hie despatches— only 2.5,000 majority I The "Setninel” In Line. se-2.%1 e are glad to see that our neigh• hor of the "Seeliner is not only heartily at Work in suppett of the Union State and Connty Tickets, hut is determined to throw the inflnenee of his paper nn the side of Freedom in the Presidential struggle.-- The following paragraph from Monday'S ~ S entinel" talk the whole story: "To Puhf up the matter in a few words, as regards theprevent contest. Mr. Buchanan and the Cincinnati Platform must be overthrown. I f Mr. Fillmore cannot do . it, Mr. Fremont can, and must And Fillmote men should lend hand to do Rotolo* Report. The President of the Natlonnt Kansas Committee, Thaddeus Hyatt, Esq., hns been in &mins ,to ascertain the actual state of affairs for himself. He publishes the resnit of his •ribservations, the gist, of whicli is found in the following senten ces: My present, purpose is of a practical rherceter. Our people are hemmed in , all ,sides: T he intention of the Atlmin• istration k to dtive them not or 'destroy. them. The MiAnuri river, is ; closed a gainst us. 'rite Nordics) border of Kan sas ishlerked, by regiments of marauding Ruffians under Gen. Rtrhardenn of the Missouri Kansas Militia: 'Government has'tipecly avowed its intension to force the ill:minipills of Knitsas into submission to the laws, of the Ruffian Kansaa.Mis semi Legislature. - • JOHN iM. norrs.-- 'The Richmond Enquirer says olthis, gentleman that ho ..can be, convicted of hleek repithlicanism nn the:•evidenee. of his own declaration, in the speech which he "recently. delivered" in Richmond. _ 'lt says ""the speech will be pnblithed, and that if BOTTS is not nr. rested under the act for the suppression of incendiary fanguage.the law , is either a dead letter or our prosecuting attorneys are not true to theirdillies:47 'faint t'otinit, 'Fair. 111 :?The annual exhibition of the York County AgrionituraiSnciety will be held at York, Pena's., Wednesdoy, Thurs. day, and Yrkluy,' the let,, 2ud, and 3d days of October. The ,Sooiety havemsde every preparation for a creditable exbibi. /inn. The premiums offered are quite lib orta, and inducement& are- holdout to competitors without , regawl to All ortieletr intended for the Exhibition 4011 be transported by. the' several,hails road Companies free: of charge, and it is expeetedithat visitors to the Fair will' be i furnished' with tickc ts. at reduced. rates: 1111C7WOP$ REEDER bee taken tba Stump - for Frenicint,, aul wili enrage. Rabilsyl LOCAL ITEMS. neligicue Service,' for the welt Sabbath. Presbyterian Church.--Services inorniner,. Rev. Mr, Van Wyke. Christ Church (Lutheran.)-Services in the Morning, Rev. Prof'. Mithlenbarg. St. lams + Church, (Lutheran.)—Services morning. and evening, Rev. Mr. Rill . • Methodist Episcopal Chureh.—Services mor ning and evening, Rev. Mr. Anderson. German Reformed Church.—No services. . Associate Reformed Chur services., Catholic Church,--Servic a, UNION CUB MEETING TO•NORROO .. . 11" "Union Club" will hold a piiidiet meet ing in the Diamond to-morrow(Saturday) eviarig, 47. o'efoth. Turn old at the tap of the drum. lisrThe .cpeeeh of Col. Black will be re. tamed.' The eit:zene of all Tartlets are invi ied to attend and hear the truth. • By order of the • • • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1k Aimmed. .J et every opponent'of aTAMXB 13VC11kk- AX that he is assessed at least ton days be• fore the October election. Examine the dup. Jicato, and see that every American, Repub'i= can, and Whig voter in your district is on it. Do so at once. • 1103... We leant:Tram the 'lltiadilrg papers, that on the evening of the sth instant, about 7 o'clock, Ems CATKARINE JACOBS, (former ly of this county,) a young woman employed at King's Hotel, in that city, went up stairs With a lighted fluid Tamp and one not lighted in her hands, with the intention of filling the latter. In doing so; it is supposed she care lessly placed the lighted lamp too close to the fluid she was pouring into the other, for the' fluid ignited and set her clothes Lon fire. In one instant she was all to a blaze, and with shriektiof agony she ran down the staircase and out upon the pnvement. .lere several persons tom the bunting clothes from her, at the imminent peril of their own safety, but she was already so badly ournt, that nothing multi be done to save her life, and after liageringin great pain until Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock she died. The exercises incident to the closing of the Summer Session of the Seminary and College, as usual, attracted a large number of visitors, during the present week. On Tuesday evening the exercises of the Senior C ass of the Theological Seminary came off, addresses being-delivered by Messrs. E. Haber, Copenhagen, Denwnrk ; Hugo Gratin, Magdeburg, Germany; Lewis Rippe, Canton, Ohio; Adam Long, Reidsburg, Pa.. J. F. Watnpole, Phmnixville, Pa., ; Josiah Zimmerman, Greensburg, Pa. On Wednesday morning Col. SAtittEt. Bt.Ack of Pittsburg, delivered an address be. fore the I?hilomathertit Society 3.'"on Wednes day afternoon, Judge BLAck, of Somerset, be fore the Phrenultostnian Society ; uud at night, EDWARD Mchnottwx, Esq., of this place, before the Alumni of the College. On Thursday morning, the COmmencement of the College came off, addresses being de. Class, viz :—Samucl Aughey, Jr., Patterson ; John S. Cutter, N. York; W. Eichellterger, 'Jefferson, Co., Va., ; S. M. Fiery, Olearspring, Md..; Wm. Hay, York; Adam Hoy, Bell fonte 3 E. B. Kramlich, Fogelsville, Pa, ; H. W. Kuhns, Greensburg; Leisber, Chain bersburg ; G. A. Long, Stephensburg, Va., ; D. P. Pinegrove ; C. P. itlultlenburg, Lancaster; J. C. Neely, Hunterstown ; Wm. M. Roily, Gettysburg ; J. W. Schwartz, Gettys• burg 3. E. H. M. Sell, Allentown; R. L. Sib bet, Shippensburg ; W. M. Weidman, Leb anon ; Jacob Weidman, Lebanon ; B. D. ZWeiiig, Hamburg ; and T. W. Dash, Sims burg, Va. • Mr. Kuhns, delivered the Latin. Salutatory, Mr. J. Weidman the English Salutatory, Hoy the Greek Oration. and Mr. Duel: the Valedictory. The degrees of A. B. was conferred orr the members of the Graduating Class, and that of A, M. on the class of 1853, viz :—A Nesbitt Baugher, Rev. P. Besgstresser, Rev. P. Berk: emeyer, C. Fine, Esq, P. W. D. Hankey, J. 13. Hankoy, L. R. Hock, Rev. T. W. Kemp, D. S. Riddle, John Schwartz, Rev. B. Stressrot Rev. T. T;Titus, Rev. W. F. Ulery, and Rev. A. H. Waters. The Honorary degree of A. M. was aileron.- ed on Prof. Eggers, of Hagerstown, Md., and that of D. D. on.Rer. W. J. .11 . ntin, of Phila delphia. WHITE HA LI, A CADE Ni : Card of D. DENLINGEIi wilt be found in another column,' This institution is in al very flour ishing condition, and deserves the patronage of the public. ' THE 'FESTIVAL— TH A NFC3.--Th e Fet. tival, gotten up by the Ladies of Gettysburg, for the purpose oniquidating the debt resting on the students' lots in the Cemetry has prov en successful. :The mum of seventy : dollars was taken in, and after all expenses' were paid, the-ausount remaining was 54. dollars.— This amount, together with the etsdhcontrilva tions o f those whodid not approve of this plan Of raising money,:vrilb be sufficient to pay the. debt anchalso repaintthe rr.iling , which it very muds needs. We hereby return tbe sincere thanks of the. students ofthe College and. Seminary to D. McConaughv for the use 'the Hall di ;to e. I.dies who - furnished Cakes and Fruit ;Ito the Indies who assisted in arranging.the.Hall and' dis Posing of the articles:; end to those who at-- tended on the occasionand•contributed oftheir means ) as well as encouraged .theobject by their presence. ' JAMB V. 'WAMPOLE, Chairman of. Me eons. The ball Is ' Rolling Thegoien Hass meeting of all opposed to. the election of Jame! Buchanan, , held at the house of Benjaniin'Schriver, on Satunlar ere ning, was one of the l'argest and most ,enthu . sinstic of the campaign. Immediately on the. arrival of the procession from the borough, the Meeting was organfeed by appointing- the. 16 lowing officers, via —Preside n t—josepti Walker Ince-Piesident--- , Fratirick Wolf ; Ditvid Schrivii Joseph Witherspoon, 'Cornelius Hauglitelin, S m SleCreary; Jarnes ister r , Henry Lott.. Secrentrtes—Satnnel Beeefiet, John itcAll: ister, Robert Mcillienni, Wm. Wible,, Gem. W. r. Walter. ' '1 ' • ' . . The meeting nws ahly addressed , tiy 3fmnrs. BfcCovAnouv r CAMPBELIi and WILLe r . after which , three cheers were given for the didega dens from Clunberland,Trahkiini;Nutltr,•Stra ban and It.• Yleusant townships. Thv i pro cession thew formed aderl:etorred to the Hall where three cheers were given for Maine, Ver mont,. and lowa. The procession being so large, occasioned a "elapse" in the Bothell:1- meg, who were still weak from the faint-heart edness. caused by the news from MAINE.— S.entinef. ' • The or She Stem4t Code.- Onlrngen In Vlrcinln I 113-The annexed letter, is from a respecta ble ankresponsible citizen of Gettysburg, now on a visit to Virginia. whose statements may be relied on. The outrage detailed is :but one of a thousand never heard of, beenrum of the close eurvilance which Slavery holds over the Southern Press:. And,.yet : • this is the code of morals which the Duchaneera seek to force up on the freemen of Kausaa, at the point of the 1. bayonet. The letter was addressed to a friend in this plaee t who handed it to as for,pabliea tion. •, Buckingham Co., Va. 1, , Sept. 9, 1856. DEAR Faunsa--One :of- the most brutal af thins occurred here last evening that I have ever witnessed. A negro was being tried on the charge of having committed a rape on a • white woman. • The- evidence not being con. elusive, and there being some apprehension of the negro's acquittal,* mobt;armed with guns, pistols, clithi, knives, and stones, rushed into the Conrt-rOom; erying--!•lial hitt'!" '"shnot him !" "kill him 1" The Judge reconciled the mob for a few moments, by :terninding •thins that the trial was not yet etinettuled., They , listened about five 'minutes .to the argument of the Lawyer who was defending the ue . gro, • and. then the row cnormeneed afresh. The •• gave the lie to the Lawyer—told him they , would kill the negro first, and if be or the Judge attempted to interfere, they would make an example of them.' The fatter fled from the Court house, while the negro Was tined, knock ed down, cut with knives. and cruelly beaten. 'After considerable difficulty the Sheriq; assts.. ted by eight or ten others ; managed tb get possession 'of the negro nod carried him to the jail, about thirty yards from the Court-house. The mob fittlowed and threntened to tear donut., the jail, if the negro was not given up to them,. Every particle of clothing way torn &old the person of the negro during the melee. The mot, was finally induced to disperse for the evening, with the assurance that the neem timed be , fortlicomind this mor ' g: This moraine, however, the negro was sentenced to be hung mt the 10th o4' August—which had the effect of satisfying the molt. The negro is a slave, the property of Mr. James Pattetton. A letter was gluten up to.4lay, directed trt. Benj. .1. lhirniel.E , 4l.. the La %% ver who erne ducied th;Jefeeee fifr the ne:zro r direeti u ut him to !Mill" nc C miry in 3D days, or he served as the negro had been. You have no Mew of the keling .here. tv erything, like free clisenssinn of tin Sin\err question is taLooed. I have to tif here wild "my fingers in my mouth," not daring to gay a word about Yremont. And yet yoe nisukt not infer that these things NM approves' by all. the better:thinking portion ofthe eotuniunity evidently deplore the pre.wmt state or thing:4. but dare n d sneak out their sentiments. beard several - of this class today say that' the' scenes oryfttertlity made thenr feel a little Fre: mootish.. 1 was begged not to rt:port the ontntge to• my northern friend's. le4t It mieht get into' the inpers, t onl thin enable the "nholitiuttisits" too make capital out of it. Yours. &c Caton Mass Me•Otlirg nri Pei ers- DtZrOur friends in the fratdr.borg dis triet are at work. Lords nut for the re turns from that glorious distriet. Their have called° grand lIIMR !twang for FRI. HAY NEXT. Hon Tn'Annxtys Syn. Ex.., Gov. FORD, of Old ~ std H. WINTER 1)A. v18i 7 , - "ef anisittiora— three 'f the fr...r cam paigners in the Union—have Fon:i.e.' ho in ntierlatire. Ste Col. S. W. BLACK. of Pittsburg. made A long and gassy speech Pt the colorer meeting in town WA( niglul. He denounced the Republican party and it. principles, advocated the Pierre Polley on Kaneas affairs, saved the Union as he has done perintlically :he last six years.- end indulged in the usnal twaddle of hes party about Abolition, the equality n( the State'. &c. .31r. Br.scx was a member of the Lorain:ll State Convention which met in Piniburg in 1819. fie was a member of the Committee on Resolutions,. and offere' the following aiming others. which was unanlmonsly adopted Resolved, That the Iminnerntie party ad- Beres now, ne-it ever has done re the constitu tion of the country. Its letter and spirit they veil' neither wenfen nerdestroy, and they re &Ware that slavery is a 'heal, domestic insti itntion of the south, subject to State law alone, and with which the General Government luta nothing to do. Wherever the State law ex tends its jurisdiction,- the local' institution, min continuo to exist. Esteeming it a viola tion of State rights to' cam, beyond State. limits, we deny the power of any citizen to ex tend the-urea of homing.° beyond its present dominion; nor do wb consider isipart of the compromise ofthe constitution, that ' Slavery should forever hotel with tile adrancing col umn emir territorial progress. ' Thus in 1849, the Pemperatio party arrayed itself against the extension of 131 a. very beyond State limits—denied "the. power of any citizen to extend the area or bpndage BEYOND ITB PRESENT DOMTNION7 and repudiated the ides that Slavery shoat ..forever melte' with the advancing column. of our territorial progress." Such were. Samuel W. Black's opinion. in 1840 . .—• Such is now the position of the Republi. can party. If Mr. Black and the Dental- • racy wore right in'lB4% why are the Be publicans wrong in INS ? Democrats were patriots then, having such prineiples„. , whatmakes Republicans -waiters now Ibrr holding similaropinions ?' Declination Itrthe Chairman of the• Union Co. Committee... I hereby decline the nomination Ibr. County Auditor, tendered me by the Union County Convention. • In doing. so, yowwilli permit me to express my acknowledgments so-the body which honored me with their confidence, and to tender the assurtence that in this step I have: tieen influenced solely by personal cousiderse dons. It is my intention. to give an active• anticordial support to the entire Union State • and. County Tickets, which I believe - serving of the confidence and support of every - honest, opponent of the policy all*. present s .National Administration. , Yours, trulr, - WARN - ER TOWNSEND.' terablirg (Y. S.)pSeptt ;15;1856: County Gommittee.. HE Union County Executive- Coteinittecto• T will please inectet the otleeciftheitebair- • inn in Gettyclinvg on Tu'exdasf the 23dinet,.sta I o'clock. Jae full attendance's' desired... R: G. McCRKARY D. WlLL' l 4,•Stey. . yrs S e.p4.18 1 ra'!tev. J. S. 6.umbaugh, panto• of Si. inho 4 s LullicialuChureli. of Lanese• ter, hat; been.6pitointell,.hy the Governo to School Superintendent of Lsncaster coun ty, in pheNbt J. P. Wickersham, Esq.,_ resigned, OtlrHow. &Mlle H. Walley, the Whig candidate tot tiovernor of Massachuitetta last year, hes Written letter reviewing political affairs, and declaring hi' favor of Cnl, i'retnot. , OtrGen. C. D. Fontaine; the Ameri can candidate for Governor of Mississippi at the last election. has bolted from Fill more, and supports Buchanan, as every ingrate Southern man of that party seems vainly to' do.' is§..,llon.'John (3. Breekinridge. the !a rtifact) ci;ndidale fnr Vice Preeident. is 'now, engaged in stumping Pennsylvania land Ohio. , The prospect must be deepe rlllo, indeed. when he is compelled to take Ott 'field. • gfiy-,T,he National Era sae that Par• ilter Pillsbury and Wendell Phillips , Abo bitioniste nf the Garrison school, hove de-. rt i ttaTed their preference lor James flu• eltAnan, alleging that they still bus hopes of disunion. and that the election or Bu chanan may erect that object. 'rho Anti- Slavery Eagle, of Ohio, an abolition pa. iier",is also urging the claims of Buchan an. illiireOL. FREMONT, it iv stated on the authority of a leading Democrat in Y;ali ,fornia, was offered the Lnenfoco nomina tion. for the Presidency -in euso •he would stand on the Southern platform. The offer was made by Guy. Floyd. of Virginia, a year ago. The Col protiptly refused, and further negotiations were dropped. 9:7 - The Cambria, (Pa.! 'Tribune, a Fillmore paper, loot POMP out tor Fremont. The Olarion (Pa.) [Tomer, another Fill more paper, lioneh for a onion of all the 'opponents of no"Itiono. and ie lint par. wheilier Fillmore or Fremont sue. reeds.. rr A hops iNati.,na I Whig Convention met in Baltimore on Wetlnemlay, to help along tl-o Fillmore Inovament. The dole. gates nrerttoarly all from 6, South, but few Northern States being.reremnted.— David Patti Brown tot Philadelphia, seems to he the principal &legate from j'enuttyl vania. WITHDRAWAL 1W MR. lITtCHAKAN. Tile Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, of Thursday, says : i. stated that Mr. Breckenridge really made a prnpnsitinn to Mr Hu eltamin at the Wheatland•. yesterday,• on the saihjsct of his .eithdrawal. The plan is, to get Mr. Donehmit elan to with craw, and unite the .I),unneratic and A merlean tickets in the pe•sons of Fillmore am! Breckenridge. Such a ticket Mr. Breckenridge Minks will he likely to reed against Fremont antl Day ton.- What ie tn . he done shout the two Platiortits, flees' tint appear. Nor hail' ire heard what response Mr. 'Buchanan made to the propm.itirm." To the Eta!or of the New Fork Her alp : Two inaner+ have nntar«d large• iy in the pCIIRAIII Preonilential rain which I wi4h to tit by applying tbs. argantealrim ad holn;liem: Is:. l will het $5OOO that John C. Fre., mo o t je nm., 41111 never wife, a Roman OM lie. 21.4 will h“ $5OOl t h he is not, and never WRP. a alaveholder. Th. rotlet, will be tiepins:ea with Dun• vim. Sherman & vrh.....r Hoy party rxigaiseA hot aceoptAttert of one'or both of' these wagers. V (lora for Fr fi yilitat. W , J. A. rtILLUIL P. S.—l have Re It qll 111/10gr,111 . 11 ellpy of this chnilenee In the New York Eipress New York. August 14, 1856. Fivin ilintissof Chicano, Sept. 12. 7 -Private advice* from ' Moms City [furnished by a merchant whb'has arrived here to day, direct from Kansitsj 'an. • nounce that Lane was about to attack Wein *port, Katisall City and independence. Also that the 'Prim State men had surrounded Rich 7 • tirdson's forces, north of Lawrence, and cut off his retreat and means ofgetting reint;wee. meats. Governor Geary had arrived at Lear. • enworth, had a consultation with Get). Smith, - and would proceed to Lawrence in a few ' days. Citicson, Sept. 13th.—The St. Louis Dem "l3eravof yesterday, announces that Gen. unison waa taken prisoner by the Free State "fneu, north of Lawrence, and was carried be• :fore:Gen. Lane, who restored his arms and buck under au escort, Great con. ' ateriintion was exhibited ut Lintrenworth in ' consegnifnee of the rumors of au attack 'Lane. Oen. Smith had sent four companies 40 - proteet the: town. Lane' meanwhile 'was stilratlaiyrence, with no intention of leaving ' • Later—the Free State Cause ,'• Brightening. • Cavallo, Sept. 16.—The last 'dispatch velrent .•Kansan are of a cheering ehamc. 'ter ! " and coolness or Lane's operations; have txdupletely diaconeerted 'end thateaYed the 'Border Ruffians, whose forces mem ;to be thoroughly disorganized. Allfthifilree Suite Prisonerti,"aZ Lenin 6tes :ere released"on bail, and had arrived at Law. ..ronceo !where a.genbraijubilee of -reje tig `,lux& place on the 10th; liebinsen and his commies addrettaing , the people for '-three hours. hit understood they will never Am 1 04 : 4 41fv:i 6144144 arrived at Leavenworth hind o rdered the xeicase of all , the prison eikftithi kande tit - the mob. The Border Ruffian . m ostlybady' fled the Territory, 'fearing attacks from. Gen. Lane. A battle is reported to have taken place Plantlea Bridge, ea the Slat alt,, be .4whett'fHWillesanitriana under Atchinson• and party of Free Sotlere. The .illisene " the first fire. HafitOwAles Ptl-4-8.--it remel t antidot e f or iDropsicat Swellings.—yrs. Elizabeth Hen -derstm, of Natchez, Mississippi, aged 45, suf lered inteneefy last fall from a genetat decline .vi t if health, her feet and legs began to swell, strongly indlestirig dropsy. and she became so mina worse lo the course of a few weeks that she am totally confined to her bed, at tast e t hei'datith was hourly looked forward to by her inuibasiki he made up his mind, as every thing vise had failed, to- try the effect of Holloway's t iVl . 44 which his wife commenced using; alter !Nu' weeks perseverance with them, sho was oonspfinely cured . , having by • means of this Medicine safely passed that (Tumorous period orwrinzan's existence. These Pills are also ai irenderfal medicine for young females with' atistimictits its in their healtb-i A stet On the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. Martin, Mr. JACOB HARMAN, and Mrs. MARIA UN. DE ItWOOD, both of Tyiane township, Adams county. On the Ilth inst., by the same, Mr. JACOB r.CKERT, of Butler township, and bliss CATHARINE ENGLEBEII,T, of Hunters. town. On the 4th inst., in Chttrnhersbnrg, In , Rev. W. F. Eyster, Mr. JOHN RIDER. at Frnnk. liu county, and Mrs. ANNA M. E. PLANK, of - Adam county. On 11 e 11th innt., br the Rey. W. Gum, Per. J. U. SOURS, and ANNA .141 MEARS, of Betuteraville. 1)1 .E' I).r. ~ . Qhrthe 'l.sth inst, at Reading Pa:, WIL LTA M, son of Dr. .T. K. M'Cunly, formerly of this cofinty, in the .7th year of his age. Oh tbe Itit inst., in the vicinity of Hanover Mr. JACOB wowrz, aged 78years I Onlontlie and 19 days. On the 31st of July last, Mrs. ELIZA Mo. CLEARY, 'Widow of Mr. Thomas McCleary,pf Tyrone township, aged 60 years 7 months and 29 days. t On the Ist inst.. Mr.. JACOB. SIIULL, of Franklin township, aged.B2years I month and 13 days. . . reoutrutzt IP trEn. Died on 'the 14th inst., niter a severe and protracted illness, the venerable father in Is raol, Mr. JACOB HERBST,. in the 67th year of his age. His was a lifb of. consistency and love in his Master's cantle, and hie was n death of complete triumph as a devoted christian.— Tbe,community will feel Ids abseence as a useful - citizen, the church ;will not etutily supply the loss she has sustained by his death, und the large eonneetion of .relatives Will long re member their deep berehvetneet: Thou arr gone, as a truant ofEarth, Thou 'hest paid the lost debt 'of thy race, A last debt which contracted nt birth, Theta is nothing but death can:effete. Thou'art gone asst: neighbor and friend, , As a husband and fatherinost dear, , And thy ttutherows virtues so blend, Ali to render thy absence more drwitt, , Thou art gone, as a burning bright light, ' In the Church of thy Savior and - Clod, Asa Baited who lived in his sight, And Was rendy to run at his nod. Thou art gone, from the follies 61 time; From the ills and , errors of life. Far away from the regitine of crime, And of trouble and turmoil and strife, Thou are gone, to the land of the blest, To the regions or gloty on Mgt, Where the weary, won pilgrinte do rest, Where they heave not a groan nor a sigin . Thou are gone and *e mould not recall, Thy unfettered, free spirit front 'thence, But submissively Wait till we all Are summoned by Heaven far fienc'e. R. H. fiLOVEs HOSIERY, the railcar, •piet:- N..) 1 anat. and clicapeet stock in town, at April 18. SCHIOKS'. IDATiASOLS, Faulk-040x* of L thent---at. •, The areatosi Wonder of the Age. No Pay; iPTr. ,Tobias' celebrated Venetian Liniment dors not cure Cholera, Dysentery, Croup, Cholic, Coughs, Dyspepsia. Vomiting. Mumps, Toothache, Headache, Chapped hands, Cold Feet, Mosquito Bites, Insect Stings, Chronic Reuniatism, Swellings, Old Sores, Cuts, Barns, Bruises and Pain's or Weakness in the i Limbs, Btek and Chest. rto numetro, TRY If. Dr. Tobias has warren tel his Liniment for I eight years without ever having a demand for the return of the money—all that is asked is to I use it aecordiug to the directions. No one will ever be without it after once uaink it. If yon do not find it better than tiny thing you have ever tried before; get your money returned / Wel...Thousands of certificates have been re ceived speaking of its virtues. Now-a-days it is the practice to fill the papers with certifi- I cates from unknown persons, or riven by those who have never used the medicine—now Dr. Tobiaa ofFersto pay 1000 'dollars to any ono who will, prove that. he ever published false certificate during the time he has had his medicine before the public. Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet con tains genuine certificates. As persons envious of the large sale of the Venetian Liniment have stated it Is injurious to take it internally; Dr. Tobias has talcen the following cum ' L Samuel I. Tobias, °Nile city of New York, being duly sworn, do depose that I compound a Liniment called Venetian, and that the ingre dients of which it is 'componnded are perfect ly harmless to utke internally, even in 'double the quantity named in the directions, acconv i panying each bottle. New York, January 9th, 1850. Sworn this tiny before me, FBRNANDQ WOOD, 3fayor. Price 25 and 50 cents ; sold by the 'Diuggist and Patent 31% dicine Dealers :throughout the United Slates. ViirAlso for sale, Dr. Tobias' Hone Lini nient,,iti lint bottles, at 50 cents, warranted superior to any other. Tar. Tobias' Office; 56 Courtland street, N, York ity„„Alao, br A. D. 13 UEEILER,Valg v yaburg and IL 8. Miller, East Berlin. Sept. 1.9. 1856.—m Mass Meetin at Petersburg, Y. S., on F r iday next— T , RE c itizens of Adams county without re gard to mot party distinctions, who are opposed to the policy of the present National 'Administration, and in favor of the Union State and county Tickets—who aro opposed to the extension of Slavery to Free Territories, and opposed to the election of ;fames Buchan an—are invited to assemble in MASS MEET INC, at PETERSBURG, Y S., an Friday nett, the 261 h inst., and hear the peat issues • of the dny discussed. YORK. XII 414 IL ET. I lion. THADDEUS. STEVENS, of Lanea.tor. Yogic, Tuesday Sept. 16. .1856. lion. HENRY WINTER DAVIS, of Balti. , FLOUR, WS bbl., from wagons, .06 371 flume, • ‘VIERAT, it bushel, 1 36 to 150 Ho/I. THOMAS B. FORD. ofOhio. lt YE, It 801- gott. D. F. ROBINSON, of.Charobersbnrg. 4, CORN, 6'3 i and other Speakers, will address the meet. OATS. It 33 I jog— The citizens of ALL parties are nor. TIMOTIT Y-SE ED, "El bushel, 3 50; .iitinv HANOVER MARKET. • - lisNocau, Sept. 18, 1856. 1 0 1,01.711 V bbi., 01/111 wagons, 6$ 50 WHEAT, to buolter, 1 30 to 1 37 RIM a 75 OM, , 60 OATS,33 , 'MCKIM FUT, per bushel 4O POTATOES, per bushel HO n 11 0 . 1 .11 V-SEED, 2 00 CLOVER•SEED, . 7 00 FL A .X.SEE I), 1 25 PLASTER OF PARIS, 6 00 CLOVER-SEED, FLAX-SEED, PLASTER OF' PARIS, V ton. IRA1.TIRIgIt1:1 MARKET. BILTIMOItn, Sept. 11 1856. FLOUR AND MEAL—The Flour market is quiet, and buyers not Impel) disposed to op. crate. Sales to•day of 425 Wile Howard street at 57 closing, steady. Howard street and Ohio Family at 8 50(438 62, and Extra do. at 7 25(437 50 - ebb). ' Kee Flour—Saudi ales of best brands at $4 50 0 bbl: Corn Meal— We quote country at $3 25, and city , manufac• tured at $3 75 "0 Lb!. tilt &IN A ',ID SEEDS.--Whent—A steady demand; shippers and millers purchase free ly. Sales oftam white nt 1 50(rittl . 56, good TO prime do. at 1 58641 60, and choice de. nt; I 62(1.11 63. lied at 1 43(i0l 45 to 81 47 teThishel. Corn—Sales of white at 62g64 cents, yellow at 65(066 emits V bushel— which is a decline. Rye—Pennsylvania at 00 cents bushel. We quote Maryland nt 7501177 cents V bushel. Cute—Sales at 4@ 35 cents 1.1 bushel. Seeds--Sniall sales or Clor , r at 875(8.9. Sales today of 50 bush el* Timothy at 83 75, and 30 do. choice do. tit $4. We quote the range of Timothy at $3 bushel. ' PROVISIONS.--The Provision market in very quiet. Sales only in small lots. and pri ces tincluimmd. Butter-.-A fair •demand.— Iles of Western in kegs nt 14R16 cents. Olndes nt 16: . M18 cents, Gosnen at 23(145 cents. New York Sittte nt 20 a 23 cents j, com mon Roll tit 14 a 16 cents, choice do. at 20 a 23 cents, and litiitimore city packed at 15a 16 per pound. • MARRIED, UNION MEETINGS; VIEETINGS of all opposed to the Notional AN-1. Administration, and in favor of the Un ion *ate ftnB , Ontinty Tickets, will he held at t h i Mowin g places : PETERSBURG IY. 9.l—Friday Sep. 26, at kAll i tg.3l4a M tu . rday Sept. 27, at 1 o'clock MORITZ'S TAVERN—Fatnrday Sept. 27, at 74 o'clock, P. M. ARItENDTSTOWN—Mondaytept. 29, at 2 o'clock, P. M. • CASH TOWN—Monday Sept 29, at 74 o'clock, P. liT. • _ LITTLESTOWN—Tuesday Sept. 30, at 2 o'. clock P. M. MT. VERNON SCHOOLHOUSE--same day nt 74 P. M. 4EIDLERSBURG-- , Thunday Oct, 2, at I o`.. ctock_P. M. HUNTERSTOWN—Thursday Oct. et 7} o'clock. P. M. BENDMISVILLE—Saturday Oct. 4; at 1 o w . clock P. M. ISIDDLIVOWN--Saturday Oct. 4, at 74 o'. ' clock. P,. M. .Able and efficient Speakers will be in attendance at ever, meeting, and diecnea the great gueationa incOlvod In the prosoutcaavass. Let there hen full turn, out. fl er O ther 'Meetings will be announced here after. order of GRAND UNION RALLY !' In the Tenth district, comprised of the 1 township of Conowago, at the hones of John Bushey, in MeSlierrystovre. ' In the Eleventh district, composed of the township of Tyrone, at the house of Elamite] Sadler, in Heidlersburg._ Iu the Tivelfth dis,trict, composed of the township of Mountjoy, at the house of Geo. Snyder, in said tdwuship. In the Thirteenth district, composed of the township of Mountplessant, at the pub lic Sehooldmuse in said township, situate at the cross roads, the one leadiug from Os: ford to the Two Taverns, the other from flunterstowu tie Hanover. - In the Pi:uncouth district, composed of ho township of Reading, at the public Schonl-house in Harupteu. ' • In the Fifteenth district, composed of the Borough and toweehip of Berwick, at the public School.hotrse io AbboteteWn.. In the Sixteenth' district, 'continued . of) ) The township of Freedom, at the house of Nicholas Nitwits, in said townraitip. - In the Seventeenth district, (mini:eased of the township of Uninn, at the himse of Enoch Lefever, in said township. • Iu the Eighteenth district, composed of the township of Butler, at the : put:3c School house iu Middletown, iu hold township. At which' time end places will he elected One Auditor General of the Common ......._ _____ Railroad Iloilce Pay lip l 1 weals,; - ' • • ^ ; MITE undersigned, Treasurer of the riettys- I C • c . . • One Surveyor General. ; .1t _lt burg Railroad Company, has been in.: One asual m unussu'ner • structed by a resolution'of the Board to ,rirei One Member of Congress, to represenl the following notice to the delinquent Stock- the District composed of the Grum. holders, to wit :—That all monies due on their ties of Adams,' Franklin, Bedford, Stock Subscriptiiins mu.ythe paid in to him or • • I ulton, aiid Juniata; , to one otitis receiver* in the County, on in be-j yore the 6Th day of October next, or the arrenr f One Member of Sta te Senate , to . repro ages' will be placed in the, hands of an officer! sent the Counties of Adams and for collection by legal process. I Franklin ; JOHN H. MeCLELLAN Treasurer. One Member of Assembly, for Adams Sept. 19, 1839.—td • county ; Two AsNociale Judges; . One Commissioner ; • One Auditor; . • t tne Director of the Poor ' One District tttotiley ; and One County Surveyor.; Particular Particular anent iou is directed to the Act of Assembly, passed the 27th day of PON ary, 1849, entitled "An act relative to. ',to ting ut elections in Adorns. Dauphin, York, Lancaster, Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, Greece, and Brie, vis : Ssernott. I. Be it enacted by the • Senatel and .House of Representatives of the Cein- menwealth of Pennsylvania in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sitine—that it shall be law ful for the qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Lancaster, Dauphin, York, Franklin, Cumberland, 13radford, Centre, Greene, and Erie, from and after •the pas , sage et this act, to cote for all candidates for the various offices nrbe filled at an elec. Sion ow one slip or ticket : Provided, The ()Mee far whieli everyeaedidate is voted for, (shall bd deraignated,'.as 'required by the ex isting laws of this Commonwealth - SECTION 2.:-,That any freed committed by any. person voting iu the trimmer above prescribed; shall, be punished by the exist ing laws of this Cotruconwealtlr." • ALSCI—In and by virtue.of the 14th sec. tion of the aforesail, every: ; person, ex cepting Justice f the Peace, who shall aforesaid, hold any office or ppoititinernt - of profit or trust under thee.Governreent of' the United &kat, or of any city or incOrPoreted dis triet, whether a commissioned 'officer or oth erwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed under the legisla tive, executive or judiciary d,eptirtmetat of thin State; or of the United Stites, `or of . any city or incorporated district; and Otto Vaal every member of Congriss and of the State Legislature, and of the &lees or -Common Council of any . City, or , Commissioner deny incorporated district, is by low incapable of 'holding or exercising at the saute time, the office or appointment of Judge, lustectot, or Clerk of any election of this ‘ Coemu. wealth, and that no Judge, hispeet r; or ether officer of any such election, eh I be' eligible to any ofiee to be then anted or. iti Arsse--That la the fourth seotiow o the Aet of Assembly ortitled "Au Act relating to executions, and fur other purposes, h l,ap-' proved April 16th,, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th sectiou"shall not be ctn. strnedy ait to prevene any militia .officer'or borough officer, from serving as judge, - _speeter or clerk, at soy general or , epee I eleetion in this Oommouwealth." And iii and by an Act of the Genet Assembly 'of this State, 4g, eased' the 2d der of duly, 1859, it is directed that the inspec tore and Judges be' at the places of their, districts nu the day of the General Election aferesanl, ut 9' o'clock in the forenoon, to do ' audperforer the several duties required and aujitiwed on theM in and by the tame set. 1 / 4 aka be it further directed; itr and by the act. of the General Amsambly of Ibis State aforttaiid that one of the Judipeof mush. Csij - • Arlolo -.- tquily invited to ailend. IL r i ne meeting will be organized at 1 o'clock, P. M. verhe "Berlin Brass Band" and the "Gettvehurg Glee Club" will he in attendance. alTitere will also be a meeting at night. By order of Committee of Arrangements. "'arm for Bale or Rent. THE undersigned. desiring to relinquish Farining, will sell at Private Sale, cm reasonable terms, the FARM on which he re sides, about one'mile from Gettysburg, on the Millerstown road. conteining about 120 Acrem, with improrement.s. 093...1f not sold, the Farm will he for RENT. For terms apply to .1. N. BURICET. Sep. 19, 18.56.—tf Whi to Hall Academy, THREE MILES WEST OF HARRISBURG PIN: Twelfth Session will commence on 1 Monday Me 3171 of Noveniner. TERMS : —s6o per session or 21 weeks.— For Catalogue containing. full particulars address, D. DENIINGER. Sept. 19, 1856.-3t* liarrisimrg, Pa FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . AT a meeting 'ethic Managers of the Adams County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Sept. 8, 1856, the following Report of the op erations of the Company during the past year, was submitted by, the Executive Committee, adopted by the Board, and ordered to be pub lished : AMount of Cash and Notes on hands at last settlement, Sept. 3,1855, 81716 85/ Cash Premiums received, during the year, 745 28 , Calft filtered received on Notes, Cash paid out dunng year, as per Treasurer's Report., , $7B 941 Cash pia Tiedserer's Salary, 1,5 00 John Knopp, for loss by fire, 1 284 dohn,Reinhart, " 300 Rotes ontstanding, bearing interest, .1938 50 Lash in hands of Treasurer,. 509.901 Anfount Or Property.nmirerd an .. per Met Report, - : $664,126 56 Amount o' , l 7 :eoperti inenigd dli• • iog,the year ) • 206,607_68 Surreridereri ddring the learc . 4 $11,967 1:i0 Expired during year, 59,023 31-70,990 31 , „ • Amoutit of Pietainto Notes Its.P°"r • last it eimirt, 4138,551 48 Amount, of liken:itn during the year, Surrendered during the yearn - •• $670 , 74- Expiretlturing yettli 1,525 21 ' 2,195 95 Nareiberlolidesasper,last 14port, 25 " issued - t durir,ig year, 1 52. siirreederedie4 Expired, PA,lloes . DP* fri VUNDS: elf COll , - PANic Blaney; Invested, (:Votes,) • • 41 1 93 a 60 Vit4ll in Ita,nds' of Treasurer. , • 509.90} Premium NitecnnOolleetedy 48,895 77 Sept. 19, 1858 For Sa on Salo ft ten•lilai,a inquire at this offi cei Stipt. 19. 185tv--34 PROCLAMATION. It i t ,!,: - I iIItIREAS, in and by the Act of f f the General Assembly of this . State, entitled, "An not to regulate the Gend oral Elections of this Commonwealth," onto- ted on the 23'er JulY, 1839„ it is enjoined on me to give } l adle Notice of such Bice. tion to be bold, and to enumerate in •unh notice what officers are to be elected : I HENRY ,TEYSI AS, Sheriff of the County Of Adattio, do, therefore, hereby give this Puhlio notice to 'the Electors of the said County of Adams, that a " GENERAL ELECTION will be held in said louuty, ou the second Titesd,ay of rober tierl,(ehe 14t/4) n the nevcral Distri ta composed orate fol. Mitring Townships, viz : In the First distriet, composed of the Bor nO n gh of, Gettysburgt and the township of CuMberlaud, at the `eurt-House in Gettyii. burg. In the 8 , 00nd is net compose of the township:of Gallon , at the hone cm , ~ nupied by Levi (re a , in the town Of Lit• tlestown, in the tow, ship of Germany. . ' In the Ihittl, •dis let,. composed of .the township of Giliford, (the house of Widow' Miley, in the kowu. o New Orford. , . In the Foerth.dis riet,,eoinposed of the townships 0-Litittio ti. and Huntington, at the house of Caleb . Hildebrand, in the' ' township of. Huntington. In the illfili, die . iet, composed 'ot the Townships of Hewitt Oise and Liberty, it the Pnblie SChool-tin se in 'Alillerstown. , . . 1 In the . , Siztli dielnet, composed of the township of Hamilton, at the house now no. . cupied by, Daiid Newcomer; 6 the town . of East Berlin. In the Seventh district, eomposed Of..the• township of Itletutllen, in the public School haute in .the town of Ilenderoville. In the Eighth 'district ' composed of the township of Straban, at the house of Jacob L Grass, in Huuterstown. In the Ninth district, composed of the township of Franklin, at the house fornMrly occupied by Jacob Sballsmithy in said town ship. County Committee $2546 63 $2&46'.63 064,734 54 $793,744 23 14,98$ 90 403,540/44 151,344 49 , .. , the different districts aforesaid, who' shell have die Charge of: the cortiticaqi,of the number bf votes which shall have been i given for ;each candidate for tho different offices thew lind there voted for at. their respective chstriets, shall meet or the third day, after the , ,election, which shall, be, on Friday the 11Ih of Ocioteer affiresaid, tit the Court-house, in, the Borough of Gettysburg, then and there to roadie a fair tilateqpiait and certificate of the , number of votes, which shall have been given at the diff/rent die.' triers in the courtly Of Adams for any der- sons for the offiletreforesaid. , r PE undersignerl;..having enteritihnto pririneship to carry on the Foundry bir ainerre tinder the firm of VV A RHEN & SONS,, !misty make known to the citi• zens of Adams and ad n uiutg , counties, , that we are' . prepared to make 'every- thing in mu. lied at - business: We have • con. .. stcrilly on hand,, tiro ffa ril PTA Y and other COOKINd FairOVIEI 4 the Parlor airtight,'nfflliiiit Otte Stares, of various styles ;ad Vizes; Sit's,. Kettles lint! Parte. and all roilier !ion' o:inking - IltanyilY, Waffle Irona,'Wrishiii filsehirres, MITE Assessors 0104:ied !it the last Sirring 1 Ash.platcs. 11/Tl-nlr/titers, &e, ,Crisirrics 'electionare' -hoceuy, notified to attend ut for Milk and other MaellinerY, P1,01)011 the Commissioner's Obice. in, the. Borough of I CASTINGS of „evert , ;oeseription, Gettysburg, to receive 4,4,lelyinent ,Duo w e mike t h e seglat,,,Marhei end (iserf4• plicate% and the necessaty ituArtictictiis 'ad 1 . '4 7 . roe ~/ witheto i; i, dews The Assessor's for • Union. I ..odnwago, •. , . thfi . ..rd, Beelike", Reading, 'Media- harp assn got " 111 ° 111 4 P.Olti.rnr id 1 Pleasant,' °Manny,. Strain.? and Alnuntj ' ovt F E NC ING. RAILING I will attend on' Wednesday (Al lath; .qt . Octobiv i r r , . . next, and the Assessors fortho Borough, Cum. • wenle".- I" , 3 1 6 awl Porr,' l ,l l ';!. which ;, berland,;-Firiietlorn, 'Hamiltonban, I't he beat tnr beatify or'.irfieatropirs. ,. , Franklin, Butler,Menallen, Tyro:le, /looting- I 111 Cr SP the wilily(' artteles. Will he seld top, and Latinioro; will' attend on .7'huesday,l ChM f for enYIT- llonntiv ,t ,Octoberigi•fBs4l er" 111• ICS`IIFrH IN G 'trial' Con . . By i:mierof.Cominissioners, J. br o ad, ' ' " • .AUGIIINBAUGIF, IVerk. . ' • i BRASS CASINO:I null evert! thing • • . B° P t " /9 ' 44 ' 56 ' • in our line meile tu nrrler • ' : PITIBL.I4I I- SAL • TI - 1711E6'111NO I !NE S repair-. . . • yd el shortest Junice. • Heine Moulders ,IIIIIHE- sindersigned, Administrators of the atirselveil, we .011 do /Mr work Mawr. Eatato of:William Gardner, decid, will 11l THOMAS WARREN. offer tit rub' lc Sale, on Saturday, the 27th M ARTiN ARTir. 1 1,1 , September instant, at his late residence in Pei HIRAM WARREN „ tereburg, (Y. Si) the following,personal prop.' • - • ~„ . erty, - • . AIAA *WIER" Tabies,.Chairs, Booking Chairs, i - "eilF ol 43( May 1 1 , Eight Day and Thirty Hour Clocks, Carpets, Matting, `Chamber, and Frankliul Stoves, tin,' Hathawity Conk Stove,feamplefe, one,Bleigh, Buffett) Robe, Sleigh Bells; ono •,Briggy without a top,' ono 'ltoCknway Buggy, vetted Harness, Riding. Saddles, with, a vari ety aother srtieles.. Onli Iron Safe, with Powder Proof Lock, weighs .1100 . pounds.— Also, a lot of *superior and-well seasoned Yd. low l'ina r and Plank; 'with' .Setintling Onk,Plank, liF VIA TrtoikrAs; She; . 7 . Shoilfra Office, G4.o.yabitlrfi, Sept.. 8, 1E53. • .. j wlolice If! .IxxeBBon, Bale to commence. at 1 o'clock, 111. 1 when terms will Ignitade Intharn lir J. A. GASDNER, GARDNEIt, ' an "' • Sept. 12, 1856.--49 rit --- TEE Stieond and - final norm:jilt, pfJaeob . hiathieri, itesignee and ,Truetee, under a voluntary 'esingiubent for the benefit of eredi tore and stipport of,Tohlt Ktilin.'Wife rind fern- Conowego' Township,. ttillinie Comity, -1" - a.,,Ine been filed 1i the . Court of. Pompon Plena of Adams Pointy aforesaid, "n will be confirmed' by 'the 'said Ceurt, .oir the 17th ;ley , of November next, unless cause , be ehotyn; to, the eeturnry, • JOHN ,Sept:l2, ilo f. for Katsas ' THE' naersigned, desiring to settle tip his 'Books nod' *Aecontit s; .hereby, nulifie al( those' indebted whim either by Look accounts, or otherwise, to make paymenfini or before theist day of °ember next.; accounts then un settled will be pineed in the iuid. of an officer for Qollection, nty forther indulgence mill posi. tiyely not be 'granted. The subscriber hopes that be one vibe may know himself - to he in debted to him will consider- himself excepted in this . Notice, .writ is :intended for ALL.— Those having claims present: bem for payment. . A DJOCTIRX coy n NOTICE ia hereto' given that "nn Adjiin met! Court of Contnion Wens will be held nt Gettysburg i =mend for the' boon Adams, oft Monday the 6th day ef Odober ttrey'at Iq Q'sl9ek, ti M,, ,when and where all parties interested are requested to be• Present• , lIENEY THOMAS,lharffiri. Sheriff's Office, Gettiaburg, Aug:'29, 5 , • Eight "Aft - vithers Iraist iE SchoolDirectore of Pranklin townshi p T wilt ;neat itt the ll'ouie of tIENRY DITC LEY, •in' eashtown, 111 10 ii'dfdek A. M., ort A%turday the 27th day, of k.%.7,denikr. On Which day the Cattily Finperintendant Wig be present. ' JAM ES. AtION LES,' Sept,. 12, 1850.—td • , . ' . 7.'6 School Directors and ' i ‘l'' cA I trrrE ,inaeis4do, Suiiotin e n en! of 6 '- .1.. Mon Schnols - hf Adams County, - herehYl pivei tiotice.that - oetds, of Ditectori of. the i ie. Certin. , , ty f and the ?pplii ) desire to be examined, ier,and places! , Itountint-•-At - T1 .. bur 2il; at S a ti Cermany--At Pi tlestown Thueidi Union—At Sehiit' :id, at 9 o'clock, conowago—A r &Net llousc. ... McSherrys. town, Friday, ugt: 3d, at '2 Ceelsek,l 3 . N. Oxford-.At ,School flOtise in '.New .Oxfoid. Saturday, Oct. 1 ltli,nf V o f elook, A. M,',' Derwick :township and' Boiongh44At School ;loam in Abbottstown, Saturday oet. 11 th, of 2 o'clock, P. M. • liantiltoiw-School Rouse in Berlin, Min' , day, Octi t, at 9 4 A. M ti . . , • mid - lug—Ai ( along Sehooi Eons°, Mon g day, Oct: 6th'. at 2, P. M. '• ' ' I:itiniore-e• At LiViVton's School House, • Tuesday, OCT. 7th; ot 9 o'clock, A. M. I'yrene-Lilsidlersharg Schoolhouse, Tuesday, Oct.'7, at .2 P. M. • -- - , . 1/ountpleasant 7 7Sweet Hotel .School -house, Saturday Oct. 4, at`'? I'. M. ' Strobao-0411nuterstown Sehoolhoost, Saturday Oct.' 4, l A. M., l'ieedom-Sloritx'o 'Schoiollmuse; Wednesday Oct. S o 9A. 11.' ' ' • ' • Liberty•Onlyson's Schoolhouse, Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2 1' M. ' .. , llarniltonhan---.Public'Schoolhdoie in Tait: field, Thursdny,l7et. 9, 9 A...:11„ Franklin- , -.Sehoulhonse at Flares 'Church, oo Thurstliy,Oet. 9, at 2 P.M. ,Sutler --M kfdletowu Schoolhouse, Friday, Oct. 10, 9. A. M. 11:enallen-zPOblic Schoolho use' in Venders. ville, Friday, Oct. 10, 2 P. M.. • ' t3P^Sehool Directors and friends of Eductl4 tinn ore,roptested to attend. An Teachers who exp.:cut) apply for Schools in this; county 1: tnif ai ten d at one of.the public examinations: A failure to•do this may deprive them alengetti er of CertifiCates. • County Supeet: Sept. i 2, 1N56-- 3t omuutrm tritaEßT. WM'S - Nursery is about mile toile west of .k Gettysburg, 'there the various kinds, of FRUIT TREES are cultivated - and for site by D. hUMILL.AiN Proptictor.- - Sep,S, 1956.-6 t OUR stook of HARDWARE ties hen very ninth inereasti, and persons bhildiug or requiring anything 'in this depart-Olu; should' first cart and. see FAURE - STOCKS cheap stock. jrablitiittltit Itra4t,t4 I . . HAVE received and are la* Melting a very - 110i1SRY...-A new erticlo,ol Sii s k o a s tkod , ILII. lnrge and hatid_imit r . stock of NEW ~ WOOL iiOSEi and galk-lined.. QOODS, nf evet i e,ety. ° Give them an et- ter stale at . _ ______ , 4 lv call ifloiletios „,,,,,,. . FARNESTOCIS, BROTHMS. .. 4 " r i...e.v ' 4 . ai r gm. ma , • ,i 1000., TTMEilii.. - FOrillilf. Geitysburg Fannie beminary, RES;1111 . .1)S TrisOtu6n,littyitig now rust:a into .11. the hands of Mrs. 11. R. Eysvpii, aid ed by her husband, thakftev. D. EvtiTEll, A. M., will commence the Pull. term on - the- Fourth Monday of September " (Sept. 22,1851.) The studios pursued in this , limitation ,em brace all these. branches of the 31entai.; Moral and Natural Sciences usnally taught hinny, of one Female Academies or Colleger of the, first order,, together" • French and German Latiguitges,,llusie and' Drawing. • As The Imaitation as designedi.obe a Board, a Day School, The ,Principalti are prepaied to receive Yount. Ladies froir,,a • diStance into their &May and parenii nod Mai , ' be meowed ' that every ar • rariretnent will be made for ti!eii . comfort. 'The inotality, refinement, and intelligence of Pie community, together, with the itedunCi ble salubrity of Ornate, tont ribete frinutkei g9 ttyabitr g elocution prculiurly welt aitlipted. for an Intirittifion •of dui Vint , For terms per session, list of stlititei, , . old references, see circular, or inquire of the Prin cipals. . • , , . Itysberg;•Ang. 22; 18510.-Ltf ' • . . TIREERIIOOAVIT' gIEV AIP' NAM? nines. north-west from Philadel phia, near Norristown, Pa., will he. open for YOUNG MEN and BOYS aboi:e 14 years (Wage, from October. 1,105 G, till June 1, 1807, The site is healtfifid, theeurrounding prospect exceedingly bentitifd, tfte aecommutlattolis sufficient for 140, heartier's and 200. and the terms not exorbitant. The ,rtinge of studies is.extensive, the teaehers experienced and able, and every reasonable effort is made to promote. the physical, intellectonl and moral .wellare..of the , , scholars. A Circular will be sent, to ' order, IA ith particulars and - reference*, if desired. . SAMUEL AARON; Princsysi. "' Norristown. Pa Aug., 29,. 11856 --4 tn rotifers Irani ea. THE School Directors of the Der?igh of Gettysburg will receive. upplientions fa Eight Teachers to take charge of the Public Schools tit said district, on Monday the 22d scpti;mber - next, at ,the office of W. L Campbell,. Esq., td,cotnmeneo on. tho Ist of 9.. ctober and remain open siz mouths. Cur tificates2frota the,Connty Supbrintondeut must accompany the applications. By order of the Board, - • J. A UGB.,INDA7GA Secip. 185'S VROtlatOtt riotrt rriHE 6dersi g ned would res edit) n. r.Ya 41. , nobnee to the eitiitiis of Gettysburg, that Ins has ofienetta ProViolon house in the room foimeily, &copied by 31r. J. J. Ifrinkerhoir in 'Baltimore' street, nearly OpposiiC ; the. Star Of lice, where he will have mansmnily 'on hind. Prour, Peed, ciroceyiem, 13ulteri,Eggs, Lard. Cheese, Bacon, Chickens , Potatoes, ,Apples, Frtrit of all kindi, Coilfectinm,i;d:t. Aug, 29.1856.-1 y EEGJSTER'& NOTICE. OCto• in Lire 'k, P.M. abOct. VOTFCE is hereby given to all Legatees and I other persona concerned, that the Atitittn. istralieli, Accowds h'eroitinfter mentioned will be : presented at the Orphans' Court'of Adriins county, for eunfirmation affMvance, on Turmdayi Me 2:W day Vfiliteinbet nee, 181. The first aecdtint of Cornelius Hess and Jostph Bess, Pneecutors of the last' will and testament of Lamle Hess, late of Reading township, Adams county, deceatied: 182. The second and final aceonitt of Wm, Yr eng nod Peter Cownover; Administrators of tte taf.ita of William Cownover; late of Moan t- Joy township, deceased, 181 'Pie first account of Jotteph Power and -Thedrbifus Power, Admilliatraters of the estate of Alexander Power, deceased, . 134. The seeded and final neettent of Wl]: lima King; En g.; Executor of the last will and teqament of David Troxel; (of John, sen.,y deceased.. • ':185. fit'at and final account : or Genre Prnoklin :piper. Adniinittratoi of Magdalena Miller, deceased: • • F. AVALTERi higi4tEr, egister'd 61111,41, ) 74 : et A za h DePII4Y: Abg 1851i--tid rgl} REGISTER ° S NOtiCg. , , -1 / 4 7 . OTICB is hereby given t o al! Legatee's II and other persons' concerned; that the t.)ii.NisTiI,ATION ACCOUNTS herein niter mictitialled will' be presented at the , plums' Court of Adams county, CO confirma tion ankfallo . wanci,; ou Motettuythel4 day of. October ppl. vii: 1 186: The first account oat 're ost e a Peter 'rrostle, Executonfof A brAbitta Ind htl atle ) deceased. 187: The' Ana neefiunt bf Etta treithh, and Benjamin Deardorff, Bxecutetrd df the labt will and testa:tint of John licrolict; deceaed. 188. The first and final uteintht of John &slye r Adatinistratoi of fiinri Herring, dt. cease 189: The first fttioo Weetiant of 461 0 ' s Knight, scilizei of tba oitate of Jan 4 larrAy,434.- c'ensed. j 196.15 e firiii it'd final r.neonat,,cirdolin SP. INntiglif t laxecptoc of itgo law. will mut tenia ra'net at 4a,titarir.e IPritimighti dboetiaod. 1 V: 11 . 'WALTER; Regireer: Itegisten 0r.4 te - P: c r en Da ys tit i gt ; Pt,Atrz, :;burg, &460...90.1856, A NEW FITAL " W3l REkIITR. , . • . Ni.JEL 'ZIEGVER taus Pit re torneil Irian iiie eiih the largest large lot, of GRObiilliES he has akar boor*, opened, to elarb he iurites. the attention iii all, rogrineral !Intl e con offei HARE tiO A INS. , tie fias itten, a tine loin . 11tirti§ . &c 'Shad Mackerel :and errlngs Granges; (ieinnhs, notes, rthoontls, Nitta, c`iitiihrs of,alt kihda. To. oarto. s ll tifr,..:l3mpittri gins h es. lilnrliidg~. with, ,n. general- aSsostAnsot,of " 1 ' 44 3' goods. Gisla ue *can Vyou want ib buy cheap arsa'goaii.a.groixt duos to, the °Star" office. Raluuinr Street.- Gettysburg, May 1148115:;. , -it ' • LETrititd of Ikainii4l36l . ttion him - I**W rotted to tlai ,subsertbera, ,Tekie lNC in, Peerelititg, 5..5' A ( ) June eotmty,, treqs. tAstp. i:or WILLIAM. CIA It 1 . M8% ! deF _eweed,. late of the same plate,. tiini herOy,prtiu). tie,: to al) pereotot indebted , to atud.POnte to maim immediate pay Mint, soul 'those Nee. ing claims or dertmede, e:;:i Mat the Edit,' or the eat deceased x w ill =at, liUOl,ll, the ma* without delay. ,A J. A. 6AIto.NE4, . • J. W. CiAltONX2‘..l " 7 - Aug. 22, 18i3f.iaredi . Fly STE141)11)1:pi of p4049-4, 41 ;i:1 IL juit.**60.0441110,4441Y‘ NI thew , „ ,; AYER,'S e ~. T . . A, .... , : . i.' '''''. ' Sick re ctiring,the to atiettent,neier . t beton+ known of any 1110dItine: INVAI,ID3', READ ANDIEIDG3 FOR YOORSIIVEB. JIII.P.S DAILIPI4 Pre.,. the . well known perfitiner: .al Citextituf Dftext, Philadelphia, whine abide* ;MAIMS Are found at 'firmed every toilet, eaye: v J it . ant olley to my of your CaTstairrte Pius', that f have haled them a timer family medielne, for continua', one, titan any other within my knowloder. Many orally friends have (utilize :I tuarkail eitnellta from Diem : and we' Meld° with ote In believing dim they 1,0,,,,,,,,,,,,iy,,,,,dith it e' virtue. for Induct (Art illwen-em antfenring the rink:. They are not only eltectmd,ka rale and tlaaaani to be laken'eg onolitiee which feted Make Mein rattled by the retell.; leiter: they am kno‘Vo.' , • • . . I The venerable Chancellor IVARfIISAW wiltse from Rai .41moie, littli April, ing.: ' . a Ra...- rite —A4 re Sir: I have 'taken. root', Pills witf o sera( hetieflt, for the hole:otiose, languor, love of eppits„ and Itilloria headache, is hich has of lout yenta oxyrnlkW time in due speog. A few throes of yrdir Pilet retold me, . I have to , ed hoir Cherry Pectoral merry yeah in my fluidly for rough. arid told. will, moaning to:crews,. you,mag. ~ 'theitleines Which cure; slid I feel it a plemette,to commen d' :you for the good you. haw: dons and are tiolior.::, t ; .'JOlll'i F. DPATTV, Elia., Dee, of the Palm. Railroad 034 I'. 1 , ,5. IL H. QlRce, Po I itsdelsAls, nee. 13.1R,53. . • ,‘ Alt 2 I tako pletiatire in .adding ‘t lesilintely fn ihn I, oilkeney of , yoor itiedirines,.having der ived, very nuttapal I benefit fowl tile, low of leOli your Pectoral and Cathartic Pills. lam never without &btu:. In my family, hoe :41:111* reef Content to he, while my maim will procure them,'' . 'tile Widely renown:trig:. P. STEIViNR„ M, D., of ;Vane: worth N. 11,,wrifro i . , . • , "travel/ Hoed your.C.lnsavto Print hi ItlY . hire, I tertify from' experience that they are an IneAlea lip, Live.. Intim, of disordered Mnetiona or the five toting d:t heaelle r ladigeution, cottlVeve ne, and the sir, ride% li t of di:ear:to that adlote, they am a error remedy the, ssy other.; In nil rape. whew A purgative ' , rowdy is required, I• coufidently ,reromotetin . theso Pill. to the publie,• en superior to Any ether I kayo ever round. They are aura hi their 14a:ration, and perfectly rare —Media& whet Make Illmil on low:doable marl:, for !nubile nee. 4 butyl for .many years, kito,o your Cherry Prit.rril is the heal enegh medicine in the world I and ihylie Pill. era inc Mi' Iwire ninth,: to that admirable preparalion.64 the [mai: Meet of illara.e.M. , . "ef den', slip., Alm. iti, 1553. urn s ; y. rs,,Avaa— near Sir: I havp been ellfietiel fr onV hI y bieflrWith trial, hi ite.wuret fortn,and now. an twenty yeariii trial, and' no untold of ittunif lTe ut or suring, havebeen ronitrientbi do red,fn a few week, by your Pilh;. With what. rel o timmor rejoicing I ,write can only ,i; Imagined When you realize *list i have entrain!, an ix, , I .. Nevei until now have I been free (flint liiisfiiattisnAiit dinette In some shape. time ,Atrim it ottnekeff tuy tie... eruct Made ins elmost b.hul; besides the onendonthk paha ; at others It settled in the scalp GI my head, and /11411 - 0)(lid toy glair, and litte kept menartiv bald all my days; anuteiloies' It tame out In my face, and kept it MO months a raw vote' "About nine week* ego T commenced taking ynod Cies Mettle Pills, nod now no. entirely free from thacouility)nt. My eyes tre well, my akin IN fdr, and my heir ha ~c om. minced 'a 'webby proirm; all of which makit, Mei feel ....Eloping this statement may be the toteena of conveying Infonuation (liar , ball do total in others, I eel, with every sentiment of gratitude; , - ' Yours. ate.. ~ . . , MARIA fIit:KER.". "I have known the above darned Marie Ricker hi.* -ss. her childhood, end her statement Is rltrimly •rte. . . ' • • . , , ~ . .ANTIREW .1 . , 4 zoliirvh,. , , , pvenster of the Sorts:noun, Aletinfeentring . in." Care. JOEL. PRAT..T. of the Bldg Marion, winos fkon; Roston, 41 , 11 April, Itr,4: "Your Pah have cured matinin II I , llkom sfneit.ifrbirt, Anse. Inintdtirangetnent of the T.lver, whirlt lied likroints very ser loon. I had tidied of any relief by ui,V Pl4ssclan, ad' di rt user? remedy 1 COlllll try; pot a few ddieeof yougPils have completely restored me in health,,..rhave, swan then) to my. children for wonns, with .the best eli. fetter They teeth' promptly cared. ( recommended them fle ',Mend for enstivenitte, alibi) had. troohled %blot for - madam ; lie fold me in a fen , days they hod cored blot. Yowniaka the best Medicine In t h e world, and I thn fray the esd this from the distiltreelted Oktlklliw of liilprame rt Cpu, whose ,I,rilllant abilities have made him well . known, not on ly 11l flfat meth. nelghtmring Staten. , ,' , ' "'Jibe 611,04; SIA dprik lest. • ; si Sir; I hii4 \ fike satisfaction Ta- =Stall%)di3 that myselinnd fai r niTy , Lace peen yery much Itenpfiltif lisYi.4f ffledlC nes...l y idl • To *re cured, two yeark: afore, or a ee. Were end efingdane cough, by your Ilmeasv.Secepapat., and Anti tell. has- rldikkeil perfect.llesith. Mycheidien have woieral i times been cured NM hltlefte pf the 111111 W slim and', Voitip by , ' it. It la AWlni'alliehle remedy for thee* dolaftraMta , Your eavitsnitn I's 1,1,s bake entirely timid red. AMU a nyopopela anon rrodireneer, it libel, live yrowa' ji:YM me for come yrapy— fodefol,' rids' Corp, If ' much .rd'ilci fmportani f from the firiqhm Hoed failed to get rellegfrout the bent Phyalciiiits which life eection nil the cot:qtr./ ailbrds, and front any of the tinmaniim redid, dies I bad tdßen.- • ' ' '' - • , . "You, Penni. milts, Ili, a PrOvOloktleil blessing to inir abil i:Att Wily well soiree we are not lilts mindful of ft. OUllf 1011petelnIllY, a:, . • LEA vrrr • " &este Cal:meet tlitis,..fpril ithik l; .ff J. V. Arta- !rations! gift I. hat a 'bride a thilr. (nigh trial of the maiiiitrio Pear; felt rke l) your nront, hi" been e"".1 by litrni of the drei.drat Rheumatism Older *Melt lig foiled nie suffering. brat thoe re. keyed me, and a root , ,mt.efAi.or entirely retnitted.the disease!. • fee l In hotter hrotch low than rot same years before. which I.allrlbuto rottenly, to, the effects of your CATI4ARTIC PILLS Yon re with pea(' rewnee r - LVCIItH It. al 6T4,A1.1.." The above are all (nun hansom 300 ate publicly known where they reside, and who would not maks thew state ment. wo!thout a thorough convlctlettlhit therivore 41111. Prepared by DR. Z. C. AYER & CO., Praetioal and Astalitioal Chemists; Lotvolf, Masa GPFor Salo by A: D. 111.7.kfILER, at &wino' energßr.•• AirguAt22, WHO wANTA A 000D.AND CBE! DIGUEIIiIIiATITE? 'WENVHIt hiivircg c prol.;kitHi IrY self with nn eniltn Dew .ntid contly appa— rittun', itt nowptrpared to litroisli Dagtferrt al ypest, in eiery style of the nrt,• *Sikh he n-Al war rant to give entire tattisfitetion. llis hog ex perienee and supenor appitrattis giro* him • i:' l ' vantages seldom furnished by •Dagnerrean en. 1 tablishmehts ont . of the eitfr., Fle has a large number olapeeimens at ,bis' 1 1111164, v., Qbenr hersburg street, whi,eir fhe publicare requested to call and exampte. ItWas.C,lttlrgett from .5 cents to tret,•,tir itos or Operating from :if ,A. i1..,^, 4P. g... Gold Lockets,,llreastitins, ttutt . abl. for tnniittfieres, always o» fiend, at the von' fr , ,est-prieea. , Attir'Chihlren,ivill not FlOttr..ert tor lens, than Ibtl e - AMIIP:OI"YPkg taken in besietyiet. ' Feb. 1, 1856. . ~ • • GROCERIES CONFECTIOS, `l4itcon, 41x. tilIS WAY FOR BAROAII'SI 1410110 E.