BY D. A.BUEHLER vitum xxvii.i, VALUABLE REAL' ESTATE 010Lfl. INEOPE'IIII7 AT PRIVATE. SALE. . . WISHING to retire from the farming and V , V milling business, I will sell at Private Sale the following valuable Real Estate, known as : • , • LOCUST .G ROVE, situate about one and tiltalfinito S. West from Ltlestown, Adams county, l'enn'a. • No. 1.;--3 4 2' Acres. of Mead ow bottom . of a superior quality of red gravel soil, well adapted to timothy, 2000 bushels o litne'havitti been put -on it. The improve inctitit ate - a LAHOH -- AND VHBY•. HHAU MERCHANT,MILL, Saw Mill, Coop'. et. Shop two Dwelling Houses, n. Store R6ont, two Bake Ovens, two Stables, three 'Hog Pena, Lime-kiln, ; I ; and all necessary out-buildings. The Mill is built upon the most modern and impro ved phut. The dam and race lire not our ranged by any. Four County roads centre ut thiis 'Mill. • No. 2.-37 Acres of Slate Land, very susceptible of a high state of c,ultivatiou 8 or 10 aeres of which are hearlfy timbered, with about 10 acres of meadow. The improvements are a large nod very s s s. complete GRIST MILL and Dwel- 1 1 ; 1 1 ling House.' This property ad joins No. 1. No. 3.—A Farm Containino -150 Acres mostly the red gravel soil, and pro duces well, .10 to 50 Acres of which are heavi ly iiinboted and about 20 Acres of meadow. bottom. 10,000 to 12,000 bushels of lime have been put upon the land. An abundance of fruit trees upon the premises. The impiorements are a Stone Dwelling g House and Kitchen, Smoke House, • a large Bank Barn, with Wagon Sheds, Corn Crib, [log Pen, and all necessary out-buildings. This property is alio a port of No. I,.ttndl known us above. There is not a more desirable' property in the county than LOCUST GROVE, either separately or to g* t ier. Call and see it. These properties will be sold separately• or together, as may best suit. purchasers. 1 will sell on accommoda ting ternis. Any person wishing to view the property will please call on Edward Stable Ik mg en the premises, or myself in Gettys burg, Aug. IS, I 856.—53 GEORGE ARNOLD ORPHANS , COURT SALE. N . pursuance of orders from the Orphans 1 1. Courts of Adams and Cumberland Counties, will be sold at public %Twine upon the premi ics, 1111 Ifetliaosday Me 81/1 day ff October urxl, the following described Real estate, late ttaactilu S.T. , •”+. de c 1 1, to'vrit • A true of land.situate nu and adjoining the village ot 'Whitestown. Iluntingdoti -tlwnship, Adams Colinty, adjoining' lauds of John B, Group, B. Slivers, the Chestnut Grove Fur nace ptoperty, and others, containing 140..)cres more or Irmo,. with at TWO-STORY 'RUCK MANSION HoUst:, Malik Baru, and other ha- Ciprovetnent.4 thereon. • The land is tir l goisl quality stnd has been extensive• limed, it is well supplied with excel lnt Itater, Lid has a young orchard of choice 'fruit planted thereon. also a tract of • • WOCIMI-LAND, sittutte-abont two miles from Whitestown, in upper Dickinson tOwnship, Cumberland Coun ty, ndjuining lambi 'tte Nieholus Mullen. John limner "end ntherit, containing 10- Acre!! Inure or less—this troct is about wile from the Ilendersville rontl. Mao, a tract or WOODLAND in Dicken son township, Cninberlund Cottuty r about one mile from; White4town, COntaining fi ACRES Inure or less, adjoining lands of Simon Yetts and others; this lot is well timbered with Ches nut and is convenient to the MaCISLCIII Farm. A LSO On Thursday fheUth daY'ij' . October next, a tract of Woodland situate in Nienullentownship about 11 miles from Bendeisville. adjoining lands of Elijah l'enruse, George Adonis, Jacob Rebore null others, containing- 1.0 - Aert4 more or less. There is public road within 200 yards of this lot. Also . , a tract of Woodland in Tyrone town . Ship,. Adams County, about 1/' miles from IVbitesiown, adjoining lands of Solomon Star ner, George Harmon, Daniel Slosiar and oth . era, containing 47 Acres more or less. There is a public road :twilling . through this tract making it very easy . ofaccess It is intended to divide this tract new:Several lots which will bo sold separately for the convenience of pur chasers. _ The. Sales will commence at 10 o'clock Up- On:mich day, When attendance will be given and terms made known by WILLIAM B. SM.YERS Aug. 29, -rar"Carlisle Volunteer" copy, and send bill to this 01E0 for collect ion. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. purauanco of ariortfer of . the Orphan& .7rN COuriof Adams connty, will be offered at ,;Public Salo, upon the premises, on Friday the 3rd. day of October Nom. the Real. Estate I of Nicholas Bushey, F.sq., deceased, consiSti rig 'of a Plantation of tract of land situate in' But townshiP, Adonis county, and adjoining lauds; of Abraham. Fisher, lianiel D. Vitt, John Stiiinour, Jacob Shank , Ma - others. con 'taitting'2.lo ACRES, mote or less, of patented, land. The improvemeata are a large Frame and I?,ough Cast •.- DWELLING E, two sto- i s : ries high, large Barn;stone and - • _ 'frame, frameepring house, with a never fail ; • ing apring, wagon ailed and corn crib, log shop. • There are several. eprings of water on the i ,•farm, two orchards -with a variety of good fruit.l -There is a sufficiency) of good timber, and ai portion in meadow. ho lmildings are situate, 0..0n the Napalm re and about one mile cast . • of.Arendtsville, and in a pleasant and eligible I neighborhood. Sale t o commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. At- stendance will be given and terms made known' - A.B4AJ3AII MICKLEY, Trustet‘ -By the Court—J. J. Bammts, Clerk. Aug 2 2 2 w 1856.---4 d . ' • CORN 'DRYER J 3 p • , of 'Mitt ERS is invited to _le to a , very auperitor • artier. for drying which can be bad at til . times at; • -; WARREN'S FOUNDAL Jaw rii 18543: " 31 ! WM PVZILNC SdLEE. VLL be sold at Public. Sale; on the pretro ises, on Saturday Me 20th day of &plow IrE'r next, the Foil= late of -- Joseph Coshun, deceased, situate in Mountpleasint township, Adams county. on, the public toad leading from the Two Taverns to Oxford, five miles from Gettysburg, and 10 from lisnover, con taining 221 Acres and 140 Perches. Theimprove ;punts consist of a TWO STORY STONE HOUSEand Stone r • Bank Bain, Wagon Shed,Corn Crib, I ; and all necessary out buildings. A" Young Orchard of choice' fruit, trees of all kinds, a first rote well, of water at the Rouse. and at the Barn-yard. The land has all been limed and in good repaii. Any information respecting the farm can be had of4OSEPH COSITUN residiror thereon. , • '• 'THE' HEIRS. August 8,"1850._4t'1.:..::.- Salo to commence nt 1 oh:lock, P. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known. P U BL IC TIM undersigned; Executors of the lest will and testament of the Rev. JOHN E. ALBERT, late of Lritimore.tOwnship, Adams county, Pa., will sell at Public Sale, On Fri Ply ihe 3d day of Wokr next, his well known farms. The Mansion Penn, containing about ' Acres ,of Patented Land, situate in said Latimore township, on the road that lends from Deardorff's Mill to Carlisle, adjoining lands of John. A. Zeigler, Jacob Stitzel, Jolla Martin, and others ; the north branch of Lati• more Creek passes through this tract. There is a well finished two• Story STONE HOUSE, with a basement j 1 1 ; 11 Story and cellar, a large STONE • BANK BARN, Dry House, Wash House, Work Shops, Spring House, Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs. A never failing Spring of excellent waternear the kit Chen door. An excellent . Orchard of choice fruit, about 10 acres of good meadow. TIM other farm adjoins. the above tract.— Erected thereon are a TWO STORY WEATH ER BOARDED HOUSE nearly now, !viten ble log barn and other Out Houses, an Or chard of good fruit. Some meadow, and mere could be made. This farm contains about 100 ACRES of Patented- laud. These farms- are under good Chesnut fence, and there is a full proportion of Timber such as Chesnut, Oak, and Hickory, and well watered by Springs, and the arable ground is in a good state of cultiva tion, produces Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Clover and Timothy, in abundance. Stile to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. ',L., when terms of Sale will be made known by .TOSIA H A LBERT, 1 Executors. JOHN WOLPORD, August, 15, 1856.—td FAM AT. PRIVATE SALE, Irrt HE above Farm situated about three nrUtUM au contains about 44 - aercs improvements arc a double log and a a a frame II 0 U S E, weather-boarded, " and a large brick bank PARN, and other out-buildings ; two wells of water near the house, with pumps in. There is an excel lent thriving ORCHARD, with choice fruit, and a variety of other fruit, consisting of Peaches, Cherries, &c. For further particulars apply to the subscriber in Gettysburg. reThere are also Fitly Acres of Land ad joining the above property, that can be bought at a titir price. • Aug. 15.—tit. A. COIIEAN. IF YOU 'WANT HATS, CAPS, BOOTS& SHOES, at least 20 per cent, cheaper than you ever bought' before, rithember It is at CO• BEAN & PAXTON'S, *here they are:, to be had in great variety, consisting of Gent's and Boy's fine Silk, Fur and Slouch Hats, of the latest style, all, colors and sizes, White, Black Tan . , Blue, Drab, Fawn, &c. Also, a lam assortment of Men's and Boy's Emu Calf, hip au' Grain BOWS and Shoes, Gent's FiuoCIA and Patent Leather Gaiters. 13 careful, Ladies, if -you want Walking and Yinti Dress Shoes,Such as Jenny Lind, Bus kins and Ties, Ki and Morocco Slippers— al-. beautiful assortment of Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with a large stock of Misses' and Childrens' fancy Gaiters and Shoes —that you find COBBAN &,PAXTOWS, at the .South east Corner Centre Square, before purchas ing elsewhere, as they have by far the largest stock of Seasonable Goods iu town, and are determined to sell very cheap. Take cars and keep a SHARP • lookout that you do not mistake . the plate.— Remember COMAN A; PAXTON'S New Store, at the Old Stood of Keller Kurtz. Gettysburg, March 4, lSs6.—ti READY-MADE CLOTHING. AT THE SAND- st,lttat, TONE FRONT. NO W received ItTl for sale the largest, prct tied, and ch ea p k of - - READY...MADE CLOYRING ;hat has been offered in this place atany time; May are all our own make, manufactured out of our own CMG's, Caseimers, &c., &c. We *save Coats' from $1 to $2O; Pants from 58i cents to $lO4 Vests front 62i cents 86:00. . - Boyle Clothing in Great Variety. Clnr stock of Cloths • consistiaf Blue, .Black; Olive, Brown, Green, Drab, Claret, and all - other anima Our Cassimers consist of Black, Brown, Steel mixed, and 'every variety of Shade of fancy colours. Also -Marine Cassi mores, in great variety, Plain, Plaid,and Figov ad Cashmeretlo, Tweeds, Jeans, Drab Detates Silk Warp,. Alpaccas, Black Satin, :Buff White ' Plaid and Fancy Marseilles Vesting. Call and ape us, if we cannot fit you we will )like your measure, and make you a garment m the very shortest notice'. /faxing the very - hest Tailors constantly at, work cutting , out - Ind making up, we do things up in the neat '33t and best manner at the SANDSTONE FRONT—and are hard to beat. • . GEORGE ARNOLD. April 4,.1856. NOTICE. • ETTER of Administration on , the,Estate I 4 of GEORGE lIELLLER; late of Ide‘ /ellen township, Adams,county, Penna., de• ceased, having been granted to the Subscri ber; residing in same township - , he here by gives notice •to parsons indebted to said Esmte, to call and settle the same ; and those having elaitns are requested to '.present Otte* properly authenticated, for. settle. •,: 'JAG() DifkLE, ..4dtter.• Atir. 22. 111511.—Hi; • • •GETTYSRURd, E V BOOKS. STATIONERY ) I►D,LTGS & MEDICINES. Entircitot4 Xmortnttitt. AD.. BITEIILER has added to his former • stock of Goods an unusually large as sortment of Classical, School. and Miseella• li eeus 17s , " 31811411C1011131113E1L.111111, embracing all the text 'looks used in the Col lege Common Schools, and standard Classic anti:ors, with tbe recent popular publications, constituting a larger assortment than ever be fore opened in Gettysburg. Also itlttalWiteciP2Lrfilr of hlTkindii ; Cap, Letter and Now -- Parr, of the best quality, Envelopes, Gold rens and Pencils, rezelit . tires, Jse., with a large ausort went of Fancy Good*, to which he invites attention, being prepared to sell at unusually.low prices:„ - - 111$11-I.le has also largely, increased his stock of— • - Drugs and 41/11dicineii 7 which can be relied upon as the 'beat an die market. Stir Arrangetnents have been of 'by which any article in his lino of business can be promptly oidcred from the city. Gettysburg, Nov. 2, 1855. RZLADT-MADS OLOMEEENCI. AT BA M 8 0 ;etti CHEAP CLOTHING EMPORIUM. IF you want a . suit of READY-MADE CLOTHING, complete in every respect, of the lanttstyle, and cheaper than they aim be purchased at any establishment in the County,—call at MARCUS SAMSON'S, op posite the Bank, in York street. I have just received from the Eastern Cities the largest and best assortment of Goods ever, offered in Gettysburg. hi offering to sell better Goods ut lower prices than other dealers,l simply re quest purchasers to cull and sway themselves of the truth of my offer, by a personal * exami nation of my Goods and prices. Buying exeltt sively fur cash, I can buy cheaper and soli cheaper than any other person in the County.. My Goods are made up in the best style by ex perienced workmen, and cuu't be excelled by any customer Tailor. My stock consists, in part, of Coats of WI Sizes, • prices, colors, end kinds, made up in a supe rior 14innner. Also PANTS A:si'D VESTS, of the %test and most fashionable styles and every kind of good , : suitable for Spring uud Summer wear; also , ' . al CAD (1P01:109 and a largo assortment of Gerd/meth. and Boys' Enraging Goods, consisting of ex tra quality linen bosom Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, half Hose, Collars, neck and peck sortilieta.Or Ceir justing STOCKS, and various other fancy ar ticles, together with Umbrellas, Trunks, Cur. pet Bags. Hats, Cups, Boots anti Shoes. DM./ nut also prepared to sell wholesale to country merchants desiring to sell again, Ready Made Clothiugakt en es mat SATES THAN CAN BE SOUGHT IN THE CITIES. If you doubt it, call and examinefor yourselves. MARCUS SAMSON. N. 11.• All'Hoods bought of .me will be ex changed if they donut prove satisfactory. Gettysburg, April 11, 1836.. • CAST YOUR, UREAD UPON - TILE WATERS, FOR AV • TER NARY DAYS NE :MALL FIND IT." A . CERTAIN CURE FOR. ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS. Don't Condemn it but.try ti, it cannot fail . E. C. ALLEN'S COXCENTRATED ELECTRIC PASTE AND ARABIAN, PAIN EXTRACTOR. Foi7 Man and Horse. 'Copy right secured according to lnw.l SMALL JAR,, LARGE JAR, THE ELECTRIC PASTE acts upon the JL Muscles Tendons and upon the whole nervous system, removing torpidity and pro. ducing a ficaltliv!action of the. blood. There being nu volatile matter in its composition, it remains inaction until it accomplishes its work. It cannot lose its strength . , and is al-1 ogether harmless, its constituent parts being entirely vegetable. , . , What will it cure ? Ke answer--Rhea rustic Pains, when everything. else'"fails, !Cramps, .Cholic, Chilblains,, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, 'Lead-Ache, Tooth-Ache,. Swellings, Bruises, Sores, Ring-Worm, Tetter,StiffJeints, Contracted Cords; Fresh Cuts,DlceratedSores, and all Semfitious Diseases 'where: external remedies can be used, Sore Throats * - Stiff Necks, &e. What•il will eure for Horses and Cattle.— ' Sweeny, Spaviu, Fissulas, Poll Evil, Wind ! galls, ulcers, Chelic,Sprains,, Collar and dad ! dle Galls, Stone Braises, Stiff Joints, Yerdige, Splints, and Running Sores. tel. Fur calii - at the Patent Medicine Stine of li. A. ltockafield *b Co., General Agents, Lancaster, Pa., and by A. D. BUEHLER, Get tysburg-, Pa. Var None genuine but those' bottles having the words''E..C. Allen'e Concentrated Elea: tric Paste, or Arabian Pain Extractor; Lan caster, Pa." blown on the - bottles. ipar•Lool out Or Counterfeits. Don't for get to askfor .ALLEPt.`.. `April 25, 1856:—1y 1 1 >S8 GOODS TORN HOKE has just received a fresh Sup. 0 ply of SUMMER. GOODS, to which , Ite cults the attention of the public. • 13q "quick sales.autlsinell profits" he is enabled to fur' nish Goods to'tho satisfaction of all who call. June 20, 1656.'' • - - . COILLP: ,CLO Tilkl cheapest aud best assortment. cloths fur sale at JOHN HOKE'S Ladies. Diputr;luEsw?ant ifi : o he c al a a s:l2d fashionable FAIINESTOMST. April 18. • CALL. au& see the . neiv style of Black, Brown s Lilac and Pearl Etats at • ' ' IYi W. PAXTON'S'. • EWSTOCE of Ready-mude Clothing, and I.N a great variety or Fancy'rticles at • • COBEAN AND PAXTON'S: N extensive assortrnent of IRON and Ilk. 'NAILS just receiued at FAIINESTOKOS. DARISOLS, Vulbrellas, • Fans- - -stialcs .of titan---64 , "FEARLESS AND FR Is there anything in life so by golden sunlight, as it falls like on our paths? Is it not a joy that when in two young and, . gleams the glow of fond affection der, is a fautasie--take it, it is yo Through the gothic easemen Through the windows old, Gleams the light of Heaven— . Beams the sun of gold ; Bettina the glow of summer, Dancing on the floor On the autique chamber's ; Te saelated floor. t... Sitting in the sunshine, Neer a cloud °fa Is u little maiden , , Full of grace andlikir..;__ But.she 'waits a — footstep-- Wtchiaiin'the Waits to see a shadow in that golden light. Hark I there is a foot-fill( On' the chamber floor, '• And there flits a shadow Through the open door; Waiting heart is beatiag " • With a wild unrest— Loving , • ones are meeting-- Reader guess the, rest. . Sitting in , the sunshine, Iu the glowing light, Would you wonder, reader, If their Imam were bright; Sitting in the sunshine, At the chamber door,— Two young hearts were happy, Would you wish them more. Speak Eury,Vath Charles run to his father,'‘ . lily engaged iu a vexatious pie and without thinking of the p his father's mind, naked him doing. The father, more t with aloud voice which had a t sion,svplied : . ' "No matter, go away, usy sox" Charles recoiled !rout the ettited pa rent, and-with falteriug accents "Speak easy, father," and ;eft Pie father with a tear in his eyo. — now often is this rebuke needs:din -the domestic circle, where emphatically, "a soft answer turned' away wrath, but griev ous words stir up anger " Not unfrequently are.parentsatortified and sorrowful, •beettatio passionate words and deed, are dieplayed by child:oh anti U7Olll itt inaturer life, bring these to the (ISt. grace uf, the Tebbe critninal,. whoa this developtueut uf depravity was only 'the fruit of seeds sowu iu young' hearts by "grievous words." ' ",peak easy, father," and mother also, soul, or the discord oft — a" heart unstrung lerever.--fimerican Messenger. Ilerjainin Franklin lit his Gig. It is now but a century ailiCe Benjamin Franklin, Postmaster General of the A merican colonies, by appointment of the crown, set out in his gig to make) an of fieisl inspection of the principal !mites. It is about eighty years since lie held the same office under the authority of Cong. MI, when a small folio, (now preserved it the - department at Washington,) core tabling but three quires of paper, lasted an account book for tWo years. These Eimple facts bring before us, more forci bly than au elaborate .ueteciiption,.. the vast increase in,post-uffice facilities ,within a }e. • if a Postmaster Gebeilil Were to undertake to pass all over the routes at present ezistingot would require six years of hiressant railroad travel at the rate of 125 miles. daily ; while,if,he were to undertake the job lii t an'.old gig," lie would require a lite-elute' for itspertormace. Instead of a Small fo lio, with , its three quires. of. paper, the office accounts-consume every two Beare 2,000 of the la:gest sized ledgers, keeping not less than one hundred , elerks constantly, employed in recording trans• actions with 30,000 contrac tors. and other Fifty cents One Dollar. A PILLAR oti It'utz.—At *Couch the following uaturat phenomenon is described. The, .resideuce was a stone's throw from the sea. Conceive tuy astonishment and surprise on repuiriug thither to gaze on the beauty of the waves; and to watch, the sun' which was emerging from the bosom of the water, to see the latter, iustead of rising in its usual circular form; assume that of a pillar of fire I 1 doubted the ev. idence of my scones. and I should searcoly nope to ho believed, bat . thou I Owl the ancients and Agatitachides in particular, have mentioned the same phenomenon on these coasts, where they observe, "the sun rises like a pilar of fire." JJord 'Valutia also Peaked a similar appearance at Mocha, where lie saw it set in like wanner.. We subsequently saw it assume an elongated, but never agate so completely whitener 'a figure. We could not but think of the pil lar of fire which forty years gave light to the Israelites in the wilderness. _ ,--English Paper. rrarizz . Goon.—"Freitiont ran off with a respectable umit's tlaughter—he is a thief !" Spunky' 14011110 m iu reply— "He bud. Utter steal a wife thou live a bachelor !" Slave Democrat iu re-joinder --"1f 'you wean to insinuate that Buchan an Mut married, I can,tell you that he married his Country over forty, years ago, and has taken gooticare of her ever since." Republican, iu magnifieent sur-rejoitider— "Fremont did run MI pith Tom Beutou's daughter, and nest November be will run off with Jim Bucha n an e , wife, old as she is V' , If a Vrell•breil woman, is i mitated in care lees costume, she does nor try to rdodge behind the door to tonceal deficiencies. itinilwei else nun red sad statimer cot failed viettees.She remains . calm and se4ottesseA, and Makes up in dignity what she may Want ia decoration: 1% is asked, how can the )aboting man find titan lot self culture'? ..I answer, that an ettruestpurguie findtrume. ~ . . 11 SV4' T BE 11 19, 1866. In the-Sunsht ,'MI as the leasing up- Fly akin to ent hearts lere, rea- .re 00 4i-he wee )fhtlesely, tie of pus- . Jones.” . The Nev6.lliinipshire Statesman says "there has Win no time since the struggle , with Britain tregin, 1776, when the cler gy and religious people of thin State were so aroused es now. It is unnecessary to say in which direction their sympathies tend.' Of coarse it is knintiecessu.ry to say," for every body full well knows that this largo class• are not office holders or of fice seekers. The y are peace'-loving, in dustrious; intelligent; law.abiding citizens. Very many of them have been identified, and have rendered valuable service to the Democratio . party ; but that party, having ignored the democracy• of Washington, Jefferson, Monis/patted Jackion, they have repudiated If. and are among its strongest opponents. Inillustratiou of thii, a capi. tin anecdote is told of one Idaho& Jones. Ichabod was a piobeer in one of the now settlements in the Westsru country. , He built a log cebie, and "tura a penny" and live'easy, he put a sign, "Tavern kept by Ichiboti Jona: A traveller,' fa-, tigued by ..a long dare journey, reached at night fall !this 'plate of entertaiument. 7 - Ichabod was at the door waiting for custo mers. • The Traveller accosted hith and', said "Litedlord, my horse very tired and very hungry ;prearielegive him eight: 'quarts of oats. "Oats,' said. ; foliated, "oats ; I don't keep' oats." "Weft , " said the travellet,"if you. have got no o ats, give I him a. good bundle of hay." rep plied lambed, "hay; I don't keep "What do you keekl," said the traveller. "Why, u. .don't y0..50c," pointing to, the , sign, 4 Tavern kept by fellation Jones.— / kei p tavern" The traveller iliotighe there was a stint chance for•his horee . ' and lie inipilred bow his own wawa could be supplied. ..! , Latidlorn," said tud weary and hungry. I, will take. for, my I supper corn bread and common 'doing4.l with heat and eggs. "Him said eggs" rejoined Ichabod, "I don't keep him ,and• eggs." The traveller, noulllitso, angrily, "what do putkeep ?" 4.KeeP,sii; keep; I told you I )Keep tavern. . Sly Pi& says-T avern kept by lehithier John; Z.' So there are hosts of ur NeW Hanip attire and other States, who Alive all their lives noted with , the Deumeriits, who how say, that the' Democratic party ,is lilfo the .tavern kept -by rehabod, Ask thew to allow, 'be prineipli of .Uf forson' teJacksoti, arid they reply we don't keep them:now. Well, what do you keep? , I)on't you see the sign.? We keep De- - tuoerneY, We keg! the love of the ePeils; the Inv* of office, and the love of the rieli pickings, but the mincipleis 'of tium•honcir: gtlDennieracY we ignore-and repudiate. . rio ,thieds,the true and only; roc; all quarters from ihellenitie - ra`firiiiiMi Honest deinocrats'say: the name of the par ty ()idyls left. noble 'principles. of the party 'are absorbed-in slatlry Sioll, in sectionalism, and in a ripacious, unscrupulous. semeibliog for office. Is it not so r We.put to Oilr , honest .ffeuto eratic friends, whether the .presont Demo. cratic party have not repudiated. the priis , eiplei and the' polity.' of the . party under the lead of Jll4/19011? It is etioftessisilit tic; and it winos be Awned. What then, has ,this bogus-pasty te \ tho,support of honest Dennem.ts , , EtwaitnEascre.--rerhape :there is utigreater oor more eloquent, orator, in, this country than Edward Everett. At the dedication of the 'Dudley' ObservitotY, on Tlimisday laat, at -Albany. - he made the dedicatory orations, in which the folletving eloquent passage occura "'Such ia Florence. , But among, alt Its fascinations uddretoed to the tense, 'the memory, and the heart, there was none to which I wore frequently gave a medtta tative hour during a- year's residlhoe, than: to the ,epot whetre Galileo",cheeps beneath the wnrbre fleer of. Saute Croce ; no building on which I gated with greater rentrettee. than I did upon the modeat mansion at Areetri, at once a villa -and prison, ill wilich that venerable, wage, by .conituand of the loqtrisition, passed„ the sod closing pons of, his life. That was the house 'whale, says. Milton; (another of those Of whom tbo werld 'Was not'Wor thy,) found and visited ;he famous Galileo, grown old---a prisoner to the TAP quisitien, for thinking ou astrououoy oth erwio than as the Dominican. , and Fran ciscan license..s thought.' Great Heav ens!: what . F tribunal : what a culprit, what a crime! La Uri thank God, toy friends, that we live 'iti the nineteenth• century. Of all the •wonders of. ancient and modern.; un--suttees and paiutiogs, and jewela.and manuscripts, the infanta tion and 1113 'deli,ght of agcii---thure was nothing which 'I uclieht with more nfree-' tionate awe thou that poor rough- tube; a feW feet in length—the work of hit town bands—that very" gla”". through which the TlltflAll artist ytenda the moue, 'At evening, front the top of Fable, Oe ih Voltlarnu r to descry new huithi, lavers or utounaaius, in hbr sitooy that poor little spy-glass (for • it is tituree ly wore) through whieh the human eye" first distinettir beheld the malice of the Ul6'oll—first aiscovered the phit.vde - ' Of 'Ve nus, the satellites nf Jupiter mid the stimu li% handles, of• Saturn—fin.' penetrated the dusky depths el, the hea%eue—firei pierced the clouds of visual error, witiat, trout die creation 'of the world iuvolved Iht: system of the universe." • . . A ehaplin was one a class of collegians shoat the lormatiOn of bad habits. "Gentlemen." said he. '"olnse your ears against bad , discourses." , 'ri t e schalsra immediately clapped their 'sande' to theirears, and the chaplin Immon rath er funny iti bu piactieal a demonstration'. The celebrated artist Who cwiwed so, naturally that tho eau rose three Trouts before its time. has recently► finished. a picture of the moue ; that ie• painted . . with 'such wonderful fidelity to natUre. i *heti it can't be seen itt.tiay nOlO4 •- • • Buck , • 4111,- ; ‘1ilLI. 711KX )111*3 MS. 0, why should vra vote for Auchouan, Ii & Breckenridge why should we gu . 'Are tfiey any better than Douglas, • Or Pierce and his Stringfellow crew? No y therople in triumph will thunder-- Froth inountaius and pruiries t to sea -our Platform is .Precdom for Nuns a :!.! ;... Our motto "FREE 11011 ES FOIC,T4E . FREE I" • . , Ofd Ifuck's an old fogy, a blue light, Federalist yrt he remains,. All the Democratic blood in his body, ton 4 ago run out of his 'reins ,Will Democrats tutu to be Bud:Mils; A iarty of tacktails we'll sec, Our Platform is Previous forgansas 1 • Our mould; "FREE I.IO,VES FOR THE FREE Can.poor men forget to rememuer, .;._ Wltti.old Duck was willing tit greet The s t:y, when Mechanics Auuld• labor , r ! Ft. 4 ten cents a day, unit no meat ? Ho may take in his horn nod forswear it. ,• Can lie blot out the ? Not he,;. Our Plattbrui is.Frealom.,ihr Kutisus - • Ohr Motto,' "FREE 11.0.11 ES FOR ; filE FI.fEE f' ' ' 0 l the free working men of rho lintion, eau think dutlwill act for thunishltres! They slaughteilild Buck for his And let them . DRY UP on the'sbelves:: . • And thu Break in' bridge soon will bu broken A . 'Kentucky. ruito 'twill bh I Our Platform is l'reedom jor Pivot 1. inotio, "FREE 1105-tES . FOR* THE. FRED. I" • • 0 who lais forgotten the sYanderi, Tho.libels of Adams' day— . Of bargedo, intrigue and corruption - Set afloat by , old ;114tiptiii.Clayl, Then hoW can pin 'Tow fur But:lnman—. Old Whigs can, you riiswei: it ? Say , f Our Plattbrin is Freedom ftir Album, 1: • . Our thaw, ‘, 4 FREE HOMES` FOR THE b'REEr • * , , . . COL. Firetnosill • The Charleston Couriet lately ottil s , ell the following conclusive ittitctimuce •, , c • • k_ Groin the rector of ati Epitieppr:l Church in that city ' 6l ?lr Preiititi''si religious proleasion is, a matter oi anal Juive been 'questioned by iudividuahr both et thetititti Whether the reeiirtle ol Epiet;u• pal,thiurch - tic tine city , contaitimi any on this 'Mint, 1 lkitiby state, that upon ;14 examinatiod of tie register do not tint! any record alit; 4ptienii ; but I found the thilownig fact; recorded; 1 believe, in the; hantiwtoting of the late Itishop Gatitideit. the latit rector of the leant' church. "On . the 27th of 'June ; 1827, of St. phAili!s Guligregatiol..wa6.. aw tOttleAp t i 1S u i wel ; " i ire * outi-e,taitnuitivaat." , . tether Mt. Ftbsiont eae becnitil a conoilinticant in the edict Episcopal Ohara 1 aiu Uhablit tpasyi• Kit it malts reinemberiid that.lii iiiity-niitti. years hair elapied since peiied confirma tion., ,Witia the vieWs of Mr. Freinolit I do' in coincide; hurt with Mr: i NelSini I am uthiciftuanted ; but if ilatt aboie fact is of any plolittcsit value as sititlit ytiti,itiay publish the !moo without tletj,i: went. atitl iojastike to all parties soncitN ae "J. IlittNiSntdsmiiiiSt.C. ' , "Rector 01 . Prot. Epia6ci. pal i:htitch.' tilistiestou. S. • 1 WitiVr WEntrraa CALHOUN. 61,0 • THOUGHT Or FEVAJIONT.-1/Aud tEib towing testiwouy of woe, of our.great btatestnau : • , , '1 have acquaintance tiith the Colonel, end taill soludarably iuipiessed us. I& Mut would •d& > euaily /rust him as a ny-ether iudivislual. lift INTFulant• is- inxotip busittauni.--Ahn C. ,Cal /awn pilL Fremont is a young M oo r of great Morit--otie wlindesarresWell of hie coma try. for the bravery and ability with whi-M Ito discharged , ' his important end deticiate duties ifor Mal. iJatt if - choir. ”Col. Fro/tout exhibited a combination of energy, promptitude, sagacity and priz. deuce; which itidicams the tit9nEst CA rierry FOR q.V.1.1. AND , MILITARY. UDM !RAND. THAT THE COUNTRY. WILL , Do ,LUSTICE TO RIR VALUABLE AND DISTIN 01118tIED SERVICES, I ENTERTAIN NOT TLIE SLIGHTEST DottllT.. l —WerlLOOr "COL Freiliont, in my opinion,. it the too St. Meritorious, Atnerieart of hit ego, now ist.oxistinact."—;Senater .14ets, of , .Ohi regard Col. Fremont as one , ot,tho most heroic and iiitCreaSfuloffraera in our tirmy=tiii army of Which any hatintrulight be . proud. "--: Senator - Rusk, of Ti*.d.w. A REWARD. We are authorized, says the 'An guess f s Ga ) Chronicle. to offer a liberal re bard to-any ttian who eau tint' the fisllow ins paragrspli fief Btretin3tArt's letter'. to Suutlford published iu any Southern Dem- Ocratic journal : .!.Any other construction of the : letter would render it. entitely inconsisten4 with itself. 'laving urged the adoption of the Missouri CoMproutise theiuference 'that Congreest in tamseesei the politer to tegi.late upon the sub.ieciOf slavery in the Territories - .11fliat au asteadity it would tlron be. if. whilos as sorting this sovereign power its. Congress. power, from its notary., must be ex- elusive, Y shouftl, in, the very moue Lreath, also clalui this identical pc/4er for the pop/. tailors of a Tertitory in an ouurganiztal ca. pacity. , •. The Cincinnati Platform is difqiattiexitfy opppaita to this, and yeir ,not only stands upon this .PWRoienibit,lttm! togrgui hiaktollif—bead, body,"olio* anti, alt rigid into its What will ! , ant ao,uldo.iiro• scrupulOrts.'Politicirtih soh ate ll A. • b 6. ta, teach ,tlie-rat of *=Utica: =ME TWO' ISOLL'AItB ; atiiiii•at! t Nal): Coniaipti In a i;illage "devynFluyth," there liver a quiet; unobertisfre young A!• modest fellow (M'eri't it. always WO. tlest,) byt. he knows his f ing Uares maiuteiti them." I,llfp a geese Many Others; lie is g r olle'viing the.peactice," and anticipates 4.a glorious time" when be 'Overtalies .A.telille litrniyg ,beip retained in sere° small Mised, h i e tnade bisl appearance before thitt , atiguit dignitaryrro an Alabama justice of the h , peace. ills, honor" evidently ,Post initti in Al—Att ; first eight . tor ono after' another. his 1518 , 011 ..collapsed" ander hie • .'‘stue r riiiig" Ohargoi delivered by the court. w The lavi ittuf,the tesumedy wore alike , cases ere ete boned to go._ At last human nature eaUlif bear y 0 Wore, tieing ironl Gie 'seat, de:, livetetl himself in JO usual irow measured pianic4.-. o llle'c'etitt, cal fine ter Ove " " ' ?" lie juilice h t " 4olciew 4utynee n !., For e . oliCll3it of Ocierf,". 000lfrt Mein gain '! aid fbe touit...of your haviui Vega, tly orany, ibiug that miet. be eensideied Cootempi ..1 batik vat aware:lir' sail 1-2-- ; "but 1 euteiutin a 'gait, cod; tempt for Ibiel 0oUtt:" glecloret ' . kfintin . • Or:rThe Richmond Whig, lie l a s k; 2516; iropo;ei ilill4jhmTirgintit Whigti limner:bits utilte, lave iinket tight .Dentoereiti and Avon #hithst•nitli Americans, to be supported by all parties `. intVirsi , pio? 441111 thb dietiraet inp ;sllgAgiOliteli I, Aar t is &het, eleltpfal ~~otas of 1 ? igt>tiia sk:111 be oast for Mr., Brit bitiiisali if fib gets More Northern bie6tiinit vines than Mi. rillninre; or flit Aft: inure; if fib gete uline Won Mr. ' ;Thisillin will insure the vote bi ginia to the eandidlte most' to doz .= feat Freniont: ihe rieui‘;'etitoy itti) corn in itiei4iefeidelli of ilia liellet iiiiongey 'Candid*" of the two; we can see , piesainle lion to' tine plan, far itwilluturo 14 limit' . benefit, if their belief be well Virginia Will thdi iltesent frinitio the Free golfers ' and vieigtat be bisi iu tle4 Setthi , bl , the Stiutli." wrge-i&i dint chiit iveudtef. or gairig*, tgai*itafstil4skaos- 1 der or cnetm agituurtail Statesnieu Ono, its la titre!: beau ti44titly Abolitions& by tblii% lastitititticitkik • .grat, , sulogibil ilium chili aro ibtirofoto to th'oh: trio friends., itus boot:, very. 4ptig ictuarked by au Antorittatt ,00. ; tor,,tbatt a.%dose of iikiSeito or lislif plot o 1 tobadco juice" il'ectrrleu iii oner. ally wealthy: A tiuguan.. k tiwuth dud pug miss-generally lfatt .a fear' htuldrttfi ulleil:upatl kW SY tifiin - 6111: stocking. Wei cßeeks% polido i h t and sn it go imod i hi bin& in all clay an . the soli, afid Petiltlit# yullaii etrierbill French literatilre; *set. , upe"the limbe.'otgive a Iteellliy tutPditutsur; lb the countettli /rte. Riliiititig in — the fields; or trotting afiutit iii the kitchen: kei t ling up', the edihlbs; or titamiUg' love Or:: er the back fence; after tturk;'ttr mare apt THE 111.makrif*of a beatiiitilf Wife; totionl reterhing home,. Wag Mee .nir ! st liii4 all ditrilea;.,l•lapping his 446.114 and exclaiming, "'Ph. Joh6l jaw:Amma r here—he'u uttah a eran—he us all round, and rtiolhef leo!". • • . Un tlik; 19th Cation of a faShionable ft& in OnlOas and plume, Willi, a hoOpeii 'sitting 'oaents'- iitie legit in eiretutderitneei ntonfnfetr wpm, a horse in inuitaleßel v►ith. tare points, was paraded abdui. Pa. e na dna iuHditd anniiseinnilt of ;hit cithionr. , of tenni,. proof cloth; a ualatatt sollniinl of.:water, sugar of lest!, luta .alutn being prepared,. ote cloth illwiiltt fre htisttersetf jft Owe fluid. for r, reef Muds; ,fn Wittidrairrinst ill. 'and: illdoting it' to dry; it will be ntrpervinUa• to tee: Tire oldtl* steroid Ititerwonlo bit hot p►eeuetk . , . tides - lean et genet iN hewn A hater frontAlnvitatn, N. H.. ut 1114,127 th of liaghsti ingest thai snow II) the depth of 'three inches was thetven 3lettao Wai.sing t-it add tt:her peaks in that vicinity. Ow Tueklay ihe therturYo Monett Washing.. tun wait( sit degn4*. One Itto's 2—An orploinicirP ef.twem• ty ssting a yeas, `iitlvertesna in , a. Ni 4 York paper lire a hatidiime. teepee. tablet man, in marriage. She paint* lltr pietereoind it is pretty.--iline then, look oui for "a 'tartar. An "intense itati+te' r etereethie ke tfn dotiht . that' the tat her 'of etittO_ e lOgr was' a ilcatren•Catholie, fr om ficr'imsz ite.teusettel the beintvere. - otutny in parsing flit 00 enes. "Tile 'cosi gives milk," 'Sidi' 44 41* is s oliiith'eause it's name; prcireior it gives Seek the gond of ntbor tuen lint be arta in bondage to ,belt Aurelia : - ..fort that islitia faiiiity' or saftneas,which takes ati 'hcitifit; wind priaoner , • • - - • kk. nt 111010.1 1 "r 1 7 4 1 00 A Freackl i f ite r sal a' • ow , Atok Lon4elit stlit .godly 41 ; .i. s, '` 14,1 00 Nil itiontli• NW" Or ~„ Amami , .....,yr,- 4, t ,'' ~,*, . t 5i,, , , , ,t 4.iii.:4,0. • •-. -,N- , •r- 1 . - .... - 1 , 1....11..-,.4.,:; , . 4 , . .11-,,,......c,. & , :.- . .- .