BY D. .A. BUEHLER ' VOLUME LIVILL PVIBILIC 8 1 1 virtue of an Order of the Orphans'Court 'Of Adauts county, the undersigned, Ad tninititrator of the Estate of Content's McCall. ion ? . late of Liberty township, Adams county, ,r4. o 4eceased, will sell atPublio Sale on Sat urility the I3a day of September mud, at 1 Voltick P. M., on the prwtiises , the valuable "'` • REAL M1114171E1 laid deceased, Situate in said township, , a , moot-one mile from Sitimittehurg, containing ta , Acres, more or less, adjoining lauds of Uersivell Shields, James Bowoy, Samuel Dup , 'rn and others. The improvements consist * 'two' and a•half story LOG.,WEATHERBOARDED . :ikon . HOUSE, Stone Spring.. House, with two, 4 1 4rtngs 0, never failing water near the dwell ing,a good Log Stable, and other out buildings. 'About 1$ Acres 'ire in good , ',Usher, aril the balance cleared and under good cul tivation, with a fair proportion of meadow. Persons wishing to view the premises) can ,call,ou Joseph McCallion, residing on the same, or ou the subscriber, residing in Gettys , burg. ' 'Attendance will be given and terms made 'known on day of sale by JOHN C. d CALLION, Adner. August 1, 11156.—td`, PUBLIC S4LE. WILL be sold at Public Sale, on the prem. Y• ices, en Saturday lhe2Oth clay of St'pteni lier next, the Farm late of Joseph Coshun, ;deceased, situate in Moo ntpleasunt township, Adams county. on the public road leading front the Two Taversts to Oxford, 'five miles from 'Gettysburg, and 10 from Hanover, con •taining 227 Acres and 140 Perches. Theimprovements consist du TWO STOnvs•roNE llOUSEttliti Stone ":•,41? , .;; Bank Barn, Wagon Shed,Corn Crib, • • .niul all necessary out buildings. A 'Yoting Orchard of choice fruit trees of all 'kinds, a finn rate well of water at the House stud ut the Ilarolurd. The land has all been limed and in good repair. Any information respecting the farm can be had ofiJOSEPII 'COSITUS, residing thereon. August 8, 1856.-10 Rale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when attendance will begiveu and terms made known. PUBLIC SJLE. THE undersigned, Executors of the last will and testament of the Rev. JOHN E. 'ALBERT, late of Latimore township, Adams county, Pa. , will sell at Public Sale, On Fri dayilitad ay of October next, his well known . farms. The Mansion. Farm, containing about 160 Acre's of Patented Land, situate in , said Latirinire township, on the road that leads ifeciaajseardogns•Mill to Carlisle, ,adjoining l lamas of jolui A. Zeigler, Jacob Stitzel, John Martin, and' others ; the north branch of Lati 'inure Creels passes through this tract. There is a well finished two-Story STONE HOUSE, with a basement ; Story and cellar, a large STONE BANK BARN, Dry House., Wash llonso,.Work Shops, Spring House, Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs. A. never failing Spring of excellent water near the kitchen door. Au 'excellent Orchard of choice fruit, about 10 acres of good meadow. The other &rut adjoins the above tract.— Erected theren are a TWOSTORY WEATH ER HOARDED HOUSE nearly new, a dolt• ide log barn and other Out Houses, an Or chard of good fruit. Some meadow, and more could be made. This farm contains about 100 ACRES of Patented land. alese farms are tinder good Chesnut fence, and there is a full proportion of Timber such as Chesnut, Oak, . and Hickory, and well watered by Springs,'and the:Arable ground is in a good state of culiva. tion s roduces Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Clover and Timothy, in abundance. Sale to com mence at 10 o'iluek,. A. M., when terms of Sale will be niadu known by • . JOSIAH. ALBERT,} Executors, JOHN VOLFORD August, 15, 1856.—td FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. • ripHE above Farm is situated about three fourths of a mile south of Gettysburg, and contains about 44 acres of land. The improvements are a double log and a a a a frame H 0 U BE, weather-boarded, and a large brick bank BARN, and other oat-buildings two wells of water near the house, with' pumps in. There is an excel. leatthriviog ORCHARD, with dlioice fruit, and a Variety of other fruit, consisting of Peaches, • 'Cherries, &c. For further particulars apply to,ftie subscriberia Gettysburg. Lir There are also Fifty Acres of Land ad join ngthe above property, , that can be bought at' fair price. Aug. 15.-6 t A. COBEAN. IF YOU WANT tiette H t AT, 20 S per CAPS, B 0 Ceth o TS & eaper tha n ES, a ever bought before, remember it is nt CO BEAN S pAyroN's, where Amy are to be hud in great variety, consisting of Gent's and Boy's lee Sin, Fur and Slouch Hats, of the quest style, all colors and sizes, White, Black 'Tan, Dice, Drab, Fawn, Sc. Also, a large assortment of Men's and Boy's Fine Calf, Kip and Grain Boots and Shoes, Genes Fine CI Ai and rafeut Leather Gaiters. • careful,:.:Ladies, if you want Walking and Fine Dross Shoes, such as Jenny Lind, Bus kins andlties ' Kid and Morocco Slippers—al en a bertifu l assortment of Ladies' Dress Gaitors, with a large stock of Misses' and ChatitemiNfancy Gaiters and Shoes —that yon ofirid COBE.ANA PAXTON'S, at the South eauCorner of Centre Square, before purcluor , ingolsewhare, as they have by far t h e howtst Attack . Of Seisionible Goods in town, and are tsiebtrinined elo sell very cheap. Take . core .t. ~rad sP SHARP )-looloont thatlou do not mistake thoplece.— ~ :ROotombor 00. BEAN S. PAXTON'S New at the AMA Stand . of Keller Kurt& asupborft, ?larch 4, 1856.--tf -4 1 ' Ladies, vtra Arent cheap , and -fabhionible *MBES.? Ban call at . la FA.HNESTIOCKS% • TIDAIUSALS, •Unibrollos, Pane—stacka of SCHIOK'S. ptionearticle just received L - " quit"' ' SAMSOI!'S. VlGlirßED.l'lairCturi Belt ifereeillee net In low at , , GEO:ARSOLD'S, VALUABLE. FARM AT BY virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court BY of Adams County, the subscriber, Admin istrator of the Potato of G. W. D. IRVIN, late of said Couuty,)deceased, 1,111 , - offer at Public Sale, on the premises on, Saturday the 13 1 h day of September next, at 1 dctock, P. Id. of said day, of avid deceased situate partly in Hamiltonban and partly in Freedom Township, in Adams County, Containing 218 acres more or less, of which 40 acres are heavily tim bered and the residue is good arable -land, with a good proportion of meadow—said Tract adjoining lands of' William Wilson, Henry Wintrode, - Abraham Flenner; DiVid Bossorman and others. This farm lies ou the public road lefiding from Gettysburg to Fair held. 6 miles from the former and about 2} miles from the latter plaCe—Marsh Creek ne ing within two miles and Middle Creek within one mile of said farm, and the "Company's Mills" being within one mile of it. The soil is of good quality and in a high state of culti vation. The improvements consist of a large and convenient TWO STORY BOUCIII-CAST 5/1 DWELLING HOUSE , 40 feet front by 35 feet deep, with a roughcast one story kitchen attached. Stone double bank barn, 72 by 42 feet, with sheds. Also, a corn crib and wagon shed and carriage house attached. Stone spring house and stone smoke house and dry house. There is a never thiling spring of water on said farm, with springs near the house, and several springs in the fields, and a large orchard of Apples, Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Nectarines and other choice fruits—there being from 600 to 610 bearing trees. 38... Although the deceased did not hold the entire title to the above tract, yet such ar rangements have been made with the parties holding the other undivided interests, as that conveyance of the whole estate will be made with complete title. Attendance will be given and terms made known ou day of sale by D. APCONAUGHY, Adm'r. July 11, 1856.—td THE HEIRS VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AEU PROPERTY /AT PRIVATE SALE• WISHING to retire from the farming and V milling, 1 will sell at Private Sole the following valuable Real Estate, known as situate about one and ahalf mile S. Wed front Ltleetown, Adams couuty o Penn'a. . - `l'NTo7is - - 5 Acres o Mead:: ow bottom of a superior quality of red gravel. soil, well adapted to timothy, 2000 bushels o lime having been put on it. The improve ments are a LARGE AND VERY BEAU TIFUL MERCHANT MILL, Saw Mill, Coop' er Shop, two Dwelling Houses, a _ Store Room, two Bake Ovens, two Stables, three Hog Pena, Lime-kiln, ; s ; and all necessary out-buildings. The Mill is built upon the most modern and impro ved plan. The dam and race are not surf passed by auy. Four County roads centre at this Mill. No. 2.-37 Acres of Slate Land, very susceptible of a high state of c ultivation 8 or 10 acres of which are heavily timbered, with about 10 acres of meadow. The improvements arc a large and very complete GRIST MILL and Dwel ling House. This property ad joins No. 1. No. 3.—A Farm Containing 156 Acres mostly the red gravel soil, and pro duces well, 40 to 50 Acres of which are heavi ly timbeied and about 20 Acres of meadow bottom. 10,000 to 12,000 bushels of lime have heeu put upon the land. An abundance of fruit trees upon the premises. The. imp.ovemonts are a Stone Dwelling . House and Kitchen, Smoke House, ; a large Bank Barn, with Wagon . Sheds, Corn Crib, Hog Pen, and all necessary outbuildings. This property is also a part of No. 1, and know,,. as above. There is nova more desirable property in the county than LOCUST GRO VII either separately or to gether. Call and see it. These properties will be sold separately or together, as may best suit purchasers. I 'will sell on accommoda ting terms. Any person wishing to view the property will please call on Edward Stable liv ing on the premises, or myself in "Gettys burg, GEORGE ARNOLD. Aug. 15, 1836.-$5 PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE ESTATE. Oa Thursday flu! 18th day of September next, al 1 o'clock, P. M, THE undersigned, Executors of the Will of ROBERT M'ILHENNY, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, upon the premises, The Valuable Farm late of said deceased, situate in Strahan town ' ship, Adams county, Pa., and adjoining lands of Isaac Monfort, Robert P. Millienny, the heirs of Robert King, and others. The tract contains 200 Acres, more or less, of which 50 acres are well timbered, and a good pre portion is natural meadow. Thesoil is of good quality, lnd is at present in a good state of cultivation i it lies near the public road lead ing from Gettysburg to Hunterstown ' within four miles of the former,. and one and a half miles of the- latter place. . It, is also, within ne and &half miles of the railroad now being constructed from Hanover to Gettys burg. The improvements area good two•story Log DWELLING HOUSE, ; ; with a Kitchen 'attached, a double - • log Barn. With sheds, a Wagon Shed. Corn Crib, stone Spring House. and other out•build• legs. There is a nevei , failing spring of ex cellent Water convenient to the house, and a constant stream from the same an through several of tho fields. There is an ORCHARD of Apple, Peach, Plumb, and a variety of oth , er fruits trees upon the . promisee. • 'll9..Atty person &suing to view . the prop. eity'eart . car upon either of the undersigned,. or upon the tenant in possession. Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by ROBERT F. Id'ILHENNY,I ROBERT BELL, jr.,, Aug. 22, 18560.—M cilisare'czeras,`, Pr HIE -cheapest , best assoOment .of clothe fol. aide at * ' JOHN Itoßk's PUBLIC SALE THE Ili ROI, LOCUST GROVE, 4 -ar GETTYSBURG, P.ii:.,'FREDA. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance Of orders from the Orphans' I Courts of Adams and Cumberland Counties, will, be sold at public vendee upon the premi. see;on Wednaday th e B th day of October na, the following described Real estate, late ofJacob B. Smyers, deceased, to wit: A tract of land situate in and - ol:nog the village of iVhiteatown, in Hunti ngd on. township, Adams County, , adjoining lan of John ,B. Groop, William B. Smyers, the Chesnut Grove Fur- i name property, and others, containing 80' .11 errs more or legs * with a TWO-STORY BRICK MANSION car• ROUSE, Bank Barn, and other iin ovementa thereon. The land is of ; a l t pr o m oti edq, u it a i l s ity we a i n t d su h p i p s i be ied en w e i x th te e n x si e v e e l - . lept,,water; and has, ix. young orchard of, choice fruit planted thereon. Also a tract of woon-Lerta, situate about two miles from Whitestown, in upper Dickinson township, Cumberland Conn. ty, adjoining lands of Nicholas Mullen. John Hunter and others, containing 10 Acivu more or less—this tract is about mile from the Dendersville road. Also, a tract of WOODLAND in Dicken son township, Cumberland County, about on: mile from Whitestown, Containing S-ACRF.. more or less, adjoining lands of Simon Yetts and others; his lot is well timbered with Ches nut and is convenient to the Mansion Farm. ALSO On -Thursday the 9th day of October next, a 'tract of Woodland sit ante in Menallen tow itship about: 1} miles front Dendersville. adjoining lands of Elijah Penrose, George Adams, Jacob Re,bert and others, containing 10 Amos more or less, _There is tk, public, road within '2OO yards of this lot. • I Also, a tract of Woodland in Tyrone town ship, Adams County, about 11 miles from \V hi testown, adjoining lands of Solomon Star. ner, George Harman, Daniel Slosser and oth ers, containing 47 Acres more or less. - Then" is a public road running through this tract making it very easy of access It is intended to divide this tract into several lota which will be sold separately for the convenience of pur chasers. The Sala§ will commence at. 10 o'clock up on each day, when attendance will be given and terms mad. known by WILLIAM B. SMYERS if tiner. Aug. 29, leso.—ta at "Carlisle Volunteer" copy, and send bill to thin Office fur collection. AZAD Ir-retuum CLOT/WM AT SAMSON'S CHEAP CLOTHING EMPORIUM. *IF you want a suit of READY-MADE CLOTHING, complete in every respect, of the latest style, and chenper than they can be purchased at any establishment' in the County—call nt MARCUS SAMSON'S, op posite the DNA, in York street. I have just TecetVed - from the' 'Eastern 'Mimi the 'largest and best assortment of Goods ever offered in Gettysburg. In offering to sell Geller Goods at lower prices than other dealers, I simply re quest purchasers to call and satify themselves of the truth of my offer, by a personal exnmi nation of my Goods and prices. Buying exclu aively for cash, I can buy cheaper and sett cheaper than any other person in the County. My Goods are made up in the beat style by ex perienced workmen, and can't be excelled by any customer Tailor. My stock consists, in part, of Coats of all Slzs, prices, colors, and kinds, made up i n a supe rior manner. Also PANT,B ANL) VESTS, of the latest and most fashionable styles . and every kind of goods suitable for Spring and Summer wear; also aIOCAM aRIID OLLIOMO D and a large assortment of Gentlemen's and Buys' Furnishing .Goods,• consisting of ex tra quality linen bosom Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, half Hose, Collars, neck ruin pock et Handkerchiefs, and P an. extraordinary as. sortment of „Black Satin and fancy Self ad justing STOCKS, and various otliiir tlineyar tides together„ with Umbrellas, Trunks, Car pet Rags, Hats, caps, Boots and Shoes. 11%.1 . AM also prepared to sell 'wholesale to country merchants desiring tosell again, Ready Made Clothing at CHEAPER RATES THAN CAN BE BOUGHT IN THE CITIES. If you doubt it, call arid examine for yourselves. • MARCUS SAMSON. N.. 11. All Goods bought of me will be ex changed if they do not prove satisfactory. Gettysburg, April . ll; 1856. • RE &DT- MA D E CLOTHING • AT !rut S,IND•STONE FRONT NOW reed red and for sele the largest, pret tiest, and cheapest stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING but has been offered in this place at any time. l'tiey are all our own make, manufactured out of our own Clot hs, Cassinters. &c., Sc. We save Coats from $1 to $2O; Pants from 521 cents to $lO ; Vests from 62i cents tt $6 00. • Boys' Clothing In Great Variety. Onr stock of Cloths consist of Blue, Black, )live, Brown, Green, Drab, Claret, and all other colors. Our Castimers consist of Black, frown, Steel mired, and every variety of Shade of fancy colours. Also Marine ell:381. :Peres, iu great variety, Plain, Plaidoutd Figur , Id Cashmervtts, Tweeds, Jeans, Drab Detates 3111 f Warp, Alpaccas, Black Satin, Buff White, I'laid and Fancy Mar , cillvts Vesting. Call and see us, if we cannot fit you we will sake your measure, and in ake_you a garment )n the very shortest notice. Arraying the very 13st Tailors constantly at work cutting out tod making up, wo do things -up, *tile' neat.: mt and best manner at the SAND-STONE FRONT—and are hard to beat; • :'' • ,GEORGE ARNOLD. April 4. 1856. Sabuegtotit 33votbero AVE - received and are now opening a very large end' handsome steek •of 'NEW GOODS, of every variety. Give them aat6.- ly call if you want bargains. • , , April 11,. 1856. , • CORN .1)11Y ER& fMILLERS is inyited s to, ICE, ietebtl" supperior 'article for dTag to 'et" veiy etipenor times CORM, which ean be bad !fi/1 • WARREN'S FOUNDRY . atin, II ) 1856. You want a fine article of Dreas Shoes Or .L Gaiters, for Gentlemen or Ladies, call it th e g ore o f W. W. PAXTOL ' OUR.stoele of HARDWARE has been ITrY much. increased and persons bnijsiingP or requiring 'anything in this departMent, Should first, mar , and see FAHNESTOCER, cheap stock.. : • ' • "FEARLESS VALUABLE RE , 'P mit IN pursuance`of an . .er of the Orphans' Court of Adams co. . ty, will be offered at 1 Public Sale, upon t 1). premises, on Friday the ard day of be , , wit, the Real Estate of Nicholas Rushey,LE ; 4 deceased, consisting ofa,Plantation or tract if land situate in But ; ler township Adams t .nnty, and adjoining lands of Abilthani. Fishi.e • , Daniel D. Gitt, John.Steinouri JacobEturk, and others, con taining 240 AgßE f s, mote or less, of paterited, land. The iniproirenienill'are a , large Frame and Rouglr.Calt . • 1 DIVELLING,HOU ~,149,5t0- 1 iliabli on , 1, ries high, large Bar eto and - frame, frame spring On ; ith a never fail ing spring, wagon Sh 'corncrib, log shot,. 1 There ,are several rigkii of water on the ' farm, two (notified. ' tftOriely of good fruit There is a sulEcietie .ofigood timber, and a portion in meadow., le buildings are situate , on the Menalleu roa and• mile east of Arcndtsville, and i it'pleasant and eligible ueighboebbod. . t 'I „ Sale to commence .I'O'clock, P. M. At tendance will be given ml termsmade known by ABRAHAM MK.LEY, Trustee, ,ky the Court—J.J. B. ., Clerk. '`,.. Aug. 22, 1856—td 1 Grand Jesty Report. . To Me Honorable Me .Fudgesif the Court of . Quarter Sessions cy:llte , Peae.e for the Coun ty qt . Adams: ! I,;' s . .. THE Grand. Jury beg eave to report to your honorable Court di they have visited the Jail and Alms House, at that it affords them much pleasure to bear s *mony to the _good condition in 'Wlife.Viiii tuiii'd , tlici - ifinie, Mid -- the evidence afforded/ ,:of the diligent and faithful care of the, Sh o,'Henry. Thomas, Esq., and his family, of r the prisoners ; and of the Steward, John 8 °it, and family, over 1 the various buildinis fdr the Om and sick un der their charge. At we were much gratified in observing dur-miptnlinees of the beds, and the careful)/i ntilation of the apart ments. Everything th t.,eanio under our, ob servation at both place 'evinces the prudence and kindness of then: r , peetive *officers. We would also hereby ex ress our acknowlede meats for the pentanes and attention of the the Sheriff and Stew in their receptitin of us. ' . . HENRYI BELLY, Foreman. Samuel Swope, son., . :Jacob Bushey, A. F. Besser, C. E. Myers, . John Sheffer, David Sandoe, . • Phineas Rogers, , John A. Dicks, Samuel Euhrman, Lewis. S.. Wortz, Edward M'lntire, l John Ml'bonny, Wm. Van Grade!, 4 Uriall Gardner, Samuel Wolf, rlttn.F. Crouse, Jacob George. , ' jae ,b'CrisWell, Wm. L. Thomas, Jahn blaring, • C. Daugherty, Aug. 22, 1856. • • • •-• . ... .... . . , S BOOKS" . IONERY DRUGS iiiAtkiiiciNES... Increastir flosortment. A D. BUEHLER has added to his former • stuck of Goods an unusually large as. ortment of Classical, School and Miocene'. cons .47 f• Ilea 41:0411211iK. embracing all the text Books used in the Col lege, Common Schools, and standard Classic authors, with the 'recent popular publications, conlitituting a larger assortment than ever be. fore openedin Gettysburg. Also. It t.l l ciP 2i21 LOT , of all ; Cap, Letter and Xote Paper, of the best quality,. Envelopes, Gold Pens. and Pencils, Pen-limvea, &c., with IL large assort ment of Pips cu . 'Gtiodui to which hi invites attention, biifig prepared to sell at unusually low prices. • • Vel-He has also largely .incresse4 his stock or— Drug" mid dildfeiners,". which can be rolled upon as the best M th market. . , &al-Arrangements have been effected' by which any article in his line of business can be promptly ordered fronttbe city. Gettysburg, Nov. 2, 1855. - • Tegelters Wanted. ' THE School Directors of Oxford ,township will meet at the School house in New Ox ford on Saturday the 13th day: of•Seplember 11421,. at 2 o'clock, P. M., to appoint three Teachers for the Public Schools of said dis trict. The Schools will be open for six months. Liberal Salaries will be given to competent Teachers. None need apply unless they have certificates from the County Super intendent. JOHN R. HERSH, Sec'', Aug. 22, 1556.-3 t NOTICE. 7 ETTER of Administration on the Estate 11 of GEORGE HELLLER, late of Me. nano') township, Adams comity, Penna., de ceased, haying been granted to the subscri ber, residing in esme township, he here -1.7 gives notice to persons indebted to said Estate, to cull and settle the same ; and those having claims are requested to present the same, properly authenticated, for settle ment. lAGO DOYLE, .Adner Aug• 22. 1856.-60 , rattan 10100108 JOHN 1101iX hats jesti•eceived,a fresh sup; ply of SUMMER GOODS, - to which ho calls the attention. of, the pubiic. By "quick sales and tonsil' profits" be is enabled to for nish'GOOthi te the satisfaction cif all•who call'' June 20. 185 e. ' , • ' • „ „ • Thfrieeii Teacheritilmanted. TSchool Directors of Paradise District in this county, will meet at the Public ,house of, Jacob ,ptimbaugb. on Monday, ,the September; 1856, at 10 o'clock in the wonting. for the purpose of selecting thirteen teachers, of the common schools in their dis-' kriCt.' The teini will be five months, and the 'ealarytwenty dollars per month. ' The Cou n ty Superintendent -will attend for the purpose of . ~ e xammingapplicanta for appointments. JACOB 13: BAUGHMAN, Sec'y August 15. 1856.—td AN extensive asses NAILS just recej - • ---- ment 'of IRON and ed at • ,FAHNES'rOZGA', VALI,' and ' Dee "the ' aka style of Black, Brown; Lilaiked Pearl Hats at . .. • , „., W. W. PAATON'S, . . , D, FREE." SEPTE . MBERat.ised, THE STIR AND BANNER. L ESTATE AT SallE. • . . . . . , . - ,Y:e?.' ~.. • . .... •T•x4 4 ,!- v -:••t‘. ' • • ••••'" •" al eg t ,. • '",'"" Al' )i . d...-.. , ,; 4 9 1 4 1 . 0 f r. ... ' • I .., .. -,.--,.."-:-',.. '•• . - - ". - ..s\:; ...- . 5 • - 'VETT'IS@ERC.. Friday Eveuing, Sept. 12, 1856. The San Francisco Vigilance Committee- A correspondent of the New York ,lour nal of Commerce. writing from Ban Frincia en, ,underdate of the 25th ult., Oyes an in- tereeting meow:del t he Vigilance Commit tee, of which, it may be, he la isinetuber.— After Mating that the Committee is a secret body—hvery inember being sworn to soreey—the writer proceeds . : .. The Executive Committee it composed of about forty, mehtlers t ,bisides two, secreta ries. The president of flit . , &l l y is nu derstood to he Wm. T. Coleman, EN., a merchant o f high and honorable standing here and elsewhere. The others are taken from all classes and conditions of men— merchants, doctors, lanyerd, ship-carpenters, &c ,—perbaps two-thirls Of the whole are composed of mercantile jobbing houses of our city. There are two dr ' three French and Germans in the executive body. The General Comtnittee is composed of about 6,000 members, whose names, resi dower and places of business; are-'duly en-- rolled, and signed to the constitution. The committee is divided into about, 85 divisions or companies—three of cavalry, two of ar tillery, and the remainder of infantry.— These are commanded by proper officers, and are weekly drilled, and each company I take their turns for guard and garrison du : . ty. The whole is divided into battalions, and duly commanded by a Grand Marshal, his aids, Ate. In fact it is one grand army, composed of our best'and most highly es teemed citizens. There are about 100 mon constantly on duty, day and night, in and about the gar rison, without pay, fee or reward ; all vol untary ; four boure off and on during the 124 hours—one eompany, on during the day, another at night. The police is governed by a captain and biz aids, all under pay.— Rations aro fdrnished to all' on duty in the partition : The executive committee is sib divided into committees, who have their teerotaries. The latter on are paid.— There is also the "Commissary Department," "Quartermaster's" office, &c The armory and 16*ga - sines are all id pet-, feet order, and every thing is ready for ao tion.' The moment the alarm , bell is pound cd—two taps of the cotimittee boll would in 80 minutes, call out ten theusaud men, night or day, half of the nuinber armed and equipped, "as the law direets." I should have stated previously that the , various sub-committees are "designated .asl follows :—Evidence Committee, Qualifica tion Committee, Investigating Committee, Military Cotnmittee, Prisoh Committee, Finance Committee. ' • The expenses of the,General Committee are all paid by, vuluntary contributions by our citizens. The total and entire expen sea up to this time probably exceed 640,000. The present expensortif rent;;cieri hire, &c., probublyitt not exceed fire hundred dollars per day, , though,they bave,run up _ to. $7OO . veryfliin g done on the cash system. Bills are paid off dais ' ly froth' 11 to le2—elerk hire, cued a week, (evdy 'Saturday.) "'rho garrison in all respects,in good military order. Barracks for 150 ,men, (relief guard) ,with, blankets and matresses,,euttlene quarters, &o. The establishment is even provided with horses', everything ready and on the pretti ises fora campaign. To' Show the true feeling of the people, .I have seen frequently men on duty, with their white locks,. over 60, and others 65 and 67 years of age.-,-r Probably a score of theao old gentlemen do guard duty night and' day;' watch' their posts, in or out'of doors, or wherever duty wills, and these too are ,men ,ocoupying Abe high and honorable calling of merchants, mechanics, &o. These men shoulder the' musket, and drill as good us soldiers, attend the reviews, &e. 1 have said previously that there were clergymen in the committee, probably 20 in number, mostly Methodists, but a few of other denominations. In nearly ail of our churches (Protestant), pastors have spoken and preached approvingly of the committee and their acts. I may enumerate the Right Rev. Bishop Kip, of the Episcopal, Church ; Rev. Messrs. Brine and Themes' of the Methodist churches, Rev. Mr. Cutler of the Unitarian, Rev. Mr. Willy of the N. School Presbyterian, Rev. Mr. Lacy of the Congregational, and Rev. Dr. Aoderdbn= of the Presbyterian Old School, and many others whose Dame, 1 do, not now recollect. The Rev. Dr. BCiitt, I believe,' Lithe cleigy man who has refrained 'fiput - illuditig to the subject in bis . pulpit.: ' Ile isilowevei, not friendly to the, ants , of the committee, and, the riders and i trustees of . Calvary Church - ,made a formal request that he should not bring the matter before the eon'. gregatioti-- , but simply preach Christ' and Rim crucified to his hearen„ I .have •no doubt that bad Dr, Scott been in the city at the time of the organization of ,the com mittee 'he would have spoken oat boldly against it. At all events, the laW and or der , men claim him as their friend and ad vocate. ' In regard to the public press of this city, all are in favor and strongly enders* the acts of the committee, save except the Sun and Herald, whose circulation combined is not, probably, more than iwo•thirds of that of the Lkilletin, while the Alta, Chronicle, True Californian, Town Talk, Globe, and some three French pitpers, and all dailies, fully endorie the committee. So also do all the weeklies, not excepting the Christian Advoeate,•the organ of the Methodists, and the ".Pacific" (new school.) The press throughout the State,_ and so also of the large majority of the *Wiens of the supra , State, are "vigilautea,". And in Can . 0 //eed ,The writer says that party. polities has nothing to lb with the organization, and that leading members buys beet( compelled to Withdraw, ; in consequence of having broached du subject of party. He states, however, •,thitt the strongest opponents of the tommittee are the southern demo crats, This would seem to leave the infer ence that the subject of gaiety was in some Way, involved, but the correspondent says the object of ' the committee is to rid the city and State of the murderers, rowdies and stuffers. , - Sad Affair in Lowell: , We learn from the Lowell Courier that onFriday last nielaucholy, affray occur -fa in that 64 - between Dlr :Tabu Oi Tread. well, a well known citizen; put his son Williaai, a young man of twenty . five years, in, which the father received a blow which fractured his skull, and ono amount says he sustained other injuries, uf so serious a nature that fin a time his life'was diapaired of. -Theinjurnd man is now doing well, however,,, and it is the opinion of his moth cal advisors that if inflammation does not set in be' will recover. Mr. 7'read.well is o very passionate min, with vet* little 'dPortstion or control of his feelings. 'lt Ppears , that a 'niece of Mr. Treadwell's was visiting the family with her busband,,aud that. Treadwell in the early. part of the day cautioned his son against making use of vulgar or 'Profane language in the presages of 'his visitors, cud- so-fetrful--maa hit caution had not been kecded that when the family to getherwiek the.visiterit were' seated at the supper table, ho said. to his 800, you.used suy, profane language to day r , The reply was, "I don't know that I havo. l ' The father then asked the 'hue hand of the niece •if he had - heard him (the son) use any. profane :language', his reply wan, in. substance, "I don't know that have much." Thereupon `the father : pro iateded'tti sidMiaister to the' son a' homily updit title ' . cintirmitY •of the btu - of Sweating, greatly to hie mortification. The sequel is told as follows-': "The mother attempted to change the conversation, and incidentally the name of a little daughter of her's, who bud died some two or three weeks previous, rod who was a great favorite of the at m, with , mentioned, when be (the. son) exclaimed, ‘tor God's sake, mother, don't mention her holy Daum here.' In a moment the father aruse;fr,otti the table, seised the son by the collar, pul led him into 'another room, exclaiming, '1 will cot have such language used in my ' house,!: , 'end - vlosed , tthe. door after- Mtn.— Loud,and, angry . words opened ; orintination and re-orintioandu followed ;, a blow was heard,' and atilt another,; the son was beard ' to eitolaini . ,' 'for God's alike, father, do not strike' toe The parties thou entered the romm; the son was in the act of rejoin himself from .the • floor, and the fatlierin the ac t. of ,inflicting another blow, which was war ded off by toe son, sad he then arose tali struck father ono blow with his clitiohell'hatod upon the head, and the con sequence vrtui a fractured 5ku11." , . . young Treed well was, arreamd, but been been admitte d, to bail in the sum of 86000. . • • • it0118.11314E AYNAIR IN 11,LINO1 a. Lynch, Lutire-r‘The. Marion (III.) Intellig,encer re lates a shocking affair that took , place in Pope county, in that State, a few days ago. It iippeure that a runaway slave from Ken. tug 3, a rie c omm it t in g var i ous outrages, brike into the house of Daniel Threldkell, in his absence, and violated his wife. He then prooeeded to the house Ole man nailed Jackson, broke in, and attempted an outrage on' Mrs: J. ' The next day he wits arrested, an 'excited'orowd assembled, and the prison ar'taken out of the bands of the Sheriff and tied .up to a tree. We hero quote from the In tel I igenper. Mrs. Tbreldkell 'Was then sent for,