Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 05, 1856, Image 2

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tNV- -
J ., ' a 14 ‘.7
Niday tlvening, Sept. 5, 1856,
WO we may find sumo means in Miura
bf shielding ourAcives from Foreign influence,
—political, commercial, or in whatever film it
May be attqmpted. I wish . thete were an
ocean of fire betvacin this and finial world.--
grnson,State and County Ticket.
tIIQMAS E: .COCIIRAN, of York, (Whig.)
DABWIN PHELPS, of Armstrong, (Amer.)
LABOKE, of Bradford, (Republican.)
. • ,
.I'ETEIi MICKLEY, (of Daniel.) ,
, r
rerho Extra 'Session of Congress was
13 Polose, lam week that boil •
,htoing adjourned sine die on. Saturday
'last.; Vie arc sorry to say, that after the
,struggle for the Right had been so men
'full) sustained by' the *AIM of Itopre ien
'tatlireaon the Army Bill, in the proilso at
' tiched thereto prohibiting the President
irein'emploYing tho Army iu enforcing
iawis that'woUld bring the head of oven an
estrian Buiperor to the block, passed by
,the fraudulently clamed bogus Legislature
iianw . Torriwcy, that' body failed to
vaitaioils proud position on Sat u May morn
sing• andlapsedthe bill without too proiiso
and the c c ,..o..Atatratt /4'lW*
14 ; 2 ' 13 fa Representative at. Washington,
rikilse some of our frith& were absoia.
'7llLoirttlbliennt County Convention,
itliThe Republican County Couveu
tire's ea MondaY 'last. The proceed
-ogs 7111 be found in to-day's paper.--
Convention acted judieicwily in resoi
ling not to nominates Co-tarty Ticket, and
~ialao doing has dissipated ebe lan hopes
of the,Bitottanan leaders in ibis Covaty.--•
.A resolution wee adopted to suppoif such
candidates on the County Ticket, ow should
anutiuncer their, approval of the .piatform
' Otprineipies adopted? by the . Philadelphia
Oetteentiou in lune last. That p'la'tform
in gibly and judiciously drawn protest
~agaitiot the slavery-extension policy of site
: Buchanan platy, especially prepared mite
not to be exceptionable to eithe o itn
' luau, Whig,. or • Republie*lganizAi.
' We promicite'there ie not an honest typo ,
nest a Buefunrin in the corny who mire
`root coadially inbscribe to the. principles.
:therein tuaintained. As °lithe candidates
. the . Comity . Ticket wilt of couese
prepared ta endorse them, the action of the ,
Republimen Convention may be regarded I
Mai h practical , °adornment of the ITnietel
sCounty Ticket. This compkies the Un , l
:iinr"of all the cremate of oppuOitiom to l
Iluelutuan in the NOW forwork
—cordial earnest, iictory-ensuring work..
They wilt Lie.
o* - Thi Philadelphia Petpaylvimiati,
stott'ofthe most reeiless organs of the Bi;
''lshei!io 'Thirty; a feiv days ago published
:What iorporto, to be a letter trim , 4 •AbboLts•
town, Adiwas County , " over , the signature
.1 1 %,!: Charging that the
t) , atnookbavehemisaties traveling through
, AIWA' asountmolieiting votes for Fremont
Iva the linaund, or his• beang n. Catholic."
„Now hot only is this a bald lie, nuinu ,
fa9ured. out of the "vrhole eleah,"—but so
Auld,: that' the• writer deemed it necessary
tweetidiit,koo.milearfrons home, before der.
liiilo"gtie it Paldifiity !, • if the Buchan
dtti,/al.o9ii:t)l4,:e!ept their t oandithito by bOd,
reckless I.3ling, tkey,might stand'. some I
chance, But that game wou'i work..
1 . 11 1441 it..1 1 ! Western Pellalalval.
v1,161460E0 for l'samoNi , 19
... .. .
repriients, be:uubottailed•in the West.
ea Anil :Northern- &unties of 'hie Stato r
ettri4Lnur :lowiantat itouivbd4 hitter ,ti
ftiiiaafti a 1 o •ge tl ; a • Ltd' .
go r in or:
. 11 Lln n . in ILLE . III
'...091T4,11 1 vA4g the 'p.0,611)114 result in that
Aqui:ay ,14. : the Neventher election.: . Ile'
tops lodises county will.poll'about,-14609
'odes. Of these Fivutenc , will rtTeive
14100;and Fil/-
*lt:/,!.*:. *tie
. writer reailecle fewiears
the .11aatera part or'thi4 (*lints,
)wawa ay : au iadiva and influential`Tomo.
!ItirlikttitirentlykOatributecii ppthiorl
tte . 4 Cciaaeilar" [mei elikraiisio
cliktokar4l.4suu to Xl' inns h
tii;lo;i4l4i;rakieu'imit, AU tho.l6os:te•
Charge it on them. Americans and I
Charge it on the black Locofottes
they have violated the 111iionouriCtitupro;.
wise, a Stolemn compact made by out
forefathers nu the question of Slavery:
Churge it on tIM black Locofocoli that
after having violafed that CoMprontlise
they have used the strung ann of the
National Amy to make Rituals a Slave
State—to burn the homes of peaceful act
in Kanmot7to imprison and murder
eitiacus.from Free States wilt; bad gone to
seek a home for the:naives, and families
in that Territory.
Charge it on the black Llooktos that
tho present Locofoco Benate has demanded
money front •.the free North to imprison,
contict, and hang *tinbffendiq .'titizons
its Kansas • . to murder and .titsassivate
them. •
Charge it on the' . brick Locofin;os 'that
they are in' favor of Slavery, in ,
,frtv6r . of
Slavery extension, atofio faivor ciftesittitig
new territory to'aid i, nicking, tt6w
Cittirge it 'no tie thief( fiteefeenathat ' '
they have stnitmil' the Bnate :chamber
with the 41oTi of Ili) ti'on4),llato Senator
front itltimsaillusatta ''for eierciaing his
right of Free 'Sptcich the Coustitu•
Cline if 'oh the . litack JAieorkoe that
they have il i efenjed and
heir, foF. 'murdering a poor Web waiter in
Washitnitoti City
Charge it Otithe bliMk Imeofocoe that
John C h Breckenridge: the 'en;ditialo tor)
Vices President; voliipteii•ell his serviced
itielear.''Mat Ward, the iiierilerer of as
effoi:tiiug school inaAter in Kentucky.
W e .
Chargen the black' Locofecos that
James Buchipan was in favor of reducing
rthe Wages' of the !abating man to' ten
cents a'day. • •
bbargo'it'On 'the - Lwofeees that
proton by the (Mend
Conic . renerfatid'?ilinifeate, i in favor of
tis'exittni Slave' territory:
Cintria it on the biaek Locofoces that,
they ire Oppestaf t(i - titiustructiug a tele
graph mid railroad hnefrom any point in
use ll
ortheri States tO „
the 'Pacific.
- locof6Coit, that
they have tinniinati4 . aasfSepOirt . an ex
liie-Shivery' 'and . se(ition'al tiek
et. , .
Charge it on the black Locefooos that
their leaders in Adiitios eiuuty tic to the
people by telling thefts that the Loci:deco
piny id Opposed to Slavery:
Charge these th'iags home 'to them,
intericaUs and Republicans, whenever you
meet them in conversation or on the sump.
If they are afraid to avow their real prin
eiples, it is Your duty tie let 'them know
American Republican party and its candi
dates are in favor ofthe presiirvation of
the Union "one' end insopeiable." That
they are opposed` to' seetiouilienf- in any
part of 'the COUntry, and that 'Their motto
is now, as it has been. "the 'whole bowl-
113" The. Clarion Bwwn tr, , w !pick Las
both Fillwore and Fremont at the load of
its eolumns,'says 'the only •thing
we eau do, to beat Buchanan is tolorm a
Union Electoral tioket. Will this be
done ? Certainly it masses
we deeply interested iu this cisuipaigu, and
ate not te/ be.drivembsok,by a low vr,ire
pitliera.who, to gratify their owl' ambition.
seek to &mad and divide tha unti•Nehra.4-
kalordes., Let would•ha-leaders say whs.:
they will, the peoplewill act and u union
• or f tioue be .diseouraged—
r the times are portenteue, anti uo matt
Who roams a victory, Will hesitate ae to an
'hoof 11011Q0 ill - the Ca13173.A. There will
tio a union. * • • James Baclutuan
Will run well in the Southall tint mtudidate
of *hat tieetion, but North of Amon and
ttizotes Hue he will not get a single State p
even lienusylvania.:vrith her overwhelming
free - soil sentiment, will repudiate hiin.aud
disown county of Leucaster will disown
hita. , In a word, oltl l l.3uck is a "used uo
tuateX—lter itP ,dead and buried—his coffin
itt the Citleinnoti platform—and nothing
eau: awake him but the rattling of a ten
cent piece' upon , the Requieseat in
paee." •
—.le'eolils that the Alitisouri invaders of
games have determined' to. exterminate
i the QUakere front the Mrritory ;uall have
ecaunitaaniti r.!Art.ying out 016 Parpuie by
ineaking up. `and dit.per'Aiug the Quaker
Mission! Sett'extent there. The Quakers
are known to be'oppolett to Slavery
its fortitsand iu favor of freedom to Alt--
They aro aim kuowe to binoa-cothbataute,
and peaeolul, is all. 141 r habjid as voll as
principles. Benue they 'eould be attacked,,
robbed, outraged nud driven from the ter.
rikiry without ditng,er, to , die avtuiers;
seL„Tbe Now York troraid has reed'v=
co ti number of private letters , from Pit.-
ginja, Georgia. South Carolina, •Alaliatua,
nod 3liashotippi, stating that it only re
quites the appointment of a !Fremont.' elec.-
tora4.tieket bvery Southern State to de•
vetoer existence of to body- of enurtito
tional SiSatiterit uteri iu , furor of 'Fromm,
from Virginia to Texult
iivittg at flhisestiale nod who is i t a ' luau of
high chiiter
the t:f this • Northetviet, , ion` of'die
staie, ghee ii'tis hie freni-tile,*de
aertious openly goiug oo
,in Wayne trout
the. Detuoci alio party; Witt' sht wild sgivet
1011/ Isi;;jor .. 'iti Fretuatt,ti
, „
. •
CClTTittei 4Joiock.f.looreptioa of•Lancattir
laa'ro fur, Von.
stir The ex.pulsion of Mr, tinderweini
from his home in Virginia, because he
efiese to tit as a delegate in the Bcpublicati
Convention hull in Philadelphia in June,
ban elicited univeriral remark, and called
torth the'. i“quiry, what is understodd in _
those partiary freedom of speech? Mr.
Underwood Maths but a single remark in
the Convention. the sum and substance of
which was, that ho hoped the action of the
Coetention mi4ht have an influence to
check the extension of Shivery, in accor
dance with the views and earnest desires
of Tutizas JEFRESSCIrI.,, We hoard Mr.
UntierWood's . retnailc. — and kuOto that we
are correct in this statement, lie is not
I permitted to repeat a sentinient of Jeffer
son'swithoot being driven , from hie home,
land not permitted toreturn. How is thial
The Charleston Telegraph rheas light,
and - Answers the enquiry':
"Let us declare through the-puldio journals
that the question'ot slavery is not: and shall
not tie tikes for discussion; that the system is
toe '4leep tooted amour us and Inmst remain /or
ever; that the very' moment any p . rivate indi
vidual attempts to lecture us upon its evils and
itatueralit, and the neci4sity of putting Teens
in openition io secure us frchn them, in the
same Moment his tongue shall be cut inn and
east upon the dung hill." • •
Ilora is freedom with a vengeance. It
was JEFFRRON ' S motto that ' , error is com
parative() barmiest it truth is left free to
combat it " But no. say these sons of
chivalry, "Slavery is riot, and shall not be
open for discussion I"
The Cry of Disunion
The loctifoco Buchanan papers are
howling anti braying in tleleful numbers
over what they falsely teym the "eel:lion.
al," "treasonable" and '•disunion" ten
'derides of the Fremont party. Some of
them are trumpeting with a great flour
ish that the Republicans carry allag with
sixteen instead of thirty-one stare, which
thtir say is a "significant sign el their
hostility to the Union," And yet the
itePublicanti field the very identical prin
ciple. and un other, vhich toe Democrats
of Pennsylvania avowed in the resolutions
of their Slate Convention, held in Pitts
burg. the kith of March, 1849, as fol
lows :
Reso!seri f That the Democratic party ad
heres now, as it ever has done, to the ecinstitit
tiou of the country. Its letter and spirit they
will neither wealien or destroy, end they re
declare that Slavery Ls-a domestic local insti
tution of the South, subject to State legislation
alone, and with which the general government I
hat nothing to do. Wherever the State law
extends its jurisdiction, the local institution
shall continue to exist. Esteeming it a viola
tion of State Itights to carry it beyond State
limits, we deny the powei_of any .citizen to ex
tend the urea of bondage beyond its present
duininion, nor do ice (maid& it a part of the
Compromises of the Constitution that Save!,
should florree trarel
i ultli the advancing cul
-1 limns of 'our territoral progress:
n ithe t annii.ll.. eh. 1.."..42. , 4 4 , 33
Disunion doctrine when held by the Bu
chanan democracy and no sensible man .
belitives Mat it "is Disunion doctrine
la" Han. Mr. Bates,,of Mo., then tailm,
in referetice to Mr. Buchanan. Mr. B. i;
an hottest Southerner : Mr. Buchanan
declares that ,the Cincinnati Platform 'is
!woad enough : fur all ileutocruts to stand
on,' but does out, say s that it is broad m
sough for Whigs to stand on too: Whigs
are asked to support hint because he is,a
lyathmal um! ; land yet the very tour who
are strongest in their support of him ; are
the very °ties .iu whose DOstrils the.wordl
"national" stinka most. We are phi ,to'l
VQLO for Buchanan to defeat Fremont; se
the election of the latter ',mild lead to the i
dissolution of Union. It in false ;,; to
,that Southern men will dissolve the
Union in the event of Fremont's erection,
is a slauder and a calumny on diem. The
Uoiou is stable and strong, and will re:
main so, let who will he elected. These
is not one inch of soil from 31innesota to
the Belize that is in the political North or,
the political , South. The Union is wide
an. bound together by the ties of blood
and kindred, uud will come mkt unscathed
from the fiery trial of the comingeleetion.'l
!C 'Bally
BitooKs, upon his return to
S. Curolina, "fared sumptuously."
was faasted, andLlattered. to his hearts con-1
tent. A Silver Pitches'. and other tenth
menials, was presented to him, in approval.
of his course at Washington. In his
glycol). he intimates the possibility of Fre
moot's election, and declares in sueh an
event, it would be the duty of the South
to march an army to the Capitol, and siese
the papers - and property enhe Govern--
moot. Valiant Brooks ! He:Might meet
Butlingatne them
111.-3-A IVhig Score Convention in Masi
mehusetei, on Wednesday, put in nomina
tion an entire 'State Hobert C.
Wiutimon presided..
The Alamos" .pedalor," publish
ad by SEir tax .1. - EADEit, and edited , by
Goi.ithnottounti—the rotator nil
dervtood to ben Buchanan wan at boort,
and• tliclatter known t I the public aa• Sec•
retell of the -Hanover Buchanan Crubr—
seems to be greatly concerned over th;
'4.l. 4 Praies" position . thwthe Presidency--
The “Spectator" ultamys - evinced a
cringing obeisance twthe Slave Power--
In *ruling under piratitel' colors. and seek
it% do distrtict the Opp (Islam , to the Pro..
Slavery l're,idetttiof tididate by profits
woos of fricndalkip to 'Fillmore, it is. pro..
:I,ubly bear anbaerving the "purpose's 01 1 1 ta
theaters. '' l lfs • tro dorm' expect, hay/ever.
in the support of ..Youto C. FREMoNice to
have our croons tipprOtiii by. the 'Aro
cetes and. spologivts 'of ;renter; Bilehattett::--
wh sties soli t o rdiSguiscd—it is not,itt. all
aiugulao that. the I.Spedator". t:hoold' vie
with Its co-laborerain the' - ettutie of Border-
ROffieu ism(' denunciation; of the' 4.Air"
acid its.tiold viittlication.Orthegreai,
ciplCa•elleunstitutiouttl : lsittedoin.:. ' ,
Sereftes lb the nett
Acskiterian Chusvh:-. 7 50is Morning—
Iles. It. Jubston, (Commas?, and evening,
Rev. M. VIM) Wike. •
Christ Church (lintheiati.)iicrvices in tha
raorning i .ltev.Pra:Jsmobs, IR tvening, Rev.
Wm, Dia Paxton. of Pittsburg
Si. Jaines i Chu (Liainia) - Services
morning and evening. Rev. - DI Hilt
Ifelhodisl Episcopal Chun!-Fadvices mor
ning and evening, Mnv.Mr.adCIVUTI.
ig AIM _
Ger mctltllefornseci ChureAiNo
Associate Reforoted•Chnnri—Xu
Catholic Chtn , t4;--Servict _
fbe livier-Meding of b Presbyterian,
German Itetbetnetl, and' two Lutheran
churches ii held . every etesday evening;
Mopotliat, Thursday etvenieit •
Areguldr meeting . of thennb will be held
at tEe Hall THIS EVENING, at half
pust seven o'clock. TtanOut at the tap of
the drums ..
ter A Pr don Mass Meet% of all opposed
to the Illiehnueers will be hd at Abbottstowu
..Our thanks are due idar clever fried,
L. liteCus• fine
ltelahe tin" by
the'Green mountain Boys, - Union
boys on . Wednesday west last, who made
the welkin sing with mart music and jubilant
BlEirThehAncers w kind of a demon
stration at Ilunterstown of Saturday last. A
pole was put up, which, afire heard a wag le
mark, "leans, like Buciumn, toward the
.observe, in th Lehigh Reghtter,
that lt. CLAY HAMERALY, Innerly of thib place,
w as a success ful applicant >r one of the Schools
in Allentown.
ItcYt..A friend has handd us an interestittg
letter from Lawrence, knsas Territory, de
tailing the outrages to tvrich the Free State
men are tinily vuldeeted,:utl tie condition of
stfairs there. It will spur next week.
On Monday lust the fqowing persons were
elected Managers of theAAdanis County Mu
tual Fire Insurance Conpany;" fur the cons-
tug year:
Geo. Swope, .Joftulk Fink,
1t: A 4 Buehler, D. Willi,
IL 3lcCurdy, A. 11. Kurt;
Jacol, King, James Cunningham,
A ud. Ileintzelman, IL Ra.t4ell,
McCreary, Wm. 11. McClellan,
J. J. Kerr, John L. Noel,
31. Eichelberger, Fahnestock,
11. A. Picking, J. Angbininiugh,
Jacob Griest, K. G. McCreary,
11. Wilson,
Ll&'"The Managers diet will elect will meet
the oolco of the Semtaty on Monday nest,
nt 10 o'clock; A. M., to elect officers of the
M.The following persons were drawn on
Tuesday lust, to serve as Jurors at the ad
journed Court ou October:, • •
Ihn'er—Henry Lower,Wm..ll. Wright.
Cumberland— Wm.llcCullough, Jesse Sher
llountOeasaut--Joseph Lilly
Hatuiltonhatr—Jacoh Plank.
Franklin—Hugh 31ellhenuy, Samuel Cover,
Istmeitife, John Chamberlin, Thomas F.
Strahan—Cleo. Thomas, Henry Eckert.
Gettysburg—David Sweeney, Alexander Co
Mountjoy--4esse'D. Newman, Levi Golden,
Samuel llurbontw , Berultart Sheely, Fred-
eriek Forney.
13erwick—Franklin W. .Koehler.
'Huntington—Michael Fissell, John Miller, (of
Levi 4
Meualkm=Moses 'Smith, Solomon Orner.
Gerumuy— r Wm. Yount.
OxfOril-L-Darill Fink, Charles Will.
Conowagt,—John Krug, Jesse Waltman.
Ilamilton—John Paterson.:
Lathnure—Eli Dieter.
Union—Samuel P. Young.
Tyrone--Solomon ltoutzulta.
Encrou :—As some of the Slavery-Ex
tension party adds borough; haVe been very
busy during the paSt week, in circulating the
report that what I said id my temarks before
the °Central Union Club" on last Saturday
evening, was a "tissue of falsehoods from be
ginning to end,' mad that I could not prove
what I said, I propose to give you a brief of
my argument, and challenge them to a contra
First; I did say that the Kansas code of
laws; is in open and direct conflict with the
Constitution of the United States in no less
than jia .particulars, to wit e
ISt They strike down freedetn of Spceeh.
2d They aim a death blow at the freedom of
the press:
ad They put it out of the power of a Free-
State man to have "a speedy and public trial
by au impartial jury."
4th Thay do "impose cruel and auluattal paw
sth They do "suspend the - privilege of de
writ of Habeas Corpus"' to a certain class of
the inhabitants.
Second,. I did say that the regislaturre, which
enacted the above code of laws, hail no more
right to make laws to govern the people of Kan-
SIN than they would have to make laws to goy
ern the people of Pennsylvania.
. Third,. I did say that the present corrupt ad.
ministration had used every means .toferre
this vile code of laws upon the people of the
Territory, and that James Buchanan if elected,
by endorsing the Cincinnati-platform, is pledg
ed to the- policy of the patty which .sustains
This is what I did any, and es I do not wish
to be misrepresented, rnow place this' great
issue fairly and squarely,before the pwple, and
extend tcNony one of the Blevery-Exionsion
party of this County or Coingressionakpistlict,
‘21. ,
a cordial and friendly invitatimito meet me in
a full, froe, and: open discussion of this issue,
in Gettysburg or'any where in Adams County.
reetieuNie t tim
To the School Direetore of *dates,
Miring filed my , ritiiguaticni of die office of
County SuperinteMlent of your County, I fake
pleasure in.annonncing to yon_that. the duties
of the•office will , be . hereafter perfcumed•by.
RevAsuszs litm, who has been judiciously ,
appointed as my. euecessor:: .
'After Mature reflection this step bas been
iakdir tfy.' mei and sincerely bope . that
W11:14Mwall frofti%the ofhce, instead of ieter-:
dini,May greatly futile:o' the advancement' of
the cause of Conninsh School F ludsiion hilt&
CiMnty. thcceuniPleioi and: nutiassificeeis
the system, in all its intentions, is what I desire
and what I will always label. for. But the ar
la* required. ip, fulfilling the duties of
this ofilte of County BuperintenAtnt, called for
too great a sacrifice. of time, 'attd labor, and
conflicted too Much with my ethos business on
which I have to depend for a' support. Still I
shall over labor earnestly and faithfully sith
you. I regard the system which you represent
as the main pillar of a popular government
such as ours, and I consider it the sacred duty
of every citizen to sacrifice some or his indi
vidual comfort and elute on the altar of the
general good. No greater act of true patrio
tism and pure philanthropy can be performed
by any one, than to aid in the moral and intel
lectual elevitionoftmciety. I regard your eye.
'tem of Popular Education as the trest . eflicient
means of accomplishing these desirtible objects,
tuldvvill at all times cheerfully giveyouThe ben
efit of my limitsd official experience.
Under, the administration of my worthy suc
cessor, Rev. Reuben Rill, I hope to see the
stsbno continuo to prosper in this Collett-, and
whenever or wherever I can winder you or him
assistance my aid shall not be Wanting. '
Thankful tojeit for your co-operittion 'with
the in my labors, and pihr numerous tokens of
kindness and hospitality which shall always ho
gratefully remembered, I remain
Years respectfully,
Gettysburg Sept. 3, 1836.
FESTIVAL.—A Festival will be held at
MeConaughy's Ball, on Tuesday evening, the
9th inst., for the purpose of raising means to
liquidate the debt which is still resting upon
the Iron railing'of the Students' loth in Ever•
green Cemetery ; and also to beautify and or
nament the ground.
The Festival is to consist of Ice Cream,
Cakes, Fruit and Lemonade.. No Lotteries or
Post Office will bo connected with it.
All the Ladies of Gettysburg and vicinity,
who are favorably disposed to the object, are
respectfully and earnestly solicited to contri
bute Cakes and Fruit fur the occasion, which
will be thankfully received at the Hall, during
the day of the Festival, from 0 o'clock A. M.,
to SP. M. The Festival will be open at ti)
o'clock in the evening, and an Admission Fee
charged of 14 cents.
i On Wednesday afternoon, the Festival will
Ibe open for the children. and all others who
Imay be disposed to attend. Admission Free.
The Lots with the railing have cost already
over $250, of which nearly $2OO have been
paid. So that there is still owing the sum of
i abteit $6O. The Minks of the town and vi•
Icinity are hereby respeAdly invited to attend
l on the occasion, mud encourage and assist in
i the enterprise by their presence and their
I 1:011111.1:1CATED.
Sq" Sh .
NEW 0 xvotu), tdams County,
Augusen, 1806.
SIR:-rho Hanover Speetutor, of this date,
contaihs an article from your pen, in which
you have shown great readitie,in, piling dis
cordant thoughts, and bold . uirtimths together,
and which deserves some name ; not because
we dread or fear its weak wit, or weaker lies,
you be shoWn in yobt proper and natural
You start as follows :—"Natwithstainling
the tihnast exertions made by our (I suppose
you mean the) friends of Frenmat und Day
ton of this place, to get up a crowd during
the week, to attend a poll ag on yesterday,
scarcely a corporal's guard w ere present," and
'continue with, 6 `at length they were obliged to
call to their assistancellnehanan and Fillanore
men," and "Fremont stands only No. 3 in
iCew Oxford."
Now sir, Y will not review the confused or
contradictory sense of the above, a n d *ill even
pardon the ignorance that renders you incepa•
pable of expressing your real meaning, but, as
I love the Pocalogue, and cannot, as you have
done, bear false witness, I will confine myself
to the veracity of yaiit story. You knew when
you wrote the atiOve quotations, that they
were singly and collectively falise. You knew
the friends of Fremont and Dayton hero made
no 4 ut Most exertions" to get up a crowd during
the week. You knew also, that the "scarcely
corporal's guard" waS sufficiently numerous
to raise a poll 110 fea r long, without machin•
cry, in about an hottestimo. You knew also,
that they were not "obliged to call upon Bu•
chanau and Fillmore men to assist them"—
that the •'call" was but a good-natured and
playful banter to the two or three friends of
Buchanan standinparound, and as such, good
naturedly received. You knew also, that it is
palpably untrue that "Fremont stands only
No. 3 in New Oxford"—that the truth is, he
stands head and shoulders over all others
Your epistle, I know, is at best, buff( harm
less bubble,—nn explosion of gas. It will
hurt no one ; but it fully verifies the saying of
Junius, that "we owe it to the bounty of Prov
idence, that the completest, depravity of the
heart is sometimes strangely united with a con
fusion athe mind, and makes the same man
treacherous without art, and a hypocr de with
out deceiring." proceed :—"The Fremont Club
of our town, only six or eight in number, is
sued handbills for a meeting of the Rocky
Mountain Pathfinder, to be held this day at
New Oxford." All this is simply untrne.—
We have no "Fremont Club in our town only
six or eight in number." We have HO Fiwnont
club at all ; and• no such handbills as you
describe were ever issued.
Further ou,you have it, "out of thls'erowd
of 60, were counted 16 Buchanan men, 18
Fillmore, (now, Fillmore what?~ Squashes ?)
and 14 boya-leaving not oven er baker's dozen
of Fremont- Votes?' How vastly great you are
at computatibn, and how very like Dr. Horn.
book :. .
"Oral dirStmisious, *hittles
A' sio' Wars; mugs amfbbtiles,
lib's sure to 'brio
Their-proper nO." ames as fasthe rattles
, ,
Did you cOunt•thisPerowd of 60?" If so,
yon are an adept at addition to produce so
great &sum front - la:Parnell d'Anantity. say
positifely there were not • 16 Buchanan Inch
in "thaticionl," and diuin you to name them.
And ' , deny emplatticallY that there were not
"even, a baker's dozen Of Fremont votes left,'
and dare you ,to prove' it.
Yet further on,lotr,haye it "Then &rang
Israelite who is trying to climb.the,lnddei that
is seen . in the distatiee, 'an& thereby). gain the
Fremont Heasen;Nlelioered something , charac
teristic of theiparti." This is atweakovitioism
Weakly exikeisedianfd is in keeping , and of
likekidhey Witirthe rest. By vtliat authority,
air, &gnu prifelkiza:thattliia."yoiniglanielinP
is trying to ernnb the ladder you name, or any
other ladder? You have no authority. "Some
thing characteristic of the party." Yes, truly,
if a full and,ararm enunciation of the : honest
and truthful principles of the Republican par
ty, and an indignant exposure • bf Abu' dam".
:ogaeiirn of the Buchanan Slavery extension
ins; is "characieristie of the party," you
spokd the truth fur once, and it May be that
the truthful severity of that
.speech anoke
lour dormant venom, andilmt completely ob
flterated your pretended political reformation
and virtue.
Again you have it—" They woke up the
black spirits and white, red spirits and grey."
In this aide is some show of truth, as the
black spirit is well personified in your
Finally, the whole, you say, "ended in n.
spree with the first speaker and theold woolly
headed horse of this, place which was mighty
near coming to blows." Please to tell us who
had this maw with the first speaker,
Who were the parties ? Such a nonsensical
account neatly compels us to "write you down
an ass." The blows you speak of existed only
in your own bruin, nowhere else, and the epi
thet "woolly headed horse of this plebe," is
unworthy oven of yourself, and I beg pardon
for not being able to sink it lower ;and shame.
ful is it, that you aimed it as a term of low ro•'
preach, tit a gentleman so eminently your su•
perior in all the attributes of a noble huninni
ty, that you sink into insignificance when
brought in comparcson with him. And now,
sir, when you again favor the "Spectator," with
an evidence of your descriptive powers, prey
draw your pictures front nature and prove
that if you are capable of passion you are not
incapable of candor; for unless you do so, you
will bitterly experience that no matter how sin
cere a feigned friendship may be made to ap
pear, the people soon learn „thoroughly to
despise the asp that turns to sting when
smiled upon.
leOSll4 (1N ? 1CIT
Republican County Convention.
(LETTYSIWRO, Sept". 1, 1t356.
Convention met according to notice, at
Met 'onaughy's Hall, the following dele-;
gales being present : eiettysburip 11 Me
Conangby. Jutv..A. Swope ; Mount.
joy, Adam \Vint, William "Young ; Ox
ford, Ambrose W. Staub, Jun. C. Ellie;,
Berwick. T. Pfeiff,tr ; Abbot 'mown, F. J.
Koehler; Lattimore', \V w. W right, M oses
Vat.seeyuc ; Neu:lllcm, Abel T. Wtight,
Cyrus Griest.
On Motion tief 1). M'Cnuangby, Esq.,
the Contention organized by the a ppoint•
went of the following offwers : President,
Adam Wirt; Vice Presidents, A. W.
Staub. Wm. Weight ; Secretaries,
A. Swope, J. Koehler, when, after a few
remarks front L M'Conaugliv, Esq., show
mg in a forcible manner the ucce.sity of
the-Republican 'movement—
Ott WoliOli of JllO. C. Ellis E 49., the
following Committee On item loam's was
appointed by the Chair:
John C. Ellis, 1). 11PConaughy, and
Dl uses 'Vausetiyoc. OM, alter a short
sauce reported the following preamble and
resolutions :
Whereas, The Republican party having ti
—the grew: priiiciWs of civil and Wigiou;
liberty—the rights of eonshienee without. dis
tinction of sect, nod nil the rights of humanity
without regard to race or birth, by declaring in
their Cincinnati Platform tout—" The mainte
nance of the principles prom olgated in the
Declaration of Independence, and embodied
in the Federal Constitution, are essentia to
the preservation of Our Republican institu•
lions—that the spirit dour institutions as well
Os the Constittution of our country guaranties
libetty of conscience timid equality of rights a•
ruong eitizensond that they will oppose all
legislatiun impairing either." Thererure lie
Resolved, That we do heartily approve, eft
. dorse and commend to all the patriotic citizens
of this - county the Republican Platferin adop
ted by the Republican Convention held' la
Philadelphia on the 18th day of dune, 1886.
Resolved, That :John C. Fremont and Win.
L. Dayton, having been uninitiated as the
representative of the Republican poky,: we do
hereby unanimously ratify their notninntion,
and urge the Freemen of this County to give
them their hearty support.
Resale& That we !told Slavery to be a po
'Weal institution dependent entirely on local
laws for its existenee, and that Congress has
no power over it is the several Stales; lint
t h a t o u tside oftitate jurisdiction, the power of
the Federal Government should tic exerted to
secure the ivalienable rights orlit'e,lihertytoul
the pursuit of happiness to all trust.
Resolved, That we hold the repeat of the
Missouri Compromise act to have been a gross
violation• of public faith and to have inflicted
great dishonor upon the country in which we
Resolved, That we will uncemingly tabor to
prevent the introthiction of Shivery into Free
territory, and will gibe the full weight of our
political power in favor of the admission of
Kansas into the Union as a free and sovereign
Resolved ) That in view of the great neces
sity for concert °faction on the part of all citi
zens who are opposed to tho present corrupt
Federal Administration we deem it inexpedi
ent at this time to put in nomination a ticket
to be supported exclusively by the Republi
cans at the October election.
Resolved, That such of the candidates pla
ced in nomination by the Union Convention of
this County as have adopted, or who shall a
dopt the platform adopted at Philadelphia on
the 18th of June 1856, shall have our sup
port, and trOfar as we are able to effect it, the
support of all the Republicans of this county.
Resolved, That a Committee of three be up
pointed to interrogate the candidates put in
nomination by the Union County 'Convention
na to whether they approve or not of the plat
form adopted by the Convention held at Phila
delphia Ott the 18th day of June, A.D., 1856
and that the correspondence with them be
published. John. C. Ellis, D. . I .d . Conangliy
and Ambrose W. Staub were appointed a
On motion it wturresolved to have the pro
ceedings publis l / 4 4d iii the "Star" and "Senti
nel," whereupon the Convention adjourned.
mOl6 'lards bu rg Telegraph his pasS•
ed into• ttie hands- of Bergner Si Co.—
Col. 11I'Clure, one of the late proprietors,
however, has been retained as ono of the
editors. It is battling earnestly Poi Fre
mont and Dayton.
ger 001. Hendrick B. Wright, in
cent speech,. declared• that "Brooke- did
right iu 'assaulting Sumner, and instead Of
caning " he ought to' hdOt
, rifled
him L' Col. Wright was !be presiding
officor of the recent State Convention at
Ohatettersburg. Oh I Democracy
FOUND GUI arr.--Jolin Meet:envy,
the soldier from the Carlisle barracks who
killed another soldier named James
Gary in ti elitist fight at Carlisle ; : Pa.. on
-the 81A-orklay, was tried last , week-'and
founti.&uilto et mmticr in tbs seeetsdi do.
The Mortality among.childrou Lorain Amer
ican cities, bears en
. immeasurablo higher ra
tio to therwhole mortality thou in any of 010
cities, area the Most *unhealthy in the Eastern
Hemisphere. The deaths , resulting from Mr
proper medical troattAnt and lack of prompt
'attention and care. am higher among the adult
population in this country,, than in any other
country, savago or civilized. Throughout
these United States of America (God bless.
them I) there 'is not on© household, in a hun-
Bred that fuss not its graves.
People mny well begin to take this solemn.
fact to heart,
,and ask, is this always to be ?
We justly
.pride•Musciveti on loir superior in
telligence, but is it not humiliating taus to 1*
obliged to neknowletke that througliour own
oversight and eareleAsnoss, life has become
shorter and inoru uncertain among us than any
other:people Y , Let as pause lt moult:Ea to jo
quirollow this awful mortality's produced.
The woman or this country are proverbial thr
!the implicit reliwucis which they place
feasional skill in all the &eases 'and ailments
to which they am subjecti - Foe reasons which,
we do not iiroposo here to diseess:the inevita—
ble conscipenco is, that women are always ill,
or nearly so, and tlieiv children, in whom the
effects of dint Maws nre perpctuatki, are con-
stitutionally affected, so that for them prolong•
ed lilt, in n majority of cases is a sheer impose
84)04, short of a miracle. Again, the qs•
trowel' of tem f icrature in this country are so
fair apart, and variations occur so suddenly;
that vrithont some means of maintaining the
systemiu a well-balanced condition, that is,
witlitptt some means of preserving the blood
pure, and keeping it ut au equable degree of
heat, standing good health is utterly beyond at
Then comes the ummeitteuti question,
where N hall we obtain that grand "desidera
tum" which i 4 to avert illness, tir to remove it
in all these eases ? Innumerable tiostrums
have beet' proposed, and the more high-sound
ing Choir pretensions, the more complete has
hoot the tldlure. The only universal reme
dies for 'linens': that have Ntood the test of time,
that have screed alike the lofty mitt the lowly;
that have ell( itedthe augn tlilied ent.oiliunis of:
the highest tifedival talent t that have received
the approval sail ',atrial:ice of Royalty, even ;
that have laid three Continents tinder übliga
tint that have never Sit lkeen pronoiinied
ettieacioua by those who nsed then) ;
luster yet fair . ," to benefit the soffefeir; are
Holloway's and Oiatinent. Thid it no
highdlown and exaggerated enlogy ; it 13
plain statement or fact. we, have no iiiiervit
is piffling Professor lioltrooray or his meiiiidnes:
They need no such equivocal recommindation.
n 3 that, Wt.- have an interest intheirelfsre rt
humanitY and so huts he. Ile is tt (A4inioport:
tau (a citizen 4pl thc world) his sympathies are
confined to no dime or race. Every man is
his neighbor, a nd therefore he f e els bound to
do good to him us far um he can. And hem` can
he render him better service thou by bestow
ing on loin the greatest of all blessings—
HEALTH. His medicines have already Met
with a most enviable appreciation in this min
try. But they cannot lie too widely diens - ed.--
ono w 00... is Hama? to efleneaS ;
therelime every man and woman should have
these Pills Mr complaints of the spite:hi and
this Ointment tin- local ittllittionsi inch as
wonnds and sores. Every family ItTiotald be
furnished with both. Bow could bitter pro
vision be made rim- the year just liegern than to.
provide,against the misfortune* of ill health
and the thousand and out; evils that follow in
its traim—K: Sunday ifrreury.
PATRIOTIC.—Gebnet HousTius. in
air eloquent speech, made in the Senate.
taut week, pee utterance le this truly
Patriotic Bent blest.
"They tell Me," said the brave old man,-
"if Fremont is elected, forty tthousand bayon
ets will bristle about the Capitol—that the
South, in fact, will secede. Mr. President, I
scorn the suggestion I There sib be neither
bristling bayonets nor setiession. If CO.
Fremont shaft he elected b i a majority of the
people, though I am not his supporter; I shall
respect the majority of the- people ; and to
Colonel Fremont, ns the Chief Magistrate of
their choice, 1 shall pay my respectful hom
It is downright treats' n for any clans a
men, North or South, w m►dtsue that hr
the event of the election of a vamlniste to•
whom they DM politically oppw.ell, t hey
will take the ground of hostile resistance.
The voice of the people, deliberately ex
preened through the ballot box most anti,
and will be respected by good, law•abitl-
ing citizens, whatever part of the country
they inhabit. If Mr. Buchanan shall be
called to the Presidential chair. it will be ,
by the voice of the people. That voie4.
by Ibe citizens oP the Ices Stales, will be
respected. if Col. Fremont is ealledl to•
this high office; k will also be by the
voice of the people, and that woke' will
he respected by die citizens of the Slave
States, with the exception of a eniall; in
significant band or conspirators' arld'dirun
YORK—A large gathatiug of the Imeri
eau Party took pfaco in' Syracuse on
Tuesday of last week. A division of een-
timeut and' aclioN separated the party.—
'that portion who took strong ground
al : vilest the repeal of the 'Missouri Qom-•
promise and' the eXtenrien of slavery, met ,
ou Wodnesduy morning. when
Mr. Caldwell made a statement of the'
pfeceedings of the Fillmore Council, and
read the retroltitions which had been ride°.
ied in that holy. The resolutions rejectedi
by the Filloiore Council were unanimoualr
adopted. with following additionall;
Resolved, That the State Counoitt now
in so:Wion in this city, is repudiated by
ilia body ; that its unconstitutional and
illegal action has freed Americans from all+
obligation.and allegismin to it or its de..
drees, and thut this body is the trite.rinser: .
jean organisation. of' the State of , , New
Resolved; That thenomination of PIM ,
wore and,Donelson be and are' hereby re--
pudiatodby this body,
Itoserred,. That John Charles Prbusenti.
the,nominee.for the Presidency.. of A.
morican National Conventitaltteldl
pity of New York. June 12thistandinglLip:
on the positions of the Binglisulpsetl'Plitl
forth, es the `opponent of: the ptiissitt• NIP
Clonal Administration, an& as ditielled to
the candidate
audiii.hertby adopt—
ed as the candidate ()rime. Awning& aB
die State of. New York..
Friday Evening Sept. 5,:1856.
111=7•Ati election for Governor. members
of Congress. Legislature, &c., .took place
in Vermont on Monday. The vote, judg
ing from the returns, was very large.
test year the Anti-Nebraska majority was
13.000—an unprecedented majority. The
repeal of the Miscouri Compromise had
roused the Green Mountain Boys, and
they spoke in thunder tones. So decisisu
was the result last fall, that the most Mil
guine did not expect that the majority
could be increased this year. But from
the returns thus far received. the majori
ty cannot be less than 20,000 ! ! The
three members of Congress and almost the
entire Legislature are anti- Buchanan. In
eocenty towns heard from the Slavery men
hare cerri:ll but threg member.. The com
pleteness of this triumph may he under
stood and appreei iced when the reader is
informed that the 'ntire vote in'Nerwunt
last year was a little over -ROO.
Taken in conneeti •tt witty the recent
refnit is Itenieeritic lowa, thi.
vote in Vermont- is F ignifiCaUt. The rice
Dough-Face. is dead. Buchanan's tlnetn
teale.l. All honor, then, to the o:(1
Green 'Mountain State, and to gallant
lou a.
A writer from 10.;:renwi.cli K
T., under date A nom I 411), ,ays
Border Itolß inisin fedirl exerei•ocol
al t:or Mille Territort of eintgra
i l from the Free States, through lona_
Tim length and expense of that route. awl
ILeirzp.wials in of tieing able Ll Slap
bad kept them comparatively satisfied. so
loneaus none gni in. The entrance of the
equitral • hat comes with Line, l'.ll/4e6
all intesely bitter leelitig: The emigra
tion in plellign gov iu unmolested, simp
le because it wr.s strong enough to he
ofde to gel in, otherwise Gen Richardson
and could and tenighl have
Lept them out. NVllatever pretensions
tnav he made elsewhere, theke is no con
cealing-4u here of the fact that ibe :trees
mon to the strengtit of the Free state vot
ers in die true cause of objection tt.) the
emigration iti clues:ion.
wr'ner from Llwreare, August 20i11;
Fay s :
The affair at o=awattatitie, of which 1
root a detailed account, was the first of
the Arent disuarhatmes, although not at
all converted wult any of the other oc
currences. The eanip Georgians there
had heroine an unenouraSie pest to the
Neighborhood they had :ideated or weeks.
No traveller could pass Ilse roads with
out tieing molested. Free State men
were taken pritomers, robbed and Oilseed.
It was al
4, 1,he instance of the settlers close
to this Georgian camp that an expedition
was planned to put a stop to its operations
Even alter much bad beets endured. it was.
tint done until an appeal had been made
to the troops, and bad (ailed. Then. as
I mentioned when F gave an arennet til
the occurrence, there was no light, be
cause the Getirgiaue tied as Nixon as they
teem menaced.
Mustiest or MAJOR HI/VT.—III cora
jahate-e with the I I'll lleb i 01 eillZrne 111
react Major D. S. III)) t eat over
to the Georgian: ramp intending to inform
them of the complaints made against
Them, and to see what they hail to say a
bout it. As his mission was a peaceful
one. it was deemed better that he should
go perfectly unarmed. He was received
by the Georgians courteously at Jinn, but
was subsequently ken prisoner and base
ly shot--his body when found being rid
dled With bullets. Major Hoyt was Min
of some 32 or 33 years. His homily
emineefilinif live in Dearfield, Mass.—
Previous :o Kansas difliefiliies he was a
strong Administration Dein,crat. Ile
"erred in Mexico under Gen. Scott- Ile
lea been an active Free State man, and
was generally esteemed.
"A Illtssotintsts" writing'from St.
August 25th, in reference to a
sympathizing pro-slavery meeting. held
M the! city that day, says
Atitimmor. our turn is next ,
ahOw J imme Of the "principal citizens"
that Si, Louts is a Free Suit, Anti-Slav
ery city. The merchants, as a body, are
utterly opposed - to the , further eztensioti
of the Slavery curse. Thu 45,000 Ger
suazitir,e, is mane, are opposed to Slsvery
in any shape. The line of demarkation
was dawn this afternoon, and hereafter
there are but two parties in this city—
Piro-S:avery and—Anii•Slavory. We
are not afraid. to speak and act in this
matter.— Welnow that three-fourths of
tier population are utterly opposed to the
throat-cutting Missouri Border Ruffians. 1
Latex' from Kansan.
Sr. Loos Sept. 2.—The Republican
publishes a correspondence. dated St. Jo
sephs, August 27, stating- that the nowa
y" between that place and Grasshopper
f. fell of armed bodies. The Free State
rant ere nosing along the western border
14 the Kickapoo geservation: Captain
Scott, with one hundre I men, have gone
I that direction to prevent ingress and et
gress. andthe Missouri river line is so we ll
21ied that no Free State forces- can sp.
Malsal route. The,ProSlavery
aid, tabs arrangingtheir plans for
i•sitoody , itomeentration millet river Law-
Kansa* , .
air. tilegt• 2t—'riur latest' stm-
Counts from Kansas state that Gen. Lane
we* entrenching his army of two thous.
and MO at Lawrence. Be was suffering,
however, for -the Want of provisions.--
Twenty of his party who had started for
Llaventvorth to procure a supply wore
captured by the pro•slavery men. Doni
plain commands the Misioutians,, and
Richardson is second in command. Or•
tiers bad been issued to concentrate the
troops to prevent the retreat of !ADO,
which it was believed he , would be com
pelled to do, and a collison was daily an
Piles" neglected often prove fatal, leads to
consumption - anoint the parts throb times a
If secretion form in the rectum then insert the
"Pile Syringe" filled with Extractor, and grad
ually discharge it as the syringe is withdrawn.
1t never fails to cure cases of any age or viru
lence, nor to give entire ease instantly to all,
resiliently curing by ono application.
Piles are known by the heat, itching, and
pain of the anus. Bleeding piles are caused,
sometims, Iy the falling or the whole bowels,
which then ireds the intestinal' canal tight a.
Kellett the back bones and keeps the blood
from returning up the Tessells similar to the
blood being kep: at the top of your fingerwhen
a string is tied tight around it ; such is fre
quent,and for scrofalous_ humors and ulcers
to form therein : then procure a perfect adoui•
initl supporter, an,} Wear a compress to the rec•
turn, and cuntitffe to use the salve as above,
also rub it well over the loins and abdomen
for some time. and the natural belts that, sup
port the bowels will be contracted and made
strong, and ;our life will he saved. If proper
ly applied, every ease will be cured. It never
fails, •
Jenkins, Esq., of Columbus, Ohio, Sec
retary of the Ohio Isurance Company, who
was taken to New York in extreme (felinity,
wth piles, to have an operation by the eele
!Mated Dr. Mott, al the only chance to save his
accidentally heard of the Pain Extractor,
states, For years, his disease, defied medieal I
skill, rind grew worse until life became intoler
able ; he was speedily cured by Dalley's Paiu
No I'ain Extractor is genuine unless the
lr•x :ts upon it r. Steel l'lnte Engraved Lnbel
with' the signatures of C. V. CLICK EN Eli 45::
J„ proprietor:, and 111..NRY I/ALLEY,
nuinon,eturer. Price 25 cents per box.
orders should be addressed to C. V.
Ci:lelsutter.k. Co, Barilay street, Neu• York
aug29 1 0 t
RI liltz.—Every p.U.-:-.on i interested bear.
. ins that Dr. Clicketier, of New York. has
r,•ated a ine-Feine of the must certain and
: pow rind purgati:e rptrall;re, whichf is yet so
t! eretations on the system are en
, tirely unfelt. It, altogether o inittete
del with ; :rii:ing or la WI still Inure to
enhance its s alee, it is coated with white sugar.
lso thst it leaves it,, utiplea.ant taste iu the
oli. lo fit: its this or is so unlike paysie,
and its ad :ion perfe,.ttly geode, that any
p e esma talT swallow a 'lute without si l ypecting
that h.. has. ... • 1411 - Sic at all, toilets through
111117.1. p. t•ti,t-t. 101:.'h iS 14{ , , , A . 611 :UM posi
f-5 4.11 , 4111.
%Ve• 100 I OM Pl..nt on the... great 11 4 1V1101:1
11 - 1141.01.•r ' S Sn;far coated Vegetable
Purgative Pills. iiser other medicines, tut they
al./.,t he olojous at, a ll. for there are but tine
h ot require physic occasional.
Iv. and sewer stili wino base not a routed aver
si,u, to the racking compounds
w Hisses, im'Ore the arpearance of these Pills,
were the mill eitardeters which physic ever as
-tuned. lu ies, than scc tech, C:iei;cuer'.;
S bar-Coat.,l Vegetable Pdls will supersede
all other purgative in slieities; for 110 person
will consent to have his stomach turned, and
his bowels meked with the old tashioned pre.
riatations. when Le alight have the desired ob
jeizt accomplished toad/ more thoroughly by
new one. W 11111.• 0:1;1.1 is (110i1S:01111 1 0.11leli by the
slightest ofTensice sensation.
The Pill :nal he bad orshopkeepers in every
city, wire, ur iu the U. States.
An:11E1.011'S BAIII I IYE.—Twentv
yrtr, exn,•riment and applies' . justify the
proprietor in warrinting this the best Hair Dye
in existence. It dyes black or I,roa•n instant
ly, withom the least injury to hair or skin.—
Made and sold. or applied, (in nine private
rooms) at HATCH ELI /ICS Wig Factory, 233
Broadway, New York. lie Kure you get Wu.
A. BATCHELOR'S as, there is a worthless imita
On the 2S:h oh_ by the Rev. Jacob Zeigler,
BETH M. MICKLEY, both of Franklin
On the 17th ult., hr the Rev. Js Coombs,
ARINE STID LER, both of Yolk county.
On ere 25th ult., by the same, Mr. LEWIS
tr.ItcoNNTEn. and Miss SUSAN E. AI
leith of linturion, A.latas cottatY.
it, the till ult_ at the residence of his
father. or tr lov the Rev. E. 11.
lloirlpin. Mr. ALENANIIER G. IL CA RNS,
and Mit" EMELINE FISHER, both of Bahl
On the 21.1 tilt.. by the Rev. Jamb Tros
Franklin township. and Miss SARAH A.,
,! daughter ofJohn Houghtelin deceased, of But;
On the 4th inst., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler,
RI ANN 3FCLEAF. both of Fairfield.
On the 27th of Iteeember Last, by tint Rev.
! R. Hill. Mr. GEORGE W. ARENDT, and
04 the 2t=th ult., by the Rev.Jaeob Seelder,
LIA SCHILT, both of Adams county.
On the 31st ult., by the same, Mr. ZEPH
COLII OUSE, both of Adams county.
On the 2.1 inst... he the s: Mr. ARRA-
' bath of Matili COMity.
On the 20th nit.. SITRANNAII, danaliter of
Mr. David Crum, of Menallea township, aged
manths and 2.3 days.
On the 19th ult., in Butler county, Ohio, Mr.
JOHN E. WHITE, formerly of diet county,
(hrothrr of Capt. Samuel White) aged 62 •
years, 10 taanths and I day.
On the 2711 i ult., Mr. JACOB CAREAUG IT,
of Franklin township, aged about 76 years.
On Friday evening last; at Littlestawil, Mr.
ANTHIECIi SIIORM, of Tyrone City, Pa.,
a well known citizen. aged about 70 years.
On the I.oth ult., is Adams County. Mrs.
CATIIAIUXE NUSSER, wife of Slichael
Nasser, EsA., aged 72 yeant, 7 months • and S.'
'W will
llexorra, Sept-4, 1856.
FLOUR -0. bbl., flour wagons, $5 75
W EUEAT, V bushel, 1 30 to / 40
RYE, 'lO
CORN, • 48
OATS. 33
BITCKWIEPAT; pPrlinsliet . . 40'
POTATOES, per bushel 1 1 4 1 0
TI3IOTHYSEEDe . .• 2 1 00
PLASTEII OFrPAIIIS, - -- , ' 6 00-
Youu, l'uoiday. Sept. Z M5O.
FLOUR; bbt ., Crum. augural ' , $ 5 75
lIVIIEAT, it bushel,- 1 30. tat 45
RYE, ~
CORN, . 60
AT% ' • , 32
TINOTRY-SEEA - Vbusliel;; 00
CLOVER-SEED, • • 7 . 0 0
FLAX-SEED ' 1 ;. 50 -
PLABTE,9 oi - pAuva; taw: gr7s)
P 1 E D.
BALTIM6R6,. Sept. 4. 1858,
FLOUR AND MEAL.There was a good
demand for flour this morning. Howard
street at 75, and closing steady. Howard
street and Ohio Family at 8 26@$8 50, and
Extra do. at 7 25®57 50 V WI Rye Flour
—l9O quote at 3 50®$3 75 V bbl. Corn
Neal—We quote choice country at $3. Sates
of within the past few days of 300 bbls city
manufactured at $3 75 yi bbl.
bout 6,000 bushels offered to-day. Fair white
at 145@51 50. Choice white at $1 60 V
bushel. Corn—About 6,060 bushels offered
today, and sales of white at 67®61 cents,
yellow at 58®62 cents per 'bushel. Rye—
About 170 bushels Maryland offered to 7 day,
and all sold at 70 a 76 cents. We quote
Pennsylvania at 84 aB6 cents per bushel.—
Seeds—Sales of Clover at 8 75 a. $9, and
Timothy at 3 76 a $4 per bushel.
PROVISIONS.—The Provision marketcon
tinucs very quiet, not nitich disposition to pur:
chime largely. Beef—Sules of 200 bbls West
ermat $Ol bbl. Pork—A fair demand.--
Sales of 200 lib's Mess at_ $l9 75, and 100 bids
do at $2O. We quote Prime at $l7, and
Rump at $l6 25 yer Uhl. Bacon—Shoulders
at 10 a 101
,cents, and sides at 10 a 10/ cents;
about GO hhds sold to-day. Bulk Meats—
We quote shoulders nominally at Of cents,
sides at 91 cents, and hams at 101 cents per
lb. Lard—Sales of 50 bbls at 131 cents 15/
ceiRS - kegs. Butter—Sale of Western in
kegs at 14 a 16 cents, common Roll at 14 a 17
Ho ! for Kansas !
TTTE undersigned, desiring to settle up his
Books and Accounts, hereby notifies all
tl ose indebted to him either by book accounts,
or otherwise, to make payment on or before
the Ist dm- of October next ; accounts then un
settled will be placed in the hands of an officer
for Collection, as further indulgence will posi
tively not he grouted. The subscriber hopes
that tio one alto nay know himself to be in
debted to him will outsider himself excepted
in this Notice, ns it is intended for A
Those having cliiims will resent them fur
payment. R. SI TEA DS.
Sep. 5,1856.--3 t
PIUS Nursery is about mile to the west of
Gettysburg, allure the various kinds of
FItUIT TIMES are cultivated and for sale
by 1). AI'MILLAN Pfoprielor.
Sep. I, ltSSf.—tit
Thurmlay the 18!/, ,btp S , Vriaber writ
all 0' , •1&/, P:M.,
P iitiliorii , rm.ll, Exerutors of the Will of
III)ISEICI''M'II,IIENNY, deceased, will
otter :It Public Stile..lipon the premises,
The Valuable Tarn]
Irate of said deceased, situate in Stroban !non
se p, Alllllll3 counts. Pa., and adjoining, lands
of Isaac Monfort, Robert F. Minicoy, the
her of Robert King, and others. The tram
contains 200 Acrem, more or less, of which
50 acres are well timbered, and u good pro
portion is natural meadow. The soil is of good
quality. •tad is at present in a good auto-of
cultivation ; it lied near the public rood lead
ing from Gettysburg to Hunterstown, within
four miles °falai former, and one and a half
miles of the latter place. It is also within
one itod a half miles of the railroad now being
constructed from Hanover to Gettys
burg. The itnproven u •nts ore a good
two-story Log DWELL !NG HOUSE, ; I ;
with a Kitchen attached, it double
log Harm with sheds, a Wagon Shed, Corn
Crib, stone Spring House, nod other unt-build
iugs. There is a never-foiling spring of ex-
cellent. water convenient to the house, and a
constant stream from the, same flows through
several of the fields. There is an ORCHARD
of Apple, Peach, Plumb, and a variety of oth
er fruits trees upon the premises.
IVS-Any person desiring to view the prop•
erty can con upon either of the undersigned,
or upon the tenant in possession; Attendance
will be given and terms made known on day of
sale by
Aug. 22, 1856. a—ts.
Teachers Wanted.
TIII!: School Directors of Oxford township
will meet at the Schoolhouse in New Ox
foe! au gdnoloy the 1314 Say of Seplemb , r
next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to appoint three
Teachers for the Public Sellouts of said
trill. The Schools will he open for six
months. Liberal salaries will be given to
competent Teachers. None need apply Hitless
they lease certificates from the County Super
Aug. 22, 1856.-3 t
I ETTER of Ailiniufstration on the Estate
1 of IiEOIIGE 11ELLLER, late of Me
milieu township, Ailions county, Penna., de
eensed, having been granted to the subscri
ber, residing in same township, ho here
by gives notice to persons indebted to said
Estate, to cull and settle the same ; and
those having claims are requested to present
the same, properly authenticated f for settle
Aug• 22. 1855.--tit
TonN finKE has just received a fresh sup
-0 ply of SUMMER GOODS, to which he
culls the attention of the public. By "quick
wiles and small profits '' he is enabled to fur
Milt Goods to the satisfaction of all who call.
June 20t 1856.
ffalintothrit. Brotbero
AVEDik.'•eived and are now opening. a very
large and handsome stock of '
GOODS, of every variet7. (live them an car-
Iy call if you want bargains.
April 11, 1856.
/PRE attentio4 of MILLERS is invited to
I_, to- a very knperior articlu fur drying
CORN, which can he had at all times at
Jan. 11,
you want a fine article of Dress Shoes or
1 Gaiters, for Gentlemen or' Ladieti, call at
the store of W. W. PAXTON.
IGURFD . Plain and Bull' 3tarquillea vest
tog low at GEO. kallows
A N extensive tisstittment df MON and,
Th.•NAILS just received at
P . ALIi and see tho new:style"of Black,
1:-. 1 Brown, Lilac. and Pearl Hats at •
OUR stock ofll.kliDAV ARE Imia Inien very.
'much increased, and persons building'
or requiring; anything' in thia- departmenti,
should first, call and BCO ,FABNESTOCK:B
- csrmdr , czarism,: • ~ 4 Fly &Vets: •
MLLE choupoit and toillsl4.ment • o SPILKIVID lot of stipbriOr 'PLY NET' ,
.11 clot t foosala tie- • laluarsectlvetl atidlor'sitld. Cull rilaue
• ' ' ULU& t St&CßlMEttit
IN, imrsuanco of orderi from the Orphias s
-a. Courts of Adatne aud Cumberland Counties,
will be sold at public vendue , upon the premi
ses, on Wednesday the'l3lll , day of Oetotter
n4,eji the following described Real estate, late
ofJacob B. Brnyers, deeeused;to wit : A: tract
of land situate in and ad dining the village of
Whitestown, in Hantin on township, Adams
County, adjoining inn of John B. ciroopp
William B. Ebnyers, the .Chesuut °vivo gur
nice property, and others, containing - -" ' -
80 Alert's more or less,'
HOUSE, Bank Barn, an other bn
proretuents thereon. , The land is of
; II ' g ood quality and has been extensive
itned, it is iron supplied with excel
lent water, and has a'young orchard of choice
fruit planted thereon.: Also a tract of
situate about two miles friirn Whitestown, in
upper. Dickinson township, Cumberland Conn
ty, adjoining lands of Nicholas Mullen. John
llumer and others, containing 10 Acres
more or less—this tmet iu about mile from
the Bendersville road. . •
Also, a tract of WOODLAND in lAckon
son township, CuMberland County, abOut ono
mile from Whitestowo, Containing 6 .ACRES
more or less, - adj9iuing lands: of Simon Yetis
and others; thiEla, well timbered with Ches
nut and is couvenieut_tothe 'Mansion Nano.
On Thursday the 9th 'dug of °claw' next,
tract of Woodland situate In Illetudlett township
about 1/ miles from Benderaville. adjoining
landb. of Elijah Penrose, George Adams, Jacob
Itebett and others, containing 10 Acres more
or less. There is a public road within 200
yards of this let.
Also, a tract of Woodbind in Tyrone town
ship, Adams County, about 1/ -miles from
Whitestown, adjoining la4ds of 8010mon Star
ner, George Harman, Daniel Slosser and oth
ers, contaming 47 Acres more or less.. There
is a public road running, through this tract
making it very easy of access It is intended
to divide this tract titioEityeral lots which will
be sold separately for the! convenience of put..
The Sales will commelice at 10 o'clock up
on each day, when aulanco will be given
and terms mad,. k nown
WI I YEIIS Ad/ter.
Aug. 29, IFfiti.—ts
rr• i f.larlisle Volunteer" copy, and send bill
to this Oilier. fur collection.
V 01'10E is lierebygiwn ht all Legatees and
.A.. 11 other per-ons concerned, that the Attin
/if/ration Accottais licreidafter mentioued will
ite'presentc:l'a' the -Otpliante—CourvolAdams- ,
comity, fir coalirmatiori and allowance, on
Tirr.rday, day of Nei itxt, viz:
MI. The account. of Cornelius liess
and Joseph fl,ss, Exeepors of the last will
nd testament of Isaac I ess, late of ltentling
township. Adams comity; deceased.
182. flc second and final account of Wm.
Pcier Cownover, Admittistrators of
the ltislate of William Cost tiove'r', late of Mount.-
joy ttmti4tir, tieteasini.
183. The firit account of Joseph Power and
Tile. ph P. wen, Administrators of the estate
of A lestintler Power, deceased.
284. Tho it , .coitil and filial account of
lain King, Esq., l'..xcentor of the last will and
ticitammit of David Trovd, (of Julia, sec.,)
deceased. _
1' 4 5. 'rho first until final account of George
Frnnitlin Miner. Administrator of tlitgtlalenat
Miller, deceased.
. 11"31. W Regiglvr,
per Ilex Depttly,
Register's Oftive, Gettysburg,} '
Aug 29, 1115ti—td
oTICE is hereby gi;•eolltittlto Adjourned
1 Court of Continuo Pleas will be held at
Gettysburg, in !tad tar the county ofrAilatus,
on Ymday the Gib thiy of o,lober next, at
10 o'clock, A. M , when and where all parties
interested are mg:tested In Ile pretiellt
Sheriffs Office, Gettysburg,
Aug. 29, 18riti.
JAMB SMITH In the Court of Common
vs ' Pleas of Adams Co., Pa.
J soon MARTIN. No. 3. Vend. Exps.
August 2 tat, 1853. Rule granted on die :Mer
ino huve the money in this min in Court
by 12 o'clock, M.
rpliE Court direct that notice be given by
.1 publication for three successive %licks in
one Newspaper published in the borough of
Gettysburg, that the money arising from the
sale of the Real Estate of Jueob Martin will be
distributed on the 2M qrSeptemberi imrt, nt 11
o'clock, A. M., at which time those interested
are requested to attend. •
By the Court,
Aug. 29, Di3lL—A
rir H School Director.; of the Borough of
Gettphurg will receive applica,..ions for
Eight Teache,r, to take charge of t h e Public
Schools of saiil district, 011 flir 224
G/' Srrh•mher nee, nl tho office of W. E.
Campbell, hsq., to commence on the Ist of
October and remain open ;,ix months. o_l ,
tifientos from the County Superintendent must
accompany the applications.
By order of the Board,
J. A I.:GBINBAUGH, See'y. •
Aug. 29 ? 1856.
ETTERS of Administration having been
kJ granted to the subscribers, residing in
Petersburg, (V. 5.,) Adams county, on the Es
tate of WILLIAM GARDNER, deceased,
lute of the stone place, they hereby give no
tice to all persons indebted to sail Estate
to make inuamtiate payment, anti these hay
ing claims or demands against the Estate of
the said deceased will make known the same
without delay.
.1. W. GARDNER, ildin'ts.
Aug. 22, 1.5.W.-6t
61 11 TEEN miles toirtlmi est front Phihotel
-10 Olin, near Norris own, Pa., will be opeu
for OIiNG EN tii:d BOYS above 1 tychrs
of age, front October 1,185 G, till June I, I t 4,17.
The site ie healthful. the surrounding prospect
exceedingly' beautiful, the accommodations
itilicient for 140 lartrtlers mod 200 stUdents,
and the terms not exorbitant.. The rithg,c of
studi - Cs to ostensive, the teaciters experieneml
and able, and every reasonable etTort is-made
to pthmoto the physical, intellectual and mural
welfure of the seholars. A Circular will be
sent to order, with t utrtictalare and references
if desired. - SAMUEL AARON, Priactlyal.
..4 . wariltitoini, Pa.
Aug. 2144-11850.—Int.
ITE undersigned would- rcapectfully an
'nouucee to the Citizens of Gettlshurgi that
he Ras opcnedle Provision House sn the room
formerly occupied by Air. J. J. Brinkerhcff
13altimpre.strect, nearly opposite the. Star Of_
fiee,,where he will have corqfantl,y on hand
F t lowr .Feed;• Groceries,, Butter, Eggs,. Lard'
Clieeso,' &keen, Ghiekens, Ptltatoes, ~Appleso•
Fruit of Coufection4Ac. ' •
Aug. 1856.---17
SUPEIZIDIV Parasoli titsale by
kie caring the Sick to an extent ■ever
before kniktrn of any Medicine.
jur.Es MATTEL; km., the well haulms perfumer, of
Chestnut Pima; Philadelphia, wham choice product,
ate found at almost arm tnllet t myst
'n I am happy to say of your Carnawnc Pitan, that I
have found them at im w d p family medicine, for tomtnon
use, than any other w my knowledge. !deny of my
friends hare reel united bensill! • from them. and a, -
tackle with me hi believing that they passage eztmookitary
virtues for driving ant diseases and curing the shit. They
am not only elibctual, tout tale and pleasant to he taken
qualities Whtchr nowt make them - valued by the public,
when they ate known."- .• • *. •
.. r .
The venerable, Chancellor WARDLAIV writes from Hal
timore LIM Aptil,
Iht. J. C.'Anse--BiV= t t hire taken your PM* vilh
rent benefit, fur the listleasnesp, langtiocloared tippet it;
and Bilious headache, which Wolof Iste years overaketi
Ins In the mine. • A few &woof your Pills eared me. I
have used' your Cherry Peewit many years ht my ball,.
,filiconehs and colds withWnhilllng meads. ' You make.
medicines which can f and f feel it a pleasure to commend
you fur the good you have done and are doing.".
F ;BEATTY', See. ailit Penn. ItailleadCo.;
ti Pa. /L R. Op*, Plifealphiei J)ee.l9, feu. .
" t take .plesiitre In 'adding to iestlnumy to 11141
effiellOy, of your medicines,- having derired,way material
benefit.' fmm the lige' nr both your Pectoral and Cathartic
Pills.. I am never without them in any matisolot chill I
ever consent to he, while my mans will procure them: ,
The widely renowned B. EITFIVENEI, N. Of Went;
worth N:11., writes: . ' •
o flaring wed •yourttertmaric PIMA in my gratice,ll
certify front experience Stud they rue an Invites le purga
tive. In eases of dliordored functions of the liver, causing
headache, indigestion, ' , votiveness, and the great variety
of diseases that folknv, they area surer remedy than any
other. In , all rasa where * pure:Wye remedy reetnintil,
I confidently recommend thew Polls to the Initille;as
superlorto any other I have ever. Mond. They are sure
In their operetiom. and perfectly mare z-wialltlea which
make thou an invaluable article for piddle use. I bare
I'4 many •yeare known poor Chem Preheat at the ken ,
Cough medicine in the world; and these PM. are In no.
wiee inferior to Mu admirable preparation for the treat
ment of diseases..
" D.. J. C. Arsa—Dear girt I have been alllicted from
my birth with PC milthe In worst franc, and now, alter
twenty yenta' trial, and an untold-of Emmet Of suffering,
have been completely aired In a few weeks, - by your gills.
With what 'feeling,' of rejoicing I write enn only be
Imagined when you, realize what I have suMtred.and how
" Never until now have I been foe from thle.luathelmie.
111/tease in some shape. At timer it nonsked my eyes. sell
:node to, almost blind, betides, the unendurable mint at
others It nettled In the 'fallout' my head, and deutroyed my
hair, and ham kept mo partly bald all my Litton; ^mistimes
It came out in my Inc*, and bent it for 111.1 1 010,R ra t e rote
‘. A boo t nine weeks agit I commenced taking your Ca.
titanic Pills,. and now tan entirely free from the completer.
My eyes are well, my skin in fair. and toy hair has rono
lammed a healthy growth ; all of which snakes me feel
already anew person.
" Hoping thin statement may he the mean. nf ronveying
Information that 'hall do good to others, I mu, with every
senthuent of gratitude, Yours, &r.,
" I hove known the above tinned ~aria Ricker how
her childhood, and her statenfotti is strictly true.
°veneer of the Portatomoth itiettulevintittit Co."
Care. .10111. Plt Art., of the ship Marion, Willem, from
ROCUii, %Ph April, 1534:
"Your Pills have cored one from a bilious attack which
twee from derangeoneut of the Liver, o Melt had become
very-setios...-AisadJailed soistuy...refv...PhyelCiatlns
end from every remedy I could Hy ;inn a few doses of
your Pill. haVe nabob d one to health. I hare
given them to my children for worm., with the heat or- 1
feed. They veto tonattlotly rowed. I teeotteinentled diem
to a friend fir costivetoes, width had troubled him ha 1
mouths t he bold toe In a few days they lied soared him. l
You make the belt medicine in the wogs; and I ant free
to say so."
Ilead this (nun the dielineuished BnikWK of the Auprelmt
Court, whoa. ittilliatO chitin°. hove node hint wen
known, not Only In lion bet the nelghlonellig Pates: .
"New Orleans,
" haVe great satialactiont In evontlitg you that
myself and family have been very touch own, flted by pole
medicine... My wife was cured, twin plat. cola, ill R
IWO and dongenoto cotigh, by plait ell WHIT Pat:Veal.,
and since then loos enjoyed petket health.. My clolldreu
have several times hero cored (nom attarka of the Influ
ent* and 'Vomit bv .It. It is an invaluable veittitly for
these complaints. Your envosurtr; Plus haye entirely
cured nor from a dvspepoola and enstit cootie, which boa
gmwn upon the hie some yeetv,ra. looked, this rote is
touch more important, front the fart Moo I had foiled to
got relief from the best Physicians whirl, thin section of
the money affords, and from any of the nunienats reme
dies 1 had taken.
''Yon seem to ue, Doctor, like' a providetwial ideoling
to Our family, andytlll may well suppose we are not um
tulndfill of it. 1011111
" Snub Chessber O. .drit Sib, Mt. •
" Hs. J. C. Aron— Iltooired Fir: I lint r made a thor
ough trial of the CATIIAICTIO Pras; 101 l stn hy yilor WO,
and have hewn cured by Ihrm of Illu dreadful Rheumatism
tinder which he foot.? too suffering. The flat dose re.
lieved me, toil a taw eillorspiont dare line moirely
removed the dienase. t fool in hinter health 'Myr fhlm for
soots yeas before, width 1 am Witte etititely to the WIWI*
of your (Tkramtrie ru.4 Yours with.great
The above are all front pAwns who are publitly known
where they reside, nod who would not make these state
ments without a thorough nonfiction that they. Were mte.
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYES & C 0.,,
Praetißea anti Analytical Chemists, Lowell, kw
ltint'ur Sale
,by A. D. DUEIILItat utip
Druggists 'generally.
.Atignst 22, 1856.-1 y
Lutheriille Female Seminary.
rrITIS Institution will commence its Mb
session on Wednesday, Oct. Ist.
Rev. .L G. :MORRIS, Horterttry Superieterr.
dent—Nottfral history, 13otitoy, fileologyr
Philo,oiplty, &e.
W 1 A.4AI HElLlo—Mutheruitties,
Natural Philosoplyitiel Chemistry.. •
Rev. ADO LiSITS WEBSTER, D. I)., .931-
eieut LieigniKes.
Rev. E. 'IL LT' BEERT—Music.
Miss LEONORA J oNES—Frenth Pawl
D 1,1114 [Ames.
Miss C.(i ERTILUDE DE . y
Lancing turd Eugli:4ll !Smurfit's.
CII.IIthOTTE C. Fll h:NCH—Atisis.
taut in ithitheninties and English hranclies.
In audition to the iihusecprpi, two other In•
dies, who will also reside in the LUUbey 1111%s
been. engaged to give inhtruction.
Tga Ms.—For one session of live months, tor
English branches, hoard, washing,
lights, &e.. 1 $92,7.0 ; Music. $2O ; French. $lO
German. $10; Painting and Draviing,
Books nry foritifibed by the sehool ut story
For circulars and other information, ripply
to Rev. J. G. MG1:111S, ur L. W. N. KEMP,
Aug. 22 1856.-4 t
Gettysburg Female Seminary,
P HMS Institution haring now passed into
the bawls Of MP. IL Evs-rna, aid
ed by her husbuod, the Lev. D. Ericren, A. M.,
will commence the Far term on the Fourth
Monday of. &Villa/cc (Sept. 22, 1856.)
The studies phitstted in this Irtstitution em
brace all those bra nelice of the Mental, Moral
and Natural Seitutecs usually taught it any of
ourFeutale Academies or Cortges thC first
order, together with the Latin,- French and
German I...lnguagv,s, Music and Drawing.
As the Institution is designed. to be a roard
ing as well as a Day School,- the rrineipals
are prepared to ecgoice Young Ladies' from 71
tlttdr family t and parents and
guardians mar be fliAllrell that et err ar
rangement will [natio fur their comfort.,"
The InfoolitY, Oellomoctit, and biterigence
of the community, together with chic remarka
ble sa li i h r ity of its climate. contribute to make
fieryshurg a location peculiarly well adapted
for au Institution 44113 kind.
For term's per se.s.doo, list of studies, nod
refemeices, see ciroilar, or inquire of tho
GetLvsbprw, Aug : 22, Slid,-Lif
IX A 1.41)17',5Tu.1n".
1.1.1?, Citizens of York end Adams. counties
1, optiosed to•the policy of the Nattoflal
tuinistratiuti and this election of Jitnies Ba:
areolipmed to the eittnialoa of
Slavery to free Territory; and are hi. filior of
the State and Qount); Union Tickete i are inwi
tiA to a.vicinffe in MASS AlliETlNfl at the
onblic houstiof Henry
ou Saiunlay 'the lA' of September
?met; at 10 otelooki . The voters .of ALL
mrties are invited to attend and hear,thegreat:
• of Afesie Rill boin attendance: -
• giO-The Meeting Will' be addree3edirelt. G.
Unary, 1), 117114,: D. Ar Comm yl ;h Ir. L.
caulphell, p. 41, Buctiler'n'nd other ispeitkiik
; Vein
BYrirtue or decr,ee of thk ,Orphana Court •
-of Adams t.ounty, the subsenber, •.
istmtor,of the EstateßVlN, late. Ir e ,. Fk.n ' ado.
fa , ianed, ; ht evit •• deo,. M W,
of said County, deceased, will offer at Public
Sale, on the premises ori Salkrday the 13th psrtneship to,,estrry on FoOldAtti! , l,,
day or &Timber. vex!, tit 1 o'clock, I'. M. of eineaclnider thk,Orrn,fir,.WAßNEAV if ,
maid any, SONS, lierelly make Anoilin:JoAllimar . i.
• - •
'THE : Roll; zene „of • Adams and , stljoiningv ages.,i.
orsai d d aceasedgitw i leputly i„,g am itt on b an Onto° are prepared taatriake , every thini7;.
and parifi in Freedom Township, in Ad,fns in our line. of busineks.. War. have eonj
County, • straitly on hand,-the HATHAWAY and
Coaataiialati %is acres • ° diet • , • .
more or less, of which,do acres arelfearilytim- • COOKING,
bcred and the residue',- good,nrable laud, the Parlor -airtight plate
- with a good proportion of meadow—saidsarpeubPots lcattie,
H Tn e t ti c ri t, adj wi e t i l i rod tiog e, htntt a • of ni 1111,111oilanrulet and kii.spitet.i.ton...43B4lol.
Homer:nu and
natera...,This the Davis ' Uienells, elne Irons* Washing Wahines,'
public road leading from Fair- A sh•plitteerllont-scrdpere, drx.;' '
field.!os Frain. the., (ornier al.)nut 21 for Milts 'and other Machinery:. PLOUOIII I
biles from the lutter . plautdaralf Creek • be- I CASTiN Gs of .00ery i.flestinvion; Ott!;• -•a I.‘
hug within two miles and ?diddle Creek-'withiit W e make the Sedf !or ' . Blocher,' enil.ilkifer!:::
one mild And the t•Compayy's c k .. o j ,Wiliterow
within ono mile of:IL ....The Soil • • l ic ~, Hough& 'We
have also gat thlrerent patterns ofi •
is of good quality and inai.higa state of en ta,
VatiCel. The, improvethents consist, of a large' FENOING:,&
and convenient . -
- Two moat noOtlin-eSsr
• " "I0 et trout. hi/ 33 feet deep, with a
rottglicust.tntestory kitoken, attached.. Stone,
double Lank barn 2 by 42.feot with alted4.'
Also, it corn crib, and If art i!1n..11 and carri age
house attached. Stone spring - house and Stone
sinnke house and•dry litivae. ':There is a never
spring of , water on .tsaid farm - , with
mpri.igs neat' the house, rind ieveral springs in
the fields, and' a largo- ar:biird of Apple's,
Penelnt; ,Apricedi f 7Pkinfir,“Nectarines and
other chide° fruits--ther4 being front 600 to
bUO bearing . . ' •
;.Although'the tleeei l Ued did not bald the'
entire tidc .to the abuvc, tract, yet ar•
rangetncithi:have been inkle with - the parties
holding the' ufillivOittinterCsts, thiwt
of Ate' Whoto estate will be wadi
tvith - complete title. - - • .
Attendance be Oen. and terms made
known 'on day .u: sale by . • • •
July 11, • - ' -
' 1"
VA i, A Bib; It L ST ATI.
11* :s:A 14:.
VETISHING to retire front tlni farming and
V V milling business, 1 will sell at'..Privaar
Solo; the , following valuable Real Esttite,
known as : (i f.• V
situate &Anti One mid allot( mile S: West froth
i Ltlestown, Adtuas county, rods. : .
. .
1 No. 1 .-8 :I Acres of - Mead
ow bottom Or a superior quality of .red: glutei
&Al, well adapted tu timothy, 2000 bushels' tv! ,
lime having been put, on -It: The . in prorg•
mentsate a LAW*: AND VEll 57 DEAL' ,
er Shop, two Dwelling' Houses,.e. , - • •
sn ir e Room, two , llahe. , Ovens,'. two 1 , i .
Stables, three Hog 'Pees, lime•kiln, ;';
lmatball accessary ont-baildingiv. Abe'
DU is built ttianvtite moat modern , aini itnpro.
Veilplait.. The • dam. and irate tire , ant' Surf
passed by any: Four County roads ceuto: at ,
this dill.
No. 2.-37 Ae;tosoi Slate, ,at d, .
very susceptible, of II high state of 0.4 hAtion
b or 10 acres of which are heavily .timliesed,
a ilk about l 0 acres of nteadow.,TlN -‘.-- . •. .
improvements sewn large and very', '..7:1, .
complete (311,151`,14111,1., and Dwel , s r; ? 4 .••
'ling Hot*. This .property • int ' 7 9
iiitia No. I: . ~. , : :- .:
No. 3 - L'A Farm .Contathmg
156' AereS indstlrt, ltVettl gravel soil, and Pr o,
duecs well; 40 'tio EitrAcres 'of which Oa }testi,
It thabeted and alma 20" Acres of tia;ittloW
LAMM. 10,000. to 12,40 bushels 'of lime
Live been Put Open theland. An , ÜbtlOanee
of fruit trees' npon.the Prtheities. 'rlie ~,,..,•`
itop,thlenteuts arc a Stone Dwelling s
!Louse aud. liitchea,..Sthoke.HiniSe, i j * V
'h. /ergo Bank Morn, 'With' WOO' r
Sheds,. Corn Crap, Hog Pen, and all, necessary,out-buildiugs. This property is also; 4 - : part of
No. I, itudlitiewn as above. There is 'net. a
More desirable property in the county than
LOCUST CROVE, either ' separately or to 7
it( eier. Call and see it. These properties
will be sold sepcirittely or togother i amity bust
suit purchasers. 1. , wi1l sell oa nceominoda-.
ting tering:— Any person Wishing:4o view: the
property mill please real] on Pladird Stehle liv=
lug on. the :premises, `or 'myself in • (leap
•, .., . GEORGE ! ARNOLD.'.
Aug. l5;11156.-$* • . . : ..
Graitd Jury 'll.ppaii,
7b Ure!!»i2nu/nxi the Jolt/flew r,f the
("mirk,- SeniMix e f the Itlier fur ilk Cuuir
rilllE Grand duty tag leave to report to runt
11. lietelrable Court that they have visited the
.tail tool Ahits !louse, end Ihnt it stfords them
much pltaislire to hear testimony to the good
condition in 'tilde), we fontt. the same, and
N ia\
tint evidence afforded us of t.' diligent. and
faithful care ni . on, siwritt;. I 1 tare Thomas,
Esti , and hie family, over the prisoners ; and
of the Stew:A..lolra Scott, Mid family, over
Om various buildings for the poor and nick tin.
di.r their (intro.!. Al the loner we were touch
gratified in oriserying ttte cleanliness of the
reds, and the careful ‘mililation of the apart
niditts. tr.verything that came under our eb-
Nervation at butte places evinces the prudence
Owl kindness of their respective otlietrs. We
would also hereby express our ucknowletle=
ntenti for the politeness' and attention. Of qi,e.
the Sheriff and Steward• itt titeir--feeeptia ,
of us.
&mine! Swope; yell., Jacob Sushey, •
A. F': E. E...llyerf=„.•
John Sheffer, '• David Sendee,• •
Rogers; Join
Sanittcl Ilahrman,
Eilwartl l'lntwe„ John ;Willie:my,
Win, Van Oradal, Udall Gardner,
Snmuel Wolf; Win. F. Crou,e;
Jacob acorge. Jnc ,b Oriswell,
14ui.L.-'llkougt.s, .1011.4 .Nlitriug 1
C. Daugherty,. lieuryLutt.
Aug. 22, 1,4,56.
V A 1.1.; A at: REAL EST A 'IE.. AT
P ÜBLIC N.111.E.
pur-ttatn-e of au order 01 the Orphans'
I'..urt of AW.ris omitity, w ill he oircred nt
Public Salo, upon tl:e prenti,,en; lOU Friday
(40 :1),I dug 01' Oetober next, the' Real If.Atte
or Nicholas PAishey, deceased, conviding
ofn Plantation or traet of land silunto in But
' ler townbliip.. Adams county, and adjoining
lands of Abraham Fisher, lhu iel .D. Gilt,
John Steinour, .Incolo Shank, mid others, con
taining 240.1CRES;*oro or 4!sE#i of pinked
laud. The improvements ate a . •
largo Frame mai itengh Cast
DWRIAANOIIOUSEAno.stii• ! I I 4.1,
ries high, Take Barn, stone :Ind
frame, framespring,.:tvitit a, foyer fan-
i spring, **von shed and corncrib, lug slitip.
There are several sidings of water on the
faun:two orchards with a variety of good frnit,
There is a sulOieucy , of good tinnier; and a
Onion in meadow.. • Thesbuildittlrsnre fiittnito
on the Mannikin road oat! abiatt one mile anat.
'of Arendtsville;and in a plcassiilit:nd uligihle
bale weotarnence at o'clac)it P 'ltf. At
tendance wilEb;a given ind.tertainitide known
. 11e the J.t.t 'Lbw's, Clerk.'
'Aug...220856-44 , .
B ONNETS, sul,B , grwiet t rigs can x.
overy low a uk! - OA* OP*
f • VAirRESTOtli.6',
for Cnineties,Nrortin and Poreliveovohieb ,
can't liebesik for Ininuip . or cheapronlii., , .
BcrAll the above artieline will .fie 'mold!l '
Chesp for (;ash Jr Coninio:- Producii.
~,, .'".'•
ffif III 4..CPMITPINGI !till ,q o Xe‘....
intim,. '•l' .- ' .. r' —.' ~ - a • lA.
BRASS CASTINGS. ond every *Hof::
'in our lint , !mile no toiler. 2 ' t." '2 .'., ht.
'rilirEsnLva.fillielltlVEA ropilivi ' "
NI ni shortest notice. , Being '.ll4lo , leri , '
' ourselvov, wn will (lo Hot work 'tiNijiT.' ,;
; M ARTIN. WA ILREN i . • '
i lf IBA M AV All BEN.!:!:',141.
i :. ' ' - • ‘4.IIOMAS: A: .WARREIN:
! Gettyvtitir , g 7 Nbiy 11, 1855..--0 • j '
t. 7 self %% ith itn out irr neiw ; atha costlyappse.
ratuti; is it9w prepared (6 f:onish , ,
DagiterVe,:witilMN, •
in every iityie of the err, Which 110'101 war,
rout to ghieonlirt.‘ ktiefktetion, ;Ilia tong ex•l'
rerienen and nupeiler iwrive 'inna tat
vaiitrigeo to:Mein fiirniqllee,thy Diignerrean
toblimlonente out or 0;e Grty, .217, lola a.large.
Nileeirll6l.ti nt'.llj6 (11)111, is natal- .
leSrsinirg iitreet, vat Tile tlie initill'ea re reilueoe4l,:
'to' extunitel. :! • '4 •
rri 41100 o $10; ' Hour&
nr ititeretitig . &ore !I A:7 nit) .1 P. M.
LoelFetir; Tleeirsiaiiisnei!itablel,for miniatiresi'•
• 11"•teliildren wilt not be atheu 10r leas thani
&c. , •
Till'S''NlT.ii'i'..tdß tARGAINS.t;
U'l. 4 , 1 4 4 1, 4 ••••••.'".
IVIANI.IEir.74EQI.EIt has just •rea
Initvi Iront•ilsti FiDy with the largest
lot of Gamy:lllES he, haw ever before
opened, to which 4&iiii4ed` the attention,
61 nlE:convinced glint .enti lifer RARE,
,Its hie also a lips lot
110Ing Sh'otttdevB &c B(ittd •
.1 ,‘ )
Mackerel and .Hrrings,
Oranges, Leann r, Raisins, Figs. Dates;
Alnioritts; Cantlie4 ts,1•111 'tiro; To-,
tiacco, Segura, snufr, trrortits rashes t
Meek tog, ge,neral!satiottoteot of
variety goads.. Give t ca ityou toort4
'to buy cheep and geOtf:;.:airt door to the
Gettyiburg, May 11;13 st-:;•11 1
. •
,•-i - Vi - 7"7" - *'_,_,
tear 71)1iit Tiltretl) 171'01.7 TIM :11FATER , , TO, MlN'',
rtm MANY iblvo TF: 811 ! 4, 81#14",' ,;
.4 '
A CERrilt CUR*6 . FOI ill AgEthAtili Plll*
• • , t --,.. ,- •, --,
' Don't . Cosnlemni . l bu 4 try
. d," itioneme4fila,
. .
.. . 4 Rl)* :.}(an and .i{iir'se. , , tit} ,
['Copy rii.Tlit secutled acen'kiii fo,law.l .
SMALL JAR,'. . Vittv eekita - ~'
I.A it.G E JAIL, ~ ,thie Dollar.
. .
, .
, • 1' • ; •
TilE ELECTRIC PASTE acts Upon' tile!
,)Itiseles; Tentlo . ns cud upon The Whole'
nervous i iysteitt, reinevilig torpidity: aiLd
inseing K healthy adtion of tlig
nti't tdotile iliayler iii its composition, it; ;
re:basun'ju netimu until it,' aeaompli4he*.
:work. It tantiotloile,its strength ,
ogetherlutritileheill.o tlotistituent Parts
entirely reglitable. ••-; • : ,
What will it n eurn We t answer -allest•
,wen : everyth ing 'else: toile,:
:Cram it Cholie, Chilblains , Bunts; fieolds;:
tlptvins, IlearbAche Toot h-Ache, Swellings,
C on :met e d cords, Fret:li Cuts,Xlleei 4 ateelSores4
tier ,, lulous A:tide:uses, tille4 tiNtetotak '
',remedies can be isiO4 Stire. stiff
Necks, dc. t
Iv/,./ fini ifortes and .64141 e,,,,
Sweeny, Spann, Fissulas, Veil; Evil r Triad-4 -
galls,' tleeri;,.Clielie,i§pmins c ,C.ollar salt t‘ad.: - .
:Ile Gulls, Stone Itrtiiites,Still'Jdiiits, Verdigcf p „;:
a.:1(1 Ittiullino borer. ; .•
sale ot. the l'ttletlt; Stott;
.1 A. I: oel::itield ( 4 ,lenetal ,Agent/i,
:dud by-A.l). Dl
trslitirg, l'a. ••,'
• —None gentliue but 3 tllosti , bottleliatiiii ,-
. the NVOMIS "E. O. Allen's Cotte4ntratt4 Mee %
trie Paste, or Arahinti'PolA Ex,tntettir, Len-'
caster; Po„” blown the bottitle.'• •
V.r..t.enk ots!./itr , Doti'! for-.
gel LLIIA"e.I!, :
April 23 1e,36.—1v
l'hateesi TeaclArOs • Irantrei;
11111114 School Directors" of. P tq. listrie
L lit;-this plenty. will -meet-SC.4lle. Public'-:
house et ;Incdb -Stanittaitgli t ! ox-111:01do . tx,lbe;
nth (./" Sepleititber, IF/36, 111•10otelbc.k tn. the,
ntorititis. fur the purpose _ of Selectint 'thirteen,
ititeliertt of the common -srlittols in tltei i:1 71
l'he with will t,to fare Months,. eitd,tYle.
atilar . } 4 tcrenty dollaitrpor irtonth: The County'
Superiutpodetap will attend for the purpose of,
exatitiningupplieerotts for nprointinents:
JA.COB D. DA.l,4ll3lAN,•Btilt. 2'2
AitAlist,lll. 1866.—td !
"' -• 4 t
/ - 2,ILOVES 4110$flitir, the la'rirept,
tiest. and ohstifiest stack. in%teriteett ,••
April IS .:: ; • taiekst.;
1R47141: S . , CARPET BA08,:4 ! MO HR
TA'S for hire 41 .1
• CORZAX & FA7C' eblis*,4o'
woot,. frosk t , #iiii;llo44 7JUIPror:,
adh • h •
' Ai,3: :4 •
,• • 4