Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 05, 1856, Image 1

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:11 , 1-4. - 1 •
13.'1: BUEHLER
a.l •f - r • J ;
''''''''' f kiiittire: ,Selj,E . ' .
I '
WILL be sold at Public Sale, on the p r om- 1 •
rPHE undersigned, Exeunt/sra of Ole last will
r !1i Saes , on Salardaythenth day qf &piens- ,1 A. and testatuent of the Rev. JOHN E.
bcri a rrxi,, the Farm late of Joseph Coshun, I ALBERT, late of Latimore township, Adams
deceased, situate in Mountpleitsant township,: county, Pa., will sell at Public Sale. On Fri-
Adiiine cotinff; en "the public road leading j : day the 3(1 flay of October next', his well known
from the Two Taverna to Oxford , five Miles 1 farms. ; The Mansion Farm, containing about
(emu liettysburg, and .10 from Hanover, con- i 160 Acres of Patented
.Land, situate in
ttlaaipg . ,,22 t 7. Acres and.ll4o Poe 'lees. I said Lattimore township, on the.road that leads
TAtettnprevements coasist of a TWO .....,!-- : frOm Deardortl's Mill to Carlisle, adjoinieg
MAYSTONE HOUSEand Stone ••••46',-2T, -' 1 lands of John A. Zeigler, Jacob Stitzel, John
Hadk Writ, Wagon ShetWorn Crib, '`, .- - ! Martin, and others ; the north branch of Laid
and all nedessary out buildings. A 1 more Creek passes through this tract.
Tout% Orchard of choice fruit trees of all i '1 hem is a well finished two-Story
kinds, ailing rate well of water at the House : c ''- STONE HOUSE, with a baseinent
6114 1 4 the Barn-yard. The land has all beenli '; I' Story and cellar, a large STONE .
tinted and in good repair. Any information I - 7 BANK BARN, Dry House, Wash
rospectinif ; the farm can be had of JOSCPII I House, Work Shops, Spring House, Wagon I
COSHITh, residing thereon, „ ' i Shed and Corn Cribs. A never failing Spring
TILE HEIRS. lof excellent water near the kitchen door. An
"August 8, 1850.--Xt* i excellent Orchard of choice fruit, about 10 I
• Side to Commence at 1 o'clock/P.M., when : acres of good meadow.
aittenAance will begiven and terms made known. I . The other turn, adjoins the above tract.— I
, .... i Erected thereon are n TWO STORY WEATH
. rinitLlC SAILATE. ; ER: BOARDED HOUSE nearly new, a dou
-1 g barn and other Ont Houses, an Ot ,
Y virtue of an Order of thet/rphans'Court c hard hr of goodiruit. Some meadow, and more
of Adams county, the undersig n ed, Ad-' could he made. This farm contains about 100
ministrator of the Estate of Cornelius McCall.; ACRES of Patented land. These farms are
ion, data of Liberty township, AdlllllB (=flay, , under good Chesnut fimce, and there is a full
Pa., deceased, will seal at Pultlie Sale on Sat- pnportion of Timber such as Chesnut, Oak,
Ito% the Lith day , ; . 1 S.V , aiher next, lit I (tad 11 le.koty, and well watered ley Springs, and
Q'eleck P. M., on the premises, the vidnalde i the arable glutted is in a good state of cultiva
-REAL ESTATE ; tioN, produces Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Clover
a- !:t , :iil Tinothy, in i a k hundat il ic i e. Solo to cony
of said deceased, situate in said township,
, when terms
bout one mile from Eminittsburg, containing sa;elleie,',. wi l l b e l, o lo , ( , ) ,17, °.
; .
93 Acres more or less, adjoiiiing lauds of 1 - ', II ' kno w n . 4. .
.1 OS 1A LI A 1.111..111 , 1 Executors.
Maxwell Shields, James Bowes, tinuthel Pep 1
Zorn and others. The improvements consist I Angnst, 1.5, 18.56.—td • ,
of a two sod a-half story
••• ••171, Stone Spring H u.., with two
Springiiiil never n:iling a ; W•r !tear the As,•ll
- ft gu Ltd Log Stable, and uilieruut buildings.
About 15 Acres are in good
Temb, r,
and the balance cleared a n d under• good cid
tiriition. with a fair pr ',portion of meadow•.
to view the prontimel, can
Call WA Joseph AleCallititi, residing on the
II aOW Or uu the subnerilier, residing in Gettvs
Attendance will he given mid terms made
kuown nudity ni sale by
August I, IS.:6.—td.
diY virtue of the Will of :VII. WALKER,
.aduiajoy township, Adams (mutt
tieet•wied, I will expo., to Public Sale,
4 ; I
the rritat , o4, this to hpultut tuts,ribett Heal E s .
4111 C, tatiate in said township:
' 1.--A House and Lot.
hooting an the Baltimore turnpike.
Au- 2.--Containing 22 Acres,
the improveniews Lein;: a two•story weather
., , boarded Rouse, log Barn, ttc.,
3.---Abort 49 Acres,
of 1:0,4, ir itlt 3 good proport ion of Timber and
Meadow, ~.djoining the last mentioned tract.
ilu-uhe4e will INS sold together, or separate
to suit parchasors. Persons .wishitig to view
"tin: pli,;pi•rtv wilt call on the stibscriber resid
iUj near the same.
%? 4tertiale will . commenee at I oclock P.
Nvlteo attemlance will be gi, en and terpts made
111.,e it lir
at lout 20 per cent. cheaper than you
later hough' before, remember tt is at Cu.
PAXTON'S, where they are to be
bud imgreat variety, consisting Gent's and
Buy's hod Silk, Fur and Slouch hats, of this
..tyle, all eulori and sires, White, Black
:fan, plue, Drab, Fawn, A:c. A lso, large
ahNortniMit of Men's:mil Roc's Fine Calf, Kip
Hoots and Shoes, Gut's Fink. CI
od Pateut Leather limiters.
careful. Ladies, if y o u want Walking and
Flee. Dress Shoes, such as Jenny Lind. Bus
and Ti , Kid and Morocco Slippers— al
, ?la p a h e - :61111 assortment of Lathes' Dress
(loiter , with a large mock of Misses' and
. "
tens' fancy Gaiters and - that you
CPBEAN PAATON'S, at the South
least Corner of Ceutre Square, belore plirelins
`"inehtso‘hert, as they have by thr the largest
vittifelc oilSeasunablu Cloods in town, and are
Atzty.rattitiod to sell very cheap. Take care
pad keep
"ionlcout that volt do not mistake the place.-
,IRerueltiber C.:OMAN & PAXTON'S New
•; Store, tat the Old Stand of Keller Kurtz.
Get(ytiburg, Ma'reh 4, 185ti.—tf
IF you want a suit of ItEAI)Y-MADlil
CLOTHING, complete in every respect,
'of tile latest style, and cheaper than they can
purchased tit any establishment in the
County—call at MARCUS SAMSON'S, op
' 'tiOsite the Batik, iu York street. I have just
—.received from the Eastern Cities the largest
vi t d heSt assortment of Goods ever offered in
• .
qtysburg. In offering to sell beller Goods at
than other dealers, I sienply . re
,questyntychs.sers to call and satify themselves
of the treat of my offer, by a personal exami I
nation of say . (loads and prices: Buying exclu
.titivtlylfor.aash e l cant boy. sheaper and sell
t..ekemer than any other person in the County.
..Mrpotds aro Made, tip to the best style by ex
._ pene:need avikinen, and eati't be excelled,by.
My' stock consists, in
• Coats of all Slices, •
p . rieett,,eohukt, sad kinds, made 'up , in a sups.
, r ice Almoner. Also PANTS AND VESTS, of
~ ,tbe: l utttst and most ,fashionable styles and
~gooth suitable (dr:Spring and
r Suininer Welty also
1 1faut assorttnent of . Gentleman'a )altd
Pstkittiakitist Goods, consisting of *ex ,
tra quality linen bosom Shirts, Suspenders,
I ,llGllowass‘ Nor hose,' Collars, neck 80, pock.
• ~,fit.,,Majtukiterchiefs, and an extraorditury as ,
sortmetit of 'Black Satin '
and * fauerNelf 'atb
* t juiti TOGS-8, and vatimis . othet'fancy, sr
it titer 'with Utithrellas, Trunki, Car
.. . fi ts lists, Cap's, Boots itnd Shoos. , _ •
1 • • ••iia also prepared to sell wholesale to
•ater . clutts desiring Msell again, Ready .
4440, „at CIIIL4I!ER BATES ,111.14..0414 BE ,
1;4 801 191"jii441 cities , If you doubt tt, call I
thqd.examitte for yourselves. • .'
I ( '`71. 1 ,13:1.11 Goods %ought or Me *OKl:lo'ex
'49fitiged,ifthey deiuot•pYoic'eatisfantoiy.
• Gettysburg, Aped,ll, • • '
• .
1 ...., . i .;
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~... 5 .1'. . • '
Incrrant" atm rtment.
BUBBLER bass added to his former
P .
,r.• stock of Goods an unusually large as
urtment of Classical, School and Miscella-
Colls - o ii if
1 mriettioiripliir . i&lotio, - ,, 47wr t :
6)lhr:icing all the text Books used in the Col-
lege, Common Schools, and standard Classic
authors, with the recent popular publications,
constituting a larger assortment thou. ever be
fore opened in Gettysburg. Also
te t - it 111 ) LI" Lti -
Of all 14tuts ; Cap, Letter and Note Paper, of
the best quality, Envelopes, (fold Pensand
Peiwils, Pen-knives, with a large aasort
meat of
to whicn
to sell la unusually low prices.
RiF.9.lle has also largely increased his
stuck of—
Drugs and aldirines, e
which can be relied upon as the beat in th
&Ow - Arrangements hare been effected by
which any article in his line of business can be
promptly ordered from the city.
Gettysburg, Nov. 2, 1855.
VOW received and for side the largest, pret
liodt, and cheapest stoch of
'tat has been offered in this place atnny time.
Chet/ are all our own make, manufactured out
-f our own Cloths, Cassimers. fie., &c. We
aye Coats from $1 to $2O; Pants from
• cents to $lO ; Vests front 62i cents
3 sti 00.
Boys' Clothing In Great Variety.
)ur stock of Cloths consist of Blue, Black,
)live, Brown, Green, Drab; Claret, and all
dher colors. Our Cussimers consist of Black,
frown, Steal mixed, and every variet7 of
Thiele of fancy colours. Also Marine Cassi
sores, in great variety, Plain. Plaid, and Figur
d Tweeds, Jeans, Drab Detates
;ilk Warp, Minim's, Black Satin, Buff
, Vhite. Plaid and Fancy Marseilles Vesting.
Call and see us, if we cannot fit you we will
tke your measure, and make you a garment
.a the very shortest notice. Ifaying the very
,ast Tailors constantly at work cutting out
md making up, we do things up in the neat
and best' manlier nt the SAND-STONE
!RONT—and are hard to heat.
April 4. 1536.
Valuable Pam at Private Sale.
ANTIS valuable property is situated in Dick.
inson township, Cumberland county,
miles south of Papertown, 1 mile from the Get
tysburg road, lying between it and the Oxford
road, and about 4 miles from the York Springs,
known as the WALTEMYER FARM, con•
tabling 196 AcreN of Land, One hundred
of which are cleared and in good state of cul
tivation, and the residue is covered with Good
Timber, and Young Chesnut of the finest qual
The Improvements are a one
Vgl • :
0• a a and a half story LOG HOUSE,
thoroughly repaired, - LOGELINK
17.7- •! 1 :—. BARN, Wagon Shed'and Corn
Crib, S twice HOMO, Dry House,' and other
eonvenient Outbuildings. A good Apple Or
chard, besides cherry, peach, and other fruit
A beautiful stream of running water within
a short distance of the door. _About 4000
bushels of Lime have been Put on &Term
within • the last couple of years. The laud is
productive. and the fences good.
For terms&c., enquire of
A. L. I . 'ONSLER,
teal Estate Agent and Scrivener,
Carlisle, Pa.
Aug. 8. 1856.—51.50 , .
111 BE above Farm is situated about three
.L fourths of a mile south of Gettysburg, and
• .contains about 44 acres; of,land. The
improvements are a double log and
frame II GUS E, weather-boarded,
and a largo brick bank BARN, and
,othet outbuildings two wells of water near
the house, with pumps in. There 1.1,an excel
lent thr;ving with'ORCHARD,h hoice fruit; and
a variety.of other fruit, consisting of Peaches,
Cherries etc . For further , particulars apply
to the Subscriber In Gettysburg. • •
• Willem are also FiTV Acres of Land ad
joining' the' above - property; that tan be bought
at a' fait pried. . . •
Aug. 15.-61 • A. COBEAN.
' PARASOLS, 17mbrellas, Fans--stacks of
11 - , theim-44. SCHICK'S.:
rroßeccix-.-A fame arta& Jug
A. at . SAMSON'S.
PußLie saz
[Front the Western Christian Advocate. , completely ea ring my , hairohey gave
The Tragedy at Rochester. Mo. my!eyes, ears, gaud; neck each a piker
rime ens Rev.-wit, stutter.' ' tering- had in•blackteat, satin vest,
We have at length obtained a ;. full 'and .
and black clot perm. They tarred my
cravat, mishi :bosom, and my clothes,
reliable account of the late darnel ties in down to my fee '.fihey thou let me ~ip.
Rochester, Mo., which resulted in the I was so so netild scarcely stand on
tarring of the Rev. Wm. Sellers, and the, ni'y feet, but o the agony of in ; y eyeso—
shooting'of Benjamin Holland, an aged They appeeted ike ,balls of fire, ,and. I
and beloved member of our Church. The thought they w burst out of My, !Reid,
Altlioughlt was 'on; and the hot 'sun
account has been delayed till this time by was beaming up y head. t groped my
the' severe sickness of Broths:a: Sellers, the way as at midni 4 ,:•After Larose Witty
;" consequence mainly of his inhuman treat. fr i l:al e it i a l"' ;.4/43 ha s one griqute
other s aid, e can
meat r
have five minute nd if he is not gone in .
Ilan. Commit( :—At your solicitation ' that thin he slat abet." I groped my
I hernia transmit to you, for the benefit of way into the a e a t, they following me
your readers a plain state men t of facts with their revolt booked, telling me to
connected with the recent mob in Beehee- step faster, at th ril , of my life. I woe
ter, as they came under my own observe- in so much mien I knew not whore 1
was going. Ico .see objeota, but could
I had appointed Saturday, Juno 14th, not distinguish ')(te front another. By
to commence u series of meetings in Re- . the time I got nee* the street, between
cheater, and hullwritteh to eeverut minis-,
Bro. Stock's storeidid 'stable, the tar had
tors to couerand assist me. Or. We& melted some, and kunld distinguish be
nesday or Thursday previous, a PrceSda- tween males and males. Here were the
very man by the_ name of Sims was shot by female membord any flock in Rochester,
a Free-Soil 'eau (one Hardesty,) because over whom I felt the "Holy Ghost had
Sims attempted to drive him from his made me an ov a cr," some of whom
home or kill him. I arrived in Rochester I had ventured out t the Midst of this mob
on Thursday,ebuut. 12 o'clock, Soon al- jto rescue their p• tor from their bloody
tar toy arrival I was waited upon iu Bro. iclutches. Some sd fainted, others were,
Strock's store, by a committee of three in- icryite, an wriest
;their halids excea
diveluals, who said they were authorized sive grief. I tho ht of the patriotic wo. '
by the citizens of ltocheate: and vicinity, men of the Revo tion, and' that their
to inform me not to preach again in Roe } daughters still lire *i o lead a helping hand •
cheater ; and endeavored by threatening to lin behalf of sullen g humanity. I found I
extort a promise from me to that effect ; !my horse iu the -- ye with the bridle on,
declaring - at the same time that this North
Methodist preaching would tint be longer
!and with the assist lee of one of the mob,
tolerated in the county. I asked thouplaceea my
got this eaddlo of and Boated to go to I
for a few names of the citizens who had Mk as; quickly. as pos--1
! sible to get the tar milled out of my.eyea. j
given them this authority ; they had
it they no;
names to give. 1 have better friends! The mob followed se, however, turned we
Rochester. then asked thorn in bad:, and madutu gum toivard Savannah. /
claimed to be American citizens.' As I passed out of own, I providentaily j
They j met Bro. Chemise tin and his wife, who
said 1 was a fool, and had better promise
not in preach again iu Rochester. told 'were coining to wy meeting. (I hope l i i
thew I would not rualicolutt promise; that; him.)
will write and tel you hew they served
1 was guilty of, no crime, had violated no IVhen cat oup to thou they did':
law, and would obey God rather than men. not know we. Aft}' 1 mid theta what had •
I asked them what rights or privileges they been done , Bro. C. asked me if I thought: American citizens by virtue o f I could btatid it toga to his fat lor r in-law's,
their ci:irensthip. that were superior to , a distance of twelve miles. 1 told him II
other Ansericau citizens. At this remark, thought I could not endure such a trip. •
without giving we an answer, they left I hut was willing to try it: We rode as fast;
:as we could, eel kuowiug that the mob was
the store.inutteting that force would be !i n
pursuit Of us: wo turned off
used iu order to snip me.
• 'from the main SavektittietOad tego to I3ros•
....L.hasteuiumnastoral viattinct ,to silo in ,
important duty, on Saturday morning t the h ot 8 ,„ , m epric i aion ," W as
started fur Rochester, for the purpose of dead when we arrived, but tbrstughthe at
holdicg ley meeting at the time appointed. tendon Of Bro. Chamberlin. and tny-kiud
Ati we rode into town we observed groups
j friends at Bro. Miller's, in a few days I
of men collected at the cornets of the streets partially teentered from the•injunes reeei
engaged in conversation. The excitement . veil. May they receive a thoosand fold in
appeared to be general. I rode through
the village to Bro. Strock's stable to put , enlisting.
up ,
this life, mid the world to cones :ife ev-
Thes'e, 13ro. Conklin, are him, for which
up my horse, uud Bro. Holland, who wait
I hold myself tweouutable, and for whit .
iu company with me. went immediately
into 13ro. Strock'a store. 1
enure lulu the I expect to answerut the bar of God. May
store iu ten or fifteen minutes, and found
God take care of the scattered flock, aud
several of my Rochester friends and 801110
from-the country, who had come to attend j finally briitg us all to Heaven.
the meetiug. Old Bro. Holland (a saint-1
ed martyr now) as standing near the I Anamosa, lowa, Aug. 1.
frout door. One of the leaders, with sev
others of the mob, were standing near
Bro. Holland and myself, having in their
hands a late isutuber T of the it'esturnChris.
Han advocate, codtaining the report of
the majority of the Committee on Slavery
in the General Conference. I told (Wei
how that matter was adjusted, but all to
no purpose ; we.. were •fthelitiunists . still,
and west promise not to preach, or else .
be mobbed. I said 1 would not do it.— •
About this time the mob began to collect
iu front of the door. I suppose there •
were from seventy-five to one hundred of
them—some from Platte County, some
from Buchanan, some iron, &animals, and
others from the vicinity of Rochestet—
' Some were armed with revolvers, others
had knives and clubs, while ml:re had ,
picked up stones in the streets. Ouo fel- ,
low cried out, "If he bad me out of
the store he would soon kill me." At •
this remark, one fellow got me by the '
arm, and drew me to the door. Three
others then came to his assistance, and
seizing hold of each arm and leg, they
carried me to the middle of the street,
where they halted—raving, cursing, and
yelling like a body of savages who had I
' rescued a prisoner. • -
While this was transpiring, Bro. Hol-J
landwas shot, the ball striking him en the
chin, passing through and breaking his
neck. Ile expired in about thirty minutes.
I afterward understood that Bro. Stock
was shot also, the ball outtiug his
clothing and grazing the skin on his side.
They also shot at Bro. Beattie and missed
him ; and lie then knocked two or three
of thou down, and eseapcd at the back
doer. These noble brethren stood with
we in the battle till they were driven from
, their posts.
'While in the street the mob held a con
sultation over me, as to the nature of the
punishment I should receive from therm
188 the embodiment of civil power; and the
j self-constituted .guardians of society, for
thus preach Jesus and the
resurrection under the banner of Freedom.
Souse said, "Cut his-- throat ;" others,
"SenlV him ;" nthera, "Shoot him in the
head.' At last they concluded to tar me.
They.then carried me across the street) be
tween another store and ware-116118e, to uj
tar bane! whleh ;Wag sunk in the ground,
and throwing me down on my,back with
considerable,vieleuce, heldute r there while
they. consulted' as to the manner in
,tar should, be applied. So:me said.
"Put him *in head 'Coupon ;" othersware
'fiit , iitripping DM'. `One fellow 'swore they
eauldliot agtee..and he Would shoot
He aimed a revolverat My heed, tiaanoth
erierifstedit from him, exclaiming, "'Don't
Shoot hits;-we Will•give him what We think
he deuervea:". Ai last that couoludid .to j
do ths'tiork`without stripping met, After.
Bearaliing me to tee' w hether ttatturtued, ur
iiot, and finding I bad mi. nuns concealed':
abeetiny:person, they neitimmiced put fink
on the tar . with a bromi paddle. After
o'lK' VENiNG, SEP T EIJI/ E re;
Front the New floc Herald.
President Pierce refuses to hear
the Free State Men of Kansas..
The Free , State men of Kansas de
spatched 'Mr. Any as a speatal messen
ger to Washington, to call Upon the Pres
ident for proteci'ion frutn the Buford mon,
as the Southerners are called out there.
We learn that die President was too much
occupied to sell the Free Stale ageut
when he called at the White House on the
subject, and he was turned over to Mr.
Sydney Webster, the private secretary
of the President, who informed Min that
ii was hisdPinion that the Free F.:;tate men
wpuld have to take care of themselves—
that the President was just now ao much
engaged that ho could not attend to the
matter. With this consultation, Mr.
Amy left his papers in the !lauds of the
private secretary. and took his departure
num the White House.
The documents embrace a letter to the
President, and a semi-official account of
the attack on Franklin. Here they are :
it; his Excellency Frank/in Pierce, I'h-evi
dent of the Unit4l States :
SIR—A few days ago I had the honor to
address you as secretary of a mass con
vention held in McLean county, Illinois,
and to transmit to you certain certificates
and affidavit, in relation to outrages per
petrated by. 'citizens of Missouri upon
peaCeatde emigrants from our State afro•
county, while en the Missouri river and
other public highways of that State en
route to Kansas.
Since then the "National Kansas Com.
mince." located at Chicago, Illinois, have
received front the "Central Kansas Com
mittee " et Lawrence Kansas r tfici I
, , a
Information in regard to the preparation
of citizens of Missouri, and other States.
to drive out of the Territory of Kansto,
or murder . "all the Free State settlers.'
The facts 'will bo Mond testified to in the
affidavit of Robert Mureow, • Esq.. here
The committees are fully satibfied, that.
unless the general government taunt:Miele
nterpose to . prevent the incursions and
"otitragedsetatteirplated tinned' lianthi of
men from Missouri itid'other States, who
are yreparinl to overrun the territory, it
citril . war .be tiie result, 'whiehi will
involve the NOribwest against tile South.
''la he apparent to yuur''Excellency
that any military 'demonstration, ouch tat
is soutemillated citizens ot Misitouri
and _other States of jlte South,
Fres!Stiste eitmetis of the Nnfthwert, who
have lett,feriutir, homes, to settle peaceably
in Kansas, ?lilt jtisitily' those - persons, and
ales the States trout whencn they came,
to resort to Suittlar nurses tu telfAiefece;
end especially , so if the 'Executive pf.the
United States, or finite gilite rif 1 1is'enuri,
should fail to adoPt measures to i prevent
these unlawful ems. , . -, :. ••:. • -.'
As the Free .Stale citizenkof. Kansas
deprecate civil war. and have evinced their.
desire for peace by, their submission to,
,robberies and other outrages. they appeal
to yen to protect them ; and in behalf of,
their Committeeov hoseCridentials I bear,
A ' s akin in , behalf of the Natianal Kansas
Committe, of which I have the honnr MI
fie a member, , I solicit your immediatel
consideration of this important subject.'
and the interpositieu, of your power and 1
stithorty to prevent the imp tiding civil
war, and its attendant liorivc
re. With;
all respect, yourS, • • - ' I
W. F. 111:' A lINT.
IWashington city, August, 21, 1856. , ,
Where Does the Troth Lie
The spirited liaTaikeala of the Fremont
party, litiVe caused great c o mmo t ion at the
~. ,
South and in the North, The extreme
Abolitionints condemn thio 'se a sort
of dougb.face ' milk 'and' water concern,
. .
that deserves the reprobation of every
right-minded man. The Stalidaril, the
accredited organ of the ''A boliiion 'party,
came out a few daya since with an earn
i eat appeal. to - his friends to stand aloof
from the Republicans and give them no
countenance or fellowship. William
Lloyd Gotham' chimes in 'aa.follevira-:
'"What does the Republican party po!Oole
to do in regard- to svery i
in the D istrict 41' .
Columbia? Nnthiq. What:as touching, the
abolition ofthe inter-slave trade? Nothing.
Whitt in reference to the slave trade ? Noth
ing. .What in seference to the fugitive slave
law? Nehing. • What, if Kansas us a COO.
gured•province is admitted ns a slave date ?*---
Sahiay. Nothing except' to submit to it all
mid shout, "Our glorious Union it must nud
shall be preserved.". , The Republican party
has only one geographical aversion to slavery.
Its morality on that subject is bounded by 3O
deg. 30 min. N. latitude. It is complexion
al party, exclusively jin• *dale men, not for all
men 15 , 41t0 ur black."
The Richmond Enquirer, the Rich
mond IPhig, and nearly all the 'Southern
political papers of every complexion, on
the other hand, teprcsentthe RePublicitne
as fanatical Abolitionists,.full ,of • wild , five
~c . 2 inst.
their triumph will accomplish no henen•
cent purpose. They are do ughlaces
and do-nothingf. Here are presented
the two extremes. The Republicans suit
neither. This lonka clinic as ittlieY are
'nearly' right.. ' ' ' • • '
Ready to Fight.
10.. The Richrtiond iflig is ready for
any ernergeney, Warm the knife against
the tippontihti'of that beautiful sytiteln of
chattel property Whieltpievalle in fifteen
Suates'of our confederacy,' is its' motto.—
But why So fierce, amiable Uliig? You
love slavcry.: Very well ; ke r y it. Hug
M O .. M
it your bosomake the , most of it
within thelinsits guarantied bjt the inin
stitution. • But 'ffir Mercy's' sake do not
Insist on spreading it over territory- dedi
cated, by solemn eompact,'l6 fieedn tn.—
If we at the North consent to let slavery
alone, it is but fair thatymiabould let free
dom alone. Why this agitation and strife
all over the land ? Because of slavery in
Virginia or ()virgin, or South Carolina 1
Notat all. But hersobe the South insists
that Slavery shall forever littep pace with
our admiring territorial progress -be-
cause a csuel 'raid is male • against Kan
sas to introduce and fasten sla • very upon
the settlers against. the will rife majority
--because the, property of citizens -from
Free Stales has been destroyed, and mire
titan twenty have been snot down like
mad dogs in consequence or their desire
that Kansas should' be free. Hear the
Irhig •
"We are heartily sick and ditigusted wi
the canting and mercenary hypocrites of Ya
keedoin, (which means the whole North, Pen •
Sylvania included.) This war will enable us
to get rid of them, or turn the tables upon
them, arid render them a source of profit in-
stead of expense. It' will enable us to regain
our own—pilfered from us by many- a sharp
transaction. It-will enable us to build up our
marry by the ree‘ipture of the millions of
which we have been plundered. It will enable
us to get rid of Yank m Pregdents, and to pre-
Serve Anglo Saxon ..reedom - by reviving the
old connection with tit e motheecountry. (Who I
would not rather he ruled over by dt lady like
Queen Vic than by any nasal 'twanged gentle
man that Yankee_limd can , produce.)
enable us, with the U tiled Stoles &nth on one;
side, in 'dime alliance with . Eughtittl and Can
ad ti on the othar, very; speedily 'to bring , these '
long prayingsherpers to,their senses by cotiOn-
Mg them to the starring soil on Which they
Were torn; and the this air around ilietn.'? •
The Harrisburg Herald is net well [test
ed up,. It says, in, reference to Judge
KENT presiding at it Fur.mon meeting if
'Fisbkill Landing, N.N. r a few days 'aittee.
Ittat.he has, been dedd mid buried frump
years. Chancellor, Kent, has bees dead
many years. - Judge l Ketit, his 'tm, is
alive, active and„vigoAis. abd di4 preside
at a Freruon4, meeting, as reported. '
1 8 0 Y leaving hope; Was thus ailtkess•
ed by,fier little boy: "Ma mma, will :.on
ieniembet anti buy me a penny whistle,
and let it'be a ' religious one that 1 can
use it on Sunday.",
Wbria a pretvy ; aunir, woman like corn
in a time of Acarcuy ? Because she Ought
to =be busbiukcfea.
o:itile Democratic papers ire Capfiring
considerably in relation to certain contrasts
made by 61zon' os iy.B,,,,Rnov u , 'jolter!
States Indian - Comnihwiener.with th;hinel
FREMONT, with regard to supplies of beef,
which the New York Reening 'Post ex-
Rifling, to the satisfaction of the most,prti
judiced mtviller,'„ These supplies were to
Conquer the Indi ans within California, fetid
being friend by the Commissioners bruit
chattier and better ammunition for fight.. l
ing red men than powder Mid bail.
mont's proposals were lower than any o,tll
- received and were accepted. Ps i cotli!
afford to offer better, terms than any Obis
competitors, becausti he had greater yow.
ere of endurance than most men hehad ,
moreexperience in fighting or managing
Indigus, through whose territory,, fora '
distance of aomethree huudred utiles; the
animals had to be driver!, and he tins i tvithol
much more ready to expose, his , life to the
perils of , snob an,coterinise than eny one:,
else in that , region. Lle Julfilled his con
tract agreeably to its stipulations,
went to Washington for his , money. The
auditing department said Mr. Commissioner;
BettnOtra had no right : to make contracts,;
in the name of the Goverumept, , t o feed:
the Indians. lie had only power to uutke .
war or peace with them. Col. . Prementi
went, to Congresa, and.asked them to order:
his bills to be paid. The subject was
ferret] to a Committee of the 3 3d!..'/ougvFar,',
in 1854, composed , of the followitrAgen99-
.men :James L. Orr, of Bouilt Carolina,'
ChSiithan Benjamin 'C. - Bistittan, ,of
_Wisconsin. Galosh& A. Grow, of Penusyl-,
Edwar4Aall, of OitiO;s4ugu s tu s E.
Maxwell,Uf Florida, Dapierß. Wright , of
Mississippi, Alfred B. Oteetlwo9d, of Ar
icausos,,BenjaMiU hringlc , and Milton S.
'Latham of Califurnie.' All of these en:
tleMen Were - Demoerate, except Ball, - now
a FilialMe man, and Priugle, now a Fie
tuar;• they we r e t pigs . All Ord
now : lfuchsßai Representalivcs, eidetit
cut Collector of &ti Francisco.
On the committee,,in !slet', they elate titer,
the contract was conceived iu a wise and
humane, spi!it; that the prices, ere ;mimic.
able ; that its terms were fully complied
with. "Colonel Fremont," they s'iy,
"purchased a largo number of beef (tittle
iti : .the southern part of the State,and hired
drivers; at a heavy cost, to drive them- to
the dtteignated 'The- :wale were ,
driven upwind* of three hucdred miles in
the beat•of-suutmer, , iwthe driseasoo,- at
great labor and exposure, and. some' four
hundred were lost or died 'on. the route.—,
Ho delivered to agent. Harbour, .and 'took
his receipt therefor, one,million two hum-
dyed and twenty-five thousand five hundred
- - pounds of beof ou the hoof, (1,225,500 lbs.,)
land accepted in payment drafts drawn by
agent Harbour on tae Secretary of the In
terior, amounting to one hundred' and
eighty-three thousand eight hundred and
twenty-five -dollars (8183.825.) . - These
drafts were protested on presentation; no
appropriation having been nadir by,lCatitt
gross from.-which they could- be'
Subsequently, ttie treaties were-rejected
by ,tho Senate, far reasons which have• not
yet been made publie v and the Indians Of
California have -keen 'driven frent their
lands and homes, and have- recce:el 'no
compensation from the Government, save
the beef furnished them by Col. Fremont,
and which he now asks the Government to
pay him for. The beef wont into the hands
of the agents of4government i whether it
was'all faithfully distributed among the
IntliMre by the sun-agents, is not a ques
tion that is to affect the justice and equity
of the chitin of Colonel Fremont. He fur
nished the agents of the Government with
a large quantity of beeL Most , if not , till
of it, was used in feeding tho Indiaus ,'it
was furnished to comply with treaty 'stipu
lations ;it stopped the war, and restored
peace to the country. Aed will the Gov
ernment now shield itself from the pa,v-
nieut of this claim, and devolve a _ruinous
losa upon one of its own citizens, Upon the
technical pretethat the agent had'uo
specific author* to mite the contract.
We have received the advantages and ben-
efts of the contract. and your committee
believe that. it_ is just that . we should: pay,
Buth the Senators and . both the, Repro.
sentatives from Cat Wanda; "Steam. Weiler
and Gwin, and Messrs. •MoDotig.l
Latham, united in• saying that FREMONT
earned his money; while all the lUelo
of Congrebs s from lieutucky, ineludiug Mr.
Dreckinridge, the Btichanan candiidie for
Vice President, united in testifying so . the
unexceptionable characterof Coitimfs.
sioner Barbour. The committee reported
bill foro f
unanimously * e pay ent s h e
Cdoneta account.ind"it passed the Bowe
unanimously. tbough presented oo oljb..
j action 'day:" as is is termed irhati a single
objection woaklisave bestslatal.
-T- 1 1
' • _.: , ' , ./4 • ;:‘.: , ,'21.'_.1i.::'. 1 .T.ii,t,
Ta"--74 2 ti
4 •i In 1,/ t
• f
o' •
IrEgiasit bbittiizi:434.diox. I
BELLxvve, IVei,r ui a em
' ' ,A6iitt '4 6 ,1 18 0 Mft 6 -1
l tf
em,dition of , our huff-Yore (territory, it might
not he, exceßtionable to the; ?lideraaf the
"Stara and to'.have fes'llititt6ients
of facts connected with its settlement and pro:
gress, : fbr, Lelairthir twin sister' of
Kansas, about which you have heard so meet),
and id which the 'whole' earth* ft ad 4 deeill.i
interested, we• can'hardly fail to elicit a share
ofyaiii. attention. 'The rininy'tmfiiveht 4 l,4
guries, which were once made in regard to
the anedessful settlement of belle
been most emphaticallf ainiviered by events of
the last year'. the' I filed ,or btoinades and
difficulties of the matt serious character that
the piopeer.ia ever called ,ou' ;td contbild with,
she has steadily ,progressed. in a manner un
exampled iu the : history of the coantry t ' When
Indian dpogeintiireatened andpelitiyal agita
tors sought to cover her Atone with obloquy,
there were those Whe were willin g to brave ev
ery obstaale, 4 6 d4elopi the resources of this
fertile land,Anollhdiiire'tairi dairying a rich"
reward for their indomitabld energy. from
all sections %lithe Territory ire Hail the most
cheeriag accounts of the rapid Mid successful
settlements which are going . forward. Many
districts which but a year ago could not boast
of the first white inhabitant, now have the , ap
pearaned of thickly. . settled - communities. All
classes are &Aug we'l, and peace and plenty lie at
died's?, of eAryfidtiktiouti squatips sovereign,
'A fen; WeekS siace in dri'ving along the bank
of the Missouri river, between Nelirtutlia city
and Plo'renOe, e'distance (Jr . :rar i ty Miles; r
tpartleularly attriiked '"extensive fiieldi of
grisinilsOine green and wavin g in' ) the
whilst others, betokened • the - fast afiliroaelt dr
14r.vest.time. The squatter's cabin greeted is
and, valley.' And as, to our. tom*,
they will, compare favorably with:tunny .1u ,the
old keystone State. For architectural beau
ty,:teste, and i .utility,,Nehraslm towas inoyttnifo
ly chiilleogO a ComparisOn with any towns Or
thSsatrie tige'in'the United Stated. 1 allude
Wore particularly to the folloWingi'lgiehrhitite,
city, Platismouthi ()Mahe; . atid
Flurenott. , 'ln Omaha city, the capitol is being
ereehat It is roost beautifully situated be a,
high 131 off ht the rear of tu•-.t gak
4,4 1
tis'n'hoint -where the Thiientiort railioad' is
likely to'cross the Missouri river,
Boleyn° to vie with, which has snperier rail
road advalifages to any point on the river wit -
ur • • JA. _
fifty miles distanCe. It possesses moo ofthe
inestPreasant and delightful positions . of n n
',min or: city .of the west, and one 'mill
command: the Admiration and atianlitiii .
thousands.ho have , never yet seen Ofitly
eloping hills; verdant 'sins, - rich. rind - &rtile
call eya, and the , piCtiire,stiue.loveliOess tif tits
landscape.;: .Ifartbestows:her gifts t with•out.ii
profusion, as has been hand ; of
nature, it bohlii in reserve a future to
• realize
the most eingume hopes and desires ! ~, , Tr'P
elegant'ate/imam' arrive and depart a lmost
dailjr from the' aboVe mentioned tOwna. 'Sonia
nsbend the river i'distnnee of seven . hundred
miles -:'some even to Fort Union, nem` two
tlwuaand reilea above by the rivvfroute. 'Tbise
yea see we have a public highway upoolehieh
pin!, „min,
.rido, with. gum plensute, from.
pour native elnee iu tho east and find youriplf
hj~cedily the inmate of some Nebniskis.llotgi ;
and but a {aw more icOrsaint the iron horn
'Jai . ° the empiiii" leM thin
fittjr hoard.' 'All who are' tiavellhe
,iliis'QaY I
Would vecoiluoind to - take'ihe river ibute' iWat
St, louis:. Ytitt,need notfeur the border tlif-
•PAkuseiti free!pfteFhp fr.eo teriitory, free:Akin,
ani. l 11 11 3 4 10 . 1 0 4 1 1 3 .1WPider hem s While
.f () FP! l ",Villst,.9. 4ll her Intl *glee
some majority for 4lolilfcl'ethtnNe*
innska: tob;eoulnhor 'moyerign sons,amk
through ili halldi-giii:/wOuld tell a,
.tale for
denies us !hot : privilege bemuse we are too.
SelleZll-k44We call upon-tug!. frierlda.:i!) the
Best to work valiantly fur o good ..opd s ytiltde-
Beele;edlehtistreto9l which will rid F ah,of,
host of Old fogy siteenlatiorm sent here In lhe
name of Governianut otlielalm by the .. 131 . 4ek
Dearinentei whicit is headed 4 Trick
Thed we shall •Sci4O'rank'ainong thesciaeieiga
Stateti Of the 'Utiion,' and itibther'pea
shine lient the :Stu! Sluitikle&Baniier
ntiout to.waveitt triumph: front .the platform of
Freedom. . ' . f
A apirited Freinnnt•meeting wag tiild
Waverly, LaterneePo.,:no the 16th inn.
Demozrata, Americans arid Repubjinanut
met together:Boo . llunit in' hand resolved
tiistarat by the noble
. before theta
until it was snecerafitt: .` '."
We lentil from the Bucks County J.
ihat 111 $a a iuel '11. 4 tog
butt, arlin was Seeeerdiy. of the Troxfury
under 'Gen." Jackson.' hail tikeh grOund.
for •Frerirout and FreeTerritbii;
, .
"Hal the, cookery book, /MY Plaurei "
bald C . to a bookseller. • gir l
Vh " I 'Med •the
W;ta the answer, .1, y, ere at •
witty and beintlful piing lady. '""whit' Is
the use of tellimt on bow to mike good
dinner, if they ere UP no PLaTss r
Mee live be't on tooderets.,ll"PL".""
(liiptived to All meo,
tiitteti o•tie happy, if reatilrinddid hot ea
deretaud)liew to nee her •
,N. Es +, s 4 0914
.Pa., s protion4 Xee*taiTati,..
also 146404
t , , -
I Ex,Govenior
on; Niiiichialitiliatiird
Mow t:.%1 ttt
,P 4 , •
411 1
1 .'v., .01.