Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, August 29, 1856, Image 1

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rtY virtuatithei.Wßl of, Vi WALKER,:
1.) late of Mouogey township, Adams count
11, Pa, deceased, I will expose to Public Sale,
oto' Satordap hie 6iltday of September nest, on
the premises, the following described Real Es ,
tate, situate in said township
Nro. 'lO.-41. Maass and Lot, •
(tinting on the Baltimore turnpike.
, ate B.—Containing 22 Acres,
the Improvements being a two-story weather
• boarded Holm, log Barn, &c.,
No. 9.---About 49 Acres,
of land, with a good proportion of Timber and
Meadow, adjoining the bun mentioned tract.
' The whole Will be sold together t
_or separate
to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to stow
.the ,property will call on the subscriber maid
iiug near the same.
will commence at 1 o'clock P. sr,
when attendance will be given and terms made
known by '
• • , sem% DURBORAW, Lir.
•is July 25,1856.--t*
.13Y virtue of an Order of the OrpliansiCourt
of Adams county, tho undersigned, Ad
thinistrator of the Estate of Cornelius McCall.,
late of Liberty township, Adams county,
deceased, will' sell at Public Sale on . Sat
urday the 13th day of Seytexaber next, at 1
o'Clock P. M, on the premises, the valuable
anat. Eirraysi
of said deeesutwl, inmate in said township,., a
bout one mile from Emmittaburg, containing
93 Acrev, more or less,- adjoining lands of
Maxwell Shields, James Dewey, Samuel Dup
born and others. The improvements consist
.of a two and what( story
i au . • HOUSE,
Stone Spring House, with two
Springs of never failing seater near the dwell
ing,* good Log Stable, and other out buildings.
About lb Acres are in good
.and the balance cleared and under good cul
tivation, with a fair proportion of meadow.
Presans wishing to view the premises, can
,call on Joseph- McCallion, residing , on the
'same, or ou the subscriber, residing in Gettys
Attendance with be given and terms made
- known °tidily of enle by
JOilN C. .I.I.tALLION, ddner.
August I, 1856.—td.
ILL .be sold at Public Sale, on the prism
.lr tses, Sultirdopth , 2oth ffosi of &pleat-,
bei nee., the Warns latepf Joiwph Coshun,
-deceased, situate in Mountpleasant township,
Adsiesur , t mean- -.orr 'the publie cund,ilettiting
,frum the Two Taverns to Oxford, tire miles
from Gettysburg, and 10 from flmiorcr, eon
taiaiiig 227 Acres and X4O l'ercheri.
The iinviroveui4M7 consist' of n TWO
Bank Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, ;
and all necessary out buildings. A
Young Orchard of choice fruit trees of all
kinds, it first rate well of water at the House
and at the Barn-yard. The land has all been
limed and in good repair. Any information
respecting the limn can be had of JOSEPII
COSHUN, residing thereon.
Augunt 3, 1933.-1
Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M., when
netendanco will begiveu nud terms made known.
Valuable Parm at Private Sale.
/1 11 11 IS valuable property is situated in Dick
inson township, Cumberland county, 41
miles south of Papertown, I mile from the Get
, tysburg road, lying between it and the Oxford
road, and about 41 miles from the York Springs,
known as the WALTEMYEIt FARM, con
taining 196 • Acren of Land, One hundred
of which are cleared and in good state of cul
tivation, and the residue is covered with Good
Timber, and Young Chesnut of the finest qual
• The Improvements are a one
; • 444 and a half story LOG HOUSE )
thoroughlyrepaired, LOGBANK
BARN,. Wagon Shed and Corn
Crib, Smoke House, Dry Ilona; and other
convenient Out-buildings. Sgood Apple Or
' %chard, besides cherry, peach, and other fruit
: - trees.
, beautiful stream of running water within
'short distance of the door. AbouriMni
bushels of Lime have been put on the Farm
within the last couple of years. The laud is
productive, and the fences good.:.
For terms; Sic., enquire of
Aral Estate sigeni and &rimer,
Carlisle Pa,
Aug. S. 1856.-41.60
IfilHE abo;iva Farm is situated about three-
Joorths of a mile south of Gettysburg, and
• `"
contents aboot 44 acres of-hind. The
improvemetits are a double log and
11 I I frame HOUS E, weather-boarded,
" and a largo brick bank BARN, and
+other out-buildings two wells of water near
tho boon, with pumps in. There is an exectl
:leatthriving.OßCHAßD, with choice fruit, and
a variety of other fruit, consisting of Peaches,
Cherries, ke. For further particulars apply
leo :the sabseriber in Gettysburg.
FT There are also Fitty,Acres of Land ad
dblnittg.the above property, that can be bought
et a fair price. ,
ILF.ITEES of Administration having been
•• gra' ntixl to the aubieribers, residnig in
,Aieteroburg (Y. S.) Adams county, on ihe Es
big, of WILLIAM GARDNER, deceased,
bite ,of the gi s mo place, they t0,b 1 )9 b'i t e
tieit to all parsons indebted' to said Estate
„• tg ozake_inolhdi,ate paymept , and those hay
tug claims ec ; ,demanda against the Estate of
the said deceits.' will make known the same
without delay.
J. A. GARDNER, 1 „
J. W. GARDNER, "" in'l7.
A.tig: 22, 113.36.-6 t
EtTER of Administration on the Estate
• A . of GEORGE lIELLLEIt, late of Me
nallitr township, Adams county, Penna., de- -
Aerhisedi having, been granted to•the subscri
ber, residing in same township, be here
bj gi ves . wawa - to persona indeb ted to said
Estate, to call and settle the same ; and
.these•having claims are requested to present
the same, properly authenticated, for settle
'want: • • • .
JAGO DOYLE, ildat'r.
Aug -42.
,J856.-6c .
lot IF YOU =
VY et Inset-2(k per fent. cheaper, than
ever bought before, remember it is at °-
BEAN' & PAXTON'S, when> they are to' be
had in great variety, 'consisting- of Giant's and
Boy's &ne Silk, Fur and. Slouch Hats, _ of the
latest style, all colors and sizes, White, Black
Tan, Blue, Delib, Favni, ste. Alflo, , a lstge
assortzient of Men's and Boy's Fine Cal 4 rip
and Grain Boots and Shoe., Gent'd Fine MA
anttPatent Leather'Gaiteit. • •
care f u l, L a dies, If yon want Walking, and
Fine Dress Shims, such as Jenny Lind, Bus
kins and/lieft, 'Kid arid Morocco Siipperti=lal
so a beautiful assortment of Ladies' Dress
Gaiters, with a large stock of Misses' and
Childrens' fancy Gaiters and Shoes —that you
find COBEAN k PAXTON'S, at the South
east Corner of Centre Square, before purchas
ing elsewhere, as they hare by far the largest,
stock of Seasonable Goods in town, and are
determined to sell yery cheap. Take care
and keeps
look-out that 'Ton d 6 not inistak6 the Once.—
Remember eOBEAN PAXTON'S New
Store, at the Oki Stand of Kelie; Kurt:.
Gettysburg, March' 4, 1866,=-tf
:AT ,ItAlt o.tee
you want a suit of READY-MADE
1 CLOTHING, complete: in evisry respec4
of the lateststyle, and cheaper than they can
be purchased at any establishment in the
County—call at MARCUS SAMSON'S, op
posite the Bank, in York street. I have just
received from the Eastern Cities the largest
and best assortment of Goods ever offered in
Gettysburg. In offering to sell better Goods at
lower, prim than other dealers, I .simply
quest purchasers to call and stiffly themselves
of the truth of my offer, by a personal exaini
nation of my Goods and prices. paying exclu
sively fur cash, I can buy cheaper and bolt
cheaper than any other person in the County.
My Goods are made up in the best style by ex•
perienced workmen, and can't be excelled by
any customer Tailor. My stock .consists, in
Pod; of
Coats Of all fazes,. -
prices, colors, and kinds, made app in a supe
rior manner. Also PANTS AND VESTS, of
the latest and most fashionable sty,les and
every kind of goods suitable for Spring and
Suinmer wear; also
OIRI)Val sil3lllo 0111:03t11 •
and n large assortment of GentlAien's and
Boys Pun/is/any • Coeds, consisting of ex
tra quality linen bosom Shirts, Suspenders,
Gloves, half Hose, Collars, neck and pock
et Ilandkertliefs, and an extraordinary as
smimont of Black Satin nail. faimtt if nd
jutittarSitleliS,,and "va,-h,es—vitlier-fan7rlfr.
tides together with Umbrellas. Trunks,
pet fiaus, Hats, Car., Bouts and Shoes.
am also prepared to sell wholesale to
country merchants desiring tosell again, Ready
Made Clothiag at cut:AVER RATES THAN CAN HUI
110CIIIIT IN Tae PITICH. If you doubt it, Gain
and examine for yourselves,
N. B. All floods bought of me will be ox
changed if they do not prove satisfactory.
Gettysburg, Apnl 11, 1856.
IN UNITED STATES—Just published,
mottaining accurate Portraita from life, of Fre
mont. Buchanan, Fillmore. Dayton, Brecken
ridge and Donelson, with the Platform of tTicir
respective parties, together with their letters
of acceptance and a vast amount of statistical
matter, interesting to all parties. This mnp
is beautifully colored, size 34 by 40 inches, ex
tends through to the Pacific coast. showing
the exact boundaries of all tho States and
Territories, Missouri Compromise'Line,
It also contains a valuable Diagram, showing
the exact ups and downs in relative rank, as
to the population of the several States of the
Union for the last 60 years. Politicians of all
parties wishing to have, before them material
for being fully posted ritl a single glance, must
possess a copy of this Map.
Price—ln sheet form 2f cents ; in pocket
form, 50 cents. Copies sent (post paidl_ on
receipt of price. 100,000 Agents wanted to
sell them. Address •
N. B.—Editors of papers giving the above
one insertion shall receive a copy of the Map.
A. R.
Aug. 22, 185 G. -
THE undersigned, Executors pf the last will
and testament of the liev. JOHN E.
ALBER.T, lite of Intim:ore township,'Adams
county,Pa. will sell at Public Sale. On Fri
day 3sl day of October rind, his well known
6r..its. The Mansion Farm, containing about
160 Acres of Patented 'Mud, situate in
said Latimore township, on the rpadthat leads
from Demdorff's Mill to Carlisle, adjoining
lands of John A. Zeigler, Jacoh.Stitzei • John
Martin, and others; the north'branch of Lati-
More Creek passes through this tract.
'1 here is a well finished two-Story
STOKE HOUSE, with a basement
IN• Story and cellar,' b a largo STONE ,
" BANK BARNey Hokum' Wash
House, Work Shops, Spring- House, Wars
Shed and. Corn Cribs. A never failing Spnng
of excellent water'near thti kitchen doctr. An
excellent Orchard of ' choice• fruit, about 101
acres of coed meadow.
The otker farm adjoins the above tract.—
Erected therean am a TWOSTORY WEATH
KR BOARDED HOUSE nearly new,'it don
ble log barn and other Out Homes, an Or-
Chard of good fruit. Some meadow, and more
could he made. This farm contains about 100
ACRES of Patented land. These farms are
under good Chesnut fence, and there is a full
proportion of Timber such as Chesnut, Oak,
and Hickory, and well watered by-Springs, and
the amble ground is iu a good state of cultiva
tion, produces Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Clover
and Timothy, in abundance. Sale to com
mence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when terms of
Sale will be made known by
August, 15,.1856.—td .
TeiscAers Wantrd.
THE School Directors of Oxfonl township.
will meet et the School house in New 0x...
ford on Saturday the 13th day ,f &pternber
mai n , at 2 o'clock, P. M., to appoint three -
Teachers for the Public Schools of said dis,
trict. The Schools will bo open for . six
months. Liberal salaries will be given tO •
competent Teachers. None need apply unless'
they have certificates from the County &per
JOHN , & .HERSII, StiJ;v.
Aug. 22, 1856.-31
;-:1! •
Publisher, 195 Broadway, R. r.
[BandPAT Rem .
Kansas 113olltui.
• Dedicated to th:. Young Men's Fremont Clsa
of &endue/cit.. •
I Tintr..—Orn Pettit St Boers;
Way np on the Missouri tivv.i, •
Far, far awa,y, 4 • . •
There's where Liberty, with brave endeavor,
Struggles from day to der "
There her children, sad and Weary, •
Lone and bo:West roamr—
Theie our brothme in prisons dreary,
Pine for the loved ones at home.
' The Kiruna nial!e and dreary' ,
Fier Premien' is in cludin,
When shall the morning brightand cheery,
Dawn oh Kansas' plains f
. ,
. •
There our noblest, bravest brothers, ,
Deep one by one I
Their cry for freedoin the halter smoothers'
Ere it is scarce be
Deng are they, without.indge or jury, '
Dogged vrhere'er they roam=- - -
Stricken down by ruffian fury
In the midst of the loved ones at, home.
The Kansas night is dark ansPlseary, •te.
They think on those:they left behind them,
Far, far away
They look for friendly aid to,Snd thorn,
• lstes2 darby day.- :4111." - • '' •
Their • and misery depjbring, •
Wives and widows myku—
And bntve men turn to the East, imploring
Kelp from their Old - Friends at home.
The Kansas night is dark and dreasydka,
Mu! on the Missouri river, '
Far, far away,
They may plead for help fore-er,
Fight and and pray :
Till our Fremont rules the nation, '
Without rest they'll roam—
Then shall cease this desolation,
' And Kansas find peace at Home.
The Haulm night is dark and dreary,
Her freedom is in chains
- But then shall morning bright and cheery,
Dawn on Kansas plains. ,
Tim Fu ton:lL—The
.fireside• is the
seminary of infiniteimpoitintie. ICU itn
portant because it is universal, and because
the education. it beatews, being woven with
the woof of childheed,, gives form and tex
ture to the whole •Of ,There are few
who cannot receive, the honors of a college,
but altare graduates of the hearth. "The
learning of the university may fade from
the recollection ; its classic kW° may moul
der in the balls of memory; but eimtle
lessonsof home, enameled upon the heart
in childhoood. defy the rust of yeare, and
outlive the mature and less vivid pictures
So deep, so lamina indeed, ate tbeinf. ,
prestdons of early lif.?,-that you often sae a
man, in the im - becility of age ; holding,
flesh in his recollection the events of his.
childhood, while all the wide spare between'
that and the present hour is a blasted and
forgotten waste. You have, perhaps, seen
an old and half obliterated portrait, and
in attempt to have it cleaned and restored
you have seen it fade away, while a bright
er and still more perfect picture, painted
beneath, is revealed to v i ew . Thi s por
trait, first drawn upon the canvass, is an
apt illustration of youth ; and , though it
may be concealed by some after design,
still the original traits will shibe through I
the outer picture giving it tone while
fresh, and surviving it in decay.. Such is
the fireside ; the great institution furnished
for our education.
nine and ten years old, were begging, lo
the village of Drahetits, in Bohemia, on
the 28th ult., when they met 'another lit
tle girl, Johanna W., only seven years of
age. She was prettily dressed, as she be
longed to parents of a superior station in
the world. , The vagrant children coveted
her handsome clothes, and enticed her, by
the promise of a new doll, to'the edge of a
pond. into which, after having stripped
the poor little thing, they pushed her, and
she waa drowned. They took her clothes
and went on, but were taken into custody
by the gendarmes that that tame day 'for,
mendicancy, and were seat 'back to'too
town of Bohlan, whence they had come.—
.9,,handkerchief which had belonged to the
nuirdered.obild was worn by one of them;
and when accused of the' crime iroufess
ed it.— Vienna Press. ' • j
YOUTHFUL Pazooorri.—The following
incident coming direct from one of the
dramatis personce, may be relied upon ae
a fait :
'The Rev. Mr. G., a clergyman of a
neighboring Levin, being recently abeam
from home on buisioess, his iiitie SOO, ■
lad of four years, calmly folded his hands
and asked the blessing usually pronounced
by his father at their morning meal.- At
noon. being asked to
the 'bles
sing, he replied with a grave face!--"No,
1 don't like the looks of them triers." -
.9bingbigten Standard. -
The Knickerbocker must give it up.
A 'Goon imat.--41 the eelebraticin in
Battle Creek, Mich., on the Fourth, 'while
the - Declaration of Independence was be
ing read. it Locefoco was -in the crowd
under the impression that he was listening
to the oration. When the reader came to
that portion wntch charges George 111.,
among other things, with having sanction
ed "acts of pretended legielat!on," our
Buchanan friend, not doubting that allus
ion was made to Pierce, and the border
ruffian laws of Kansas. jumped up with
the exclamation. "Just as I expected—a
d—d Abolition harangue," and left the
ground. swearing like a trooper. This is
a literal fact. ,
A letter from Fayette County, Penn.
eylvania, says that that County, wijjet has
heretufira given 800 Domocratiotnajority,
will • this year go for }'remont by a tnajori.(
ty of '2,000. One borough alone will give
a majority of 400. After a thorough can
only seven reliable Buchanan men
can be found in the town.
Bixtpeix Democrats of C!eveland have
°ailed 'a meeting .to germ a :DOMOClitilll
PlUb. -•
, (,Prom Blotlinoto Lift of Col. Frernonl.
. col. Fremcitt is now but forty-three
years of age. :Though in the prime of
life, he is already eminent. Before ho
was thirty he had enrolled his name among
the most eminent. explorers and geogra
phers, and had , given it to the rivers and
mountains end the productions of the soil,
*bleb he was the first to explore. Before
he was truly-114'i- ho had emancipated an
empire irent,.bleiiean tyranny, and was
unanimously , . elected Governor by those
whom he batiAelivered. When but thirty
seven, he, was lilted to the highest legis
lative dignity iti', be American Republic;
end within theltet year, his earlier die
tinotions.have been thrown into compare
'lVO obscurity b hie selection as the na
fional, champion f freedom end civilization
in th . approach i Presidential election.
His nomination i ity" Philadelphia, •on ' the
19th wf Ilene; #te t symmetry and ' cum
pletenees-to War* which is', more. co rn -
Jnended .4 47,Aisiiresnits to the American
'people, thappitplany man, at his years,
vrhoin tbe'obitry•his produced.
COl'. Frilmd 31) about five feet' nine
chest high, allg ' &sinewy in .his 'duo
tura, but grace( . proportioned and mai.
neutly preposae 4 in hie personal ap
pomade., Os
. ri , are blue and very
.0 4
10 4 ,,.10s nose ' it Brie, his forehead, over
which) le brow ' ding hair is parted at
the eentri, is ' b and eapaoious. He
never shoes be, ears his 'beard ueatly
trimmed. , , • , ,
His bead , as i it s parson are strikingly
symmetrical,' a' " indicate the compact
strength and'sy
,etry of character which
he had dieplayed .'' ugh life. The height
of hie head aboe ltie eaes also reveale the,
elevation of hie intents and the general:
benevolence and, 'I of his nature.
ii ie
'Seemly auy' IL t'ef his oharamer "trill ;
impress 'a stmegi&teener than his modes
tv. Ha never ,diligle upon his own achieve
ments and rartdkOudes to thorn except
when specially iirliited.• Rya in his re
ports, his nwit peifiii)nality is as Much eon
cealed as it coutoe - without makingibein
unintelligible. i l ie has a soft, clear and
gentle voice, and conversation speaks'
deliberately, bpt frith the utmost precision
mud clearness.' .44 always knows exactly
what CO say', when', he begins a senteuce,
and rarely'; if 11, changes or repeats a
word it s the ming' 'Lien of it. His mind
.is emiimuily '' y :and logical ,'; sad
~i,..,,,„,,,„...7_ Inc ~e!dlio..!l
phydiealispectifatioue,' hie faeultieriJof in- ,
duct ion are very , superior, - Like • Wash. ,
ington, whom he resembles in many, other
"respects, he generalizes with, rapi,Jity; hot
always for practical results, awcyarely or
never CO test hypbtheioiB.
His steentriplisbutents aro manifold. Of
course its understands surveying std engi- 1
neeriug ; hie reports display a familiarity
' with the sciences' or Astrouoiny, Botany,
51ineralogy and Geology'. He 'was dietin
guisheti at school, Dr. Robertson tells Mi.
for his knowledge of the. Latin and Greek
hinguages, besido which he speaks . French
and Spanish as fluently as hleglish. It is
[ not too much to say that we have had no"
President since the time of Jefferson, who]
could appear to , equal.advantage, or fill 80
exalted a seat •. in the literary or scientific
circles of his generation. 1
In his mention' he is eminently'well-hred
and refined. and always possesses a new ae
quaintanee in his fever. - He. is sensitive
to anything affecting , his;c h ara cte r, but,
slow to take offence, or to , suepect the ma
1 fives of men. He has twicein hie life itp
pealed to what is termed the code of honor.
l'init• never - for the redress of mere personal-'
' wrongs. , . , .. • ; ; ..
In both instances, the ,particulars of i
)whiph are recorded, in the foregoieg pages,,
lie was the victim of e'combittation formed
to break down a party • and principles ofd
which lie happened to occupy the position
of, a protector, In the affair with. Senator
Foote. he .represetitedthe party . of fr carbine '
ie California, and as the son4o-la* of Col: .
&wen, Watt a very' suitable target for 'the
archery Of that clad of 'poliiicianii wino had
felt that the beet;tif not the only. way of, imtuueiv for their, 9,w,0. Tip,
chievous dceigne,lias to ,drive that fearlerei
statesman frMa the Senate, sod, if possible', l
li•oni public life: Had Coll Fremont col.'
ersted the first•iitsult, it would' , have been
repeated with aggrevationsin ,twenty-four
•hours. ..4e , ator that his usefulness
.as a
Sonaior,tind his influence iiii,a public Illell
depended upon,nutting an end' at onod to
the impression, if it existed id any iharter,
that his character could be trifled with by
any,one.. • For such a purpeise homes will.,
log to risk his life. , ,
In the Me of Mason..he thought lesaw
a disposition to sacrifice him for <having
presumed to win 'sudden diAtinedon in the
army by unusual services. Withot4 the aid
of a diploma from West Point. In
•eara ho had risen to the rank of Lieuten
ant Colonel in the army, over hundreds of
officers who had enjoyed better opportuni
ties than ho of doing whittle had done,
but who lacked the necessary ability, or
Whou Col. Fremont detected ibis kat.
ousy, and felt the indignities 'which wore
the fruit of it, he suddenly found himself
the representative and champion of the
small but valuable class of mon who, by
extraordinary devotion to their profession,
provoke the envy of the larger and meaner'
class who are unwilling to make similar-
exertions or sacrifices. Jibe bad submitted
to Mason's insolence, patiently, ha would
have Proved recreant to the class of which
he was the exponent, and have forsaken
the' high position he had secured, end
which, by the course he pursued, be not
only maintained, but entrenched impreg
nably. >Had ho yielded. be never would
have received the compliment ,aoott after.
wards paid him by President Taylor, and
which he properly iuterpreted as a delib
erate justification of his conduct, front the
highest military as well as civil authority
in the country. Except in oases where
the rights and interests of , others Note, to
some extent. in his keeping, Col. Fremont
has never appealed to the code of honor for
the redress of personal wrongs.
His domestio tastes are very decided,
and he has a rooted aversion to the ordiva
rimetropolitan gaieties. lie isextremely
temperate in his habits. though he makes
no .nerit of it, and does not use tobacco in
any form. nor profane language ; three pe
culiarities which distinguish him honora
bly from most of our public men.
In all the manifold relations of father,
huaband, friend and neighbor, his character
is utoimpeached and unimpeachable, Ha
was confirmed as a member of the Proms
utt Episcopal Church in Charleston. when
.was sixteen years of age. and at a time
under very profound religious convictions.
lie became so much absorbed by tho sub
ject of religion at this time, as to inspire
his friends with a general expectation that
he woulddevoto himself to the ministry.
Ho used to study kid commit chapter after
chapter, of ,the B fble'to rnemory—bome?
times as Many as three' hundred verses a
day—and fstigued his instructors with the
length of recitations. Upon
leaving Charleston and embarking in the
career which, has, occupied. his adult life,
he has rarely: enjoyed tho privilege of
worshipping in a Christian country. ; " --
He hattAnti his ehildien, however, bap.
deed in the Episcopal Church, arid, since
his return, to the United ,Ststes, has been
in the habit of attending the churches of
that denomination:,
As i'eandidite for the Presidency, Col.
Fremont enjoys some. rare-advantages over
any other aoinpetitor for that honor,- for
he is not indentified with any old political
controversies,. except
,the one :which con
stilutos the controlling issue'in 'the present
ounve. .Though a Democrat by principle
IMO by
,politiosl association, ho has never,
been a partisan, and though always opposed
In the ea tanannlfof alavery, !Ibis name tian
never been aseellitel with any. Of the lat.
eralissues to which that. institution !magi
yen rise. - Though never a politician. and
with but little experience as e statesman,
no man of his age was so universally, .nd,
at the Ramo, tittle, so favorably- known to
the whole eguntry, when hitt name was
suggested as-the leader of the party of free.
Om: Ills adventeres and discoveries had
-been the theme of oonverst.tion turd of in•
exhaustible' wonder in every village and
hamlet throughout the Union, mid "00110
named him but to praise." lie was not,
therefore, au unknown man in itny part of
his Conn try..though he had probably never
attended: a inditieuleattous hi his life.
-.But ho has other tpialitiet which Speci•
ally commend him to hie countrymen 'at
the present tuna,, a courage , that nindere
hin. insensible to :to) , furiii of intimidation,
and a coOluess and caution which are equal
ly important guarantees against unpetnot,i
kr anti indiscretion. If hu •ia elected. no
one supposes that,he will, be afraid to , act
according to his inclination or convictions.
and'every one feels' that we have long stood
melt hi need of such a President. The
country is rapidly - approaching a , crisis
when the civilizauon of half. a century will
ho milked upon, the 4muness, wisdom and
justice of our o tof magistrate. Ficmont
is looked'iipon by tho great body'of his
countrymen in' the:free-Ista tes,'airthe.fittest
exponent of the highest and best. intermits
pf,ciyiliaation that has been namedin con:
nootion with the Presidency 'for' many
Yeartt:' Be' is identified in their Minds with
the'greatletruggle'far freedom on thie con
tinent, and opon himsnocess or failure the
hopes of many, for the , future _ , of. this Ro
pohlio, ara.amipended.
Rule. for Regulating Oreug. a law general rules would
prevent a great many, anomalous eppeir.
ances for instance, d 'a woman should
never be dressed tea' Hide, nor girls too
much=-nor should woman of small stet.
qe attemptiarge patterns, nor a bad walk.
et flouncea- T tor a short; throat, carry
, feathers, , nor, high shoulders a shawl.--
From the highest to, the lowboil, - there in
not 'a single 'vie of beauty with 'which
the plain. straw •hat is not upon the hest
understanding. It yefioree .the • homliest
end outpaces
,the wildest—it gives the
coquettish, young lady a little dash of
ileinuretietti, and the'demure one a blight
touch of coquetry—it makes'the blooming
.beauty 100 k more' fresh, and the pale one
more . iolareatingr-it , makes the plain
nvocoan.lopk at all events a lady, and the
lady more lasixjike still." Bonnets, too,
are an index of character. Some wag
has furnished the fullowing"Recipe fur a
Bonney", free,of cost , '
Two scraps : offuuudatiou, some Anments of
A - shoWer of French rosebuds to droop o'er the
Fine „ribbons and *feathein, with drape and
Then mix and de-rangh them in graceful con ;
fusion; , • , ,
Inveigle some fairy, out roaming for pleasure,
And beg the alight favor of taking her mess'
The length and the breadth of her deer little
pate s
And hasten a ‘ mininture frame to create;
Then pour, as above, the bright mixturo upon.
And 10l you possess "such a love of a lionnet.'i
'' ' [SaladAr Social.
THE Dirrehrsiott' ON ?nu UNION
Quissvtow..--"Elect our candidate," cry
tile Buchtinso men, "or• we will dissolve
the Union." "Whether Col. Freogoot le
elected o r not," sey the Republicans.
The Detroit Advertiser. of Friday, tisys
174 Germans signed the Fremont Con
stitution at a meeting in that city- last
week. 13t of whom voted For Pierce iu
1852. •
An excursion party of membetts of the
religious societies in Lowell, Mess., num.
baring about 400, voted unanimously for
Mr burns, a Democratic • member of
the last Congress, is President of thnFre
wool CIO. of Warren,Cpgoty,,Pa.
. A Good Deliverance. .
a pretty'
blonde of from 20 to 25 yearn of age. em
harked lately from Calais to Dover. Her
invalid appearance excited the interest of
the passengers, • who felt great anxiety
last sea-sickness should bring on a critic
which evldently could not long be defer
red. She crossed the straits, however.
safely, and upon landing was placed in an
arm chair, and salts were held to their
nose,. while an occasional groan went to'
the heart of all her travelling companions.
On the wharf b Custom-house officer
observed the disembarkation, and seemed
to feel a deep interest in the pretty French
woman. He approached and offered his
assistance, informing her that. he had
tome knowledge of medicine ; and though
the lady assured hint that she telt much
batter, and hogged to be carried immed
iatOly to a hotel, he protested that it could
not be done wiihout danger. and by his
philantrophic authority she was taken to
an apartment of the Custom-house ' and a
widwife sent tor. As the offic:w had fore
seen, after
,begging to be released for a
quarter, of an hour. she was safely deliv
ered of 2 pelerines, 15 scarfs, 17 pieces
:of limes, 12 pairs of silk Lockings, 88
Pieces. of cotton, 6 riticules, and 48 Lyons
handkerchiefs. The mother and of
apring are doing well.--Southeastera Ga
;ate.: ,
Hear a • Pro-Slavery Organ.
The Atchison, Henna, Squatter Buser
-the illegal interference
with Kamm emigrants passing
Mies Our •
.The steamer Sultan, having on board con
traband articles, was recently stopped at Leav
enworth, Sind lightened 0f44 rifles and a large
of,pistols and bowie knives, taken i
from a etoad of cowardly Yankees, shipped
out here• 'by Massachusetts. ''The boat was I
permitted to go tip as far as Weston, where a
guard was placed over the prisoners and none
of them permitted to laud. They were shipped !
back from Weston in the same boat, without'
Orn being insured by the shippers. We do
nut approve fully. of, sending these criminals
back to the east to be re-shipped to Kansas—if
not through Missouri, through lowa and Ne
braska. Ire Mink they should meet a traitor's
death! and the world would not'censuro us if
in self-protection we resort to such ultra meas
ures. '
We a reof the opinion that if the citizens of
Weston or Leavenworth would hang one or two the freedom of others, and, brills own. tkcla
hoot loads of Free Slate men, it would do more ration,..stands bound to bone longer hituself—
towanbs'establishing peace in Kansas than all ro • .
pmising to . remove no plank from, nor -add
the speeches that have been delivered in Con- -
grass daring .the present session: LET THE ; aaa to the Cincinnati fliatratia• be mill. .faith -
EXPERnitIN'r BE TRIED I jfullyadminister its enormities,
The. above is the language of a paper ; and carry out the barbarouit doctrine 'that
supporting Blichanarl, and edited by H. S. "might makes right." Fellow citizens, beware ;
Kell',Cincinnati platforle 'and its feudal . off-
at Atchison, and leader that .
of the party w h o 1 3 .„,,,,,d R„. P n ude ,. spring, are a Hercules, now sowing the .Dm.
' tooth from which will spring busts or
Comment is unnecessary. It speaks fur • g °l33
armed foes to crush you in their hour of
Ilia might. •
4r.. BuchanisiVi Nunc Dltulttan., Yes, it would bo a paradox the history of
Governor. Brown, in his letter. gives to humanity to find peace and national prosperity
grow out of the despotism which the Slate Oil
ofthe world the pious parting congratulation
that political saint, James Buchanan. gamily is attempting, so forcibly, to fasten npon
It is in these %verde t I t our free territeri e a t and of all men h," would
be riest fool who would dream of itver.
"If! Can be instreniental in settling the ; the
We owe a duty to our, fellow countrymen,
Slavery question, (which means to admit Ella- i
irerY'- into all the. territcniesjand then add ' who are now striving manfully to prevent
Cuba to the Union, I will be willing to give'up themselves from being drawn down into' the
u m ghost." : sink of wretchedness and political Mfeddrity.
The, good old Simeon of negro-driving which spreads like an incubus overthe masses
Demorracy, if he can carry Slavery to in the Slave States. We owe ti duty to God,
Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, and California .
to a i d in preserving, in purity, the institutions
and then prevent Emancipation in Cuba h haskindl y which given to us;and,l tell you,
by annexing it to the United States, will
the political affairs of our country have' sp
in willing to depart in peace !, Add this
at the turn of vvhirh 'Much
is the candidate of the "Democracy preached a crisis,
Madame Roland, when going to the guil- good ormuch evil will result to our institudona
lotine by order of the terrorists, exclaimed, i A further spread of Slavery and its blighting in
!'o Liberty, what crimes are perpetrated finances, would blast the hopesof Freedom—let
in thy. name I" May we not exclaim. !our territories be given up to Slavery—let bond
0, Democracy, what tyranny and hypoc- I men till the soil, work the mine and the man
riar are practiced in thy name I ' ufactory—let, white free labor be crushed out—
and where then would bathe blooming and the
blossoming of the rose? Where then would
be the homes which are wont, so smilingly, to
! beautify their slopes and plains, as the hardy
and energetic emigrant, in the full'power of
manhood and freedom plies his bone and Mus
cles to the task of dvvelepernent and . adorn
ment.. Fellow countrymen, do your dety. t Ar
ray yourselves on the side of truth juitice
and hutnanity. Bo your duty andnothiag more
can be required of you.
Kwitny° Gitsis.—"Alderman Fulmer,"
nf N. Y., saps sit a certain date he saw
Fremont in Washington, and heard him
say he' was a Catholic, or to that effect.
It is now shnwn that Fremont was in
Eurefil at that lime.
It is also charged ; that Fremont voted
for.the Fugitive Slave. bill while in the
Seeate. Thal bill was passed before
,CidVornia became a Stale: and of
course. Fremont was not in Congress.—
SuCh are all the miserable lies which
the enemies of the gallant Fremont
trump up against hitn, and send forth in
halite and capitals. ,ftist vo was olil
Jackson' attacked. Let the 'heat hen rage. I
'Fremont will he the next Preiiideria in spite
of, these Mike holders and government
sucklings. Mark .—Michigan Ex
press. , •
A .loner to the Lewisburg . Chronicle,
from . 'Flop :Cnunty. Pa.. sillies that the
pofttical eonteat•io that county le very
warm, but that Freedom and Fremont are
tarrying 11:11111St everything before - the.n
Some of. the Buchanan men concede Fre
mont 2000 majority, in that county, while
some Frei»ont men claim al high as 3000.
A Washington letter writer has seen a
letter from Judge 'McLean. in which he
any a that the +•united German residents'
of the Western sections of ,Pennsylvania
will vote unanimously. for Fremont. He
'millets the State fur Fremont by over
30,000 tnajority.
The Blair irDuuty 1 1 big, au old silver
grey all ig paper, the Beaver Argus and
Crawford Journal, both heretofore of the
Deuiocracy,•all iu l'eunsylvauin,hare hoist
ed the flag of Ftvtuout and Dayton...
A. Fremont Meeting at Harrisburg on
Moody/ evening next will he addressed
by the eloquent Mr. Burlingame. of Mass.,
Lieut. Gov. Ford, and 1., D. Campbell, of
Ohio, Gibbons, of Philadelphia, and Judge
A correspondent from Bradford Donuts,
Pa,. says that' that County will go for Fre
mont and Dayton by from 3,000 w 4,000
majority. and that , in the tinogrenional
District the majority will be et least 4000.
Reprdgicans of Adams County .--Ore the
first day of September next, you ate to assem
ble in County Convention, to transact such
business as may seem necessary to theperma
nancy of Republicanism in this Courtly. That
Convention should be one well worthy the 'oc
casion which gives it birth. It should be well
and numerously attended. Frie.nda ,of the
cause, other than the delegates, , should be
there; let there be no holding back; mistake
not the character of the Convention ; - it has
not been called, we opine, to create , discord
and disruption, but for the purpose of auffi
ciently combining the elements ef oppiatition
to the schemes of ambitious, avaricious ' , and
selfish-meh; to effect an overthrow' of their ru
inous policy. Come out then,—come out from
your fields, and your workshops. .. Who would
not give one day to •the cause of ,hunian.
ity ? I
There is -every inducement before yea
Your political brethren throughout' the - St to
call on' you; patriotism calls on 'you';; he
wrongs of your country loudly call upon' ,ou
to aid their redress—and their name isle ion.
Compromiies and compacts oflong standit and
eadearnient to the people, have been rudlless
ly broken and torn to atoms.' Cdions, and a
bominable la WA bare been passed, taking on
ly the furor of right, and used only to , foster
wrong. The Senate Chamber fins been soiled
with the blood of one of its members, stricken
down and almost butchered, while sitting , un
armed and unsuspecting at his seat:. Others
have been challenged to mortal Coridiat; fix
defending, in debate, the moral dignitynf their
country. Are these not evils agairuit which
we should rise up in the strength dour legal
might? Resistance to the laws is net advised,
for however contrary they may bete die:sense
and opinion of the - majority, reaistenee to the
flaws would be nullification. The 'remedy is
1 the ballot box. The functions' of sovereignty
enable the people so to shape and mould the
government, that it may tally evenly with the
well ascertained principles_of justice-and :hu
. manity. This will never be accomplished,
, however, if Janies Buchanan sueeceedste the
Presidency. He, ever riel in
cessions to the South, has lost his orn free
, dom to (teem° an instrument in the hurls of
ambitious and unscrupuleus men to destroy
The happiest political, anagram we have
met with, is that hit Upon a Boston,edit
wh0,4948 the onuuous mono,„l7Guld
and treaane help" ea," iu the: name of
. •Steplien Arnold Douglas." „
fi correspondent of The Everzing Post.
writing groin Potsdam, promises 000 out
of 1,200 voles in that town Inc Fremont,
and 0,000 majority in Si. Lavvrence Coon.
cy over him
Thomas. E.Alarhhall. uue 401 111. 'mod
eloquent men of the day.(lormerly mem•
ber of Congrem from -Kentucky, nhir of
Z.:hicago, -111.0 considers Mr. Fillrnore's
prospects so gloomy that he cannotgn fur.
ile has gone mrer for Freniont.
Tau Monroe (Mich.)
,Comnsercial; ono
of the Wane, Democratic paper* in . the
State. hauls down the nicker driver's flag
with the names of tha Cincinnati tutudi
dater, and runs up Fremont and Day.
Lettere received from Lancaster c u rt•
that changes of 150 votes groln Fi!hears
to Fremont occurred in 48 hnura alter the
Southern elections were received, and
probably 1.000 in the county. •
ET IS SAID that a Yankee. baba• yid
crawl out oi his cradle. take a survey of
it, invent an improvement. and appl,r 4 fat
a patens beforo 6e le six mamba Oak,
Drs Naos Zits. an excellent weekly
Paper of Nese York city, ergo/ ire Get.
wan readers to give them celesta Exiiiiibid
as the only repreirenterice a/44aq
periling CIPANI/L, . , '