, , aurigrOligimillivros nit *gams; ton AP. boa "curl two n tUILL TITO ri." • , . ICI 4144191 ILL" Doll9oNoan t# but try if, u. cannotfai/. A.I.LEWS crori*NATE D ELECTRIC ATE AND ARAIJIAN PAIN tXTRACTOR and' Rorke. (Copy . rigtk secured according to law.) 81LtIL JAR, • r . .Fifty cents LARGE 'IA 'One Collin" TBE ELECTRIC PASTE acts upon the Muscles, Tendons / and -union the whole nerving ritstant temaying torpidity and pro decisive, calthy action of.ths blte;d. There i beingtnn volatile matter in composition, t remains in action' until it accomplishes its worliscolt cannot lose its strength, and is al ogethar,harmless, ith constituent parts being entinalrra4etablo. ' What will it cure? We answer—Mien matitv.Paintl, when - everything else fails, Cramps / L'holic,' Chilblains, Rums, Scalds, Sprains, FlCssel-Ache Tooth-Ache, Swellings, Braises;f3ores, Ring:Worm, Tetter,StiEr, Joints, Contracted Cords; Fresh Cuts, Ulcerated Sores, anti 11l Scrofulous Diseases where external remedies can be used, Sore • Throats, Stiff Necks,--tto. Slat if sniff cure for ITorses and Cattle.— ihrottor t , Spaviri, Fissulas, Poll Evil, Wind galls, Ulcers, Cholic t Sprains, Collar and Sad dle Galls, Stone - Bruises, Stiff Joints, Verdigo, Splints, and Running Soros. *Slam sale at the Patent Medicine Store of ILA. Roeknfield it,' Co., General Agents, Landatter, Pa-, and by A. D. BUEllLER,Get tyabnrg, Pa. , Ite'None genuine but those bottles having the votes "E. C. Allen's Concentrated Elec tric Paste, or Arabian Pain Extractor, Lan caster, Pa.," blown on the bottles. tirLook out for Counterfeits. Don't for gd to cuk for AtLEAre. April 25, 1856.--ly I.IHERINCOS SAFE, MAIN- ran CASXPIaNIt . y' Safe tehiith 'in every instance pretery ed'their entirh. 'cantent.t in the /ate exten sive. Fire.t. A , • rthe burning of the Artiiati Buildings April 10th, andin the GREAT FIRE in Market Street., May 15t,,1856, the genuine HERRING SAFE preserved the Jeivellery of Geo. W.Simons Brci,ißooks, Paittrs &c, of Fisher rt Bro. and Edward Semans rt Co., af ter rediditting Osjsosed to•the burning ruins for stearfy.FOßTT HOURS, and proving condo sively.what wr have always claimed for them their, grelti superiority over all securities now knovhs. Inetbese fires, the HE'REINO'S SAFE, atanding.aide by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per cent.more fire than Herripga,"came forth the acknowledged victor, not only: preserving their contents in excellent order, but being themselves in a condition to go through another ordeal, while the bOasted "Salantandera:", of other. makers were badly nsed:up:in every instance, and in some cases their 06%4 , e, contents completely destroyed. To r 'the , public' we would simply say,-that, durici t . i. the 14 years that Herring's Safe has been ~hefore them more than two hundred linve:pOisislthrough Accidental 'fires without the occurrence of a single loss. • We 'would, therefore, caution purchasers agairiet th,O misrepresentation of interested par ties. — The Herring's Patent is the only Firer proof Stife made in this city which is protected by a Patent Bight, and•we will guarantee it to reshit more than double the amount of. heat of any other Sate, now known. HERRING, Sole idatirifaCturers in this. State of }COMB PATENT CHAMPION SAFES," 34. - Walnut St, hiladdl~hia & Watson's Improved Sala mantl9l4"Olivar Evan's," "C. J. Gayier's," and Eilitittes - Abestos," Iron Chests, (a large assortirie,nt,,. having been taken in part pay meet lti%' "Herrng's,") will be sold at low pri ces. June TONICS WON'T DO ! Tifpy neverdid do more than give temper ary Vilief and they never will. It is be causeAliey don't touch the CAUSE is the dis ease. The CAUSE of all ague and billions disettics of the atmospheric poison called Ali asma Pi Malaria. Neutralize this posion by its NATURAL ANTIDOTE and all disease eausea by it disappears at once. Rhodes' Fey. er and'Agne Cnre is this Antidote to Malaria, and moreover it is a perfectly harmless medi cine. :The certifticate of the celebrated chem ist, J.. 1: Chilton, of New York, to this effect, is attached to every bottle'; therefore if it does no good it eau do no harm. This. is more than can be said of Quinine, Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, ns their use is ruinous to the constitution and brings on DUMB AGUE, which never allows a person to feel perfectly well for it single moment. In illustration of thbse truths I annex some ex tracts from a letter just received from . a Physic - oEoM:in:Aix, 014 "March JAS. ,A. 'RHODES, - Esq.-L 7 Dear Sirt-- Yours ofilla, 2d inst.,is at lifted. Tha ruse ar rived late last'ear and the difficulty in getting any one to trait was ,greatly increased, from the fact that a remedy had been introduced which as growing in favor with the public, as being betterthanusingQuinine,—not knowing I presume that the remedy they used to escape taking - Quinine, contained the DRUG If- SELP,I This remedy, (known as "Smith's Tonic,”) would invariably BREAK an ague, but it did , not CURE it, as it would often return with re newed Ciger. This one circumstance I deem ed in your favor, if I could institute a test com parisori between it and your CURE. The fol lov.ingis the result : Three persons took your "Care," all of which Were cases of "Quotidian Intermittent Tower," of ninny weeks - standing.. They had tried Quinine, and other remedies; occasion. ally missing a chill, but it was, (as in all such cases) slowly wiaring them out, and laying the foundation of other and more-severe mala dies. L did snowed in effecting a radical cure of all &es of these cases with your remedy, and they have not had a chill since. In all three of these cases the "Smith's Tonic" had been aid, and would, as before stated, break the chill, bat after a period or two had elapsed it wont/ return. I think there wiU be no difficulty now in git , inn to jour Vure" the vantage ground of any other remedy now in use here, &e., • , W3f. BUCKNER, M. D.. Rhode'eTever and Ague Cure, or Antidote to Italikia, the' only harmless remedy in ex istence, us equally- certain as a preventive, as s aCura.", • TWee it when you feel the chills coming on, and you will never have a single irar JaeDnigestagenerally. . JAMES A. RHODES, Noprietor, • Provide/ie.; lg. z 10ci--2m NOTICE. isTOlll.-4 hereby given that the unde r . age . Auditor appointed by. the Orphani? Court liadtwalse distribution of the *mutts re suainastpA She *wise r JAMES J. WH,141, JAisinistrator of JOHN W. COOL, late of Measlier' .Tusulip ) , deceased, to aW among,kredisFee, will sit, at his office in the of Okttieburg, on Saturday the .2d day rf'.Attywst.neS, (A. 1856) at 10. ot• clock, da3 so discharge the duties et his tsiient, *leo and "hare all persons Woe .please attend. . NI I ): 7 EiCONAUGHY, Auditor. , 701 11, kees. 7 ,3t, . VARPItII44 is evert arad4 161 , 011 9. 4401.13.:, itnian FOR THE 'CARS. Cow: .this way if TO6 want the worth of your money. 1 will sell you Otxxls that will do you kid to wear thein. Such as SPRING & SUMMER GOODS As cheap as the cheapest, if not a little cheaper. Jolt call and take a peep nt them and Jo (17e for your self at the Cheap Northwest Corner, where you will be accommodated with the greatest of pleasure. Rea,lN•nettetr florPrOtte, and Clothing made, to order—which I will sell cheap for Cash or Country Produce. JOTIN HONE. April IP, iA if. WHO WANTS A GOOD AND CHEAP f 5... ~.. ... ,_ -.... ...' it%„ , ,, .. ilai .... --........„____, I \ t , . t - -". • , ..: ii' . . , -. ,1 -... - s-Vtr?': ' _..-. ..,' DAGUERREOTYPE? QAMIETEL WEAVEIt having provided him solf with an entire now and costlyappa ratus, is • now prepare(' to furnish `Oniguerrentyprn, in every style of the art, which he will war rant to give entire satisfaction. His long ex perience and superior apparatus give him ad vantages seldom furnished by Da:portent' es tablishments ont of the city. He has a large number of specimens at his Gallery, ..I.Cham• bershiirg street, which the publican requested to call and examine. llfa..Clkwges from 50 cents to $lO. /lours or operating from BA. Itt. ro 4P. M. Gold Lockets, Brenstpins, suitable for miniatures, always on band, at the very lowest prices. ittil'Children will not be taken for less, than $lOO, - • Feb.l. 1855. GROCERIES CONFECTIONS, BA.CON, &C. THIS 'WAY FOR BARGAINS! pMANUEL ZIEGLER hes just re turned from the city-with the largest lot of. GROCERIES he has ever before opened, to which he invites the attention of all, convinced , that he can offer RARE BARGAINS. Ile has also a fine lot o Hams, Shoulders, Rte. ? Shad, Mackerel and Herrings, Oranges, Lemons. Raisins, Figs, Dates, Almonds, Nuts, Candies of all kinds, To bacco, &gars, Snuff, -Brooms, Brushes, Blacking, with a general asbortment of variety goods. Give es a call ?him want to buy cheap and good—next door to the "Star" office, Baltimore Street. Gettysburg, May J1.,1855.—tf - GETTYSKIRD FOUNDRY. A NEWFIRM. PrHE,Undersigned, having entered into - 61 .partneship to carry on ilie Pim/idly hu. fitness , under, the firm or...WARREN dr, SONS, hereby make-Annwn to the citi zens of Adams and adjoining counties, that we are prepared to make every thing in our line of hiwiness, We have con. attntly on hand, the HATHAWAY and other COOKING 'WV the Parlor girtigld, and nine c plateSfoues, ol various styles and sizes, Pots, - Kettles and Pans,. tnd. - all. other Iron Cooking Utensils, Waffle Irons. Washing Machines, Ash-plates, Boot-scrapers, :&e. Casti.nes for ,Millsd ills. m other Maithinerv. PLOUGH CASTINGS of every'. description, kr•—• We make the Seglor, Mocker, atid.differ ent Wilherow Ploughs:: We have also,got: different .patterns.of FENCING SE. TAILING for Cemeteries, Yards and Porches, which can't he beat for beauty or cheapnosi. , 1111'All the above articles' will be sold cheap for Cash w Coantry;Produce. Jo. BLACKSAIITIIING • still con intim!. • (lASTINGSand every thing in our lint !mile In order. THRESHING iII4CHINES repair- ed .at shortest notice. 'Being - Moulders ourselves, we will do our work niour. THOMAS WARREN, , MARTIN WARREN, 'HIRAM .tVARREN, • THOMAS. A. WARREN. Gettysburg, May -11; 1855.•:-.41 • - • CORN DRYERS. •• THE attention of .IILIETIS is invited to to a very superior article for drying CORN, which can be had at ulliinnes qt • WARREN'S FOUNDRY. Jan.ll, 1856; IF you . want a fine article of Dress Shoes or Gaiters, for Gentlemen or Ladies, call at the store'of )V.W. PAXTON. BONNETS, and Bonnet Trimmings can he had very low, and pretty, it the amp store of FAIINESTQOKS'. OUR stock of HARDWARE has been very much increased, and persons building' or requiring anything in this department, should first call and see FAHNESTOCKS choap stock.. , , • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.—FIutes, Vi aline, Guitars, Accordeons, Fifes, Ac., on hand And for sale. by • AfARCUS SAMSON. J.,OVES HOSIERY, the largeeypret• Li+ tient. and eheopestetock in town, at April 18. SCHICKS'. BROOM and CEDAR WARE, for' sale at i. FAHNESTOCKS. Teachet•sslFF“ is red. Fr HE Board of School Directors of Straban township will met at the Houso of Jacob I}. Grass, in linnterstown, on. Saturday the 16th day of August neal, , , at 2 . o'clock, P. M. for the purpose of employing Teachers for the fall term of the schools of said township. , All persons interested are invited to attend. • • By order of the L'eUrd. • ' PHILIP BEAKER SPy. July 25, 1856.-3t* - • " • rirIOBLCCO,-.A-preakii jusoAve4uTed . :r4t EIAILSON'B:' e • Iv qaxtennive assortinens . oteIROIC , and A . -NLlLS,justiikat - ' • FAHRISTOXICIP:'f Prolliesitonal Cards. Dr. J. Lawrence Hill, DENT ST, OFFICE •in • Chambersburg street 11 IP one door 'West of the Lutheran Church,nearly opposite Crammer'sstore, where he may ho found ready and willing to attend to any caso within the province of the Dentist. Persons in want of full sets uf teeth are invited to call. REFERENCES. Dr.°. N.lstniaroN T , Rev.C.P.KaAuTn,D.D " D. Honvia, ' Prof.M.J•coxs, " H. Y. Dcass, •' H. L.o.tcsmss , ... D. (hoses?, .. H.A.Mcautspotto Its• R. .I , nitsos, I • .. M. L. ft TIEViII• July 4, INS DAVID A. BUEHLER, attorney at Law, AVILL promptly attend to Collections and 1 all other business entrusted to his care. rrollire in the Diamond, adjoining the Store uf A. D. Kum's. Gettysburg, Pa., Feb. 1, 1856. EDWARD B. IMEHLER, allornry at 'TILT, faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. He speaks the German language. Office at ,the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Forney's Drug Store, and nearly opposite Dnnner Ziegler's Store. WM. B. M'CLELLAN, ATToaxmAT. LAW; and Preston*: wilfloneeg. FFICE on the South side of the Public O Square, two doors West of the "Sentinel" Office. March 28, UK D. 1 1 PCONAUGHY, ATTORNEY ✓!T LRIP, (Dike removed to one door Weft of Boetde Drug dr, Book-Store,Chamberabuti street.) oftlornet aaid SolicHor for Patonts and Penions, Bounty Land Warrants. Back-Pay sus pended Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Washington, D. C.: also American claims in England. Laud Warrants located and sold, or bought,and highest prices given. Lauds for sale in lowa, Illinois, and other Western States; and Agents engaged locating, Warrants there. /o , 'Apply to him personaily or by letier. DAVID•WILLS4- , Attorney at Law. HAS taken Koffice Mr. STEVENSON'S North West Corner of Centre 8 pare. RE FERE NCE.—Hon. Thaddeus Stevens Esq.. Lancaster. IC L. CAMPBELL - I Attorney at LAlv, O FFICE on Chambershurg street, Get fysburg, two doors from. Geo. Ar nold's store, will attend to filing clainie for BOUNTY LAND, under the late Acts of. Congress, Pensions, Ace. All , business entrusted to'his hands will receive prompt attention. Bnltlmo re.Adverllsomenis C. W. SLAGLE & PRODUOE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MEIIOLIANTS, 118 North Street, Baltimore, WOULD inform the public that they have V V entered. into the above Business and will pay particular attention to the sale of Flour, Crain of all Linde, Clorer Seed, Whiehey, and Country ro , duce generally, and will-remit proceeds of sales promptly. Itet...Cousingments solicited. CIIAIiLI..IB W. SLAGLE. • J. V.- HOSIIOUR, G. D. MAN EFELTER, York Co., a. Balt. April 4,1856.-3 m DOTEII7IICT STORM. fI"IHE Snbecribers would 'respectfully announce to their (Heinle anu tha public. that they have opened a NEW HARDWARE STORE in BaMinor° at,. adjoining the residence of DAVID ZIEGLER, Gettysburg, in which they ate opening a arge and general assortment of UARItiIc4ARE, IRON, STEEL; GROCERIES, Cutlery and Coach Trimmings, Sprinw b s l Ixles 1 Saddlery, Cedar * Ware, Shoe Findings ; Paints Oils &Dyestuffs n general, incuding every descriptioa of articles in the above line of business—to which they invite the attention of (.3oarh makers, Blacksmiths. Carpenters, Cabinet makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the public generally. ' Oar stock having been selected with great earc and purchashed for Cash, we guart antegfor the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they can be purchased any where. We particularly request a call from our friends, I.nd earnestly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to es tablish a character for selling Goods at ow prices and doing business on fair prin. I iples. JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID lEGLER. ty Getsbnrg, Janet 3.1851„—tr. NOW WE HAVE THEM ! "'UST arrived from Baltimore and Phila , delphia the best assortment of ilats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, that has ever been offered: in Adams County. lel-All colors and kinds, (some entirely new.) Call and see them at the old stand, newly fixed up, in chamberiburg street, a few doors from the cUrner. , • W. W. PAXTON. March '2B, 1856.. 0 you want cheap ,and faahlontible -MY' ROSES ? If so call at FARNESTOCIM. April 18, . . CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS can always be bought 'lorter; and larger assortment ban. eliewliere, always to be bad at FAIINESTOCICS'. ' . , - • • BERAPHIN(II—:-adaided - for Church. ma er be didd veiylow by ' • - • MARCUS SAMSON ' 1%%% 4 41A%,%0 Removed a few dm.* Sootil' the old Stand. H. SKELLY respectfully informs •) his old nstomers and the , public )nerally, that he condi'. les the TAILORING IUSINESS, at his new tand. in South Baltimore tree, where he will be appy to accommodate all , ho may patronize him. II work entrusted to his Ire warranted to fit and be of most substantial make. Thankfu for past favors, he solicits a continuance o public patronage. Kr Me New York o ring and Sum mer F.dSH/CYNSare received: :Call and see them. April 27, 1856.—tf , 300,000 SEGARS otevery ` description ati d Brands, all of which are offered lower than any other Douse iwthe city. And warrants all he sells to be of the best ma. serial. Call atel examine:. 51. BUEHLER, No. 107 Franklin street.. Nov. 24, 1854. - • oBOXES BLACK FAT in store and for sale by W3l. BUEHLER, No. Ib7 Franklin Areal, Baltimore TOBACCO. 100 I BOXES. LB. LUMP TO. BACCO in store and for sale, at 1 i cents by the box, at BUEHLER'S Old Stand, the chentees in the oily. No 457 Franklin at., Baltimore. IsiRHOS, KENTUCKY LEAF TOBACCO, 20 Bales . Havana, 25'dn &gull, 20 do St. Jago, 20 Cases Seed Leaf. Just received and fnr tale by WM. BUEHLER, No. 157 Franklin street. N0v.24, 1854. Hanover 13. _Railroad. rirlft . AIRS r over the Hanover Branch Rail road now run ;Ls follows : First Train leaves Hanover at 9, A. M., with Passengers fot York, Harrisburg, Colum bia and Philadelphia. This train also eon nects with tho Express for Baltimore, arriving there at 12} P. M., Mopping at Glenrock, Park ton and Cockeysville. - Second Train leaves at 3 P. M. with Pas sengers for Baltimore and intermediate places, and returss with Passengers Irom York, &c. J. LEIB, Agent. July 27, 1855. SPODTING! SPOETING! GEORGE and Henry ampler will W Make House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country pro duce. Farmers and all others wishing their it times, Harts, &c. spouted, would do wr"to give theri a call. , G. do H. WAMPLEH., grIENTLEMEN, do you wish to select from a large and handsome variety of Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Lc? if you do, call at .SCHICK'S. - _ $5,000 NAN 1414 a l,ef o rs r oli L AND VI ARR A hav ing any to sell will recive the highest price in cash by calling on EDWARD G. FAUNESTOCK. CALEDONIA IRON. rAIINESTOCK 133 OTHERS, having the exclusive sale of. CALEDONIA ROLL ED IRON for Gettysburg, would call the at- tention of buyers Willis :mice of Iron—the best in the market— , which will be sold at tne loWest rates. - • We keen a largelsupply of HAMMERED IRON constantly or hand. Call at the sign of the RED FRONT. • - WANTED. PERSONS m haing Hay idi will do well by calling on the subscriber, in Gettysburg, who it desirous of purchasing. The highest Market price will be paid at all times. I,* - 4i he intends having the Hay, after being ?acked, hauled either to Hanover or Baltimore, the preference to haul will be givenito those from whom he may-purchase. • 4 SOLOMON POW - ERS. Dec. 24. 1852. ! --' tf On BOXES BEST CONGRESS " 41, ‘" TOBACCO. in rture and for sale by WW, BUEHLER,- ; No. 167 Franklin street A FRESH supply of Goods at the Variety Store of QOBEAN A: PAXTON. IMPORTANT TO the citizens If Gettysburg and Strangers who desire to know where to find a large and handsome varifty of Summer HATS and SHOES,—aro ivited to call at W. W. PAX TON'S STORE, where they will find the most elegant White Beavers, and Whits Silk Hats, Panama, Canton and Braid ; also, Soft French Hats, and a large stock of Gentlemen and Ladies' and Mildren's Summer Shoes and Gaiters of every style and price. Call and tame the goods. June 13,1856. W. W. PAXTON A LARGE assortment of. Queensware, Chi na, Glass and Stone Ware, COBEAN dc PAXTON'S HOLLOWAY'S PILLS OINTMENT Kl• can be bad _ia Oettysberg, at the. Drug Store of A..D. BITEHLEIL BONNETS, Ribbons, and Flowers,of every JJ variety, and .to suit every taste, to be found cheap at . SCR4CK'S. TOE STIRAND BANNER ,. Is published every Friday Evening, U Balti ^' more street, in the three story build ' Mg, a few doors above Film estacks Store, by • D. A. BUEHLER. TERMS. If paid in advance or within the year $2 per annum—if not paid within. the year $2 50.-- Ntiloaper discontinued until all arrearages are paid--except at the option of the Editor. Sin gle cOpies 6+ cents. A failure to notify a dis continuance willbe regarded as a new engage ment. , _ Adratisenents not exceeding a square in serted three times for sl—every subsequent insertion 25 cents. Longer ones in the seam proportion. All advertisements not specially ordered fora given time will be continued:un til forbid. 4 - liberal reduction will be made to those who advertise by the year: Job rinting of all kimjs; Feentc'd neatly , and proMptly, and on reasonable terms. Philadelphia Advertimemeat a FIRE PROOFS! THY SALAMANDER SAFES OP PHILADEL PIIIA AGAINST THE WORLD I EVANS & WATSON, No. 2G South Fourth street, Philadelphia, have had the surest demonstration in the following certificates that their manufacture of Salamandee Safes has at length fully warranted the representa tions which have been made of them, as ren dering au undoubted security against the ter rific element: • .PIIILADELVIITA, April 12,1856. Waist's. Fivsxs & WATSON :—Gletai—lt aft fords us the highest satisfaction to state toyou that owing to the very protectivo qualities o, two of the Salamander Safes which we par chased of yon some months since, we saved a large portion of our jewelry, books, papers, &c., exposed to tho calemitous fire in.llan. stead Place, on the' morning of the 11th instant. When we reflect that these Safes were loea ted in the fourth story of the building we occu pied, and that they. fell subsequently into a heap of burning roma, where the vast concen tration of heateansed the brass plates to me we cannot but regard the preserVation • of th, valuable contents as most convincingproof o the great security affonled by your Safes. We shall take 'Much pleasure in recom• mending them to men of business as , a sure re fiance against the fire. GEO. W. SIMONS & PRO. PRILAfiELPHIA, April 12, 1856. • MEssits. EVANS ot WATAI9N:-1 have to offer you my testimony in favor of the greet security afforded to my entire stock of jewelry. books, papers, &e., during the recent disastrous con flagration in lianstead Place, front the fact that the same were contained in two of the Sal amander Safes manufactured by you. Having fallen from the fifth story of the Ar tisan building, where they were previously placed, and exposed to a vast heat for a long time, the preservation of the valuable deposits seemed to every ono Wino witnessed the open ing and interior examination, a matter of pro found astonishment. Trial! who may require a perfect protection rom the ravages of fire, I shall not hesitate to recommend the use of your Safes, as I consid er they have now undergone the must trying test. N. E. MORGAN. .PHINIDELPIIIA, April 12, 1856. MESSRS EVANS it WATSON :--tiontlemeo-- No doubt you will be deeply gratified to learn the good condition in which I discovered my book, policy of insurance, certificates of stuck, and other valuable documents, when on Fri- day last I opened the Safe made by your firm. With my knowledge of its great exposure both to the intensity of the heat from so hot a fire, as that which destroyed the Artisan build ing, as also from the force of the fall from its former elevatdd position in the third story, I could entertain hut slender hopes prior to its interior inspection, that the contents which I once so highly prized would over be of any ser vice to me_, but as these fears are now happily. removed, I feel it only due to say to you, that I can henceforth recommend the use of your Safes to all who may wish to feel a confidence in the perfect security which such menus pro vides against's° frightful an element. EDWARD GASKILL, Bookbinder. Constantly on hand Patent Powder and Thief Proof Locks for Banks, Stores, Ste. April 25, 1856.—1 y T 1 JSSES ! TRUSSES ! TRUSSES Z 1 C. H. NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment S. W. COB. TWELI7II & RACE STREETS, 'PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER of fine French Trusses, combi• fling e.rircnte tightness, ease and durabilit. With correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suted by remitting amounts, as below: Sending mm her of inches round the hips, and stating lied affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, and $5. Double—ss, $6 $8 and $lO. Instruc tions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sal , •, in great variety, Dr. Banning's Improred (dent Body Brace, for the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erehtor Braces, adapted to all with stoop shoulders and weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syr inges—rnale and female. - WA-Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants August 3,1855.-1 y NEW WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. N r SPENCER THOMAS, No. 26 South 111 • Second street, Philadephia, Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs and Medi ' cines Chemicals, 'Aaids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and Ameri can White : Zinc; Window. Glass, GlasSware, Varnishes, • Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually kept by Druggists, including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac; 'Potash, &c., &c., &c.— All orders by mull or otherwise proMptly at tended to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods Beut to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low and goods warranted. " March 7, 1856.-Iy. • . "Philadelphia Advertisement," EVANS FIRE AND THIEF PROOF SAFES ! I FOR Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers and Oth ers, having Books, riper., or other valua bies,lopreserve from FIRE or BURGLARS. Day & Newell's (Robb's) BANK LOCKS. A CARD.---TuE "F l an PROOF'S/FY," that preserved 'ourßooks aperc, &c., during the 144 eatF ire at Hart's Buildings,' was purchas e( OLIVER EVANS, 61S. 2nd., St. Phil. ad'a. GETZ & BUCK. ' , REFRIGERATORS & AND WATER FIL- TERS." EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigera tors for cooling and preserving meaty, butler, milk,. water and all articles for culinary purpo ses. WATER FILTERS, for purifying brackida ormuddy water s whether effected by rains; lime stone, marl or other causes can be hid separ ate or attuched.to the Refrigerators—a small' quantity of Ice cooling the Whole, in the warm est weather. , PORTABLE SHOWEIVBATHS, for the use of warm or cold water. • - WATER COOLEILS, for Hotels, Stored Dwellings. STOLLE TRUCKS, for moving bares, kW, SEAL PRESSES, COPYING do., DRUG GIST do. OLIVER EVAN.B No. 61. S. Second -at., (2 doors below Chesnut.) FESTABLISLIED in 1835.) eb. 8, 1856.--ly H. =RAM. [ T. MAY NEAL FREE OF CHAROEI'I ! T wo SPLENDID PARLOR • ENGRA YINGS, entited "Dolton Abbey in the Olden Times," a splendid steel engraving, from the celebrated painting by Landseer, and the "Departure of the Israelites from Egytit," aline and beautiful engraving from a painting by D. Roberts. The retail price a the above engravings is $3 Fer""l but will be sent free of charge as fo Iowa: The subscribers have established a BOOK AGENCY 'in Philadelphia, and will furnish any book or publication at the retailpriee free of postap. Any persons by forwarding the subscription price of arty of tliel3 lthigazines, • such as Harper's, ody's, Putnam's, Graham's, Prink Leslie's Fachions, dm., will receive the Magazines for one year and a copy of either of the above beautiful engravings, free of charge, or if subscribing to a $2, and a $l, Magazine, such as Peterson's, and Challen'S Ladies' Christian Annual, they will receive both Mag azines and a copy of either of the above en gravings. Every deseription of engraving on wood ex corded with neatness and despatch. Views of buildings, newspaper heading, views of ma chinery, book illustrations,. lodge certifieates, business cards, &e. All orders sent by mail promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their buildings engraved can send a daguer eotype or sketch of the building by mail or ex press. • , Pomona at a distunceihaving saleable arti cles would find it to their advantage to address the subscrib6rs, as we would act as agents for the sale of them. BYRAM k PIERCE, . r 60. Sarah hiladelpkia Nov. 30, 1865.—1 y . ' SCIIICi ALWAYS AHEAD I Just from the City with the Largest and ref tiest Stock of GOODS for' the Spring ' and Summe . Seasons, to be seen in 'Gettysburg I AMONG tv will be found Plain and Fahey DRESS SILKS, blank Sake, all qualities,. plain ,Delaines, plain and figured Berege, qualities,. Delaines, Chillies, Brilliants; Lawns, Gingham, Prints, Simile, Embroid eries, Gloves, Hosiery and CLOTIIS of all colors and prices, Cas.simeres, for men and boy's wear, Vestings, Mdslias, Tickings, &e. Purchasing at the lowest rates, I am pre pared to sell at as low prices as goods can be had at any other establishmelit in the County. In proof of which, I invite all to and ex amine my Stock, when they will be satisfied that such is the filet. J. L. SOHICK. Southwest Corner of the Dia. mond and Baltimore street. April 18, 1858. TO ALL INTERESTED. THE undersigned in desirous to close up all his unsettled accounts, and requests all persons indebted to him to call and make settlement on or before the first day of April next. As a former notice was disregarded . by many, and as the undersigned wishes to avoid the necessity of imposing costs, ho hopes that all indebted on account for six months or longer will call on or' before the above date. iterThe undersigned returns his thanks to his friends tier the liberal patrobage heretofore extended, anti invites the attention of the pub lic to his stock of TIN ANDSHEETIRON WARE, continually on hand and for sale at reasonable prices. GEORGE E. BUEHLER. March 7, 1856. 5V P 12 . ..M3 'WSZCZIG 4011 N W. TipToN. Fashioymble Bar -1.- 40 be r flair Dresser, can at all times be foun , rekared to attend to the calls of the peo i , at the Temple, in the Diamond, adjoining the County Building. From long experience, he flatters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorial IPepartnietel with such an infinite degree of skill, as will meet with the entire satisfaction °fall who may submit their chins to the keen Odeal of his razors. He hopes therefore, that by his attention to business, and a de sire to please, he will merit as well as re ceive, a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their pri vate dwellings. CALL AND SEE US AT THE N ETi" S T ND. WM: T. ICING respectfully annonnces to his friends and the public generally that he continues the TA ILOR/NO BUSi- NESS in the room adjoining the store of J. Lawrence Schick, and frfelnting on the Dia mond. He has made arrangements to receive regularly the LATEST PAs1110." and it will be his constant aim to give entire satia te those whemay favor hint with their custom. rfbr Country produce will be taken iu ex change fur work. WM. T. SING. Gettysburg, Sept. 58, 1855. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, has opened an office in the front room of his residence in Baltimore street, where he will be prepared to attend to Scrivening, Conveyancing, and collecting claims, promptly and punctually. Gettysburg, April 20.—V BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. THE undersigned will attend promptly to the collection of claims for BOUN TY LANDS tinder the hits act of Con ' gross. Those who have already received 40 or 80 Acres, can now receive the bal ance, by calling on the subseriber and mak ing the necessary a pplination. JOEL B. DANNER Gettysburg, March 9,1865.—tf Flour for Sale. v. you want a good barrel of Flour, call at 1 IIOKE'S STORE, as helms made arrange ments to have always the best, which he will sell at 25 cents advance. slay 2,• 1856 TIN WIRE! TIN WIRE! fit EO. E. BUEHLER informs Ms Ulf friends and customers that he has a sery large assortment of TIN ,WARE on hand ready tor the Spring sale, made by experienced workmen and of good ma terials, which will be sold low for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. li}'Call and see._ Gettysburg, Gettysburg, March 10,1854. ...,.. • limber Late for Sale. rrIIE subscriber has still a few more choice LOCUST and CHESNUT TIMBER LOTS for sale—which ha will dispose of on' liberal terms. • J. D. PAXTON. Gettysburg, May 5, 1856. ' PARASOLS; Umbrellas, Fans—sticks of them—at SCHICK'S. , WOOL and Cottou Carpet cheap at V 010. ARNOLD'S. IGURED. Plain and Buff kariieilles vest F lag low at ' OEO. 'ARNOLD'S QUPERIOR Parasols Ao., for sale' GEO. ARNOLD'S. IF•ITIIINKS, CARPET BAas,>& UXIIREL LAS for gala at, COBEAN it-PAXTONt LET US REASON TOGETHER HA LOWAY'S PI LLS. ITlhtut been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by dise..se and suffering.-- HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS.. the DELICATE, nd the INFIRM, of all cli mates, ages, sexei, and constitutions. Pro: lessor Holloway personally attperiMenide the manufacture of his, medicines in the. United States, and offers them to a five and enligbt coed people, as the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. I These famous Pills are expressly combined' to operate on the stomach, the liver, the kid neys, the lunge, the akin, and the bowels, cot' meting any derangement in their functions, pu rifying the blood, the very fduntain of Me i :and hue curing disease in all .its forms. -P Ilysptpada lAm C••••pfalsta. Nearly half the human race bavo taken these Pills. lt has been proved in all r oarts of the world, that nothing tuts been fliund eqUal to them in cases of disorders of the Hier dys pepsin, and stomach complaints generally.—. They soon giro healthy tone to theso organi, however mach deranged, and whoa aU other means have failed. Gamy, DeWU,. nt sash. Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their Custom Houses to the intro duction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for persons of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, as its in vigorating properties never fail to afford relief. No Female, young or old, should bs without this celebrated medicine. h corrects and reg. ulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many enses like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given to Children of nll ages, and for any complaint consequently no tinnily should be without it. Holloway's We are the beet remeJy knors in the world for the following Diseases Asthma Diarrhcen Bowel Complaints Dropsy Coughs Debility Colds lever and Ague Chest Diseases Female Complaints Dyspepsia Ileadaches Indigestion Stone and th,vel Influenza Secondary symptoms Inflammation Inward Weakness Venereal Affections Liver Complaints Worms, of all kinds Lown'ssof Spirits Piles * * *Sold at the manufactories of Professor Irot.t.owAv, 80 Maiden - Lane,New York * and 244 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicine throughout the I-ha ted States, and the civilized world,.in boxes,. at 25 cents, 62/ cents and $1 each. gel—There is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger sizes. N. 13. Directions for the guidance of pa tinots i every disorder are affixed to each box. Oct. 26, 185 —cow NEW GOODS HAS just returned from the city with . as large and beautiful a stock of Goods as have been offered to the public at any thno among which are Hosiery, Gloves, Under Sleeves, Collars, Trimmings, Opera Lawns Robe Lawns, De Buize's q lm., tien , lerneWs Goods in f.creat Black, Blue, Brown, Olive, Claret, and Dna), Plaid, Clouded, and Figured Cloths, Black, Brown, and Fancy Cmoimera, Figured, Plaid and Plain of every shade of color,„ Drab De tate, Camlnuerette, Bombazine, Silk Warp, Al pacca, Also, Readyminde Clothing in great varieiy, with it large stock of Groceries, Queenswnre, &c., &e., all of which will be sold as cLeap as they can be had at any retail estab lishment in the eutmtry. The LADIES will please call, as we are at all tunes pleased to see them. The GENTLEMEN'S attention is invited to our large assortment in their line. In con nection with the Store, is our C9I.6OI2LUEIaKe 1. - daiIi9I.33IDIIM D al the and•Slone Profit, Where everything is done up in the neatest and best manner. We can rig a man front head to foot in the very Phortest notice. Call and see and judge for yourselves. April 4, 1856. FAENESTOOII BROTEMIII Yi AVE received and are now opening a ve il ry large and handsome stock of NEW GOODS,- and are prepared to sell to all in want of any article in their line eheaper Than they can be bought` elsewhere. Hama 'pur chased our stock in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, thus having the advantage of all three markets, we can offer iudneetnents which can not be had elsewhere in the County. Our stock embraces DRESS' , C DODS of every variety, Summer SILKS, Chali De lains, Berage.4, Ilrilliantines. Sc., and every thing fashionable f . es' wear. For Gentlemen, we havo beautiful styles of Goode for Coats, Punta and Vests, 4te. Give us a. cull, we deem it - needless to enumerate the va riety of styles and qualities of our largo stock as we are prepared to furnish everything itt our line, at the lowest price. Call early at FAHNESTOCKS', The oign of the Red Front. April 18, 1858. • • JOHN HOKE THE LADIES' STORE. A NEW SUPPLY OF FANCY GOODS I MISS 111 9 1)LELLA . N II AS just returned from the cit y with a 11 very largo stack of • MILLINERY f FANCY GOODS, to which she would invite the attention of her friends and the, public, believing that an ex amination will satisfy them that her Goode are the beat selected and most fashionable as well as the cheapest over offered in this place. Tho' assortment comprises • Cashmeres, • Silks, 1)e Lanes, Gingliams, Calicoes, De Bsge, Coburg Cloths, illae= lin, Lmnen, Sack Flannels, Bon- ' nets and'Honnet Trirmaings, Satins,. ' • Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Artlfi• • • cials, Black Veils, Blue do., Gloves, Hosicry, Handkerchiefs; French Worked Collars, Cambric ! Jackonet and Swiss Edgings, Insettings, Muslins, Sleeves, Mo. hair and Silk Bits, Black . , . Lace and Embroider-, ' ed Handkerchiefs, Braids, Fans,' .118—call and examine for yourselves. • Gettysburg April 18 1856. , VALL 'and see the new style of Wapk, Brown, Lilae and Pearl Hata at W. W. PAXTON'S. NEWSTOCK Iteridy-leolle.Clotbing, art& L. a great variety of Fancy Articles at i . COBEAN,AND P./4 I'OlM • SPLPND/ Et, Igt of TRUNKS low at - GEO. ARNOLD , IL WHY ARE WE SICK? nue Pills Aire,' the Ji Pollak Conapksiata. GEORGE ARNOLD