BY` D. A. BUB! ILER. VOLUME ;KIVII.I ROOKS-v STATIONERY ) Ditecis & MEDICINES. AXigOi . tin t Mitrtafit H. * BUEHLER has added to his former 41,6 stock of Good's an unusually large as. •soitment of Classical, Behool and Miseella ,necus s! , • Ti embraciug all the text Books used in the Col lege, Common Schools, nti standard Classic 'authors, with the recent popular publications, •constitutinga larger assortment than ever be -41)11 Opened in Gettysburg. Also .auka tat rte‘ro Lox 'of all kind; Cap, Letter and Note Paper, of "the best quality,. EnYi3lopes, Gold Pens and Pebeils, Peitanyies, &c:, With a large assort ment of 1 Fait cy Goods, .tolvbieb he invites attention, being prepared load! at unnsually.low prices. II .11e bus also largely increased his ,stAielc'd=L. Drug - sr and slifediriters, which, can. Le relied upon us the best iu the anarket. se-Arran g eincias haCe been effected by -Which ling article in his line of business can be promptly ordered from the city. Gettysburg, Nor. 2, 1855. PUBLIC SALE. . 13 Y . tirtue or the lost Will and Testament ofMARY MIL, late of the lbrough oaf (lettysherg, deceased, the undersigned, Ex .eohlor, will offer at Public Sale, On the premi ses; on Tneeday, Me 19th day of Aityust nrxi, .at I', M., - 41•Zoi of Ground, .situate iu said . borough, on East York street, adjoining lots orithasell and Wills on the East, and Mrs. Mary ThompSon on the West, .on.whieb arc erected a two-story Weittiv•r•boardtxl DWELL' N 6, ' m one-story da.,m stone Spring-..• : „, house, Woodshed, Stable, and . • .other iMproyements. There is as eicellent welt Ot water:at the door, and a number of neltuice fruit trees on the lot. Attendanee.will be kiyon'ind terms made known on day of sale by , .rEdtEMIAII CULP, Executor luly -18, 1856.—te PUBLICS SALE• ;HY virtue of the Will of SL WALKER, late of Muuntjoy township, Adams coun ty, Pa., deceased, 1 will expose to Public. Sale, urn Sidnrtlay the Mita!, of STlttliber next, on the preauisea, the tel described Real E. latgvqitik lo . No. House and Tiot‘ • ,••• frolitimr ou the Baltimore turnpike. No. .2:.-,Containing 22 Acres, tho imprtivootents:. being - a tn•o•story weather boarded-House, log Barn, Se., Mro. 3.---..b0ut•49 Acres, of land, With a good proportion of Timber and Meadow, adjoining the omit mentioned tract .Thewhole will. ho sold together, or separate to suit purchasers. Persons view the property wilLcnJl.ou the subscriber mid ing near the :fame -001-Sale will 'commence at to'elock P. M., when tittkilidallee will be given and terms made knewn by ." SAM.'I...DURBORAIV, Ez'r. July. 25 t • I 856.—1 a It EA OY7MA ON CLOTHING AT sIANDsToN E FRONT NOW received and for sale the largest, pret, bust,and Cht.lipeststuek 1:44 MAUI: U.L.02'11111 G • that has been offered in this place atany time. Itiq"aro All our own - make, manufncturedOut at' our own cloths, enssimers,&c. We have Cont. ' from $1 to $2O; 1 1 ants from 41.14, cents to • $11) ;.• Vests from. 621 cents ts:so 00. Boys' Clothing in Great Variety. Our stock of Cloths consist of Blue, Black, Olive, Brown, Green, %Drab . , Claret, and all other colors. Our Cassimers consist of Black, Steel mixed,', and every variety of Shade ()Miley celours. Also 'Marine Cassi 'acres, in great variety, Pirtle, Plaid, and Figur ed • Cash inmate, Tweeds, Jeans, Urab Detates, Silk .Wurp, Alpaceati, Black . Satin; Butt, White, Plaid and Fancy 3.lpuilles Vesting. Call and see us, if we cannot fit you we will take your measure, and Make you a garment •n the very'shortrist notice. Having the very best Tailors constantly at work cutting out and 'maltiag up, we do things up in the neat est awl lima manner at the, SAND-STONE .FRONI'-..and'are hard to beat. BROADS ARNOLD. , 1 April 4, 18b6.,, iivosma a4LE. Ii Order virtue of an of the Orphans' Cour 1.11 of Adama county, the undersigned, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Cornelius McCall iou, late of Liberty township, Adams county Pa., deceased, Will sell atPublic Sale on Sad urd_cty the 1.31 h, day of September next, at 1 o'clock P. M on the premises the Valuable . . 11.11 ALL ESTATXI of said degeasiid, situate in said township, , a, boa ono pile from Eiumittsbiuw, containing 93 Aciimi more 'or, less, adjoining lands of Maxwell. Shields,..larues Ilowey, Samuel Dup. horn,and utters. Theliaprovementa consist of "4'66 a.half story. - • • • • LOG WEATIIERBOARDED us 1:111 ' HOUSE, Stone Spring House, with two Spilitgript never failing water near tho ing l a good Log Stable, and other out buildings. .Lbont ld Acne are is good Timber and the balance cleared and under good ent tivatien,•with a fair proportion of meadow. Parsons wishing to view the premises, n calll'dn' Joseph hfcCallion, , residing on the ame n , or on the subscriber, residing in Geltys• burp': Attendance , will be given and terms made known on day of sale by JOiIN C. ItiCALLION, Adrw'r. August 1, 1856.—td. AGENT W.&NTED. A N enterprising and responsible Agent wan .ll ed to canvass the County of Adams, fora responsible Insurance Company, to whom good indooemeoui will be offered. Address. • - Box 142, York, Penna. July 11,1866--31• HEIRI • • 'Youthand AKIN' Verse, a breeze 'mid blossoms straying, Where hope slung feeding like a bee— • Both were mine! Life Went a•maying • With nature, hope and poesy, ' '• When wati young,l , • • . . When I was young? Ah, woful wheal Ah, for the change'twixt now and. then I This breathing house not built with lands, This body that does me greirions wrong, O'er airy cliffs and,glittenag sands, • • How lightly then it Hashed alosig-l— • Like those, trim 6114-unknown of yore, On winding lakes and rivers wide, That ask no aid from sail or oar, That fear no spite of wind and. tidal Naught cared this body for wind or weather, When youth and I lived in't togither. • • Flowers are lovely; Loire is flowerlike: • Friendship is a sheltering tree ; 0, the joys that come down shower-like, Of friendship, lore.and .liberty, • Ere I was old I Ere I was old ? Ah, woful Can't Which tells me youth's nail:over here! 0, youth I for years so many and sweet, 'Tis known that thou and I were one ; FlPthink it but a fond deceit— It cannot be that thou art gone! The vesper bell bath not yet toll'd, And thou wert aye a masker bold I What strange ditignise hest now put on, To make believe that then art gone? I see those locks in silyery slips, This drooping gait, this alteed size.; But Spring-tide bloisotris on thy lips, And stars take sunshine from thine eyes Life is but thought ; so think I will, That youth and I are house-mates still. Coleridge. Dlelancholy. Hence, nll ye leniti delights, As shor,tas are the nights Wherein'you spend your folly; There's naught in this life' sweet, Were men but wise to seo't, ...But only melancholy; . 0 sweetest melancholy I Welcome, folded arms and fixed eyes ; A sigh, that piercing, mortifies; A look that's fastened to the ground; A tongue chained up without a sound. Fonatniaheads and pathless groves, Placei which pale passion loves ; Moonlight walks when all the fowls • Are warmly housed save bats and owls; A'midnight bell, a passing groan, These arc the sounds we feed upon; Thou stretch our bones in a still gloomy valley,Nothing 'so Idanty sweet as lovely melan cholly. Beaumount. A Death . Scene. I SAW nn angel rise—her ond was peace. 'At midnight she was borne, sweet release, •FeowilickykkitAiteuernerd "wherein theriny.. , Her dying smile was:sweet; the very clay Grew riviliant;- the celeStial light shone down, . Aud wreathed her saintly forehead with a crown, And formed a luminous bridal robe, and there she smiled; beyond all dream of mortal fair. Her eyes lit up as if God's eyes did shine Into their depths. Love 'from • her heart, its shrine, Looked forth and loved me; and I saw her rise. Then came two sister Spirits from the skies, Flora and Miriam, and they snid, "Come, sec Mary the angel." Then itseemed to me ' That I forsook the body. In a room Whose oriel window, like a rose in bloom, Glowed crimson in the Ettst, she lay at rest Upon a conch of ivory, and her breast (Beamed white as: snow through purple and , white lace. . Then Flora came, and with a sweet embrace Leaned o'er the sleeping Spirit. " Mary dear," She whispered, "wake, for morning light is here." 0 soul of love I she woke, her hands she felt, nd Said : "I dreamed—l thought my husband knelt Beside my bed and held me to his breast, And then I sank away in such sweet rest I wished that I might never wake again. Where am I? Where has gone that racking pain?" "Mary," sweet Miriain said. "the night is past, And _this is heaven." Her lovely arms she cast Around my Mary, and her angel head On that lone sister's breast was pillowed. Hard flowing, A better story than the following which comes from North Carolina. we have not.. !fOund in the drawer for ninny months: About thirty miler above Wilmington, N. C., lived three fellows, named respec tively Barham. Steno arid Grey, on the bauks of the North East Ritter. They came down the river in a small row boat, and made fait-to the wharf. They bad a Mime of it id the city, but for fear they would get dry before getting home they procured a jug of whisky, and after dark, of a black night too, they embarked in a boat expecting to roach home in the morn ing. They rowed away with all theener gy that three half tipsy fellows could mus ter, keepiug up their spirits in the dark ness by pouring spirits down. At break of day they thought that they must be near home, and ,seoing through the dim grey of the morning house on the river ,lido, Stone said : "Well, Barham, we've got to your•plaoo "If this is my house," said Barham, "somebody,has boon putting up a lot of outhouses since I wont away yesterday '; but I'll go ashore and look about, and see wheie we are, if you'll hotive to," Barham disembarks, takes observations, , and soon comes stumbliug along book, and says— " Well, I'll be whipped if we ain't. at Wilmiogton bare yet—:and whit's more; tho boat has been hitched to tho wharf all night It! , • It was afact, and the drunken , dogs had been rowing away for dear life, without knowing it.=Haipers' . . •'TuANKS V' muttered our , bachelor friend; 4%0 more women in , Heaven—they can't get in. Their hoops are so 'broad; they will have to go the broad.road—none of these fashionablee can over, crowd through 'the narrow gate." Something jn that. To Ramon'. Fitsozrza.—The favorite cosmetics for , removing fruokles in :Paris, consists of one ounco of alum; one oupoe of lemon juioe, knd a pint of rose water. GITTYSBURG: Pk, FRIDAY, EItENIN a G i AUGUST 15, 1856. Checked Persplratloh ! Is the - friiitful clause of Sickness, disc ease and deathoto m j nititudes every year.— If a tea-kettle of later is boilipg on the fire, the steam is seen issuing from the spout. carrying the extra, heat, away with it, butlf the li J be. fastened down, and the • , spout be plugged, a destructive explosion followlt in .a very skint time. lie# is constantly generated within the human body, by , the chemical disorganiza tion, the combustion of the food we eat. Thera are seven millions of tubes or pores on the surface of the body, which in health are constantly open, conveying . from the, system by what' is called insensible prespi ration this , internal, heat which, having an• aware(' its purpose, ia passed off like the jets of steam which are thrown, from the escape-pipe, in puffs, of any ordinary steam engine'; but this insensible prespiration carries with it, in a dissolved form, 'very much of the waste matter, to the extent of a pound or two or more every twenty four hours. It must be apparent, that, if the pores of the skin are closed, if the mul titude of valves, which are placed over the whole surface of the human body are shut down, two things take place. First, the internal heat is prevented from passing off, it accum elates every moment, the per son expresses himself as burning up, and large draughts of water are swallowed to quench the internal fire—this we call "Fe ver." When the warm steam is constant ly escaping from the body in health, it keeps the skin moist, and there is a soft, pleasant feel and warmth about it. But when the pores aro closed, the skin feels hursh, dad hot, and dry. But another result follows the closing of the pores of the akin, and more immediate ly dangerous ; a main outlet for the waste of the body is closed, it . re-miugles with the bleed, which, in a few hours be6outes impure, and begins to generate disease in every fibre of the system—the whole ma chinery of the man becomes at once dis ordered, and he expresses himself as 'feel ing miserable." The terrible effects of this checked perspiration of a dog, who sweats only by his tongue, is evinced by his becoming "mad." The water runs in streams from a dog's mouth in summer if I exercising freely.' If it ceases to run that ' is hydrophobia. It 'has been asserted by a French Physician,,that if a person , suffer leg under, Hydiophohia can be only made , to perspire freely, hots cured at once.- It is familiar to the commcineit observer,4at in all ordinary forms of disease, the patient AtcCbetto r ,...tiV. 11?9,ime , tit. he, be ginslo-persr sitopkt l liiicratute t he: inter nal heat is passing off, and there is an out let for tho waste of the system. Thus it is that ono of the tuost important means for curing all sickness, is bodily cleanliness, which is simply removing from the; mouths of these little pores. that gum, a ad dust, and oil, which clog them up. Thus it is, also, tha t personal cle.anliness is one of the main elements of health ; thus it is, that filth and disease hubitate together the world over. There are two kinds of perspiration, sensible and insensible. When we see drops of water ' on the surface of the body, as the result o f exercise, or suin.idence of fever, that is sensible perspiration, perspi ration recognised, by the sense of sight.— But when perspiration is so gentle that it cinnot be detected in the sham of water drops, when no moisture can be 'felt, when it is known to us only by email:Fag/Mess of the skin, that is insensible perspiration, and is so gentle, drat it may be checked to a 7ery considerable extent without special injury. But to use popular language, which'cannot be mistaken, when a man is ssveatiug freely. and is suddenly checked. and the sweat is not brought out again in a very few , moments, eudden and painful sickness is a very certain result. What then checks perspiration I A draft of air'ivbile we are at rest, after exercise, or getting the clothing wet and remaining at rest while, it is so. Getting out of a warm bed and going to an open door or window, has been the death of multitudes' A lady heard thecry of fire ut midnight; it was bitter cold ; it was so, near, the flames illuminated her chamber. She left the bed, hoisted the window, the cold Wind chilled her Ma moment.. From that hour until her dcuth, a quarter of a century la ter, she never saw a well day. A young lady , went to a window in her night•cdothes to look at Something in, the street, leaning her unprotected arms on the storm which was cl,inp and cold. She became an invalid'aod will remain so for life Sir Thomas 'Colby, being in a proltiee sweat one night, happened to remember hat ho had left the key of hie wine cellar on the parlor table, and fearieg his ser vants might improve the Inadvertence and drink some of his wine, he left his bed, walked down stairs, the sweating process was checked, from which he, died in a filw dayis, leaving six millions of dollars in, the English funds His illness was so brief and`diolent that he had' no Opportunity to Make his will, an t d his immense property was divided amotVg five or six day laborers who were his nearest relations. The ,great, practical lesson which we wish to impress , upon the mind of the When you are perspiring reader is this 1 . . . • • • • - ' freehj, itzEp IN "MOTlON'untityou get to a ; good fire ) or to aom: place , where ou g are perfectly sheltered from any draft of air whatever INTBRIKepiiO UNCOVERV.--The Louis. ville Courier says a very yemarkable cave has been discovered• ahem seven miles south of Glasgow, Herren county, Human bones of enormous size, together with cooking Vessels, Sic.. ware found in Roe dr more of the apartments. QUERRY.-Why do out - modern belles who viii places of amusement remind ue• bf an: old ikureery .rhytbo Bsollube Come with tOitop,oome with a call,. • Come with a good will, or elite not &tell'. _ 1 “FEARLESS AND FEE." Balloon Aspeaplon. A Novol Balloon Asousion was made at Minchestei, N. 11.,1 the Fourbb.-- The Daily Mirror of that: city gives the following account of thejlffai.: s,. . • • The crowd present war ynriously estima ! ted, all the way from 20,000 to 50,000. !It may be (duly said that, 0,000 witness ed the balloon am:lined ~ They covered over acres and acmes of . d, curious to see the largest balloon in•the world ascend, with a live horse attached: ' The wind blow fresh. and Mons. Godird did 'undue commence filling the balltion till the wind went down about half. , ' rp tho Pope, end. .. ' 31os.r.itm 'upou his hand - mid a cross upon is robe, which' rooted upon his knee; the Pope. 'then stud a blessing, touched the candle with his , lips; and then the attending Cardinal passed it back to the cardinal from whom be had ro ceived it, who touched it with his lips and then passed on. The same order was ob. served with the Archbishops and. Bishops, as also with the Priests, Peaoons, and lay men, with the exception that the candles , borne by them were much otnaller, and they kisoed the f9Ol of the Pope. which was covered with a white satin aliper with a gold cross upon it. POPPING THE QUESTION.-1" WIL9 sitting by the side of Imogene, meditating upon the best manner of coining to the point, when she took up an orange that lay upon thelable. "Wily you take apart of this r' she asked. , .. .. . . . I assented, thinking all the while .more of orange flowers than of the fruit. What she was thinking of I cannot say. She divided the orange into two partS, and gave we one. A sudden inspiration came upon '.oh, Imogene : T. said I, "I wish yod would servo me as you have this orange." • , What do you rueau 1" she asked iuno eon • . "Why, you have halved the orange ; now won't you have ma f" • I am a little oblivious as to what follow ed for the next few moments ; only I re member that somehow,,l found tny'inous inch(' in contact with 'her lips. We are to be married iu September. You will re ceive cards. , CEIANOE Of VIEWS AMONG EPISCOPA , LIANS.—The Episcopal Church O Th i s country is being agitated by some'impor tant questions of change concerning the forrns and policy. The Rev. Dr. Mull len burg of N. York, is one of the most promi nent advocates of these 'changes, and has written a pamphlet iu favor of extempore prayer. Op this subject be says ; ~ T o pray for and with the people as the Spirit. shalt move him, is an inherent right with the;minister of the gospel.: Whether as a prophet, pastor. or priest. this estieutially . belongs to his office. Ecclesiastical au thority may regulate him in the cm:et:doe of it, but never can deprive him of, it To forbid, therefore, the utterance ofilte Ho ly Spirit,And to deny the minister of God, and in his ministrations in that • eiipacity, the expreasion of any other thoughts, feel ings. or desires, than such as have been anticipated, for him." "GODIXMASTERPIEOE."—Fat h a French Jesuit, has written a hook iu which ho argues that God made attempts. like a human artificer, before lie succeeded in producing the Virgin Mars. ..God performed many miracles," says M. Binet, "before arriving at that wonder of wonders. God made the sun and stars to learn how to form Mary's eyes. He made roses, lil ies., pearls, diamonds, alabaater, to exercise himself to fashion the virgin modeity, in nocence, angelic face and queenly 'brow of Mary. He made flaming cherubims, and gave intelligence to seraphim. They were but iludies. God thus qualified him self to form . the Mistress of Cherubitas, the Queen of Seraphim 1" - I • . • Richter , says : "No man can live pious. ly ; or dia righteously 7ithout a wifc' e Another taiyeie this :' "SMTeritig ' and aivato trials putityaud, &latch the hoati." [From the Now York Evening Posk The Artful Dodger. ' Tuxu.—"The Frog he would a- Wooing go.° ' Bully Brooks he would a fighting go, I Heigh, ho, I says Bully ; I'm full of valor and froth, you know, Just 'give mu a club and an unarmed foe, • With a roly-poly, gammon and dodging, And I'll show them Brooks the Bully. , Bully Brooks crept into the Senators' ball, Heigh, ho I says Bul'y. I HO found a man sitting nut far from the wad Ile saw he was armed with nothing at ell ; i So ha pounded his head till he saw him fal, With his rolV-poly, gnminou and dodging, - Bravo for I.Goks the Bully I Up jtimped a man named Burlingenie, , Heigh, ho I says Bully. • ' Ho said such things were,a burning shame ; He called the deed by a cowardly name, As a roly-poly, ganimon and dodging; ' And ho'showed:up Brooke the,Bully. I I Qnoth Brooks, "I wonder if he'll fight ?" Heigh, ho I for • Bully. They say he won't, if I send outright, At. any rate, 11l venture to try't; ; With my roly-poly, gammon and dodging, We will get oft Brooks the Bully.. 111 But Burlingame he too'd the mark, , Heigh, ho, I for Bully. I "We'll be off to Canada straight in the dark; There's an underground road, that's safe as the ark, No poltrilly, gammon and dodging, . ....,But a rifle for_Brooks the Belly." , . , ‘.. _ Bully Brooks looked round cis if he'd , been shot, Heigh, ho I says Bully; ~ is The way long iiiiil the weather is hot, There'are bulls and bears, and the 'd-1 knevis I never liked rifles, indeed Ido not, . . :-- If you catch me in Canaan, I'll be shot,' Where my roly-poly, gammon and dodging, Won't save pom Brooks the Bully. We talked and published like flocks of goose, • Heigh, ho I says Bully. Till they bound us over to keep the peace; And now I ntn febling much more at my onse, And my roly-poly, gammon and dodging Will pass in the State of the Bully. Soliloquy- of -a Loafer. Lees'see where am I? This is—coal laying on. llew'd I get here? Yea, mind now. Was coMitig yip street—met wheelbarrow—was drunk, comiti er way, the, wheelbarrow fell over me, ur over the wheelbarrow. and one of us tell into the cellar—don't know'.which. trowt—ltguess it must ha' been Mo. rut a nice young man, yea I ritntightl fore ! drunk M ell, I can't help. it-'taint my fault-wonder whose fault 'tis I Is it Jones' funk ? No, is it my 'ivife's fault ! No. Its whisky's fault. .Who is wide.. Icy.? • liss,ite a , AID. pgur 1 reckon. 1 iltink I won't wn hitu any tuofe: I'll cut his acquaintance. I've had that notion•fOr-aboue ten. years, end always hate'. to o do it for fear'-of hurting his feelings. I'll do it atow—rthiuk liq nor's injurin me—its apoiling my .tem. Sometimes !get mad, when' I'm drunk, and abuse Beta and the brats ; it used , to• be Lizzie.and the children—that's sinne r time ego. I'd come home o' evenin'a she used, to 'put iter•arms 'around my neck 'and' k - me. and call'' me . .her dear William. When I , comes, home now; ehe takes her pipe out..of her Mouth •and her . heir . out of her eyes, and,says, you drunken brute, shut the door after you, •we''re Cold enough • Isavin' fire, 'thout !twin? 'the' snow bhoie hi that wtiY."— Yes,, she's Bets and..l'm Bill, now.. ' ain't u good bill thither ;,think I'm a coun• tarfeit,; .won't pass—a tavern without goin' in and gettin' drunk. Don't know what batik'l'm on. Last Saturday I was on .the river bank—drUnk, I atay out , pretty lets : no, sometimes I'm out all, night ; fact is, Pm out pretty much all over—nut of friend!, out of pocl;ej 013 t . at the ellinwa 'and knees, and always outrageously dirty—so Bata says; but then - she's no judge, for she's never clean herself. I Wonder why ehe ilosen't wear good clothes; maybe she hasn't got. 'em ; wheel fault's that t— i taiut snipe unlit be whiiky's. Sotnetiines I'm Indlowever ; I'm intoxi• cated now, and in somebody's coal cellar. There's one principle I've go; ! :-.1 WU11 . 4 get in debt; I never cold, do it. There, one of thy coat tails is gone--gai tore oft, I expect, when 1 (Olin here. I'll have inlet a new suit•soon. A fellow'told me, limiter day, that I'd make a gem; sign for a pspei .; II wasn't so big Id kick htm. I've had this' shirt on for pine days;'an' Pin afraid it 'won't come of, with -tint tond to o'. - ;People ought reePeci mu more'n they do, r for' Pm in holy ordere.—i I ain"t a dandy, though my. clothes are pretty near Greasian style. I goes I tore this window-ehatieiip my_ :pant - s, i'other' ,when I eat down on the .wpx in, Ben Ragg's shop) I'll .have. to get , it mended.l., or—l'll catch cold.' I.aint Very, stout,,as it, is. , As the boys 'nye, fat• se `a match and healthy as the small pox.' NY beat: standing' guard for a window pane that wept out l'other morning at the, invitatfonof a brickbat. It's getting cold di:4n hire ; Wonder if I ain't able to climb. If I hid a think, I could think better.— . LeVa.see;,l ain't got three cents ; if I was tavern I could sponge one over anybody trea.ks, and saps "come, lets." I always think •my name's "Fel lers," and I've got too good manners tore= Well I must leave this, or they Will arrest me for an attempt to burglary. I ain't come to that yet. Anyhow it was the taheelbarrow • did the harm—not THE RUNNING BROOKS.--it Ift said the mason why Mr. Brooks did not go to Can ada, was not that the distance there was too long, but that- after he got thorn; the distauee between him and. Mr. Burlingame would be two short. "Wiggins, what era in the worhi's his tory do yon regard siith the deepest horror?" . "The ahol•era 1" gasped Wig g i n s w ith spaitagio shudder. • • • • Itt honeet men are`the ialrof the 'earth, girle way'bellarsagir. Singular Effect of Electricltf oti Regrow!. During the thunder germ of last Fri. day, n friend-related the following: A gentleman residing a few- mile. out of town, recently carried home a small electrieal machine for making some exper. imam. As anon as he got home, the negroes as usual flocked around him, eag 7 er to see what master had got. There was a buy , among , those, derides that vinced a strong disposition to move.things when they panted moving," or in other words to pilfer occasionally, “Now - Jack," saps his' master, 'look here; this machine is to make people tell the truth ; and if you have stolen any thing, or lied to me, it will knock you down." 4, Why, master," said the boy, "I never lied or 'stole anything in , my life." "Well, lake, hold of this f! and no sooner. had the lad received a slight shock, than he fell on his knees and bawled out "Oli'master I I'did steal your eigirs and a little • Ifoile,'and 1 have lied ever so many times .; please to. forgive me.": Xlnisarne everttnent was tried with like . success on - lielf a dozen juveniles.— At laet an old negrde who had been look. ing on very attentively, stepped up. 4 +lllaster," said he, ""let this nigger. try. Dat masheen is well enough to scare de children wul,,but die nigger knows bet. ter." The machine w an then fully charged and 'be received a stunning shock. He looked first at hie hand, than at the ma chiller end, at hot rolling hie eyes, "Msg.. ter," said he, .it . ain't beet to know, too much. ''-Days many a 'soul gets to be dam ned by khowing too much, an' it's ini 'pin ion•thit de• debit mode dat modieen just to ketlh.your.loul sennehow, , un'A reckon you h,eitl take .11'. .lturti it up an' have, it clod tol"— Montgomery ildverlia eit STRANGE OCCURlGiNOE.—.Something very etiange is reported to have occurred ou Pea 'Ridge. Lincoln county, Tennessee, a few weeks, ago. A horse and plough s° the story goett—illielr a &Jitter was using in his lieu, sun \iitid disappeared in ,the earth, leaving a hole to which no bot• tom has yet been found, awl iq *bleb the fanner himself canto near fQlliitg. .His neighbors were.called to' it place, who by weans of iiipes,let him down in search of the horse s Ai ttd plough, to the ,depth of forty or' fift.VAit, but the farther he went. the larger,,o6,qolo appeared, and he' called tpiiixklintlOo„ pull hint up, which they . did: `Several unsuccessful attenipis were afterwards wade to fathom the hole. The horse and plough have .sgone the way of all' the earth. There never was a campaign in which science and literature took proinitnince pin that fer Fremont, tit 1 sun I . lt sci ence. Even seholars are calletV out front retirement. Poets and professors'of world wide fume are summoned by .it to the rostrum. Emerson leaves, the meta. physics ofthe study for the Matters of last of the stump. Longfellow takes the stump to urge a new and nobler "Excel sior.' Bryant is, on the atutup--a Than atopsis" to Buchanites. Curtis quite his "thistles in Spain," and attends town meet ings ; • Professor Elton leaves his chair, and instead of Giiick verbs, is dealing out bfunt English adjectives. And Proles! sor Farman cornea to the Stump to bid the Kansas eudgranytrust in God. and keep his,powder dry.—Defroit d2iltierifser. A NEW Citsrif.-EverY` body will he glad to learn that a :new cent is to ho coined. .The old copper head, which has eo ; long represented the smallest tractional, thviiitio of our decimal money in 'use, is, too' cumbrous andlarge for the value it represents, and the substitution - for it of a new coin, readily distinguishable from all others in circulatidti, will be considered by, ull a great improvement. It is there fore., proposed, by the Direcuir of the , Mint, that the new cent shall be eghty eight parts copper and twelve mitt, nick. ci. ThiE will'iitake it alit' dark reddish trim to • weight 72 geeing:less that; half the present cent, which is 168 grains.. Sun. • • Lsidiest, Hoops, • . "It cannot be said—it caisnot'bel" The lody said, right mockingly, "Fain woulii i grant .a parting kiss, But how can it be dons in Mist" .., She pointed to her hOopect dress : And ho sighed out in dire distresS. "Full fifteen paces round shout-- • MI, me 1::it makes oue look so stout 1 And full five steps, if measured through;, goodness I my I what shall I do ! .• We can't e'en- take a last embrace, Much'lesa approach with theism face." He walked the lady round and round, She seemed entrenched upon a mound; Securely spanned and fortified, As,if all lovers she defied.. You'd say, ifyou that hoop Should see, A roam-hoop it wits meant to be. He walked the lady 'round and round, And saiik - all weitrY, on the ground. quotli he, "%is all no go. . . Oh, • love A how could you Serve me so ? Farewell, in foreign lauds range, 'At least, until the fashion change. Ho went to'Cal.i-forni-a And in het hoops she walked away. Theirorldonce called her quite thorax; And she waehooped, in fact, like one. , Such eharming forms once wore a mask; They 'dress now, a la'a brandy Calk. . lICPA lady who made pretensions to the moat zelined feelings, went to her butcher to remonstrate with him on hie cruel practices. • ' • "How can you he so barb'arone," field she, 4Aut to put inuocens lemba to death." "Why, madam," said the butcher,. "you wouldn't eat them alive, would jou A doctor told his patient that be must give him an ematio. "I; is no tune; said the patient, "I haye,trie4 &Niel ; hemp, and it would not stay . on . nv stonnuitt tivn minutes:" ' = • • ••• TWO boLimia i;mt NUMBER 13. Col. FretnonClonellglOlL The following . from Lieut. Goveinor Raymond, of New York, appearing to be official, ie published in the Cincinnati Gla• zette, of Tuesday, and will, we trust; pu an end to the very aoritnonicius Ito convert him from it .Prot suit to s Pa. pier s, • • • Nzyr•Yoax, July 29th,, 1858., My Data Sin :—Your favor of thelst instant, ought to have been answered 1 , 0ng . ., ago, but ahsence aud , business must plead: my excuse : I ate not Surprised to hear that;the more so widely circulated concerning Cot- Fromont's religion should have the effeckT of causing some, who otopathize therotigh' ly with hie sentiments in regard to the extension of slavery, to hesitate abUti pledging themselves to his support. But so far as those, rumors assert, or imply, that he is a Roman Catholic, they are without the slightest foundation in fact. I presume that, from proper motives of delicacy and self-respect, Col. Fremont, will nut publish anything himself on the su West, or take any part personally in the cativo& But he converses with the ut most freedom upon these topics as uponAl others; he Vas no desire nor disposition to practice any coqualment of his opinions . and I have tio rea s on to suppose that he would desire others to do so on his be. half. Col. Fremont is not now, nor ban he ever been, a Roman Catholic. His fath er dying` when ho was fivo years old, be was educated - exclusively'in Protestant . schools, and at the age of sixteen was con. finned, of his own motion and from sin- cent conVietion' • .iu the Protestant Episco pal Chuch, of which he has continued ever since to bo a:member. Not one of his two children has ever been sent to a limmuu Catholic school, though I believe au adopted daughter attended for a; shell time the dowinury at Georgetown,of which the pupils generally are large' Protestalit. That this ought net to bo oo ad tibia I prejudice, even by the most _ one 'Pro* J . tcstants, is su ffi ciently shovpo), the "Stet* that Mr. Fililliere sent his fleitir daughit to &Rotes° eitilialio seminali at 'Buffalo • i (pr purposes of special ostruction; yet diPone ever inferred from this eircumataoe that he himself was not a Protestate (Jul. .b`remotit's marriage was celebrated by a Catholic Priest; but this was ii ion- s e que l : w e of the difficulty if not itepessi bility of procuring any other clergyman to perform it. The ceretuon; was in a private' roue', was very short and simple,- ~ and did not imply any assent on his part or that of his wife to the docitines of the ' r Bunion Catholic : Church, nor was either a them required or requested on that:otiea. slob to give any pledges that iheirchildren should be brought up in that faith: They have all been baptized and educated in the Protestaut Episcopal Chuch. • no stateineuts which Alderman Fnl-• ' . met. of this city is eaid to have authorised, ~ to the effect, that in' March, 1852, he saw Col. Freinunt joining in the religions ter-'vices, of ' a Rm oan Catholic Cburch at ' Washington, and that in subsequent con. • versatiou with him at dinner at Brown's , '' . hotel, Col. Fremont declared himself„a, Calitolicand a believer iu the . peculiar ductriues of that Church, are eunrely , tt; Col. Fretnent was., not in the city of ' • Washington at .all during the , year 1852. 113 left Neiv York for California in March, 1850. • Ile returned in the titeinnet:George . Law, which''reached Now York on the ' 6th of March, 1852, and, taniniaing in mat city, four day's, he left on the 10th, in ' the steamer Africa, for Europe, and, did, : not return 'until June, 1853. I under- , Stand that Aldermau Fulmer exhibits a receipt front Brown's Hotel, dated Marah ., 7. 1852, for lent. days' hoard. Thin makes ' it certain that the Alderman's stay there tertnivated on the 7th and that the a 1... 'edged Conversations must have taken, , I Owe previously to that date. But as 1001 li'reinout did not reach New York from California until the 6th, it is import- sible that he should have been commuted ' i with thew especially, as lie remained n • New York until his departure for Europe, ~ and did not visit Washington at all. He has no recolleetion of ever having dined at Brown's hotel until last winter, sumo 1841, of ever having seen Aldermau Fulmer there or elsewhere. The Alderman,, I am informed, is a man who would not Make each statements unless he believed '. them to bo true. But it is very certain that he, has fallen into a very gross error -) ' somehow—probably by mistaking soma . , other person with whom he may have held the can! ersatiou in question for Col. Fre mont: He owes it to his own character 'as well as to justice to take steps to coo. firm or correct the accuracy of his mug lectioua iu this matter. • You may rely upon she entire %whoa• city of the anatemetits I have thus tnade in reply to your inquiry for the 6 .faats."— . .. In the present state of the public mind, , and in view ,of the earnest and perage , ring misrepresentations of the truth, .you, may think it desirable that they should•be generally' known. Ilse, you are quite et liberty to make thein public, and add - that they are given as the result of converaw.- one wi!LsCol.Fremont himself. I ams— very truly yours, HENRY J. RAYMOND. L. D. M.s.cievlELD, Esq., Cincinnati. Atioratwperapiriog freely, in husky voice said ;--"In short, ladies and gentle. men, 1 wish 1 had a window in , my Wm% that you might See the emotion my heart." , The newspapers all printed the Speed leaving the NI ' out, of. 'window:" was taken somewhat aback wboo read it. At a spiritual meetisg, a AtiOft , Aloe. Behan' wee called. ups laulaktoi i; ; i: 44 ;"• , ""No 1" replied he intik:Atli -me,„ ' Oak:* wpre an' **Km in 1 4 4 /fr._ om the earth."