, . . cArr TOUR IRRID 17PON TRR WATERS, FOR AS- TA StIALL FWD IT." 'Mil FOR ALL RHUMATIC PAINS. ,Avq,c0,i14 7 044. ft Ind try a, it cannot rAMM=I CONCENTRATED ELECTRIC A TE , '''AND:ARAUIAN PAIN XXTAACTOR For. an 4 Frame. (Copy right, secured according to Inw.l. SMALL , JAR; Fift y cents LARGE.,J,4R, - One Dollar. THE ELECTRIC PASTE acts upon the Muscles, Tendons,' and upon • the whelo nervous system, removing torpidity and pro. Aucing a healthy action of the blood.. There being, no.volatile matter in its composition, it remxun in action until it accomplishes its work. It cannot lose its strength,•and is al ogetlier harmless, its constituent parts-being eutiralV vegetable. What will it cure 7 We nnsvier•-•-•Rhou. = . tic,. • Pains, vhen evervtbing else fails, Grumps, .Cholic,. Chilblains,. Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Ilead•Aelie, Tooth-Ache, , Swelliugs, Bruises, Sates, ll • ingsil'orin, Teti e r. Sti Irdoi nts, Contracted Cools, Fresh Cuts, lilcoiatcdSores. and illScroftdous, Diseases where miteriinl rernedica Can ,be used, Sore Throats, Stiff Necks, &c. IF/ial it will cure for llor.tes and Caldc.--- Sweeti : Spaviti, Fissiilas. Poll Evil, Wind• galls, Heirs, Cholic, Sprains, Collar and sad dle Galls, Stone Braises, Stiff Joints, Venlig°, Splints, and Ittninimr Sores.' • • re )...For sale at the. Patent Medicine Store of Id: A. Itockafield S Co. General Agents, Lttneaster,•Pa., and by A.D. llCELlLER,Get tysburv, Pn . , , • , fte"None 'genuine but those . bottles having the words "E. C. Allen's Concentritted'Elec . trie Pastei or 'Arobian Pain kstractor, Letv , caster, Pit.,"'hlOwn oil the•bottles. • sertOok out .17,r Counterfeit. Don't for get kiY,isk for .4L/.E11; O. • . APril . 2s,' 1856. , • . . HERRING'S -SAFE TWIN - ClidatlPlON't - The only Sev,nifeh in every instanre preten ce? *is.' entire content* in the lute erica- sire 'Firm AT theAsurning of the Artilan Buildings . April lOth;and in the GREAT FIRE Market Street, May Ist, 1856, the genuine SAFE pntverved the Jewellery of Coo. W.Sinsens A; Bro, ; Books, l'ajars AT, of Fisher 3: BrO.' and Edward Semans :t CO, af ter ramaininp exposed to the burning ruins for nearly FORtY HOURS, And proving conclu sivelylvhat we have always claimed for them" their great superiority over allseeurities now known. In these fires, the; HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by side with &se advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per cent.moro fire than Herrings,"came forth the acknowledged victor, not only preserring their contents in excellent order,,but being themselyes in a condition to go through' ariothorovionl, while the boasted "Salamanders" or other mu!sers were badly used up in every instance, and in some cases theii entire contents'completely destroyed. To the public we would simply say, that, during the LI years that Herring's Sere has been betbre them, more than two hundred have passed Th rough accidental fires without the occurrence du single loss. would,,,Vie therefore, caution purchaSers against the misrepresentation ofinterested Par ties. The Herring's Patent is the only Fire proof Safe made in this 'city' which is protector' by a Patent Right, and we will guarantee it to resist more than double, the amount of heat of any other Sate now known. , . IPARRIELS& Solo Manufacturers in this State of "HERRING'S PATENT CHAIIPION SAFES," - , 34 lrainul St. . N. 8... 7 -PEvans & Watson's Improved Sala manders," "Oliver Evan's," "C. J. Gayler's;' and "Scott's Abestos," Iron Chests, (a large assortment having been taken in put pay ment for "Herring's,") will he sold at IoW pri- Junel.3, 1856.—1 y TONICS WON , I I DO HEY never did do more than give tempor. T ary relief and they never will. It, is be cause they don't touch the CAUSE is the dis ease..-;•The CAUSE of all ague and billions diseases of the atmospheric poison ..called Mi asma or Malaria. Neutralize this posion by its NATURAL. ANTIDOTE and all discaSe caused by it tii.4llppearsat once. Rhodes! Fey. erand Ague Cure is this Antidote to Malaria, and tnorcover it is a perfectly harmless medi= &me.' The certificate of the celebrated chem ist, J.. Chilton, of New York, to this effect, is attafte'd to every bottles therefore if it does I no good it can do no harm., fhis is .inore than can be said of Quinine, Arsenic; Or any tonic in existence,as their use is ruinous to the constitution and brings .on DUItIB — AGUEL . .which never allows , a person to feel perfectly well for a single moment. In illustration of .these truths 1 annex soma ex; tracts faun aletter just received from . a Physic- . avegorrowtt, Onto, March 17, 185 G. .148. 4. RHODES, lani.—Dear Sir:— Yours of the 2d bust. , is at hand. The cure ar rived late last year and the difficulty in getting any one to try it was greatly, increased from the fact that-a remedy had been introduced which waif growing in fitior with the public, as being better than using Quinine,—not knowing I presume that the remedy they used to escape takin Quinine, contained the DRUG 11 . - SEW! This remedy, (known as "Smith's Tonic,") would invariably IIREAK an. ague, but it did not CURE it, as it would often return with re unwed vigor.. This one circumstance I deem -43d in your favor, if Leonid institute a test com parison between it and your CURE. Tho fol lowing is the result : • Three, persons. took your ."Cure," all of which were cases of "Quotidian Intermittent Fever," of many Weeks standing. They had tried Quinine, and other 'remedies; occasion ally missing e , chill, but it was, (as in all such 'oases) slowly wearing them out, and laying the foundation of other and More severe mala- dies. , I did succeed in effecting a radical cure of all thre4 of these das . es with :one remedy, a and they have not had chill since. In all three of these eases the ''Smith's Tonic" had been used, and would, as before stated, break the chill, but after a period or two had elapsed it would return.- • ' ' I think there will be no difficulty now in giv. inn to our ''Cum" the vantage ground of any ether ; remedy now iu use here, &c., &c. , • : BUCK.N ER, all. D. Rhede's Fever and - Ague Cure, or Antidote to 'Malaria, the only harmless remedy in ex istennr, is equally certain as a preventive, as a "Cure:"• Take it when you feel the chills coming on; and you will never "have a single lek.For sale by Druggiati generally. 01E8 /1.. /HODES, froprieipx, • Providence, R. I. Jane, it, ,1856.-2 m NOTICE. NOTICI is hereby given that the under. taped Auditor appointed by the Orphan's' Court to.toske distnbution of the usaetts re- Iniiabsi to the hands of JAMES J. WILLS, • Esq, Adminiatratur of JOHN W. COOK, late of Mertallin Township, deceased, to and among creditors, wilt sit, W. his office in the 11orts*1 sof9tttlysburg, on Saturday ti 2d day qt . .,Asisistsi next; (A. 1)_: . 1856) at 10 o'. clock s . AL Alfillii day to discharge the duties "tat his appdinttnent, when and where all persons ittteseeatawill please attend. - D. - McCONAHOHY, .daditer. Ji n, 11)W -3e .. . "I irtik4l 4 lii essay variety. a_ ......t. dif .‘ . 4160.- . A • , •- .-.- - ,-.-a-:- LON ©UT FOR THE ©L S. C 0311. : this way if you want the worth of your money. I will sell you Goods that will do you good to wear them. Such as SPRING & SUMMER GOODS es cheap as the cheapeSt, if not a little cheaper. Justcall and take a peep at them and judge for your self at the Cheap Northwest Corner, whore you will be accommodated With the greatest of pleasure. , •Rratdy.uuad Clothing, •• and Clothing made to order—which I will sell cheip for Cash or Couctry Produce. JOHN HOKE. April IR, J 856. WHO WANTS A GOOD AND CHEAP • 1111( • 414 4,7 •-• ir• : - tt's i• L i - 11 , 4 -14 $ 1 10' 491 0 4 1 101 .% • DAGUERREOTYPE? SAMUEL WEAVEtt having provided nim self with an entire new and costlyuppn— ratus, is now prr pared to furnish Daguerreotype", in every styli of the 'art, which he will war rant to give entire satisfaction, "'His long ex perienceand superlor apparatus give, .htm ,ocl• vantages seldom furnished by Gaguerrean es tablishments. out of tbe 'city. Re has a large number of specimens at his Gallery, to Chitin bersburg street, which the publicareyequested to call and examine. IMlL.Charges fem . 50 cents to $lO. I:leers or operating from BA. M. Jo 4P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, alwayS unhand, at the very lowest prices. airChildrou will not be taken tor less than $lOO, Feb. 1. 1856. GROCERIES CONFECTIONS' ege. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! EM4tNUEL ZIEGLER has just re turned (nun the city_ with the largest lot of GROCERIES he has ever beldre opened, to which he invites tho attention of all, convinced that he ran offer RARE • BARGAINS. He has also a fine lot o Hams, Shoulders, lkc. Shad, Mackerel and Herrings, orangis, Lemons.,Raisins, Figs, Dates, ) Almonds, Nuts Candies of all kinds, To hacco, Segars. Snuff, Brooms, Brushes, Blacking, with a general assortment of variety goods. Give us a call if you want to buy cheap and good—next door to the uStar" office, Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, May 11, 1855.—tf GPr.TY5131144,.. - ...,,VOIIitiDRY; .."...., / . ...N.E,Y7-'•FIRM.", • .. - /ft 'HE undersigned, having entered into • pertneship to carry on the Fnendry bu siness• under the, firm of, WARREN & SONS, hereby make ktniwn to the chi. zens, of Mains and, adjointuit counties, that we ere prepared to make every thing in one . line of business. We have con. sir.ntly on hand, the lIATHAWAY and other. COOKING STOVIR'S, the Parlor airtight, and nine plate Stoves; of stations Styles and, sizes ' Pots, Kettles anti Pans, and all .other Iron. Conking Utensils; Waffle Irons,Washing Machines, Ash-plates; Boot-serapers, &m Castings for Milk and other Machinery: PLOUGH' CASTINGS' of every deseription, We make the Seylor, Blocher, and 'differ ent kinds of . Witherow Plough. W e hive alatvot different patterns of FENDING .8f 'RAILING' for Ceineteries; Yards and Porches. which can't be beat for beauty or cheapness. 11:7•Al above articles will be ,sold cheap for Cash ir Coeniry•Produce. • st:7I3I..ACKSNIITHING still con - ' BRASS CASTINGS and every thing in our line made to order. - 1 4-77 - IR4SHING,IIMCHINES repair ed at shortest notice. Being: Moulders ourselves, we INAI do our work RIGHT. ' • THOMAS WARREN, , MARTLN WARREN, . • 11111 AM WARREN, THOMAS A. WARREN. Gettyebnig,. I I, 1855.-41 • CUIiN DRYERS. T HE attention of MILLERS is invited to to a very superior article for drying CORN, which can be bad at all times at WARREN'S FOUNDRY. Jan. 11, 1856. IF you want a fine article of Drees 'Shoes or Gaiters, for Gentlemen or ',tidies', call' at the atom of ' W. W. PAXTON. - . ~ . . ONNETS, and Banuet.Trtpniags eau he had very ,low 'and pretty at the cheap store Of • 794NE3TOOKS'... , nIIR stock of HARDWARE has been very much increased, and'persons or requiring anything in this department, should first call and see FAHNESTOCKS cheap stock. I L VlUr f Ui ris STß i U ce ll io N o lf&—f i lut!# es IV e. i on hand and for sale by, ... MARCUS SAMSUN. GLOVES HOSIERY,- tho largest, prat. tiest, and cheaput stock in town, at. • April 18. SCHIOKS'. BROOMS and CEDAR WARE, for sale .IUP at PAHNESTOCKS. SPLENDID lot of TRUNKS low at GEO. ARNOLD'S. SRAPHINO--ada adapted for Church mu Asic or family will be sold very low by MARCUS SAMSON. OSIERY.;—, A new article of SlLK:end WOOL. lOSE,.and Silk-lined •ITOSE, for sale at '• • • • FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, • Sign of flee Red Piooi. gatlntotoct I3rottoterg H AVE received and are now opening a very large and handsome ' stack of NEW GOODS, of every variel. Give thorn an ear ls call if roe want Pr ofessional Cards Dr, J. Lawrence Hill, DENIM -Ir, ci FFICE in ('hnmbersburg street Il / one door West of the Lutheran Church, nearly opposite Grammer's store, where he may be found ready and willing to attend to any case within the province of the Dentist. Persons in want of full sets of teeth are invited to call. REFERENCES. Dr. C. N.ll iracrrox ir, Ilinr.C.P.Kß•wru ,D.D " D. HORNRA, PTO% M.JACOIII, .4 11. S. HUMII.II, .. H. L .D•osimi , .. D. GUOIXAT, " /I.A.MIIIILISNIStIIO Ray. K. JVINNON. 1 I " M. L. Brumes. July. 4, 184E3 DAVID A.' BUEHLER, attorney nt Law, . .• WILL promptly attend to Collections and all other business entrnSted to his care. t7"Oilice in the Diamond, adjoining the Store of A. D. Kuntz. Gettysburg, Pa., Pell. 1, 1856 EDWARD B. BUEfiLER, ✓ltforuevy nI laic. WILL fitithfullY and promptly attend to V V all business entrusted to him. He .rpeaks the German language. Office at the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Frn oey's Drug Store, and nearly opposite Danner fi Ziegler's Store: WM. B. M'CLELLAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Prosecutinitalloiney. OFFICE on tho South aide of the Public square, two doOrs West of the ktsontinel" Office. March 28, leos, D. riII,CONA .RTTORNEY LAW. (Mice reinovod to onh dour West of Buehle Drug do Book-Store,Dharnbersbutg street.) attorney. and solicitor for Patents and Pensions, Bounty Land Warratits, Back-Pay !wa rmth(' Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Washingtrin, D. C.: also American claims in. England. Land Warrants located and , sold, or- bought,and highest prices given. ' Loth for sale in lowa, Illinois, and other Western States ; and.Agents_engaged locating Warrants there. VarAppty to him personally or by letter. s , D A VI 11_ WILLS, Attorioey atLavr t . WAS takeh IR Mr. STEVNSON'S office North West COrner of Centrii .9 ware. REFERENOE.--Ifon. Thaddeus Stevens Esq., Lancaster. ' M. L. © El IP Bit 1., Attorney at LArr, nEFICE on Chilmbersburg street, Get. tysburg, two doors from Geo. Ar nold's store, will - Attend to filing claims fur BOUNTY LAND, tinder, the late Acts of Cuniress, Pensions, Ste. All business entrusted to his hands will 'receive prompt attention. Baltimore Advertimenientpi C. W. SLAGLE & CO. PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCLIANTE, • .118 North Street, Baltimore, • WOULD inform the public that they have entered into the above Business and will p ay' !ortically attention to the sale of Flour, Grain of aid,¬e, Clore). Seed, Whishry, and Country. ro duce generally, and will remit proceeds of sales promptly. 1001.Consingtnents solicited. ' CHARLES W. SLAGLE. J. V. HOSHOC7II, }l ee k . G. II.'EILINEFELTER, Co., (1. Balt. April 4 ; 1858.-3 m HARDWARE STORE. a';HE Subscribers would respectfully it announce to their lriends and public, that they have opened a NEW. HARDWARE STORE in H4ltimore at.. adjoining the residence of Dam? Zikcitat, Gettysburg, in which they ate Opening a arge and general assorttnent of HAROWeiRE, IRON, STEEL, GROCERIES ) Cutlery.and Coach Trimmings, Springs, Axles, Saddlery, Cedar Ware, .Shoe Findings ; Paints, Oils &Dyestuffs, n general, incutling every descriptio.l of articles in the above line of business—to which they invite the attention of Coarh makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet. makers, Shoemakers, 'Saddlers, 'and the t.ublic generally. Our stock having been selected with great ears and purchashed For Cash., we gnarl antee,((nr the Ready Meney,) to dispose of any, par(of it on as reasonable terms as they "can be purchased any where: • 'We partiCularly request a.call from our friends, t.nd earnestly solittiLit share of public favor, as, we are determined • to es tablish a character for. °dims Ganda at' ow prices and doingbusinesa on fair prin. liples.' .; . JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID "lEGLER. tiaetsburg,JPAPl3.lBsl.--tf. NOW WE HAVE THEMA JUST arrived fn . :lm Baltimore and Philo delphia the best assortment of Mats, Cops, Stoop, and Shoes• that has even been offered in Adams County: letk..All colors • and kinds, :(some' entirely new.) - Call and see them at the old stand, newly fixed up, in. Chambersburg strbet, a few doors from the corner. . , • . W. W. PAXTON. March, 28, 1856. • • . • . Ladier. -• Do yod want ch e ap and faabiorialile ROBES ? If 80, call at . • FAELNESTOCES% rt. ARAIAGE ems_ always, be 'W . bought loiver, .and a. larger assortment ban elsewhere, is always to bebad at 1 7 - " " FAUNESTOOKS'. _ .ILN waive' ataa/rtzoent, atSON alai NAILS just eecoired at' • ,-•• • FAIINES'i'OjeCS% • ... - • =EM=M MMM itt%%%%%lVhfk.qt Removed a fne dvors Soat4of ihe oh Mara EL SKELLY respactfully informs his old customers and the public 7nerally, that he contin m the TAILORING IOSINESS. at his new rand. it be of most substantial make. Thankfu for past favors, lier.olicits a continuance° public partonage. IrgmThe Xren York Sprinf and Sum tner KISMONSare received. Call and see them. April 27. 18155.—tf 34)0,004) SEGAIitS of !very . description a pd . Brands. all Of which are offered lower than any other House in the city. Aud warrants all he sells to be of the Lest aim terial. Call and exatnine. Nov. 24, 1854. MO BOXES BLACK FAT in store u"‘" and for sale by ToBACCO. 100 BOXES 1. B. LUMP TO BACCO in store and for sale, at .11 cents by the box, at BUEHLER'S Old Stand, the cheypest in the city. No 167 Franklin et., Baltimore. 1 HHDS. KENTUCKY LEAF TOBACCO, 20 Bales Havana, 25 do Sages. 20 do St. Jam 20 Cases Seed Leaf.- Just received Mill for eale by W M.. BUEHLER. No. 157 Fniuklin street. Nov. 24, 1854. Ilaisorer 11. Railroad. TRAINS over the Hanover Branch Rail road now run as follows : First Train leaves Hanover at 9, A. M., with Passengers lbr York, Harrisburg, Colum bia and Philadelphia. This train also con nects with the Express for Baltimore, arriving there at 12/ I'. M., stopping at Glenrock, Park ton and Cockeysville: Second Train leaves at 3 P. M. with Pas sengers • fur Baltimore and intermediate Yplaces, and returns with 'Passengers from ork, kc. .1. LEIB, ..,Igent. 3nly 27, 185.5. SPUTING! SPOETING! EORGE and Henry Wampter will Make • House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country pro duce. Farmers and all others wishing their U macs. Barns. &e. spouted, would do v!v"to give them a call: , CIENTLEMEN, do you wish to select from 1./1 a large and handsome variety of Cravats, I Handkerchiefs, Sus.penders, &e? If von do, ''call at • 'SCHICK'S. $5,000 Ol v s LA R N A D N ). ay p e f o r 3 r 0 s A v D . ing any to sell will receive the highest price in cash by calling on HNESTOCK BROTHERS, hating the 1 exclusive sale of CALEDONIA hOLL ED IRON for Gettysburg, - would call the at tention of buyers to this mane of Iron—the best iu the market—which will an sold at um lowest.rates: • We keep n large supply of ITA3I3IEI3ED IRON con3tautly on hand. Cad at the sign of the ' RED FRONT: PERSUNS haTing Hay to sell will do well by calling on the subscriber. in Gettysburg, who is desirous of purchasing. The highest Market price will be paid at PH times. OZI - As he intends having the Hay, after being packed, hauled either to Hanover nr.BaltimOre, the preference to haul will be given to those from whom he may purchaie. • SOLOMON POWERS. Dec. 24, 1852.—if 100 BOXES BEST CONGRESS TOBACCO. in, num and fur sale by WM. BUEHLER, No. ILT Franklin street A FRESH supply of Goods at the Variety 111. Store of CUBEAN .k PAXTON. TO the citizens of Gettysburg and Strangers who desire to know where to find a large and handsome variety of Summer RATS and SHOES,—are invited to call at W. W. PAX TON'S STORE, where they will find the most elegant White Beavers, and White Silk Hats, Panama, Canton and Braid; also Soft French Hats, and a large stock of Gentlemen and Ladies' and Children's Summer Shoes stud Gaiters of every style and price. Call and see the goods. Juno 13, 1856.. W. W. PAXTON A LARGE assortment of Queensware, CM Il ua, Glass and Stone Ware, ' COBEAN & PAXTON'S. iyoLLoWAY'S & OINTMENT A-11 , can be had in Dettysburg, at . the Drug Store of A. D. BUEHLER. BONNETS, Ribbons, and Flowers, of every variety, and to suit every taste, to be found cheap at SCIUCK'S. . THE'STIR AND.BANNgR la - published every Friday Evening, in Balti more street, in the three story build ing, a few doors above Faiin estocks Store, by B. A. BUELILER. TERMS. If paid in advance or within the year S 2 per annum—if not paid within the year $2 50. No paper discontinued until all amettrages are paid—except at the option of the Editor. Sin gle copies GI cents. A. failuni to notify a dis continuance will be regarded as a new engagC• meat. • • Alrertisemento not exceeding a . square in serted three times for . $l--every subsequent intertion 25 cents. Longer ones in the scam proportion. All advertisements not specially ordered for ft givett time will be contJouoil un til turbid. A liberal reduction 'will be made to those-who advertise by the year. ' Job rinlitsit of. all kind; xecnted neatly • and promptly, . and. on reasonable terms. - E=Z!M= , PPY ho mi II woe Ire Will WM. BU,EIII.ER, \o. 167 Franklin street. ' WM. BUEHLER. No. Ib7 Franklin &treat. Baltimore G. & H. VVAMPLER. EDWARD G. FAHNESTOCK. CILEDONII IRON. HAY IVANTLD. IMPORTANT Philadelphia ♦dsedleemenle FIRE PROOFS! TOR SALAMANDER SAFES OF PIIILADEL . 'MIA AGAINST TUE 'WORLD ! ILN VANS & WATSON, N'o. 26 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, hare had the surest demonstration in the following certificates that tht ifacture of Salamander Safes ly warranted the represents been made of them, as ren rted security against the ter- lILIDIELPIIIA, April 12,1856. s & WATSON :--Clents—lt af- ii hest satisfaction to state Guyon that owing to the very protective qualities o, two of the Salamander Safes which we put , chased erre some months since, we saved a large portion of our jewelry, book; papers, kr exposed to the calamitous fire in Ran. steal Place, on the morning of the 11th instant. When we reflect that these Safes were loca ted in the fourth store of the building we occu pied, and that they - fell Subsequently into a heap of burning ruins, where the vast concen tration of heat caused the brass plates to me., tie cannot but regard the preservation of the ;valuable contents as most convincing proof o the ~.reat itepurity afforded be your Safes. We shall take much pleasure in recom mending them to men of business as w sure re liance against the fine. G EO. W. SIMONS & BRO. PHILADELPHIA, April 12, 1856. Messes. Erass & Wsrsox:-1 have to offer you my testimony in favor of the great security afforded to my entire stock of jewelry, books, papers, &e., during the recent disastrops con flagration in Ranstead Piaee, from the fact that the same were contained in two of the Sal amander Safes manufactured by you. Having fitllen from the fifth story of the 4r than buililing, where they were previously placed, and exposed to a vast heat for a long time, the preservation of the valuable deposits seemed to every one who witnessed the open ing and interior examination, a matter of pro found astonishment. Toell who' ay require a perfect protection rom the ravages of tiro, I shall not hesitate to recommend the me of roar Safes, as I consid er they hare now undergone the most trying test. 7= Ni. E. MORGAN. PHILADELPIIIA, April 12, 1856. 3lnsstrs Evs..vs WarsoY No doubt you w2ll be deeply gratified to learn the good condition in which I discoVered my book, policy of insurance, certificates of stock, and other valuable documents, when on Fri day hut I opened the Sato made. by your firm. With my knowledge of its great exposure both to the intensity of the heat from so hot a fire, as that which destroyed the Artisan build ing„ as also fromlho force of the fan from its former elevated position in the third story, I could entertain hut slender hopes prior to its interior inspection, that the contents which I on — c"te so highly prized would ever be of any ser vice to me, but as these fiatrs' l are now happily* removed, I feel it only duo to say to you, that I can henceforth recommend the use of your Safes to all who may wish to feel a confidence in the perfect security which such means pro vides agaitzstso frightful an clement. EDWARD GASK ILL, Bookbinder. Constantly on hand Patent Powder and Thief Proof Locks for Banks, Stores, &c. April 25, 1856.—1 y TR JSSES ! TRUSSES TRUSSES C. H 7 NEEDLES, Tiuss and Brace Establishment, S. W. CUR. - TWELFIR it RACE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER of fine French Trusses, comlii- A- nine extrrmse lightness, ease and durabilio• with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients ca.a be suted bv remitting amounts, as beton- : Sending num her of inches round the hips, and stating sied a&eted. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, and $5. Double--„*.5, $6, $8 and $lO. Instruc tions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, -sent with the Truss, Also for solo, in great variety, Dr. Banning's &wren& Went Body. Brace, for the cure of Prolapsns Uteri- ' Spinal Props andsupports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with stoop shoulders andweak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syr inges—male and female. ie—Ladies" Rooms, with Lady attendants August 3,' 1855.-1 Y NEW WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. kr SPENCER THOMAS, 'No. 26 South • Second street, Philadelphia, Importer, 3lanufacturer. and Dealer in Drugs and .Medi cines, CherniCals, Acids,Dye Stag s , Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lend , French and Ameri can White Zinc, Window Glass; Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually kept by 'Druggists, including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c., &c., &c.— All orders by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 7,1856.—1 y. "Philadelphia Advertisement." EVANS FIRE AND THIEF PROOF SAFES ! ! poR Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers and Oth l: era, having /kola, open or other rabia blcs, topieserve from FIRE or - BURGLARS. Day & Newell's (Robb's) BANK LOCKS. - A CARD.--Tue "FIRE Nino*. SAFE," that preserved ourßooks, avers, ifc., during the tireatF ire at Hart's Buildings ' , was purelhas ed of OLIVER EVANS, 618:2nd., St.. Phil. ad'a. .GETZ lk BUCK. "REFRIGERATORS & AND WATER FIL • TERS." • EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigera tors for cooling and preserving mak butter, water and all articles for culinaurpo ses. • WATER FILTERS, for purifying brackish orniuddywater, whether effected by,rains, lime atone, marl or cither . causcs ;- can be had separ Me or attached to the Refrigerators—a small quantity of Ice cooling the whole, in the warm est weather.' . PORTABLE SHOWER. BATHS, for the use of scorns or cold water. WATER COOLFRS, for Hofels,.Stores & Dwellings. STO,tE TRUCKS, for moving dams, bales, &e. SEA.L PRESSES, COPYING do., DRUG GIST do. .OLIVER EVAN.g No. 61.S.Second-id., (2 &ors below Chesnut.) (Evranusnuri in 1835.) Feb. 8,1836.—1 y H. sTRAm. rr. NAT PIERO!. FREE OF CHARGE 1 TWO SPLENDID PARLOR ENGRA VINGS, entited "Bolton Abbey in the Olden Times," a splendid steel engraving, from the celebrated painting by Landseer, and the "Departure of the Israelites froin' .Egypt," a large and beautiful engraving from a painting by D. Roberts. The retail price Gif the above engravings is $3 per copy, but will be sentiire of charge as follows The subscribers have established a BOOK AGENCY in Philadelphia, and will furnish any beak, or publication at the retail price free 'of postage. Any persona l forwarding subscription price of any of the $3 Magazines, such as liarper's„thrdy's,Putnam's,Grehani's, Frank Lealiele EashionsikL, will receive the Magazines for one year and a copy of either of I the above beautiful engravings, free of charge, I or if subscribing to a $2, and a $l, Magazine, such as Peterson's, sod Challen's Ladies' Christian Annual, they will receive both Mag azines and a copy of either of the above on grnvings. Every dermription of engraving on wood ex ecuted with neatness and despatch. Views of buildings, newspaper headings, views of ma chinery, book illustrations, lodge certificates, business cards, &c. All orders sent by mail promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their buildings engraved Call send u daguer cotype or sketch of the building by mail or ex press. Persons at a distance having saleable arti cles would find it to their advantage to address the subscribers, as we would act as agents for the sale of them. BYRAItI & PIERCE, 50 South Third•at., hiladelphia Nov. 30, 1855.—1 y SCHICK ALWAYS AHEAD, Just from the City with the Largest and rel. ties; Stock of GOODS for the Spring and Summer Seasons, to be seen in .• Gettysburg I. AMONO which will be found P'ain and Fancy DRESS SILKS, black Silks, all ' qualities, plain Delaines, plain and figured Berege, Berege Deiaines,Cliallies, Brilliants, Lawns, Gingliams, Prints, Shawls, Embroid eries; Gloves, Hosiery and CLOTIIS of all colors' and prices, Cassimeres, for men mid boy's wear Vestings, Muslins, Tickinga, &C. ?urchainng at the lowest rata; I am pro. pared to sell at as low prices as goods can ho had at any other establishment in the County. In proof of which, I invite all to call and ex amine my Stock, when they will be satisfied that such Is the fact. J. L. SCHICK.- Southwest Corner of the Dia mond and Baltimore street. • April 18, 1856. TO ALL INTERESTED. THE undersigned is desirous to close up all his unsettled accounts, and requests all persons indebted to him to call and make settlement on or before the firs! day of April next. As aformer notice was disreganled by many, and as the undersigned wishes to avoid the necessity of imposing costs, he hopes that all indebted on account for six months or longer will call on or before the above date. • 1161 6 111 e undersigned returns his thanks to his friends for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, and invites the attention of the pub. lie to his stock of TIN ANDSHEETIRON WARE, continually on hand and for sale at reasonable prices. • GEORGE E. BUEHLER. March 7, 1856.'. J MILLE22IIINit I 39 OilN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Bar ber and flair Dresser. can at all timer be found prepared to attend to the calls of the people, at the Temple; in the Diamond. adjoining the County Building. From long experience, he flatters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorial DfpitrilllCOll with such an infinite degree of skill, as IsTill meet with the entire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen odeal of his razors. fie hopes therefore, that by his attention to business, and a de sire to please, he will merit as well as re ceive, a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their pri vate dwellings. CALL AND SEE ES AT THE NEW S T.I2N D. W3l. T. - KING respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally that he continues the TA /LORLiVO RU. NESS in the room adjoining the store of J. Lawrence Schick, and fronting on the Dia mond. Tle has made arrangements to receive regularly" the LATEST FilsH/G,VI3, and It will he his constant aim to give entire seis m. those who may fhvor him with their custom. lter . Couutry produce will bo taken in'ex change fOr work. • - WM. T. KING. Gettysburg, Sept. 58,1855. • qba 312Y2'21:RE1 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, has operied •1 an office in the front room of his residence in Baltimore street.; where he will be prepared to attend to Scrivening, Conveyancing, and collecting claims, promptly and punctually. Gettysburg, April 20.-1 y • • BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS. THE undersigned will attend promptly io the collection of claims for BOUN TY LANDS under the late met of COll. greys.' Those who have already received 40 or 80 - Acres, can now receive the hal anee, by calling on the subseriber and mak ing the necessary application., • JOEL B. DANNER. Gettysburg. March 9,1858.1—tf Flour for Sale. 11' you want a good barrel of' Flour, call at 1. HOKE'S STORE, as he has made arrangt manta to have always the beg, which le ;will sell at 25 cents advance. May 2,185 G TIN "WARE v. TIN ÜBE! E. BUEHLER informs .his VW friends and customers that he hits a zery large , assortment of TIN 'WARE on hand ready for the. Spring stile, made by experienced workmen and of good ma terials, which will he sold low for CASH or COUNTRY , PRODUCE. pc7'Call GettYaburg,. March 16,1854; . . . _ ~ . , Timber hot s for Sale. THE sithscribor has still a few' Andre choice LOCUST and' CHESNUT TIMBER , LOTS for sale—which ha will disposO .of on '• '' ' ' liberal terms..' ' 'J. D.' PAXTON. .Gettysburg t May 5, 1856., '., • ~..„ , ' PARASOLS, Umbuilloo, Fano r -o. tocks of thOttr—ot . BOHICR'S.' WOOL and Cotton Carpet'cbeali . 0.0. ititNOLD'S VIGURED. Plain and Buff 'Marseilles veld 1 lug low at GgO. ARNOLD'S Q UPER;Okt,' " 1 1 ,ariasole ag.; for sale • GEO. 'AlllgoLblB. TuaK f ter7T_Bkos, k ouißElr' .83613 Ear PAXTO A MARVFUIS REMEDY FOR A MARVELOUS AGE HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. „, . .711 E GRAND EXTERNAL Rivimpt. .” BY the aid of a microscope , we sea rnillibnd of atio openings on the surface of out bodies. Through these this Ointment, Whoa rubbed on the skin, is carried to at argisn.or Inward part. Diseases of the Kid leys,,dbior dem of the Liver affections of the heart, Liam. mann o f the L ungs, Asthmas, Cotighs Colds, are by its means eflbctually ciared'o== Every housewife kpows that salt passes find, through bone'or meat ninny thickness. Thus healing Ointment far more readily penetrates through any bone or fleshy part of the Whir hod', curing the most dangerout inward °env. plaints, that cannot be reached by other means. ERYSIPELAS. SALT 1111 . EU'lif AND SCO. • BUM HUMORS.' • No remedy has over done so Much for the , cure of diseases of the Skin whatever form they may outline, as thiS Ointment. No Me or Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Sarefulti or Erysipelas, can long withstand its influencel-• The inventor has travelled over many parts of the globe. visiting the principal hospitals, dis pensing this Ointment, giving advice as to its application, and thus been the means of restor ing countless numbers to henith. SORE LEAS. STRE%D . REASTe WOUNDS : Some of the most scientific, surgeons, now rely solely 'on, the use of this wonderful int ment, when having to' cope with the worst eft;•, sos of spree, wounds, ulcers, glandular swanlike,: and tbmors. Professor Holloway has, by com mend of the Allied Govermnents, dispatched to the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction of the Medical Staff; in the worst cases of wounds. It will cure arty ulcer,. glandular' svolling, stiffness or contraction of of the joints wren 7.0 years standing. PIL ES AND MTN!, Those nud other similni distressing corn . plaints eon be elfeetunlly cured if the Ointment be well rubbed in over the parts affected null by otherwise following the printed directions orotund each pot. Both MC Ointment and Mr ehoold be used in the .li:flowing romm : Bunions Burns Chapped Hands Piles Chilblains Itheamatisui Fistulas Salt R ben in Gout Skin Diseases Sore Legs Swelled Glands Sore Breasts Stiff Joists Sore Heads 'Ulcers Sore Throats Veneral Sores Sores of all kinds Wounds of all "kinds Sp rains • Scalds , - • *** Sold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, „London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicines through out the 11iiited States, and the civilized world, in Pots. at 25 cents, 621 cents, and $1 each. te-There is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger size •. N. B. Directions . tir the guidance of as tients in every disorder are atlixed to each Box. Nov. 2, 1855—cow. NE W .G:l6 0 D GEORGE ARNOLD: nAS just returned from the city with as JUL large cud beautiful 'n Stock of Goods as have been offered to thO public at any time among which are Hosiery, Gloves, Under Sleeves, Collars, Trinataings, Opera Lawns Robe Lawns, De Bilize . :o7.e., Grosacaufe• Goads' in Q, cat Varlet/ A Black, Blue. Brawn, Olive, Chow, and Drab, Plaid, Clouded, and Figuuml Cloths, ftlack, Prown, and Fancy Cu:Witless, Figved, Plaid cud Plain of every shade or color, Drab Cashmerette, Bombazine, Silk Warp, Al pacca, Also, Ready made Clothing in great varieiy, wish a - large stuck of Groceries, Queenswitre, k.e., all of which will be Fold as cheap as they can he bad at any retail estab lishment in the country. The LA DIES will nlemie call, as we are at all times pleased to see them. The GENTLEMEN'S attention is invited to our litre asSernuent in their line. hi con nection with the Store, is our COZ.Settlint&C.o that.ttqABLIZIM O at the, and•Stene Praia, Where everything is done up in the neatest and heat manner. We can rig a titan fmni head to fora in the very rhertest notice. Call and see and judge for yourselves. April 4, MO. PAHSLESTOOR BROTHERS HAVE received and aro now opening 111 ry large and handsome stock of NliW GOODS, and are ; prepared to sell to all its want of any article is their line cheaper them they:Can he bought elsewhere. having pur r , chased our stock in. New York, Philadelphia and Oaltimore, thus having the advantage or all three markets, we can offer inducements which can not be had elsewhere in the County. Our stock embraeeS . . IDRERS C DODO.. , . ,• of overt variety,` Sumner SILTiS, Ghali De tains, fierars, Brilliantines.'&c., and every thing fashionable f . es' wear. For GRttlenien, we have benutiffill styles ofGoocli for Coati', Pants and Vests, &e. Give: us a call, we deem it needless to enumerate the va riety of styles'and qualities of our lirge- stock as we are prepared to furnish everything' our line, at the lowest price..- cam 6114 FAIINE§TOCKS', The sign of Red liropt. April 18, 1850. ' 2 • 'JOHN. HOKE TRE - LADIES' STORE. A rimy SUPPLY OF YKNCY GOODS I MISS AIItCII;E.ILLAN 11AS'jwit - retiii:nmi from tho city with a verflorgo stack of MILLINERY if: PelNar COOPS, to which she would invite the . aininthin of het' friends and the public, believing that'an ex aminagou-will satisfy them that' her GOCods ire the best selected and . most, fashionable as well as the cheapest ever otrercd in this place.. The assortment comptiaes Z : dtehiq • • Dc Lanes, Ginghams,CaliCoes, Bags, Coburg .Cloths, Alus lin, ',lnnen, Saelißlannels, Bon- nets and Bonnet Trimmings Satins, - Ladies' Dress Trimminp, ,VCI;O3,- Art,4l.,;') .cials,:illack Veils, Blue de.,-Glo'lear Handkerchiefs, French' 'Worked Coliatel Cambric,Jackonetand SwisS L'ilgings 3 ,- I , Manta, Sleeve's, Mo.- • .'. hair and Silk Mite, ,Black I 1 Lace and Embroulcr v • ed Handkerchiefs, - Braids, Faust de:, kc - , , -,169),...,bitti and' examine for yournatvssa.:‘ . F Gettysburg, April 18; 1856. CALL and see the new atyle of Illaet.;: • Browh ) Little and Pearl Hata at '. i ~•'.' :;; : W.V. PAlftefl, i • , .. :• 0 VENSTOCK of Readir : m ado ClotlAtig A w, i t. a' great variety of Filmy' Artielei CONEJO AND PANTONIL 4ND Liainbagi) Mercurio! Erw 1; ~ '~ '.i'l ~/ :' )