IND BANNER. • • ''t ',, t v , • 1,- t CETTYSBURC. Fridny . liveuiug, • Aug. 8, ;856. : 'd - hare - we luny fltoi S(MI! 'therms in futnre of shielikiv ournolres from Foreign influence. --polftid4roinrnerriad. r or is irliaterre'r Awn, it nifty bo attempted: I wieh there were an ofrain , hffire between this and theidd kfirenmn,. soutsces-orTIT Icor.Tn ANIERTCAE AND THE RE, ',X,VaquAN coxForiosti. , • , ° FOR PAESIDEP,T. JOIOI.IIFIARINIC -FR oroNT. poA ytakrilOstorasiT, • :oa r -, , • rd 'nc rattpor. - • '"l r RAitttfilDtriii ; • 7 4'A titisarDzwr;-': AiltatiV4ACkSON DONELSON: Stifle Ticket. 'CANAL COMUISSIOYEA. Itio'SfAs7.E.`CoCEIRtN, F.ftork, (Whig.) arceni.. ' DARWIN PHELPS,:orAlitistrimw, (Amer.) •tt;'iT•Ait:r - actinirod'nessiikt: ' B• .44PQ Ti;, , itradfoni, (ReiWblican.) tjettnti Ticket. - AssoolaTe JUDGES, .' , .: 7 .15A-VID HORNER. WILLIAM R. STEWART. , ASSENBLX. 'JOHN •bIUSSELMAN. PETER. - MICKLEY, (of Daniel;) " ' -. l)itc,dir§R POOtt2:, irwzY9 ,;ij -;•,JAcon DIEN , . l; - Atintro ToWNS END' i:'1111. , ••• • ''.443 „rroiturr, g°BEcuTL ELLA`I • sfec_4_ •• • WILLIAM 'O. • INTERESTED. rufeemittry-that. the-lloolts- or the late . — firtn dftl. it 4 C. H:BUEIILER sed early i s putssibAe. And as we deSire to aVoid LIM necessity . of sending out a Collector, all' Who know themselves to be indebted to the late Firm, either for 'Subscription to the. "Sr.ile'nifor 'Advertising, are , requested to call Mid close their accounts witbout 'further delayi . We, hope this notice will be re mnie4 b,Oll interested. D.A. BUEHLER, C. H. SUEALER, itlyabarg, - Aug: 8, he; Chian Gaunt; Tteketi„ rr The proceedings of the lJnion Conn ty 'Convention, as furnished us by .the . Secretaries, gill ,be found; another, eel . utun,,,,The deliberations of the Conven. tins, wen t oharaoterized : y an unusual 4e• g r et° l .4 l l 3 KPßlf;a 2l i good ,feoliog,,theev," ident desire of the delegutes being, to,sac %Ape everything hkt personal feeling and preferences and to present such a ticket as , should be deserving of the support of till thq Tcpeis of the eounty honestly opposed to .the pulicy;,of the preeent National Ad suitliStratiOn. ,lire believe that we but ox press the general opinion of our friends, :as w e ll :as that of the ntc,re liberal of our opponenie,.iu saying that the ticket is one eminently 'deserving of that confidence.-- A nembcrof good were before, the , eotkvention , for the • various utimets--ignitis cf thettr'Wirmli ergeit by their respective friends, and of course th,ere, was some die -appointtnenr: • But'we are gratified to say amt . it , yo et generous , characteri sed the action of the delegates g,en e talri tit& we : feel authorized' to an neuuce.that from no quarter -sift the ticket receive a move 'cordial support than from the klZialettieti Whose, names were placeit' belefe :tins , Convention, as rivals fir the nour,intitions. ' We have heard of no can- didatc'aohciiinga nomination. The dele gates cattle into the ecinven thin uninstree ted, 34d nil se emed: content cheerfully to abide its action. VV: ^ e,shalltiot testlar,enter into adetailed cuticle ,of the Nominees. §utEge it.tossav that in Drs. locums and STEWAHT. JOBIY USsLEMAN, PETES:BIICKLEY, JOSEPH KERVEd;JAA'GR.DIEUL, WARNER; TOVVNI Itleutt.toitt; Esq.. we hiAlit i o,i; a' sironglielrt. but an, a rrai t i,i wertli,,,intaigenee, and itt tegrity,,,fitat own not-la il to eon/mead ,pop ular eisnfideneei • Add' nAir 'that thus 'Chanty. Ticket has been settled ) it becomes the duty of eveiy. voter tiesirolut* of securing a verdict at: the polls emdumnatory orthe Pierce /37, Doug las dytiaaly..-desiroui of saving the coon ty frnin.ilia c ontrol of die Buchatunfarty, and retrieving• the ground lost last fall by supineness:and ,divisions-..te go , to work earnestly. and .heartily in support of tbo randidatetr thus, presented. The opposi . - don willrailo a desperate. effort to parry the conm3s.-this fall. and thus secure .the' centrol,oUtlie Cotustyi offices. The roliciy of theiebssisle' isitt assailing' the integrity and chin:01 1 1ot those who have- hitherto.. to honfirWiiy Ara honestly ,filled those, D a. vs, leaseeslsetlittle doubt of their purpose' to.carry:out - theoften expreqsed dctertni. nation te o ;itterifico every this-fall to ciirry ihe Chanty. They mott'be suet by cuing. aattuh.toolkirtg oifort on tbe part afalor frietais, bat* a clear ma. .jority of voteri-fif /ha county, with us. Whiitever'tsittereicet of opiniort.may erte. Immo/ 'or atitjoo tie Pi esidentisk quits tins. ow int united on , the Buttilicket, and: eaght is tef tatitecLoo the Canny .Tieket, Veda a seine taut*. inevitably .being. *mph to etWieuipe; satiscettierto the vied* thlt , rafidi r lt ObtiolOtiptifitee.l3ll*.nan 4. - Squatter Sorerelpity and On chasm n. iICYIn 7847. Gen. Ca.s was very mach in favor of the Wilmot ?revise, and said he was willing to vute'for it as'an amend ment to the Three* Million hilt, ; which failed to pure the Senate from treat of time. Thee he did not deeht that Congress bad_ the right and poser to legislate upon the subject of Slavery •in the Territorioe--4 right which It a been exercised hundreds of times, and was not denied until the re cent degenerate days. Since the periml named Gist sow that the was het:online nn n...;1y nue to farce--that legislating Slaver? into it Territory would destroy a tuna at the North, and keepiug it nut would destroy him at the South. Hence Ito invented that cunning dodge—Squatter Sovereign ty,7-* which war prittierily intended to serve the purposes of a few . enwardly.politieians, but now promises to beenows swindle to cheat every hotly who wilt ''relY.upon . Ad moat Peliticians itieMeral cowards and ambitious of future distinction, the dodge wllll welcomed _ in various quarters, and . .a ecajority in the Congeess snf 1860 agreed to refer thb it:tatter the Territories. But ihadoetritie ties mover been Acridly deflect!, an d the•friends of it diffet,essen • tinny • upon, this importnnt •rinestintt : When have ihe'people of the Torriteries the right to legialsto upon the subject of SlaVitrY.P"ll,e advocates tit the doctrine agree, that Congress , shall•not legislate up- ; nn Slavery;'and they •ngree that OM pen. pie of the Tetritoriee shall, but when shall . they:do So In their Territorial Legishi titre, as soon itiumets, shall they declare ' , eloir,will t _Or have they no' power to do this, and 'mutt they ,postpone action Mita "they proCaed to 'make a State Con stitutioal A Territory generally remains in Abet minclition • 'llierFor sale by S. A. •But:nr.rt and S. S. 'Cittttyßbtarg; And Storelecepers gener ally in this eonnty. Oett 5 T 13713110110 ;la:to:cur. BA I,TIMOTS K. ft ug. 8. 1856. FLOiTit ANi) if L.--The: Flour titorket was rasher fluke tuoraiug. Stied of 103 bl)fm IldiCarestieut:'at $7,2:i. }lowan" street and. Ohio Failth at'; 830 and Extra do: 7 $8 TA lthl. Itye Hon r--.l,lnrket . steady. 'We ' quote at $3 621 1k bbl. Corn 31eitl---Wa quoin couill4 c ut..sl2 ;44 and City. rannufaetured at *2 751 1 1)L,T; , hall, and pricey stistaioatb• :About 12,000 bushels Offered tO! Any, • Sales •of prdinail tu,fawWiite nt 1 50( . .. $1 00;'gond to t pritu6., white! at 1 03(0100, and eery, a t Ojeu do. fur, family flour •at $l - 73: fhtlekof good to prime red tit 1, ..51®$1. 6l bushel: Curn--Aiimit 3.000 IbashcdB offered I°4 - 14, and sales of ortlinury to goad ;vi-die at 65®63ceuts, add :fur' quality , at,63 eetitikiPruSbet E lise--No •sales to-day. • 11'e quote 'F ; tlnanylinilia at 7o cents, and Maryland at 60®62 cents . 11 . 1;4141ot Onts—About.l, 300 Imehelt Offered tnAny,-atid salea of at 35®37,4 cents, and old, at 39®40 cents per. bua}tol s` ; •,: ; • Plt citUdn' more !defiant $l6 75, No 1 n 11,12,50013, and Prime' 'at tls l tdd.' • Poik-Salear within ,a da y or two of . 800 bbls Mess at $2O 50. and to.: day - 250 bbla Vsitim at f st4 , .411(ait I —Salesin 4 lio l ts et6o blids,aboulders at 10k® 10f 4t , }2®l2b centttli 'Bulk Meats-4111es 30 hhds at 10' eeids, and 15 bbda fbe . ,4nti 'Car lye ; quote tibia tiel2l dents, ..and fa kegs Cants "0 BattertStock . moderate and. - de , mend acea4:', of Western, in, bbla ,and, kegiail4,(4l6;nknts, good toprime Boll: at 16 ®lfic,,trt,li4 ; caidsi Glades at 17®19 coats, hnd G ositeth ft x 9®23 , centie per lb: ;1111A510111141 .1111Artilx-r. HANOVER, Aug, .1, 1856. / 4 7 bbl., from wagons, • s6 25 WHEAT,. bughel. ' 35: kr 1 56 CORN, •: - o.'t • 4:11; • • 03UCkW 4 8EATi Per POT4T liner bushel TIAIOTH ED,. .OLOVERWI ' FLAX6SEED,. PLASTEH.OFIP:ARM `"' PORK,' tiorloo tbd VOW& M AII it ISt:. Ydße, Tiiesa — kt" Aug. 5, lem: ~LOUR, fibervsigons; $6 12 'HEAT, 111 bushel, f 40 la TBQ RYE. OOR,rc OATS, TIMOTEMSSEAII'besIieI,- - OLOVMSBEDi. V4AZ•SESPi 111,AerERTIltAitAil ibuk MEM EV; At Dayton, ,Ohio. Hai' 24th ult., Mm. ELIZABETH KELLER, daughter of James McLain, deceased, formerly of Conowagn town ship, -this .pounty, in the .It9th. year of her age. On Wednesday, the !II:1(11'11ft , 'Mr. SHER MAN SMITH, of. Tyrone township, aged a bout 26 years. ' • . ' • On the Bth inst.; in Adami county; JEMI MA CATHA daughter of Wm. Bichl, aged II months and 16 day'ilaya. . . rrms valuable propely is situated in Dick. amain township, -Cumberland county, 4i miles south of Paportown l I mile from the Get• tysburg read, lying between it' and the Oxford road. andahnut 41 mites from the York Spring's, known as the IVALTEMYhIt FARM ? , On toining 196 AcreM Of Land, One hundred of whieh nre cleared end in good state of cul tivation, and the residue in covered with Good Timber, and Young'hesnut of the finest gnat , ity. , • The .Daprovements aro n one „ and a hull story. LOG HOUSE, thoroughlyrepaired, LOG ANK GAB N,. , Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, • 8 noke Hotist3, Dry Muse, and 'other convenient Out•buildiiiga: - . A good Applo Or chard, •hesides cherry', peach, and other fruit trees. • A beautiful stream of running water within a short distance of the door. About 1000 bushels of Limo have been pat on the Farm within the last couple of years. The land is productive, and the fences good. " For terms, enquire of A. L. SPOICSLEIt, Real Estate Ailent and Scticener, Carlisle, Pa. WILL be sold at Public Sale, on the prem ises, nn Saturdaylo2ol/r day of &plan nrxl, the Farm Into of Joseph Coshun, deceased, sitpatoio Mountpleasant township. Adams county. on the public road leading front the Twojaverns to Oxford, tire miles front Ocurstairg and 10 front Hanover, con . . Mining .22i' AClrefl and 140 l'arclies. fhr improrinnents consist ofa TWO sToRy STUNK JIOCSE and Stone' Bank Barn, Wagon Shea, Coro Crib, ; and all neeessary oat bnildings. A Young Orchard of choice fruit trees of 'all kends, a,first rate'well of water at the House! and at the Barn-yard. The bind has all been limed and in good repair. Any information respecting the km can be had of JOSEPH ' COSHUN, residing thereon:_ August 8, 1836.-40 Sale to coinmence at 1 o'clock, P. M., When attendance will begiveu and terms made known. Portrait orjohn C. Fretainit. TTIE most correct likeness ever made ; ex ecuted iu the ,lighest ,style of Art, and printed on fine India; papa; published- and for aide, wholesale' end relail, by L. N. BOSENTH AL. I.ITIIO G RA PETER, • TV. Corner Fifth and Chmnue St Phira. Size of paper, lix26. Retail Price $l. A liberal discount will be allowed those wishing to sell twain. Air-AGENTS WANTED‘Sza Aug. 8, Tenchers Wattled. THE Sedum] Directors of Huntington . School District will meet nt the Aendemy, it Pe. tershorg., on Safurda,P) the 6M day of tember next, nt I o'clock, P. M., to employ Teachers•for the POlic':Stditiols of said town. ship—the Schools 'fo remain aped for six. months. • • • • 'WARNER TOWNSEND, i'res'e. firvur . , Prrrns, Say. Aug. 8, 785 ~-9t IrITE !Ifembers of the "ildath,t ,c,bunly Mn !nal Aire Insisrdyre: ity.' r '4re hero by notified that an Election for twentvone MANAGERS will beheld nt Alto 'office of-the Secretary, in Gettysburg, on 'Monday 1.9 t day ofAgeteviler,t4A between the hour* of .1 anl 1 o'clock, N. M,r—ench member b inr en• titled to one vote far each p).lier bobLbr,hint. The Eseetiti‘;e Committee wildtnept, at 10 tfehriek,' AAR*: . , ' smi-Maineers having ficluirntiffees ono betno4nyi 4111 tie teryttirediVisav the seine in• to tire 7 reamury oa or. hufore Aid day, to in; able the accounts for the current year to be closed b. A. BUELELER, Say. Aug.,B, 1856-3 t , . • . 'Repbblican,. ion;C County:onvent ..‘ •••••• • ITN freemen 'of Adams County, who haye I: faith in the Philadelphia flepiiblienii•plat forin=who are friends of JOHN C. Furatorr and .11fritacx L. DATTOX,---160 ure Opposed ; toreeking'eorruption statiOns—whd, are opposettto the use of - the Bludgeon and RufBarruini in the halls of Legislationwho fa. For the, admission • of 'Kansas ;intotho'Union as a free - State, L -rifid the dolvnfall Of Border Rottlanisin--whia:tippose the • introduction; of Slavery.into territory co•iieeinted to freedffia —,who'eppreeinte and fiyor'of liberty of • conseience andtt just erinalityoreillietiship- - will assemble at ,69,usual j)laces of-holding tortnshipelcieting-s, in their Aispactiyodistricts, ‘0 Safurdakeke36tiday Atilitiseriezt,'.64l - the hours of 2 and ,G Nc. and oltietttywDeleguies '-ertt•ii• los'ntihip and Itierimet an, the Oounty,i who chid! meet ui the Point-Moe, nt Gettoburg..on.Notlay, 'Ma 1e day of Seplentbgr next, to nominate n Re publican CountyiTicket, appoint Republican, Congressional,. end .Sonittorial • Coufereesi' and etteh"Othei business .as may, be deemed 'needful 'to' the success and per maneY'of Itepublieetniinn in this county, .Lot every township •be reirresented.' - Bdued the tocsin of Liberty—to as - peal the people al ways respond--honeo t h at great itnffisponten *one gathering of the people - at Pbhiladelphin —the selection of that Ilan for thee Hour, Fitttosr, the Rocky Mountain path finder, as their Stendard bearer in the coming contester right.egeinst - wrong,' end the ndoption of a platform; reaffirming the' doetrino of Liberty, Brotherhood, and equality of Citizenship. JOLIN ft FIERSH,•Pres'f. ' A. S. HUMS, Sec y.. Now Oxford, July 25,1856. 50 30 40 • .37 04 6 00 1 26 6' 00 ? CO', • irablttototit Stotberil I.IIAVE received and are now opening a very 1-1: large and handsome stock of. NEW GOODS r ef eierjr,varietT. dive them an ear ly call yen' wani bargains:. April 11, , 1866.. • Fly wets. A spENDrn lot of aaperior FLY. NETS 11' just Vea tr9r:ftalti; '• Call aritiiiee hear at-- • • • •' SAONMS'S. 65 se BO 1-60 I BO: 161 AltoP 'bago n eY - dr vtinei at y' ' • G 0.4 yotrytk..- .. ,~..~ ~ seL.Prarklin's name has been immortaliz ed in various wa3s, and it is connected with numerous Popular institutions. Among the most popular places with which it is associated is Franklin Place, Philadelphih, on the cor ner of which, No. 111 ,Chesnut Street, is the grunt popular Clothing Establishment of ROCK• 111161. & Wtutou,•the largest, cheapest, best and most fashiounble in the country. , A .Rll On the 4thinst., lit the Rev. Jacob Zeigler, Mr. LABAN BOWERS, and Miss ANNA M. SEIFERI,both of Eintnitaburg. On the Pith inst., by the same, Mr. JACOB WEIKERT,' and 'Miss' MATILDA:C. BLY DER, both of Cumberland" township. " • Valuable 'Farm at Private Sale. Aug. 8. 1858.--$1.51) PUBLIC I.ILE. THE -HRIRS NOTlfer. REGISTER'S NOTICE• • PUBLIC SALki On Friday, the sth day of September _nt:ei, at 12 o'clock, 31, rr HE nedersigned, Executor ofthc r.etale ofj 1- David sheets, late of Conownge township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will cell at Pub lic Sale, on the premises the very desirable aid VALUABLE I?AItM .. Ix Sextet, April 21, 1856. ' t Resolution proposiug amendments to the ofsaid deceased, situate in Freedom township; - Constitution orthe Commonwealth, being 'un- der consideration, Adams county, State aforesaid, I FIRST samningr. _ On the qaestion, • i Cemeafeeieser hi I 0 Jirrie, ) There shall be an additional arteele to net Win the Senate agree to the first amend mor leas, and adjoining lands ofJohn Nee• i Constitutive to bodes; deeiguateel as article einem., mee t, y. l ore bah Knee, James M'Cleary, and oat- ; follows: • The yeas and nays wore taken agreeably to tut . era tn on the road. leading from Nuneaker'l ARTICLE-Xt. ' the provisio n s of the .Constitution, and were Mill to the Penonitebiwg road. Thb improve-, 0 F PUit I, 1 f.: D,EEt T S. us follow, viz i metes, ,)tickareal' iu brat rate order, consist Section I. The State , may contract . debts; s s ' ' . L e well, hyena, beryl:mu, Flee/I:ken eye, In to Supply casual deficits or failures lu revere . 2 , im J 1111 1 .8 0 ,1 K s • L baeli ' I. is • Me• TWO ues,ortomeet expenses not otherivieesprovided •••, 1- 1 . ' , 1 1 . # next eu - 1 ew • , te iteoce, rice, Sellers, Shumatt, teoether, for • but the aggregateamount er such debt. 4. , ',Straub Terivert, Welton Welds When v Wil '••••• 11 / • BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, knei and Pratt, Speaker-24. , direct and coutingent, whether contracted by • - ' - ' ••" c • ' with brick back•building, Itlliea virtue of one or more acts °tithe Oeuerui Ai can lei conveniently occupied by two families, -fit, -rog, Jordan, . e • setably, or at different periods of time, shalt r 1C ,, A1-B.‘-.MeBirs. e hk 1.1 ' l ' i 1 - Hens'' , W esherreesel never exceed seven hundred and fitly, thous. ' lll q` r Red P ' ett- ''' a large Bank Barn, Dry So the quest:too was determined ite the at& Work Shop, Carriage House, Wagon. Sheds, and dollar.; and the money arising Irma the ,„ ~,,, Corn Crib, and all necessary outbuildings. •», creation of 'such debts, tiliull be applied to the There are three went of eevenfailiug water on -a tin 'e th u • Go . purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay e •e l r e ''' ' ' ' ' the debts do contracted and to r,' other - Will the Seem° agree to the eecontVirattod• the premises, one of them on the Porch con.- #e P er meat 2 • ' , - I The gem and nays were taken went* to venient to the kitchen door. ,Watet p is convey- ! ed from one of the wells by pipe into the ben- pose whatever. Section 2. In addition to the -above limited i the prosisious °filo Constitution and Mete all power the State may contract debts to repeal y oo a v id e . ring Tl s ige o i o a r a ss l , a i rg o e ox o o r e e l h io tt i r l d t t o h f r C i l v to il i l ect g o fi n u ie it r , uirokm, suppress insurreetion, defend the i f liewe•ii,„2. ,Browne:' e„ -cue of the best in the county. There is a e etate in war, or to redeem the present outstend- i full proportion of good Timber and. Meadow in g . indebtedness ofthe State ; but the rnone YEA.I---zunitirtl. nuckalew, Crom well, - E,vans, Hoge, Ingram, jamison, Tiede, Lau bach e Lowin, hl ) to r mock, Sellers, Shuman, arising from the contracting °leech debts, shidi o la s o o d b , e a ro nd sd a e uy T a n dd is n i i l o ro n p id er T s ct ia nt o i l t i v o o of f t m ho ea m d ms ow t be app lied to the purpose tor which 'it. ' • • d * Souther, Straub, W, Welsh, Wherry,. and desirable in the county; being edeveniently 10-, or to repay such ' debts, and to no other per. LS r42 * - , Wilkins--19: . . • . , • Islire-Jlesuee' Cribb,' Ferkilieni; •43reig. cated about five mild freen Gettysburg, and pose whatever. Section 3. Except the debts above specified, Pratt Price mei P' ‘•jiee •e- ' So ' the question la w tt as "- dete 4 Lhi b e . 4 in the af being highly hill:roved, several thousand bueh- , in sections one and two of this uniele, no debt whatever shall be created by, or o els ot lime having beset put upcu it inthin the last few years. The fencing is in good order,. the house., •• -u , uebuit ut . , Jimmie°. the greater part beingCheanutfencing. There , L e o s tate , r., , , • • , - - On the question, • • mo l i V it il the Senate agree to the third amend is a School•house on the farm, ' convenient to i Section 4 . To provide for the payment of • the present debt, and any, additional debt maw /I d Also at the sometime and place telli be sold i treeted ass aforesaid, the legislature shell, at its e yeas an nays were taken• agreeably to the Conatitutiou and, were as viz • a Tract of ' first session after the adoption of thM e . lased- , yens Masers ' :' Browne, follow, Burkalew,, tYrabb, 'Creesivell, Evens, Ferguson, Flenniken, Huge, 171113 1 1 1 4DAT11 TIM LAND, , f merit, creak. a sinking, lande which snail 01l less; about ,onct 1 sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such i i ngrate, , containing 17 nerek, more or and annually to reduce the, principal ].solo Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Laubaeh, i Lewis, 'McGill/took, Mellinger, Pratt, Price, mile above Maria Furnace, in Efeiniltonban debt , thereof by a sum not less than , two !Nimrod Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Teggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins, and P-httts township, adjoining lands ot Andrew Low, ! and lifty thousaud dollars ; whichsitking lurid limes .Watson, and others. Thie tract is coy- Sv.aker-28. ' ered pith thrivingyoungehesnut timber, equal she ll ee e det of the net arnalat morns uf the worke, fromeeme ea time owned by the 'NeTis-Mr. Gregg -1; ' * cleared, the land beiug well adapted to cultism- , to any on the. South Mountain, and cue be public State, or the proceeds of the mile or the saute, , So the question was determined in , the a rmful part therein, end vides iueome oe pp-, & m ai m Ser•Tio property will positively be sold.- ceedsof sale of s t o cks ow n e d' by the S trife, ue On the imestion, ' ' Persons wishing to View the premises will he getheA with other - kinds, crresoureille that nay Willthe Senate agree to the fourth ethetid shown the same by the eubecriber, rbsiding in ,De designated by law._ . i i ile i laid- 41 / 1 9 1 / 1 //h'el 1 fano -- - - . Freedom township, near hloritz's tavern, byl may, be. inerelteml, 'front e.rree to time, by as• • fhe yeas and nars • were taken agreeably to whom arse attendance Will' his given and , the ( aiguteg ,to it Any part ,of , the'taxes, or other j the Constitution, aiiii were as follow '• • Yu • • revenues'of the etaee eat required, fur the cue. • (terms made known oij,the day ofsale.• # lees-hie/ma. Browne Beekalew reds -1 • ' -----" ' • di PROULAMA'FION., 13•ANIEli setEeees F , ,, cmfor. rent expeo4v of goverument, and unless in .. e. is , ~ . ru stl e seues, leemken, lio In to Jame ' ' • B Y virtue of an Orderof the Orpleinit tat g e, gFe i 1 of Adams comer, die uuderseeted; d _ June 27, 1856.-,--ta caw of war i nvasiv e or ineurreetion, no pattt .....1 ir • !. . 'SO uop,itil vale . ; 14 . , , „ , , Laubach, ,Levoe, Nteette: 1 • • -..— —of thettaid sinking lurid ball lie used or ale k . •• fh E • • l• 'MIC 11 manstrmer 9 t e state ot • Lam cOs CA - AVITERF,AS the Ifon. Roamer . J. Ftiien. t .. 0 , i .. , . . . , •„. 'to ok ; Price, yellers Shuman Souther, / Straub-' , j • • T v President °rule several Courts of Com- ; important to E I ery-body ! p1i., 1 tierwis6 than t o extinguishmentot the eValton, Welshe Wherry, Wilkins, soil Piatt ' ion, late of Liberty township, Adndie county, public debt, until the amount of stub dole is 3 1 , pa. dereased. wi sell at Ffiblic Sltle oh S at= mon Pleas, in the Counties composing the 19th f ' • peaktr -23. , # • • 1 - 1 reduced below 'the sum of five millioes alkali N , v • e , ie , e , th e el 1 inday Vie 13th dna of SPpteher neat Ate District and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and I "L"1011. the last three years, I have been tinge.- l t „„ - • 1 e, 1,. ' !P I : - e' eeere • , ' -dt )"' Gre gg , ''' ''''' e u'"R et. i o'clock .P. Al., on the prentlees, t hee) dest& Termintie and General Jail Delivery, fbr the 1: ged in a business known only to wesele ''';* • ' e : • '. - • - I aod Pratt-4 Section 5. iho credit oftho Commonwealth • • E.VA , r STATE trial of all capital slid-other offenders in the mid, comparatively, few others, whom I have sh 'I t ' '. . , So the question wes.deterutined in the At: 1 , said district, and SA nem, IL IteS9ELLand Jong instructed for the sum of $2OO each, e lactates 0 a l . no en ar:y ma t retier e oe . evetit, fie ;fledge , mew ,. , , . . ' of sand deceased, nit in fetid tewnshlp, a r oaned too tiy ! :Medea!, eompany, err ed, IrGivi,r Esqrs., Judges (Ache Courts of Oyer averaged me at the rate of 3,000 to 85,00111)er , Journal of the House of Representistives, bout one mile filen Emrniusbury, containing, ration, or association ;nor shall , th e Common. A pr a $4 1856. , , , and Terminer. and General Jail Delivery, for annum ; and haviug made tirrungennets to go„ '' ' ' •93 Acre 4, more or less, adjoining lands of the trial of all capital and other offenders in the _to Europe in the fide to engage in - the 'same stockholder, wea w ea lth •hereacter poininne t ti,joint owner , or The pees ntal nap were teken a l greeablY to 'Maxwell Shields, Jame , ' Rowel, San Mel Del'? County of Adams-have flitted their precept, business, 'I ant willing to give full instructions - 1 ,, all)", , Comeau ,association as, ; 9 ol falea, or the ppyisious of the Constitution, and on the horn, and others. The iniproternents col:miter corpo rat• first peopiesed amendment were us follow, of a two end u-half story bearing date the 2:td day of April in the year in the art to any persua in the United Statee SectiotT n ii. C tdon alth hall ' of our Lord one thoteland eight hundred and or Onnadas, who lei!l remit me the sum of SL .l. d The me we , 13 , "I , ViZ'i ' 1 LOO We:Ant ERBOARDED assume see. ebt e er ,any pure Memel, of any yfrss--licssrs. Anderson, BitekbO, 13dIdVir, 1 fiftv-sie, and to Inc directed for holding a Court I ant induced, from the stieFeite I It - ve - been count citborough or , townshi •or ru, • ' r HOUSE, ~: • , of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Ses• rewired with, and the many th ankful acknowl .tor ' - ! P # 0, I le BM Beek, l i leyouting, Beek iYork,) Bern. sVI , e oration ' or etssuciation • unless euchiiebt siens of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery, edgments I have received from those serious I ~,le e ee , e eee d •.Id' - , . , herd, 1303 d, ,oyer,l3rown, Brush,,, . Buckman, (,•Stone's iring House, with Mil contrac e ,te enames tee ptnte and Court ofOyer and Terminer,at Gettysburg,' have instructed, and uhu aro making from - -; .• • Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig,,,Crawford, Springeot never failingsvnter near the dwells; ' to rope invssiom . stippress domestic ins Dowdull, ithuger, Fittleold ,Foeter, Getz itig,a Focal Log Statile, and ofttereettitulldive on .4holidaq Me ISM of Aneusenext-- 1 $s 10 $l6 P ER DAY • Ron, defend itself, i n, tune id war or to neeist Haines NOTICE IS HEREBY_ G/VENeto all the . discharge • of • atit, to giveany person an oppertunity to•e'n• the Sloe in the - Justices of tho Peace, the Cormier and Consta-./ Pete, opt s Hale4a9, nippiO, 11011.:0111b, Iteneecker, Int- : rit b, • II Ili t : e 'nde dimes , • gage in, this hueinese, tv,hich ta easy, pleasant, present. i lee .. hies within the said county of Adams, that they brie, Ingham, ,Innis, Irwite Johue Johnson,' with” and very profitable at 4 small cost. Them: is Seetiou 7. Ihe Legeilature shall uot author- La ti Lh 1 k:1, • e're; ; mid the balance eleaeed and uhfier good ca - ' be then and there - in - their grippe' percents wi .. ... ' • . , .. . , . po t., eo. einga et, et ett :1 mom, . . . • • • • Bann:dune positively 11tr flu mlet,l in the matter. Refer- me pay Tony; city, borough, -township, toweship, or ' Ovaion with a fate proportion of meadow'. their Rolls, In Inquisitions, ill'eartliy, 31'Oomb, Maugle, Menem., .Mitler, chess to the beat class can be given as regards incorporated dertriet e by virtue ore vote uf its Persons wishing no vieW the prefillitief; Can ',- Gone, and other Bernembrauces, to do , those f hiontgotnery, Moorhead; Nunijmncher, Orr its character, andl can rein to persons whee l ' cid zene or otherwiee, to become, a elockholder Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Ratneese Weed: 0111 un Joseph ShiCalliont r t ieettiiht• de , the things which to * their offices sad in that behalf I have instructecl; who will testify that they are in •oily compac t ', aseocietion,'or corporation ; aanue or un the subscriber, residing Iti'Getrys appertain to be done, and also, they who willßeinhold, Ridale, Robot ts, Shenk, SMith, (Al. making (ruin $a tc) $1 , 5 per day; at the same.-- or ,to obtain money for, Or hem its credit to prosecute against the prisoners that are °rebel! legheisy.) Smith, (Cnicihria,) Sndtb, (W o• burg. . 1 1 ,, be in the Jail of the said County of Adams are , Ibis a business in nisich either any, coop rat i on, - eutsociatiorieinstitutione or ete , ) e• teo „ , , r ,, , , w , ItY Attendance will li ptveit and term* 'mode , ~ sr u L,. ompsun, at , Nil on, , • A . ~,, tai 1, to be then and there to peo-eeute against them"! LADIES OR GENTLEMEN P art y' , I Wright, (Dauphin,) Wiiglit, (Luzerne,) Zim. hee w lk 4 i / ImllY "" ° "Ye ' • e ND AMRNDMENT. , roerman, and.lexight, Speaker-72. . i - JtrtiN C NettilLLlON' .4cluen ' en shall he just. j ) , can engage,and with perlbetease make a rery see° HENRY THOMAS, Marie: f handsome income. , Several iediev l e Tal o ns • Theca ehall be an Additional thelele te said ; N/A'S-MEAD'S. Illgnbtihe, Barry Clorer, ' August 1, 1858.--td. , . Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, t 'parts of New York Suite. Pennsylvania, and Conetitution, to bedesignated as article XII ab I Colemen, Dock, Pry, Fukien, Gaylord; Giblio.l ---- .... t ' -,.--, ,• --- "1, , ... „cirri ow itairetaxe. July 11. 1856. f 1 i hiaryfend, whom I have itistrueted, are now follow B : . 'r ~, noYr Eaanlion. hatreds', hoeselmeper, • Hum : . , ~ - making from $3 to $6 .per 'day at it. It is n -•e" e. - eker, Leisinrini Ma me Mdn le • Morris M ' ' ' ' ' • ••••-*- • * • frE` ..- . Alteeetert. , ... GENEI2.II. bIiNM:94, and but a duller or two is , , Ina, catielSon.o isourv,ornitpi.enimumpant„ ) .1 . , k ~,, e p, , 1 1, Ein,,,,t, of w it e r he n e e . OFNEWOO U N T I E S. IValter Wintrode and I.' •a"le 9 1 • ' - L '''' - 41 - - "'- ent I required to mart it. Upou receipt of'sl, T will tii Hun ington township, Admen. °minty, hie; I immediately tend to the appliennt a ;printed' d • 1. ' d ' th em e dr No county shall be divided lets line cutting So the question was mem ne in • ti e ke) • it , o w e eel the • •'A" ' !' ID Y virtue of a decree of the ()Thane' Court ' circular emit/lining fell instruciions in the art elf over one-teeth of its revelation, (either -to firmative• • ' '• , ee l ! ,! . J lll ...,,F c,‘ 1 . 1 • refitted ,no..„111' form a new county or otberwiee,) aithout the On the queetion,,' . I , '•' ~ •ner , ,:), malletee an Mu DE . .presented at the 11 1 of Adams , aunty. the eub,eriber, Admin. , which can be perfectly understood at once. :text Come eTQuarter SesSIOIJN.. : ,'- ‘ 1 4," lurnter of the Estate of G. W. D. IRVIN, Intel In the Mouth of May hist I se n t m y T oy er . • express aseent of such county, by a vete of Will the Hoene egree ti, the 'second am' e nde 1 I J BALDWIN' Clerk of said County,' deceased, will offer at Public • tieeMent to the editor er the 'glee 'ling G u y et t e the electors thereof; nor ellen any law. county went ? ' Au g l 18t5-te , . , • Side, on the premises on, Satut'd.ty the 13th and", Democrat," Reading, Pa., and ales) Joie lel eMablisileds containing less .than toetr MEI- The yeas and nays were taken and were as . ..... • ' • - day of S...ptember next, at 1 o'clock, P. Al. of, hire one of inf circulars of instructions. On doed,square mike. . follow vie • ' " , . ' I NOTICE. ... . . . said day, ' lite reempt, ant atter a carefel examination, he, Yees-hlessre, Andenion,•liatkui, Buldwid, ' ee . , ' --- 4 4 1 ,_. 1 ' 'l` '::'THE Fa R• 11; / inserted the rdlowing editorial ie him pitmen Ball, Bea.; (Lyemning,) 13eeli, (York) Bern- libli / wirer Peel having 101 l mY , uoLS•oor;' , I "WC eall attention to the relvertiseinent of hard, Beyd. • •BreWn, Beerth, I.luchiman, Ctild. . -e- bortnl without just catiete, themett git te e . of said deceaemleituatepartly in Ilamiltonban Mr. A. T. Parson's, of New York, headed "im- I well, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Fausold, Foster, ;mice that ' I Jed! pay no dither sillier OntreP; , and PrilY in Freedom TownehiPt in Adams ' , owner ro Eve' • • " whichwill b f d tILIODY, 0 Olin I Getz, Huiues, Hemel, lerp ee , flours, Hibbs; iing. All eleents ate An t eii.not, ye ,herehy • .er; , Counts , , lin another column. Mr. P. has scalars olio of Hill, iiil!egas, !fipple, laded:eh; Ilunsecker, inlet her on my Adenine. The iendersjaned; , . ennif erl iii4ng .21 s ,fr t ip i e. , . Ks circulars, alluded to in the edvertisetnerst I Imbrie, Ingham, Innis Irwin, Johus, Jehn:,Pranklitilliwusliiii, Aditlett.oo4lY, more or less, of which 40 acres araleavily tim- , and on examination. we find , it. 11,4 he vacs it it, non, Laporte, Lebo on ulcer Lovett, M'• i'llirale 11 PPIYInT e , tit the Chun, foeet-divorce bered and the residue is good linable laud, no humbug, but a light, ertey nn I.lwoorable Calaiont, itt'Carthee el:Coiab, Naugle, Menear; tram the' bond f Matrimony torme4„wth boi with 4 good proportion of meadow _ said; businese, zed one that may be Made profitable. Miller, Montgomery, Moorhead, le comemach• ei'l wife . J .i ..„, ~..„,y. Tract adjoiniug lands of William IVilson, on A, very trilling-cap:tel." • • ' er, Orr, Pearson , Purcell, Retrieeneciteed, , , 111CHAEL, J .5..14144 • ' !fermi? Wintrode Ab d Fl David} • , n tam enner,e e ,..,„ All teuers muse be eddreseed to A. T. PAR- Reline:ld, Rtdok, Roberts, Shenk, Smith; ' ' lll l 25 ; I(jj • s3.:4 t e Besserman and others. Tide farm lies or the i "e''''r 3 i, l4 . l3 readwaY# Now York: lAilef,Eeny,) Strouse, yail, Whillon,Wrighte public road leading front 'Gettysburg to' . Peir- I June 24, ir .6. i. --1 Po. ' fletizerved Zilumernian dud Weigle Speak e r ; • __ field. 6 mike from thie fernier sue about 2f --- . , WAS found, on Weaves s day 1 sf, ' by the mike from the latter ---Mursh Creek lie. I _ ___ ' IF "VDU N,ts7—Memrs, Augustine, Barry, 'Clewer, an in th FOundre yider; n boX Kiline F F alto;! 0I ed • • aPhwe'l I e Mg within two miles pl a ce Middle Creek ;within I e crt cy• . 11 on. °Y ° # gib bon s,, of Hair finishes', a box of Cravat.% nod a bun. one mile of said farm, stud the ec omp ,„, s e, ' WANT HAI'S, CAPS, BOOTS& SITOES, Iletildton 'II • k amen ~, Eueeeer; Leieenring, dl f W 11 e los 'The owtier `e a dined to, Jfills" 'Wag within one,mile of it. l'he soil nit least Co percent. cheaper thau TOO ?tinged, Manley, `SlOrri4, Mumma, Patterson ee en ' Ile 4 • l ' e • ` is of - good , quality and in a high state of mini. ever ii in before,- remember' it is at 00-1 .ph e ip B q 161 ry s •th [Cambria, ,.„ ' conic forifard,proVe proeerty. geed bike them , ...I et , , tut , arlOinp- itaar i , • vation. he improvements tonsist of a large. BEAN ce PAXTON'S, where they' %Ile to be son, Wolter; 'Wfutrode Wright [Dituphitel nu 4 ' • " '' ft " ' , or D. M. FINF Vele. and convenient had in great variety, euneieting of Gent's and I I Yeareley-25. t Gettyediurg July 25 183 e - 1 •31 TWO NTORE ROl3Oll-OAW I Boy 'e fine Silk, Tut:end Slouch, lints, ef khe ISo the question writ cteterruined in the ar I t ' '' * ' • latest style, all edlors and eices, W lute, Black (-firtnative. 11):1 , , NOTICE,' ' i ' ' ' t 1 • i,,„ I Tan Blue Drab news; Am. Alsu, a ler • :' DWELLING Housr ' , ` Oir the question, . . , # ' - •• - * ~.d i ! anon , 40 feet front by ;fie feet deep, with a , 1 assortment df Mcm'S and Boy's Fine Calf, lief) . Will the House eyrie to the thud amend-• % i 'ilied b I e 11 1 11 T u nderenated; Auditor, norm to , roughenst one story kitchen attached. stone and Grain. Roots niul Shoea.-Gent's FineCleth mere I , ~ 1 the Orpfaind'.Court A' Adamievittiti e to ' double bank bans, 72 by 42 fee, with shads. ' and Patent Leather Gaiters. I The yeas and nays were teken and were as '•• • • # mkt. eisu enema of the balence remniniug in ' Also, seem crib and wagon shed and 'carriage I ' .13 ' allow viz : - the linntie ii . 01 BRADY, 'Adieittlefintor •• house attached. Stone spring house mid moue 4 careful. Leak'', if yon want Wrath - mg and; Ye trZ-Messrs Anderson Bael•us Baildw' '., - - • # ' 1 m_ ed thenetzte PATRICK BALL tleceiofe;' smokehouse and dry house.' There is it neier 1 Fine Drees Shoes, such as Jenny Line, Bus- , ;,Bull, Beek, [Lyeozningj Beek, [York,kßora. to and Amongst. the creditors of iiiia'decensed;' failing spring of water on staid farm, with 1 kins and Thee Kid and Morocco ,Stippers- al-I hard, Boyd, llteer, Brown, Iltiehatiaz e Odd- •P • uend at hie olliee imilettyshur Runs , g. On springs near the house, and several :Trines in ,so a beautiful assortnieut of Ladies' Drees' ' well, Campbell Carty,, Cra •Cr • •thel Ed- wl • 4 lh , a" r ly the 13111 day of Avyttei 1/421, at' 10 o''. the delde, anti a large orchard of Apples } Gaitere, • with a large stock of hlisseal and !tiger, Faueold, Foster, Fry Getz, 11 ; • •"•°°, el .k•,A Nt fai re hat purpotic, of which all par: Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Neetnrities midi Childrenstfaney °niters:lnd Shoee - that you ' Hemel, Beeper ileitis, Hibbs , Hilli Hilleeis ~tie •*- Ilc 1 ye ; le, . r. * ues interested hereby notified. ' other choice fruits-•-there being from 60010 find COBEAIsr& PAXTON'S, at the South- ipp e, o com ~ oueekeeper, lnierte, ing• , W. B. M'CLEVA.,ethi, Aeildor: 800 bearing trees. . , east Corner of Centre Square, before purchase ham Incas Irwin Johns Jolt •Laporte ` j j • • , ,„ ~ sun, r .pint le, 18.5b.e-sit. VeSt-Although the deceased did not hold the big elsewhere, an they heve by far the larg,est Lobe, Lengaker, Lovett, ld'Calinnie, hl'Coinb, i ___. • entire title to the shone . tract ? yet such ar• I stock of Seasonable Goode in town, and are , Maugle, '3lenear, Miller, Montgoinetye We e' I rams aoops rangementa have been made with the parties! determined to tell very cheap. Take care , nem:teller, Orr, Pearson, Phelps. Imeeell, If OHNITOKE bee just ieceieed a fresh sup: holding the other undivided interests , as that' and keep a ' RallTheV o Reed, Riddle, ebonite Smith, [Alle• ,Of ply of SUMMER GOODS, to whieft he conveyance of the • whole estate will he made -' SHARP gheny,l Smith, l Crenbried Smith, [Wyotniug,l , cane the attention of the -Public. By• "quick, with complete title: look out Butt you do net mistake the lace.- p Thompson, 11 , Itellou, Wright, [Daupuni, w e , e„,e,,,,,„tdi profits" he is oneblitt to fur Attendance will be given and tering made CBE ' PA " N' !remember CP A.N &, S New ,Vc Wright, [Luzerne,j and Zmertunn-04. , melt Goode to the eatisfaction of all CM mill. kuown on clay of sale, by , , Stor e • I Nxes---Messre: Barry, Ciovyt, Cobourn; , Jute. 20: 1856. . ~ ' *..; • at the Girt Simla of Keller Kurtz. ,D. M'CONAUGHY, Adra'r. ... '' . • !Doak. Do•vdall, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, ' • • etottysbarg, March 4, 1856.-tf July • 11, 1856.-td _ Hamilton, I' ancock, Hunker, Lei:muting, v-1 ' N ()TICE. Canby, , Mope, Manley, Aloorliend, 'Morrie,' ~. " • ••-e: , .', , . ~ Pretersom Reinhold, Roberts, ter, , Wintrode, Yeansleyeind Wrieeli Salieletry, Wel. FINITE first Secennt af Simone Brromt,l" - t, ,S:osakce / IL .;tree o f th -a e Personnd'estati of JO IT ) -25, GhII.h,TEI2,, (luttetie) of ,FraekTin. eaten ip, ' I ,So - ehe question waheletermlned in the of leo; been filed in the Collie of Ginamon Pleas, , firatatire. . ' 'of Adorns toun t,T , and ssW be.confirtned by the; th , l the question, ' ism i Conrton i outlay /he llith del of Surbiti -Will the House Agree to the fourth amend- I fiat, helmet Cause be ihnim to theJeentrary. m , erit'? t , JOHN.PICKING)Proth'ee , ' 'lite yea , ' and nape were „taken, and were as l Jitly• 18 1856,-4* - • follow, viz : , ---- Ytete---Dieseme Anderione Backes, 800 Beck, [LycOming.j Beek, t York.] Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Brush, Wideman, Gild. well, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Cruet - ord, imw dell, Edinger, Fanuold, Fester, Fly, Geis, -Hamel, Harper, HOlilli, Hibbs, Hill, Dille gasp ; Hippie, Ilokotnle Housekeeper, Ilunseeker, Imerieelnnie, Irwin, Johnson, Laporte, Lao, Longaker, Lovett, ll'ealmont, Itr Carther e XV 'Comb, hiaugk o , ?donr , Mill er, m -ontgo mery,; Moorhead, Nunnemacher, Orr, PC'ersoiel Phelpsi , Purcell; Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, [Cambria') Smithe[Wyoiningd Thomre , n, Vail, Walter, Whence'? Wright, [Luz ni t s] Yertrilei; Zine• merman and Wright, Sp oker -0. . . Ners--31e * ssie. Barry, 'Clover, Cobourn, Fulton,• Gibboaey,. Haines, Hancock; Hune• ken,: !nehmen Leeteuring, idagee, !d ea l e r, Morris, klOgriton, Salisbury, and Wintrode- 2 , . OTIOE is herebygivfn to all Legatees and 11 other persons conc4rned, thp k t. the Admin7 istration Amounts hereinafter mentioned will be preiented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, for confirmation and allowance, on Illonday, the 18th day of illtutut 'next, 166. The second account of William Slagle, one cf . the Executors of George Slagle, tleceati-, ed. 167. The first account of Andrew Epley' Administrator of Dorothy lifundorft; late Q Iluntingion township. deceased. 168. The first and final account ofAhraham Sheely, Executor of the last will•avd testament of Mary Ehrebart, deceased . 169. The Ant. and finalaccount ofJacob A nlabauglt, Administrator of Susan Patterson; deceased.; . f , • • 170. The .account of John Henry Myers,' Trustee for the sole of the real estate of A - dain Leake, deceased. • • • ' ' ' • ' 171. The account of John Wolfcrd. Execu tor of the last will and testamect of Wilhon W. Holtzinger,late of Petersburg, Y.Springs, deceased. • • ' • • • 172. The first account-of-John' Brown and Peter. Kauffman, Executors of the last will • and .testament of Abraham Brown, deceits- 173. The second and final account of George Weaver, Jr., Administrator of the estate of John Plank, Jr., deceased. r I 174. Pirst and final account of Robert Mc- Curdy, Administralor of the estate of James Ble.ek, (ofJohn) deceased. 175. The account of. David Chamberlin, Ad ministrator of Johq:Gilbert, of Hamilton town ship, deceased. 176. The first and final account of. David Agnew, Administrator "C. T. A., of Joseph Diver, of Freedom township, Adams county, deceased. 177. The first and final •account of Jacob Arnsberger, Jr., Administrator of the estate of Jacob Arnsberger, Sr:, deceased. .178. The second account of John !Haupt- Mae, Administrator of the estate of Peter Shee• ly, deceased. 179. The first and final account of Peter,' lietterrron and Charles Sterner, Executors of! the last will stud testament of Magdaleria Smith, deceased. • 180. The second and final account of. Peter Kmterman and Petal Solleberimr, Executors! of the last,will end testament of Deader Smith,' deceased. W3l. F. WALTER, Register, per ,DANIEt. PLANK, Deputy. Register's Office, Gettysburg,l . _ July 25, 1550—,td VALUABLE FAIIIOI AT NIEL 1 C SALE NOTICE. FINITF. undersigned, Aurlitoc , aiipntuted by the Orphana • (inert "of At - coon tY, to makS distribution of the balance remaining the hands of• SA MIMI, SADLER; Adretirlit(- trator of the Estate of Lunt. , Sriirztutt, &ceased, to aud,emitrigst. the' paities entitled thereto, will attend at hip, office pi Gettysburg, on Illiitukty, the llth day qf Au gust nest, at, 10 o'clock, A. 141 7 for that pur pose--cfallich-all-partiesiirtereated afflict°. by uotißed. D. 'A. BI.T * EIMER, Auditor. July 1.8, 18136.-31, • Dissolution of Pnrtnerstitp. . „ frIHE Firm' heretofore existing' between WILLIAM: VANCE and 'GEORGE Wl ' NAND, is by mutual agreement this day die solved/ Persona knowtnethettislyes to be in •clibtetl Co said firm are reqnested to call and settle their accounts, and those having• tlaimtt against it will present them ; properly authenti eated for.'Cettlement. , The books are' in the ,handi:of Vance r ityPetarsburg, July 20thi . WILLIAM VANCE, GEORGE WINAND: Avg.. 1, If3s6:ii • • , nOSIERY.-=-A new artiOld of SILK find it WOOL HOSE, and .Silk lined' HOSE, 2F,AEWESTOOK . BROTHERS, • . , . Sign qfas..Red Alpo. NOTICE. • .TC.Y ti resolution of the Board of Directors of luk tke fig(497al-Barg Railroad Compuoy,autice heieby given ' to the Stockholders of said Rdad, 4o pay the third, institilMent of sfoek t , u, blfai t 'the 12th day of Augult ;text, to:. Jot H: hicet.erx-ty, Treaserer af the , Com wnrkon the Road is progressing rapid ly, and there will he more money required than . the third instalment would bring in. The! Board therefore will make ,a disemurt at:the th'c'sate tf f . per t ant, peraanum On :O4 paid iu advance: 'A resolution mas unanirntons passed in strueti ng•the Treasurer to charge one por cent. on the first installment of those in Itrrears if not paid on or before the 12th day Of3lay fact, dnd therenft.r ttio:chitrge the lekal nud of one pir 3 cent. per month on all anntir. agek. In House of Representatives, April 21, :856 j' assOned,.That thin •resolution , peas. On the itirat atneadment, yeas 72, nays 24. On the second amendment ( yeas 63; naye 23. On the third amendment, yeas 64, .nave 25 and' on the fourtlitunendrnent,' yeaa 69, nays . • ZIA; fit Ttrit hers %Irani ell: I Exirnet frtiza J c iur ne 3 . , • • WTLLIAM JACK, Clerk: 1 1st ::: rp ? orB1terth :2 . 1P will tiplizwwi,4n'sal Seet"VB Office. A.G. t CUHTIY, the 23rd augist, for the purpose of ea r` Filed' April 211856. .S'ee'y of the' COM. ploying Teachers .for the winter terra:"43taTY a ' OFaee , • , order el the Board, . '• • ._,•o Harr i sburg, ' T 4 l3 ' 27 ; r 8 . 54' F. W. IMOUSEI; 14'entuktrthula, 41 _ Aug. 1, 1866.— . la ..3t. • • • •f • b here certify that the above .and gang la a trait 4,nd correct copy of the eeigtnal AN cltstosivo assortment'of: JEW- , and; 'Resolution relative to , an amendment he . NAIP.,B' just !acme at . •- Cotunitutteao' Ate the tenni retnaths onfileon )' • ,i, n 1:•• • • ' V6.IfI , IBTOSCS'.' this office.' By order'of the' Board. D. WILLS, Sec'y .July 25,1860. • RESOLUTION PROPOSINO AMENDIIENTS TO TUE CONSTITUTION OF THE COMMOSIVEA.LTII Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentative...l of the Commonwealth ff L'ennsylva nia in General Assembly mel, rhat the fol. lowing amendments are the Cou. stitution of the CominOnwMuth, in aeportlaiiee with the provisions of the tenth articlethere- TOlllO . . From tidetiiin 'two of the first' article nl. the Constitutiou, strike ,out the woiNtlf,'"of ffiii City o,t' Philudelplgio, • oil& of :each COnatp respec- Liddy ;" frop section •Bre,,smite article; strike out The words, "oe philmelphfes If the several omotitics -" 'from soctinn tieven;sa'nuiAn• 'fele, strike out the words,. "neither tire city of ii0r401,4 4 10i00t in lido Alterelone the woids„''and . no ;" and strike 'out i .hection (bur, same article, nod; in. lieu *elver! lhsert the lidletvirig 9_ • • 4 •Section 4. In the year one thousitndoight lho l dmil 'and ' and iu every . seventh :year thereafter,' fepresentatives to the rininber of (die :hundred • shell ho app. rtio'nedVitd 418- tzile.t ! ted. equally, th ro ukh :tbe te,' 118'14 in proportieu . to. the number of taxable inhabb Tanta to ilieseveralparts, thereof; ;except that I any' cdelity' Cirmaitmig ui least. three thousand I five hundred team tiles, may be - allowed semi. ! rime =representation ; - bat no' 'mole 'than three counties shall:be joined, : amino county shall be divided, in the 'forintitioni of a dis:l • mint. Any city containing Mute 'her stif&ient na 'her Of itnxables to eiititle it to at leaSt• tn..° rep., vision tat iees f shell , !hive a.separa te tepresunim Lion assigned it, Obeli 'be divided into chip. vehient • districts • 'of '.contigii .0:1' territory, of equal taxable ne A r, a. may !he, each of which districts 'shell elect 'ono' repre sentative." ' ' At:the end ofsection setem . gime iirtiCio, alert these words,..thc . eity' of , Philuitelphia shall lie flieidect into single eenaterial f contiguous telriterst as qui:ly, equal in taz'a-: . ble pdintlalion as4in.rrible ; l Intl sin ward shall be dichled i,t the i:orniotioil t(nrecii." Thelegislittlit;'at its gist Session, aftqr adoption of this tiiibelidrieni, divide .the city of Philadelphia , into senatorial and repre , seitmtive districti, in the•mantier above' provi ded ; such districts to'rennin-. unchanged until the' fcppe,rtiongtent : in the, year: one ' .tiousaact eight,.lrtmared an4,•foyr. Fortarn . To be: section , xxv Article.l The, legislature -.ghat': have' ignver . to nttef, torotte, or annul, any charteiot incorporation herbutter. conferred :IN.F; or under, any siteolut, (At. g ederal eibe t Vern in their opini.n it they be injurious tx) . ,,,.he citiaks' of the' ctitii= monwealth ; in suchfmanner, however, that no injustice shell be 'dune to the orpqrskters. • In Angie, ilpril 21, 1856. • Resolved,. Tbnt thie resolutton pa.•-s. •On the iirst amendment, yens 24, nays 5. On the second amendment, .yeas 19,,nnyi G. Qn the third tunendtnent, yens 28, tukys 1. On the thn.rth nmendmeht, yeni . 23, nays 4, :Extract fretn the Jour'nnl. • ' ; ' THOMAS A; tr, In testimony' whereof t tiara . hereunto set my hand and 'caused M to 14 lazed the Seal of the Seer& - Office, the daritud year a. r i bore written. A. G. 'CURTIN, Sec'y of the Commonwealth. , . So the questioa wee determined in the ;ts , • Secretary's Office; - Harrisburg, r Juros . 'n, 18,56: j Pinusyliania, • . Ido cettify itiai tha eliote old &ftgarlis Jo, It true and tarred ;ccilij at the "You'? war "Nave - taken on th'e Itesointion proposing w. )mentheents to the Constitution of the Coteakei wealth for the seeeloo of 1868.' 5 Witness my hand andihelleal ,„aof said otgeo, this 6 day of Juke, one thousand bight hundred end fiftildx. , G. CURTIN, See'y of the Conainotitlf.'. 6. IN taxer-Aim* oritslPl3W AT, MEION'a CHEAP CLOTHING EMPORIUM. F 'you want a stilt of: READY-MADE ! Ci,OTHING, complete la every respukt, 'oi tbe latest style, and cheaper than they din :be purchhsed apt establiallment in this' ;County—call at , MAIICUS.SASISON I B; polite the Bank; in York areal. I Save jut ; received from the &lidera Cdties the largust and boat assortment uf Goods ever (atm - atria' ' Gettysburg., lit offering to sell' G l lor Goodi io,p , cr prices than other dealCia, I 'simplyto quest purchasers to cull and sittify theunielvea of the truth of sn'y oiler, by a Personal qttitni nation of my Clovis and priees. Buying eaciu • sively for cash, 1 eau buy. cheaper and salt cheaper than any other person in the County. .51y Goods are made up in the best style hy perieuced workrr.en, and can't be . excellestl'hy. any. customer Tailor. My stock consists, ii part, of • ' . Cants of 01 . 1 fazes prlees, colors, and kinds, made up ,in supe rior manner. Ala° AN LI VRSTS,qf the late* and 'most. 'fashionable , stylCs 'intl hvery , kind • of, girds suitable for Spring and, & ranker wear; alto , ' • 31./018. - ala and a large. itasortmetit Peistidl l 444- arid.- - Boys! room/dray ectiaialing 'of ;ex; era 'quality 'Blum ,bo,sdrn Shirb, l t .ltlapent,ler4 r Gloves, half rinse, Collars, Ueck and ptiek- L et liimilkerchiefs, and tin extraOfdiaiiiry Isortment of. Black Salle .cud retie.? Sell . ad justing STOCKS, and variolia' tieles,„together with Unibrellas, trunks,‘Cur pot Bags ; Hata, Caps, Bou,ta,aqtl..snset. am also prepared ~tosAll