Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, August 08, 1856, Image 1

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'‘ , „..,DRUG54:41.ED0N4.., • '
• • ,f .• •. • , • •
, et , 053110
A -
D. PUpg , ER 48, added: u}hikfonili3r,
- 4 stock o f Goods an unusually large , as
itirtnient' of ChiSsicill; School' acid 'liiliieella
ne gu . l3 1 ' 3:'1 , 1: ',', y. ~.., . , .•• ( ,
etlibriteiag WI the teiklrooloi'uied in the,Cql
lege,,Common Eiehooldi add ' "slitiadard' 'Classic
au,tilloo,-, with the recent-popular 'publications,
constiMie,g a larger assortment than ever ' hie
foreiopeneill in Qatlyebarg. Also ~, . ' ,
47 iP cil W It o , ie £IILII Et'
of atikinds ;,Capi , Letter and Note Paper,' Of
the beet qualiv.,:Envelopes, Gold 'Pens mid
Pencils ,Poe-knives, 4c., with a• large assort-
raeocy. Goods,
to which . he invites attention, being prepared
to egil pt unusually low prices.
has also largely, increased his
hook of '
• Drve,ve arid Me fuel,
which eau be 'relied' upoit as th best in the
W . t.Arrangements have been . effected by
which any article in his line of business can be
promptly ordered front the city.
Gettysburg, Nov. 2, 18.15.
• ,
tie SaL E.
On Saturday the '9th - da'y of Auguil next,
' • ' 1' o'ct.ooK P. it.
THE , Administrator of the ea
tatt; of VALENTINE WERNER, dec'd,
late of G ett ysburg,' Atin ma county, Pa.,' will e
pase,to:Public Sale, at the Court.lionse; in the
Borough of Gettysburg, the following REAL
ESTATE,. viz.: the NI silliSION PROP—
EllitTY.lying on the Chambersburg road, a
short:ilistatiee frota the. town, Adjoining lands
of Theological Seniinary, F. E. VandersloOt,
and others,
c onsisiing about ;l1 ACRES,
.nore orient, of excellent land; in 4 goOd state
• ; of cultivation. The improveniMits
are -a two.stery frame ' tiduse,
pi '. , frutue Carpet] terShop, frame weath:
• cc-hoarded J3AttN, and other out
buildings.' There is a well of, excollent
miner near the door, and a varietY of choice
fruit tree milli° premises, every thing being
in good order . . Also; 2 Lots ar Ground, situate
in Cumberland township /Owns donnty, Pa.
adjoining lots of Jacob lierbst and others, an t{
an alley, and known on thopljui of certain lots
'lnid'out.hy.ThaddeusStevens,‘,Esq.,as lots No.
.5 and :4, containing Q
,acres pod 116,p.m/ter,
snore Or These lots will he sold soporale
iy, as aim , 13 tiit enTalligare.
A tlqUilltilee. Yrirl given And the`torml
'uptake known on the day of sale by
' • ' 'VALENTINE' \VERN ER' -- .Adm'r.
July 18,1856.—ts • - • ; - •
. •
1111 . virtu of the lest Will and Textamen
of MARY 'UHL ' late of the Bort/140
of Gettysburg, deiensetl, the tinder:signed, Lx
center, will offer at Public tittlt; oil . the prerni
sew, on Tuesday, the 1901day'i;rAnyast
at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
• 4 I . Lot (If Ground,
sitnate in said Bornukh, ou Ea& York street,
adjoining lots of , Rioniell end 'Wilk on the
East, and Mrs. Mary Thompson on the West,
oti which are erected a two•story ; • '
weath‘r- hoarded DW ELL' N(.l, -4411"
a one-story do., a sumo Spring-.
house, Woodshed, 'Stable and.. - '
other improvements. There is on excellent
well 'of water nt the' doer, and 'a Ouniber of
choice fruit trees on'tha lot. • .
— Attendance will be given and terms made
known on day ,of sale by
AREMLAI - 1. CUM', Executor.
July 18, 1856.—ta
111 Y.. virtue of the Will of WM. WALKER,
of goontjoy ..towwthip,, Adams cams
ty, ht.., deceased, I will expose to Public Sole,
,The GM (fay If Sepiembei . • ,narl,, on
thu Preniises t the following described, Real Es
tate, `situnte•na said township
nous° aail Lot,
froiiiiri 'sn tt; 'Baltimore; tiumpike.
; ;;.;
Itietii;'2.--uonsaining 22 Acres,
the improvements being a twoottory weather
boarded House, log Barn, dm., ..
Aro. 8 . -- . 4Lbotit . 49 49res,
of tali!, with a,luotl:proportion of , Timber and
Meadow, adjoining IE4 meotipneAlriot,
TbeWbole I:vilrbe sold; together or separate
to suitimtnbasers. Persons wiihingto view
the.propebtftvill call oh the. subSeribt:r rebid
ing hear. he wee ~
ge`Sale will commente nt ko!clock , v:
when attendance will be given and terms made
knowtOY - r.
. -
• . 1 -i 'r :ASSAY i , II Ai, .5 ':11'
N OW - receiiedand for gala the
• ttiPftl. 4 11 4. Cbeapestatook. of 1,
aLormo ,
that bps •heen lift/1113'1)111de Mna): Hine:
lhey,mc,aliour own make; maimfacturtia tint
of onr,offn cloths, Catiiimers,
have qtigtik ,frOpo $1 •to
. s2ov Pants: from
I 2 Wota'
to SI3:VIV ST ' O ;.' Vesta, from ; G2}, oents
" ,'"
"n 4 P7 hi Great i Varao!,,y.
Onr stock of Cloths consist of Blue , Rlack,
Olivej,,PFSlitia Gll4ll, l and :all :
ether'edltirs.Oir Caastniera, ponspe
Browd;''Eteeffrriikell, 'tied eieri, veriety
Shade oflttedr'citidurs.'”- Aldo Mantle Ctitial:
mares; id mat varietY, Blain, Plaid; and Figur:
ed CrteltmerettseTweeda, , Jeans,Drab Detates;
Silk „Warn,",4lpaceas, :Black Satiti, , Buff,
White - , Plaid and Fancy Marseilles Vesting.
Call and see us, if we cannot fit you we will
ta k e y elimi p fakkre , and inakeyou a iltirirlent
en theyealthertest, notice Having the very
laeat'Telkeri constantly'. 'at work cutting out,
and maldik 4, WO do things up in the neat
est tufdlieet"manner . ' at the SANI)-STONR
FRONT—and are hard to beat.
AprW4,1856*.. ' •
4L'azNit. WANTED.
i'lltenterpthin g and responsible Agent wan.
9, ect weattvaas the County of, Adams, for a
xasp?fwible Insurance Company, to whom
fitod inducements will be offered. Address
' • i, : .. •D.B o
Li MOil; 1 4 2 i Y ol * Penna.
Jul! Ps 1 1W-00; ,
The Glasgow - FreePress pUblishei this as
an 'original poem by Gerald Griffin, which has
hitherto slUmbered In obeturity It certainly
diriplays n 'mnclt'lif thicharacterOf arjEtli'A pi
- . .• •
ouir,plaintive muse
Tho stream that bUrriea by'jon flied sluice
Returns no more ; • '
The wind.that dries at morn yon darvlawn
• ' • Breathes and is gone •,
Those withered tloWers to summer's ripeding
- aglow , •
. No more shill blow ;
Those fallen leaioB that strew yon garden bed
Far ayeare dead ;
On shore; or sea, or hill; or vale, or plain,
Naught shall remain ; •
VainW for surishind.iled, and joys gone by,
We &rave a sigh. '
On, ever cid, with exhausted breath
, • ~ Time • htistes eath ; .
Even with- each woc. 4we speak a moment
DI born' and dice •,
Of all for which poor mortals vainly mourn;
Naught.shall return ; ,
Life bath its home in heaven and earth beneath,
And so bath death • '
Not all the chains that clank in eastern clime
' Can fetter,time ;
For all the phials in the doctor's store
Youth conies 'no more '
No drugs on age's wrinkled cheek renew
Life s early hue ;
Not all the tears by nitres mourners shed
Cati wake. tfie dead. • '
If thus through lesser nature's empire wide .
Nothing abide—
If Wind, and wave, anti' leaf and sun, and flower
Have all their hour—
He walks on ice whose dallying spirit clings
To earthly things ;
And he alone is wise, whose well-taught love
Is fixed above ;
Truths firm and bright, but oft to.mortal ear
Chilling and drear ;
Harsh as the raven's croak the sounds that tell
Of pleasure's knell ;
Pray reader that the minstrel's strain
Notell be vain; .
And when thou bend'at to dod the suppliant,
Remember me.
'the Ideal orthe Spiritual. ,
The lofty walls are tapestried superbly
With scenes of glory, changing evermore;
And light—net dale sun and noon—is trem
O'er golden dome and *isolated floor:'
Far-reaching aisles, with'nverlasting pillars,
And jeweled pavement mortal toot ne'er
pressed : •
Such is the inner, temple, at whose altar •
My wear): spirit folds her wings to rest
It is ,a haunted spot—a spell is o'er it; •
And all around, on terrace, lake and tree,
Entihauting . bird-nbtei mingle with the per-
Of flowers, that bloom to live eternally!
I said 'twas haunted—not in the old tashicai
By restless sprites, whose coming I :Mould
But by angel forme of the :tritelidarted.
Wbe seek my earthly pilgrimage to Cheer.
A Japanese Paradltie.
"Alter a march of ' ten Mika Meng the
pieturesque shore, we.treached ono of the
loveliest spots On the island. •It •yvas a
village perched on a bold.pronaon tory, over
grown with the pine '
banan, and saw;
palm, at the mouth of a'clut e rtuins valley
which opened up between the bilk to the'
base of the lofty peak behind Barrow's
Bay'. A strestn of sWeefwiter ilirezided
'the valley, which was . c overed with the
i freabest verdure, and - oll4;hting with "Will
itifel groves of pine. 'Vices a' piotere of
I immoral loveliness such as isrniely found
in any country. Nothing struck me thore
during the journey than the , great variety
of scenery which the island encloses in, its
narrow zornpass. We Paired thietighliour
Iflosvto promote peace In a different districts which bore brit the slight:
Fatuity. lest resemblance to each, other, 'either in
j feature or character. We had both , the
1. Remember that our will is likely to
igreves of the tropics and, the woods, of the
be crossed every day, so prepare for it.
',North ; the valleys of Germany, and the
2. Everybody in the house has an evil
warm shores ofthe Mediterranean,
nature es well as ourselves, and therefore
.we are not to expect,too mush.., " .1.1 / 1 3 "'Age thriving, and '
8. To learn the different temper of each as neatly laid out and I;eafiedi'l ,as,as g
individual lish
garden. Tim' iceripulous
and regularity of the Lew 'Chen: • villa
4. To look upon each member of' the
family as nne'for whom Christ.died.
thew ref r eshing doll ly
and 'he to f o n oh
ri at! tarn
li aer.,
6: When tiny good hapens teeny one,to of the, cunglua, (public,house t ) which o ft
rejoice at it. • •
6. When inclined to give an angry an.
'Copied the place of honor at the top of. he
promentory, completedcite rftPturefi. ;Ps
7. If from sickness, pain, or
ewer, to lift up the heart prayer. !roof of Ad tiles glittered' in the sun ;
we feel irritable, to keep,a very infirmity
strict watol:l row of feathery °ll44abiltithreir their 6.11 "
Haul loaves over the wall Of the enclosure; ;
over ourselveth
8. To observe 'when others are suffer- I the whitest and' B°ll°,9t.°f'Ttiti covered the ."
the `garden blitzed 'with ,tilprofusion
In, and drop a word of kindness and sym- floor ';
pathy suited to thorn. of flowers r and stone basiM seated on
9. To watch fo r little, opportunities of j pedestals; cob tithed Mph witer for Oar ine,,
out, l lts aspect of comfort' and ' rePOse Nos 'a;
pleasing, and to put little annoyances
; balm to tiatelere weary se ourselves,
of the way.
10. To take ir cheerful . view of e r ery. ,. i t and dire
tare and` s itbd Terry 'et once tr'liidsVitie.
thing, of the .weather,! .and encenrege tiiieti the r°°f: hee tt e.4 "
hope. , ed back to make a sketch of the beaeithil
T o speak ki n dl y to the servants.
to valley
,befon stmset, while Mr. Heiner oo
praise them for little things when you can. eupied himself With a view of the rung-gzia.
12. •tn all little pleasures 'Which' way A venerable''eld ban; with a snowy' beard'
, • reaching nearly to his -knees,- Opproaelted
occur, to pat self last. -
18. To urfor cgthe soft answer , which the bank where : I sat. , ,but upon 'noticing
, turnoth away wrath," made a profound yst,dignified, rtivev.
When,we have been pained by an. ence, and retired. The village was nettled
unkind - word Or deed, to "ask `otintelves Unna. We had not yet ietiched the y
."Have 'I not often done the same and been g inn of. 6'll, ant o°Pitt' eedf two',
forgiven ?" . email fresh fi sh, with a pumpkin and Setae'
cucumbers: Ford& tirelikfaill; there ' Were
- 15. In conversatiab not ; to sash Our
„Nes, b ut to bring others forward. . sent two long eel-likb flab' 'resembling the
tierpgimile With . the yoking g ar i a ' rewi) " 4 e ig'P le*fet A'a ' basket.'
ones, an d trout - thew respec t . • of sweet ' Dr a t ”
V l7 - Never` tnjudge, one another, bat to .I ‘ Pa r ra li tie 'O Se JaPturstim 4 i l44 '
attribitte a good motive when we Can. ."-" ' • '`•""' ' ' ,1
, - Eatesasive ,Eatilic. , ,
In a letter to Lord Murray, found in the
life oft Sidney Smitb,l lately - putiiiehdd;
the latter says : ri •
"Yon' vireo I - oheai,: attending more 'to
diet, than hatelofone, you wisivany.
thing like happinese in,,the filth ,set.,sitlifq
eat and drink.- , Bbil ever tell you -my
'Calculation, drink ing'?-
Having ti.sett rteined'the ,weight ,of 'what I
did live upon, I fOUnd 'that, between ten
and seventy yettis of tige'r had eaten' and
thank' r forty:four one horVe-Wegon loads
Of meat and drink . more then would .have
'preserved me, in life and in health 1 The
value of,this mass of nourishment 11 con
sidered to be worth . £7, 1 300 sterling. It
occurred to me that I must, by' deracity,
have starved to death more than one hun
dred, .This, tit a frightful calculation; bat
frnYsistibly true', antl'l think; detiF diiity.
441gaita'• *at itekt
~taikaa each," .0 • •. • J.,
I see,thar radiant, smiles, and hear their vines
In dear familiar tones, repeat my name ;
Fond arnis encircle me, and joy ecstatic
Pervades my soul; and thrills my trembling
Some smile when I describe this habitation,
And say I am deceived ; but well I know
That Ho who gave me powers fot such cica-
tion, • 'I
..., Would never'mock my yearning spirit so l i
got hails° real is my outward being, ; ' I
• Wearing itself away in earthly strife;' • 1
?pile stronger, brighter, grows this blest
ideal— •
• The sacred earnest demand life.
ATMODCITE QuiTstaa . .—,On the
, morning of the battle of Montprey - ; it was
, bbseried that Gei) ral Quitnian was, per
haps dui only 'field' acer in the' army
dressed in full unifoini. • A friend Yernon..
strated with the Cieneral . , and urged that
he would be
,a conspicious , mark for .the'
Mexicans. The writer of this heard. the .
reply, and challehges th e pages of ancimil
or modern history to produce a more fie.'
rola expression : '.The 'more balls aim.
ed at me the lees will he directed at my;
men."—Brandon Platform.
I 'l leasures of life coneentrated". , —a
a heart full,of love, and perfectly empty
'poekete. . •
„ Cantu Cuts.--One cup of erettnCepe
cdP of sugar, two cups of dour, two ;eggs,
teaspoonful of ealoratti wit4lemon.
~.What'word of Leo Wisps clop, 1:!4,i, Is.,
.FiP l fi.ilf'74zo4/iiiPoi•Ft7CP6c?)
4.g1..T,V5.8.173.9;'- i t.A.;.:..fg.
.-.....0 ; . 4 i.t..i.;... - Y':,01.14..'41 . .. 4 00:0 s' t .8; ~ 1.. s',k6,.
r .7 77 , 741'
, .1. •
Night Sce ne in ti 'fauns:
.Last Tuesday night, which will. be re-
Tgetuberell won°. of the-warmest of the
Ile:slum, a ~,young lady, Jit. the .41Yest: End"
was excessiiely frightened, at a (little
citrobthitanee "
which transpired about
the "hew' 'of midnight. The young la.
dy, whose beauty is only equalled by ber
motietit,Y, and whose t!eye's'dark• charm"
hAs oapsed,mpre than one , waiscoat to pal
pitate, had retired to her chamber, where,
after laying aside.the greater,portion of her
wearing apparel, ,she committed; herself , to
the tender embrace of Morpheus,. whose
soothing influenos,were aided by the cool
ing breath of,Zephyr, who came in at the
open windo* aod lanned,her cheeks with
his feathery wings.,, In a, , word, she. was
seeming finely—or, to use the language'of
a modern bard—.
"Sleep on her velvet e*'a,
And dreamy sights upheaved hersnowy breast,
While starbeams,thro'her window eddy creep-
Stole to her couch and trembling there stood
peeping." , .
It was; as we said ; abo u t Midnight when
the young lady was . reused front . her deii.
Moue slumber by henria , g, a 'pease at the
wind*. Half naeloinng 'bei eyes, she
W.te startled by the ''Sight. of a corpulent .
' fOrn, apparently struggling to gain
Mon to her chattiber s ihrough the open w s to
doi. 'lt Struck her at once that the intro-,
der had been, caught tiy‘thb;reir'of his'ait
mentimitiblei by nail or some other sharp
instrument, as he sge,aied : 19 he, struggling I
with a stern determination to enter..,, Her
first' thoitght was to faint—her second; . to
give the fellow a push—her third, to jump'
out of the, window as soon as he jumped in'
'—her. fourth, to scream, which was imme.
distal) , carried into effect. ,The whistle of
the locomotive on the Iron Mountain road,,
when it gave its `first slain on 'ihe ' 4th of
July, was but a Whisper to the screams of
the ~young girl. The 1 whole house '-nnd.
half the neighborhood, wore awakened- ; , by.
the outcry. The old folks, three • female
servants; and two big brothers 'fuelled' fo
the,rescuti, and broomsticks. tnop-bantileis:
and.beot jacks flashed;in the gaslight, as
the household entered the - elitunberef the : ,
frightened beattly. Au eiamiantion of
the figure in 'the windOW'dispelied the fears
of Mt, .and 'changed' the sereanie Orilla
young lady into shouts of laughter.' , Tho I
imaginary "tat man": was Only: her: own
darliog hooped skirt, shich she had hung
on a lank near the window and which,lhe /
wind had inflated ilia:pet in: motion.— , : •
There. int tiullitirtiirtidpin'ilif 'the tiii6ii
that aight.-81. Loids.lieridela
, . Sumnifr , P l '4' oBl o lo = l .
There 'are certaini ; ,precautione which
ihriulif he obserVed inlevery household in
regard to ventilation; eletinliness and 'diet.
Sleeping•.epartutehtiOn• which we spend
so many hours of der hies, should receive
special attention; sod . upon this subject
we are the more induced to speak. since 1
practical men, uphelatito, have called at
tention to,a common erroriamong die best
,housekeepers.,; , Their, l dormitories look
very comforteble. . The spread; are
smoothly thrown over tie beds, and every
thing seethe in 'iemPtitt sleeping order.—
But bad diemiw,tind eisatually badrhealth
tritiy, be nicely ,noverid over 11 ,, ;tholie
smooth coverlets: The
.articles which
'make up that soinewho, complex. flair,
the bed, should be fOrltome hours' daily
exposed to the atmottfilleie, and frequent
ly Changed, that theyiitisy be thoroughly
dry, and, the; effect 4 aightc pelpira
don removed. , The 41 , 4, i effeets whiith
occur in poor familiee s i where of, sleep,
ing apartment has'to -leitie as a Jutting,
and even an eating roorm'artie - mige froM
the imperfect ventiliticiatof the betoclotht.
fig, and matrassitsell, than frianrany
other ,cause. It, were, lqlch better, to
hang those things daily but of doors, in the ,
sun, than to roll them , ; ,,up, or to crown`
•them out of sight,a - diflus add one 0 igh t's
absorptions to . land so., On' ilud
I t o,
on. • I , ,
In the matter o Wiliness and cool
nese. too much lavieg, drenching' and hu- . :
oddity of the house mid 'courts
..ere 'not)
good And, to 'it-wilier : clfidten, ariMin4l
whom jest nob/ 'there isitgreet, moitillity,i
mueli benefit tvill' i res I from,.using, a
y i t
damp towl, moistened ith.bay. water i or
even alcohol, or whisk 'or 'nitre:in 'lieu
of too frequent bathing. in
Too uch'wet
er to the surface of the b ody loWere the;
strength, et dvseeltens iisteod of bracing'
the skin for the perform . i, of he import-
ant reechoes. , . .„
' I n . the article' of d!et;WhoierieMe freed]
vegetablesore good. • to are ripe' fruliii
in , modera don, andamOit of the "repast,
not-,as a needless eupplement to inktfread,y
Bill meal. But import tropical fruitet
are unsafe. They ne ver,_ reach us in en-1 cooditioo to, ' e.„,:fastrr,is en
experiment which co h orie'e4eeliegs
titbit deeiaeupon ; and,ieldiough - widely .
cods blued' nb olfglit'' fear hi 'lrdidater,'lll -
better.let slime or.takeolit'greatimoderiP
tioo. fresh ,fifh is, NOV{ food :stall,'
and the chances ,ageinp,.ite frestinese,, the,
only condition of tie safety; are as 4. 11 u.'". -
Bred ' l 4rii . ce,,,61 1 n,r4r44 1 1 intil l °. l i.„l" 4
our: presantliummer dteratises, w e sloped
from ,the, conversion of a tore. hiauty , in ~,iti*,9r, a bi,it n i:aut consumption,'
Ice, spairingly used, is both a ctrofert and,
a rnediiii'Uf heitth. .13 6 . 6 k the aid of re-
frigeraforii hooked Meats arid other food
are, kept just a , degree"ahoie ,decortiviii
atm: .. Tney,.ate brought to the table int a
state which requires rapid , consumption
ito iwalld'w them in . apy appeorance of
palatable co:Midi:in'. 'Meats; ripe 'before
cook ingot° corrected' by the fire.''' Meats
ripe after. cooking; and thew aunt:lido& con
cmtled.hy . .,ice, forthwith decompose ; entl
then co nies a disordered mu/Ditch. the
blame or" whici,' is untairlY iinputed
!erne lit:Meet vegetable or innoCent fruit: ' '
' Bread and fresh meat rific the hest
'sources of,nourishment. • Soups tries end
greasy stew+) impose to much . ..blw Amon
!the digestive organs. Those who can
take such things shotild use some lona of .
pepper, chimer the' common" black,' the
-Chile,. Cayeune. :or• pungent eauces.—
The inhabitants .of . the, tropics eirnsurne
such,lonics,and stimulants freely, But
whatever diet is followed we must b,e cetefel,
-not to 'ciiiiilbid the ''S'inniaCh; or'l6 dreincli,
it with , truida. ' Rearnanable care.ror'otir
selves, and rulittle self , denial, would very
, mutilt,Mseen the disitomforts?, of. summer
, and, ensure heal-- th,-- North .dmerican.
gands.—Thekßevi , itir, King writes from •
.Athens, under 'date of - June 7th, stating
that the:'people, on the very borders of the
eity, were in great terrorin consequence br'
Abe numerous daring,robberies. ,H e says:
Three days ago; thirty or forty robbers
came within five minutes walk of the city ;
.atl•on, the highroad which: ' leads , to :the.]
Piunnes k between o'clock IA ,the
evening ? , stopped eight or tenearrhsgO,
robbed. some forty or fift y persons, took
several to' carry off WiiiCtliein'tothe Maui.
tainsethen entered theism eartisOsc , and
drovo,away itriemph, •srith their spoils
and prisoners ! , bieetipg,with a feaLli'rench
guards, who went Up to .Of; the.earr'ht
ges to demand 414. they Wire 'trev,ilirii
that h r otir without lighted 'lttritern;' they '
shot one 'dead on the , spot, wounded , Anoth
er, whose heard, lest! eveningi will; not
probably survive, artd„wenton ttleir,:w9r
One of the priioners wlioititheY took with
~the son: of ,Olympies.,., the
,4 3 ,rosident .of the UniverAity r
; _.,The.6a . o afair, whieli'reaehed
p#veriiitilti,•3oE 'all • Ail! ens' motion
and soldiers wore maid out, ke., &e. i • Not;
withstanding this, however. the, very next
evening the robbers went to n..village near
the Queen's garden ' about an hours , drive
from - Aihene; killed . a ''irortian and one •of
the Greeks guards, and laid waste
lege, pillaging and carrying off what they
liked. Yesterday they sent tiiro Of their
prisonere to . Athens; td t demand a ransom
for the others, whom they have•with them.
FOr the son of Dr. Olytupius. they ask Or
000 ; and for a Mr..Yioordi they claim 84,-
000. The to be :beet to. them
within four days. 1 ,,
"Come here, my,ladir said an attorney
to.a boy about nine years.eld. The .boy
'elfin° and asked what ease was to be tried
iteit?, the :lawyer answered "A. etis - e
between the people tate devil; which
de t you think will be most likely to gain
the 1 00 0 or• .:The boy replied, 'a. gnus
it will be a very herd sgueeze—the,,poo
ple Inns the moat money but the devil. has
tl►e,ngoEt is .••••AN. s; ,r;';‘
. •
Knowledge is ensile,r'
StrlitlantSlitollarity, In the Career en' early and 'natural partiality. Both
of Eminent Americans. . were on the point of being Ootu witted for
In glancing at the career of George I life to the. naval service: . Both While
WaShingten, and also at that of John' scarcely more than boys, commenced the
Charles Fremont. the observer is 'struck.; business of , surveyors ; they both ripened
by the remarkable similarity of the nature; into manhood, - earrying the cbain and the
of their youthful pursuits, and, liven; up to
.I complete in the wilderness of the' A.lleghe
the period of life which Mr. 'Fremont bat; ' , fly ningee ; and both direeted'their speed.
just attained-43 years of age. It mayliatious end explorations lo the 'same 'ape
not generally•be known, but we glean the ~cial object.: It is well known ,that, more
fact from a biography of - Fremont by than; and before, all , his contemporaries ; ,' ,
Charles ; Wentworth Upham, published by Washington diseetued the Moore:leo ior
Tioknor 4, Fields, Boston,. Abet Fremont connecting the Atlautio Staten with the
is . 'related on his mother's side to dig ! interior, and labored to promote'it.. Fel-
Washington family. His mother, celebra-1 lowing in the ",steps •of the great leader:
ted 'for her beauty and worth, 'was 'Ann+ the mind of Fremont has everbeen engross.
Beverly Whiting, a native of Gloucester : tid With similar views and elijeOle. • Ho
county Virginia. Her family was coml . has led the' aY, in our day, itf oueniug,
netted with many distinguished names,in. to view , the 'vatiit. hidden regions CetWeen
Oluding'that of Washington, to whom she i thegreut mountain ranges of the continent.
was nearly'relnied. Of a fainily,of five, I lie first unfurled cur flag on the summits
My Frdmont is the sole survivor. * lof them bhih. To his boldness end.prneept,
. I ,..LikelVashiegten, Fremont Was:Origin-I decision we urn iudebted for , the integrity,
I.illy,intpEt,deo fur the,: Navy,. aGd in fact) of our Pacific erupite'; and, if' the - gieui
made ono enlist) in
~; the 'Natchez, on the i desire 6fhia , heart and thjett of hie life ' is
Thhiilitie titation, es teacher' of inuilleinat. to be accomplished; we are t 6 "have a Pabitle'
ice and instructor'of Wei 'initlithipinen, ,on Railroad.," , . .. • ;, , , i , . 1 , i.
beard. , Ale antbseimently , ' pissed- through ' i liti leiter to the - M:om el by elligencer
1 Sn.examination et Baltimore in so brilliant' of 'J'utie' ill, 188-1, closes with these
a tumbler,to peatiFe, for . him front•t -f
hel words' I ''.. . ...• ' ' '
'' "
,College fn bbn F loton,bot.4 An) ayade,i t uo l : qt. , seems a I treason ageing ' , mankind
degrectif'nfidieter awl Bachelor Of Arta.— i aptl the spirit, of progresit-whielt markii the ,
MrT' Frentontia energies' were, Ithwev`er,l ago 'to refuse to put,thie ene,..compieting
soon to, be Glireeted• tolimother:tield of opt' link to net national prosperity
, litid o che,.
ertakee. Vtiderab,,acit.ef Congresiti' passel:ll clviliiatirity tit the ' world : Europe still
• in 1324, he reeeived,his6tet.,eppeietwentl hot 'hottveen Asia and 'America ; 4inild
under l'residemJacition es ityi , ii engineer , ilia railroad, and things 'will haverevolved
, With Ciptilin ' ViFillitittia kite iiipograpbt-, about. . ; Atneeicit will lie, between Asia and
eatuorpteof engineerit,' tot stitieyi'butie of ! Europe —.the ,golds{,,., vein which, runs.!
I national , importanee..Mr. , Trenicnti 're. , l till ough this ' inatory of the world, will .
I signed hieeeminiesien,in, i the „Navy:, and toile» theiren'trhek to Sad Francisco, and
entered, upon e_carcerle l whielt he es men— and the Ailistie • Will lib:illy fell into lie'
oidiedeuclieignal distinetieh and high , re- , • 4 ,lSet.and permanent road, , when dm iineient
nawo• -I ' ' ' mid dm, modern. Chum throw open their
Cal. Palthingtoni , taterm life of rough 'gates tothe thoroughterci ef, the„world.', I .1
advatanta L ta PA sOFsieCof , thel•Anieriottur '', "No than ean °faint the title or a true
oO l PPiet,,,arld Stftid-judiaa . s perile,•mintilar rAinerican by a better title.' .IHe his mink
to Able oxPorssood ' fil'.l,#l q„ EN- the knowledge mid the developuniat'of the
wont, was it' the ajte"of 48 ' ' Yeats, celled i TCOOOT'Oett of this um: lisps.; Ile , •grest , ,soci I
'to thb.conutind of the'ArnericiiiiiiiitY:l'ot ell'hii3 eiMtions, , and him
„pursued it
,He:was selaeted,tatwithittanding hit; mini , - With a devetion His Minie
paretiveyonth,, Impulse ilengrees;hati- ,, itn-t .istitatilpea with en ithprinellint emit never
I plicit , eonfidenee c in,,bie, tyiedom,,,virtee,, he obliterated,- ever . the Whole. breadth, of
firnineits tin& in.iveli. 'Axed veterans were ,{is xlegrephy. .,, , ~ 1., . ..i 1
entiereeded.'by' the siriViling'Colohel; 'end . 7 ' Exploring
,the North , Ameripan ! Conti. ;
GeorgetWeibington 'entered' tiptie a 111111-1 nert, Or Which" he:bait:emu more then, any
tary ,eareer t whiehiint. aa.sticeessful , turtui-fl'inher tnan;. wiih 'this' objeet in view, lie
'nation, Wined the "Father of bis.Contitry" hah.haturallY beeorturdevdeedito%the'eatiie
• iii the . greaidentielelteir. Ai crl,l!),u)(l),,fp:,:i of hen: labor.. .a :., I , ,I I , : ' 'fr
brief•Wied'prilltione iii ! th l e War; he was a t ' 1.;
t hee el Opt been, obvinne, to hinn,,aa
member 4tf tbe .. 'ViitiiiiV Relies 'lf ter.: otie . ' 4 iould suppom it could not fail to be
geinee, ,
r his
eipertergen , in . legi ft
lthiti - `hells to dairyliitelligent perspn,tha
.. t ic e,..ali
" was limbed. Wl . lo6lll, i:fitisfainibittit Clubs !zatioti } of thh - hottitnerenif, ind'us't rial; Meier
of the.firsttetn efyyeside t et Wathiugtob, end moralrgieetnees; of whieli America is
-ever axPreased dissattsfeettop ifiviliil 110:- in i ffhl ? , depends vitellyittlid !wholly upon
,ministrationi of naiiMitilVitaits, 'Own:holed matntaining the dignity and the rights of
his ability, ouhrlinigned the purity of VS i labor. lie eoutended. eurneatly to make
MotiVefl y ~ 7 't; !, ' - ,r , ' , , 1 ;III , '" i'it , ', • Callfoiniii a free Stete,'Mfdlibt,eyin patities
In the 43d year, of hirage, a nd. •in this •are , wi di the ettuggleti -- of freetrien• eVeri
seeendrivUlutien. for freedom, pick,. tp, .whero,,i g aiosothe extension ofslnviiry, as
Fremont hes been bulled frinu 'retirement, his letter. to Gov. Itubinaon of Kansas
by' the voiee'df ' the' 'people.' "Wity' he'ie' tilinws. :
~ '
older heads•and more experienced' etilfe , i- - ' " •
'inewbeen. qympalled to stand: aside,i and
give way , , -to, the youthful. Ametiean, 7.4
Because like the..
in 1775, lie
is the' 'Wien' fiA' time 'Lime. When 4 olin 1
k r Adams in 1776:: lose '' in '' the' Coul
Aliment! Congress,, and , nominated for the
'important position cif-cfddirmmetlit,'.-dhi,; f
bf the American forme, "a gentletnitn'froin .
;Tirginia,'•' tholood old patriot did so. be
, cause be, had perfeet.cienfidente imthe men.
The result proved how wise wee the choice.
Even At that trying hoUr °rout. country' s
history there was • eppniiiiion firthe' 'Mau
-1 nation and election of George Washington
as:commander. Youth and inexr mune°
F wereailedged-againsti him ...How eerie the
iiippreesed peophhafter liii,bacl,teken- cow. .
Inland, learned to love
lied - hie poireiful prot e ction; it is tuttieces.
eery fel-Mato state; . Every ebild'in the
land , eble to &lad, is familiar with "the his
terief, t he, man • who .wee. 9lirst in,,war,
Ars 1) 0 E 1 9P , ttßd fir.! 3 1.41 i4o.kurca or. his
Countrymen:"bCountrymen:" , '
',' Prioiself lueh ,
objeolions are 'alletiged
against John 0. Fremont by his - political
enemies, ~,Youth and- inetperienco. ' let
,he is-a man, as , fullycapahle at admicisior.
mg the affairs of this guverumepit, as pure
'in tnotiiia 'and' patriotic. hi , resolve, us
George- Washington; when 'hh''toelt the"
eath.cif. office . at the advent of hie' first'
, FresidPn,tialterin... , Ibis a-weak ergument
of the,,ettporme,,ta of .Freedom, that. a man'
must be metimpetent, because lie, has .put I
been ' V ashingten wee an `untried I
, metal , lAretifiere any bold"enough 'to 'Se:
sart.ithathe:ints found wanting.? ''
-..'Our „principle Object is, to exhibit the
lremarkable eiribirity between,,Waeltington
of the 'Ainerteirt 'Bevoiution, and, the see.
ond 'Washington Of ' the 'ReVeliition of
1856.-. We therefore copy the annexed'
interesting Gonna from .• Mr.• Uphani?s.!
~,, ,e (tirlt : ;„,,, , , ..--, ,•, sk ,• ' -
oh is said that the 'lndians . , of his day,l
'admitted General 'Weshington to , their;
heaven, and were of tipluiciti that: no iither
,tsthite , man would be'allowed to enter thin:e!
celestial huntiog grounds. The liidionsi
of the present day have a similar affeotion
for Fremont. , This is not the only point
ofinteresting resemblance between them.
The same blood flowed in their veinS2.- 7
The doeetieittfluenees` noder which'thii
mother of Fremont grew up; were 'derived ,
from ,the same circle of family eonneetinne I
within which Washiugtou was' nurtured, l ,
Several of the most itnpreaiple , years .ii,f,
her son's childhood were passed, in that
circle, among her kindred in 'Virgiuia..L.;
The same remarltable prediction was tit:j
tered in the early stages of his career.
Though each hat, been exposed-to every
peril of the wilderness, and of battle, their.'
lives have been constantly .shielded. from
'danger, and no hostile arm bus ever
reached their persons. Whoa wo et:insider
What Fremont has eiaconntelied in cold itA
hunger, in reptile and rushing rived, friiut
-tomahawk and the rifle, we' may 'sui 'Well
regard him as "a man of destiny," and-be-
Nye that heaven has , preserved bib tilStc'
for sow . great purpose, yet to be fiddled..
They Were hoth,,,pertieulaely devoted to
Oil =their:26oi bratichie of leesniug,,by
Principles of the 'American
• Pari) .
MiVelf tia.ih n . "Dcmoeracy" abuse ant!
dendence the prinitbMitt men hi the A
'meth:ism miry, for witai they'ere pleased
to teem .ntir vile principles," they have`all
been mithirset) from time to "time by, their
own grest men. In a Fourth of July ora,-
tiomalebscreil at Lancaster.
, Pa.,, in 1815,
the Ron: Jaines Buelmnin" uttered these
- '
~ • Ahove 911. drive from our
'shrikes, foreign influeneo, and olitirich, A.
merienn feeling. Foreign infliionf'e.haf.4
been in every age'ilio - curse of Reinifilies,
Its jaundiced eye sees everything ih
colors.. Th. 019 k smosphere of-preju:!
dice by which it is, ever surroundedoxeln.
des 'fieuit sighlthe light Of resson.',',
At a dinr,4r party . at , Canning's,.
~i‘ n hie usual manner, roomy.
olize,d' tha conimrsation,' making Spain the
text of about, a threelnitire'sertuotf.'
gave a sketch pf the Moors ; he' wa.S . • very
pathetic over thefall of ;.elaborate
ly described the, Alhambra 4. epitomized
Den QUixaite ; quoted nearly 'ball of Cal
drto • arid Lofi'De ; drew a vivid
picture of Ferdinand and Isabella; de
' notineed their uegleovof Colthcbus, and
hastily rocapitulatcd the Pettinaular War,
inclariing u few bull ft4hts, awe ? da fe's4g.
At length heconciuthid by bay i mg. MI
these rcfli.i4ions'rotie to illy Minn in comae
.queneu ot my meeting. on my way to thiti
hospitablo mansion' twn'oft Abuse - gallant
soldiers, lie Life Guardp,..wite feughc. 10,
the Spanish war under the immortal : Weir,
'Mgt on:"`
!;,Hunk exelaimbd . aerobe
9yitat an eScapexer have had': ‘ort ir sup;
'pose if co4riflze had met.the .seginoent 1"
PiOLIII.11„FRINTINO Orpres , ..--.W hen quite
a Y^IM-Frankiiil JAll4loll, , Eliketr•
.. s,ttbee,: , he je4etre,tl if he
cool , lget employmentan printt4.l
..4Whefe are'you from ?" itiqiii'rea the
foreman. •
"Atnerien," WAR the reply. • "
"Alt" said the fnrentan,
cat a lad lrorn Iti rtra z-eking,
tnent ki a OrtitterY ti , eWilo you really
Understand the att of ? Celt you
bet,.„ CI ••
Pea Witt stepped to, one ef the eases,
an,,i in tt very . hriei ewe,
,mett•op the JO
ti e sti ge from the chapter of
MP-Geared by' St.
• "Nathaniel eaith - unto him, Pan ' tiny
good thing eomiront.olNazereth t
ea ith unto, ; him,,empe i and :see.
. •
It was done ,so curtly,.,
atm reincof tippropri,,
aie.and powerful, , Ova
inindingaud character einh)'all in the-lif:
W . .
hy is .the Ittanniilteics ilyrnti - of liberty
likely to fail into distaseitt Frahm) t—Ele.:
, he i r.
Amuse k'r*uce, 13 .8 Ilk nqw,•matiotun
It is asked; how' can { ha labciiing rata
End ,sitne fur.: :ielf buktwa,l l, 74l anaw Fr.
tintt: an earnest logrpose fiude limo.,
tW() I)oi.LAltt3 I%.ll:Afrrititi.
1 1 1 4 UMBN4 2?.
iii 1!:rt
White COiin6iterr, i Neil& t
DO you WISH TO:# OfffESt
The white leborers of the country who
think slavery doeS'niii'afteit
wake up one of these days, wbeo it may be ,
, •
too Isle, to theirta4lmistake. t The Sends
emboldened by the success of their aggresd
sinus on ; f reedom. are already boldly; claire.
log the smut TO ENSLAVE THE worn LAir
BORING MAN. Sofa.liern '
,papers and
panthern speakers , now brazenly, assume
this position. 'To show our readers the
truth of it we make air -extract- from •tbai
Richmond Inquirer, the leading Buchan
an ow of din South. 1%111 paper says-L ,
"Until recently, the defence of sla,Tery has
labored under plead 'difficultida, bceause ita
apologists—for they were merely apologists—
took half-way grounds. They confined the de
fence of mere negro slavery, ',hereby
giving up . the' slavery principle, admitting oth
er forms of slavery Mho' wrong, and yielding
up the authority of the Bible, and of the histo
ry, practices and experience of mankind. 11n
man experience showing the universal success
of slave society. and, .the universal :failure!. of
free society, was unavailing ao them,.beemise
they were precluded from einpleying it, by ad.
'flitting slavery in the abstract to'beswrong.—
The defence of mere negro slavery involved
them in still greater difficulty. . THE LAWS.
1 SLAVERY, provided that through themother
they werodescended,^howevai'rernotely; from a
negro slaie.' The bright mulattoes, aecording
'to their theory, were wrongfully held.,, i V ., '
"The' line of defence, however, is changed _
now, and the North, is completely conceqiett,
and dultka,arto . yster. '''The Sontly'noW,niain
'dint slavery • 'right,naturaland'
"ry. It shows that all divine,. and almost Alt
human authority, justifies it. : The Scialiftir-?'_
, ther charge's that the little' experiMent. cif free ,
society in Western Europe has been; from the
beginning, a cruel failure,' and
~ iymptcints,or;„
,failure arc abundant in our North. I,Vltilis it,
is fir mere obvious that rte roes be,sliOslhan .i
whites—iiiihey are only fit to labcii'not t tOdi. ,
,rect—yet the principle of slavery „is in 'itself.,
,right, and `does not depend on 'iliffer*efiif
complexion. Difference of race, "of fide, of
iineage,", ci language, 'of habits and customs,
all tend to render the itiatitution ; more natrust
and durable, mid althotiglialaree, heat - beert,
'generally white, still the masters and -slaves
-have generally been ofAifferetri thritintiihie ,
scent, . Moses and Aristotle, the earliest his
torians, are both authorities in fayor,of thei dill.,
ferchec of race, but not 'of color: . '
; yViirkitiem , At, id ) nbt'ithiit
s plain '
the pbinii? You, 'too;' to be` madO
front a V irgir;iti"iv:Yrk dotitled aTiiiii i gcioi;' 4
t3ty 'a Failtire." '•'
• "Make the laboring, man the 'slain hf 'one' " T
man, instead , of 4he ~ a lave.. of seciety r and •her.
would he far bettor off," .."Two hundred yearn ..
of liberty havnlinide White laborers '"a pauper
banditti.": , "Free. Society las failed, 'and ttliit '
which, is not free must be. substituted.", , ~ i , ~
" "Free society is a Ittonittrous. abortion, and
slavery the healthy, beautiful end natural ' be-
ing, which they are trying unconsciously :to ,
adopt." "The slaves are gpverriedjar „„
better than the free labot•ers'of the `• North '0, 1 : 0
governed. Our negroes ale' not only' better? .'. ,
off as tO, physical comfort ti!SM,fred labOrersi ‘; t
but their Moral condition is better." " , x
"We do not adopt the theory that Mini 'Wed ''
,the ancestor of the negro mem i• The Jewish
slaves were not. negroes ; and, to wawa. the
justifiCation of Slavery to thfit ince would bo to
weaken its.scriptural authority,' and to lose the '
,uoight of prothue authority, for, we read • ,
efno negro slavery in ancient times." "STA-,
"Nature mode the,weak : in mind.or hal ;
" ' 'the' wise 'and virtuous,' the
brave, :the strong in mind or body, are been - lo
CoIPPIAPO.7.--Men are,not born, entitled to, ;
egnal rights. It would be far nearer the trait'
to say, that Some; were hbrn ivith anddleit'orf
thei r;backe; and. &there. hooted and spurred to
ride them,--fted the riding does them g00d. 7 , - ,„
.They' need the "mini, the bit and the spur."
"Lite and liliertYirre ant inalienable: 4
These extracts do not need comment..:—.
White each who wiih to' be •eltpies now'
know' where to find the men iond'y nu&
aoliotto t 0 enqluve 'them.
Momeoft Huratuvbs.—One of theiMoN ;
mon yrnmen who was inl the company
the fate crowd which had pass,ed, throuet . ,
our edWii'for 'Salt . Lake we earn had nu
Ices than.four huvhaiidaY She' is said toe'
have been an intelligent lookinglatlividditl:
,She te
connded that women have as .efood; ;
a right to have , a number GI husbands, as N..
man hid to have ' as 'many Wives as lira"
wished._ provided the mew were el!
berm of the. Nl'winon Church. ; Tbere is' - :
nothing like making circumstances suitme--,'
casions. and theae Alorrions. appear, to
haie a' peculiar ' faculty for such
, trardtac.,.
tions.—;;Rock Islander. ' •
be afraid of blushing. ..Accopt.oorpreaupt
of value fiout Men. Ayoid , ;...
carriage. Be modest land Moderate ,in.:
dress. ' , Be not often twit) in Pitelic. At.
feet tin. la oguiehing. ” Don't • talk
Never deal, in acanduli , Receive ailtitee 11. , ' •
modestly. 'Be affable with men. bat, zoo
familiar. Syinpathize with the . unform.„
nate Bo notalvvays laughing - and talking.
Be discreet. Suppose not ail Men to be
in love with you that show. yon
. I,et not L o ve begs ton your,. part, Speak
not your mind on
,all oecasiouti.. Roma
tot to hear improper Conversations..
II A Cpatous Facrr.—The ttlobber en aL
fat, whale Ja , sowetimee in ni thickest.. •
parts friiin (tern ,to ,twenty. inehee,llo4.
though sildn ni more thee a font; it in,a,f,
a coarse te.i.ture• mach harder — Man
pork. t3o very full of oil itriuthir Hite/
1 1 4 661 3 . Pict, ttd' with that clear. Tsar Moltke- g • ' • '
,Witaio contain, she , qil boiled from
it, and the scraps are lelt
„,beeidee ;. tbirt :
has been frequently prord by !NO" e.
'`.'A'sitigle hoer in the 4/111 to tit. .;i,
'itddy of loom. interesting ay (trap
witapeetedly aoeuivelatiOu of toowirdMey
" r tl)r,,
r, !~~