Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, March 14, 1856, Image 2

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    ritiro B ill di rt ff;
Friday Evening, March 11,1856
I hdpe vie Amy Ana ion** tntand Attre
of shielding ourselves' from Foreign influence,
-d-poliOosl,- commercial, or in whatever form '•(
may be attempted. I wish there were A n
'tumor fire becwedn,ll4 and . thO old worl4,_
Jefferson. ' '' '
". - "tiiteirlcan Vlctiorliw.
,•,. , .
;1 6 11151D,,rer1 amusing, !!4tf.,et,t,42 unfair,'
• disholiorxible siiirii, eeinekit thereby. to
iiiiii t i;i!diei,eitii!,y, iitli. which the Anti-
Alnetielm -Presacia Alias ' upon every re
, perted -reverse of the American party, and
iiiiraelhripa before their ieaderitni eviilen:
, (4 1 iit ,th; deClin:ini strength of American
iiil A ' • •
;P l i'l , w. .. a. menean victories are (irefully
passed: by orglosse& over with s passing
• _ etetitee.. dt, is di:mimic:is tnle that, owing
Oliesentioris in 'the, American ranks lea r n,-
- itriekoin the agitation of the Slavery
• spgitAtin., the, friends of American prinoi
pleat haestlailed in• a nuniberof places'to I
i'enniunilitle' their .full strength', 'and de
kt in whole or pert has been the result
Altos( state of things will not always be.
tile,Kansas diliculty will be adjusted ere
tong, and the rights or Freedom firmly es
tablieheil: ‘ That done, “Saties" follow
lekieitilt be fennel putting , together again,
iiiVrifitreiiial :s thCe ever *batever. may
Vrilea . thdiit . es encircling the present
ievelnpinent•of Americanfeeling, there is
• ' At, the beart'ef the Aasics an abidi , g live
-., :a iliipiiiii;iples which if properly direct
i,l4l3ll394.ecentuolly carry them out in our
....Atational policy. illecent elections in the
liketkof New York 'have evinced. this. 1,1
Anbuin, the' home , of Senator Str.we,a3 .
ilii;filtire - Aulezriccii ticket wee elected or.
ei,likerwilisai and Fusion combined ; in
' . Littletgalls it. triumphed ' by' 50 majority
over bothr tleire - 1171:3,iireribeiiti bjabout
roel #WW/ aVir4 3
..gYjgritY ;in Oswego by
0 tna,jority •in Troy Mr. Snootrati. the
Ammon Mayor, was eleetedliy 310,Wlibre
spring he "Waildefiated by 114 , and
• thereddie einilicipal victory Was Complete
over e" - ,felion ~rif,Deinocratii and Republi
optriel-ie, Sing , Sing,, where last fall the A.:
'station ticket hid lass.'than' 100 votes out'
_ t 0p056; it doer li r 'an, average 'nrajoriti of,
a! VjiiPipiniimt, and. many other town.,.
e4Pc,• l ,4toiigh. the. State similar 'results
bevetranspired. • This shows the Anteri
• elm :cause itiinviar.
, . .
• 13INOULAR..J-4When McAdam Fit,r,mosz
suns Ifres;dent s , AIfDRE* TiCkBo:l ' DONELION
of the Mashitigtod thtion;.the op.
position organ. , broirthey are before the nation
ea..tit" ammo .ticket for. President itnd - .Vice
Pieilident of dm United States.--Exchange. '
(144arsgmphs similar to the' forego
tag aro just now current in our Anti-Amer
exelwages demp,ned, of conme, as a
• s6ikit'et the•Arnerican organization whioh
bsa; brtipght into close political fellowship'
men-wluk had long stood airaie;:i against
eacthiother in past political actien. And'
ytfitAnly Roca directly to establish the
)370 principle upon which the Amori can
Innyentent. professes to be based—s sense
ofithr overabsdowing - dangers of FOrsign
infltisnO4 Aineticad politics, and the du7,
tiiitgimd men of all parties , to merge mist
Alifferenoes in combatting a com
mon:foe-I Probably no :two men idtho
country have had better oPportunities'te
neFefOity of an A , ueridan Party
tliaaliessrs.,FlLL'.)ll3RlS and Dorter,corr-....
tip one ins ..the Chief Magistrate of the
Nationand'represen ti ve Of the old Whig
paity,'Biikthe'cither: as the . erli.;,rof ;1.44
organ of the Old :Democratic par
t;= ( 4 1 iit• •
ty.spretpresen tve spo Ica action,
When; we,find .such men. sundering long
eherished partytics, and agreeing to work
together in cordial stipprt ol Americanism,
it feel well be taltert for granted that' there
is sq. imperious necessity for such a sac
sificE:.• :This-the American' party claiins
to .-be die ease, 'and hence thi
deietnpatent not 'only among leadini
bpp among the masses all over
ihs:totstitry. which startle.; the Foreign
Worthy or befog' /Pondered!.
The gniinl jury °t i the city ot New t orl'
mails a pteerotaient to the &ouzo on Pri.,
daj.`the 22d ult. ..We call Attention to
ono or:two facts. The 'grand jury say.
°taring the put year the wutnber of Oom
ielttiiittwcifj‘ thirty•six thousqnd futo
Atnitkid spit sixtgfour., Of these * rain-.
Trffltito Tsousatirt SEVEN MINDEN!) AND
?gill were 'persona of intemperate babife.
Eight , :tbousand,' nine hundred and ix
irereWinericart born. While the remainir;g ,
tweatkeesen thousand, three hundred and
thirty.eight • were of foreign birth. In •,'
tiewifittle"fact, the 'grand jury are forced
to thii`eadtilindon that there exists an or
winked deportation and emigration to this
emnitl7: o fcriednals from abroad. and they
urgethatetery means which the law al.
lowa be put in force to check this criminal]
immlgastion" ~ ...7
Bern, are say. are two things worthy of
being pondered: 'Fleet the intimate eon
Beak( between inteniperanee, and or i~ip,
atvd tiikoad kbfftOiti;olt burden itopoeed
upon yot by Pouring .apon this country:l,
tide ofi;aganthlesa vagabond people, who
eat nrestraebitinee. fill our slats liousee,
and lvtbirdolitiOlonc
otection bold t
A kiltoiiiit hr, ;week teselted in the one.
04.1tii American tivicnt throngbnitt.--;
(41. Ottotri. S. Wilco was Amite! Aitayqr,
Atstmeer which is it sai4en'
41110 .
Kr tiaowN's restraiuiug Liquor hill
had pasaed both branch es of tbo.),egisla.
buttore 2hoSecatt apailloq4 diaagrd
iog t Otte 0 t the deisila. rtfer ,
oh Satirdaflabt; tcea.3o!qii:iitttit of Clu.
rereneei—M”lra: l PrOwtr, i liltor4
Gordo4 represegthml the . /..gelatt., tarot
Wright.i .GetiAnd Hutifiedltlitaiie
The bill is a very lengthy one and i%
very stringent. Licenses are to be grAt-
I ed to storekeepers to sell in quar,ti:;t en not
leas than one gallon. but no liceas,lo
at all can bs granted to reat-Arante,oyater
I houses, &c. tinkle `trill ho licensed by
ICourts to retail tto ht•relofere, under eel.-
Itakt vtoutlitiowt; twe'fied=roftries and at
four beds for the ex.duaive we of travellers
beintk r e quisite in a ll , cases. Notice of
• •
bpplication for License must be published
ke the newspapers,ashoretefore, aceopan
ied by the certificate of twelve men, which
must be swan to by at least two , of i the
signers. The Jovvest lieenec•in the coun
try is to be NO. Every applieaut must
;give bond in 81000, to be filed with the
Comity' Tretutier,' ibrulitiened for the
faithful observance gfall.the Liquor laws.
The number of taverns is not to exceed
one for every two hundred taxables in the
county, and to he distributed at' the dis
cretion of the Court.'
Drunkennews is made finable in $5, and
when liquors are drank on the premises
by any one becoming intaxiaated, the ven
der is liable to a fine of 85, acid also to a
suit for damages, to be prosecuted by any
husband, wifOttrent. nr guardian, Se.
The bill repeals all former liquor laws,
camp' the Sundaf Act of 1855, and the
Buckalsw law of 1854.
The intelligence from Harrisburg is that
the Committee of Conference will ho able
to adjust the details of the biU in such a
way as to ecitumand , the approval of both
Moms. " • • •
The Senate bill authorizing bills of ex
ception and writs of error in criminal
oases, payed the House on Saturday by ttr
vote of‘s6 to 54.
•• .0n Monday lest Mr.'Robinson presen
ted a—perition 'from the elfish, of Cum
berlandi York. and Adams counties for a
eharter.te. 'constraCt% .:State'road in said
Froeia Witmhipigton,
ir)..On Monday twit the Senate had
again tinder consider:mon the hill appro.
printing three rnillinna of &airs for in
creasing the 'ay:oilmen ts an t i , munitions of
tear, and the manufacture anti.alteration of
small.srtns, in aconrdance with the.recent
recommenatinn 'of the' President.
The bill 'was Ordered sn ne :
for third residitig —yeas 22, nays 12.
The' 'debate was continued at some length
by Messrs. Seward ; Weller, Cass, Hale,
liersn' erul
' Mr! WePeraaidtherslyero about 300,-
09,0 17.,,8. mus,lsete, distributed ihrongbout
the State.a, Oioh it ono proposertto iv,
and Abe! colt of repairing which weild I be
$3 each.
The "'Mitten,' bas' tbe Kamm difficulties
bofil3 it, 'originating from, a , proposition of
the Counnittes on. Elections asking , for
power to send for persons mid papers : On'
Mtindai there , was a' spirited, running dt
bate between litessrs.,OtavEa, of 'Missouri,
and Kurtx.Tie,, of this. State, the former-de
nouncing ; ;the, conduct of the Free State
men, and the latter elitiittautly defending
the diacuevinn , n niessinge from,
the President was received asking an up.
priiiprinf len' Of 8300,901 i for , the suppress
ion of,hostilititiS in Oregon,-
PrA grand ., rally of thelrienda or
Fiumotts and Potsw4oN WAS td be held
uti '' . i r edileatiny evening in Philadalphin.--
Among, the distioguived apeatlertiannonn•
eed•tn liddre'vs'the nicking are the follOw
Joseph R. JggersolliJohn Swift, Charles
Gibbons,.. gauzy. D. Moore, Riehard , IL
Bayard, Jahn W. ,Aslimead, John P: San
derson, Willism , F. Sinn)l, WilliaM
ker, John "Titus, 0, P. Cornman, William
The following gentlemen were also ex
pected to be'present:'
Lents P. pbel I; of Ohio; James
Brholt:s; of Net York ;JohnJ. Crittenden,
H. 'M. Ftiller, JOh R. Tison. William
Millward; Jacob' ; Henry J. Garth.
ner; of Ma.itilletinriett4 ; Edward Everett,
of Illasettehdietts ; John Fl,, Clifford, of
31assachusetts ;Tom. Robert F. Stockton;
of New Jersey;, Rufus Choate. of Boston
Washington Hunt, of Lockport.
WritingfroM. Washington,' PREEUT
says it seems to be Consiil•eil curtain 'tbe're
t'isoll,puc#44l4l+l,the Demo
cratic, candidate for., nes I:Presiden t, • • and
that thervalculete on gfting him , s' major-.
not a Iwo thttil 7tite oo the first `li l:
ttlward. ,f4F.mcN., OtHd „shet fast thitt•
BUCLIANAN the•otflypronsineattompe;
titor, his 'preirtittoced Otis coiment,rtitriiit,
Geo: risi4litiiU!ti) , ;(ftinSifitee':aeo4o / 1,
New Puti .4- 1 1 1 *ulh 19? ti 11 °1G
of the derogates from .shess.sre spins: hint.
Massachusetts, nominally for 6itn, wilt
float 'with b i efle'vetth j af
,P: mei *sir be rdlea l nlf
pot exhibit weattnesb in 'thi,"
ties's' ffret.tallot 'l l Cot''lfiee
Rowell Cobb, Tombs, libitic; Pitr:ia-'
rick aft Siiggeited."'
• 'llOsThe • Pittsburg pspensmention;the•
death of Mr Kerr,' fronferestilitte,'Oliiii,
Who was ettemi4 the Western Theologk
cal Senkinary. The Cattsti of his death wats
tr. eery , singelar one. There appeared on
hie upper lip a small sore, whletr'did riot
at first cause mach attention; it however
(Awn assumed a tuost,feartel form, spread.
lag over, his ;mouth, Affecting his whole
system, and rapidly terminating in death.
.r •
CM, era) Jackson. on Fillmore • - _.-,,_g
• \ and Domelson. m
T.' "'ggtrl
see nomination of Fillmore antLEj 4mai
„... _....
Illr.telsociAmt same ticket, (say I. e n
Pliilnde biet 81 , 40 !is evidence of :no of
. 00
. 1 41 . oie blatt?Agi'rejolutions which ;is • ti- .',turf
• .. ;ilk i • ;
.glltis)t on l elnfiuniteatt government, an ;a, w • no,
''. -
'dill:. "io 4 v.a;ties_tittni long maintain
011 .4 .41 e
N I L ,
collialteAt lefose,alie people at large, st, ~,
I'4 corruption in their leaders, and selfish
noes in their master spirits, will throw off,
artisan shackles': and 'organize - new corn- ,' I
binations to rescue the country from ruin- I
one domination and reckless mal-Adminis- 1
tiatien. This feeling in 1828 ' braught to. l
gether the National .Reputt i lictor t nn4.,
the-at:ippon of -ANDMIVir• '4lAcifigoterwhilei
those who desire to follow in the consrva- I
. .. -. 1
tive trick," end 'ileiate ititietimen' . td Cho i
Presidontin).. chair, formed', tie opppainel
Iparty, Under 'boleti& of HEN . g Cr4x,---
These great antagenistaisingularly enough,,
lift ott record the sttengebt'enff-erse
, mente of the fidelity, honesty "ancEtiatile- I
Aim of l'il,tredui tiOclposisoN., In a ,
..,. .
lietter written by Henry Clay, detell,Wash- I
j Ington. March, 18fi1, he said : ' • '
tlf . t/ Decti • Sir :--You rightly undo-
I stand me in expressing- a preforeceis for
Mr. Fillmore as the Whig candidsCe far
1 the Presidency . This I did 'before I left
lh o me,' and have. -frequently here, in pri
vote intercourse, since tuy arrivalat Wash- I
ington. I care n et how generally the fact
I may be'ktitiwn, but •I should . not debth it
right to publish any formal avowal of that
preference under my own signature in the
newspapers. Such a course would subjeet
me to the imputation of supposing that my
opinions possessed more weight with the
public than I apprehend they do. ;The
foundation of my preference is, that Mr.
Fillmore has administered•the Executive
TIOUS. I wish to say nothing in deroga•
tion from his eminent competitors : they
have both rendered great service to their ,
country ; the one in the field the other iii
the cabinet. They might possibly admin
ister the government as well ns Mr. Fill.
more has done. But then neither of them
ha, been tried in the elevated position he
now holds, and I think that prudence and
wisdom bad better restrain us from mak
ing any change without necessity for it,
the existence of which I do noc perceive.
Ilismor et.s.v.
Mr. Dostrf ! sow fur litany years was the
'confidential friend of Old Hickory ; was
with him at the battle 'of New Orleans ;
his - Private, Secretary dariiif bis l'iesideu -
llcy •, end when, Gon. J,ll/11r, . wade hill
will, he spoke of Mr.,.. the
' following glowing Intiguaglit' 4 . 'ettiot :
.a.l. lictpicark yi'my tvidrhe re \ ld' ,, lreph6tv
Andrilw .f. Dolleisoll. 8013 of , Auld' Doii 7
(lane, 'deeeageil,,the silviiid presets•
tett to me by the &aft; of l'oii l l•tessee.' With,
thig injunction, that 60 rail IRIIC If; use it
when necessary in iitipport mist: pini'..4tiOn
of our gloriotis Union, and' for rho proloc
t ion of the cocititittitiOWal rights of our b 4.
loved country ' l ghintld they be assailed by,
foreign enemies 'or domestic tiltitors.—:
This. from Hit gietteChtinge in My wOrldly
affairs of late, is, With lily hlessiiig: fill 1
pap bequeath. bin), 4oing jibtien to. those
creditors to triton; I,,am, responsible. •,. • ,
"This bequest is made as a-rnewen to of:
my high„ regarfi, tiffection, ,and emetwn
which f bear. to liirn,as 4 liiGEI-AILYD,..„
,IrrA caneus . of , the aritt,Nehtaska,
meT,hers offeoogress,was belti in • Wash
ington on Tuesday .night, Benat3r.;Fotrr ,
presiding.. Eighty-five membeni . worn iti
offend:Tee. SpeeehoS wire made .. I.3y
lliosart3., cy s 'Seward,. Banks, Collar,
' met. Dutfee, Gtrangeri. and others, itv:
vot of the pokey of making tho great
.question of .Freedom the issue in the next'
Presidential eampaige ••'filt,'Toni, of tfiis
•6wte,.while proferring to remain
ntiitSd,as to thq,Prosideney,cleetared bira A
scif, strongly . ,anti• Nebrask a. Kansas
Without eaminfr to any doterniination
the 'eauett adjunrand IjII lup's . day daze.
, KrThe—American State Council of
New York has linanimousry" futi6Fd the j
notriimition of FILpiORE and Dorigr.sptF . .,
The American members of the isiew,Tork
Legislature !leveed:to unanimously ratified'
fir:T'An election for. Buriress; Assistant
,Burgess, find five • Commissioners took
place in Will iarn 0150 1 : Washington county;
ou 111004 litet. Both partio bid
tickets, and entered iota the contest with
spirit, but the American ticknt carried, the
day 1;1 an average.. majority of 81.
trreni. mcattritE, or the ilarrisburi
Telegraph, haying beau namoclia s. num
ber of, papers. as an ,opposition candidate
,for Auditor' General, wishes it distinctly
undoratooci, that. while grateful for' this'
fiatteritidexprespion of confidence, koilYilf circutostances t acoopt a nominal
tion- for said office.' : , , •
.• A
iy off .ilia,'.,AthrY_•lag4'LoghdaloreAeld no,
- A'riday. the Hon. Dptorg aomAN for
the - Western ahem; 'drid JAH: 3 'A. UrlitL 3
15orolivstgr county
tn. the Eastern Shore, were ehoien Proof.
flentlai ziectoes at large..
(strA telegre pixie dispatch fre , n . l . lVell ? tent'
.Eattalik the • , Pii.e;SCp l iS'
1 "'qi ) !1 1( 0 1ed 'l 4 :I+4op the 1 :10 1 ;:ke et;
acr A t:llegrapaM tleit*eal, ire tn"
le:dine; ifiVeOhiiH;elatiiThittlite l ltitit i ncto
And: Stel,4Oii . ii nnen r ,
int r$F2O z tified )).Y, he , lowa. American
State Convention. ."-0,;.(31:4
11Ci u The - *menet= ?Sake ‘Gort nett' Per
lil amui,d
rights at the North., ;, -:'• 1,4
ficrta Baden, les,t,yoariAhlui we,ra
ty , iodation . of Swiwbirthrti Twentpsev
'lll3 * were of Irish 'parentage; • 11 ' -
er in New irlacpshire, and
i - tion are that dig Site has again
laityn d gaits the iliiernasty.—
°ou , ' gt 1 Ile, Dem
!2. ,6 ; J.I t .
.kiiertean, 29,-
do win 1 .hi ',
iptini olAticattor
r4,29 . "rb re ab 0 small
towns yet to hear from, which gave Baker,
Democrat, 3,142 ; Metcalfe, American,
2,660, rand 701 - se:tittering 'votes lust year.
The :11.0tutesr /11WV.Iitr, , :ittattlds 4191 Demo.
°rats to 142 opposition. The towns to be
heard from are animated to give 30 Demo
bri4AA4*liiiiicatiti, tl 1 ',l .;
~ A '
of the Methodist Episcopal Church has
been in se/Will it ' - ittilti hike during the
Vgitlaihek. ''Ee'vi .t Ali: Dnsiti 6f this 'place.
p ~ciq of the Slcretartes, ' Three ets
fOr,lslelegates to the denerai Conference
hat:ll)lkm takes up to. yestenlay• morning,
it - requiring i order tnajoritk' to elect. lllessrs.,Tohn'A: Collin,,: lienty Slider,
;Sanitiel, , ,Y.,,Blelte, • N. J. BroWn Morgan,
John S. : Martin, Normal• Wilton. Alfred
Griffith, themes B.:Sargent, Aquilla A.
Reese; Jahn Laitban, and Wan. Efamil
tcin 644 remiitid a majority, leaving four
more, to la dental In consequence of
the Co'nferinee being inconveniently large.
it is Proptned to . divido if 'int° three Con
fetences' ' ' ' '
was „received. by the last iitesiner front
Europe of.t snisundcratantling• between
COL Jneksoi, our Minister resident at Vi
enna:Aid tin Austrian 'Government.' A
eCriosPonder.t. of the Washington Star
The miiiniderstantling.has been caused
by the arrest std imprisonment of an A
merican citizen named Spears, who after
seven iumith's close confinement, Miring
which he was sot permitted to commtini-
Cate in eny way with even Iris minister
or eonsuti. was tried ou the 3 Isi of March,
1854. by -a secret and unknown tribunal,
convicted 61 treason. and sentenceif to ten
years' latter m irons in the trenched at
Therisienstadt in Bohemia. Mr. Jac, l / 4 .-
son, on the CC.. of February,. demanded a
properly ,certified copy of the testimony have been used in the cony ictimt
of Spears ; awl 'informed Count Hunt in his!
note that unless he received an affirmative
reply tV-ithiii lour weeks he should at the
erpimtiow.of that time . withdraw from al
court—where he •could no•longer -remain!
with -honoreto his 'country or 'advantage'
19 her-citizens.. •As there is no probe
!ditty that l the desired answer will be
forthcoming,,-or that-any testimony re
ally. c4isted+iiintinst the man, Mr. Jack
_sou .trilly4. be ~txpected hi cleave Vienna
shortlyt after you'tecetve this." • .
1 3 6.; NSl'L.4ti .' , l:rrigati murder
trial'in Wishnortrland county. Pa., is one
ol thii,roos\ remarkable, that occurred, in
the. celebrated Prolosa
or, ,Webster'aott Parkinau case at Boa
' t'citrignn i nn old man,'Or some 313(17
of; feerdntry r 9 iSl i age,: "11 is *ire diSap
pdaidir on 1,1 ' 2pth of 'Reptetiiii`er liisi;
and half int o !been heard from since.—
Four of fire' 'ay s' after, sonic hones and
Orr' iif 'd ail l ? ':ili , elared by Professional .
men to be IM' ee 'of in
d'hoan being, Were
ftintid"bi'iilne neighbors ins large fire .
which had lien "berning- near Corrignn's
resienee 'ill!' ihe 'open field : gorrigrin
had' [teen 41:Sii 'Stift fug ii 'ni Morsel loAl rs.
A, eMilltifiltiVfilini"ehd fire I itt4' t hal ot,n ti
Antal naMiiiii burtiiitg. ' A button 'iiiinit
ar'M these' lien itiiiiii 'k' wOMait's flight
diets Was to Mt in the lir'e. - and 'elfin one
IW:ringing iti 'man. 'llimidderible bloiel!
' siii4 ; tBiliid in Coirigiiii'll house although
eiiiiii , ht "Site. iiiteliadlieen wade to edit.
! e6al-it.' =Ali The wolinin' r e;. dresses flint
she' 'Waif ' kifti!'"frio ~ itUre" were foiled at 1
Wine' in iti4'iiShil'phted. This- Uheated !
that 'title' I ta , d ! licl 'toile away i , iiliintarily. . 1
'A perio paining Corrikati's , heeseon
the night eft s was test seen heard pereanis
f oimilit;': (roin Hui( qiiarcer. A sled, hue.
ling marks of blood, was Owed 'bear the'
thous,Nowith, - ,tmcke showing. that it . had
beg& evidently.:Oregged M the night lime
by a horse, near' hi the, fire where the bones
were' found. `V.lorrightt and fils'ivile,4ll6
-lived alone, wer e known to quarrel. He
, gives , bortatisfse.tiiry- explanation - of any
of.Mese eireumetmees,-.' He pretends that
' l evee !hist wife money M go- tip' Phila.
fdelphia - withq - aild 1 !that the hones found in'
the fire, were-ntd bot tee -scraped up in rub- 1
, bish - whieh helwes• htirning-on . his farm:
Bumble hr reittlered imprambie by the
strong IllilllBl *met! ishitth amuse from the
fire. • - '' .'• ''• '
Alter a triol of several' days, and speech
es both for and against . the prisoner by
abless,ouns6l, he was convicted of murd
er in the. first..degreic and • sentenced to be
hung. • 80. body was ever found or iden
iifiedas alit 01 , !tiff wife. The circum
stances were' such ety.vre. have stated.
f file supposition hf the jury' was,. from
,the evidence,• Corrigan had I ',ordered his
wife, thou conveyeil her body to the fire
Jo Which the • honea were found upon the
sled thin, was lyinglnearliis 'evidence.=
,Ttie eaeurnsiancesfseeth to ibe so ong in
that direction. •LTIe disposition the tour=
derer made •of the hody re 'Most horrihhi,
almost as much so s'Profesior ' Webster,
:Wild, it I with ; be . i
()Heeled; 'cut' u•i.; i 'the
1:047 . 0116i.•vi ttini ipin' pules , mitt • then
,!?urnt:thent'in4g te , inihis,..rdodfr , DO
t tn thittuasioferk n's ftk,i)y Wite , iirenti- 1
Ojedi Whielitvitur it irll4 fievhere fnOttiVe 1
e i
trial, whiitriinel. atbd "great merle/11104in '
wenlirii Tehneriv qv!' • • i. ,, . ' -.. , .1 -
r.• , th 1,,1 ~ ., ,t t1,..1 h . '-!! , Sl-4: 4 -"-:'t !t^., •!'
!!! STIGUISBOA7!• 1 014,1111101 , 12 • 1 001fiel011'
between inelleatubotats. Henry) Level/Ishii
Eitwerki Howard , oiCurVetilabout ;four 0 0.-
_cloaked) ZetuNzryqiioridne mi'llie 'river '
Oliimnear Troy.l , lsdienEf '7The , fermis
boakstinkniuttnediiirehl'^ , ifee *cabin , Pas-'
idengerivstrercresituell ihiough the horri. ,
, itind.;deck k ! hut- itventy , foletik. , pasienger•
and airesiraw eier dm, nedt I The.. boae.tind`
4letvearge. clinsietippiti porit4 9otil4lwhie=
key erete,„-sticatined tor NetriOrleanqit , ir
expected will be t4otalicres...,ll , e. ~,
I .;1 = rENNEITLVANIA . 7appears
'trim the Adjutant General's report that
the - ndlitair:fores . `of.Pennsylfrinii; , to:,
gather with , . the , publis• arms, , arena, fol.
'lows; Nuti;lisiivt 'comPtnies ;in the
State. Atig'iunitorined men, 18 1 805 ; field.
.pledia, 8b; mtiel4eW, 16;438; bioyoilets;
9729 1 •.r,•l is 3
win Iliannialre Election.
On Tuesday kat the annual State
Religions Sers feel - ler!lie next .
rett,PetutnetlitatAvicl... in the
mornipg,BorrsDc. Schmucker. ; •
Slj /*el? iChurc4; (Li?theran.)—Services
in thi mdrning. aqd ettenihg, Rev l . rt.
.MOl., Mist .I:Fpl a tropg, Churci.-:-Serviues in
the evening, (Firayer•meeting.)
German Reformed Church.—services morn
ing and evening ! Rev..l. Ziegler.
Associate Reformed Church.—N. services.
Catholic Church.—No services.
The Prayer-ifeeling of the Presbyterian,
German Reformed, and the two Lutheran
churches is held every Wednesday evening;
Methodist, Thursday evening.
NeTfON.= he Election for Borough
and Township °Truro takes pine throughout.
the county on FRIDAY NEXT.
EIJECITMItt RtTUrtp...=-We will be in
debted I to our friends in the several townships,
for correct returns Of 'the elections on Friday
tiext,' If will facilitate us in preparing our us•
nal table of officers elect.
13" The "i 6e-ki 9g" was again here in all his
glory during the Past weak. The mercury on
Monday morning went down to 5° below zero.
On Tuesday morning it stood 4° above.
MAn adjourned Argument Court will be
held ottqueaday next.
»E-Don't forget the County Meeting on
Wednesday next.
derThe Americana of the Borough, and
all others opposed to the National Administru.
tion, will meet ut ShivelY's Hotel . on Thursday
evening next, to nominate candidayl to be
supported at the Election on Frith' , next.
NEW COUNTY MA.Pc.-,leesqrs. A. D.
Brt.v.s and ROBERT P. SMITH, of Philadelphia,
who for some time have been engaged in pub-
Ealing County Maps, propose getting up a
Map of Adams CAtuty, from accurate and
careful survey, which is to show all the public I
roads, and the location of the Mills, Taverns,
/ Places for Worship, Post Offices, Schoolhouses,
Country Stores, Smith Shops, Wheelrights, &C. ,
The names of the Property Holders generally,
(carefully including all those in the country
who subscribe in advance to the 3.1ap,) are al.
so to be inserted upon their places. The plan
will be plotted to a suitable scale, so as to I
make a large and ornamental Map. To he
engraved and delivered to subscribers, band
s(rmely colored and mounted, for It 5 a copy.
Ole commend the enterprise to the favorable
attentc,ml of our people, as a desirable and im
portant one. Communications can be address
ed to the Publishers, Nos. 17&I9 Minor street,
rir On Sfiturilay evening la t, en alterca-
tion took . place between Mr. Wm .•TATE and
LEVI IVEArtft,(ton of Mr. Nicholas Weaver,)
of this place, du'ring which the former was
stabbed in the left side with aipen•knife.—
Young, Wr A tymt has been bound over by Esq.
l3atNotAN 10 $.509 to answer at April term.—
Mr. TAri's wound is severe, but not danger
ous. As the reports in regard to the difficul
ty are conflicting, atidthe matter is to undergo
judicial investigation, we refrain from giving
the particulars.
NARROW ESCAPE —Yesterday morning
about 11 o'clock, the town was alarmed by
f , the cry of "Firer' The roof of the South end
of the Foundry of Messrs. WARREN MIS dis
covered to be on fire,. haring been communi
cated, as is supposed, by sparks from the
store pipe. It presented a threatening ap
pearance, for a few moments, some three or
' four feet of the roof being in a blaze, hut by
the prompt efforts of the hands and others it
was extinguished before doing essential dam•
age. Some five or Rix feet of the roof was i
burned through, and a few patterns on the loft
damaged. A few minutes more headway, anti
the whole establishment With adjacent stables
Must inevitably hare gone.
serVile are indebted to Hon. E. Jar Mon
ass for' a ropy of his excellent speech in the
Honse Representatives, against the intro
duction of the Monastic system and the Secret
Religious Orders of the Church of Rome into
our Conimonwealth. The occasion of the
speech was the Bill to incorporate the "Fran
ciscan Brothers," of Cambria county, which
passed the lipase a few weeks. Mr. Mows
tors the whole ground in a conclusive and
triumphant argument, which ought to bo in
the' possession of every voter in the Common
wealth. The bill passed the House by a strict
party vote, but has thus far failed to obtain '
the approval of the Senate. Should it get
through that body, Gen. Pott.ocat wilt give it
an effectual quietus.
Walking cloak' street one day I chanced to
meet a gentlemati'vrith whom I claimed a few
months acquaintance ; he was handsome, in
telligent, and when he chose to exert himself
sufficiently, very agreeable. As he approach.
ed 'me I whs ilinkitig: 'how well be appeared, ' ,
but alas I for my happy reflections: as ha I
passed me lie nodded, I wish I conld say bow.'
ed, said a careless "Good Morning,"• and Was
gone. Too indolent, or too negligent to tmirh
his hat, or even to salute a lady with more
1 than half politeness.--how provoking I The i
deficiency in gallantry which marks too many
in the present age isreally lamentable. Shade
of Sir Walter Raleigh I what are the 'Werner]
sex coming too? We must accept just such
salutations, just such services, just such fatten..
lions in general'as beat suit the ease and con
venience of the lords of creation, and. then I
prestnne are expected
,to he very gratefel.—
But, we are not bontid to bq,blind to deficien-,
cies, nor silent„if we cannot help seeing them;;
and I gladly believe the , delinqueets aro not
entirely Jest to 41,5ense of our. claims upon
them, nor itmorkigibly tiqcourteou& , ••••• , . • .. •,,
Jesting' nsidei with' allfgratitude for favors
receivediand , all'deference' fbe those:lo *Wm
it I mane,' this' Subject ii 'Woithy‘ the Condidiiliii=
tient of ali whotie net ahtivit* b 1341801 ,1 'Ai 'din'
matter. It is tee' trifling iti'4oillilder;liiii.i-L, ,
AWd'ifinet gib iti4e'roadii:uirtA#4:7,,'Yrtii:
ritite)hiro of rii;,liten'esif i and courtes y too
trivial to Merit 'attintion, then so are kina'n&is
,and benevoltince,,for. politeness r ia; but kind
ness wall expressed...,,,,, I, .t l '
1 may,highly inspect and , eateemi ri , !gentle
-man whole. manners I , cannot ,think , otherwise
than , theselittle mattets that
will , haidlY bear mentioning...l' , inty admire
his goodness, his inteilligitille, , aW his general
worth,' but in the triiantiitier ant ' 'itin*Ys' Mil
,1 • ' • •• , L ; 'getting hti want of tboukhtfnine on Ms
. isrA large meeting of the citizens of Tan, point,) hji ba Nti n &i , .B,.. hliA is li aka i da a i l ia]
eyto ilm , , itad . . vicinity, favorable to die constrtnid . , ~ 1/: - ';' I, J! ii t .4di,,f. nit il,„1
gallantry is un ecomingP)e ; TA 0, -, 1 ,1 ,- 71
tit:urea Itailread tram 'tittlestown'to,Hancii Akia / Otiiihnli 134 nOtadd - ihis . hi hip et,lier,6l; l l,
ver,Sur held' tnVarihytoWn' on the 'loth ale!,
I, qu ali t i' ea, i inc iA a ' aerve, a l a d m i ratiali, , and
at which resolutions were adopted -strongly ' s
immingigt ~f i ti6T g r et .
, 1
, I ,
commending the p ro j e ct t o tlio peopi , e!?f that But I will say no more—for the wise a word
neighiorboixi: 4 committee was appointed is aufficient. -'., •.)1 , ~
~,.• : ,;%,,; I,'
' to take tli) tinbseriptions. ' ,*
'MAU' rt. 4
SALES OF PROPERTY.—The following
sales of property have been lately made in the
neighborhood of Arendtsville
Thomas T. Wierman sold to John Steinour,
sen. 221 acres of land at $65 per acre ;
George Lower, jr., sold to Daniel D. Gitt 20
acres, at $40.50 per acre ;
Jacob F. Lower, sold to Widow Stallsmith a
house and lot, and stabling, for $lOOO ;
house and lot to David Mittman, for $lOOO ;
and a house and lot to . George Lower, jr., for
Ihtniel D. Gilt sold part of the 'Falter farm
(60 acres and the buildings) to John, Pont, for
$2,600 cash ;
' Satuttel Y. Taylor sold the farm ofGno.,Tay.
lor, deceased, to Denjamin Heller,' for $1,360
F. B. Poinusitn l N 0.102 Chesnut
streot, 'Philadelphia,•has in press and willpub
/ish ,Saturday, the 22d instant, anew, Ro.,
' lll 4nm bY tLe,ate : lMrs. CAROLTN* LEE
'untitled; ":Courtship and Marfiage, or Me
Joyg and Sorrow* of 4PieliCtiti LW Mrs.
'ims has' acqisired a wide.epread. 'reputation
f 34, a popular:antheress,' her "..ifrib Cdp;" and
,ether sitorte'S 'being &miller OS' every reader, of
;light litrature. •` 44 Coa'itahiyi anal
represented to ,be one of ,her most suceelS.'
,ifforlir; and will be,* eagerly loolieit'
Complete in one large daodeoimo yolume of,
' .over,poo:pages,..neatly bound in cloth for $1.15;
in two voluinespaper cover,,for $l. :copies of
eitlterjedition„ trill he sent, to any one, in any
:part of the United States, free etf postage, on
remitting the/rids of the editibu•desifed to the
Rublislier in a letter. •
lowing persons were drawn on Tuesday last
Ait t lntorir for April Term : • - 7 . 7
GRAND JI:11.1.
liiintingtotr-James Davis, (Forerinin;)
Tetnne 7 -4, Tacob Pitzer, James
iketuttleas;int—Joseph Herman, lohp Haupt-
Menallen—Joseph Cline. ,
Germany—Wm. Dottera, Geo. Palmer, John
Byers, David Walked.
Berwick—Gyms Wolf, Henry Bittinger.
Oxford—Washington Schwartz, Alexander S.
Butler—Michael Dietrick.
Rending—Samnel Overholtzer.
Cumberland—Wm. Currens.
Borough—Solomon Welty, Henry Culp, (of I'.)
Hamilton—George Baker.
Itamiltonban—John J. Withorow.
Conowago—Jacob Little.
FranklM—Chas. W. Lego. •
ominnA I. JURY.
Borough—John H. Culp, John L. Geiselman,
John Gilbert.
Huntington—Leoeard Delap, Alexander Hei
ken, John Bream, Anthony Deardorff.
Mountjoy—Peter Orndorff, Jacob I3aublitz,
Baltzer Snyder.
Hamilton—John Snyder, Michael 'McSherry,
Jacob Baker, Charles Robert.
Berwick—Henry Kohler, David E. Hollinger,
Wm. Gitt, John Bucher.
Mountpleasant—David I tietriek.
Franklin —Wm. Paxton, James Mickley, Ja
cob F. Lower, Jacob Deardorff, Henry
Latitor(;-- . —Jacob Chronister, Moses Vans
Menullen—Win. B. Wilson, Christian Cash
Strablue--George Boyer.
Liberty—Henry NleDivitt.
freedom—Abruhnin prise.
Rending—Cornelius Smith, .Joseph .1. Kuhu
Cumberland—Henry B Cromer.
Butlor—Duniel Gitt.
Jacob Daywaldt vs. David Chamberlin.
John Barrett vs. C. W. Ilocfmun, John I'.
Hoffman, 111111 WM. I;rnhain.
Daniel Butt vs. Dr. S. Walker and Sanford
Deo. Shryoek vs. Daniel Wagner, Znehariali
Cullison, and others.
Peter Raffensberger vs. Zaehariali Cullison,
Susanna Cullison, and others.
Samuel Fultnestoek vs. Jacob Bolen and S.
L. I hi flield.
Peter Rhodes vs. Cleorite Denrdorll's Exr . a.
Jesse Weyer and A. B. I(urtz's use in part vs.
Samuel Little.
John H. WilliamS vs. Nancy Witherow, J. S
Witherow, and others.
Jeremiah Herrigan vs. Jaen]) Weikard.
George Gulden and Wife vs. John Shultz.
Robert Shelds, Thomas Warren, and others,
vs. Samuel Faheinoe i k.
Henry Gordon vs. John Zeilinger.
Joseph Riddleinoser vs. Joseph Orndorff, Jer
emiah Orndorff, and Daniel Trim'.le.
re We commend the attention or our A 'nitr
ic:ln friends to the prospectus of "77u. DoN)
thorough-going , American paper pub
lished in Philadelphia.
nex..Th, alarm of Fire on Sitturday evening
last wits (mused by the burning au chimney
on Washington street.
,ate-The Auditor neueral has communica
ted to the Legislature his annulil report of the
condition of the' Hanka. The following is the
return of the Bank of Gettysburg, Norcni•
her 5, 1855 :
To capital,
Bank note issues,
Do. Act 4th May, 1841, 1,247 Ito
Due to other Hanks, 4,755 51
Due to depositors, 39,202 03
Dividends unpaid, 1,698 27
Discounts received and rents, 14,896 05
Contingent lend, 21,031 94
By bills discounted
. _
Specie—silver and gold, 711,0i+4 12
Notes and chocks of other banks, ' la,ms 00
Duo from other banks, • 117,15'4 84
Judgments, 28,190 15
Real Estate, 5,925 On
Stocks, State, A: c., 25,120 70
Do: Act 4th May, 1851, 1,247 00
Bondi, 12,520 49
Expenses,. 457 03
. [For the Star and Banner.
A Word to'lhe Write.
fcomnts ICA TED.
At a meeting of& Ds elicit:ea Club, "telt! at
Dattlieletrfralr, lie evening or the 10th
frelttir was called to the
Chiir= David trd,xell, Esti., (lenge 11. Swope,
to., and Prat: .1. Gillespie were appointed
i'resitletts, i t and Cnpt. C. B. Buehler
Sedretitry, whfln On motion the tidlowing pm
anibla: and rAuotutiona were unanimously a
117terret.T. iVe have heard, from sources we
deem reliable, of the dereliction and apostney
ofone of our members, hitherto esteetned by
us all, asoy person of ; irreproachable. character
and tried i deejrity,' In so Inc ItS 'pertliind to the
vows and duties of membership in our beloved
assoeint ;oh- —t Iterefbre be it
5!(4 it is with- feeling)! of sincere
I regret tit t a uful solicAintlO ; that we havn
heard of the contemplated inarringe of our friend
Lieut...ltl.- G. FAH NESTUCH that,.whilet we can
not refrain fromcansuriog comluorwhich we be.
lieve to be unworthy a member of our society,
I lirfn#iq; its it ficeeitantliktlocs; n reprinieli and
n stigrinilipott finlirnitv'i 'yet. with a feel;
iag of:fellowship not °Mimic' extinguished, we
I would give, oxpression to mil. earliest sympn
thiA in this his misfortune, proceeding, as it
does, from a weakness in human nature, which
our past experienee, in th'e loss of ,ievera
• othertnembers, hue shown to be difficult to.
Thnt the example before us is
o ne which Ationid. teach those of us who horn
still proved true to our rows, to be upon
our guard against the insidious wil e s o f day
-eneiny, t<•ho is ever upon the alert to defeat the
purposes odour organization.
Rem/we& That the Hull be hung in mourn
ing for the space of three months,' us n token
ofour own btreavement in the loss of n fellow
member, and as a symbol of warning to our
Besared, That a copy attics() resolutions
be entered upon the minutes, published in
the newspapers attic Borough, and, framed in
n suitable form. guipended in a enitspieu
tins place in the Hall ; also that n copy he for.
warded to tho apostate member. '
F. 13. PICKING, Pr es'l.
C. H. Brettuit,
&et — There will IPr n toweling of the "Inde
pendent Mows," nt the Amnon., this pwenittg
at 7 o'clot.k. .Ito elertion for n 341 Liententont
will he held.
AV - The Pewit:liratis 13;010 issued 3
powerfully-written address, anti of con
siderable lettrfi, addressed to the whole
country, in which the policy that ha-4
brought the party into existence is search
ingly investies led. In speaking of the
original hostility of our govertunent, sup
porter! by all section c of the country, to
the even-ion of slavery, and of the dif
ferent policy that has,ieterized nor
administration for the last several
this address says—
"Thus for a period of twenty-five yenrs
line Slavery been contending, wider var
ious pretexts, bin with roestant RIR/M0.4.,
against the tendencies of civilization. 11111 r
the spirit of our insiitutim i ts lor the exli-o
sine . 91101 perpetualinit offs piiwer. The.
&erre in tvlii,•h the General Goverom.nt
has aided its Orono May he !raced in ibit
successive steps it has taken. In 1787,
ell the slates in the Confetleritey united
that Sin very should he forever prohibited
man all the territory belonging to 111(1
United Stairs. Li 1780, I lie'tion roma
, ress of die Gilded States passed a law re.
affirming this ordinance and re-entitling
the prohibition of Slavery whieli it con
tained In 1820. the slaveholt!ing miter
est secured the admission of 31iSe He'
tt Stati. into IfIP 1110011, by are Ilieg
to a similar prohibition of Saver• fro m
the Lonsi ilia territory king north of
36 deg. 31 min. In 1854, that pr ,tu to
11011 was repealed, and the people of the
Territory were left free to admit nt tx S•n.cry in their own discretion.—
' In 1856, the General Government pro
elamis ire determination to me all toe
power of ilie United States to &twee up
on the people ohedienee to laws imposed
upon them by tinned invaders, estalnisli
ing Slavery and visiting with terrible pen
alties their exercise of fretteom of *perch
and of the press upon that subjeei.—
While two thinly of the A wertran pem
phi live in Suites where Slinery is forbid
den by law, and while five sixths of the
enterprise and erniltietive Indus.
try el the country text upon Freed no
their basis, limvery thus eiettrels all de
partments of their inmnium government,
and wields their powers on iw own be
l' $123.973 o n
338,545 00
$545,248 80
$20,51)1 151
AFFRAY la ~ W AsIIINOTiSN. rheti n dies'
parlor of the Nations! Hotel, tisuaily the
resort of peaceable gentlemen end beauti
ful women, was the scene in an affray be
wee!' Mr. Stuart, of L.... Ky., and
Mr :Mahon, a resident of Washington.—
Soule difficulty had previously existed he
tweet' them ; Stuart fancied that Mahon
tretved lion disrespectfully, and, approach
ing Itim While sitting, tin. a sofa. with a
mutal lady friend, he remarked : "Yota
are an Insolent puppy I" at the same
toile presenting his card. which '3laltots
threw in Stuart's face. Stuart
eiely struck hitn a blow, and the parties
clinched and fought a few seconds, when•
Governor Beeler•interfere6. and Lomat
lea them. Immediately efterwardi the
scuffle was renewed, whet; Mahon drew a
smau pocket pistol, placed it against Stu.-
' art's side, and fired. Stuart pushed Ma
i)nnhon's hand aside just in time to save him
self, the, ball passing aerate his abdo
men. close enough in burn and tear hie
pantaloons, but inflicting no other injury.
Stuart, who is a very tall and powerful
man, received no blows from Mahon.
whom he 'held with one hand while he
beat him sevetely with the other list cut
iitig and bruising him seriously. The
parties were finally eeparated by Gov..
Reeder, 1-lori:2' Jacob Broom, end' others.
When the affray'. commenced, -,several
ladies were present who fled' the roam, :
flie r
,prmiriet'ere fare deeply: inertidild
theOcourrence, and ; have .requsied Stuart
to leave the, house,. and forbid Mahon,
from •Visiiintk the ladies' parlor.:
11rA5,248 80
How THEY Loan Hut I--When ,Gen..
Scott was nominate,tl in 185 Jor the Pres-.
‘whaLoceana'of air; the Locp:P t o-,
co leader, alit* over Mr. fillmore I ,
language was strong 'enough to souvpy. ;
adEquate idea cif the-admiration_ iihd love ,
which , they. epterntioed for, biro (•:.He•.
was a pure and,incorruptibln patriot : aod,
worthy of the eonfideuce qf,all He was,
indeed.aa model -Presidant k " whose Ad,
ministration hail Imen"aa ilonwervative
Waaltington's 17,Yet - the . very, Wien,
whoAliirs extolled Vr, F,illmore, will now,
for partizan , ' 'phrimseir,"iwallow
own wrirdi;'beliiftheir i givOndoraements,, ,
and traduce it hn iit!'artlently
Union slates that within a (ew days Isml f ,
irarrants have advanced four to Ave canal
o t i r Oare. It:, quotes 00's and 140'9,1,4
$llOlllll i,oo's and 120!i . a; Olobto4l
and 40's at 8110a1.17.
TtoiC ifitis ; lithiatikt , lturope. ' ' , : • TiliOliflr'OF 'DISEASE,' -'' 1 THE WOSIDEIi GiF TITE ACE.-Dr. To. . P ÜBLIC:SeiILE. , :':'• -.
Asa) Ira-SIMPLE. MXTBOD or CUB.E. atAft's„Venititaii Llnitrunit le warrented , to cure, ~ • :,. -,' . ' .---.. ~ , :-..i, .. -
.. ,
''Nsr.w:l Wilt; Miich 8.; 5 P.- &Po— rhe Cholera, Colic, Sea. Sickness, Chronic Rhea- ; rrIRE • underitignod, -.Administrator of .ther
' hismot our object, at this time, to go into
I. ..i ropOwnyis -roa!ism,. yereiting, flat Buena ~ Old .Sores, 1. Estate of•VALENTINE , WERNER - de-
steamship Africa has arrived, bringing a detailed
explanation of Pre:Testae'
e, . , et. 0, an ants o ceas ed, Jate to ye mg, Adamsmounty, Pa.,
I Swelilnloefitach '-getul it aP ' t 'Mew b •
dates from LiverpUttl 46 Saturday, Feb .
2 r 3t E : . , -.', -•
GREAT CLIA.P.; OF,. RITgIIMATIBM.- : of March inst..; rai 12 o'clock, M., on the iirens-:
ehi,..l l eace Conference, it is supposed, merieon people thatone ( galena's& remarkable
C il itp . t. Compteck, of the steamer Baltic 00l- 'i ises, the following Real Estate, via x••,•• •
woad meet on the. 23d: nit. 'Great airs.: men of thismr any former age is amens them,
li e line) was cured of n severe attuckmf Chro- ,
1: '
iety was felt a. to we result, but it was and that his medicines 'have a celebrity un- ( nil Rheumatism in a few. days by Di. TObias's .T66'llfaMion PrOpert),:. ~ '
`generally - supposed a, peace would bacon- pr e e e deetedi n the annals of the world. There) celebrdted Venitien Liniment. '' • lyingon the Chamberiba • ty;road, a short die-,'
clutled, as France, is very anxious for it. is no charlatanry in his pretensions. Unless CASE OF OHOLEII A.—Mr; John Wright, taxies' from the tOwn, L adjoining , lands-of
There•is 'nothing more In regard to the all the civilized world be deceived, the Rollo.
t Of th Cu.,'
No. Gnu of J. Wright & C0.,0..151, Char- logical Seminary, F. E. Vendersloot, and nth. ' -
i tiros street,,,,New . Orleans,. was immediately t ers,- consisting of about pi /ta more of leas:
direultiersT bilween
~ E ngland and- the way's Pill and Ointritentwill drive disease from
- 0 --, llB 'B -- 11 * The irnprovemeitts itonsist t e
ars, -'•
U raid' Sta'as, except - dial ' that the Lon- • i r ed of So [Wu , * of Chelera by Tbi Li
the human system, under the most unfavorable ',meld.
. TWO-Erroily ' , '..
11 4pAtill i firtil l errP r .9 1. . m . ises ' 0 know that Mr. circumstances , ' and in all climes. Other men
! VOMITING AND • COLlC.'— Jiro. Joseph
Dgllis bring.; very stringent instructions.
Nichol!, NO. 16, Essex street, New York, was I '„. AEI
. .
into an ephemeral b
have sprang . notoriety y i
al W.E L L I INI . G,'
• Russia. .it is said, consents to the di e . cured °fan attack of Colic and Venriting bpi - u-nliLl
. _
advertising 'their remedies. Like butterflies of; D r
~ Tobias 's Venetian Liniment.
-.,. ',
inantltirg ~ of Necolalef, but the report is
from Carpenter Shop, frame wcather.boarded
• • the day they have buzzed for a while and then i Depot, No. 60, Cortlnudt street, New York.
regarded, as, doubtful.
and other oat buildings. Thera is a
expired ; both their names and their medicines i Sold by all the Druggists. Price 25 and 50Barn , , .
Count Orloff' arrived at Paris , on Tues.
! well of excellent water near thireloor, dud a!
• - •iliv. ' • have sunk into an obscurity from which they ..
For sal e variety of choice fruit trees eu the premises,'
6iir le by S. H. BITIILEI2 and s. S. . . . ,
; 'T'lle Conferences opened on the 25th. !lever emerged. Others have toot with a limit- 1
, Fouscy, Gettysburg, and Storekeepers getter- i everything being in lastrate order. 4ilso,
.Loth to rosin ,
Letters from St. Petersburg and War- 1 ed success, Whop.) as much as they deserved. ' ally in this ccianty: ' 1 ' o , ro' I I
-saw, in the German pap e rs, give de-1 No math-though he may have the wealth of! Oct. 5 . 1855.—in J situated in Camber/and township, Adams corm.
- 1
Tails of the , preparetions in progress for t Creases, can long. debeive an intelligent people ; } ty, Pa.,, adjoining lots • • of Jacob --Herbst and.
In.-Franklin's name hits been mmortaliz- . ot i ler , , imi4•lirm alloy, pod known en
,the plan of
• the coelinuarice of the war, and state that! with a worthless remedy for disease. Ilherdtlfi
, ed in various tears, and . it is connected with
c !nein lots laid out by Thaddeus Stevens, Esq.
.on no point has the former energy 01 . rho .
thed ' ' t t' ofremedyfor ' di
'follows s • a nnms ra .un a t is- : numerous Popular Institutions. Among the 11S lots No 5 and 6 containin , 9 ACRES d
• military•department been abated.
exception, thoughi it is ' mom popular places with which it is associated , 1 • ' . more , S, Tote .4 an
, ease, almost widiait an
I a Perches, or less. These will he
In Constantinople there was great •
• al l is Frank/hi Mem., Philadelphia, on the cor- ) •
Ni,. r
.. . sold separately or toge ther, to suit purchasers.
~,o lnitiei .aia l ermine-mu and mater i al de. i prescribed in a million of instances, and in ,
our of
1 t Chesnut in the'
1 forme of disease, ell the thwart( 011 the globe' " real 1 J., '.. '.. Street, 1 set... Attendance will he given and the terms
.cline• in prices.
~ pope art:lathing Establislunent of Rock- made known ou the day of sale by
Some Turkish fair Isdies left one of the i could Oa make the people believe that it was Ilia. & Wit.soN, the lar;, , est, cheapest, best' "
harems beetiuse the wires ran over the not a good remelly, or that the inventor was ' and most fashionable In Rio country.
March 14,1856.—td
• •
--- ... . _ .
roof. They said it would betray smite ; not a public benefactor, and no empiric or i -
of their secret thoughts to straugers. 1 charlatan. Professor Holloway's remedies oe- I MARRIED. i HE DO AR TIMES.
There is nothing of interest from cupy this position before the citizens of the' -
France or the other parts of Europe. I
!world. The, inventor is It man of enlarged FOR PIE/ill/ENT,
Fort Si. Nicholas has been blown up powers of mind, who has seen disease in all MILLAR FILLNORE.
by the French. It mounted 130 guns.--1 its forms, and in all the climates of the mold. You vie PRESIDENT,
Fort Alexander is to be blew!' lip nex I. I . .
, , His medical office in London was daily throng-
The &mks of Sevastopol are 1111 W a heap!
i ed with patienbt to such an extent that a pc
of ruins,
lice three was necessary to he stationed at his
The taliiora of the newspapers in Psris
door. lint an alive practice affordisi ton nar•
ore ordered to write lie more resoectitig
war or peace, tvitsle ,be Coulerenee sits, row a field for the exercise of his expansive
- -- --- - - - - intellect, and he determined to be the world's
Arrival of the Steamer A robtla. physician. All countries have had their cola
ONE WEEK I,A TER. brined physieitins ; England has had nn Aber-1
* H
ALI F AX, March 12.—The Cunard lathy. Varna a Magmatic, and America mm
siteutoct Anthill arrived Tare lain night at a Rush
.; butt these men's ambition only extended , I
late hour, Wllll Liverpool date a to Satur- 'to a practice confined to a narrow circle of
day, the let inst., being one week later• 1
that) prevatie advices,
friends and admirers, or the supe rintendency
of a medical hospital. Professor Holloway
The Paris Peace Conference had held
ling chosen the globe as a theatre for his praa ;
t h ree meetings, but nothing definite in re
gent to the proceedings had been surfer- i tie", and ' 1 " 1 " 0 "mw a resident of Republica°
ell to tratisnire. I America, he is prescribing (billy for hundreds
, II itioure (aver:dile and otherwise as time of thou lands on the four quarters of the gl O l,l
tiltimeto Issue of the Conference were in ; His medicines are expressly designed to act I
circulation. The general impression,: on the organs whose functions are so essential '
however, is that matters have thus far • et, health. Timer operate onthe stomach, liver,
1, 1 ot•ei-de if livorattly.
kidneys, lungs, and el, in, restore their deran-
It aa As reported, but perhaps is doubt
' gad functions or uses, and thuspurl y I ant i I
fill, that !Das is concedes to the required '
cleanse t heblood the very fountains of life.-1
/imitations, hot will itot Maeda' the pro•
iceman' over the Greek Christians.
lile • .Arete York Sunday Thur.& .
',pinta, increases that immediately after! BAD PROSPECTRI9OE P — EScuEs —.....Ac.1
a European prate is »ivied. a general cording to the Chicago Tribune nearly all I
Cimgre , s will meet ready to adjust the l
the peach and other tender trees that were
ildlailre of p,,tver, planted last year in the Northern part of
All kfoluoite io the cud of March. but 'lllinois are frozen to death, particularly
;not Apoilig the existing ohm- k ade, has Haan that stand in under drained ground.
beets annouored. 1 in Ohio, alert, it is gen/3E6111P conceded ,
The i xentilient respecting the A meri- ! that the hods of peaches, cherries, spri.
can (I Iliettlty sr an, to he inlally extinct. 1 cots, some early pears, Hod some of the
Tio Al ,iyor of London gave a banquet moat tender apples, are killed or badly
to 11r. Ilectrinsii, hut he was summoned i injured upon all clay hinds.
at, dine with the Queen, so he could not'
attend. i A Judge in Baton Rogue, La.. having
forgotten the clay fixed by law for ten)
arm k tie^ had been announced to
t,omits ni the Crimea.. of Court to begin, fined himself 825 for
Omer Paella had reigned, and the t he oversig ht .
.ty,ignitlloo teas :avowed. In the College of Nri w Jersey !Nearer)
'hereto and the allies, as also &soden, Hall) at Princeton/there are 337 stu,
continue to make active warlike prepara-Idents. /
i Last week 51 Slaves were sold at Char-
All alarming router
.tvas circulated just I°llesvine ' Va " at an avera g e of ""
lii lore the mithite of the steam, r that ItUt• each.
had ,-ta
pi' barted objections which would I
Holloirsay's Pills have again triumphed over
other Medichie.—lnteresting Case !I—
ca tc.s the peace conlerence to break up.—leverY
Walton, aged 17, of Walnut Street,
l'ite maw, however, was regarded mere, Emily i ,
mod, j,.bioog
ruse. , C iteinnati, suffered much and often from sick
;headaches. tottering of the limbs; lumbness
oft he whole body, and other symptoms which
Evrattot es tor COLD—II historr is re. '
I very mach alarmed her fond parents the actuel
Jahn-, it would seem the Wald: Sea was; naae and nature. of the complaint ' uzzled t v
(vie muss s (11 Ice in th- year 401. In 462 cry one, it bore such a variety of na p ped!, an - ti .
the patella was frozen so that TuEsu- . consequently there were a variety of opinions
ISA RE marched on the ice to Swathe to a-1 on the subject. Three months ago, the moth
venge Ilia brother's death In 242 the or boldly went to work with Holloway's Pills,
which very , p rickly perfortned their part, for
Dardanelles and the Blitek Sea was en- .
melt, I rozen over. The stl.lW ill Sonteli; IT; m we o e su cs r t olr e nti . t o lle n s g ilt l l s i 'd - y rift w e a r B i t i O, ' •e p r ° v me d ssi i n"
pieces drilled to the depth 01. fifty meet, , and medicine had failed. They are iniftexveeT
-01,11 the ice was Ile11111:11 la Stich quantities' ieat medicine for young ladies entering into
in thin- city as to cause the walls in fall womanhood.
down. lit 800 the Adriatic was • entirely )
froze,' over. In 891 and 893 the vines
were killed by !'rust, and the cattle died BOmany March 13 1856
in their stalls. In 091 the winter listed Fr 0 • ' . ' .
J 1 , 11, AND MEAL—Sales of Howard
very long, and was extremely severe.— street on early 'change at,.s7 37, but after the
Everything was ftozen, and famine and arrival of the Arabia's news buyers were not
, pestilence closed the year. In 167 the!
cold was so intense that most of the tray• I disposed to offer that roneh. Rye Flour 4 87,
, ellers , in Germany Were frozen to death •WO 94. Corn Meal 3®s3 12. Buck Wheat
on 'tire roads. In 1133 it was excessive.'
i Meal 176(y52 per WO lbs.
' It, cull ; 11 Italy ; the Po Wen' (mien i GRAlN—Wheat: receipts light, and hold
' from Cremona to the sea : the . heaps of , era firm. Stiles of good to prime ,and choice
rnow rendered the road,. impassable.— i white at 1 56®$1 75,.ge0t Ito primered 1 . 60
•The wine casks
. burst, and. the trees split • 1381 65, Corn : sales of whit', ea
by the frost wi th an immense noise. In at 5 , 459 cents; • 11 ° kilen'su ' rein ' t'
o •
.ae ow, weight. 58(T59, and
.1210 the river l'o froze in the depth of • ' '
mixe(lss®s7. Oats: good to prime, 35®38,
sixteen ells, and wine Men burstthe 'masks. Rye: 90 cis. for Maryland, SI for Pennsylv'a.
,In 1234 a piue forest was killed by frost
in Ravenna. In 1236 the frost was SEEDS,--Cl"er'leed
8 62®$8 75' ; very
most intense in Seotland, and the Categst khoice $9. Tipotly 3 25g53 75. Flaxseed
was lrozeu between Norway end Jutland. 1 85 . 4441 90. '
:111,1282 the bowler in Austria were heti. PRO VISIONS.—SaIes mostly In small lots,
ed in the snow. In 1292 the Rhine was and prices unchanged. Reef—mess at $lB ;
frozen, and its Germany six hundred peas. No.l at $l6; Prime at $l3 50 ; Perk-,lness
ante wereernl
,loved to clear the Way for the .at $l6 50, prime at 14 per bl. Bacon—shoul-
Austrian army, le 1344 all the rivers in dens at 8} cents sides at 9! cents , and hams
...Italy were t'lrozen '
over,, In 1381 the • '
at llial2i cents Lard 10Iall cents. But.
winter' was sorevere That the Rhin e
d' ' .
ne on !ter in kegs, 15a17 cents, rolls 17622 cents,
:Scheldt were froe • en, rod even th e
• Glades 20n23 cents,' Goshen 25n27 cents:
Venice. In 'l4BB `the fainter war 50 s
ea l"'
, vere,in Flanders that,the w ino 'was' cut CATTLE,—From $3 60 to $ 6 60 on the'
•Witta kitchen, to be distributed to the sot. hoof equal to $74810 00 ect, and averaging
.ditiii. In .1070 the frost was very in:
75 - gross. This Cattle Sold at the outside
,reuse in England and • Denmark : both figure Were - of extra quality.
Little and Great Belt were Wren °Ver. HOGS.—Wohave - to - note this week a thith.•
In 1084 many Joret t rit trees, . anri even.,the er alight decline:in Hogs,' Sake . weim jaada
,•eakillit Eirglittd,wiere split by the, frog. :yesterday at _the !scales at $8 25@$8 50 VI
fin 48,82 the cold *as - . ea excessive, that iloollThr - ••ti '• ': --'•- • ' ' 1 ' •'' '• ' •
the:Bl4l , o *Ws e
ntered Vienna and. at- .;
, , •1 • `
brIEFIP.:-.4in'ei. - mir ' latit Sheep have de
, tacked' - bnili men and cattle,- ' •
. The 00K Mi net.'The qubtatidasyarkeMayare WO"
,of 17.4,9,,5va5; scareetrinferior te that of • t 0-
1692, and the &lifer Z • • - •
'' • , - , r ge3Walti-sotttretty lot.
, 50 0 100 lbs., the latter figuMbeing for prime'
frozirtfider.V ,lii • 77tV tituieft Adis Tent .: , , , ~,
and the Danube bore kit), five ,fept r thiok
! below ' !tir o , 'Tr; the ; above ' ' bray: % .
be , • - ' ,Ef - • -
' t 'ti hl2 •
added the extreme - cold ..eiperiencod' in . - '. l '°‘',E ll, l 4 a r C . ) 1856 -
. .. .. . FLOUR "t bbl:, froai wagons, $6 75
North' A memo es far, soutk as the 28th . - WHEAT, / l hutiltel; . . "... -.140 to 1150.!
:degree ofJalitude in, the find month of the RYE, - ..- . . • . • 85 I
year 1850 . ' ln New York the cold was CORN, - •J , r.
so exc.oolointiprotraoted that:frost:Tien- DAIS, • 301
trilled the earth to the depth et four feet BUCKWHEAT, per bushel. . • •SO
six itietbits.--ii 'Phenomenon rare in am •, , 1 1 11.410ES t peir Imshel.
~, ; ' 4 , - . 31S,
parallel south of 48 'degrees ',' ..:' '...."., ' CLOVEr E D"'
' - ` " ..'
' "o
-SEED, • , ~- : '7 60
' :FLAX-SEED,' • - ''• ~. ' -• ; '' i '',l 60
PLASTER OP PARIS,' ' ' '-' '• : .' • 6 4' 5 .
POitiC4;ti 100 Ibis . 1, : : '''' ' ' ' ' ' ..'
' 'l i:i
• :, Jr:
~..,,! :i.t„ !:'
..! .'' 'H ~ I
~' • 1 1 XPfix, Trueiday,. lifargh 11 . ,.1.946,
r - LOUR A "bbI.; trent ivage'rii, . ' •,' KO.
WHEAT; Mich el ''' ': - •,1 50 to / 65.
Aim, ! •it - :-.,' • its :: •': •..-87,
CORN,- :: t• •. it • i,• ' 43
, .
.' • ' •;" 0
TI3fOTHY-SEED, "0 bushel, ~ 2 6 3 0
CLOVER-SEED, ,-.": ' • 7 78 , 4
FLAX SEED '-' .J l4 ' ' it' ' -'/ II: ,
PLASTER OP PARIS, V ton, '' .•' - 6 al
• t .
`.'he ..11essvolond Lodger pays: "Accord
tng to,tMLbentinformation which we have
beitt able to obtain, more thew two hund
ldred and fifty slaves escaped from Virßio.:
is snit Kentu cky during the month of Feb.:
froaTioi Ap 'OLAV6IIII.-. man
Pan l l 2 4 aligner has been fined $lOOO, and
forfeited 'ix slaves at •New Orleans, for
calling•them in'eueb a manner as to sep
arate mother 'and 41111 d,
.contrary to the
la we of Lonsiana.
On Tuesday morning InNt i by Rev. R. Hill,
Dr. E. G. FAHNESTOCK. and Mies LOU
ISA, daughter of Mr. John L. Tate—all of
this place.
On Thuridav morning last, by the Rev. It.
Miss HANNAH . M. SNYDER—aII of Gettys
burg. •
(in the 2lnt tilt., by the Rev. L. Gerhart, Mr.
JOHN IMHOFF of La neitste'r county, and
Miss SUSAN - M ORRIS, of Adams county.
flu the 25th ult., in Oxford township, Mrs.
MAID; Alt ET ADA MS. widow of Richard
Adams, deceased, aged 79 years, 1 month and
29 days.
On - the 2G ult., in Littlestown, JACOB, Ron
of Mr. Liam! Stoneseifer. aged 7 months and
20 daps.
On the 3d ult., in Cass county, Indiana, Mr.
' BENJAMIN LONG WELL, formerly of. this
county, in the d ith year of his ace.
On the 28tIt' ult., Mrs. ELIZABETH
LER, widow of Joseph Miller, deceased, of
Mountjm• towehip, aged about 76 years.
On the let inst., Mrs. NANCY SHEELY,
w.biow of Adam Sheehy, deceased, of Minintjoy
township, aged about - 67 years.
pnrsornme of a call, issued by the anti•
National Administration members of our
Legislture, all opposed to the corrupt policy
which has characterized the present Admin
istration and are desirous of effectually check
ing the progress of a party whose policy is in
imical to the best interests of the country. are
invited to assemble at the Court home, in the
borough of Gettysburg, on Wednesday the 19th
qJ Mitre/, nil o'clock, P. U. , to select Rep
resentative anti:Senatorial Delegates to a Con-
Tention to be hebi at Aarriaburg on the 26th
of the saute month, for the purpose of nomina•
Ling candidates for Canal Commissioner, Au
ditor General and Surveyor General, tobe sup
ported at the ensuing fall election, and to take
such other political action as may be neces
rrHE Americans of the Borough of Get
.l'tysburg, and all others opposed to the
policy of the National Administration, are in•
vited to meet at SIIIVFLY'S Hotel, on Prumlay
erening next, at 7 o'clock, to nominate a Ticket
to be supported at the Election on Friday
March 14, 185 G.
fOirlhe members of the A
merican party, and all others opposed to the
present National Administration, are request
ed to meet at the School House, in Middle
town, on Saturday (to•morrow) the 15th
at 2 o'clock, P. M.. for the purpose of nomina
ting. persons to fill the township offices for the
ensuing year. By order of the
March 14.
The Americans of Stra
banqvreet , at the House of JACOB L.
GRASS, in Hunterstown, oe Saturday as
1511 i instant, for the purpose of nominating
candidates to be supported at the ensuing elec
ti on. MANY.
American Citizens, Rally
*ill hen meeting of the voters of
Cumberland Township, who are opposed
to the present National Administration; at the
Public House of 13. C'IIICIVEI4 . on Saturday the
Irdli (If Miirrh init.., at 2 o'clock, P. M., for
the purpose of settling a ticket to be support
ed at the Spring eloetton. All
persons oppos
ed to the presentcorrupt Administration are
invited to attend without respect to former
party ties.
THERE will bo a meetin of the BEN
can Party, in tb cir Hull, on &thirday 'Truing
the 15M. •at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of
nominating a ticket to bo supported on Friday
the Isl of,lfurch, for township officers.
t All who ma v agree with the sentiments of
the American ''arty, who believe that Ameri. '
cans should rule America, Land that , MIL
SON DON FILSON, should be the,President
and Vide E'resident of the United States;
;and, are opposed. to Jesuitical principles,
and 'foreign misrule. are invited to attend
said. useating•and participate in itatioloetion-a
good,apd true men. as its ,standard bearers.
So eome'alcumr, boys, and take .a glimpse , at
"Scar," ati - ik is reported that he will bo
in Beo
deraville about that time.
(I.OBEA N & PAXTON have opcd neon on•
usually large assortment of
11 1 '1111 Paper, •
of every style and variety, from 121 to 40 cents
, a piece. 'l3imsekeepers and Paper Bangers
are invited, to call and examine the stock,
which is superior to anything heretofore offer ,
ed in this market. 0n1y.124 oaring a pieceror
11 cents' verily for Wall Paper •
Gettysburg, - Feb: 15,.185t1:` ' '
pai at& i) E ;CLOTHING-4Cloth-cett-•
hig„.C.assirnerr,s, Casahiettai Vesting; ho,
laujestvarinty on hand 4nd constantly snaking
zip--thelheat bargains to*,n, at the Cloth: '
,jug ginpivita, at the
Arad Moat Frpnt •
lband uni
Nov. 2, 18.
GOODS, Both as Velvets, Silks;
Ribbons, Flowers, &0., w 1 . 1.1 1 )e
4trallelei variety at
5. smack's:
IpliE proprietors Of the Philadelphia Daily
1 Tittles, in answer to • numerous Inquiries
and applications, received from all parts of
the State and the Union,. announce that they
will commence, on Union,:
3,1850,- the
publication of a Weekly Paper, to bo culled
The Dollar Times will be a Campaign Paper,
and will contain everything of interest to the
community rtlative to the approaching Presi
dential Campaign, besides a large amount of
original editorial and miscellaneous matter, cor
respondence, etc., etc., carefully collated and
arranged, with express reference to making
it a popular and interesting - , -
I' .1.311 LY Ark11 7 .9P,1 PE R.
The price of the Dollar Times will be'placed
so low, as to put it' into the hands of every '
man and every family in the community.
Twenty copies for •$8 00 CHARLES ,- DICKENS' WORKS.
Thirty " " , 12 00 . . .. ,
Fitly . " " 2O 00.
Ttle, tiptsT pciPt.g.All. IN. TII2 WORT.P.
And a free copy. lo the getter up of the • ''
Club. All sent to oneutlress. :TEN DIFh'I?,RENT EDITIONS.
A single copy to one address, FIFTY CENTS , No. Library can be complete Without a set of
for six menthe; or,, One Duller per at.-
. •'. i •• ' . .
num. these Works: -
' Reprinted from the last [Amami editions, awl,
All letters should be addressed to
Wilted by
•• • ' ' •
• . ; R'\(,MORAN,, ._ i :. : published ',...• , .• . 1
• No: a 3, Sath Third streeit'Phila• T. B. P f ETERSON N 0,102. Chesnut street,
.:. . I
ENGINEERS, , : SURVEYORS; ....,' -,..._ Pit, f Ti v A T/ E 1..P111A1, • ' • •
••• •
SUPPLIED with Levellingl ia- . sON*.S is the only ,complete and
nstruments, ilf niforin editionofelia
rles Dickens' works
Transits, Compasses, Ruds, Chains, Tape") Millslierrin Aniciica',• they are front
Measures, Cases Of Mathematical Drawing In - ' l .o44,brigituil London edition, and"are
. pOw"tlie
struments, Ivory Scales, Protractors, Pural- , only edition published in thiti &niftily. ' No' li
la! Rules, Dividers, Drawing Pens, T Squares, . braryeitherpithlie or private, Min • be ;cow
.le. 3i.r. : plete without having iu it a complete set of
The quality of my Compasses will be guaran- !tide, the goreatestof all living authors.: Every
teed, also that of the Engineers' Instruments, , family should possess a set dram of, the ed.
to be equal to any sold in this city, nutlet lower : tions. The cheap edition is -complete in
prices. JAMES ,W. QUEEN, i Twelve I r oltuites„paper.cover ; either or 'all of
264 Chesnut Street, near - 10th PSILADELPIIIA. Iwhich can 'belied separately. Price Fifty
DM-Illustrated and priced Catalogues of In. • cents each' " . , .' •
strutnents forwarded by mail gratis. BLEAK' HOUSE, ' ' Priee 50 cid&
March 14, 18.56.:-3t ,' . ; • ' DA.IIDiCOPPERFIELD, • ' 50' tt -
' 7.- ofNICHOLAS NICKLEHIV, :. 611 0 1
Notice •r, 1 .i
to OnDscriDers Stock, PICK WICK PAPK II Si. •:. - .. -: 6 0 .""
- DURsuANT to a Resolution of the Board MARTIN CIII- I ZZLOVIT t , , , 6O , .
.1. of Managers, notice is hereby given to HARNABY, ItUDGE,
~ ' ...SO ~"
subscribers of Stock in . " Forergrreil Centotery . ," ' DI , D tURIOSITr SHOP; '.:" ' . 60 . ":,
that in every cane in which full ' , mea t shall I BKETOOES 13Y'"BOZ,'' '' ?''•6o . ."
not be made by the 3)th day or lil(srch, suit O LIVER'''TIVISTY *' ' ' ''. '•: 60/ "
will be brought for the amount unpaid, an d if ! CHRISTMAS' STORIES , AND PlC
not collectabk the stock subscription will be ITURES FROM ITALY. Contain.
absolutely forfeited. 1 in.. a Christustuienrol, The Chimes,
Notice is atvo given to thlse who havenlected' Cneket on time ne"rlllt .liattie Pf.i
Lots, that in all eases iii which their Deeds re. I Lif9; Hatinted Mau, The Ghost's
Main unlifted after the 30t/. day of Womb next, i ' Bal g i thit'ae.;
the Company will nolonger retain thalots for i • DICKENS' NEW STORIESI . • .Con•-•' _-
them to the exclusion °father applicants- mining The Seven Poor Travelers, , :'?
By order of the Board, Nine New Stories by the Christmas
.. , •
1). M'CtiNA.UGHY, Pres't. Fire,, Hard Timmt, 'Lizzie Leigh,. ~;..
IL J. STABLE, Sedy.,l l'he Miner's Daughters, ' fortune ,
I Wiltired, .I:e., 50 "
to Est 1 , Ifg.,.A complete net of the above will,he sold
,or sent to any one to any place, fits of
y MARY HULICK,..vddow of Peter !Wick, Atyr, for Five Dollars.' . . .
il late of Adam Co., deed, a private int'apt. - , ~ . -- .' • '
Armstrong Campbell's Company, in Col. Co.; COMPLETE LIBRARY EDITION.
bean's Ilegiment,inthewarof 1812 with Great ! In five Jorge octavo volumes, with a Portrait
Britain, and to whom a Bounty Land Warrant on Steel, of Charles Dickens, containing the
for 120 acres, No. 34,278, issued and was sent same reading minter astbe Illustrated Edith/4,,
to my Attorney, D. liVConatigliy,'who deliver- and comprising over four thotuiand Very large
ed it to me on the Ist of January, 1856, do double columned pages, "handsomely printed,'
hereby give public notice of the facts, that, on and bound in various styles. ' ' '•
the 12th day of January lest, (A. D. 18560 I voi.l contains PICK{ ic k p . iiin i rt.s -,. toLD ;
executed aud acknowledged before JtAin F.,
Felti, Esq.., lti
an assignment of the said warrant, , CURIOSITY SHOP.
. ' '
in blittik'and on theth of January last, do- I "• 2 do. OLIVER 4) WISTi SKETCH-
livered the said warrant to Simon 31elliorn, 1 ES BY , JIOZ,I and BARi.
NABY RUDGE. ~ - '.. •
k 3 do. NICHOL'4I433,IICKLEBY.Anii
Postmaster at HunterstoWn, in Adriniseounivi I • ' . ‘ - ••- .
Pa., enclosed in an envelope addressed to 15: J
" 6 do. BLEAK HOUSE and DICK
11 L D
M'Conatighv, Gettysburg, Pa., and the same)
' .
was mailed on the 26th of January last, in the
" 4 do. palm' COPPER P.
until to Gettysburg, Pa., balmsDo3lß EY AND S failed to reach emitisTmAs STORIES. and
the said D. M'Conituilly, at the said Gettys- • •
burg Post Office, and ►iasbeen lost, and that it,
is any intention to apply to. the Ceininiasiener I
of Pensions for a Duplicate of such warrant, Price of a complete set, bound in Oath,
issued to me as described.
. • . : ' NARY HULICK; . • " ,a ' Scarlet troth,. '-, 8.50
March 7', 1856.-6 t •' ' " • a Library Sheep, -9 00
" I turkey mor'eci, 11 00
" I calf antiqUe, 15 00
THE eleventh Bastion of this Institution
will commenm on Ifoittla, the sth day
May next. Parents and guardians are re
spectfully requested to inquire into the' merits'
of the Institution. The location' is retirad,l
pleasant and healthful, and the coarse of in.l
struction embracesthe 0 5dinar'Y and higher
branches of au Engliiit eduatiotg ingather
with the Latin, Greek,- French• and German
languages, and Vocal and. Instrumental Mu
TERMS,--Iloarding, Washing and Tnitioti
in the• English brunchet and VocalMasie, per
session, (21'tveeks) $6O 00. , ;
For ; Circulnia containing,p4rtictilara ,ad
D. D.'.•,1141.ANG.17.R.,
Ilarruburg ..Penna..
March 7 1856. .• , • '
1101ERSONS lining Hatt to sell•will do
AIL well by ealliog on the subscriber, in
(lettyaburg, who is desirous of purehising.
The highest Market pries will be - r Aid at
Il times. OZrAs . he. intends hivin g the
Hay, after, being packed. hauled 101[18,4
11 9 1 ortir , Ralttatore, the lireferetiCe 'to
haul will begiven to those fr om "tont he
may purchawt.• ' • • • •
.Dec. 24. 1852.—.tf ' '
O CHICK lacip hand a more 'complete as,
a7.•`..tiortinont ;of 'CLOTHS AND "CASSI-
IkISHES, %%STINGS, •&11; ;than •ever , —'-tind
oters inducentents to purchasers ELs cam
not but be advantageous to them. Gentlemen
will find his store well tupplied with 411 kinds
ofgoods uited to their wear.
dui and see FAHNESTOCKS' cheap
NET T S, 4tc., if you want bargains.
"..Li.STAP)II" , Ir" rt . M7 74 , ,:71t..2.'"17:
,qh , v; il t .iiii ;
i TO. ALli INTERESTED:" . , - ik . _.:-135‘ 1,...i-E :' _. o .
1 . 1
, a/ -• 4 a ~,,, 1, '. A r E PRIVATg 5e,..i...£4.
/ rett`A ii - abreighed• 'is . ' ceito Clime' upl • .'' - • -- .
A. all his unsettled' accounts, and reiptestailipiß, esdeesignea, l elli se ll at p r li r ate Sole
all persona indebted to hit* to 441 ail& 'make, ":11, that d es i rable ' property, in licShiiirrytt:•,
se went bofore.thejirsl day of APsii i4iwn, eoribwago township, Adams county,
!tut As a fornter.noticu wag disrega rded toi. 'p a lying on the 'public road running through
many,. and, as thundersigned• • srutliesaoroid s a ap asa ,.. I t o ,„„ ta i„,. •. . . ,
*thil; 'locality . of imposinf posta„ lic , hOpois that •,•,, , .... ~. . ~_ 0 _ . .. . ,
all indebted on account her ' six months " • is it's, eloct*. t i ,
.. , .
f(it tenger' will ' Call' on , "Or n 'hOfdto the above more or less; Of firia rite land, 'adjoining lands
date. - •,•:',. '. 1, ,, ' , . •, , , , - • •••.v. •
of H.R. laillyillimitel an d doit'ph'Sittum
r, , ifir•The.undentigned• returns his fhanki to baugh, and othenv anti to finely imprOyed.--••;
his friends for che•liberaltattrondge.heretoforb Thew: ill a - large : ,% .'; .'
''•'• • ' • '
extended, Ant !mites the attention ofho'rpub• • ' ' ••"T W 0-5 T 'OR 4.. p
Ile ' fo kis sir* id' 79r AND SRP4' .. fizoN ; -
B 11. , iC h. D lirE LLI N ei !I g
WARP continually' On hand and for Sudo. at
realotiablo pricee.' • ' -'''' ' '•'•-" ." " , ~ with a two-story brick back.building, fronting
•'"" '• • ' ' • GEORGE E. BUEHLER. ' ou the street, and nearly opposite the public
mar5h4,.1856,‘ . • ,•, •i • ~• -.... • • • !house of John Busby, ' Esq., a good log Barn;
orchard of ' • .. -
rrINE first and final account of the. Estate
add cfrecte'rif EPHRAIDf N:XIXENER
and wife, of Molintjor toirMiltip, under deed
or saginment to WrittstelktnasS, in tritst for
the benefit of creditors, has been filed• in the
Court of Common Pleas of Adams county,
and will be confirmed by the said Court on
the 210 (fry of April next., unless cause be
shown to the contrary.
Prothonotary'a Office, Gettyaburg,t
. March 7, 1856.---tt! 1
THE first and final account of LEWIS
NORi3ECK, Assignee of the estate and
'effects Qf JAeOR NORBECR 0114 :wife under a
rOluntary assignment, for the bene fit of Credi
tors, has been filed in the Court 'of 'Comnion
Pleas of Adanl county, and will be confirmed
by the said Court, on Me -214 day .qf April
unless cause be : shown to the con- j
• ' ' JOFIN' PICKING. Protle y . ,
Prothonntarv'ff offirt.,.(lettyablirg, t '
March 7, 1856.-40 j •
T .
undersigned, app pointed Anditor Ro
JL make distribution of the tuetetts remaining
din the bends of .Lii 4 onlift:na, Administrator
lof the estate-of George Weis, Jr.. Into Lat.
imore township, deceased ; settled by . cob A.
Myers, Executor of the said Jacob yers, de.
censol, to and among 'the parties entitled'
thereto—will attend at his office in Gettysburg, '
en Moulin/ the 24/h dgy inat.,,at 10
o'clock. A. M., to hettillie parties in interest,
and make distribution.
It A. BUEHLER, Auditoi.
March 7,1856.-3 t
This edition is printed. on very thick and
fine white paper and is profusely illuatrated,
with all the original illustrations by Cruik-1
shank, Alfred Cromiiiill,phiz, etc., from the
original London edition, on Copper, Steel and
}.Wood. Each' Volume contains' a' noVel coma
; plete, and rainy be had in complete seta; bow
; tifully bouud in cloth, for eighteen dollars .a
;met, or any volutiM will be 'Sold aeparatell as
Price of fall and complete set of the Il
lustrated Edition, , beund in Twelve
Volumes. in block cloth, gilt back, 18 08
"• • " Liihrary Sheep; • 24 00
" Half turkey morocco, 22' ee
" 'I Half calf antique". 35 00
okra milmegnout, weeks by diaries Dick
'ens will be issued in caiforal:strle with the
Copies of any one, or any let, of either edi
iion 4?fthe above,worits willbe sent to any'per
',en; W*o part of the:Halted Stater, free it/
portage, on %Kelt ieriiitliiiithe 'pike of - the 'e
dition they may with, to the publisher in lalast,,
tee ;utst-piiid. ' •
I ; Published and flit sale by
Ab 102, Manua street Phild.
vihot all ordure must be addiessed.
Booksellers,New Agents, and all oth•
ers,,will be implie at very low rates.
IN'Blanks of all kind* for
sale at ttlis office.
an orchard of chcrice . fruit, a good well of wa•
ter,and other improremnnts. • Pawns/lion gir;
-en on or before the ht day of April next, as'
may be desired. If not sold, the property will
Perilous wishing to view the premises will
call on John Busby, Esq. •• • •
23 1', 1 0P—.1T' ; •
SAXON,, dge. •
AAANU,EL 'AIEQLER hits iinst rem
' turned - freni,the city *itb:the fiirgesti
lot of GROCERIES`be.'has eifir hetore
opened, to .he lushest the attention I
of all; convineed that he, can O'er RARE I
BARGAINS. he hoe also a fine lot of
Hams,Sho'ulders' , Shad,
Mackerel and Herrings,
Oranges; Lemons, R.atsits, Figs, Date,,
Alinonds,'Ndts, Candies of, all kind,,
been°, &gull, Snell; Brooms, Brushes,
Blanking, :with. tr.. general assortment of
variety goods. Give us a call ifOotriertnt
to buy ;heap and good --next dig to the
"Bier' office, BaltbnoreStreel.
Gettysburg, idik I t, . iegts.—tf
orp - artieershilp.•
1111111 , 1 coPtirtnership existing'?between the
Subscribers hos ,been dissolved this day .
by mutual consent: •-
We are much obligell':to-.our friend - 4' end
the Public for the libernUsupport...exttided
to us.
P.rti Pliced in t4e, hands cWAlex.
andet; Liebitatf :for collect* , 'dud 'we =ear ,
neatly request dame - indebted to us to call
and make r imMedidut
sire, to , settle the busioess of the.•firm4ithoitt
• W. W. "A
Sept, 14, 1855.-Ltf ,
INFOR,SIS his fritindiainettniitittbtiblgenef,
1 ally, that ho will continue theliatottAthoe
Business, at his ohl Stamdi always on hand a large and splendid assortment
of BOOTS , suop;§,, HATS tlc. CAPS of
every variety of 'style and prices,'"*Lielt he is
determined to cell inw for , (415h.10;. 'Country
I'roditee. '
Sept. 21, 1814,.---tf
WORE'S of fiction are now , considered u
T part and parcel: of all intelligent hoke:
holds ; and scarcely a family will be without
our new 'novel fintided '"The b'irenura
most interesting work of&thin from thePresa
of 1850. The, read er ' s attention , is caught
with the (hit iiiiiiter; rind %Me. mitres him in
therm before the interest lessens. The book
is like ti Movinglianoramaefever varying, al
ways admired , succession "of trait% ehd pleasing
scenes And exciting incidents, each chapter he.
mg wore interesting: thaw its predecessor: A.
feature that adds to its. lasting merit, is the
fact of its high 'moral tone—not a Single senti
inept being ineulcated thatthe most
moralist could object to. ,': - • •
~ "The Fireman" will be a large 12 mo. vol
ume of, over 40(1.ages., berintifully.illustrated
—price sl—ma iled post free .on receipt of
price. Sold by all booksellers, and agents in
the; cars.
Editors giving this entire advertisement a
few iesertions, shall receive a copy free of
Postage,- •
JoiNtp,*: TOUSEY,
,103 Naisau St., N. Y, *ud N 0.25 Clark
St., Cliitlago, • .
March 7,1855., . • •
P.4.4C1 4:AIA:ttON:
President of the scvMal 'Courta of Coin.
mon Pleas, in the Counties composing the 19th
District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and
Terminer and General- Jail 'Delivery,- tbr the
trial- of all capital and . other offenders in the'
said district, and Ss auxt.g. 'Russebt, and Jona'
haqrs., Judgei ofthe Courts of Oyer
and Terminer. and General -Jail - Delivery, for
the trial of all capital and Other offenders hi thti
COuntyc of Adams—have issued their precept,'
bearingt, date tho 24th dap of Jan., in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
pfty-six, and to ine directed for holding a Cuurt
or Common Pleas, and General. Quarter ses. l
sinus of the Peace, and Otinerpf Jail Delivery,
and Court OFOyer and Toininer,at, tlettysburg,
on Monday the 21a1 of ; April ne4l—„,,
NOTICEIS:IIEREIIr OWEN t l :4gl i i tu f
Joitticel of the .1 3 eaiv;tl4' Cortiner 11.
bles within the said county or A dame, that they
be then and there in their proper pentonswith
their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions
tions, and other ,Itemembranceslta d 9 thoie
things which to theii official and in that behalf ,
appertain 'hi he done, and also, they whooiritr
.prosecute against the prisoners that or till
be in theJailor the said County OfAclfitua,-
to IN filen and the/134 Prebeelge agalaSt the i
as shall. be asst
Sheriff's Offiee, Cfietlysburg , ) -• • '• • '
afsiiet t I•,' 1866: tta
'•' • •
;rElßECidersiirtied:Will 'Sneed itretttitify
4 % to thei!ellectioirol chthits SODN;:
-TY LANDS under the !mkt 'set 'OP
greys: *Vheseiithci hare catesity
40 or 80 Aeresyeatv)no*WeEllriXth . e
ince,. by calling int the Pubseriber amt nista
hag the necessary 'sppiterrtliii: t' • '"
Afireit 0:1855.:—tr
Prici SA - - 50
1 60
/ 60
• , a 60
-d.. 50
1 00
•, .
.1. published overt Friday F.vening, tau BultV
more street,. is. the ibree stun- build- ,
jug, afew doors above Feiin
estocks Store, by
D. A. & C. H. BUEHLER.
If paid in advance or within the year $2 per
annum—if not paid witbin the year $2
No paper discontinued until all arrenrages are
,paid—expept at the option of the Editor. Si*
lila copies 6I oents. A failure to notify adizi
continhance willbe regarded u it'nee engage•
StdrertiaaiMviii not exceeding a square,iii
eertad three times, for sl----ever,y subsequent'
insertion 25 cents. Longer 'ones in the same
proportion. All advertisements not specially
ordered for a given time will be continued un•
til forbid. A liberal reduction triP be ,made
to those who advertise by the year.
Job Printing of all kinds ironed ncatip
mid promptly, and on reanonsblo terra
FANg'' , G ool i B o7 , 4l3llllll)4
( 4 12 yak Vi*MiP:Mteitad
I 'NO' sun Lit' rinflowiliicla
'MISS 11 cCLEL.LANciirvitet the titillation
-LTA. of Ladies and , thintlemen to her grape.
n •
or assortment of • • - ~ , % ' I
4 1 1 , 10'Sir lf %VOA )
saitable for Fall Mid Winter witsr,.whidi ' .
Went purchased very 1?w and will ba ; sold at
corresponding low prices: ,
~Thel towortnsant ,
includes ilia new and fashionable styles of
• Cashmeres, ' • '
bilks, Iht lan eik • - ••
Gingliams,Calicomr,Dtr .• .
.. Bage,
.Coburi , Cloths, Mal. '
lin, Lumen, Sae; Flannels, Bon.
nets and 8011 1 /010Crimmings, Satins,.
Ladies'•Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Attifi
cials, Black Veils, Blue •do.„ Glove,, Hosiery,
Handkerchiefs. ,French Worked Collars,
Ciunbric,lackonet and Swiss Ed_ ging ib
Inserting*, Muslim, Sleeves, Birb, •.•
• - hair. and Silk Mite,. Blaek
Luce and Embroider , -
. . •el Handkerchiefs,
, • .. . Braids, Fans ? •
Ste., do.,
• ligk„.Latlies and Gentleinen are requested
to call -nil examine our Good", which cannot
Int heat in the [min for • beauty and elms!).
_Gettysburg; Nov, 2 1855.
Rendep.inatte 'Clothing.
111AfiRoClim amottillrLlV
witlr'the largest and best isiorfrnant'of
Jith.'.4.6l':lllA DE CLOTHING, ever brought
to flattysburg,..padolupin magallicent styles,
tipproVed fashions., In regard to
SOttinkinp, they can't be
,excepud.- by 'say
ed4t ii;Tirg enlarged my place and steak, I arn
•! - 41(tertoily..finite t7lulbfn
ottVer,f( deseriptioni:eheaPer than of•
feival.'hefinvf rn thia - pr any other place thfi aide
of PM My stock eonsuOil in part of
P an t.6 3 , 4llLrAr i giNi
aktee,,pri*, colors and landpi weds PIP
ida.etlt ' '-' •
of the 14teet amlbilbst fiuddonable styles, and
every kind ofgoo&suitable for winterwear; also
BOOTS& •SHOES, and a large tisiortinent 0.-
.ofeentin's and Boo' lournishtng Gmls, ion.
sisting of extra qualitr linen bosom Shirts, 800.
ponders, Giovef, half . B.W3C, Collars, neck and
pocket .llandkerehiefs; tied au exthiondinary
assortment 01l [ Black 'Satin' and fancy Self id
histlng.STOCKS, and various Other fancy at
tlelew together with thribrellag, Trunks,. (lei
pet Biwa. Hata, Caps, Boots and Shoes.
aff-Goods , are selected and purchased un
derthe, most favorable eiriaimstunees. 'Quick
Saleicaml 'atnall . pratita is alivuys the motto, - 'I
am delermlned to carry out at the ',Money Hem.
isig , Gioltiing•Eniportum in . Yurk Stmet.
examination can alone satisfy
ottattaners of ''the compreheniiveness of ow
stock: Width 'I tan selling at katt 20 per cent.
lower than can be found l:it any of my comp&
11191-.1 am also prepared to sell wholesale to
country merehauts desiring tosell ag4P ? R e ady
31 , 44C1016iii til'Cviei:pia,HATEN THAN CAN DI
BoIT6HT tints byte: If you doubt it, 'call
and ecamine . for yourselyes.., ;
N. V.: All duds
.bought.of me will 4e. e;-'
011'anghd it liej 'do not prove sattisfietOry.
Gettysburg, Sept. 28, 1834..
*nernottl Mynortntent.
D.,..BUETILER, has added to his former
snick ofGoods an unusually large as,
ortment . of Classical, School and Misettly- „,
ikons -
'embracing all the text Books used in the Col
lege, Comnion Schools, and standard Classitf
l atuthors, with the recent popular publications,
ci r mstitutinga larger assortment than 'ever, 1;!.•
fore:Opened in Gettysburg. Also '
of all kinds; Cap, Letter and Note Paper, of
the best quality,: Envelopes, Gold Pens .and;
Pen-Knives, 4c., with a large assort
ment of
to which he invi4sattention, being prepared
to 80110$ Niebduilly low priies: •
Ve4.lfe ;ak false: hngiz , ly•chscreised
stock of—
. IDs•tegir . and:arediefiares;
wilYel"eitile relied 'gime a bee!.
' • itrArnibgernente hard' boori' effeCtegt by
which anynetiele' bilis line of bushings cite bi
promptly onlered from the.eity....
Qetty b'ug„Gov. 2 ,11155 „
T HE undersigned, having enteredinto
to gamy on the Foundry,bna
*mess under tha firm of. ,WARREN 41;
SONS, furrAy Make 'known to thiz
sent, of Adams anti adjoining cciunlies l
Maley*, are - prepared to make every thing
in :Mir line el business. We have soul,
sirmilY.on band,' the HAITIIAWAY and
th. - f p f irler aidien, and nine plate Slone:.
ofveriooS Styles, and, sizes ' Pots, Kettles
and Parts. and ",all other Iron Cooking. ,.
Washing Machines',
Ash-plateS, llooi.ieraneys, die. Castings •
fni Millss/id tiiher Maeltiner,v, PLOUG ,
CASTINGS of every, deseription',Aig`•••-•
We snake i6o Sey/or,:Blocher, and Met. ;
exit kinds' of Withrow Piougtis
have aisti got (lifferent patterns of
for Ceineteriei; Yet& and.porchee,
can't he beat for beauty or ehealineme. . .
111CrAll the above moiler will:bs sold '
< 11 "il for *Ai .;r COnittri:Priittkej
gr - F. BLACKSMITHING still eon.
times: ' "
BRASS CASTINGS and every thing.
;in our line made to order ' :
TH/46 4 3///NG AttlellllVßS
ed ai pliorteiit notice. Being Moulders
ourselves, we will do our work sisal.
Gettysburg,', May H, 1,84414-41,
• ' 4 : '
. ' ' ' Klit fillovet.
, .
. ,
j A DIES White, 111.7. ck and, cOorld xip
Li ot.orgs is 621 teate, worth 621:dew
tleticu'co do. at 76 cent*, worth 111 7. 21144 At: .' •
coired from New York Auction ', ' * '': '
FA II NESTOCK ANA ). 1111061."'''
0ct..13, 11366..• : ' • ..
VON, *a d ~,
WA IO- a. lop os;inietitc4 HMI
.A.r; cheap at 4,1
FANS ESTOCIC 111101110014.