• .. ." '; •' , i• ,T ftur•,:.4:11 1 .7::: ,, -. 0 -'! ~,:" :4s ~ott,. :IV: 1101*a.‘3 , . 2 ;, 1 ~.... .' ~ • .. 4. . •:..• ' ~ .. ~ ! • • ; : 2I . , ..• ... , ' :: , . ‘ .',. •t: . - , ~ ~ . it! 7 4:l' t.)/ ,; ...!.‘4';', . •i , ~ 1 : :. , , i . • MOM= VMS" . • - 1 r , • ~. . . . , ..„ •'_',. • ‘.., . ~.,. . ~ . . • , D ~ . . , . • . ... DI. . •, ... , e f , . 4 . ~. • i . , ? I. c • i ".- 1 • . . . • ' P "..': r.... .1 ..,.. 001"1•;L( • dm. r o.Noimmil . . • , . • , ...,, 1 .t„. , . . . _ . . . .. . . p • • . ••• , 11Y D. A. k C. H. I3UMILER VOLUME XXVI. I The Volcesat the Throne. DT T. WERTIfOOII A little child, A little meek-faced, quiet village child, tint singing, by bar cottage door at eve, A low, street Sabbath song. No human car Caught the faint molody—ti human eye Beheld the,upturned aspect, or the smile That wreathed her,inneeetit lips the while they breathed The oft•repented harden of the hymn, "Praret . Go , 1 I Praise ti )1 A seraph by the throne In the full glory stood, With eager hand, Ile smote the golden harp-strings, till a flood or harmony uu the celeitial air Welled forth, unceasing. Then with a great voice He sang the "Holy, Holy, evermore, Lord (Ind Almighty I" and the eternal courts Thrilled with the rapture, and the hierarchic., Angel, and rapt archaugel, throbbed and burn ed AVith vehement adoration ; Higher yet. Ruin the. itiajeAtie anthem, without patme, higher, with viii swind, To its stheigth ; and still the infinite Ilea hang with the "Ilolv. Hull' twtoonorn ! Till .rentl)littv from ext,s of tlwe and I.IVO, .1.;:td1 spirit sank induro. tin Throne, \\*kit a. mute h,thed,tjalt. Ilnl, e‘tot tin m, tin os•ontit• song ‘rti+ at it+ Stir in an alien tiro. ;11,1 11.Pat-114,at 4 i0v:11 , 1 Cron' ,onc• 0,r.Ll .k:t.. A tisiwk and but burr imrti it I 1:11,11 Montle,' with lily lilru 8 , a with (i, the ri•vi•rlii:iati: 1..,‘ Lit lip Ow 1,1.1111 t y iut 1.•111'11 of joy that Ai or• oifolot yet, tt , t ovor Ittiti nunn IV:i4 11,•ar.1 the simplo Lurdrn of I u ht too (io•I! Go.l !" Lit II 1 , 1 1,..t..11. 0 • • r , z•,I.It•TI ;yr , /11111:4 MlN!!fi h orli.w.; of hi< efilint t hi. Ow ,rtce. O w l soti .11,•1• l'amo 11 .itt•;.g frwir 5%.1 . 1 , 1 1,111i•Iii, it.r, .1, I 1.1111, PoPI 1..A1t . MUSE MENTS. V I'. k it rii. r !NA•111'.:. I:I:, 1.1 "1110 W:11 . 01 . 3 6.01 11%111 01 . 1”; 11 Ll' tlt.r 111,1'•••.111::II MO,/ t3/1111•,/ is %Nis, 'fit •r.. 1.. ai II I right iiiito it 1111111. Lit III! Vol ; /11.!: Or me th. oats of MIA 1 •nl , r ii.t• ht•Art.s -.,rruwfdl; :11,1 the end of that iirtll hp; lii Nv•ork the word of the !Ilk I I:',•igt ins from the rutin , of the destroyer. \I - nor...withal shalt n young tutu cleanse his was ! lit Int:lug heed ~tilcreto according to ilir word. itcjiiire7ll youMi.iiiiim in the 3 lath, heart chem. Limo in the 1113 youth, and waft in the 11 , t 3 a it 'oil,. heart, in the aiJit okthine lc thou that fir all lima lags (i, , d w ill liring thee into judgmout. Vornietiiion and I,,,eittiliaos, --let it lot 01,e, he lama :1- in mg nor fliolitli nor jestilol, tvliteli are not eau tioli-nt 11. proper 1. i.ut. au 1I:1 II ‘11,1•Itl . .10'1 eith .11$1 : irio-ausii the,. thin_ts emit-th the wnith 1)1' On of o:f:ell...di sown. lie rit not therefore parnthers with them. Hitt I. 111. 1 . 1411/Willlil with 1.110 unfruitful Aiihrlia of darloo , i, ha' rather reprove Forit is ii $113111. 1 to speak of filmy things that are dons of them in secret. O len il m t 3 , wall; vitamin -reedy, 1101 a.; Idols LIU/ It., rel./CUMIN! th. I lll,l` the tars are etil. "Wliosatn:er will collie after Ise, let him d,:- uc Itim.eli, rind talc u s , lik nr,,,,, arid 1.11" w ink.. l',Ar it hut -hull 11 pr , ,!it 11 1111111, if h, : .,:,iii .the ~ hale aklrl.l aiwl I. at' I/11 own sulll r—DA• 1 /1., .iOLUMON, PAUL, J cats. When abstractions are attacked or truths.presented in whieh tho puinie leek ghat it has no stake, whatever may bo the ability with which the onset is matte or the are unient urged, no interest is Aroused, no exettctneut hollows. But when momen tous questions are discussed-- when the unexpressed convictions which have been smouldering in many hearts, burst into flame tor the first time, or after a long in terval—the Itliiiblest ivatrnment nifty be used, by toil to excite deep attention.— Thisdarge assembly, which 'ass come to zether without reference to any of the precitilluir soidal or religious tilviSions, 4hoifirnis the feet already made manifest, by'ithe agitationgwhich followed the inci dental allusion to sown forms of popular amusouteut en last Sabbath, the fact of the existeueo of a deep feeling that dm char acter and interests of our community are iutiiziately connected with the decision of the questions that have been raised. We do not titand here to attack persons. As we have done before, BQ ' de . we ,again distieetly disavow any such intention.-- If ,individuals apply general truths to themselves, it is they, not we, who make them personal. If there be those who have cone here to listen to invective : they will be;disappointed. It is ; inconsistent, with the dignity of the truth, and - of the, pulpit, and with the mind of Christ, to handle oven ,wiekednews in its diva lapiiit. We, wish to . utterthe truth,. not only: in , , _wetter, but in measure. To his own 1 14asier, a 'filiila staptleth . er falleth. ' To the judgrueiii'' of ' the truth' , and 'of'lliOt '"We corn m it." hlnsj and, mindful that Wo. , toe are .subject to, the same judgment, 'iwe',. appear as,tpittisters of tho.living.,Qod,,aworn to , lc set forth Christ n morality and t o uphold it; $n matter ,"wit m ay be wounded or . Of; ' .feitiretf' .!' , ": 1 '' .' 1 ' 1 , 1, ,; .....; . ..- ' . 1.04 , 11 g miproaeho this lk9' We . should' nap-' proseit all Itiostionaf wbio b, boar"- upon out .ebarmlpi / before:G,94i IptiligiNbr,bui . ikl, body . , /snot asfbels, but at wise." If we ,think ONAirOelibk rtii liiiiibOi: as fialittOli.' ,will wo Ileat'on.the . •itteath orlinviif.*d ..are) . delding ourselves : and Jiyingpnly, for, Oe Tret,lnt,:' we , cannel be boundar to deny- ourselves an indalien9e, , aii th)l46,thiimy Itibii'.'whiah'‘ivtii' agains t` thelicittElf7.l3etlitierd . iii a'. Gtid" ibtive is vabose ./awila (Airithei ~ on our; hearts---W i.tiligine.4 Int,Am-98,t0 whiell,w9. are ewift, IY4Pa"PA'44IA9I. eternity NY ,l i i4ich :.itillkik. l bat a' proparatlou!—:ind wittin' these rail Ledfoci, 44 -irliolieidiY hit 41 but along dying;' trOdiniarabobnistablo'spirili; . ',%' .'; ;''' , . 4 , . "The emanation of eternal light, Ordained midst sinking worlds our dust to fire, And shine forever when the stars expire." Listen and deoido , thou as those who though transient are immortal, and pray with inc to God that I may speak as a dy ing man to dying men. and that this may be done aright, that I may speak also as a living man to living men near, Father, for thy Sou's sake. Amen. That we mainot weaken the moral im pression by dividing your minds among a variety of objects, we shall confine our selves to two topics, in forming a right opinion on which you obtain a touchstone to all the rest : L. The first favorite amusement incon sistent with popular morals to which we shall refer, is DANCING. When we say that it is prejudicial to morality, we are far from asserting that all who from want of caution or reflection have been entangled in this or other sinful amilsements are deliberate atia canietts enemies of public morals. But we do say they are culpable for not bovine informed themselves on the subject; and if thoy love the truth. thav will thank tho:oi who, having ponderel the 'natter under a sense of responsibility to I; of, desire to give Le t ree directi,n 10 the ppular mind I‘,'e will leave to tho,e who [eve ab-itraC li.opt, to di-euss what daneiog is anl d ues in itself. It is vuouAlt for out purpose to '%vhat it is, always Ita, been, always must be, in our• present social condi tion. I NVe prom - ewe droving, then, in the first tilaeo, to he ineon=istent with the in. telihrence And real r...lineitimit of modern soeiely. Its most ardent advocates will admit that. fur some exuse or other, it has ,cuLt wit:in:4. It prevails to a far less de gree than it °nee did. and is far noire dial eult to keep up. ()eau it was univ..!riil Now% though practierd by too ':arty, it is viiiiiined to eotuparative ly few; though in rot oft.m, it Iris neeome comporativolv rare. As 010 otenus 1 , 1 intelligetteit and a taste for readitto have berm , liffti=ed, it 11 is ha I M ei, it-invalid hasnow .s keeping itsground. retidingtind intel iumit, population never is n Platieing one. T., . high, st rutin, 'wait of ) couutrivs, bily of our own. i separating ell Ill.lfe more from It , jilt Tile truth i., that it is es , entiliny volg ir, havllt no 31111I:y v, hatever. with tho tine-t culler... So nitwit has this come to lie fc It, that not only ha= it been renounced by comistent Christians of every name, lint even worldly gentilits esnonies itsiainse with its former Ardor ; and Fash• ton herself appears to waver and to give but an equivocai support to her former fa vorite. A tle•peratv effort here and there ,emus to revive it for a se.ison or two, but its in ovenimits are thri=e of galvanie sp ism+, No t of natural life Il is au 0111 tra , r:tl.ll 1.1! 111 , 10. yd, thzt Main!) , serves t keep it alive in country town=. Among these there is always a dept treble subser viency to the large cities, which is, how• vier• not always enlightened as to the real inovements of those whom it tries to imi tate The aping is kept up even after it is superametted, mid the ohsegitiousuess is manifested though it has become ridieu dots to tlimm whom it is thought to flatter. re. tile as this reason is, when emnpare , l with others, it will be the strongest we eau urge, to those with whom the names of duty and of God have less weight than the approval of the fashionable world —those who are brave enough to risk the vengeance of hlim "who can destroy both -mul and body in hell," but too cowardly to endure the smile of the silly and the sneer of fools. 2. We assert, moreover, that dancing is in conflict with dm te whinge of the BI IILE: It is true that dancing with its present peculiarities was unknown in Bi ble times, nod therefore not an object of direct reprobation. The dancing there al luded to with approbation, had nothing in common with that to which we give the same moue, except that it was it measured bodily movement. It wren a solenta reli gious act.--a, part of worship, connected with the services of the sanctuary,. per formed with other devotional nets, by day, riot mostly by the young, never by the sexes together, and no wore :111 amuse invot than prayer itself. Thus Miriam and the women of Israel connected it with the solemn sougs of praise to God for the deliverance of Israel from the Egyptians. David danced bofore the Ark of Jehovah ; and in the time of the Saviour "all the El ders, the 'factotum', of the 'Sanhedrin); the rulers of the Synagogue, he doctors of the Schools. and other persons deemed wrier able for their age and piety, danced togeth er in the court of the temple, to the sol mon •pound, of : the temple music, ev ery evening during the feast of taber nacles." Solhmon‘ i inked says, "there iSra time to donee," hut not only is lie speaking of 'it different species ofdaneing from ours, but he is also mining torth, not ,what men onght . tp . do; but: he simple - idea' t;tt every thiugin life: is changing; that , ono 'thing has-onetime, and another has• - !ii . differena. otte-41mt,sorro w .and , joy alternate-ono occupation, and one class of events sue- . coeds suothor, so that all is tooling. .' "To everything.(good or, had) ..he snys there S a !mosey, and, a Owe ,to.,overy purpose, (gOOd or bad ) under heaven—"a time to be bornaild a tithe to dia . , - a time to kill' and S'tirue` to beal;'n tittle to Mourn and time to danoWitAinte.•taliwiemnd , a . time•lo hote,.a time of war and, AL Thu thbught witilteiloti'tlik, eye-is-not that , wo- are 'all owed . to' 'dation ; bat that , we live in a •Woriir. of ohanges6.4-a tiuth . ,. whiolohe lovers the , Open: have least - desire to the., Vo .41,4 804 i( /it:ea annialier a ili'speitsittiOn . so diffhirinr freta thatlit . ette,Aws, that ing•ii: Voligiotwrrite*.W . lnild , noty not - latify, be' irutpp.ropriate buiridiculoustr.hut:if any, FIFA Of ;IXtiolcioei T.94 1 1 1,1, 4k1it0 4.-044°409 gophblre upon the , dancing: mentioned •Wilultrit 'but tie' Shalinte; • G'ETTYSIJRG, PA., 11IDAY ,ty NING, MAR CH 7, 1836. If we turn to , the • spirit of the Bible, ,we shall not remain, long in doubt as to its decision on .this amusement. It tells us,to "redeem the time." What so utterly tends to waste tinie as the &hoe 1 It tills us ever to watch. Dancing is the recica• tiou only of those who cannot or -will tint. think. The Bible teaches us to love God with Our whole soul, mind and ,heart.— Nothing tends more effectually to drive. Him eompletely from the soul—to turn every thought away from Hint—to stir up in the heart aversion and tear towards Hint, than, dancing. The Bible tells us ui have the mind of Christ. ',I It creates a shudder like that 'of ,blas Dimly, to intimate that it was possible for (Tim to have 'sanc tioned by his example what 'we know as dancing. Would net the most ardent de votee of the dance consider it as utterly overthrowing any claims of Christ to be the Redeemer of the world, had it been on record that lie had personally partici pated in such a scene ? We aro told to be followers of the saints. Did they partake in or countenance amusements of this sort ? The. Bible teaches us to pray: "Lead us not into temptation." Who can lay his hand open his heart and deny that be tlirro•is himself into manifold temp tations by engaging iu the dance ? The Bible teaches purity. Tho donee can ho demonstrated to lead directly to every form of licentimsness. The Bible warns us against the world, and forbids us to be conformed to it The dance is the crea ture of the world and its fleshly lusts.— No regencratcd heart loves it. Nu sancti fied soul could find delight oven were it not clear that lied had not expressly or virtually forbiddeu it. There is not a chapter of the New Testameut, which, if caremily real and thoroughly felt in all its iteaveuly tendencies, will not eomplote ly destroy all appetite for the revels of the ball-ruom Even if we could allow that the r• teas any force in 'tie :ipologies offer ed for it, still the Bible would decade a gait's: it. We are to avoid the "very ap pearance of evil ;'' aud hero-is 60111111 1 11111 g which to ail Christians and reffeetiooiien is leaug,lit with peril. • The Bible teaClies us that where we are in doubt of the mor al pr Triet.y, of an act, God combonns us if we commit it. And what dancer is tree frent Wailit, at least of the propriety of c,u1;•;,:':. But even if he were perfeetly free from a;1 scruple, still the word. of God Muds hint fast—for it solemnly rom utants [inn to abstain from things ladder eat if .his example wounds and muds to 1. 1 c ,, tr".)' 16 6 brellier , All admit that danc ing is injurious to some. 11 you did not need to renounce it for yourself, you would still be called on to abandon it fur the weljnre of others. For the good .of the young, the excitable, the flu iialaneed, w h o m it may, even on yourowu admission, help onward to ruin, lied calls you to a• Landau it, were it certainly harmless to you. lie calls on you. too, to spare the hearts of Ills people whom it wounds so d ee ply. You cannot say that it is only the weak among them whom it offends ; but were it so you would not be field guilt less, "for whoever shall offeud one of these Wile cues that believe in me, it were bet ter tor him that a millstone were Banged about his neck and he were cast into the va"—"and if thy foot cause thee to offend, wit it off ; it is better "for thee to cuter into life halt, than having two feet to be cast itho hell, into the fire that shall-never be quenched, where their worm dieth not, and the tire is uot quchched." 3. It: this matter, as everywhere else, the wor d of Goa appears as the hest and safest guide to the welfare both of body and soul. Dancing is injurious to. both. It is the frequent cause of bodily disease. ft has been, indeed, advised as exercise: but all will admit that there are other modes calCulated to' promote this end, e qually with dancing, even under the most favoreble feria or circumstances in whioh it is possible to conceive of it. But in all its guilty connections and toudeucies, the physician who advises it to t4e young, steps froth his proper province as the heal er of men's bodies Co that of destreyer of their souls. It is, could it oven be shown to be good exercise, like that dangerous remedy. of ardent spirits, which never leiols a man as rapidly toward health as it does toward drunkenness. But dancing is not gond exercise. On the contrary. looking at its,geueral results oil health, it is the most iusidious destroyer which can ,be ,iit trodueed into a community. takes a plaee in the very van of that host Which' prepares the path of the "King of Terrors." Did the young know-the' perils to life which accompany their festivity, tho ring of the daucoes feet . upon the, floor would sound like the dist ant though quick bt . mi of that . Pallidliorse b which death's" tearitil form • of shadows • is borne theoug4 , the world, . Danciog a,boneficial exoreis4„.Pe 'tot physicians tell us that moroinfis the best time foe 'exercise, ' cud daylight alintiSt es !outlet to it. . . ~ . • "Thin breath' of night's destractive td.theAtue: Of over . ): flower that , . . Night, natural or .artificial is j ossouttpl to dancin. , It. turns day into , night, and night into day. Midnight is its titioit 4 tite,l It' tolls during darkhess and sleopt light.. It, inverts, to • order •of. , Nature's, Prod, and sepals to .have pugnatteo to all llis light. ,Nnt only ,can it tiot endure I.liit light of Ibislmof'tnes's, but it cannot bearihe fos„bler light - of flail •which, liko the, wont ' ego ofJEitor#l.t. in in ilia' beaviini, would look uprinliiltool rh provingly: :Doiftit , lovo the darkness ra.- ' ther ,thap; ttie.,light „Lineation its, deodettre, Quit t . • Foreroise, wo are told bY,e•gt . ga rdians of heath', regiditr. This ,`inieinrs' nt intervaleiaild is determined by no.fixeit principle. - Exercise should be cond acted in the open ..Dataimittg, binds ..to dense crowds,. in 'leapt si room% ,bresthiqa tho ftir- Min:6lmin). lungs, sap i d in h aling the vapor of glaring of bitidies pantiniitift twitting 'RIM' effotti. •I•i• • gT,EIARLF,SS AND* FREE" 'Exercise shonld:bet iriodit'ate. Dancing .is almostinvariably carried: to the greatest extremes. , The,lady ~wltp.: p uld not walk a few squares to iclietle tip ,r watch by the dying, `or whd ts — tito indolent to !take the daily-ctereisejslMiteeds; will tin ' dor the excitement of doming, pass through a fatigue which, the moss powerful coma- ; i lotion could not with itSfety undergo.— ' , 'The swollfo eyes:mid:pile face—the cora- ' plete prostration, 'Mead 'and - bodily,! ; whieh lolly these scentiti;••show how per nicious they are to health. The fashion able woman- grows prematurelrold. Tbo haggard face. and- sunken eye—the stoop ing gait. rho woarbfasa andsatiety, reveal. ing themselves in oyery _feature and every' motion, and which all Ale resources of art can hide but for a prove .how dangerous it is to,trample,on.the laws, which God has writtetil., on par physical constitution, and warn is that our bodies well as our spiritit,are;Obe presented as as a living sacrifice to Could I summon berm* you the shadowy hosts of those who have laid down their !lives, and theirsotals with them, at the shrine of this dangeroutk amuse mont—as ; they glide by, their war and Sad counte minces, and thronging,nittubera, would ap pal your very souls. Hew many cor.atitu ! lions have been taxed *Ail worn-out no tors lost the power , of, *meting, and the victim sunk into khc, giei,v,e.. How many, unconscious iiffaient thstinso of the heart, have nursed it in the ballroom, or in the violence of the dance 'lntieburst the last tide barrier of life. aceltidiel in a moment. Alt, how many have,fenitil the dread rcali ties of consumption, the'bectic cheek and hollow cough, follow thlt,expreture of the ball-room—haytt passed 'from the high and heartless mirth of ulghtgef dissipation. to the, wasting away ip 601 m, bushed room —the cold exhausting iivertts—the strug gles ever wilder againvver approaching suffocation—and the lut tremendous cow vu Is ion. which left dea41! , ,, , in quiet posses sion of that form whose /panty had charm ed and whose grace hadrattraeted so many. Often has the yeune, girl, just fired front the restraints of 0 - MI(DM - edam' "f witlt her inexperiencadAteart running over with dreams of the plepures ghe has not tring - uo artuittitig, or unwilling to bear--ofteu has she;;eithattited the vital ' energy of years in tlPi ~ittittise of a single winter; and the flosf i era and birds of spring tirothed fragra* and snug upon her Warty grave.' roy Often the will an ea g er ' heart in ibu forki:7o? attended her marrilv, 'Las laid the, dation of disease, whiehere 141415n - 1 - smm. intltowittriatimir she had &vice!! so 104;10 . g:10 upon that pile face, whose beaiit'y hail 'withered I most as quickly as the bridal flowers on . I her brow. O ye forms from the Land of Spirits what will yo say to those who are now as young. as gay and thoughtless as ye once were, who are waisting the precious mom ents of that time that fixes eternity, wast• ing it in the saw career which brought you to a premature wave ? Hark !do you not hear a sorrowful moaning, which comes hack—a voice from the Minh— whi,M says: 'Gun is a plot Judge. If ye would" not reach that dark loud to which we have descended Po untimely, tread not the path of sinful aMusement which conducted us 4. Ilui the practice of dancing further more injures the soul as wail as the body. It fosters a love of unhenlthy stimula tion. It imparts to the soul n craving for sensual enjoymmts. it the dancer turns to reading to fill up hoard of tedium, it is to tho o species most unwholesome spees nf ature--that in' which the scenes rind char. /Inters be loves are reproduced in the most fascinating form.' Followed as dan cing is by eariurand liatietv,• it tempts'to • indulgence' in the intoxicating clip—a tempts :ion which it has already offered in the sttle-roont during the course of the evening of festivity. Every thing is forgotten in' preparing' for it and pursuing it. It tends to absorb the whole soul. To the trilling its nuion4..nre''resistless.• ,It draws off the tribal front healthfulloterest in the:prop. er duties antl•eareri 'even' ofthis life, and' hardens 'the heart agaitioC:truth and the Spirit 'of 'GOD: ' The wile deserts 'her home, the mother leatreri even' the - pining and weeping babet:' for the Intlbrobm, and ,sometimes hears, of its death,:amidst the scene of gaiety,. Intoxicated by. w ittms 'Mg it, a sensusl King promised ton heart less Woman whatever Met inight ask, anil she, taught by the Wicked' mother' from whom she had learned to,dance,:esked for the head of the faithful servant of GOD.— ' I"She that liveth hi pleasure is dead while she liveth.". She extinguislies'the- holi :est• light 'of woman's linemn,ilioreif The epirt:of self.saerafice and .tonderhess, end acquires!. the ; hitre'selltsliness of fashiona ble dissipation: t . 44 131ehdinr cruelty 'kith 'art— . Romans grace, withimt the heitrt, Hateful:makes thelairest.l . • • . We charge it with esercisin4; intinfluorice hostilnin virtue, whetheryon mite the word its , widesVor moat limited sense: In those :comities where there is tnost daneinii, there is least virtue. In. those parts o(Oach toney try where there is most. dancing: there is least. virtue ;and 80 eibeely Aloes-fhb !hie of vice folkiw that:of - the !donee: i that in thosaverr hie/fries, ainong , t those 'classes tespeeially in our eities, Whereont we lied atost.of +savory other.vice, so ;4 0 , ) , we see most where 'Altera ii.mest 'dancing; there is ;least virtue.' In'tour , : citiesothe , danceis the known , companion of worst ferms of vice—the 'prelude, preparation and tittehdantbf.thevilest or g;es of the dregs'of 004/it:wet - part ol• the ' populition: , ` When' the'. - otEier searches for.the , dens'A of infarnyi berm( rornmiitr_ thieves, housebreakeri, piekpakets, , prosiituissitaildt - niu'rdereis, O tte is guided to them by thti'leoptids';'of theitlance. What ilteralAtnearobtii twain Me Clasi.anati 4eNulnisaatent - can . - 'imner fonthisit r,14 , • 1,- All the tendencies of /lancing ate at vi:at' directly, or indirectly with the dutios'and happiness of dOntertio life ; and such la the character of some of its most !fashionable forrhsi — lhat the snowy whitenes'a vto • man's character cannot pass through' them without losing it's lustre( oven where it does not, as it too frequently does, receive a positive stain. As a social amusement,' the old Pagan word rejekod it. Those who prittimedit as a profession were ranked among famous; and their oectipatioitwat tegaeded m a voluntary degradation. In the more polluted times of Paganism, it wait, united with those licentiOM'rites paid to their gods, Of which no pure lip' dares tb speak. Among the Romans it was 'considered in the higest degree dierepu ; tsble. We have On oration of Otnettd, in which he defends MORENA, AIN Consul elect, whom OAT° endeavored to eject from his office partly on the ground that he had been guilty of of indulging in this effeminatvonusement: Let nif hear Crams repelling' the chary "CAro," Itesays, "calls :Hun:est/La dancer. If this reproach be true, it is 'a weighty eccusation ; if Nee, it ie an outrageous eel ninny. 'Wherefore. Okro, as your author; ity carries so much influence with it, you ought never to snatch a charge from the mouths of the rabble, or the slanderous language of buffoons; nor ought you rash• ly to call the Consul of the Roman people n dancer ; but to cm:shier how many other viee, a titan must needs be guilty of before 'that of dancing can be truly objected' to him : for no one ever dunces, even in sot Rude or in a private vireting of 11.61115. who is not either drunk in mod. .D•tn- Mug is always the last net of riotous ban quets, gay places, and profuse pleasures." Such is the language whielt shows the ad vantage possessed by a Heathen, exercis ing his reason, over a Christian, who is de basing his to the office of apologist for his passions. On the demoralizing, tendeuey of dan cing, we might cite the Ilaalo3 of selisilale anti great men of every Ala he of opinion enm her points. Tim members of the Ito. ' wish dherch will not be aedn sk) I of ton groat a severity in regard to amusements ; yet hear what V IVES, one of the greatest writers of that. Church, says "In the cities of Christendom we. have doneing schools -permitted, though they powerfully', permit's impurity : u thin.. w hi c h L o s ' Heathen thew-elves would "by no means suffer." Ills most stiiking language, in Nelda he details and demonstrates its wi; dere not tome. Hear the language of BAYGE; the • most"' :illustrious of skeptics, whom charge WWI tne seg.o.ss vospostifoii eeSS of prudery. flu says : 4 "fhe Re formed Chareites, which firhol dancing,.i cannot be sufficiently praised for it. 'The'; manner of it eimasioned a thonsand dism• dors, tool in the very room wherein the ball MIS held, it made impressions dangernes to virtue. The proverb etincerning eon-, vents, 'As dangerous as the return from in it might have produced unother, 'As dangerous as the return from a hall."' If such is the sentiment of those a'hose views are 'mo likely to be loose, you wail not be surprised to hear that the pure Churches ofancient and modern times have condemned the practice. I. might eit4f at great length from the writings of fathers and refertnera, and of Men Most eminent in every branch of the Christian uoinmun iotl. :1 could present the ordinances' and cannons of Councils and Synods. • There has bent no point of poeml murals on 'whitih good men in every age and country have been more united. 'They have all' explicitly denounced it as unfavorable do , that command of GOD, whose violation I goes more directly than any other iu,te the very heart of social life. We charge, then, upon dancing. that it presouts temptations of the strongest kind, at the period of life when the passions are not only ready, but eager to yaeld—svhou den judgmeat is ituniature, and • the experi .ence of danger not such onto excite a resis aanco of evil - . ' Wince WO remember its or b . J iglu null uses, the forms into which It eii?,- 1 flimsily runs, the places and scenes in which it delights and flourishes most, when we think of the insufficient dress sell. .drapery which accompany it, tvliosii limed- I risk the old poet described when' he spoke , of "woven air"—when he • marked the 1 qui c k pulse. and sparkling eye -when we i recall the, she fact that those who loge it I have ventured to Introduce into any coin- munity, even a single degree alnive savage's 3U oh an indecency, as waltzing—when we array before us facts.ovorwhelming which may not hero be spoyon—we must he, sk. 'Med that there is iti denying, in the ori• ly lona in which' its adv f ncates think it worth whilo , to contend for itc' a radical iiii purity. •It is one °Cam last remnants Of the .tild barbarism. by, witiett ,d apse vad wen :wish to keep woman as near as possible to .her former state Of dcgrailation—to arrest the progress, ,she is SW rapidly: making - iu all enlightened countries to tho true sphere of her heart and 'mind—to sink the hi f t!rtau and the woutatil, an to cultivaiii, the n iiiiii .sual. We prociai ,' and defy contrit'die eil ion from any ou yilto will make himfielf. .fainiliar,with all the facts, that dancing in AD old ,runuiug sore of animalism nut, healet' it'', ou the lindAcf sociefy.;.. The sliiiiy triiii of the destroyer too often fol. I lows it -to leave us in'sdoubt of their con• neotion. • . Lot . tho totally which woe Id 1 guard its purity ; ,and. its peace, forbid the I entrance of that whielt i liati, proved the dead, liest fee to both. i .„.-.. • • But. there . ure,th,rile who, th oughith,cy do POt oPP,r°v° l 4.o4 ° '!O in ill ai1:i1 4, f1M 46 . , f haVe an idea that it, Ilia be, surrounded 1. • " foinaids 'is W Oft — • wit. such se , o ard its per ils:—therthink at least that children—May het.anght to dance, under; am. impresiion (hOVi Prodo oo tl-ii. is .hard t'(,): 1 0/) . that ; there w iiklie ! soup great, gain i in ttitur i yarriagc and "manners` , Moil; supiniiiithis 4 Wire'So2 - ' II it 4; ht. di' the tremendous risks we hive pointed , out y; eau you maintaintitemispaq 0 fjO tir-,, eh iI - aren, to Say 'iottiiiii,of your tioit 2 ropegti whbni mild. pirChave-ptid io -Mich - and .;..... ' ... , 1 1...;.-;.i.: cause an muchtl .' MO o be devoted toac. Intercoursewith polishedrblt e lan'lMM ' ./1 quirifig`o certain accomplishment,. youtell .:ty. ' :It is refinement of feeling that 'PM puff daughters that you highlSl disapprove ducesigenuine refinement 'of manner. - Itn 1 of its exercise where those who love it most 'depends not upon the turn of the foot"; its are to he found ? (.. lon tell , them that you seat asl the heart, hs r e velation is th e m aim have dona all tltis, to feist.et che,ir taste ; for •of nnpretending kindnesso..the act of glottis a grati fi cation and fit them toiindulge init. deep courtesy. It ii to thirproduetion of Which, riiverthel6s; in the very: ferns lii retineine ntlike this, the 'whit:Won of our'' which they will 'he Most tentited to engage ,eltildren is rightly directed. AI woman' in it, is stolangerouetlitir it mnitillia shoo'. knew in what • her true- dignity and . iii-` tied by them. , , With:all ybur.thiutioni; the I ding power over man consisted, 'hears:Mid' first ball which occurs , will find theteeag,er treat as ' , an insult, and •as 'a dangerrtuir tong. , to gu'and you reatlftd'field:' You have gestiim. the statement that it is essential trt ; tiod your own ',hands. ' i They goi.an'd run , her to learn to , dance. Pt Is itinot on' insult,' the risk ;you ,dreaded. of being drawn - Auto ~ a 1 ter all that Christianity,`and modern rut. the whirlpool pf dissipation. -.lVe,..tnight• giye, , tura 'whieh'lta sprung front it, hive done many proofs of this. lye' Itinny orte ici:for, her; is it not an insult to tell her that which the yeing Pcir'elimil of afandly Were she needs; for her perfect developtnent. kr taught to demi° ' with theseiMit restrioj . aceomplishtnent . ..which fault flourishes tious. , Their characters/and ail .the info- 1 / where+ *omen is most degratled--41tieh." oleos under which they were formed, Lade ". ' every , woman.possesses among the outtalitt ' it as inter:battle as qinici well he,imagtged. tribes ' of Africa, where almost ill points . that they W'ould be drawn in. Yet they, of affinity With. humanity. except human,' were perfectly nbaerbed 'end 'ttnelientedrL.-! vices, are lost, and which fete. women Ott- . 'rho Very first ball which was•given 'after.: etithr in thW•most. cultivated and Christian ward they attended, though it. wain strict 'parts 'of' the brightest land under'heitien't ' et ipulution. up first tit at . they,were neper LO 'lt. is; 'datieli:ollB , to ' makb i 'suggestioti' go to a ball, and to such an 'extent were which. keeps :out of view vomited reit they carried by'the faseinations'ef daueing, irtightll-dangereue:to absorb in cattily ;Hid" that, though reared`rel igieuely, they mine'; folly those pianters;• . tvliese , right direr:tine"' appointments for their favorite tnousettient .1 ikittilispoiMiblelo to the well-being °riot?' flu the Sabbath of the Loan: •;; ~. •I( • I riety.-' 'ill , is that nartiret.gnick'ttr What 14' 1 When _ea: children, are, ta,light, oilier highest and best, ready to 'imbibe golid," braiethes, we elierge them to tit axe all the . ; and , pritMlif - by Ike 'delicate 'moral sensibil. proficiency they' can; and,la Wyail i ttifiniel-3 ty' to•iepet•imiturity and evil-;-.it is that' vea u§ much as passible. ortho kteivilo'deti soul an faithful 'to.the instincts "which God 1 they acquire But hero, whilst , you-are litis piaeetHillt to leaven the - world. that having instruction given, you tremblelest the .Alletript out the parr of .man' for six it sheet(' lead to lIM very reMkitSWhiCh .: l thousand years, to degrade it, has not saes are almost inerliable. You know hew ; reetled 7r it, is that heart.., whoa°. soft.ljght f nitwit more swiftly and certaitify'Oxantold'; f i r stl)entneti nn.tie front a mother's brow,., acts than precept. especially when:the;pre-0 entl - "Nvit'teli fallewe man' dn:digit every (mitt is flatly contradicted. by the extollple.! forth Of Wo..fattlifullY watching hitrfertim` Yet ,you fire the train, . :and expect. to be; thritiigh the• Ithrrors that.spend end. close' quick enough to arrest it before ,it, predu-:; 4 life of 4 1 1;ime-,.—that heart whiCh hissing , . ties the ef pi moon. • once loved never ceases to love, • whichi: Let ine test slingte eousistency of your wheit,life is ebbing, tells'bi its,sed. quick condurt hy • a le queatiOn. IFitv b" , itting beneath the hen ,pdlqwed atmve,, would. you look•upint..it at that hour. whenik,for the laet.struggle, that its ; , ion. hi . the j lutetium t of the ik thitigs of earth and / toightiet2.'in•llP Bll ) --11 Klliev, ( l.the!,/ltve menul IS eleart,at—sasta the h e a ler sine . women her - true power—it is, these to ' ilium of the lien.i are strongest and 'Moat which education is to be directed. , ,'lie ; ; purified ? .1.1,y0u were dying, - wield Yin, , day,aneetpase„ away,, pi now passing, a- ' ..a you turned. to the partner of your life ) way, vy hen,leinale eductOon ilt,tt ayaleina l .„ ~to give rho last ,tlirecii. , " About, rearing : I 1 4; 0 +4l l lil •nP u li., ,% F.Pß l ' ai l i • au Pgri fi t cil kl'l' ,7 our child, ~w mild you 'Charge het ; that i tiselctsepditilv:•. lo pcoportion se.., mar ! , your child he taii4lit, to dance 1 %Valhi , rect,.,tll tys, oil:11qt; poiui obtain currency., Hot even 'itqueatitin Jihad:it '4dein to Ith I Will ,it, ,seern „More. monstrees tn. , assert., ; mockery at that hour I.; Wit you Mli 0114 that such a being riticals to •60,sorrointil 4 d worn (lying, and, those„lueguishing ,eyerif With fictitioes / weeps, Whose acqu seethed to your stric:ten linart„,to,bere.,l snip `;use willlperil all the qualities w h proving every otnission of our Inc , would I 0 tioll6' tifild;'in'tilevate'and' be thilfrie d you count it then among. Ilinto::tia 'ic,ol of nine-4flbilortiti ,,, to , thklt , the tintslieir hilit Pul•cungill.her 1 9,( 1 4. 10 : 0 -. — or . if yotrjted / pieture n front the, handlottOod, and, giving.: %caitiff. not this Iltent;fors" -nu oyb). it 01 1,:' altovixt_l.y.tywri: 4 t*ruti. leo 46... 1 .1),Q.inkriiitv 1.;E: pied, tell you bw o thonglitless ;m ,wick- blitt.s.tted the restlessness td heels, ift . l,, ,edit is for ;;o frail a TereattiVeiie mail' hi' huh to rcomplete it. , , , • waste those inionetits'W II tell belutty haver ' , i'l'aidtl 'refined geld, to paint the lil y, I recall ? . ~,, • . •.a. -, r, :, .: ;, °throw Lt perfume oh the violet, -, • Ho W. death and the tip otte r barman ixe„ :To add another, hue unto the, rainbow, • ,• you may judge when yotiromeetber 241,1 14i,:!kl,teruiil aittl i ,r,id . i:49,4 exe i rs,l" .. , t o , minibus which filled your heart when ' 'll I you read that ' nnerative ' Which ' %yeti 'S; ' , / I Sears, " f i lt i h '; ; ,= lper i n i . :; " . - I widely circulated; witches es Of a young 1i re hi.de44,44,4,,,,4 1 , 3 ,;,`, th e j,j,.,l 4 '' o h' s ll,i i i i , \ I,,dy who , went ill. the pride of •beauty,:tu, 1 '..k.4 each Meriting tairtk'e freahfiCrre:ra,. ll-7 : the ball room, her heart throbbing, with A • We lime \inked !beg for the Tark's blithe seiig; ' ' . conseitiosiless of loveliness and power.— . A,u 4 . 11,0 leni th eiling l evening heats.' ' In the mitht 1)t the '{ way throng she Wail 'Atihretul emote has feitton the earth,'' , ' struck with death while 'she 'weir untying ' Tit AwitrY ilan'd'on beehltreatn; ' tile • 1- , 1 the aky opens its•languis, 2 ' ''''' ill the mazes id !he, deuce.. When•-lier e'" u n in' waaoy inc, the ,A. A i ml , sands but a snikly gleam; : • :: . -.,,_ , ~„ i ~ ;mother sow that hor eltild ii t e trusty breeze 1 . 1100,11 S 1111011 g. the treat, 10 awful incongruity of the scenc,,,eittnsil to And ; th e rattlmg hail and.ram , . I ci - i' • I press snore upon her heart truth deal's it .Conie streepitti.i past, with an angty,b'eat, I lelr. She bogged, swiftly though' liftf Was : Atid drialtbs • igatifti , ll4iirindeir' parie ' i '''' ''' ehhing, that her daughter 'might he remoV. Anil, never a do wet.. in thas.fdfirtoyhotir,l- I * , •., wi,trout the room, -Oh, for hut's sake," DarettoraiseuP ite,tirtY tlettd - r', , ';, •'' I she. cried, •tif itiv daughter moat .lie, let it For /11 th e goit' l ''9 l !'4? lien On' tuO'Sortimeex r wot'he'here. Any place but here r Anil ,' 0 e . wi !! l 4 B ,' . ~. •'., , , , • . r ise te titt , snoW lay dead, , I„ , ' ,` , 1 / a ' , , r 1 stioulti we, iviso 'know snit n'lsestrWe Mii the--shmild we ever place oars ebbs ; in I Y i t : r f e t h t l i n 't:,r il l i i itr i t :F2tl l " 4 / ' .h f i l li 'erg, , help ta place others, lit venues. which • w i . r t il ~ f w h , e -w ir w o ° l - , ,i ~. 0 , 'me Is oleo ong art e•WOM W arks song,' would invest death with • horrors greater ~ And. tho thruslfattthe eveninghburci I. • • , Mao its own i Let us not hl lotpul toirr- ,!Tis 'a. beitiitious'lthing - when the' litid fret'' mg and living whore we Woule fear to ' - h un t s , • ~.., „ , i „ . i i., ) die.' ' • ' " And child-like theloeng lent stands, .• f But these impalpable graces ; nedmyste. And,catchea thedropsef the ,trentlo shower. , , rious benefits w t o are supposed IR be ~,,i n it B Sitilill.A l o YFI,YPti hink , i. / .O ' imparted by the Pleiteing' master, are the " 11 0 1 t 1 . 14- tena ( nii,q , a4 '9=ela`At Aetna wihrts ' ass , 1 sheerest dellisions. If tliey exist at all. : lit its chariot oaken, :••,'-' ' 14-: , :: :-. •: f : ; 1 they are' gelidly tin w ortr't hit , SoMitiott of a A n d. o hl mother eirth,at thenetvBprinitibirth i .fi rational Ivied. NV by thould atidati , inour A r k s y s ,h er iii robes o r 0 w ,„...„ • ii 'a liffavl expense in securing for: histlaugh, When 'thulinboiluct stream, pelf In afiream,, ter what he aeknowledges,w,ould tod . nokif- Mail:ours o il to i 4 !iii,k4owniloinef I ' I • ..1 'inn' to hie wife? "%Vily,T'Slitiulii . we think 'And te. ll - 4 The tall * , lat tt`t, ri'eward4. speeds, ,' it . esiklll,le , ror her to have . 16 - rideddip Hifi- '' rijt:64,P,r:/;tlTsPringllo muq., l , .,, in ent w fife)! wilhonlY•tend to increase her P h ; '....71',1" 1 .,.'' m r,!,n, ( , ) Snug -1 95'11":Ln14,, attraetiveness . with . the,, most: trillingl of. 11 ' " 1- "'"g7 .. •. ~ , li e Who float§ 'Uwe fairiqueen,” ' ... , Mankind, with a o '4l. • • wiiii ~ w!'"!°. And toucheth.thwland'with;oratkie lank.' •' l 'would feast desire tlmt daug flier to con- Till all bemiteous thiugs am seen: ''. -' i . 1 .. template a union lor 'I de ?' •NU ' nom id I long to ibe out at , the early datvri; ; '• 1 " ',, •••• sense, who ;valued diiinestio-hePniness, ' When the• eastern light is now,•,,i'.' , :. • ~ :1' would wed) to marry a' women•ilevoied .tri ??,letigthe talons hera,front. the scented theane e , .1 dancing. Bu w t hee.we late,: taught, our , And the shadows ofalker dert,l„., , ~ ~, ~,j, daughters /./. dance; ,„, have ,f,,,,e, muc h ob, I cannot tell how vii soal:du th 'ewall i ltativeril, converting thein into thoselntier- F ur i6ward,lutpPute4ll, . „. 1 , :) , F sinter ' 10- C e th a b ' ow'ie iii4' '" ." Mg things . of faslin Whi , eb . tie' 'oUraelves :, ):or wind, triyi Got , I,bleat 4 .1 .......,).„ despise.: ••• ' ; ' ! ' Wttit.an,ltuknowie source coulee iintiateless." ; One familiar specimen of the, sort,. of z -,. futufk .- ' f ; : ': , ', .. .1 c; .cV, .75.' 1 t . 1. ' • ) 1 1" a • refinemen: which , the,propeneity for don. . yrb ic e„ ./ railt rayboutg th roug h..., 1, „, ~,.,., mug imparts. is,the p,ettntattitrwith which ,A JOY. , an 4 n laver,and a atril9g.th-freart aIIo!e, ~,t those who hive it, utge it under ,circani- , A°d,.l;','e n i lit° be? 44 . 1 041ew1 ,, ~:-: ..oh, cern4then,,sprlog-,—,,10t we4arka.idakr ; i atances,' and in . coinphnieti,' imliieWitiAii the mere Inailitiattl' diva breeelvnl gised , Li trle p r ,w,e,.! 4 , 3 lPPq l!; 1 Vet ..,, ~,/,. • „ ~, • kld soar to the beerens bla feeling. ~They. .will . take. lativantage•of a ~, ' ji 4 00r-- It ilyi•UOBC . (0: reluctance ~on .. the part, el their entertainers to forbittany Ohm which their guests desitAt;_tii,„,e_ntrap' them hint:, a permisaion contrary to theirprinciples and , ' 'wounding their:Conseiturices.) They , : will ! havO their thutee„.gli his a source .of I 'P. in and grief l P? a nritY. PI thorn, . Kea ...,h [ eta, who hivri conic under an tiaildied tin ; eertitanding that teething shelf be done realetilated to coal prowl.. their . Chtistied eharacter.„ :or put them into KU equivocal! i attiti l tde.,,.towertl , awl k k ytore, the_ world.— , But, what respect for., t he consciences of . itlier4 t Caii We lou(t for lu those Who have no iegard'for their 'own l :-'-;tvliatal refine-1 twist froin;thme who imagine , themselves superiorstO others. : not , for, any quelity of Mioll,or, heart, bet because , they / curt, hea, per nittibl,Y"' to . .the sound of this violin I C'hiltilitiod . . hues its own' Invelinesi and , grairt i Which [One of the borro Wed itlekto of art•catilimproVe. ' If would hi:tenor to send the Alaneingmuster io.the it had, than the child to -thit•"master.—Thel rues / of ,You'i h and Of thituter life ere chili sited Sy Ill!it=!IMS „ ‘t kit i,f4;l ; --' 11' 4. ..” TWQ DOLLARS'PO' OttiOv iiiiiiiti7si';rii......:c:;C , t. , ; Like the flower, gaze up•to the sky. • . ~1; h • .t,txtelflAN .3iAYSEI4.-1 ,11 Our 'eetintry is :oietrndwith . fereigo pers' ovary city, comity or town,, very Itirsit i ipolority of beggars,a94,4hose iiuppoiteM'charity'are foreigners. .The ~; fbllottitiffeet's taken from ebb rgeorde of t s., Philadelphia show also that a very. kip majority of the criminal:4 . in „our totentey ' our foreigners. The total arrists. irk that city • iu 1855'w,ere 33,657, of, there wlmin, were • maricatis 10,470, 'Colored, 2,281, end, -foreigners 22,906 ! of these latter 19,900 wore ; frost Ireland. Do ; such fact" 000,1 t any comment to an Amerimen.citisete,er • , • TELE W ElEA'F.—The Ceotreeille 'OIL) Times is already complaining . of 'the spy pcanertcb of the wheat, *Weir hi* have been injured by the'ileeterWL,.ll4 , , 'previous to the firs, eotterofill { ,Omes•ii::" It soya: the forward s*beat de 1 yellow -its tweirt while til°,10111;410.1,441: pet** wale 6We Apex,, 1! , tt i I .‘,. 2p.. 2;4: . 2 .r :if •i—cs, ,,, ftyltplt 4.. clnlVilitt4#M*4 t• I t 4 - ;+:04 I• - ill: =ir I 4 4:1474 !,;(;! r, 1221101