Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, February 29, 1856, Image 1

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111151..1he following lines were, written by
Mrs.• Emily C. Judson, (Fanny Forrester) at
the sick bed of her husband. It giros a very
graphic reflection of eastern nights, awl is,
indeed, an exquisite production :
Bleep, love,. sleep I
The dusty day is done,
Lo I 'from afar the freshening breezes sweep,
Wide over grows of balm,
Down from the towering palm,
In at the open casement cooling run,
Aud round thy lowly bed,
The bed of pain,
Bathing ; thy patient head,
Like grateful showers of rain,
While the white curtains, waving to and fro,
Fan the sick air;
And pityingly the shadows come and go,
With ggntle human care,
Compassionate and dumb.
'The dusty day is done,•
The night begun ;
While prayerful watch I keep,
Sleep, love,sleep l
Is there no magic. in the touch
Ofiingers thou di st love so much ?
Fain would they scatter poppies o'er thee now,
(h.,. with a oft caress,
The tremulous lip its own nepenthe puss
Upon the weary lip and aching brow,
While prayerful watch I ke e p,
Sleep / lore, sleep
On the pagoda spire
The bolls are swinging.
Their little golden eirrlea in a Ritter
With tales the wooing winds have dared to
Till all are ginging
An if a (their
Oj galvti-riested hints in Heaven 'rem
And with u lulling sowed
The music fit Ats around,
And drop% like Inlet into the drowsy ear ;
Comtningling with the hum
Of the Sepoy's distant &nut
And lazy beetle ever droning near.
Siitinds these of deepest silence born,
Like nlghtleatle visible by morn;
Si) silent that I sometimes start
To, bear the throhhings or my heart,
And wateh, with ihiiering sense of pain,
ire nee the pale lies lift agaiu.
The lizarili with lus mouse-like eyes,
Peeps-from the mortise in surprise
each strange quiet after day's harsh din;
Then ventures boldly out,
nil looks about,
Anil with his bellow feet
Treads his small evening beat,
darting upon his prey,
In such a tricksy, winsome sort of way,
His dollen(*) marauding seems no sin.
And still thecturtailis swing,
But noislessiy;
q'lse bells n melnneholly murmur ring,
Ai tears were in the sky;
More heavily the shadows fall,
Like the block foldings of a pall,
Where juts the rough heron from the wall ;
The candles flare
CWith fresher goats of air;
The beetle's drone,
Tunis to is dirg-like, solitary moan ;
Night deepens tuid I sit in sleepless dark a
'Touirtilog Incident
Ati effecting occurrence took place sante
time ag4 in a seaboard town inEtigland.—
Six little children got into a boat on the
bacli, and a mischievous boy shoved it
olf., The boat drifted away to sea before
the aihildren were missed. Terrible was
the ,agony of the mothers when they
At!ew it. A number of men went off in
0 . 1 directions, every boat was on the look
,out until far iu the night. Daylight re
,turned, and ball there were no tidings
fccitit the helpless children ; the day wore
.snoy, and still nothing was heard (ruin
Ithent. The? *ere either lo.t in the wide
.neesii,orbersid in its unfathomableneptim
4 Plymouth fisherman, fishing early the
eientnoriiiiig. discovered sornethir.g float
ing in the distance: lie bore down to it,
and disenivered it to be a boat, and in the
)Zntiona As eWldren, all huddled to.e. ther
'Pip' U neat of birds, fast asleep--God bar
,iiig mereiltillY given them that blessed so
lar after ' a day of terror and despair.—
e I' oo 'l Ah'eti aboard: and. gladdened their
,drairing little hearts with the promise
i tai l ing theta home. Between three and
Are, s tri' the afternoon, the fisherman was
seen, in the Offing' the. boat astern. All
s, -,„ , ,
„cyns,xers turned towards him ; the heal
my , glase in the town was rubbed a
'gala and, again; and at last they could fair
,.!Ydrxe-thei it was the identical boat. The
IlltWi law through the town—the mothers
v p. Wiatill tti'the beach. for there were
Ay; f ildiedNiraiiiiied in the boat ; none to
,-I(ii nlottkerittiop. - Intense was the a-
IR:l4 , rre ..,, . +
Rut otsespense v anct all alike shared it
rib thi'plitenta: . ,i At last the boa; name
:ida * itisids woos round. ; , •they are all
• sgritritild Many afoul-heuted limn burst
', ntri l igariVii'Maisa sh ri eked with joy, and
i Fa
' ' .-- idellintiet (manic with their lump
,' 'lrlible foOpiorso: 11 was indeed a mom
.' Atiiiilklari' ends prayer, eloquent (or its
: : Vd li ,' N‘h irt ili ttlll ' ` lras his ' in ffera finite up :m ia ere A Y l,Pi hati ga.
t wit
4 ' 'ili‘e innocent children from. the
-„peribrillidlatitire of.thlreaa :during- sbo,
eitidtdr night:;" Film% of 'sh ov e c hild ren
ASiVoldfor five 'i of age, andthe sixth
ofrn a lati tiliniffittrs old. . • . .
h l 'Mlftkilem of the Detroit Advertiser in
ne 17 is . ' t h u s
" I t Ti* . m umble for • i!a otringth.
:AiaswkfP9j,ygiea Louisville
4* - wajm,Ogps very carierm seem,
eilfaillgryOua at madam,
Ahtso white fake irant a rpleudid teani
. . teh eadjaakassee befiire a dray sad
Mftertrith aced shirt os ap ba!tiad,
The Chrlstlt►n's Love
At a meeting of the Wesleyan Missiona
ry Strziety, the Rev. R. Young, of Truro,
mentioned a very remarkable fact that had
taken place at Cornwall :
Two men were working together in a
mine, and having prepared to blast the
rock, and laid the train, the latter became
by accident ignited. In a few moments a
tremendous explosion, they knew, was in
evitable, and the rock must be rent in a
thousand pieces. On perceiving their , dan
ger, they So' leaped into the backet, and
called to the man on the surface to draw
theca up. Ile endeavored to do so, but his
arm was found too feeble to raise the hack-
et while both the men were in it. What
was to be done? The burning fuse, which
could not be extinguished. was now within
a few feet of the powder ; n moment or
two, and the explosion must take place.—
At this awfu: crisis, one of the wen ad
dressing the other, said, "You shall live,
and I will die ; for you are an impenitent
sinner, au.l if you now die your soul will
be lost ; but if I die. I know by the grace
of the Lind Jeans Christ, I shall be taken'
to.liiinself." And so sayikg, withoat wai- '
ting for a reply, he leaped out of the bucket
and prayerfully waited the result. On the
other reaclong the surface, he beat over
the shaft to ascertain the fate of his coin
pillion. At that moment a ten ezplo- :
siou was heard ; a portion of the rock was
thrown up, and smote him ou the forehead;
leaving an indelliblc mark to rewind him
of his danger and deliverance. But the
man of God, when they value to search for
him, was found arched over by the frag
ments ofhrokeu rock-in the mire, unitijur- ,
ed. and rejoicing in the Lord. This mag
nanimous miner exhibited in his act au a
'tomtit of disinterested love and charity
which has seldotu been equalled and is ne- -
vet. found but tai connection with the love of
Christ. !lyre in none of that unholy da
ring of which we have instances among the
heroes of Greece and Rowe, who actuated
solely by a love of notoriety, inflicted upon
themselves tortures, and even death ; but
that pure - Christian charity, which at all
hazards, even at the sacrifice of life itself,
seeks to save the immortal soul of man.—
This is the kind of clarity we have this
day to elicit, to strenfthen, and to direct,
and without which it is impossible that the
objects of nwsiouary euterrrise can ever
be accomplished.
It ben Is a man Rich.
We are indebted to a friend in Wash
ington Oily (says the Knickerbocker Mag
aizided for the following very forcible illus
tration of "What constituter Riches ?"
The anecdote is entirely authentic.
"To be rich." laid Mr. Marcy, our wor
thy Secretary of Slate, "requires only a
satisfactory condition of the mind. One
man may be rich with a hundred dollars.
while another in the possession of millions,
way thick nimself poor ; and as the ne
cessities of life Are enjoyed by each, it is
evident the - man who is best satisfied with 1
his possessions is the richer."
To illustrate the idea, Mr. Marcy related
the following anecdote :
When 1 was Governor of the State of
New York. said he, I was called upon one
forcing at my office by a rough specimen
of a backwoodsman, who stalked in and
commenced couversrtion by inquiring "if
this was Mr. Marcy."
I replied that that was my name,
"Bill Marcy !" said he. I nodded as
'gibed to lire in Southport, didn't ye ?"
1 answered in the affirmative. and be
gan to feel a little curious to know who
wV visitor was, and what he was driving
"That's what I told 'em," cried the
back-woodsman, bringing bis hand down on
his thigh with tremendous force ; "I told
them you was the sumo old Bill Marcy
who used to live in Southport, but they
woulda't believe, and I promised the nest
time I came to Albany to come and see you
and find out for *mitt. Why, you don't
know me, don't you Bill ?"
I didn't exactly like to ignore his ac
quaintance altogether, but for the life of
toe I couldn't recollect ever having seen
him before, and so I replied he bad a fa
miliar countenance, but I was not able to
call him by name.
"My name is Jack Smith," answered
the backwoodsman; 6 , and we used to go to
school together thirty years ago, in the lit
tle red school house in old Southport.—
Well, times has changed since then, and
you have become a great man„and got rieh.
I suppose !"
I snook my head, and was going to oon
tradiut that oxpressiou, when he broke in :
"Oh !yes you are; t know you are rich !
no use denying it. You was Oetopiroller
for a long time ; and tho uext we Muni of
you you were Governor. You• must bare
a heap of money. and I am. glad of it. glad
to see you get along so Smart You was
always a smart lad at school, and I knew
you would come to something."
I thanked him for his good wishes and
opinion, but told Mm political life did not
pay so well as be imagined. "I suppose,"
said I, "fortune has smiled upon yon since'
you left South - port 1"
"Oh I yes," said he, "I hain't got noth
ing to complain of. I must say I've got
along cight ma'am Yon see shortly after
you left Southport, our whole family moved
up iota the woods,and.l reckon our family
cut 'doWa 'mere trees, and cleared more
land. than,any, other in the whole State."
"And you have made .a good thing of it
How much do you coo4ider yourself
worth r' asked, feeling a liftle outlaws to
knol. what he cronsi4red a fortune, as he
seemed so well satisfied*yrith his. • .
"Well," he repUted, 4.1 don't know ex.
actly how ' much I'm worth.; but I dunk
(ening' htening toimeelf up } if all my dente
were paid. I ifinuld be worth three hundred
dollars dean cash'!" And he was rich,
for he wee *defied.
A:harden oconiplainte, .whioh .tild
plithilig, ace ►lno bar gr Ina%
GETTYSBNRG, PA., FRIDAY iy4ING, IiERII64 - 1Y(29,. 1858.
Politeness la Men and Women.
A Cincinnati'editor says that men are
more polite than women, and proceeds to
. prove it in this wise :
o'Not long since we had occasion to
tide a short distance in one of our city
omnibuses which was nearly filled with
men. Soon it stopped, and a woman
opened the door; instantly there was
a move among the men : they crowd.
ed together and a seat was furnished the
I lady. After proceeding a square or two
further, another lady wished, to get in ;
as additional squeeze was made, and she
I was accommodated with a seat. A simi
lar application was again soon made, and
a gentleman instantly gave up his seat
and got on top. Another soon followed
and another gentleman did likewise.—
, Repeated instances like this occurred,
iand the gentlemen, by crowding together.
holding market baskets and children,
accommodated every lady applicant, till
we counted inside—men, women and
children—nearly twenty persons. Then
the number began to diminish ; men and
children got out, and the omnibus was de
' cently filled with women. there being but
• two men inside, and they at the further
end, completely blocked in by market
baskets. Arid now a woman opened the
door ; not a lady stirred. "Can 1 have a
' seat," modestly asked the applicant. "I
should like to see where you'd sit," said
one lady. "Don't you see this 'bus is
full ?" said another. "You ran stand,'•
sneeringly said the thin!. "I can walk,"
replied the spunky applicant, and slam
ming the door, off she. walked. Now.
had the omnibus been full of men 'as it was
of women, that lady would have been
furnished a seat without a Murmur. But
it is not:only in the omnibus that men
show their superior politness overwomen.
In a rainy day, if we met two men abreast
on a crossing. one instantly steps behind '
the other, and gives you a passway. But
if you meet two [wiles ten chances to one
hut you will have to step into the mitd.--•
In a crowded church, men will squeeze
together to accommodate another man ;
but ladies will spread themselves out, ere
thst three or tour fill a pew, and not a
inch will they move to accommodate ono
of their own sex. So in railroad cars, and
other places were men and women congre
gate, and where the true disposition is in
stinctiviy shown. We state these as gen
. eral cases. There are exceptions, of
course bat we merely wish to draw at 7
tenti nn to the general fact, that while a
man's rudeness to a woman is so rare as
to attract notsce when itoccurs, the rude.'
news of a woman, towards a man, or to
wards another roman, is so COM.IIOII as
to be considered a matter of course. If,
among other , Womans* Rights," which
some ladies are now striving to obtain,
they will engraft the right to be always •
curteous and polite to each o:her, we men .
will take care of ourselves, and them,
too---God bless 'eat. With all their
faults we love them still.
The Philosophy of Sneezing•
A sneeze always indicates .that there
something wrong. It does t.ot occur
in health unless some foreign agent irri
tates the membranes of the nasal passages,
upon which the nervous filaments are
distributed. In case of cold, or what is
termed influenza, these are unduly excit
able, and hence the repeated sneezings
which then occur. The nose receipts
three sets of nerves—the nerves of smell.
those of feeling, those of motion. The
former communicate to the brain the o
dorous properties of substances with
which they come in contact, in a .diffused
or concentrated state ; the second corn.
naunicate the impressions of touch ; the
third move the muscles of the nose, but
the power of these muscles is very limited
When a sneeze occurs all these facilities
are excited in a high degree. A grunt of
snuff excites the olfactory nerves, which
dispatch to the brain the intelligence that
' "snuff has attacked the nostril !" The
brain instantly sends a mandate through the
nerves of motion to the intiscles, saying,
"cast it out !"and the resnit is unmistake
able. So offensive is the
,enemy besieg
ing the nostril held to be. that the nose
is not left to its own defence. It were too'
frebleto accomplish this. An allied army
of muscles joined in the rescue, nearly
one 'half of the body arouses against the
intruder ; from the muscles of the lips
to those of the abdomen, all unite in the
efforts for the expulsion of the grain of
snuff. During this operation the; lungs
become bully inflated, the abominal Organs
are pressed downward, and the, veil of
the palate drops down to forin a barrier to
the escape of air through the mouth, and
now all the muscles. which have relaxed
for the purpose, contract simultaneously,
and force the compressed air from the
lungs in a torrent out through the nasal
passages, with the benevolent determina
tion to sweep away the particle of snuff
which has been causing irritation therein.
Such, then, is the complicated actiot of a
sneeze ; and if the first does not succeed,
then follows a second, a third, and a
fourth ; and not until victors is achieved , ,
do the army of derlnderii dissolve their
compact, and settle down - into the enjoy
ment of peace and quietude.—Journal of
Medical Reform.
—The Kansas Freeman says that the of
are rather pitalled how to apply,*
provision of the law : in that Territory rela
ting to the right oi s lndians to vote. The
law says that ;ndians who have “adopted'
the habits of 'white Men" shall vote, and
the diffieulty is to settle what 'shill be ?il
ficient proof of snob adoption. ' Theban
one suggested js that the 4,ahregyne" shall
be made to drink a, pint of raw lanais
whioi 7 ,. If he does it, he can go' in if
not. he-must stand'bacii till he his.aequir
ed that valuable political accomplishment.
effiri&:-President Duni was in Rowe),
Italy; by last scrioauts, sitting for hie bust
in marble,- to iiiitholoatsw, ths oelsbm.
tetlArseriosassalptor :
"'"" ,
the factories of liiiiint, - reeeitly; the pro
. prietors reduced the ''wages; ] Whereupon
there was a general detertninat l to strike;
and, as they worenbliged WI a mouth's
i s
notice before quitting work.!, hey have in
the mean time, issued a of lay to the
i world at large. in which islie following ,
interesting . paragraph :-.-"l,e - are now
working out our notice, and Oa soon• be
without employment ; can tare our' hand
to most anything; don't like 4.0 be idle—
but determined not to workr4or nothing,
where folks can afford to payli Who wawa
help 1 We can make 'bonnets, dresses,
puddings, pies and cakes, petit, darn, knit
roast, gowned fry, mike butter and cheese, '
milk cows, feed chickens, hoot:ern, sweep ,
ode the kitchen, pot the *for t 3 rights,
make beds, split wood, kindle fires, wash
and iron, besides being remarkably food of
babies ;in fact, can do anything the most
accomplished housewife is capable of, not
forgetting the scolding on Mondays and
Saturdays. For specimens pf spirit, will
refer you to cur overseer. Speak quick.—
Black eye 8, fair foreheads, clustering locks,
beautilul as Bebe, can sing like a seraph,
and smile most bewitchinglyii An elderly
gentleman in want of a good housekeeper,
or a nice man in want of a wife—willing to
sustain either character ; in ,fitet, we are in
the market ! Who bids I ' Going—Go
ing—gone ! Who's the lucky man 1"
A QUAKER'S LIAT.—A Cincinnati paper
mentions a visit paid the United States
Court room by a Quaker, di ping the trial
of the recent slave case in 'tat city. One
of the marshals ordered him .to take off his
hat. Levi Coffin, the permit affected to,
explained that ho meant no disrespect, hut
it, was the custom of theie people. It
would not do—the marshal raised his cane
and knocked the offending }Weed brim on
the floor. Friend Coffin paitno amain - it
to this, but remained motionless. In a lit
tle while the marshal! remitted, pick up
the has and handed it to,Bevitlvho'took
no notice whatever of it, and the marshal
deposited it on the table. But the mar
shal was not at ease, and skortly after he
returned, took the hat and placed it very
gently on Levi's head, and 'the hum vre,stlw
of Friend Coffin, he stood there with his
hat on looking as 000lly on the proceedings
as if nothing had ever occurred to disturb
his equanimity.
dist printer I He gave from his hand, a
mid the bleakness of, Sinai / the mind of
God ! The decalogne of all , moral, law,
the claim of man upon man:find God upon
Printinil 'The art.thart&lnned . dawn
to latest year. to remotest posterity, to in
numerable millions yet unborn of God, the
thoughts of men who aro living now ;
mon who lived c enturies einem; they defy,
time, and the printed transcripts of these I
Men shall live. too full of soul to be put in
the same grave with their perishable bo
dies. It was a bright thought of that au
thor, who in his dying moment., was just
auto to ask if the proof of his' last work
was corrected—all corrected T Yes all I—.
Then I :shall have a complete edition in
SAD CALASIITY.—A. private letter re.
ceired in this city yesterday brings the
malancholly tidings of the death by frees-,
ing of Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe, of Cero Gordo
county, lowa. They had been to a neigh
boring town shopping, and on their 'Way
home got lost in a snow storm on the prai
rie. Mr. Rolfe, who was an invalid,
could not leave hie sled. His wife, wrap
ping her ihowl around him. inhitehed the
oxen, and folio wed them as they trudged,
homeward for half a mile, when she sank
down in a snow drift and there died. On
the arrival of the oxen at the house, the
neighbors turned out in seuroh, and fbund
both Mr. and Mrs. Rolf frozen to death
on the prairie. Mrs. 11. was a sister 'of
Mrs. F. J. Blair, of this eity.—Jll/toctu
kie Sentinel. Feb. 13.
RATHER Sntraas.—An eminent jurist,
who was said to have rather long •shanks,
was one day practicing at the bar, and having
occasion to cross-examine .sailor who had
spekeri of a hand spike in the course ..of his
evidence, he asked. with some asperity—.
~ W ell, air, bur/large was this hand spike
which you tell of P' • •
•About as large as usual," said Jack. •
"But how large—as large as a man's
leg ?"
.1Well," replied Jack, locking at the
thin supporters of the jutist—"Well, it
was not as large as a man's log but it
might be as big as peen. may be.".
iterThe Whigs of New Hampshire who
held a State Convention •On , Wednesday
week, and nomin at ed Ichshed , GoodwiTaf.
their ,iandidate fo Governor, adopted,yea r
olutions expresst g opposition to the,poli
cy of the present national administration,
and the. extension .of slavery,; regretting
the repeal 'of the Missouri Poppromise,
and condemning also religions od, politi..
cal. oppression .:. They also a ppointed a.
full delegaticia ta,the.Witig tiatipnal con
•qf we go' to war; father,"' raid' bright
eyed boy the other day to hie clerical pat=
anti '"from what 'part of the •'Bible shall
you got . the te;t for a heir airmois f".' The
,mtideier heitig '"by aittprise at
the thought a moment,' and then
stioethleg :the locks the child with's
sort' . of_pirenhil Pride. answered 'lint be
believed td would beffroui
It irs blessed thing for a poor man to
hives contented; loving wife, who, does
not wish to live beyond - her husband's in.
oome t in a fashionable style, just because ,
her neigbbob doetone that can be hap.
py to the love of her husband, her home,
'aid its .beautiful duties, . without , asking
the world for its smiles or its favors.
It is a bad sign when's preacheis tries
to,drive his . lo
,gi,c by, thumping the deck
violently with clenched Ms ergo.
Each joy has its 'bade.
With every joy we haste to meet,.
3a hopefuliiess or pride;
There comes; with step as sure and fieet„ ,
A Shadow by - its side; . •
And ever thus that spectre chill
With each fair blisishaS aped>)
Aniltrheu the gladened pulse shoulii, thrill,
The stricken heart lies dead.
The 1 1 9et's hit"' the wreathePtivillel77
What weight , falls on the breast ?
Upon that sword where. glory shines,
The stains of life blood rest,
So where the rosiest sunbeam glows,
There 'lies eternal snow I • '
And fame its brightest halo throws,
Where death lies cold below.
son Brownlow, or the Knoxville W ig
concludes an earnest aPpeal to delinquent
subscribers to pay up with the , following
unmistakable expressions
Those of you who Can't pay, and will
write to us, acknowledging your indebt
edness, we will record as clever fellows,
and those of you -who will not do eitheE
we will publish this spring in an' extra
sheet, as a set of graceless rascals, willing
to have a poor man labor for you for years
for nothing, and pay for paper, ink; and the
hire at hands to serve you without hire.
Come to Knoxville, you lousy rascals.
on a pilgrimage, and see our little ones,
"chips of the old block," looking daggers
at tis, and crying for bread. Come avid
see us with our elbows out, and the officers
of the, law leading us about for .debts rate ,
sled to furnish you a paper, end, you Will
fork over at once •
And you hypocrites, who are members
of different churches, owing us for our
paper,, how dare you, around your family
altars, night and morning pray to God—
"pay us this day our debts, as We ".pay to'
others I Re knoWs you owe us and
won!t.psy, and until you do pay you May,
pray yourselves out of breath ind yeti
will never be 'heard ! Yes, you'saintlY
villains, you have been owing' us long e
nough, to make us (!poor, halt, miserable,
blind and naked," and yourselves* ride et
our expense. You get to heaven without
paying us up—never !
Gua.No —flailing Wheat in it.--Some
years ago, it was thought 'that if grain
dame in contact with guano , its , germinat
Power wet gone. The guano: therefore
required to be ploughed in, or planted ifop
aretely, iind' afterwards' the Wheat' or corn
put ' less thepli into the ground; so as id
keep a layer of earth between them,. This
idea andoWstorn - Isave given way, isuol uqw,
a groat many farmer/ are rolling their
wheat in guano before sowing; as they idir
merly did in plaster. The experiment is
said to have succeetled'admirably, in conse-
quence of which the practice is becoming
general. Rolling requires much less guano
than the system of broadcasting, its effect
being like that of the guano drill, to give
the grain the prompt and 'entire benefit of
all the guano' put into the earth.,—.9/exan-
dria Virginia Sentinel. ,
ANECDOTE.—The late Judge Pease, of
the Supreme Court of the. State of Ohio,.
was a noted wag, A young , lawyer was
once making his first effort before him,
and had thrown himself on 'the wings of
his imagivation into the seventh heaven,
and was seemingly preparing for a higher
ascent when, the Judge struck his ruler on
the desk two or three times. exclaiming to
the astonished orator, "Hold on—hold on,
my dear sir I "Don't go 'ati'y highei for
'you ars'already , out Of , the- jurisdiction of
this .Court 17 ; • ,
STARR AND STRIPEE.—'rbe American ton
nage ofithis country now figures up 5,400,-.
000 tons, and will make, the very' respec
table fleet of 5,400 ships of 1,000 lona
each. And if the tounige of the fleet be
figured out in Yankee'clippers of 200 tone
each, and placed on the equatorial line 4-.
round this globe, each skipper may speak
the next iu line, by raising, his voice a tittle
above the ordinary pitch on ablpboard,
round the' whole direttmference of the 'gibbet
War would be's' terrible calamity to this
immense fleet, and England would not fare
better with her c0mm.:n.(341 marine of 5,-
200,000, but little less thin our
Providence Jour.
Going to Chump.
. .
Some go to church just for a walk;
Some go there te laugh'ind talk
Some'go thereto see , a friend )
Some go there tkeir time to 'pond.
Some go there for obaervation ;
Some go there for leeeulatiOn ;
Some go thereto 'doze end'riocij 4
And few go theto' iiorship God.
• For every thin,/ you buy :or sell, let or
hire, make an exaot -bargain at first, and
be. not put oftto a hereafter by .one r , that
save t0 . y0n..44re /shall not•diaagroe about
4 , 11;9661;n diUghtai why don't'
T oo'
loam is fast aa our lister ltiarkotilt r
'Why d on't ev ery •of clover , bear
four loam. mother .`436 basket
of chip; .' ‘. r ,
A good newspaper is likes' aposible . and,
sound hearted 'friend, whose , appearance
on one's threshold' gladdens the , i d with
the promise of a pleasant and, 'profitable
NOding ia io, .eloquerit'ai th; B~fenge of
a holy. coa*tent,, i and,,a loi,ly (111.—;
Secret' prayer, next to praise, is the
most spiritual 'employment. , .'. ,
We do ow Risen the taults of those
we love ; •. . • „.‘
Lay by a Oral store'br patience,' but
be sure to,eitt it Where you cam find it. •
' '
4tFlo*fleas are ,the alphabet of allele
with which the y welts on to& fields
mysterioris Mahe! •
Attempt to Assassinate the Arehbiehop
Cubcs.-1-The 'Havana Pronu of the 12th
insi., has an amount of an attempt to sews.
sinsite Sehor Don Clara, the Archbishop of
Cuba, communicated to that paper by a cor.
Tebpondl wridng under date of Holguin,
Feli. After announcing his arrival
there, the writer sole: ' '
. ,
On the evening after hie arrival he preach-1
ed an-eloquent sermon in.the•parish church,
in the course of took,,pecaston to
,land the poorde for•tbeirplety:tind general
good' conduct.' ,The church was completely
full. Ae the' Are hbisb opi'left ttie chu'reb
the people 'floolted'around. , ; hut* tut-usual,
end among others several pious ,worneti,•alt
waitingforon. opportunity to kiss the, ring
on his finger. At this moment el
bowed his way through
,the tip"ae
the Arithbiehop;'expresiting; by his:look&
and manner, a *sire to ,receive the".bely
fatber's•benedietion.; As he was in the act
of 'Stooping to kiss the.ring, he suddenly
drew a clasp knife and stabbed. the Arch=
bishop •in. the face. • The venerable • prelate,
'fell senseless to the , ground.
• The wretched assatisio, not content with
this, but blinded by 'rage, endeaverecl to
strike . his viothi anow, but at this critical
moment a private soldier , belonging. to the
garrisen,•stationedin•tbe town, throe: him.,
twit between the two, abd succeeded in ap
probending,the assassin and leadittglim off'
to. primin. Theeltisii knife Was afterwards
found upon the ground,' and near -it'the
Archbishop's ring. ' The assassin's(n'iree is
Antonio, Torreio7nativo : of the, Canary*.
lands, orlow.stature, anduged shoat thirty,
five years. The 'wound, begins idar the up=
per part of the oar'; and stretehes obliquely'
down'the middle Of the facre.s;
A ,Alelanoholy Case .of Poisoning.
- The rittsfield,(Mas t s„): 1.141 e give.. the
following mecum of a' - Melancholy ease of
poisobitig, which ocehtlrbd in the . town of
Richmond -recently ,
"It seems, that. Drj Jennings had occa
sion to, administer strychniDO tO a patient on
Thursday', tbe 31st ,Ul-4 1 and o n' his return
home 'WI ids medicine case, containing the
powders which vverwounsed, in his study, a
room which tGo'fiktolly`eie to
enter. At the tine-the only daughter or
Dr. J., a beautiful child ethane years, was
ill with some slight disorder, for which Do
ver's :powders had been prescribed Her
little brother thinhing to play doctor,'ven
tired into the proscribed 'rootrOook out the
fatal powders' and Offered them' to his sister;
who -refused ihensVlOn&of their, however,
dropped on the floor by the table, and, 111 r,..
'J., suppoeing.itA be one of, sbe . Dover's
pomrfbars,,,iiiekeitAny,,placieti it with them;
and afterwarligave ri iiiigli'whiifiliffigh-;
ter. The result was; 'of mike, tier death
in a abort time; and before the physicians
who bad been summoned could arrive." - I
Something of a;Family
aorrespondent of the Urbanna Citizen
writes from Bourbon county, Ky., about a
family as follows :
"The . old gentloinan is a native of Mary-.
land, and is now in , his 70th- year; WAR
brought to the State of Kentucky when
,quite young,. and has raised his family in
the above county,,consisting off six sons and
three daughters!'
then proceeds to describe the family,
all'of whom are six feet In height, the tel•
lest being six feet 111 inches, and the low
est (a daughter). six feet two inches—the
aggregate Aeight, of the whole of them tier-,
en in number, being seventy feet. The
father weighs 200 lbs.; the mother 285, and
the children from 150 to 266 lbs. 'Their;
aggregate, weight is
, 6,500 lbs. The writer
adde ' 1111/..i
"The family-are 'all' living except the
youngest daughter, are all wealthy, and ,o(
the first fatuities of Kentucky. I utast. add
that several, of the grandcbild mu are over
six and a half feet, - aid'still growing." ,
Terrible. ihrreing.—ln noticing the
death of James C. Forsyth ' the fugitive
from'justice, in Europe, the 2 , 1; Y. Courier
hNot many men have started io life with
fairer speosposts Attn. be. . Well descended„
educated and honored-ra member of our
State Conetittitiolial Convehtien in IS-16,
afeerwards thi3 candidate ..of the Whig
party for the high office of Secremry, Of
State—be bad; every inducement to keep
true, to theline of integrity. But -he gave ,
way . to passion for gaming, became in velVed,
and undertook' to' ektneate hinnsolf by rai
sing money 'with the forged signature' of
his father, and his father•in-law. 'Exposed:.
be fled, and was a wanderer over the earth,
until life became anintolernble_
He has oiled; ere he had seen forty years, a
blasted, ruined tuau." •,, ,
"Blood, for 8100d. 6 =-Irit Colily; of Me.
Henry, Illinois, had , been, enzaged!
slaughtering hog*, and soave blwai rountin i ,
ed upou,his elotbes, when he , uyertook to
loud his bull to , water; the
. bees 'spniog
upim him in th'i most ferorhous - Mariner;
tossing'bidi upon his horns, tearing, out: his
bowels and otherwise injuring him, so that ,
it is,thougbt be trapot,survive2
county, ya„, htst,weelc, the ki3tper of a gro
eery ittore p it is' said, broached a barrel' of
whieliey to seriiiitint•to ctistomers; but up.
oti itteuipting't,o draw some of the liquid it
'found to have. frozen into a,ltarrel< of
solid toe -This proves that the weather was
either wireccileutedly cold or that rather
too muciti_water had heed allied with that
whisky. - •
•The Supply of California Gold Ezhairst
ku.—lt is stated that a' merchant of San
'Francisco, who has pretty thoroughly ea.
plored the mining diatricts of that State,
says that net oue acre in a thousiied threugh=
out the mining region has, as yet, ever been
prospected, and -that thousands of years
must elapse before tho mines will give out,
from the reason that the e never will be
vita sufficient to eitabls "us to exhaust
. . . .
An Awfhl Tragedy-,A Young , WM Mu*
dared by • her Rasband--Snbsequent
Suicide. .
We copy from the •Illempliin Mfg.. of .the
9th hist.. the Ibliowing narrative of oncof the.;:
most horrible tragedies we have ever beard of:. 7
..11re heard, yesterday. the particulars 0r,„..,
one of the moat melancholy, tragedies that we
here known for many yeari, which' occurred '
in'Marshalllsiunty. Miss., about.l2 miles froze
Holly Springs, on Wednesday last. ,Mr.
R. Coi, a planter in good eireumstalioes. killed
his own wife while 'she was lying asleep ih *; 1,
herbed, and then shot himself thredgh' the „
head „killing himself instantly. This occurred.
some time during the night: bat ;via not known"'
until the next morning, when a negro. , man, ; ;
went to the room to make fire, and tbund the
door fastened. Sot being able to' rage any
ono on the inside, the negro called the overseer. , .7
who came and forted the door open. when he ,
found both Mr. and Mrs. Cox dead—she lying ,
on the bed With two bullets through her head. '
and he lying on the hearth; shot through the
region of,the heart, with his hand still grasp- ,
ing the deadly revolver. They had been flier- .
vied hut a short time, and it is supposed that ;
Mr. Cox was insane at the time, as he.
frequently suffered from aberrationsof the mind.
Boat Mr. and Mrs. Cox were known by
many of our citizens, ho as the possessor and ; ;
*upset sopoe two or three years since, of the c .
dwelling in the southern part of the city
as the “Swiss Csittage," while the young and;
beautiful bride wog, but a. faw months since,
a gay and lively, school-girl, attending
Armstrong'a 'School in this city. and will be re
membered' by many as the pretty Miss Sallie,
~I.l c aving school, she married Mr. U.
sometime' lakt Fall,' and now she has been int
off front altearthly hopee and happiness by hies .7
who luzi soleuinly avowed to love , and , protect,
her.. Mr. C. was- a worthy young man, and
'here, can tdnil doubt hut that he was
ing.tinder insanity ati the time of this awful
in-fset, many circuinstances Shst
transpired a cloy or two previous go'to allow. ,
thei he Was' net in his' right mind. ' •
Much sympathy is , felt *ha this community
for the families and friends of both the de',
Ceased iiersans—fainilich of the first stinding '
Sit Werth Missi.sippi. May God be their help
in this,; their hour of the deepest and most
heart-rending affliction. •
" The - Meinphis Enquirer, speaking 'of the
iffair; sari the parties had been married only
six weeks, and adds :
Mr: Clovis the third male member of a'
worthy family who has died a violent death
within the last eight or ten years. One, in a
fit of insanity,. throe! himself from the deck Of
a Mississippi iteainer, and was drowned
another was slain by the accidental discharge .
of a double-barreled shot gun,' when starting
on a camp hunt : and now wo have to record'
the death of still another, and that of his fair
young wife, by hisown hands. ,
Singular Acquittal of a Woman Chimed
with' Aurdering her. Husband.
We copy the following from one of our woo
tern s exchanges,. It needs no comment; ;f4
'!lHrti. Jane E. Ruggin, of Piqua. Ohio; has.
psi: baser tried.,and, elenredof the crime of
thattlei-hr colinty.67uri.r. -Mrs. Rug
gin pojgoned her : husband, and , confessed the. the presence,of two hundred persons
:60 stsi ti tr by the correspondent—and yet; br
the. 'sagacity and ability of her counsel, she,
was, cleared of, the horrible crime. It appesrs
that she tad for a long time entertained ' the'
idea'ot 'getting rid of her husband, who was,
au excellent, person. that she might marry a
fellow whose appearance was very digusting.'
Shei purchased arttenie, and after two attempts
succeeded in killing him, with it. :1 She, was,'
cleared, because, her testimony being *llea
out; tlw evidence was of a circumstantial char.
aster, which could not watrant convicti9o.l-1
Mrs. R. is represented as a woman of prepo&
sassing appearance, young. and a' chnich mem.
ber*; and her ease excited the most:intense inc
terest throughout the whole ofq.diatni county.,
Herdischarge is to the skill which
heicase Was managed, for the very strongest'
Circumstantial evidence of her guilt is Said itoj
have corroborated the confession,,which,watt,
rued out of court." *
.50*Eriwia 9,1: : r,
of ' the Urintria Citizen 'writes froni Boni.lidti
county, Ky., about ft fluidly eM lolinvemv
:Elio old gentleman is nstive of.. Maryland.
nattw i 9 his 70th year ; was brought to,
KenttiCky when qiiite young, skid has raised
his faniily in the' above county, consisting or
sii,ssions and three ,d ughters."
He then piocieds to describe the family, all
of Whorl' sire Sir feet in height, the tallest bey
ing six feetsl IA inches, and the lowest (a dat!gb-,
ter) six feet two }aches---tho aggregate height,
of thi3 Whole of them, eleven in ninnber, being
seveney feet.--The father weighs 200 lbs.; the
mother 285 i and the children from 150,t0 208,
lbs., Their aggregate weight is 0.500 lbs.
The Writer ' • • • •
t•The fathily are all living except the young.
est daughter, amall wealkhy, t and of the first
families Of kentuchy. I must idd: thee sev
eral of the graint•children are over iix.itad
half feet, and still growing.?
TUB Loss dE" OCKAN STRAMEItEO--d writer in
Hunt's Merchants' Alagaine says:
. “Sincii 1853 Twelve steatnship . s.'lo4 it see.
have. c0it1.,250 human lives, and $7.2506000
of, property,- .The .Independence' sunk. with
120 lives in the Pacific, and the Tenneileiend .
St': Olineedi total Wrecks. The lino.:
boldt'and the San Francisco were wrecke9.lfink,
the. : 4lantig, the, same year. The Franklin,
City Of Philadelphia, and -Yankee. Blade rail in
the cid:dog:no; a(lBs4.:ty'of Glasgow;: With
480 Jives ; the Arctic, with, bundredkpore,
pt eciaus lives, were the crowning catastrophes
of that tsar . ' In 1855 we have ,the Sieking
of the Rortb Carolina, and the..btraPdipill o
the. Golden Age. nhich last,. however was
saved aid repaired."
49..Musesx TittcK.-41 keeper of a restaurant
in the lower part df the city has a ring4illed
meinkEy fora per, whiCh he usually leaves 'at.
his place.. of business on looking it upfer l the .
night. 1V hen the doors and shutters were
opened yesterday morning nothing eras to bei
seen of the monkey, bat no aperture could , beit
discovered by whieh he might have. escaped.
This mysterious disappearsoce battled search
for some time, but Jock() being !oddly called.
was at last, oliserved peeping through tbe'dOor
of the store, into which he bed crept kw Mal!,
ort alter the tiro Y. Low.
Tits E.:rime!) Fusco Hem.—The Peri,
correspondent of the N. Y. Times writes, - Ibel'
great events are said to be imams fur lb.
accoucheneut of the Empress. which will taltei l
place in assn. a month. The personneldel•
Tuillieries is to undergo important eviodllieet 6l
thins; there Will be a perfect shower of tido";
some changes are anticipstetin the Ineehie
onnettunt, great feta sill be oxblood - al the
expetige'of the State, a political seaseety-wa ,
be g,rphted, ...tad the joy of the peepht.will fee
great." • .
. •- et,
'Fist less notice lee Oak! Of 4 1 111R4 11 t 1 / 41 ,
Dees Awl injuries, iites otO 40100
. 111901:11r, 4400 11 ihjivioo.4ksviit*
iil lll . 3 l * ''