Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, February 22, 1856, Image 1

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. [ Front the Guffle to Holiftels.,
y,ou was trrtprtsone aboutea
anti other Freneh prisons.
llttrin4 tityperiod herself chief
lr WritinF. Her Life, four volume: of
rse d r4s, tt,tut.ttttier writings, were the result. 7
Tho folitsring is a translation of.ytie of her
t'oi;lits:ti.illultrtitOs her stints of mind in her
; •
11,1111 p bird tam.
ittle bir l i I am, -
&pot the fields of air:
Ai In itaigu r eit and sing
To , Him who Oared me there ;
,Well ;dewed a prisoner to be,
BAN:apse, u ,tiou, iT PLEA SBB
Nought have I else to do;
1 siug the whole day long,
,And 11e, whom moat 1 love to please,
Thithlfsten to lay song;
'Mi. - taught and &end any wandering wing,
But still he bends to hear me sing.
'fbott boat an car to hear;
A r heful to lor e and bless ;
.Voit tli o ugh my notes were e'er so rude,
ThoU ivouldid nut hefty the less;
Because. Ilion knowest, as they fall,
That loveoweet lore, inspires thew all.
My cage confines me round;
Iprocul I eau ;apt Ily ;
Bat, thane" my wing iA closely bound,
My hearts at liberty;
As prison walls manta ettutrol
The flight, the freedom ut the soul.
Itll, it iagood to soar,
' Theo hosts and bars above,
To Him, where purpose. 1 adore,
Whose providence-1, love;
toi iti Thy :nighty willtll ..111-
The joy, th6)freeduni of the mind
[ Front the Homo Journal.
The Marriage of Pocahontas.
During the lovely Indian summer time,
in th■ autumn of 160 S, there was a mar
riage on the banks of the l'uwhattan,
where the English had laid the corner
stone of the great fsbric of the Anglo
&inn empire in the New World. It was
eelehriiteo in the second - church which
the liniglish settlers had eructed there .=-•
Lake the first, which tire bad destroyed
the previous winter, it was a rude struc
ture, whose roof ruined upon rough pine
volution fresh from the virgin forest, and
whose sidorninga were little indebted to
the head,ofeet. The officiaiiug priest was
"geod,Alaster Hunter," who, had lost all
bail booth by die conflagration. History.
lioetrYjahil snug, have kept a dutiful si
lence 'reolteetitig that first English mar
ilagi in" America, because Joliti Laydou
lend Annie Burrows ware common poople.
The hridegriiiiin was S. carpenter, among
:the first. tolvouturers who sseended the
Dowliattaii, then named James in honor
of u bad king; and the bride was wailing
iunid as the ..11isitess Forest," wife of
Volum' Forest, gentleman. These were
Ale first white women ever seen at the
Jsuiesiown settlement.
Almost five years later, there was tooth
-42r marriage xt old Jamestown. in honor of
isbadi,ilitHory. poetry, and song have been
ieniployeil, The bridegroom was "Master
John Halle.; an holiest gondola:it* aud of
k ....iil behaviour," from the realm of Eug
land.;. awl the bride was a princess royal,
mined 3latita, or Pocahontas, the well-be
loved daughter of the Emperor of the
great rowliatao confederacy. ou the Vir
,peninsola. Thu officiating priest
Was Muster Alexander Whitaker, a noble
apostle of Christianity, who went to Vir-
ginialor the cure of souls. Sir Thomas'
Dale, then Governor of the colony, thus i
litidly tells his masters of the Company in '
Xerinlint; the story of l'ocabontas :
aPowhatateu daughter I caused to be
earofullyiustructed in the Christian reli
gine, who, after liiie had made a good pro
geestc,lhoreie, - renounced publicly- her
gauntry's idolatry„ openly. confessed her
Cliristiaw faith, was, as she desired, bap
tised; ,and is since married to an English
gentletnan of good understanding (aa by
his dotter sow tie, containing this ruasou
of his marriage of her you may perceive.)'
another kriot to' bind ;his peace the strong-1
er.• . Het father end friends gave approba; I
(kit to it, and tier uncle gave her to him
iiiidie.cliurch She lives civilly and lov
ingly with him. and 1 trust will increase
iu .gooduess•as the knowledge - of . God in
erciaseth•in her. She will go to England
with me, and,•were it but the gaining of
thie.itUti aonl. I will think my •time, toil.
tUid'iiireisetit,ktay, well spent.' ' '
:: $O, disnetirsed Sir Titcuitt&Dale. (NO=
osity.Vroold ,knaw. more 'of :the prineess
and her marriage. and curiosity may 110r0
be. gnatified to the „extent of ~ the .revela
dans iif recorded history.. • r . ' :
The'fitigdr of a special Providence, point:
ttirdinvo - the vista - of of ages; is seen - in
the character and' , atcht,;ol; Pocahontas.—
She was•thodaughter of a pagan king.who
had netier:lieard al Jesus al Nssaretk..yet
her, heart wan overflowing' with:the oardi
niii4irititis 'of a 'Olirititien life. -
° - She ' , Milli liiiidieaPe'of mild earth,
1 9e1•113,•filli.Fa NOutouy, - aatt a calm quiet,
I 'ux?!PaulcbitUtiEV L- BYrbil•
- WherrOaptaiti'Smith, the-boldest and
the .Iseft pftlprtntrly ' adventurers in Vir...
1:n1S; risetriftedthedcnie'forest, be Was
/ It,
1 1 4li.e**FoLluiti 4ndliated in triumph
TQPi.villagi tO,Tlllage: uittil' he *toad in
the . presence of ,Powhaten, the , supreme
ruler, and• Was then;sondetnned;to die.
Upisit'tlie berree sand
7 - Aliugle captive stood
Aroutldbita•catee, with bow and brand ;
Tiered men of the weed.. .
Aiike,litinsof old his doom'he hears*, - • .
• ._liffkihellnit.o.ticean's•rim ; .
' The aiieftitinti daughter knelt in tears,
I , 4. , 4#ll/Il'aiil3,4 a PtllflF for. .4iM.. *
'labors hilt head•inwir •
Thepivam Intrelub swung!
Athiiaritia , gul:;iri wild despair,'
''"unir takrerartmnd him flung. • •
...• Thin shook the warriors of the shade---
.. o tilikletiOte on &alien linth—
-0 filbMd tlythat Venue maid
Whobteatheti alprayer for him.
ii p t „i rit ,i, ~.., . ,
.t. u 11'04 1 " giPP€4 Om chller—
± ,f." , t eIF ya. .4 k g . 0 dOCM 1 t • ..' .
tie away tr. -;„-St of pet,
, ,
Aid sot the eaptiye free.
'Tio 'eve? thus' tihen in life's storm,
Ropes star to man growstlim,
Au angel knouts h ovontatt's form,
Andd - breathes a prayer for hint.
* w
How meld that' stern old king deny
The angel pleading in her eye ?
How mock the sweet, irrieloring gmeo
That breathed in beauty front her thee,
And to her kneeling action gave
A poWer to soothe and still subdue,
Until, though humble as a slave,
To more than queenly sway she grew,
William C. Simms.
The emperor yielded to the maid, and
the captive was set free.
Two years after that event, Pocahontas
again became au angel of deliverance.--
She hastened to Jatuestowu'during. a dark
and stormy night, informed the English
of a pocapireoy to, exterminate them, and
was buck to her couch before dawn.—
Smith was grateful, and the whole Eng
lish colony regarded her as their deliv
erer. But gratitude is .often a plant of
feeble root, and t h e canker of selfishness
will destroy it altogether. Smith went
to England; the morals of the colonists
became depraved; and Arpin. a rough,
bull piratical navigator, unmindful of her
character, bribed a savage, by the prom.
INC of a copper.kattle, to betray Pocahon.
Ins into Ida hands, in be kept as a hostage
while compelling Powhatan to make resti
tution for injuries inflicted. The Empe
ror loved his dnughtor tenderly, agreed to
the terms of ransom gladly, and prom
ised unbroken friendship to the Eng
Pocahontas was now free to return to
her forest home. But other bonds, more
holy than those of Argall, detained her.
Whilst iu the custody of the rude buo
career a mutual attachment had budded
cud blossomed between her and John
Rolfe, anti the fruit watt a happy marriage
—"another knot to bind the peace" with,
Powhatan much-stronger.
April, in the Virginia peninsula, where
the English settlers first built a city, is
ono of the loveliest months in the year.—
winter has bid a final adieu to the
middle regions of America; the trees are
robed in gay and fragrant blossoms; the
robin, the blue-bird, and the oriole, are;
-just giving the first opeueniug preludes to
the summer concerts in the woods, and
wild flowers are laughing merrily in ev-1
cry hedge, and upon the green banks of
every stream., ,
It waia day inebarming April, in 1613,
when Rolfe and • Pocahontas e.ood at the
marriage.alter in the new and pretty chap-1
el at Jamestown, where, not long before,
the bride had received Christian baptism,
and was named the Lady Rebecca. The
sun had marched halfway up toward the ;
meridian, when a goodly company had as
sembled beneath the temple roof. The,
pleasant odor of the "pews of cedar" cow-'
mingled with the fragrance of the wild
flowers which decked the testoons of ever
greens and sprays that hung over the "fair,
broad windows," anti the eamunandinent
tablets above,the chancel. Over the pulpit
of black-walnut hung garlands of white
flowers, with the waxen leaves and scarlet
Wales of the holly. The communion-ta.
hie was covered with fair white linen, and
bore bread from the wheat fields of James
town, and wine from its luscious grapes.
The font, "hewed hollow between, like a
canoe," sparkled with water, as on the
morning when the gentle princess uttered
her baptismal vows.
Of all that company assembled in the
broad space between the chancel and the
pews, the bride and groom were the central
figures in fact and significance. Pocahon
tas was dressed in a simple tunic of white
muslin, from the looms of Dacea. Her
arms were bare even to the ahoulders; and
hangiug loosly towards her feet, was a
robe of rich stuff, presented by Sir Thomas
Dale, and fancifully embroidered by her
self and her niaidens. A gaudy fillet en- 1
circled her head, and held the plumage of
bi r d s a nd a veil of ganze, while her limbs
were adored with theitimPle jewelry of the 1
natiQe worksheps; Rolfe was attired in
the gay clothing of an English wither of
that period, and upon hiti thigh •ho wore
the shortswoid of a gentleman of distinc
tion in society. Ho waithe personifica- 1
tion of wanly bounty in form and carriage;
Ate of women!) , modesty and lovely aim
plieity ;and as they came and . stood before
the man of God,, history dipped her pen iu .
the indestrnctible fountain of truth; and
recorded a prophecy of mighty empires
the New World. Upon the chanitel step's,
Where no railing interfered, the good Whit
taker stood in his sacerdotal robes, and
with impressive' voice, .pronounced the
marriage ritual of the liturgy of the Angli
Can Church, then' first
,planted on , the
Western Continent: On his riglit, in a
richly carved chair of State, brought front
Erigland, saddle Goyernor, with hie ever
attendant halbnnliera, kith brazen hohnota,
ac bisliaelh: l ' • • '"
There Were yet but few 'women in the
colony, and time, soon after this memora
tile event, returned to inflect England.—
'lle "Ginty young women, pure and un
corrupted,' whom the wise Sandys caused
In be , sent to Virginia, as wives for the
planters, did eot arrive until ten years la
ter. All of them at Jamestown were st
the marriage. The letters of the time
have transmitted to ue the names of some
ARstreqo John Rolfe, with her
of. them,
child, (donbtlessof the family of the bride
poem ; ) 'Mistress Easton and child,. a nd
Mistrese Horton and grandchild, with her
maid-servant, Elizabeth Parsons, who, on
a Cpristroa!+ ere before, had married Thom
as 01;411,, Were yet in Virginia. Among
the iioted'nien then present, was Sir Them-
ait Oates; ti - brave soldier in many wars,
and tut brave an adventurer among the At
ludo ponla u any who ever tiustod to
the ribs, of oak ofthe ships of Old Eulland.
Aid' tee Simrkes, who bid been oo
anibaisador ' with , Rolfe to the court of
Powhatan, stood near the old soldier, with
yet ?gljePrY,Spilltoyoathis side. ' There,
too, was the young George Percy, brother
.~>> : ..,
V of
of the powerful Duke of NorthuMberland,
whose clouded was alwiya , as noble as his
blood ; and near bim, an earnest spectator
of the scene, was the elder brother of Po-
'c ; but not the destined successor
td the throne of his' father. There, too,
was a younger brother ,of tte bride, and .
many youths and maidens from the forest
shades ; but one noble tigure—the pride of
the Powhatan confederacy, the father of
the bride, was absent. He had consented
to the marriage with willing voice, but
would not trust himself within the power •
of the English at Jamestown. He remain
ed in his habitation at Weroworomoco n
while the Rose and the TOTUM were be-
ing wedded, but cheerfully commissioned!
his brother, Opaohisco, to give away his I
daughter. That prince performed his du
ty well, and then, in careless gravity, he
sat and listened to the voice of the Apostle,
and the sweet chanting of the little choris.
tars. The music ceased, the benediction
fell, the solemn "Amen" echoed from the
rude vaulted roof, sod the joyous emnpany
lett the chapel for the festal ball of the
Uovernor. Thus ''the peace" was made
stronger, and the ROSE of.Englaud lay
undisturbed upon the HATCHET of the
Powhatans, while the father of Pocahoutas '
Months glided away. The bride and
groom "lived civilly and lovingly togeth
er," until Sir Thmuas Dtle departed for
England, in 1816, when they, with many
settlers, accompanied him. Tomoeotuo,
one of the shrewdest of Powhatan's couu
cillors, went also, that he might report all
the wonders of En g land to his master.—
The Lady Rebecca received great nutted=
from the court and all below it. "She ac•
custouieu herself to civility, and carried
herself as the daughter of a king." Dr.
King, the Lord Bishop of London, enter
tained her "with festival Kato and pomp,"
beyond what he bad ever given to other In.
dies; and at court she was received with
courtesy due to her rank as a princess.—
But the silly bigot ou the throne was high•
ly incensed, because one of his subjects
had dared to marry a lady of royal blood,
and. in the midst of his dreams of preroga
tives, he absurdly apprehended that, Rolfe
might lay claim "tothe crown of Virginia!"
Afraid of the royal displeasure, Captuiu
Smith, who was thou in England, would
not ulluw her to cull him father, ab oho de
sired to do. She could not comprehend
the cause ; and her teuder, simple heart
wait sorely grieved by what seemed to be
his want of .uthetion.for her. She' remain.
od in England about a year; and, when
ready to embark for America with ber.hus
band, she siekened, and died at Gravesend,
iu the flowery month of June, 1617, when
not quite twenty-two years of age. She
left one son, Thomas Rolfe, who afterwards
became, quite a disriuguished man in Vir
ginia. He had but one child, a daughter.
From her, sumo of the leading families in
Virginia trace their lineage. Among
these sis the Bollitiga, Mtirrays, Guys, El
thiges, and ltaudolphs. But Pocahontas
needed no ponerity toperpetuate her name
--it is imperishable preserved iu the am
ber of history.
Quilp told a'story of a man on a Missis
sippi steamer who was questioned by u
Yankee. The gentleman, to humor the
fellow, answered all his questions straight
forwardly, until the down-easter was pus- .
sled for au interrogatory. At last he in
quired :
"Look here, squire, where was you
I was born," said the victim, "io Bog.
too, Tremont street, No. 44, on the first
day of August, 1825, at 5 o'clock in the af•
Yankee Was answered completely -
For an instant be was struck. Seem how.
ever, his face brightened, and he quickly
said :
"Yaas; wal, I ettlegate yeou dont. reeol
!edit whether it was a frame housii or a
brta house, dew yeou ?"
A wag went.out fishing one day, and
not meeting with the best of luck, deter
mined on having some sport. He went
and deposited what he had caught and a
neighbor passing by soon Wier, accosted
him with—
"Whai luck to day I"
"Oh," answered the wag, "no great 77
I caught a hundred or two."
"A hundred or two," replied the neigh.
bor, with great suprise ; "I'll bet you a
dollar :of that !" " •
"Done,", said the stag ; whereupon he
uncovered a pile near him, and a s couple ,
of 6sh lay there, scarcely through with
their death struggles, remarking—"'fhere
they are—l have won the wager!"
"How so," returned hie neighbor, "here
are only. two 1"
't Well." replied the wag, ' uthat's just
as I told you—a hutidred or two!"
Thicis a fish story.
..Monzari.—.lo the• character of a male
or female, there is poling more lovely
than modesty. She is the twin sister of
virtue, and acconipanies her through life.
Talents may dazzle and beauty captivate,
but modesty alone wins the heart. Cher
ish her—she is more valuable than gold.
She will gain for you the esteem of the
wise and good, and exalt you in whatever
station you occupy.
"A modest look I prize—
The aweeteat gift of Heaven ;
'Tie this with, humble virtue vies,
- When angel . grace hi given,
Till each so mingles as they• meet,,
Angelic beauty-is complete."
2 AN INSINUATION.-A rtinaway wedding
recently ,took a. 'village in Non
jpglialushire. The gay
,I f othario, a ; miller,
watt poon after the subfmt of conversation
in a party, when a wag in company
recommended all farmer. to send their
corn to the bridegroom!, mill, for they
wculd stand a good chalice of fair treat-,
meat ; tor, added he, "I once knew a mil-
ler, a great rogue, who stole his wile, but
it made 4oneet , man of Ilial. for he,
never stole any-Ihing after "
1.1 !!'"'!' 1. 1 •
GRISAT SNOW Siroatt.-'—At Oswego, N.
Y. a snow storm set `
lb :on last - Friday
week, and continued fiitir days. The
Palladium thus desciituts 'the scene after
the storm ceased': t'
"Our city rivaled the ' wAnter scenes of
the Arctic regions, audit le nob storm could
only be equalled tberei Tbe streets in
many parts of the city were,itupassable,
dal snow ranging from lour to ten and
twenty feet in depth, add in soine places
the drifts are thirty feet deep. Many of
the residences were banked op with snow
to the second story. Water street is to
tally impassable. The' river is almost
entirely closed up to the lower bridge,
extraordinary occurrent:: , and AO ducks
took refuge in the fide .Pen leiter npar
the bridge during the eto in, from the rs-
ging elements on the
the roads into the interio
impassable, and it is i
how soon we WWI gel
with the country. The
to a depth on the level
feet in the woods."
low is still •slashing r
He has just issued d no
d•li seem'. to be certaii that wo shall
have to give the abolitiong ,
els at least one
pod thrashing before po acid matters can
be settled in this 'mho . . To do so we
must have arms ;we hale the men. I
propose to raise funds t 4 furnish Coles
revolvers and other armsfor those who
are without them. I prSpote to do so
without taxing any one ,ut myself, I
will sell some shares of to n stock in the
territory, and bind lapel to invest all the
money in the above'tittil i es, which shall
be loaned to such soldiers r are unable to
purchase them, and shall itimain for null
use for the space of nue/ or two years.--
The arms to be usedi by the voltnteers and
militia of Atchison County, when in ser
. ANECDOTE OF' 1(0801170NOD HORSE.--.
Koiseusco wished to mead: some bottles of
good wine ,to a clergyman of Slutliorn,
and gave the commission to a young man
by the name of Zeltnerand desired him
to take the horse he himitelf usually rote.
i i
OR his return. Zenner s' id that he would
never ride. Isis horse aga ,unless he gave
him his purse at me as ()Noe.: , Kottoi
psko-asking,whauhe meeleA, 1k answered
" W hen a poor man on tbe road takes of
his list, and asks charity, the horse ink.
mediately stands still, and won't stir till
sometuiug is given to the, petitioner : and
as I had Ito money, I was obliged to I
make believe to give something in o.der .
to satisfy the horse." .
—A correspondent of the Ra n
uena Dern
board of one ..f our Cape rockets, not lung .
()era'. writing from Alton, Illinois, says e'
since , one Of the lad y 14"eagare''whe was
1 "An old and intelligent citizen, formerly
on deck near the Captain, was compiathing of the East, who was present at the death
;of the cold. Another passenger, ono of ;of
si Lovejoy,
stated' to sir tht us he ws .
' our "solid men," w as g i v i titz t h e captain . nunted with the two men u
who shot a bins,
souse advice as to hair w steer his craft, . 1
, he resolved to . mark their after history.
and, without noticing the conversat ion. The &St, a Dr. Beall. went to Texas, was
just as the lady exclaimeil "how cold I 'taken by the Indians, and chopped to pie
am," he asked with some earnestness, le : otherd dividod among the tribes. The
relation to the vessel's course, "hadn't you ; man by the name of Jenningit, went
better hug her a liule. Caption ?"—a nau
to New Orleans, and in an affray in a gam
tical phrase which sailors Will appreciate.:
Wing house was cut to pieces with a bowie
Th° l a d y res p on d ed w i t h t w aa degree o f . knife. Thus perished the miserable mur
tartness, and she 'Squire, who is one of i derers of Lovejoy.
the' most modest of meta, was quite than- 1 _ ,
derstruck to find he had made so unseason
able au observation.—Doslon paper.
Trim APT of HEALTLL—WaIking is the
best possible exercise. Habituate your.
self to walking very far. The Europeans
value' themselves on having subdued the
horse to the use of man, but I doubt wheth
er we have nut lost more than we have
gained by the use of this animal. No one
thing has occasioned so muoh degeneracy
of the human body. An Indian goes on
foot nearly as far in a day. for a long jour
ney, as an enfeebled white does on his
horse, and he will tire the best horses.--
A little walk of half an hour in the m.orn
iug, when you first rise, is adviseable. It
shakes off sleep, and produces other good
effects in the animal economy.
One day ea Judge Parsons was jogging
along on horseback over a desolate road,
he came upon a log hut, dirty. smoky and
miserable. lie stopped to contemplate
the too evident poverty of the acme. A
half 7 starved fellow, with uncombed hair
and unsh'aven ,beard, thrust flits' haul
through a square hole which served for a'
window, with—"E say, Judge, I ain't so
poor as you think me to bo, for I don't
own this 'ere land." •
'Wall, stranger,' snide backwoodsman to
a than whom the landlord,of the hotel both
were stopping at had 'detailed to sleep with
hint- 1 11%11, stranger, I've no objection to
your sleeping with me, none in the least,
but it seems to me the bed is rather nor
row for you to sleep comfortable, consider
ing how I dream. You see lam an old
trapper, and generally I dream of shnotin'
and soalpin' Injuua. Where I stopped
night before lest they charged anc,five dol
lars extra, 'cause I happened to whittle up
the head-board in the night. But you
can come, stranger, if you like, I feel kin
der peaceable pow.'.
A negro preacher was holding forth to
his.onngregatiou upon the subject otobey
iug the coumninds of God. SaYe he.
...lireliren; whatever Gad tells me to do in
die betik, (holding up the Bibled dot I'm
;wine to do.' If I see iu it dat I meat
jump troo a stun wall, I'm givinirto jump
at, it. : .Gin' troo it 'longs to clod, „lump
inn' at it 'longs to me.'
Contortootoms.—Why is a croppetl.tail
barge like a wholesale article oeoauie
he Cannot be re-tailed. s- •
Why is a fool like twenty hundred
weight ? Because he's a simpleloo.
flow may a perfectly good man lissome,
• better t By laying a wager.
-hall Columbia.
. . By .11 Hopkinson Esq.
Kith Columbia ! happy land
Hail ye heroes heavemborn band I
Who fought and-bled in freedom's Cause,
Who feught and bled in freedom's cause,
'And when the'storm of war was gone,
Enjoy'd the peace your Valour won: • •
Let independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost;
`Ever grateful for the prize,
Let its alters reach the skies.
Firm—united—let us be,
Rallying round our liberty'
As a band of brothers join'd,
Poem and safety we shall find.
Immortal patriots, rise once more ;
Defend your rights, defend your shore
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Invade the shrine where sacred lies,
Of toil and blood the well-earn'tl prize.
While offering peace sincere and just,
In heaven 'we place a manly 'trust
That truth and justice will prevail,
And every scheme of bondage fail.
Firmunited, &c.
Sound, sound the trump of fame
Let Washington's great name
Ring through the world with loud applause,
Ring through the world with loud applause,
Let every clime to freedom dear, •
Listen with a joyful ear.
With equal skill, and godlike power,
He govern'd in the fearful hour
Of horid war ; . or guides, with ease,
The happier times of honest peace. .
Firm—united, &o.
Behold the chief who now commands
Once more to serve his country stands-
The rock on which the storm will eat
The rock on, which the storm will beat.:
But eviler] in virtue, firm and true,
His hopes are fix'd on heaven and You.
When hope was 'linking in dismay,
And glooms obscured ColuMbia's days .
His stead, mind, from changes free,
'Resolved on death or liberty.
Firm—united-let us be,
Rallying round our liberty ,•
As eand of brothers jotri'd,
Peace and safety we shrill find.
.ke. Of course
sr e completely
possible to say
Snow now lies
of six to. eight
ll . e en. Stringfol
, 011",,in Kansas.
no, in which 'he
HOPELY.BB CASE.—Tito Freeman's
Journal abandons Mexico - as a tiopelesi
case, considering "the unfortUnate pettple
of that country as having no elements out
of which a national life can spring."—
Truly,in that wretched country, ltemaniam
has done its work well. There it has,
trots the first;bad the entire sway. The
moral, religious and intellectual training
;of the people has been in the hands of the
clergy, who have secured to themselves a
large portion of thp . treasures eftike,ooon
/ Icy; even "their bisethren, wits
have the courage to, pretend that Popery
can save the United Suites, abandon them ,
as hopeless ! The I journal: thus writes
their epitaph : "Oeut vulnerati dorrnien•
:es in sepukhrie, quorum non eat mentor
amptius. '
SNOW BREAD " e find the annexed
pararaph, in one of our exchangee. It is
curious if true :
"All persons where snow abounds, are
not perhaps aware of the value of the flee
cy Ilakes in making light, delicious and
wholesome bread. There is no 'raising'
in the world so perfectly physiological as
good, fresh, sweet snow ; it raises brewd
or cakes as beautifully as the hest of yeast,
or the purest acids and alkalies, while it
leaver no taint or fermentation like the
former, nor injurious neutral salt like the
nesday last, Mr. Samuel Chamberlin, of
Ravenna township, Ohio, bad invited some
neighbors to supper, and as the guests be
gan to arrive, be went to the wood house
fora supply of wood, when ho suddenly
fell, and before he could be removed to
the house was dead.
THE whole number of passengers trans•
ported during the past year on the• seven
railroads leading from Beaton. was 8,111,.
030, or 29,900 for each working day,—
The number in 1854 was 8,761,760, the
diminution being 650.790.
RATHER SCEVTIOAL.--A lady rioing,m
the ears a few weeks since found herself
seated by the side of an old matron who
.was exceedingly 'deaf. "Ma'am," said
sbe, in a high tone, ...did you ever try o!co
tricky l'" "What did you say, MIAs ?"
"I asked if you ever tried electricity for
your deafness "0, yes, indesd I did ;
it was only last summer 1 got struck by
lightning, but I don't see as it done we a
bit of good."
RUSSIAN CITIRS.—Thent are only
thirty four cities and towns in Russia that
contain over' 20,000 inhabitants. The
population of the three principal cities is
follows: St. Petersburg 543,211;
Moscow 373,800; Wartiaw 187,000.—
Total 1,083,011. .
lei. The number of imatikrauta erho ate
rived at New York haat year was 188,233 ;
or leas than 'oue;lkalr , the number-'of the
previous year. ,
"There is no reason to fear the ruin of
that people who thrive by their los4s and
multiply by behig ' • ,
A. good word is an easy, obligation, bat
not to speak 'I) relnires 914 our silence
which oosut nothing.' •
[llront the Compiler
Burial Of AVashitigtan.
' We are indebted .to another lady friend of
this place for the Perusal of an antic:Oared
~d ocument," being &copyof "The Pennsylva
nia Herald, and Yorit'aeneril Advertiser." of
January 1800, which she,yery properly pre
serves with solicitous care, not, only because
of its age, but for the additional 'reason that it
contains an account of the burial of the great'
Westitnermr, which occurred shortly previous
to the date of its issue. The account passesses
a "peculiar and melancholy interest, and we
' therefore transfer it entire to our columns :
GEORGETOWN, December 10.
On Wednesday last, the mertal part of
WASHINGTON. the Geeml—the Father of
his Country,'and the Friend of man, was'con
signed to the tomb, with solemn• honours and
funeral, pomp.. : , -
A multitude of ~persons ; assembled, from
many, miles
~ around,, 11 MOunt Vernon, the
choice diode and last reaidenee or the Mesta
eta chief. There Wereithmgruitis, the 'meal
inia overtime; the beautiful and Sublimescenes,
the noble mansion—bnOlabl the august in
' habitant was near no more. • That grout soul' was
gone. His mortal part w,as there indeed; hut
ah how 'affecting! how awful 'the smetaele
of- such worth °and greatness, thus, to mortal
eyes, fallen !—Nes I fallen !. fallen
111 the' tong and lofty' Awned, where oft the
Hero walked in all his , glory, now lay the
shrouded corpse. The counteuence,mill com
posed end serene, seemed to express the dig
nity 'Ofhe lately dwell in' *at
Melees form. , There those who paid the. fast
sad honors to the benefactor of his
took an impressive:-.4 farewell view:
On the interment at the head of the coffin.
Middle . of the coffin, Gbents Dzo-L-and on the .,
silver-plate, • -'
G R A t;
Departed this life, on the 14th of Denim
- bet, '99, Xt. al.' ''
Between three and four o'clock, the sound
of artillery from a veseel;iii the river, tiring
minute guns, awoke afresh our solemn sorrow
—the corpse was moVed—w band of' music
with mournful melody , melted the 'soul into
all the'tenderneas of woe. '
-The procession was,formed and moved 'on
in the following order :
C A 4 A I at V .—+lril iii NT It Y ~4.•• GUARDS,
(With arms' rellped)
frlttinc--Custior. ,
The flottig. .. ' ,
(With his saddle,:hulsteett and pist . ols,),. ,
~. Mfr. r -. .. Cola: ;7,
'' Simms, L' • Gilpin, tu"
F ,
F Rargsey , , . 'f, u
, Mallltellef:' • a F t i
C, i
„E5ay, 4 „..1... ~ 4....,,, . tei l , :.:_-I,i-,- ieitile. , It.
, CIrIZI/N5. •
When the procession had arrived at the bot
tom of the elevated lawn, on the banks . of the
Potomak, where the fernit3i' wank is plated, the
Cavalry halted, the Infantry marched 'towards
the Mount end formed their lines--the Clirgy,
the Masonic Brothers and the citizens descend-
ed to the vault and the funeral service of the
church was performed. The firing wasJe
peated from the vessel in the river, Md' the
sounds echoed trim the hills around
Three general discharges by the
Chivalry Ond 11 piece's ofmolliery, which
lined the the hanks of the Potomak• back of
the vault, paid the last tribute to the wonted
Commander in Chief of t h e; Armies of the
United States, and to the venerable, departed
The sun was now setting. Alas ! the lux
or owner was Rat forever. No! the name of
WASHINGTON,' the American President
and General, 'will triumph over death—the un
clooded brightness of his glory will illuminate
future ages.'
In the RAMS number of the ""herald," the
following proceedings in Congress, having ref
erence to the death of WAstimros, are given :
Mr. Marshal, from the joint conimittee
pointed to report what - testimony of respect
ought to be paid to the memory of the Man
first, in War, first in •Peace, and first in the
Hearts of his Countrytnen, made in
part, which he delivered in at the table, where
it was twice read, and unanimously agreed - to,
in the words following to wit:
Rettolved, By the Senole and House of
mentalist:a of the Unikti Slain Jimerien in
Congress nuernbled, l'hat a Marble Monument
be erected by the United,States,lo the Capitol,
in the city of WashingtOn, and, that :Im fatuity
of Gen. Washington be recriested, to permit
his liody io be deposited under it; nod that
the monument be so designed as to cuitnetn
orate the great events of his military and po
litical life.
4,4 be ii further ranked. That there shall
be t a , funeral procession from Congress. Hall
to the German Lutheran Cherub, in Honour
of the memory of Gen. George Washington,
on Thursday the 26th inst., find that an Ors-
Lion be prepared at the request of Congress to
be delivered before both Houses nos that day,
and that the President of the Smune and the
Speaker of the. House of Representatives, be
desired to request one of the .tllauthl4s of Pop
grass, to prepare and deliver the same.
4n4 beilfurfAer indeed, That TOCOUI•
Mended to the people of the United States to
Wear 04e on the left arm, as mourning, for
thirty days.
and be it further resolved, That the President
of the liii;ted Slates be requested to direct a
copy of these resolutions to be transmitted to
Mrs. Washington, assuring her of the profound
respect Congress will ever bear to her person
and character: of their condolence on the late
afflicting dispensation of Providence ; and en
treating her assent to the interment hf the re-
mains of General George Washington, - in the
manner expressed in'the first reouttoioth-,`
And be it further resolved, That the Presi
dent of, the United Sutter lie requteoeti to issue
a Proclamation: notifying to the people through
out the. United, SIAM*, the ropoiniuoudatrup
contained in the third Resolution.
3:7 - It. has been beautifuily said that the veil
which tamers the face of futurity is woven by
the hand of nteMy. Seek not to raise the veil,
therefore, for asthma might be seen to shade
the.brtiw that fancy 'had arrayed iu.emites of
Q 7% Mend' has pnesented us with tho'sti
tegmph of the blacksmith that ••riveted the
pablie.gar.e.!' •
Oglwo ladies of Wrightsville, Pa., have
each presented their husbands with an increase
of three to the family since the new year cop
(1:71Irs. Partington - was very indignant on
bearing that the Russians had takenflig4tat
the same tints she observed that it muss have
been anoutlaudish tart of plats at beat; for 'As
couldn't And it any where *a tha ntajh
• 7 ,
f irumi t st sit :
. _
. '
-Arful cola 11 1 0,at,Aer.=-0, ants,
writes as follows to the Brookville, Le s t ,
Democrat, from Fort Dodge;
date of Jan. 16th :
We have wedded oar way littler , naiad
the inclemency of the winter. We 'ha**
.been fourteen days in getting hese front tin- •
buque, being about 220 miles. The win
ter has been unuanally seven), so much to,
i that the suffering bas, been great. It ha
been cold for a week or ten days, bat 9a
Sundayobe sth lost., a snow storm,' anti
menced and lasted till Monday morning,
WIND the cold increased to a degree aldioat
intolerable. The mercury stood all day on
Moiday from 10 to 22 degrees below sedii.
On Tuesday morning it was perfeetlioleat,
and remained so all day, bright ;sun•doics
accompanying the sun from morning until
night. `At 7 o'clock in the , morning, the
mercury stood at 28 degrees below zero
10 A. M., it was down to 24 below, which
• .•
was the highest it attained during th e day.
At 0 at night it went doln to 80 belo*,
and, at 4 o'clock on Wednesday : MOraing,it
was 32 below. Beat that !honed. Tim
mercury dot less then' 2-I 'degrees below
ro, at any time during a ' bright stitwlntay
day 1
Sad Accident with. a. Bow and Arrow:4—
A very distressing accident occurred au
Saturday afternoon to a. little eon of Mr.
I les. T. Miles,,who resides on Soicp : atmot in
this city. The little fellow, who, is sitogi
six years old, and a playmate abOUt hie oyn
age, were !musing themselves with . Immo
and arrows in the woodhouse. Accidental.
ly little Miles' companion discharged' Ma
arrcw, which wee a pointed piece-of whale.
bone into the right eye of the little fellow
—causing its total destruction: The 011ie
one hunter of the eyo all ran' One of the
wound. Such an accident should warn Ra►
route of thedanger of putting into the'hinlis
of:' their' children am* dangerens plity
thinge.---Rocheater American.
.4 Demonstration of the Leap TrAir;.-4
rather singular and amusing oeourretiae
took place n ear Coebranville, Chester emitify,
Pa.,. a few weeks since. A Mr: Nolte%
from MedMa, Ohio, was introduded
a Miss Duquet, of Chatham, Chestereomity,
abut four o'clock in the afternoon of t6o
14th tilt., and married her within'"
lours afterwards. Both are to be
worthy And respectable persons, bufieiy
They were jesting upon the subject
of matrimony, when 'she, jestingly, ''gip.
ped the question," to'which he'd
Oue reply brought, on another, 11:11 . 411hity
went to the parson's and had the eeremehy
Latta. from Me West Coast of A friea.--
Advices from Sierra Leonit to the 'l2tb'of
December state that a serious diaturbanow
had cgs:arned at Sinew, arising from'icatioe
ri b
hairing been 'taken from' the British bit tie
Ariel by one of the people there, ittid . he
liupereargo, Mr. Harriett, applying 'tb e
authorities for its restoration, the abiiiff Sent
to tiemand it, When 0120 of thci native : hats
Was set on, fir,e, and in the affray which took
one of the sheriff's men' was hilled.:—
Suvend 'of the surrounding towns were'tie.
etroyed, and one with upwards nf 'lOO a
entirely burnt, with the excep t i on' of a
mission house. ,'
Cod°fan Unguarded Expresaion.--In• the
Boston Superior Court, ou Saturday morn
ing,,the ease of Mary Doherty sigebn L.
Brown, was brought toe close. line plain
tiff in this. case sued for $5,000 damages,
for'injui7 done to her character by an op
probrious epithet applied to her by defend
ant, in whose family she had lived. The
use of the language was not denied, and the
•defendant undertook to prove its truth from
the conduct of the plaintiff, but failed.—
The jury rendered a verdict assessing dam
ages at $3,666 60.
In a An—An old bride and a youtlifig
bridegroorelibe first near slay yew* of
age, the friar iu'the neighborhood,of nine
teen, are now in , this city, stoppipgat a beA
tel dello town, and without. the n3eiuis.of
paying their board bill. The youthful
bridegroom was corned all day yesterday.
His wife says she owns two farms in 'Ala.
bama, and started from home with seventy
dollars to pay through expenses.. The
youthful husband got hold of this and Icon
'rendered the amount invisible.—R4lanoral
V. S. Soldiers Frozen.—A letter' fa Qi
fort Snelling, (Minnesota,)" dated tha
of Ja . 1311114, states that from the 20th db.-
°ember to the 1 fitit ofJanuary, the thermom
eter ranged from 27 to 38 degrees.. bettor
zero, and that the troops were ectinplatilly
frozen in. One man of Company .1, 'tetith
regiment of infantry, was 'frozen to death,
lind, as many as eight or ten other soldiers hid
Choir fingers Irmo one motnias •
mounting gulp]: ' •
/SIPA singular ease of deoth by' sot*
tioti was brought to Heath' NeW York ea
Wednesday. orasonowarobing'ibr ■odte
obstraotton'tbagrevented a chimney froto
drawingi . oometpon the body of a mat wea•
gedluto the Sue which was asoortained
be that of Louis• insane front intern•
peranw, who had been missing shwa Near
Year's day.
A goo/ Procaxliny.--Tho Aldermai of
the city of Chicago, s abort time gime, pis
sed a bill making an appropriation for the
purpose of providing themselves with 441.
heackd cane* of the 'studio( 1150eash.
Mayor vetoed the bill, but ten' Oat et the
fifteen members of the Bard It s
and eight of .thilin furnished
with canes at the espeuse of the dip '•,'
r' Severe if cal4er Sontk---Tbo
the Miseissippi . river throughout* IN
• •• • •
length le bet down as a ountuniliong
(*dented iu the memory al ucr
and tudigoli fill. io 6)=4 •
amieaSla smead.•
" .4);
t ~,,tilf
`';;.•L .7-;*
: 1 19
• ...,,
;4. ON