Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, February 15, 1856, Image 2

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__ ... .... otra sureptylogrtn.rugreappirtiCr'" '"; - 1. ,,, 1. , "^::'.
of riiiiMiiitaittidinitentind itriaetiCOled. 'Their elTorie, however, are notoiry 1
of certain professions, for the acquisition. of I successful, and at Dublin ihi6 week the
weal otrelPeetAnitY• of nuhlfie... .Even 'i difficulty of finding individual but era has 1
the ism pupils, Will often,become- typer—r se - g - 1 - iurttthat
soru _ ei
oi di
In explanations ; /Ira** th l ey I *0 ( itiuiintitierf of brheat,
5 ,1, 1 1, .7nr) sithei iain t iliare hi .+n !offered ai aim.,
:1 11 tval i s t riets a in ni g. m an ra l ivi protril e e i ju gr ;L i re j wsof ,i t ! o dP n. uill g Pi : ryra,..7 4 it h 1 a; lli°
~, re du , "i. , ,
th ' em s
al n w e spon e aibility. l
•r•., rea dy ;:irci;,;c";vltilt is ( ''''
3 4r t cA l u ' lOr Ale AT ;Mi. .4: '
,Au saws what i witrig, Tut. 1 , he , ;, ari • c ei ‘ p mien( of la ' rd,
at ae, newel ( us in indi 'due p pi's. ' . - y ... " . .
~ _
h er . t ib j eve e t Tfra l arr i a a «.. i „,,,,says..lltListien r,,uac . Jer ue l ._, et4o 1
d otiWlTpotential principle in the hu - . communicate the news of the Rlttsian act- 1
rt. than the friar of punishment or eeptance of thii peace proposals wl his
con ,That teacher who is ever finding : daughter, the Princes Mathilde, thaillikidy
~t, . ..„,......and t„i 4 ki t x g occasion" threw herself upon his ineck, •tweeping
from eve of divohedierwo or idlenc<is, to
for joy ;" Rhin that when the Emperor
indulge i'n Ihniehfutrdlia farrtioseriuref 41161i:el' .
a • e ii ,
•.• ,
the whole school 'indiscriminately, kill soon
discourage his'pupils, and them in,..ormi
"ble to his complaint:A. But if the teacher ex
presses his gratifieigion ; at acts off be:limie:c ,
praises times that do well,. end' wirer truth ;
mill admit, else bestows commendation on the i
eel - Ont. n general; his pupils will be gratified,
they will acquire an attachment to their toach
or, seen the farriertzr disobe,lippt:will sock to
merit, his approbation,,. and' there will, be
manifestimprovemont in the order, the, lii}ppi%
tees, and the moral principles oft%) '
T m
his, Gentleen as a sketch of thitt'•ii.leal,",
a r hi sk h I think all,; who are entrusted, with
thelglosiation Of youth, should aim. It is ec•
ident,,ihist a profession involving so untily,im;
petant principles, must bo studied. if its :iit-
Antribents would secure success, The to her
ftvoµld , familiarize himself with those princi
ples, and with the rules flowing from:them.
and requisite for their application. Ile should
make an., deliberate and porseve 7
t rim effort to carry them out in prnctice. „If
your twat attempts are but partially successful,
return daily , to the, renewed effort;.end Success
mill eventually not fail to orown, your labor,
Anise of you can doubtless say, the plan I have
*deavorod to ',ketch, is,the .ezeiet theory, co
which you have tsren practicing ; and t iloubt
not all who pursue it, find thetneelres
rewarded by the increased pleas:minces of their
! employment, and the visible, improvernso of
-their schools. Carrying out this systern,,yon
~3 v .i4 have, the pleasing . consciousness, that you
r are not laboring In vain. You will see your
growing up henorable, moral. respecta
ble industrious men, successnil in thotlif-
Invent walks of life, end faithful in the several
,te , tagens Ana IMUces tney may sustain., The
.eowmunity, also will soon, learn: to estimate
,more justly the value of your services, and re
dard, 'mous benefactors of your race ; whilst
you will secure the approbation of that oznals 7
ment, all, gracious Xing, lief are, whom wp must
_all ere long riptienr, to, render an act-mut:it of
vim stewardship on earth.
901 e: Week Later train EIIFOIPp.
-Bussies Acceptance of the Austrian Propose
ti on Offlcialy Announced.
ThiCurniril line new steamer' Persia',
arrived at' Tstew York
on: Saturday' morning tram
.poul, whence she., left at 1 - 24 o'clock on
Sittorday,, 'the 26th of. January,
,• .
.kreel number of rumors are in Circa.
lation,. touching the approach or pollee. - -
.They4tre of all descriptions, and cannoths
systematised. In 'England, f for instance;
.they say that Prussia will not be adMitted
- aim party to the negotiations. '.lt
'on'the 'other hand, the greatest cortfideece
is felt Ihat Prussia, Will be invited to par
'icipate in the denferances as a leading
poWer. Sardinia was formaly acquainted
with the Austrian propositions, and will,
-of come, be summoned to take•tt share the negotiations. By many it its be
-Ileved'that seeing how many of the powers
, .
ereinterested, and the, European impoitanci.'
of what relates to the Principalities and
is Christians in the. East; the negotialions
assume .the magnitude, of a Europe
:an Congre,s. Russia will probably con
cedti,tho dismantling of Bomirsund, pro
- Siding Shit can save Nicolideff.
Count • Neseelroili has 'aildreisell the
r4reiten tenses 'of Russia in'thittiin FORS,'
ft. ViO declaring that :Russia has mode minces
,one m
stolt Wto t he re•establishment
,40 peace. out of diderentio to the repreaen
tations of friendly posters, and net be
,,,cause the Intereste of Russia call for .the
conclusion of that peace. hi. de. Nessel
- rodes circular 'is barked im assertion
in the Russian jdnrnal to the effect
2 that in consider,amin of the' general wish
of Europe, the toyerninent of the„ Csar
hai not sought to impede the work. of re- .
conciliation by accessory negotiations. and
'hopes that due account will be taken of its
moderation. '
The mere preliminaries of negotiation
can, hardly be signed in time for the
Queen,'s speech od January 31st. Con
.sidering the season of -the •year, it will be
well if all parties have signed the united
•agrrement'to negotiate by the 2d or :3d of
February. No city, has yet been decided
opou fur the place of meeting of the' eon
,ferance.. ,
The French and English cubintda, it is
said., have conte to aperient agreement as
to the mode in. which the negotiations are
to be carried on. At the same time the
belligerenfpnwere continue their prepare
-•• "firms for an earnest continuance of the war
:abould:peace not result hoot the 'present
, 'enneavors.
The .Londen Daily news, of the lateet
Aide. in aleaditig article, says :
..We learn on authority, which renders
'it impossible for Its to doubt the correct
ness of the 'statennent, that a preliminary
treaty at peace will be signed probably be
' fore Tueiday--certainly Wore meeting of
.„Farliarnent. Au armistice will he condo
..ded'itumodiately after the sigaature of this
—preliminary treaty for a limited period,
sulttegoliatinns with a view tea final Onin
' piehatislie treaty will he ionimetined
merriately. We are given to understand
:that it is the determination of the allied
POWers tri.exereise to the full extent the
right reserved to them by the filth article
• of the Austrian proposals, to bring. fox
•'llard additional stipulations to the general
interesti of Europe.
oastani t st ,iroweits AND 711!S NEGOTIA-
~. -. , 14,ie WWI Irmo Vienna. that the Aus
-trtger,government has steadfastly set its
•* be. against the continuation of the war.
`'All the journals, have been ordered to ex
r ptew theirconfidence that the negotiations
will'lead to a treaty. _.The
, Donau'
ezpress ing doubts 0e their successful
'nimation, has-been seized sod confiscated.
•-i'he 'Vienne correspondent of the Times
states :that in that capital the most siren
,):tleal-- efforts are making to induce England
not t,ointist nit the disarming of the Rus
_elan fortresses on the. Eastern ahoref
-,the Black Bea. • ),.
:'"The news of the Russian acceptance
' , lble heed tetteivetf very coldly in Sweden.
national there is greatly dhoti
-4-11)11f014 ei lhe prospect id:peace. Cye
, !VI, from Copenhagen that a similar
. ittnetetiaracition is manifesied ~ by the, ultra
Itlidelkti pativ of Denmark:l
' ' -TAW wh,eat market la slightly leis un
Eat 7 -
;but - prieeti bate not tecovered.-;-
lieictifturieui all over the canals* are'
',seam to cheek the aanguien!qineitt',
liiii_. c 4A+ Putgi* i Nrottiliff Pel,,til,• i'r ,
:41whillItireiella ottivittoe' ihean Ahet
fitele•be entrtbuiekkanuat be long baton)
IlOrilet'ppm. from v &mom can be rezeie
Napoleon read the ilisputeh to the colinciliillpti ale cant. . uelegtt
of war, krlniiral Lyons cried ...Sire I dont , ate Convention were also required to
exactly toctlerstand it ; Olen. •unst he some ,
varopoi ,
and take the same oath. There was some
ni s tat. e!" Louis
read it again. Then the English began "Pun ni ng end •klokot 44). Col oft
whi!pering busily among themselves.— i few of the candidates. but as no one
,"rhrmlce . saying that ! 'Could* be *Odd tit without takingihre
his mi,sion at Paris was at 811 en.l, And oath, all yielded to, the humiliating quail
that he hall 'only to ztake l lerive of Ern-
Seation, and 144 oath'ititi -administeAd
peror and start that evening for London" , ,
Louie Napolecit insisted Oho his Grace sOrbr Sljle Delegates Were the"'
ahould mullein three, or four, days. Ae to! e ts Convention favorable
Prince Napoleon, c(ter the dispatch. wt to,. the uinui of Mr: 'Rabbet:tan as
read his Ro y al 11 I g h Ile " , "' mirk e a "' the Presiden . tisita i ndid ate'.
"hen Italy . and Poised are eau a.,„
?" I ":" etfie !sr • 9"""new'r" wi l l lie
The same writer asserta.that Mk- i
titres have taken place in the council , hi. exacted at Harrisburg from ell the Mew
tWeVII the Ditlte otiCainbridge and Prince bars of the Convetititm, its• well as from
Napoleon, the t , rincr, feelh‘tiolf the inliutnerable candidates for State Of.
any project of the re.ettablistimeut of Po. rumbaed Presidential , elictore. TheJuit•
hail independence. ' • •, sr. • ,
ticiesof the Peace ww.hetre a briny time
of ill, Misbelieve mit° townse) n, Mr.
liannta, is a candidate nditor
General-hip, and will have to go through
the prescribed forms. How do you swear,
Mr. DxNrimr. T ,
Ott receipt 01 a Huhn telegraph
patah. in Parie on the 22.1 that The
-Czar, had , . sent 'fanfare: id • General , '• GOrt.
achakolTin suipentt:' Itnatilitieti.therkr wag
- a rioid ferito;‘4hErh aisi'iticete;
it1lt""1"!,q4 , rat tiaratoit
Whether there t* Rny foundation .for
shis reportor mot, its effect, shuts equally
I/with-what 'avidity ',meek .desited in this
eapitat; and the' tertorte froth the' depart.
'thin It wonhi itikt lin leas
VvelenMe' ,
.puipt the news
of ti - ,eePtanee.of the ukimalum
was - reeetvell with,enthusiacie , -vitias, and
every demonstration. , of delight::-Were
-the Eittplabr Aleiander to ;Kiftlrie'.loyal
, peare.to4l4"anti bring it to i'drii'ii~ flip
pdekii l l'l4l,leve 44. " 111 " i l if 64 0°
rrtge{pepetac. twin tgLrange n;
yery, interesting Ateretnnntr, took plats°
at the ,Britirh Embasey ai, Petition- fhe
'224 of , lantiary. His Excellency 'lord
Ooteley distrihntetr number
of Frinch;-nsval and MiliterY 'offieere
Order iif the . %ihjeli, her initleety
juts thought proper , to bestow upon them
for their distinguished, services the field
and on the sea. • '
" • "' , • •
Friday Evening, Feb. 15, 1856,
I hope wo'inar find Some moans in' futire
of shielding cmrs'elreS front Foreign bilanerice.
•=Yiillitionh tw '
mmoreial, or in whatever form it
mny be' ettienifA4 T wish there Were an
becand file; between this and the 614
COGIOISS.—.Speakei EtArute bps.not
'yet announced hie Committees. . The
liouse boon engaged in 45-
fort Jo, elect 'a
• trni, last vote op
l'tieetlay sOod—Follett , •6s, Wendell 69,
Thirmlianc. 9; Satient 6;enattet:-
ing,9. 'l , inees4ty to weboiee 83,
The' Senato 'has been. mainly engaged.
With the diseueSion of the Central Amer.
lean question. All the Senators who have
, tako strong grounds in, favor of the
interpretation of the Claytou•Bulater Area.
ty, as maintained by our Clovernment; and
adioree to the British el'a'ini4, ,Although
the two governments are at: issue, no sp.
prehensions'' of serieusl.difflenltlea'arpon.
tertained by knowitig ones. pmios
have.tpo 'mutt it ethke to go to Warupon
4u6L an ,;,.
~Tn the Howe . of ..Representativ es,
on Friday .last,, the'restilntlons;instrutiing
our U. S. Sennturs,to ,vote ,for the it:peal
of the,Karisas and Nebraska. act, wore.ia•
definitely postponed a' t volli of 51 to 8:i
Itinuaison voting with tip major
ity. ' Our 4ePretentative seems disposed
,to •go the ,whole giurn;with' : hie ,, '144,
in support of its Anti-American, Pre.:
Slavery policy:' Last 'week ho tenni
lied • ,his veto against tho, resolution, ,in
strueting our Senators to Support such
policy on the P 4. the. Oenntil
Government, as will tend, to secure in ita
treaties with foreign gOVEthirtlBl3 t the
rights of interment and religious warship '_
fbr Americans abroad--•=a proposition which
'Gen:'Ciss'has beet, for some lithe warmly
,urging,upon the attention of our, Govern
ment• l is Gen. Casa no longer orthodoi
has the "Datuom'atie" party made'up
its mind to secure anti hold the Catholic'
vote at all hazards, even' if be at the sacri
fitie of every thing like liberal and honeat
. governmentel policy ? Well, , be it so T
Wehave ooTy newevidenee thereby furnish
ed of the necessity of the Americm organ
ization, and of increased energy and ac
nu' the part ,of , trlin approve lie
aims and purposes. • .
iiiir , President Pierce has lunuchetlanoth
or' official tlitiuderliolt apiuit those
suns, :both of 3li3souri and .fiensais. , who
sleek to molt rol Vlore° the politiettl , inter
ir.stiOnof he territorial iptvernment. The,
President oommandi all •persons engaged
in unlawful 'conthitttions. against the con•
atituted.autherny of the Territory of Kan
vas. 'or the United States', to disperse and
retire peace'abty. to their respective abodes
and - to warn all each• persons that any at
tempted inst!rrectien in said Territory, or
aggressive intrusic4 into the sante, will he
resisted nos 'only by the. employment of
the_ loos: militia, btjt also that of any
available - fames of the liaised States.
.."..'%' T ,- . , ';',..:- '''‘ : ,.., .1 , ""5f . ”4 - 1 . 1 , 1 , .:7r. - 1r"...1; ,.. ir
How do yon swear? ' '
p'The "Democratic" Convention of
Philadelphia last week gate fresh' ••i, • '
of ibo hoif horror , With whieh thy.,
y . ,
rsgird 'path-boutsd' i , poli.ical part by
o ta
folicoi‘ingio.the wake' of their Berlf :S.
\ I
'ty brettnin,(and 'ltal . liking the foil ing
Oiili to b 9. administered to every me hel
befoiwiscintiperrnitted to tali° his seat : .!
"I do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that:ll
am not, and do not intend to become, a mem
ber of any political' organization, seeretorol
pen, which'proscribes any of our
on account of birtb•placeor religion."
"All thr nlidate.s for delegates to e
g7' We are glad to observe that the
"Harrisburg Telegraph" takes open and
manly ground in favor of the great prin
ciple* which the American miry is seek
ing to develop° in our governmental poli
cy. We have hitherto commended it to
the confidence of out American friends,
who may desire a firat•rato Harrisburg
paper, and renew the commendatioo. It
is not only ably edited; butte fiandsoniely
printed, and furnished at very low rates.
Subscriptions will be forwarded from this
office, if desired.
INGTI*—A communication'from God.
'Wise was 'read before the Virginial,egis.
lature on Monday, containing a proposi•
lion from Mr: Leiria W.' Washington to
present in perpetuity. to the State of Vir
ginia, the sites of the birth place , of George
Nifaahington, and .of Ahe homes and the
graves of his progenitors in America, proL
aided the State hall cause these places
, ,
to be permanently enclosed, and shall
mark the same by suitable tablets to cum
mentorate,those notable spate. 'The coin
miinication was referred to a Select corn-
—Sunday, the 2d inst., is said to have
been the Coldest day, they have had at
New Orleans this winter. The ! mercury
was down to 20 degrees, or 6 degrees
loWer than on any previous day. Three
years ago, however, on the coldest. day.
the, mercurY in that city was as low as 16
degrees above
,zero., Ice for;ned there on
{held instant an inch thick, and in some
loQitiee it Was reported to be three inches
One man was found frozen to
'death. ,
* train from Baltimore t 6 York
on Wednesday met with an accident near
Parkton, which might havo,been very se
rious. The iiootnetivo the track
at a dangerons , point:but fortunately the
coupling between it and Ole tender broke
at the nutmeat, leaving•tbe tender and pas
anger car en the track. Mr. B. POWERS,
of this place,.was on the train.,
fir - 3• The ocean steamer Pacific, which
left ,Liverppol over three weeks ago, is sup
posed to be lost. She belonged,to the
veral steaom have been
line. Se m ,
sent in search of her—mie by Mr. Collies,
and another by our Government.
PEACF, EURIDPE.--It is stated
that foreign r dispatehes. received at Wash
ington show that Peace is definitely settled,
leaving ispenifio terms to be arranged by
negotiation. Conferences will be boldAt
Liwd Clarendon Was to' bate ltft
London for Paris on the 28th .of homy.
. ,
jrZrGen. OABB met with 'a seriotia se
eidetic:last week 'by falling on the Patent
•Offic9, When Picked np he was
bleeding profusely from s contusion in the
head;, which rendered h im itieeneiblk , for
several ,hours. , npprphegeion
were at first entertained; but be is rarapidly
recovering. , ' '•]
Ot- Run, the member of Congress, who
commited the assault on HosAos'anrSLT,
has been arrested and bound over an
ewer the charge. • Greely writes , that , he
to do with' the prmecnifoiti l 7-
The complaint was made by Sk . rBl2oo Of
Washington. • r
0:70n the Ph inet, in,the Bowe. Xr.
Robineou read in hie place a bill to change
the place cdholding elections in H tinting
ton and Latikore township, Adc'ute:coun-
K7iSenator Douglas lute twotterati
Ocieotly iron) 'Ma recent 'line= Ack,
to take his seat iu' tbe Senate.
lOTA partridge was caught . on Friday
lut in the Court Hone s t, it Pittaberg;Ta.,
by the Clerk of the Couris,
A FAT OFFICE.—..Tke great contes
ted election ease of ,Sheriffbits linen
ded in New 'Orleans in favor of Major Rif
ty, the American candidate.. Major. Hef
ty is from New England and , an
. origins'
Native American. The •office worth o
ver. f)0 0 , 00 ( 11 , 4 Tear. • ' .. •
~1141- T he 81 1 3411, Po; is wel4 b 3 ., be,lfte
prevalent liarrisburg, • -
The F'rahelatin IStottlekit
A bill for the incoroporation of the mo
',nestle fraternity
_of rho "Franciscan
Triare,":, oe l Ca9bria ?ctounV, is i t bcfore the
Iliture , qf llcpsetopt.itivcr, an/ kfieited an
I ~ ' , ,
aitilable'debate lilt week.' T o probabili
tide aro ;that ;twit! pssiithe ifoil!e, the
majolity, of tkat bed . tihistiegnlrtdx evinc
ed isranittstliject tubsw.iincy ‘.le de
mands of Jesuitisniin its rejection of the
roposition in regard to the religious rights
of American citizens tinder Catholic gov--
ernment!, Thembers el*, this . Order,
sap the flakis lieteikirtonJ and tiOlund
by secret oath -of unqualified obedience
to a superiorg I, who resides at Rome
414 ki . 6iin iiiiolcl ifi;ituo
i lya
allegiance to t Pipe. Their' sole aim
'l6lfit) eltfeiteleh'orthe'Parial• Piktreerffdif
I ° P c t•P l j44l 4l , o iP t •l fill i ;111.0 1 ?Pelknil
the eno.minitiog' coati* their exist
str.etil In . the' porsuli4t, , this; , Isolab le ,
scheoliiite qabed t foiditii'idstitiatibiiil
sotkrti,' in !iiiiiellihe'qose'ff,''dlibitii'iiiiiani
• .., l, 1.1 .•,:,•., , _ -.- L , ...i, t.,,.
Ir, IlnOcged,.49r; '. , .'ii . 2. .-o?Plierll9,,
mind,,end undermine,: ...',:t 'r' egriet•prlli.,
600511 i.To ificorponitt` , ~ can !bottled:
tidtit . trciald'hiertiv#ltie'LlOdao6 in 'i
charge of ! , if.4itiffili:4t4.. ^ 4' .: roi..eiii#:':;4;,v;',.
Oigii 44.,his.,sOntitak:,10.464t03.aioelililell
deeteoy• the xeli g iousr faith of wen : ?cutest,
ant fellow-citisena, and the civil and relit
iota fratieliiiili I'diiiinileht''oti it's 'iliii diet'.
•:•1 ~, i•-.) , n•..: . tint- , , i ~, /H. I ,
ganatteci4 (tile A erate pil °F remarks)
arose from the
• troubles, of tbo,Park Agee,
when they served its asylums of refuge 1 , -
'gainst t ho civil. ware tad social'' troubles
of that etilamitiens perii4 of blitory. 'The
vow of Celibacy, • taken ley (*di, inmates '
eventually became the toured , of immenee
mischiiif. Debauchery tad lieentioustteee
prevailed not ohlYstli4iitlhli Wills' 'oflhOse
•Olahli° l lmeß 6 tbl4oß4c l •49)7o.ili4,
cer r upthi g ,,o the burnio4Airi lk i swim' Of
, mosphere:. 'Human ildegedation. and t in
'femy'refinibed its Erariisf siege aiiibili th.
monasteries tind ounnenel eftsti Itialdle
Ages, end grimes of,the ilachest turpitude
were perpetrated 'lathe= with impunity.
The same brutal appetins
, whieh 'detain
ehi'r'inthihnit 'pr, 'i l i iiil,' iiiii#lll4,u l -
alidi iPkulPure i!levvl;lTC k i l . ... i k eh .' r 9 -
treats, where. miler.thecrloak 'nu p.epenee
and devotion; they rfellowed abandikied Mill
vicious' lives. - They laciouscd' with greet
raPiditY,- !trill all; overran , he ' kluidonitiiif
NoroPe,,ahsorbiug . wil)t,their coffers.;the
estates of devotees ; wheorwrificed all their
lands and goods to the benefit of there
shrines or fOilaicattl.' .vrliey" thuiiqk'cintio
posseased..of gemit wealth and TaB run, pgii•
embragitig ( the faireerapd„richeet„-portions
Of the continent.: , - - . , . , -,, ~; ,;
To'Warida' the clorth'tftt*t eighte6th'hen
ry: suer( the, : wgharce ter.of
the tibilF;tliFef444o4tv,lii.thel9l,l4l4NeY
attractodAho atteption o(the,,leading Ro
meo OrithelfrilStateriof
AUSiri4ln 17S1 4 Tirobi Weil "kg de.
O nd '?'!F ° # l lo l ."PPO eil '4, i u•
pire on.foreiga,superiore i.he.olooYed the
foreigners , among them,• and.) obolihhod
nine hundred •teouttitdridil,' Eti!'l79o; the
Natiotial Arisetubly 'of. Prance V;otenienciid
the work of poW.icar; r,gforrt, AY;
all the religious , ord,sifstinAhat xquntryphy,
which 18,000 inrmks Jb,ooo tionewrito
thrtiwn back iota' 'the" world:" 'Di 'l.Bto,
the King of prtir74tiiiioitli t ir wi rt, r ,gpv ilf .-
anoti . in. b is, , doirrinions t and sppllcd Altair
useless and idle tretultiren•to.the foundation
of a fand for the . gratidertiet bf
iltccrntiy• r. .7 w
scrod" "itg equal ertnrgy, L
ow monastic profession ' t:ranee nos
sore on the body t politio.thne.:eaghr t o t o
rattibvld by '.tho scalpel' bf 'reforufri
torY .1.
vie!! ef,•AO. hi 51 4 ,17.9, 032 0 1 14 0 0: in
atit utions—.tho,insoparable evils attendant
on themturd of the decided stand , takon
against the 'by the it' ()imitates
the Old World ao ca 9t i rgtCain fibui
pressing our • )0 11 Pritie At ;46 1 1 4'01 1 )8$ , , Walla
in the House of Itlprostintativea , ,to. plant
them. in the soil of thi&ConstriVinweitth;-i
Vit possible thatibe
so c 6 rylpistoly ?vezTorf4 Po - 1 / I Nrittu
,(litholio,hierarohy , . dig Ii dare, Asolitakth
bold and manlystandlagainavthis introduc. ,
tion 'of these iti l ischl'Ootis inititutibrie
, into
ceded 014 is *Aired f9r ttiiBWir,olrrt. l / 4 0 1 .1", , RVe - '
thitionliecolesiutioal polies/ If this•handl:,
bating iervility dowi noreetteeil we shell titixt
see iliti'dliuroh Terinitililifoeleat glisten ,
' d4troy,eff ai priestiY:Otitien, artltril the ,
bulwarks prostrated; that our.' ancestors
hirvelbrown up artivincl, the tights and lib-,
order, of their deeeseilettta. It„, would re
ally seem that thelrtratocratic:. party/ hab
dart tall itiPancistir { tpitit;rtid cost ii'ia be
'horning the mere taw bf,l
aif Of .1 01 •
Pniff*Pql,eßialitMJiMlTPri,cifrr,lbg pats
its dasigne in. his Flellittriel by ,nreaftelPf '
agents of foreign birth end anti•lliOublii3isn'
l ipay ,Atedonbtedly Ale ,obtained, by ow*
°ohne; but in the vequisiton , ol: , Trowerandi
'place, the m ost;vital,, social and prditle a f:
"sneerer Artiericpii i cilizens 1e
* lificed. ~After. baying Toted down 'Abe
, resolutions of Nr: Mortars, 'invoking , tbe
.proteetionl of the rights . of conscience of
'Aineriead citizens in 'foreign countries' by.
the natienal govet:nment it , is quite'ink
ing far the majority to. aid the. Roman
Pontiff in his insidious schemes of hostility
against those rights in the United Stated.
[The bill, passed the House on Truudayl
by a vote of 80 to 29. All the Democtuts
yresetit voted for the bill excepl.'
of Lehigh.] '
lEirOn :Friday lie,. the Nfanagecs of "teer , .
Green Cemetery?' appointed. Press Tuner,' of
this Tlace,ffeeper of the Lodge and Cemetery
grounds. We bailee the idea is to'criniect
_witk A 0 ,7 ,0 4ffe • 9e,
_racer f9r.4l,l"lePf the
, Keeeerr4o.l4 cektmito Ito',
reads {hereof Wenctre folder. , .11e takes ppm>,
- 0 14414 j0it" the.fialt LIE Afr.a Wwite • „
r "Z D C . A L . "IT fI S.
Religlollo ditrEes AK itt...lllleif
8 bbatltt. ‘
Pret y y i tga3h --S c i g erices. fl,
Ch • Vlits (guthellin. rvices tbe
mornin' ,B,Fi. r. SchrTc \ • 1 ,
St. 7, ' arch, L n.)—Setr
in the • o in: nd ovslinn v. Mr. I.
Me , , t" 1 ,,,, : , • srlerr s n
eveni . ' .;. St 1111 ' L,
German Reformed Chure.h.--Servicei in the
morning, (Germau) & evening, Rev. J. Ziegler,
.Assomate Reformed Chtamk—N • services.
. —Catholic ..Oluire.h.-:,No.yrricett,.. .
...Tiie — Prayer3.lll"refittg df the 'Preshilerien,
Orman Deformed, and the two Lutheran
diet-elms is held every Wedneadierening;
Methodiat,.Thursday evening.. _
. . __..
UGH 1 c- z Ej .s l oti iad thought the' cold weather
i llike4l4l ji+ )1 djbipsd
. the mercury
went down again to 9 6 baoto zero'l—u will be
asee—by -Ihe.folkneirtg,registee for the- laat
week :
0 ! ..:24 Gf :fra.-tr.! 2 11. i[.9 P.V. It .AN.
, • i981.'• 301.;
,-;,•'M k —3O, 4;,. , •
„ , 90, . ' :29 18 •
10- 84- 23 ' 221
*4l' 35 21 •
so , r2thr, o , i 22 20 '
- "". • n 14 " 0 311 .
• 4 14th, • 9' 19 • " • ;
. • *;-Neknoelero. ; , ;- ,• I • ••,
tho Oourt ifon4;`an §fAliTitly
ile Ist of Onieh, at o'clock,oftwO tracts of
. rt" rTo a ' i
,tr,l q t , c! )( AP 11 1 1 . 4 0 r
P/IDY•AosiPshi__ Ply : I ';4loPtaiFia 65 ,Aqual
with Grit gill, Dwelling Notice, and other
improvements., •No 2. contains 66 Acres,
with• Fulling Dwelling House, and other
improvements. ' • ,
the. stable of Ur.
JOUNI D Dames, in . Peterobarg "(Y 8 ), was
crushwi.ja by the weight of snow on,it, last
week,ruiniata notooarriage.
2;11 of
Febrinaie by this Compaiiy
Pabrie 044 40g or tool'zi o .ro;eg
k;'0701 4 'd,f':36,, 87. P. w.
deliver an 4,191! aPaa. Ate ,ocqaaton. Tho
tgataPat9r Aava:adaPtad ,a-41444 0 ma colored
ipli;moi:lghicOrinViatAibisk much. to their. Ap
pearance on parade.
!ime, admin.
4iertilandin s gen ilio'ilakof those eoneerio;
timeinnagomeuti of theßailroati, we were re
quesled l / 4 1ast week to announce that the com 4
waniiementof theisirk on the Riilroad' would
hA postponed for a few, weeks. 'lt was. seise
quontly determined to go ahead; add'a*itill
waS. bloke& neeeitlingly on 'Blonde? 'lasi, in
pieglineaktf 8403 three or four hutidiid'axir
sons. A friend hasi favored us with a comma-
'mention; detailing the
,incidents of the day,
dnind beloW.
cirlfestetd m morning 'a merrg `Marty' of
Girls and Boji passed our 'oltPe ln sleighs and
.eingfug'i ou their with, which
rie,sub,siscr,teutly by ihe Scholars of
the Fejle . Sehool in Freedom .toiraship, .utuler
~ehargei of Miss Hunals v and , accompatiied by
anteral i of the .threetora. ./Cheyatopped at Mr.
rSittraLY'sikotel; . and, after a ideatiant re•
tufted .home; < In passing the several Printing
Offiehs; the party halted; the boys giving' theo
14441eitsAis Ibt‘Oaolt---thua .nvirLeing their. al.
preeiati an of the' power' and itiflanee'' of the
.Pgq.s. Wq yentute something that tilos°
, h93:1,"rq 1 4 1 che PaPer4l".
-11ENDERSVILIA-t--A correspondent has
favoietl'ut With thie anneike"acconn,f. Of mat,
things abOtit Banderarille,'Wbich
o read With i - inteiest. shall be indeb44
i'riends tolVoihiyS t l'or
the eiiinniunientaou Mani factS of local or gen-1
sra.kintkrest. fow , nur,loced -department' Mucl 1
may be; cantii bated in: this war , to , Make our
peperr moni 06'41111Y interestitra,nd Valuable.
iliiilhestsfrica Fob. SilVlBss.
Ent - rens 111;: "Snit" llavo"B6gn
frent aCeounti t ; given, in your, paper. of, i the
,bst r atn your borough an d in
othersfictions of the county, I ptesume.itt.
fair, ces.,l This; is ,es. it • shotdd or
hire always thought ,that. Real Entate.hatilPet l
'selling Son , thisl3ountr. , The day ianot
far distant when land in our 'County will sedbe
qually well with any other of similar quality in
Ti tri4 be asked a great many
iThz land sells Mayo! read* am than it did' a ,
year ""ago. s'etved`bh a
prices •
I paid for produce. I have no doubt'. OistAie
high prices all our Agricultural prodilete are present :in meaintrei may '
htive.increased the-prices orland. lint I tbink
the great and grand reason why!s6 , mu& '
it eliiltikingbands,ii:thOn . prospect4rfliavihg e.
made' obi: County; 410itiby ' the
Farniet;''diiiietS t to hitti; his'iaarklit' i itt, 11060
it il'er6at hlSOirtl'abi;r:' , Thii'l l itiink is'
reason of 'gni" ittire r aSed d6iki4a ')isr
land in our county.
It.may optptie r out of Ato, Inky to giro lyour
uttuteroostOaders some of the,transactions: that.
[bawl been consteetedt:withrbd silo Of! Real Ms-
tactet since that 11,11 . lniBedderviillii told .its
tinily:. ' F}Ltan Ilvtosiititst ''Cloiecr i
f6t.""4,11100, 1 tratit."Ps:
.44 onc 4 f4iiqt.oi'mtliltOfd*lMitipgr: l — .
'AO ii i - Zilapet6 eitiii"Of
; • - it ...yd.. c 11 I 1
PPLEYAIf, itts, 010, 13 V id
his fine Mill Property and farm, coots ping,
['slaty ft.el saes; for $14,000/. dossiiii ffinft.
iintohlittero. A lihr,dityrr Sigio !INt. 11.Winottsi
tiold Iths' formfie !MAUD, itiittlitll:M•Koilial
iilfiChieei.." A nAtllkitlierili4l ay.;
titulars. - But enough haiie" Van tietf i
•tR 40 : 1 111011r;outortroutveaslers thigila4o will
eel) spray op here as the •ttee*.weatern pFt, of_
the ,Cloonty,- among. hills rod mountains,, ind
•ab very . &ill. reijiaziendiaooricesi. 1:
11 But that which tapirs/M.01616:qm , the, enor
mous lots ire" bildghte stbskitMandeins
They may not be effected,by, Rip high
ices of p uee,or i e,,a
i van App q rlid.
Feed,, ae much as farms, but ttiersell, RAI:
rate. :liars ; ffu e ls, Arpilininj o t ra t i ., r , of
4ohp cook, aec'd, sold two lots btllottgipg to
said estate ; ono of the lota lyingnear town eon-
Wining three aCres,ifor .$100.60 per acre, and,
' the other, lying a half a , mile from , town, con;
taitiingfour , Acres, for . $125 'Per acre. ' Both
lots were sold • for eash—Ww.. Wstera di Rao-
I 'ruin inireh;u3t, l r'iL there is
any other small village along
i the sont,li4'nonn.
'loin I.hat tau beat 'the Store, T like to
I ''" ~; •
Arßuiiieeff • tneethiO, 'it the , Ahnory to-
night. The Nadi
, ,rar.Q . s 81 . 4 3410)*, tP,lPlPPgr,.4ingr, pro=
pprtipq!) lijgh.!taefitVwas ,sold',1•14 1 11 4sh
V°117711 0 0.,41 A RT Flur£l4wltr•
Teachers' Association.
:Ina ."AdantsConaty Tesehersitiseoeintienti
i ii
•ii*§KtPlin . .the Lecture Al riii'e
CUM, P3/Iyebarg, on Thula& a th
of Faking, tllo'ckeic—DavratiCu. ~
pi* iii........."
' . After attending to sorannirtor
.. ebtalociation adjourned t 42 ore
P. L: t• 41.3
2P. K—Opened with Prayer bY Bey. .
On Motion of Mr. Thomas, D. WM. Esq.
was requested Addreis
Mr. Wars responded to the,request in an able
and interesting Address, selecting for histheme
"The Primary school; its Teacher, sad the
Mode of Instruction."
The subject of Siool Discipline was Miran
up and , discussed Mdessrs. Allman, Thomas,
Dr. 84:imam:kat and °then. pidjolusieleo meet
at 91 o'clock on Friday morning,
• %ramkt
Opened with. Prayer. by the,Rev. R. Ifni
The subjeCt of School Discipline was , maimed
by Deputy . SaperinioldentHicknok, Mr. Aus
tin, and others.. Ari able Address was then de
livered by the Rev.'Dr. Sehmucitaliwhich
listened to' with Merited ettenticin. Mr, Aus
tin moved thatithattise thanks &the. ,ALSOCIII
tion be tendered toDr. Schmucker for his able
Address, and also that a copy. be .splicited: for
publication in the School JournA. [The Ad
dress will be found in to-fifty's ' paper.] The
Subject of School Discipline was again discus
sed by Messrs. Hickoock, Allman, Austin,
Little and Rev. Hill. Adjourned to meet at
2 o'clock, P. M. '
2 o'clock P. M.—Opened with Prayer by
Rev. Brandi. Mr. Hickok debit-sped an eloquent
and pointed address,'giviiirs.%ceinct history
of the rise and ppitilesikedneation in Penn.
sylvania,compartpg the system of poillic in
struction wi t• 4 other sta4os jilid 'onn
tries, indAl ' the SehmalLsw of libs 4„,
. , .
a:ie art liattninent)o'pelNA ear spdp
an pnikesying a mskosairnom fatere
8 state in education. The athiecP .o6o6 ,_, i°
Examinations was diaerassed by Mestrs.Thom.
as, Little; Austin and Rev.R. e llill. Adjourned
to meet at '6l'o'ClUck. ' —''
6} o'clock P 24.—iiir.littUkcolt again enter
.tained; the Association', with :an-. address, in
which. he ihowed the relationship i which srotild
exi . 4plisn the higher jilltituflons of learn*
itig 'and our.Oeintnon aWd'irgued that
fluv foundation' must `that' be laid' In our State
Schocils, ordei` fluCCessiblly
,to sustain env
The Treasurer wad instructed to pay the e •
palms Incurred by the Association at this
meeting..... •
On motion wfut unanimously Resolved
that the thisnks of the Association belendered
tb Mr. Hickcocik for his able Addresses and
the interest manifested by hini in tbe proceed
ings of the Adsoniation: ' •
On motion a committee of three was appoin
ted, to corrrispond with the different Teaehers
in 'the dotiikty in, regard to tbe most stii'its
• MO place for tbe . next meeting of the Anicicia
,tiou, 'and nlso to desigaate the, time. (Commit.
teeadesais. Anstin, , Orammar,;ind Thlmos.)
On eletittit, the thanluenf theAssoAntion were
tendfired to. Mr. Willa ,for' his abler addresses
and a-committee, appointed. to• solicit a copy
far yrablicatioi in i the county, paps*
••The"tbilo*iil :rstt alntions 'wElre thed read
rind' adopted ' "
Whereas,' l'he groat And almost universal
'obstnele to Success in die' rinse of Common
Schqol Education has resulted from the scarci
ty of good Teachers; and Whereas o tho Matt
rdltment:of Teachers', Institutes by 'legislative
action, ip every county, saoctioned as State in
sti}utiens, for the inaproventOot of, the Teach
vasty in 'supplYing this naive:sal
de cieti ofeotOpetent Teachers t•Theiefore,
Resolved,' That it is the sense of this Assoc+
sti(nt that the establishment , of County. Nor
mal,sehools will:weedy promote the Crillie 'of
,gopatopo Schp9l Education ; and that the Le-
Igishdure be 4nfi pro hereby earrstly request
ed too - grind mod . emle appropriation, of, the'
ic fund to'd'iistatn:thetn.
Ritolverl, .T!li4 the ileeretary'.of this' Assoid-
Mien be herebi shthoritted to transmit eopy.
.of the foregoing ' Resolutions to
our:Senator and Representative. ,
That every Teagher,of this coon•
peght, i ifpossible, to attend all the meetings
of this Association. _
Re :faded; Thai the' thanks of this Assoc's
tlini be tendered to the Trustees of the Luthe
ran Clnirch forgmnting the use of the Church.
",, [ costwvitorrsn': •
' The' -ittillirontd
rhb eth'erinoo- "itroiOng on
iallrota"tooltplace on Mon
' ; 81 1 , 7 boat, about' tili 44 7 between this place
, 11 1 1 (10ackgiert Could not 4v,e bean
fing,,nnO at an early hour ; th e ,netuilly',, quiet
i town of Ciettylbarg waa.tho 0 0 000.0 f 40040 and
ptopirotiwi. At, ten, thw Indepencletat
Tiro nnlirened . thttacene much by 'their !pros
once—begin to collect, .prepalatoryi to para
ding thittigh the streetty which wee thei elgaal
ifbrthe entlinsituitidtti fall into lino; with their
hielghe nag slede. A lonieitiO Walloon, otr
dad we rapidly' pkodetied to the Spot,
but first went some 'hide mile ?either. 1.6 'the
hoipitable fOn Thi : Oifoitc" Pilil43 4' lood
'Pheefr , olivarighlildttne thtd4tatigq4 The Rail
roiVOrPs c•Wcne4. 42 Tßltc 00d oYer,agniu,' end
!r m „, tb ?( l n` m A 4 ?r oi ,..44f t „ dlioY to 'lt one
might supos e,retie it need :never, want , doctor,
lithoughlibei' a " ',Porta. ) Ai 2, P. M.,
the procession foFmtni ' -. 4paired to
the Itcene r ofictiOn.'"X'illtite'Oitio frOm the
fo l ilOwing
EfoliXOurg . 0914 1 a,n.T. Wo
in '
cOnimittlatethrti upon important epoch
tMit , history, ithicliis Otani tti °tort' glow
attiong dodo* with sticetato; ' May they ate
untiting'in the future mei the past-las , shown
kThistinte brietlfand energeticially responded
to by. Mr. "me, fieCretaVy of the Company,
(cheirif,) whey Calk," ltrOtliarrriPreiliditit,
'pliced the' first shovel br earth'' on The wheel
harrilW; Jeiithasialoile. cheerio 04 r which the
Maas fired a volley of 611;10117; (three 'cheers,
for clettysbnyi Railroad.) Altai. die Pies
ideq and Directors had in litre , performed
their part, the crowd fell to, loading the, wheel
barrowe with shovele, picks, bands, and any
thing they could get hold Of, so great was the
enthusisenito perform a part on this important
XsZotwithstanding the announcement in the
I .‘,§tur" of Friday last, of the, postponement,
which sceurre4 through, some misunderstand•
init,• there ,were Least' four hunired e wimps
presentv: • , C, • • {1 • 4!•,,•,,
Messrs. WARREN & PAXTON, we nrlerstsrgl,
are itoing on vgorotully to prosecute the work,
'TO • 11 P#4 1 1 hP , '9 t !'C ax q949‘0 3 "
0. 6 4 1 4,9trt!er , P 0 4 1 R 8 0 94 *a Al -*it& to
,4q ,ocie as thsrAis i sesP4l.7 mix frAdiiie.,the
, • • .... .• , • •••• d• •• ~ '‘. - ......
TWO . odleellig on -,
the Piti- - ofsibi- . 1 ` 1 : 6 !
holders towed the enterprise, manifested it.
self b l y the payment of-several hundred dollars
a day, or 0% privionit t o,the time appointed for
the payment of ' efirst instalment.
Via ate info that should the means be
cti fast oug h , the work of gradation
1 coul
e /isily ra plated daring the Don
.. which d enable theatre% be/sere
the ' ag ,if not us far as Oxford
by next autumn. Now, there are shout 800
stockholder*, and leaving oat the. subrcription
of *WV brills 4 TATLOI4 ($21000 1 ) alt.&
ortige sabeciiision for the balance would be
tretwatel.lll3ll end $l4O. This heeds 'ilit us
to be but a moiety in
_comparison with the
genera means and benefits to thine wk.. tie
Wilted in"
ped that tite 3 =At i /te c h i e b9 am h a7l
sum each on the average to pay, will not let
tilitioniiiif Entripthie" to iliireitiiiii . of
Adalo6 l 9 ! / !t fia lf ( . 4 7 ir l A t .flf• lukaialounl on
part: ' '
5. •14141.404%
, . . . , .- , • , .
Coringspoi)deno. 4:4*thio :Stsr sad litunmii.
• , 4 Ilazaissm Figi. 3T,
The new Railroad Bill--The Zipoi(kteitc9i,
—Thnsperary Agfournimesse• • "
afkaa a 00,7 41 14: 4101aRait to
the Charter of tbe v Clettribitrg Railroad
Company, se it has paned both brenebri,
of the Legislature. It was sent Ibis titer
ning ;to the Governor. who will douhtleiei
approve it at an early day. The bill pass
ed the Houfrilthout dissent, but was de
cayed one week in the Senate, through they
'agenoy of an individnal (coin Hanover,
wit pretended that he was, remsenting
the citizens of Oat plaoe. wbUn.hcdetnan.
dad an atetential *Vale. bill.
which would have 4e/le it Competitively
less to ,Gettysburg interests.,
bill,was, over, for one tkeek
ques,of the Senator from Irceih, moved by
theqndividualaltaded to, bps the people of
Hanover, wligikacAuainted with 114 bilis,
repudiated iligrinterfertmes of dullk selt
uonstituted agent, disowned" Mt and
indefeneible purposes, and requested thn
'Senator from -that twisty to withdiatiqiis
opposition. He did so, and the bill' roils.
ed wit oitt Hatay; ?As fluids pf this at
tempt to . interfere with que.stioes far above
hie capacity,should teach this Hisoverian
hereafter to stay at home, mind his email
business, and not unit into positions lI
which he will Make himself ritlionitine;
The bill will greatly aid the prof yes to
which it reicrs. and embrace)! 'jennyNisi&
titbit which kits hitherto beim asked with.
out avail.
The Haase a fisw • weeks ago paint!' •
bill to repeal the rhitraining
,Lignor lair wf
the 'sat treesicO;, but the Senkte'hU
proved itself to move to thattutio,
YeriOut, substitutes fur the Housed:till
have been ptlesed in that body, and it is
now merminly ascertained that the legisla
tion apprOved by the 'House will not pass
the Senate, prolmbilities are dast
<llriowta es bill will:become a law. If that
does not, there will:be nq legialatioti; on
the subject, and the restritinin hour law
wilfrenua Zo4helsieltitie 4gader
Mr. Bnovir,ent'n filesei-heopers
ate anthetisell ?to ekil epiritions, ethic's'
and malt liquors in ems II quantitierj..outd
only Storekeepers, demoted like, H,oteli by
the Courts, in quantities of five gallons or
more. , The .Detttneracy"fire in coosidsr
able agitation Oneorninithit'silbject,)ind
are net' iOntiaidinot4i NUppheitil.
'some are'rayerat'ile to thu old license sys
tem, i'be Afivertily of opinion • between
the extreme factional/lusters that it will
be in the power of the Temperance tuan'of
the }loose to say whether any FM the
Senate may pus shall become •is 'law.,
Tbfy bold the belance'of poweri and will
control the•res'ult, whether they go",iritlt
the ultra liquor men esiiiinilt any umpro-
Mime, orWith the mndarate ,men in favor
,of a oomprinoise. allow their -votes Will
be oast, has nor'yet, beew deterisitiol.
adjourn llR,Fr j iday
next, at 12' tielock; to 'nwiel age' In on the
follovtjug Wiiddill4o•'eta+ofoliftil4 P. 431.
The olduct is to gisedistant and out-of-the-
Way oeuntry members: an - 'timahilltiOrto
,make ir %nett honte. PresentseP f6 e.:ns,hotel
adttiiite Lila the ieseini will aloes_ in , the
arlfq 4 ",4 w."*.4Aprjl-
„, - The Railroad billjsai follow; ; The ef
fect of the last section Is to gierthe utette.
worm” id did
A Fikthft,flopplescent - teVAn Act to
loom poistelfur euysbii Tf Woad com.
puny," sppiti tSittlipiteiliiiy•fourth day . of
March. Anfiti l iDiatmeemtitriflouland might
bemired end Oft7lope..,
Blonde l'Be it insetted 4.4 That the
Gettysburg railroad company ship have
power, •and tieVeVi i
row mont:P' and av 0' • e l pbli
tgetiontlorz•the payment
'to. anamottnr not Wilfred
.thousand am) besting littned ni a
'rate hot exceeding seven Per deal.. per an
num, and to secure said bonito or ' obliges
lions by a mortgage; or mortalities
their .lands; tenementa, radioed - arnehis,
franchises; tolls, revenues, rights prig.
&ger or 'such part. thereof as the‘nisy
deem'beit, vrPiet. l Iry
",Milan duly executed and, yienrtfld,os or
are hereby declared to be gocid ants valid
are lien or liens on the subject, matter
mortgitodad , lo ; all Intents sod perpoess ;
and the remedies upon such bonds, obliga
tions Mortgage or mortgagesi ihall bir the
same as are now provided or deed ib the,
case of such instruments executed by oat- .
unil persons ; and Win the pursuance of
any -of the said rentedies a sale shall -be' •
:made' of. qie tenetimoks, tiadroad
wOrkir, franchises, tolls; revenues, rights
and 'priveleges of the said company, or any
part thereof mortgaged as aforesaid, the
purchaser or pnrchasers thereof, their
heirs-or assigns, shall take and bold ;the
Same intereist therein as ,vita bald' hyopti •
vested hi ti t ter ,comparg Att. eaten
'fort 'of said triorqpie or mOitgagee, Arith
[ell Ake pOwers, rights and privileges, and
under the 'timer restrictions,. as said corn-
pany had and held the same : Provided,
I That no bond or' obligation hentliileithe
llorixed tn be executed shall be fora`',re
I 'eum than one handfed doikire....
Damon *That the Oise, for the coo.
l'O labb t ne f l Og i fro r st edititigtioit
°nista ailtad,we d ate ftereby
extended two year@ from the expiration
Section 8. That the last proviso in
the secoNl tionof the
the tefinetirriiiiihe ttiAhittymborgiitili ,
pink coat piny, be, and theowne is hereby .
rapeeled., , : AD4040
113°The debate' the License bill
4,t4F:39,3vN.ilinififp Pr!)
estate ins, n am. an o ere,
when the qaeition; was en on the drat
-section , sit yf Mr * Brown's intssitute, and
it wits
,Vited t 'ati—yess 19, nays 18, as
. . ;
Yeas—Messrs. Browne, - Crabb, Serr
ano, Flenniken, loser, Gregg , AM
' Ilion:, Jordan, .Lewis, Mellinger, Pratt,
Tr*. Sellers, Shuman. Souther. Taggart,
'Wherry, and Matt, %uitor-49.
hays--Mears. Bookslew,
•• iCrans. :Knox.
:Lanbach, M'Clintook, ..Straub, Walton.
Welib, and' ilkinal-48;' •
1111L.Pranklin a name his been =mortal's.
*din tarious waya r i'mulitlit connected' with
numerous Popular Inititutioni. 'Among the
'timet popular places with which it is es.ated
Prahkiin Pideui`PhilashdPbWort the' cor•
liar of which, No. 11l Chesnut Streetils the
rest popular Clothing Establisment of Rocs
tt.t. d WIIIJION, the *mot, cheapest, best
and most fashionable:in the errantry.
BA vrinume nA,Eiker.
BaNnwoati•Feb. 13,1856.
"LOUR AND MEAL-8 es sinceichange
of 200 bbla. Howard street at 10 olosing sturdy
witiceit much inquiry. 14. York dispatch
shows' a quiet :market. Family and Extra
Flour— , We now (Mote Pitia,psco fatuity 640,.
:tho,,eictra do. at $9 75; • . HoWitrd street and
Ohio family 10 37}51050; extra do- i r t 8 8 8 ®
$7 81+ bbl. Eye .Flour--Bmall sales at
15 87k bbl. Corn Meitl---We'quote country
at 3'41053 50, and city manufactured
.at $4-
'25 bbl, nominally. No sales wore reported.
GRAlN.—Wheel—Market continues quiet
and prices irregular ; transactions ray
About 2000 hushelsnlfered to=day, and' small
~awes. We quele choice white for family flour
"at $1 95, goodtotrime dcr. at l'A0(0.1,1
Red good to pritesi at 1 700$1 76 It bushel.
Corn—Tho mark - et - is somewhat.unsettled and
. prices have a declining tendency. The quality
of the samples offered is not strictly dry or
prime. About 5,000 bushels offered to-day.—
Bales, white, at q 2 t,65 cents, and yellow at
1;2@65 cents bushel. Oats—About 1000
bushels offered to-day, and antall_eales of good
to prime at 37®40 cents : ordinary at 34®
36 cents bushel. Rye—About 1000 bushels
offered to-day. A sale Of 350 bushels Vlrgihis
at $1 11. Ne quote Maryland at 1 0801.1 10
and Ohio tau! Permaylvanio at 1 13®$1 15 1$
salom of Clovereeed nt 8 50
Ca).sB 75. Thimothy at 3 .25043 50, and
Flaxseed at 1.E5451 bushel
PB4lt'.lSlONS.—Market quiet, and stock
of all kinds light ; sales mostly in steal! lots.
Beef—We quoin mess at $lB, No. :1 at $l6
Foley of 200 libl*on private terms; and priine
nt $13,51 11 bhl. Pork—No sales reported;
Market du11,. - Werquoto Mess nominally at
• 160?,516150,. , small 'lots for orders at 1116 76,
64;rrime, nominal.
l+ffirlcetoquiets,Sal Kof iOO psi* e . ehtsi
,small Sa
tales of bbli: at.lo/ cents,.nd refined.
kegs at 14 Cola,' lb: SS:litter-4009f Weor,
ern in kegs 506(418 -cents, .Manmon tell at
1.70,141, .cents,. 011ie° do. at 10(424cents •
Glades at 221125 vents, and Goshen at' 2tnt3l
C..111A 1 4 , M, IThrese—A steady demand.—
Sales of 15.1 boxes, Western eomming cntting
nt lOn 1 01. venni ; tEtutterri..doe. - ist.ll cents;
Shipping at 12a13.eents 3 lb.
I:A TT I ,E—lteef Catt/e..—Sinall:atleic . .YOTO
rondo this morning at tt to $5 .0 100 161. on
the hoof, equal to s6ltlo tic averaging 4,25
rings.'—We quote , Hogs at 7,25a7,62.
Sheep. —Thereis a good demand and but few
eomingln. quote at s4a6 gross.
• ' • ••
114711014:It NtAIiKET.
i'xor - vn, Fob. 12, 1855.
FLopit,r bIJ,, (row f ingOtts>„' ; , AT ; 40
IVREAT, V bushel... 1 ' 6
to t 75
RYE, 1 00
„, 56.
IWCKWIIRAT, per bushel
Y(iTA,TOES, per bushol
Par 10.0 Ibs
von'[ 91 K ET.
. - •
Yonx, Tuesday Fob 12, 185 G.
1t1,00114 hbl., frOin sragOes, . $7 75
bushel, 1 70 to 1 93
MYR " " 103
.cortk, -
?OATS, -3 "
TIMOTTITSRED, 11 bushel,
On the htltAist. o by the Rev 'l4:Pt i n t yltr.
ZACEIARIAII OSBORN,' 'of Peterill , and
iitlerewtorenahltwoir.:43.l ,
On the 7th inst, r hyOtelßev. D. D. Clark,
.& HORN glit 4th:of this count.y..
On, the lith e1t. i1i 1 4,,,F 4 the Sew J. 11$.:lionli,
ABRAR I AM ER. of Ceshtown, and
Mtits 14N ETT ErN/CUY.3 or Franklin
county ' ' '
On the 99thul by Abe Rev. Mr, Buller,
WM. 00(1Wi And Miss MARIA RIT-
A' 84.---both,of couny.
• 'On the'li inst., by the leer. Mr. Lobr, Mr.
ERS—ihts county. ;
On the 12th hut., by Rev. Jacob Ziegler,
Mr. OHARLE/hoti PIAINIMR, of Cumber
land townshifo; and Viei NAOMI FRAZER,
, Or Frepielteonnty. Md..
Oet ll* Wt., hi , the sante.Mr. GEORGE
.A , ?#45eir44.14t4.06. ,
t -.1 •
On /14
11(11.,,LIJOI. • •AHN, • ALLEN, daeghter of '
Thomas Gtxlfrey; Edq., ,formerly af, Adams
pot i T o ty ti i o n- s t t i h ie year of age.infant
•• John Reiff, of `ColfoVrago township, aged 2
leans and 9,days.
'Oh Eltinday last, LOUISA GRACE, daugh
ter of Mr. Christopher Wilson, of this piece,
aged.' year and 6 months.
On I.lte 9th inst., in thia imough, CHARLES
eon of David B. Little, in the 3d
Independent Biases.
Iv •
117013 will meet for panule, in full
\, l " dress, at the Armory, on FBI
"' s DAT NEXT ,at 91 o'clock,' A.X.,
w t 6 arms sod accoutrements in coin
piste" order: Members will provide
, tPentltires with 13 rounds of blank
By ries - of.tire Co in. ,
gelkike , • -( I , 4,tw - car, o. a 1,,
i•-.1:4 /I •
71011140118 4C6llllft
Ate...d.r cows" nab Tress'
. .
In amnia isith the Direetiti ofthe Poor end
of tai Ilduse of Emplorient'of the County
of Adams, being from the Itd day, ofiennary,
I 4,1)418,410 ALDI
1656—. Tan. lit. To balance amyl*
• 1 . • setileasent;• Orr 4 4
Feb, 1, Order pc County Tossa rarer, 600 00
: • ';il..).lkid ni600,301
Av rkh rit do,: ow. r o t ) 0 00 0
mi g " 400 00
o. Cash received of Col. N.
• Swope, ' • ' 211 23
'Do. Cub meet* lifaele,sq
foe Car, • ' 4260'
Da • Caah received of S. Darter
' raw for James Miller. • 10 00
• ,Caeh reCehmi of Israel Grit.
fely• suppod of Daniel
Ernst i _ii,ComberlandC , o..
.. Poor - 831
Comb teoeiaed of Andrew
Polly t Adorer of William
Bell,dee'd, forme of Kra •
• 3 96
June, 4, Order on Connty i :Dmmarer, '2OO 00
July 2, , " 900 00
Do. Cask recel4ed of John Serittv
Steward, ' 37 15
Aug: 6, Order on County Tresanter,:4oo 00
' Do: Part of Reaping . Machine
paidby Poor Home,' ' 26 39
Ang.22, Received of Moses M. Neely
part valrie oCestraya, '2 50
Sept. 3, Order on County Treasurer, 300 00
I Do. Recieved of S. Darboraw. for
13 weeks board, of Elm
Sample, 26 00
Oct. 1, Order on County Treasurer, 400 00
'Do. 'Received of S. Dorboraw,
Committee of Elm Sam
ple, for boarding, 5 30
Nov. 6, °Mere° Countyyreaturer, 600 00
Dec. 1, " 400 00
Jan. 7, " 1200 00
$7606 30}
1856, Jan. 2,4.—T0' balance in hands
cif Treasurer, $1291 461
By 'Carl paid end as foams t
Merdhaodise and Groceries 1337 181
Out door Pauper support 914 99
Funera expdnses of do. 92 341}
Mechanics' bills, 495 681
Male Hirelings, 180.00 .
Female do. JB3 00
Chopping Wood, B7 60
HOTIICS, Stock, ileet•Ciitifeandehiep,.627 90
Pork bills and Stock Hogs, 349 20
Flour, Grain and Grinding, 1171 341
Lime, Hauling, &c., 228.27
Stone Coal, 84 00
Executing orders, 14 8
Publishing Accounts, Lc., 41 50
Physician's salary, , 100 00'
Treasurer's " 40 00
Issued under the Seal, sanction and authority
chartered'by the State .of Penrutylvania, April
29,1855,with a capital of $lOO,OOO, mainly
for the purpose of arresting the evils of Uptt
rious and worthless Nostrumtr. Also, for sup.
plying- the community with reliable remedies ,
wherever a competent phy . sielan cannot or
will not be employed. This Institzt!tar has
purchased' from Dr. John R. Rowand, his
We, the subscribers, Auditors to settle and celebrated
adjust the Public Accounts, do hereb; certify' Rowand 9 s Tonle Mature,
that we, have . examined the items which • coin- k_tliwnfor upwar d s of twentrive ye ars as the
pose the above . Account, and that they ared Ague.
correct, and that there is a balance of Twelve only safe and sure cure for ever"
and_ his inestimable remedy for Bowel
Hundred and Ninety-One Dollars and Forty
-2 our .901.e.r twee n6nas Atexaneer Cubean, "ImPlAinta.
Treasurer,—;beitig from the ad day of January, ROWAND'S COMPOUND
A. D.,1855, lo the 7th day of January, 1256 Syrup of Blackberry ROOll
both days inclusive.
A. T. WRIGHT, I which highly approved and popular remedies,
s. to Cher with
The Univers ity's remedy for COMPLAINTS
- The University's remedy fur DYbPII.I4HA
'The University's remedy for COSINE
may be had, -at the Branch Dispensary, or
Store of
Clerk's, " 40 00 .
Directors, extra service, 60 00
Attending Homes, 1 SO
Pay to Steward, 111 11
Guano, Salt, lc., 29 Of
Dried Fruit, 9 00'
Lumber, ' 42 27
Payment made to Board, ' 8 50
Directors of Poor, Cumberland Co., 39 00
Drugs, Stationery, &c.,26 674
Balance in hands of reasurer, 1291 444
John Scott. Esq. Steward.
-In-account •with:the Direetottarf the Root and
House of Employment of the Coady of Ad
, 'being:from the 3d dai.of January,
D 1854 I"• to the 7th day of /anew+, 1855.
Jas. 9,. To cash for La rd, • $1 65
"20, 41 10 07
Mar. 7, " for Horse, 65 00
Apr.s, •Cash from John Gilbert, 45 80
12, " from H. D. Sweeney for
Tallow, 68 25
" " • " (min oward for Cow, 56 00
' Nov. 14, " fur Lard, 6 82
Dec. 8, " for Sheep, K. Wilson, 14 00
1836, Jan. 7th—Balance in hands
of Steward, $2 35f
By Cask paid out as follows :
2 75
7 75
1 13 , 1
6 25
6 CO
Groceries, 12 46
Vegetables, - - 29 61
Vinegar,7 00
Male and female hireling*, 44 87/
Wagon epezuses, Freight and Stage
29 73
Grua I.Sgginr,. 8 00
-- - —O l 9, .
Ilit 4"
isehold articles,. 23 5711
Stamps, Postage and Stationery, 2 75
Cash paid to Paupers and sundry
persons, • . :39 531
Veal, Jac., ' 10 15
Wood Cutting, , 10.75 .,
TailoOng, , t ..6 75
Althea, , . 5 12i
Lime, 12:07 ,
Straw,l 30
Attenance on sick, 60
Powder, } . 1 05
2 75
7 50
1 15
7 00
18560Tan:70-ay babuieti dire 'the ' 246 23 1
2 35t
We, the subscribers, /minters to settle'aird
Iltdjust the Public'Accounts; do certify that we
have examined the items which compon the
above Account, and do report that'the same
la correct—the same embracing the iccdant of
John Scott, present Steward, tiom the - 3d day
ofJanuary, A. D.; 1855, to the 7th day' of
Janata% A. D.; 1858.—both days inchanve—
leanngebabmce fn Nandi of Mud Steward of
Two Dollars, 'Thirtylve and three-thurth
• ' JOHN ILkIIPItiN, ' 4w/sks "'
Litt qf:Ottl-Door Rapers and Anoint drains
Yearly tisf Bock
„ .
I. Mo%Ain, 15 •
Wade,. e . •
. -
3. R.Fletcheri, (for N.Weeter,) [511251 46
A •
li s trikivitieTr.ft 4 1.!•, • ; ;
, , t I . "
sae , rd : •
" .20
7. Jacob San#ers, " ,
‘„ 20
•8. H. Hildebrand, " " • 20
9. Sophia Dwell, $lO half yearly, 20
10. 'John lAiper, $6 qr, .• • 20
11. John Ehrhart , $6 half yearly, 12
12. Joseph Weam $6l ,20
13. Henry Swope, 41 , 20
14. . Jacob Shank, " . . 20
16. • Daniel Hartzell, " • 20
16. Folly Roth, “ 20
17. Samuel Hunter, $7 qr., 28
18., JaeobLansinger,s.s qr., 20
19. Mary Ikanl, " ,
20. 'Elizabeth Roster, " 30
21. John Jenkins, " • 20
22. Henry Hess, " 20
23. Joseph Rosenfelt, " , 20
24. Peggy i Slonalser, ". " 20
25 . Han ut Roof, • 41 20
26. Jaebb 'Paters,, . 1 1 •$0
27.. Polly Dysart, „ . 68 , - 20
28. Elizabetit Hystsd, • ; 2O
. lc/
20. Mamas Grit, $5
so: "mts.w:o4- o.; , , 20
311 Jebnliteemed ' 20
32. Wilhebnine Replay, $6 qr., 20
33. Frederick Hapker, " 20
Feb. 16, 1856.--4 t,
Collateral Inheritance TAX.
UMW P. WALTER, Fe*, Beixister of
matt, in aticonot' with the
Commonwealth of Peassylvenle, tor TIM on
Collateral Inheritances from December 41854,
till November 30, 1865. .
t,):•17. ..i)- • pi., •
Feb. 2, 1855. For Tax received from
estate of John Are na, *l2O 78
" u Hen ry
cy Chamberlin, 71 1:
10, 0
17, 48 • Joseptiltitchen, 100 00
21, " Hagdilene'Hoover, .25 00
" A " Sarah Hoover, 55 00
*Ay 12, A " Pattiek Daugherty, 963
" 23, " Mary McConnell, 15 60
al, 29, " Sautuelitoyd, 90 00
a 31, " Sally 'Barr, • 10 00
Aug. 16, " Jacob %ler, • 71 26
" 17, " Jacob Best, , 58 80
Sept. 20, " John Culbertsoit, 55 18
Oct. 12, " 'Joseph Herman, 60 76
" 15, " Ann Stoner, , 22 35
$768 84
Deduct commission, 5 per cent. 88 44
$730 40
R. d. WCREARY,.Auditor.
Feb. 11, 1856,-0
PARTO7 i &COßEAN e h n e gr opened an un-
wait Paper, •
of eyery style and variety, from 121 to 40 cents
• piece. Housekeepers and Paper Hangers
are invited to pall and 'examine the dock,
which in superior to anything heretofore offer
ed in this market. Only 124 cents a piece, or
1 - 1 cents ayard,for Wall Paper
Gettysburg, Fpb. 16, 185 u.
Irrundersigned hereby gives notice to fill
i ' debted by note or book account to call
and pay up before the first day of March nal,
at which time I will place my books in the
hands of E. B. BURUIXI Fag_for collection.
Feb. 15, 1856. ,
Maar the last week'or two we have been
badly off for wood, tieing compelled to avr
what we have used. We know that there are
number who expect to furnish Wood in pay
ment of subscription,' fie. We should li k e,
however, to have it NOW, when in want of it.
If compelled to pay cash for our Wood, we
will of course have .to require oath for into.
Feb. 14.
S76OG 301
B. W. RILEY, & CO.,
Ileidlersburg, Adamt Co., Pa.
Oct. 12, 1855.—55
PERSONS having Hay to sell will do
well by calling on the subscriber, in
I.Gle ttysbu fir. who is desirous of purchasing.
The highest Market price will be paid at
all times. OZTA, he intends having the
Hay, after being packed, hauled either to
Hanover or Baltimore. the preference to
haul will be given to those from whom he
may Marchese.
Dec. 24. 1852.-etf
5,11 BOXES •BLACIE FAT in store
mur and for sale by •
No. 167 Freisidiu street, Seidner'
Wil. T. KING respectfUlly announces • to
bis :friends and . the public generally
eat he continu the T A IL ORING BUSI
NESS in the room adjoining . the store of J.
Lawrence Schick, and flouting on the Di*
mond. Be has Made arrangements to receive
regularly the LATEST FASHIONS, and
itwill be hie coustant aim to. give entire astir.
to those wbbmay fairer him with their custom.
Ifireouutry produce will be taken in ex-
' ..GeStriblirSt Se PL. 581 1 8 65 . • '
$247 59
slit Gloves.
ir ADIXB White, Black, and colored KID
Li GLOVES at 82/ canto, worth-87f. Gen.
n's do...itt 75 cents, worth $1 gb—joat re
ceived ftWoi Now York Aictioo by,
'10. 44 ,! 12 1 1856 .
• ...
1 . 1104. TR N 8 of 4110 , ean be
#' Altai 801110103 as &asp lithe cheap
est, if not a little cheaper.
Noe. II;Ieb&
GOODS, such an Velvets, Bilks,
Satins, Itibbons, Flower, in., wilt ha
ibend in alipenatilleel ally it
1,111 N. /110111‘)103.
CALL and see FAHNEBTOCKB' cheep
/IR T T 8, &c., if yen want bargains.
? C og 1-10 N) tate W seTu E ri p tj ol l'eTo d ua wish g .
to inves.t, will apply to D. Al Boutin, Esq.,
"Star", office.
Feb. 8 , 18.56.-4 t
IRON, and a large assortment of KARR
A. WARE cheap at
0.2 1 . 11. Ina
Dr Blanks of all kinds for
e at this,office.
P cheapest DOMESTIC .GOODS ever
rgrolibt. Wthis:plcos. Cone and jalips
+4 . 177, A. manna
IFAUTABI* pitOtEitit
- AT l i RrtrAltgßAL B ..
rratundenigned, will stil at Private Bale
A. that deshible property, in lk(c.Sherrys
town, Conoirago township, Adnms county,
Pe., kying on dm public road running through
mid contains
Tess dal%
more or hay offhit,rate land, adjoining kinds
of Dr. H. N: Lilly, Samuel And Joseph Stem.
'barigh, and others, add is ,finely
There hi a large . •
T•wo-eTo'Y 1
with a tsowtory brick batk.building, fronting
on the mired, and nearly opposite the public
house of Jam Busby, Esq., a.good log Barn,
an erehard of choice frait, *good well pt we.
ter, and other improvements. - Possession
eti on or before•the Ist day of April next, as
may be desired. If not sold, the ' property will
bePOll SENT. •
Persons wishing to view the lirembes will
call on John Bosby, - Esq.
111CHILEL 111;611ItIN6.
Nov. 23, 111335.—tf -
Oa Thunakty, Gie 21st day of Febrwariiaid.,
at 10 o'clock,,A.
The undersigned will sell etT.ublio etket ide
•reidence .in Huntington. : toiihshito,. Adams
county, theTollowingl'ennnusi,,tia.
. .
one•fourhorse narrow tread W Ray
Ladders, Wood Ladders, Home OM
and Lime Bed, Sleigh and if:lowness, gin
and Harrows, Corn Forksof imsry description,
Sled, Wheelbarrow, Grindstone, Ousting /km,
Winnowing Mill, Grain Cradle, Horse Rake,
halter, cow,. log and fifth Chabis, Spreaders,
Rakes, Fork', Bags, and a variety of articles.
111111.,Attendanee will be given and terms
made known on day of sale, IT
8, 1850.—td
ig CIIIIPUT-1111 PII6??IC-7111 BUT
Jt. lIICHICIC has :stunted fromithe city
. with the lug-extend best selected stock
ever had the pleasure of offering to this eom
munity. Gail and see for yourselves I He
will not ptetend to enumerate his large and
'attractive stock—the- limits of en advertise
ment will not admit of IL But if you wish to
select from the choicest lot of LAPIS'S' AND
eyes ever beheld, go to
Oct, 19, 1855.
: . CHEAP 000 - DS.
—.• .
received their usual large and handsome
assortment of Fall and Winter °nods, to
which they invjte the attention of the paw,
sonsisting array description of Dry Goods,
Hardware, Saddlery, Queensware, Groceries,
Cedar ware, Iron, Oils and Paints, he.
Give us an early call, and we will show you
the largest, prettiest, and cheapest stock q(
Goals m the County.
Sign. of MO Ad Front.
04; 17, 1855.
..antjami respectfii4, fafgren o
eitkeni;of Gettys gned burg aid the 'Od th ic
generally thatthey have opened *GRANITE
STONE YARD, ou South Baltimore Street,
opposite the, residence .of .George . Shryock,
where they sr, prepared to furnish GRAN
ITE STONE, dressed in.every style r for
Atoistineents, Door Sins' mad
and every kind of building and ornamental
use. Also, CEMETERY BLOCIIS always
on hand and a general variety of dressed
Stir The undersigned having had consider
able experience in their business, respectful
ly invite persons wishing anything in 'their
line to give nail, call—as we are prepared to
furnish the same article CHEAPER than it
has ever been heretofore 'offered in Gettys
HENRY S. BiiarEft,
Deo. 7,1835.-4 m
1855. NEW ODDS. 1855.
.trHE subscriber tenders his acknoiledg
meets to his friends and the public, for
thg very liberal patronage •bithertoGezteoded
to him, and respectfully informs them.. that he
bas just returned front the cities with a splen
did assortment of New Goods, comprising, in
part, a fins stock of
Delanes, Shawls, Ginghiuns,
Gloves, Stoe,kings, Rib
. bons, Collars, Mus
line, Irish-Lin
ens, Sze.,
all of Which will be sold at Jibe lowect cash
priees. He deems it unnecessur to enumer-
ate the different articles which comprise •his
steel. He would earnestly invite all to
call and examine his stook berm •purchasing
Oct. 19,1885.
exclusive sale of CALEDONIA ROLL
ED IRON .for Gettyaberg, wouldaeß the at.
tention of buyers to this make of Iron—the
best in the market—Oich will be sold at the
lowest rates.
We keep a large supply o f HAMMERED
IRON constantly on , hen Call at the sign
of the RED .FRONT.
Dec. 7,1866.
MBE ittootioo of MILLERS is invited •to
to a very superior . *diet* for drying
CORN; which can be had et all times at .
Jam 11, 1836.
ArAHORGE and Henry Wampler will
Make House Spouting and put up
the same low, for cash or country pro
duce. Farmers and all others wishing
thei- a owes. Barns, Ate. spouted, would
do wt - togive them a call.
A.) 0. & H. %YAMMER.
OF various patterns • and sizes, constantly
on hand and for sale, at
SHAWLS—The largest and handsomest
3 , 7 lot of long and square SHAWLS ever
brought to this toad CU) be seen at
_ •
icrotlowArs 'PILLS .k OINTMENT,
can be had la Gettitsboag, at the Ding
Stases of A. D. IitISHLE3I.
,11& - , 2AFintIieLCKS.
*titreastti ftogortment.
AD. BUEHLER has added to his former
I" stock of Goods an unusually large as
ortm sot of Classical, School and Miscella
embracing all the text Books deed is the Col
lege, Common Schools, and standard Gluteie
authors, with the wens popular publications,
constituting a larger auoriment than ever be
fore openedin Gettysburg. Also
Clif 11.0 4 11114P314211" .
of all kinds . ! Cap, Letter and Note Paper, of
the best quality, .Envelopes, Gold Pena and
Pencils, Pen-Knives, lac., with a large assort
:lnuit of
Misty Goods,
to which le invitee attention, being prepared
to sell at unusually low prices.
111/I.lle has also largely increased 'his
stock, of—
Drugs mud AfedifeisseN,
which gas Jas relied upon as the best in the
Ber Arrangements have been effected by
which stay article,in his line of business.cau be
promptly ordered from the city.
Gettysburg, Nov. 2, 1856.
HE undersigned, having entered into
partneship to carry on the Foundry be
sines, under the arm of WARREN &
SONS, hereby make known - to the citi
zens of Adams and adjoining counties,
that we are prepared to make every thing
in our line of badness. We have eon
str.ntly on band, the HATHAWAY and
• COOKING 15T01714114,
the Parlor airtight, and nine plate Stoves,
Oi Mini styles and sixes, Pois e Kettles
Ind Pans, and all other Iron Cooking
Utensils. Waffle Irons, Washing Machines.
Ash-plates. Boot-scrapers, dm. Castings
for Mills and other Machinery. PLOUGH
CASTINGS of every description,
Ws make the Seylor, Blocher, and, differ
ent kinds of Wit/mime Plough:. Pi e
have also got different patterns of
for Cemeteries, Yards and. Porches, which
can't he beat forbeauiy or cheapness.
IrrAll the above articles will be sold
cheap for Cash or Country froduce.
11C - PBLACKSMITHING still don
tintted;.- . _ _
BRASS CASTINGS and every thing
in our line =Maio order.
ed at shortest wotioe. Being Moulders
ourselves, we will do our work vent.
Gettysburg, May 11, '18156.-41
W ,
lEST .REAbER, Or Primary School
, Enna r, Part I.
' Seennd er, or Primary School Miguel
iZiTPrift ..'''' ' • --
Third Reader, with Complete Exercises in
Articulation. ..
Fourth Reader; a sequel to the Gnidnal.
Fifth Reader, with Principles of Elocution
practically illus trated by Elementary Exult , •
Sixth Reader, with the Higher Principles
of Elocution Explained and Illustrated by up;
propriate Exercises.
The Readers are , prepared upon the plan o
teaching only one thing at a time, and the
contain' full, complete and original system
of exercise in Articulation, to which the author
has an exclusive right. '
The Elocutionary matter is simple and
,Comprehensive ; adapted to the Schookoom
as only practieal teachers know how to pre=
pare and adapt it.
The Selections for Reading are ettrefullr
graded from the first step to the last. The
pieces are chaste, pure and freed from all low
and improper expressions ; they are designid
to cultivate and correct taste, to•refine the feel
sings, and to elevate moral affections. They,
were selected and prepared by the tine teach.
er, who alone can understand the practical
wants of the expanding heart and mind of ' the
echool•room pupil.
Also, Tower . a Elements of Grammar for
beginners, and Tower's English Grammar for
advanced classes. •
Teacher's School Committees, Clergymen,
and all others interested in Education are ux-,
'riled to call and examine.these Books.
AAUsher., No. 60,
..John Elrod, New York. at A. D. BUEHLER'S Drug
and Book Store, Gettysburg, PA.
Noy. 2, 1855.-202
1(418111 3fe9LELLAN invites the attention
.1.7-1. of Ladies and Gentlemen to her lope.
rior assortment of •
akitla b ar 041: 1 647)ap •
suitable for Fall and Winter wear, which have
been pi:meta:led very low and will be sold at
corresponding kw prices.. The assortment
includes the new awl fashionable styles of •
Silka, De. Lanes,
Ginghams,Calicoes, De
Bage, Coburg Clothe, Mull
, lin, Ltnnen, liac.k.Flannels, Bon
nets and Bonnet. Trimmings, Satins,
Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Urals, Artifi
cials, Black - Veils, Blue do, Gloves, Hosiery,
.Handkerchiefs, French -Worked Collars, ,
Cambri;Jackonstand Swim Edgings,
Inserting*, Muslin', Sleeves, Mo.
.hair and Silk lilts, Black
:lace • and Embroider..
ed Handkerchiefs,
lc, /sc.,
116. Ladies and Gentlemen are requested
to call and examine our Goods, which cannot
be beat in the town for beauty and Cheap
Gettysburg, Nov. 2.155.5.
itig, Ciuusimer s, Cassinetts, Vesting, &c.,
largest variety on hand and constantly making
up—the best bargains in town, at the Cloth
ing Emporium at. the
Sand &one Front
QCOICK has on, hand a more complete as
sortment of CLOTHS, AND CASSI•
HERBS, VESTLNGS, &c., Wan ever—and
alien such inducements to purchasers as (Afl
oat but be.advanntgeons to them. Gentlemen
will find his store well supplied with all kinds
ofgoods suited to their wear.
DST rodeived, an assortment of GROCE.
VP RIES, which will,be Nalco, for cash or
• try reduce, at •
NF Subscribers would respectfully
IL announce to their friends and the
public, that they have opened a NEW
HARDWARE STORE in Baltimore at,.
adjoining the residence of DAVID ZIEOLaR,
Gettysburg, in which they ate opening a
arge and general assortment of
Cutefry and Coach Triminung,
• Springs, Axles, Saddlery,
Cedar Ware, Shoe Findings,
Paints, Oils, & Dyestuffs,
n general, incuding every description of
articles in the above line of business—to
which they invite the attention of Coach-
makers, Blacksmiths. Carpenters,Cablnet
makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the
public generally.
Our stock having been selected with great
eara and purchashed for Cash. we guars
antee,(for the 'Ready Money,) to dispose
of any part of it on no reasonable terms as
they can be purchased any where.
We particularly request from our
friends, hod earnestly.. solicit a share of
public favor, as mie are determined to es
tablish a character .for selling Goods at
ow Fines and dolntbasinlas on fair prin.
iiplea. •
trGetsbunt, ' •
Ready Made Clothing.
lIAS just noir finished making u p and bas
on hand as large a o fßeady Made
Clothing, suitable for the'Fall and Winter sea
as has eear been offered to ~the public in
this place. His •
are all of his own manufacturing, and well
made of the very hea t material , and none of
of your CITY M E TRASH, which have
been put togetherin a hurry by Crushing the
poor seamstress with a more pittance for her
labor, ordone with the look stitch' of a sewing
machine; which if one eit4h Oyes way the
whole sewn gone. Wa giro fair wages,
•haveour mark well clone and made. of the beat
materials, and our young ladies come in with
the garments with s mili ng, countenances and
cheerful hearts.'
Coats 'cif all grades and colorsfrom $ 1 to $ 2O
'Pants, - ' ' - " :M
• eta to $lO
Vests, " • " 62icti to $7
made did! colors and every variety of style. 7--
We have experienced workmen employed con-
stantly cutting out aad making up all kinds of
Blaek, Blue, Olive, , -Claret, Green, Brown and
Drab. Cloth Coating, Caasimers, datinetts,
Jeans, and Vestings, Drawers, Shirts, Ac., &c.
Having just returned from the East we have
now on heed, in connection with our Clothing
Store, a very . large stock of cheap Cloths, Cas.
sinters, Cassmetts, Coatings,
j &c., &c.,
of ev
ery.variety of colors. We have, just received
the Fall and Winter Fashions, and ifwe cannot
please you in a garment made up we can at all
times take your measure and make up a gar
ment that will please you on short notice.--
We will not Make the bold assertion that we
will sell at 25 per cent. cheaper than any bo
dy else, but that wewill sell any article in our
line -aa cheap as the cheapest, and a little
cheiPer, arid a pied deal.better.
Give us a call and examine andjudge for
yourself._ Come one, come all to the Cloth
ing Emporium at the
' Sand Stone Pront of
ALEXANDER FRAZER respectfully . in
forms thee public that he has just received
a large and splendid assortment of rich and
new style GOLD JEWELRY of all kinds, in
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings,
of the most Ibahionable styles; fob, vest, and
gnar&Chains, Cuff Pine, Watch Keys, &c. Al
ao, Albata -Spoons, Fancy Vases, Spectacles,
Watch Guards ~Keys and Chains, GOLD and
, • SILVER WATCHES, together with a
- 11 a large assortment of MOURNING goods
suitable for, persons in mourning, .and
numerous other articles in his lino—Kill of
which will be sold at lowest cash,prices.
IgarAs I have purchased all My goods from
regular Jewellers,l will 'WARRANT them to
be what I:pronounce them. 'Of this,purchas
ere may rest ensured.
REPAIRED, as beretoaire. .Give me a call,
in Baltimore street, a few doors from the dia
mond, if you want 000110Xewelry, and the gen
aine article, lower"than ihe same can be
: put ,
chased any place sine Orfila city:
Gettysburg, Oct. 26, 1855--tf
V,MANUEL ZIEGLER hay just re•
turned from the city" with . the largest
lot of•GROCERIES he has ever before
opened, to whit+ he invites the attention
of all, convinced that he'ean kitTer RARE
, BARGAINS. He has • also 'a fine lot of
Hams Shoulders, lice., Shad,
Mackerel and Herrings,
Oranges.' Lemma. .Raisins. ,Figs. Dates.
klmonds, Nuts, Candies of all kinds. To.
haceo.' Segara, Snuff, Brooms. •Itrushee,
Blacking, with' general assortment of
variety goods. Give ea a call if you want
tO bust cheap tend good—next fluor to the
“Star" office, Baltimore Street.
.Gettyaberg, May 11,1855.-ti
llNittolutiose of Partnership.
THE Co . Partnership existing' between the
Subscribers has been dissolved this day
by mutual consent.
.We are much obliged to our friends and
the Public for the liberal support extended
to US.
Our Books are placed in the kinds of Alex
ander Cobean for collection, and we ear
nestly request. those indebted to us to call
and snake immediate payment, as we de
sire to settle the business of the firm without
Sept.•l4, 1835.—tf
Mc Ms PArrn
yrFoßms his friends and the public getter
ally, that he will continue the.Ret % Shoe
'Business, at 'hie old Stand, and .will always
keep on band alarge andeplendid assortment
of BOOTS 811.0 ES, HATB,h OAPS of
,every variety of style and prices which be is
determined tofir Wh et CouotitY,
Ptoduca, •
PIO' 21 1 /861170
MTielfs SAMSON ion just liel,toki
/V- 11 - from New York, rhaukapitio, gadzsi.
tituore, with the largest and beet selOotasUi of
Re.4D.Y:AfADI: MOWING, ever
to, Outtyabtag, tuade u wieguifweet s k %
and most approved royal to
Workmanship, they can't be excelled by say
customer Mika'.
Ready /lade Cloalms.
of every deamiption, cheaper than rm . of
before in this or any other place this Tide
of the Atlantic. My stock consists in pus of
110 41131111anIrMINIP
of all sizes, prides, colors and kinds, mad. s
in a superior manner.
of the latest and most fashionable styke, 'sad
every kindorgoodesuitable for winks-we/analog a
.BOOTS& SHOES, and slam assortments-
Gentlemen's and Boys' limtishow Coals, as
sisting of extra quality linen bosom fildits, Sem
penders, Gloves, half Hose, Collars, nesdr.ead
pocket Handkerchiefs, and as,extraardiss2
assortment of Black Satin andfaney Self
justing STOCKS, and various other lacy..r
ticla j together with Umbrella, Trunks, Om
pet Bags. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes.
My Blinds am selected and purchased lam
der the most favomble circumstances. ilk
sales and small profits is always the
=determined to cam out at the Moaq Bin
leg Clothing Easporsuss in York Street.
A personal examination can alone satisfy
customers of the comprehensiveness of my
stock, which I am selling at least 20 per cent.
lower than can be rand at any of' my compe
1116.1 am also prepared to sell wholesale to
country merchants desiring tosell again, Ready
Made Clothing Momentums vastras sa
sauna IN rat onto& If you doubt it, call
and examine for yourselves.
N. B. All Goods bought of 'Me wM be me
changed if they do not prove satisfactory.
Gettysburg, Sept. 28,1855•
• .
'flint Subscribers, hsiing bought the . dock
.1. of Boots; Shoes, Hats and asps of 01.-
gam KURTZ, purpose 4..-- , tinning the bQ$
Hess, at the old established.stand, South Bass
Corner mf Centre Square, where they vs
ust received a fresh supply of the above • ..4
rum the cities of Philadelphia and Balthus*.
-imprising all the new and desirable styles of
Men's, ,Boys' and Youths' Silk, Fur, 'and
ilaSlouch HATS. Men's,
Boys' and Youths' Fine
Calf, Kip, .and Grained.
w,th a large ,assortinentiaii
of Ladies', Misses' and ,Child's
Walking and Fine Dross SHOES, GAITER'?
&c. , Qum , Dress-Shoes, Baskin" and Satukll4
in every variety.
We would respectfully 41111131311C0 ;to' the
citizens of Adams County, that wts lame an
earnest disposition to .please !the pa:tient",
taste of every one who may favor us with !beat
patronage, and respectfully ask ell , to call
and see.
The business will be conducted under `toes
Oct. 19,1853.
THE subscriber having &wised of Mu ,
terest lathe Boot, Sim, Hit
Business to Messrs. COREAN &;.P
respectfully sake thd Contindallabli
and enutomerato patronise the New Fine.
Oct. 19, 1855.
, ,
FOR A .31 AR TR 1.01.1 8
n Y the aid of a microscope, we sea minis!.
J..." of little openings On the surface. of trio ,
bodies. Through these this Ointment, wheia
rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or
inward part: /Jiseoprus •of the Kidneysi-dinar•
ders. of the Liver, affections of the beart.lista
motion of the ;Lungs, A 511111133, Coughs end
COlds, are 'by its means
,effectually cuied.;-
Every housewife knows that salt pines freet7
through'bone or meat of any thickness. Tina
healing Ointment far more readily penetrates
through any bone or fleshy part of the living
body, curing the most dangerous inward coin
plaints, that cannot be reached by other
MY-WM.4X SAL ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
.No remedy lute ever done so • each for the
cure of dimities of the Skin whatever GM* they
may assume, as, this Ointment. No =es tof
Salt Itheum;Scurvy, Sore Heads, Scrofula oe
Hrysjpelas, cart long withstand its' inflosiee
.The inventor his travelled over •man,y.parte of
the globe. visiting. the principal .hospitale,l
yensuut this Ointment, giving advice as to its
application, and thus been the means ofrestor
ing countless, numbers' to health. '
Some of the most scientific surgeons haw
rely solely on the use of this wonderful Oin►
ment, when having to cope with tbs . 'Katt*.
see of soresovounds; ulcers,glandullir swellings,
and tuMurs. Professor Solloway has, by cow
mend of the Allied Governments, dispatched
to the hospitals of the East, large shipmenetcd
this Ointment ' to be used under the directico*
of the Medical Staff, in the worst tasks of
wounds. .It will cure any ulcer; glandular
swelling, stiffness or contraction of otas joint
even 20 years' . standing. '.
These . and other similar diatmialag cosi%
plaints can be effectually, cAred.if the 0431,10
be well rubbed in over , the parts offected
by otherwise following. the :printed dire:Ai:o4
around each pot. .
Boil' the Ofuffiesi,sitd : RUE thaol - ,10
is 14 falocie cases= •
- ,Ltuomifo
Mercurial foruptimi
aiapPal Druids . Piles
Chilblains ithetunalliet
Fistulas • Salt Rheas'
Gout • Skin .Disesist
Sore Legs , , . Swelled skids•' , 1.,
Sore Breasts . , Stiff Aliso, . s , 1
Sore lleadi . liken . • .
Sore Throtts Waiter Sate
Sores dial)** , Wiramio of 4; 1 06
tv T ains ... A satlir • s-- -‘ I Q •' 1
....a . the Mantieetoriee of Avlsoir
ROLLO!" $0 Maiden Lawa, New Yes%
244 Skink London, and k a all -
_ Not
Druggists and Dealers an d
out We .llnited Slat" and the
in Pots. at Wier* 62 twits, sad $1 auk
Irliere r i l .a ,441 r ii e1 b16 ,..rW, 1 - 47 ) 1111.
lai c i i. l arge r
•tients is terSydisteder,,an6/6 4 7 1-0 . 4 0.05
_Noy. ? s loir.-4910- 1 . •' • -