• States which Iwo so long ilisteilied t kge. , of the country, and exciting built idea ,ot in.: * wise patriotic and 'aw.auiding, to wittl , misdirected zeal in the inteittpt to 1 opogatel +their social theories by the. perrai , lid il r diume of the powers of Congress. La I sons. and the parties whom the tenor of the net to orgniiize tlinTerritarics -of Nebraska rind Kim. SIM thwarted in the mole:Ivor to impose, through the aglincti tif , retingie.:44lll6lt In race , ' ler views of social organization on the people of the feint - &in. iate4 - , , now pareeit ing that the policy of leaving Boil inliallitanto, plin)cli State to judge for t.17 , 440,1rtil .in 1114 Ifeilfet, Wit.l inerat it•nbl • rootml in the convictions of the people idic'fbinetind,reernmse; in the paitspi : t l pf i kheiructicrid object, in tI. c...tra 7 unli nen. metairre'orporpagartillia'eolohiz...iitin ' of the.Xerritory of Ratiss.i, to,pietTiti the ;roe and natifitl'ilhtldn ;Of irs'inhabiling's . :ft Its 'iii-' ternal IsittitStiVeirl thus:to. nuticiptito ot to for ce determination of; that tootion ill this itt*onttOtnt9;., , ,t 'l, -.; e . 1 1 ' \V 4458)!Filit.31r11.,Alill.citilililcin 9 weir nrgan' , lied istiso[nemri,44t,tteß;pnil,,Oteit pit rniet...e . l.. I were pgwiiihne44linntilli tho press in lauviilgi) ex trogiely..irritatiogi soil , i ,cffensive tii tliosil.cf ' .'w lt 0 rith e.r tel attJAI a w gra t(). , .eF/ 1101 'il°,e "" 1 0'. - „ b "nfo.o,Those'deligne and ,acts ta.il tile nices 11.'rY 44"ahlliltlenCP, to awaken ecrot ions of in tense i nil i gnatieta, i n SteieS 'near to, the .l'erq-; i fig tory cifusgs, and espeni,illY in the J. Map, 1 titateortf, fil . isseuri; 'whose, tioinestic peace was' thus ilin,tsost..direetiryndangerral,; het they are• far from justifyiog,.the il leg a l,nntl. repre lietisiblettrahlemitostanents:nihteh ensued.. Under , these inanspicians.eireinu!tarices, ilia pri , n4r.Y . aka, Bons for , inontliers ,of, .the iciislie • tiro assembly ,were itidd.lllMes3, it 11 0 23, i'l ' the precincts at, Abe time and ,th I.! . :itlares:and by t h e peraons. „designated_ ,stml tippeimed by, the gevernerneoording to law,„ A i‘gry occultations that illegal voles hail heo polled abounded on allsidna ' .ivel iitiontitioot were pads tiotb . m(,,frant,l tot` .violence . But the governor; in the ssereiso of Me powerand the tlisiharge of ~:ke„ duty !conferred and i in, Pegott-bY.laW!lnt him alone,olliejally received and considered the, returns;; declared ti large majority-0f .:Ito members of the c venni! end the Reuse pf liettnamitt.itives.`,'4,PlN,fietn.rd ;" withheld, ,ocrlificetes.,.froar others bee:test) of allow:id ,illegttlity, of ; votes ; appointed . tt. noW electing to) likapply the place of the persons, not certifiE.dl and,ilinsist length. iir all dito ,fortn§ of otentlas:ntsh with, his own oflinial,autlimill eation.qoalßistibluditlitywaagtven tp,tlterlirot legiskstimeesssetillily..ol,the , ',l'erritory,,... ,,, 11 19 p,4 depiii.uf....4 the retitrialig . .otlieers, nod of theArevarnoram final, exempt :tlial.,,hy the ParliainwetiorY.nlaire of the co.ii wry 7 .ipplied.to the oskallin lawr;il May. lid C9 1 1944e 1 ). !hilt:M .l i lionsegt %Am usstitiddy most hays, pima coMpeei tent r;O s determine, in., the last rostirhtlip quell-. lioalisi.,.. nut.....ttin.ect,ini of As titeiriliers. . The sulij,... 'aigg s .lay, its Malin., Onit , „;Tpt;rUlin,iltiC a i l bilk I i i CACI y.. 10; alp, iytitirtsi ititiPti el ille.)Peo 0 11 ' 1 theritisseCthe :1 7 )IrrIPITY...: Mil'llolrilr ir '9 l "'" ' Lakin& pay, haveoseeit trail in Bre elections, it scenes Armlets now.te raise , that rinestion. At, all Anni.S, iL is. a quoltion as. ‘e \ellielt, neither . tioworati any presions , ;hoe. itaathe least wassiMaattogal authority ,beepi ,pos4tsgsill. by the Pregnant b) the dinned. Ntami.. Vorali.pre• tent/prim:tee tholegiehitivi: body, thus eonsti tuteikandelismed, was ttio legitiniatti assenibiy ot tlfst.Toritwy.. ,! . i r , .; ''. - ... , . . , . . . Arxqtdifig)y , c tlid I.lt)c.re tnPr, by p.r(lrtamPO got *nvritierirAtte assemblyllias vleFttal to.ineet at plloo.l4.ll4edt:raw Hee .ci;y ;. tlau L‘vcr , liousts etturPtidtletuirl uly, ohlltnizeti itc,the , eoftitary parlialittWAry,:furiut each Be 11V. :, 0 1 arid, received r.,10.,1,k10 novertier the official cefutitutticatioit,. itstial,un•auclhoccosions ; ml ehtherateatestetge oveltbig rile sessiutuwatt yottiniu ideated by the r.ov;truurat. Andftlie. gettenl Itusitutror of the 1 , •4i/lation.?watt,uuturuti ujten. by the jeg,islati ve a, awWyr, • . . _. . . . .... . .. Itul,lateCit few dity.s.i the ussenthly resolved 1..-adjOdsnitstunotheryitice.in the 'l'erritary. A law was accordingly passed,ingeinst.tlio eomitsitt)olitne'Uovermir, but in due limit collet " ....-e5.m...,.......1...-.........1.,,p0Ter1ii11e111 ton pa- . r .rii k yttlqatieritedrawnee Mutton; ,Lether .Selte.d, t-rillisaitirit) •anti , thither..thoassenthly , pro. . . dindleo;Aftsr•thiltiree.eking ii.td Il• for ill.' es to ollehmitattufa. feriy ht the tow 0 a Kiclinp, tm. 4:4oFoiszer , rritit sod ao sign ,it, and, by special tiAsapisisahtilitncd -fee reason !of Ktlosal, taut, any)b ii9r:.lol4a , tifinattle in • tint bill , itself, nor 1 Ay pretence of the illegality or incompetency , ot todutipoettiblyltis'sliolte hut 4,lity the ; fact Wi l t lit , issigicHal.4,ll4l.l(ll its net tranaterrt•td the . 4011 1 ~ f .44strernbient; temporarily , fteto' Pawnee City 1.. 3binrsidelliissiow. - . Forithe same: reithon he contialied,:to.rafusentu Sign• other iiillsonitil, . in tbis 'hearse of it fells days. he. by Oficial I.,,•iragis.tebakiaikaicattii uk Ilia assemblyllie, I..eislabatibrit.:ltritthreceived,,ocitification of; the t.-risiiaqipinoE big fpoctions.ns Governor, aral lia itatirtOuilissi cif tits offtbol. were legally.;der. voitetitssigheSecustary.of.the:Territory ; thus t ,, Itiontiorsirscognizing the,body ,;is a, duty eleesidoinitoenstitatembaegislittive assembly. lieu 4 beybrenived that; ifsnyceentlitutionn al 'hid as.* .. itlii,notapretondeil• to. Consist in ir r,-;2tilaiitTirf kiiction,ur Went: ail'. qualification ol titainanibbri.;brit_only..in the change of its planelofsetisieni , P dietsever tritial,this °Nee ii.o. may seetts.to.be,lit requires to he consitl. pn-debeestasei opnyi ifiefotinited.all that. super, streetbdetaf ;.atits l ylainly;againit ;law, which i..,w threatens:tile poace,'net only of the terri toryinfiKettitadi. but of:the Union. .. ~ • gifegh foilthjecttoit'to tint preiceedier„s of the legitliittflno aitts4tribly'Was'of exceptionable or. igirr,"liii,Ak reason (bat; by the express; terms of 04, nrgahicland,;.the'sent of _government of tne'tielfrittiry Whit "located tetnperarily at Pert j LetiVelit,gitaith;fliind yerthe governor himself tenthiliiii'llitieelesh;than' two Months; and of ill6 . l34l6Viiiiiitettbn'trari.sferritl•the iiinieof goi4 rrniiiiikit bdilie ftstWriee Mission, Where it in faciliegreltif the tiltio the'asseitibly were called lo meet at Pawnee City. If the gl,Vernot had anylitipliflright.iti'change teniporarity'the sedt i i ....h li tleti ttleilt. V S)ili'66lti' litiii the legislative assft : I " . l . ll.3'"ohjeititlit is'of exceptionable wit , "Lfrithii"fiirther reason that the •nlaen•iri . ilia Itfihe"k,hirerrioni ;Without having tin . ) , . xeijis S i Vgildrin ;of yreference in ; itself, was a I I. , ,i6dtlif fated iitte only which' he and Others De li k dtt4difititit to' Ip4ate nitlawftilly upon ( tin 'YeliningthilithiY.reservtition , and; for par.' ~,,..isti4,,,,,;;dwilliaj Illegal•iti4 the eollllllandillli 4,10414.-4541/01*It officer ot -the arnay . 7 .- k.h...i' `'iliiiiinlised by selitence of Court • mar tier s . . „ litiq is ii•iiisy v see why the legist lily° rot .ettilitriiiirt'llig' With preiolety pass the tdr rad la "ait'tiferring its sittings to the Shaw A ..1 nett" AWOL' If ifeinild hot; that iiimit bi'ito IA :.c4iii?"sit'sliiiie'pridiiiiitufy "Cr incoMpatiblei prafsfo , oraci.''nf 'Coriglehs.. ''llut' no'knell pro N Yofillitti(s: ' The or n a act, nut al cad) ipt4l 1. 1.a.Ag tle neat ofj.,otern tiara it hetet>) Ivca, o, l 3cOitrally :itt "F4rt I; ! iatle r tiwo'illy." . anti Al.hi..prtivi ea ;that eeita hi' i) 1 this p 01 . 11 i e bulimigg' n ilta thwy . be•oce , l)ied 'and u4e.l u...xptyi s iiirillen of the 'governor. and leid s. la: v s .ssienth i,• . ' . 'nut expreaSiOns'nirght p VjuNe t, epst t ri'itiett Si) iitipty thal'wheildit a P.Casl9,4s, i lfrel:lcatsin` the mat it Was enaeaCi! • thattitkai - Orit legislai,iY;.;•aiiSeuitify shall Meet' _ .. , _ .., ... governor it is pr Such day au the shaiA, p f pgl,7 ,tlip yror4 t.ptitee'l ilrilliq plate i ,-*„ at T+, irr.!,. l W9l•tily tc;i y itli.i,eartyr Where in --: the ” 1 11 2 :1 ff.tO t!td :I r toverne: Or iinie; hive be not',,inlY in 1 lka. ftstttleri; in this Matter,. htenti#,lteing reirntved ilie seat 'n.' govern meig.fta,fltit'Sltaiwtiee',.'llissien„ . but in' again reilieteg„tt. to Pikw.nev. Phi. If altars was anytiktpirsore froin.the letter o f the law, the% e' VI f"llikitfl his in both insnincee. , '. . . Bialarsowever this may be, it ia 'most, wires-, sottish'. te .suppoee that. hy the tennis of the. orgsiticlActlitangreis intended to ~o itnpliedly whits labs etot done esprer.sly—thaa. is, to for• hideOhe lekhdative assembly the pcnyet , ti choneehttrptetie - it might nee ht as the tenllnu• carystlidit4f , sts dshlaemtiona.—Thntsis protrlA bylillindrlingant iseigmege of mitt of.the sub-. 1 ...vpiimmst•ioreongti's* on the subject, thatl , 4 11* March 3P-1863:•*hielt. in , inakitig; spprO• : - prieihalbrpaidin buildings of theNertitory. t eteimr4lotAtte , setne.ittall not he expended ••utiontit4' . 6oviehittire of said Territory shall hinabilliitdittY' few ;this permanent seat of got , ersoilitiliii , *Akrotintorii . in these expressions, alisesisoklitatfess to be grAtitirg the power to Cs OHllperfairttnt seat of government, hit re *. ovals** the power a. one already granted. bag, 1%! 1 Inwtountedly by the e „ m p re he n . ..." get" "revision of Ulf organic act itself. which . .. d clams tatHe te allstr. fier i er ' t ()liv i d otl it o )tx ,r, ... e ,Ch ro 4h 'I :rrlto sal eto to Ir g tie , .1j .PI f u l lea " r r its i iii,z., ggi 0 legi. n 4odejs nt on h ill crttit ti r.,f .a ~t , i A . 0 the UM si titte i snsr: 9 th . peo t y , si ., i , ts sii v ti t :,. r , re nly eckmell a lie enactment of j i siktilijuult Pl 44 ohll; lJ :.1 1, c10..' - al:LLY;coo,t.': te ;:. ---. 1., pecial appropri minent scat of government at any plv,ce in ila i sation be made to defray any expense which discretion, of course by the same_ en m ac t en t, ~ may trecome.requisito in the execution of the it had the less and the included flower to C.x laws or the maintenance of public order in the it,thhilmrarily. Nevertheless, the allegati..a t th a t t h e p ot , of the legislative nsatunbly W tie - illegal 47., r' ~ rinse of this removni of its place of se'..ian was brought Pavan] to tastily the fire L e.reat move ment in disregard bl law ...Wile the territory. Xin t s'efeheteritsiittberirgistatio.rtAitafittylir6: i..*• -. ........... 6 . 5 .'"....-----.. sided fei b ilip flepiloipmf i t r i ir l ymt„, h ty ii iri orgi t .,l t has long been a !patter of surprUe to us, 11-titiel',ate was, electail un-, r that the w,caltltYlilfildittaftiPM"WaWrds county. q,ni C.ongre'si, and , der thee Stew! I Uut.iststw'qdentli - th IMO. a Tsui- . should luttnt ..'rerristirred. so' great tikletiith• bf lion of .111e,peehtje.mf,:tlItk. teirithiliiintiooroded,;.titito contented • with the . ' Primi tivo "Ortiei :0,1 1 withebt,authentY Of..)ser. widow a uo thhr 4rkidu.;,, things, and **wailed thi.ir trainable. PrOvi acts 4u r'.....; / ', ~.1 e ...... ',a. - - ;di, qt.,.; 1. d , ; . 1 9, a distant , la'arl(q.'at i k risnl ~t'petiAs,! V./heti 1 • e'inrlllgll):r}t'ilintllripitplderplin„enithpr ~py a comparatively sturill.onitilty , hPoleptisithOy - j I rtet lio;rettv 0:1,...nt ,Ipm nt lite, r•tine.geoeral ' nould have ohteineetilid , faViditird-unelbernivenvi ellardcoil: " i t. - A,.;11.4 confes.,l:(ll, l ii:it Sollstitil..,Voltere. the eheAlllPri, Cl nr. ,l •Aiiiie.i III! tiag etc h.,11y plitio, o r ;ell- ttiv ito.itibith i ntiq at railway eanveyanne. ,„ hilt i t l ro tianclsapli bat inerl:lY"n .tinif9"l7l the .1041111111,160,e mit% connecting .wilb,,llia ;'(oil ":19 ,u9 1 !tt ."41 . lie ill Witboui I Avi(hreie tlntlernikt.lo.ll. sautelott. t o• Way, ,waks,,conyttructcd : to ~ I tanoverl Meet th e eiiliverviern tot thodierpelsolof innellbriningthe.ldtrornabre woliiingl'ir.l l ) o !. rned,.,llotitt i!!'.Yftikit( i rerritory_into a P(.1ete.,411141 t hipqi ffamdel i i,ee ß t t ., no- ;, thrall's entetpilse, sluip,ly p. ihreps i clit e p atituelote; adopted it, tool ettde•r it„, : e„f i neml.4 l ;,' !M i lne, end apart" front the increase til' value or , govvrouvititi 0,111vc , ,pfrp, ,, E1.,41.0, 1 (svpihew l i,.. rho lana9;wittilo @fir mites!ottrlltheildtlelifits' : l tivo to 1071giess.',, ' ' '" ' 1 lirie of route ' or ten 'Mlles of (hit ( territilitirik in eiitenuath i alile thesq 'll legal , 111.4, 1 it iiii 4 *mild Pay ' A ''One•cl:lnteles Minn • ilia inirki- ille...cd tlait th,eSt.tt..(Etlf (Nil bit:tria . .24lic hitti l d 4 meet, it.:bedatne ti"grildltlir OPAAff 1 t'or , "ttOmider„ e. and oth.ltsOret:d Aelf-org.tnivml;eitniiiiv ittieltvit'Shat the spirit' 'Willett "Was bniltlitiettp,l• ttnlh. we re,itritirrited into tit° Vnii ar wit hoe t as. pisivireprter. "'I n'idin„ff tel ,tho' l ngittnitun'it' 4 ellith 41 lents tumbling etutmfVedigrosstit ,til in trai,ttios;t•lrtt-po,rtion - - ,Yl , „OgonlYt .!fsatt.po.4 ,Ottiffvt wkeilei iii,a,intejaTi i& of tatsq„tt. previmip,V . pf i r . 3 by the T , P(Tiftiru, s.e . l.tylpilrgittritt,oo l 4if., Congrwis has iie.'ii 11... , *C,11.(it. Il li.l ! Orill th. t. 51- ft, 1 farmers by which ,Najyt ,enhatnrotait, linthorrt ritory to 4,11 , 5t:i1l i . lt,' 33 'O. Ilene,' 'and . ibis 14' har!.l'--kill'lLVll'. l7 9t.viigi•tiliffeue (lo4 r ,, 00( leY, lit ileon'ied eke' hie's(' egliitlil 'ct.ietee, j•et aildif 'air Own as nit t inticinti t that,into dneal,:rallersyso c net Wei Lisiot .1; it' id to'lle, ineelintpeteSielele, Litt& ,ialtietratirg, it„regmerri , Aft t,pfAtelnol‘p, as A b i ot. ,X -paoe i n , f a j o, !,,,, ti lt , It err i wt yliku B ..pr o mdectltyk dams comity, will altvsys pay, and pay well. without} , and his uevartftelev hoots adtitittettpTiltgeff kippiiih)pfritve.lp„rwhy„rar t iar into the Union :4•1 a State. It lies with 1/100,1„T hey of once Ito vaine,9l4owtt property, they , Tess tonutlio . rize bef 9 rohltßdt/6 topaqvg,w,,,i. (hi largely to the value o landed property, terwurils„ .in ,its diortition ; iii / 01; no l instarl?o .a mho thtlyr littiq'tbhsitilts,, , torOtiott('dtvtdottdidn Itas it'Scale bet a iylnilleed upon' tie lyinhe4l,- . 'llittik,remitof j spitqlritqlien , v,„4„.,tarlmatattielteni tiOn of I,hrSlafs A r al iil'itgliiiiiitlaiiitadritle's tliii•j; •larteiliately beneficial In other respects. It constituted by act of Coni;ress. In ovary ctiskir ropens up the mineral wealth of the-4 1 014H' it bi thkilleb,l)llJkl' tl i ei eortitoltYPft'atott'Antity tlirtnifeasrlrfcislibluttiscspind'ithiltesiirs,witblit Milling tltutuv ay hat i hallo* , Ilawele tkr,l forus.7l. ; Pad' t.4fA Oft '4 I IVI O I I In% itgarete/pw;i th,,it wok, umlstitution o atid 'ask Atli atlutimelutrjusat !Spite., eemtl;ro eltil",iPhY-0 1 91 11 10 1 )19" R ;di tr Af i l'Al t ltr lain K 111 0 1149, piC,iiithli..lll3,lSrt/ liiitil/iliitit.fit, , wl 4'h.V.:9" ; ll l ol' , lti'9 ,lr f yi Pi t i i l9,, WP 1i".1' ,9 . 1 ? 1 P recedent tumor the Constitutatamiltpqm.Wtpi ';91111,0101110p it eta , e,l Jle °lnept oso sot S;atol 114) 11l l i ti of rett ; ,er), Tight ter dim:nett' 4IMt p i el.ql' tirtlf;, plc(' lrri,tlglilliitr iiis s ilid.' seiii - u l etildi•ii"iiit.l"ioi ileivey'alriffili lip'tii iiiihni l'id F a i fi oi l kitiwtO l iPtliblMee Niftbili i elaiiireit liflioltiftlyilitYitetiiit reitlifit iy.trjto#lllpreditokkitils 4111Itt011idlttlettOint,ttpd'Altqa4sitit 0 Pitit, witat his Weil dune is of revolutionary( (Willi thrrolarePasiitraalataddrlehitrenftin e fo r i nn i ellarnotero /xis itvort'ootry *pig lividly! oil& thei.filislArhtie 1)(0.1101mallaottfilille 'Pi'lariPaa. "Nil itint-tte thspeotor tbo leoSi lOW Ot:,ttte4retritor l ys , ~..egorictAll,t, 4 il i m p„o, Fi p,,tere. t op 15 ,,, 1 ft win, loefoym..tromo444 ....4.lo.l;rrwp.n.g„ii ,i , "4 , ,,Riftl„ i kin ni t t.impgml in ti:Ln i limw . hp: , relteh the mitgibentrgattimarcputioatetipyjhunq tetintilitia t ly.ll4 . T i li v ilfra.n r ita lt l iej L ee l ra vo tst - ii l ittn to the Inielaineutaf or tin other fedurat la4y. grahl? te" . e ti''''' Pr "h" "" "n i '''' Iflll . lie GllVßlllljkOVYliftliii i ,...LiiiilNiic6ViiMelit:: I hrerliikYrkiliP 11 d'ilq ( f" rOuniP , ' *l* 'tit"' i In such tin evtitit; ffee.pletii - a itlify'ilii." ad! ,tiralinOtokininViiiPtttegi'llir9l4latoi *lOll the* . ,tisecutivo iltrili;d l Thu etrorstittrtitio :ARV te• WritililAtilivi oil, pripdhliss cisp, , ,,cw ;fel& blo; heg'lltitif to t ewers thailthulawovrt tbul ni. i rvillaillaillielhoeetenginteltrAvsktf i lld atoffielt I,ted Statist ho faititfollyexectittsrpir ahoy htheirr (i)ririwar-udelili,A 9 if t !ri, t ily ”ritill_,lllll44tlllHNlCOollo pot , eil.in ,tltO., Torrktioli.ti3Oft,K,o,ofiitthlie j p ith o fi nt iiiro#fl'ittighflro l 9 l ,ll!' ri'llitiPPlrolt3llPrAXJ•it'...; allophl,plaeti, at llio t elisposai,of, thp binr,4ll, tahlisiees newitinfter,?e,lpetwlen'titstant Cone-. any, pdblic foreo of the thiiied Statute *ha - 1 pi opti,lea,, :fit printoterl 'iltilf l e ntAletiltill %lid ", / happens bi ,b 6 ‘'villilif 'tile j tlW;ii`tiilbit'',44" . 8 'Vpiewerela i%iptl WIMP 1410 e 1141 . IhY lll43llll = used tin'il,'Ortiotr 61 , 'llielpii3.V't.6llitdbi.4Viiill, , (bhililict i viji lea Pe' itYeJme. skit 1( hit Uito I i' that lb OOG ifilith'et GO IlOtilittil; vrttetiltitent a • Itils Or tlidaitllttlitiottti w nsiiiiiiktied.ttol tee May call fiwt,tr the ntitillivotibilly,di ,„ mi,ii, POittts ihttinvativa:y doriitestivallas , ht. 4 l ,6 •o l ,l , Stales fon that, Objeut i , 114 , einpluytti4-41)43 , 0010. 0014aeol(41v.hfitsysess'.Gsttlyilsor4 1104tehiE9Ttft,i; 1 "Ili ee ttl(Y .Peh't Pi; Plie,laaiii ur.liti9i.ferl 3 9 (4 . 4 i) '•ttlkA h n , ArP' lo49 r. !P' lo.4llll4l4 ''' 4 ' 4llB 1 7. 1 1 I ? l, itePtitte- 1 . , §'?, allit?t:if the "R,tlc4tiqPn (0 ' ,', 14 1P-e4 l / l ili t .t e glap a l e .llll l 4 ll . l ll6l4 ll44 l kfigq pa to 0)!,i I.IN'It aOm torrityli„ sell' ,l Jig 'an y tinn ma it rlar e. as curient it itt r 1.; I presen'te(l'ti; hilli its a eidieulot'ineititinettdlt,'h'il l 'then months fro . iiiitilditk''Tlieltiongnietoos, may employ ii,r itl tiOppreSBioll the inilitiit 3i 4 ' , Messrs. Irwiii t 1 d& T/1)44‘-'!fri f tt gentlemen . toy Silitil; or' the lankl'alsf itaVillearedonhifU. *lie neenllP hlo"Cedk . ' l 6 4 iwiAi l iirores s i o n. I Stittis.: :.(I.lel litho ilsrriterYhe.involt.xl byilor. t iled their' aVillilitill.lr,go Will!' energy. and ; citiaciisufuthei . St.ites, whether Jar thy ou t w it , ,persosseatOppc; *nil witlacalhuhttsdbilo...itilitite i t of thmilittxplections or, for L utypcher,,oo Abet , t,halsineJilinkiena with sonfitteadethate dos alailek), loca,A,antlioritlcalihd tlnpMeilivoalnnetlAttk,Kpx, witt i est hti pnicered,to.J am ulish ou pli te ir,tratuk.i; pel or ,w it lisle MS, ic,:thoy-wiq ,b, etitt tier .to, TA it tr g.!P‘ %WM , `'SliPt,lVh v i,-P4s?l9,gifil i thilval, I I an,' tipitt the fact bcilii!:ii icy iwt.;ifrttiiiit; dor i ier i pn i ln,,,ept ) te w hose i ttle,t,':•l, l ,lil?l i o? sf,e,r,ii,cri n shall InosVceikttlinly ieeOiVe,'ilteitlif etith Oils' .ihe 'hod& o 1,11 4( 114 Illfif 11 IR 446, ;IR , liebele ordt . ;;;,viiiiialent: • , ~ . - ~,,, , ~,1it:„;, ,, ,. ~,i ,„ . 4 , ,,r Gettysburg. arid its , vicinity, owe a &Tilde lent. tt- is tkat..,5,....1..ii..0f. .th - e.,,itreota.4..iet , amtittitteroe4tintlamellwota *th‘y'Avill not be the United States to volunteer tektritututhm,tay, backward to: traiattowletlib. , (1..0 itaerimitreaurvirthhillerity of uhictipula•eigter , illie atstutal(*t t portehf !the'. Gettyldhurg Rail- In a S tan.,p,rl'erriteny. , tull? 'tro i lvonfl. fmtulli• road Corripstryoivhichl.iihnow /before us. lint aereiveO P11 111 ii: freed'oni.' Ain] olh'e.thera law. fiiiitt ( i intile#l4•lll4)lliffilttilliesitilialatoialprs i hu wise or tillivls'ei c josc'er iniaSt:' iii'iitit i a' liVe IrlariNinnliaNftkri 4)3 l 9)pin; tillt'4lloiFkl titteViioVfoi inn.) to yule tau 1n 1411 ig n iiiir roy of, ' d m w, ,, i11. II s 1 , ",„„i_ii i ; i i i s , if it b e th e l a w o r t hoqui l d,,_,4l till tied the no ny of -!9eltittne'd poliplicev, , is ( 04 i dotY 'to eouse':ii t tothe.erteedttalvW•to hr 11;iti'-'l4'"Ani DV: 1 1'111d "IftWill.,"llVeg T ee'elliik sustain the au thoritieu groin , St4 o ,or lt,erritqty cail (I 'thittitiVay.ril igltiVilh'i( nr(thli'4l.llllb wt , Ni in kxenoting. it„ kit ,yityypitiemp ,Ol,l„ipspint . c. ratitoAv ;tied! it IsalbliblreptiMind itch einelle tnefillJ tioopry, me,vemplas..„ 03 1 ,..,, ~ L;, , i . elooltlionotkniutbnitsitotnnitutestirent tindoir iCbt Clor, ny,stot,alroids i t o4usgticiiioii i i,r.)•Aii;.;' vorable an‘pitnisool ridr steel etfiliil , l43 WA/ Illtiollaky ik.„l-4 ; td ioCiiii4illiitiotsill q iiiitanne 1 To the ificrAla,ft!!!,?,l,P!!ltititmoutthis work is madvliig• 11th pkiig oryiiiiiwilmialitturraths. it "No of great 111 1_11tlf,kileit . , , ..... u lit,t,1 It'll fact. net ex aniLlaws, by a oltanktunfipnbilc agthita. anillbsrl.,, tension ecalle,„Hppepr i lippip, !rid road, and i p i h. il tiotre on t litel,t unit leoreiliconapi and.etfeet- iin tulditiopp i lattSitilfl i'follifts, ordiern Con ire than illegal vtoleilett • .11'heen conliftwioielt I iral. Fermtv, tot conroietion w lilt 'The Ot , tei me?Hfi ,, 011 1 6 ‘, 1 4 9 , g e r unli k t e.4y: git ippi n d i *i l ig tOlll,ll of Y.Tiftilfloi(e'lllVlOYertii,eir At, griflt. prerogittiirp et',,pepuiat,,soveifitcolty,„,sti,., IsillinVait'Skivallti laltrilthltkitilitl'atbeitfcrati be- Nrettlfreseccted. . .. ' ' , -Anion dot oe(onetutittO. its iresst e pitd,,k47,ll, If s'ifil;`,nelduliled right 'n'f' a liiii6eitilla 'liberainaiolittorifilidmi% lEelPrlPAtewilillhaitodlinf and orderly people of th u s 'l'erritory oltiisliWS :trade brines with it new nuetotners.dollnos4o Ao elebe tb'eft",Ookti(leglslitlitoeikay: ivoike tlAr a, new field to, the (WWW.lMUsilt)47, l l ll , ( iteree vvvi Cl av l tyll o,,l eg l i t at „ t hul t 31441. w eird; i l mj., I alike. the material irorperily of the rpf y ilin 'rem tutionk Without; t o ceigo, o il c i teeas tic t ooa:tssik Which it , i49ifilgl!,` t ill 'lll4l ifitr' It which A( 0 14 intrrirrgitrrs 911,1htilitute-lialidot tt't krqr. i i" °l 7: 3 oe lnhit frili , .:ll6kV; i; ii curet tYONIVIAtiW thr, prehrbt!iini,olstrilia4 , ,lr, ; 1 '.. Hpi11,,,.';;" vin, ' ".''''' / 6 ' i n j il t , I .vr t tory. , ins I , rri l uu ,d , ii „,ell im,p i fs . • t Errit . sonVfl'ivit , WY 4 Pt:6'dg" CASE. - intoiTer'eni44 'tin ilia 'Ottier,:f4i•jui;illateitdttkinEti oe IVi( l46l etre - iierAPlr.'YN 4 To 4 tter• tu ) ) 8 :'-' . I OtlillregltLliioti. ' One' . Wicrini 'begetti'ilidibilr: eVe plillll4ll44t'O'n (r 4.(tieklitgo an article Stalein4ls(entirelyittifouet§dibr grriettly ets' i e l l 4A'V , :itm"ii:y7,,tit li ty4,ttiVii iiislut tiinetesw nggeratecl, concerning tokens Witittwthorrer; ygdre ol age i v i t arw,iek ,rownship. Cheat- , rates ,are are sedulously_ diffused through remote e , ,, „7,.%)vi,,,itr. 1 g i n lervAimak , 0 - t glgivx i, ,States. to feed the (Lane of o,ectional itnimosmy „. 1 1 1 (ifi.rliti, 'll,thyir?f(to{ tainifi , 4 7 ll). 14 g 11111 , lild}6 ;And thel,gittitor's c tqfe OAS ililiturAiliks ' ' 1;(.1 r i 3? it • T a 2 t ,f 1 112 1 ,,,11,,1 4 , !fp . p.„ - , iiidprittir„ifily in Tehiril'in encotiritg,Cland.itia , 9 , tw i l g i fl e r. e fig -, e d u . ,1 1 ,-. 1 p pp ,' T,, •, 7, e ~ , , r BL . I .dziLd , ...w at ithitr thol'ilritoryPidl I. ,1] , 11 ,, tl'4l,lkpol,fill„9„nytt'lot a: : 3 , ince 1 nu i tirsl i 'lleo., it !rho inflAtninalery egitatien, -011 , whIch , ftbn dleg,wriff i reirteve.il l ,'!,e ' i:ei iir!rlib`lll4l l 4,ll6; preaelll, he lot a, ed rt, .Ist a f(fraweniy.yotro.fttn , liciiii:piciml , plf i l l an' t . e'S ta l itotitill'O tll' \., ductid-,P o , lll ing ,- IP$ utaitiligAkeesi •rd l ,l, ,IS.of a lii; teitrinrii"ivh nveldie i tteilli't;fi l liY,tlliit be,' .ei.4: ( , ) P!P• ,ll,L. l. l ) ,( 4 it,,Y l s,F•il a rit, e ,Wi r , 9 ,thf!°*, trlati ''GilOrt3"l . lrE3' . 4ll . l ° 0 ' V fillel l l" C hibipll.. l "lcit! ilqw ,„ o t e 61 ii . 4 1 ,„ 1/ , ,,, , ,y. „,.,„ . 15. ; ,.: i n e v i 7 1,1 , ,, :,. .,e 0rt , ii ira ine.siie , !.,..,i,„,!„„,.„1 th„ 'tn., ,wtim,f lotyb4i, ~. ni.itie'r 016'6 lillfd int4tein:' e .i;7l e 'l f n .- .•,'" 1 f.. - t,.., f' to - the - itiliirbithtits 'Or' tbrebelli,effoil4lSiittas; l tilit• . 1 ,P,1,, n i c,,,e, (1 „1 8 4 1 9 'in f t t il u i d.,,lF, B , l l, iit, s h ilie i lt,4,• l' , per4ooslly , or -cottecti viAy; Ito product, t oiio t gl ,st et): and't tint the points !minor,. svorited_t4 - ilieto an y political emotion. Climate, :soil; OA slir , f!ple, i( t . .hn i tin l ettleilA t ex,tractery l ty pradpc9pu i ,„ll ewer ~,pF rapid adytte9eipeet, and ',fr,rettpit. ,In 'f,ople itistliu l eef .111:0iii'disten the wirs,ei tf,,)iiipTio; - !? ,otitikepait of OM 'pet- ,was iti title '0.1;3 the 'ligedris"i ikiNqil: l .'":llls l , [tiers theineae..ves,;willi gdail ,Wislies i •llat With'. li m b a-, 3 -v, , , , ,„";; , i ; v i i v ;1.- ~,,, ~,,,,, 6 1, ,y 5 t p dt ,!, . net ititerfeVt>nde'lYetn"Witroilit,`who'br have ` qiii-'l. I mp,. 4,..,..1 ....; 1. ri j p j ~ ... It ' 1 4 f 4 ; 1 ; ° A „, it t .r,l ' ctly ddliiiniiiirldillni,'qietttlinti.witiciasi aldhie - .',,`;'..),•''',l,lll,.s'‘,.,`.',(,)'"'"'"t„"„ter-„"""tt.' 13 "`".' ten tithe of Jublildisterbing (elisractere . ri; ',,. . .1 Yen"' iig ''sno'litior l / 4 1 1 471 ' gier4 f 1 4, 4' 'ego ; , , diva ithrthi , -. Mid , tiihrt!tieilia ev.i , ntii-kt , Blit4eAfe coiiiitrainott to into but' atlentinii- h e t ,' r ., s .! ‘ ,1., ; : 4 I L . 1 ,i. j ~,e. ., ,,,,) , ,, .i tt ... iLi c : to ilit;ei retitniktalices . oll Anbehassitiein , as they. ." - . 1; .. .....;-!."!'" 6 .' 1. " ''' `'""'"'" '•"'•e -± now;exist.r •Jt.itti ther.ilutyi of Owl. pectple! elf &id, ini'fib'ftn i tfritil feCentlP. J"'" %" 6 " 1 " Koonos to dtitooottleon. , ,oemver .,.. ct qty,too:t..tt ,1 tt -,1,11.0...nat....tat; 0..c.0 al la : ties 0 ,., . r „. ) , quti , „.. i ,,, . ",',„ vi. , .i 1 f,,,, v . , ' i li tt ' i ,,i; e , :.• ol Itto , Strune. Ant4e.paz.io.4,ast4-flWe lase* I e1 ., (1. " 1 ,. 9 ",,,, ,y, : iv1 ,;), 1 ' T o ' f F . oci, ii ep ,:::, 2l 'e l h,„ i.;,„,',; , from Alp ill it rridtt6 rt.*, 47'tetestrapla..that ,Chas , lital ) p ! -pcciaqy of „., t i it i e f (c,cop. , ttyttp le llie 'Per. Gratul , Juel at. Doephitit enurltypiirtliiti rit'ory, neilllyrli,y eitte4e,liitaii . id hola:trOldelith', case of James A Drone alai Aaron Cob. l iti"blibitntik, h litit'"l,lP•tittlitilliertiq 'if:lilt:At* I urn.-hoikt-Aousti, iiivolbills,igaitnik.theAle fortr;, to attetArtt le ietierthlett' itiptittl -orr,tisitypti felideoe; Alit? f i riti 1 ,§,, which , , ino u ic ,n o4 i Ale .etahority ot . the itatabiutt:is 101. the4Yerri.... . v., • 1 •tpiy,,,, ~., , ,ll ~,,,,, i ~. I, ~, .1,,, ton:1 count enrages ,tsritaemittatiattionytarigett ' • o„e • i i kil,eti, ,if ~our cp s, het pl.tvreit 'Niel tJatupkitla.ielbeisalttstiofo•l4lo264. ; anti l ii,,aArp 3B l - ii r t4 ,4,o, i l l tio i ,, , , r,c ,f , j is nv ,„,. ino, Cehtlettat Willi. I being ti tit&aory,itenseiti•kr3 teem, and entitled to Ito fteard ies'ther'efiderten- denrikernY o tiltlifne,letl • -11411, ii4eottd count nation of its policy and its measures, and that, cif:agile A.1,;:50,..cti ,tiline.,viritit retoeishighlthq • theraforo'oh'e4iitillestiettitsitlaratiantlltir perk- pr w itiertioritfelvetiole,liettitivintlit to had ' 1411,6 ""r 4 '"l'Mkriutiial t allire - hint' telluttit"" , ains, Goth f ora th . elen etolflth tither indittatenid lard; 'thi4r irlY VillOVlVer OfTqWqr Oriiii4eoWllP ;WY I g : I r -nr a enit.%tiiiitor tori,aptittipri -Islob elll-.* titl . jritNgl , itY °S.4 l ,s,l4v4P f ,ittiatviili"l atetnttbet/' i v •t tre • .ti . s'e -,pr'apertyaf).ile .11c,,,. _l-1 64 , .I,GI tsti ~o „ ,a , 6ii vt it t i i, ,!,o !tut - f,, , . 11 it . n p,,6 l l34l , U ti ievi e c u . , i ,,i t il in peralie ttftity l ld i'.xert ilie',whifti,liooilt4 8r tlid ,4SPr ~, - ,/,,i•1 -tr.- .., , r g-:...,... ~,i[ Fklikal , Enetifittvi to' iniiiii+ire:Lintlrlic 'hiar: l niir 4d 4 ./ 14, ,,P/kti tie'AIYIIIF 'L'li.t o tißPlN, • •the territo r y; to viiiiltbalee'libilates'oeitelhey, In,llli'vlgqnni!,tinettatHig fight ,peeuty, 1, i 2R,t-, ; federal or local. against all attempts 01 orga- 1 .e, (1 14-;? tfpPriss .tile li(illtlil,ifiqric,, , litu r iiigi t ßP • niy.yit•resi,tattait,i Fold so ,to,,prptecr,,its l ,people •lit.glittli soldiers in the 'Crimea. Itup,lo in the eatablishimmyof their orl ,ine,tantitepo it , tlnlpg m9m,,p,iselytef ibau thu,),l,ltseians.,-- m u listurb,4)'l enqm.tchtne'rti, freer! miittiout," , Ti ~lic i •4 - c t i ~iiii.i.11..;,- f ul 4,; .1 , 4 ,-.4.,d6f.iiwYi g hworiiitt - .l,„;; ;l 'l!,,, i v?''' •'-' 11. " ' 1 ' 1 " ‘icc''Y' l4 '''"'',,''' l ' ~, Vihnnient assil red ill 'thrill!' by ifteCoeitittiw "..' -1 -r1 t i! 9 l'' I li ; r fl m e( 'C' llls '' ,llv34 Y.l''l Ytkrk - I r,,,,,,, i : tkd 'the Of itli nie 'neva Cong,restt: !II ' , 11 , - ,1 g0.4.)*81.31(113Pr.,/lityq•llePtil ccitfit',9 ll tACt" fßtt. ' , I the vessels tiriverti„stro n i, , Jr.. • Altlitloitll si.i7ous and ttretitiiiing dfatitihthi. i ceiidthe tarritory oi liatems. anocatneed In sits' , l. l'or.t . ric.t. WiT.-A letter-writerspnak hi ti t , attire; not in tleeettelter lii.SOVi3fo epode i r i6g , /,'l ( tlAthiviiitt4gbileili idhB l o44eli lit.kis 1 dill quieted Avillout.the elrusion of lilot t d,atid , 11... 1 ()Ain'Otill iit"Natittlitiet t . Itinitis'iTOP in II itatlsfactbry rosoutzti, illeri , ilt.ol frgrgt le , ~ ftebletle ( of the' ti ini!ee " eoflifilAviiotfikiii ; fii i. , s B 3 , renlen4'liv 11111211,4 94 1 Illni' ' "Scat ' ''S , 1 ;tIY; •Q . ' . ' T t . W. , / 7. •{, tlih ....Cres and .1-nariseort . , wok . Ilkrtiiii"( .c..tairttg occur lbeit. • li, i Ili: I liVreoo l( g ; re-..: dent: v to r ekitientl., until' 50i4.4 aniline' iiii , ti=nt 111"‘il "fiat ',ilk 1 libdtroui i'l,4 , l l lptieit, o4 .'il: tat sure "htt Gtien to ais ma. of ri'u;tldii . ifself:' whichcor4tiuore,,, the imlucainent or occa- ' sine (iflater:Ai ,a,sitetio . ir lit ed 'ofrestianal idler rd,,ftn,„,;' .a.:' ~ , ~. ~ .,;., . i • ~ n.•,; :iii , ~1 • ;'111i.9, it seems vi too..Z4surbe r st,,bitlelocOrp plished by providing Olaf, when the ink:ad- I tants of Kansas may desire it, and be of aufri eient numb% rs to constitute a State, a conven ii,,„ of d e i,.. 2 - Rieg , duly elected by the qualified voters, shalt assemble to (tauten 'Constitution, Veritr,,1 , 5;,C..113 , 1,14:,t:t territory of Kall4aß. FRANKLIN PIERCE. WASIIINGTON v Ian: 24, 1856. • Trattb..,L,Ll ,fitm 3tiasilaTi.a.tco,..E;sGl4aliD;4*lo, is silted t that , the Hon. Otostow-M. , DAts,asp of l'filladoltitiiii; 1; 60' liideitf'ttiiitel j ed''this l 9 1n l akViti cant by the resignation of Mr. Buchaunan. No doubt is said to be entertained that the offer will be accepted. egnlar and law n) the Union as .BOVR 'd fiElc•7 (L ti i Friday, Evetimo iill.l l 15. !11191, tf , ,TaY,l s , ?me. 4 l llW',l,..i2 l ct4MTP. priilii9wing,qii!li;ivcittpu.i..,:.p,9rulgp 4Unn,q, rornt,t Iriay j ptp.u!pteel, wi§6 ,j oteamuf ro tim i•reiliV." l . 4 i , 1,• • ; 3A t% 0')/ 0111 teik;rl l °- frg4;(ir4)4 0 1 .0PAIA'li, 4in t1,.+11K4 ,1)1 1. liktisnio , lll;iins tiibe. foil till. id, sadayttrivam y " di ),c . ra fih 'at of•Ilio' ll "tioAr.:' * n q itlllll ,Vlll' , . i futlivist7, , outrages, , .and ai.gdAiedt PIKIIMM9O, '006 ' 6 Wal BROII , II{46IVOd ''111! the *AMU 4i43" a 4 4; AX4 i fii t ik / ;U OI V B't . , ' 4 1 4 6 101; ' 4,1,16840,0 *Ai; -if , 'sueik ean:b4t. ;11001, nuA; ll 4 i"l 4 l / 1 /1 14 14c 1j 0 4 : e reploatipq„nyty. liattki bq'eti !fin ill it.l iThlilmessisge glosses 0v491 oPIIXfiIY, 11/o , All l tll- . 4 v0 _04 , ^ OP ly fitringlbllow lan& Co . , theifrettsent i folio; rillO t i 6.lStiketkliiit:Mo'regi/edf4 drxiid .ttrriJ ti ifi I/ Il t I f ', .1 ir forie‘.•and nalltuelegmelßoiaadooewilll, 4. / 0 Atelijahti stid Stringfellini is tTonnnedation of 10f;'4,#,; • Vo t ilnli ;ll' sigl i ti° lB l 4 l ° ':)l n ' When-oil& Message comet tubel niviewod i., iii- I tinkb , tav,''thb'Prisitient ail , tin Sedirblf . i in , , 1 bold 1011. , er9vitripprsDk•it, l lP, alroivii L uwieft a Vi*fieltilitle turnilow Of tpubl Y i . t; opin- I 1 t giai l iAP T AX "i ßr u. ie VP l 9lrnilll ,'4i theilock of COntress toiszpose Ibe etuplitis tt itf: tii' l l ) iMtlent void' thefAillbelli of ti t i 4 ;t lintmemp,ago.„l ; ,iii,geogrA fy , lonic ad span. nte:ttlicl'entioneerilik doLtithent, ,desigqied to t iott t illi4 firi li V l • ol l f,74 ' 4l l ‘ bt o li fY4l' i fi to the Cidoinnitine,onventitinl Via. llttno idUililiti'diJniikatibicis 403 bildhdytHited vin. I; ilif/ a .it , .....,r ,'t ;;; . , I._. ecesseattnallrowctil f 1 441ki19 4of trA,figl6l DO titeyneßeehilodtrindMPients. I The I latter 1 IliP l4 ,,"iilliiikT ,l, A ( l, ifzi ll ll);,Patigt. l \'frs;t 4 , riesN will defeab i his parpose.ii /Suettati %/4 4111 ItA ilie - Alill: t l'nlVrioari ntifitineto.)4thile+' n ii . If I %111 ; I lUf fIJI I tit 111. ilf 1 13mAqt, ngitlyl ,ppoiqitco, ,fits el, 41q. , Ilu igrnn Y ivnitns iireaosttents—a •fitki i n p g i ilr oward l fl i i ?hllr- I 'tYAsliii?'tivr) ,, io PHek i i' , ; ' X,i 3 , ~i ano uis•Jvttsaysl4p v rttn. of i"„ni c fottti nitlym'iitt Injnat; lttiltiii willosti " suite 1 ; "' "1 aL l9i AvAi,el ,Tiliile l D 4 3 44 1 .1 Strange 'lint Riorbs , dich not take warning i f i.,361161,,,,, t ,d 0 n n t Ili 1 t e ,I it WI I , , .., ~ h • 0 tr ,,,- ~,,, ~, i ~, ~,, ~,, , I:7lti idly .6617 , 1 ittnp,, , b. , o dominy Iktlorl , q‘9 l, ll,,W , }l4ttviVFP_c u t Altl? l ftfft:fo cottiliiitimoditl It e , [louse of eptiesontoli sea, it, iglidv "edd be distwti' ftdmi th.r Uilitcd i ,I 1 . .1 111 1 . If is States ilreaStltS Tor Are PASP.Pant Q ? mow -1 I 10414:Witt' briiiittle of tiotlciesm.l--.ln thin' 0411.., ,di tift , .*., *7 G , i (19911itk"'g91"Ia.' di ri' , • ,A, I . l ll'llltO 'lot' Ell l, thiv SitTeribit.at+Arms sof the last, "4 4 4 Al , AW O ikEttP 45 1 Pint in that CAr,u_ 1 olty./nitsing-been applied+ isoiPY orWßAbions o; ' edlite4i; roll' didlidy lipdel. Altheit 4 , preerdv ~,.,,,,•,••, • t I r o iy m letql3allies, ilroiftre 4 l funtlll fl 9"1 0 111 o f tho'll‘Lisnsy Ivenis !banks; on his own ro cl,lll I ,i ) . 1,, i ii ,• i „,,i ~,,d l'lt9P a kY l i Itl , ll,l"Xi n K ill' gut 1 ° t i -. " :: taking thole restopth for tho , elms. , i t s,fle bAniteril of 'lrtsilinglott ssiAt fiiiml il o ban it themselves, nave lint lintev4, to .Mr; G losshrentiosbut iho banks h tvits,vrhOssasllyinViritttestirse , tilling Silt Out. ositkit ma lum luttb She &foot tif ildifrivlng Tihitc o or ilit i iivi,k i tiok lin l 'thW his , linb i , ill ioi ils lin, i ~ , ,t tat.,,ple, 1.1 i 1 i;111 ;Iv IT f l lt t qllA l rl i irlltil l iN u t ve s i Pia% lust I Plug° csmsplitiAt eitinPgithein, i di 1, , , ? it Thule iStISOW 'Abet to 5 tneinhervi,ilonso eihnlfNripole diem" tindi sttnibldoe. Otblhirt+ iii1,,16b;v , r , ,0,v., ti 1 4 Aurd: ' i't it: r.,,i i:,,,1.,' •,.. „, 1 u ~,,,,, ~„, „I. ~, , ,_ , 11., i. i tll l iTtnfiiklitPl'o. tiniolP l l l ,4imPiiioMON,. lo'r' i ILLi ' cl - ac a ' ,ti I - Tit J f ;.; 1 .- ,, , ~ el 111 1 571 . 141 P TI/P 1 1 1. 1%R I li v ° Plil n ß? 7 ,ITVA i nit .4 0 4eXio9PlIt1Oo,o9f grPlooVi fill lilte eightiof the 271 H nit 'ilteitorboreobanto nP oh vt , t , klt Of ilient ba4i'eg bbidifitiii36tiverad " id 'tin'pliiniti tlin ir'it,ll l l4 ;Tt, , ofll6`,ere ffl • if; flit • i ...I 1 .01 . I ' II f if if I f r ?Cfl e li o I ° .If I S L YRI ArreO' I O "' °Ri ) f9ao - tog 115 IM ita° phiare i tho siatieh t were Accreted ll:toilettes firotl sport'them, wonothugitwo tir thrtlellettotatoist'itligliklio '. bite" hlttre ! m i n i :mit,. I 53,1 111, 011(1 il . A l , ~ 1 !T, i t n itP,? 4 "Wi lin[ ,f, B sMi 1Y as "NTIVA,e, gai l y :144 cbtrpsloi qf ki4F,9l,thirop,, koptig,qqe instantly:ll.nd ebvexely ntouqdtogi t vnointh.- ors ilpilla isliCt_iesiVoietlipprehencled,/t brit ot4h r,d it l A r L ti oi „,„..t,a, , ,w i li i., . 1 ,, „ „ f; I/ li f.. '. ; 1 111 itocsOur exchanges ifront z all , iquarterk itt,Aalti of , thelptetistafed'anit"fnrehell.'ettia, , li i l l' i .3 e i t is sz .'i ll; ,lll s h r i b li i i l iritY i , l ,lo l l4'i ld i u :Yi . , ' ??Vi Y.,,P l i oirrgrhvat t “:41 . noo, ~ 1/1" in fttiTtl, ent Iml. i /Attiis ' , lie /SARA Itfe M,vmpAri ;a, Judd, Aoki ilnoci anioAilialf. i fettiollnek, imßetiiien citiebytidtiiidtdt - osointtel,it illiliAlfaven tit I ;i7( l liika f ge o ‘ t ev i zi 'lr,i4wpw,LNillivilgLr i , i ,,„,,,, , 11.1 If 1 1 ill wit A • Pt 4. , 11 •e .; ,I I 114114, PIRA Yin9 4 .l7l4 l l 4 Pltill'lnatliko goriveyitig iiiMottQlki, ,In,ElrOhaelliZi3j .d00p.4. THelrtesetitowilt , beat' memcirlible atiuter, l The poor birds faro badly the intenatl Irlld , onlis ipabilni „or proem's', Iptakleffr i ying theip lotlinholenaleps ri la a i ,i, ,ii 'to 1 I - , llllt :MI — TA - 7'l7rd. 10• ri, .1....1 - 11 , 11 111 .11,11VET.GIRTACOUNTr144 aPet3iliif)go tian Nfitir. Justice idEthe i lPtacoiigii Union b3viinliiitl, Boar4a , detitay. , wo - vtal ore the ii -• • I AI; 1 01 1 ;) 4111 I , J P t tiili it , ~P4 p l Oil.4,lbo„Alil.iLF,!'',Ra,ii?, ,- fig!. waif filoo•,41 (PP .cfr4iorilisibtlf lix9 eleetton was• Don tested: by reason 'of some irrtigniarity, , Whd the tBth tilt. seblpartifcir tine . * 'tt ltlY , I ' ,f ( ' t r;?hgt.fi ' " irrii ii&ittlt ' tili t i PRll,'eol'illn / .I , l, illfAtz Litt 1 4'14 , 73. , ,q,/,tedbmi, bzquirw,JD,Aoiaiug tho If4r soh, rem ar k. : 'I :.: I:. J 1 II ..:11 : I L EPhibti Tettlikillip,loi Maiiylieurs' bake, Jillh leitren largo '.l l ,tiet - kobn tilayorities;bnt now she placer hem if on the Ameiii , iiii R I , 1 1 1 of the bouee, in opposition to theEor ev i - I.3rti. ,, `Tflis result is, nce t gratifying also, as coin [noie n t,',r ' f , ,ii die in iii,. the year, Witch a Presidential Lit Olion is to take place. We say to'our friends 60;,, ribrvad, pliti.s Betiford Coltfity down for a beint 11;100, ulajorit) , ter'ilto '4.nericau can didates oev t fall." , ' Brown',. ligighe liellit,ka ono, -idvocatit mau's rights," was mieitied tnii:Thursday last, to Mr. Samuel C. Blackwell, of Cin. cinunti. no husband of Miss Brown is a brother of Lucy Stone's husband. Witar ert. The pros .10gtriA . t o lttlohtepre-. s r, seotatives ,re vni*l sole at up Sat urday, by a; so closi vitiator sundry rea• °lotions iuir ~,ocedl4 dian3. bearink, on the Nebraska question . . - . . Mr. Dowd offered three resolutions; With 06 repeal the 28d. section etrhe'act ttra t tL ;, the following result : • . , - . P o i ol C9KligiffigrlTP- Cif l ' ll / 11 r 1 .1.°M1i ll '• , - 1. Reitqlved.4 . 4si regarding the _polio-' - ~.. cal po l ppleioth zit,tie. 4 .p,re!e i nt Ho se of SUIT-CONTRA CTS— WC atideri . iaddliitit "' a i r , Itepreadlltati4oll 4 11 64011 Vlitlilldmist - bet two Contracts connected with the Itailroad ed sentiment of a large majority of the a Counties - - - . . ; Tho i bill fot.lit'i Yit..11440,4(1 1 Av0w were givenout on Monday hiat, althoogh a num. li'OripTe"`bT tint tante tltatels against' titer:set. - & -i rabi a tii - A1ad .,,,,, b 6wm....,.....11‘,L - . . . 941101:44.99,410/011110 1 2. 1 atibi11t....... mf the hist Qottgreas, repealiug.t,lie„restrie- , as wkitux luditopratvAi4o)4o4o.4l..p w eu. y. on the '.!,!1i., by a, vote of 69 to ,55.-- otion ' 'alpinist ..elavery. in , the territories. of . get SeclitiMl6 and 1641 , 411wriestsit bid Shimetttio4 ll - 11,0.14 h** 4041 Ytili" 114 Atilliil li t ., : f : Nausea , and ' , Nebraska, imposed •by ',the timi - 'tilgitts''' t'ttill*iloti#h•' tie' elii • ilettillgal t " , , WiiiStiii 'iliit Offi 3 OK'pfliiiiiii itii 'rel. ilia'• ''" 'iltintiilliscCof 1820, no . titan ought lobe •,• :., , 1 :.... u: -,ltryT, I, tvit ., l , , T o ...1,,_-4: ter ; i r k 4 F." Sp e akd ; . of t h;6;hody , who dooi opt -li" I I O .:9.cePtPPI. II I , ETIP (I ,I4I: 4 I9R3 I I')?sI iPlB'.9l l Nr eattrirlilOAAy4o l 7,9M 'f li ' d b - `I3PI '44 iii ''th that seri lc - 410 filiikekVilocatildI; *NW tvlitegeti 11 ,0 iPiliki ' * ' • -,u_ yi i aR T . ua i r . 9 a ~ ..c:, za art . - ( ~. . 3 33, 3 3 , . ii fi nk , ~ . vt 0 3 , 0 , , , wv,,,n , „. ii , ..flimr.,,, ~iimentA r r u ku.vii,llltealt itq icii*re,hini,iolf 9 1 °It'desit' 411 kI•A' .WClligte rialtad4lat . * 11 : l i tief, in ItAng th. :41.13hebittioediliebree thoi-; . ears:wetly, for Itim reaturatiori,Pf that t-eittriii?; TWO i#ai . Aa'risr 11'i76-# l l wiliallikaytititty 4 . .._ , . •,____ .......... !Ilea; itritarMl•ol:elli)ll4lEloei. ~,.,;, 114 1 ' • o n...*F*9 f l 4 l l X, 1104't. 14 , ° :.X.1.4•, 14 ,, 1 A1tqiit; ..!•' iti; 1 1 1511 1 - e 7 14 0firg ig :•; 144 n 4 4 " .1 ,if uj n '4 ; -' se lit r o ' c l ito r'a ' i' '' 9-ii e ;tigly in et sil l•li •) '`• . •. Thiii vita fri)tetedeits 1 0' 2 , inlyk 1103:' : tigce,itititialtiatifetustiltittiq,ititrohril ~.,/i n.4l. ,„ h , , iNc4111.,7 uoy . . , jw N ~,, ...,,,,,,,,. /1 • , 4 ,, u ...v,,t tv . ....; 4 ; .311310 33 3‘333 . . 33 ;03• , , 33 4(7113.3.: 9 f.:3 3 / 3 . 3110 3 . , i 3 i,j,-/ 314 ill i i4leati ,o h r qi : Xf.Pic!iii".",4! .., . v'M *I Ifs ~ ,ins 9, t TFO l # ll Wl b 3-. t ~ • 1.1 n, e 0 Tb.a PP dud 1 e5 .i9 91 , 1 9•1 , N4tiv. o .-19 3 4.e 8 .71.11v, 19kle, ~, h 51.1 Tr , ' , ,,tri ( switio I ohr ilium tomOifid B - iinOt ..''' ',ought to ids" restored:as an 14 PrinstlF*4 ;those, isoted,,h t zt„weok, viz ;",„,,t,,,.,1 .„„ IT, „, ~i, 1 . 4 „,, 1 1 ; ,,,.. , ~_,1 , _,; ,;, t r ,„, ', ._,,„ ;_, u P -,., i t n , l l ", otill•tho people. of : the; United'. States,.aa,lll • Eihmit l i d t,,,i m i c ,,,,..„.,,,,N t e r , An d,G ivrg . 6 l : ,t , vt.:!,kt:lP, -,,„,y 4 . 1k7 p, , , , „ 11 , 1 =8, 7 :4 711 ..; -,,t,,, ,, e...., , ,,, ,p .rprif t ie.44olo,tioni of the. wisdom, " patriot . I ,.. sii ;. i .. L .,, c i iii . j ki ii; ~r e. ,,,, so a ss. to l v1id.,C0h . ,./ nO. / dosses ke,,prpeute.,10. 1 .1,..., tic,, 1 4,,„, iHm, iiiiki:viwitte! hon 4 of - the . o•lst states: TrniVer''.4qii4i74l7.4.#olo's'lleie,;(.iiiifi4k4ltitrtlcitizetufwlieri' trtrklingo lor•reilitlitg 'into 1 , i ....., e.,,:4,,i n . ; 1,4; 3 4 ( 116 1 1_ f t i n irt d i ~, , ,, , i6o l, ki • , t s - ..., ~•, t, ~,. ~ 3 .' 3 ,, 3 ; ii-d;1.0X4 41, it.,. ~-. i .; ~, 1,4' ), '. t l i lt i.t1i.,...., 1 .401 1 .,, , ,,g 1 ,, , ,.,•1'.. 'I". ,11, S t Et ~s ).tha t. e. , ' ..' •, ,/, k ./ . 1 , / ',ie. 4 , ~ • .1 . , in Altos,lemr. I ' il Vglith!. for, I, ti 1114.. . ; TriVet HP- .4 1 .i.,/g4-,,P.?","'nelli ttlf'//,‘;",1,411.,,Y1 ° :• 4 1es'1 , sel. ~ ut 'till ` 944 " I ng° l4ll P l,4r' ' Y k l l l t . I ` L ' a - 1 1 .P it'l Managua, aial:64/i - rilaml3.',. Mcsion•for aillOW p ftien w. -- f. their .eights.,:of ca r i polod oe ,,,the... 1-cOr laud, harmeiny,ernetig the btateit or ioo , , , ... ~ ~ - ; , iAinericastrUnieo, , in.biob are v*4411444 1, X 0 trl6lkin , dl '! .° ,'!° 4l° !, °4o ,l 4l ,,_ t `' • 7 1 ' 1 , ; , I ,..", " :_ "i' "'ilo4"iii . " i'diaCt4ie''' (4 . 6 *li` l i l i! l6lll4 i 6 W 6ll rdi''' i the 'welfare of.bur.pepple hud thaprtuiporo. : g ni. 9 Kl l l l : ‘ 7lltlL N `•'! .I`";T!' (l V*':t);"r i ?`,..'t i„w Imre ,ljMY,,dti'a.jj?e it;';l4.,io; b . ;#,llge;r:;,!: : - Ity.ortior , ittititutions4 -••. li.' • .•., -., •4• • • T1411018.1113,4110.401?,!..Q rireptpr.,wAiguif i cor .1 1 19 I P r A „teed with , toe h ?e ll' g rio u pi, s eityidu 2 ial their :, 1 T % iiii a i {': Ell ' ii ' 14 red . id! 4 leillis 'l6l i ' 'mils' :riff bad hire& to defendaut for (light toupths nt ill ~ . •, • ' .1 . 101 ' ' , • 1:, . '. A*l , *.• ". t .1. : ' '',' ' ',.. 'L' ; "$lO a wieritlic - At tint; eltPitiithin -of three'orl IP'"Y; 1 1 )'.'l l if',, ,u; 4l '.? . 1 4 4 Phl.' 1 .#Pc' l'ill)'9',gailAit; ;, : 1,0(k., .1 i"; •1:,;,• 11 ..111/' , Vi .;..1. , ':';a 1 •‘• • ~,,,, 1 ii 11. 14 ix; , q , i ~i ,, , t oiodii i - 1 ,..•; 01 :i ii to .! the resolutionl:- ....; . ~. oil; lit i •••)1/:. 11 ... 1 ..1 n B ° 474ibilietr . tittittis l tseleak Slid factious ' ' '` ` I SP I M`..! tit f. •1 , •4 , .11 , , '•• ~ ••• , k tn i ht i iii ,,,. r• L ,__,,, i _ / .,„, ~,, ~1,,t, vin , .. rli '. "1"1 1 / 1 1 1 4 l'• , tit s t- lc i n loi alit. cialmeitibfrke, Pald ter 1 .4 . .f..45ti.P.:c.e47 - 7 . , • K •;',e ii r ru t! ,, l ii . - p 9 7 ... 9.4 , 4.,,,g . ~,,,,,o,r, 5 , ti la ,0ry , 41 14 ; ) , ; ;; ; ;; , _ . _ _ _ , ; . .; i . e ; .;;; .;.. '•''' ', -' a'' '' ,- `e V'e4'4.' • .: ort tb n 1 be.Courtruled the law to ilmmlint if.thepery. the,pas „me ic.m. oue t .whjelt ,preNtilen,tint,..„., , C9PATIfat likeNlFHIP, , ,,,,9OP,ft• !to .K. 1: N ~, .. / 't, elidredThff Insilleentriamett to '.iiiirle for ei4iit; in - ' evlery; prekecutionl'und ;every • viiil lio••• , • ( 0 01,,, ~Nokerkgim,ppoinp,•,{wH,44 4 Mll F lV 11 4 1 - 4 9-. • b ••., L.. • •LI 1:1:, .• - • `i l' • 1,,,i • 1 •• , ~ 1 , •-,', , • ` - ' injtrelouir toievery h ur l stotisolef.our -, emotrY,llm .9 °V', B l4‘ ;l `t,;* 4 . 9 4 '-'''71 .' , 4 ri'11i 1 ,,.., i. 1 , 'lit t r' . l,i4;!to:i ktillfili,iookokliflii,in*i.l, fuel , :o9 . i 'and'Aiteieloreakbulti *oil be.countentiocetl ; j.befora compiettevao,youtynet, , ne qopie.ten, d e r om i m i. in i y give i i n , ev id enc e i n hi e d,„,.. ; , ' bu'i'lliftit th6 o ltiOsieuri' reatridtion of 1820 I recover fisrithe.iinteihuslid,wotic. „Verdict:Mr i1i t . : .,..,_ i h i htiti, eh 0. ! .14 .. . , Inas 'the trrith'of 'tire tont'. ' :elfill'bli t Yelittlol," ill'fluit" Or vin • • !(abotoomr, I; 10. e i 1 d",e,,-,...5:". , , L ..,•,,, : ,:- ~.: ,: , ; -,....; •''""-' ,:•. 0 . ~. ~. 11;;; I to iliii it tilfVerithiies br Itititsiur and N. I ' ll , F ieri l kii i ti,, , ii i v.. ie . eneeted in ; t we, eis e A r 1 ter eohoiried. in. the pit bliettt ien,coergea .10 h..' • • ; IP' " 'lit) . i... •;" i •• • - '' '' 4`;' .-- -•' - 4. : libelous' t; and such e videnoonaliall•he der win , , !brats/41,qt% chi CRlltio.,-I•,.yr to tllll 9: , I. E. Pierson. and ;Maria Piersons,. 1 restee s . antlior that pospo tr",tt, hi our,goleinn „dilly: 1 , u5e.,,,,5. Samuel S . APNair, was $97,74, instead ed: ' , 11 ,','.,". ii\i ff le TPli t' 4l ii4 " il '*,4 l lo.e.,Fnelli '' ,to :the. pasty , . this,presentiand,the futttr05,1,..,_587,74, its . nnted last ~s , e nk. . 0 ..,. eines iu te it i ital. shall be proyed, ~;, , , „ ,„. , , ~,,le mill y t , 14 ,6 firmly ' to i ipersistd its our el ' 1 l i b •• 1 . , f ,•• • n nd, • „ a cru d v 1 itti . ~,. irj JPlSillul:4l l ••coMhly,!on:Aro'fineiulity,. '• ril l ''''' l ' ' ''' i'cl'" ' '100 . . 1 in'kil .C9cm " ms " 'ctg • '' ( . 4e" " t . 13 "' I l hi°i `''' .4). '''' il - : 114 one ha Wits netiidentally It illorttir nnothor. ~ • ", ITM C e i9C e ••.• r , , , • Pea t -. , -. ;,' A , ' ' . . Conestoga; (at Bair'a fording, .) were refusel' „ , • • ~. • • t .1..1„,.1. , ",•.,Itst: WO .4.1 , it: J , iiia4 iI, ~ ,i il•-,i ~,i 1. :. , n ~,, •- I ,'• •• .• , ..133 br , theliennt ij ni ,„„, , ~ „.._ , .., ~ ~ .. , ,I; .10 f at.re xas . 3.)l9 ;. ip,g, l ar rj.ri ,9,ri i ,lti,yfr.r,,,, Hy,. 1 'lr l' Fll i lier 4 i f! r ennl Y lVllni , a ' l°fferr ! d ' th° I4iiiilr Wr:''firli6d;.tscod he stsiki,,' emir EmaPPi*E: call! , 401 ittri , soite'lzstrirls . ; Wog -, toll'i'?iyiltg l iis"iltitithi i'''".-',, ' - ''' ' . J i i. 4 I . t, , ' ..' . i . a li p l' loitile&'' dud citlierteilet. • "Al44 , 46nitillcr • t te 1 , •, i . 1 ~.,,,.1. t.,- ~,,,. , 0 .1• 19. 8 , w ol ° m.allP° l " ° 'P,.., • .:-. 'tot. tt ttl , tt ':' ' . ; ) , 'L .1 v - ,, llesolved. that any agitatMo of the quo*. i for' ensuing' year. ':, •;. , ; 1,. snapped it,eop on, tpltnided,"haritei. , end , rte •„ tiodelf tilaversp; in ori out, bt;,(Jungress., : is i. ... ~ -.,....-;.....4...__ . -__...._.___ . .., ~•• . bill' entered:hi, chotirthires liced.;;;' , udWil.el,' itiljtrst 10 a pertinwof the .;;:ltuteri.• l rirsne past,..mento..em , beau tac,severet, „,,.„ , „!, ~..,...„;,..,,„....„,, Caii' POOP llijhritiud to 'every ketVoit of 1 thrunghoht... for • niAtty yam. •Sumr fell tile W.1f.1:E.11.•N 'HUG , T1111)E..--.`Plie re, j ) , A tri„ 4 1 1 .1. 1 1 .4, A t i ctl'th,berhro zhoily'dolbe 1 last Sattir4ay ih Dc'emnbei, lira flit! shigbing eeilpts 'of b l tios it eitiekrinnithii trithe '42'il.. I 0 , 004e!iii1 , ' , i(4., ~,...I,i _,:........;..,...,. . .„ 1 h"coutmt l o 44 11 ,ier41 ,1 ,e,4tv'crfice• 040,7 Ripplirßed,to Mit[i,3‘,4, hod, agnittsl442,47A,, !The. roooltnion:was agreed .to-„ryeasi.ol ( ing•parties are owlets of daily tilde. In ltd 1 to- t i ..., me oat° last season: . 'The receipts" ;'••• - .1 tlitiou to those nob:dime week we nine moo- . - . • ~ • 4 ‘ .., ; - 4 o ft,v . I. 0p.. 4 ; ,;; 1 . . ; ~..:- .."''', , ' l . .' '„ 1 - ' I ' afp4•iiitli ,Matlison, t0a„,iir00,49,P8,7, peAop,„ .‘ a rti L lip t wr, oiii t c t'Alo.. ) ,,. , to . 144 ,.4 1, 1 4„ R . „. : ton . qat . lieschtitA in hlahrge of Mr.- Routs" , ~ i ci . nno ,, el ; , n ii & A: against 16,718 . :tothe•samo ;late last; year ,i tint , il „, edongfifto intisfy a ,,,r otgh ,i v , s o , ren ,(Ltir,..l.' ePR e. caeuhiion'to Ya % , :ull :1404" intlied tititetilie''lliaiiali'ad.:": ur ` h `h' aild. '"` "::l' "' n. '..::t ' ' : ud u .. -T .l .... ' ven. i'l 'i rl ' 41 ' ' • ' larg" "°' A ' t ': 1 ' .'111 " (1 ) 1Pl i i.4 ' 11111:1 ' h126 ` n ` . 13=12"W ' ' r " It '' 11 , 1•L' • :111 ' 14. ' 8 : • ° "• 8; t 1(1° " ''''''''.' 4 11„is'q, it. ',,,, ~,,, ~,...5,..; ;;;;;.. ,:.,......i; ••• .; party of • ketittetnen.aud ladies; married lied lif.Xliell 11 S P-v°V , mill'O than .ft .,,, y10r., ,,, ... . , •O tirr ''' i 8414 Suc h 4 " 1419 P I ni * m " ll : 4 " ..l° . sinilti:,ViSited•Etaitisbarg2; On Satorilay even . - ,'!,- " • 71 " - -7 " 171 '• •'.' . • • ''• ;•il '' i: ' 2 j „A I ~ el il , . . ,I j Og - i ,' I l i4 Y 14 91 ,,, t r. ." i , L' i i, : , 4 , ' ; ' ~: ): ,I ~ 1 , ... ., 1 itlii , fsCoil l l ) !lil: Of gootkoieti•. 'trout 'llMiover r , 1 4 11Er kr4 t ,, 1 ' p !? i ,"„ 1 . , k , 1 1 ` v 1 : 4 1 :7„71 ) , ri l r ,"‘4 l . ':::: c ' m cri l p f' 4 6‘ ,4! z „h - , i •,,14tr.• )&4440441444444440.4A4 11Tf4491 1 PCr 04 07.1 - among:whom we riodeed liiend.itn4llE/t, Pi . the, 'Ninepin popplai..llssAu!ionso Amon4..thO• r s. 11,1*Iihre :I ~ ', -. ~ •?' l'' ,l ' , , ,`',,` - u IL , . ''..• ',;','',' I Sparlahir, daslied , iutti town•iu a gallithoutylei 0 1 , 0 i;., 1"?.r,' 1 ,,i:i';,,, , 1 ; Fe1i1d; 1 " , ',b p i,4 4 : - „it 44 rtsrvoited , _ t k :Ti;siili/e . l tlilit iii`"th'e,' opidon 'cif 'llliti With the aid of six '"prito'cinit steeds" awl a i 't 4-7.":111?1J-Vq's 111 nut air 5 . ~ , stir 9..,""1i iN- 0. ~ .1;. 9 ,v t . , .1igiA" 1 1.-4Onst.lip:r.epecilpfAfto - ,.'llnrurt(7o#4pr?- I commo4lloo!1 : ileigV, ,9. .et usTly, our 'toter Erat popp s iar otiyaig t c,stitoos t en,entp eoz- I , inion.vf• (10'.'!.(4, , pcoll iM,tieg. slavery,uorth.of , was hougred by asisik fruin. il() Female Iliii , 1iit.i,,4„tv.i,1.8,1y 1 ,,,t.e1fg/401,. OlOptl!lit }feat :latitude. liii‘' 3U'f,wsut, an / °XII mpie, or oseionr - Sehool, of llatiover, tiieder eltargOof NI lit' .DA.U , *4?41,0: filihlUtlet 1p .11) the . 4- . 0,4444y, ',, litilivfactions , agitation of. the slavery gees.: I.INU i Und also the scholars" "of - the Emmttr. litik 'llo‘iski'llo4 unjust to'the' . 6 .u iri "" Brie,, Aeadainv huller: clairge ,of Air. .1.i..,,N,.. tiiaole,:":,..;‘, {,,..'+' „ T l4, l , rCs r l9 ti f`RO va A °4 0 1 )4 4 1- 50 1 '; I tt tr t t hunthrable Smaller parties. , •,. ottyl 933 •IVfictoopon the Housetadjourn. • ,- -•-• . •.,: ------- a..' 7-- •' .-- •' - ' - k • - Ile TLAC/ibitS , AStso(.3;kTlct,.. %` to, ~ ..,,, , , , • ,•. . ~ ... • . • "Adams County Teachers , Asseciatioit - iti ii The -,v.etiog its the house. 'for.. gpeaker tend hnving a aerie.; a meetings 'finning the iiiiritig, thrkeeek has dot varied materially licit week. Through the ii ,, ctic'y Of Mi.:ll'n.i.s it.dti;,tiitit.iie.l'eve.tiniMitneel. •On l'iigiutay •,; o r l r lAicelc. , ot County §opriuten,reul, 'II. C. ,„ __ , elie.lass! Vote .stood•-.,Banks' 99 ; -Orr , . 69, liirKour:,•liiio„ Deputy 'Secretary of. the ~(lom Vitlrei.' I34','l'fitirritii.ciii 3, Edie 2' spattering menwenith, has been indneed torieeept dt, i m i. • i • 1 . 06. R epw o tatldit to Ise.preseat, (tad Gill wares. the As 181r-beaei`:"Yi 14 * ' CLI.9I ” - - r 1 t' . .l . ' , W ~ a,: - ;IA tha Add - 4 ill "friitifiat•eljoen:rnailiEtri.earry a plurality 8 "e a ".I • 0 4 ' 4 1 41 4 . 4 re4so, 4y • e 9, . „ ~ . ..• , .._ h • „, ~„, „. ••• he delivered also by Ile .; bout UCKI:ft , And othts• ' ' h m hots anti il oiler' , revosnlit:Or._ !I k . .,. 1 4.. VP--9.-, .., -•.••.:•• . . -, ' gentlemen; ' Although • these; Associations arc 1 , m dl y stile ii i i .8 body against: every. oueb.rno- I intendedintended joi 4 edhstefy . foe , those • en „ n „ ed in tie' N., Whit*. ').•11°1!, the piritOW" w 'l d Tem;llinit Schoel Diumtom And all pAtin.r4fid • defidarooriloctuYe.,; , • ~•!.: .;; , ; ..' • ...I; :-• io.tho oubjoct of ,ComonaSehool Education are -` *thiv,ilij'af,kie , rasir liiS , twit in.the: Senate' i conlially invited to attend. 'Muth rt.mains•yet i' """"' ' ,' • •' 'i' ' '.• .1 ri ; I ;'•'oA4, l tO tie dene 'tic iteVelbP6 'at etitimia setiml iil. ou •idowlity... i0n,4•4051449q0r415Y ' , Pill ~, i/ 1.,'• , ; ' '' 1..: ; . d . , ;` ' '''"' ,' '' ''. '' , )4 ' &HMV tiplilfe'rettiilutioturiq ,ralo.o to . C 4 L : I lui l ri ' 41 . 111 ; 115a . '. t. h9u "! l j'''l ll ' d " tl H"" C * l " CtiC . F4 ,1 , 4 1 - 4: t 7 .v !. til (.l i tp;tt:..t 4a • 14 ,... btded . 0 id.: 46604;1%44'05, At pmperly secoutlisl ity.tllll6U In : 4". ,•• ingrlltaq lit. 1 • I •4lsi - . clidicislan-Bmintititt.strong.lai'rade.tie - 1 Le t t hi A m e;. ( ii;.,• t hd,..„,fh, v 1,,,1 i r m.'„ii„,,ir e d, OfiY , L, 4 l oift.. if the . iI° 1 41 611 ?: l r i, 7 1 olike L'Y Directors, i nrelitA, and l eachcrs.• . , anbliritiothemvoromootaelatixo 49th.4 1. 1Pr0 - - .• ,••., • T . -.17` . ~ l ei, . it . , INGEYS Ih. 8.-t.e were !mown, a oti.s teutoiarevii? 4.., ntrnl A niericti; ,?hatecemiz , • '' v tti i M li,Mr. 1). IV•situr'§, of this ipg 4epriem.,l?oor.tre 49g - 4p., ipg, v , t. ; illoce.!deilifik v.0•. 4 44:.qt,,4 1 4e.. 41 44 414 1 4. 4 %(. 0 4, I . II F the M win lie: ' i odious aim mere mbekerlo i dotal-flit* of •uton-,,91 ears. it-is 'a simple. Mut under *la Englandilond exercised - tea I , iix , liio:i rontrfi f ,iiir:i , ; and riaist . roret..Agteht, SoNPrOlg*t.Y,,, .t •• ': ;., . ~,,' . , iltwiderutuot, en sots Molt un . , I t 1 t „ ~k l . y. • i i•Th iii , litatinbilit• wrist corroborated htt-111r:t The f tiecideriS from trail'l-t r uu ,Pk n g ° F.'"' . t . that , any thing plaithir"fain rili4 sititiets ftein.• dew I track . ' hate e brOl° ll , 16 f.r'#(lPT:. V. : to d:isrt:- meots;Ocushow;..that .thdtßritish,Viee itein- 1 eu I 4.9 gear(,S ./P! 1 !"1 in.J l ?-. •• - .?••• .?••• : • (; ... „..„,, •..,,, : „ . . . :icsolting therufrom,.(eniet. c0.'e,14' 1 _44 4 44 1 .41 4 4: "krArgiltflie••real 'Go vernor ' of -Moilutto, g ers - .. Iv .. ~.... Nil t Ill: - 1 .1 tti.l i iv, .i., L . 1., ~,,,, -r ~ , /,: -; , L. , ' attention ofrailrond companies. Jr. . .s. 88)4.. 04,(1*Yet.,1 1 t10aP), 1 19 1 4.1 1 4,1i1fi1;°)!4. u00 3 ° ,, -, !I ose's , to meet t Nile •wi tbv "'a• si ryr"i ) 1 1 , lir-4Tollatai gave relative to p i“ p t i i 4 i l e l : ',ig c i b ., . 4 ,-; 20 ,,ikkihit"to rr uki., th 4. ,iiiiiioiisiiiiii:4t ) iw'trilyiaii . Ilitlaet. detaches, ' t i r • 1 1- - i • 41i , ,' ' ".ii), , t, i ..„..,„„ , ... ~ ~.,.,, L .,.. „.„, ., ~.... a er,m) lag,p ~cap, t , ,,Titllfl., ~ , ~,, aireatypahowilgthetthere wee ao pooilbfe locomotive Ilea-via Abe mil, ,Dlr.,AV,Site*d.oicf )elect far did preitiotqiiisititaption'or Bpi signs Mich+ out in patent:thrhis irrvention; and ~, I , ,i;,,..• i •., , •011,..:•••- -•,:•; •: ._ •,. i-• * i ll then ~;,.. : • 1. , , • •-• f 1 ~ii,,,t „ ad 699. 0 5,Mt11Ft , ti me 99qpp4iipp A i n :ngrosi4 not . 14-111tii hr'!?,,tt Mth's att...thinti ;,;.o l ,;, -thextheise9wellearly, , ,piespeitiire,,,and-thad 61 ; 1 1 1 P44...5.i.,• • . , ,: • ~. i. .;:t ~i ;,,"; ,; : • ~:i ;, • - ttii!iitii,ioP .i:i 'the ; :likiiipailint Whi'e)i 'flio .. , I 111 , 1, •i 1 .:,. 1 • !ie't. !?1•• ' Olt rs 'ii. , J......1i,.'. -4 , ben;6o(ii• :',0,e, , ,,,./rwel(firoi I,IPTMPIL.-u l O :time foe legiititiio imtbinin: not trr . ived. ' 4 ' 4 i.i 4 ' -kk#44 #iliklg44 4 Y'lll) l -aiennigo,haixrmnedlhoks.:inar :Duero bligpt." l !46ll l •'ll44"iifi atilleabler ilipiiitiliebtlif ;, , 14. 1111/tel 1g 333;1/ii , 3 1.34 ! 3 3'141 Mitt'? -Rifitc9l. l l4 o ".NrtiFik.4qtligePii44,4l l .llTcMilnfikt and Great Britain.. •-•-'1.. , 1 , 1 1/• .1.',/,, l/.... •il 1 ' At: 1 :;;Pfi;0 1 4: ; :ke001 6 414 . i .' 0 0 '... ".04 -Ft 8018.1 i the,titilkidetisstut pdstpoeset, an d ,:the '§'4lfi:4liiiCiii i iiied' r iDl'linie'cl!ty'• - : '''.• 1 1 1 ',. r,: di,,N,(44,4P4i;.l;li , g4ie. ' ii4ii. , Piii.i . . tideiptinkitheryplurality role. 'f , Mr. Cling renn Orem& a resolutionjor.tlic'eleetien ; of 4..Speakeiri by, a.pirtrality ,vele : if ;no theice be' .made ,;..o , the,l,tioxt !tiliee•triiei. %*1120 . • iio;l : s'Ci f 4i4,0,;i11,i,,'8' oh; iii. 4 i4si , iii.i4;% i. . , tie: Vetetyeas 108,; naya , 108‘ , : The"Horise 1 1'0 1 0i . ."14f 1. ;,t i '?• '. i11, ,, i 0 ..! ' ..in n 6 ;tlcitil;o*.v44 f- - y ea! s.: 108,1 nays itri::. - aihis..result., wee reeeiVed W I ith''Applanse by thet * "Banicit men; .a u i d ',...0nb 7 d . vi' . .4 1 ) 1 4• , 010 . 11 ° 1 44t. ' Pre'. l /illO Whilst the' vote was; being taken on • the a l tioPt ion * iieglinglisal3"fi resolution. OlistiniL . . .., ruing up tho vote, however, it., was .found to be lest-yeas 1.06, 'nays 110 } • •-• '• KrThore' la ' ti . prritpeot-'ef 'another . 1 •1 1 19.4i4,,VP', 4 %,", - , ' -, Fi..,olcl u !! l ?Fii.of tome recent, oirtTagoal on . the part of 'gown Of: the itidians:•titill ''raiti94 ; in .714ii41; . .'0ri,h0 h ave boon -issued tiy. ( tlie • ,Oeuentl; ,Oororo, in r ent' to'hapb ...thein' , expelled . • by - :thilli;iry f1*.r'ii , a)1,....1i,•;;,./.r ,:'-,,,e11. ERE P:7'Com. MORRIS, tho senior officer of the United States Navy, died at 'Wash ington on Sunday last, aged 72 years. • • . • • 44. • , .1 - z , r2rrx 45..Thlir ffi ' , ./NyetrPailLata ' ' jgrvA rev...nd f ..„,...,,,. if I fi I,t IT E I , onr ,D, WANTEI t, , NvE4.O - 0 . , j.g,, conis of Woock.. Our p resent si being exhausted„ . and the idea ...Ang %. out a good fire with the mecerory below . rig„ l is not a very comfbrting one. Will so e c of our friends send:us in o tt for cords at once • 77 ....+4 ... f--4,-----.,•------ BEEIIIE ' , ,•• :‘ ' ' ' - Fife. ~ • . ~ 11: tt•Tht , l , '' .m t. ..41: i ti 4 14, t1 4 t ,il.!liv.elllPg . -1°,8! , ° occupied by Met , Adiait OAK :lit utrr s near Viehm"„ti milliontiplatarmn , creelcl elm eittireli,deatroy t .1. etiltiy; . lfilitic#:Ohe 6i :cal Sc'Stillittty tlid . :2ofh , /%91F. 1 4A 3 .f i gIA,T . 104 1 fOY ' f diseta k veite hyAttrat.,lcLii who Avhs alotia 1001 bet-, ANON: her iniabaild‘bciooubseatittt tile-dam. 1 ilte" 'e , hiMial.i ,fericiiilesti u t ti "ehilfif, lint:idle iliO4,:l/24..ta.i,P,i0VV.,,4irj;,RS:itf!:,:ilic. amigaiii.3, -a aom,..;gbbpr h moofißpppolo' irnieltly , :avattiottivit the; furniturce...; 111 n, pro- i)ei!..t.,T l :llkit . Itte , cf!t u iml4l:inied'.llY'l6 litfittni T. L 6 KFr4 l 42 t iA'.4 4 4 . ,Witq l- i5: 1 .41?... 1 Y4 i I FO,I imutte.44,,wiibtitlltitS/1 t4w4neg,7,,Fentioe‘• , : „a 0 i•T ;;T: itr, - ....,, i •7:„..i 51 .... , 1.1.: :, ~•It• •(Xa*DP7 -6 P 44 . / 0404 Af0k4 , 4% nArci.46i. 4 4 this pliscedottexLit , 13P1betefinuro.) vi 11t1,: •1111 . e , 7•171÷71:M.' " ,, 7 -- "• , :jytti'. tieUgiA ti V„P l Cr V I r a ,C t 1 ,40,41070 libythionChureAnriSoxvices in:th w o mart. ingo Meet 31e1.f1i05ey...3 ~, ,; Christ Charrh.(l.uthenta.):-"Servio4l.4 . . qi morning, 'test 1.4.: Jiteuth.,... . ! ~.:, .t., .. 1,1 ...St. James'. WhiincA,'.ll.tutherno.)errices in the morning:nod ovonitig l .ll,ev,Mit , llill,.. .. .. 31clbar7isi. Episcopal .t'Aerell,--,The . fourth QunitrJrly Meeting is still in r progress, 1 German Iteihrmed , Clpercli.—Servicea =tn. , , niog anti evening, Rev: Mr. ;Ziegler. . ~ • :',,, • Asieriate It',l4rm.r.leilitrek., , ,No Sorvites.., ••1 Catholic ChitrCh...--No services. ~ . The' Praye) , .Alicling.. of the Presityterien, Clertnon Reformed, and that two • • Lutheran churches is held :every 1 Wedneedny evening ; gethodist,•Thursdav evening.. , ,. , • 1.. . .: 0090 D um 2241.,m1w 4,43 brolca.* 4t 'the . hero., of ',Jaciob IlTiiilor iti Fairview ita,bayil i ,with its :Axintenta;-....1.1trea buses, 'waive head of horned ,cattle, a large quan tity of grain, Ilia corn crib cud other ad joining outbuildings. _........._._ , .... ---.......-. 7 - . x weak Mi. Routssois protege e('' i ) fin eiminne4datm emit.' ty for to rppleal f the . :Pus4s;:s' hon ii g t: o r air. viiii A bill ham, beeti — i - vported: in the Mouse ‘,- .:no,voimugiK miAkusLosr, , ... , i •., ; -.-,- • , # 4, ,Tieette, Teo. 31., ,1 aoq,.. , ....FLOUR, AND ItIEAL.--Tho lhour. marl • 'e t 'utak iltiiOt , thil., eiotilitie, 'end hio siiiiii reiltire m... - shimibii , n . ht illitlictiCil to jive, the' piii.'ett cootoi3.l.lf?r-,. .11419:4,44145t 4 . 141, clhick : llcl,l •ot 811.4 , 0.1 Foc,City 111116 $8 50 is! also natal, hot' no Won: , Sales Aitittr 'change orsoo bb1,... ;City' '1111Ts• , a t ' .sB 5 OT . 1 tbl: T 6l! t init . :l ' ' Tfte : New '.leurkl.'ilisiiO4,"tiee m ere ( . I;4 ) ltp ' ,. ' . ' l:4l ` tittly :trod llNtrat,Flour—lV,e quote ,Patrippco family 'tit -810 lii, ct , ctiiii 'do. ill 810 :"Ituisicel street ti?iit ofilri'ili'miitiir i ft iv i A 6 r x tiT at,. 0 1i' . 75(1 t ' ! 1 ,'9r.1Y1 1;' .. ,1i - • Pl ''' ?I 1‘ '‘ ' • I t r 1 - ~.. ~... !! )„ , ~.. y r , iiiir l7 , jar c , quio, p(.,c;,_ olumiunily 0t,'.51.78 ,ii 1,111,, ' Ct.rn, ~Meel-,-,Wo iitiote 'tildriteftrl-31511(4538?.f•, nett city Mee ';llii.iiiroil 11t ..Y.t'it, 'V lo'licla. x ' i. i 406: . iliict . ,i;t&t y o' ,„lr tl.i'.r • fi i ... . 0 — it ? , 111 1 1g0 WaitSll4lll, WV, ””. , 1 1 . • ': . ~., , i ~. 11' i ( RA IN.--=•Wheat—JAhout,. , l.4oo:l4slielit ot• \ fol'6111(41v.;' Alia iiiiittfl 4':io. .!'l'ilicric . Fein ie. e• ..1 , 01 .1 , :„:(..iI.1 - I I. -,,. 1 , • Ar;', •"' i iriFit.) 64 111 4 1 4-Fe 11.g.. 1 11 11 ).f85Y9 1 .c" 1 ` , f"!° , . .• ~9 ••• • ,good ti) ) pri low tia, 11.1.1, 841/.sll, 84., ikfi: Ai. pea; g. , • i :to , prim niii '1 HOO*I till pi,u..1851-• • Core .:-. 1 -:::\ 14 iiit 75c)1.11, 4 6,411614 otri l er.l ' ttkils.7, l4 ftiir , kaa ; ' f ' Nf vf).:it . e , f; '111 0 ,1 i.1( ctriitii;:nl'iA l it r, l 'l t . *:( .,'fi , ; l ' I:reli by oir)tciutiiitscht i macs elm) MI wicitlit,,,ta;t4 I ' eenti , Vt : bushel, ' Clit tie J—lit bout 19001 Irigkelis 1: 111rer0;41th ' iii , 104 1 Sisttf lit ' itkitilif SA 3H(6;3 ht :9 ( ll ti e ui44Ani3'.ilit(Sfli-:flit .: 0 4 :1" . Yj ', , tA r. 4. . 9ete Per Urs.trt kite. leei)101,, ie,,lovefecoilikg ' su ix, lin mot by. 3 25(iltSi1.114 . ,ii 2 lax3eett tli 8603 ; 8190a .4 " 'PR OVlS7l.rtiB.- 2 Reiiiiiiiii l liOt, tratidctioes 7 ....,, •: ~!...., J , t WI,. :1 •1 , ...1 .. 2 A .• ). 1,P 41 ( 1 .Ci.ii',4811,, 1 1 111 ! rro u r!.".l! PFF!.7 II P , SIB °I F 1 4 . 41446 sit' , ltio. )l, :ht 4 1 4 i'lioteettili4 6 , - 0 -I,ll'.!'"Poieltix-filiic/vl4o,biiholllitseettali Aga P 1 ':Bjii: 11 1 1 11 uteiif 1614.:t '811,111."13e onlc 1111'"1 1?90 1 ;1..,-..c ,, 1 ~!,,,,,..!. PI c L ,•• i • T ~/ 1 -r4f riumigtignn 11* , Ippligf;!PeT., ..11%Ppi,af. L i P I 1 fiiiifiii:lthOliWilitiftii*€4o,o.ltllippli*:Ach ,111.4, - I 'flle.s.„'' '‘',l'n't, Otedn'ia. - - thilciViihteofablY heykßelii• . f. , 1 --,,,,.., . 4 1, , T v ,tl, 4 Sli „,+)trirc, kali mete ,94m5,:,!1114 4 ., 1 !..81: 1 ....,11!`,"1 1 I I L,. .11,j_•' , cri 416112.5*.-IthQ.didlVarl ilight:Antit4Fß nF i t,lTTrri 'Sitl6*./111;fair4OPC1414ehouldere an41,414,-. Vp•e"'tkroiPtliii thrtieYitiilt firt nutlet the ~,R. ..., , ..,.1 . ,j 1,411i11k AkttOrC•iljit n aim. t h9 .4 l§ l ,4rPsM kiCSI,IP . ,. IL,' Limn—smear tbAlfipigli VON4llolgVlikt,l7 , Al r ittiill 0' ero.›Fie 44 1 ; 9 1 1 Wo`iquo/eillel4l' . 4llV ri il ll - , l 'ji , t Hy, 04 14.i 1 k ; 46 1 1 _ ! _. ' 'IF . t . 4 14 0'.11 ‘ 1104/4 1 1181444, MIP_IIK I .SIIVA I NAI.3I , BitP ~tipomtbivonfthotti riancii;VA gsvAtox . ' m vii t Ic . lutafirl dl ittitti : lo. ~I! 2,nwirici •( nit ..0 .!ri ..al f ,Fl l , 2 ll l2 .ll ll :!t itr ait i A l el r l tg akiN.lf t il. .{!rocs 9.k84,11 ] AP l ikeSm r.441§14( 1 ,.gi1i1l ,1$31014100: Ofikheq.llootiietitial.frAN Seelii 74 peel., 4,3,l . r.,exprig eetllibisoldattl•tsvtikirjioOf t ItielfiiitriVtittilioliiiites'ai•d4y, l / 4 , 01 3 R7} .tbili - 1 4 9 1 1,;-'' ,11 g' IVeliiii`Oep 4:4fixtelq”ll44 1, 1 . L ,' .1.0 :.,ItIM - fgh thi tliTi n flff,VP , l N l„ ', Agmf , P ! ),;, ,, „t. ~.o,4,torf:§i e rrii*NP.gm imim4t9 4,19,,m 1 / 2 47. - mii: 'eteiteprlecelc! ,, Saleecell p aosa,l6 ,per4o, , ti v ',oBl4tiiiiiititlklitgokistaitigiliiitil , solo4, ,ig w e ii . l 'B/ . ..i:i1118 ~1 5.1,..t.t.11P., - hi ;,11.!1:10t1 , 11 ARYI•IreLIa:APIL ,jlllli 1:1(11Q.a11:101 :Ailift)l,lr , k4 ..rirsVif4ClV. , Tr7 s 44P,,q;T 611 .4 IPIRIM I Ii.r ARP - ..riticsiool , lBs. grOesi , !Ali 11 , i111 ligllll i- , 1 loiNtsn! •ii ‘II: ICHIP,I ,)! •,:: (.., i.... j .j2j,;::m : 1 11i71., “ , f 1 , 111: ' )1 :" . 1.1 HA 1.0 1 i; ti I DA ARAST. , ' ,4l, '''' .l I,:triA a i r 7lll/1 • elf , Ili / ~ , rl./ 1 1 1 tA 1 _:Piltit' 14 ,V ll / 1 4 / Vot . ! 1 '1 11 6 1,, ~-(.! ~ A:411 ~, ..44 . .ip,". ...,!. ~,•. ~ i .i. ","!•- ~ • ~, • - •,, : r, , ; .$ , f) ( Xivi et" - .;.!-1,, i , 1 4 ,,Aj'A1 ? ,,,,Y:',',.' :".'--,, A Ci4i/Afili , -9,10f..iti!. , • • • •!",: • ,!..1 i. ).....,,;,,,T1; ,; . ...lej , AON 4 4 , 111 , 1 Wi I 1 ,I, 1.;, . f,' 1.. i,.. , - , 1 , 11E,1t jt , 41-4§^Tr'i'o•l4tia'ti-f-'4l.r f - ~_,' lA, •I'twi l ki, .J„, II:4 ~,i'.,, , f 1) -;:'.+.-01-701, 1: ..Ifi u ...0,11) !,, ,i , L., : , .. i ttall. .111Algify.rilrr. ql) imi 1; .7,..i.i ,?0:; •it :tottii, lhicticihh!.Ahtnd 29018,84.; ~ n ,i9.l7ll4!Obblii.'frool 5ug0tt0i; , ,,, , : , . :. ,ii s7,•lyi !IV 0.11.01 ttii bil'ilialp;lll. ~, I : ti -I, sp,‘,2 ,igy IRA. H, ..,r,,15, ...! ••4!.• .. u.1.1.;1 it, .. f ,w, „N.;11.1,ti , coß k i .,-0.• !,... I •• ..LTe ;AO ~'•.: -..i. ~,..11.81 0 , Atit5tc10.,.....? .1' : 4 li:'.i.:. ..1114iii ;,,,iltio'c . '13:3 TIMOTIIX-SEEI), 1:4 'Abbe'',..... . 1 00 4i CLOV KIi•SEE.I), 8 50 FLAX-SEED,' " 1 7 1 . Pl.AsTElt OF PARIS, V too, ,' 7 d° • , „ neummit iii 4,1041 q the 01 ,° 51 coleblAri, for . 0 , Cluelri Arms. ule v}woittli )ut Niiiwpf, IlTi Wile rot 1 eirrii allkitte .1' iritft ildr a ot, thorn four four different — alai% on • thin, and the tiryiff 'NW ofifinAsitibN ' s, ' fkbautmakar) mad Villi "ho ono It' }lroise ;thtr duspla mil his WishlillAill was leoarpelled tri*R.43tashit ; ha h. tried,) s iaµafrasistSusnd thiq. it lA' to ' ttOott .. ' It hi.y,t,i, , IA Almut,thirkedn Ivi;PicS4ll2 at them, ipii.‘!igp of fripoolf, hip \ ‘ '', 9 ;l ll ‘ 7 s ° t ' ) u e ni tilqi ein4rVel.t h .' if r Y soon made hint Lie ex, and e', ca le oii fir fessoo,tirdilOMV Coat trtibka. ibtdatto. gal**, his arms, whir „quin t ycl t l, 3 t e t pd wltn scarcely the sca firet- 4 NJ tie r..g AU% 114111111 fr, n - . it 111 7 . .:1 , On thet72ti ILIO I Y r Zi r ti h . li Y i I T' l i t i l ig o i bream's, i tla l "B.t rif l i g % Ht i ~ p Blise SU, , dough . p, near Liref u WM; ' he. Ili ~, I , QA .1116 . ,i Bar. 4ae6lNZiligli?r,liro i .DO 4 I tfWAANK4oVieflitpcslali t 1;.1 mus it u t i . ,pc 419,1104 , 441 ell ~. ~ „, .....,.„ triftioNTl T .,. u WA it Itl , v. W. ' P., H, 01 writ lbiltanoW 4 6ll , l3,‘Riti E:V.lll4' BETH HIKES, boef`of Readin qi.iftiiinni: " • 0144 lit hlttp lioyokiltianitslit kirk?' at the Li ,of yaool-1 44 ,11frigbkl•Iiiiplit: k.' !!)). isl, of lllPRZOYolAvallfinal Pa 4 / 1 / 1 . •i l Plffig A 1 ,1904., Yowlsifik l ull f ault MIDI ttr ~ .:,1 ',l 'III . ; ••• 'a t iM & 1110. - /fit 21•:;.; r. , „ le, L.' l' liv 1 o f 4;c• •Thwid ,wort. • gitV A1t,1 .L 44.,,,iiii ~ . • 1 ,44r, , (. 4 „.„.,,‘„, ~„ t ..,4 ft 74 'ltr;li^ . l7 0 WMS; formerly of this phietirtitilduhltOliflolYtAirsiii I"•:u:. I . At Baltimore, on 23ci ult., WILLIE FA ITN , ESTQCII4;44d (45f Mr. Mtn', Gillespie, formerly of this 41rice)iht th 6 11th Ttlar of his age. 1 On the 25th •alt”,-. itr , Aliiiill4 'Codittyl, M. JOBIALLRELLIL,aged 41) years, 6 month, and 20 days. ,-, • r t ' I "„ I• p :1:: d D Arll4o 44',( 111.- NJ . diAicsitorm , f; ;tiff tft• ;:. ~~' ' ll.Lrnmptlr it nitend to Cplleetiona and, witriPited to his citre. L yru m thu 11)!Itn,nnd ? ,adjoiuing thu Store °PA' Pal " 1 18' • -I:, au, i. , 44. ILIVPATVjItiIIE T rii NEWS? . • '-v.v)1,;;....... , .. Y..i.,, k.„,...t., 11•, if fate :,I. ; 1 1 1 .4 , 1 41C.0 TTo •.: '.•• ''- . TVUIOILt l'lsatinthin,,!is ' tokiii#•Sl'lENT)Tll ' I ~,I)l4thliEllailltl'YPliti,'•iti ; hattlisatge' . 1 -' l . 1 07'1 . ..+2 rivilli: OfirlY 1' '', • ; 1 . • , H Yfiiii;;4ir,i-ili Cii ' a .. nilleislitir . g ,1t're4.,4,..er„,.,, I,lo.llopptklitp 4io Lutheran..elturch. All his i pifttMe4ii ,fiogil aull will ho taken •at, the or(ttli Wtr.PPPrs, . 'All hit will stay hat a: short, ' titplipti.tlitra„wAg wish I.o;mm:saes should hur 4 .l my augivir't them. Thor will ttevor have snail :another ovnorynity, . .: .., .. ' i 'av ' S. IL' I' dry VnitVg ellithielt will hot •b; &.- Ice‘n!iii flleltlettillikifgfce. '', ' ' ' ~.., V- el ri, l l i ilf. '° , l • ; '* --3 P: * - . . . 11 4V:11QiIVAN1l8 A,43000 AND CIIHAP. 1.; i.t, ':l; ',..-; ~ . ' ••-•-• - ..._:,--__- .., i'''' ' ' • File.lL ;,..,..,-; .-.;.:.. :. 7 .::-... , .. , i'5i5,t, . : ••,.. -,‘,.......4,..f.7-... - ; ; • 14,71\ '- i f . •*; --- •, ..% t ;,' - !'l l • ---"-- ot I 'A: it i t i_ti •ca:29=:r toriA t : ,1 4 .*, :,' --;•-• w 140 , 7"-=. '7 .. .... :„..,:/, ~, -` " I'iiliiglititilgOTlTB', o .. '''''' Q ,,,,k,s t yiltr,.w EA Vlr.ll livid ; ;roiidtri him 147'.1,0if ittit'itti 'Ogtirn itow 'and ' costly appa ratus, is now I {F: leire.l totitrnislt ~ • .41.1.)J11ti0 g l ue r•reol ?lye'', in every style of the art. which he will war t-alit I ty • iv i 7 v i l l T .ifatU,f,l F tita a. !ill luyg , Tx perielat to' .iitie nainii444los gip e ht‘tt i f 'I. t antages se qtan aratsheil by, I tagaerreatt es tablishanya6/ .(iiii lif the' ettv: , Ile has a large - 3 1 1: qtyvilivyko his q ; ott i y,,ii,.(lli g ur, i ii 4 . ea .fsvißli 4 litiniblitittrelegticibill Ito esti a n d (I:centime. • IttitTAlllliirgi4illsitit l'iri eis;t,i!t(i't Ur. ' thino s,it"tioktaiht.tvili 14 A. IL :to 4P. M. Cutii• 4 luek,..rs , ,,ilkiikupliii,,. Sai,titble fbr Miniatures.; isittivek'Y,lttlitint,' 0:!. tee 'Cr" lowest 'prices. .1(00.4,0- tV ' ; • • 1 , 08 ,1 -r. I. ; , —' ! ! ,;!. -.. ' I 4IFAOSTkiR ' S 's•, IN ' OI. ` ,ICE. •., ityp,hit 'i?(.1,',',., 1 ,,.;;Titi-n,.'io•• viii / . .Ililel'; ,.. -171 ' . dlilli: 0 1 144 . 'iirr.i;iiis 'Eciii'iiviiied i . flint din PiiiWtil Furiu,, .f,lc,,,int.i . '.iir rim: . liereuKe(l i iii•lhiii:•"liclielidifier in'ciirluneil ;trill be "pr ' I salient it : (lit . orplinnri'' Clout: of Alltens OM/Utah :iIV i`i77illirlitill7ll and 016 r. uueu On '3sW.Whifiii;l'4lfpl/TiOttirry /1(4 % ; i,77 1. ' e ill '" 111(1. ' ',4C11011 11(3471111i 47r0i!iit ! ge ' lYt)11, eiltifd, "M"ExceutUil,i' 'in' JuSeph', 'll4iiiiiier, 'l riti.'''lliWiiid.) itil ; iieeinupt.iif iri'Cui;..ll..qhro' n 7. isill'f itillf teiruniAer: itiM 'John eltitinister;' Eqqaitio ."10/.liti'A.,f 4ill iiiia . teStitnteiit of' ...ntliiil ' 01:414,)he«A1e.,1., ,11,4 4, ~ e rit:'.l4.lill4''stotl f i4:o:( 1 416Ciiiiiit 6filunier 'Croiceiv . 4l l .4iiititOtar ef Catharine ''Llitida , latat 0 illAh'Unk4 - ..., 1011. the 461, - "Aini'ciirel iucinitit ''of:Aiiiin 1, t li i t t a t k i k: u t ll' l ii ., 1, fl, r jli i , , 2 ,,,5- , ,Pli . 1...?() .• ' , . , On i tt 1 . 11' I , lii4ati tiiit '4i I)rndorratatlobtoi,lo4llhfgefi,Weetora of i Ake last will and testatueutud Putier Ilarlaeller, "deal itritt4itagkoVA, i;iie,,l, ,liii.lini;._ tratar, with the will annexed, of the estate of , lateaehOdels o glltceilibd t .l46l4l ..I.ol4 l .orgitipl!fl..; shi: , lti tilt tiliw Vti , , it.o e!, , i't 1,,,,,,,,, 1,11 • ifi 1 , , 1 P... . i4 .IIrtII I P - T°t . .° f t i ) ? t c r ,i . tn. ;cut ,g , ntribuns i'itllebeceit I 3 , ..L ititterea el A l ldfdiold tiladlatil' at !Ii Eli . delialliil'itid'lliiith ( ftliirblinb) i, MIA, ,ithitbf eNlWiti flifity •Sltvit'iu;, •16111 Ari l lVV,Rdtili= 44 1 4V12:1 1 43: 1 '5 7 .dace : .tiMlit '1)111; ifrt6;l”all ' , gy : :, , o,ii i rs t t ci i iigpmt or,John rtlstte , tinfl. 1 41p_. - , .. Smilduirs'',4l'o . ll , l tlii;lll l ;tiiitr -, ita , ,11 , ', 1:11Y6 tl6,lotreiir 'itat'RCHiik 1 l , •• ; . tosiliallit,ltle tiVtd. .' , 11;•.' , '-'• .1,- ,, ,,,,l ' ' 0 tniwikk . gir,FOVALTDIty negiderflil I . . ulnas yvivt:r IlperiDttaut.lYLAMgoil).f.Mlkls,/ MattiWlMM•ftis(ett)ll l l9rgit ci . t. , ,‘; , V , 1". ',A FebinaciA l )lo))sl4., / did e l ,•.e.ii!.l "-,.i... ArtiNl litgßAirCeTiiOplicatiitqf iyilialit'Llrar it titchs'O r tilii tst puiCaiirtf Churns v a . ti39CrO i 9S m I gall', f nix titfiesay is#4, ots, 4t l 9fgkcatid'bitiniteli in the 'Get 'with k i pil t ßags p priA, appurtenances, ocoupird• Mksterii o T sa k i . chvath:-/J , 46n. Nut appoint' the', 2itth' died • ..,flPrlin4e't, for the'hcarlng 'of 'thlS aheirei *R04411-00' direct that' 'Route of 4 tiaid hp hit published in nee tic4SpApiir tlettys)p i rfi,,,thrpe weeks, preceding said day of heeog f ,o4, t h L at personal notice thereof he th'd Ministers' at . present having pasto ral charge of the membcoi" of said charch' Fit,hin Ugt,ty.shu eireult. ,A; order of the Cottrt i -pse •i, of 0 EIN fit fteiti d ldielkb. 1 'lBsti t-" ' 14.., 45: . ii.l . s4 F' A HNE,.4TQCKS' 'iCh'etip l i . it tir§.; l 4ll.t,iiß E5:,',9,A.8 8i• §,A c , o f bargains. on waut baains. ' ' .• • .., •• salt 7 iTi this o±a'•ct. r. liiollittel7StriCi_i Ex.Mprru - gEs oftii4D.ALMS co. COMMIS - SIONERS' OFFICE, Adams Countyy• 'A GPzEiVirt'Y'te; lef, of Ausetuhly, eltaled` t i Ati Akt, r to redietoutity Itiites and rA,O'etii kequiring the Comuthudoners of the 'aspen. ni Oblish a' statement of the Iteefigstaitiatrgtpendithret yerjrly; ire, the Corninieslotiereafitszee for said County, do report .1a follovro,t,o 01 1erot4thit atji Zettuttryi , Al.ll 1 858,. to the sereuth•diry.of Janneryl,lBs674% d ft y l inchrire I ," r • , i • ,•• .••7 Lt'r Georg ArhOldiAit n , tteasiger r and the Commissioners, ia.secounr withihe . Count/ bi-Ad . ';,, 4; 3, tins; isicolipsysiffl li":= „ 1 ,„ tit , . Air.'i U in, . r: 08. i l - I,',lssisit4sl:) , 4ltsdif . 1 1414,1t 8 t ' ' . : • , 4 1 , , Itt•,;al , , •,,, I 'I , t i DOLLS. ors. 1 '' " - 9 1 8 03F5 -vfYr Y 'I 0444 pia tas rop•two toNik4 1' il c 0 4.„1. s o. mufurer at fist 804 9en / B.t * x t . .. T , out .' .• • 111 r hli j indiettling public IiCCO eta, *42. 00 i k, oolf l roAli,ABt/f 4 ,°°, 6 ,11 , l uL .:o ta t' r t i t t i ,l, rt.°l/ect 9 1144375 W D X u • . N diti , 4,:ilid e d b y the o ) !,i f t , ii, "1 ~ -, I t •,1,!. ~t , 1., ;•i 1,,.!r „t , .. , C 410; , 1 ,- Itu ray .•, ft. v.,. If) 0 ,, , /11 , 11.10'f . d. i n on , 4124r, u 4 Arts AI Itiu r.. - s`,2 messed / r 18541., . 1 , ~,, .17 , •0 m q 4 is o 90, ~ • renandlr,e or Jail ke, 1 i:' / 11 -,1 t , Me , ~t{ 1 , 1 t, 0 AB 23. , i'• ' l ti:ietsiigit Oi(lhttyiliiite, "';• ' ' '" $lOOl. 'MN tli'it, &A* inade s loke4l,. • ~, - A .1 , )11(!();. , 1 y tt'j Sol ttti Pr! i f • . 6,.. nit Rents:: "' ""' 'l' '" ' ' 178 50 • , pr a h tn..„/ ft,„,,„, 403,02 •,•' * 121741 1 " ( i'm'k , e ,, aorii; , - *ITT -,).-- Costa,, ,4 ; tiNintißgOilbwii!hio 1, :7 , 4- ‘; .1b , i.1)1, ••;, ill ~ 40P, Oil A } t , ; t i e , cuus*t „ qt . ] , • „ t o - 1 , „ „,, 1 , ..517 43 v3 2 1- ~ t , c ll . abate Olds gollettortils per eentum, , '1452 15 ; __A , it ' '4•l lc AQ o' 4 . • irl ¬ ald 4111 Mill t,.4,, o x , 7.:, , , t 1 / 4 ,, ;i .i,1,,,, i ~ ,i. :it .r.., ~ • ..? a li 101 l lii )0t ^II -4r —Pit t i /r 5 tit ,r r." 4"" eh' 41 ,,t 3 " 4 0 4 1 51 . r.iiat,bn. , , ~., I ke , :?..A‘ii,, , , ... , It , o A !f ; ,t,o, ini, ileitiemirliloiost OP 'f4liveifro,,,or ' . ,f 4" CI, J' :, .111.6 n 0 I ki 1-11 1 , Latirvi `,, ±4 ,12...,, e il k, , id‘ 'tltt 1, ~, ...i 1 440 g 8 i t.iti , , ,, , ,i , ssli” p* . r,.,, ~,,t , 0;,. .. . ..,., 4id , : - V rimers and Turnitaitli - - 238 7Q ' () t* "'liatitett,P.?7" ~ 1/.1 ',I I' - s.' t" . i.'"^ it e gngtl4,o,,,; ty, .bi 419,%eirlfiar -.VI& 11 •& T E . nmetsol, *•• '- N 406 .01/1 ni.f l 0 ' '' ', ' '', ' 1 904 01 nod Stettin Cot ~,_ 1 i f, cit. or 1 , g i '. ,i r L i nn 4 1 ~I.Viumitkra 10 - '.'4') ~ . : I ' 1., '1 ! i i tir 3 .. 1 , 6 i, I , i . . r iii t tliall ir pr illi T gle e ll ...... ° 1/1 m entmen I 1 .,,, ~ is , .„ , , , . , , , ...!,. . ,t. t mod $ ab ll3 ves ~Estrcti.tt 61, ~m ilanl :. 1 .1: I ,',' , 83.0148 t bitabitiv. • . .. J ~, i.l , , .i . ,Or ,' . 11 4 16 1. 16 4 2 1 ‘1 .i d . 1 111 R eS igef c *Zia Me rI FT 41 0 .1 41 4 4 4 1111,1 ,C$ , l' , 11:1 LI ; 60 , 132 ; , 'Franklin ~1 ..' • - ~,, . ,0, 912 62 , - ~t ~, s it ~,,,.. wt., 9610; 4TAK:rafAndedtttb , persons, ' , „, 71 t if . Conowagd. ", . .- . ;'. . ' , rl 6O , igii.,.:,.., a ICRACAirdel i fuls - I ~ , A ~, . ,1 :-' ,t I"raitr , I{ il , 44,4' .. ~ : :. , 'Certificates 0 Constantes retttrasy '°-' • • I •," •'.,•" • - 1, SI. 0 . $23 /2 t ountjny " • .. w ,• , Coe nael,fees awl eitiit t suits,- , 1 , 1 . ' ', 1 . 1 ' ..' fell tl ~ • 40;001 3tountpldasant " , , / 2 " 28 "` - ' Trea'surer a 'Xlint House, ~,. 1, '.,,.. 0 ! ~., , 4806 t oo 1068 26 'tending • " Dockets for Officers, Ace., „-} ~, ~,,1 . ,,, ~ -, d, 134112 , • :ill 03 ^ . Berwick " Stationa for Commassioners otHea, ' , 81.34 Freedom 205 05 's ' Notes and Ittterest paid Bank and sundry persons 4 , .11,030 1 931 ~ lothi , is • '', Quitifelitaipaid George Hitnii; (herrs,) ' ii l , 2100 Union - it 769 ''/' ti 'f „„ Mealiest atiendanee on Priscon6ll;' 1 ''t'' ' c ' t' t 8 '25 , Butler - - - - ---'2 O / 221 °l.fohn Mickley ., Commibeloners' pal,' .'' ` . 4., .:187 49, • 11 ,14:313 °' °°YntAeg , WHIN "tt,t ~ . 'lt,r, t 0, t 190 t° 28 00 - -e Myers, Es, n ' e igs 0 ' • Cash Loan from Bank nn.4 sundry perisons4 Cash received from Myers Stem foi' dut" ll 's Abatement on State quoin 11)r 1866, . 6 - 59 85 Cash received tivm;•Estate i: Jucob Myers, deity vutedi for ' • - I • Iminest,. ' . , . , , , . .:.. i t:l7 Id Cash received from Sheriff 'llomits • Tor Jary.fera nn 6 1 441- . 1 .. for 1855, -.- • , 1 .1 '. iiif 06 Cush. received from J. J. Baldwin, Rol., for Jury fees, „., . , 8 (1,0 Cash reueivedlroin,lnvidend frombiCatt,' of Water , C l ompttltli ~' 46.6 ° Cash received front. additional Tax for 1i"56,. • Cush.Tax refapdcil ,to State • 161 12 , .4 :..1 •,, -,t. .. . - . a : ~ - • I It may . Ini 111rober hi explanatien'ef the above item to any,litat, iii eonspluenee id 11. Willg Qr. prOMiltllCSri illmktiw of th e Culdeetuis at Ilia., begihoing cif the yetti, it lictiMau necessary to borrow noursetmotiey: .O.n'l Shull time, to meet the orders on the Comity 'freuartryi . i Alll tln'ois, 10414', t l iiiiellii:Fivitl all' the jiOilimniiiit. interest; have been paid in 111.1; 1 thiritni tlt(t'year, Making up the' iteirl of $11,030 . 93 on Credit 'able of ' the Aeconnt.., yhy.counky ix now mit of (Wu with outstalitliite„t4iice4 void duclifte`Chlii't}t Id' '$ I,soB' . oo l .4hil'eitAi in Treasury, 9'69 1 1 38. 'The i'lltiatiinclltig . email!, Dia. and Quit Rents aijiiii,, l2 AP ,i.'alk 'Mi. Me hands lithe following illalleciars, ldicit Pl " ' ' "' . ' ' ' , TrAaft, 1 , v i ll4. , kaltaes. i ., ~ i 7pyliNfililrs, i , . r.,... , .1 • .1 L I:, ''1854, 1 i) ,C4eculito 11 7 ;;' , I.'ickellt i l Ofintisiloiiit , i ~. ~' ; .,;1Z 4 .1854. Ekihraini 3lortiu, Borough 0' e ettr,d,ur g ,, • 0 , 9` 00 " ' • ' Quitlie/its, ' ' '' 23' 30 ". :1 1 ,Hugh 31eQhtighyi I. Puntherlo, • 116' tv 41 John E. Ileikes, Huntington, .",:ti /' ./. t hi s g 3 ‘,. I - 1 , , illeiiii-INdiler, ! ; • lifountplettinwt,, .1: -- ~- . .8:-24, 1856. ' Samilel Weaver,.; Borough. of Gettysburg;* 358 49 44 . ,! - . , :. , , if, ~. . 4 ,' . • , Quit Rents, i..... 1 171 " . James McCullough, • Cumlafrlend, ' • / 2111 5 " . '•' Sblitittthiliell, ' Germany, ' , ":4k5 { 4 " '. Michael' A. Slagle, Oxford,.. .-,,,,, ', ,,, ,,J.41. " • ; ' Benjamin WetiVer, ' , Huntington,* „„ , , 6;1,7P " . Archibald Germ% Latimore,r l , ": 2(8 87 " . • • Nit:holm •Slaybaugh, Meunlleni , , ; 260.16, , " Christian Itindlaub, Stratum,* - ' ' ' 1 63 'O5 '' 2+liitlieuil-Cr'owl,' • • Franklin, ' G 9 25 "' • George Rangy, Conowago,* .. 169 64 Samuel Sadler, : Tyrone,* 0 ; Francis Allison, , Nrimutjoy, . ::: ; •., i;•%1,1. 66 "- ~ JOsepli Henna,,, • Idotintpleasant,* 42737, 14 Michael Brown, Heading, •":.. • ;' ' . i - , in 39 IA Pius Unger, .Union, , . ' '' ''.l I •1161' 68 " ' henry Slaybough, Butler,* . 240 58 '1"5 1 ,:• 1 . • .. • • * 4 )098, 8 0 iitg4ttlniltouban,,Libertv, Bamilton, Berwick, att4, 4 re.,cdgm, , had paid befl)rei , settfetn . eict4! : . , Those marked thus (t) have since paid in full. These nuiriced thus ( 1 ) have since paid In Part. • • TI) TILE 110NOI1ABLE TDB JUDOES OF TILE 'COUBT OF C 031.11 1/`i pLr.urto iiilAiorttl TNTY,?-.N . ttr.li s t h e undersi g ned, duly elected Auditors to's 3 ettle mid . ndjust the P . ublie f Ae'dotints'of the Tre.nattivejx!d Counptesimitat ottkild Conniff,' V 1 14.ing been supra or afkm red agreeably to law; Report the follonstir tb be a gdneral l atatetucut.Ofyind skocinutilt,'7llsol'44m.attC444 a's of 4inptity, A, D. 1855, tei she seventh day of 'January, A. D.,lBss—both dayainelusive: ''''?4l." E -,' '. - ' '''' George Arnold, Esq., Treasurer, and Commissioners,in Account , i 01 . 00414 i .of A • „`,, a........,,,,, ~. ~ . 1 .-.. , ' DR. '' - .. ',• ' • i ~ e 146.” 'OA . -:. r''°' ,", 'i ' D0L 1 4.1 6 T8 , P P . 11. ,5,,.. ~ . ~ $' t 2,13,.. .0, . - no ; O rb 'Po • Cash in blinds of Treasurer tit Wit settlement, 1 , ; 3%03 ) .56 Y k qutstanding Taxes for .411 14 . ' qt Lt.i:, , ' {TO Ont.tmitling L 4 oiiinty 'Pax ' and Quit rents in bands o f ' ..., , " r ". 1 ,` '.,.4, .... . L ~,, 1 Colloctorit, ' ' - .157;S 3A '‘,'' - it ' .!„ ? ',-,1.;^:,. ,_: -.. --.,....,-,.- IA - 0 I'n ill loaned from Hank of ("lefty:ilium-and sundry persons, 6300 00 " Fees, 1852, 27. 35 I A 11111 l ant of Cmiliti 'f'Mc nml Quit rents assessed for 1855, 20221'85 A : ' l' 1863, -,. . .., ..„ .. 789'64 - Cash received from !dyers item for Costs, ' • .29 00 4 ° ' ' tl' .., Al§ 4, , . . ; -'' . ' -, 8 12 2 4 A heti:meat on'Buitd Quota for 185 • '5, ' . . 859 85 . i-' 1855, 233 76 • Cash we'd from state of'docOb ?dyers, deed, for Inquest, 17 74'" Exonerations;* , - 1852 7 . ~, ~ 'o' ~• f ti •. , f .... 35,, Cash received from 1 eury Thomas Esq., Sh twill, for Jury 11 " , ittbp, I , 53 56 1 fres pind 110. es 4.'109, r „ _,, x. 164 06 " " ' 1944, ' t ' 156 93 Cash received tram ..J. Baldwin. Esq., for Jury fees, 1855, 8 001 " " 1855, '''''' ' • ' lfluldmidifroy Ir k tpck ot"...Wakr Company ? , ;,, 48 001 Disbursements on County obiers,'"' 1 . ' ''. ''. ' 1 '. ' '29039 , 83 A dili tionol , :lux for . isss„ ; , 4 41i Treasurer's commission, ' • 1 ''. ' ' ~ , 489 001 '49oriftpliJc4l to Stale, ' _ ,IGI 12 Itsdatice duo by George Arnold,. Esq., Treasurer * • .. .600 38 C 16284 01 -' r 1 llil It (" • 1 53 q 484 ° I . , 11 I 1 tll i , .(. t " i . 1 ,, \,l ~,,,,5,.,`. '1 , ..1 . •11.1' _ ..,' ,-", I'l •:i p , , ~,,, , , W.Et.trkile-mig/led, Anditors of the Comity of,e,l4ams,, rpspl o ylvl i ags, qlgptesil,aud swot* in ,riutaaaue o f law, do iteport iStit • liii'met, tlio siiiiit,ilietebt4Pltl"l"o,l4ll4cOtig to law, die no ‘ iiiint of the XrettaurF ancLComntissiOtt4ri Of SAM { .h ilt) ,, 'citmitnitihrtgron the " secnind I . 43lb(s7a,ntutre, 1855, and, nding )tithe Seventh ddy el' Jannriyy, 1856- oth days inclusive, 41ink t ?did' iaOtitit,' as - Settled i above,. is; e t,let, 4, 1 4 e m„ye t .d V,,V,44 . s zir ,ll 4l .l3etilement Book', in the C•Onl'nliSgioners' offic'o Aarlin's'Oounty, and that we find a balance due tertha Courts t v of Adams hy Geoige f -Yrnold, Esq., Tiv_ssurei amid Countyi'iti'ehsh, sixtundred eidil'ilisay'dollattl suill"thirtveight , mate, , and : 'in 'out, itunclitig . iii#,h ficrAllotistiatlifi,verb,untired arid eight da11e".. 1 3 3131 ' ' 3 ' 1 3 • • - ~....1f,.....1 . .? ..'lll.ll ' 11111.. , '," ~ 1 .., . ' ' t ...! ' ; .11111 . 1 /I.' +. ', ~:+ .. 11' i“ ~e t ~, : A. T. W HIGHT. A m Aig. r . .11 1%T:I 'I) 1.1( . .I—i • .. 11i:'•'/ (LW _ . JOHN HAAJP,TMAN, -, ---- ~,t,!,- . •.. s • ,1, til, : , 1 ..T. 1 '''' l ' ; ' .. . ! I t ' itib6itry 10855.44-u/ , , • ' , ac e via . , ~ . „ ,„ 6,- . ~.. ~,, ~ ••• THE GOOD TIME-CODING,!?'. Tt b. re: Am flow ' ' ... ; ' • •: ' ••,• •, ii .•‘-' ..id.!.i. .:,z, . - By T. 8.- ARTHUR. lIIIIBBB' will be a meeting „ of, the "Adams '..,, I.! , •Qtan'ty 'reitchera',Aasoeintion,".cornmen- ~, i 9: • .' • : •.• • :.•1711B[0813•Whe'wish pi hear something of thVit, ' ''.• • ! i• 1 • , i • - -il- leog-expeeted' &it” should tilitit' this , bboli. sing on Thursday Feb. 711 t, And cent.inping Or ".."' •I I ' 1 ., t . ~•„,.,-, It is having ittrilimense' utilit4 .5000 copies three ditOitil'On Friday;••4lny and evening, the • 1":,' ,11 '• I: - Depilti'lBitile. Suplirititendent, 11. C. klicKoK, I, .-i tit limit I Ili„, A .,. „ „ t i t •Itaving bees ordered itt• advance of publication. "NOTICE,• • .We send a copy by mail, postpaidi on receipt. :Esq., will be, in attendance, and it is his re- — .egtiiii•Jw I+ ".. , i,v 4 i f price --- 1 si. -- quest otliatinli the - Diroctotis of the litettitY 9 - 1100 T. ICE lis herehy given to the Stockhold. ~ t , t • l'•'l,lvit. IlliAtlllir,"Publistitii: u•. f • tolitriiti'thiretliy. ',- I i'l'i r. r i ' 'I: ,e• ,', .1 . , 1 1 MilkltthilNiettfihurti Raftretidieticli,any, .. i Y-4 • " : 1 .1 • . ' 1• •• 48•I'•torth Fourth Street;•' -' - I••iiirAddreisie wilr.bcfrilelbietediby Ilky,JDr,.. that, by is resolution of the Board of Directors, ' - • -. Fltiladelphis, Pit. 1 Sounneseyatirbothets. •-A full', atterultomemt 'lll6.lirik instalment. on ' each share; di riutel p- 14r . IL • Agents Tinted to Still this 'rind other. ? Teitchirrtimild -friends' of Edonatitsi is - request '(one-eighth of each share)-will , be , required Kr Tiopi4ai,booka, 'instil piris of the L'nitediStates.' ted.-' , :I , ' 'I , ; ',' fr-friends :" • ' ''-- • '-'• '• '‘ 1 -' ''' "be paid tri Jour; /I.,)& l otuta..tx..the Treatintbe gend for . dtir List and terms to Agents. i By order of Butaliee Coosnaitleo t ', , o.iII .I ' :. • .o. ompaoy, ,at ,- his office, &A be Bank: of D ec ,, 14.1855 7 . a Ff-1). ?., . ,-, , ,- , , • ~. .- ~ Gettsbuig„ in the Bdrougl!•'of Gettyibuy, ant ' . ...1 t _.,---; , ' 4., Afoisitioy, ih lIIA, Way . - Of Abnio;3o,:: X.. D., EDWARD 'B. BUEHLER, ...- : 4 " .IIIQTaCE: • -' ' .'' '' " - :1 4 8,56.1 TheiAlit of:I/ism:ably relating fo' Rail-. • • ' - ,i .' - . • . . . roads requires that upon two •weeks' lieitice•of .. 41 : iptilley at lam - F, EWERS of Attaiiiistratilir on' the Fat d - A 'the tidseanif pitied of pay i ng each , instalment, 1 1DETI1J,1 4 faithfully and piomptly attend to -LA of ROBERT M'ILVAINILi•Isite• of) tad- ifithanotioebe neteompileti with r the Comps-, TV sal business entrusted to him. Ile'iliettki arali 4 4101314 Yi P s „ o ,""s4 eB „" b4 ,4r enned „. l- 1 2„ 111e- tipoitn.rectiver one .isiricent. , per thonth inter . th e G, an language . Office- at, the. same, tog been i r ...............--, . est. on the amount due and unpaid. .....'• - place, in Siiiith Baltimore street; near Forney's 41 illfl' ; itroiO JIPof l O l -i: ibe . I tierthr.tlfitiftr'l ,', t„1, ,; I (ROBERT II'CUBDX, Pres't- I)rug.Store, and nearly opposite 1/antier:k ' 1 allsiersordittinded to -said. gatate ,, t 4 • 1 Attest—D. WiLts, Seey. ' • i- . I '-' 7.44.0,•1 ',Store.. ' , 1 „ 1 I immediate , paynieFit ;:and thoig4aring elnipyp • ._ _ .• ...•;.:., t_ , --- • . : • . • , are requet4.6l priesenV the •08111 e/ ProrW, l 9 :, ne„.ThfiuNleialgik-d,Wryifiiiil of the Get- '''• ' Notice to Trespassers. 1 4) 3 1 .40 fi4y,stettlsnient. • , tyshurg Bairroad Uerripani in &der to make : ___.. '' '''''''`, ' i 1 fON , ; 1at, 13 81 t i. 1. 0 1 114, rtj it uteri' tionvenient“ far' eitockholders in the ' 14 Oli•-' 1 1 1 " 856 - -46 t: (1 " "' ' .. ( 3•; ' ' '' col:Intl; has appointed the Miming persons t 0 VI'S is to' warn all persons from •trespass -11 t11'44 , :1 . .' ~' '' .I•..• recelid.the instalments on -stock and rei•eipt __, 3 Ei__?°„°,....ur nm e' ng un as, bein g. in ite . ndi t - fl' i. or otherwise. M e are .r,,,:, " I " .l4eTtev a **the same in his name as his'e l ents ' Pa Y . Xe ' to m' inir Zd u t i o l gfurce the full extent of the law 1 ,•.: . : ,I.'" meets can be rondo to them or either of them, , on all chat disregard this notice. 1 y , l7ItTl i E ,fipst, account of Jour !Ammar, .As- Oil to the Treasurer a t his offiee in Gettysburg. . Be coin .. o , ih John lirongh, 1. signet) under a voluntary Deed of Assign- • Wm. D. Himas, New Oxford.. • Is 11l Ilki ?_t 'au mont for, the benefit of creditors of 'Xsisms 'l3. j AMES J. Wilds, Bendemville. , . Cornelius Myers, Henry Rummel, JsmestiV,'of Tyrone township, Adams county, • FUNDEILICK DIEHL, Franklin'towns . hip. • JaceliSchrivere J olinathariltenold, 'has been filed in the Court olComMon Pleas of AIIIIAIUM Kaisc, . Freedom ' Valentine . Myers, * IHenry A. Picking. .4-deres county, and will he confirmed ,by the Jscon Iletittennovy, Fairfield. ' . , , Jan. 2°, 1856- 7 3 t • .6ftid'eo,urt en the 261 A day of Februa ry tte4t, J. 11. INIcCLEI,LAN, Treasurer. 'Unit* slqiise be shown to the contrary. 4 , Jan. 25, 1856—id C0a174 STO reiss, • , ,„ , , JOHN. PI,CK:11 , 10, liOthy. . t ,,.... i , i . t • -. 4 , Jan. 25, 18.5 1 5 1 .1t* ' • Irk.O,NSB TRIMMING'S of all !viols earl he . . risaiutrid and for sale, at l ' : ' '''' . . .- - -*..• • 4 - ' • JILP liaitat ECHIC I KI as ,eheap sus the,ehaap -•`. .0 0 ' WARRENS . RRENS' FOUNDRY I .ILANKETS AND. LONI; SHAWLS-- Urir , ,,,,,i , ,,i ip9 . ,•, e h et i re e: ' l" „ I . ..,, : .' - '7" --- 9_,... Ot. 4P/4E41;1,41AM The largest and.eheapest. town. 2 ;•1 1 _ Ladies dresa goods--the prettiest rot, in,tQwn . let of long, and square §IIAIVIS ever —Wilk bid' 'atleilelapro of I ' ' iLluti.ll4 l a (.100.1;lS cheap at bßouol. to,thia town can be seen at ' • - G.E.O.l2Lig ARNOW .-kv-IE FA.VNE4IOc43. • . "!!` r t 4%,v113 IIIEINIC rtfla 10540 AUDITORS ' REPORT. MEM 0.• 111^ i.~iL•^;fir 'George Myers, EMI., J. Augltitilmogh ((to trust) f e et otVireigYatii'sthi ' • '- ' Mit:mired for th'e,Cotinty of Adams, • 'z. ' ' '226 'o6' Officers pay at Spring'. Blectioll; •• • ,‘,• •• • ' 129 - 71 P J wave •und•Constitrift filr oomtititting inspantss ••• ' • • , 'O3. Oistemst ;sib, 1 44 • I .7 omuit no ß tzhin part, payment on,, Betmadlao Briggs, - 9 3 4- pa fficers pay, at FRB Peetion, '1,26 IS ItPepiag Irrlagaers.at Eastern Penitentiary, .58 97 DlieCtbni of l'bor pii . •• t, •t, ; • t •• - • ItiAildatauges and damage views • • $; ti • 1 ; •• I; t t' .(,i , Repidis•at, Bridgesi;' ; • - 5 5 Hi Thomas, ,Esq.,; Sheriff for rummoniutolurpoi; . . „69 76 ' l ' t• ...I 11' 11,1;32 81 9 ilxonemtion toleollactoes,' 't . .'.•NOotorsfeasj. , ; • ki n tataiiillorTasi and Qait setiiii 10)40 4 9CP/41100/9s 10 T re wm.rimer Salary; • " ii , 43 ' 9 ' ..40 lipipa,ce dm) Co!InlY, by 43 " i tS tr1 "441ft s lvi [r ?" % rfti •• • , as $ r aw,tl,l -/ . .586;2 8 .e0t1 . .)/1 I 1"11~.."'• II II ; 4 I; Ili? 'it'll • - ; .• .„„ ,c+ 1 -•;,!;,•„ 11 4t4 PAII4. • 1 . : •: 0:1 , Ji• ;! I,) .r. 4 ti ,;:ti.:•Ti,%.! 4 jr „ ....I 1• 1 lIMMIIIIME I ,INI:4STIAONY that the foregoing Ebitenaent of Recelpta'and Exr • ' peadguiel exhibited et, the Osier ;tit the Tnsnsurer, of said () ilonnty; is a correct and true eopp • as taken from and compared with ibe l ,origiail etteletrung,. in the *Ate Ili • •thit office, We have bereuato SeCoui. !iambi and aiiiied'itib seal of said office at Gettysburg, thi stivaiith de3i of 'jnains• - •• . handW ' • • `, JAS. J t3;'• •• ' • GEO: •MYERS, • Commisitionera.•,, , ' • HENRY A...PICKING, • • PAtttest-4:, Anoursliatan, Clerk., li •• • ' NIECE 1-:i t!! r.,, '1 •i ItArtS-The . largeat., and: bandaomesl TAX A EAL S. ItteCrAcken lovaluabletßemedp :7 1 ' --, , •', , ' 11 , FOR TILL RA.STORATIOF !I I'RESLity,AT/ON ITIILIi Commissioners of Adaraa county ' ' 01? TLIE 111111$ N . 11 4/ 11 • .I. by give noAce thu i t they here flits upon , , , . \ 2 , the folio,wing times Au l d places fur the holding . - - " of appeals for a i . s o y era l Weioughg and nail. A FTEIL malty years of laborious researoh ships of Adams eettoty, when and where they! -Ls' and experiment, I have the gratification will attend to hoar appeals, beta cun the hours In n'iliminee to those of the 'abbe who ma he of 9 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clorlt, F. 34. of I ,afilicied with in ildneN4 or preuruture grey hnir, , each day, as follows : that I biller suceee,h d in tin; preparation den . , article that is an i idallible n ilitcly for either. of Ist. For Morintjoy r on•Atendev, ti , e 28tir thou: disordeni. For a considerable length nf . January, at the house of Jtlsse 1), New r Of lilli6 I have Igen in the habit of usilif; it air in itinJlncl9Y N'tlinilt .—. , 2d. y oe 00 to La ins 0 o eintany and ' 1 „1„. on toy own custunterl, and in no hot:ince has 400, on T r iiesilny, the 29th ofJaiiiiary, at.),lfti it fat e!1 to rcialer the most entire e ittislactioa. hOnse of Ibtleph Millet' in Littlestbirn, '' .1 Having ; long entolt4ned the belief tlisi,. iii a '3d. - Vet . iliii 'id(ecialfifts';of , Bleitimilbileant 1 text minit s ' it Y; o. Lit B e''{ r i/rltPlin . 'S ' and Pl6l'n , inden:o)l'4o; on tVirdilnesdriyi the , 3oth ofJairf tlire grq n°4 " " e. " n ' ft ueeu t'y tlin- i '''''t,P r . f ir ' : ; earl, at the Ileum:Alf l',e,terkati,llll iti Iti l eeti. of trig° , and vitality of the 'scalp rather, than pleasant township. 4 _ i ,4, i ~ ~ being th c itcce.Uary conbeiltictice l ofrnirct,ite w4th. For the township of Werwicit, on Thurs• nu'""lnt i l'''' Ltr ) P3rs- 4 ,I, & i f, t h e 3i it o f i tt „ e e ry , et the hgt,i,,of Bran= ; 1 r y . n . wati. f e attention was diretten to the nig lobs J. Wilson, in Abhottstown. col ery of so the. prepailition, , a Weil, , by reniuv „sth. For the ter:raga? of Ilandlton, On Fri. knit' the, dandruff and other foreign wetter 1 0 l it orp,d,,.„eiy at the House o f v e, ,,in . / wliich, in spite ot the 'utmost pretautitni;' will ewconser, in Fast berlin. ~ ) 4 , ' 1 collect upon the siutlp, would resibre fo Thi 7N s 6t b . l r th e I„k. ni c,FE . , of 5 ti .df,,,,, , 0 h ns .„, t e part all iLI V*Or Aildt/tlllity, and thui, reirlUlU day, the 4th of February, at the house of i e . l the great cause irf both these di s e..hies. lai I?6tk L l . . Grass, in Ilunterstown.,. , , , i . offennglins,prep,i . rituiii to the public, I liiivii 7th. For, the township of Oicriird, (rk T, oie ,, r , fall i•eillidclice !hot 11 will not disappoint, ,the day, thii iii,h of Feld'ains., fli‘liet Jibuie j orlfra, 47'''cintlonli °Span v ill.) now fetl inclined to i Miley, la DirfOril. ' " ' '"` ‘ '-.; 1 TALI it a fair and' iir,l) label trial: It inure ef Bth,, ror the township of tea/ling o n W e d, i It etually, than any mlitir, preparation, realm cs nesdrif the' 6Th of Febt4tark, at Ate hriuse; of, ;the dandruff and clean es, the heud, , thO4 rd. 4 o h„ . t m o u lt, i e agi r , r ,e o ,7 . ,' ~ , 1 - , . I Imitieg all ebstacle,s,tp tj; e , ditnt , .th of an 'flair ' l 9tb.'reir the toirtiship4"of lliiiitingtor .A 1 and lii‘uriant crop of hi. it For the pri..tut at'lect'Siie; e n Th ere d Ay , i t i, lA, ef , , r o b citap , tare grey, t restinve, to die ,Irair {lei,leLu st thit hbuild oil/Ali:kV.' Weiduii, id fieti4iirg, intio,s,of its tisti,Vai tist! l ,,4 ll / ,- 4in. P yisi(Ht in ; iy, ki , ,• • ~ ,', ' •., • ~, , , 'ereuiley snort time, brings *I oit its, ivt.nril 1‘? kOth: For thA l tewhiliiP of Tirofte, l 'on Fri. healtlit ulne.43 and color, Akliougli ' This ref). h c e w e' o pg e h ik '., l oh)tion invl A lllttir, liecithrui4g.itk }list: I. dayl, the Bth of February. at the nel'Stitilei., in Meidleributy: ''' 1 , ‘.. , , pablic throe ktlte t iocdi ihrilarAilg tliiiii , et „I 11th. Fer the township ofMentillerif on Muni. 9y, its own:1 i Itlnhii.•fhtu %; It litetiituri i . Ay 1 . • nay, lus 11th of:lFebruarki at the home of :Into fat ur ni, many pf the tioprititq of this. and I , Cl:tortes Myers ili Bendereville, , o t.. , u ~. noighliiitifig' e li.tatt4. • 'Ai "the solidiuilind di,' 12th, Fot the& township of Butler: , eh Tues. nutnY of my frietids'i Anil?. pifilloini - .vain:orbit e trey, the 12th ofiFebeunryi let I the • /louse /of Jt. , been. henefitted llyit,ll i have been littluiecti • ti.t. A. E. Weather, in MiddletoWnv; .i I , . ,gi,ve.il try the NM% and in,dtting atios,/,cdo it ,1 13th: For the. triwaiddli of Frankli ii, oh Ned- iwitiPiree i lri!O stitlnl.annirance.thilt upy a ha rimy ppsday, the 13th bfloehruary4 Mallet house of. e trUti r. yf lt tfiliiTty9,2lrryliflJA 905i1l flf!luji Menry Mickley, in Cashtown. ~14th. Foptke jownebiEs of tippilt i V It case_ „ofraiiitil ”6111ffedils,1 Alien ilditir 4.-' Liberty, ortribridat thV / 14th oi l r k 1 gre , ablr , vosd rectiOhsi this Restorative has not at , the 'house of arie Itobison, tin Fair- Isiletiju.sisingirk•itiataileo, to imANiu 4.,iraut field. t' e riaot growth et tlttl,nr i itur,iilPiir., i.... oil h t,,' 1 .1 I . 15th. Foe ttt Ovi(ship. of'Suirficifand - 11 Vi1,4. 1 , 1 1 1 4 14 .n1,1 110 t.tet5 ,1 434 n um i'!l i t ) 4 1' ' and Freedom , on Friday the Ifith ofFehrdary callital .surtglon liir ell' those ;11,seiiies . of i at the, Qottßissionoro' lee n in,Getiyapnrp, ' o ,,,,,,tllOsitifffinU diietbinthektithira2 •,,,,,,., 1 ia. ler the,flotodith, mi l tti.g inex , gu s et . l" , 'ln 'flue, ith it 'toilet uttier4, l it AlitniltilAritt the 4 ur d in ,,, , th c `j l gkh te f F e hi.,l„, l 6,4 lit i al A. ,4 ,0 4 4 , 6 , tandaupfallowholisigh to expel , the Attudratf; 1 sionur tl)ll§cs i ,initlrektyotiiiirg.l ;' : I gkiserrq t,holitiriprevent it &dot ;falling AA, /t)lgs .T.Atilit'S 1 '', ' - 'a nd tender it Nul l glosity and'aavyo ~, ci: ~ ~, 1 • gOlts3 MII , min,* ilkiri relpn i ntid ,o 4 l o) l lo!clnininnliS944 l l . 1 11RNP A. 11/P lei lit; . ' ' V Ali.il#A„ ,N,',(gei:unil door to the ,Vit an) 1 AtteeeL4.lofitiiiiiAiqui ' oric... ~,.- ' . 'ncitil ) bil l pi4;l;:iburf;, ei , iilNeillt'ul , 'eufiuq; i , ; ,..._ ! ..2,...,, A . hff 4 4 , 4.41 ,t : , ~, , , 1 , p o hilL v m hi. •,in .., ~ . i , 1 .:,,, i ), • u ~ ~ , e ,, # , ~ „..; uiT ui r t sl , : ..i! , p ; r , 3 v , 4 ,..,b .,.. , , ~: ~ , : , ~ .1 0. , : .. ,,r.„ , C i, u „ ri t i, i t:: A ct i ,,, t i . 5 • 44 ,,, , /1 , 0 0,.., . ' ' . I ' •,... 4 ilig,....V"lii.if 'ilf the imithberahlti l e l (4ll6tites ttile rimmAgibli• atm!, showing' pitpri;4;ir, the Mmes . & thil remedy? . are annexed, ', mind mutt 4iatitify,theternitAkeptieal i I ; ; ,• d 11, 11•'Id 'I in 1, , .'fl.f .fl Misayrere f tbitioni Csi,,lPa. 1 ;thereby, certify, 01,110,11%40.mm, - suro,hend for six, 9r Night, ye)) , ,rs, probably,,Jirst,musty,l. by , dandruff hut tinallAtprtictl into dry jRI44- 7 - Tileeriseecou'ii" P • reparalion p itta 'restored my 'tend ld , p'erreet' health' and 'iklifilt , cied iny, hq1; 1 soft , I , ' , l'o , ~, '• C.-Fib'EfEß;`lf.' Ell' ' ' '' ' ''' ' "ilfahorifny 'Co4 Oito: a ,This is to certify, that invlialr'hildneitidyhll fallen off. I used .Mderriclicit's it eirtotative for folir inentillej,iliedi It can noir Voirst of having nn fin') htlir,l4/AMY , lnnlPPnidirishil , . ; ' of, +.l I:1 111 W 1, it (111111, .1i111§ , 141A, 1 44.g 1 i11, I I_l/ Illi :1 34 1 1 PN1 /B , i nir,q, 8(14. ititlo, 1455, 1 , 1 ,t'ileit R.?tr owl, 9)Jtiervatign, vo are ritahled, to, testify ,that ,Mcpracten's ,Pn,•Pr,lliitnt !A; thcf Malt Qn ti ictipilllsili tile' 'dud vOich lic tiro, 11444 it tirde. ' 4 ' 4 • 11. 1 .' Sit It'AitT,t).'ir., 4 i , 1,:'.) 1 ~,-; •;„I,;HEciK,.;; ; ;., , I II i di t)1 ; ,i ' 1 A 1 Joust it , DUNCA:sit ';,';' - ; ,:ii i 'id ; , ;1;;;-; shirimiviburfh. TBS : '' J. ' II • The undersigned takes plensnrei in ininound ciao o,o,o9,ptililicethe kreparotien furAlionan flotr,spl,•Nftl,EOlifoP , of SloPPeoshwg-, ,11;`rote i be t i e Al V o°l iliri tied on , his • °a l e hair, he is', ilip co it.inbe , ii that it, will aceompliidt the en d 'o'. Alla It he iie'sigkiklf! . '' ' ' / , 1 ' I'''' ,'" BEV: 0: WVGLESSNE'II.''''' 'SZljrienslntri,i),'l3so.' 1 f 'Hit pia'stirir troconnticial to 'did; paint? MoOrtiatish's ilroushitien Ibr the flair . 1 Illinvu 'uls€:ti, bit oil Voulei .Irid it has rendenoh eutirh `sitisfaction, by remo yin. , &Imhoff, owl dinprp. :vlot:lfhO boil', i,o o4o)erits: 7 l in, ilni)nlYt oP4 , IoP 'yecttlitAr„ Lb? hlOrtALO , o foli:;"-T qt r , ;Li ; AI ii,Ec, .f u. tilt 1 , 1,1. m. i ~.;, •, I , it; :d; ' , o't sdrli n .q/1 1 0 ' 14, 'Pit, ' l ' Thighs ,In 6eittify iliiit 'irdlharn"l'eOli lin hi' Ibt! ',_' , ,Trult•Lain , lBsl';' 4 ii'giit: sale' of 'tililefficaqi‘sil " piir Reittotithivty nhid in eeveirinotithe ire had agocelnini 'filo boad,ofl hair.f...o iv' ;,.. -, ,ic I::.a u,', l' f I IP (L 1.1.413 1. 1 4 ( )Y1' 1 1 1 k.”. ' .. , 1 . .1 ',,, ' , I .• ' A., 3 94;TN ' 1 1144 41 1'181 414 1. 11 h i il P.. 4 1; .9 . 5 , 5 ' .... ;` 111 ( ' LILT '0f:1..1 fll.l . ' tiq i i iffil — illtV 4 l l.l.: gk r il4 ', 5 4 e.ttilrgi Uosep i arta nAthrovn ;' . :It ~",( ) ir• ler„ I. 4 etershur , ; .'l. Calvin Cover, l FiTa}kfin Vowo-' ship; J. 1 5 + ulabatigh, ii;airral 1.. ii.:: :iiittifi., frislitown .; J. B. Wrightson, fintffenburr, ; Ji JI. Schrindniw.,4,..; v., p. Ilillliaiiii.on, Opring Milli. ''' ''''' ` '-` '"" .` , ',I BLICS'ALLAt Tilfgtititirlher i ;inteedieg to renter* to the Wdaty *ill will int resident° of .1 ., ,•; L. Sird, ler itioliantington,toWsulhip, Adams eohnty; on gen*, the 12th of February, the 'following lyersiouilt Property 4.1.. :' . XQ ;Va. 11QRs ~• • . . . • litttleXCllVEl , del YOUNG ; r •,,i , ~ ;C• AT'.'TLE ', ' I,ANv-PARRIAPP i . (two lare,)I are, ) vlt 0;,le h * ,one, Pew ;i broad trtld:Wgdoil PIA! I,, W and Cover, j: ,„„ narrow , txo 4. 4, 1 . 4 hrr A rtir i ef hind Gems, 'three pair of front do., alitieerf Pew, ,ttre_pOr otSpreaders H ,_nearly new,anc , Fifth Chain', three ews, two arrowroll ouelv : iree Thrashing 1 'Machine and Honk Paid'," &le new Grain 1/rili t with Timothy Siiirer„ one new Grain Van, trith 'gement 'Coe bf lteadiii;;',ltz Pdtbice COM Sliellertritibißejoarsitbili, liki , i,l6,rtrinterl' cat in s'aiurininni Sheller, all toyd L ity, Jorge' Power, two .iita-; )I' i Day ' Ladde , :one 'BO.I. of Wood de.itiiiietlrei ,iTifte l 'a ' liiiii "iiiirdebt of Yarniing Oteuills. ' „ larAttendance Will be pveni and leftlik made karrve•oir day•rfl tilde tit. ....r, , ' - ''• ' ' ' ' " 'n:lviriDD*l li ti—Xii364--i': .1. 11 ' 1 1 1 At /he naiiiiie time'(inel:ph* 4•I3.' , SADZER " , • ,L , '' ~ • Will adia`liiigii alum bt: Piiciidfini l4 . s l*ril. ~ • ' ' if , II it: g A,,lls ` •,,,,,.. !.. .1 • I Siz French Ilecletends, Corner thipbestal t Desli. and . Book-Cade, Wardrobe, 8 tures' 'With ' Drum an& Piper Fariiink II ittenalla t done .Covi: I linger Potatoes lifthei husliele one new WheclT harrow; twatirind•attatis a lot. of Patent, Dtvri Hives, and, a, large vdribty. of HoutehekL, and Kitchen Furniture, needless; to cifimerubto-,t Tereer.Kii elf* fm l l49.lt l Pr w tr Alt Pth 1. 4 ",, e time. . Jail.; io, isse... - . ,,,,, -- • 1.. , ~,.. , „,.., ' Illareiiiit Vallusiblet . 641eitsr:;* ' • ,11.114, THE a tilrairrilAr i ll attk ) forw_Ard 19 any, reoduate i taldregi,' Orlik'n Fil brtliti folluiiiiik 'seeds . by nfirlip lii3e . r.of 'a#llllBl4lo tpaidg 'ate I the.reveiptpf.pAm er,,thetp,4l4re,liat, * one elm velopo, for Si an iold; a eurritaillaak)llll t .er Postpge fitaßpti.4 •,- t ~, ,•,,..• .'. ~ ,i ',_ '''' , • . .L'Oint, ' '.l lrfrlOAßqr.lft Pl ar 4)s# i anti oktO e3lo , I . per pee age, • ~„ r , : .., 25 ~, ,Dieiros?ff/Yer Two Pktkil from o ne,lll-'o' . ''; ,I mg, • . A 4, ,p0:1 Oat s , kbrand.", l / 4 01 17. P ( 4 4 4n48 o;,ti''''' / ' .i4l I , — • Orange' Irateroteien, Thiidiiceti (Able' ' , the orango t t .i.,.. 1 I , , r • , f 9 a Ire ceam , or, 17104/ safiar.,2llre/thilof Ala. 25 IChineee .1100-34111* finbati t etifoi ".4ape,re ‘ . , > 1 ' . gua, . I „Fisk Fool Cirmatoi,lf i feck long, , , 121 Alregley's '. , 6%4) ihriii4ber, .flisitt and ......... fine, 12/ . 0 . 1 /IfficirAqfpkiN 11.,spil r y ,),.)1 4 f Cloys_ ,fiCli,l.,,hyy TER 1, Oi. ,rOSCrMA, 1. ....., 11;11: ?. Deierlgthia"eithle6e' &klMicing niaiilfotheillifriteal;',ifilf i'bet teat' ciii iiiplieit tidtity mi n: Hi . l'd VII 1 i'ij't VII, i1 ., 1i,9.i ~ , r '.. ' SEN V *Oh , 'PH g , b.ATALOG IF& ;f ; : 1 . . liamitilrAiv,lb,tv.A3Rr4bsyr.,3l:', I CotintyLlitislailmlliVeeleatizodoii,Why.ttello.,l , 111 SIN!! Y 1.0,11 9.bi1l ol to In% tri :It'. 1,;1' Jan 18, 1856-3 t . , • , •;(!.11, , ; vt.; Awl-, 4iip,A, , ,:y sioli i t i ,,,, ; rti t hliyil ii - ' 4- t'' t.; co cl'f' I ii IT has teen t to lot ortlfe human race 'to DO ti-Iseiglied down; bv . disease,ii i nd itnfpriop....lll 1110411.,GWAIT'g PIDI.B tire 7erally adapted' 4 i td the relief of the WEAK, tle .ts/k4i,V0,U5,,,, i tlim Dlfilo.!lTll,and the INPIY.M of air elii a .. .nuiloy) - agesi iitect,s,' and entuititutidpill . I* lessor tfulto4lo'persouidly iluPertribt'lil 1 " inattufactutil V +riii4 .nittlitind'fit'',t4 . MA' ' `etaitis, rind eilfers tHeill'io 'a thilf,and enlikWuJ "erik , poopliJ, to U.& host ikrnedV l tl4 te , tilidliriskiifi . 1 / l ilrlbe trlVlelito4gl pl"tphengtk" ' "' ' ';';',' l ''''''"" • d i ~, 1 t. tt 1 . . Hy I ~ lon PIP Irtqat ''t 'Theis' itilfs4'4i4fit cile'nrolit -;' '. 1,, i x.,1 ", , ,..i . , 1 , •'.' i' '\ V st,' i l'' . 0 I 'l'l;eselaeiis rifis aro, e:tpresslytcconibintir p to operate) pip die stottlitelt, the liver, the kid- '' neys, the lungs, the elan, and the.howsdp,sce 'rfet big auy der: ngementin their funedons, per- raying.the Iflou.ll,itlryerY Ampla:Ptil t itt Ir i tt ,'" cu /'M t i l i u tk ' l O9 l q s , !t i' iel 11!thitforiff 4 pia ,fr4qv PriirOicso P Is I I‘ll.akily; half the 'brereiiir , rand; hervirf Itakiir thet3Otpiiitlf 1 tithaa,heun,praval iniAlportionfly themotrldoltat, nothing Inis,licarthfulmit erpo l lio i lo.theotAlOWW/i,,of ( I : l l,Yrtlors,9t Q lO /41•tid.flbrif pepsia, and stontat comp i lamtegnoshally a •r o b fbev spun, g i ivrililri thy, tope. t ‘ i. these ergs% liow - e\MO'rlidit erringta, tind when all oche. means have failed. ~ . ..., ...., T ., . #l , lleral tiltlV4l2 14rialtea. i'.i;(l),l - of thii most de'spaiLi 4 huverifihr;b' • • hale opened their Custom Douses to the nOprietr i 'Mullion of Skein Pills, that they inal losOmil 'the inridiciini of the intisek. learn? d C0P4411 0 i 4 1 " It th at 4 116 1 ilelli 131 ,": Pt lho beett . ,iolyej„i over kpou n i ,for . perppii?, or L dellybps hollitt4 42 X d Ihflro ~tO/eVt.CA'' bias, ,ll9°° 'utimilA t. "Plf, itt•l t tf• vtgoiatiag properties never tail to norct.reiisir,.. l i . rremal4 Cfnriplairje. , 1 , el 1 Ntrf , c. 1 t11' 1 , 1 ,,1,;,, , ,5'' dt,fliiio‘uhf - doiiAt. 1 711 ) 1. I . -- I=. t i lls eeleb k triddi du. .m f co:l+4W reg . litotes the muothbfcckpimSht s:,til peg i tyill, acting ih tunny eases iik t , .., elup.m. IS 1111/0 all Bost and saleittlilmaiditiV iHat , ttifiti m given to Children of all itgesrihul.,lsmany complaints, ecret r inentlx i no lewdly should )1 1 1 . withOutt.il r , ir ~..410cty'sj'ins are the besky(meity '''lloe.iMgl:/or tp;lidtiiirillir illktiffe ', '' , l Astinnao •, ~, , 0 A Di.otrli° 3 '?l,-,..,r, (mitt i!,l I Bowel Complaints Dropsy mi i . E.,, , ,.. ~ C ( al"ba I,'l l i 711) / iPebll . ll3 , Cold; Foyer NO Ale , ~t 1, Chest Diseases Female Complainfs ( 1 ;1 f hkeke l ' tra ' NEW EST ABIASIIMENT::/' influenzal Lteon f4lll32Pionsi , Ii 1 ' .• IllikultnlNlM '; " lITt /1451 ,1 1*,, TlLtoitn, "Pk t , . r r 'Vettortlit Aftletiontt.' , bileT vol.,°M:. N - OttAN/111,,,S'I'ONErYAR a 0 w ... 0, ~t . , au 10. . 4 . ,I. , o ., mokkipiri4l;cfr ~...,,' ' • , A 4.6.1,1 at the' numniiiitoriesofi Pxorww,l m) worrAg.wili,r4specNueeFl 1r , )r11).3.4. .. • , aNT • 1 La -i y a a "A i .1 , riticend, illlP(`tt.vsPilf ui g • „,d,i,,• , icotimwar 8 tue env ett i iA. fly , i s, gi:lierittiv that they,linve oenc a il l! a d. ci tj lpil4 4 ayt; ,I•l4;StrT"lll'"'l,ll'l,l'Y''llresPectubi"*ol4l4... •-' I'ON if YAlll.)trti 411 it '11'1'011;149e 'P.n.:Of,' Pl l ' itoilefiliit Mvdrepto flirts/0 1011 k lirs 1• 1 4le • 1 /1. 1 .- i (.1, 4 ,4, c1,hi..40,, ted.Statesi and tile eivrithsbworlikla 1,044 nil opposite the resit t. 1 Cr i 0 • 25 viirt , s ... ,:n2il !mit/Duni $1 each. -.ft Io s.-here they are mparell to ti, nick tift.l..N , , rilysToNtibb. yr „, e aV, i i rt i r yt,litrAr . ;I G' - There Is . a considerable aeingt It.. . . • lug the larger sizes. . - Norcross' Rotary Planing Ma- monThuscors , DAo'r ,N tit* (tile/ 1 r.N. U. DirectioPli forc•tho v 141,4011044 , chine. Si (1 )8, title w i evaqi/JiSflrdeF.l4 o . 6 oso tcylselk;bW • . • : ..•. • ... •• -,• • . •! ": Oct. 26, 1855—cow 1 . . r,-, 1 ; VIVANTED—To sell the Rights and MU- and even ishid of: bedding an d ornamental ______ -111444 4 t- 2 -1-.- •-1 ....I' , ti J-4----- -- e" V V chines for' a Rotel,' Planing, Tonguing use. Aliso, CF.Mf:,riatY , 11 1A ) C; 1 ; ) ""t alt 94 .1 CORN-liRVERS and (Irooving ilarhine, for hoards and plank, on ' taiiil and a general; surety y of dreesed „ ~ ,„i .... 0 ., .. under the Niucross Patent. Alec', the attach. Granite. \• -....1 ~..fr i i . went of UM .Nloubling Machine, which will . fir- he nuriereiglitql,haviits t»µ)„ consider. }pj . tE i li tu ji ti on . 0 ( 4 ,4l,l 4 l,}3ts.t ina . w i ti a work a whole board into mouldings at one ‘op• ni/Ig oll'tire n C ° i,°•thclir -titllkoC, BB ?JotEr,, l ita.• I to a very aalalll, *i ee t ll:lti IfOk” OYAIr era ti o u, This patent hits been toed, and. •de• lv p3vita, person 4 umnilg,..rioy,p! %FL i j r . i, meg, coltl i o k ilmvco m b,,i.,, ,,,j, . „ „ Tia , a at , cider' lb tho'Supremo'Court in WTlAllillkinfl, ill lille t 1) liNe us A call —as we , are repare4 h i' ur • a' 4 "-"- ‘v4KNg kfillliglai 4 , be no infringement, being superierto Wood: furnish thellsame"articley , 2l.EA . P - ribald ji - : ,vir s postp../,t...) . ..,i. , t 4 . t ROCW.Bl4l4Sbia l _l., • ' lacsotrer.:tmeri heretofore ofolbtt In Gettsek --., • ~Outri , „, n r ,1,e,..4.1 ApPly to J. tr. DALE, Willow Street, above bnig.'i . • •', _ . ' .M.ll 'r/ .10 ' * .t lr'' ' --- ''loo/0/ir r. ' ' ONNET• 0000,Yriatish4e1. T we lfil ? yh alelpltia t where 1./p4P ag i l iues caul' ,'s ! r• t I, IlErskillf fi..D , F.1 . 1.1•1hr,,* ... i it l ._ . ,,.. 1 ,,, LLit . k ,,,11 0 , 01 ,i41 *Awl, li e biti esnA nto }ige:lli ~.' All ill't /„.,"3t . I . ~ ...• ~ • 4....frka Kit AM! , :. i v, l as I. l ' i . 'N. d :: , 7;t nii ,""y e g y ,„i et y . awi f folt Jan. 56 . -311 191;1kb iiii .) 4. , - .1 ) ;•• ..iPtfi:it 3§kil.4* ;,=" v.' '''''' iU ' ini w i l: l : 11l i ' li ' ) " A , . NOTICE.;- Tv,RoTTEßlAMoll4toeo . Ritt.llbeat t = 1 4„ePligt ( 1$12 ( AliWg f ri ri a le = tT7MRII, eCLl han inclfeen qii4Otberil4s?dink netittArkileisbna' indett6P tireltiPEllfit* inilo settle !thee same; and these laving t. lohns: ate letiLuittot to presenttliValide,tpkbpezi.i7 inithenticated, for settlement. ,0,11 NATHAN" Vtlg/ily; Jao. 11, 1855.-6t* • „ / 1 • 491, 'L • .1! . .r1f. CAM : to sthe,.,rieet eßeo, yr ; ,tim,,pUbsoriber, near Fisher's D I, Butler tiivenaltip, Ad. ut,t l l i l aTtrii l lTW x , 4 tot,: wi Unit. stA! rtteulh aka,: A supposed 7er t )4ars 14d. -- The owner is desired to come forward, prove prperty, pay elUirgesnd , tulle her ' ! '• * ADA:IE' CAltl)/ililt f . Jau: 11, 1856-1410'. 1.• 111)011S' - STATIONEIIif"' DRUGS itt MEDICINES. , T f . ntrragetugimOortntint. P.P,IIU.EHLF.II..Int.s added to his ftirmer IL* :stock of Goode ;no unusually /urge an. 0111190 P of, t (lasaikal r Settee'. nud: • • 111131111;1114.3pasi4s; . =hinting : Millie , text lionhs used in the (lei': Cottirnon Scltbals, hind standard ClossiU thti - th'tl ' MI F, 'WI the lece popti 1)AI I J 101)S,, !constituting s'inrgei nifsoriment than" ere; be fore opened in Gettysburg. Also • efie 4 4 ¢fY b a 471 Er of all kinds; etteroa T te sinper, (S I it ll 9:4Cflp tm t li tfr." liP/P1 10 Pq 4 , , ,00 1 : )10.1 1 g .. l!encils ! cultures, pith a large assort. „ intent of 5);i f ....:•!,;', , t 4 q qP44I, 111 / i to which lie invites attentithi, bcipy, prillreo tooalbtet tilittsuellOow " has also largelyi!itteies.ittd . - s - '' Drrf -air4airedir,losex 'lo • "V. riwrfabgdmii, s 'arc. Atm e et. which any article in bik I intt business prdtiPtitttrilered . froin' the sits: ., ' .". Grittfabta.o, 2.; . i1855. • ! 14 A MARELeIa WOW) , , ifiiiiL., 1 7 HE.,G.FI3IfD l'XttEß.Wiljill.E.Al:, 1, ilyi theqiiti of tt - trifti r roieoPe;•liiise4 Mitityiiii lli ' ..g./. of Mile openings ou thersurfiMlCbt'o4Y .Pl . 1 4- A lice, , . I, "hrtidg4"l76.:id'tlii4'oiiiirrial;'Whilk` rabberton the •skiti, is 'ea:riled 'sd'i'iny Van" WO' '' iolvitrd , part.in't>itimseh' Of Oa' Kidae ;dtiiittld) (4e.T11 . /rif:the ittvait'ilffioetiothiOf th'd'hineflidttiP . I?, mintio7t of the Lungs, Atitirditti,` Ceingbal,ll4 '" 1 cobitinral , hy ilia , 'mettit,''etlianitiff rt te4A:` ,F.ery•hortitetriftf kttbWe'llitte,:'iistit'' 14i'fituitr i PP ,throughtborto . orineatiof any 'tbie Itesa41)11"""/ c healing Ointmont far inorg readil pan * , t4:,?."!1 throofghloirbOrtr. or ifestiy.iiiittor*W'iptiNtn. 1. Xly•titiriiig tWA mhht . timegrroliii i iilviaß 4htts. ' A. Plaiatwi Hiatt:rah hot ', iWi , ' taidtid 'by" rottolf;'wl - . d 11.1; 7 ~ii .. ellr t!. , , er, , , -, .411,1, pn, ollinh. ••-;,'' •-• . - • .. 1 : ,....;q 0 ,01 tEr i iirr l iett l Agi*lit'rictiiiik;44o4(464.,,,, i ~ v 1 •Bwrrelr,tarofte. •. - ' ,-- ' ; !. ~ .;,. ,d, ~, (~„..v ;:, f : , !..!,•11, , , Dt.rt ~N9,,c, p ,o'y: h i yi.. Ocq (11 00, 1 13 41MUCIA tar dast , .1, titre pf filite:mes,,,tl,t,ll,9 §lfithw Myer .forus•titsin 'IWO may assume, as tins Outtment.iiNui t trastetstil,&,,t Salt it hem Seuryb Sure .I,ten4s f serafuln.or i. r .l...ryt• . iplinti t ,etui.)ppg,.uic 10614 .1 1 10011011Cen. , -no..ed Theonventor 1111.4 trill/died over many:part a.olirdot the globy t viailiug•tbo.VineiPal,bespita4.4lbl4 . l " ' 1. 'Q' . ".. 4 ' ' Ponskim .0,14 Arimriti giximg.t. , n00..04.t0 iht fin:: 9.)Plientiffilt* ..11ihst,telhiby AnMitutor:teatur4r.eil ,tog , countlesq,n,ntnher4 to heal •i I' /J. I - A . OPE LEGS, SORL ,. :IIREASN)/ WOUNDS ) , ,',,,:: 1 .4...V.D ....ULCERS). • • .1 i - MSoutaik,f , thWnitioii: ileiwitifici-oiliWCW`* l 4 ' My solely on the usii of 'this , Wotideitlll. Cling ,1'". 3 pprnt, hen having to cope with lb.' air i onoi tie2,"' pis of sures,. woutuiNuicers, liandular swellin Loa tomorj. rirrofettflot 1 4° drl'ilff 31 1 ma Millie ;',Abilsk• flmvtr 'dents, is t J. to the liospitahko,ftha )jail, latga tdtiothultts of ,thitiOintmenty . to be used tinder tho direction :of the Afediepl Staff, ' L in ,titu tvptst! - Fit.iptrlogy p t ; , ; , ? 0,1,1ji ;xt.„p;lm) „e ppy,,,Riepriit -, udwor it tovelliii,-Stiffnie4 OrAtiittraettou:ofpf e inintw,, .:„ Ai l ed' ' 2 l '7 6, ir , ' :Bi'llit!l4i,ift.l,, ~ ,:t ,!,•i ~ ,I; ,t,;,tif' .- ~ , I'ILA'S AND ,IIEPULII , , 0 ~. 1:)..i, ,vq) .11 ri •,''. 'rr.:.' r;.“.l'llirtitit 11+041ii . antrethdf ~ `siirdlitr, itittfealtig r a,ora lf „, Il i nints can liti•egilein4 l ' dated ifilid9 , tuttatto ;l.. .. Ti? wenifibbed 'id eeet , 'lle , - I.Mrtit'afflight4,a,p# ,; dt fi x ollierWiAd tiilitiiiiig' thit i prittt , h4iititAo#,,,i ) 'arohnd ettppo. l ., t , , • • . i ...... 4foth. the ; - Me? 44iPtitut tali iIA boa Oe 11111111 , ,j,',: .""'''' IVlheAnditio..cas!!).,l -" ',':)) 'bunions ,_ . , Lumbago ' ~ .------- erg 11 u c,i i t,4,l,i/iiie&diLl I, l ! iii,,;(lli. 0 I t l Ytilli. e s hilidnitut ~,..„s .sc • ~,,e l l4 l . 4l n .flrit-!rz r,g,it,,, Goat -"' ' '' . .." - i3ATT...llrte ini - ..,:,,. ~ . -, .... Oont„, i , •, Skin Diseases-...!•' T q f 1 Sore Logs‘ l ~ .i ," 80+1.114 00AI :' ' 'gore Breasts Stiff Joints 'Soreaentla ',...,.t. ..,,, ,',l' thb o i li t:4,t' lA{ p...... t tar , sore ,litrettut o) :, ,,,, ,tl.'"Rntirsi ,siiiiii '," 1 ' '. •••!.." So l es of all kinds Woutalit4h3l ,l l ,4 .tiprains f i aeir , t,0„.4 . 1 114 .rd:) . _41..:', V., 1 41; l' i ," . Stikl :ailhbliiianfay oppa priipfimpp i t i ,,, Floe,l,l)*.N; WO litiiiildit,/ niIQA N° !.,X9F r killiq , l - 2.4'. 'st ghtv: intact; iii l d ',I I ' ot i : tepe ., o 4►ll,,,, ' yitigovigdo fhttilers'[Orlifeileinqk fKitmgh,i, , ,A ' 4 Lit the ilifift.ftlitate;4liiil"the c ivilized %voila, , • - • - itu.Pots, nt . 25 cents, 62Vebitis',;ttug $1 each. ::•••,• ' . ii ;Aar There is n et:M . ol.l*We ' haVing by ult. Mg the larger sflol; ''''f!': '; '","' • ;''', , • . A N. D. I)irtitklonii inli.'ttle.itinitinifeol!of,:pa• ,tients in eturY [ dhlonlot j aie,:ailliadjb'ettell Tot,. • . 'N o y 2-1,855...0,-4 mr: k r ",,,”: imr, eqr.4ll• HALLOWAY'S'PILIt