QIIIIIMPOSOWNE120 1 1:1731 • „: . tillrall-P ilk."'77 n''., , inktfotollikArrsjesmt . ~ ,= =r . ,. ~ . :. • Soar _.. orstin 41 1 1 Y. ; . k r 7 ~ rfrf '1H -t,7 i e"0,4, ow, i . ,7it . :!: '"... -,. .1 , tt .r., 1 4,41 A, J' 4,.. , 4 ,74 't , 1 , • , t'7 i r **,:‘,-, It ' .: 3, tf XIV •.` 1 , 1 C ' . 1' , 1,t4•11 t,i. {l{tf.t!f. /:1 • itt - • u k 4 1111EFILER . ' .I.A bile Ivoolltnifsilia i 46: i.). • - .• - (4'. 0!•14 lo ego+ a ic l „I'm I" , f' 1 ,, , 3 gritoo4l4 bit 311 11 = if Annlq,: , .l I • i .„.. L ' 7B !,11P 0 8 14MggplaV 8 1 , ' 41? !vriqq! Vii.7.W.iiptiViilk itibiiilll l " ' Beflii Use2diiies t i Anit , *iciUldrittlihiel#4 ~,+.,11 ~..n4rtata6sjvi'ilfb4:lBs6. ,a • • 1 II I 7 ; ft affords me sinew pleasure. ireiitletneta, to adftpai . flartitsintliatuittistkb ibeihlfriAtit ' l'ATlAliiil 01Z2 37.11 V Ei. IC= intemetwet, di thes west , pradiced • by: MIN tileriAltiemSf at etteloffielleßii OtilitjAY l , 4 llrielii'l tture, fin ii ell clasSes of civilisal society 'are inotnileltss di killifertaltedJ ll •Nliert lifille proportiorlof our, population' from, if , Paqingil ald 1110veptir li vrghb and ill their earth ly Zdtufdris. ' TfielPTilactle l li it' tlek trinfie iii. nicanalbfaubeistenes I But tabb to these ale* is; (1 ' i t .qYllifiliWPclrlif• ,!ectPlricl4lwe 1 4 9P 15 0. and Icommercia ee ges. an gamily ceases to • exist , '" tetlthiii Itibm4o , tif the lifisbandmib fail' to Tan 'their , Whims. and Statesmen will, be'. at t e r wits mid, the somptuoue,halls of, the I dell 11 l 6f theiildiuddit, and 'society j in Retteral reduced to the savage state:: ir .4N'itibtil,Mleq7PTl ,° (tOS., 4 !ft% L ne ed , say not og o its pi nsto oignity , or o f its i claiiiiii tigliP BUJ iegiitiltf 'Mt all. , If that In upoolwiMcivilived Man isclependen! ! *those , I 111.91,4P4 1 91 1 C0R forts whic h mai illy shstlrisoish j ... his ttintlitib I from 't hat thialivage bo undig ni dada iti Aunt beioh' Iteootlllt uf the 'character 1 of typo ti whiggirseilee it, and not through auy, t fault elite Ore. • BM iftit 10118;4h yotilobger'tije introdeetory I reuwskil, Lwiti,lanuounce at once as the sub-1 ject,sylaichwilkengsge our attention at present, i for If' fed! iAllitaiss: "A'griculthre in Adartut i county—its palm and present condition, and future tosmwets.", ,Therivikedeubtletei those present 'who Can, %1 I lilt AIM / survey .tat retrospect the °outline:a of, our art, in this our, nitive or adopull county 1 twiiitY-IlviS lit'thiitY 'yearir-ago. In different seesaw( of. , thocbunty this was, I know. even tlits, yer4, thfferent. , Diversity of ,industry nu hkilt produces then, as it produces atilt. I a' Pverafty.lorftistiltA. ' BM I speak of the general condition of agriculture. The original settlers undoubtedly found the virgin soil vary- i ingiveriratatadt in native Tefulity. ' A smell , po9ton of i dol aontli t -coletterat part of the comity.; sits of course then, as it is new, kimeatUne soil. situ. fish In ilk the ingredients` nedeteent tbr ‘ t lealesui pug - grow ;A of .wheat and other crops. Tigs variety, ut.,,ml is lessiable to exhaustion unthlP'habl attanagilnietit'thiat Most'dikerit, and hence swami whek. badly treated/ - which- was I '.*4 4 t i fliT9l 4 1 11 1' 1 9'. 4 thu we' , it , spirerr4,less i Win 1110:413 soils containing a stualler.quantity 1 - et nutrient ptnicipltha, ' Atmthei region'of the'l county, Tying along the foot of the South bluitrnain,"ileeilt4 to liare Ph:messy' in' larger I athoilita Wen oishusry. the Material ofitegeta- 1 I,(6'grineth'.• With the exception however, of tif.'l4juit'idverld to, and:perhaps a few other roilftll dietribis, the Original settlets must have f :utair Ilkir' l l6lV or,eur can ny of a character t:ailV eihkaatual.• and then:fere requiting no 1 . mitts dii'affeb"4r skill •,'Sfibl 'istre'in ifs manage= n u m A villiiirtSull',' however of 'even emit- 1 it 3% alter finder 'ofditiary• ciativatiob s ill pig 41fitlefurvittlAtlidietdiA.4eut, tu , 1 ; a lead t tutttpt, the copldity or:Lie cit g it.vator, an..., hini ittiditihrAtilit , exitittasdte process' &rifler' t hats even 111' (411 true interests vateinld 'war- 1 rent.„ Thaw the goose that lays.tlaily fora 1 antul,,a Belden egg.. and under , proper Inanage- I put lit inight,enintinie long to do go, lel reckless ty l. eiirlbei to arrive at once at the supposed , .itchedeptimit within. ' Very ninth like the eon- 1 .aratet sf,.the nifeniansi moo whom this table j ic ej e l,,, e ns to n 448 an example of iiiiptitient, int j,iiit Went folly. tilts that of twiny of the lust 1 klitlers Otitis &linty: We wish not. however. 10 eipilik vhspaeagingly of those who, hove long •; A.llleN gone the. way of , all flesh. lt, was en I.l.eelleut maxilla which enjoined, when speak- log of die (I,ll'll. thilt we Ahould say of them, .• nil 't:iiii;" b;mtst."—tooling but good—that is. 'Are waisny nothing good of them we should: ' held our pelmet—we should, may nothing et 411.1 Du' dumi w,ill Perceive that Lane net speaking; ,of cite ,}-moral qualities of those that arc gone. ' lii ' this aspect. notwithstanditig our much pi en ter advantages. I fear we must admit with rili.sine thitiniany, of them were greatly our: EY Pnriora risgre: be to ,their "slits, an d, honored; be their gaves—ktill we assert they sometimes' farmed hien?. they Skimmed and eked the cream and left' fur our nourishment the thin blow milli. , It • was doubtless 60011 diSeOV-1 11)4.1l1 t Abut , ,tnwirk of our land when first elioaved „would grow a very fair crop ofj wheat' eltril" one crop shy not two. and if be Itilvily not three 7 lithe third crop of wheat 1 *Should prove thesoil to be tired-of that, par-1 , ticular, grail,. tbep a similar succession of crops pf rye tuiglit keel. tried, and when tried to some 1 ex ient gu'eceedisl. Althcingh this may not lassie -14t 1 if the ''universal' practice, to' raise crops of winter greinlid mu rapid and close succetteion ' Alb./ 1 4 ‘Nikuttittliiicate,th Yet oznwirtgropping I was in a very great number of instaticeb re kor'M 'tii: and fended to the rapid eXhaustion era s oil daturillY not terifertile. ' , Abler dr- !etilleitedletel -which contributed to the same ve- IsulAtitro.rUothe. ini;?wing-, There „was lint a ,i 3 *mkt knowledg e at the time I 'in, I it kilig or, of iiiii'llitiliizing. oe, at best, pre -1 - itik prinierties of elosier and other artificial I leisktise , ,Olinsegurantly 'these grasses wore 00 1 Attie cuktivated i „ When they %Tenn sown they were, freciplentYy defunittiOe'd ' before the roots itall'islieniaCient !hold of the soil to with 'Oland ithe eplielwang pctwerof the,wieter Nets, 41 ' if' thv Weill itkAPtublol.grf , K 9P !uxuriahl , # due (011 1 2ikpgsummer, they were then grazed off isolnifel trait the' dell derived little or' no - idtiftitigit" Mm their brief existence: I eon . I've.e.be i niannee.in. which grass crops tend to j kbp s tiliwol4e cmi1,,11,, in the first place. te yield to it rhat,l,licy took frets th e at ,tio. plibni(tio'irluelicleiviiinj la Welt va what thy' derived fiatultlailvini itself•Houul seciondv ly, they protect the surface from the &gm's lAY'k•°4 4414N',.,Provent nutrien t particles which' have descended from the atmoaPliere, itilliiiiirefettibelibi wings "'git/lying away. 'via aeidaiii theh, , that , to permit cattle to crop Atm ignliatoci closely, lei° defeat the/very ob ,,diviti,or akleast what. ought to by Ut9 PrinciPla ati e tkli c L wi lk,kii i6 . s PW,flt MktilelY,l the fofti3 - 1 n g ° r te'trlf',lt, ; k,„ , • Another rcuniyabite witiCh I had, in view ''ilifelldllVlii tlib i pfd irtiPoverleihment'6f , die s i lilichols 41• 7 wails or proper care andipasitomy iaxtroldieglistg, Or ralinsaftli the indisPengo 6l renovators of exhausted fertility. 'Of this mi. elect i. l, think mans . tf our immediapit Dredeceit . %tit . irel'e'ititiltYl Mode ' ehemrstrthas - taug ht us , tame!' upon the subject of'Produoing and preserving manures so as to retain their, fertiliodritiP9lll#ll-I.(,ltißtirk4ajters how we m mutate , tms valuable &filch) from t:Miavitilabbi 'by 'cii9 apeestorci. Thep alarmed' thaf 'the vegetable deposit , u d ait' the bottom of 'dried up ponds and .;ra ned Anil( dams ought be employed in let r Using the soil. But when they calm) to teat ? matter practically they were disappointed 4 • , he results. They did not find that land '9l manured produced much better than lend .; 4,1 1) m anure d at an—at learn they saw but lit ' o immediate effect. Chemistry, however. teaches us that in the muck of ponds and mill dams theraentfulidiiii - eOf alit& capablo of prditiotidg vegbtablb growth. It is not, how. hlseit in a conditioale bo appropriated by the pgrOwlntiegotable. Much of it is, insoluble in ' viniter. end therefore in a state too crude to find undmission into tho very delicate structures of ttho young plant. All that wanting,,bow. dot r•' r - »r !i ,dcn , e ..,". , r • - 0-11/4", _7 7 _ .......,_.._.,.....,--,... 4-..-4.7,17•1••,;t1'-riVi 1. : 1 ' l iver..iti tbeittliutrittfotiis Ps: Wl' exparietide 't erifles her.tai,thiaiwt)-411 that laiwantinc, is te'edd• an ,Beall, 1 40 115 .,the Pricc'.lni'd in 'lshes , orth i e ammopht Shoe tug in stable tfunter.e, tir'an'alitilliae iiiih'sheli *titbit,. and TOrthWitit theititiotubkl, Ind:llir ttdit•fery tea- j sea inert .siglitablai:iestter,r becomes soluble and'Aliretemhigbly„lnitrittops_, to legetahle , 'growth) Ent pur ssors , knew little of all this , and the t'e 'Were 'Mello:Yin thikiniy,' theirteellfctiont efeeSegere•Slinest eMllinkeiX .to the produelsof the stable, theistye and the henhioia: ' trueediaii thine 'reriantes' Outbid' them did not husband "as theyetighe to have I done, aloe trianagtwith the tact and skill which l•ire now consider essential .40 ,the highest de ..f.. eCteifXwe. The harp, yards , were often badly ronottructed. They were net tirftiiiitient-' iy situated on the side of I slope,' with a chan nel natural •Crartilicial earryingvoir the liquid drainings of the manure , beep into, the !Leanest • brook that l'bubbled rye," to be borne to and buried in the depths of the ocean. Then, "ea ' is still too . mtich - the cliiiern': manure heaps I were unprotected from . the scorching rays of jibe summer aunivbich then, as now, • dissip ated pa very large arootatit of the west , valu able in ' gredient of the man u re. Men, didnet perhapa i belierb thit becatise they did net see itJ-4he • actual precuts of dispersion going oe.end•there are still men ,who can believelittle,or nothing which is not cognisable by their senses. 'But 'even the largest possible apiount of the dela -1 rierated stuff drhielltras annually spread upon ~. the• fields under• the name of , manure. was not ; collected. On the contrary, a practiro•existed, I' nd it is not, BA entirely extinct in our country 1 (I sincerely wish it were)-~1( mean the prat -1 tie.e of letting theatock of the farm, scarcely i excepting, the horses themselves, run at large 1 , a portion of every, day during , the housing, season. The cattle were , some tied in the stables at night, ethers were shut up in the barn lard, nd cuter' they had finished their , morning's meal of such fodder se the .farm ' would furnish, they wen) all turned out to wr. ter, to take a walk for the benefit of their • health, and to go if they pleased to sec their . jneighbors, and, which of cour s e was very im- ! 'Portant, keep up friendly (sometimes untilend- : ly) relations with them. if the day was pleas ; ant the' walk was generally prolonged, and the j cattle emptied theinsolves of their nightly feed ; lug upon• the highways, before their return.— BUt as the fodder consumed at night And in ‘ the morning' (line from the fields and"meati• ows, at the expense oftheir nutrient principles, and was deposited upon.the roads and in the streema,it is evident that each repetition of ; this ,operation left maid fields and meadows ; minus the' quantity thus 'clefiesited.' Vero Wilt.' I evidently all exhausting process constantly go- I lag on during the winter months. If the wealth- er proved'inclement the,cuttle returned in the -evening with greatly increased appetites.-- I This was regarded' advantageous, as they . could eat so much the' morei It 'was indeed true, and so if it true thatyour fire will burn the more fiercely, if , in ~awinter's day. you • throw open your doors, anti if your object be to I consume fuel Without any regard to the' tv . prin . - . ; ing °limo , atiortinentd, it would' undoubtedly be the• beat plan.. •tio in like manner when the spring arrived Auld Abe trees, begun to put , tbrth Weir leaves Alie cattle were "Patted out t to,the'weeds,", as it'was called.' This Wait yin .1 reftlitrtlitaing theta out to commit dot as upon neighbors, to break fences-and:ex. I cite quairels,forpo ,person can ,suppose duo. Cattle at ihitt ieit•of the year can thudstue any:. thing eatable in• the woodi to compensate• for the requisite wear and ICU, ill procuring it.-- ; I But however little they succeeded in finding, they at leastlust what they had devoured in'the stables at night—making a piestion of loss and gain of the matter; we auppose the an. I 6Wer , WOUld, be dilaf they lost more than, they gained. In like manuer was their loss iu the 1 , frequent insufficiency of l'ences. There Wing no sufficient barrier to the cattle, 'those' legiti mately within, when they had satisfied them. solved or eaten all they could get t feeding them selves as free from,,all ,respousfirilityaud ro ; terabit ad ever did "Young Aineriee' , in his I must thoughtless jolity, they 'leave the nomi ; nal •field at pleasure end with' them carry from Ithe already impoverished soil, to return no more,,the cements of' their stomachs, be it lit i tie or be it much. 'On 'the other band the '', same fences which permit the lawfill inmates Ito escape, also admit the . ingress of ma ruuderb,who.tarry to their homes on their re. turn, or more probably leave by the wayside smother portion of that which hardly admitted of divitiion. 1 By these and similar processee, favored per .; haps in runny instances by a false idea of the I inexhaustible nature Of the soil, oar lands, ma ; ny of them at tenet, Were reduced to a'stato of lextreme exhaustion. The scanty, crops or .1 wham yielded by de impoverished fields,searce ly, in many instances, repaid the cost of Celli 'l vation; and 'soinetinfes hardly returned the , lailed. Frequently the young plants which, owing to their feeble. growth an the antumit, , had obtained but an imperfe'et hold by their roots, were shiest Wholly 'thrown Out by 'the' freezittg . of the ' winter and . the early spring, &troths. . !. . • i ,.. , •,. „ , , ... , , , „, lAbout•the :period to , which we now refer, the introductiou,orgypsotti or plester t of Paris be. clime pretty goncrul antl'inucb 'Waster a while' I ititicipated - of its, fertilizinepkoperties. 'Ex:' 1 perience however soon , prayed alifit .its. useful application:ailimited to a. fon Budunitafuw* crops. ; I ;peak here of its direct utility,, for it, may bemade by good rnanagenteid, indirectly at least useful to all. , Agricultural. afatiebitryi has shown that gypsum ; (sulphate alien)) is found in appreciable quantity in several culti vated plants;the one of which most extensive ly grawit with•us iidie towhee' ied clover.-Is Yractieal agriculture has proven that these are the ; very pinata most benefitte4 !v . the app4(uk, tioli of gypsum. , Its edbeis upon 'red clover in terteleibils, , aed iiiiaitiadne Sitioriblit ' for fa'operation, operation, are almost EnialcultAis.. ' This was .noticed' even by , the 'Mont • unobserten!, ' estd gYPsunt eti.iiin"?.• regarded : as the ; universal panacea' for a'worn ant soil. If it promoteeso wonderfully': the' br . elditer, Ay will it nut equally promote the growth of wheat, -of rye, of Itidaaw corn, t la . abort of..every bereld crop Y. ? Science .miiht,,,haye, anticipated . the true answer.' ,'l' he oral cannot, live on flesh 'aeithar'ean the diig' tittig'italialti bialthi wiled •fed tin . bread'alline' Haab; iudanti ties/ its api propriate food, an approxinudion to which at lea:sae 'filleohaiery itedeithitio 'its waking. Theitime is trueof plantar.; But in.the e*lleS ptecientilk ktionled o r ex fierience, that best, bfit i b i ttellidosEMcgoht. r ailehell'ilnil:l6'illi, interrogated. Afiff ''' Giros her reply 7 •WhyshitplY that ofthe.Orops' ire . anise, clover almo - si the only one to which plaitcr can ho i.tipplieditith • adviintaget. , . But even , with • this advantage the faritiory had. ho followed .it . up t `might have improved his'aoil for the growth of wheat.intfavery other crop.. lie .bad only to Produce aluxuriant growth of clover to gain a starting point.r His clover in its growth bythe aid of the gypsnin would receive front the , at i moaphere and fix within its structures it large ; amount of amonia.. This crop buried in the i soil by plowing down, would have imparted to at the necessary amount of nitrogen forthe pro auction. ,of wheat. The. barn-yard .manure which ordinary economy would have enabled him to save, would have added r the requsite salts, wolf a fair crop of the fairest of the co- Anis *Mild have been the 'resultj Bat unfor tunately, the up of plaster , WAS' pilule , fun ,tll.O ' most part, by bad management, the means of the !lather erliahstion; 'instead of the-redo:ea. Hon, of our Nod, • Theo clover itrown,by,ilsPir .;* 1ftIVIIIIMMII•••••• J.. ill ...,;;A;Wdl49 1 1 ill I A ' V V. v . k 11V RpriADv .1 colir rf 1:;1140D ibiu t -4,11 ,sr /I s JA. , A .1,1 LI, X AP I LII 41 JR' J 1 18 6 6 !I tt! a • ' ' plicatihri additfonst AM:lithe& doted 'df tittfritheatint • the ;soil., On. r the mititteiy it , wee Rid off for ats.inost part to. the biro surface and, much ,of it borne and dt, Pesiteo 1 1.PretaisaaataceadY describ e d,., the t hele9Peeßtif!„k ui cierne ve Y e • i i Eeehr ;suecessive citep, of Oiler catiticd the lanjl, took wt it. not Istrat ' iquirdd'frbirithedtt there, beleilio a. lags' lamount of nutriment taken feint these•itself., The,qtuuttity of3billatkercit,cotwee the miter in proportion to - the luxpritmenesti'of -Inairow'Yeini the fairitetwie tai• :Itonisted'tti find that What he had taken es tho I most valuable. fertilised had in reality Ortied,l petit' hisihAnds,to, be,the , mola. MiskthievPlat exhauster •ef theaßilf !AC ,itafk4f ' eeeterlr i e of course shandonefi by maim_ With is much haste and , with as' little reason as It had'been flatten up. Many ' II n ,hi ey they . I been grown-Wise dy pitet efipitieticitiold•pre. diets eftnilar frodrthe modern nse of lime end:gusno.',. By , equally , bad manage.. ment their predictions might perhaPs, be in 'some a mtlasele _fulfilled, but certainly they will not be necessarily After, the disappointment with gypsum. 'despair seemed for la:breed over the eV/Cultural cpeuptitety, Rye Wes itibstitti. ted for , wheat,, and backwliest intee'iffeail ere rot corn. Thiiitithintiffil region acquited,' I in' knife &Voiced' dituricui, and (tr end•Wido, the dnetivieble sobrilteet of othe , buckwheat_. county."., Matters, had intell.remobed a, ter+ ruble ariiie , ,but bowel mend kballt efelet; no one knew. ~I rempreber,and dou bt leas;many of you also do, the dre,ary, ! s pent which talc county Teri generafry 'won, fiefda Wire' indeed white 'bdt 'hot k"tintiv hoiveat." Many' of them were clad obi-- erg). giess—the lest despairing; effort- of. ex.. hausted fertility.: , Biscouraged ,b g, repealed . ,failures to improve their land, and dreading, approaching poverty, many, sold their farms at very low prices and sought a: Mete fertile soil in the distant west—pnefering all the hardships And •discninfonslif pioneer life to the fruitless toil of 'celtivating a soil which they considered doomed to perpettill Ater. • Bet it. iirsild; 'Md.': suppose mid truly, that "when the world is at us worst it 'sill mend.” , It at leases* biappenut with,ihe RE* rielliuraiatfabe of our county , At any. rate we hope they have'Prissed the &kik 'end ' are rapidly convalescent. his from thiarritairivie di tattle origin' of thscpasseirr. mind itioa agriculture amongst us. But to what .agent, it maybe asked, 'or to' whil'elreurnitadee'oi ffeinbinatiort tif stances lathe einirge owing .I .• Were. I:Us. ran ply,dim4r, to , this ,guespea . ,end „Tune, any one agent to the impraved cenditituf or oar' agriculture is mafinly indebted] I would say LIME is par expelleum that agent. This, substance had beep employed sonny centu der( tigditithe'linproveintant afthea6ll. 'The ancient Romans undoubtedly used it tor, that; purpose. , Cute oldest agricultural treatise extant, describes rialrom!ly the beat method then kiwi% areparing,' it, arid Pliny 'attestor thausendfit'br 'the cultivators I ,ef his'country and in' his. day; aa dress, mg. for. the.'soil, in which fruit trees , were ; planted., In every Nail it hes able lump say i!oyed as an ameliorator for the ,ittleiae"iTM4lZ-'* M -!tier! : tLrne and, ey whom' Introduced I -heirs net buns, able to ascertain. I remember to have seen , it Ile in heaps in some fields in the south: leadtehr' part of tho county' as early islthe !year 1822 or 1823.: It was rustr,blilfove.rr lOng after this period , that its use became ge, neral. The firat experiment*, In its eritplep mentarere rather unisithifitotory. The-quarts tRy applied was genqrally . snuah,tee large for the condition , of the soil. ' lavi ng lieltrafof raffeetarin England , and in , dome parts ofthisoeuntry,witheutprohably knowing the Mnd, dose t 'the inexperienced falsely d; O reasoner rather Hid not' mama natal, but ftlmriod- at' the illegitimate conclusion that if a little , is, good more will be better. TheY thelefore applied largely, and there Hot being Buff - latent vegetable matter in the thinned ex haustedsoil to furnish carbonic, acid at once to neutralise the surplus quantit y,` it' remained in a atingle state and produced for , a while al , moist oomplete. sterility. The ,seeptical, took oormion from thesenpparent failures; to sneer at the Whole matter and scout it as IthWerflii ftirther *ward. But nature is ever fruitful in resources, in getting rid of the incautio:loPu imposed on her by the ignoinnee and'stupidi ty of mint In 'a fed laths the etoess of mutat tie limo was partially aamiral off by ratins„Or rendered mild by being converted into a carbo nate hi tiarbaniciafld derivial'froin the 'attune= pbere ni , rosnlting , from' deoomposition going ou beneatband nu, the surface of the, tuff.— Land* ' therefore, which had received a dres sing of lime, after a season of barrenness were fdund , tobdoomeunuerrally &dile.. This circumstanop invited further experiment,—, The primary Weal; etthe lime in producing still :increased 'sfkirdity, were Areirtrded as a uniiPid44l 0 1 , , 1CL,t. 1 40 rime way as many an eminent Doctor still thinki the beef day to Mali& hie' patient' Well; r. ib Shat Ito make:him sicker than: be foundhits. But some 49, 13 91 iiireoY strong ly OutPoot tlfai sock " prep a ratory prhoest is ' asehtill neither to the comfort nor. stfety`betha patient. add peypirnoe POMO ethart WAY, yet, hiStro , Ittolitur nuegivings--im some, farmers began ,to . think that by tiTtpliiiig tin'tild 'first instanc e a' Matti fer lamenatorlimether Might ~cure the Ala ease of theaoilaton c without first,aggravating it,. and at the same time nave the' time arid ex I perisaitifthild id pt'odueing such undesirable- 1 aggravation. :.TheaPirt% thtuefutarof Bretlnd azoilmstMy smali,,fjose of lime, in ettent Mit its nod d im es mule at fug the liming is.their judg- mop; m i g ht di e t ja ,w u, w. adopted lit• Juliet h y l some with the happiest results . 'r . need" net itiyithil Ori to the Honed mode ofpractioe. .. 1 -'1 41 4 0 i 1 w14 1 94.31N!, we bolo !leen. when tarardically tested, Prove eminently simeedeftd, Itathefolloning t:. The land is plowed in' the fall, preparatory to ranting corn the spring„ The lime i s hauled during Itlie lateral andTtilnlefinedthu'and Planed on a flotir of klabadnd under. stover. whore it. is Portoictosi to A 4. 0 1114, 14 clB it 'is called. Just beflir* the.' tittle' fbr' planting the corn It is hauled out and !Trout over the field .in a pul xeMent *to, as evenly , as possible, and, im mediately harrowed in. The corn is then ttlititbd in the usual manner 'and cultivated with the fork or Other 'implement, according Wtm i partieular vieas of the cidtivator.— oh it is plowed on foiled tor' the last time, iskiter4sulls• immediately sowed thickly upon the,fresltly stirred, ground. In ordinary sea song this readily vegetates, and becomes by *inter sufficiently advanced to withstand in a groat measure the • effects of the frost, . I' would: remark by the. way that limo greatly contributes to' this result. When the clover lain blossom 'the following summer a few cat hut tread down the stalk. Wlthout being fed ' 101(310601y the clover is turned down with tho plow and the groend prepared for wheat.— A 'littlestable manure, if it dm be procured, should he applied and turned underbefare orl at the time of seeding. A repetition of this Prociies: ice knciw' from practical experience, will improve the most exhausted eoil. , Thema° of lime; we arthAPPY to say, has Nl' Come very oommon in most parte of our County,. Through its influence, netwithstandiug the ~. ,~ ,~ WINE , ' ..vVr1 11 611 , ,....4 , ... - - 4 . - t. , ; r... ,7 "" ' •L''!.r..!,, . .-.• . ~: • ... . • 4 t i IF ,f. ', !S I ' ! ) v, v ) .. t : 11 : ' G. . ii. i. - ' ,: Fp' ' . .al ,I :~ ~: ,:, • 4'i' • •:$1 „, ,"FEARLED3 AND FREE.” fElat.y;Elitslitiktiteo. ll 4-The Now York has been inure successful liter) =gee: ernments usually, are in making adtninis. trative , depaitments seirsuidsiiiirig.' .11 ap pear% by. the. GU venocts message, t the blink department, ii..who4y paid for,tout,or the vault! of ,the banks. 'railroed commissioners aro paid Inc ry the railroad companies. The edhvietast Auburn earn the expense.of their own inearceration.—. The emigration commissioners, 'derive funds, from the purses of the emigrants.— The salt lurks pay for , their own superin tendence and extension. The pay :of the militia comes out fines of their own delinquents. The canals not only pay , for their , own construction and repair. but Contribute largely to' the revenues td the State. THE YANKEE WHO 'CAN'T STAND THE "FIXINS "—An impresbiensble Yankee thus describes his experience'of thti socie ty of the fair sex : ' A little glove stirs up my heart, as tides stir up the ocean, , A snow•white muslin ? whenitt; wake 3l3 ARY a curious nott .n, ' • • All sorts of lady fixins thrills icT feelingt as, they'd otter, Bet 'little ibmale gaiter boots ale deatbi'and .„,pc44B . 4o49statc, • .•.; • , •earelesimess and'bungling manner with whieh we imp it teo often applied, the soil has become , renovated beyond the most sanguine expects ,hon, entertained even by the most visionary when'the experiment was first made. Fields, Which, in the recollection of many of us, were Almost as sterile as the Bands of the Sahara, 'tionuire clothed l ivith ihe richest crops of clo ver., or'Are capable' of: bearing heavy crops of the ,tineet wheat. , In, those sections of the County; marry , of them, 'at least, Where' wheat was raltinall* holiest & Coe yearn since; it la nowaunditili *oldie poutsiderable quindity& of .exeellept quality. Ours is no longer contempto• oudy called the btrokirhent Ornmit % We caw pontpete in the market.' ealellet ill , quality of burpteductietut, with,thestioin ea who w , ere sicustorned to confider - Selres Ali ' the 'a ' light of the State. l' Oile irs are yearly increasing , in wealth, and.4athariaFe aolatal thern,the,comforts and even luxuries of lite.— . rhea' bekuiltuire`titielditorrilYlii attend to the odueation of r aheieihildithan liberalioarplog ,a 1 14: Apcoltpillff4 , 9 l ksilgr. d.a.*Oirclunistitnee, that inuat in turns produce a theft &rend& reflex Wineries. '' I need"tititn 4006 these •expres-- • sloni;' , by • thrgipainfoi r;adlnOwledguisnt that still some portions of the County, are, with r , gard to imprevenieht,liearlket OuiWme point r they bwereJtwintir-tteer raw ugo.ti These fan; I 'larlat9F are • bat 6l l,A4 4,i oryliePeareanal l2 4y,. betxuning fewer. I fear - 1' harii nheadirVilniusted' your-0- , tienteottid , w" I but glanoe tit the : third poet qf Amy. isall e tn a tit CP 'hirt r ll i Nt 1111,"mkoPir:sonTititablii .It ' indefinite ferittlity+ore eintreelyhtiosv the time ' its, although itputa it htuieubtedly, hap, Who 'late John Jacob Astor ts reported to have said that ttlui'first thatiiiind' "dollars he realised in his.early,istru k Tleefor whelp, cent him more thought and ,e rt.thart thtfonillions that, fol lowed. Se, itraproti'Miell to'its Preienf conditionn, has pertUtpureqdhed of , the farther there•Patier4.o ll •PbadYr PO aelf•deilial, than will ,be reouraitatereattoftoeiteri it forward to the highest' point' bf feitility'.'' 'We' hare A ready,ndrabeed suffloidntlyr far to have secured the, turns of advancing touch farther at plea sure; Besides," ticimice lb `pally tipenirritout new treeottreee, if we will ourselves for understanding. her ,inotructians Jtud lend, to them an attentive and willing ear. If we will attend hi ebb PiriPtit ithicatrod °four Nhil- 1 dim in the sciences-beating.upon agriculture, we ,knoyr not how, rich alaTi ,ha the Tar a r t . l F l ' gore Cor'cllern even in thiti once cOmparativel y barren iegidn. • Wlttridi rte l genet pitseieirts+ rat.'rerl ValOabia , fertiliserChfre Amen iSrPrt duced amongst us. Theprinurpaione of these, ii - Ilie • "gOane:" ' i Thlil' mlitibre iiiiii 'iffieridy. done something towardreaderitiworir soili VIP. lido, and may yet do moisit,tuare.„ Ito pivot Until the late rise in mutt, 'has been tot, high to admit. of its:use with l rproti,t. 4141* prevent prices of grain, bea:ever, pbould,be sustained, we nifty purchase, witlerideahnige,' thieililitit= hle article. • The depositai oilgtrane willirkiubt t , lean be in tiillie;eoal4494i; but. from , 0, 2 1 t His, ar,ilicia fertilizers may be prepa o r IlettrtYerinervrtfuei 'lshiy; every fanner hulls his poesession the , Puttered for cleft frrtWaafB.i if he will but,inirilingly apply thcm, rwould, notice , thirdly, tn spelt:4ft Of our agrittalturftl' prospects: our *anticspiigt,l#lo o .ljii iw,h „ 4 whon,completed, ti, it aye 4) f , kaput,* 5.,,,tr einia...' -41V*IW beteg tui mit ' 'hem °Veer' greatlidee ito our -very dome- 1 ; It Will .enable ue:te export h4t9rthie&l , lOW* h will'now scarcely irear the exportation, suitas miuti kinds of trait.' It Will make it profitah 1 We to grow many ibingai not mot North latteet ding to. Its very presence will in, short tend to create a trade (di' itself; And in - go doing WM stimulate togreatur seal' iti . incroasing our pie. Bent crope t aad Acad.. to the ,tnlnttluotion, of, the cultivation of others now, at least compare= tivi!dy,'linittiewn.' ',' ' , , , ,•, ,- . . I', I f Weasels , et Different • NaLleitos. Tliglithcr‘wiunun of different notions are differro yin their inentsj,vind 4 iftlietionate contintution is ap parent to the, most casual obseivei. They 'Various in tiliq Curer as arc the olimateeind physica l' char. aoteristios of the:several amorist of their nativity. All human beings areindesci,tbq creatureeof eirounistaces, deieloping them. Tito folhiwin4 oi the En. French; and AniroviOW6kbati is ingenious. and we have no doubt many of Oni'keidare considti if discriminating and just "The English %vernal - Is Vei. speaful wad proud ; the French , womah is gay and,aud and ; ,; the, Italian, is, pat sionate ; the Awerioan ., is sincere aid 486'l eiCate. With an Eligiiiii'manitOqve a principle ; French it' hi j with , an .Italian it is a pinion; with an •A 4 merican: it is a sentiment., A mania mar+ rind. town English woman • is united, to a French;eohaliits, with an Italcoi; and is wedded tO'an'AlCiriaii., "AnEngli4i.'ivo maiiiii'intiohe 44 - Ifie loi'd JP' French woman/ 'a ownpanion,; slur Italian American 4a husband. ,-.The; English. man respects hisiady ; the Frimotupitu,;osl teems his Companion ; tholtalian adonis his , Inborn's* ; the American loves Cs wife. The.Englislitowio, night, returns,, to ,his ii° P s P`t• V ine, t he Fr?n el uim .gm. to eatablithment:the Della retreat. eiblifie American' to hishoolit:' When thi Englislunsaingick 6511.10 visits him ; French man sick hisoompaulom pities hint.; ~when in, 4taliin . Y l hivAirtresti aigha car' him; whqp an Amu:iamb! sick lie wife' nuisei, him. The English 'woken' itistruati.her'Plfgjorbig a 'Freuslth`littaiian teatebbs het. progeny.; Pti"lndittit Tears. her yotuig, while ~ itar , Arneriona , educates . bar . . • . • . ,!. , , •, • - 1 , .. •..' • i • . o'','• 2 . t . , ". ~ -. - . :11! - „,-, •.,- 7 ii,;,r), .?., ~ : I ~ , - . , ~ . - :• 1 ''...., /.6 r, „•••,J,7,11,1,•-•,, i, ••• ' • •.• , '2. , ; ' , k.' ,4 ''.'• . 1- i ,, r,r4.4,dvipi . . . , .. ' •' : • .1 - 1 ...i , ~:-. ~ ,,, . •.,, ft ~,.:....,...;.. . . . , . , , . , . . . Stiosv-Sionn. • Thu cold winds swept the mountain's heigliti • And pathless was thu dreary wild, And 'mid the cheerless hours of night, . A mother wandered with her child. As through the drifted snows she pressed, The babe was sleeping on her breast. And older still the winds did blow, And darker bouts of night came on, And deeper grew the drifts of snow-- Her limbs were chilled, bar strensthwaltOne, "Hh Hod," she cried, in accents wild, "If I must perish, save my child I" Shostripped her mantle from her breast, And barod her bosom to the storm,, And mind the child she wrapped the • vest, And miled to think her babe was warm. , 'Wilt ono cold kiss, one tear she shod, „ • And sunk upon' a snowy. bed.. , • , ,At (limn, a traveller peeled pi t • '• She lay tisitidath °murky veil ; TM:tit-oat of death was in'hor'qe, ' j Nei cheek was cold; 'and Imrd, and ' paler HO' Muted th 6 ro6O,frothrOlf the child •''' The babe looked np andeirently pod?" .Frorivamew .work, -the Oycloptidie,Of America:lr Literaturer".lave derire''the •i; •.• ; • 11 'The tube of 'Yankee Doodle ia said ,to have been by •a Dr:•Sheekburjr, tinselled" tO,' the Dititish`ariny;:bl 11155. when th#':NOTtlierir;t7blon.: jeminaAlle 4 l, !OP. tif&ini, ' Preo .46l ?,fi io 1 •14 11 9 k of:lite , F l : o 9 o l l .;iP9s.4o.o and. Fronteneg:,, •The habiliments of these' recruits-presented . strange contrast to, the. orderly 'ippointments'of the English l 'slid Ake Which: ,theyl maiiichdit 0. 11 40 11 0 1. 14' ',mood 46,110 knowle ge, comps: (.4 up ion. , fur idle-new ,comerap whiak be told'thent ;was An* of the.musa I cretilbratotl, of•ibode lin nee by the army. Mu great 'itettitleitionilattheißritiih, the provincials aiieliptea'tfie'gilfitill'oYankee'Dtiodle" be. e fin ° ll!!l;l l l'Mhs'r th ';'n• gr.itt!"o ;with Sha c k. "'burg, as it hae been..Aracal ; back ,to Anti .thutColi Charlie ,L $ ,EnglAn.l.f the ,reigov;nl.l,ls.stra.live , find it an ;easy. ace dotfiptinlinitnt - d little dont an 'a •fa Won, bf'that dale, Which hie h' titled pe' pettiated'rr'a'iiuraer tkyine— n.; , . ,:• ' "h4r foun d .; - , : ;. 104 4 19 q!"' N°o llo 4 it, . , 801 ‘llO binding r°P"d 14 • , r Ali , later. we Itave. the fi rs t appearance or , •that'intdoubtable.• parsonage '• Yankee Dlindlet2' ' , lie- Nemo • even • " the' errly, sho'"ii'the of hteii rp.omnion. town , Upon a Kentish.pody; n , •,; Hit stuck *feather in hi. hey ,• , I AM, called, him Idaesnotti.t It is' net imposeibliyhovitydr, •that Tarp kee Doodle i may be' ft'OM 'll son in use;among the'lrtbnrers, Filii 10 /.. t r° IIi Pi' , CIPHP,PY;I 4I I 3 .I 1; 0 ',1!0 011 . 1 4,1V 8 1 • 11 1 4 0 /4. rPools 3 r (Or their work, at much; buttermilk is 7 they: rat, drink cud daentia lot a g sectored; by their exertiohs, ha thin burt'eff.-6- ; • dwiq'huifet':` ' • ' • ' ' • " and' Tarither.''" This volt MIF - ififtgalintihali, ..h'PAIN re peated kitative of that. country, who had'oltea•listened. to it at It t'time ; its hie y o u t h i - .1 . 1 I Th'prittoiper!dittP,Whicri I Wect Jr AssidaWn to semi, , Along with capta)a , And there we saw the man and boys; As thick LI tisstY ,Pstdderlitv CssatiatrrYmOkes.Peodle. keep it op, Yanlluwiltaidltolandy, Mind the musia . eld tha step, AndWitti.thOgirfs be Itioldy; cannot, tie fear, be fazed rvilli acCitiaity titll,as the tonewas of 11U!?)ler 11 . 111; may Tisuinod to, Bays been Ptild. Our copy . of their' Words are from a hroahetda in a viilleetion,of "Songs, 'sett Atti friim r 'e print er, and sellartO L lt,ostnn'in lq roarle'by r6e,yerietiea and . 411 7 s 'IPII!!n i in ith 'f° frove3i7 slenglieit in rOtor and ,Montt a !lie t'or teal.' Collections Of New HaniPahlie, , intife from the Boston Post, the flloiritgiliciilentas an ailditionalevidence that Xankeetoodle bran IVhan Kossuth was in., pha l iestow,n, end r was going up.tlie bill where' the Battle of Bunker. Hill , was, fought, the band struck up ,Boodle.!! Ishii: led him.to remark that this tone was familiar to Hun garians : for it 'was substantially the Oar darelf, ilie-hungliian proptilar , dances, and wit, ;se•ancient lune.- The Hungarians, however;:have no words set to the tune, •':AviratwrAins-or givellAtnown:inerropolititui printer, once told Wilton 00 , one , oceasiori, no old wom an froin'th'etohotry came into Ede printing office with 4n , old , Bible in her baud. "1. lent," 'midi she, "that' you should print it over again. It's •gettiug a tootle bluredi sort- o', and. my oyes isu't what they was.. , flow much do „you. az ••"Fifty oents." t • • "Can you butte it done in half an hour? wish you would; want to bo'gettin' home ? live good ways out of town." ~When tho old lady went out' ho sent round to tit° office of the A merit= Bible' Society and purchased a copy for fifty . "Los' sakes a !Daisy !" 'exclaimed 'the old lady; when she mime to look se it, "hots , good'you've flied o'ens' moss good as new ! I never seo &uphill' so' curious as that printin' is!" We learn from the Cincinnati Price, Current of the 1.411) Umtata, that the. number of bogs packed there..tkia, sea son, ,oa date. is 80,873." Tnis is an inarease,of 40,000 bogs over last season. A Bill' requiring naturlised eiifisene to paid° two years in the &Moeller nature& noon ktofore being eptitlod to L ok,votts„ jias papa! the Bputh Carolina Leculatto. Au Astirenture •of Jenny Lind. The Swedish. Nightingale remained, three weeks in Paris without singing, with. out speaking tho language, even—such was her antipathy—and was about to pass the straits to Dover ? to Meet a London mi .:lino; tor, being a woman, she was tired of silence, fihe had left Paris by railroad, but be fore crossing the. Channel. she took her room in the Hotel of tho Port, to•recruit her strength for her disareoa btu voyage by a night's rest:. ' The Musicial dilitanti of the eity—Bou. Joe. Havre, Gallia, it did not appear .winehe...iere anxious to boar her, and • thought atfirst of crossing the Chartgel, iu order 4 enjoy that exquisite voice:Which liras denied to France and its provinces. •'' The process was expensive and stupid. They thought of a better one. No intoner was the cantatrice installed in • her apartments than three grave gentlemen ' etitered—aud with att'ilir of authority, and Sven of , severity, demanded her pass. P °llB * • IVstoniehed, but faithful to her vow of l eilenise 'on the soil of France, Jenny Lind 'banded them the paper, ,Without uttering a !. The :gentlemen read It with an air, of distrust,' end then replied with sacrum. ' "Oh I we knew you , have neglected pre multion,•ind that you' are traveling' under afictitions name n''' .:For whom do you take me, thee r' de: mantled Jenny Lied, to tircak . ai- ~ Du not at tempt to impose on us ma. Amo. .You abaft see that we are well in formed. ' intrigante of assumed rank has just tied from Paris ; ; Acre 'bhe' baa made gambol -less dupes "and is now at. tempting to escape to 11egland.", "Oct you suppose, pen:mimeo-7 “That you are the woman. features aind person correspond with our description. Our instruotionsare precise!" Indignant and 'perplexed, the songstress broke out,into , tu earnest reonstrutuie, which ,were.replied cold irony. lied elio Buy witnesses , None. Could she ,givo bhil 7. She know no one.. Then it would be necessary to Luke custody of her person. :A'threat so ulartningdrew out a new Willey rettinStrances, which were repeated; until lust, the spokesman of the three said 'Well, madame, there, is one method of 'proving your. identity, You preter.d to be . Jonuy Lind. Thorn is no' ueed of bail or nititituess. You' bear with yau the untnis takiiblo evidouca Of your ideutity.' Ncith inoa Osier, for you , than to givu r radf of . yo,ur . irptidroue talent. your 'n_w If voice will pronounce your acquittal. ; 1 um uly tour soosuodta tuusiuis... , ..ue 6,7 IRS iu,tion coon , r 6 'good judge." • • 'Thil'artial'hasitated and Was confused: "EnOugh' of that, nunkuie ;'your assir ilk* aro disitpPrOvcd' bj , your .inability:td gixnao situplo,u,proof. , We AtuA execute . Wel I," exclaimed the songstress, fsine; I unisti dO It,. !ilium &adjudge." .‘: Arid after a litiese,; in !which She , tialnied herself. she burst forth with the mtvativa' froth She wig' with itl 1, the Deo of her ma entries voice. e roe gentleuten listened. ip ,eesteey. ABravot It isadmireble; it issubli Mel" they cried, tut , it closed. , Adrnirsble ! sublitue!" echoed tunny sitibeit in the ante•cluituber, where semis! hailsathered to await dm ohaticio of tile Ox potitnePtl . • • We want not translate the atory farther, nor tell bow gracefully and eloquently the guilty 'authors of the imposition begged pardon'. setting forth that their longing to hest that voice had en wrought'upou their nti ede :that they had 6Si:ntie deeper'ato; and bowgracetully the 13)vedielt niiilitittgaln for gave them. We kali'? all ihat,tu the • int r aginations of the readers. 'o S' • 'j'E; , TOR, Pitt.C.l O.IC was!onim ni"eirt" on the it tuusp. A double barrelled throat 111111 Jungs,ms large. Da a gel& Nisbet baskets enabled him to.eleetri- fy, his:conatitoenta np to •a fighting point in. lese lime, would than it would•take for a eiteiveliaatiali raft ta 'go' ever , N iagara , Fella. Me' greet ;speech' 'delivered hi 006 Stubb'ttett acre let,watt, erueher..,— For the sake of paten.) , we give an ex. might: jiat try In pry atp the A . thintiti . ocean with a ,broom straw,. or, draw,,th'Ore atonic from. tinder is my feet., witb;a:harnes, nd gatt-fly. ea ,to convince .bat, I ain't gwine to be elected this heat. MY oppo nent don't stand a chance—n ot a via,— Why he ain't as intellectual ate common .Fellers: I am a hull team with two bull dogs under the wagon and a tit bucket—l am.' II there's anY body thii,sidc'ef 'what. the 'suit begins to blister ' the earth that kin wallop me, !et liiui,show, hinlvelfem ready. , Boy's,l' go in fur the Arnerican Eagle—claws, stars. stripes and all, and may I burst my everlastin" button' boles, ell don't knock down,'drag out,alid gouge 'everybody "as deniee it." ..L iv rather a curious incident that.whea the Americans sent Dr. Franklin, a printer. as-minister France, the Cenirl of Vete; sailles.sent : M. Girirtl,. a hook-binaer, minister to Contrails. When Dr. Frank, hn heard:4, it-' Well," :Raid 'he, ..I'll . print the hitlepeneenee o f A mer i c a• an d M. Girard will bind it.l! Foun Gooti Mutits.—There were four habits 'a wise and goad 1:1111u earnestly re cerontende,d in his eouusels and also by his own example and which he cowidered es sentially necessary for the itmongeteent of temporal centered. These are punctual ity., accuracy, steadiness, and despakir...— 'ithout the first of these time is wasted vriteout the second mistakes the most hurt ful to our own credit and interest and that of others way be comatitted ; without the fourth opporttinitias of great advantage are 194 which it, is impotisible to rea c h: , I The total, mutter of doathe inyhtia o k; phia lut year was 19,686 ; Daltintefe; too 475 ; Iltmt,ol3 ! 4,0:174, TWO DOLLARS 111111IBER 41 . 1 SPECIAL tF.SSAGE OF ParilbE IT''; 'The , following is the special ,tnessalps Sif ! . Preiddent Pierce, eommunleetedtabethilofiesit or Congress on Thursday: - • '. ' ss''', ,•, gb The Senate and House of lilitatakitivi Li. • Circumstances heves (teethed to d6iiirb"tl69 / 7 ' course of govertiniental,orgenisiition - in OM/ s' Territory of Kansas, and'prodneelliete Jetta , t dition of things' which renders II ibetitubent bit mu to call yuer:attehtion( to the' subject, ands s' urgently to recommend the adoption by you. , of such measures eflegislatitie as oa thefsef 's ex- g ige ncics of case appear to require.' .. '' " A brief - exposition' of 'the circumststediesr '' referred to, and of their causes, will besneetasery'' to the full undendiutding ef tha reboet reenlist:. >' dons - which it isspropesed to submit. . +::+',: ' . The net to'ergaerze'the TerritoriessofNebres-- ka and Kansas was 'amenifestation of the hi- s; gislative opinion of Congress on two greet seine ss ' of constitutional construction •• one, thist the '''s designation of the bouederieSofe; - new Torritch , 1 + ry, and provision* fins itti political Organization -.• as a Territory, muffled/311rd Which, tifright, , frills . wit nn the powers of the' eneral gevernmetit; an the other, that the inhabitants of any snelts"ss. Territory, sconsideted us an slneohotibi 'State s ss s are entitled, in the exercise Of self gcivernmenti ' .ss to deter:see what Skill be their 'own dcnneititle institutions, *abject only to this constitution• and laws duly enacted by Congeal; under itis • s and to the power. of 'existing State:este decides '• ss according to the provisions and print:tiptoes:o '^ the Constitution •at what time" the• Territory' t ' shall be received as a State into tf eitnion.Lss , :1 Such fire the great petit:cal rights :which' are ' '.' solemnly - declared and nflirined by that act. { `•':' ' • .' llaseduptin this theory, the act -of .Congreals defined for 'omit territory. the outline:sof repub• s lican government, distributing Publics s anthnri , - s ty uniting lewfully , createds tigeutssuestetititivei judicial 'Mid legislative—to be appointed either`' s's by tire general government Or by - the territelyis ''• The legislative functions were 'nth:Med sta. ii. s' ' counciland ' s:'house 'of representative*. duly'' •• •electedstied'Oriliewered to settees ,alh s thes'l6cal /,,-.' tan's Which' hey might deem essential to s. .: 'prosperity, happiness and good goy ' ' ~'' , Acting in the seine spirit, essingrirse alas . - 'st i s ed the pc:Mond - Who swereintith first instance id * . P. , be considered as the people of taeldtetritotysas'et. enacting-that every five white , male inhibitialii. ' of the same ;the •es the age ottwentystutayesolks Ibeing au netted resident thereof, and poss- st t'no. ing the qualifications 'hereafter deseribidikt ts ,s should sbd entitled los vote at the first eleetidatl'i ' and be eligible td hey °flied within': the territe-ps -, ry, buts•that the. , qualifications of sttottiriaistrol.l holding office at all subsequenteleetioneshilfildtl ;s• be sifeli'etitilight bapreseribedtsbystlie lagislielt • tire' asSumbly ; ' peovidod, bdirever, that-tho' right of suffrage dad of holding 'dflietridtelld;si l's' be exereised toily` by . citizens 'olthevilnitedl - s'ss - States, - and those who should have del:Pared on:s.., midi their intention to become such, and fumes • . taken an oath tosupport the eenstitutionsofthe UniteirStatea end the provisions of the act; • 'and Prdvided; further, that .no 'officer, soldier,. 'seaman or Marine; or other person inthe army . Or navy of the United States, or attach ea' ta- s troops'in theft- service, - should be; allowed 40 ' ' hold ' offide in +either territory bysreasonsofs tie.. • I big en dervicatherein, , .1:1 11 I. Z., Such:sof the eriblic officers s of the Terrildries.. ~ as; bvs the provisions or me act, - were •TabOap.. , • 'poifiihdliythegeneralgovernment,inelndlugthe s t Drumm's,. were appointed and seommissionid s s .fn due senitten s; sthe raw having been enacted on the 30th 'of lino 1854, nod' he eommlssioteet. s. the governor of. the Territory of sNebrualnyvhel 's• singdatedenthe '2(l day ofAugust, 48545, niad ef- • I the 'Territory' of Kansas on the 20tbdityide 'June, ' 1854.. s's .' s . s:'; .:s - i s 1.,,, t:4ti ~ • Among the duties imposed. b 7 the ant seethe. ' 'governors Was that sof directing •tied,sipert, • .s; intending the'political -organization ethane. . pective Territories.... The governor SitsKanale Was required to causes consuls or enumeration s. 'of the' sinhabitanti and qualified voterased the . t several, eateries arid districts of the Territory ~, to be taken by flitch pebsons and in sash wades. s ' es hamight designate and appoint ;to appoint t . and direct the timaaud placceof holding then.. • first elettions; and the 'manner of coluleetisig. , . them; both assn the persons: to superintend • such elections and the returns thereat). toll* clam the number of members of, the .well end' Kelso sof representative* for isaebetedilyint; s district; to:declare what persons might appose to bes duly elected;: and to appoint ':the:time • sand place of the first meeting of the legialative assembly. Ins substance, the same duties dee • 'volved on the governor of Nebraska. , ',. , • s • While by this act, 'the principle of.constita.•. • tion for'each of the' territories ants ono - and:the • • aante, and the details of organic LegislatiosCre,, garding both wore us nearlyes could he identi• cal, and. while the territory ef..Nubmslez ,may ; tranquilly and successfully, orgauised .its ; the , drw course of law, and its, find legbdetive as, , ttembly mot ou the 16th ofJolutorh, /8 5 ,5 t the , , urgent...mien of Kansas was long deleyed,,aud . has beau attended with, serious ditlieulties,and , embarrassments, partly the , conseeltellmOrYlct! . mat-administration : arid, partly of the unsnfit liable interibreuce or the inhabitants of some of the..thates foreign by resulpnce, intem4 ' and rights to the territory . . l_ ,, • s' Thu Governor per the. Territory pflistesfut, ,- commissioned, as before -stated, UN the *9tb,..,ut ' June, 1854, did not reach the designated ttit4 of his government, until .the ,7thof theinsping . . October; and even then foliar° ,nialds ~ tho. ~. first step in its legal organization- 7 -01g stf:ttrr dering the, census ckr eitranerntion of 441 . 44... itants--until so late a day that th%eicclPP ih, members of the, legislative assembly .4i ' nut teke place until the,:4oth of ,Idarch; /SW. nor its, meeting until the - 24,ef sTuly s ...104,-,7 . . So SittlssfOr la the act e o ffi cers, ef'Sl9 territory rl„,, 11 eCill';. stituted by act of uongress Sue o ffi cers, . to be appointed by the federal Executive-, had ' '' been commissioned, it was without a cupplefie.,,, government, without arty: legislative Author ~ ,without ;oust law, and of course without t, , . ordinary guarantees of pbacu and puhlis . ar, r i e le ether respects the . governer, ingef4 of exereisingconstant yigilancaand putting 1014 ' all iris energies ty , prevent or ,ceenterect Op ' yidencle.s to illegality, which, nre,prOfili i to'47- ''" • ist in 'all imperfectly -organized and 'bowline*, , gemmed connueuities, allowed.liin'atitiffen to be diverted from of fi cia l obligation y` ether ' ' objects, and himself set an example - of the AO- latiou of Jaw iu the, perforguinrn oteets *lo' ' , rendered it my duty, in the sequel, to 'Mind*: 'l hint AVM the Oct; , of, chief fiXescuti;M' o n . , , ;;;, tifite of the Territ?ry, . - ' „. • Peforu the nisitsith preppititieti'mdfliiieli ' 1 ,.,; ,, plished for elective of a territorial legil4' '•, 4 . an election or deleglo:6 Cefigreas • hid bib ', - ;, , si, held in the .Territory Tithe '29t11 deitiflriki", readier; 1854, rind the Aeleiittielriek Witslit''' 1 bl i the HOU3C of'ltepresefibitives wit itted elnity'" lenge." If arrang,einent.4 had beets perfected "" by the gev6itoi so that the elettkin flirldefo.' l beta of the legislattive,ussembtruright - be tolir''' in the several preciect,s tit the taint titneffe'ine'''' delegate to Congress, an? question appertains:, ing to the quell titatictun attut ponamayttdulfgasss' people or the !ferrite'? wee*, have passed usr,, ;- ecssarily. and lit anee useless. de Auwiiiimior: Congress, ad thin judge cities ire of '..,-, ,return of the delegete, sad would haw hem, .I determined bediee ietia Ktpsteiwtl been 1 teen:Lithe:nett by time, and linibletwortimitrf 7 could have betas. &bided firewystentatalisalefese - roluoa of the pkole.ciruidiridual &meg i , --,.. , 4 , ..?. Tithe I:stage:6oN in .10'(iseititesdoldelil Mito ,•; 14440.37 - 41fillheifs.ndinmedietesssesaisto bb b o llbe , was:one see she iliiikruill. ol4l ek. Ilif i leltkal 11640111114001041111' ~.17. ~: r CO/Ored - n U! ana•htig• 1 4•1 11 4P4 4 ,4 11 1,E 48 1 11 , 1 1" • r! 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