B.. I GIINS Nirlf r allff i ril l OF FALL & WINTER ilititeiliJim frail, Clothing. , —.• . , 114[NIMS''''.4.14§ON has just retu rn ed' 'lfibili Ye vt Y 0 t It, Philadelphia, and, !tat thillgrdi'veith'the largest and best tissortment of littrli DF: .V.IDE, MO TITLYO, ever brought to,iflitttl•Shni*, made up in magnificent' styles, Rl34' hirftt ' spporkl holiions. in regard to Vitiikiit4nAip,,they'can ' t he excelled by any cuittEiniii tailor. • Ififyiiik enlarged niy place anti stock, 2 am abliVileli • . ' -4,1400411 Y .made Clothing °beery , de-scriptiog,theaper thun ever of. fenstVbeenviti in thi4 or . any other place this side orewAtlantic. . My.stock consists in part of . 411411:11111231k.'3iC'Mii 1 0f,4 Med, pi Me d , . ' eed,eolerd and kinds, made 'up in..anupprior manner. iii ; , PAmirs 6 WEST'S - • of i qie latolt' and most fashionable styles. and e 81 , 4 t r o .. 6 . 47; l ls i l s e , in a t i f i d a tt ri th i r ar u g i e n . t t e l r ,o w l e t a ni r e t n a t ls o. o eara's and fl op' Fnenicliiny Goole, con. Isis , *Of extra quality linen bosom Shirts, Sus 114.0crsi Uleres, half Hose, Collars, neck and por.ket ' Msndkerchiefs, and an extraordinary asiiiiiirient of Black Satin and fancy Self ad. juitipg STOCKS, and various other fancy ar tiefes, ,ti:',.iether with Umbrellas, Trunks, Car pefamis,llrits, Caps, Boots and Shoes. 20,tioods arc selected and purchased un tlet Abe. most favontble circumstances. Quick salits arid;tmall'protits is always the motto. I snit tietbrustned to carry tint at thti Money Sze inirlicihisty Empor , iurn in York Stieet. 'personal, examination can alone atatisfv mgrs, of .the comprehensiveness of my , titiq ,Oich lam selling at least 20 per cent. loig,thats; can be found at any of my eampc- Yjlet also prepnred to Sell wholesale to ~t ty,rtereltants desiring tosell again, Ready • MtilleNhithirig CUEAPER RATES TRAK rat! RR n . BOttaitit tkina - 4 eirtes. If yon doubt it, call , stnl efarnine for yourselves. . . MARCUS SAMSON. . • t 0,. . Ail : , floods bought of me , will be ex .t? . i . e , • cliiaged if they do not Prove, satisktetory, t :tt . .sburg, Sep t .2B, 1855. • . . . . ~.. ND IOUNDI : " 41 24' ii2t CHEAP CORNER,.' ...‘ VIONTER COODS ' (V 6dr#i description, will be sold very low 40 1 5;.i5t °gall:. Also 6 variety of 81111.WIA sintiwwo /''' • ' • - ' Readv-made very che!ip. brill And see. ' aorr,i • JOHN HOKH. teett7sbusire Oct. 19, 1855. ' , YILEIBLEIOUSES OTS . 'AROUND GET_TYSIAIRG,. AT. 'PRIVATE -SA 1,6 r...,!•: 'lwo , TWOSTORY BRICK - ROUSE, im:wins tthe t .English Lutheran Church onUltaudiershurg .street, being excellent Elm& business. . : • ,F TWO--STORY BItIOK ROUSE ! and. w klie l (3 lt i7l l l7lTlV r I k I ) 1 11 1 0 r n l I S ) th e m i li or ito r i Road; each containing about PIM Ad4Es, of.which about one-third is 'ONE: LOT OF SIX OR -§UVEI . ACRES, wiliit (Albs Theological Seminary and 'adjoin- Dustinnn. OREIOT 'OF', FOUR OR FAT ACEFS, on the4idgeLndjoininglbn railroad West of the bofong nt h'.• ' • Tirms,acceoraodating. Apply to . '! ' S. S: SCHMUCKER • . .LIABLE °PROPERTY i'jtiVA,TE:SA MS= irtiPlin4rligned? will sell at Private Sale 4.41 .:(Igairal4to property, in McSherrys lt; 1 1.4 i IMlrushith . Adams .eounty, ra.,,tyntiop the public road running through 0114 pace..: : It; k. • acres?, moretor less, of first rate land, adjoining lends of Dr, 11, 14. Lilly, Samuel and Joseph Steam bane;..and Others, and is finely improved.-- lam° 1,4,1 a FX9', B ,T 0 R Y BRICK DWELLING, . witha'fory back,back-budding, fronting tw l a•ki • on dri is t lk # 7 and nearly opposite , the public Immo of John Busby, Esq., a good log Barn, aitliWued'Of Cheion- fruit, a good well of we tellituled othei iMproveinents. Possession giv ettOttlOvlrefore thelst clay of April next, as ,„ . outtlxidecred: If not sold, the property will .be - FOR RENT. t Pertiotis•wlshing to mew the premises will call on John Busby, Esq. • • - "3 CH~IEI. liERRi 7G. '4 l 4 , g'M .4:4MESACCO... 400 BO' LB. Lump To. , BACI2O 'id store nod for gale, aell'ienta 'by the box, aißUEll.l.l4ws clie4teet, in the city.. N't,l 157 Franklin et., Beltiotore. Fronefieid & Co's., rvErABLE CATTLE POWDER, ‘t• AND CATTLE LINIMENT, SOLD WIJOLES'A LE and RETAIL by A. 'b: fIUEIILER, agent for Idaire no.unty, lop g t OT MADE CLOTHING--Cloth.coat ....!;:h,igiic assimer s, Cassinetts, &c., varipty on hand and constantly making bargnins in loan, at the Cloth ing Eigzaitati at the t.. Sond Slone Front GEORGE ARNOLD. Gt CHICK has `on hand a more complete as sortment of ' CLOTHS AND CASSI XERES, VESTINGS, &e..,' than even—and oilltrit'tnickintitteentents to purchasers as can nckboChe , ailtntittageons to them. Gentleinen kiestoist well' supplied with all kinds of goods suited to their wear. 13ERFUMERY—the large4t tiss-nrtment in -IL town /dill*, found :at 80111p,K:S. His stock einbritceh'eieer 'article in the . perfumery line---onti be will sell cheap. ~ rNtirr24lo3ss. • West/e Paper. EfrstgliiKlTllTZ the attention o AIL Hotise-keepers and others who intend fitem_up their houses this Spring, to his stock or - **e,'4*.gw• end Border Paper. • • , .10,0113r:;:i0CIWSinr CONGRESS„ore and for siOetWM. BUEHLER, s,. No. lb? Fraokliu RAT& 1/41 1 .. 14,183 4. I II ,4: 1 A1.9 )4 . a largo Assortment of HIED " Pat .4V " N}...1 . 004 !Rai FIERS.. ' . . oLtowArs PILLS 4 I:qT.TENT, is ettuysborg, at' ll* Drni &7e4 L. D:BUEEILER. 01d tett - o iriDIEBITNte, Black, and cplore3 KID VEllll'l4 611Vienta, , Gen =we 1 / 5 i!ents,worth.sl..26--jaat New Yet* Auction übaek,ums 1!, e t 3. ' ''' 11E1111WMITORE, `11h; Subscribers would' respectfully IL announce to their friends and 'the public. that they have opened a NEW HARDWARE STORE in B dtimore adjoining the residence of DAVID ZIEOLVIII, Gettysburg, in which they ate opening a urge and general assortment or • EIIIIDWARIE, IRON, STEEL, GROCERIES • cilterry and Cad) ‘Tilittinisn't . Springs, Axles, Saddlery, Cedar Ware Shoe Findings : & Dyestuffs, n general, incntling every deWeriptioJ of :uncles in the above line of bnsiness—to .which they invite the attention of Coach makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters,Uabinet. makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the public generally. Our stock having been Sete:Med With great earn and purchashed for CAA. 'we part antee,(for the Reay . Money,) tq dispose :of ally part 61 trait as reasonable terms as they can be purchased any where. We particularly request a call from our friends, end earnestly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to es• tablish a 'character for selling Goods at ow pines and doing business on fair prin iiples. • IGEL 13. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. tyGetsbura, halt lIRItIAT ATTRACTION AT . TIIE SAND STONE FRONT Ready ;node Clothing. 'ololk CIE AfftredLD . lIAS hOW finished making up and has 111 on hand as large a etoek of Ituady.Made Clothing, suitable for the Fail and. Winter sea- Set, iut filis ever; been ()Mired to the: public in this place. His • (.4 1 5VP1Z14706 me all of his own manufacturing, and well made of the, very bdst material, and none of of your. CITY MADE TRASH, which have been. put together in a hurry by crushing the poor sersinstress • with, a mere pittance for her labor, or done'with the loop stitch nf a sewing Machine, which if one'stitch g,ives way the whole seam is• gone. We give fair - wages, have our work well &Mc and made of the best materinli, and our young (adios' come in with the garments with smiling countenances and , cheerful-hearts. • " WE HAVE ,NOW ON ITA Coats °fall grades and colors from $1 to s2f Pants, ' " 50cts to '5lO :Vests,. " 62/eta to $7 made of all coliirs and every variety of style. We have eiPerieneed svorkmen employed con stantly cutting out and moking,up all kinds of Black,'Blee, Olive, Chit 4, Green; Brown am 'Drab Cloth 'Coating; Casaiiners, 'Satinetts, Jeans, and Yeatings, Drawers, shirts, &e.; &C., ,• Having jnat, returned frOm the East wp . have now on hand ; in connection with oar Clothing Eterd,'lt verif-41trge - stock otelikp Cloths, Cas , timers,' Cassinetts, Coatings, .te. l ,dm., of ev ery variety of colors. .We have just receivedthe Fall and Winter Pashions, and ifWe cannot, plea4elotrin a gnrmunt Made' up we Can at elf limes take your measure and make up •ti gar ment that will please, you on short notice.— We will mt. Makslthe beld • a.sahrt,i on that W 25-p1.4 thetfOr 'than any bo dy else, but that we will sell any article in our line as cheap ttrthe ,Cheapest, and a little Cheaper, and. 3 good deal better. • Giro 'us a call and examine 'and judge for yourself... ,Come ono, 'come all to the Cloth. mg Emporium at the • • • Sand Stone Front of • • ' "•• GEORGE ARNOLD. GREIT.ITTILIcTION AT WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, ALEXANDER FRAZER . respectfully : forms thu public that he has ,p4receifeti a large and .splendid afisoftmeut of rich and new style GOLD JEWELRY ofall.kinds, in eluding Breast Pins, Finger Rings,. Ear Rings, of the most fashionable styles; fob, vest, and guard Chains; Cuff - Pins, Watch Keys, &c. 'Al so, Albata Spoons, Fancy toes, iipectacles; Watch. Guards, Keys. a n d Chains,. GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, together•with• a .large assortment of MOURNING goods suitable for personi iti'Mournitig, and nuinerons other .articles in his .lino—all of which will he sold'at lowest cash prices. lerAsl have purchased an my gliods from regular Jewellers, I will WARRANT them to be what :I pronounce them.. Of this parchas• ers muy rest asmund. lirel" C LO CAS, WATOIES &,JEWELRY REPAIRED; ns heretofore. , Give me a call, in Baltimorestreet, et' fel doors from the dia mond, if you Want abut, Jewelry, and the gen= nine article; lower than the' same can be pur chased any place out of the city. ALEX. FRAZP.R. Gettysburg; Oct 26, IBss—tf •• . GROCERIES . CO,NFECTIONS, BIi.CON &C. 9 THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! vmANUEL ZIEGLER has just Ir. ALA: turned front the el* with the largeet lot of GROCERIES.be ,bas s ever before opened, to. which he invites the attention ()Call, convinced that he can offer. RARE BARGAINS. lie . has alito a fine,lot of Hams Shoulders &c Shad. Mackerel.and Herrings, Granges, Lemons., flaisiostFiga. paten, Abrionds, Nuts, Candies of all kinds, To., bacco, Segura, Snuff, Brooms, Brushes, Blanking, with a general asanrinient of variety goods. Give us a call if ycactoant to buy cheap and good--next door to the ..Star' office, Baltimore Street. Gettysburg,'blay 11,1855.-=if Dissolution of. Partnership. 1 HE 00-Partnership'existinw between the 1 Subscribers bas been dissolved thin ditY , bY mutual consent. We are much obliged to oisr friends- and the Public for the liberal support. extended Our Books are ilaced in the binds of Alex ander Cobeac for collection, and ste ear- nestly request those indebted to us to call and make immediate payment; as We de sire to settle the business of the finis sirithoat delay. W. W. PAXTON, ALEX R COBEAN. Sept. 14, .1855.—tf Mc M. IPAXT©IiB NFORMS his friends and the iniblic genes ally, that . lati will continue the Hat & • Shoe usiness, at his old Stand, and alsrays keep on hands lange and splendid assortment of - BOOTS t SHOES, HATS & CAPS of ' every variety of sVie and prices, which he is sletstnalied all low- for Cavils or C4iinkT PtCalico: I Sept.; 14. 185fics-41 P e lev, n• Mr. ..A.ill . )rsi4" at Ltw, OF FicE on Cloimbersburg street, Get.: tyshueg, two'• shiers from. Cleo. Ar nold's store. will stionil to claims for , 110UNTTII,AND, Under tho Jam Acts. of COligiens. Pensions, &c. • Ail business entrusted to his bands will receive prompt . aitentioc. ,• • April 8, 1855. U. „APCONAUGIinr; ATTORNEY .:97' 1,411; (Office nemored•to men doer Wen nf; Rdehle Drug do pook-atore,Pbernbarsbutp atria.) dittorney e.sor a Solicit Inr . . Patents and Pensinns, Bounty Land Warraiaer, Baek4'aY sue pended Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Washington, I). C.: al!O American claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold, or botight,and highest prices given. Lab& for sale in lowa, Illinois, and other %Vestern Suites ; and Agents engaged locating Warrants there. 140".1 p ply to hint persotaily or by loner. Gettysburg, Nov.ll, 1853. . Ettli Dr. J. Lawrence Hill, DENTIST, OFFICE in l'hambersburg street one door West of the Lutheran Church, nearly opposite Grammer's siore: Where he may be found ready and willing to attend . 'to any case within the province of the Dentist. Persons in want of fall sets of teeth are invited to call. ' REFERENCES. Dr.C.X.Dincocri T, ROY.C.P.KRAIMI,D.D " '1). I[I9III,RR, Prof. M. Jico as. 44 'H.S. H 1711611, .• 11. L. BAUORCIL ~. 44 D. GILIMIT, " 14•A•MOHLIK/CDUIIIe Itet. It. icuixsos, ' 1 " , lii. L. STUIVIII. July T. 180. . BOUNTY LAND CLAIMS, rip lIE undersigned will fluent, promptly . 11 - to the'deollectionof claims for BOUN TY LANDS tinder the late act of 470 n. Even). who have already,received 40 Orf3o Seren,'"oad .now receive the bll - by calling tin the enin+eriber and wak ing the necessary • s application. - JQEI, 13. DANNER. GOtysbuig Mardi 9. 1855.—tf .DAVID WILLS, Atidimey at Law, 11AS , iuken 'Mr: S . T!WeNHON'S ofro:e , North Weer Corner of Centre Square. REFERENCE.—Hon. Thaddeus Steaeua, Esq.. Laneaete•. Dec. 30, 1853. OLD SOLDIERS. BOUNTY LIND ACT OF 1855., r ir l i F undersigned is now fully preps . - 1114 reel to;file,.apd . prosecute &hms to Bounty Land, for soldiers of %he Revolu tion, of the War of 1812, and of ALL other wars.in.,whieti- the U. States have-been geOedr-ii.tind'for ,their Widows and minor The new act embracesthem ,sll. In 'aildition to hie long experiencli and success,..be.. would• add, that, in nli the metlyl:ll,ojfee; he; hham' , tween 100 end 200) he has carefully pre served, and•has now every thing necessti ry: to establish the rights of claimant's -L-Bs' also'Rells *and Lists ol CompanieS, and fa cilities. for furnishing proofs all cases that natty . • He is now rapidly filing claisns. He tuade . complete arrangements for loca: ling warrants in , the Western .Btates. Warrants bought—Warrants sold. ply personally Or by letter to' ' • M'CONAUGI - IY. . „ Gettysburg,zircb 9, 1855.—tf • • • diso 312NZEINI) . 11FUSTICE OV 'has opened 0 'an office in the frOnt room of his residence in Baltimore street, *hero he *ill be . prepared to attend to Serivening-, Conveyancing, and . collecting claims, promptly and punctually. Gettysburg, April 2.0.-1 y S ZI.PLEtk9 202‘ 7 ,023 g 01IN.W. TIPTON, .Fgehionallle Bap her midliviir, 'Dreher, can at all timer; be found preoaFed to attend to the calls of the'people, it the. Temple. in the Diamond, adjoining the County Building. .From long;experience, he:filitterti 'hithself ;bat bn eat' go through elltherantifitttiona'Orthei Toutt9ri of Depart nteury '7 • . . with such , an infinite degree •of, 'skill, RE will meet with the entire satisfaction of all who may pubmit 'their china to the keen odeal of his rotors. He hopes therefore; that by hie attention to business, and a de, lire to please / , be will merit as well amt. ceive; shore Of public r pationage. The sick will.beiittended,to at their pri vate dwellings: ' .it Bandifrier B. Railroad. rrIRAINS over, the Hanover Brandt Roil 1. road now run ax follows First Train leaves Hanover at 91, A. M., with Passengers for Yorlc, - Harrisburg, Cola m. bia and Philadelphia. , This train also con nects with the 'Express for Baltimore, arriving there at •.1. y.. 11, stopping at Blettrock, Park 'ton and 'Cockeysville. • t • Second Train leaves at 1.40 P. llf, with Pas. 'aeligera jor , Baltimore, ant) ( intesraOiate aced, '.i!tar# ~ w lth •:Eftssetjrz! frgina . . J.,LEIB, Age*. Jnly 27, 1855. ••: ‘• • ' ' ' . ' . A 811.41.11, ARNOLD . ; TNTENDB; removing , to. York; and !must -I. therefore settle up his business. All per- sons desirous of saving costs, especially those whose saccounts are of long standing, can do so by calling immediately and -YAVING 'up.- i Unless this be done without ,sle ny, suits:will be instituted without respect to arsons ; :assimi lar appeal to them . having een.utterly dis regarded. No further . indulgente , will be• given. • : 1,•- StirHe is now selling off at cost: -; • . June 8, 18. ,1 - 5 . ICENTIMICY" AF . TOPaWcP) 20113a05.25 .25 do Elsguo, 20 do,,iit e Jago, n 3o Paseo .Seed Lest. Just received and.for sale by W.N. BUEHLER, • •' • NO. 107 FAintlin street. , • - N.. ~.......a...,,...... 11. N . .. . . ~ . ' r --! ..... - w i t , 1., ,W.' i . •:‘, . ''' d"t : . -. . ~.. IS THE V 4.12, S WEAVER•roopertfollY 'nal; . nounces to the Littliee ellll dentle• tnen - ql.oeitytihurg and vicinity. Clint, he has resumed the Daguerreotype business, at.the old stand, in Clianthershurg street, where lie will be happy to reenive•iisitors desirous Of .securing perfent . Baguorreo• typos9l themielves or frifnds. Being fairtialiA With an emirs new and eohtly apparatus, he is prepared to !Ake pictures in every style of the art and in sure p , rfeet satithetion. kriA...Cliarges front 50 its to $lO 00. SC77 .ll oure of _aerating friiiu 8. A. M.. to 4 P' phi, dress avoid light, red, klue, or porplt DI4 dress adds mud:: to t h e beauty 0 the picture,. iBs4.—tf INNNAIVW%rt Proved a few doors Sonthof the old Stand , - F .H. sir.ELLY respectfully informs SP • .his old customers and the public. 1,1 —' 4. generally, that he contin ,-T.„ • i : : nett the 'TAILORING i tlf ...0 4 ..„,"4.i 1 BUSINESS, at his new '.• , stand in South Bahimore it „,:, :.Strec, where he will be 4 /....,,, • :..''; . 1 happy to accommodate all iwho may patronize him. , All work entrusted to his J. .. i• P., care warranted to fit and he of most substantial make. Thankfu for past favors,' he solicits a continuance o public patronage. 0:0" 7'he New / ere Aprinc• and Sum mer PaSIIIONSare received. Call and see diem. April 27, 1855.—tf, iTh\A t l il -r,-- S . ,1. 1 -:::: / . 1 ., 1 ' 3: ' .J.•=,:- I, ... 13 L '• f . 1: ! , ..::i. v-42"tr . .• ._.. :x-:- :. . fi,(.,;", : 4 , 1 -- :"'.,. S.9 *- ' • 3 , - , .. t..4741 ... . T 1 inn!. TIN 1111111! EO. E. nvErTLER informs' his - 11( friends and customers that he has a to!ry large as.sorimenl of mr hand'readv for the Spring sale, made by qxperioneed workmen ant of Dlnd ma terials, which will he sold low for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. gra-Call and see. Gettysburg, March 10,1864... GETITSBURII FOUNDRY. A NEW FIRM. Undersigned, having entered into " partneship to carry on the Foundry ho siness under the firm OT WARREN & SONS, hereby Make. known to the citi zens of Adams and adjoining counties, that we are prepared to make every thing in' our line 'of . business. We have cOn sicffily on hand, theAIATIIAWAY and other . , • COOKING the Parlor airtight, and nine plate Stoves, of various styles and sizes, Pots, Kettles and Pans, am, all! other: Iron Cooking Utensils, Waffle Irons, W ashing Machines, Ash 2 plntes, Root : set-suers, &c. Castings for Mills Anil ittlieC' Machinery: P U Gil 'CASTINGS of every description, kc.— Wrzi make the 'Sey/ar, likelier. and diffe* ent kinits of ‘Vithermo Ploughs. We have also got different Patterns of, 'FENCING: & RAILING for Cemeteries. Yards and Porches, which can't be 1)01 for beauty or cheapness. Irgt•All the above anodes will be sold 'cheap (or Cash or Country Produce. G still ;t :,con • . BRASS CAS'I'INGS and every thing in'our to order. . . TIIRESHING M.RCHINES et! all Shortest notice. Bahl Moulders ourselves) we' on r work THOMAS WARREN; "6)40T1N WARREN, HIRAM ,•WARIIEN, , •' • ,THOMAS . A., WARREN. Gettysburg, May 11, 1855.—t1. . • IVADIES, if yon want hanOsome and cheap 1 DRESS GOODS, call at FAILESTOCK. BROTIIERS. Sign of the Red Front 0ct.719, 1955 lot ROOMS di a . CEDAR WARE, for Bale IL/ at • , PARNESTOCKS. FIEESE, atIGARS,.RICE, and every de seriptipa of-GII,9CEMES,to be bed at < FA LINESTOCK'. GLOVES AND IaOSIERY—La largo vari. ety, good and cheap at r, ,Nov. 3,:1855; '7 • •.4 • SONICKI3 MILE .cheapest•DOMESTl,o GOODS ever brought to this place. . Dome and judge for }'ourselves. , : , • - • , „ Oct.-,19, • 135.5. .d S; GRAMMER, TIIILSTAR:.AINIVBANNER, Is published 'every Friday Evening, in . Patti more street, in the three story build ipg, a few dnorsithove Fahn • eitoelii Btore,' by ,• II A..& H BUEHLER . TERMS, . - If paid in adyance or within the year $2 per annum,--if not Paid within the year $2 50. No pripr discontinued .until all arrearages are paid—except at the option of the Editor. Sin• gle copies GI cents.. A thilure to notify a dis continuance- illbe regorged as a new engage ment.; • , , • Ailverawriieni a, not. exceeding,a square in sorted three 'times for sl—every . , Subsequent insertion 25 cents. Logger , ones in the same proportion. All advertisements at specially drdered for a given time will be continued un. til forbid. liberal. reduction, wiq be made to those who advertise by the year. :neat 'wad prOapOr sald. 4dterilliTtre4tig. 11YRAM. ] - UT. MAY PIERCE. BOOS A - 0 rex GT. r t ttbatztant have established a: Book Agenoyi . furnish y book. publication at the retail price t. eor „I; ,Ligu. Any Perzions;•by 'forwarding ti, “nserifition':price..'br any of thel3 'OO Magazines, such as Harpers', .Golley's, Put. nutn's, tirahara'N Frank loslie's Fasltionsi ha, will receive tho moraines, for one year, end o 'Copy of a . splendid' lithograph portrait of either Washington, Jacksiin qr. Clay; or, if subscribing to as 2 and a $1 magazine, they will receive a copy of either, of the three ‘ Por7' traits. If subscribing to $6. worth of •maga., zings, tll three prirtraits Will be dent Music 'furnisinid 'to those who may wish it. Envelopes ofevery.tle.scription add size, in largo•gr,! small quantities furnished. . Seal, Pressez,,Dies 4;,., sent to order. Every description of engraving on wood ex ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views of buildings, newspaper headings, views of ma chinery, hook illustrations, lodge certificates , iniginess cards, .kc. A orders sent Lp mail prom par attended to. Persons wi.hine views of their building engraved can send t‘ fln7lier eotype or sketch of the building by ['mil or ex pr.•=s. I'er3ons nt a din:lnce hnving saleable arti cles would find it to their advantage lo teldre,el the subscriber:4, it we would act ns agents for the sale of them. BYR.VM & PIERCE, 50 South. Pitilacklphia Nov. 30, 1855.—1 y SALAMANDER SAFES,. EVANS & WATSON, No. 2G South Fourth St., Philadelphia. Great fire, Chestnut and Fifth Sweetie, Friday morning, December, 115th, 1854. EVANS & WATSON'S SALANIAN- . DER SAFES TRI M A NT, as they always are when put to the test. PeILADSLNIIA, Dec.ls, 185.1. MESSRS EVANS & WATSON, No. 20 South Fourth St., Phdintelphia. GE:sinemes :—We take much pleasure in recommending your Salamander Safes to Merchants and others in want of a se cure means of preserving their books, pa pers, &0., from lire, us the one we pur- chased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers and cash lii. as good a condition as they were when put into it, before, the great tire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The safe was to use in our office, on the second floor of our building. Irmo which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire waa out.— l'he Sale was then removed and opened n the presence of at least 1000jpersoes, who witnessed• the good condition of the eontents. W 111 yOU please have the safe and lochs repaired; as we intend to put it in use again, having perteet coulitnuee its lire -pt vet gnomes, Yours, Respectfully, LACEY & PLIILLIPS. Evans &' Watson take pleasure in re ferrhig to the following, among the ninny hendreds who have. had their Sales in use :—U. S. Miut, Philada.; Farmers ayl Mechanies' Bank Philada.; Samuel Allen, Esq.. High Sheriff, Philada..; John N. Henderson. City Controller; Caleb Cape & Co., No. 183 Market St. ; 11u•h -ard Norris & Son, Locomotive builders, Philada.; Bancroft & Sellers, .NlaLitinists, corner 16th and James Sts.; Franklin Fire Insuranee Phdada.; Pennsyl vania Railroad Co., [Wade.; Lacey & Phillips, corner filth and Minor Sts.; Sharpless Bro.. No. 32 South Second St.; James Kent & :Santee, No. 147 North Third Street ; %V. 11. Horstman & Sons, No 51 North Third St.; Smith, Williams & Co., No. R 7 Market St.; J. & R. Orne, No. 185 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand a least 10 per cent. more fire than any Her ring's Safe now in use.) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture any keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron. Sash. for making fire-proof Vaults for Banks, stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Copying Pregses ; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators, Please give n's a 'call, at No. 26 South FOURTH St . Philadelphia. . April 6,1855.—1 y rt:PI;.R.)Mk 4 gam ITAVE OPENED An Immense Clothing Palace and Merchant Tailoring Estab lishment on C H F.ISNUT s T, No IGS, PHILADELPHIA. One efooi• Mot Fi . fth skeet, .Ni)rth ,idr. Gentlemen • who wish to purchase Cothing ready made quite as good as can he 'made by any Merchant Tailors in the Milted States, 31101.11C1 Visit this' magnificent store, where Goode of the, fittest class are kept, readj , made Mid In the piece s which.will be made to order at the shortest indica, 'and perfect stills. faction warranted. Also, a full assortment of fina , FURNISIIING , GOODS, and every arti• de is Marked with the lowest cash prices in plait' figures, . , Nov. F. H. SMITH PORT MONNAM POCKET BOOK DRESSING, CASE MANUFACTURER, N. W. cor.of Fourth& Cheatnutata, Philadelphia A LSVAYS on hand a large and varied ,aesnitineiti or . , . '.Port Nonnaies, Pocket Books, Bankers rases, Note Holders, Port Folios, Porta ble Desks, Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Cabas, :Travelling. Bugs, Backgammon Boards, Cliees ltlen,Porket Memorandum . 'Books,'Cigar Cases 4-c. - ,4l3o..ti.geiterat assortment of ElkPah, French and:German FANCY GOODS. .Finc. pocket: Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops. and Gold Pens • Wholesale,SecOnd and Third Floors. F _SMITH, . , . , • • . . , N. 'Mem'. Fouith & Phisintit sui, Philadelphia. N. 11.—On the receipt of $l. a Superi or Gold' Pen will be sent to any part of, the United States,, .mail.;--describing pan, ditto. Medium, hard, or soft. ' • • • `March 90; 1855.-4 y - ' : B. & MEN'S AND BOYD' 0141THIN11 ,BTORN,' North East corner of Second and Dock sta.,Pbils To thg Citszens of Gettysburg, Pa. and Y OU are respectfully invited to exam• Y..ine the, extensive ,and, varied assort me et'oe MEN'S & BM( S" )01.0'PD ING, at th e t a er evi ib aubacriber,' where may always be found full supply of . READY, MADE pto'ruiNG, of all sizes and de seriptione,' wore by' men and boys of all ages and sizes. made by experienced work. N th: neif Dye ivery •best . tntiterial, the make, fit, and appearance sorpastied by no eshibliithinctif in AS eity: 'Pleitite'Priserriie" thia notice, and give me *OAK and fit out yourseries and aunt in ai manner' worthy of you andlhem. Remember the Aorth East corner of Second .and. Doric Streets. • is i, RoDi CLIFTON & SON.' April 'l3, 1855..:.61y • , ihEaTakit. •, • " • FRITZ, HENRY Co. , No, 29, Nbrth THIRD street, PHILA DEVA. lit °ROCCO Manufacturers. entrierff, J-7 2 1- and Importers ol FRENCH CALF SKINS, and .dealer in, RIM and-OAK SOLE LEA'IHER . & KIPP. • • Feb 2,1865—1 Y TB JSSES I TRUSSES'! filliE-§ C. H. NEEDLES; Truss and Brace Establishment, & W. CUR. TWELFTH A RACE BTREETS, PIIII,ADELPHIA, 1 M PORTER of line French Trthiseg, conild iling exirrnir lighinrs.y, ease and duraPilio. with eorreet construction. Ilerninl or ruptured patients can he stated hr remitting amounts, ITS below: Sending null,. bur nrinehns round the hips, and stating 'ied affected. Cost of Single 74uss, $2, $3, $4, and $5. Double—ss, $6, $8 told $lO. Instruc• tiims ns to wear, and how to effect n cure, when sent with the Truss. Also for sal., in grunt variety, Dr. Bannirgig Improred .11 , dy Brave, for the cure of PrulapsuS•Ureri; Spinal Props and supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; adapted to all with stoop shoulders and weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, iuges—male and female. 11—Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. August 371855.—1 y M=MM NEW GOODS THE Subscribers, hiring bought the stock of Boots / Shoes, s and Caps K V.L• LER KUR par em , tin n ing the busi ness.nt the old esta blished stand. South East Corner of Centre Square, where they have wit received a fresh supply (tithe above goods rum, the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, • !rising; all the new and desirable styles of 314 u s, Boys' and Youths' Silk, Far, and Slouch HATS. Mett's, llovs' and Youths' Fi n ,. I,N; Hip, and Grained • booTs AND snoEs, w th a large assorttnentim a e„,._ ll of Ladies', Misses' and Child'sela* s lllll. Wulkiog and Fine Dross SHOES, GAI fr.'6, Ac. Gum Dress-Shoes; Buskins and smelalls in every variety. We would respectfully announce to the citizens of Adams County, dint we have au earnest disposition to please the partiCular taste of livery one who may favor is with theia patronage, and respectfully ask all to call and see. The business will he conducted under the Finn of COI.IE.AN is rzkx.ros. ALEXANVER COBEAN, DUNLOP PAXTON. Oct. 17, IS:'33 CARD. TlI suhseriber having disposed of his M- I. wrest in the Hoot, Shoe, Hat and Cap Business to Messrs. CoIIEAN S PAXTON, respectfully asks the continuance of hisfriends and customers to patronize the New Firm. KELLER KURTZ. Oct. 19, 1855. Book Agenla Wanie. GENTS WANTED in even. Town and County in the United States, t canvass for the most popular Historical and other val. viable and saleable books published. The works are particularily adapted to the wants of the people, being beautifully illustrated. with fine Steel and 11 tied Engravings, nod_ - bound in the most substantial manner. Agents now canvassing for us, find it a profi table. einplovment. Our list also includes the hest works of T. S. matt UR. Over 100,000 volumes beret en sold the past year, and their sale is ill i ma+ ingh We have just added several nom: it, our li; •ti, t -mist popular nut) or. and shall add others the ensuing fall n. d %inter. We think we have the best list for Ap,e;,:s in the country. Send for it nod jud, a lot ;itir elves: E'er frill particulars and li , ;, Address .1. IV. BRADLEY, 48 North Foarth Street, Philtlelphia, Sept. 7 1 Fiti.l.—sl THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY R E EI) 1 E : iFigned under the Seal, sanction and authority oram VERSFIT OF FREE MED. ICINE and POPULAR chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, April 29,1855, with a Capital of $lOO,OOO, mainly for the purpose of arresting the evils of spu rious and %I:labium Nostrum. Also, for sup plying the community with reliable remedies wherever a competent physician cannot or will not be employed. This has purchased from Dr. Johh R. Itowund i celebrated ROO and's' Tonic 111 ixtfire; knoVM fur upwards of twenty-fire years as the only safe and' sure cure 'fur Fever and Ague, ,te.; and his inestimable"remedy for Bowel Complai tits, ROWAND'S COMPOUND ' Nyrop of goot . whieh highly approved and popular remedies., together with The University's iernedy for COMF*AINTF OF THE LUNGS ; The University's remedy. for. DYbPDPSIA OR INDIGESTION; • The University's remedy for COSIIVE BOWELS ; ' Alai), the UNIVERSITY'S ALMANAL. may be hitd,, at the Sraneh Dispensary, Store or B. W. RILEY, k CO:, • • • . Heidlcrshnrg, Adams Co:, Pa'. Oct. 12, t ..1855.—55 ' • .• HAY WANTED.,,, 110111ERSQNS,Iipzing Hey, to sell will do well by calling on thosubsgriAer, in, Genysburg, w hp le 4,lesironsofpurchasiug. The highest ;Markel, priee,vvili, beataid,at, l all times. 0:7 - As he intends having the Hay, after-being packed,' hauled either'lO Hanover or Haltitnoreohe" preferende to haul ,will be given to those (Tom wlioni' he may, purchase. : . • I ISIDLDMON POWERS. Dec. 24. „ , • '43UtPiOOO §nOAR of every description a n d Brands, all'of which , areoffered . 'lower than any other House in the city.' Aud warrants all he sells td be 'of thii best naa• terial. Call and ciansine.` • WM. BUEHLER, • 110. 147 Franklin street. Nov.i 24, 1854. Mgt BOXES' FAT is "tore 1 4Fv•-• awl For solo'by . ' titiOMlAll;:f 'Nd."lll7 ;sheet, Baffin:l6lli Came phial Alt Asstiatialwr sEc9IID ITAR.• RRANGFAIENTS for: the Second Apnu s IY eolleetiodof this new and popular tion foritlie diffusion of Literature and Art have been made on,thu most, extepaive seale,; • I A rnong.the works already engaged, is the fut.- famed • ' s: • " GENOA.- OR,ol2Tri'l r which originally cost Ten ThOnsandHari. • In forming :the new Collection, * diffusion! of works of American Art, and' the eiseoursiga••• mem of Americamgenlueghamnot benoovern looked.., Commiesioas bectts imln. O l l i 4 APIN: fly of the most diatinguiehed Atuprican Ailtasta o who fill contribnte Koine ot ihnir Banat Among them tire three martin Bilitti4“ executed by the manna 'living §ctilptittri-411V ) ram Patrons.: GEORGE .WASHINGTONiI the Father' of. his. Country • 'BENJAMIN: 7 FRANKLIN, The Philosoplier.i.. D4N/ELt. P.BsTER, the. Statesman.. • ; .• 1 A special agent has visited Europe and Lnatin ; a careful and judicious selection or foreiLn works of Art, both in Bronze and Marble ; SUB nary and Choire Paintings. The whole forming n huge and vailuable col lent ion of Patintings anti Sloth:lrv, to bet dietrib• kited among the town tiers of the association for the Second Fear. ,TERMS OF IE.4II3I.:ItSITIP: The payment of three dollars constitutes any one a member of this Association and entitles him to either one of the following Mngnxined. for, one_year, and also a tieknt in the distribation of the Statuary and Paintings. The Liteniturc issued toaubscribers consists' of the following Monthly Magasines :Mitres, Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Blackwood's, Gra ham's, Godey's Lady's. Book, and, Household Words. • .. Ilersoint taking five memlierships are entitled to any five of the Magazines for one year, and , to six tickets in the distribution. , The net proceeds derived from the saJe of memberships, are devoted to the pureltaie of works of ' Art for the ensuing year.. • • The Advantages severed bj becoming member or this lisseeint ion, nre-- Ist. All persons receive the value. of their subseriptionx at the alert, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 2. Each member is contributing towards ipurchasing c•huice 'Works of Art, which ar t y to re distributed among thentselces,and are at tho 81111 or time encouraging the A rtists of the roan. try, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. firtuls for membership, will pleam., give their pusi-lic , addr,..r.v iiijillt stming the month they wivit the Magazine to coc.iiiieticL. alai hate the letter rt7igered at the l'oNt (Mice to prevent loss ; nn Ow receipt of which, it certificate of memberThip, together with 4ired. trill be ',.orw lolled to anv part of col,nrey, , i10.41` WI o puretno,a Magazine., at B oo k, stores:, wilt ..bserve that by joi n i ng lion, th.y rweirr Ilte .Ifityrizti”: and 0/ 7'i c h. i n the ,thaval fli.dribillion. all at ihe .amo price tin.) . now pay 11.,r the it 1/I.ltlllifill Clltai,.,:lll, in'' kill dray r;r1;0 , .. ,,, •nt frg.l. applh :ohm. For me fil ui•rsh ip, nutrias C. 1 .. 1)1.11031'0 rtoary C. A. A. At 4 1ii!it!rlif the principal 1,01.,A, "liiticker• .11.irazin.••• Ili•.•., v, Sew fork, or, 11 I'AQI II (ill/ell, laic l4ater Str1:11, S:111(Irshe, 0. I;:rp..M . CoNAT•oIIY. If. flornr . N . S ,, reoiry for A , lmr4 fmuoty, fanlight.. certiru-ztro or nu m. bership. (1)m. 14--4 t TU‘VfAi'S SPLIIEIi. AND COMPi.k.TE Ebt:CATOI:; A7i 1) TOW Eit'S R DU:I4.S. ur Primary School I. 6ecuit I:,:wicr Or l'riluary School Enntici ntor, Part Third l'wtWier, with CoutplFto "Exercises in Articulation., Fotirth Render ; a sequel to the Onidia Fifth Render, with Principles of Elocution practically illustrated by bleitientitry ldaer• vises. Sixth Reader, with the Higher Priaciplee of Eloeution Explained and llluatratmi by prorate Exeretses. '1 he Readers are prepared upon the plan o leaching only OI( ihing al a :ilia, ui.d tie contain a full, complete und original at stein ulexercise in :\rticulntiun , to which the, author has an exclusive right. 'the Elocutiotiary matter is simple and romprebensi% e ; adapted to the School-mom as only practical teachers know how to pre pare lied adapt it. The Selections for Reading um carefully graded from the first step to the Inst. The pieces urn chaste,.pure and freed limn all low and improper expressioni ; they are &signet to cal Limitte and correct har, to refine t h e {eel jags, and to elevate moral alite.tiotis. They were selected mid prepared by the true teach er, who alone eau ttoderstand the practical wants of the expanding heart and mind ut . thin sclinadrnian.pupil. Also, Tower's Elements nt - Grumtnnr for wginners, nod Tower's English Grtimatur fur tuivnueeil Teacher's St.:ll , tl Committees, Clergymen, and all others intere , ted in Education are vited to cull .tial exa aline these Boobs. DANI EL BURG ES:3 6: CU. Publixherst, John Stovt, N‘Ar , .For sale at A. D. BUEHLER'S Drug and Book Store, Gettysburg, Pa. Nov. 2,1853.--3 in NEW GOODS, O,II.EAP GOODS. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS , have just 1 received their usual large and hoedown° assortment of Pall and Winter Goods, to which they invite the attention of the' poetic, consisting of 'every description'of Dry Goods, Hardware, Saddlery, Quecnsware, Groceries, Cedar ware, Iron, Oils and Paints, kw • • Give.us an early call, and we will Allow you , the largest, prettiest, and cheapest stook of Goods in the county. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, • Sign of the Red Front. Oct. 12, 1855. c 41,14, .. : g lk1: .4 : iiilis .4 NH.2y • Itt. T. KING respectfull y innbehcea to YV his friends and tlie public generally that einitinties 'the T.:411,. ORLA'G //IiSI IVESSi*tIIIS' • room' adjoining the Ante or.r; Lawreacg Schick; 'and fronting on the Dial. moud. • He has Made arrungethents to receivti regularly.; the . : I,4IZNST .PASHIONS, > and , it will be his constant,alin to •Vo entire eatiti to those who may favor him wit their custom. produce, twill-be taken tin ex- J l !!'96° Xortwork•-• • , • ~.WM4 XCIN.G. 1455. , , , .. ; ' . "SPOIPPINGT::SPOET N ' , , GI, , ftS irliEOlitlehnd' lietiii Wit plol%' ll l 1 ‘-' 4 `Alitkey'llettie'Spoutirig - intl 3 puYn#, thelerud lair; rot. 'caehhtir - ePi p irtinpt duce. Farmers and all pthere 'ivieliing thei.,p,tusep., Darne..4p,'epeolgil,; wArlid dityer"tti oe, thenl a, call - , ~, T.' ...,ri' 9..4E, A t WAIYAKgRw ~., ACLL add see' TAECN:ESTOCKB' , CbOTEiS, CASSIVES ES; C'A 88V. NETW 8, dm., if ryoumant bargdinN. 11 - tt6T received, n itosoitrOent.. * ot U RIES, which will • bo oold Tow !or dish — or' c9u*try, prpdlice,.at . , • ~! 891 at'thig Office. "