C:• U. BUEHLER ! VOLUME XXVI. . • dr .be thy *lithe BI /ELSE ELIZA. COOL ;Jai %CV!! I ' • I,4isttteduidreary tongue that dwells 2 1 rUte.ripplieg wave and sighing tree ; t ik wirkeg.to,the old church bell"; The ihiftling . bird, the whizzing Lee; lkiNpidiright; and ve will find 1/ITia o:power and .glory" they proclaim ; The chimes, the creatures. waters, wind, Al p011311 7 ,-"liallowcd be. Thy Narne . ,1:' 'TheigilmiLge, kneeling to the sun hia,thank.vor ask a boon—i sWlllllturnaol,the idiot otte r * WO laughs to see the clear, round noon TIM Wilt, wiill taught in Christian lore— The mullein, matratent his flame=- All; oreelhip; wonder and adore, gad,jny"llalloweti be Thy Name l" Whate'er may be man's faith or creed, •-Tbede precious works comprise it. still ;, 4 *.V.e..trace them ea tho blooming mead— . .alire .have them on the flowing rill. Gattehorus hails the Great supreme, -rEach varied breathing in the same ; Theistntin may differ, but the theme Father, Hallowed be Thy. Name I" • " ° Acres and the glands. Mai i ,earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof," r kaidllil's most holy wear] : TTieriinter bath fish, and the land hath flesh, And the air bath many a bird ; Apol the soil is teeming o'er all the earth, , 4 1,ni1 . the earth has numberless lands ; Yet minions or hands want acres -7 While inilliand of acres want hands. ~„ • , Sunlight, and breeze, and gladsome dowers, Are over the earth spread wide Xibi the OA Ooh gave these gifts to men— !,4l'n men who on earth allido : Yet thnusnods are toiling in poisonous gloom, shackled with iron hands, %Chile inillionA ut'handl want acres— While inilliong of acres want hawk Never a foot halt: the poor man here, To plant with a :frail] or corn : And never 3 plot whilru his child may cull lorU'ih'llowers iethticilewv morn. The callow—ttio wood+ grow rank ; Yi.t i llc tie poor roan stands aril' millions of hands want acres— And . millions of acres want hands ! 7 j.r i is writ that net . thnzzle the ex :That., tivat r leth out, the ..orn ifttt 1,ohold! atocitio the pour maws haul+, 'Tli 1131 I! nfl intrth's I..turthr bOrnol WO keit] is the rift or a haanteolts find— Aod to labor his ".,rd conenands,— •. Yet nil Irma or hands want :tyros— ., And tuillions of acres want hands I Who bath orduioed that fow shovld hoard Their of asepcs ;Told ? And rob the earth ofiis fruit; and flowers, ~, A Vltilo profitless soil they hold ? Who (math ordaineil that. a parchment scroll Shall reitee round tuilert.of lands— ' When millions of hajiiTit'ivant acres -41i*. Awl otacrill'aiant hands I 4. '114 4 aghtrin , l* the faceof de liil 1 ., le on r'Ohhry of fnen debts I 'TPA ft lie. thitt the word of the Lord diffowns— "l'is a cnrAc that burns and blights •~nd 'twill burn and blight till the people rise, Anil Nsredr, while they break their bands— That the hands shall henceforth have acres; Anil the acres henceforth have hands I How to overcome Evil. .• y ‘t'ilsou sat on the stairway, cry -3,0! ga • • Tos though his young heart would bre dr I took hint on my Lip, and told him to tell me - Wily lie was crying. 'l3illy Johnson was just above me in the ; spelling class, ond because I turned b, got angry. At uoon I was thing my new kite on the plain ; he name up asking me to let him fly it. Thinking it would make us good friends I let him, but on,purposo he lot it go into a tree, and Liire - it. I'll be revenged, yes, I'll be re v9iged !" far evil," said I. "1 will try," come sweetly from John n.)'s • "1%4 cvdniiii, as Johnny was engaged in Ii "fitiitinS" game of bull, Billy came up, and &shed to play, but could not us he W;t4 odd. .Here, Billy, you can have my place," , raid Johnny, • Billy looked at Johnny a moment in si letteei and then said.." Johnny I tore your I;ita.;,l-arn,sorry; mine is behind that tree, yeura ; and after this wo shall hoped rpenlps7. Itat iiikht; as Johnn.t knelt, and said, Ri;tii4t ua our trespaiSes, as we forgive tiiilgolhat . trOspass agmest us," he felt ho liiidrftiti ben one who had trespassed against “A. Few ym.” ,rl ) :rhiv. Arleta.. to, be all the rage at the present. •,, Tim Louisville Times thus takes it off, which suite this section ekeeettinkly well e , drou , prereent a man a small account, heeveill pay yOu in a few Jaya; pretty girls expact.marry in slew days ; brass bands blew out a, few. days; high fellows sing stferi.dtkretand we expect to give our 1 4 1#10,,Ottie interesting local news in a And we - are hopi ng that a great Many' ef , itiesubsaribers *lll send the maim' ohtheiiradties in'a few - days. ,In fact, we' know they will. for some of them. have, beep promising to "do that litttle thine" °My teircdiyi. foi it yearior Expeei thblicw bi§ fundeln a few days. mr .e .1 •• • ' • : • •• odhill•Ttus Initun,—.The 'real people of. this counitypirrespeorive of parties, are he-, tuaii,l4B.Fr,f! illter,rted in the great IPO,B* dt leptiii eitirfdiii—Whethere'r nbloAtner lakii" Anicrica".:4fid'in the Piesideniral race 'of '1856, they' will give an ilifitrialiiiansweito thee:llo26on.. The' 4Thit •stitbrAit• De n ir - 79°.k 'w et er now- pl gip . hi is Fiiigerf in disguieeri—but whether the native horn eitiseninotthis-Republic shall fill its• offi ces and , direct its affairs, or whether for= piittiers and convicts from •En., ,"al all our country. This. i. die the issue, and wo intend to hold aye cimaisig PortY• to it ! • _ • ttiti rinnatie'r of the 'venerable awl potvi : otio band' of , ReVoldtitionary. penii 6F111(1, • B.tf~:lS.Gow re4rii:ed 'to Wiawiirbo (au tuber ofi ;To .*) dallif iriteivierpensiosis ii;4 1 02.- , •-1 • - ,L_ _L-- ' TIIE SIEGE,OF DERRY. [ %Oast: voluina 'of MCCit4s History 'of England, juid, issued; COVOTEI the Period extend. ingTrorn the secession of William and Mary to the throne to the peace of Ryswiek in 1697. The Revolution which resulted in.the banish ment of James and the elevation of William and. Mary, was a signal triumph of ?rotes- i tentism over Catholicism, and as such was hailed by the friends of the Reformed Religion! throughont Eprope. At that period Jreland, Wu a naltrobblOni belonging: to the English crown, and remained in a state of insubordina tion after the accessiou • of the new monareli-1 the Catholics of Ireland, headed by the priest.l hood, being warm partisans of James. In this' state,of things' l ,the banished monarch decided, to march into Ireland. Londenderry, a strong- hold „of Protestantism, was made the principal point of attack. Lundy, who had command! of the garrison, turned traitor, and was on the I point of handing over the place to the parti zans of James, when his villainy was discov ered. This much by way of introduction to a I few paragraphs fronneCauly's description of this celebrated siege, and the heroic resistance of its noble defenders. ] .The city was left destitute ofall milita ry and all civil government. No man in rho town had a right to command arty other; the defences were weak ; the pro. visions were scanty ; an incensed tyrant and. a great army were at the gates. But with. in was that which has often, in desperate extremities. retrieved the fallen fortunes of nations. Betrayed, deserted, disorganized, unprovided with resources, begirt with enemies, the noble city was still no easy conquest,. Whatever an engineer might think of the strength of the ramparts, all that was most intelligent, most courageous, most high spirited among the Euglishry of Lcinster and of Northern Ulster was crowded behind them. The number of men capable of bearing arms within the walls was seven thousand ; and the whole world could not have furnished seven thou sand men better qualified to meet a terri ble emergency with clear judgment, daunt. less valor, and stubborn patience. They were all zealous Protestants ; and the Pro te3tant ism of the majority was tinged with Puritanism. They had much in common . . with that rober, rebolute and God•tearing clam out of which Cromwell had formed his unconquerable army." But these brave men wore not disheart ened : "No sooner had the first burst of the rage excited by the perfidy of Lundy spent itself than those wham he had betrayed proceeded, with a gravity and prudence worthy of the most renowned Senates, to provide for the order and defense of the city. Two Governors were elected, Ba ker and Walker. Baker took the chief military command. Walker', especial business was to preserve internal tranquil ity, and to dole out supplies from the mag azines. The inhabitants capable of bear ing arms were distributed into eight regi• merits. Colonels, captains, and subordin- ate officers were appointed. I❑ a few hours every tuau knew his post, and was ready to repair to it as soon AS the beat of the drum was heard. That machinery, by which Oliver had, in the preceding gene ration, kept up among his soldiers so stern and so pertinacious an enthusiasm, was again employed with not less complete success. Preaching and praying occupied a large part of every day. Eighteen cler gymen of the established 'church -,acid sev en or eight of the - noneonforiaiiihinisters were within the walls. They . a exerted themselves indefatigably to rouse • and sustain the spirit of the people. Among themselves there was for the time entire harmony. All dispute about church gov ernment, postures ceremonies. were forgot ten. The Bishop, having found that his lectures on passive obedience wore de rided even by the Episcopalians, had with drawn himself, first to Raphoe, and then to England, and was preaching in a chapel, iu Loudon. On the other hand, a Scotch fellatio, named Howson, who had exhor tad the Presbyterians not to ally themselves with such as refused to subscrine the Con ! vent, had sunk under the well-merited disgust and scorn bf the w hole Protestant community. The aspect of the Cathedral was remarkable. Canon were planted on the summit of the broad tower which has since given place to a tower of different proportions. Amuuition was stored in. the vaults. In the choir the liturgy of the Anglican Church MIA road every morn ing. Every afternoon the Dissenters crowded toe simpler worship. , James had waited twenty-four hours, expecting, as it would seem, the perform. onceof Lundy's promises ; and in twenty. four hours the . arraegements for the de. fonsvof Londonderry were complete.— Oti — the evening of the 19th of April, a trumpeter o=o to the southern gate, and asked_ whether. the engagements into which the .Governor had entered-would be fidfilled,, The ; answer was that the men who guarded these walls, had nothing to do with the Governor's engagements. and were . deterthined to resist to the • The besieging army was now placed un det the: command of RoSen. He arrived' at . headquarters on the 19th of aline. "At first ' he' attempted to ' undermine the walls'. but ' his j)lsn' was discovered and le was conipelled`to abandon it after a sharp' fight, in Which mote thab bun- dyed` of his men. were slain. Then his furprose itrange pitah. He,' an old aoldier; a Marshall oflfranooiu expecianon traitiedlin school of the greatest generals, accustomed, duziug.many years, to win -4), war, to be,baled.,by ,a mob of country gentlemen ! , fartnets...ithopiceeprs, who ' • ere protected only bY a wall which any gaid. !engineer would et once have pro. nounced untenable He raved, he blas phemed in language of:his own, made up of; all tbe,dialeota spoken from the :,Baltic to tho,Atlantio. He would rasa the !city, to the ground ; he would spare no living thing k no; not theyoung' girls ; not the babies'atihe breast. As to the 'leaders, death . was too lightia punishment for them; he would rack them ; he would roast them GETTYSBURq, ..P.A.;;,:f.!11.04.Y.:.V.:,EiV.:*.:,:J.4:,5:V.A#T0;',:18.0.. ,; alive. In his rasp ; he ordered a alien to he flung into the town with a fetter con ; taining a terrible menace. He would. be said, gather into one body all the Protes tants! who had remained at their homes between Charlomont and the sea, old men, women, children, many, of, them near in kilood and affection to the defenders of Londonderry. No protection, whatever might be the authority by which it had boon given, should be respected. The multitude thus brought together should he driven under the walls of Londonderry, and should there be Starved to death in the sight of their countrymett,their frietids, their kinsmen; This was no idle threat. Parties were instantly sent out in all di rections to collect victims: At dawn, on the morning of the second of July. hun dreds of Protestants, who were charged with no crime, who were inettpableef bear ing.arnis, and many of whom had protee teotions granted. by James were dragged to the gates of the city. it was imagined that the piteous sight would' quell tho spirit of the colonists. But the'orily of-- ' feet was to rouse that spirit to still greater energy. An order was immediately put forth that no man should utter the word "Surrender" on pain of death ; and no I man uttered that word. Several prisoners I of high rank were in the town. Hitherto I they had been well treated, and had recei. Tod as good rations as wore measured out to the garrison. They were now closely confined. A gallows was erected on one of the bastions; and a message was con veyed to Rosen, requesting him to send al confessor instantly to prepare his friouds for death. The prisoners, in great dismay, wrote to the savage Livonian, but received no answer. They then addressed them- i selves to their countryman, Richard Hann; ilton. They were willing, they said, to shed their blood for then -King; but they thought it hard todio h e i g noen t utouatleath of thieves in consequence of the barbarity of their own companions in arms. Ham- 1 ilton though a man of lax principles, was not cruel. tie had been disgusted by the inhumanity of Rosen, but beiug only sec ond in command, tioutd not venture to ex- press publicly all that he thought. lie. however, remonstrated strongly. Some Irish officers telt on this occasion as it was i nature( that bravo men shouldleel, and de- elated, weeping midi pity and iudiguaiiou, I that they should never cease to have in ! their ears, the cries of the poor women and ehildren who had been driven at the point of the pike to die of famine between the camp anti the city. Rosen persisted du- ring forty-eight hours In that time na ny unhappy creatures perished, but Lin donderry held out as resolutely as ever ; ! and he saw that the crime was likely to produce nothing but hatred and obloquy. ; He ut length gave way and suffered the survivors to withdraw. The garrison then took down the gallows which had been e rected on the bastion:" At length the horrors of the sige were ag gravated by the pressure of famine. A strict search was made for provisions in the recesses of every house throughout the city. Some food was discovered, which had been conceal ed in cellars by people who had died or made their escape. But this proved only a scanty store. Pestilence began to appear' in the train of hunger By this time July was far advanced; and the state of the city was, hour by hour, becoming more frightful. The num, ber of the inhabitants had been thinned more by famine and disease than by the fire of the enemy. Yet the fire was shar per and more constant than ever. One of the gates ,was beaten in ; one of the bas tions was laid in ruins ; but the breaches made by day were repaired by night with indefatigable activity, Every attack was still repelled. But the fighting men of the garrison were so much exhausted that they could scarcely keep their logs. Several of them, in the act of striking at the enemy, fell down from mere weakness A very small quantity of grain remained, and was doled out by mouthfuls. The stock of sal ted hides was considerable, and by knew ing them they appeased the rage of huu ger. Dogs fattened on the blood of the slain who lay unburied around the town, were luxuries which few could afford to purchase. The price of a whelp's paw was live shillings and sixpence. Nino horses were still alive ' and but barely alive. They were so lean that but little meat was likely to be foiihd upon them. It was, however, determined to slaughter them for food. The people perished so fast that it was impossible for the survivors to perform I the rites of sepulture. There was scarcely a cellar in which some corpse was not de caying. - Such was the extremity of dis tress, that the rats who came to feast in. those hideous dens were eagerly hunted f uud greedily devoured. A small fish, caught in the river, was not to be purchas ed with money. The only price fur whibh such treasure could he obtained was some handfuls of oatmeal. Leprosies, each as strange and unwholsoine diet engenders, made existence aconstunt torment. The whole city, waS poisoned by the stench ex. I haled from the bodies of the dead and the half dead. Thal there should be fits ,of discontent and insubordination among cueu enduring such misery was inevitable. At one inoilielit it vas: suspected - . that 'Walker' had :laid' up somewhere a secret store of feed; and was reveling in priVate,..whilts exhorted others to suffer resolutely for ! tbp, 000d,elititct. . house was strictly exam mit innocence Weis` JUDY pro:4o:i he regit hied ; his popularity•; and the garrisons with death in-near prospect, throeged . to ; the cathedral to hear hitn,preachi dren* in hie , earpeet eloquence with delight; and Went' forth from the '' house of tied With ; hagiard ' face's' and to steps,' bnt' w spirits stiihnisubduod.:There wore, indeed,' some secret pietallgs: - iA very: few otiewere traitors, ropoue4,,analinuricationp with the enemy. Bu s t it waspecessaryiliat all such dealing' iehould* 68'eakefiilly oottieided.. • Nono.dared 'to'. utter' publicly • any winds save:words'of defiance and stubborn rcsolui,i Even in that existitiniq tha:4044941; cry was "No surreuder o 7 And rho , wsru is not.wantinivoices, irbibh, in low, tones, ! 61:1d0;•''•Ffst the' hdritei and hidiAt'; thtin'tliti'priiintierl;iitid then , CaoleottiorM uF gARLESp..AND.,FRW It was a terwards related, :halt t ',' t, yet not with t a horrible iniziAttrefoillisnest, that's corpulent citizen, SANS billtiiresett ted a strange F t utnuot ~4,gitoiiiigeletons 1 which surreuneed him, though iVizpedi out to moue l hitnself rriith, th e erous oyes which fellOWedliim with Ca ' ''l Wks whenever ho appeared in the. sie Ls." At length this terrible siege, a ' MM. orable in British history,:' was b fit to a close. English mereltant-vessele,, kden with provisions, had come , to Lotigh, tfAyle. The master of one of them, Called, the)fonntjoy, volunteered to relimM his . autrvieg-eiglow.eiti zene. Au• ther vessel; the Phlnnixothared the enterprize. The two unirchantintih'irare to be , escorted by the DartmoUth' frigate,lhriunand ed by Capt. John Lemke, after rarditieAdmiral of great tame. - . ' "U was the thirtieth of JulY.C.,,The sun had : just set ; the evening scanner in .the cathedral was over ;, and the 10 -broken cOugregation'had separated,:witen . the sea . - tineils on the tower saw the ea( of three vessels coming up the Foyle. ' 4.0 n the t re was astir in the Irish vault), iThe ,besie gera were on the alert for ezilet4ong both shores, The ships tverebn extrium peril; for the rivet was - low UndtheYotily nevi. gable channel ran very ueaf td . : the left bank, where tho 'headquarters of the ene my had been fixed, and where the hatter ie b were most numerous...-Lemke perform ed his duty with a skill and 444 worthy his noble profession, expoied WO_ fiigate to cover' t he merchantmen, and usable guns with great effect. At length lielittle squadron came, to the place of peril. Then., the iileuetjoy took the lead, .and went right at, the boom. The huge barricade craekcd and gave way ; but the Adak was / such that the Mouutjoy robeituded, and stuck in the mud. A yel l. I of trininph rose from the banks : the Irish_ reshed to their boats,' 4 and were preparing to ; but ; the Dartmouth poured on thertiti well' di- , reefed broadsiderwhich threw 'them 'them into: disorder. Just then the Plicenix dashed at the breach which the Moutujey made, and was in it moment witbiu the fence. Itleantone Alm tide was rising fast. The Mouutjoy began to move, and soon passed safe through the broken ;takes and fleeting spars. But her brave Taster wits! tie more— , A shot front one, of Att •hatter-' ice-had struck him ; and ' he died, by the most enviable of all deaths , in sight of the city which was his birthplaee,',,Whieli his home, and which had just' ,heen saved by his courage and self , devetion,' from the most frightful feria of destruction. The j night had Closed in before the Conflict et the boom began ; but the flash ;IX the guns ' were seen, and the noise board, the lean ; and gsstly multitude ; which' elivered the t , walk of the city. ' When ,thri9lotintjoy grounder:lond when the lite* g,trimlo., rose from the Iripk 4,P ver, the hearts of the besieged died within them. Ono who endured the unutterable] anguish of tout moment has told us th"at they looked fearfully livid in each ether's eyes. Even after the barricade had been pass ed,there wars terrible half hourofsuspense It was 10 o'clock before the ships arrived at thequay. The whole population was there to welcome them. A screen made ofcasks! filled with earth was hastily thrown up to protect the lauding-place from the batter- • ios on the other side of the river ; and then the work of unloading began. First were rolled, on shore barrels containing six thou• I sand bushels of meal. Then canto great 1 cheeses. casks of beef, flitches, of bacon.i kegs of butter, sacks of pease and hiscuits, l ankers of brandy Not many honrs be fore, halt a pouud of tallow and three quar ters of a pound of Faked bide had been weighed eta with niggardly care to every fighting man. The ratieu which each now received was three pounds of flour, two pounds of beef, and a pint of peas. It is easy to imagine with what tears grace was said over the suppers of that evening. There was little slip on either side of the wall. The bonfires shown bright along the whole circuit of the ramparts. 'The Irish guns continued to roar a:l night ; and all night the bells of the rescued city made answer to the Irish guns with peals of joy ous defiance. Through the whole of the thirty-first of July the batteries of the ene my coutinued• • to play. But, soon after the sun had again gone down, flames were seen arising from the camp ; and. when the; ,first of August dawned, a line of smoking; ruins marked the site lately occupied by; the besiegers ; and the citizens saw far off the long coltons of pikes and standards re treating up the left bank of this Foyle to. ward .Strabane." LONDON THE GREATEST ( SIT V.—Lon don is now the greatest city in the world, and far surpasses all the great cities of an tiquity: According to Gibbon; the papa -lation of ancient Rome iu the htfight magnificence, was 1,200,000; ,Nineveh is estimated to have had 000,000 ; and Dr. Medhurst supposes that' the population of Kkin is about 2,000,000. The milk .lion of London, sccorditig 'to recent statia tics, amounts to 4,500,000-413,722 hay, ing beep added during the last ten .years. The census 'Shows it etintains . 3o7.722 in. habited,' and 16,3394ininhabited hotitiee, • A LIBRAlilt or "PI RFSCT BRICKIO— .12avelinroit 11.11. just discovered among the ruins of ancient gabylon an exten not, Indeed, printed of pap, er,bat impressed oh baked brreks. , --con: raining many and voluminous 'ratites on uetronotuy and trtathematies,' and ethnol ogy. , and several „other most important brancite; of knolledge. These treaties contain fienrinditigumenui, ishich in hie Opinion, will havit no- entail operatinnion the study of sciences to whieit.they -relate, 2fitl Witiel.throw Vela light 1 01vPihi s ical . history and. criticism, tmli the .40,417 of our race:. YALE COLLEGE, by its catalougue just inittlistred. has (arty-Eva instrtictais,twet• tr•fiver stuilettui jet' ttiaoliwyc twanty4ix in tavv;-thirty.csio sixty,three itt i ,phitosptly. And, the Arts, Iljnpty . r . f9vao suptorti. ups, 00,1 . 1rfaiap4 eltt i v!t! j uniors, same miuieterof sophohioree; and ii n o, fithidied Wid frashanini lin 'au Suicide of a Dog. , The Boetp Oh. —tide voucher for the authenticit- of • the 'following During the past week a gentlemen living in the south part of the city, hear the track ! of one of our railroads, intending to give a dinner party to some friends, purchased for his table a fineplece of venitiop.; which to -his taste was an inviting feast as could' be conceived' of. The delicate joint du-I ly arrived home, and was hung up, until it might be wanted, in the stnk•room.— 'Fhis gentleuenotaa been for a year or two the owner of a fine dog, mach attarthed to his master, who in turn esteemed the faith ful creature highly: •Noir it unfortunate ly happened that Ode piece of meet' *a ;Ong low euongh to be within .the reafth of "Bruno," who, being unable to resist the lemptation, ceized upou it rind devour ed the major part. He was detected by his master in flagrcnite - derdicto, and : pres ent rage outweighing past friendship. the poor fellow was aeverly beaten and kick out of doors. He returued, however, soon after, but with a dejected and ling dog look, which lie mantained for a day or two, when he dieappeared altogether. Search being made, his body, severed from the head end chest, was found on the rail road track, a shortdistance from the house the poor creature having ended a life which was no longer bearable, by a vol untary death. His master, who had re pented his harshness, had for some time endeavored to efface the impression, by acts of kindness, but all to no purpose.— "Bruno" had been disgraced, and death alone coo Id wipe out the 8111111. A Rough Bedfellow. There is a 'good story going the rounds of the palters, told of a mail in Arkin' bat • who had been - drinking till a late hour at night, and then started for home in a state of sweet obliviousness. Upon renehing.his - own prerniees, ho was too lar gone to discover an,y door to the premises he was about to inh obit, and;therefore laid himself, down in a she'd which was a favor 7 .rentleztjitti for tho hill'. They . hap pened to be out when the new comer ar rived, but soon returned io'llieir bed.— The weather being rather cold, .they. in in the utmost kindness, and with the tru est hospitality, gave their biped et,tu pan the middle 'at the bed; some lying on :'either Endo Of him, and the others 'holing dui part of gitilti Their warmth priiltent ed.liiin front .being injured by.. .:exposure. Towards morning he awoke. Finding himself comfortable, in blissful ignorance i of his whereabouts, he suppos,Cil.:himself enjoying the accommodation of a tavern in. company with other gentlemen. lie reached lint his hind, and. catching hold of the stiff bristle. of a hog - exclaimed : "Mello. my good friend. you've got a 70i pimu.sli t. ,J#Yeets did pas uhdruvieggur. IT 1$ AN astonishing thing hoW little a matter will sometimes disconcert a man who is accustomed to. speak in p üblic. and to have his thoughts about him, and ready to emninand uu almost ail. occa. stuns. ••1 was once opening a speech from the stump," said a distinguished Western political orator to us recently, and was just beginning to %Aqui ,with my subject, - tvtieu a remarkably clear said deliberate voice spoke out behind me, saying : "Guess he wouldn't talk quite so !dial utinatin, if Ire knew that his crows° ra was bu'st clean out behind !" -From that moment Iconldn't 'get on' The people in trout of me began to Laugh, and there was a loud roar in my rear.ind 1 dared not reverse toy posi tion' for fdar of having a new audience of my condition. 1 made, or rather invented, au excuse (or delay, and sat down. The malicious ecqundrel !" continued the orator,•it was only a mean trick after all There was nothing under the Iteaven the matter with ruy unmentionables . A shrewd Reply. Sir Walter Scott Faye that the alleged origion of tho invention of ourds produced One of the shrewdest replies lie had ever heard given in evidence. It was made by the late Dr. Gregory, of Edinburg , to a counsel of great eminence ut the coins!' bar. The doctor's testimony went to the iusanity of the party whose mental ca. pacify was thepoint atiesue. Qn.a cross examination.he had admitted that the,per eon in quciation played 'admirably at whist. ' "And do you solemnly say, doetor,'-t said the learner! counsel, "that persons having a superior capacity lur alante so difficult. which requires, in a pre-eminent degree,..memory, judgment, Auld chnibitia- I tion, can,he at the same time deranged. to -his understanding I" lam rio card paly er," said the doctor, With ireai 'address, "buil have read ih"history - thit cards iiere invented for the mentriement dart insane king.", The consequence of .this 'reply was decisive, , . . . FRANK Plitaotf.---4.Ahout . the time Pierce was'noolinated," said Douglass. "I was in New-liamPshire. and with agreat portion id the . Anterictio people I felt cur : how to ltnow,wito'kraiiklin Pierce was. I'lli:opened' in be in ,tlie wt eu some allusion Wa . ll made to ' thenoinins.: tion by's 'plain farmer.' who appeared to know :tometli;tigiabout the candidate. .. .I asked him if lta , , could tell me who this deneral Pierce Ile replied :01i Frank ( Pieree-;-0 yes.i know Why, we think he's quite a man up here in these , parts; but, when you come to spread him out all over, ibe country, he Will be awful thirt." ii - osorLegse residingiw Itiount.Vern on, Mame, has raised. in the open, air,, for the last three years, the co ff ee plant the seed of , whichwas brought five yeard ago from,Ctiba e „, , ltgrours Otto two feethigh and , produes its berries in pods something like` , Peas. The plants he says, have (Watered, even thir se as , the berries . ripend without injury , fromilynqta. • •. • cu The woaii who. reig queen of the'lmill•riioin, is lireFiseldoin flmiaeapa hie :ofibeing the gortnees •;911 nor a we ehadren.l,l: , 11.1 oti 1„7.? tl .;,.., :, , ~ . . Oita of the wealthiest framers on the Connecticut tells the following story:-- ..When I first came here to settle, about forty years no, 'ltold Mi wile I ineant to be rich. She said she did not want to be rich : 111 rhe • wanted'. was • 'enough to mike her cornhirtable.' I 'wentto work and cleared up my land.. I've worked hard ever • since. , and , have got rich—es rich as Twin{' to, be. Most of my chit. dren have settled aboit me, and hive good farms, but , my , wife ain't comfortable yet." , , . (boob' Porr.-;-Bornehody . inked Baron Rothschild• to take .venieon.' Avid , the-Baron. "I never sat., veniquit ; I don't think it so coot as mutton." 6.014 asp, the Baron's', friend. ""l wonder at youreay. ing t.ittoutten is better than Vail skin, why dope xenisoir, cost so, much more ?", ..1 will tell you vy—in this world. the people always prefer vat is deer co va " t id sheep." • ' • • , ' 'NE BIBLE rx . Oriz " Httramtp Arai SEVENTY DIFTERZNT LANOUAOEB.- = 2h 4 income of the Britiab and Foreign Bible Society the lustyear, wa5,5626,000 . , being 1140,060 moro t h en thal:' of any previous . year. The Sochty has been the means of leaning nearly twenty-nine utilliens Of co. pies of , theSeziptuyes in ono huutlred and soy •nty different languages A FIELD OP BLOot.--Within ?adieus of five miles around:Sevastopol it is , imp% pnaed that more, blooll.has, been spilt, more liven; amid fleet!, ,antl „ more miser/ irfiiityul in a_ year than'in any other equal eXie'ntof ' the earth's serfsea iii the time time clime the days of ;mit 's fled& Rogers. the Piet, and, tailor nf"Pleas urea of Metnoty. i .' is tlein .tie Eiiglaod =- be lived far beyond the year'. Minuet! to : ordinary life..and. wee probably the riebi est poet in modven: times. ; Ile, ,was, born in 1760, and was a young man at ihe.'per.. iod of the American revolution. 116-%sis . 0 famous for ids hospitality 'end' hie wea lth. A 13iitem..!•—pt poston a year, pr,, two 1120, a citizen , who bed just paysed his rtineiy-second birth-day was maivad to a venerable lady oi seventy-two 'suinrn'eia. The , Cliergyman,•of • the• aged..britlegtoom positively : refused to noitec.ilut , twoioversi and hence, the pervices of a hilltiCe . 4 the Peace beritine neessiary: Ten"MON ims* Doorstria!'ritCetimiifese ed in the sentence of, oneml. Air; Monrge,',9 messagesohat the "American cnntint erne by the 1r.30 end in'rie pendent cinitliiton which thil have astintried ;and inVOlnitted l . are henceforth not to be considered art'stibt jects for future colonization by any ~ Ettro. pean powers:' , , A gob - d - umi, tiact t.:e . euttaretialbt: with the measles, wrote to a friend for.be best remedy. The friend bad just receiti. ed a note from another lady, inquiring, the way to make pickles. In ,the Itisioti. the lady who inquired ab,out,the pickles. •recei ved the remedy for the measles, aiul the anxious mother alt) sick children' read with horror the following "Scald them three or for times in very hot vinegar, ntitt-, sprinkle thorn with salt, antlin a few , days they will be cured." , „ Productive hand.—The Southern Min nesota Herald says. that Mr. Lonney,'of Root river, gathered this year 4,000 bush els of corn off of 70 aeres,,more than half of which had not been touched from the time it was planted. Mr. LAW a cart load of 70 pumpkins frotitene' Seed Crinteih California. --During the month of November there were no less than 484 arrests in San Francisco. Of the effendeis, 7 were charged with murder, 18 with grimd larceny, 21 with' threata 'against * 1.8 witb , assaulta with deadly weaptms,B2'with assault and battery. 188 with4oltenuess i. and the remainder with, whop anus. An Irish post-boy having . en a ph= flown a long stago.ricle during toranta of ruin, tho gentleman. said to hiutii •:, “Paddy, are you not, Nary wet ?,!!. "Arrab, I don't care about, being very wet, but please Your honor, I vary. dry: Prudent. Lad, --a women advetialog for a linsbandosants him to, 09 not, only, "strictly religious." but of "good cheroot. er." We suppose the lady has discover et: that the first orthese qiialifications doeS not necessurily embrace the other:, . • • • A FINE Bor.-A. little fellow, not more than five yeara old, hearing 'some *male men at his fathei'a table dimusAing the miller line, "An honeStman la the,ftebtot work of Gud, i4 .said he knew it, wasn't true his mother was, better thatt i any luau, that was ever made., rwre are 5,00,000,000 more of, !tenth sus than of ehAis4ne-i9 the,:wttrldi, For this mighty muss, it ow reeemfy stated at an anniveriaryto only 15110 Missionary Stations exit•is dant! inil4 . 37 sofietiett . have-:beets formed 'Ao'iroinoie theloquversion., , THE King of Datmmy. Afrienn omM arch:si t ava a redeat. tra - veiei: 1;6;0 drtihkVid, feege hrai hpon (mei, awl exhiti m the custom', that hitt,iniberkhle appearamm may ahama. - .lkip .peo pia ,from making beams ,or tbeuteelvre .Soinel 'wise tinen said; years • ago ,4 1( you want to learn, human nature, get ma C ried to swipe. .spunky girl, wove iiito a house with another family awl,. slap one of ihe yoLng tines, and then You'll learn , '.rhe St. ,Lnuiti" Intelligeneet ettiteli atot froin , hi'rty to fOrty' dead men are taken oat of the ritier'appn`eite that' isitk month= ,! The, ctqueste • ;,a; Takes, from : ivhiqb eveq.lover pluclia'a c ,)4o.l-t 110 I. kgruei, al* reaered'fcr tiro faturelitisliaad...* .'" , , Why 'are wealax likii ti t the,y °augerAhoy ASO ; Ikel .P.NtieKv , , j.: r Av.!, TWO. DOLLARS PER, .AN10.11341 liftrunts 45: Bad Accident from Gunpovgir rt ., A sad ambient , happened o. ,T 4 0, 0 4 , 2. evening last at the resoomno cf Dr. F:r. Morris, of this county. Dr. ioup. chased' small keg of powder, of penes feel^ or five pounds, brought it home, and pecit, down in one corner of his sitting, room, throwing something over it to cover and hide it. Milo the family went out to supper, there were in left in this room y Oro little boys, his sons, two little twin daughters of some fifteen months olds and one or more nogn) children. One,•of .tho twins and one of the little boys were upon the bed asleep. The others, wore playing on , 'the f100r.., The little boy got,somelyibw der out of the keg, scattered some , about the floor, and was amusing himself by tbrowieg a few grains nt a time into' the fire. The powder on the floor ,caught fite and communicated, with the keg,,, tag :the whole exploded. The little twit'. girl whb was playing on the floor was horriblyhurnt, and probably is not now alive. The little boy who was playing with the powder was aleo,badly burpt, and his recovery,. is very doubtful., The little girl and little boy, op on the bed escaped unhurt, although the bedstead was torn to pieces and JIM bed driven up,against the ceiling. The nee) boy was badly burnt, and has probably lost his sight forever. The ceiling of the. mom was torn to pieces, three of the joists being broken in, two by the conoussion; the. floor above being driven, into a mass •of liaise boards, and the side of the house prhielt was built, of legs) drivau out some nighti* tea itwhos from its, place: Tho tionder is that every child' in the room wasontisita stoutly killed.—Frunkford (Ky.) Commun. Rorie/ 1 4A Ys. faniqfiß droner watt Macto hya celebrated Pl^ rit!, at whieh tho comparative ; morita i ,4 beef Old.4iorsollesh were tested ,by diqhes of both yurieuely ~preperod, , and tioo.gaesta were, loutl iu their oemonotration k i, gas jight: over o rump steak of a fat !plow ittt molated ,at the age of years. - , "' Nou ~ uin ,Arintrods.—On the ,21,St , Mosarp, N. Ross, Daniel Vatteison, Alison, returued to Indoileng,enee, No.; from tit, 'Plains, where thoy Itav,e been fdrsorneWeelcs ou a buffalo hnit. I:he part l y brought in over 10,000 lbs., of , ! tril buffalo meat and tongues. overAfty buffalo and Inure than 20p wolves. Cruelly `1 Animahl.-- 7 Mortin F j urlong wag ctirtri;Aied'in'the tiirk Ritlia;„Rea 7 , _link 'Ol2 'FridaY 'week', of Wanionlidd 'treatment to 'llia bOrse. Several ifteratitis testified that; they saw : him beat ,the horse .I"th cart-runs until . ,fell to,Op payp. meet. The Recorder sent him to the,pan itentiary for six Months:and in mitisineen-.• fence remarked that dig! there had inert itituicrottif tillifj and In' runire he'inteuded tri inflict the utmtist the lord en auch'inbuirmn characters ainitie brought...before him: • .1 , , ;11 Thieving, in the Cars, } Thco lderke sod Schuylkill 'Memel lel Saturday , last, soya :—.:&gatig of, ligk o tifi e .. geradofemales‘ or males in femele)rattire, did quite an extonsire-busiueea:on CA'aidry et a Soturdey of last week, in pipkingliidies pookets it tho Raiding 13ailydi7d cord' add ebaut the etations..,: , A,dozen , or more per woes wen; :robbed, two or • three of, whein werodadies from this place. Several Indite of -PottaVille; Were; also among the sufferers. Vho:thieiee worn accompanied by eevdral half-grown 'boys, who assisted thous mate riSlly in their operatione. There seettni to dm-11.'304 of Jew Fagan instituto.iu Phila. ,delphia, , where boys are instructed , the Arts tif the thieving fraternity. )•iPer sudetraveling, by',Railroad, should: b e bU their guard,- The sumo, stoke:poll the w oe. ml tray probably amorinted to one or t.tio bemired dollars. Scm:rot the lady, passen ger.* lost 4111 their fund and mere greatly distressed oonsequinieo. '• • >.4„a Mr Grogan Ipmd family, of Wuod oohnlly, Va, sutrted.fdt Texas last. 'spring ; deisigh iug to settle_soreewhere in the eastern' Sash tion.lef ,tlat State,. .linvitum. reached 4the "Raft" on Red river, Mr. Gregiu. teat die wife and four children there, and acecupa nied, only by -his. 'West' soq '.. 'Anna three hundred miles fUrther up the'''tiVBf, to find au eligible lecetion. 'He suon frilsi{U end 'bought a plaoe to mum. him; .a.leti"ied ring his son with a brother who was'lliiyk in that quarter; he returned' to . the "Ref for the rest of time Etmilq. ` resiihisik their letting place helennd thorn all dosh with , the yellow fever, 'of which' they' soy'.4l died.. tile ton, ere long, fell . beneethifie seine setiarge ; • thus; father,. mother' gitt'd children perished, the victims of that deadly iliataria which` infetmti tint low laid/ of the South—, • • ' ' TAF 4 (44 l eta Ra.uaUfs ff , rio Riosr ilitten uaseing, Porto p e p 17th, lifter' tinifolincitig a se'vere ishoolt of tin; eirthquithe'int 'the 14:th, hod the 'rtp`fieiii. once of influent* brilliano nieteos; rvisibla for two utiuutes,.ou the night of.the, 15th, art.Ya_ .‘,The official returoa,to tbo ~18th fugal:is report,upwarda of four thottaana, eases : ;of eboicrajo thelsland, and about two thou* and foie 'buiulred deaths, or 110 , 10 nUtAtir th an fifty per cent.;, taking the average pro portiou of uawicaaea,for the past too, day., they have doubtless beau, to data;, nearly fore tboileaud ~tvases, ofwhich ' • probably, about .the Amuse •per centago, before notisef have proved fatal. In uealy ell„thp JQWI invaded by the disease the first camel Are usually. fatal ; Many sugar, estates.,luive ouffgred severely, from loss of, noltrosi, which, seriously affect, the taltiog off Om , • coming crop.. . • • place, PODOC and M'apigueschivir thus .ftv• escape& as well au, many -of the town,, of tbe but scivicep• frortiSt,'Johns report the,eppearauoaots NiO qt k idepiq that city, otuob.tu tbs. Imitate , nation of its iultabitauta.'? ,' • I,bo;SPauifirdll yoyin itAt , B4htwell rY Our Aatat ter to her Akllt 2 , 430 tier/Noah at diikly Att ivy WOOS 41,11.t05e her.'! g pue'it/ 4444 tryi4 • . 3'll.till I