Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, January 11, 1856, Image 2

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    Another Traltedy-two wen mur
dered by a idarillatt.
A double murder was committed last
week near Woodbridge, Conn., liy Charles
SaNfocil, an insane man, whose nephew
is toic of the Waketnanitea who was ar
rested on suspicion of the recent murder
of Mathews. Sanclford'e first victim was
Enoeh Sperry, brother of N. D. Sperry,
Secretary ofltate. The 'maniac chopped
off his head with an axe, while he was rid
ing home in a sleigh. The second victim
was !chatted Umberfield. a farmer, idiom
Sandford tilled with an axe in his own
About 101 o'cleck on Monday, Mr
Enochr Sperry, of Woodbridge. , left his
home, and was proceeding through a piece I
of woods near his honse, with his horse
and sleigh, and, when • near a little brimk,
in a 'toiletry part of the woods was attaelt
ed by Sandford, and knocked down and
most brutally, murdered..
Sandford axe in hie hand with
which he struck Mr. Sperry.over the right
eye, inflicting a feartnl gash. and pmstrit
ting him beside the road. Ile then struck
him again with the head of the - axe upon
the back of hie head, and then deliberately
attempted to chop oft his head, neirly sev
ering it front his body. It was connected
with his body only by a little skin at the
bank of the neck. -
'fhe horse of Mr. 9;ierry was allowed
to pass on the read, and atter proreeding
by the honse of Mr. Slam! F. Perkins,
halted at * shed near by. Mr. Perkins
thinking all was not right, went in search
of Mr. Sperry. and found his body lying
, he
the road, with every indication that
he had been waylaid and murdered.
Mr. Perkins alarmed the neighborhood,
and having procured. assistance, took the
body Of Mr. Sperry to his tinnily. who live
only a about hundred rods from the place
where the murder was committed.
In the evening the murderer was arrested
and taken to Jail, end confessed that he had
not only , murdered Mr. Sperry, but that
he also murdered Mr. Inhabud Umberfield,
who livedubout a mile'east of Mr, Sperry's
• house.
It seems' that alter murdering Mr.
Sperry. he wont to the house of Mr, Um
berfield and entered it. and while he (Mr.
Umberfield ) wasreitting by the stove in
:ht kitchen, he struck loin with the same
axe, with which he murdered Mr. Sperly,
and after breaking his skull, nearly sever
ed his head from his body.
The homily set up thecry of I' Murder l"
but he •told them to stop their noise or he'
would chop their heads-of also.
He went out of 'the house to wipe the
blood off his axe upon the snow, and while
he, was• out the family fastened die door
and prevented his getting in again.
He then went into the weeds, but. as
soon pursued by several neighbors, who
`succeeded in - arresting him afters& bloody
fight, in which Mr. Lucius Doolittle
- came near getting, killed. • - • .
jury of inquest wait cmpeneled anti re
turned a verdiot that;,llr. Umberfield came
o" his death by wounds inflicted in the
head and' [leek by Charles Sandford of
This Charles Sanford is a fanatic, who
his formerly aitended the meetings ofthe
Wat.entanites in Hamden. He is subject
to fits of insanity, and was probably in
sane when he committed these dreadful
He• coniessed having murdered 'both
Mr. Sperry and ,Mr."Umbeifield, while oo
the way milli!. He said he had a cramp.
and if he had not murdered Mr. Sperry
and Mr. Umberfield, the cramp would
have killed him.
Uenberfield was a man seventy•one
years,ol age. and' Mr. Sperry Was Sixty
nine years old.'
Mr. Sperrv,was a man, beloved and re.
apected by. all who knew him. He was
•the father of Hun. N. D. Sperry, Bowe•
tory ol State. •
SErrriarENTAhtsst.—Miss Swissho m,
in noticing the publictition of a new love
tory, says ; • .
."MI that stuff about woman's love, has
been Said over and (iv& again a hundred
thousand tintes,to the. great detriment of
the best , interest of humanity. There is' '
no kind of necessity, for , using the press to
persuade silly girls that it is very remade
and womanly to love a seoundrel—to leave
her affections unguarded by reason or ex
perience, and drift helplessly into sin,
shame and despair, as an evidence of her
,unsuspecting womanhood.
gilt is not -true that, woman's affections
are any stronger or more durable than
man's. We think the opposite is the case
end that two-thirds of all the women who
. pine away or die of love, do so for the want
of something Wier to do. Every thing
calculated to make love-sickness a femin
ine aqrirement is a great injary ; but to
strew thepath of the suicide with the flow
ers of poesy and romance, is in a high de
gree reprehensible.
"The best motto to guard young girls
through the mazes of love is, , Do right,
and trust in God.' A young girl who has
done no wrong, has little cause to mourn
over the fickleness of a pretended lover.—
Better he should change his mind before
than after marriage." • '
This is the best common sense we have
ever beard uttered upon-the subject.
GREAT PIGEON MaTcu.—At ; t.martexton
8.-C., on Tuesday and NlTCoOesday Wait
week the trial of skill in pigeon elmotieg
by Mr. King, came off. There were two
wagers of 8500 eich • depending on the
performance• one that ': Mc. King would
• kill 120, and the other 130 birds out of
156..t0 be Sprung up at a time from a
trap. 21 yards rise and 100' bounds. On
the first day Mt. King shot at 28 double
birdai killing 38 out ot 46 ' • un the fec
und day lie , Shot at 104, mid killed 9i,
making a Score 0(129 out of 150. Thus
bit won one hen., and lost the other only
Ity one bird. In the last twenty double
shins •Mr. King kilind 39 birds. The
weather on both occasions was most du
f.ivonsble for the aport.
ENANELLIgn CAHDR.—An exchange
'ley" : .A little child of our asetptaittanee
woo rendered seriously ill last week by
obewing.altatidemne enamelled ball ticket
whict iui mother gave it to play with.
fat of —
For the,bene theno
whos° do t know
we ;would state that the enamel o n these
*fast-BerkietiOnstititscr.—lt has been
gnat, introduce the decimal
,eurrettcy ail over the United Kingdotn.—
Vino pound will be relented as the unit and
„divided lout one thoutiand parts. The half
'''eti'il*tt will be abolished—the ehilling fifty;
o ta , s i xtence iweri ty.five, arid' a new cnin
ttril~ ho J introduccd reiresenting tive bir
thing*. wilder the preecut farthing will be
datusblated lone twenty-filth in value—that
there will he a *intact(' to the pound
itioginig. thawed ul nine lounged saii-aixty.
Friday Eveniag, Jan. 11, 1856.
I horn we may find room means in future
of shiekling ourielver. from, Foreign indirenee.
—poVitical, commercial, or in whatever form it
in.„y be attempted. I wish there were as
:icemniffiro between this and the old world.—
,Trjr.r.eon. _
''We are now engaged in making out
Bills for all accounts for Subscription,
Advertising and Job Work, of more than
a year's standing. and shall forward them
to the parties interested as rapidly as they
eau be roadtront: It is our intention to
do so with the incoming of every year
We trust that those who receive bilk wil I
remit to us promptly. and save the. nem*.
thy of our sending ,out an agent to collect
unsettled, bills.
pr3'Dr. MELLINGER boa our ihaoks
for various Logi:46;6v doetuneits.
am -The Governor's Message will be
found on oar first page. It is an admira
ble doeament, and will repay a careful pe
rllBll W
ICrThe derangement in the mails by ;
reason of the recent snow storm has left 3
us without definite intelligence as to the'
doings . of the Legislature during the past
few days. The organisation of both Hou
ses has been completed by the election of
the following officers :
SENATE.— Wm. M. Fiats, Speaker ;
Thomas A. Itlaguire..Clerk ; Henry Petti
bone, Assistant Clerk; Nelson Weiser,
James N. Bredin. A. Yerkes, Transcri
bing Clerks ; Wm: Carey. - Sergeant-at-
Arms ; Wm. P. Brady. Assistant ; Wm.
RalstonTDoorkeeper. •
BousE.—R. L. Wrigh t. Speaker ; Wm.
Jack. Clerk; Jacob Ziegler, Assistant ;
Wm; S. - Picking, htae. W. 3loore, G.
Miner, and W. B. Giles, Transcribing
Clerks; J. B Sansom, Sergeant-at-Arms;
Jacob Coleman, Doorkeeper.
There was a spirited contest in the La
ce cancels fur Chief •Clerk between Jack,
the old Clerk, and Capt. Zeigler, which
ended in a compromise, the latter being
made Assistant Clerk. and Mr. Picking
(the old Assistant) taking a transcribing
The - bill to elect a United States Sena
tor on the 14th instant has passed bath
Houses and been approved by the Gov-
Bills have been reported iq both Houses
to repeal the act of last session, known as
the 'gag Lair."
The Speaker of the Senate bas announ
ced the Standing Committees, with the
following as Chairmen : Finance—Mr.
Buckalew ; Judiciary—Mr. Wilkins ;
Corporation—Mr. Browne ; Banks—Mr.
Creswell ; Education—Mr. McClintock ;
Vice and Immorality—Mr. Price.
NO SPEAKEIL—The Howe of Rep
resentatives at Washington is still with
out a Speaker. The . relative -Ales for
Banks, Richardson, and Fuller. being with
out material change. Neither party seems
to be disposed to yield, and there is no
possible indication as to the final re
On Wednesday the parties were brought
up to a more earnest struggle than ever,
by reason of a pravions• determination of
the Richardson men in caucus, to stand by
their candidate and to vote against all mo
tions for adjournment until a Speaker is
chosen. The Republicans determined to
do the same. The House was still in ses
sion at 12 o'clock on Wednesday night,
apparently as far from effecting a choice as
irr The Chambersburg TrainscriX per
sista in its charge of "plagiarism" and i
seems disinclined to accept our explain-I
tion. tell, we suppose we shall have to
resort to Toot's philosophy, finding eon-1
Relation in the assurance that "it's of no
consequence." Oar explanation was giv
en in gocid faith. In transferring to our
columns the article in question, we were
under the impression that the introductory
credit to the "SL Louis Lotelligencer,"
covered the entire article. As soon as ap
prised of our error, due credit was assign
ed the Transcript. notwithstanding that
we regarded its attack unnecessarily Petu
lant awl nocourteous. Although profes
sing some experience as •'practical print,
ors," We lay claim to no special astuteness
in the art, and are quite willing to a
superiority in that respect to the Trans
cript and the sharp "friend" who seems to
have in charge the custody-of its litertry
' property. But we do claim to have some
definite notions as to the , courtesies usual
ly obtaining in the professioa, and have
' only to suggest that in our judgment tip
! pant charges of •'plagiarism" and "per-
Joining," are as foreign to the "courtesies
land proprieties of journalism" as imputa-
Itions of falsehot are ungendpnatily and
offensive. • , •
. 111:7"The snow storm of Saturday seems
to have extended over all the Northern
and Basterte,Statm„ increasing in severity
towards the North. At Philadelphia the
snow was 15 inches deep; at New York
and Boston 18 inches. aid at ilaliCi four
feet., A terrific gale prevailed throughout
Saturday' and Sunday
, along the Northern
Atlantic cont. The i ,,maibt hive been dis
arranged, and travelling greatly impeded,
by railead lines kill blocked op.
From 'Rama*.
ItarAdvices from Karisis represent
1 that Gov. Shannon,' finding himself' in- I
competent for the pest, will shortly resign.
The •-border ruffians „ arc now down upon
him, charging cowardice and betraying
Ithem. The tatter. for the present, have
i withdrawn their attention from the Free
State men at Lawrence, and now vent their
. .
z tudipetion upon the Administration party.
Despatches from Leavenworth to the 28th
alt.. state that the office of the Territoral
Register, an administration paper in Kan
sea, had been mobbed,`the typo thrown in
to the river, and a lot of paper burned.
The mob sm composed principally of
The - Free State party had nominated
Charles Robinson for Governor, N. Y.
Roberts fin Lieutenant Governor, and M.
I. Delaity for Congress. The election is
to be held on the third Tuesday of Jan
fourdaye later foreign news by the Ansgo
at New York, which is unimportant corn:
mercially, the markets being quiet and
Unchanged. The peace rumors, however,
are more definite, and France and Eng
land have agreed upon the terms, but
Russia Las not, though an ambassador has
set out but to negotiate with - her. The
fall of Rare is confirmed, which, with the
surrender of 16.000 troops and other at
tending circumstances, is a serious loss to
the allies.
r_r'Tbo Legislature of 11laine met on
the 4th instant, and organized by a
coalitionbetween the old-line Democrats
and a few old-line Whigs. WELLS, old
line Democrat, was elected Governor. and
immediately inaugurated. In his message
to the Legislature he acquiesced in the
Nebraska bill ; taking strong ground a
gainst the Liquor Law ; recommends a li
cease system ; and condemns the naturali
zation, laws and the personal liberty
zen of Lebanon, in Connecticut, has recov
ered a verdict against the town of $2,500 .
damages,sustained to himself from being
thrown down an embankment, for want of
a suitable railing along the road.
'On Wednesday, after the emigrant
traitzhad-changCd cars at Alt Oona. Pa.,
the dead bodies of two. children, aged' a
bout five and two years, were found in the
vacated cars. They were ascertained to
be the children of poor German emigrants,
who had left them unburied from necessi
ty. They were decently interred by the
citizens of Altoona.
(KT The father of General Tom Thumb,
Mr. Stratton, who resided near 13ridgeport,
Conn , died on Fridayevening. F3is mind
had become disordered. It is understood
that he had acquired a fortune from the
General's exhibitions.
11:7•It iv suited that the delegates just
'Chosen to the next Democratic State Con
vention of Pennsylvania, stand 72 for Bu
ijiatman, 5 for Dallas, and 3 doubtful.
OC7'A collision occurred last week on
the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. at
Darlington Summit, by which four per
sons Were killed and sixteen more or less
11CinTbe dwelling of Mr. John Kregan,
nemflittaburg. wets burned on New Year's
night. Two children perished in the
flames, being literally burned to cinders.—
Two other children were thrown out of
the windOw by their grandmother, to save
them, and who afterwards jumped out
-herself. All three were slightly injured.
Mr. Kregan was absent from home.
111CPTbe scene which has been enacted
in Washington for several weeks is being
followed, on a small scale, at Albany,
where the New York House of Assembly
was engaged all of last week in a fruitless
effort to chooses speaker. There aro three
parties there, as there are in Washington,
composed of Arnerielins, Republicans, and
Locus. Neither has a clear majority, and
thus far all efforts to combine the Ameri
eans anditepublicans have failed.
O:7Ex-Senator ATCHISON has with
drawn from the canvass in Missouri for U.
S. Senator. Hie connection with the
border ruffian difficulties has rendered his
chances hopeless.
KrOn Monday next the Legislature
will meet in joint convention to elect a
U.S. Senator. Ex• Governor Poagee is
said to be seeking the post, with a fair
prospect of success.
1:7 Hen. JOHN M. BERRIE : I, Of, Geor
gia. died on the let instant. lie was one
of the most distinguished statesmen in the
National Executive committee of. the Loco
fee* party met In Washington on Tuesday,
■nd fixed 'upon the first June
for holding 'the National Convention at
Cincinnati, nominate candidates for
Praident and Vice President.
Americitn# carried the muni
cipal election io Pittsburg on Tuesday.
electing BINGLIAM, their candidate for
Mayor. by . 386 majority over Irvin, anti-
W:7'On Wednesday morning the rail.
toad train from New York to Philadil.
phis reached Coopees creek, when both
Joannotives'were frozen up by. the water
freezitig in the, tender and pumps: The
passengers, after suffering intensely from
the cold, were transferred to sleighs,' and
taken to Carded.:. •
111:7A counterfeit $2O bill on' the Bank
of Getty, sburg, Pa., was passed in Rioh.
mond, Ara., last Friday.
, .
Conventllosi olloldiers Of Ine . War
lo r 1819.
A Convention of the Soldiers ' of the
%Lief 1812 inetat 'Washington on ,Tees
day, upwaratt of two 'Modred delegates be
ing in attOndance, representing Virginia,
Delaware, Peunsylvauta, Maryland, Die
triot of Columbia, Kentucky, Winaonsio,
Vermont, Mississippi, and New York.,
Theyvir the President in a body,
t.-. m v •„, ,
and were dially received. Resolutions
were adopted 4'16 Convention.. as fel
lows :—Doolaring their love for the Union,
and pledging themselves honestly to per
form the obligations which the constitution
imposes ;----stating that the convention
considers the government under the most
! solemn pledge to, carry out the promises ofi
the Continental Congress regarding the
1 provision made for the officers of the nev
i olutionary army ;—That the Convention
petition earnestly the present Congress to
supply the omissions- of. former ones by 1
providing for the declining - Years of the
soldiers ottl sailors of the war of 1812, as
wasdone for those of the revolutionary war.
That pensions for wounds orinjyries should
commence from the time of th'e disability,
and the arrears of pensions should be paid i
to the widow or surviving children.. That
the bounty land act of 1855 should bo a
mended to embrace the children of any
person who, if living, would, be entitled to
land under that act as well as his minor
children ; and 'persons who enlisted for 6
years and served until they were discharg
ed or disabled ought to receive 160 addl•
tional acres. That the pensions of they
present law should also be extended to
those confined in foreign prisons during
the late war. And 'ivasmuch as many
rolls in the war office were destroyed by
i fire, it is unjust to refuse parole proof, and
require record evidence of service. That
the limitation of fourteen days in the exist
law ought to be repealed, and that the
soldier duly enrolled, for a time hciwever
i tdiort, should be entitled to one hundred
i and i.ixty acres of land.
A committee of seven was appointed to
bring the resolutions before Congress.
The Janiu4-Faced Democracy.
"The opponents of Democracy, under
whatever banner they may he arrayed—
the Black Republicrin ct,htrts of Seward,
the inti4l battalions of Garrison, and the
oath-bound knights 01 ihe dark lan tern—
all may rest assured that the Democracy
will shrink-from ito reepotudbility which
their position, as the advocates of the
Jtansas bill, may impost' upon them."
We copy the above from an editorial
leader of last Saturdn's Harrisburg Pa!-
riot and Union; and we do so• only to
show the Janus•laced character of mcdern
Democracy , and the facliity with which it
can profess ono Ming, and prance another.
Who that reeds thefahoVe would for a
moment suppose, that a Democratic Sen
ate of Pennsylvania, only within a month
past, elected a presiding officer, who be
:ongs not only to "the Black Republican
cohorts of SeWard," and "the infidel bat
talions &Garrison," but also to"the oath
bound knights of the dark lantern ;" and
vet, "tell it not in Gath, proclaim it not
in the streets of Askalon," the present
Democratic Speaker of the State Senate,
is not only a Free Sailer hut n Know
Nothing, and voted last wittier tor Sim
on Catneron.—Doily News.
No associations for religious purposes are
tolerated in Russia ; no printing presses
are permitted to print. the Bible in the ver
nacular tongue of the people; no versions
of Scripture in the only language the mas
ses can understand,are permitted to cross
the frontier. It is stated that there has
not been a copy of the Bible in Russia,
printed in that country, since 1823. Col
porteurs, Bible agents, tract distributors,
find as little favor with the bigoted Czar
as so many Red Republicans. Even to
the two millions of Jews concentrated in
this empire, not a copy of the Old Testa
ment in their native Hebrew islpertnitted.
No Christian missions to the most barbar
ous and distant tribes under his sway, are
tolerated. The inoffensive and pious Mo
ravians, permitted to pursue their charita
ble work everywhere else, have been dri
ven from their labors in Russia.—Mis
sionary Reg.
—A party of twenty-two ladies and gen
tlemen from Rockville. Conn., visited this
city on Friday, in the capacity of a sleigh
ing party, dining and taking supper at
the Massasoit Rouse, and visiting the ar
mory and other of the prominent features
of Springfield. The Indio acted as es
carts for the gentlemen, ordering the meals,
paying the bills and furnishing the com
forts of the trip generally. We shall
hope to record many fruits of this leap
year gallantry among our matrimonial an
nouncements before the year is over.—
Spring. Repub.
About one o'clock in the morning of the
27 ultimo the building of St. Mary's Col
lege, a Catholic institution, located about
a mile and a half south of Dayton. (Ohio)
was destroyed Wfire, whotKonginated
in an adjacent carpenter's shop The ed
ifice consisted of a main building and two
wings of brick, twb 'stories in height. It
answered at once tfie purposes Oil scionl
and monastery, and in it were accommodat
ed twenty-f Our pupils end sixteen brethron
of the order of St: Mary, bceides;teachers,
&CC. A large portion of a li
brary was laved and moat of the furniture.
The loss on,-the building is ten thousand
dollars, entirely uninsured.,
FANNY FERN Menmso.—The New
York papers announce die marriage on
Saturday last of shofar tamed Fanny Fern
(Mrs. Sarah Payson Eldridge) to Mr.
James Parton cf that city; and author of
the ~L ife of Horace Ore. y." •
KrThe Cincinnati :U4 says that
such is the stagnation of usinras in that ,
city that there•are ovar thousand ap
plications for relief from .ie public char
Lariruer, fo wetly a banker
in Pittsburg, has been el. terl•speaker of
the Nebraska 1101330 of A embly.
nans, will, it
Gov. Shannon, of
it said, soon resign.
WEwant a few cords of good Hickory
Wood. Our present supply is about
being exhausted, and the idea of being with.
out a good fire with the mercury below zero,
is not a very comforting one. Will some of
our friends send us in a few cords at once ?
SEVERE WEATHER.—During the past
week we have been favored with intense cold.
On Monday morning the mercury stood at 7°
below , tern at sunrise, and on Wednesday morn
ing it went down to :76i° below The day
thrOughotit was very cold, the mercury at •no
time rising above 3° and falling again to 10°
below zero at'nine o'clock. Yesterday morn
ing the mercury stood at 6° below zero, and
this morning at 1° below zero. Wednesday
was the coldest day in this region for a num
ber oryeare.
e Tha successive falls of snow, and the keen
temperature prevailing through the week, has
furnished superior sleighing, which seems to
be keenly enjoyed. The sleigh bells have
been jingling merrily through our streets night
and day. For ourselves we find it - difficult to
escape the chilling influences of the "Frost.
King," even by the side of a blazing fire.—
Wo don't generally except to cold weather but
the sample furnished us during the past week
will answer for the present.
I:ED—Tuesday last was the anniversary of the
battle of New Orleans. It was honored with
more than usual attention In this place. The
day was ushered in by the ringing of bells and
discharge of cannon. The "Independent
Blues" turned out in full strength, accompan
ied by their field-piece, parading both alerting
and afternoon. We were pleased to notice
a considerable accessionto the ranks. We un
derstand that the company intend to adopt n
handsome plume instead of the pontoons now
in use.
re?..From the Annual Report of the Auditor
General we glean the following items in regard
to our own county:
Bank of Gettysburg, tax on dividends, $990 98
Do. " .stocks, 495 49
Gettysburg At Petersburg turnpike en. 21 69
York & Gettysburg 14 35 55
Geo: Arnold, Treasurer, tax on real
and personal property, 13,196 96
T. Warren, late Treasurer, 191 91
Geo. Arnold, retailers' licenses, 651 75
John Picking, tax on writs, k.e. 125 00
Daniel Plank, tax on wills, kc. 108 30
F. Walter, tax on collateral in
$1 ;,232 66
Pensions S. Gratail es,
C1111111)011 Schools,
Abatement of State tax,
;' , ..lereatitile Appraiser,
To GUIRDIANS..—We are requested to,
call attention to the following section of GO'
Act of Assembly of the 29th of March, 1892,
in relation to a duty of Guardians which is of
ten neglected :
"Every emit guardian shall, within thirty
days after any property of his ward shall have
Come into his hands or p ffi ossession, or into the
harodi and possession ofperson r
tile in the office of the Clerk of the Court, a
just and true inventory and statement, on oath
or affirmation, of all such property or estate."
COMMITTED.—About two weeks ago a
German boy, about 15 years of age, profes
sing to hail from Baltimore, hired himself to
Mr. JAcon Y. Ilusto:v, of Butler township. A
few day ago he decamped, with some wearing
apparel furnished him by Mr. Bushey. A
watch was also missing. Mr. Bushey pursued
the lnd to this place, and hitil hint committed
yesterday morning, On the charge of larceny.
The missing watch, we believe, has not been
11ErThero will he service in the Associate
Reformed Church of this place, on the 3d
Sabbath of the present month, at 2 o'clock,
P. N. Service et the, Hill Church in the
morning at 10/ o'clock, by the Rev. Jonx R.
IsarA series of religious meetings commen
ced in Rev. Mr. HI t.t.'s church on Wednes
day evening last—services every night. Corn.
mullion next Sabbath morning: preparatory
services on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Mr.
Evans, of Newville, is expected to assist.
this long expected publication has been laid on
our table, entitled "The Testimony of an E
scaped Novice." Miss BUNKLEY, it will be re
membered, made her escape from the Convent
near Emmitsburg daring the past year, under
circumstances which attracred considerable
attention. The Mother Superior of St. Jo
seph's published a letter, shortly after the
escape, contradicting some of the representa
tions of Miss BIiNKLEY, and thereby raising an
issue of veracity between them. This work,
we are told in the preface, is the result of the
issue thus raised by the Mother Superior, and
purports to be a plain, unvarnished story of
Miss BUNKLET'S personal experience while an
inmate of the Convent, her escape, and subse
quent incidents. It is edited with mtfch abili
ty and with an evident determination to guard
against any suspicion of exaggerated or false
narration. There is an absence of startling de
velopment in tits hook, which will probably
disappoint expectation in some quarters but
the portraiture of Convent life, its austere
ruled, and repulsive features, as illustrated in
Miss BnNKinn'a personal experience, and
fully supported by the editor in .freauent quo
tations from publications by approved Catho
lic writers, cannot full to indict a severe blow
on the whole Convent system. To Miss
IitMtLEY'S narrative the editor has added sev
eral chapters Illustrating the workings of simi
lar institutions in Europe. 'Tha whole work
carries with it an air of truthfulness and prob
ability which will commend it to popular con
fidence. It has already had an immense sale,
and will probably be more generally read than
any workthathas recently been issued from the
pmts. Messrs. .14nexit's,, New`, York, pub
lishers. Copies can be had at the 11:50k Store
of A. D. PuencEn, in Gettysburg.
Religious lierteesfer the next
Presbyterian Church.--No Services.
Christ Church (Lutheran.):—Services in the
morning, Rev.Dr..Raugher, and evening, Rev,
Dr. Krauth. . .
_ . . .
St. James' Church, {Lutheran.}LServices
in the morning, (communion) Rev. Mr. Evans.
Methadist Episcopal Church. - - Services mor•
rang: and evening. lieu. Win. Eamshaw.
German - Reformed Chtirch.—No Services. .
ii,..lsiocade Reformed Church.—No services.
Catholic Church..--Servicesin. the morning,
Rev Mr. De Necker. . -
Payer•Yeeting of the rresbyterian,
German Reformed, and the two ,Lutheran
churches is held every Wednesday evening;
Methodist, Thursday evLaing.
• . • - .•
Bina lIRB. EDITORS r—A part from the super )
human felicity of a sleigh ridO with a lively
company of ladies and gentlemen, there is al
waya something necessary to afford pleasure
and amusement at the place of destination.—
We most happily found this to our taste on a
recent sleighing excursion to Emmitsburg,
in the entertainment afforded at "Devit's Ho
tel." The House is commodious, and every
attention bestowed upon its guests by the pro
prietor. The table is plentifully furnished
with rich viands and graced with the presence
of very agreeable boarders. During the even
ing musicians were procured and all Joined, in
the "merry, merry dance." Thus passed the
evening of the Ist day of the year amid song
and dance and social chat, until the "wee,
small hours o' the night" bade us end the
glee. Deeply impressed with the sincere hos
pitality of our kind hostess and the ladies of
Emmitsburg, and with a desire to reciprieute
the favor we gave them a hearty good night,
were cozily seated in our sleigh, and,altnost in
the crack of a whip were landed in •
tar A meeting of the "Independent Blues"
for business and drill, will be held this even
ing, at ei o'clock, at the Armory.
llak..An election for Railroad Directors will
be held at the Court.honso on Monday next.
Summary of the Receipts al the Slate Avasary
from the Ist day of December, 1854, to the
30th day of November. 1865, both days in
Lands, $17,448 16
Auction commissions, 21,273 73
Auction duties, 61,926 56
Tai on bank dividends, 345,138 09
Tax on corporation stocki, 273,631 48
Tax on real and personal estate, 1,721,114 79
Tavern licenses, 82,239 86
Retailers' licenses, 271,906 95
Sample do. 2,338 00
Pedlers' do. 2,491 97
Brokers' do. 8,09 H 49
Theater, circus & menagerie licenses, 7,938 00
y and brewery licenses, 3,369 33
Billiard room, howling saloon and
tenpin alley licenses,
Eating house, beer house and res
taurant licenses, 16,076 35
Patent medicine licenses, 1,941 57
Pamphlet laws, 304 45
Militia tax, ) 19,627 79
tax, 6,251 19
Foreign insurance agencies, • 4,185 61
Tax on writs, will. , deeds, &e., 59,153 23
Tax on certain offices, 20,889 66
Collateral inheritance tax, 117,970. 26
Canal and railroad tolls, 1,942,376 .71
Canal fines, 40,00
Tax on enrolment of laws, 11,985 00
Premiums on charters, ' 10,647 00
Tnx on loans, 140,164' 3:t
Interest on loans, 12,116 29
Sales of public property, 9,125 00
Tax on Tomp ' ffi, lc. , 131,125 26
Pen neylvaniaState.Lunatic Hospi
tal, under act of May 8,-'55, 830 92
Escheats, 1,1:83 79
- Aeerned interest, • - 1,495 07
Colonial Records and Pennsylvania •
Archives, 23 90
Refunded cash, 16,783 8:t
Annuity ffir right of way, 10,000 00
Eves oe the public offices, 4,011 71
Miscellaneous (including surplus
fund,) 9,535 51
$2BO 08
2,3'10 11
659 S 5
19 59
$3,339 66
$5,390,474 11
Balance in the Treasury, December
1, 1831, available, 1,240,928 72
Depreciated funds in the Treasury
unavailable 41,032 00
Summary of the, payments at the State net:-
euryfrom the lst day of December, 185.1, to
the 30th day of November, 1855—both tlays
inclusive. •
Public improvements, $1,838,791 18
Expenses of Government, 330,081 22
Militia expenses, 1,570 55
Pennsylvania volunteers in the late
war with Mexico, 331 50
Pensions and gratuities, 13,430 41
Chnrittible institutions, 78,713 19
Penn'a Colonization Society, 160,00
Penn'a State Agricultural Society, 4,240 00
Common Schools, 240,574 03
Commissioners of Sinking Fund, 260,838 00
Loans, 316,530 60
Interest on loans, 2,077,039 94
Guarantied interest 24,517 50
Domestic creditors, 1,629 85
Damages oh The public works, 29,819 86
Special Commissioners, 251 50
State Library, 2,509 93
Public buildings and grounds, 13,466 77
House of Refuge, 33,000 00
Penitentiaries, 24,108 00
Escheats, 1,039 05
Pennsylvania claimants ander the
nets of 1700, 1802, kc., $1,799 86
Colloidal Records and' Pennsylva. . .
nia Archives, 3,217 50
Ainendmenls to the Constitution, 3,913 83
Abatement of State tax, 80,091 19
Re-issuing relief notes, 1,000 00
Mercantile appraisers, 827 14
Counsel fees and commissions, 10,734 72
Miscellaneous, 10,858 18
$5,385,705 52
Balance in State Treasury, N0v.30,
1855, available, 1,245,697 31
Depreciated funds in the Treasu
ry, unavailable, 41,032 00
Tar. Cosy.—According to a Paris cor
respondent of the National Intolligencer
the cost 'of the Eastern war greatly ex
ceeds one million dollars per day. This
is indeed enormous. Such an outlay,
long continued, must produce disastrous
results to the nations immediately engagel
It said tbatof 80,000 horses sent to the
Black Sea by France, only 10,000 now re
main. The other 70,000 either perished
in battle, or through exposure, fatigue and
neglect. The average cost was about
$lOO each, and about as much to coo vcy
them to the Crimea.
nue.—The Peoria Transcript is inform
ed that the Rochester (N. Y.) Mill Erect
ing Company intend to place in operation
fifty miles'.'on the Western prairies dur
ing the year 18158;the motive power of
which is wind alone.. The Trans
cript adds : "We hear a compsny is to be
organized in.Peuria for the immediate es•
tablishment of one.of these wind-mills.—
•We understand that the cost of a mill in
operation, with two run of four feet stones,
is only 85,000," • ,
INVISTION INll3sls,—The fitent Office
has been very active during the fest year
in 'granting patenar One thousand wine
hundred and forhy..vie *ere issued from ,
the office during the year. "the largest
number any* one year has ever shown.—
Mechanical invention is continually at
work producing original machines or a.
depletions equally as useful. .The Amer
,ican mechanics have a high refutation for
their skill, and as their, knowledge of me
'chattiest p rinciples inctease with study,
they are likely,to retain the advantage they
have already acquired.
rogii boys litter tram Europe.
New Yam. Jan. B.—The swain hip
Arao Hit Itillition dates to December 19,
arrived at 2 il'elock this•afiernnon with
140 pasecogurti n and a cargo of aterchan
dtze valued at over 82,000.000.
The Lonsfon Daily News affisms that
Swbden has ratified the treaty with En
gland and .France. The allied peters•_
guarantee the territorial integrity of Sere.
den, and the latter engages not to ilienike
any part or her territory to Russia; tin _
contracting parties also engage . to commu—
nicate reciprocally all proposition@ coming'
from Russia.
Rumors of pears w--
France . and Engle' ..
Count Esterhazy hadleft Vienna for St.
Petersburg on the 16th, with important',
dispatches containing propositions of a
pacific maitre.
It was stilted that ilthe Czar refuses an
acceptance Austria will withdraw her am--
baspatlor from St. Petersburg.
'Both the London News and Times ex--
press strong donbts of the acceptance of
the propositions by the Czar. Count Es-"
terhazy's iustructions are to return imme-•
diately in the went of the Czar's refusal
to negotiate
The difficulty which existed between&
the English and French governments rela
tive to the conditions on which peace
should be made, have been arranged
through the efforts of the King of Sar
The surrender of Kars to the Russians
has •been confirmed. Nine Paellas, to
gether with Gen. Wilfiams and sixteen
thousand troops, were made prisonere—
Among tho munitions of war taken were
one hundred and twenty field pieces and
soma heavy guns. The Russian Gener
al Belutoff has established his head-quar
ters at Kutaise, end intends shortly to re
some the offensive against Anakla and Re
doubt Kale. The army was abundantly
supplied with provisions by the Armen
ians. The defiles between Kam and Er-
zernume were held by the Riemsians
The alEtire in the Crimea were quiet
Great preparations continue to be :mule
by the Russians on the Baltic for the re.
caption of the British fleet nettt spring.
2,269 63
In the Crimea snow continued" to
It WAS confirmed that next spring the En
glish army of the Emit will comprise six
divisions and will he divided min twn
corpse de :trines, commanded by Generals
Campbell and Eyre.
- Great arrangements were already biting
made in the Billie ports fur victualling.
and Providing the necessary supplies tor
the British nett spring. Contracts
have also been roade in Sixbeden fur t h e
French fleet, and it was repurted, also, fur
an acrompany,r,g army.
The Stenine; Cauada arrived nt Halifax
on Tuesday, with three dap liter
- Her news i>i Pimply confirmatory of
rev im; 'rumors nn to din- pro-poct+ of
pence and the a perulatione'concerning
terhaZy . B
The report that n trent) . between Swe
den and the allies had been concluded in.
The Anatrign ultimafuin, 'after litiselrr
modifications. received the jpinl approsail
of England, France and Austria before it;
was sent to Sr. Petersharg. Nothing
Luther was known in reference to the.
measure, as its terms are kept a profound
$6,672,431, 83 secret.
Th• London Daily News se s the* to
majority of the French Cabinrt think their
Russia will accept the iel'llls proposed
but that ti majority of the English Cabinet,
think otherwise.
Preparations for future operations ir►
the Crimea and th? Baltic are pres.ell
forward both by the allies and Russia. and
it is quite apparent that Ratifier party is
disposed to trust the ch,neba of peace fur
any abstementuf tho energy of war.
Hon. Joseph Casey has been appuieted
Site Reporter fur the &petal! Cuuri of
We copy the following sketch of the life of a
very extraordinary man, from an editorial in
N. Y. Sun :
"As an illustnoion'or business tact and talent,
we ratty point to the career of Profess. r Hine
LOWAT, the proprietor of the most popular
medicine of the ago. The rise and progress
of this extraordinary man have had no parallel
during the present century. He has visited
nearly every Court of Europe, and obtained
permission for the sale of his preparations
from most of the crowned heads of the Old
World. The queens of Spain and Portugal,
the kings of Naples and Sardinia, granted hint
audiences; and in St. Petersbnrg, which city ho
visited a short time before the commencement
of the war, he was treated with marked consid
eration by the late Czar and the nobility. .
"Travelling in an elegant private carriage,
attended by a courier, his equipage attracted
attention in the towns and villages through
which he passed. The hotels where ho lodged
were besieged by persons of the first distinc
tion, and the best society on the continent cour
ted his acquaintance.
"The subject ofthese remarks is unquestion
ably an ambitious man, and his skill and en
terprise have placed him far in advance of al l
hiS predecessors and contemporaries in the
same profession. He stands alone ; and tho
fact that he can maintain his high position, des
pito the interested assaults of envy and pre
gumption, proves that his medicines have . an
intrinsic value, which the world understands
and appreciates.
$6,672,434 83
"The annul expended in advertising by Pro
lessor HOLLOWAY would be incredible if they
wore not authenticated by his boo'us. Hie
payments to the press range from $150,000 to
$200,000 per Annum. There is no printed
language in which his advertisements do not
"The ramdicabsne of his business extend
from the focal point—his vast establialanenein
the Strand, London—over thowbole face of the
extraordinary Inanisnow in this coup•
try--in This city. The Tribune, In a just - tri•
bete to his matchless enterprise, sap, that ha.
ring, like Alexander, subdued the Old .lrer/d,
he is new preparing.toormtwor the .hero.
"Professor Hou.owiihas not been tempted
hither by thirst for goin--for his wealth is
sufficientosattafy the most esigeant worship+
erofmammon---but by a philanthropio desire to
extend the benefit of his medicines among 4
people whose character be admires. Erer7,
body is, of , course, anxious to see` the, gresttae
advertises in the world. In a veil ibo t t
od, the American reputation of HoLlNol'i
Pills and Flou.owtr's Ointment will rival
heir Europ can fame."
abundant im
Execution of Fredrick Miller, at'
This wretched mall, who was eenvicted
of the double murder of Dr. .1. F. C. Ha
del and. Henry Graeff, in October near
Cumberland, paid the pen ally of his crime
at that place on Friday last, between
twelve and one o'clock, in the presence of
about 8,000 persons, of all egea and both
-sexes. Although he hut promised ,to
make a full confession of his life, he dog,
edly resisted all aolicitation in that direc
tion during the lost few days and on the
gallows denied being guilty of the crime
for which he.wois to be hung. The Cum
berland papers furnish fall particulars of
the execution and the bearing of the pri-
During Thuraday morning entl evening
he was visited bye large number of per
sons, conversing•witii them freely, still at
tunes - protesting his innocence of the crime
of murder. He stated that lie was born
Sept. 30. 1830, in Wickerstlorff,
many, and came to this country in June
1855, but four months before the murder.l
He requested the Rev Dr. Maier his spirit
ual adviser. to,administer the sacrament to'
him on Weduesday,but the latter declined
doing so, stating to him that, under the
circumstances, he would not feel justified
in so doing; as he fully believed hue guil
ty, and could not, therefore. grant the re
quest except subsequent to a confession!
on Isis part. Miller exhibited rather hos- I
tile feelings to the reverend gentleman fort
denying this request, and declared that li e !
would take it Minseif, unaided, if they
would furnish the necessary materials.
During the day lie had been freely con
versing with Mr. John Callan, the deputy
sheriff, and Mr. Wm MeGitting, the jail•
or, and in reply to an interrogatory of the
former as to whether there wan any lay.
orhe could grant hint previous to.
the fatal hour, replied that there was none
in particular, though in quite a jocose
manner, said that if they would permit it
lie would like to amuse himself at the gal
lows by "snow•halling the spectator •!" I
During the night lie had called for bread'
and water, anti upon its being furnished
Min read the saerainental services of the j
Lutheran church, partaking of diem ctt.
blame with mach apparent fervor. lle
also wrote a note and handed it to the jail
or, whieli v lto waver, was nothing snore
than a reiteration at his innocence.
The most of Friday morning was agent ;
in devotional exercise, Miller apparently
entering into them with much earnest teas
Ile ag tau revishill all soh citationsV make
a etnileasitin. and renewed tits protesta
tions of innocence. At the
hour he was taken in the place of execu
tion, escorted by several military 1.1111111:111.
les. The gallows was reached ai 12 o'-
clock mid 5 minute., and slier die toilt•
tare had formed hrolind it and rtree:,ed
back the crowd , ivlurh was esiiii.iited to
number at least 8.11110 p,ir.ittot. the con
vict was taken (root the wasou , and with.
a firm step aseended the, to furry fatal pile
where he with it ore ealfilliees of leeltog
than was exhibited by doote
tobk n seat and entered into convulse with
his spit inial viser, to whom he again as
scried iris innorrnre. Sr
*her 'kettle:ld a d dressing the 'crowd,
and alter everything was in readiness the
llev. Mr. !%1:.Ie r chgsged 111 prayer, at the
cruse of which Miller oleo delivered a fer n
-vent prayer, in which lie again protested
his in eiteetice, deelaring that in meeting
his victims in Heaven he would he acequit
tell by them. 11 . ti also phiyed for the rei
t tivt 10 1114 ViCilMa. /lit , prayer, which
Mae in (It Mall, was represented by those
cunders nod it, a. being a ;owl eloquent
and powerful appeal to hi• God, in wiinve
presence lie soon expectedtt stand, and to
wtoilii lie felt assured lie was reconciled—
that lie, in his wt.:don', Lad wisely ap
, pointed this the last hour of his earthly
existenee, as lie had het einfore been too
,vile a simier to live, and that through his
inierpmitem his supposed guilt was wade
• to appear in order toprepare Imo Ilif
the also forgave and ()rapid toe witnesses
.and jurors, Rosati dial lie might meet
ahem all in Heaven, that MeV might Mere
rs . Item,t
'ern ol the itijostive they hail done
'rite eletgy, offieere and others upon
the scaffold them took leave of hint, lie am
curing air. 3/aicr, fu his last wards, that
he could meet his God with a clear con-
Sheriff, Evertett one pinioned his hands.
•placed the 'loupe about his 'leek anti draw
ing a csip.over his lace descended, and at
17,mintruts tel I &cluck severed the curd
which supped-fed the trap. The tall was
six teat two larhes, and did not break his
neck, and by the slipping of the knot ton far
front rendered his death an untiatiallypain
fist one. die struggled very hard, and
for seven minuted alter the ennuirtions of
his limbs wore violent, while the sirangia•
laden taking place could be uistitictly
heard for five par 'a from where be hung,
and his hands becoming partly loosed
'lie made a desperate ell'rt to reach the
lope, falling in which, he with much. vio
lence beat them against his breast. Alter
hanging twenty minutes the body was ex.
emitted by the . count% physician, Dr. Pat •
rick neatly, and life pronounced extinct,
when lee was cut down and placed in a
coffin for burial.npon the alma house prop.
Thus ended the etistence of this bold,
and as all arequitinted with the particulars
' believe, bud mitt, no doubt appearing be.
fore hid Maker 'frith the' double sin of
murder and peljury upon his soul.
• Amoritsti MURDER.
Thecitizens of Cumbeland were thrown
intoan addttionalstateofearittnentabout 9
o'clock in the morning, bye • the report that
another murtleehad been committed .in
their .midst, an execution ,and a murder almost the same time and
ie the_satne , •place.. It appears that two
boatmen; 'Thomas Sypole and Thomas
Fisher, had an_ altercation •at an 'oyster
ialOon, On the corner of Baltimore and
Mecheniq wtreeM,,whitth resulted in the
foimet drawing a knife and inflicting rev
end stabs in the left side and,bieast of the
lamb, which he sotvived but for, a few, I
!mere. - r Sypole • wacimmediately , stream'
and committed to - jail, being taken in as
ildiller Was prepaiing to go to the gallows.
he being then !branded. As Sypole ant.,
ered he observed Miller, and gazed upon
him with ademoniacal sneer upon his face.
He then commenced to whistle a lively
air and „passed into the cell in a man•
tier Which showed the utmost callousness
'4 . 4 feeling. •
ler entitling to the perfeet mania in ex.
Imagine° which appearsio exist in Parte
'mentions that even the fans now in, use
are marked by elaborateness of workman
.'aldp, and coin as high se $2,000 each.—
$BO is considered the merest trifle
/Or (Meal these highly, &WIW I carved
and enriched artic6%, F, •
• - Post °Mee Department.
The Report shows a net increase of 862
Post-offices during the year. ending 30th
of June, 1855,—the whole numbet of of
fides at that date being 24,410, and on the
30th of November, 24,770. On the 30th
of June last, there were 7.088 mail routes,
at an estimated length of 277.908 miles.—
.The total annual transportatien of mails
was 67,401,166 miles, costing 85,335,238
Compared with the .service of the veer
previous, there is an increase of 3,397,0251
miles of transportation, or of about 5k per
cent, and of 8675,221 cost, or about 14 4-
, 100 per cont.. The increase'by railroad
service is 3,483,182 miles; the modes
not specified, 3,575,177 milesr—while the
transportation by coaohesis leas by 2.325,-
628 miles, and by steamboat 1,385,656.
This change results mainly from re.letting
of contracts in- Many of the Southern and
Western States and Territories.
On the 30th of June last there were in
service 319 route agents eta compensation
of 8235,190 6610 ; 20 local agents at
$19,328 ; and 9 1 mail messengers at
8100,47165, malting a total of 8354.870,.
30 to be added tts the cost of transporta
tion. • This makkis the roa d fur the
current year, 85,824,989 50. which will
i probably be increased to 80.000,000 by
new services and -routes. Tito cost of
foreign mail service, not included,.' here, a
mount to 8611,467..' In accordance with
the late pct of Congress, suitable measures
have been adopted. to put in operation the
no eaystein of registering valuable letters,
but-it hiss not been aufficiently long in up.
eration to he able to form a Just estimate
of the success of the plan. The Post.
master has, however, found abundant proof
of tie usefulness, and of the necessity of
bringing it to perfection.
The expenditures of the Department (or
the last fiscal year amount to 89,008.342,
and she gross revenue derived from prta
, ges (inland and foreign) are 46.042,13613,
, which, adding the annual appropriations
made in compensation of mail service to
I the Government, by the acts of 3d March,
PAO. and 3d 111nrelt. 1851, amount to 47,-
, 314 , 136 13 Deducting the balance a
linuirst the Uniteil States, duo to Foreign
Powers, for postal accounts, from the
above, the actual Gross revenue of the de
-1 partnien; for the year ending 30th June.
1855, will he 87.335.177. The gross
revenue of 1854, after deducting foreign
hal:tutees. amounted tos6 810.051 111, mak
ing a difference in favor of 1865 of $518.-
519 10. The excess of expenditure for
1855 over that ol 1854 is 12.02.0,206 10.
This exceas is attributed partly to the in
crease of expenditures for transportation,
owing In the great extension of Railroad
service. 'rise condition of the Depart.
went goes to 0110 W the ratea fixed by the
aet of 3d 11 refl. 1851, will nal enable the
nepartnient to sustain itself lay its own
resources. ,
Another cause of this f xeess of expen
diture is attributed to the letters end doc
uments carried free of charge for members
of -Congress and others, and to thejat•
incline amount of printed matter cant eyed
at low rates. 'l•he liostmavter f:encrel
thinks that the reduction of fifty per cent
for advance ment OR newmpapeie is
wh .11y without justification. lie also re
commends that prepayment by stamps he
made compulsory on all kinds of matter.
The expenditure of the Department for
1855 is estimated at 810.193,024, and the
means available for the same year 89,010,-
873, leaving a deficiency of 81,188,151 to
be provided for.
GOLI;AND SIL,VNti Consents.—A table
in the report of the Secretary of the
Treasury, exhibiting the whole amount of
gold, silver, and bank notes in circulation
at different periods, gives the amount. of
gold and silvet in circulation for the fiscal
year 1855, at. over 8250,000.000, and the
bank notes in circulation at $187,000,000;
making a total circulation of $137,000,-
000, and showing that the bank note cir
culation was reduced from that of the pre
ceding year about $17,000,000. The ta
ble of coinage for the same year exhibits
gdld and silver bullion, received at the
mint and branches, to the amount of $70,-
017,007 82, and the table of exports exhibit
the export rd gold and bullion to the a
mount of 856,247,313 ; showing an ex
(Pass of receipts over the experts of 813,-
780,864 82. The table of. exports for
the same fiscal year, in addition to the ex
port of gold, exhibits $3O, 427,187 of man
ufactures exported. exclusive of specie,
and 8162,823,888 of all other articles, ma.
king the whole exports $27'5,156,864.
against $261,468,520_ imported, allowing
the excess of exports $13,688,826 over
the imports. There is no return or ebti
tome of the gold imported by emigrants.
and no return or estimate for the freights
of our vessels that have contributed to.our
Inner Sea of Africa, twice as largo as the
Black Seav including Azof, the existence
of which Cooley, the African geographer,
argued for long ago, and the discovery of
which had been previously announced, has
been further verified by explorations ; but
the sea is not so remarkable as the people
in its neighborhood, who are said to read
and write ; have .no idols ; are generally
serious, aid, sensible people, and profess
to believe in God, and have no tincture of
of Mohamedanism. From whom did they
learn these things, or ie it a traveller's
story ?
Washington Star of Wednesday publishes
confirmation of the Intention generally at
tributed to President Pierce of being a
candidate for reelection. The Star says :
"On the Bth inst., Democratic State' Con
ventions for the choice of delegates to 'the
apptoaching Cincinnati Convention meet
in Tennessee and Alabama, and on the 10th
inst., in Mississippi while on the Bth it'
will be recollected, thel National Democrat.
le Committee assemble in this city to de
termine at what precise time the Chicln
nen' Conirention shall come together.—
These facts have caused a terrible commo.
tion'aniong`the Democratic politicians of
all shades now assembled in Washington.
Very little is seen of -it on the surface of
things, but there is already a heaving to
and fro underneath, which must shortly
result in a great bubbling and seething
on the surface, It is now very certain
that there will be at least four gentlemen
prominently urged for the nomination—
Mr. Hunter, of Virginia ; Mr. Buchanan,
Mr. Dallas, and last, but by no means least
important in hie strength beim the Con
vention, President Pierce, for remomina
lion. All of them have advocates among
the Democratic members and • the nu
merous leading Democratiopoliticians •vho
have been in Washington since the first
Monday in December last:"
ICPSetiaior Douglos in in Cleveland,
Ohio, atill unable to proof OQ ,w6Phins
Coanting Iroise Almanac.
no„.The Chicago 'papers state That emit
gration, from the Eastern and Middle
States, to the West, was never more active
than at present.
A FAT Orstce.—The great contented
election case of Sheriff has been decided
in New Orleans in favor of Major Hefty.
the American candidate. Major Hefty is
from New England nod an original Na
tive American. The office is worth over
$lOO,OOO a year.
HollowaYB Pills, an undoubted Remedy fir
Asthma. Mr. Ellis Wilson, of Brooklin, Now
York, bad for five years very severe attacks of
asthma, which deprived him of all bodily
rest night and day; the cough at times
most chocked bite, and caused him continu
ally to spit blood, ho was never safe either eat
ing or drinking, and his family were dintress
ed heyend measure to see hint gradually re
duced to almost a skeleton. Holloway's Pills
in his case, were as usual efficacious. This
gentleman used them for eleven weeks, and
they effected a perfect cure; he feels himself
stronger now than he 1111.4 been for the last fif
teen years.
MIS'S Venitian Liniment is warranted to cure
Cholera, Colic, Sea Sickness, Chronic Rheu
matism, Vomitrng. Cuts, Burns, Old Sores,
Swellincs, Toothache, Headache, and Pains of
all kinds or no pat•.
Capt. Comstock, of the steamer Baltic (Col
lins lino) was cured of a severe attack of Chro
nic Rheumatism in a few days •by Dr. Tobias's
celebrated Venitian Liniment.
of the firm of J. Wright k Co., No. 151, Char
tres. street, New Orleans, was immediately
cured of an attack of Cholera by Tobias's Lim
Nichol', No. IG, Essex street, New York, was
cured of an attack of Colic and Vomiting, hp
Dr. Tohias's Venetian Liniment.
Depot,. No. GO, Cortlandt street, New York.
Sold by all the Druggists. Price 25 and 50
riff• For sale by S. H. BUEHLER and S. S.
FORNEY, Gettysburg, and Storekeepers gener
ally in this county.
Oct. 5 1855.—in
BALTIMORE, Jan. 10. 1856
FLOUR AND MEAL.—The flour market
to-day was quiet.. Recent advices per Canada,
from Europe, have had no effect. A sale, this
morning of 500 bbls. City Mills at $8 25. No
thing done in Howard street or Ohio. Hold
ers firm in asking $8 50 ; bUyers holding off.
No sales since 'change. The New York dis
patch shows a depression in breadatuffs ; and
buyers not disposed to purchase. Rye Flour
—We quote nominally at $6 per bbl. Corn
Meal—no sales. Country nominal at $3.871 ;
Buckwheat Meal— . sales at $2 75 a $3 per.loo
GRAlN.—Whent—there is very little doing.
About 2300 bushels offered to-day and prices
merely nominal. We quote choice white at
$2 08 a 2 10, good to prime do., at $1 95 a 2,-
05. Red, good to primeat $1 90a 2 00 per hu.
Corn-78 and 79 cts. fur yellow, 75(5)78 for
white. Oats—Good to prime at 40 a 42 cents,
ordinary to fair do., at 35 a 38 cents per bush.
el. nye—no sales. We quote Pennsylvania
at $1 20 per bushel.
SEEDS.—We quote Cloverseed at $9 25 a
950 for good to prime, old and new. Timo
thy at $3 25 a 3 50, and Flaxseed at $1 95 a
$2 per bushel.
PROVISIONS.—Market quiet. Beef—We
quote Mess at $lB 00, No. 1 at $l6 00, and
Prime at $l3 50 per, bbl. Pork—no sales.
We quote Mess nominal at $l6, and prime at
$l4 per bbl. Bacon—small sales of shoulders
at 9 cents, sides 10 cts., and hams at 11 al3
cents per lb. Bulk Meats—stock verylight.—
We quote shoulders nominally at 7 a'7} ets.,
sides 81 cents, and hams at 9} a 10 "eta. per
lb. Lard—market quiet. Sales of 100 bbls.,
at 101 cents, kegs nominal at 11}.a 12 cents
per lb. Butter—kegs 15 al7 cents, common
roll at 16 a 18 cts., and choice do. 22 a 25 cts.
CATTLE—The offerings at the scales were
about 700 head, 60 of which were driven to
Philadelphia, 40 were left over unsold, and the
balance were sold to city butchers and pack
ers at prices ranging from $3 to $5 on the
hoof, equal to $6 a 9 75 not and averaging $4,-
12 gross.
HOGS.—Live hogs are coming freely and
the market is dull. Prices are, however, with-
out material change. We quote their this
week at $7 25 a 7 50 per 100:lbs. Slaughtered
Hogs $7 00, but dull at this figure
SHEEP.—There is a pretty active demand
foribeep . iind' the market is 'Steady at the quo
lotions'. Sales were made yesterday at the
'scales at $4 a $5 `per 100 Ibe. gross. •
' Mucosa; Jan. 10, 1856.'
FLOUR '0 bbl., from wagotis, ' 'sB 12
WHEAT, VI tiusheli 1 70 to 1 90
RYE, ' 1 10
CORN, : `c • 64
OATS, • • 37
CLOVER-SEED, 8, 8 ., 0
FLAXSEED,, • e 0 0
Tont, Toesday, Jon. 0;1856.,
F 1.01111,14 ba t front wagons, • $8 12
WHEAT / 11 bushel, 1 85 to 2 00
RYE, ll2
,CORN, " ' " • 2 60
OATS, • 6 6 • 35
TI.IIOIIIY-$111;D, , 50
pLoVER-OEED, 9:00
IkAX-SEED, • . 46 • ; 175
• °imp ntr ?Arlo le . •s. 700
'l4.Franklin's name has been Mtn TA X AP P'EA LS.
.ed in various ways; and it is- eoarected with i •
numerous Popular Institutions.. Among the
eounnissioners of Adams couttT
most 'popular places with which it is associated 410 . 4 . n. . 1 .... have fiaei l
is Franklin Place, rhilndelphis, on the nor - th e V„:,' 6 7 ste ' s ` o r ti '" - - es 7 kw th e ho d iT, ....
ner of which, No. 111 Chesnut Street, is the of appeals the Ttn ,„ n „.. B .. and ( „ an _
great popular Clothing Est ablishmeit of Boca.- was . 'Vi da= otota , y, aka— Boroug hs andthey
MILL •t iVu.stng, the lart., ,cheapest , he s t
wil l
lama to hew
weak between th e ... ,01r3
and most fashionable in e countly.
of 9
A. M., and 3 deloek, P. Y., of
each day, as hams
• Ist. 'or Mountjoy, on Monday, the 281.1
of Jsuraary at the houve of Jesse D. New
man, in Mountjey townsln,?.. •'•
2d. or the towerhips of ..:erossuoy and Un
ion, on T hit -the 19da °Gila:unary, at the]
house of J ' ' Berber is Littvounirn.
3d. For townships of 3 iuntpleasant
and Conowsgo, on Wedoesohli, the 30th ofJau
nary, at the hoate of Peter Smith, in Haunt
pleasant township.
4th. For the township of Berriiek,ou Thum•
day, the 31st of January, at the house of Evan
cm J. Wilson, in Abboitstown.
sth. For the township of Ilionlitos, on Ail
day, Ist of February, at the house of David,
Newcomer, in Mast Berlin.
6th. For the township of Strobes, on Mon
day, the 4th °lndira:sly, at the boom of Ja
cob L Grass, in Hamtentown.
7th. For the township of Oxford, ea Tues.,
day, the sth of Felmsary, at the house of Mts.l
Miley, in Oxford:
Bth. For the township of Reading on Wed
nesday, the 6th of February. at the house of!
John A. Dicks, in Hamptoe.
9th. For the township's oof Hsmtington and I
Latimore, on Thursday the Ith of February,
at the house of Jam b: Becker, in Petersburg,
(Y. S.)
10th. For the township of Tyrone, on • Fri
day, the Bth of Fe . at the house
uel Sadler, in Heidle .
I I tit. For the township on• Mon.
day, the I Ith of Feints:vv. at the house of
Charles Myers in Bendesseile.
.12th. For the township of Butkr. as Tees
day, the 12th ofFebruary,at the House of J.
A. B. Readier, in Miidddlettoown.
13th. For the townshipof Franklin,an Wed
nesday, the 13th of February.. at. the house of
BenryMickley, in Cashion's:.
14th: For the townships of Hamlitonban &
Liberty, on Thursday, the lids of Febrile:7,
at the house of Isaac Bolbison, m Fair-
I field.
1 8 9
4 15 16
1 22 23'
29 30 1
.On Thursday evening, the 3d inst., • by the
Rev. C. P. Kniutb, Mr. F. G. MEALS, and
Miss llENiti ETA LOUISA SLENTZ,daugh
ter of Mr. John Sleutz,--all of Gettysbirg.
On the 25th ult., by the Rev. D . D. Clark,
Mr. SAMUEL COIII.IAN, jr., tied Miss MA
L 6
12 13
19 20
26 27
1 2
8 9
:2 23
On the 20th ult., by the Rey. E. If. "Hoff
betas, Mr. PETER A. ULABAIJOH, and Mies
HANNAH C. MORITZ, both of Hampton,
Adams county.
0 3 1
.• . ,
On the 2T t 1 ult., nt Shepherdatown, Pa, by
Iter. Goo. Morris, Mr. JOHN O,COBLE, and
Miss 11E17 Y W., daughter of Alexander
Cathcart- —all of Cumberland county. .
On the let inst., by the Rev. D. P. Rosen
miller, Mr. JACOB LOUCKS, of Baltimore
county, Md., and bliss CATEARI.NE E. SLA
GLE, of Adams county, Pa.
On Tuesday last, by Rev. P. Anstredt,
DAVID HARMAN, of Carroll county, Md.,
and Miss JULIA ANN LEAS, daughter of
Mr. JOSEPH LEAS, of Stiaban township.
[Carroll county papers please copy.]
3 4'
7 18
LI I E• •:.•
ON the 25th ult.. near Buena Vita Springs,
On the 15th of Serdember, in Dayton, Ohio,
Mr. WM. HOUGHTBLIN, formerly of this
county, aged about 54 years.
On the 2gth ult., Mr. GIDEON GRIEST,
of Latimore township, in the 60th year of his
THE attention of MILLERS is invited to
to a very superior artidte for drying
CORN, which can be had at all times at
Jan. 11, 1856.
Testamentary on the Estate of
GI G EON DRIEST, late of Latimore
township, Adams co., Pa., deceased, hav
ing been panted to the subscriber, residing in
township, he hereby gives notice to persons
indebted to said .Estate, to call and settle the
same ; and those having claims are 'quested
Jo present the same, properly authenticated, Mr
,lan. 11, 1855.-10 •
CAME to the tr.sidisnce of the subscriber,
near Fisher's Mill, Butler township, Ad
nms county, ou about the )7th
ult., a STRAY COW, red cOlor, " 7-- elA k
without nuy partilulnr marks, . VIC
?supposed to he 7 or S years old.
The owner is desired tu come forward; prove
property, pay charges and take her away.
Jan. 11, 18f,5—:It*.
1855. NEW GOODS. 1855.
pilE subscriber tenders his ncknowledg
ments to his friends and- the public, for
the very, liberal patronage . hitherto extended
to him, and respectfully informs theni that be
has just returned from the cities with a splen
did assortment of New Gneds, comprising, in
part, a fins stock of
Delanes,,Shawls, Gingimms,
Gloves, Stockings, Rib
bons, Collars, Mus
lins, Irish-Lin-
Cos, &c.,
all of which will be sold at the lowest cash
prices. He deems it unnecessary, to enumcr
ate the different articles which comprise his
stock. He would earnestly invite all to
can and examine his stock before 'purchasing
Oct. 19,1855
. •
opposite the English Lutheran Church
on Chamhersburg stmet, being excellent
stands for public businras.
adjoining vacant lot on Railroad Street.
the Miller town Road, each containing about
FIVE ACRES, of which about oue-thiri is
woodland. ' •
In case of partial baldness, when used a
grecably to directions, this Restorative has not
tailed, in a single instance, to produce a luxu
riant growth of the natural hair.
In the hands of mothers and nurses, it is a
capital carmine for all those diseases of '
the/ enip incident to infant children.
In fine, as a toilet article, it should be in the
hands flail who wish to expell the dandruff,
preserve the hair, prevent it from falling off,
and render it soft, glossy and wavv.
)'Prepared and sold,witolesale and retail,
be McCRACKEN:(second door tothe Union
Hotel ? ) Shippensburg, Cumberland county,
YES..A few of the innumerable certificates
in the possession of the popfietor,shosing the
• virtues of thisremedy, are annexed, and must
NOTICE is hereby given that the under-8116'1Y the mast gbettilml
signed, Auditor appointed by the Court Stfil". l 9 7 Oe4 rides Ph.
of Common Pleas of Adams county , to make
hereby testify that I hada very sae head
distribution of the asset* and monies remain- for or e ight Fens, Pramila,Y first ceased by
in the hands of Amos LEFEVER, assignee of d u but mica,. r rurrd Int° aryteler- --
THOMAS BITTTLE, to and amongst eredi- ?Ict;lltrken:, Ze . a trabog,! has restoom ray
tors, will attend at his office in the borough head Puree' an° rendered F 5 'hair
of dettysburg, on Monday the 14th day of
.5°R. C. FISHER, Y. D.
January Imre, between the hours of 10, A. M., • - Sfahowing Oa., Ohio.
and 2, P. M., of said day, to discharge tt e This is to certify, that my hair bad nearly all
duties of said appointment, when and where fallen off. Fused IleCracien's Restorativefor
all parties iulerested can attend. , four months, and I can now boast of baring
W. L. CAMPBELL, Auditor. as fine hair as anyone could wish.
Dec. 28, 1855.-31
west of the Theological Seminary and adjoin
ing land. 3 of Mr. Dustman.
on the ridge adjoining the railroad West of
the horongh.
Terms acecommodating. Apply to
Jan. 7. • 3t
Sitippenstaerg, Sept. 1861, 1055.
"TILE GOOD TIME COMING,'' I From our own observation we are enabled
By T. S. ARTHUR. to testify that 51eCracken's Preparation for
THOSE who wish to hear something, of that the Hair win accomplish the end which he Fre
long-expected day, should mail this book. fesses ittodo. A. STEWART, M. D.
It is having au immense sale; 5000 copies i J. HECK,
having been ordered in advance of publication. JOHN B. DUNCAN.
We send a copy by mail; postpaid; on receipt SAininsobery, 1855.
of the price, SI. . • The undersigned takes pleasure in =noun-
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher. ring to the public the Preparation for Human
.".415 North Fourth Street, Hair, by McComb:ma Shippenibarg. From
• Philrulelphia, Po's- the effects its use has Lad on his own hair, be
N, B. Agents wanted to jell this and other is fidly convinced that it Anil accomplish the
ppoopular books, in all parts ofthe United States. end for which it is di-Cwigned.
Send for Our List and terms to Ageriti. • • REY. O. W: GLESSNER.
Dee. 1#,1855--3t Skippanderrg, 1856.
I - •
With pleasure recommend to the public
McCracken's Reparation far the Hair; 1 have
used but one battle, and it has re%ed entire
satlifaction,. be removing &mint impro
ving. the hair tn odor and in bees ty,.ard pre
venting the hair from falling ME
Seliedgrone, Pa.
This is to certify that we have been bald for
1031, we got some of 31cCrackents
air Restorative. and in seven months we had
IDRESB TRIMMINGS °fall me ' b e
had at SCHICK'S as cheap as the cheap
eit, if not a little' chestier.
'Nov.; 2, 1855. ;
SHAWLS -I'lle larret, 4, and .-hindsomest
lot of long and square SHAWLS ever
bmmett, to this town can be. seen at
; • . • ' ' SCHICK'S. ,
./13..The largest and cheapest in , town. Also
Ladies dress- goods—the prettiest lot in town
—to be had at the store of
kiln be had in Gettysberg„ ht-the Deng
Store of A. D. BUEHLER.
pi, RE e t a a a lar a r as s ortment of HARD
od: 1843:
r--tgilii . `
loth. For the tostuthips of Cumberland
and Freedom, on Friday, the 13th ofFebnuuy,
at the Comminsieners' office, in Getty:,fmrg.
la. For the Borough of Gettysburg, cm Seat ,
misty, the lath of February, at the Comm:4-
sioner s Office, in Gettysburg. •
Attest—J. Aroussaarcu. Cirri--
Commissioner,' Office.
Gettysburg, Jan. 3, Ittia. 1
McCracken's Invaluable Remedy .
AI FTER many. years of- laborious research
and experiment, I have . the gratification
to announce to Chosen( the public who may be
afflicted with baldnem or premature I vey hair,
thatl have succeeded in the preparation of an
article that is an infallible remedy for either of
these disorders.. For a consiterable length
of time I have been in the habit of using it up
on my own elastomers, and in no instance has
it failed to render tbe most entire insight:that.
Having long entertained the belief that, in a
vast majority of eases, Baldness and prema
ture greyness *ere induced by disease, or want
of vigor and vitality of the scalp, rather than
being the necessary consequence of mete ac
cumulation of pears.
My whole attention was directed to the iris•
emery of some preparation, which, by remov
ing the dandruff and other foreign matter
which, in spite of the utmost precaution, will
collect upon the scalp, would marine ,this
part all its riper and vitality, and thu?remove
the great cause of both these diseases. In
offering this preparation to the public, I have
full confidence that it will not disappoint the
expectations of many who may feel inclined to
give it a fair and impartial triaL •
.It more ef
fectually, than any other preparation, removes
the, dandruff and - cleanses the head, thus re
moving all obstacles to the growth of a new
and luxuriant crop of hair. For the. prema
ture grey, it restores to the hair the free arm
lation of its natural fluid, and, in an almost in
credibly short time, bring s in it its natural
healthfulness and color. Although this prep
oration has never been brought before the
public through the medium of adrertiang, yet
by its own inherent virtues, it has won its way
into favor in many of the counties of this and
neighboring States. At the sailieilation of
many of .my friends and patrons who hare
been benefitted lir it, I have beed induced to
give it to the public, and in doing this, I do it
with theconedent assurance that any :homey
try - it, will find it to passers all the merit claim
ed for it.
a good and fine lipid of hair.
Dec. 21, 1555. -3m
AGENTS.—A. D. BUEHLER, G WI - abuzz;
Joseph - Hafer, Abbottstown; IL F. Gardner,
Petersburg - J. Calvin Cover, Franklin town
ship Aidahough, Hampton; J. E. Smith,
hishlcraa ; J. B. Wrightson, Graffenburg ;
J. M. Schmidt, Hanover; F. G. WilEannion,
TEST tectind a large and spknorld amts.
meat of crUgENSWARK. at ,
rpm undersigned respectfallv infor m the
ii citizens of Gettysburg ' and the public
generally thatthey have opened a GRANITE
STONE YARD, nu South Baltimore Street,
opposite the residence of George 'Shrynek,
where they are prepared to furnish GRAN
ITE STONE, dressed in every style, for
allonsglitents, Door Sitio and
and.every kind of building and ornamental
tune. Also, CEMETERY. BLOCKS • ahlays
on hand and a general variety of. drtenad
Granite. • .
air The undersigned having. had consider
able experience in their bustness,, respeciful
lv incite i
. persons wishing anything n their
line to give use call—as we are prepared to
furnish the same article CHEAPER than it
his ever been heretofore offered in Gettys
De^. 7,1851-4 m
di' TVINI IsILDEEIS' moan.
MlBB MeCLE), LAN invites the attention
of Ladies and . Oontlemeu to her sup&
riot assortment of
OikiteßP a" 41040009
suitable for Fall and Winter wear, which have
been Pombapa very low and will be sold at
corresponding low prices. The assortment
includes the new and fashionable styles of
Silks, De Lanes,
Clinghants,Calicoes, De
Base, Coburg Cloths, Mus
lin, Lannon, Sack Flannels, Bon.
nets and Bonnet Trimmings, Satins,
Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Velvets; Art.a
cials, Black Veils, Blue do., Gloves, Hosiery,
Handkerchiefs, French Worked Collars,
Crunbric;Jackonetand Swiss Edgings,
4sertings, Minding, Sleeves, Mo.
hair. and Silk lifts, Black i
Lace and Embroitter. ,
ed Handkerchiefs,
Briids, Fins,
le—Ladies and Gentle Men are regnesWl
to call Ind examine our needs, which cann ot
be beat in the town for beanty . and cheap
ness. •
Gettysburg, Nov r 1855
TT L. SCHICK has returned from the city
itir • •with the largestaiid best selected 'stock
ever had t.he pleasure, of offering to this cOrn
inanity. Call Ord see for yourselves I. He
will not pretend to enumerate hie large and
attractive wicic—the limits of an advertise
ment will imot-ndinit of it. - But • if von Wish to
select from die choicest lot•of LADIES' AND
eyekever beheld, go to
Oct. 19, 1855. .
exclusive sale of CALEDONIA ROM,
ED IRON for Oettlsbnrgi would call the et.
tention of buyets to this make of. Iron-,the
hest in the market---which will' be sold at the
lowest rates. •
*We keep it large anpply of HAMMERED
IRON constantly on hand; Clall et the sign
of the RED FRONT.
Dee.. 7, 1855. , •
IT bas been the lot of the human race to be
weighed down by disease and suffering.—
lIOLLOWAY'S PILLS are specially adapted
to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS,
the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all eli•
mates, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Pro
lessor Holloway personally superintends the
manufacture of his medicines in the United
States, and offers.them to a free and enlight
ened people,. as the best remedy the. World ever
saw for the removal of disease.
These Pills Purify the Blood.
These famous Pills are expressly combined
to operate on the stomach, the liver, the kid
neys, the lungs, the Skin, and the bowels, cor
recting any derangement in their functions, pa
cifying the blood, the very fountain of life, and
thus curing disease in all its forma.
Dyspepsia and Liver Cossidedate,
Nearly half the human moo lave taken
these Pills. it has been proved in all parts of
dui world, that nothing has been found • equal
to them in cases of disorders or the liver, dye
pepsin, And stornaelt complaints generally.—
They soon give healthy tone to these organs,
however much deranged, and when all other
means have failed.
• general Debility. Ilt Health.
Many of the most despetic Govenp . ienta
have opened their Custom Houses to the Intro
duction of these Pills, that they may Impure
the medicine of the musses. Learned Colleges
admit that this medicine is the best remedy
ever known for persona of delicate health, or
where • the system has been impaired, as its in
vigorating properties never fail to afford . relief.
I , itswAle Caxplahete
No Female, Younker old, should be without
this celebrated medicine. It corrects and rag•
ulsies the monthly courses at all Periods, acting
in manyy cases like •a charm. It is also the
and safest medicine that can be given to
0111111dren ,of 811 ages, and for anp• complaint)
consequently no family should be without it.
Holloway's Pills are the best reinetly known as
the sarrld jar the jblloseing .111:teases :
Asthma' Diarrlices
Bowel Complaints Dropsy .
Coughs Debility .
Colds Fever and Ague
Chest %cases Female Complaints
Dyspepsia\ Headaches
Indigestion Stone and Ot.vel
Influenza Secondary symptoms
Inflammation , Inward Weakness
Venereal Affections Liver Complaints
Worms, of all kinds Low.iess of Spirits Piles
*. * *Sold at the manufactorjes of Professor
HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane,New York, and
244 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists.
and Dealers of Medicine throughout the Uni•
led States, and the civilized world, in boxes, at
25 cents, 621 cents and each.
1108,.There is a considerable eating by
in g the larger sizes.
N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa.
tients i every disorder are affixed to each box.
Oct. 26, 1855—eow .
HOSIERY.—A new article of SILK and
WOOL HOSE, and Silk-lined tIOSE,
for sale at
SfiPt ollljf 4kd
Oct. 12, 1845.
POlt •A itAIiVELOI7B Atiat
n Y the aid of a microscope, we see million*
AY of little openings on the surface of our .
bodies: Through these this Ointment, *ben
rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ' oe
iiiwerti part. Diseases of the Kidneys, dim*
ders of the Liver,
affections of the heart, Inds
elation of the Lungs, Asthma, Coughs and
Colds, are by its means effectually cured.— r
Every housewife knows that salt passes freely
through bone or meat of any thickness. This
healing Ointment far more readily penetrates
through any bone or fleshy part of the living
body, curing the most dangerous in*nrd corny
plaints, that eanuot be reached by other
No remedy has ever done so much for the
cure oftliseases of the Skin whatever form they
may assume, as this Ointment. No ease of
Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Scrofula or
Erysipelas, can long withstand its influence—.
The inventor has travelled over many parts of
the globe, visiting the principal hospitals, die.
penning this Ointment, giving advice as to its
application, and thus been the means ofrestor,
ing countless numbers to health.
Some of tho most pcientific surgeons now
rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointi
went, when having to cope with this worst cai
ses of sores, wounds, ulcers,glandulsr swellings,
and tumors. Professor Holloway has, by corn•
niand'of the Allied Governments, dispatched
to the hospitals of the Haat, large shipments of'
this Ointment, to be used under the direction
of the. Medical Staff, in the worst cases of.
wounds. It will cure any ulcer, glandular
swelling, stiffness or contraction of of the jointik
even. 20 years' standing.
Tho l e !and other similar distressing corm
plaints can be offectually cured if the Ointment
be well rubbed in over the parte affected Illuttr,
by otherwise following the printed 'directional.
around cach.pot. • •
Both Me Ointment atsd Pills should boAtlooli
in Me following eases:
Mercurial Erupt OW'
Chapped Hands • Piles
Chilblains ' 'Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum
, Skin Disingeg'
Stiff joinps,
Sore Lop
Sore Braids
Sore Veneral Sores
Spies' of all kinds • Wounds oi sll kinAl
Spralius • Scalds
lie gold at the Mannfactoriea of Prtifetiatir ,
nottowsor 80 Maiden Lane, New York' and •
244 Strand, London, and by all , respeetable
Druggists and Dealers of Medicines throcigh4'
out the United States, and the civilized world,'
in Pots, at 25 cents, 62} cents, and $1 each.
ItiiirThere,is a considerable saving by tali
ing Akio .
N. B. ' Directions for the gunlinco
every disorder ore affixed to oanh' P.
Nov. 2, iBs—cow
.NntrtaxitlY Zwortment.
AD. BUEHLER has added to:As former
• stock of Goods an unusually large as.
ortment of Classical, School and Mistellso
embracing all the text Books used in the Col.
lege, Common Schools, and standard Claude
authors, with the recent popular publications,
constituting a larger nisortment than ever be.
fore opened in Gettysburg. Also
Ul 223
of all kinds ; Cap, Letter and Note .Paper, of
the best quality,. Envelopes, Gold Peas and
Pencils, Pa
entures, &e., with a large atm*
went of •
Fancy Goods,
to which he invites attention, being prepare()
to sell at unesnally low prices. •-
••• 7
legt...fie has also ' largely inereasel' his
stock of— ''
Drugs and Oledicinex,
which can be relied upon m the beet in'tie
market. ,
Stir Arrangements have been efficted by
which any article in hia lino of business can ha ,
promptly ordered froin the city.
Gettysburg, Nov. 2, 1835.
Tundersigned, Will sell at Private Sale
that deairible property, in MaShorrys
town' Conowugo township, Adams county,
Pa., lying vu the public road running through
said place. It contains
Ten Jerra,
More or less, of first rate land, adjoining landa
of Dr. H. N. Lilly, Samuel and Joseph Stanit•
bough, and others, and is finely imprimeti. T .
There is a large •
TWO-STORY ' s ea :
with a twcestoiy brick back•building, fronting
on the street, and nearly opposite the public
house of John Busby, Esq., a good log IhMn i '
an orchard of chnich fruit, a good well of wa
ter, hnd other improvements. Possession giv
en on or before the Ist day of April next, 8J
may be.desired.' If not sold, the property Will
be Fon RENT;
l'ersona wishing to view tho premises will
call on John Busby, Egg. • • •
Nov. 23, 1855.—tf
' • ' • . Election.'
NOTICE is hereby given that there will I*
a meeting of the btockholdera of the Get
lysbury Railroad Company akthe GottftellOnser
in the Borough of Gettyaburg, op NeotrZoil, the
14th of January next, to choose Preiddent mud
twelve Directors for the eneuirig 'rear.
Dec.. 28 1835 td ' •
. .
DR. J. H. MARSDEN, of York Springs,
will deliver an Address before the "Ad.
ems- County Agricultural Society," it . : the
Court• House, in Gettysburg, on 7Mesda~ la.
22nd of January, ioaL, at I o'clock, P. M.—
The citizens of the town and county are invited
to be present.
JOIN mcomix, Eta%
• H. J. STASI'', fkeit.
Jan. 7, 1856.--td
co4L "town*
O F •
Plawur Ind iiith CoMbOlit
uti baud old for sal, st, 4 !*
' WAtgAtagt 101410.