Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, January 11, 1856, Image 1

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    13Y, D, A. 0: 0..11. BUEHLER
'2l; thellonorabk Ih&&nalors and Members of
Me ;Homo
,of Representatives of the . General
Assembly e
pitscruomort—A kind Providence has great
1p blessed'otir Commonwealth during the past
iescr: No foreign war, no internal strife have
nterrupted or destroyed the peaceful quiet of
our homes. ! AD the great interests of the pro
pie have been eminently prosperous. The
earth. in rich abundance, heti yielded her in.
crease to supply our wants, and reward with
her heunties the, abor of the husbandman.
Leber. in every department of manufacturing
and mochenical industry, has been stimulated
and erioifuraged. The ravages of disease and
the harms of the pestilence have been averted
from us ; and whilst the cry of human suffer-;
ing, from other States, has been heard invok
ing eur sympathy and , aid, we have been
blessed With health and permitted to enjoy the
coati:wits and happiness of social life. To Him
whe'hath best Owed these blessings 'upon us,
and upon whose care we are constantly de
pendent, should be over paid the willing hom
age of our gi awful hearts.
The report:of the State Treasurer will ex
hibit, to yoU, in detail, the operations of his de-
pertinent. The results are more initial:to tory ;
and encouraging than were anticipated.
The receipts at the 'treasury for the fiscal !
year ending November 30. 1855. including the
balance in the Treasury on the Ist depot De.
cetnher. 1854. (81.'240.928 72) aunounted to
86,631,402 83. The total payments for the •
amine period were $5,385.705 52 ; leaving a
balance in the treasury on the 30th November,
1855. of $1 N 5,607 31. No loans. temporary
or otherwise, were negotiated during the past
&cal year. as they were nut required by the
wants of the Treasury.
The receipts during the past year, from all ,
.sources. (excluding the balance in the Treasu.
ry on the first day of Deceta bet, 1854.) were
85,390,474 11. The ordinary expenditures
for the same period, including the Interest on
the publie debt, were '84,130,512 28, showing
an excess of receipts over ordinary expendi
tures of 81.250.961. 83.
The extrattnlttetryonymenfs fur the year '
were 81.246.193 24, as fellows, *viz :—To .11e
completion of the new Portage railroad over
the A Ilerheny mountains. 3446.762 12: to
the North Branch canal, $87.562 07 ; to the !
Columbia railroad. to re-lay south track,
$133,100 00 ; to the payment of domestic cred-
3:ors. 31.620 85 : to the redemption of loans,
..ft.:116.550 00, and to relief notes cancelled,
; 4 ,260,588 00.
'rite balaace in the Trea.sury will he required
tor the payment of the interest nil the Santo
debt falling due in February next, and for-un
paid appropriations. The interest on the fund
.ed debt of the Commonwealth, which became
Fehrmtry and Atiglist last. was prompt
ly paid : and it is gratifying to state that the
interest dime in Petit nary next will lie puid with
,equal promptness. 'rile credit of the State
daisy:be regarded as firmly established; and
.with proper economy and a careful and honest
management-of her finances, an annual reduc
tion or her debt, to a consikrable extent, may
Lecumlideutly expected.
:There is due by the Trento)ty to the sinking
.Ettlid the tellll of $335.011 39. to be applied
to the redemption of the relief notes now in
Circulation, and to the funded debt.of the COW.
,thonwealfh. The greater parted" the ftindei
adebt bears interest at the rate of live per cent.
per summit : the balance bears a still less rate
()fink:tin-L. Ilot as t h e temporary loans, which
by law are to be first paid out of the available
.weans of the tt eusitry, bear intertst at the rate
.of six per cent., it hits been deemed advisable,
4114 a matt( r of eexnuany, to apply the surplus
_revenues to the ! my afoot of these loans. When
-these are liquidated. the amount due gild prop
tab. applicable to the Sinking Fund will be
paid, nud its Natation continued as ditected
by law.
. -
Notwithstanding the revertnea for the last
four ins itive years have largely exceeded the
oi dimity expo:D.ll, of the government, yet
in cousequeme of the large and insatiable do
wands upon the Treasury fig the completion
of the North Branch canal, the Portage railroad
and other kindled improvements, the public
debt, instead of being reduced, has been in
:creased. This increase, with the amount and
-condition of the debt at•dilferent periods, will
•be Seell in the hollowing statements:
.Slaterneni if the funded and unfunded debt if
the ( iinuniintetuith on (he lit day if December,
1851, as per rWurl if . the .luditur General.
Heeded debt. viz,:
4par cold. luau,
.6 do.,
-4X do.,
Total funded dott
Unfunded debt, via :
Teller notes in circulation, 04103 00
Jotereat ourtilleatr% ouletaiellug, 160,Z1
Do. do. tiocialnied, 4,40 38
Intereat on outstanding sod us.
claimed cortidcatea, whoa lauded, 9,789. PI
Duweetk crallture, 82,632 74
Total debt December 1, 1851., 40.114,336 39
.Slatemeni showing lice indebtedness of ..0e Cont.
masswealth an flee lot day if December, 1854,
41t8 per Jae/if/sr' Gcacrara report.
lhanded debt. els :
6 per cant. tow, 6532.104, 43
z 4u., 32.00t.ti10 .17
4,‘ du., . • 388,200 uti
d 0. 4 , 100,000 00
Total funded debt, 540,084,030 20
Unfunded debt. els t
Relief notes In circulation, 491.361 00
Interest certificates outstanding, 04,557 01
Do. du, unclaimed, 4,448 38
Interest on outstanding and un
,chninednertificata, when funded, 1,870 97
Domestic creditors' certificates, 3,707 61
Mehra* attewpurary lona of April
19, 1863, 660,000 Oa
Daanceof temporary loan of May
9, 1864, 460,436 67
Total unfunded debt sad tempo.
way Maw, 1,638,680 84
To these should be added the following rellef
notes, not included in the “relief ages In
a tl a m :e ib
it by the Lamas
tar Dank, not charged ou Btute
Trausact's books, 1325,000 00
Aellef mita put in circulation
fhiptembet ' 1854, and not re.
deemed December 1,1854, 60.000 00
Total public debt December 1, 1154, 41,098,695 14
do 1851, 40,114,236 59
Ineresse of debt to three years. 1.984409 93
The &mud end unfunded debt, Including unpaid tempo.
eery loam on the , let- dig ..of December, 1836. the close of
the lest WWI year, per report of thorAudltor General and
atikt• Treasurer. weans follows; to Wit
hooded debt, els
Epee coot. tonna
4 do,
6. do.
Total hustled debt,
rthelOadod 414, sin
Relief Dates la eltenlation 268,778'00
/abort oertfloates outet4allog, 29,167 23
Dootestlo outpost', 1,10100
Balance of Otaporary_le+n of Aptil
It, . 626,000 00
Balattoe of tetoponuT loan of Kay
-0?1864 - , 346,
Totalrfooded debt, 000 00. 7,160,104 sc
' To{ a l dabs MasiTibor 1, 1836, - 41,087,094 73
Total do*, ago stated, December 1, 1814, 41,608,693 74
• Ihri, • =sdo.. " do.- 1,1866141,007,994 77
Dior:we daring the bad year,
This statement exhibits the gratifying fact
that during the fiscal year ending November
30, 1851 i, the indebtedness of the, Common
''secalth has been reduced $630,601 02. !Jur
intme—peridd•targe- appropilations - and
payments were. made for the cornpletion of
the new Portage railroad, re-laying the track of
thaVolumbia railroad, and for other purposes.
These demands upon the Treasury were, with
: out the aid of loans, piomptly paid.
Refusing to undertake any new schemes of
internal improvement, limiting all tiPProPria'
dons to "the actual demands of the 01/011111011,
practising strict economy in all departments of
the government, and holding the receiving and
disbursing agents of the , Commonwealth to a
rigid accountability, will greatly reduce the
expenditures.' and,. under ordinary OilraUalatali• 1
I cos, leave an annual surplus of the revenues to
I be applied to the redemption of the public deht.
The estimated receipts ,and expenditures for
' the current fiscal year will be presented to you
in' the report of the State Treasurer. The re
i ceipts from the usual sources of revenue,above
the ordinary expenditures. may exceed the sum
of one million . and a half of dollars. These
estimates may approximate the true result,but
cannot be relied upon with certainty.
By the thirty-eighth section of the act of the
16th of April, 1845, entitled "An Act to pro.
vide for the ordinary expenses of government,
the repair of the canals and railroads of the
State, and other claims upon the Common
wealth," the Governor was authorized to cause
certificates of State 'stock to be issued to all '
persons or. bodies corporate holding certificates
fer the payment of Interest on the funded debt
of the State, which fell due do the let day of
1 August, 1842, the let days of February and
August, 1843,and the Ist days of February and
A ngust 1844. in an amount equal to the amount
of certificates so held, upon their delivering up
said certificates to the Auditor General. In
pursuance of the authority thus given, certifi
cares of State stock to the amount of four mil
lions one hundred and five•thousand one bun
: tired and fifty dollars and twenty cents, bearing '
• interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum.
. payable semi-annually, on the Ist days of
February end August in each year, and redeem
, able on or after the let day-'of August, 1855,
were issued. The minimum period fixed by
law for the redemption of these certificates,
expired on the Ist day of August last. No
provision has been made for their renewal or
Although by the terms of the act authorizing
these certificates of State stock, as also by the
conditions of the certificates issued in pursu
ance thereof, the time of payment, after the ex
piration of the minimum period, is uptional
with the debtor—the Commonwealth—yet a
due regard to the credit et the State requires
' that provision should be made for their renewal
'or redemption. To redeem these certificates a
luau would become necessary, and as a loan
cannot be eff e cted, in the present financial ,
condition of the country, on terms inure favor- I
able to the State, titan those on which these
certificates were issued, I would recommend.
that authority be given to issue the Honda of
the. Commonwealth in renewal of said certifi
cates, bearing interest at the rate of five per
cent. per annum, payable scini.annually, and
redeemable on or after the expiration of twen
ty years; and that the bonds be issued with
coupons ur certificates of interest attached, in
sums equal in amount to the semi-annual in
terest thereon, payable on the first days of
February and August in each and every year,
at such place as may he designated. 'Phis
change in the form and character of ths certi
ficates, it is believed, will be so advantageous
to me holders, without increasing the liabili
ties of the. Commonwealth, as to induce a will
leg and prompt exchange, at a premium, for
the bends proposed to be issued.
'flue condition of the public works, aunr
general operation, and the receipts and expend
itures for the past fical year, will be presented
to you in the report of the Canal Commission
The aggregate receipts at the Treasury from
the public works, for the , year ending Novem
ber 30, 1855, were $1,949,376 71. The ag
grenete expundituteb, including ordinary and
extraordinary payment~, for the same period,
amounted to $1,838,791 18, showing an Ox•
COSifi 61 receipts, over all expenditures, of
$103,585 53.
The extraordinary payments for the same
year, (excluding 18133,i0t) 00 paid for re-lay
ing the south track of the Columbia railroad,
end $28,000 00 (or re.building the Freeport
aqueduct) were $690,427 78. The ordinary
expenditures were $1,148,363 40.
Aggregate receios, as above
stated, $1.942,376 7
Ordinary expenditures,
Net revenueS lot the fiscal year, 794,013 31
This balance exhibits a small increase in the
net revenues, as compared with the net reve
nues of 1854; and notwithstanding the with
drawal of the transportation lines from the
main line of the canal, the aggregate revenues
for the last year have exceeded the revenues
of 1954 by more titan twenty-three thousand
dollars. From the abundant crops of the past
year, the improved condition of the monetary
affairs of the country and the general revival of
business, a large increase in the revenues for
the current year may be confidently expected.
Tl:e sum of $161,125 25, has been paid in
.to the Treasury by the Pennsylvania railroad
company and other railroad companies, as the
tax on tonnage passing over their roads. This
amount largely exceeds the auto paid by the
same companies in 1854.
The Delaware division exhibits a satisfac
tory result. The total reiteints. were $302,-
673 42; expenditures, 860.097 86 ; allowing
a net revenue of $332,575 56. .• lf all our lines
of improvement exhibited a similar balance
sheet, the people would have less cause of
complaint and more confidence in the general
operation of the system.
There has been a large increase in the bus'-
, nese and tonnage of the Columbia' railroad,
and a corresponding increase in the receipts
therefrom. The operation of this road for the
past year have been highly satisfactory. The
operations of that part of the main line from
the Junction to Pittsburg, including the Port
age railroad, do not present so favorable a re
sult. .The receipts have greatly diminished,
and were net sufficient to meet the ordinary
expenditures. The revenues from the main
line do not equal the teceipte of the previous
years. The causes of this reduction are ap.
parent, and some of them have been referred
to and enumerated. It is but just to add that
the expenditures on this line have beets much
diminished by the avoidance of some of the
inclined planes on the Portage railroad,
I regret to inform you that the railroad to
avoid the inclined planes on the Allegheny
mountain, has not been completed'as WU con
fidently anticipated. The delay, in. the coln
pletion of this work has occasioned, much in-
convenience to the business of the main line
and a loss to' the revenues of the Common.
wealth. The expenditures have largely ex
ceeded the original estimates for Its construe.
Lion; and although the sum of *277,730' 00
was appropriated at the last session of the
,Legislature for the completion of this work=
a sum covering the estimate of the engineer--
yet atter the expenditure of the whole amount'
thus appropriated, the road. is,uninished ; andl
VI complete it, and pay the debts contracted,
the further sum'of $177,573 66, as now esti. /
mated by the engineer, will be required.—
Either the estimates have been very carelessly
made, or large sums of money uselessly and
extravagantly expended in the prosecution of
this improvement. As aiding the business of
the main tine, reducing still further its ex
pendaures and 'relieving the Treasury from
these constant demander the - announcement of
its early completion w ill be hailed with plea
sure by every citizen.
Although the completion of the North
Brunch canal, before the close of navigation,
was certainly expected, yet this expectation
hes not Mien realized. The efforts of the pres
ent .S.uperlntendent, Mr. Mallit, during the
past year, to complete and pit; is successful
$2.314,023 61
36,104.464 ga
101,2u0 00
----Z....19,216,101 64
891,828 811
018,154 SO
28,903,445 54
889,200 CO
100,000 00
030,691 01
1 operation this canal, deserves the highest com
mendation. Everything that skilf, energy,
and industry could accomplish, has been done.
The labor to be performed was great, and
rendered more'difficult and perplexing by the
imperfect and fraudulent .00nstruction of the
old work and some portion of the new. The
large quantity of rooks, bees, stamps, and
root., placed in the bottom of the canal, and
I the defective material used in
. the embank.
mente, suffered the water to escape almost as
rapidly as admitted, and rendered a re-con.
emotion of the work, in many places indes
pensably necessary. Its 'maxilla! comple
don; it is hoped, will soon be announced.
It will appear by the report of the Commit
tee of Ways and Means, made to the Houee
of Representatives in 1849, that the entire
amount necessary to complete and put in ope•
ration the unfinished portions, of this canal
was estimated at the sum of 06,037. The
amount actually expended on the work since
that period, as appears from the reports of the
Superintendent, Engineer and Canal C'ommis-1
sinners is *1,857,377,52, being an excess of ,
expenditures over the original estimates ot ;
8751,340,52; and the canal not yet in. opera
tion. With snob facts before as--such evi
ot mismanagement end reckless expen
diture as the history of this canal shows, is
not matter of surpnse that the Commonwealth
and people are burdened with debt and tuit
In pursuance of the act of the Bth of May
Last, providing for the sale of the main lino of
the public works, after giving the notice requir
ed by law, I caused the same to be exposed to
public sale, at the Merchant's Exchange, in the
city of Philadelphia. No offers were made,
and consequently the works remain unsold.—
Scaled proposals for the "sale or lease of the
main I i ie,"wore subsequentlyinvited, as d irected
by the seventeenth section of the said act, and
the proposals received are herewith submitted
to the Legislaturefor their action and final tbs.
Having on a former occasion presented my
views of the propriety and policy of o sale of
this branch of our public improvements,.a re
petition of the sentiments then expressed be
comes unnecessary. In relation to this sub
ject my opinion has notchanged. On the con
trary the experience of the past, and a careful
examination of the question in its economical
and political relations, have atfengthened and
confirmed it. That the State should, long since,
have been separated from the management
and control of these works, the history of their
construction and management clearly demon
strates. Public policy andpublic sentiment
demand this separation ; and every considers
tion of present and future interest requires
their sale. The late financial embarrhsaments
of the country—the imperfect character of
coins of the provisions of the bill authorizing
the sale, together with the adverse influence of
rival interests, defeated tho recent attempt to
sell. These difficulties have been, dr can be,
removed; and a sale yet effected on terms am
ply protective of the rights and interests of the •
people, and atthe same time just and liberal to
the purchasers.
To reduce' the State debt and relieve the
people from taxation, are objects worthy the
earnest and anxious consideration of the Legis
lature. To accomplish these objects speedily
and certainly, a sale of the whole or part of our •
public improvements becomes important and
necessary. The revenues of the State, under
the present system of management of the pule
lie works, are but little more than sufficient to
pay the interest of her debt, and the ordinary
expenses of the government. A sale of these
works, for a fair consideration, and upon terms
just 1111 d liberal, would constitute a beginning
in the process of liquidation that would free our
Commonwealth from debt and her people from
consequent taxation. In every measure calcu
lated to produce these desirable results, I will
cheerfully co-operate with the Legislature.
The currency of the State. in its relation to
banking institutions, and their increase, is a
subject that demands careful and intelligent
consideration. From a notice given of numer
ous intended applications to the Lgislature for
new banks and an increase of banking capital,
this subject will doubtless . be presented to, and
strongly urged upon
y our attention. Shall the
number oebanks an d the amount of banking
enpital be increased ? and if so, to what extent
and iu what localities ? are questions of absorb
ing public interest
% ithout desiring to assume a general and
uncompromising hostility to all banks or to an
increase of of banking capital, I cannot discover
the necessity that- requires ? or the circumstan
ces that- would justify the incorporation of all
that may be demanded from the Legislature.
The incorporation of new, or the re-charter of
old and and solvent banks, when indispensibly
necessary and clearly demanded by the actual
busine'ss wants of the community in which they
may be located, should not be refused ; under
no other circumstances should their iucorpora
tiou be permitted.
The necessity for increasing the number of
banks should be determined more by , the actual
wants of legitimate trade r than by the number
of applications and the wild fancies of stockjob
bers and speculators. The sudden and unne
cessary expansion of the currency should be a
voided, and whatever tends to produce such a
result ought to be discountenanced and pre vent-.
ed. In the creation of banks the true interests
1.148.363 40
of the State and people should be consulted ;
and a just and honest discrimination, as to num
ber, locality and the demands of trade, be ex
ercised by their representatives. Public sen
timent does not demand, nor do public or pri
vate interests require, the creation of numerous
In the present condition of the finances, and
in aid of the revenues of the State, (in addition
to the taxes now imposed bylaw,) a reasonable
premium should be required to be paid by all
banks or saving institutions that may hereafter
be chartered or re.chartered by the Legisla
As appropriate to this subject, and intimate•
ly connected with it, I cannot forbearto express
my disapprobation of a practice, that has here
tofore obtained to some extent, of using the
names of members of the Legislature as corro•
rotors in bills pending before them for the In
corporation of banks and *ln companies.—
Such n practice is perniciods, and cannot bo
too strongly condemned. It perils the hole.
pendenee of the Legislator— exposes him to nu
pet suspicious, "and stamps with selfishness, at
least hie logisletivi action in the premises.—
Legislation should be froo, even from the ap
pearance of improper motive; and every undue
and corrupting influence, inside or outside of
Ma Legislative Balls, should be resisted and
.It is a .case of more than ordinary congratula
tion, that agriculture, the first, as it is the no
blest pursuit of man, has, in its progress of di)-
velopment,. vindicated its own importance, and
assumed, in piblic esteem, the honorable po
sition to which `it is so justly entitled. Constatu
ting, as it does, the substratum of our mechan
ical, mannfecturing and commercial interests,
it should over be regarded as the chief source
of State and National prosperity. First in ne
cessity, it is the highest is usefulness of all the
departments of labor — siistaiiiing and promot
ing, in their varied and multiplied relations, all
the other industrial interests of the country.—
Our financial and commercial prosperity is
largely dependent upon the success of agricul
tural industry.
An interest so important should receive the
encouragement of all classes'of society. No
longer a mere
.art--an exertion or
strength, it has reiched . the dignity of a science,
and to its progress and improvement the peo
ple and their representatives should cheerfully
contribute. State and county agricultural so
cieties have done Much to promote this cause,
and through their agency much valuable infer.
matioa has been collected and diffused. Much
1 yet remains to be done. More information is
dentanded. Moro efficiency in the collection
and diffusion of tuiefid knowledge is required.
To secure this result, .the establishment of an
agricultural. bureau„in connection with some
of the departmenta of Stete, would largely eon
tribute. / The importtnee of such a bureau,
properly organized, ii an aid to the advance
ment of agricultural knowledge and thesuccess
cif agricultural industry; cannot easily be over
estimated. 'an subjtmt is, earnestly cowmen
ded to your aaention. ,
By art Wet of the Jest session, an institution
i designated as the "Armors" High School
,of i
Pennsylvania," was incorporated. The that.- 1
ter was accepted by the trustees, and the initi- 1
1 tution duly otanizedL. An eligible site for the 1
1 College has been secured in Centre Co., and
' two hundred acres' of . validible and highly cul-
tivated land donated tolhe trustees, for the '
use of the imititution tt liy Gen. James Irvin, of
that country. The citizens of the county, with
a liberality highly coMMeridable, have pledged I,
and secured to the trustees, for the use of the I
College, ten thousand dollars, in addition to I
the land donated. This liberality shows that
the farmers of Pennitylvania fully . , appreciate
the importance of such an institution, and will
support and amain it t The coutie of instruc
tion will be thorough lid practical. Scientific
and practical agriculture, with the usual bran
ches of academic education, will be taught, and
the effort will be to make good farmers, good
scholars and good citizens.'
`Whilst individual litiorality and energy have
done much, and will do more, for this institu
tion, an appropriatiMiliy the State, in such
sum as the Legislature may deem proper,
would not only aid and encourage this . lauda
ble enterprise, but would be au honorable and
just recognition of thtimportant interests in
volved. , t ,
' . The laws, now in operation, regulating man
ufacturing and otheritnprovement companies,
are in some of their Provisions too severely re
strictive, and should be modified. Legislation
on these subjects hacherettifore tended to re
strain the investment, of capital—check in
dustry, and curb thei.onergy of the people in
the prosecution of thew enterprises that aid
the development of our immense resources,
and contribute so lately to the wealth and '
prosperity of the State. Liberal and judicious
legislation—encouregemg indb ideal enterprise
—inviting the investnient of capital, and stim
ulating the various depardirents of manufac
turing and inechanitMl industry, would greatly
promote the interests of the people—increase
our revenues, and givp to the Commonwealth
that prominence and position, in the sisterhood
of States, to which the character of her citizens
and her illimitabl6 natural resources justly en
title her: ' To thisTsillijobi your indention is
The report of thejSuperintendent of Common
Schools will exhibit to you their condition and
the general opera' of "., of the system throtigh
out the comiuouwe ,ffi, during the past. yeti?:
To the valuable an eful suggestions of the
report, I would earnestly ask the attention of
the Legislature.
Thu eperation . and results of the system as
detailed are highly interesting. Our edutm
tional system is slowly, but surely conquering
the prejudices and gaining the confidence of
, the people. Under the fostering care of fiber.
[al and enlightened legislation its ultimate
triumph is certain. When the system was
first introduced, it was supposed that it could
be perfected and forced into general and vig•
nrous operation by the mere will of the Legis
lature. Experience has proven, that in this
as in every other great social and moral re
form, time and that consent which arises from
a radical change iu the popular mind, were
required. This slow process of the acclima
tion of the now system to our social and mor
al atmosphere, has been in operation for near
ly twenty years ; and it is now evident that
the period for another effective interposition of
legislative aid and authority in favor of our
noble system of common schools has arrived.
In whatever form this obviously proper and
necessary interposidoa may present itself, if
calculated to promote the great purpose in
view, it shall receive my cheerful support.
Alter a careful examination of the subject, ' ,
ills my clear conviction that the system is now'
prepared for and requires increased efficiency
in its general supervision—increased qualifi
cation in its teachers, and increased means in
its support.
The experiment of the County Superinten
dency, wherever faithfully carried out, has not
disappointed the expectations of the advocates
of that measure. The improved condition of
the schools, and the greater efficiency of the
system, clearly establish the propriety and
utility of such supervision. Tho official visits
of au officer of the school depqrtment to some
of the counties of the State,an connection with
the County Superintendency, have demonstra
ted that the voice of public authority to sus
tain, and the presence of an official agent to
encourage, have largely contributed to excite
and mntain the deep interest now felt by the
public in 'our educational progress and ire
The most marked improvement recently of
fccted in the system, has been in its corpse o
teachers. With almost unparalleled disinter
estedness end devotion to the noble cause in
' which they are engaged, the common school
teachers of the State have, in almost every
county, been using all the means and applian
ces within their power for self-improiement.—
These efforts so creditable to them, have been
highly beneficial in their results, and clearly
prove the necessity, and point with unerring
certainty to the e.tablishinent of State Nor
mal schools. 'Teachers' meetings for a day
have given place to institutes for a week ; and
these again to • numerous Normal meetings,
continuing from one to three mouths,. -At ev-
ery step iu this progression, it has become
more, apparent that Rartnattout institutions,
with thetr,ptoper protsesors and appliances
which nothing but thoOiver of the State can
provide, are denutudeilly and would meet the
wants of the system and the occasion.
In conceding this boon to our children,
through their teachers, we are encouraged by
the example of other countries, and the expe
rience of die past. it is a remarkable fact,
that no State of our Union, nor nation of the
'old world, has perfected its system' of public
instruction, without schools for the *Cession
'al training of teachers established and sup
ported by the public authority and means ;
and it is no less remarkable, and still more
encouraging, that no such institution has our 1
pot been abandoned. From Prussia, whose
experience in this regard, is that of a century
and quarter, to our youtig sister Michigan,
whose existents is asof t Kesterday, the Normal
been has be tried roughoutehristeudom
With unvaryin,F success.
This result it in full harmony with the laws
of mind and of human society. Teaching is
tilliOh and hotorable profession , and no pro
fession has moo arduous and complex duties
to perform—aid no one operates on, or with
such valuable andluteresung material. The
most thorough preparation is therefore requi
site; aud as tie duties to be perforMed are
not ouly rospcpsible t but delicate, aud may
affect the social, political, moral, or religious
feeliuss *imi /thus of the iitizeu, uo. sourco
• , . .. , .
so safe, no authority for their discharge so free ; bediaappointed. The blind, in their darknees! , a „ e .
Vern suspicion or bias, es the State- Teach- f.,t-Ltlie aumb, in theirsileneo—will cherish the I ..... ` l ' e " ielleeeieell be re p elled ' • The
ors trained by the State, and representing the j gift, and bless the generous donor. amount of enrollment tax now due the Cora
vitality of its republicanism. will be the firm I LegieLstion. iu relatiorato all questions of mo- " wilieletilth is la n e ' eett should have been
support and sureguarantee of its republican real and social reforui, should is, otreftilly sad paid loot since. I would therefore renew.'
ea law repealing d th emen pasm ge o f all Acts
equlllity. . l wisely considered and matured. On no athlete:,„ ,
It is , timetable that the teaching mindshouki ; withtu the coastitutieual authority of tbe Leo- heretofore 113 " e.1 * subject to sue- '4l' unle ss
resume its true placein the schools. In the t adature, are the people so sensitive ; and no one - the tat be paid within one year thereafter, end
communication of knowledge, er be effective, 'More deeply interests every elnsts and conda further to provide that all such Ates hereafter•
mind, in sympathetic contact", must act upon i ficn of society. Semptuary le.ys. as a genes! 1
pegged shall not have the force and effete. of
mind, and with living, speaking energy, 7esse I role, are of doubtful expediency ; and, as
I.IW. imieee the taxes respectively dun thereon
its impress there.' The Great Master himself , abridgMents of the liberty and privileges Grit)" paid within six months after their approve!.
secure the
i Such a law would pof then
thus trained the school which was to reform ; the citizen, Min only be justified rat the ground
taxes. increaae the revenues, and ayment at the same
the world. But now the hook has •too much ,of necessity. Whilst this is admitted. it stn- !
l intruded itself between the teacher, and the !not be denied tint the evils resulting from in-
!time check the demand for private Acts de
' taught. The teacher has too much become . I : temperance, create a necessity for regulating t signed !,o be used or abandoned, as the calm ,
parties in intenot might determine.
the ere exponent of the printed page, and i anti restraining,' by legislative acts the lratfile!aeon of chances, or the loss or gain of the
the mind of the learner the impressed copy of 'and sale of inertia taw.; liquors. To what ex-
tins text. In thus Baying, the nine and impor- i tent thistratie should be restrained by positive I By a resolution of the Lerislainre, paned
tanro of books, as a means of knowledge, are ; law, mast depend on the, will of the people, , the 276 day of Much' 1H,,5, re q ui r i ng' the
. oNew York and Erie Railroad flumpeny to
not intended to be overlooked ordescried; but i determined. by consideratione of thew own
the use of our best agencies have their limits l moral,phybical and seals! welfare. *Wiettever communicate to the Legislature of this loom.
Ith a state.nelit certified ander oath
rand when we find the book usurpingehe place s I meg be my- own nion. hr tint of the Le,ele- " wit '!" • . • -
1 by thew Pnesideno setting forth whatquantity
'Of the teacher, to &Injury of the mind of our 1 Llllllle-or theycoole, in referenaa to the law of
f land said company now hold in Peimaylea.
youth, we should restore each to improper par l th e last session •'ito restrain the sitleof int. - 4x- i
t nu—lt` loaders—how much they have here.
aition--require from each the performance I Lotting liquor:4," it muse be admitted that a
tor its appropriate functions, and thus' confer ; nee return, to the lietnete system, is operation infore disposed—its value---the value of what
;upon both the full:Measure of their usefulneas. - prior be the paesit abide were acquired,' it was made the duty
go of the present law, is wa they now hold, and when the title to said
As an expedient to supply the placed' reg- l demi:ode(' by enlightened public eentiment,
l the Governor to transmit a copy of said m
olar Normal schools till established; and as a ' and would not promo the gins( order or hap
valuable auxiliary to them when in operation, 1 pines, of the community. Thete r ehe laws so ution to the President of said Compafiy.--
the Teachers' Institute would be of unqutotime i then in existence were intaerfe,ct lifid folk .l A copy of the resolution was !remounted as
of able value. It would bring together the teach- i technic or control the evils of intemp Ton ee direcied; and the answer of the President
th. 17empany, communicating the information
era of a county under the best induencea, for lieu propositiou too plait] to be doubted—that i
required, is herewith submitted to the , Legit,-
consultation and improvement, and exhibit 1 they needed revision Inuit also lie cote:oiled.
l ithem before their fellow.citizens in their pop. In cur Moen cities and towne, the evils of the inure '
'er professional character: A portion of the I
system were more severely felt The facility On the 6th dal of October last. I approved
means of the State, orof the respective roan - andeetteapnem with whichlieellSeS were on-
and signed the bill entitled "Ail act to repeal
ties, aliplicable to educational improvment tained, operated au a uranium to vice and hit-
the Charter of ton I.rieand N. Kim Railroad
could not be more profitably • applied, than to morality. and multiplied tippling !towels :awl
Conap , my and to provide fur
In purnance of its provisione. I a
dispneine of the
the encuum meeting gemeut of the mting of at legate panes 'And inteeperance, unller the :nadirs-1-
name. t
onestch institute, annually, in each county.-- i trot law, was . not only poonitted, but en p,, i ~, ed the Hon. Joseph Caseyo take posers-
An experiment of this kind recently made in ! euaragell. My imam:lane predecessor, in his sion and have the charge and custody of the
road. Before possession was talneu, appli
the county of Chester, is said to have been em- last annual message to the Legisl a ture, in ref road.
successful,, nnd strongly indicative of mem to the Caen licenee laws, earl: oSo far cation was made by the Company to tone. of
the wisdom of the measure. maculates to the oil of Philadelphia, they.are the Judges of the Suereme Court. of this Coin-
If, in addition to these. or similar meemes the
prejudicial to pub li c inertia, end monn - ealth liar an injunction to restrain 'the
Legislature should feel nem/nail—end theme's. 3 seem to have been anistructed to promote the Agent of the Slate from taking possession of
um has all the 'unction this ezecutire document 1 convenieuee cif drinkiug for more than to re-
the, read ; and sobserjently a cautionary order
ean•give it—to make • hares addition ro the wa. strain imerilconsequenoto." In thisopirtion I was made by the Supreme Court, in bane, to -.
nual testa appropriation to cowmen "chorea I be- fully concur. That a remedy wasdemanded stay his pniceedine under the Act The quese n
I ieve that all Will be done which the petriotkas all will weevils. Whether the law of the last lions involved in the aPPlication for an intone- ll '
of the people's representatives Can Dow effellil sad . cessionSUS the proper remedy. it is not my 1 lion are new pending before that Court, and
Ido not hevitate to express the opinon that the provinee wow to damn:eine. rotected by the I will, it is expected, be determined early in the
ihne has co m e for this p „, mie, f u l l en d d ec i s i ve rapreaental i aes ae the people, I gave that act i present month. The result will be made the
action. Let the integrity of-the system. in ilk my official approval. Recognizing tho pm,. 1 siihjeaf of a special communication to the Le
great purposes and objects, tie mentained; and pleas the source of all polluted -Otter, and I llishsturre
if changed, chanced only to raider it more tee their representatives as the imineiliala expo.- The recent fraudulent, if not felonious, ale
ficiont, and to increase its power I. enesterese- nentsof their will. uport you will devolve the etraction eta large quantity of anus from the
fullness. Whatever else may dradagoida year responsibility of further legieletion, if any, nisi -Amelia' at Ilarrisbure. has shown the necesi
present session, it is hairanling brale to poorest. this ,insect. In all u
ats relations, eeonmical. , ty of additional leg islation .. for the protection
that more honor and benefit 'Oil! result from th e political, social outd moral, the question is im- - 'tithe amen and. ether Oublic l roPerty of, the
perfection of the corneae° ociero; system of edam penul width , pme , r d eter ed e ,, t i te , j eth e ree f a Cianteunwiltia..ileposited in th e Arsenals of
lion, than from any other examine eryour-fiegialase
the Stale. The raking and cale of the public
fearful reeponsibilitin t It deservee a and
use powers. .
arms and property, without authority of law,
• should ret:eive, your aerious anisidenition
- The public schools of Philadelphia-are deism
If anion is had, Mae we not hope that it will by the keepers of the -cremate, or by others
ins of special notice .aryl approval. Initheir be ch • - haring them in charge , should be deelared a
as will premote th e virtue, morality,
various gradations, fr om tbe piously op -to ihe
and . .
tercets or," pie wad c 0m ,,,„. felony , and penis led with severity ; and all
high school, they are models worthy of imitatian; wile interests oa Pe o ple
and their management and efficiency nfiert great wealth . I persons purchasing or receiving the same, e
without pi:Ter authority. and knnwing them
Lege -letion, so ferns' pr ac ticable , ,
,•_, . ..
~.. _
1.. . _
v ._
should be I
credit upon those to whom hays been ememitted
_the . Ueminninverdth,
greet-al and uniaurni. Load and speciarle-i Oa , pe, , ,an 1 . ) ,,, Pe, atl
their supervision and calorie . It is to be re
gislatien should nut be encouraged, when the 5.,-"-.. , : , - I —ed Ile Prmo'Pahrs aml Punish'
gre tteul that these school*, so creditable to our
desired abject . crap 'tae be obtained Ify general e° " CCI " ' 11.-4Y
g Teat commercial and literary emporium, and so
honorable to our Commonwealth, sbookl find no laws. Such legisbitioe is not, only load and The Londe eow required to be given by the
ahe harge of their duties'.
Place in the animal report - of the So ' beatent special in its character, but frequently tempo-
A.ljutoant General end keepers of the arse
ofw Common Sa's.. As et present command, try — he el ems ateeitlf Whig rePeoled u nll ?Ow the fonliftd dtac
these schools are independent of the Mate noper- by - the art of th e met , and im .h,, to ., „ l o om ," ans
re itnect , i
ent nunwell no secure the Com
intendency• and do not reptant to themelsoof Jr. by one still more objectionablennoich in tuts,inouvrealth assault lull nom Ulu friudulett
pertment of the ciainnionwealtb. As every thing soon shares the fate of its predecessor. It "le or a tai' - "ree of the property committed to
that relates to the operation of the commies crowds the statute book'with useless and urine- their core. The nun in which these bonds
school system, and the condition of the public , oceserSlaws — elelates Prirata rights — creme" am kukell thenlil be int-leased to an amount
schools in the mate, is impanel:it and interesting, confusion and unueetahity—destroys uniform. Proportionate to the value of the property
the st a ti s ti cs o f those wh o m s should be furnished ity of practice and detiisitea—prolongs the sea- which is or may be depasited in the Arsenals.
to die state Superintendent, that the ammo might sons of the Legislature, and increases the Siete toe 'ode of the Arsenal in Philadel.
be embodied in the animal report of the depart- public expeuses. Our general laws reeula- Phia• the public arms, in that city have Leta
meet. A modification of existing laws en this o „.tineate‘ds, highways and bridges, and p rov eawed pin a room or outhouse : procured for
subject, so far as to require the contrelleneof dtimg fur the support and employment of the thou purpose. AS a depositor it is unsafe
public schools of Philadelphia to report 10 - the pour, constitute swell digested system, for and inseeure. Better provision should be
school department the number, evade, and mode. the actumplishment torthuse objects ; and yet, made for the:r safe-keeping.
tins of their sehook--the somber oil pupils, and under the eystem aimed legislation beret's- Th.- soot of witty thousand dollars, arising
generally such inionnstion in srlatioa to their fore pi - ex:deed. we frequently find, in different from the sale of the lanladelphia Arsenal, is
government us may be deemed useful to the townships of the same coutoty, loom laws reg- now in tie Treating to be expended under the
cause of alucation, is respectfully necommenelL taming these subjects, nut only differing um- direct,,.,, of the Governor, in die purchase of
To improve' the social, intellectual, and Mega- serially from theeater:ll law, but; from line a a suitable Int and tie erection of a new Arse.
condition of thepeople—rectaim the ening. and n e th er . Reform in this r ega rd i s mi l d e w, nal. This sum is wholly insufficient lee that
ameliorate Mimeo anairina34are objects that mm- au.' to this I respectfully ask your attention. PairPma's and without ad di uonal appropriations.
mend themselves to the emmidalarbre "the phi- °Onimilms legmlataiia" belong been con- which we nut recommended, this object can
lanthropiat and the statesman. Oar einational denied nail abandoned,' should nut be permit. not be acareesphsed. As arum and munition&
charitably and reformatory institudime are jowly be d sta i n ut sully She recirdiofieeielatiee ac- ul can. when required, he transmitted wi th
the pride of the State. honorable alike to th e wiel t e m. ' I t =mat media , mli
y ppn ,7,1. -
facility ,uonl rapidity. to distant perta of th e
dam that devised, and the liberafigy that Ann&
Numerous aoplicatione will doubtless b e State, the neceesity for more than one Arsenal
and sustains them. They bare arson..
I . ,:..c la ims
„ made for the inempuretion of insurance. gab, old longer eXiallS. Mille Arsenal at Meadville
upon the betray of the people, awl coreemy waltz , and b oom eteepee i i ,,,,. ape f ac ilitat e ee . ceu b e s t f us p erme a w i t h w i t h out d etr i ment to
recommend them to your
care and Ito li berality 'i on ga these :- • • • Ilse public Wateille. 1 wbuol suggest for your
ouestoone—econututze tune—re
of the Commonwealth,
duce the expenses of legislation—secure uni. consideration the propriety of authorizing its
The State Lunatic Hospital, at Harrialotr& fortuity and wane coluirauleo thereafter inner- sale. and the sale of di tone at II 4 ULM to inn and
in its objects and results, merits our hastiest, p er m e d to t h e l eg i t i mate p ur p ose , of their ere , with the funds-erising therefrom, and themes.
approbation. The just expectationi of ita pro- mien, I would recommend the 'propri e ty of ney in the treasury applicable to that purpose,
meters and founders have not beeidis . appoint- enacting general laws regulating surer corpora- the erection era large and commodious Aran
ed. Kindness mid love, with their suft r, eoine
duns. - Already. lews of this character for nal at Harrisburg. or elsewhere, as may be
and rubduing influence, constitute the rule of, coal, iron. coat, reiireaasturnelke, plank, and deemed most economical, safe and centre,
its Government. Many of its former unfartu-1 b r id ge c om p an i e , h elm be en poised, a n d in Mein.,
nate inmates hare been restored Si) memo, to pole:ice have beet* tuund highly useful - and 'llse Legislature. at their last session, bar
friends and home, and the enjeymentsof sociali e conomi ca l. o uc h l a w s w r it regulat. e f and log lined to elect a Senator to represent this
life. Thuae that remain requireeursymoathYl carefully guarded. wOullbe productive of aim- State iii the Senate of the U. States, for six
apd aid, They should hot he withheld. The! tear results Oil their application to insurance years front the 4th of .March last, it becomes
report of the directors will exhibit, iii detail, I and other companies mum& your duty to provide fur an election to supply
the operations of the institution. The propriety of limiting and restraining such vacancy. 413 y reference to the existing
The necessity and importance of providing, I corporate bodies to the o bj ects and purposes o f fauwn regolating the election of Set:aerate tap.
additional accommodation for the insane of t h en creat i on , will not f ee d en i e d or conteeeer . - tvi.etd MIS NIALO to the Senate of the United
Western Pennsylvania, hare been etrungly le d. I n re l at i on to th e p o w er , an d p t ien el e m o Suitealt will be perceived that their provisions
Premed upon my attention- The Present , ae - of insurance eouipanin, olds plain principle dt, out embrace a ease like the present.
cominodations are ansaffesient .als- A
these have ilia been overlooked and diaregerded.. ay Waimea& tae time of my induction into of
been provided principally by tbe tontribittionsl sea:eosin acts' of 'etiolation many of these mice, deemed to my fellow citizens and their
of benevolent eitizems. It is urged that the institutions have acquired discou ' ar privile. reprosentatives„ my sentiments iu relation to
rapid advance of our population—the gloomy flu. and wanly all the putters of banks, with- questionsconue
cted with our national politics,
increase of the insane—and the inadequacy of oet their guar d,, reel e ctions an d liabilities,— their reiaratien now will out ie - rpeeted..—
the present asylums for their care and manage-, This h a s b een effe c t e d by the magic of some To the opinious then exprentel ant now near
, anent, render it imperatively necessary that general provision in the act of incorporating I fumed. sou are respectfully refuraL
effective aid should be given to that portion of liar company, or by referenee to some forgotten ( `To umietairi in their irate-rit e •. ~ Conistitu.
Ithe State, fur the establishment of a newand au ppk umot conces d e d i n t h e tads ele u oniteidoe of or Republic, and the Union of the
entirely distinct 'Western Insane lbespioal, as t ab us bill.” - or loot in the mazes of the pant- State..—proteet the chit and religious' privi
' a home to those tumour follow - oitioens wheals on- i phlet laws. General , la ' s, it, lonia they tweet' , le- o ess. or ths people—euard with jealous care
I ly alleviation is to be found in their town igno- i con f er on such c om pa n i es all t o e powers ne- tau generol, oreat and eesentiel principles of
ranee orate frightful malady with which theviee ent y to accomplish the ehject of their liter. liberty - and fns e,,,vercm.:,nt—of freolian and
are burdened. The subject is worthy °realm pennon. would at the same time prevent an human right:—and vindivoto by a true and
and dispassionate inqairy. I will
---- eheerfull.l emeneieno of privilege' foreign to such tissue- single devotion to borne and country. the greet
leteoperate with the Legislature, its all proper aldose. The s subject is commended to . yob: It eitnne of American Natienality ore tobjeele
. .
efforts, to accomplish this °Wen. -
contmlerausu. ' that awaken the patriotism :Ind claim the ener-
Should you decline bract upon this stilfect. It •
Pee joriaidiction of the courts in relation to & es and the heart of Aauerican citizen.
-Wtlid then r emain.'" thl't an miegameAPPrW•. real eatate. trusts, sloe incorporation of literary. lit 44in:isle:tee to the requiremems ef tilt; Con
priation be made to the IVestern P. nnse,e sixuai• charitable and state:Mud eometies,„,inanufactu- atitution and laws of the State, as 1110 repro.
lleopital for the purpose of extending its as'- n o g, and other aveociation e , hae been greatly sentative. of the people. you have assembled
cote modatious for the tare of the insoneondis-; extended by receza higialotion. This enlarged to perti.rin the high and resprasilact duties that
Itinet as may bepractitablefrum thee:beret-an: jeriseicum, was conferred for the purpose of I &solve upe.- you. As a ou-ordinatebnineh
of pationte and intuutes. The charter of this, reliant'. the Leeislature' from the pressure of lof the gavernment. it will be alike sa y duty
institution is libendin ire
a. pnwisiune, and no nnuarruus eppticatione for spe c ial leeislatioiti 'and pleasure, to unite with you in the cutlet
prehonsive in the objects liable to he bron,aiat •i n the Femmes . Time "s uns are therefore the went of all ouch lairses will °Putout the rights
under ita care ; embracing the insame, as well' proper ununals to determine se .14 questious ; of the poople, and adrailel the honor:and pre
'as the sick, helphns mil infirm. : and in all cases where th e uubject matter Is 'mina. of the. Ceermer wealth. With -I eel() de.
In this connection' woula commend to
_ l vor wiutia their jurisdiction, the Legislature:shook! ;ire for the public ewe! actuated Ic y riapirit
„ —,,
attention the l'enusylvanirt Training Scheel: r e c asts t „, cotena n t t e e application. of enlar g ed and ceolightenea petriuonn, and
fur Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Children. The; Divorcee -I nvite's in cone of °enema sere:-
aid of the Commonwealth kaa herrtufuno been, ail and clearly beyond the junittictiteeel the nino in the fervor God. may ourellorts. in har
extended to this inatitution. It is a neitie;
1 couna, elktifid nut be granted by the Legisho thorium.* action. be earnest to the accomplish.;
charity, and appeals to the beet feelings of Om , tore _
wen: of three objects. and to the pnunotien or
heart. It deserves to share tue bounty of thet By the act of the 16th of April, 1645, roil- that ri I -- ' xal th ' eti n
g deem-nen Willed e to a rs. to ,
State. ; tied *An act to ii.crease the revenues and di- mid etinatitutes the true glory oft free and ine
The House of Refuge its Philadelphia, awl calash die legiolative expenses of the Coon- dependent people.
the Western House on Refuge near Pittsburg,. monwealth," it was provided that tier rafter no oeterES I'OLLOCK.
el, s-oule • Ex.....01re ..41.1118E a I
are institutious of great excellence, having ler private bill, therein described or tax 1 . A ' .onee ra
their object the reclaiming of wayward mod er- ihe enrolled in the office of the Se...rotary of the Barrodowg, .fen. 1, 1556. f
ring youth the employment of the idle—the l Comuronwea'th. or publialisel, or have life " -
linstruction of the iguormat—the reformation !force and effect of law. tante the party isaki4 •
of this t o t em's . and depraved, and the relief o f " or requiring the same stimuli pay auto the lino
the wretched. They are eehools, an prison" i sury of tee Commonwealth the respective
a—homea, not placee of punishment ; they aro i *awl; Id said act_ A large member of ACES
arefuge to the neglected mid outcast childnm !Nisei by Gomel Legislature., and subject to
and youth °fuer etenutottereulth. Tim euccen !this sit, remain to the °thee of the Secretary
of tho past is a sore guarantee of thiir future iof one Commonwealth, the tax sin them me
usefulnews. They should receive yuur aid andi having be paid. The nutuber hue been no
encouragement. The "Blind " and the Deaf ! neatly jeerer:wig, sad will conduur to 4-
and Dumb Asylums," in Philadelphia, invite: crease. Mats{ a summary remedy his afforded
our sympathy, and ask to share the benefac-O-for the collection , of the enrollment tal i of in
dons of the l;ounnouwealth. They ishmattl not 410 1 / 1 4 of ho mine* alto , o •cyrotio verioli
The court Louie at Evarumle,, led. mu de..
soured In fire un 3;041 . j'..4;fou bstrea ,;tipo iad'Z'4o;ooo. - • -
A fire at Brenfet.. O. on thear=
el Daley der..l4age Ada earall , " 1411111
At Bridgpors Ut. , on 4101 ./1
detaleyud proper! io dia Ws* 401400 a!
T4e data saw driellaSlN k .Mt
fir meals dote au/ oda cop ,