.P' "v ernaeir e r .ro , AP10543.4.i?;,-4. 4 4.-A.Ct V ; le. ....... .... ... , isaramnairrs -,,' car: ! I -r--o, ometeeiled portions or 111 -1 net's ' 1 4.lnerices. ' thelinited Stun. The complicity of those ta t .i . The U ted *tea canton adieu either the hi. , offieent in en eindertaking which could only sw.ne etwitene of ii . :ennie and ,'t ke fi l m : i fe h re ottl ece at o t r be t p'reefieest ;11 ,7 b eteedilveletty fief acoempliehed by defying our lawn, throw. reef the emits!. ()tent fttain tag enepieion over our attitude of neutralit y, of ThapetantsNitet ~ . ; had a n press4o/096 (befit., oili e r I,ban All. i! t en e • . ei ci n i t i l , eli ti tetge th n , fing our territorial rights. is cog- • The coestitation of the Unit 8 tee ro-, ited and +tater esteld hineet at file 110 vett by the evidence elicited on irides that Congress shell Vont le nee Ily, red meinteinehat e if el hitdl,anye they , • Iwerekthe . ili n al •S hf r Mich of their agent,' as have leer, 1 on the fleet Mender of Dee-Whin. dit '. bitihe cone lime „„, ' . ',',„, ..e. r ee•PrehendeeLertii.convicted, S ome , . 1t the offi• - • !WAIL ` been llama for the Preeident to mike no coin. Thiseinvernment, recognizing the obl igations cers thee Implicated ere of high official peed- =With Spain peaceful relations are still main. 111111111141.11rgapnblicehometee to the Senate I of the truly, hnp, of , . course. desired ,Ito see it_ dun. and many of them beyond our juriadio- tamed, and some progress has been made --in stal Sum of Ittepreeentatives until advised of executed in good faith by both parties anti in tit - - thatlegal proceedings could not reach , securing the redress of wrongs complained 'of ' s their reashoilfetieriiiiiere!ii.si Lefuivi defamed iihe discussion.therefore, hem not looked to rights the esuurceo of the to this weep until the close of the fi r st month I which we might aeeeri independently of the These eonsiderations. and the fact that the by this Fre e z e: met e Spain has not only dime vowed and disapproved the conduct thi'of. or the OR"• 4 "St tkietitiviations orduty will 1 treaty, in consideration of tete geographical pa- . es „„ o r,, no penult the 'linger jo pave nos the discharge 1 melon and of other. cirettinstAllCt.M. which create mplaint was rota mere tetanal occur- fitters who ill sly seized sod detained the ranee. but oxieliherote desigp,erieeng s .epop p o rter Black Warrior at Havana,' hut hits of the obligatiim en)olnedib the clailstitution • r • .or us relations to toe Central Anieti o L o sieies • i o nt roe un the Presi t il it t i nt in -• it en ti. giv l e lv to un t i h tm e . t e nire .r... s/ Ea diff ro et; el ne , f , rnat . n0,e.e.,,,01,...eny......gii,..vertueLe,te,...0!... po lci l t i h cy ft , ' l li n i d tija eo w i t id n etel f i n ty ir T i e n :pu n t?' h d le P in e: 114 110 .!a cetts loaa Paid the 4i reb lin yttideted ianne4: 9o th an ti ll eid e st alt o l t i th fcit e ememend to their cutisidetatinn such meamures t ; 1 The Beiti le.Gey erne t ; i la t coen ,.. n . 'Cuilen6l , l7l.4:l4rOillettlfiliTtr rikit4lrttfirietior ^United Statee,, , ..-_,- .--,,....... ~„,,,, .., „ .., sat he shalijudge rieee.es, • y end e koedient," ; h i„ t e r heii t i e ti 4 e i l x . e i t e l i g e i l ep [AI „h ce gse t e e to thetßritish.gevernment, to order to secure'. . In COntlegutp . ce of a destrnetive 111'ensticaiie; It it 'patter et' eengei tektites that thetile- th„ C. f;tesr,,,e s t, i rise ) e e .l eh 6 It i t T et ,a ; g I not o_nly e erlseatioti of the Wein: l ie:lkt hilt lehich • teieltedCobeirf 1844,1 the supreme sae Hardie iiiringteitte:' lidfaricieg in a career of teason wl.v a coneetatorv,sptrit tase•mot. en n- a t i r t a o ti r i o n ' h o ' - f t l , r h h t e : h tl i b o i tt 6 on t i i i i, k .64 ll9 oo nir j out eli a t oo , l4 l4o 6ll' l6 ': ' ‘ ,tr ibni ngi l sh i e r.f. thil lmeer e tatle hland te in . n fo i rth 's e lt A t : Pet ell i fe c t". prewperity and peace. • " • ' ale the two goternmen,s to ot ereenl . e. all o n b. you hildue thew ;-; e e"., •tot r es- '•Ui 4 ) I), elpeths, of *stain. building matedaheage pro. WARM ILULATIUNS T .CINTRAT. AIigUICA• . emotes to a satrafactory adjustaiem Of, the $46. Whilst relation. of amity vutititioe to eiiat joot. 1 , -•,.-Intursattrateleagiorre st ectutj,,aol.,„,, l e mennee, free of dtty, huir,evolietlit when abodt ,„ between tlfeited: Stale* and ill foreign Assured of the nmeetness of .the .conntruc- I I repee n t.the ,teetiggeesee t teette, emeet t i .i stere,:,te,. half the Prim °vied elapsed, ta ebehtetieft ofeitizensof the eked States, who -bed pea.° powers. with weer 'uf thenr.grue question* *are tion of the treaty constantle 'decree • to n b , y . thisi ho .110he°,-1170,`:tin°4141.1rorir1411%Infingve.11.1:%?:10,",Pc"".,,Ink,'''''..; 6ceited id:* cin diet faith ' Of dun decries' Th e *pending which napyregeire the considetation .gurentenent, anti resolved to in/dim ... of 0 0tign .,,,, ,• • • • ;• . • t• - ---' -- !thin with ()riot Lefilhr fa Areal WI .• esditl; 'Elpiniatt Gevernment refused indemnifieatien . rights o mho petted &ilea.' Yet s' , '. l -4 3104 31 " '''" 'tut u, ' _ Of ouch queettotei: the ; tnost important is .. hy the same desire wilicil il 81•1"14`r ;b : the! hie the !le./C:46141 Voilif6h 'IM difethe'VOlL tt.thePnetiss attgrieved.until. recently, *hen t i te i l •ttp• wseb l e g tode remettgmetetinitguoes; it 'Wile Wanted to, pleural being premisiol that which has' ari.4it oat of the' nego tie dons British governmeei, to reinorn • all Cebstit • Of • with Groat Britain in • reference to Centre! , be g ot , misunder , t •;• i t t-.j; l - ,- • - ..,- i iirldeh'pnietatshinsiil Ellirettien.sr tit{ extitat I. tP, beettedetiessope RS* SUUFIUIIt :Oue cut bei nanny ine sleety) e otene deo , and ~,,, • Atnerlell•• e' , :-.I '" i' ' .I .: lassOciated by se many tic: id' interVAt int kin- lel 8 '"'P gr1888 " -.86 the" Btl4Blll ` r in .418 " / ""1 - " g e 8 F•U l t_ i p itt g.. 11 *; I! elt• t •' - By the eonventlou c o n cl u ded between the , tired, it has appeared to nut ;fruiter aortae:on.' n l l n lr tsor re l t " lttoi .b b it el ko rtt hlra lekle ti4 Ane pi e p isetit ea "ilen iii rite t!si l • ; o ,9; li n d is t l h tlZl a ll ea l s e r. o lB fl B l° e ti tt . ea e. la ni t e na r e m e .D f l no th o e ih ' ss a rt t e d t • a l n ei d . two Governments lid the .19th of April , 1850, eider an amicable eoluCien' of .1. 1 / 1 1'sxotroveriy both parties covenanted that "nei th er will ever h ei ed e , a , , , ~,. e ~ ~ , i ; i . el deem of . the, Vitittel• ht'atet, inefOißg , thekilietai:tfeeeediff; but there iiseteiestene tot believe campy. or ibrtify or colonize, erns/mime or ex. ) Th ere iaeriewe,. • . non te apprehinloltitin-e. rearecnig! anifitariiiislii . lfini' 4either. : The 1 that it will be, and that case, with others, eon- *nista any 'le liiiiiroadtioiiiAtited lawitt & TATtow„, for, t l itst construction of the road from dettysburg tt;lt cover,. Oxford. We understand -that sepsrate propoiltioni" tiOeirPeoniiiiiitred for, grading and hridging the Wod;and s attoth er for laying tha these Proposithins are` , imsbraced in i sc i i. rate coitracts: . ' , • The i first 'contract oevers:tite grading and • bridging of ;the road,' for which the °°mPFkr Pl* .105, 000-- 1 8 6. 000 and $20,000 in emit.' The.seeond vont:net clovers the hiyiturnt the entire superstructure. irioludiog cross ties, iron, switches, turn-only;lre. !toe this the company are to pay slBB,ooo— Contractors agreeing to taking one half of this amount in 7 per cent. bonds of the company at a discount of 25 per oeut. In this contract the iron was put at $7O per ton. Should Railroad .Iron fall in the mean time, the Company will have the benefit of tho fall ; should it rise in value, the contractors are to be allowed for the increased cost above 870. Of course, there are a number of minor matters entering into the contract. which we could not state, without extending this article toan unnecessary length. The fore. going, however, are the'tnain features, and will probably satisfy public curiosity. The work oa the road is to commence in a few weeks, as soon as some prelimi nary arrangements as to the route, re leases, ko., are completed. President's Message SirWe issue the ~ S tar" a day earlier than usual, in order to lay the message of the President before our readers. It reached us unexpectedly, and doubtless will take most of our readers by surprise., We presume the message, will be generally read, and therefore an abstract of its.con= tents ii hardly necessary: " - Probably the most marked feature in the message is the dm allusion to ourdisturbedlelations with gilielit4. arising out of Central Atierican affai re. The President takes strong groOd l and does not seem to , lid assured 'chat the Matter in controversy will' be settled 'with. out serious difficulty. Feeling)teenlY the force of adverse poptibr orifolcin against thoAdosinistrntion,,in ponstquepee „of the pillage thi, katiisiNeltratiis huh President‘ devotee large portion - ofthe message to an elaborate discussion of the Slavery question, and endearors to ripit cite, himself and his Southern allies front the charge of a breach of faith in the re. peal of the Missouri Compromise. Goveiver ) s Meninx.. 11:7•We received& copy of Gee. Poi.- Loon's message last evening, but in .con sequence of the space occupied by the President's message in today's issue, we must defer the publication of the former until next, week. It is an able document, and creditable to the State Administration. The Governor opens with a reference to the blessing& with which Provideoce has crown ed the past year, and passes on to a de tailed exposition of the Finances of the State. Tho receipts during the past year, from all sources, amount to $5,890374.- a ; ordinary expenses. including interest on public debt, 84,188,512 28—excess of receipts over ordinary expenditures, $l,- 260,961 83. The interest due on the funded debt of the Commonwealth in February and August last was promptly paid, and the interest due next mouth will be paid from funds now in the Treasury. The Governor complains of the. reek . ' less expenditure and mismanagement on the public works, and especially on the North Branch Canal and the ' Portage Railroad. The appropriations .to these two improvements have ready exceeded the original estimated cost of completion by •751,840:52 and neither of them yet finished -With such evidences of misman agement, the Governor is more than 'ever impressed with a conviction that the,'Pnb lio Works Ought:to be sold. The Legislature iseujoined: tit,' he very guarded in its legislation foe bank& great log' charters only where imperiously de mended by the' wants of the cottrinunity ' a 'Appropriatione to tke Ir:inei!tre, 1;11t h §eboel,,kfo4ee .oi liofuge. pAsts.o p ' b 4 4 7.1 0 m); 83i 11 4 itTillii, 4°l AT! room" mendeif. The tioeeioti "piitertk 1!; diielk ' on 'et ' l lo, ll t tenth As otie ( If th, m 2 c'S, PlarS um t institutions. in 11w State, and deftritiag , the ! 1 601111614 Ogre ot die legialaturc The evils of intamperenop denuidlegi - • . 7 t" Wei ana restrantog sots, and whatever maY, lOsik l 4 l of 4he tai of ,last.eession, or whatever the propriety of% itd modification, the Governor does not tbin)e' !list . Illy tientit'; to the license system hiOpsfatien vier to that act is de sirable.; He signed the liw of last session because the Representatives of the plop's enacted it, and ,not ,hopstute, he thotight it the .inizakt ' kf she pro. sent Legislature see fit .to-modify th'a lees. !store. of last •winter, the Governor Still give his ofileini f sanotion to ao q jadiehas i.i :;1.:. ?: Wrenn Wadilnto& Ntletkiitimit"Wititliefeattill %Radom,. A : anisber GI • 104 2 41 1 , Mons* tiara boss tau dsriog lAte.past week,- 'without, however, • any material change Ott release . strength' 'of patties. Mr. &tabo r on semi . hal! *mu. 4 1 194 1 4 el but two at three loam ,of an election. Indeed, he twice received., majority olthe votes given daring Abe. 0114 of . the roll but before the' resort , t ntinntlinvd, in both cesesollaral, inc/ hers of the 9P.P?' sitiOu , , came lecnrt(o4: thou. into, AijeatiNr an election.- •,.. ..I? • • ; I .: 1 1 Oa itonOikjithopinildinti withcmt wait. „nunil 4 at Message, occaiihdfdg bo g ii,theAltisto it wan read tnthOut oppOsi• • ; 'tiiiither ifone4 :4 niMi!SirprdtiiiMett sad, stormy .r dohsts,Amfased hlve tlia. Mange keit! bi'vt 0146 f 1,26 to 87•. Thh grouts:Chain' bi t . &V Majtitigy 6 1 ,60 the: President, ' , in • lioladng , tits usage. which ' existed from the organisation ' , Of the gov. .ernment to the 'present former Ptetidents, tad sending hlimoi.vage be fore'Congress was prepared. to •vcoeive it, had not only . committed au 'uncalled•for innovation upon the tong, settled practice of the Government,• but evinced n gross went of courtesy to, the';MOuse 'cf seutatives. After refusing to allow the message to be read. the -House adjourned over to Wednesday. ;''' r . ', , • In the Senate, after the tending , of the message, an interesting debateaprting op in regard to the Clayton and &User , trea ty and Central American itifstrs. Mr. Clayton, who negotiated the treaty in goes lion, strongly endorsed, the construction of the treaty by our Government, and de nounced what he regarded .the evasive, shut/ling policy of Great Britain. Messrs. Cass, Weller, Toombs and Seward follow ed with similar views—the latter announ cing that he was prepared to stand up and support the Clayton and Battier treaty, and if need be, if the British govefhment could not be held to that treaty, he was ready to. go further. He was ready for the assertion and practical maintenance of the Monroe doctrine. 7' Sheriff THOMAS advertises for sale, on Saturday the 19th inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the Court House. in Gettys burg, the following properties : A Firm, the ;property of John Keller, situate in Straban township, containing 189 sores ; and a lot of ground, containing 2 acres, situate in 'Berwick 4ownship i , the property of butt C p Thothas. Alao, , Ctriliday the' It3ih inst., the Houaii cif:0810r Hiide•' breed, in Petersburg, (.1% BO a tract of land, situate in Winton) townthip, eno; kinking 10, aores,:-misea IS t 64 property . of Geo. W.'Fiekle. • IrrOn one find! page sidl be found the details Ole "tragedi at New Raven. Colt= neetOßPOtthPP lll3 l , 99, PikisMitt#,S4,l* l * abutted withhornft lOoricytaX the days 'Cotton Mather. Tho , parties *re yet- its jail, and gipend'llitir timein prayer.' They seem t9f96114 timwhohs,psoirrAngis thus fai Tke,PrPh9lCdsprofeasei to PaVe a revelation from God every night. . FRO, KANSAS.—There haTe been scan 'fresh' difficulties in Kansono.. 164- tee frem :Westport of the 18th' mate that on the day set apart by the Free State men to vote upon the adoption of the new c ons titution, the border ruffians from Idissouri, crossed over and Mobbed various voting places along ,the river. A large mob destroyed the ballot boxes at Leaven worth and maltreated the jddges'of the election, burning down the hidings in which the polls were held. 'nu Leaven worth ' penPle 'have to iinitate their Lawrence brethren—supply themeoloes with Sharpe's riffles. PAYMENT BY STAMPS:--It should be remembered hereafter that the postage on all letters intended fir any place in the United States must he prepaid by stamps or stamped tiatidopet; an mon ey will hereafter be received ...the win dew of the postoffice in payment of postage. This is the law of Congress, wbieit 'took of on Tuesday last. Letters to foreign countries can be sent as usual, and the postage on newspapers and the mode of payment remain unchanged. KrflOil. JAM E! HEPBURN, formerly President Judge of the Cumberland Dui trio4inthis State. and well known through out the Comroomwealthu an eminent Jur ist. died at Pittsbmg, a fordeys ago.— Re was io , that city attending to his duties as State Reporter of the Deobiions 'of the Supreme Court. lICTROPSIM PICIMAS Q. RIM sold; tit public sale, on Friday, !sit. • t he I proiertyiadjohtlng jas. _A. Thompson, on Chaniberslotrl street, for 111526- 7 Ro n Trak puroliaser. OtrThe New tear mime, in pretty sharp ly—the mittelitisiniiiingiailt below se ro at sunrise. The-sleighing has been )ci 3 •"'' IFiroisi lisierlialburip..• `The State:Legitlbws' met Ira Tneedef,la tikOrttni'aPpearingin botti Hours. The An. ti•Anterittett canons eandidittes 55i' Spikier sera il e atea l a ilia Senate and Annie 'on erl'lt, le the Senate the vote for Speaker Wm, M. Platt, (Lico,) • ; • , 11 7 J. C. Fleniken, (Amer.) 5 - Mr. Purr is, frozn; , W : Tefah44432 on taking the their I , de a' Henke, Mr. WettorriettlPhtlikkapide titantyi was elected Speeiter, by thitiollowing ;11 c. • litchudß.vll2,lUey' „ US-our shuts ars 55e,114% up” ropsost and to Wis. Ems ? & bib: fitly ropes of th• " '! • 4 ',1:1• .14 !/ 4 01 tr' Sheriff's Sale,. itetigtotee Oenlees fee the meet - - . . _ JiastioCeriart Moseek.,--No Services. Christ. OlareAilmilstraniY4ieniCell Julius moving, Rev. Dr. Knuth. Alta Mord, (Ltrthemn.)—Services An the morning and 'evening, Rev. R. Hill. , Afethodiii Episcopal Chterch.—Uncertain. 'Ciertrtan Rsformed Church.--Services in the morning (Garman) and Evening, Rev. Jacob Ziegler. itosoesals Esforesed Church.—No s erv ices. Catholic Mott —No services. The ftayer,Vaeling of the Presbyterian, German Reformed, and the two Lutheran churches is held every Wednesday evening; Methodist, Thursday evening. • ,Ctigidßa COVNTY,.—A colored child csiout four yenrs old. was trurned to death near Unionville on Thursday last. The other had gone ton neighbor's to work sing the child in question and another one a year or two older at home. On re. Writing in the evening, she found the body of ,the child, with the clothes entirely tern off, and quite dead.' It appeared that the widow was produced by a spark trim the stove setting fire to the child's clothing. , The following advertisement appeared ill furbish paper : "Wheress, John gall has fraudently taken several artioles of wearing 'apparel without my knowledge, this is therefore to lateral him that if he does not forthwiih return the same, his name shall bt made public." SIDIATOR CLAYTON. in tndrar to a re quest that he would allow his name to go before the Ilmerielln Coormlioja 1 . 1241 ' dictate frethi i Nettdeney, say* shat he prefers,his present poeitiiiq and taspeet-, fully declines 'being * iisidered as' ash didata, ~ • Pttot.nrto.-.-There is •in ‘old colored wornin lising'in Upper Oxford township. Chester county. Who hai had the felicity to present her happy bushind. with i t em. ty eight children, in twenty three years. Z7'Tbe "Moine TAW," enacted in the protium of flew Brunswiel, hat bien ap 'proved by the Queen of England. HOLLOWATNI AND PILL. Cure sty dismiss of the Shin of the longest .standing. William Frederick Anderson. of Yadkin, south Carolina, suffered a long time nom eruptions on the skin. his fare, anus and legs were covered with little pustules end sores as seorbutic na: tore,.—for the cure of this unsightly and painful disfigurement, he tried a variety of remedies which felled to benefit him. At lest he tried Hol loway% Ointment and Pills, which can awn pro. duced a favorable change, and by a few weeks' pereerversnce with theft remedies. he was corn. pliantly cured. This famous Ointment will cure ulcer* and.old wounds of twenty years 'tending. 1111%,..Franklin's name has been onimortalin , ed in various ways, and it is cunnectetiswith numerous Popular Institutions. Among the most popular places with which it is associated is Attnktin,Pkwe, Philadelphia, on the cor. nue of which t „ N0..11 Chesnut S treet , great popular ClOthing Estiblishnicnt of Rocs: KILL 1 Wiindri, the largest, cheaposti best WA most fashionable in the counti-y. •'- ' • - uA tr~inune ~MIRu ET. BAISEMORL . Jaw 2,1866,, 1?1,01:1R.--Sali:Li'of 150 .bble. Howard eine - t at. sB ' , 50 closing withtrather inortrbulers than , 'Hyo Flour+-1510, bal. it SO C i ao ,Moikli m . , quote, acooiaak. $3 1;14 (4, Ai. • , ) GRATAI e r-#44 7 -Bales ofehoice white at , 12 10 good to tarie do: at' $1 95Et$2 00.— good t 4 at $1 88E02 It at? td qualiti. Coro - =aides of good white and , yellow at.13(76 centa-linibrior ttaalities at 00(470 CO* per totahol. Oat—go o d to pins 35038 peate , 44194 qeoti p .. .yirsois `1 22 per os,, lllFErrs.74Steen realaii of pritooold and iteW C to' 4;41 'it $9" ?.15(01119 • 30: "fiiheathY at $3 (Ms3 ( 2s,,litid Flak:teed titsl9scslo2lter !Wish= • WO' P.ll . ; it • You, Tusidaytaisin,l2silBs6..i: FLOURi , ‘IPbblo from :$3 50 WILEATAO bufiU(llll k,86 to 2 ,00 RYS, rat, , 112 COli.f• 60 TIMOTRY-SEEDAI btish4 • • 160 CLOVER-SEED, .4 ,, ; 8 76 PLAN4HED, PLASTER OP4PARIB, 11.t0p,, • 00 MARRIED. On the II 'nit:,the - sea , g fib •-• by `' v.' J b " Mr. JOHN C. W. HAItTZEL, of this place, and Mel CATHARLIE 3. TROSTLZ, of Mountjoy township. On the 27th tilt., by the Rev. heob Ziegler, Mr. WM. WILSON, (of James ) df Harailton• ban township, and JIJLIA., ANN MIL. LER, of Gettysburg.' ' ' •On thelOth- ult.; by•the RaYt , G. Roth, Mr. PHILIP BIIECKBILL, of Cumberland comp ty, and Mrs. SARAH STUDEBECKER, of Bendersville.. , . On the 27te nit., by Rev. Mr. Sentmim, Mr. SAMUEL* D. RECK and 'Hiss HANNAH C. daughter of- Mr. Firm/cis Alliion—both of Monntjny township. • . • • Near Taneytown, on the 18th nit., by Rev. .R. S. Grier, Rev. M. VALENTINE, of Mid. dietown, Pa., (formerly of 0 ettysburg,)and Mies JIA.GGIE, youngest daughter of Sterling Galt, Esq., of Taneyunin dist:mt.„ • On the 20th ult,, by Rev, W. F. Eyster, Mr. EDWARD C. BLOCHER and Mite SARAH, THOMAS, both of Monahan township, Admits On the 20th ult., by Rev. A. H. Kremer l Mr. :JOHN MYERS, of Adams county, and . Miss IIARIA, idaugbter of Hon. Johu Lefever, of C timberland dainty.. • DIED. • On the 27th ult,, yr. JOHN LEEPEB, of Oumberland.townOsp, aged about 66 years. • On the 14th ult., Mr. SAMPLE C. COOP. ER, of §p,ringbill, Ohio, formerly of this place, aged 60 years 10 menthe and 17 days.. :;,AGBiCULTURA:L ADDRESS., , . .1111. J. H .Itlll/ISDEN, of York Spring", 41.7 will deliver an Address before the "Ad 'sins County :Agricultural Societ,v " in the Court• House, in Gettysburg, on Tuesday the .22nd effontiney, lost, at 1 o'clock, P. M.— 'l'hieitlsens of the town and county are invited •Itablitoresent. JOHN NoOrNLY, 1 1 ! SultLa,Seetb. 1856.—td Independent Blum 'trot will rneet, for *edi t . at the Armory, • .11. iti full dress,. on 75terday the Bth ofJan wary next, at 10- o'clock, A. 114 precisely, with arms and accoutrements io good order, and provided with 13 roundsuf blank certrid ge3- 161-4 Court of Appeal will be bald at the Armory at 3 o'clsck, on the afternocin of said day. Ilia Bus local Meeting will held at the rnugy us,./Tiday, eseutV, the 4th inst., at 8} o'clock Every gopher is requested to be • ' ' 'JOHN 4:1131.1*, 'O. &' Jan. 4.—td • • • tome 'this 'Wall. ATMEsToo444ortir t x4 *A sell you 1101tOCCOS•4'0III 25 eau to $1 00, the otweerflattv Cfleooouthe ,ij. .810101 07 THE SEDYHONT. ~..r_. -C!... 11 h o'l 1.1A041»1 TAX APPEALS. . • . • . . • • :.. 1 r; Commissioners of Adams county here give notice thatthey hare fixed upon 1 the following times and places for the holding Of appeals for the several - Boroughs and Town ships of Adams county, when and where they • will attend to hoar appeals, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M„ and 3 o'clock, P. M., of each day, ea follows : • ' • lst. For Mountjoy, on Monday, the 28th of January, at the house of Joese D. Islay man, in Mountjoy township.' • • • . 2d. For the township of Germany and Un ion, on Tuesday, the .t9th of January, at the • house of Joseph Barkei, in Littlestorrn. • ' 3d., q For the townships •of Mountpleasant 1 sod Conowago, on Wednesday, the 30th ofJan unry, at the house of Peter Smith, in Mount- pleasant township. .4th: the township ofßerwiek, on Thiirs-. day, the 3lst . of January, at the house of Fran- cis J. Wilson in Ablioiratown.. 6th. For the, township of Hamilton, on Fri day, let of February, at the Louse of David Newcomer, In East Berlin. 6th. Fer the township of Straban, on Mon- • day, the 4th of February, at the house of Ja cob L. Grass, In Hunterstown. 7th. For the township of Oxford, on .'Dues day, the 6th of February, at the house o f Mn Miley,f In Oxford.. , . Bth. For the township of Reading on Wed nesday,. the 6th of February, at the house. of John A. Dicks, in Hampton. 9th. For the townships of BuotitigtOn'and Latiinore, on Tharsday, the 7th of February,. at the house of John 'I). Beckor, in Petersburg, (Y. S.) • 10th. For the township of Tyrone, on Fri day, the Bth of February. at the house of Sam uaLSadler, iu Heidlersburg. Ilth. For the township ofMenallen, on MOn. day,. 'the Ilth of February, at the house of Charles • My e r s in . Benderayille. 12th ,For the township of Butler. on' Tues.; :deli the 12th of February , at the House of J. B...Boather, in Middletown. • 13th. For the townihip of Frankliu,on Wed-. pesday,.the A3t4 of Februtiry,.4, the house of Be Miekley, Cealnown. I lay 4th. For the lowniliips of llainilton and, 'Liberty, on ThurSday, tho . 14th' of February, at the house! oflsaao • Robison, in Fair- 15th. For the tout/Ships of, Cumberland and Freedom, on Friday, the 15th of February, at the Commissioners' office, in Gettysburg. 16. Foe the 13orough of Gettysburg, on Sat urday, the 16th of February, at the Commis sioner's Office, In Gettysburg. JANES .1. WILLS, 1 GEORGE MYERS. . • Comm's. HENRY A. PICKING, Attut-L-J. A.untintniuos, Clerk. • Commissioners' Office, • Gettysburg, Jan. 3, 1856. J • td., V 11,111111411 HOUSES et. LOTS, IN AND AROUND GETTYSBURG, AT PIZIVA'rE SALE. WO TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES / opposite the English Lutheran Church on Chambersburg street, being exoellent . stands for public business. • , ONE TWO,STORY BRICK HOUSE, and adjol?iulug vuelat,lot.efl Railroad Street. . - TWO •HIGHLY lIIPEDVED, /LOTS on the Millerstoivii lii a` containing about FIVE ACRES, of which about one-thirci is woodland.. ' . , • • • ONE LOT OF SIC OR SVEN ACRES, West of theTfaCilOgicol Seminary and adjoin ing !oh& of Mr. Dustman: • . : • ONE LOD OF POUR OR FIVE ACRES, On thersidge adjoining .the railroad West of the borough. • , . • • •, . Term} aci3comiodating., Apply to S. 6: SCHMUcKER. Dec.' 28, 1856.—5 t • • ' ' , Elec Nis hereby given that there 11 be -LI inlet Obit `ofthe Steekttolderi of the 6d. tyttburg Railroad Cknsipany et the Cotirt-honae,, in the Horeitet of Gettyliburg, oe'Monekty,ll4e 14th ofJauwarylsat, tot:bonne a President end twelve Direetors:for Abe ensuing year. 7 • •-1 DAVIP,W4 I 44Bi Wil• • . • Dec. 28 1,84.6 - . ,•,. worirege ,. VOTitt beribyl given that the under signed,- Auditor appoirited - by • the' Coart of Common. Pleas of Adams county to make distributionuf the insets and monies remuin• in the hands, of 'Altos Leman, _assignee of .THOMAS BITTTLE,tn and amongst credi tors, will atten4'at his office in - the borough Orgattyablarg, triu-llowday /hot 'l4tli day of January rieo3 betwge'n. the hours.of A. M., and 2,1 ) :'11., or said day; to' discharge tLe duties of said appointment, when and where all,purties Were,* CLUP attend. W,. 'CAMPBELL, Aie/iter. ' bee. 28, 18515.:--4t " VALUABLE 'PROPERTY • AT 'PRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned, will sell at, Private Sale that desirable property, id McSherrys town, Conowago township, ..kdanis eoOntYr Pa., lying on the public road running through said place. contains t.ess, wierrfi, more or leas of first rate landosdjoiwing lauds of Dr. H. N . Lilly, Samuel and . Joseph Stauva. baugh, and others, and N . finely imptord.— There is shale ' • TWO -STORY 111. BRICH with a two-story brick baek.buibling, fronting on the emu, and nearly opposite the public house of John Busby, "Elk., a good log Burn, in orchard of chalet. fruit, a good well of wa ter, and Other improvements. Possession git , en on or before the Ist day of April next, u may be desired. If not sold, the property will be FOB RENT. • Persona wishing to view the premisea tent call'on John Busby, HERRING. Nov. 23, 1835.--tf BOOKS ) STATIONERY ) DRUGS & MEDICINES. Intreitotti ftxteatittlellt. AD. BUEHLER has added to his former • stock of Goods an unusually large at. ortment of Classical, School and Mist:ells- COWS 31113141101031R1L0WN , embracing all the text Books used in the Col lege, Common Schools, and standard Claude authors, with the recent popular publications, constituting a larger :users:nem than nor be fore openedin Gettysburg. Also CS ir oil YAP itQ.I) 3lia a 117 of all kinds Cap, Letter, and Note Paper, of the best quality, Envelopes, Gold Pens and Pencils, Pen-Noires, be., with a lino assort ment of • Fancy Goods, to which he invites attention, being prepared tote]] at unusually low prices. has also largely 'increased his Stock of— Druirs 'and elefedieiesear, wbiab sap be relied. olot sa the boot is the market. airArraarmeats hare , boa* slammed, by which any artrele in his line of be.Armes eem be P 3 / 1 1 0 1 Y ordered Erg* the city. ,• , . 1 41 , _1C 4 r;„ 2 t 1855t_ Daral TRIMMINGS of all kinds had et SCHICK'S as cheap OS* amp imitlf sot $ lags dulogr. Vat VIOL - • • _ • - .1 HALLOWAY'S INL,LbL, WET Aa viz TT bat befit the lot of the Leman rarca, iweighed down by_ dieetae aid )IOLLOWAY I 6 PILLS are splariagy ethos& to the relief of the 'WEAK, tl i aNglkircfaik, the DELICATE; and the 11C,F WM, of ItliclV mates, ages 'axe*, and coioititutibita. Pea , : lessor llellOway personally tuiPariAtirti44 manufacture of irk medicine 4 iu the States, and offers theta to a free and sellgibp' • ened people, as the beat retied,/ the worliftrA. taw for the removal of dinewie. ------ . Thu m IPlfib Purify tits, Ittevik . : . 1 . ' ''''' These famous Pills are, expre.isly com b ~,, td operate on the stomach, the liver, ilia „,,,,, •teys, the lungs, the skin, and , the bowels, ;+j rooting any derangement in their_cimectork., pt.- r , ? rifyiug the blood, thevery fouptain,of Afe„ *4 ,ii thus curing dimes.. itv all its tormx.. ; nymeyetes md Lever e'etimelei4ts 4 . .:,.;,,, Nearly half the human• race hard .tabsi i T a these Pills. It has been proved is all parts -' • the world, that ` nothing has been fouled ' 1 to a them in cases of disorders of the Ur e ceraial and stomach complaints goricrill y e rf They soon give healthy tone to thaw orgies., r.l however much deranged, and when all 5t1.... i.,i s , means have failed. • , . (. , t, i , Stswerva•Debilics, VI Tlealti. ,•• . - ~- A Many of the most des' tic tioverankint g: ' ' al • '''. have opened their Custom oases to %Webs' swirl duotion of these Pills, that they may bissisisil ...: She medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges ' Admit that this rcihdicine is the; beet reinedt ; ! ever known for person!, of delicate healtbi r or. :I where tho system has been impaired; as hi itiei vigorating properties never fail to *Ord relief, ' ' !anat. Coonpfctwto. No Female, young or old s should bu witiptil this celebrated medicine. It cur'' , cis andiet, olates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases like & charm. It is &IA the best and safest medicine that can be given.tp, Children of all ages, and for any complainti consequently no family should be without it. Holloway's Pills are the Lest remedy" bsdowe The wor/tlfor the fallowingwipg Asthma • Diairitata • Bowel Complaints Dropsy . • Coughs , Debility . Colds Fever and Ague,' Chest Diseases Female C'omplt4t*l„ Dyspepsia lida4ClS43ll Indigestion Stone And Drivel Influenza Secoutle. symplosse Inflammation inward Wtitl 41% , „ Val:areal Affections , LilterCOrixplanits Warn*, of all 1 4 411 • LOrti ' l i 'l l-i rSPl 4il ii# 4 * l. 111 4. * 801d at the manitfactories,of Flotiesim Houck/AT, 80 Maiden _Lane,Plew York, sod; . 2¢o Strand, London, by all rest* etable Druggist*. and Dialers of Medicine throughout thsilTni, ted. States, and the. civilized world, in' bozo, all, 25 cents, 62} cents and $1 each. ',ahem is a considerable saving lay.tale... ing the larger sizes, . . B. Directions for the guidaiice of^ pie dents i every disorder are atlizeti to each boa. Oct. 26, 1855--eow • STICKS OF NEW GOOPRI Til4 CHEAPEST-THE PRITTIEST--TIUMT ir L. SCHICK has returned from the tit f ELP 4 with the largest &act hest selected stock. of FALL AND WINThR GOODS he has ever had the pleasure of otferingto this. cent - inanity, Call and see fur yourselves I He w,ll not pretand to enumerate his lati;it st,ll attractive stock—tlie 'baits of WC aZiettilir ment w7ll not admit of it. But If,vOnkarjsh to select from the choicest lot of Eillift.'S":4li'D GENTLFMIEI%''S DRESS GOODS - your' eyes ever beheld, 'go to 'Oct. 10, 1855. NEW 'ESTIBI MEWL GRANITE STONE-YARD. , . , lIIE undersigned respectfully' Ipform the citizens of Gettysburg and Ilte F i b`ie generalythatthey.bavo opened.a 0,410. STONE ABP,, ou South Baliimorg, opposite .the reeidonco of ',Ceoi t ge vim' they are prepared to 'funpsh' ITE STONE,•dressed in every style, foi Alunissiseists; Door' Sitgie arid Steps, , and every 'kind of buildini3andL'Orliiirawto -11110. Also; CEMETERY LOCKS naTtilillt pu hand and a general variety 'di` diolliN Granite. .•. ger The undersigned having !had' 4inside able experience in, their bustues.i, ly invite parsons wishing arijtliing in . 'tip:ti hoe to give u ' s'e call '' 48 Oil p'reptireeltd furnish the same article CHEAPER' thiiii"ti has ever been heretofore offered..in.ft,vttlf. buyg. ", :- HENRY R. BEN`.',IEI 3 PETER BELTLEIt: Dec. 7,1855.--4 m • , FANCY GOODS OF ALL KIMiS ALT TUE Tammy. sizodon. I NSW SUPPLY, AND LOW PRIOR! m ivt:32E a L ti f i ,A a ll ou i t l i l o T ru ittl e l the nttent;oa i 0 bed Inds• rior assortment of ' 21.14,113" 11 , 34Kbgto ' suitable for Fall end Winter wear, which hew* been purchased very low end will he sold as corresponding low prices.. The assorratesS includes the new and fashionable styles of ' - Cashmeres, Bilks, Do Lanes, din , Bage, Coburg Cloths,' Muss. Linnea, Sack Flannels, Dom. /- nets and Bonnet Trimmings. Satihs, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Attil diale, Black Veils, Blue do., filoves, flioderyi Handkerchiefs, French itlinrke4 Cellars, Ca mimic, Jackonatand Edgings' ' , insertingni, Muslins, Sleeves, Mo. - hair and Silk Mita, Black . : - Lace and Enibroider% ed Handkercbiatk' Braids, Fans, ito., &a, • IS-Ladies and Oentlenlen are requei r V i to call gad exanxine.aurA3o6da, ibtrb ,etit be beet in die' town for beauty antrebealid nese. GettysbUrg; Nne: 2 1855. , . „ CILEDOMI MON. 4AHNESTOCK iIROTNEIIBI, Itsvittr the exclusive bale of, CALEDONIA ED MON' for fisttisburir; at tention of buyers wails quake of ]rot—ttes best in the inarlote,oablolt win be salist4l lowest sates, keep + large tarp* of WM/4 tiVA MOconstaatli oa 1/IP-117,44 Dec; 1; 48.5411.,, , • nor pickle of =rad .1111 WOOL' BOW sod 80k4r,t4 Atibr,„ Tll A Trairwrz Blom ' 4 ' , eit a a "Oct. IZ 11,U1 0 1 0 1 11 0 1 4 SOUICE,I3.