4 4 , 1 it 0.1 r,.f kwcit "P { • ", VI .• rks:"; . •': • ‘l, 4 ‘ . ;4. 1:;;' , 1i *.• .1 V. , .14 - nit 1 - .%11' , z 's". 4 rly ,‘ 04. r,r,f 1", trA " 7•. r .17,J.; • , By: . B'. -- A'.: -- a.17;", ii;:!PEffW,:',:: '. ,VOLTI,I4 !XVI!" -anynata. aswomul“Tim. P 11160.11:01114110111111111.114. • , Rata qf 11944141 ,reaw small) letters of one-half ounce *eight 3. omits pre.. paid, (except to Califondit and Oregon. which is 10 cents•pre:paid.) • • • • . Portageoti en Sese.two BsErelin—with. in the County, free. Within the State, 13 cents per.year. To any part of the United States, Postage on all transient mere under •it ounces in.weightyi cent prepaid, or 2 cents vertised letters to be. charged with .the costof advertising. •,; , The /laity:. Coschea,• with • mails .to Balti- more . and , Shiladelphiao. (and intervening poiner,) leave at 6- o'clock, A... 111., , dally, • ex. cept Sundvt. .• • • • To Harrisburg, orr Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday, st.6, ) A. !lif. .; To ffi.gerstown; on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satirday,:rit 7, - A. M. , *, •.••7 To Chamberiburg, 3 4 A.. M., daily. EmmittBburg,43, P. Mail to Sandersville, Middletown, M 1113211308. burg, , Oentre Mills, Arendtatown, on Wednes day and Seturday, 7•A. M.• To Hunterstowk Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7 A. M. To New Chester, and Hampton, on, Tuesday of each week, 7 A. M. • °Dicers of the 111n1;ed Slalom. President: Fmnitio pierce. Vice President: Jesse D. llright. Secretary of State : 14 su. L. Marcy. Secretary of Interi o r: Robert McClelland. Secretary of Treasury : James Guthrie. Seerdary of Irar : Jefferson Davis. Seerotary of Awry: James C. Dobbin. Post Master Geneva 4 James Campbell., iitontry General : Caleb Crushing. Okief Justice rf time U. Auks,: IL IL Taney . State Governor : James Pollock. Secretary of State : Andrew G. Curtin. Deputy Secretary John M. Snllivan. Burneyor General : ..1. Porter Brawley. _Auditor tienerut Ephraim Banks. , • Tiyasurer : Eli Slifer. • Judges: .1. 14:•Bnck, E. Lewis, W. B. Lowrie, W. Woodward, .1. C. Knox. Deputy Superitthuadeol of Coo6lliOn Schools Henry O. Biektilt., • Gutty omcettw. Cowes:: David F. Robison." Seiiste : David Jiuiitgcr. Axsenibiy : lonic Rabinsthi;' i'resideat Judge; Robert J,l skier. Associates ; YeGinl3r.- District• Attorney : Jas. B. Heed. Sheriff,: lleury Thymus, , Corouer : J..W. Hendrix. .I'cushouotarp : John Picking. I?egister & Recorder: Wm. r. Walter. Clerk o f the Courts : J. J. Baldwin. County, rreasyrer : J. L. Schick. am,* Aurocyor : Hee. B. dlewit. Impeder of Weiykts and Measures : Franklin Hardiser. Constuissioneii ; Jas. J. Wills Giorge ?dyers, Henry A. Picking ; Clerk—j. Aughinbaugh; Conasel-7-L/avitl Wills. Direniors of the Poor : Joieph Bally, John ilorner, Garret BrinkeFhoff ; S. Paxton •, Treasurer-rAltastndei Canon • Steward,—John- Scott; . Physician-Davi d Horner. . . .4aditors ,Edraund F. Shorb, Abel T. Wright, John Hauptman. Xerox/161e Appraiser: Jacob Aughinbaugh. Comuly Superuitentlent: David Wills. Borough (Pincers. Burgess: Johni Culp. ..Tburn Council,: Jnmee A.. Thompson, Hugh Denwiddie, Samuel IL Rusgell, S. S. He Creary, Kendlehart, John Gilbert. R. (Vll'Creary, Clerk and Treasurer. Jl4 -es of Me l'ou2 : George E. Bringman, Joid 11. Danner. .Consiabk : Julia L. Burns. piece, of Worship 4Prei6yterian : Balt. and High street—et pros ent•without • Pastor. .Roman 'Catholic : West High street. Pastor —Rev. Mr. De Necker. 'Cerntan'Refiarniell: High and Stratton streets. Pastar—lter.. Jaeoh Ziegler. Nelhothe . t Buisrapal East Middle street.— . Pastarri—ilmes..l. C. H. Dosh,W. Earnehaw. _Associate ReArmeti : West High street. Pas tor—ltey. lir. Werner. • Lutheran': Christ Church, Chambersburg street; iPutor--Rev. Dr. liranth. St. James, 'York' and Stratton streets ; Pea. 4r—ltev.lßeubett ASSOCIatIOUII T. O. (O. T.—Gettys Lv ige meets on Tuesday evening of each week :S. of T. kilams Divis.-ti meets en Monday evening of each weak. '`Temperance Eleneficia. Association meets on third Saturday evening of each month. Gettysburg Beneficial Association meets first Saturday evening of each month. Toting Men's Lyceum meets on Thursday evening of each week. Tork Springs Lodge meets on Thursday even ing. oflearal week. ' Beriefiebil Association meets on the first !ride" eyiiriing of tech month. • Mask of GOiltyaburg. pr 'dent r George Swope. . 'Cishier J : ebel): lfePhersen. , Abet '11:31cOlellanr• . Ditict6tir George . Swope,- ;Henry Wirt, • ' JtioMs!Toiing 'Geo: W. McClellan.-Dr.iD ncitnerc'D 'Willi; Henry Myere,.Wind.Gard. Molter, Afeir: B.T Simon, ' Dotights MeSherr,' J. K. LongwelL , . ' Adams County Mutual Lire luau: ranee. Company, President : ,George Swope. K PYesident : Samuel IL Russell. ikeratary : , David A. Buehler. IVerivitrer : David M'Creary. ' Anitidite . Clottiniittee : ' Rob't BrCurdy,Andrevr githsteipnlen, Jacob ; Xing. :iiisyiaticre, , o49. Siyo'pe , .D. A. Buehler, It. BP ~ a; " Conlyi J . nog, A.,Renitzelman, S. B. Ans. • ''• " tnitlli D. WOreary, J. L. Noel, A. B. Kurtz, "54,f Alines ck, R. , 11 , -hrCreary, J. J. Herr, ,:„;,T r ,,,g. hell, 11. Eichelberger, .T.Aughint litt ito . . '! Wills,: . H. A. Picking, II NiCon he t, I. Jacob Uriest, Win , B. WilliOn J4l - •• g a s ' sExecutive Committee meet on the '''''fbhfirit 'Pricsday in every 'month at, t h e office bo. —,-------r---- ,-- -,C4iorareir not with a liar or a swearer, „ . , I itrAt mut of obscOne,or , wanton langOage ; eA.iii*Stititei he will corrupt you, or stimuli it A. : s w gi hood - your repuuLtion to be one of alit &pia., kind; and if it doth neither yet f p al 'lollllllton/ memory with 'Gosh dimeour., ' 1 : 0 ' ' thii it . 'wiii .be troublesome to. ou 'in ~,,,'1 i,ii‘ ligAitift laid the returns it! the passages a 141*1/44 iip hare long sinse heard of this -14taPaistri-ssjiiheunt you when Your thonghts tßiiideouldbebeiter ettiployed.—Sir Moltheso •'arc' fkM4 /.3% 4rla 01030VISS1.•14 1 0 I blaii te P ta So *be 1 0 WINO ail oft thivialimy wildow.l 77 , 172 :,f.i7T7M [now the A Platt Br ill., Dec. lir r containing inforniadCh of thw discovery d ' Wats S. sir Jowl irratelltibi. the Fa" where Bit "4 , ok lin '4O MI 1 , . , , , wily perished. - ' &Amiga Pdfft dired_fton_ the Solinel. It wasen Us* coast opposites *OW* I of his stpringe—mementou i Ina I bi z a Th e ir bodies lie imOod i w z she lost Araviil"l—`67o"Thatim° their sand, alithin an client of twelve mileth-r,. Data. • • This is the fifth winter sines they perished, and the drifting sands of that barren To gion, beingla latilnd "e6B de Mirth; have piled in snoceuive !aye on the bones of those noble and fil.f men, Mr. Stewart describo logic" ea dreary in the extreme—not •ri -blade of grabs nor a Weir of timber - rbet+the eye.. No game.of any kind imuld be foiled. ' fro The Euquimaux, m whom. their io: formation was obtained by sign., tressed their fingers into their cheeks. and,. pia, , ring their hands on their stomachs,. endea vored to 1130 We the manner of their hor rible, death. They were charged with killing them, but merely ,answered with their sighs. • It was a very expeditious trip, it being only thirteen months since the party left the Red River settlements. The Esquimaux reported further, that Indians far to the north of them, who had seen the ships of Franklin's party, and visited them, stated , that they had both been crushed between the icebergs. Mr. Stewart took especial pains to ascertain whether the party had come to their death by fair means or foul. But 'to every in- quiry, the Esquimau: protested that they bad died of starvation. Gathering together the relics found, the party set out on their return on the 9th day of August last. The return route did not vary materially from that taken .on their way north. Mr. Stewart had occu pied the whole time since in reaching our city—having come by the way of the Bed river country, and having been absent in all about too months. Mr. Stewart loft St. Paul yesterday en route to the Hudson Bay head quarters at Lachine, Canada, to submit an account of his adventures. And so at laid, the mystery is solved. Brave Sir John, whose fate has awakened the sympathizing curiosity of the civilized world, it is now known usleeps his lest sleep" by the shores of the frozen seas through whose icy :islands he had vainly sought to pass. Four winters back, as the . Esquimau:. said, .the noble party, attar es caping from the ships whietepulkno lon., ger float on those dangerous seas, found release from suffering in death--died Man fully. too, as they had lived ; bravely like true Englishmen. This much we may believe, for consolation, that they met their fate as became, spirits adventurous and noble. No traces were found by the Esquimaux to indicate that, even in the last extremity, they had forgotten their manhood and preyed on one another. We enjoyed the pleasure yesterday, the llth inst., of a lengthened • conversation with Mr. James Green Stewart, a chief trader df the Hudion Bay 'Company, and !earned Nitta him interesting futs concern tugan exploration of, the Audi" reglon late ly made. by, aparty under the Jolla odm mud of hiutself"and Mr. James Andante* another employee of that company. . On the return of Dr. Bee t the eelebram ted overland explciter of the , Arctic re. gion,in the summer of '1854, bringing with him the reitort:thit'tbe Eakttinutui of ' the.extreme northerklatati4e6 possession relic. of the Franitlin expedi tion, the British Government determined to make one further effort to penetrate the mystery which hed so long enveloped the fate of that expedition, and which bad been partially solved by the information thus gained by Dr. Rae. Infurtberaneeof this desire of the British Government to follOw up the clue thus un expaetedly obtained by the adventurous explorer—to 'rescue, if possible, the survi vors of any of the party of white, who were reported by the Esquintaux to have been seen near the outlet of Back's river, in latitude übout 08 degrees north, or at knot to procure any records they might have depomired—the Hudson Bay Cow pony was directed to fit out a party of tried men, accustomed to the hardships of a polar life, to explore the region indicated by Dr. Rao. Acting under this command of the home Government, the Governor of the Hudson Bay Company, on the 18th day of No vember, 1824. issued instructions to Messrs. Stewart and Anderson to man and equip a party for the purpose stated.— Mr. Stewart, with a party of fourteen men, therefore, started from his post, the Carl ten House, 64 degrees north latitude, on the 7th day of February, 1855, and pro ceedtcl to Fort Ohipewyan, at the head of Lake Athabasca. in latitude 118 degrees north, at which point they arrived on the sth da' of March, : , , It had been determined to make the trip to the Arctic sea by water, so far as was practicable, and the party therefore remained at this post until the 26th of May, busily engaged in oonstrudting boats and making other preparations for their dreary journey. At that date the party left Fort Chipestyan, and journeyed by canoe on the Peace river, which connects Lake 'Athabasca with Slave Lake, some three hundred and fifty miles in a north westerly direction, till, on the 80th of May, .they arrived .at Fort Resolution, which is situated , on, an jihad' in ',Stairs Lake, about latitude 61 degrees north . . At Fort Resolution the party was join, ed by Mr. Anderson, who, with Mr. Stewart, had been appointed to the um. mend of the expedition. Here another delay was made, for the purpose of re-or ganization, and making the ,last prepara tions heft,* attempting to penetrate the interminable frozen North. These ar rangements °obviated, the party started on the 22c1 day of June, for the bead of Great Fish River,' or, as it is known• on the map, Back ricer, in latitude about 64 degrees north . :Vince they followed the course of the stream to the Arctic Ocean. 'Mr. Stewart represents the navigation of this river a. exceedingly dangeroue, being obstructed by ever one hundred difficult rapids. Over all these, however, with nothing more substantial than birch bark moot% they , passed in safety, and arrived at its mouth on the 80th of July. Here they met with Esquimau', who corroborated the reports of Dr. Rae, and directed them to Montreal Island, ae the spot where, according to their instruction., they ROM to comment* 'minute explora tion. From this time until the 9th of August, the party were industriously en gaged in searches on the island, and on the wain land, between 67 degrees and 69 degrees north latitude. We cannot reca pitulate the perils escaped and privations endured oy the brave band while seeking to find traces, of their countrymen who had perished on those desolate shores. • Three times they providentially escaped being "uipped," as Mr. Stewart expressed it, or crushed between moving mountains of ice. At hist, on Montreal island, whore their explerathms obunumeeti, they 'found snow• allots lutown to be of geglisli wake, with the name of Dr. Stanley, who was the 'eurgeon , of Sir John Franklin's , abip, the Erebus, out in them .by a knife.— Afterwards they found on the same island a boat belbnging to the Franklin 'expedi tion, with',thit 'mune of "Fermi.," still distinctly visible. A piece of this boat containing this mime was brought along with him by Mr. Stewart. Among the liaquimaux were found iron kettles corresponding in shape and site with those furnished the Franklin expedi tion, and beating the mark of the British Government. Other irtieles knoWn to' hays belonged te wekob. tainad from the ...Esquimau:, ,aid brougbt by the party for deposit. with the Utah. Government, bodies; hoviever, were fctuildi °ilk:toes - of anyli ' The report of the; Esquinatu'wns Abet one man died''on' Montrial that' The hilatiee of the party,,wandered ibe,. beach 'of the main land oppoeite, untili•wurn out by fi tigue and starvation, they, 'one by one, laid themselves down'and died too. • The last party of generous hearts, who sought to carrisuotor to the lost ones or bring contplation to the living, are return ed, and the &ode wastes are solitudes in. deed. And, in view of the guttering en dured and the noble lives. sacrifieed fruitless efforts to widen the bounds of human knowledge; we believe it to be the prayer et an in= that so they may remain forayer. C.Ornsikellt. Ansi AvoPreis, Dee- 11 . Mr. Stewart arrived from Red Rim eyothitg o od bis troy to Consdat' bow. iq 0,1911111,!:.(1. Airyeoris shationi , .; • 1.! • .• s k , Pi IZEMEgi MEE= mann =SEEM '41.1. , 4 Wet ~ r Gtterts .64 fg,tp*it :: ',E , lll . loo, JANUARY 4, 186*, Au Extraordinary Tragedy at New imiaven. The murder of Justus Matthew" at New Haven, Connecticut, (briefly, aunt cloned yasterday,) is a most extraordinary affair, almost surpassing belief in this en lightened age. Flom a long statement of the facts in the cue given by the New Haven Courier of Monday, we sake the following: It seems that there exists in the upper part of the city a peculiar religious sect known as the .4 4 Wakemanites,“ who have made their doctrines known by hold ing meetings at the house of a Mr. Sam uel Sly. This Mr. Sly has no wife or family, but has a woman living In the house with him, named Rhoda Wakeman, who is the founder of the meet celled “Wakemanites." This woman affirms that she was murdered about 80 years ago, and went to Heaven, and for some reason, which she does not state, came hack on earth and founded the sect already alluded to. She preaches and prays, and holds meetings at her house, giving to those who assemble to hear her peculiar stories, her views about the, Bible and her experiences in the spiritual world.— Among her believers and followers are many families who live in Hamden, and they are in the habit of comming down to her horse on every sunday to attend meeting. She held a meeting at her !lime last Sunday evening and there was pres ent at the meeting Almeron Santord and his wife, Justus Matthews, Betsy.. Keeler. a Mrs. Davis, and a colored man, named Josiah Johnson. 'they met aboUt 2 , 0'- clock Sunday afternoon. and continued their meeting till a late hour in the night: Ahout 2 o'clock Monday morning the widow Wakeman (the •prophetess):says that she heard a noise in the room be lOW. She oectipies a small remit in the . attic of the house. The house is,t( coin men story and a half house, with thin' par titions, ands noise in the lower story could easily he heard in the rooms above. The widow says that she told Betsy Keller, when she heard the noise, that she thought "all was not right below.". Nothing hither however occurred until Monday morning when Matthews not making his appearance, his son went to the door of one of the front rooms of Sly's house, and found it 'locked, but persisted to biesking opetttho , door. Pe, !cipher into the room and that* , beheld ;his father r• dead , '24 • o 5 all: around u his' e f r At s i. " Th i els B l was immediately given, and several chi- . 'tens hastened to'the house. Clotted brood and hairitti upon t h e door around and several pools of blOod 'Were found near' his, head.', It was truti an awful scene to • Witness. 'the throai nearly cut from air .to ear, and his'litiad seemed, to be nearly; severed from his body. lt is evident that hecould not have committed the dead •himself from the nit.: tura of the woundi. They weee doubt less made by a' hatchet or_ some instru ment heavier , and more powerful than ' a knife . or moor. * small rope, was found on the floor and marks of a rope was dis covered on his wrists, and it was evident hat the wrists had been bound by •this 14I g . e house was thoroughly searched and bloody clothes 'were found, and marks of blood upon both sides of the dooi leadittg to thermals in Welt ihe _body was di*. . ~ . . . . A .. . _ . ... ..D ,:. ~i,,,. A .... . .. ~ . ..,..., . .. , it rEA RLESS MP FEW'. covered A, , e,pomon butcher-knife was bid fork, with which and the knife, he I found in a box or small chest, wall sharp- mutilated the bode in the manner in which anted mid hiving the 'appearance of being it was discovered. He says he did not de. niettiimindti but no hatchet. was found sign to use any other weapon than the gimePtiine so, doll 'iii4' 034 that no an bludgeon, but after he had given the blows illfold„bei Made of it. ~ ; . . was urged on by some inflame to use the , r The' following persons were attested knife and fork. After the murder he re. during the afternoon and lodged in jail mined looked in the rooms half hour, when , charged with committing or in some way he came out into Min Hersey's room, being -accessory to . the crime : Waal where she was, with a bloody stick and a Wooding, Almeron - Sanford and' wife, light in • his hand. His hands and shirt Abigail Sables, Thankful S. Hersey, the sleeve, were bloody, and she procured a If idols. Waketnen.,.(the; prophtetele, Sam. basin of water to wash himself, and they sad Sly, end a colored man named Josiah conversed about secreting the stick, and /nekton. , • • ~, he then plies., it down the cellar. His shirt 'leaves were then torn off, and tits Subsequently a coroner's! in was ~.. • were bloody pieces horned in Mies Hersey's ,lteid o when. some 413 9": 111 Pr "" , ac stove—she being present. He afterwa rds elicited. A. Sanford testifies its, Mow° I took the club used and eat , it into pieces I went to the Witte of Mr; Sly with and threw them Into the privy vault, where My WirttlittOtil &WC ' An , Sunday evening., • he also put the knifis: He took op tome We' found/o.llh Jaiikson. Woodinfle alt's, ,of Ihe blood, the floor, and carried Hersey, Miss Abby and Samuel sty there. lt ewal:, -- ,He then went up stairs, where Joke Mathews is my wife's brother. 1 the gathering was, and engaged in prayer. found them in the chamber singing' and This is the substance of his statement. praying. About II o'clock' Mathews After Sly's confession he was remanded came to the house. Wiikow Wilteman io prison, and Mnt. Wakeman wait taken said she was hunted by Mathewtithe to t h e j ury mom, and eve a description "man of power" with an evil.!ifiiiit.— of her visit to the spirit world, some thirty . When Mathews came, he went t year. since, at which lime she saye. she •r the f r ont room, where there was a fire.. , . Rho- was murdered by lir husband; and re ds Wakeman wanted Mathews irreome to mained dead omit hours,during which the meeting . so I went to see him, and .be ti me s h e made the heaveny journey, ace. hig the Saviour. all it prhphets. speedos. seemed willing , to come. When li . it•came martyrs and iaints;; d having a realising my wife tied ii handkerchief over his fore. head, and they tied his hands hell* him. view of the home of the blessed. alter 1 the same as they would the devif:, 4 l told i which she was sent baek to , earth on her him he had a bad spiriyand he wanted to J m i ss i on . Sh e • states that she ie 70 vests give it up. J ac k son an d wooditur werelof age, and has 'been the mother of fifteen with him, and he talked 'with hint about' children, nine of whom are still liVing. ihe evil spirit. Widow W"e" i ". 9 , '''''' Hei brother, Sly, is 50 yeark, of age. he wasdraling a terrible' power ! )silehtr. Mr. Weeding told Mathilwa that Ifti or ;it 1 to be killed, and Mathews ettiu:lie w' willing to die to.quench the evilJ spirii.— Woodiqg and Jackson said Madieifil must i be got out of the way. They told•hlm he j meat die. It was about one o'cloWt when J I hook] a,noisa. Wooding, Sly and Mum i Hersey• were up stairs praying with toi l but dodged down stake, and soupjllkara them say, dowd below, "He's killing the messenger—he's killing the messenger.P I heard •the"noise 'sad sevens( bkiiis -fol. I low, and started towards the door ; but they Pulled me back saying:42olk% kilt. ling himself he'll be rateed.r '''tftet(rd A' girgling noise, and cries of 0011 i'nEloh su I then went up stairs to. sing and : pray.— When I reached the door, I found; it. fag toned and something braced against its in side. I could not get into the . room be; low. This occtirre.d. about 12 .;;o'clock,; and I kit the house twenty minuses past four, As Wooding and Sly dodged out in such ti manner I think they might' haarphelped to kill Mathews. I think Mathews was willing to die: Sly' said he itibhi4ht he ought to . die. After I heard the pre and cries below, Sty Game iusain*4lo g.W and kneeled down and seemed to he pray ing. I thought he could not pray much,. for I thought he would not feel like it then. They believed that if widow Wakeman ( the prophetess) should die, the world would be dealroyod. I should think'from appearances he did kill himself. ' II they (Wooding and 81y•) killed Mathews it was to keep him from enchanting widow Wakeman, who was disturbed by his evil spirit. Josiah johnoon. colored, who was also at the house of Sly on Sunday night. testi fied I told Mathews he was killing the old woman, and that I would not let him into my house sooner than I would a mad dog. Lasked him if he knew he had a bad spir it in him, and he said he ought to renounce this evil spirit. He said in the isatOe of God he would renounce it. Amos Hunt gave the old lady (widow Wakeman) some poisonous cakes, with arsenic in thins and wanted to make way with her. I think Mathews got the evil spirit from Amos Hunt. Widow Wakeman is a woman who professes to have died and rose again. and came on earth to teach the way to. Heaven. I believe she is a prophet. and that she is what she professes. I told Sanford to lake Mathews away from the house or Mrs, Wakeman would certainly die. I believe that"(the widovr Wakeman should die the Millerthim would come, and the. world would be destroyed. I believe that ,Mathews was hurting Mrs. W. and his sister by enchanting them. Subsequently, Samuel Sly was brought , 'before the jury, and made a confeskion, ; which is thus reported in the Courier : cottressiolv OP sty. Sly, opened, by admitting that: he, and he alone, committed the murder, vdthougli before he closed his statement he related circumstances which' tend to irnplic.rte Jackson, the negrci, and Miss Hersey as being accessories. • He says that his sisters Mrs. Wakeman, was an distressed with the ball spirit or power in Mathews, that ha thought some ' thing must be done to remove it, rind he consulted with Jackson in rept 1 to using a stick of hazeiwood on Matba vs, to see what effect it would have upon him. He had procured a stick of that wood al few dap; previous, in anticipation ihit it.might be neceuary to use it for the purpose—as he thought the buk of hazel, in connec tion with alder, concocted together into fee, was' powerful to remove enchant ,This stick which wag Aqui an inch in diameter and 2i fact ~ in length,', be.. had placed in a drawer in the cellar,: and I ache& he spoke to Jackson about using it inquired where he kept it. Sly inform , med him, and went and brought it into j lower room where Jackson and the wo man Hersey were, and they knew when he went into Mathew's room , with it. When Mr. and Mrs. Sanford. went up stairs, preparatory to taking Mathew's a way, 84 went into the the front room to Mathews, and after looking the doors, struck, the deceased, who was silting in a choir blinded, over the right temples with such force as to bring .him to the floor, anitdien attack hina.,teretal litnekwath the club, He then took his pocket knife, Which is some two inches in length, and commenced cutting' Mathew's throat."- Mathews grtianed, but did not utter a word of the ant blow. Sly 411.10 ,took a IJEATR AND VANITY:Tho St. Louie Herald mays some of the . ' ,fashionable la dieser that place, owing , to an ogees' of , v anity, in order to give tone and permit. envy to their complexion, ere in the habit of taking arsenic in small doses Within the pail week two ladies of thateity, mem: wealthy families, and ladies of fashioo hall. died' very suddenly. The hexiiist Wends and 'relatives say , thin they wale hermitic esters;;' but in order to gismo s-. gainet scandal, the veal+cause of iheirdeath hew pot been made- public:. However, tlfoie acme' persons tO fay pyivetely..thaten miei-doie of iiiiiinticliwas ibe,real Ouse of ~their decal Vanjii I must intlpsiliie an almost ,uncoetridlekle passion with persons -whorto gratify it, will hstard , their very existence. There is no doubt of the fact that this practice general among our fashionable. butter ; flies, at least to iinch•an extent as •to be come alarming'. We 'think. h owever, 'it is 'fortunate fling that such vain emit tures die, (Or what miserable wives and mothers they would make if Providence permitted them to live I • Waal' A SHAVII6—If you want to be in fashion, wear a shawl ; if to ladies. an attraction, wear a shawl ; if to sheep and vows a terror, or like shanghais in full faiths,, or even rags upon the heather, wear a shawl; if your hips are badly moulded, or your shirt and vest unfolded or unpleasant to behold. wear 'a ihawl ; if you re courting some fine , linnet, wear a shawl ; you might: wrip your lune in is —in your shawl. It's like charity on pins, and hides a multitude of sins, although it causes grins -= doer your shawl. If you want to be a dandy, weir a shawl; or have a cover handy, wear a shawl. In a word, it is a most useful article, as you may wrap your feet. head, body. knees, make a seat. a blanket, a bed, a muff, a pillow, a wrap rascal or a Scotch plaid of your shawl. la oar perambulations through the city we notice some very taste• ful articles of shawls for gentlemen.— They are most fanciful in style and color and can only be ezcelled by the fanciful manner in which they are worn. Wear a shawl by all means—or if you can't wear a'shawl. 'wears blanket—wear something ridiculous and be in Ashion.—Exclitmge. GREAT FIAT OF Roes WAxxisto.-.-Sig nor and Signora Caroni, this afternoon, performed the feat of walking a tight rope from theground in front of the International Hotel, to the fourth story window of the building. The distance was about 175 feet, and the rise near sixty.. The ropes were an inch and a quarter in thickness, placed at adistance of three and 9 half feet gem each other, and steadied by twelve "11 0 3's• , At a quarter past twelve the lady siren ,ded on the rope follovred by the gentle rman, when interlocking`their , arms they tcommenced the ascent, which being-ac complished and the applause subsided, the descent was perfot med. the parties stopping after half the distance was performed, and quietly seating themselves upon th'e rope. l'he feat was performed with the greatest ease, and the lady evinced , the most per- I feet composure, -laughing and talking du ing the passage. • • Signor and Signora Caroni are natives of [tali, and are now somewhat - advanced in rigs . They are married; and have nine children: The crowd in attendance has been variously estimated at from eight to twelve thousand people, the streets, vacant lots, houses, windows and house tops in the neighborhood ail being packed with spectators.—San IVanciaco Chronicle. Tux ConTuss.—The Boston Bee says Rousanism, it is now quite apparent, is buckling on its armor to enter the bent Presidential election, in this country, with a zeal and earnestness peculiar to all poli.. tico•religious enthusiasm. It no longer gropes in the dark, or harangues its disei pies is dark, out of•the way placer,—but acmes boldly out with the mask off, ac knocKedging its purpose and declaring its intent. 'The American .0011. MoGee's in• famous sheet, calls upon the Irish to rally against the Americans, and if possible to overpower the native population. •This is .It distinct issue. Who 61311 say that we do not wain) Alia/east party t ' The Scotch have a say; mg tswho m ums me mei, shame NM him ; it hi sham as take, shame befall me. TO LIBRE'S ADDRESS TO TIIII PATRONEI 07 Tlllt STAR AIN BABOSEER. R.txtuar 1, 18564 Woimi PATIMMI Comes again your humble servant With his Inedlerfitritioned yarn, Greeting you upon the advent Of a happy New Year's morn. Weekly without intermission • . I am at your threshold found, • Leaving quite a good impression Shmding "13van"-light all around. I'm the boy that brings the news • To you every Friday morn, • Posts you up to "local items," Tells you of big crops of corn. Yea, dear patrons, Pm the fellow (And 0, how thankful you'should be I ) That's always working for "the million,' And the fieedom of the free. In my ever weekly budget What a sight of news is there ! News about the war in Europe-- • • News at home and everyvrher In my recapitulation Of the year that's poised away, I will call to recollection Things that now are history. And of the, New Year just begun, As the prophets did of yore •. • I'll lift the future's misty veil ; And aft - your joys before. Sensual plea/Mies—dissipation. • Still we have on every hand -r,l Calamities beyond relation, Have occurred on sea end lend. • ;'1 On 'a hright and sunny: :boning: Th' Arctic left it distatit'shore ; Ere she reached her destination' ‘• 'Many 'sank to rioO.no " r , • Honda beat tint whit expeqtation Knowing neither dclubt nor toit• l And.in sweet antipipation, Met, their friendf long tried ,atadeor, Baton:Lid the ibge • ' human twin eOu •ld,sate, "- 't • Ceased the'Aretic'e ' • Sahk she 'neat' , the'ocetin were. In Olio liely,prietroor nii v._ ,9f,Tetzwpo9cion, Pen refuses tirelate . •,,, Tales of terror and. destruciion, ,•:.)91.9.11tg1e By'cotifiding in'tonductors • ' ' ,Of Out rushing tallrotid trains, ' • • Bonin were brokepL—bedleit' mangled-- Friends have weepedderftiendta*litinte Thin again the epidemic, • , , , With its pestilential breath s Swept away. its many tho usands , , • By the cruel hand of death., • ' , Heard ye not the lamentation Borne upon the fiontberkair, Telling of the desolation ' ' ' • Which the plague bad scattered there ?. Mimes the wide and placid, ocean Mighty contest/titan:sly rage t; •,• ,• `Nations rocked with deg commotion „. Ia a b 1 094. . • England proud, aristocratic, With the French and Turk allies, And they're growing more fanatic As their shouts Of triumph rise. . • • Now the thought of glory, glory,. Animates their very soul, As they. tell tow the story How they took,filetmatopoL,' Russia, Conscious of her power, Firmly inutthig in her strength, Leta their ttibbk at hsr borders-- Thinge will take a turn at length. But we know the times coming When a universal peace Shall prevail among the flagons, • . .. And when bloody try s ts will cease..' Coming events, e'er they reach,ns, Cut their shadows on before, And at present plainly teach us That the Pope shall reign no morel Rome, upon her seven bill tops, Long W vice and error taught; But the reign of superinition With the Vatican shall rat! And in every heathen nation • • He whose right it •Ie shall reign; ea r Then to all eluill co f ' salvation— All shall know a viour's name. Now to our own d native land • Where freedom reigns eupreme, . And Adams, known on every hand, I'll turn my poor °machine." The latest news by foreign mails Now fill our papers full With long accounts and full details • Of noted "John.) , Bull." At first he breaks our neutral laws, And next he gets alarmed, •. And then he turns around and "jawa" , - Before he's really.hittmed. , , . ' The troubles which in Katmai rage We're • , not . surprised to ;ice : • • • They're only in accordance ' with. ~ • . Frank Pierce's policy. , ' ' -, • ' .•' • . . But: Kansas with her sunny hille.-., • • • Her warblers in the tree— •,. • • • , Her fertile plains—her gushing rills— All say she shall be free. • That "giant iwy"—two years of age— Goes onward in his might, • ' And as the fight with Locos rage. Tbe . "lantern dark" gives light I In California, far away, 1. • •• The welkin rings with joy; • For all its rsham Democracy i• . , • -• Is governed by "that bolt!" . • In Maryland the fight was fair— ' No side consideratiOri ; And Sam with all his force Was theta, And licked them like tarncliion I • In New York State, the very place Where "isms" hatch so well, • He met them boldly face to face And GREELY with them fell! In other States, where Sam was seen, They . reap a rich reward, By having true Americans Their liberties to guard. But in our own dear Keystone State, Mere Foe says "Sam's dying," The Locos bought up Catholic votes, And licked him out by lying I Some old.line Whigs were in the fight, Allied with the "SaskNiests," And thoaih we didn't whip them quite, Just watt till fiftywiz I The Locai crowed arahuordialabout, • But what an tidal slam, • .. Bar via' his Vials a atic/49 eat" „ Om. lairubturied But l" . . In tltatirbusg we te'we have bad' . A. Barnum fax to sears • • Oars _ellailliwa babies miolr;; • d a Liao' Fait. . at MM=inS .2c: If' . i7:!..l[yl'tt:il2l = .1 ,- ;41:11111WF .( • .?I,j2Z,' r...); ri , J filatsf;•: •• • •1 , .• 1118,14 it.Pf TWO DOLLAINS illit..lolllliPg4o:fi.f! -, ;w 1,, rid! #NUMBER,43 »:f: 1v • Dear pstroue, I iwyself wealliere ) . And was surprised to see Whet should have 11 "..rdertes"11 4 0 Turn out Lotkrk. • ' ' A. Cemetery too we , hetet, • • fie "acrefor our Ood" • I , (We/ 'Where buried 'mewl rest itt Beneath its ossiered eode kith t I it*. iti “113.11,i'Oritlkwe Ong'" As through the streets we tread , And commune with the spiiriteif t ,, 14 This city of the dead. , si d o .We soon will have some Many A htirso , without a tail, f• , °) qt! . 14 To dreg our burthens to rod fro r,c,rlA,t,t) 1 'And ride gl on feral With Oftite `lonip atria eticumospior„,' l.l *, Of infant fj well treint ee '''"' a • a . 'aßnivisoldier boys our ts'Persaa .11:1 110f0Pn. nOr4iiido r I No one their brevery.would doubt , - 1.;52 As they advance inane; • ;I.ia ii