Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 28, 1855, Image 1

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    BY D. A. & 0: H. BUEHLER'
• , •
• Office Resii9fillotia. •
'fiates of' °stage . : Postage on all. letters of,
one-half miums.,yreight or•under, 3 cents pre
pf4,. (l A xg9o. to California and ,Oregon, which
is .3 0, f ;i);l4l,pre, 2414.)
; . ,P, r 00140011,T14: arkli AND BA,NiEIt"--oth
lifthif County, free. Within the State, 13 emits
per...year„ To, any part of the United : States,
id cents.
Postage on all.
,transient..papers under, 3
ounces in weight, 1 cent pre-paid, or 2 ,cepts
unpaid. • . •
Advectised letters to be charged with
cost of advertising. • • .
7'4 afail4 : CoAchem, with, mails to Haiti-
More and Philadelphia, (and intervening
points,) leave at 5. o'plock, daily, ex
,Sandaya. • ,
To Harrisburg, on Tuesday,. Thursday and
S turda,at,s,A...JL, • •
To Trageistowu, on . Tuesday, Thursday, and.
Saturday, at. 7,. A. M. •
To Chambersburg, 5, A. M., daily.
" Buimittsburg, 3, P.. M., " •
,Mail to
,liandersville, Aliddletowo, Mut:mutts
'burg, Centre 'Mills, Arendtstown, on Wednes
da7 and Saturday; 7 A, M.
ilunterstown, ,Tuesday, Thursday and
-r ; To New Chester, and Hampton, on Tuesday
of each week, 7 A. AL
~; 0 4111cers.of the United States.
Presided : Frank in Pierce.
Vim President i 'Jesse 1). Bright.
Secretory of State : Wm. L. Marcy.
tierretary of Interior: Robert McClelland.
.Serrtiory Tmasory : James Guthrie:
lircretary of War : Jefferson Davis.
.S,oretary Navy r • Junies C. Dobbin.
ithst Muter General t-,James Campbell.
General: Caleb Cushing.
Clairf Justin it( the U. Slate, : It. B. Taney
Strife Officers.
Corerstor : James Pollock.
Sreretary of Slate.: Andrew (L
.11prely Snerdarg John H. Slillivan.
elarr.voi Orneral : .1. Porter Urawley.
A oditor : Ephrdrzt Drinks.
Teeasurer : Eli Slitisr.
j a ,/,pv : . 1. 8. Back, B. Leith!, W. D. Low le,
C. W. IVondward, .1: C. Knox.
11 , rtly , Superinteni14,11 of 'Coninton• Sehoobt :
Henry U. Hickok.
Ceunty Officers.
Outgrew : I)aviti F. Robison.
S 7 I) tvid . •
: Isaac Itolnlison...
president Judge: Robert J. Fisher.
0 ..14,,ri tier : R. lilosell: *No. MeGinly.
JEttriel Attorney : Jas. Cr. Reed.
Reny). Thomas.
Uptoarr : J. W. Hendrix.
trot/wautaep : John Picking.
/1$ lilrter //e.cord,F: %Vitt. F. Walter.
(7' , r 1; of Mr C.,urts : .1..1. Baldwin. •
Ciotti!, 7'rear1111!1: .1. L. Schick. .
einuty Srirregor : Geo. 13. Ifewit.
Jiiverlor of lireigqs Franklin
Comiiiisioivrs: Jas. J. Wills, George Myers,
Henry A. Pickiit ,, ; Clerk—J. Aughinbaugh;
Direclors f.;/' the l'uor : Joseph Daily, John
Horner, Garret Briukerholr ;
S. Paxton i Treasurer—Alexander Cobean ,•
Steward--John Scott; Physician—David
Audi/ors : Edmund F. Shorb, Abel T. Wright,
John litiiptinan.
N-rr•litti/. I mfaixer Jacob Atighinbaugh.
enlist!' David Wills.
Borough 011iccr8.
Burgems : John
7:11r, ellli tteil : James A. Thompson, Hugh
Samuel IL Russell, S. S. 31e-
Crenry, D. Kendlehart, John Gilbert. lt.
li..ll:ereary, Clerk and Treasurer,
guxtire.e Mt Peace ; , George E. Wiegman,
.1(41' B. Danner.
Gnash:Me : Julia I..llurns.
Places 4 of WorNhlp
Preibyteriun : Balt. and High street—at pres
ent vriiheut a Pastor.
11 , ,man. Coal° : IVest High street. Pastor
—Rev Mr. De Necker.
scab Ziegler.
Netlindixt : East Middle street.—
? Pastors-11 M's. .1. W. Dosh, Wm. Earnshaw.
. 4 1sioehfis 14:formed: West High stscut. Pus
tor—ltev. Mr. Wanner.
,Lrithertin : • Christ Church, Chanibersbitrg
:street; Pastor—Rear. Dr. Kruuth. tit.
James, York and Stratton streets i Pas
tor--Itev. Reuben Hill. •
T. 0. 0. r s —Gettys ige meets on Tuesday
cronies of each week
7.5. of T.. Adams Divis,on tneets on Monday
evening of each week.
Temperance Bthieficiai Association meets on
tkird. Saturday evening of each month.•
Gettyihurg Beneficial Association meets first
Saturday evening of each mouth.
Young Mcn's Lyceum meets on. Thursday
.oyening of each week.
Mirk . Springs Lodge meets on Thursday even-
Ing of each week. -
Berlin'BenMicial Association tneets on the first
Friday evening. of each month.
Bank of Gottyoburg
Pre-vident: George Swon3.
Cn-chicr Johh 11. McPherson.
Cleric : John IL ALA.:lotion.
George' Slope, 'Henry Wirt,
Jacob Young; Geo.'lV. McClellan. Dr. D.
Horner, D. .Wllls, Ilenry Myers. Wm.
nar, Lewis Mottor, Alex. S. Mimes; Win.
Douglas, Win. , Me.Bherry,,J, K. Lbngwoll.
Adam! Countrlquitial
ranee Conipanir..
.Presidad George, Swope.'
V.:Prost:dent t Samuel lt. Russell.
.„ .
ficurgory :,,David 4., Buehler.,
TrearrHreri Davis/411'Crear t Y•
.Eoculire Rub t,lSpeurdy, indrcir
;14Cob • • •
Aliiidyera: Octi, &trope,' AJtuehler, R. Me
%..CUrdy, J. King; iA:ylieinttelnutn,7l3.ll.:
cell, D. liPerearyi J: • L., NCIAIi ,11..Knitc f
S. Fehneutuck,li. G.,.BrOveary, J, J. Kerr,
T. A. liardhall,ll. Eieliclbergcr„J.Auhin
4nkugh, D. Will% 11. A, Picking, D. M. on
' r4lghy; 110. I
• ni ii t lek,k. ;4' • ,
• Kiecutive Conurattea meet on the
the Etrat,l' every .monthlat the ollico
of the Becce.tar.Y. , I. •
Wiifintlrthe .explanatitin
phendiltenn in the Niit , 'YOrE
' t:
-., • .
;,,A,liltle_gtrh the idol of a friend of oure,
voweitOncat ilia Window during %
IfAlAhWeir.,lllor9:l, apparenilYiskrivikkg- to
vaopia..,sqoa . proposition too stronulp;
I . l or,,cbthlisit mind. ; Presently a smile el,
uittrup,hlit,osor her features, MI she, ex?, •
gJiligkgd,",Qh l; know what undies it, light-;1
aitig ; o'a God lighting his 'snipe nod,ho
As-thr wr in fi 1124-l Uslc4en down boo."
Found , pond: ".
Pound un4 f
There was fiebeilf•ticiM;bobody near,
When the outcast died on his pillow aratc u ie:—:
No Mother, no'brother, no sister dear;'
Not a friendly voice to Soother cheer, ..
Not a watching eye, or a pitying: tsar. •
Found*dealead , lind alone
In the roofless street, ma pillow of stone. •
Many n Weary' day. Went by,
'k While Wretated And wont lie begg'd for bread,
'Tired of life; and longing to lie '
Peneeflillydiniu With the silent dead. '
Hanger and cold hid endpain,
Had wasted his forM'andienied his brain,
Till at last on a bed of frozen ground,
With a pillow*of stone. was the outcast found.
Found dead, dead and alone'
On a pillow , of stone in the roofless street—
Nobody heard his last faintnemn,'
Or knew. when his faint heart ceased to beat.
No mourner lingered with tears or sighs,
But the stars looked, down with pityink eyes,
:k7id the chill winds passed with II wailing sound,
O'er the lonely spot where his form was found
Found dead-- , lcd not alone ;
There was somebody near, somebody near,
To claim the wanderer as his own,
A ad finds, home for the hom e l ess h ere ,
One, %Olen every human door
la closed to his children, scorned and poor,
Who opens the, heavenly portals wide ;
Ah I God was near when the outcast died,
Miscellaneous Reading.
Of two young then of equal capacity,
suppse the one occupies himself for a cer
tain period in light readimg of a miscella
neous character, and'tlre other devotes the
same time o die vigorous study of one or
two works, ventsiring close attention and
continuous thought, such as Butler's Anal
, ogy, Smith's Wealth of Nations. Lock's
! Essay nu the Human Understanding, or
Mills' Logic, the amount, of intellectual
lbenefit derived by the two will be greatly
in favor of the latter. The former will
have gained merely a crowd of heterogene
ous impressions, lying'in confused masses
in his memory, like thothreads and patch
es of a rag bag, while the other will have
been through au athletic course of mental
discipline, by which every faculty is invig
orated. Beware of the wan of one book,
says the Latin proverb. He knoWs no
more than that, but that he 'knows thoi=
oughly. Let me. commend to every young
!min who hears we, to fetal, the habit
of reading with a .. delinite object, and
with concentrated attention, and Hot to
'roam over a library as one strolls through
a garden, pitching upon books beeauso
, there is something taking in their titles,
or beettusetheir •contentslave:an
look as we turn over, the leaves. Be con
tent to be ignoraot ,in'soure things, in or
der that you may know other things. well.
It is better to know everything. Study,
says Cicero : and no man ever had a bet
ter right to define study than he,. for no
one over studied harder ; it is the intense
and assiduous occupation of the mind, up
plilM to some sunjeet with earnest good
will. One hour of such study is worth
day of listless dawdling over a shell of
Ancient Costume.
Trousers came Into fastAiou with the
Haman Platoff and the dossucks, at "the
great rejoicingaftei the peace. They were
made full at the hips in the foritigif effect/-
hate style, and of staring striped patterns.
It took more than thirty years to teach
tailors, to make comfortable trousers.--
Hessian boots for a short time maintained
a struggle with the more economical trou
sers ;_but, as our streets ceased to be dirty,
and good legs are 'always it, the minority,
they died out rapidly, and are now only to
he seen on a few 'anoienrtax-gatherors and
country physicians.' • After- • puffed-out
waists, ringlets, end other foreign fashions
had their day, the Tom and Jerry fever ra.
god for a abort time, during which our
dandies got themselves up in , a costume of
the prize -fighting and.burglar fashion, A
green, Newtuarket-cut'Coat;with guilt but
tobs, a staring waisteoat, a blue, red, or
green cravat, and bleaches and 'top boots,
wore to be seen on young men of 'family
and fortune at thAnost fashionable morn".
ing resorts—their hair: out short, faces
smoothly shaved, and'con versation•bortow
ed from the prize ring and the taverns .of
'thieves._ Then a pea-green coat conferred ;
Idistinction, and a drunken ruffian squire
was the hero
,or i a The reign of flash
slang isile:ceeiled by tlie reign of
Affectation 'was ilia '•ordei ' the t day
waist-coati of Min) , colari,''worti in tiers ;' I
fur; lace, embroidery, braid ; bright bluW
and brown costakievereil with ielceolpriii.:'
glets and even; rouge. ,Yellowlmntaleoric
nutlet ; Fiessiatt; boots -deeketi , :avtth brava
spurs, were rev ived., were, worn ,en
one side, set bac k' on the ,head, , •; I,t we, s,,in.
a word. the age of swells, although the term
had not been itiveulod:'; ' '';
ItlsTrumotitst. wrtter Iras compu
ted:that woman has igia...hitlftict . ;,nlialova
of ,inurriago . at'her' twentieth , ,year,, at
twenty three she has lost ihree T forths.of
hoi-opPortunitiea ; imdat tweiiey-shesenven.
eights of her chanees are gone.-'' Eithteen
hundrid and fifty-six will be :ileaP year
that delightful saarion,l.wkon., by :Cowman
consent, the fair sox can indicate their prdf
orancei Look at tho faote:preegnteg, albevo
and Alm u improve, the the
corning year. Delays are dangerous.„
• 'An Odd Fellow, who bedinno weary
.of life, tliought,he l tuiglit , as well, com
mit snicide,, j ,l? 4 t - i he wish to go
withont fo'rgivin'g all' his • enemies. So •at
the last moment he removed the noose
frog his neek,fhayiiig
or ceo forgive old Muth' for lottibg
the eofiper-head snakes get into tho ark:—
They :have killed • two thousaoll :dollars
worth of my cattle, and whoa he audl hteit
there'll be a general fuss." .
Pour hundred biishela of eiveet'po'tatoes
our bilYprodueed one- nore'of land' in
Theve, wilt bring
,fifty . cents' per
bushel . ; one batutcan cultivate' the acne
Of land in potatoes:. U ';'
. • .
A lady of our a' egnaintanac came frown
party late one eventng., and proceeded ito
her dressing room. It was , iutonsely,,hot
Weather, and.. 0, idio.laid ' aside her outer
girment she ',fancied the air of, the twin
was exceedingly eloie. ' Eiery . Window
was Open, yet stilt that faint odor was per.
ooptible, and very objectionable. All. -at
once ahp went, towards a lounge, but had. ,
hardly seated before she wag seized
with a lit Of trernbliiii,"so Violently that
she Was alarMed. 1
She immediately hurried to the cham
ber of her little' son,where, %be air. seemed }
1 clearer, and sat down with him until: she;
' felt better. She then' 'returned to the .
room, thinking she' wodi4 merely rasa on
the outside of her bed, brit no sooner had
she touched it than she again encountered
a shock of, the nerves, Added to a horror
that altneit overpowered liar.
Scarcely krictiVing what she did, she Bent
fora male friend (she Was alone.) Two .
persons came. immediately,' and 'going 'to
the chamber the door. was found fastened
on thb inside., It was burst open. Marks
of great hurry wore observable, a long
sharp bladed knife lay under the couCh.
and the search ended in the discovety of a
huge , . murderous negro, who had ooncoaled
himself to rob, perhaps to kill. The.
I.oly had in hor room a largo sum of
money. •
'rids second case was related by a gen
tleman :
' A friend who had notbeen for ye,arit nut
of his own house later than ten, was in
duced .to stay with him till after twelve.
His 1640 bad also left fur his inpeetion
a very curious knife which he huff bought
at auction, and on which ho had just mark
ed ttie, initials of his name. After he had
gone, our narrator. pondered on the strange
netts of the circumstances. He tholikht
how singular it was that a Man so gener
ally punctual sbotild so fur infringe upon
his unvarying rules. But soon he • grow
drowsy and sought his bed, but tbo•
meat he laid down• he seetned to hear the
click of a pistol, and started up wide awake.
Ho searched every parr ef the room.a.s . ho
thought, and again lie esssuyed to lie
down. Clicking he imagined, went the
pistol again. Covered with perspirafiotid
for the feeling was very vivid nod horrible,
he sprang upon the:ffoortbe second time
aud.stood then, viten there Caine such a
terror over him that he hurried from the
chamber, calling for. help.
Ina moment help came: No one was
there but a pistol had fallen, by the win
dow, which was thrown' open. . and groans
were heard. outside. Looking down a
height of forty feet, a quivering body could
be seen by moonlight. The would-be as
sassin bad sprung, therefrom father than
to betaken, probably not ostiniating
' thou
Now,' but for this impression, so strong
as to defy even the most minute search,
(the thief was hidden between tho bed
and the wall,) the gentleman would prob
ably have been murdered, tho knife left
by•bis friend idontified, and (the einem-.
stances of his habits universally known.)
considered sutfcient proof of his guilt.
and he :► most estimable gentleman and
citizen would-in his innocence have expi
ated his evident crime by a most violent
and disgraceful death. • •
A Mts'ABLE Niuoutt.—My friend ask
ed Autheny [to; a superb engine driver,
on the Ohio river, how he pante to . gut
“Why. llassa Vincent, my health was
very bad when I was in Kentucky ;
could'ut do„no kind of work; I was very
feeble ; 'twits wuch as I could do
to hoe my oWn. garden and eat the, sass ;
and the miscue' that' Tined we see that I
was a mis'able uigger 7 .one of the wisa'ble
kind. SO T said to ber—llissus,' I'm.. a
uns'able nigger and. I Ma% worth nothing,
and I think you'd bettor sell me, I'm such
a mis'ablp nigger. Now, Irlassa Vincent,
'I was such a poor nigger that missus agreed
to sell mo for a hundred dollars, amid I a
greed to try to work and earn ; the, money
to pay her, and I did, and'.4 health has
been getting better over since, and I
'specks I made about nine hundred d01. , '
Darn that time out of that nigger. Wah,.l
wale, nausea Vineent.”
lato letter, alludes to the .Uuitod
and says :—""Of one thing, nevertheless, I
feel cumin, and that is, that uttlSes a Eq.
ropedu revolution turns the "Current, ono
great fight yoU must have with European
Kings. You can't escape that , mattifest
i'destiny,' provided (1 dosibergely repeat ). 1
the pemooraey u Eutope doss not i opett i
*salbty-valve' fol. `the galittiring steam pow-
A Goon EXCU§E.—Sl3oriday, acing on
a visit ift a frie'ad's in the Country, au el
derly lady Set 'herlicart on being his'
panion in a walk. '
He clewed himself at first on acclaim'
of the pad weather. , Soon aftm7arda,
howelier, the lady Surprised tint in an at-,
tempt to escape with Out he'r. "
"Well," bald aho, •itJ has cleared nit,
"Well, yes," he answered, "it lum &area
up enough' or one—but net' enough for
two.?, • ' " I
dirt: CoNbltEss. '-aWe , iiiidorstand wine
PosfiONlliciro ar,oi in _doubt Whotber, under
the Pow, Piw.requiring pr,epaynnin 41,1
letti;rs,to within th o United Stiitos,
letteiy`liddrosiiod . tO niiiinheis Of - Congr'ess'
mar iinjwithouti being' Tre.paiii. Thu 'all -
of coureo is; :that nil auoh lours
shpuld be duly,dispatehed,•as the trunk.
ing privilege feinains uncinigedf-U
,A ) lesident Jefferson r , while walking in
the street ono day with a merchant, return.
ed With' ail 'air of kiednest the tiow of a no T
gro, who pastied:' , 6llow," said' the nter-'
chant, ~d pes your excellency condescend tn
salute a riegro Certainly 'ahould be
very serryli negro' should exceed we
in polfttidess," ; answered the President.
, ; itton't put off till itputorrow 'what can
1:16 done titpdaf
Yankee In
~aCoal Scal?ep., [From the Philadelphia Ledger, Dee. 16th.
In order to load the coal boats on the `'One Afore Iluifortuntite.”
Lehigh Canal,ll short but steep inclined SuPehsen Somme MW Love.—Early
plane of about Otte hundred and fifty feet Yesterday morning, a straw bonnet, ovi
in length, is made at the chute which rumil demi). much worn, • was found at the cam.
from a ata.l i an , m . t h e,s o in
o Qf th e ou ,, ta i o. ern end of Maiden street wharf, containing
to a large circular revolving screen, which a letter addreeiied "To the Public," o I
has three . large chambers , through Which which the following is a correct copy':
coil of as tnany 'sixes is ihot,`by actippeiti; F,By the time these few lines are in the
into just Romany boate,‘ waiting for differ. hen& of the. public, my body will have
eat descriptions of the.a9iele.• ' . watery grayF f—r Sensible as lam of the
, A few, months sinc e, ,, s. Yankee, quite deed that lam about to commit: still I
inquisitive, but more; verdant than a y 4n ., ant weary of this • world: its charms to
key shout/1'66, 1 ' gailied'iliet station' himve, me are gone:' and I would advise all
and gazed with witoulariit the contrivimd younufemales that wish to escape. the
cos. He particularly admired the swift-{l
t pain tirn(a f
dintf e4 h r ee t e o
ih au e ffc em rt;l ot to h
a s n e d or fl u at a te... n i ,l
nese with which the loaded car deeended
and emptied its load, arid the velocity sting tongues of young men, as I have
with which it returned to give place to a.. beep meat cruely and bagel) , deeeived by
nother. one - who. now faugha'al tny , discomfilure . :
. Shortly hie attention w,ns attracted by let him reflect on what het has caused me
seeing a labrirermiinnt one 01 tlie full cars it? commit: as he is a resident of this
about to Make the deitieriti: ' ' citV ;
"Going , to slide'?" inquired he. • "I am so tired and oh that I could meet
“ye a ;" goifig to chutet-won't you go ;" my B
fo ni r nt id e - d . Mother in heaVen :hut that I
"Wall, I guess I'll'etop s bit; and see b
how, you do • 4„', - ,"I will bid this world a long and sad
'The car ;Wilily descent*4ed ere it farfTeli '
reached the hopper, the passenger' jumped
off safely. .;
, .Do you do that often ,?'.! inquired he of
one of the laborers in the station House
. 1 0h, yes, continually," was the waggish
"You know most all the boatmen are
single men, and as they , have orders for
family, coal, we .always.send down a mar
ried man with every car of i that kind,.and
to let them knOW." • ,
Wall, now, du tell," uttered the Eastern
man. I I
The more the Yankee lcipked at the ap..l
paratus the inure did he become convinced)
that it would he a great thing to-go4owit
the steep in that. way; something *that he
could tell at "hum,"
Plucking up courage, he tlpproaehed the
"That heats `sliding doh i lit s r
'spore it Mimi.' • '
"You couldn't let. a, feller' go .down,
Could you I,'" ; •
"Why, do you think yini could jurnP.
off in tithe'?"'
"Oh. 'yes, I'm 'reckoned rionsiderahle :of
a, jumper—jumping.' does . ine. :good. .1
office .jumped off a : haymoW.. thirty feet
high, and it made supple that J: Inn
given in to be the best dancer . in the hull
"Well, get on, and mite caie of your
self." S
Suddenly, the car moved all, and our
friend filmic) the speed sit fa'atful, and the
declivity so great, . that he was forced. t
stoop down and grasp the O&M': die. ye-
Inelefur: support. . The,: pativmhero , the
laborer had leaped off, was reached,;:but
the Yankee was not in a position io jump,
he had to hold on and running doiiiii
descent three times u steep as that
_whieh '
he had come, a sudden Clink idiot the boll,
and with a violent twee, out , went the
contenta, Yankee included , into the hop
per, '
"Murdeil get out ! stop the Conitarn !"
shouted out; hero, as lie felt himself sliding
down the hopper to the cylinder. "Mnr-:
der ! slop the consent I I'll be killed !'!—
IBut the motive power of the "rAmsarrt''
wsti . water,• Which bed no sympathy with
those who pursue knowledge under diffi
culties, and those whir saw'were 'ton dis
taut, and too much convulsed. with laughter
to yield assistance. Into. the screen. he
slid, landing on the top,, anti as he. felt . Om
self reveltiing" With the coal, h gae sped
the wires in 'desperatine,•td prevent him.'
sell from being rolled tii the' bottom. '' A-'
'round the wheel he went, and our,filentl's
sensibilities were touched up by a pluitti
ful shower- of, the coal dust, riddled
through : from all the climbers
He managed to get one eye, open, and
. with delight, that the cylinder was
only abo u t fifteen feet in length, and he
forced his way for Ward to the opening
I with. desperation,' but was not 'altogether
succeabfol; another. revolution of the wheel
had yet to be borne, and the next he reach
ed the hottom,ite was not out of
perinto the boat To the t:reams
of: laughter with ,which his advent was
hailed. our hero. said: not, n word. but get
ting out an old hatidkerchief, robbed the
'duet 'eyes, and 'surveying his
totivapparel lad broiled, battered, scratch
ed and inn - limbs,. he "raised his vein,"
to know what, nudity of anthracite
he had been delivered—when einiaslting
his remnant dim, over his eyes, hp.stuni
cd id, hi u ter; nie4rokenathlacreened by
thunder !"
• 1 The Clly at Midnight,
There' l is somelhilig -Strange and mpg
terions about a gram -bity at midnight';
`the 8 is tioattiral, authit inns Mien
seemed to ma thin the pliantamkof those
who lived a-liandred yearti ago are tread : .
jni . the eireeta'silenely and noitielesely,io
watch how the tide of life and progress
'ebbe and flows along. 'think of the
strong Men slumbering well at midnight,
and now ittid'than tottiiing iu they real,
as a vision of greatness • Or of glory ; tlaz
zeta their nevemileePing souls. Think of
the maidens hu him titian of that gnat
sleeping so cm' lady Rini well,and dreams
jof love and happiness' that can never be
realized.'' Think'olViee its haunts and
Wintry 'for the ,tinte:bleitied in the sweet
forgetfulness of 'ilia lethean . world. At
,the, dead af.the night,
,there are. many on.,
der the eat th sleeping the sleep that
knew's no waking, and I have thought - it
vronld'be'a` blessed ihing, If many of the
living" could kayo their little lives , rounded
i Wlilt tlte eternal, rest, so that, dreaming
of heaven
,on this earth, they might pass
away to its glorious home forever. • Think
of the rosy cheeked girl that has folded
her "tiny hands in prayer at some fond
Mother's knee, and whose cnrls have been
soothingly smoothed to rest ou the pillow
kindest hand that a long life 'ever
gives' tows-a mother's. Picture the 111-1
• Ile child: falling, asleep and wakingin Par.
,How much better than to live the
long, !Ong years ale lifetime, for through
their warp run 'many dark cards, with 'now
and then a broken thread of gold. '
When a man talks of love--witlvautiou „hear
"But if he swear he'll certainly deceive yon."
A NEW Kttsti or Arz.---Professor
Owen, the celebrated naiuralist, describes
a new species of aper,'recently, discovered
on the western coast of Africa, named
the Gorilla species, the ailults,of which
obtain the height of five feet lis l e inches,
and are three feet across the chest. "Jig
head is double the size of a man's; and , his
extremities are enormously developed.—
They exibt in some numbers in the inter
minable forests of the.f}ambia t river.
The negroes of the country, in their ex
cursions into the forest in search of ivory,
exhibited little fear of the lion, as it slunk
away from man ; but they dreaded the
gorilla, for when he saw a man advancing
he (mine tlown - out of the trees to the attatik
and could strangle,ainan with.the greatest,
of ease. The strength of 'his mart.., a pe ,
. . •
ii . ceUrineus, his jaw is " as powerful as
that of a lion, and his canine teeth tonally:
formidable. .
A SPEouiArroN.—Of . the 2,700,000'
acres of land grouted by the Stati to aid
the -construction. 'of the Illinois - Central
Railroad over 2,000,000 acres yet remain .
unsold. Taking the sales made since ;ithe
land office of the company opened in this
city, as.a..iest, the fund realized .from- the
lands alono t not fall sheet of $45,000,-
000 ! It is now thought that the road
compleM and fully equipped will,he clear
profit to the cenlpany, to say within's. of
tbnB9o,ooo‘,4loo.ut money tbui.willt in due
time be piled up in their treasury.: :Under:
the stimulus of the times j this,,great•werk
promises to' be the most successful *puce- ,
lotion of the age.--Cliieugo Tribune.
Mr...Carlow, a Methodist, minister in
Buenos Ayres says that with the single
egeeption 'of a small Senteh'elipelletely .
completed, there is not one building devot—
ed to •the public. worship of -God, on The
line of country . streehing from -within two
leagues of the city to the. hasp o - the An
des, a distance of at least 600 . mire s .; whit
hi " th e nount'of population is net stated
nor 'conjectured ; hut -though the liativea‘
retain a. few of the Roman : Catholic• rites,
they have no check ot,auy kind upon their
inclinationa, and live in a state of nature
as conriOletely as any tribe or 'nation of
all the African continent.
THE SPAN/all riOHILITY."The Span.
ihh Cortes has just adopted; by an im
mense Majority; the sixth article of the
new constitution, which declares that no
title, ef nobility shall be required ass qua'.
ificatiqn ,for the discharge of, any.offies
. 4 1
the the crown or of the peoplb.—
This is a great stride towards the refor
mation of Spain. as it extinguishes the
last of the privileges of the Spanish nn.
bility, and places the .people of all .ranks
upon an equality.
A MOTHER, in a. neighboring village,
gays she emptied her hoptifyl,son's pocket
the oilier day, and the following articles
were brought to light: Siiieen marbles,
one top, an oyster' shell, 'ttiti pieces 'of
brick, .one. dough•nut, a piece of a curry,
comb, one , paint brush, two kroken knives-,
it skate strap, three buckets., one, ball, twn
primers, five hen's eggs, and a bird's neat.
An Irishman and a Frenchman were to
be hanged i together. The latter.' was
atrougly affected by,his situation. _while
Paddy took it very, easy. and told his
companion to keel)' uP - his pluck, 'for it
was'aothing at all' to be 'hanged'. ' 4 4 Ali"
replied the FrenChman, zar beanie pude
difference between yea arid ,for ze,
Irishman are,used to It."
THIS New. York is
believed by, many, persona to be , deeply
concerned in' the slava trade,
,and it is
said a Portliest* Captain, whq has just ',
corertlY . landed six hundred and fif:y• alas.'
es in Cuba, left hivana .onithe 23t1 ult.; in
the Cresent City, to renew hie; labors in
that and other northern onkel.. ,
paommaa OF Eva.N46Llc4tt. lint.toteat
iri.GsarsAtiv.--Out of some eighteen uni
versittes but , tvAio remain under rations hie.
tic rutuenee'. Indeed 'rationaliam there
may be eotoridered: as rapidly hastening
to its death England and New 'England,
in acceptiug,anit propagating it, are •fput
ting on the old shoes which. Germany had.
cast off." •
. Blue inues in the Pacific.-Travelling on
Sunday in the Sandwich leiands--inccept in
the direction of a chilroli—iakrictlY forbid
den by lair. •
SUPPORT - CP . PAUPERS. •-••Th0 oily of
New York pays $400;000 a year for tho
support of,foretg,u paupere. ,
PIT IS stated, a curious fact, that tho Queen
of Englancl i is mat*Nhe tomporal monarch
of more Roman Catholics that' the Pope
and of more Musslemao than the Poke.
Latvia Broadwell, of Cincinnati, has be
cjike'atltetf S7SSIOOnto the First'Univeidal
ist Chiath of`that City. •
.. ,
Pouttan A Er.testsia.—Poverty is the Salt Elver. ~.
nurse •
lof manly energ and heaven-climb Nan y - y persons may supp , the ose river of
ing thoughts. attended by love, a r i d faith, this name to boa mare imaginary stream,
and • hope, around '
whose steps the •moun- ~up which defeated politicians are sent bps
1 tain brtteres Mow, nod from whose, counto-ittort of figure of speech. Indeed, ithrdonfit
nonce at) the virtues gather Strength I ful whether one in a hundred ever thoughtof
Liok around you Arent the distinguished j inquiring into its length, breaddri depth;tor
rilenAhat in every department,of life guide I locality. From the .descriptioti which' M
end control the *dines, and ioquire whet was lows, it is certain that the , exile, ikas bot
di,;ii'early fortune. Were "t hey, as a gen- .much of a journey to make :.. • • , ' ' ,
oral rate, rocked and dandled in the lap of This river, (says Bayard:Taylor,); where
prealth ? No ; such men emerged from the it debonehes into the Ohio river, is not
i tpqes of decent competence or struggling ',more than sixty yards in breath,- uf very
1 pd'verty. Necessity sharpens their , face!. deep. It is never fordable tile drY
ties''; and privaiien erid'sacrifice brace their est season, and being navigable for fourteen
moral nature. They learn the great art of miles above, has not been bridged Att , This
renunciation, and enjoy the b eppiness of point. We descended its steep and difficult
having few wahts , ; they know nothing of banks, embarked our carriages on a flat for
indifference or patioty. There is not an ry boat, and were conveyed across. •The
idle fibre in their frames ; they' put the vi- view looking upon the river was veiy.bettt
gor of a resolute pdrposo into
,every act.— Wel. Tall sycamores clothed the bank,
The edge of their mind is always liept sharp dropping their boughs almost to The water,
in the school of' life, mon like these meet and, forming a vista, of foliage through
the softlY-nurtiired, darlings of ,prosperity which the stream curved out of sight be
as iron mode the vessel of porcelain. . , , tweet' two wooden hills. I long,ed to be
rowed up it. While on the spot I took oc
casion- to inquire the derivation of the
slang political phrase, ..Rowed up Salt ri
ver," and succeeded in discovering it. ;, For
morly,there were extensive salt 'works um
the ,river, a short distance from , its. mouth.
The laborers employed in them were a set of
athletic, belligerent fellows, who . 'soon
became noted far and wide for their achieve
, meets in the pugilistic lino. Hence it. be.
came a' common thing among the Naimoli
ou the Ohio, when one of their number:be
came refractory, to say to him, We'll rote
you up Salt,river," when. ef course the:bul
ly admen would have the handling of him.
13y a natural figure of speech theexpressien
was applied to political. candidates, first; I
believe, in the ,Presidential 'etunpaign , of
1840. , .. ,' ~ #l.-r,
The Yazoo (Miss.) Democrat Aron ides
one of the most atrocious and diab olMal
murdersevor perpetrated inn civilized com
munity. The act was committed on the
nigheotase 26th . ult. Young O. Bawd,
residing sear Benton, on the evening of the
night alluded to, forcibly turned his wifo
out of his house, with the view of keeping
ber all night in the cold. During tho night
when she suppoued, bar inhuman husband
was asleep, she crept softly into the house
and laid berseif down on a alteepsk in before
the fire. Dollard was awake, bow ever, and
saw her cuter . ; and after she had laid qui
etly down he arose, and taking in his baud
a heav maul deliberately. beat , her br, Mos
out. , J3ovard was apprehended the next
day, and lodged in.jail at that place.
MlttiSiNoLant Font'Ewr.—A San Fran.:
eisco correspondent of the Providence
Daily Tribune, gives the folloWiug account
of the late Mrs. Edwin Forrest :
Milt: Forrest. that was, -Myr. Catharine
Sinclair tbu; is, hs perhaps, better known
to theatrical fame hero than_ any , other•
person. Sep 4suio ,herir.2,bringin g • the
sympathies of the, people e
States and receiving the welcome of the
peeple hero. • She bus filled her roll and
must be nearly ready, ; she has
been successively a . .siar,""tir'ins mmeress,''
a "iliac woman,' 'and.s, “stibliing player."
and 'to now going , from town, to ,town mur
dering plays fOr the amusement 8f the mi
ners cud inquetainecrs. The publie blame
her a'n'd pity her.
Soltilvdr Van Iteurineater of , this city. lost
a little child some six months ., At
that time Mi. - Yen Rentiselear resided at .
Cherry Hill; in the immediate vicinity of
which_the child was interred, Last week
the coffin was taken op fur the purpose.
of being r e moved to the Cernetry. On
opening the coffin 'the, body was found ,as
perfect as whin placed in , the, earth. It
had passed through a State of
and had become as solid av marble.,, ; Mr.
Vat l : informs es that the tiotly was ~ buried
iri'the earth, a 'large portion of which was
White . cley. - Whether this led tc the pstri•
fliction is more than we can say.-dllbarty
161ickeibocker. •
D. . ,
Kane to busily employed on his work do.
' scribing his last Arctic expedition, and
efforts are_ being made, by the publishers
to'have it out early the,ensuing year. The
estimated Cost of its production is ittO -
' , Torn," hind a mass to hie friend,
.thitik it highly"dangerous to keep the hilly
of small banks on hands now-a-daym."
"Tisu, s 'astawered the other, find it
inure difficult than dangerous."
, ,
A' Mirreit-or-FAoT Yawn L'Amr..L.A
certain-.newspaper in Oleveidnil ghat,
ad s a vertised that thoy would' nde
Copy of their paper, gratis , fur one pier,
to a person who would send, !hem a club
of ten, received the ten spot if dubs frusu
a young lady in the country.
Thu Cardiff, (Bug.,) Guardian says that a
obild,,the eon of laboring, people,: reteived
at the haOstual font, the mimes .of "James
Lettislelapolcon',lllalakoff Broom:" What
a. &vital 'ch ittiney sweep , thO"boy would
A (AA) paper iitot the 4,1 7
lowing - adireitiatuneut - ; •
"Wife Wanied—Any gai pmt.'s got a
bed , • l4 . l 44e,alat aud a kilowa tow
to cut out briteheo, outt a buutiug
shirt, and leutiwa 'hOw to take,caro of dill-
Arai', 'caw' have sei'videa until death
parta us.'!,
NIELEft TUE - DIURDEREFt.--Frvieriek
miirderer ei 'Dr:" J. F 0: Hu
Eklund lienrj , Graeff, who'is' to be exeeu
tett at Cumberland, lid:, on , the of
January next, is now enmed, in : writing
an a'utobiography of himself commoucing
with his infatley 'nod einniug np to the
preseut tiwe.
ANAS'ITIt BONES.-=-The bones of an ante.
diluviau tuquater were recently discoveied
in excavating a deep cut, in the .Jackeit'
and Canton (Miss.) railroad. ; The Cuuteit
Citizen says 85 test of an an Intel. iuclud,ing
the head, hudten taken up, but the "end
is not yet,."
“When I reflect, ” observes Po pe, in a
letter to Addistn. "what au inconsidera
ble atom every singleumn is with respect
to the triple creation,
methinks it is a
bhame to be concerned at the removal of
such a 'trivial man air I am. The 'mora
-1 after my exit the sun will rise as bright as
ever, the flowers smell as sweet, the plants
spring as green, the world will proceed in
its old'course,'people will laugh as heartily,
and marry ai fast as they were used to do.
The memory os nisu, , lxtsseth away as the
rememberauce of a guest that turriath but
'ono day !" • -
Condition of Russia:.., ; .„ , f
uch is expected ma all aides from the
jeurtiey which the Czar has made from,one
end of the'Euipire to , the other vend the
qUestiou occurs, what, impression.' has ;he
carried back with him to St. Fetersbargl
He' wee . tlitta euabled to see personally- the
titeto of the country, to, judge of themirit
ofibe'nation to estimate its resources and
to convince himself of their ; exhaustion or
endurance: Tho warlike exeitement in
Russia, it se ems, does not abato w Touch:-
ing the prosperity of Russia,- the German
papers state that Russian cotton manufsa.,
tore is now flourishing, and that since the,.
blockade of. the Baltic is raised, and. the
' Winter, renden the internal roads and eon-
Municatious very easy, immense exports of
flax linseed hemp and so forth, begin tt
arrive„ltt Dlculel. , Another fact regarding
the development of Russian. industry is sig.
nificaut, which is, that the via:paving stop
pod the sugar.importatiou, immense quanti
ties have been ruade.from the beet- root,
and the rise of prices has been accordingly
insiguifioant. This, however, is the inva
riable attendant on Protection, whether di.
redly laid on or resulting from the evil of
war; and Russia henceforth may boinde
pendent in sugar-making, as the whole
southern portion of the Empire is exceed
ingly favorable to
,beet-oulture. The erect
tion of new fortifications around St. Peters•
burg is, it is stated, greatly facilitated by
the discovery of granite on the banks of the
Lake of Lidoga, whence it is more easily
sent to the capital than it has been from
Finland. There is a rumor that the whole
mule population will be called to arms to
form the arrierc.ban of the national forces.
Iu the groat (Utica the fashionable women
are iuterisely ,patriotic. French essences
and kuiek-knacks find uo purchasers; and
domestic products, inferior or not, are sought
fur. Those all are poor indices of a Rus
sian proclivity to peaoo.
Death of a Miser.
The Sandusky (Ohio) Vindicator tin:(
nounces the death of a German named . Jelin.'
Herryman, at. that place, leaving . a . fortunel
estimated at about twenty-five to fifty thou.
wee one of the lowast.elasa of
misers, equal to the most loathsome ever
paitited'by Dickens. For the last siiteep
ydars he has constantly wore the same bins;,'
I i nsey.woolscy menus end pan taloons,' ewe.
fully run or darned, all over. with . strongo
thread, so as to prevent the poseibility of:!
wearing out, except on some important . 00.
casions, such as land sales or somothingef
that nature, when they'gave place to'a suit
of Neck velvet that he often boastedhad
served him faithfully for forty years. He ,
contracted the disease of which be died
walking over the bad roads, daring the most
inclement weather of the seasou, all the'
way to Petunia and Henry counties to pay ''+
his, taxes on the lan& be owned there,
out sufficient, clothing to protect, him front
the cold. In fact, wo are infora4 that he
scarcely ever wore a shiit or unde'r german,
and. that the calcite had on when he died
had not been chauged for over three Months: 's
Although rich, he has been known to obiff.i!
er with the smiths ever the price,of shores.,
shoe which be bad picked, up in the street.,
So 'fur as is known, he leaves no heir.—
He always resented any questions as to the
place of his birtli r relatives 'or early histerf.
Couuut3ndablo Caution
A curious aecident,recently immured On
the New Albany and &dein railway. The.- t
passenger train, having four cars filled with !'•
passengers, came to the bridge over asilto ,
ti reek; near 13loomington, arid the eogieeero'l.
fearing that the heavy , rains, which bad 1 . •
swelled the stream bank full, had rendered-4
the bridge inse_eure, throated thorium:lgor* --
to get out of the cars till he could teat. the;
strength of , the bridge. 11,e ores/aid onlooti
and'then direoted.the fireman to start ,the )
engine, jump MI, and be would "catebV",.
011 the other side. The train startednmi,
on reaching theicentro of the bridge I%gave.,i ;
Way,, and the locomotive and cars were ~:j
plunged into the stream and instantly 4imp.
peered from view.
A Youthfitl Couple.—A couple were
riod in Greetibush, New York; last"
wbose tinned ages were one hinninsd
sixty two years Whether 'they
consent of their parents not'lnoirtio . ,
irir, The, emigration troat.,Fikelolid MAP
kik lasi you , iuLtatotod to 8,090-polsoki,,,AbO.