1 1 ! ° D. A. A 0: H.. BUEHLER Voglig :1X11•l am venii. irtirditatErgoN. , pod Office ResulaU ono,. Rates oflbstage . : Postage on all letters 'of ene•half ounce weight or,under, ,3 cents pre paid, (except to California and Oregon, which as 10 cents pre z pat'd.) • ' • Postage on "Tug. STAR ANT Bswsum"-=--with-. in the . Within tho State, ISconts per:year. To any apart of the. United States, 26 cents. Postage on all : transient papers under 3 ounces in weight, 1 cent prepaid, or 2 'cente 'unpaid; . Advertised letters to he. charged with the %Tat of advertising. • PAS 1 3te1ls : Coaches, with • mails to Haiti. more and Philadelphia, (and intervening points) leavesit o'clock; 'A. M., daily, ex cept Sundays. . • - To HarrisbArg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5,4. M., To Hagerstown, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Ist 7,. A. M. • To Cluunbersbarg,'o, A.. M., daily, " Emmillsburg, :1,.P. M., " Mail to Belnleisville, 3liddletown,-Mummas :burg, Centre Mills, Areniltstown; on iVednes 411symnd.Satunley, 7 A. M. fu Hunterstown, Tuesday, Thursday and S'autrtlay, 7 A. M. 'To Mow Chester, and Hampton, on Tuesday of each week, 7 A. 31. . Officers. of the United Slates. • l'resuleal : Frokin Pierce. l'resi(lessl: Jesse 1). Drigbt, SaeiYlarif , : Wm. L. Muer. seerehtry of lisletior: Robert McClelland. Serr,tary of Treasury : Janies Guthrie. Neereiar,y qf War : Jeferson Davis. S..rrehrry of Nar.f:lantes C. I)obbin. flail .llasler General': Jinue.4 Campbell. General: Cnlnb Cushing. C'hieflastice L. Stales: IL B. Taney Atata 'Otlicers. - Oonernor : James Pollock. ..' 4 .'ecrefficy of Slate : Andrew G. Curtin. .11:paty Seer-bow : - John NI., iforocoof General : J. Porter Brawley. A;idN i e G&rnl : Ephraim' Banks. rtommeei Eli Slifer. Judaea:.. J. S. Hack, E. Lewis. IV, B; Lowrie, G. W. Woothiartl, J. C.. Knox. • dOrrniM en ileul cif Common, School,' : VlUCeirs t (Copyr,r4s.:: Aohison. .B'4 tvid _A'stresnloty Ignue Robinson. PtY*44 , nl ./w/ge: Robert J. Fisher. Attoli.siet r thuel Juo. McGinly. District .li/ernry .Shrriff: !ivory Thomas. o, , irciner : J. W. Hendrix. Perithnnioltsitii John Picking. ff.rorder: Win. F. Wither. Clerk grihe (!ustris J. J. Baldwin. County, 'Treasurer J. L. Schick. : Geo. B. Ifewit. itnijo.ctiir'qr irelAts end ifeimures: Franklin • .. c4ftt3;511 . 0441/1.; ;,1416 4 1. Wills.. Georffe MYorri oentrAi.Pi?l , 4tnt r.Ulcrii-4..Aughittbstugh; Dim. Tort ry' the Joseph 13aily, John 11.yritur, Garret. Brinkerhoff.,; Clerk—Rohl. • S. Paxton ; Treastirer-.llexatitler Colvin); -Stswar.l—.loltit Scott; Physician-I)arid liocner. - „011otilors : Edmund P. Shotb, Abel T. Wright, John : 111,111 A nelibiltaugh. Clout , / Suiwriatembwi: David . Wills. Orollg 11 OfliccrN. .lohn Culp. Torii r,otord : ,InmeA A. Thompson, Hugh 1 1 / 4 niililie, Samuel IL Russell. S. S. Me, Cleary, D. I.:,enalehart, John Gilbert. R. G. Nl'Crears, Clerk nod Treasurer. -Asa ;rex of tlie l'eore George R. Rriugninn, Joel It. Danner. 'Constable : John b. Burns. Pinces or Wordslp l',. , mhylerhits : Bnit. mid High istrcet—at prey • eta withoign.Pastflr. Rommi CaM,./ie : West High street. Pastor —Rev Mr. Pc Necker. Germuui Itern'tned : !Ugh And Stinnett streets. Pastor--iter. Jacob Ziegler. Nelhodisi Rid:erg/Nil ,Enst Middle street.— ' Pustorslters .1. W. Dash.lVm. Earnshaw. ..S*ltoehthl Wlthrmeti : West High street. Pas ;.tor--Rev. Mr. Werner. isalteron.: Christ church, Chambersburg street; Pastor—Rev. Dr. Krantb. St. 'ZittrieA, York and Stratton streets ; Pas tar—Rov. lkiuben Hill. Assoclatlons. 1. 0. 0. P.—Gettys L tge meets on Tuesday evening of each week 9:•of T:' Adams Divis •st much' on Monday evening of each week. Temperance Beneficial Association meets on third Saturday evening of each month. Gettysburg Beneficial Association meets first T OSW ll Vl vel l i ng 0 E tilLeknunith..... • . ming Men'Lotman, i*eels on Thuridny evening of each week. Lodire meets on Thursday ink of each week. lierhn Beneficial Association ineets on the first ; Friday eveniai of each Month. [lank orflettysburg• .1 4 ,4a6Pi1t : 'George Swope. Cashier : John R. McPbeniOn. John It McClellan. ' Du {ora Swope Henry Wirt, Jpepli yonnig Geo. W. McClellan. Dr. D. ' D.' Henry ?%era, Wni. asoc,„Lewit 11 :1, 4lox. Wm: ');o,44glai W.Slierty Longwell. ildinsoConmay.liulual•Flre Ingo -rance.Company: President :'(George Swope. sl2Veiirliettt iSamairß. Russell: ' Btriregarir t: David.l.4 Buehler. , , • netteitrar t t : NerWIT • • Zteeptitfst . eqttinli*: Rub t rquidi,Atuyettii 4corKirig. V. A. Rieder, R. catapv: Kink: A: iteintielmein;S: R. Rtis: 11, VAl'Oreary; 4:LlNoel, 'A.: R...Kurtzi lahtteitooly Wereary,, J, Kerr, Eiehelberger, A_ughin. IL 4.,Pipking, D. WCou "gliistiaP9b (mist, Wm. IVibniu, se ph se7., ,The, Executive. Cl:Amnia°, meet on , the the t tt '41 1 47: in every .° l ° 1 4 the Ace sain.—ln a. late speech; Leer &oh said, , "We know that there is oilttnisin the eara of men. 'Let us look forihiprin • the • bosoms of women.--Bx. &logger, I 1 : 0 8helprobably meantito say, "better look .for hope io the` Id men, for we know - there is cotton in the bosoms of wo men " - • 44 1 1441,thiokii.toore of her, heels tliait tiotritulppoo it oho will never amotinltikuitiqh. Which • fettle ip the , rtifoom AuvQr feta litrt thRIKY PUN; /DM A Sacred Melody. • Irv - wrm.tsx macyrr. ' If bright stars that gem the night Be each a blisscul dwelling sphere, Where kindred spirits re-unite Whom death has torn asunder here : How sired it were at once to die, And leave this blighted orb &fir-- Mix soul with-soul, to cleave the sky, And soar away from star to star. But, oh how di4k, how drear, how lone, WoUld seem the brightest world of bliss, If, wand'ring through each radiant zone, We failed to find.the loved of this ! If there no more the ties should twine Which deaths told hand alone can sever, Ah I then these titan in mockery shine, More hateful as they shine forever ! It cannot bet Each hope and fear That lights the eye and clouds the brow Proclaims there is it happier sphere Than this bleak world which holds us now I There is a voice which sorrow hears When heaviest weighs life's galling chain 'Tis heaven that wispers : "Dry thy tears ; The pare in heart shall live again The Merry Heart. 'Tie Well to have a merry heart, However short we stay ; There's wisdom in a merry heart, Wlint'er the word may say. Philosophy may lift its head And find out mane a Haw, But give me the philosopher That's happy with is straw. Jf.life but brings us happiness, It brings mm, we are told, What's hard to buy, the rich ones try With all their heaps of gold ; Then laugh away, let others say Whate'er they will of mirth ; . et' Who laugh 9 the most will truly boast He's got the wealth of earth. Titer's beauty in the merry heart, A moral beauty, ton; It shows the heart's an honest heart That's paid each man his due And lent a share of what's to spare, Despite of wisdom's fears, And makes the cheek less sorrow speak, And eyes weep fewer . tears. The sun may shroud itself in cloud, The tempest wrath begin ; It finds a spark to cheer the dark, lt‘stmlight is within; Theditinith away, let lA . . say •Whale er they will of - Who laughs the most ,-`... ylrast. a l Hee getthe wealth it hit& , Perhaps, my dear readers, I ought to have told, you - before that Jamo's fither was one of those fools w h o say there is , ' Ino God. "The fool bath said in his heart The Two Helm I therein no God." He was a drunkard ; "I remember," nays "a late Postmaster land he wished exceedingly that there was General of the United States. "the first I no God to punish him for his wicked- I 1 time I. visited Burlington , Vt., as judge of , nom , the Supreme Court. I had left it many I In reply to the little boy's sad account, years' before, a poor boy. At the time I ; the teacher said, "Well, James, 1 auhsery left, them were two families of special note ; sorry for . you. I suppose, you . hi, o l ~,, for their standing and wealth. Each o f prayed any more since!" , _, 'ili"-in• had 11 -1 1 SW a I 4SIS eIY ow° affe /"a - I — - "Oillfliinse siiCeldit"i ' -f t' ''*''-' . m. o ac ory, en very Poiir, 'vet these two' boys wore' very l c gwer ia . 7 c ,‘, ' '• rich. During the long years of bird toil; 4v _ , which passed before my return, I had al- ' '" i t must cont inue to Pray to God " , most forgotten them. They had long ago . said the teacher, "and ask him tn give you a new heart, 'and implant a right spirit forgotten me. , Approaching the Court House fur the within you ; and foil will heir i ytur I I first time, in company with several geode-, prayer and bless yeu, for he has said, Suf fer little rhildret! to , t . tome unto me, and I mon of the bench and the bar, I noti ce d in ' them net. .N•iw, James, as your the Court yard. a large pile of old furoi- forb i d father will not serve God, nor lot you serve lure about to be sold at auction. The . scenes of early boyhood, with which I was . him ' 1 will tell you what to do. You must surrounded, prompted mo to ask whose it: take every opportunity, when your fattier was. I was told it belonged Mr. J. „,yr. i is out, to pray ; but when you do so, al- J. ?" "I Noyes bera family of that name. ', trays pray that God would bless your lath very wealthy ; there was a son, too; can -ev and clisnge his heart. And pray to it be he I" I was told it was even so.— God toforgive your father, as you have He was the son of one of the families al- , forgiven him. I hope you have forgiven ready alluded to. Ho had inherited morel him ' have you 1" than I had earned, and spent it all ; and i "Yes, sir." answered James. now his own- family was reduced to real ; "That's a good boy," said the teacher ; want, and his very furniture was that day , "for, except we forgive, we cannot expect to be sold for debt. ; God to forgive our sins." I went into the Court House suddenly, ' Of course, the young scholar well un yet almost glad that I was born poor 1 • derstood that all prdyor must be offered was soon absorbed in the business before up in the name of our blessed Saviour, Je lly. One of the first cases called, original-- sus Christ ; it is for his sake prayer is an ted in a low drunken quarrel between Mr. , swered. To polo James the wicked con- H. and Mr. A. Mr. H., thought I, that is ', duct of his father was a Iris I;' but. in his a familiar name. Can it bet In short, absence, be nuts! to follow the good teach• I found that this was indeed the son of the 'er's advice, and to go up stairs to pour out other wealthy man referred to! I was over- , his soul in prayer to God. whelmed alike with astonishment and I Some time after the severe beating, I thanksgiving—astonishment in the change :do not know how long, the little boy came in our relative standings, and thanksgiving h ome f rom the factory. as usual, at the that I was net born to inherit wealth with- }dinner hour; and, not finding his father out toil." !there, retired immediately to the room in Those fathers provide bottler their chit-;which he slept, and kneeling down, began dren who leave than the highest edimas it o pray aloud. The man returned titiox tion, the purest morals, and—the least pettedly, and going upstairs for something money. 'he wanted, thsnght he heard talking ; and 1 60 he listened. It was , his son at prayer. "He stood awhile listening, and heard James earnestly impeoring God to have . :mercy upon his father. "0 bond!" said the child, with fervor, "forgive my wicked i father, as I have forgiven bias t" This '. was too much for the father. His heart 1 - was touched—God had touched it. He I ,I rushed into the room—not as before. to :beat poor James ; not to drag him down !stairs by the hair-0 no; he took the na -1 timiabed boy in his arms, carried- 'him !down, and placing him in the middle of ; the room.slesired his wife ,anti all his chil dren to kneel down, and then, requested the boy to pray for' them: From this happy day James always prayf' ed in the family.- His 'father not only be lieved is. God, and regularly attended pub; lie worship, but deeply repented of his sins. God forgave him for Christ's sake, ,and changed his heart, filling it with levy `fir his Saviour. I wish I t could tell yea ' more about this faiiiily; . but 10n!Yknorr . that the father felt it wai'his' duty to go to the Sunday School, and return thanks for the great -benefits be owed to the -in struction which had been given to his Von. No doubt Jama's prayers and poi exam ple bad been a blessing to his brolhCns and sisters, and perhaps to their niotber ; for, when speaking to the superintendent, - the father said. "lain come. to thank -you for the benefit I and my family have. re- The latest and apparently the fairest ea.l ceived through my sou's coming to this timate of the religious condition of the , school: . earth, Is as follows: Pagans, 676,000,000; 1 How grateful and happy must 'Jamb's , Christians. 320,000,000 ; Mohammedans.: teacher have been ! I highly respect Sun -140,000,000; Jews. 14,000,000. Of; day school teachers. 0 may this article Christians, there are 170,000,000 Catho- encourage them to speak faithfully to the lies ; 90,000,000 Protestants; 60,000,-1 dear children God has committed to their 000 of the Greek chucch. . I care I ' May they pray much for heayenly - 1. • 'Pheraare 800 , 000 volumes in the pri!!and their scholars into the way of all . vale libraries of Boston. Ten of these li-I truth. and give them a joyful meeting broitied.cntAit 92 1 000 volumes. I where they shall part no more ! • ' --• • Costrumr.srs.—The first meeting be tween Daniel Webster and Judge Bad, the celebrated horticulturist of Albany. wits re marked by the interchange of compliments of a very flowery character. They were introduced by the. Hon. John J. Crittenden who, on presenting Mr. Webster, said .orhis is Judge Buel, who cultivates the fi nest flowers of the field, and this is the Hon Daniel Webster, who cuffs the choic est /lowers of rhelorie." Mr. Webster then happily observed, "your liowers_produeefinit ; mine, I fear may prove abortive." to this Judge Beet, with equil felicity replied: "My 'lowers; sir, are annual and even eseent, while your's promise a perpetual bloom." lizTuotarwr RwornoN.—The Be. John Gruber, well kaown as an eccentric ministerofthe Mathodig Episcopal Church ()Obi very desirous to correct an error in the 'elocution of ono of hisoung brethren, much given to the melodious termination of each, sentence with an emphatic "ah," wrote the following queer letter to him : "Dear•ah Brother-oh :—when-ah you ahso-sh to-ah preach.ah take-ah care-ah you-sh don't-ah say-ah ah-altah-ah Yourfrah, JOHN-All GRUBER-All." G HIT YS Bill G, ~--P A,, , .F RLDA , Ty . 1i Y . 'F'NI:N . G,..:: .- p,t. : c.' : ' 4ue, , i 8 4 5.: The Little Factory r. Boy; In the town 'of there are 'many large cotton factoriesl . and net only are thousands of men and tonten emplOyed them, but a great 'number of' ithildieO, who work Se many !tours in the 'de); that they feel but little inclined for letirning read in the evening.' , What t blessing for thee* a Sunday school, and how grateful they should be to the kind people who testelt thew A litte boy, 'whom 'I will call 'James. worked in a factory. and Con the Sabbath weut•to a Sunday school. He was so at: 'cativo Ind 80 diligent, that he rose to whit is Called the New • Testamint class, the teacher of which was a Pious' man.— Now there was a halo in' that school that the teaChersehould, at least once a month, ; speak to the scholars separately ; and by this means a 'ticieher became better ac quainted -with the thoughts and recline of every'one of his class, and knew . hOF to give suitable advice, encouragement or re proof. Many children had cause to thank God for this rule, and among them James. One Sunday; when about eleven years of age, he was called up, as usual, to his teacher. who, observing that the spoor lit tle fellow looked very sad, kindly said._ "Well. Tames how have you been 'getting on?" , lie hung down his head' and made no answer. "Have you prayed during the week 2" inquired the teacher. toren know. James, chat [told you what to do. Did you pray the last week in the factory, as I advised you r "Yes, sir,".said James. "Well, how it, JaUtra, that you are so cast down to-day 1 Did you pray at home ?" "Yes. sir; I went up stairs one day a'. noon. as you told me to do, and prayed to God. And as I was prayinemy tattier came up stairs ; and, hearing ,me praying, he came into the main and beat me very hard, and threw me into the street. and he cursed and swore very much, and said. Abet he would have no .praying there." "FEARLIBS AND FREE! , ' Anecdotes about ;tsplvitutillstsi. Cr, and Ray, ti ohne' hecitattem, that in 1 011411t1 li now Is heat it ne.tist Dl" EL TOR•TALMAI4IB. style and exeention they cocci surpassed'rf e gate me a knife one 11 ty al school, NA $ It. 11 piano Arai thEIS elosed by the hour bl ided the handle die. el-- In my introduction to the elLialing of 10 _ the Nuttier' I state the following else:--, s p i rits, The 4illllC !MOM) MIR repeated, Auden , ,. hifiek words on the wrappet said In June, 1853, after my return from Now with till.: difference only--thict it wile not so loud. on neenunt of tho piano being be- -I was el "I I "For (lie darlingest little girl:' Ob ycle , , yet the eTalm i n bleat! York. where I had witnessed many mum lig The piano was then npened AiTel n in nl ;ie t' t7t "g ff ,' l c o h m e p l efl=l T et i r i o l tieWy j lt iit a p„t, festations, I called on a writing medium in my neighborhood. A eentmatucttton by the Rama power. and played by striking But i didn't know what it meant the keys .0e the mettle, instead of the . came through her to me, deacon • '1 nie t ", key s . Oh ! w hat a wontlarful thing isihe said I mustiump oh h is toed, form a circle in toy own tau t ly, ituu that a °l ; ir n I litg ui i niO W was falling fist; this "edYlle fole"," that knPented" mind I witaldill oh till but Im coaxed and coaxed, medium would be developtd that would in nutting , tundligenno __ .. a be all I could desire 1 salted who it„, tv donut Intel& zencer '' And lie got Mil 011 ilt lust. Imuelon • and (lath ring in teeny glee, would be' It was an merit!, a daughter: ' To/11110Me 1113 course lie hem, ts I asked which daughter, as !hod four 31,1 1 1,ip 1 e ainichilei„ Audio. lii eters looked at efteh ode rand Allied, daughters.lt was auseve red. Emily.- 4 Del 1 dela t, know what it meant. The Nor; of her life is tun of incident, I was then directed wheu a d orele should be formed at my Lou o; to put Emily lit as the following Inief outline will eutnelent- tie years passed on, and they flinched his 9e toss ( illtictiatteshadow efl di epee blue , the piano I asked will you teut,h, her to On a cold oveningrin Jaeuary, about tho They gave his, fur"' a h,a`"l!' K./Pate -- Phi) 1 "1 klt WHO WHSW ‘ r e f ir Till will Hee." year 1810, Ohm on, the foamier dun amid. ro lo ' ' hui cheese it MY Gluier /IUO I by tl ti ilr amity r ' s it brook, Emily is niy young.est daughter, and at n„,„ Inc uni,„ in piing was „loomed by N% Mg:n i che da l ,' aria ahnos: l nperit, that tune about thirteen yetis of Agin lt t h e ' s ik er Vince of a child sin au thlt His wittesw‘re sell its tiit, _ lullaby m. is here proper to remark that she never a m delightful offences upou the wintry And.. ---s—now I Anus° +Alt a mead I know a now in mune. and never played h am It it IS little Itachael /Ridging for her ~ __ , • t•-• tune on the piano in her lite. is this : the country was entirely new rhe "sit° supper , ,'Moron pressed through the i , L'eit)off,AL, ItiILUI . NOB —Elow natural tt crow who were gado ring around her, ;Oa iv for man,to utelervalue hit influence, es- WilPll we mot edi here. and there sus no t o Luc oat mom en t, g Q.! 41 Up ill a delicate p oe i a ily who ! ' tr it evil ! and how direult opportunity at that time fen lush auto!' in litt le , la 'of ten or twelce s'trntnors, thinlY to realize tlib fact, that his influence will music. She was instrucheal io tether cl ul, too'stands g in rho 4hoW, Old very branches of educating a t bums by my • self outgo (4(10E4)1 • MOH • With her benumbed live after Inin. Mrs Shelley has an e.v -„ cellent story ol a Gurimin student, who do or othei members of this moi l ) , I • soon fi ligei 3 she held out ,w woo d en howl tor voted himself fit,r many years to intetye 1 111 . 111 4 as th - A trn. Ins ii itt,o Chorou elroppod,it stlver toady, to discover the, principle t o animal forint d a circle in my o reeled. Licitly' took Po ' and Penet t i ---- ti,. coin' Her hp art cy es rptie . l2Linit, 1.9 , itall—Sietteclels.,o_9lJleptseallPßllLlO. Seen her teen wm ---V 4 ‘; ' lait . —lni mn'nril ,i e tioutiiirit muss et clay Into !lumen infoglo'asslliirFaPer alt tle In n'e wd It blot Wif, owaketred. ' ' "' 1 ' form, und attempted to breath oi tranchise then n. ado alit the ,to slog so well 9' ) , iIGVEd itE hld di•Ennt ed. Tho experiment is termed a stuff ID MUSIC. She tin)" '4) child,' ho asked, ' w h o I login Yon into it the living principle, which he he wrote notes upon it; different Nu- in music, about ell *holt • Vooody , sir r l' a lid the little girl, while „„ eee d,,,i t, er lie creature mutt el, opened she knew 'polities.- She then threw don't her pencil, attd began to strike the table ~, r cow , ' , as it soloe d , the lo), of a patio 'fhli 'BLit Where did Ynn learn those heantiful alas I * d m , „, „„ his a loneap creature, a liaing beteg. But, congener dm and her, reminded fee CO it t hal bout duet teal to which 'I do not fr to hod that the body which he bad form net fc high you sing, and pt ice burnt the pi too 1 prop ..1. I It to kitty 7, tier, and, though u our Illy dillilent, she Li aud einbued with life, W.lB aniin 'Led by irodeed. air, 1 h lye learned. ; a little of the spirit' of a demon, and th tit he W 11.4 SOW tit once complit.d, and t iik her 4 1 . 1 M c hi th em ei ~rywil ei e. Wheit Igo ahout the din g upon N M ioty a being of ids OWII ore 1 -1 all the , °repo ure and , of& lenee of at, ev• streets I hs'e ti WI ler the. wife - lows to Seem tom, imbed Web poiver and malignity to' perieuced pt rhPi aka. :she struck the key 4 Indies and gent! mon who sing. 1, try'to scatter desolation t tiro' the , ivoi Id,. to all mildly, arid pl eyed . 'l ten's Gruel, catch t i le „ is am . tk , ?mo t et „ atter . ong ton without, ihui possibility , 0 .1 Waltz," iii a style th et would do ensile, to , um ids art in de them tho hest svity. core, n.' chit' king its fatal ravages, or recalling the one well tok 4 so tIIn um I'I• Situ t hen trim are cohl anti hungry , come well fatal gift iv Melt' he had so presumptuously ' played wane famili ar Lir , both . 1 ,, •"S'w el t nor, and I will 'lre you fowl and clothin.g.' conferred. Premsely so it is with that I Home," "li moic Do et," "L vet Roc of F li d the crowd inau who sends forth upon the wen Id a • I, summer."good " Photon ; Mid the " 11411 t ' the Ckuel, " "thd clapped their hands. But they lot their mm1(1,111111 Folks at Hone," "Lilly De 11.," &e. Situ the baffetul influence of a eor-I title Itichael--she never again sling on ru pt a nd vic iou s lite —Western Recorder.' I then played an air tient ly to w, and sung i r, i 1 Chorea falu LI liluevilni 4. obtained permut e with words improvised or impressed for 1 lionohts the occa s ion.lS" and be a utiful "'" can- , ra il edueatirm, rind under his tuiri,4 l her on occupation we, extract from Alia Ste inisoon of her p cents t to give her a nosed OccuearioN —The iollowmg i , • misled to be sung and played by her , the heroic poetry and sentiment being gi iv en n asdwfine, at oniorlul vocal powers taped!) decelimed. p i ton ,/ e Old ti„,„ teiti t,e• Death look attrey her be nefuetor, and she' She wits also soon dove lopvii as tor the batmen heart. Those a irily ork a writing - returned Redo to her miserable parents. . th.ee P alinn I what a g innang thin g • it medium, and I halm ietalted man bt a lUu The kilo „pH wasps!, bud ling into the 'turd l : seldom, yield, themselves eam tul Lowinuuications thieugh her, and of to fancied or rust trr v 1 soli;! I of 't gracer fill Ind fascinating woman the purest religious 7 Law:lila- 4 , She looked to the singe a 4 illo ogees of fldsO no hondo weaving I now add the following a. cognate to the obtainin,; bread , and succeeded in making feeds upon it o s wn tears,raying theinnundutiti dim above :—tin one nee isi ni I saw a youn began eng woment at the Gyinnoe, one of the RI , l ow. that a h a t e eurtion mig ht lady entranced. and iii that state, with tomer • theatres of MAN 'Site' lAllifi AO RI, :f sweep away. noon funeral pail, thr strong I eyes closed. played. on the mann from ono irepresoon, acid the audiences refused to spirit is shorn of its might, and sorrow 1 air aster. When troubles to two boars. wittiout. intermission in the applaud, s he Ivo do a pi a m i t e d hu t not hreimm9 0, m must superb sty le. All the pieces played i. ssconifitted. From ap old clothert tiler flow upon you, dark and heavy, toil not purported to be composed by spiriti , and, chant of lib. etc n race she burrowed were never heard or pliyed before l'k- odd volume of Racine, and ing ell trilled re nt i—rather seek,'hy oreepatiou. to elt•I mange others was a derfrge," which. to an, uith the w ives—wrestle not with the ter . , with the tragedy °fat/rotor/elle. 1 `81143 re von din dar k waters t h at threaten to over my ear, surpassed any 1111100 Of do) kIOO cited t h e past , o f t i 4,i H „,i i . i1k.J.,.,, he r I aver heard; and the music anti the style whieh - the ditties of life alwa:til present of playing it sere equal to what we under oho mid to her mother. t uyto filled wif 4 too t ; , -- o b ffs do l- L O p - e ---- umoo2 : hnt whelin y ou t moo a thousand channels stand of die most eminent performero and .._r will perform t [`welly.' f ert ili ze : know uiy ded ' u Y Before you drearri of it. those waters will Fraticatse, and composers. Site also played a "„Itattle Through the inftticneu of a realer! actor fresh flowers that may brighten the future piece" never heard before . Nothing of the sh e obtained nn engage m ent at, the Theatre __ the present, and give birth to flowers that will become pure and holy her appearance ignite char- in thin onetime w him. ..... et . ate . t o t h e [mid could surpass it . There were the pp ' l'"" ' ' Preacher,. the att irk,the charge of cavalry, eaters of Racine met with great applanse. ' • I fel i t il every obsolete —, pat i o toy , it apt f. l and parts representing the peculiarities of The Parisians were to et:tomes. The Grielefter all is but ri selfish feeling : and the French, English, Irish, Scotch, .Lc.' maginglirl of the Houle% ante was apotheo- most *a m id , le d ie 00w i te y selOs him. The Scotch brigade came up under the sized AV( the 'Tragic Mead'. Eler 'salary a If to the indulgence of any which brings music! of the bagpires; and it would she was first fixed'at 4.000 francal ; the Neennd no Joy to his fellow roan. impassible to give such ft perfect 'mit ttion season, it was, raised to 104)00 fumes The ° of l the bagpipes i n thhe e e pialeano Afterwards . ourts of France and Englandsoon delight' SItAIIPEIING EDGED 'foots—We !rah cair.e the ba o td. the slow and , ea to pay her hoinnee ; and within ten, solemn music to the grave, the perfect re- e la te the g years from the hour when Chinon tookfollowin from a German Brien semblance to the mufti, el el ei,u directly un- title, journal tor the henfit ot our natielian her half frozen from the fitt eats of Paris, , der the feet of the media u, th e volleys of atm wore A goroeous diamond necklace with les and agrieulturnl laborers musketryr•the boonong of etnnct° at la" the words "licforia to Radillei" EJObillZoll* 14 1 has if Mg been known that the aimp• the distahee. and the quick and ed upon it I , fe a t method of sharpentug a razor is to put lively air on the return. The eyibi . vials it ena ct al an hour in water to which has me d ium w ere closed during the whole per- A LoNDON Foo.—Few persons eau heded foie twentieth of its weight of form:itm The style of playing and the form ally idea of the d enti ii ! i o f a London umlaut: acul, then lightly wipe it off, and fingering of the mstrument wore eh thely fog, from what they oeclielonaile see In alter a few hours set it on a hone The di ff b erent, and te artistc snormal kill fa state r surpass- thiS country. On the 15th an d 16th of are' here supplied the pl ice of wile:some ed er playing h ie her i . In November a ileitsia f o g prevailed m Wm" by corroding tite whole metal e uniformly. truth. except, under this hillueoce.iihe had , don and its vicinity, during whirl' *team- i st ) dip( nothing ruttier but a smooth polish I not the physical ability to ploy pow' a h ea t s and omnibuses reamed to run, hacks its n e ce s sar y. The proress never injures length of time without intermission. She , and cabs got nn the side-walks, Lumbers good blades, while badly Issident il otos purported to be influenced bY some of toe of persona walked over tht• wharves into li re fiequently ed by it, althgh old masters. The style of music was the Thames, and were drowned ; smiler the rause °fetich unprov improvement remains ou un- I changed from time• to time, as if seine now accidents took place in the lochs and has explained. performer had just appeared. During the ins of several doeks, with many Intel re. oicif lithe this PIOrPIA has been applied performance, the pumb atiutervala, and for sults ; persons were stopped nod robbed t o : fis hy oilier rutting 'mph meals Tho fifteen or twenty minutes in •suct.cbsion. in the streets with tinpunitv.•and several work t e, ol at the begittiolig Of his no°o - beat time to the mush , bY raNteg shops were pluodered in day time. without s p e ll, o r when he leaves Mimi the -eve the two front feet from did floor, and still a possibility. , of el fi cteut intarferauep DV curia, moistens the blades of los snots a ith striking the floor so gently as not to chs- the po l iee. ~ d ense was the totsi.) P ail water acidfied its above. the cost of Which Curb the music in the least. The piano that overspread the monster city i is a l most not h ing , This sum{ the eo n . was so large and ponderous that a strong _.,_ ___ _ _ off ere of nine and labor in whetting. man could scarcely raise the front feet IllwAnns 0 FERKUP id V '".... " nem ° n ew ' which moreover speedily wears out, the front the floor. five hundred dollars for the hen that 'quid blades The mode of sharpening he e r in- On another occasion , whilst four of us, a wager. One hundred for the cat that dean. %heated would be found especially a the medium being one. were sitting around was "let nut of the bag." Two hun dred tageoes for stekles and scythes. ' the parlor hre. the piano on the opposite for the cow that . 1 / 4 .lh°l 7e d ti tit t a ltr e e u e li ° un b let eel l Pitons& VPINATION..—rt ill . with our aide of a largo IGJUI was played with no and bitter`_fancy. ' h oth Ofvee 12 on the : good latenlione as wet( our dishes...lo. human being near it. The perfortnance and stitY foe the ° r B , „ ~I' n morrow is but often thy 40 pi' to was of the most splendid character. 1 "wild pate' "sowed by a , ida yoo a have often heard Btralesch and De Mey- ' man. day. -:•11 : --.. - z-i.7-1 - ;11 773 .-t i LT 'ir , .„ . 1.,. , ~ ,v ..r..,,11;4, • -- Tertaft. - 4_.. -- 1-it - :1117.9 •,-,;..,.-.,-,„ ----.1::-... ,r-i-Srifete EA' -•":31:1C,L t . '7, , ;'. 7 :•15' , ..-, • I '" -=---- ~.,4it i t i .:l v e_v i . t..; yr,NIF -- - , - , z , :r- = • ---, LI, ." , „' 3,,,41,;,0 ::,$r ;..,,_. ,1, - q. mtl. ; ,f,p r N2 1, - - ..'" - z. , - - ,--_ , T) . -siv• 4.. c, Pi L t : , '‘is,'"! . '-',- - t - .sAkt%Zezi.+,* ,- - Z-.- t- -, 1- :: •_ ,1 ';' , .,", ' 4 /1 1 q,5il r i'- ~,,,,,-. ,,,,,,,q.k i, • bkryi4r4r,) Yfil .- ' 4 ' 4l c 7 " e .41 ' . ' " tnri7: ''' br. • .' - ' 0 , .... -- .4... •#4.- , ;*....c !,.,',....' ' ' '''' ' ' '''' s L:-4;&-. -'ii:41 ;;;; ,. . 1.0 ”1ti.t. ' ,V4 7 C fti. 44741 •,".;,-...4.,,A,....,,.:,,,.,. it,,,4,,, a - a;= - z , 4 „ +"e-rv*f - .w--------,:: v ,- trt,R,;=til ;,0r.t.,,v."--y.,., o, - `'4 ' ~,:4;t1,...11 :„L"rq .. -I' 7,-v,rti111,..,:,0,,,-v:,,,;o4,,4*,xr„f7,Attper.l'r 4,01: i .. . .4rr....e.rp4i' Mcr .. --- - - , --el rii,Ng 't . 4 :,. I , / . 7 .1 ' ' ..i. )i i 1 *4lVai I' 1 3 i I' k EVER GREEN CEMETERY. GETTYSBURG , DOLI f ARS PSI • , • - I NUMBER- The rnging fashieti ,in • New York or hooPeol skirts, it touched off in the follow. ing' inimitable , style by nun of the New- York paper's. This fashion has not reach ed ' , kis region, nod we hope it neter will. On( 1b yog alway s like to be close to the 'ga,s: to they, won't* go to the singing . school r any other place whore the; pits di )1 fettle, if they imbibe the boopetf, skirt fever—. 7 catase they,don't like to Ittentl "Oh! Venus de Medic's! suth slur • and waists ! . How ran we embrace therm at all positively,. where there is no inch ii thing' se genitnremund them in one effort! Skirts Imo swollen to that extent of lash ion..that .no door is , . ends . enough' for them to pain through wished some am - !adorable equeezing.. , R.eal 'belles' of the , fashien now seem 'like moving bells, lit- • erally so that the .mullets 'and men have to timer well in' the streete.,elve they will run • ngainst ropes, hoops, • havnattitie, and , the duce knows what, which now inhabit the lady's dress, and complete ly. take up. me sida.walks. • The other day we happened to seems o 1 the ...dumpy" kind of mnvirg belled , of. faohinni'sailing along the street a lit 4 point. er" close , and skirts (NW-- At forty paces ;distant they 'Rented like miniature. pyramids of silk ; at twenty pa. .nee a mmHg smell of cnlngne water and otber essences ; et ten paces a little lamp like a bonnet was'discernable at the trip of /the skirt pyramid ; at three pacee di tent tbc.embedded voice of a female in the dress conk,' be heard; at two paces,., four ringlets of slim appearance resembling., oat-teilS dipped in molasses were Aisios cred.:--two eyes ni weak and consumptive `expression resembling boiled ociona--lips like Mini' sentlwhiches with a bit of dies . : eqloretl‘ beefsteak sticking clieecks 'rOligher with mien fun. (Chin- . end celnring) was all' that cnurd erase ht mr the impression or irnagtria fin: that the above things; dry goods etc., formed a wonitro ! We moved aside to eanvan. ropes , and hoops to patta,., and 'went tin on: way rejoicing that aneb w3is our share of what happy has bands like to terin, .0h my honey I' FAtuttoimeLE finuaddiri Nnvr Yong. eitter the church porch." The poirt. • ly sexton, with his thumbs ih :We RIM ' 4 hole* of' his vest. meets you at - the door. llu &flees at you, your coat and hat are, ~ new, tai• he 'gr.:whine!). 'escort, you lo an' ib fteat in the broad aisle, Close you follows 'a poor. meek: plainly etturseern.ltross, relieved from her tread. • mill 'Nona to think One day in • seven 141.; Atinlitlitir.;'•Arheieionirt *utak' whllk '"r sudden blimltiesi. She stands embarrass ed one Moment. then, is the troth 'dawns mom her. retraces her steps; and, with crimson blush reerosses the threitheld which she has profaned with her. plebian feel. , Hark to the . organ. It is a stain from Hernia, rslightly liebbatb-ised.*-- • Now ilie worshippers one after another glide bi--silks rattle—plumes wave—sat in-glistens—diamonds glitter and scores of • forty dollar handkerchiefs shake out their : perfumed., odors. . What absurdity to PreOrali the Gospel ,of she lowly. .Nazarite to %tiela a seat. The. clergyman knows better than, te, tin so. •He valuer. his , fat salary and liandsoint personage l too highly.. So with a velvet tread he.walks all around the ton coininaitilments,—plares the down.: instypillow ,under the dying profligate's liead—olid,usliere hint with seraphic hym-, iiing into an tipper- ten Lieaven.l,Fasvoy . Tile 'HatDPI nA 4 7B'is are a , known pent in the south and south : weal.. They go dead tigainsf all :Bible, . 'temPeratire,' end education societies; hate • inission:4 to the heathen. and' ill modern nrhomes for rmiveithig the reat of man ,Of ,course they are, opposed to frowning, mid speak as they are suddenly moved. A Georgia cOrresponient relates the' following of olie of their preachers e ' 'Tivo iifihem were in the seine pulpit teuedier. Whiloone was preaching ,he ~ happened to say,, 'When Abraham hunt,. • the ;irk.' The one behind strove to correct' his . blnuder by Caying out alood : /Abrahams • wariz't thor.' • . But the speaker iiushed on , heedless of , • the interuption, and only took occasion shortly to , rrin•at. still more thteidedly., l l ear. when Abraham built the ark. 'And .I cried out the other, ',bra. ham toarn't,:iiar. I The hard'sliell was too hard to'be beaten dow.O' 'way, and addressint the priiiilo oxchiimed with treat ititliOnstion, - .1 say Abraham'irsi Mon or Th ai aboutii." • 80.1 BrIIINO THE PRIEST . Comm...lr BURN.-A Hornish Priest in Ireland meet- 2 nig a hit , : Witt: a bible in his hand, which he had gat at a Protestant school, took ,- . him Nome; and OR entering his roost_ threw the' bible into the fire. telling . ;lie bay that h was a bid book, and he shiuld not read t! again, at the same time loritid.' ilm¢ him to 4To. to the school again. The boy was at ;first. sad, but soon began to anode.' The priest inejated on knowing whylm laughed. "I can't help hingliing. h. " _ rplitd, "for I was thinking your rev. eience autildn't burn 'those' ten chapllit's, I've got by heart." • • • , SPIHITPALISII IN IrBOT, l'ioy 1V hig inyti,that the number of devo -14 I'B to'ihe spiritualist doctrines in that. nt eolimated by a gentleniar. whom it, 11•Dirifti as su ffi cient authority, at twehia 411111'1111.d. 'rlollB ainbrace, it Kayo. many .of our leading eitiienii—men of worth and inielleCt. who deduce their belief 'rote pliitimophical and liberal reasoning, soli are by no means to be identified with,* fanatic e: who are always ready to *obese@ auy new theory. The Chinese appear to be rousing thew Ohl homes from California. ODe from Ban Fnknointxo toHoag Komlo94s - ?- 44 400, nod a noth er aboas die testsiskowl4 took v..k. 200 of that mit t •