Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 14, 1855, Image 1

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    BY D. A. & 0. U. BUBBLER
Pod Wilco Regulations
Rates of Malaga : POstage on all letters of
one:htilf ounce weight or Under, 3 cents' pre
paid, (except to California and Oregon, which
is 10 eents.pre-paid)
Postage ou "TuE STAII AND Bea en"—with
in the County, free. Within the State, 13 cents
per.year. To any part of the [hiked States,
21i cents,. ,
Postage on all transient papers under 3
ounces in weight, 1 cent pre-paid, or 2
. Advertised letters to he charged with the
cosy of advertising.
The Malls : Coaches, with mails to Bahl
more and Philadelphia, (and intervening
points,) leave at 'b o'clock, A. M., daily, ex
cept Sundays. • .
To. Harrisburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, at 5, A. M.
Tu Hagerstown, on Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday, at 7, A. M.
• To Chatubersburg, 5, A. M., daily.
" linunittsburg, 3, P. 51., "
Mail to Bendurayille, Middletown, blumtnas
burg; CoSntre Mills, Arendtstown, on Wednes
day and Saturday, 7 A. M.
..I'n Huntorstown, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, 7 A. M.
To New. Chester, and Hampton, on. Tuesday
otif each week, 7 A. M.
DlBeers of the United Staler.
Pietokof : Frankin Pierce.
Vire !'resident: Jesse D. Bright.
Secretary of State : Wm. L. Marcy.
&crdary (;1* interior: Hobert McClelland.
Secretary of Treasury : James Guthrie.
Seerdary of Ilrar : Jefferson Davis.
Neerdary of Nary: James C. Dobbin.
lira tfrtaler Geoeral : James Campbell.
Allornep General: Cnleb Cashing.
Chief ',Wire tof the Stoles : lt. B. Taney
• State °Meer's.
Corernor : James Pollock.
. 4 40erdary Stair : Andrew 0. Curtin.
.11 , paiy Seeolory': John M. Stillirna.
Nurreyor Grocta7: J. Porter Brnwley.
.AogrWor Genera/ : Banks.
: inars: .1. S. flak , E. Lewis, W. B. Lowrie,
G. W. Woodward, J. C. Knox. -
.p, E oly Surriohooloni of Common Schools :
Henry C. Hickok.
A ' County Officers.
, r lPeongiess: David F. Robison.
S 7/11f/. : David 11.tinger.
-Assembly : 'sang Robinson.
Persideni Judge: Robert J. Fisher. I .
A..wcitticx : Muni I R. Russell. ,Inu. MeGinly.
Rislriri Attorney : G. Reed.
Sheriff': Henry Thomas.
Coroner : .1. W. Hendrix.
J'cothenotary : John Picking.
Register & Recorder : IY in. F. Walter.
Clerk of the Courts: .1. .1. Baldwin.
Courtly rreasurer : J. L. Schick.
County Surveyor: Geo. B. Hewit.
:layer/or of Weights and Measure..: Franklin
Commissioners: Jas. .1. Wills, George Myers,
Henry A. Picking • Clerk--J. Aughinbaugh;
Counsel-4)avid WilLa.
Dirertors of the Poor : Joseph Baily, John
Horner, Garret. Brinkerhoff ; Clerk—R.)lA.
S. Paxton -, Treasurer--Alexander Cobeun ,•
Steward—John Scott ; Physician—Davit
A tiditocs ; Edmund F. Shorb, Abel T. Wright,
Jelin Hauptman.
ifcceoilfits .11Traiscr: Jacob A itgliinhatigh.
County Superintendent: David Wills.
Borough Officern.
Burge:tor : John Culp.
Town Onsuril : James A. Thompson, Hugh
Sallluel IL. Rus.;ell. S. S. Me-
Cttutry, D. Kenillehart, John Gilbert. It
G. M'Crearv, Clerk and Treasurer.
..I [hr rove : George E. Bringtnan,
Joel B. Danner.
•Consitible : John 1,. Burns.
Flares of Il'orghllp
Prembylerian : Ralt. and High street—at pres
ent without a Pastor.
Ronsfin Cathotio : West High street. Pastor
-Itev. Mr. De Necker.
Vcrumn // , :ittruted : High and Strattanntrects.
nutter—Rev. Jacob Ziegler.
Mc/hut/Ist Eritropti/ : East Middle street—,
Pastors—ltem J. W. Dumb, Win.
ats.loriale Ref - wined : West High street. Pas
tor—Rer. Mr. Werrier.
~/ddhcrau 7 Christ Church, Chatnbershiirg
street; Pastor—Rer. Dr. Krsuth. St.
.Tames, York and Stratton streets ; Pas
tor—Rer. Reuben Hill.
1.0. 0. F.—Gettys Lige meets on Tuesday
evening ()reach week
S. of T. A darns meets on Moudny
evening of each weak.
Temperance Beneficiai Association meets on
third Saturday evening of each month.
Gettysburg Beneficial Amocintion meets first
Saturday evening of each month.
Young Men's Lyceum meets on Thursdny.
evening of each week. •
York Springs Lodge meets on Thursday even
ing or each week.
Berlin Beneficial Association meets on the first
Friday evening of each month.
Dank of Gettysburg.
''resident : George Swope.
Cadre?: : John B. McPherson.
Cierk : John H. McClellan.
'Directors: George Swope, Henry Wirt,
Jacob Young, Geo. WAMcClellan. Dr. D.
Horner, D. Wills, Henry Myers, Wm. Gard
ner, Louis Motter, Alex. S. Mimes, iYin.
Douglas, Wm. MeSherry, J. K. Longwell.
Adams County Mutual Fire Insu
rance Company.
..A•esident George Swope.
i'resident : Samuel It. Russell.
Secretary : David A. Buehler.
necteurer : David M'Creary.
Executive Commit/a : Rob 't ICCurdy, Andrew
Heintzemlan, Jacob King.
Mandger* Goo. Swope, D. A. Buehler, R. M'.
Curdy, ll6intzelrnan, S. R. Ras-
sell, D.. Itt'Greary,, J. L. Noel, A. R. Kurtz,
S. Fahns.s!ock, It. G. hi'croary, J. J. Kerr,
T. 'A. Maiihall, 11. Eiehelberger, J. Aughin
lan', D. Wills, H.: A. Picking, D: ACCon
aughy, Jacob firing; Writ. B. Wilson,- Jo
:400 Fink..
ArObThe EzegViye Committee meet on the
it me first Tuesday in every month at the office
.of the Secretia7.
. ,A young lady walking out one fine morn-
Aug Inn. the celebrated John Wikoa. She
!remarked ; to him, itYou see, sir, I have
me out,tir little sun and air." "You
:had bettor, Madam, get a husband first,"
mac idireply.
In the multiplicity of fairs this season,
'it is a wonder no ono has thought of got
ting up a "vanity fair•" Thero'p material
Beneath the Mask.
Once there came to us en angel
Bearing glory on its wings ;
And within our ear it whispered
All the softest, sweetest things.
Long we looked, and long we listened,
While the murmurs, glad and gay,
So enraptured, so entranced us,
That we could not turn away.
Deep those music tones, and deeper
In our heart of hearts they went,
And within its quiet chambers '
Kindled doubt and discontent.
All the perfect peace of childhood,
All the simple trust of years,
Fled away before its presence,
Leaving shadows—leaving tears.
Then, like angry waves uprising
In continual unrest,
Dashed the dark and angry surges
Of a tempest in our breast.
Yet, for all the grief it brought us,
Still we loved the angel so,
That, for fear of painful parting,
We were loth to let it go.
0111 the wildness of that worship
Oh I the blindness dim and dark!
Fearful, quenchless flame enkindled
By a single passing spark.
Viewed we still the face of glory
Which the angel always wore;
And each time we gnzeil upon it,
Loved and worshipped more and more
Till ns bending fondly o'er um,
Full of tenderness it leaned,
Lot the mask fell off—betraying
Not an angel, hut a fiend
Shrank we then away in terror,
Full of morrow and nurprine,
With the Minty veil uplifted
From our folly-blinded eyes.
Forced into the dread conviction,
That however it appear
Gentle spirits are among on,
Fallen angels too are here.
And though face and form possesses
All the beauty one could ask,
We have learned to look still deeper,
Pi the heart beneath the mask
Come to me In my Dreams
111: E. D. PRENTICE.
Come in beautiful dreams, love,
Oh come to me oft,
When the light wing of sleep,
On my bosom lies soft.
.Oh I come when the sea, '
In the moon's gentle light,
Beats low on the ear,
Like the pulse of the night—
When the eke and the wave,
Wear their loveliest blue,
When the dew's on the flower
And the star on the dew.
Come in beautiful dreams, love,
WI I come and we'll stray,
Where the whole year is crowned,
With the blossoms of May—
Where each sound is as sweet
As the song ofa dove,
And th e gala s tire ns SAM
As the "breathing of love
Where the beams kiss the ware,
And the waves kiss the beach,
And our warm lips may catch
The sweet lesson they teach.
Come iu beautiful dreams, love,
Oh ! come and we'll fly,
Like two winged spirits,
)1' lore, through the sky ;
,With hand clasped in band
On our dream wings we'll go,
'Where the starlight and moonlight,
Are blending their glow ,
And on bright clouds we'll linger
Through long dreamy hours,
Till lures angels envy
T 10. heaven of ours.
The Heart's Flowers.
The human heart is like a garden hedg
ed with Chorus. You must 'pars through
the difficult enclosures before you can
pluck its blossoms. As one will take
most pains to secure a violet that flourishes
iu a dangerous place—for we are naturally
fond of hazard, and prize a treasure by its
cost—so the fair growths of the heart,
when gained after much seeking, become
of exceeding value. They are worth
striving after—for where aro the flowers
with tints so exquisite, with odors so
trusporting, as those that shoot, from the
rich soil of the human bosom.
It is proper that each one should culti
vate his own domains. He who neglects
his lousehold is worse than an infidel—
and he who neglects his - land shall come
to want. But we may bestow all necessa
ry attention upon our own fields, and still
have leisure to inspire and assist others.—
We may raise the blossom that bas been
beaten down by the storm—we may train
the vine that has become misshapen—we
may relieve the plant diet is choked by
weeds—and direct the tendril that is look
ing for support. There is work to do for
others as well as for ourselves.
There may be hearts in which such aid
seems useless. There are. We can call
theui before us. There is no dew that
can reviva their blighted blossoms—no
sun that can warm to life their dead fruit.
age. But yet the attempt is not wholly
useless, for there may be one blossom and
one plant that have survived the general
They have a fable in the east. that a
maidetre tear falling on the lip of a dead
soldier, recalled hint to life again. And
thus may it be with
.flio heart whose vege
tation is withered and dried up—for tears
are mighty and we may not reckon their
Shall we not then husband our time—
and while we give good heed to our own
hearts, extend our sympathy and aid to
others. It is a, glorious and satisfying la
bor, to work.among the blossoms of .the
heart—a labor which shall make. sleep
sweet, life beautiful, and the future mel
low as a May morning.--Buffalo Er
l'"Woman's eye appears most beautiful,
When it glances through a tear, as the light
of a star seems more beautiful when it
sparkles on a wave." Dou't believe a
word of this. It ie the light of a loving
emilo that makes woman's eye most beau
RATHER SEVERII.-4 lady Will request.
ed by a bachelor, somewhat advanced In
years, to take a treat upon , his knee while
in a crowded sleigh. .ONo thank., you."
said she, am afraid such an 'old seat
would break down with•me."
Carrie Is Dead. : The murder oglßiel
Hush I she is dying. The light streams
through the plate-glass window—the room We are indebted to thi
is fragrant with the sweet breath of the
southern flowers—large milk white Afri- t for the re-production of ti
story of the olden betel:.
can lilies—roses which a,nightigale would i
"About the entli,efilhe'
stoop to worship=cape mines and ca- :
! r'i, whenever an y studen
melias, with their large, glossy leaves.
Through the open easement steals the i College s Aberdeen,
; the displeasure of' the hu
faint, musical tinkle of playing
!`Hoe assailed with the
and the light tempered pieasanily fo b tl y nt- r - o - s -in.
e ,
curtsies of embroidered satin, kindles up murdered Doionie P'
gorgeous old paintings with a halo, bright der genitally brought it
as the halo of a rainbow. It is as if fresh- tweet' *Town and :.Go
I young gentlemen were,aa
er sunshine were falling eastward on the :
I chronologically intpdasiii
bower of beauty.
The canary eings right to be angry at lei
in his gilded cage
her canary; and the mocking-bird raises his I murderers, when theio et:
note higher and higher on the perfumed bnbility on their side ; bi
air. : of Downie occurred wise
the' so maligned, were in sw
Why do you clench your hands 1
I .l..., t a t n her a e cc w o a n s ip a lic li e 9e ii:i
nails draw the rich, -rosy blood th ough
the thin, quivering skin t Why do you I"'
Richard Downie, made
grind your teeth together, andhiss between i
that one word, hush? It's a beautiful ! the cheek of many ayo
home, I'm sure; and that lady, with her'home to his books, thou
head upon her bosom, is fair as any dream e° '
vision of a painter.
'Downie was a saiiiiet r janitor at Ma-
Surely nothing can be purer than
the ; risehal College. One n is duties conaia
' ted in seeming the gate: -- a certain hour,
broad high brow ; nothing brighter than
those golden curls. And she loves you, ; Previous
assemble in the cumin hall, where a
too ! Ali 1 yes. any one can read tha-toiu, previous to which all thistudente had to
the deep violet eyes raised so tenderly to : ' l :. i . ie p ra y er was d e l iv - e g bY cite i Princi
-1 Whether in dise liging luneyour own. Ah, that is it; 'your young , t all, Downie was more tanl than his pre
wife loves you. She linked to yours th e
existence of an angel, when she knelt be- ' deeepsor in office, or w , her he became
trir in the -el
side you at the marriage altar, and placed :
t cte han another, perform an it at one lime
caneo no be ascertained ;
her hand in yours For twelve long gold
but there eau be no do it that he clotted
. en months, an angel has walked or sat by
the gate with austere pu ;utility, and thet
your side ; or slept in your bosom. You
those who were not in 4t, coininon hall
know it ! No mortal
women ever made :
within a minute of the pre t :abed time were
your heart bow before a purity so divine !
shot out and where slick :ads iepriman-
No earthly embrace ever filled your soul
; f tl s. and lined by the prit,tpnl and litotes.
with the glory beyond the stars; no earth-
The students bet are h./hated at
ly smile ever shone so
• uehlie:gieg" i this strictness and lock e ry : petty means
ly above such noisome things as . your
earth worms call care and trouble. She is of annoying the sacrist :re in his turn,
applied the screw at - utllir points of
eu angel, and other angels have been sing
deride remit and 0 hell war soon begun
lug to her in the long days of the pleasaut
I to rage between the e, l e and the
June this time.
; humble functionary. Ownie took care :
"Hush," you say, but you can't shut
that in all his proceeding ! he kept within'
out the anthem notes of Heaven front those
the strict letter of the lat.; but his oppo
unsealed ears I Louder, higher awell the :
: nettle were not so caret , and the deals!
hymns of seraphs ; brighter grows the! d
tons of the rulers were t lifinmly against
smile on your young wife's lima.
I ~ them, and in favor '
of O
-- wnie. Itpri-
~. She whispers, "dearest, I'm
almost :
home, and you will come by and by, merds and fines having fa ell in producing
and I am going to ask God to bless:due subardination, rustic on, suspension,
you!" sa d
even the extreme ..4 itence of expel-
But you cannot bear it—you turn away sion had to be put in lo A : and, in the
. e " ,
and rey :ed. B a att-
and the big tears gather in the violet eyes.
!secret law
and deadlyorder p
grutlg ' l ontinued in
to be
You had held her there on your bosom
entertained against Dt Yale. Various
all day—all night ; are you tired ? But : actiimes of revenge were bought of. ''''
you cannot answer. Closer, closer you
'Downie was, mete= n with the teach=
clasp the slight, fair figure ; painfully you
era and the taught, enjoy ig tile leisure of
press your lips to the cold brow—Carrie ; the short New Year's vat tion - : the pleas
is dead !
; urn being 'no doubt grey y enhanced by
What is it to you that. the sunshine , the annoyances teLwtf b e had beets
L 5 ;might a what that its - edger:tea :rays Tall r etiejeeted during the re - t ttwk,
on the broad lands—your lands? What is' when, as be was one even:og seated with
it now that she can walk on them no more ? I bis family in his official residence at the
And what is death—her death ? Few Pee' fgate, a messenger informed him that a
pie knew her ; no vice-president must be !gentleman at a neighboring /Intel wished
chosen to fill her place ; no nation w ill !to speak with him. Downie obeyed the
raise a monumeut to her memory I But !summons, and was usherel front one room
she was yours—great God of yours—your , 0 1 0 another, till at length, he round him
all I No, yours and God's ; and your' , sell in II large apartineut filing with black,
year of joy is over, and she rests on His 1 and lighted by a solitaryl candle. After
bosom now in Heaven. I waiting fur some time in this strange place
They have dug a grave for her. Spring about fifty figures, also Jesse(' to black.
flowers brighten over it, and the green and with black masks tn their faces,
grass smiles with daises and violets. You ' presented th emselves. 7hey arranged
go there, and sigh and pray, and ask God ! themselves in a form of a court ; and
' that you too may come honte; and when ' Downie was given to understand that he
no answer comes, your proud heart rises was a i m " ~ he put
be, tr i a l .
up in bitterness, and with bold, wicked j 'A judge took his seat 311 the bench : a
words upon your tongue, you .pause,, for ' clerk an d public prosecutu• sat below : a
your guardian angel looks down from ,jury was empanneled : aid witnesses and
Heaven and whispers-:-"Hush !" ' spectators stood around. ' Downie at first
set down the whole alisit as a joke : but
the proceeding', were contuelgil with such
persistent gravity, that, inspite of himself,
he began to believe in tae genuine mis
sion of the awful tribunal. The clerk read
an indictment, charging hin with conspir
ing against the liberties at the students :
witnesse d were examined in due form :
the public prosecutor addressed the jury ;
and the judge summed up.
"Gentleineu,' said Downie, 'the joke
has been carried far enough : it is getting:
late : and my wife and tautly will be anx.
ions about me. 111 have been too strict
with you in rime past, 1 sin sorry for it ;
' and 1 assure you 1 will late more care in
' future.'
,' •
"Gentlemen of the jury,' said the judge,
I without paying the alightest attention to
this appwl, 'consider your verdict : if you
wish to retire, do so.'
'Thelury retired. During their absence
the mos. profound silence was observed :
and except renewing the solitary candle
: that bidet beside that judge, there was not
the slidnest movement.
'Ch/ jury returned and recorded a ver
dict of', Guilty !'
'Tit? judge solemnly assumed a large
blackcap, and addressed the prisoner :
~ 11.liard Downie 1 The jury have u
i natittromly found you guilty 01 conspiring
agaimi the just liberty and immunities of
the mildews of Marisehal College. Yon
have teat tonly provoked and insulted these
inoffeesite belies fur soma months, and
your pinishment will assuredly be con
dign. Sou must prepare for death I: In
fifteen athletes the sentence, of the court
will be carried into effect.'
' 'The Page placed his ' watch on - the
bench. ti Week, an axe, and a beg Of
saw-dust were brought into the centre of
the room, A figure more terrible than any,
that had jot appeared, : came forlard, and'
Prepired ,o sot the part of doomater.
quwasnow past midnight. There was , l
Ino Boum . audible save. - die ominona tick- ,
ing of thtjudge's watch. Dowel's became,
more and more alarmed.
•••';For f3od'e sake ! gentleinen,' said the
terrified:lnm let me go home., ,1- prom
hie, that,you never • again, shall have cause
for coiplaint.' ,
.. ,
. . ~
I' hiciihard Doiviiie,' remarked
,the judge.
,you are vainly ' Wilting the . few anon fits
thatierelelt you 'on earth.: Neu are 'in
this handkof those who deulana Yogr We-.
No human powet: glut
,1541rp 70131. Aittl!nl4
Ito utter one cry, you are siezed, and your
doom. is -completed - -beforeryoultan utter
anothir.l -., Every omit item - Prea,o il
ha; sworn a ,sqleaitt oath .neeet.lo . 10 . 1 1. 11 4 1 .:thp
prooeidinge s of this, nigi4 i dicy lint ilOvia
following was communicated to Com. Wil
kes, of the Exploring Expedition, by a
savage of the Feejee Islands.—Flo stated
that a vessel, the hulk of which was still
lying on the beach, had come ashore in a
torni, and that all the crew had fallen in
to the hands of the islanders
Whatdid you do with them?" inquired
"Killed 'etn all," answered the savage.
"What did ynu do with them after you
had killed them ?"
"Bat 'em good," returued the cannibal.
"Did you eat them all ?" asked the halt
sick Commodore.
"Yes, we entail but one."
"And why did you spare one ?"
"Because he tastes too much like tobacco.
Couldn't Cat hint no how !"
lithe tobacco chewer should happen to
fall into the hands of Now Zealand sava
ges. or get shipwrecked somewhere in the
Feejeean group, he will hare the consola
tion of knowing that he will not be cut in
to steaks and burred without liturgy in the
unconsecrated stomach of a cannibal.—
Malone/ Magazine.
Men of America
The greatest man, "take him all in all,"
of the last hundred years was George
Washington—an American.
The greatest Doctor of Divinity was
Jonathan Ed wa nis—an American.
The greatest' Philosopher was Benja
min Fraulain—an American.
The greatest of living Sculptors is Hi•
ram Powers—an American.
The greatest living Historian is Wm.
H. Prescott—an American.
The greatest Ornithologist was J. J
Audubon—an American:
The greatest Lexicographer since db .
time of Johnson, was Noah Webster—sn
The greatest inventors of modern tines
tvere.F.alton, Fitch, Whitney and Morse
—all Americans.
plonghlitg match for boys came di !eat
week at the Black Bear, in Bucks county,'
Pa.; when nine lads, the' tiled, onlyl7
years of age, started for the prises,t
ing , off their allotted workAtt la superior
manner. The first prise of 1110 ask won
by:James , Cornell. aged 15. .The'other
eight all /mired prises.varying Ere:m . sB '
Gratitude is a duty notm,eati be exlmed
from, because it is always in on pwz.
rd Downie.
I Knickerbocker
following true
NI.N.G, DE C E MBE 14 i 18'io.
ighteenth centti
tithe Mariodha.
'land, incurred
ply ant! rejoin;
a collision
although the
ped of ;tip' wits
. People have
'! . atiginatizeti as
Hers have Pro-
The 'taking or
the goarnsmen,
hen to be bran
he elaughter of
is blood run to
h, and sent him
'dui and subdu-
to none but ourselves ;'and . when the ob
ject for which they have met Is FICCOM•
plished, we shall disperse, unknown to
any one. Prepare, then, for death : nth
, er five minutes will be allowed you—but
no more I' .
4The unfortunate man, in an agony of
deadly terror, raved and shrieked for met
. cy : but the avengers paid no heed to his
cries. His fevered, trembling lips then
moved, as if in silent prayer : for lie felt
that the brief space between hurt.and °ter
, -
! oily was but a' few more takings of that
1 ominous watch.
Now I' 'exclximed the judge:.
,Four persons stepped forward, and
siezed bbwsie , or whose (eateres a.qqld,.
clammy' sweat ha '_burst forth. ,They,
bared his neck,' anti made hint kneel' be.
fore the block', • - "' '
''•Strike exclaimed the judge: s: '
"The executioner struck the. axe on the
floor; ao assistant on , theopposite aide lift
ed at the tame Moment a wet towel, and
struck it violently across-•the neck of the'
recumbent criminal. A loud -laugh an;'
nounced that the joke had at last coin() to
an end.
.Rut Downie responded not to the up
roarious rnerrinient.
'They laughed again : but still . he mo
ved not. They. lifted him, and Downie
was death • •
*Fright had killed him ae efrecitta4 as
if the axe of a real headsman had severed
his head from his body.
.It was a tragedy to all. The medical
students tried to open . a vein, but all -was
over ; and the conspirators had now to
bethink giemselves of safety. They now
an realitg s wore an oath among themselves
and the affrighted young men carrying
their dieguises,with them, left tirn body-of
Downie lying in the hotel.
.One of their number told the landlord
i that their entertainment wus''not quite
Inver, and that they did not' wish the hid i vi•
dual who was left in the room to be die-,
turbed fur some hours. This was to give
thein anima to escape.
'Next morning the body' was found.---.
Judicial - inquiry was instituted,' hut no
satisfactory result could be arrived, at.--
The corps of poor Downie. exhibited. no
marks of violence interns; ,or.eXternal.-7
I The ill-will between hint and the students
was not known : it was only klibtfa thai•
the students had hired apartments iw the
hotel for a theatrical representation : Dow
nie had been • sent for by them : but be
yond ihisriitithitig was known. No noise
had been heard, and no proof of murder
(mold be adduced. Of two' hundred alll-
AenAs of the college, who could point out
'die guilty or suspected fifty 1_
the students scattered over the city and
the mayistrales [hematitic& had inany
their own Writhes among the tiumber, and
it was not desirable to go. into.Alteit.,
too - inirintely.
•Dvwoie's-tyidow and family, were pro
vided for, and his alaughterremained s.
mystery : until about fifteen years after
its oveurrence, a gentleman on his death
bed disclosed the whole particulars, and
avowed himself to have belonged ; to the
obnoxious class of students who murdered
Senmibly spokell.
'rhe following is from the Democratic
Transcript, and as it speaks on an import•
ant matter in a very sensible manner, we
give it a place in our columns :
"Talk of the parlor with its touch-me
not elegance—we care not for it. Let its
covered ' magnificence riot in darkness—,
its red velvets lie in shrouds—its pictures
gaze dimly through crapeits splendid
piano stand dumb in its linen cover—its
worsted roses and pinks, and gilt flowers
remain unplucked in dark corners—its
carpet bloom unseen. Let :the
and double curtains exclude every beauti
ful ray of light; while we can have the
pleasant airy, yellow-floored, uncarpeted
"This is the place for real enjnyment—
i the kitchen with its bright shelves and. its
clean, white tables, white with time.—
The kitchen, with its easy chair, and
broad shining, hearth. and with its crack
ing, blazing tire.
"We do not mean the kitchen in the
great house, wh'Sre Servants have entire
control, and the lady of the hotnie cover
sots her foot. within its precints: hut the
homely, and comfortable kitchen of the
well-to do workinginan, where the wife
and the tea kettle 'ling together, and the
little children 'prattle round the mother
while her own hands sat the table for
tea: s
"There may he snow in the gleaming.
or son arrows lodging in thc tops of trees
—there may be city walls about, or blue
undulating hills. It matters not, in such
a place everything smacks of true com
A QUAINT (..)Lo 13ALLati.---Dwight
says le• films the following in , the "Curio
pa," collected for the Philadelphia Bul
letin, by "Meister Karl," who gays of it
"The. following. eccentrio ballad is some
what mortlernized from ante given in • the
'Songs and Carrola, printed front a MS.
in the Sloane Collection.' It was written
about the year 1450:"
I have aiming sister
Far beyond the sea,.
Many are the presents
That she sent me... •
She sent me a, cherry,
' Without any stone,
She sent‘me'a pigeon •
Without ens-lone;
Without any 'hornet
She sent me a briar
Sho.bade me love my lover,. •
And that without desire.
How can a cherry •
Be without a stone? ._
How pan a pigeon ,
Be vrithout '
How can a briar
Be without a theme
And who e'er loved without' desire
Since true lore was 4?sk borne.?
,When, the choir) , waits blossom, •.• .
Theti it had no atone;
When the dove was in the egg,'
Then it had no, bone;
When'firsi the briar apron
' thcirne it bare ; - • ' '- 1
And ;when maiden has bet lore i
, 9h then she longs to* more?
A Chr St( u . , , Ham went b ark to the eastern shore' iy 01!
Who would not I
boa Christian 'l.• have seen e x Pen" ‘°l' the, township "o it :it it
Men shrinking from the term,. es if it , brought ' that eleotion, and e#es !Ante:
A charge against them 1 Yet the henered 'mina ''an ( ( mom., r h a s' bee r i ; 0, X, •- • r tt t"4.3
Is fiill of gentlest meaning. Odors rise, +Thai is whnt I call preserving,the
And beauty Ih-its tom , from itseyo f . l . of eleoffoos,r
Great tears of Tienvtilt sympathy desoond ; • . 2 2
And mercy, 8' oft Ai Heratna's fil.m•ran dew,, • ,
I Springs in heart, hod fritin its
I've seen it press ttft:infant to its breltAti
Anil kids it:tv w its tnnieles ;,seen it ieke
An' old 'gray tlel men impress'4 A;111)% Tearly
And wiinkle,l o'er will Bor roir, end disclose,
A 'prospecti I) his vision Which Lath made
The Old marl sing with' gladness rileen it lay' •
Its soft hand gently on, the blind and bunch
And, lead. them safely home ; and seen it stoop
To the vilg outcasts ofsesietp,
Whose eh:meter WWI odious in the streets,
And' bring thinn back 18 virtue end to God 1
Hark- 'tis the loftiest namethelatiitungelkirs .
And all the languages idol! the worlds , • • ‘'
Have none sublimer It relates to Christ,,
Anti breathes allot and holiness ; :suggests, ,
The virtues,efliamanitv,adorn!d,
BY the rich graces of time Holy Ghosts
To tit them for the piinulise on MO . ,
Whitreangels dwell; and perfect timillehed Shines'
lathe eleor Ilistre of redeetning ' '
Forever and forever ;''and itnpiies •
A son, an' heir of the eternal:lent'
' , ~ • t
, Votlist Under Dltrleititles."
A cerrespandent of the KnirkerboekeY
futttiehes to tns pditoi'd that jey' rt . ‘'iti the
following arousing sketch, or the purity,
of the *mist, franehiSe in the State of ;
Ohio". should tike to have grasped,
the hand of the patriotic fellow, who,watt,
an anainutf to vote the "lig tit hickeliu.. if it ,
were not for the fact, that he finally; back.
'ln the noriii-west portion of the State ,
Of Ohio, in the' utiny of 'Anglidie, there,
totvitaltip, the citizens of. which ivre
prineiptilly 'Garman, and detwithetantlitig
their sweet accent,'t key eye Deine 7 ,
mats ml the regular .tinterrifiety.
Prom the ape of the ereptAeo of
roliqty up to tho year eighteen hundred
Mid fifty-tWo, there liafinever been;a'Whig
vole CAPI in the township spelten, id: al-,
though there• were, over'stx . hotitlred, ,
tore ; but at, the fall eleetiOn Of year,
open kour till the tiallait, it appeared thet
there Was "tme - Whjlt amongst
There was the proof, a regular sfedigiit
out.. Whig ticket,. end they.ilire ; not, pass
Ift hy, 'ride emitted, great ~.miminetton ;
their evcutiiheon yeas dimmed- ; there; waif,
, n Whig amen:get , theta ; that, blot • ,mist
he wiped nut, . , and with . their courage;
(DutelLef Collree) uiLto , fever hest in the
abide,: they went to work find.the.
tuan who hail dared to your: the Vig
Dieket ;' but their labors were.unruccesat
fol. In the men Mite another yents roll,'
et( round, and the goed tbeeplee, t,wete.e,
gain assemblnikatt the eleetion,precinet.:-..,1
It, had eot been: fometten,,howetter,. that
•iwzne - non - elect one. bah"lidttdd;
the rig ,Diekm; _anti it, wee, 'min,. the;
subject of open. remark and wonder-I.
While tiny were Mit-door
diectission or the subject, Sam Starrett, a
late imtuigrant from the eastern shore of
31ery land came along, and demanded the
cause of the commotion. .
ve Vas 3 W001)0rillg ;it ,vits:.
.vat voted :le Vie d lake! at, the lust elect:
non, said an old Dutchmen. ' ••• '
was ine,' Sam eaid, 'and it' went no
body else I' ,:' •
clinks not,'..iaid the Dutchman, and.
the balance shook their bends. incredu
lously. • • . '
"1 tell you it was though,' said
pulling out a Whig ticket, _.and may Ihe
chawed up it 1 shit a going to do it again,'
I .ant going to vote that (holding out the
ticket.) end vote it open, too. Fit let,ynti
know that. I'm 311 independent
citizen, end I'll vine just as I please, and
you can't help it, by Jentima i'• ; •
.Sto in lie- went to dispo.tit his ballot,—
There sat the three old Dutch judges, ot.
election, 'calm as a summer morning:;':
and true to his word, Sam handed over
his ticket, open, One ot the . old • judges
took it, and scantling it a few. seconds,
handed it back toward the: independent
voter, and said :
..Yaw, dal ish a Vig ilicket.' •
"Well, put it in the box.'. said Sam.,
"Vat you say r paid the old Dutch,
men, his eyes big with suprieu; Pot bhp
in lie b9X r
. 4 .lres-sir-ee, put it in the box ! lam
gone to vote it I'
"Oh ! no ! nix goal,. •nix riot •dat ish
Vig dicket,' said the old Dutchman, shak-
Mg his head. • . , '
Well, I
,reckon I know it's a, Whig
ticket' said Sam, 'and I +vont you to put.'
it in the box, demotion quick, uto.',
"No. tin ! that ish not. gout; daft jail u
Vig dirket : we not take 'am, any inure,
said the old judge, turning to receive .goot
dickets' front some of hia,Ger man friends.
'Sam went out sod CUrtled till all MAO
blue.—said he had COMO titer to:sum'
and he'd be flambergasted if he want go
in' to. vino in spite of all the I)titell in the
township. So, after 'coeling till; a litesee.
he again went in and , tendered his ticket,
very neatly . relied up.. The . old, judge
_took it again, and notwithata,riding , Setu's
demurring, unrolled it , and lookedatover;
then turning to Sam, in a tuennet. and
tope, not., to he misunderstood, said:,,, -1
"11elli•you dat ish a Vig (ticket,; flat
ish nial, goot ; and dal: toe.not.lphe., ',am
any more . • , • „
'Sam, again retired. cursieg all Ditime•
orate generally,,and the &tick:particular
ly, and assigning them, the hottest ILUlrfil,erS•
-0( the brimestone reg io n,;, and was going
on, to curse every body- that,didirt
them, when he -was interrupted, by an
old Dutelunaii in the crowd, with : •
. 4. Saco•Starrett;:l tells; you vat it lei' if
you will vote der ,Diritergrat dirket, and
leef der guiltily, we gifs you so* much mon
ish atr.dekee you sere you,cum'd nom'
!Sam 'scratched lila head. 'studied awhile
• -
and then satd.that as be hadicum thaw vota•
and want goin'..away •without. votin'ilre
'guessed 110'd do it. ,• ,t
'Again Sam made his appearance before
the judges, and tendered hic . vote. . The
each° old judge took it,' and lbokii.g it biei
quietly,`turned to Sid ind'seid":
itat`iih golt : ditlahn
guild dicketP and dropped it into,the, box.
necessary' to say that
[Frani the Ph'iladelPhia T hat' "
Another Self. , llltwittiesg, - •awthlt)Nigt
1 ' Plet, ll( td in At• ,>.:,; so b , )
On Wednesday last,, a
, twatly, dres , sett p
very yrtpossesitng and pielliiy aPnltaf!.
woman, immetvlle re between Sivotit iffxhfart'
and twenty.five years'ol , a,le;'dhyVe:upfed.
the, door, of Abel butane .11bspitat, oval!
which Dr.-- presides, and inquired, for
tba t gentleman. I She was, ushered infinite
reception room, whero, she awaited, Mho,
Inflating of the Doctor wilts an, air of ?moil
chalence , which ra ther fascinated the Iterili
yam, whoi, looked upott her with eyes td - ,
adoprationtand unfeigned pleasure. , ,Whetk,
I left alone she, amused hervelf--tt wtonmit
elwe,Y,4, ,Will—in gratifying her curipsity,,
Iby inspecting the varions articles „in the
rotten ethically and thoroughly. v rte don,
tor, being announced, she received, ir%
I wait one or those, hen ildering , amilfia. I 1 :91.1
some-women know so, well how to bitentw t ,
and whose itillitence no man,of feeling,
ran resist. The Doctor ,welcomed bar
with more Ahao hie usual Warintthal4,
soon learned the object
,of her vis it. . i
,had come. she ,said, with a glatlife,
lull' of melancholy, and a Lone of, tonal,
than womanly tenderness, to 88ceqfin ot
the ,Doctor iii person, whether L atte,,,equtd,
secure private guarters for her itiotie n anil k
,was ankioeP 10 intense, fits of,)*aa
lion of ;hind. Out• whose, conduct towardt.
her, bitter and creel as It; was, could,./tor t
alienate her love , for him, whicii , w:l4 gm,
alltftervading passion of Wenn'. flu 450,
grown so„ violent of late that she, fettilteli,
to have him secured,froin vinlencelp him ;
self ap,well i tts to her, ( and here tire o,l'airr
ming creature wept , for aome momentsol
and ,if , she ,could make an .arrangeinepli
with.j.lte "bear, 'vhe urged that it eboohl i
be, kept as privpte 88 his most secret,,
tlinughie, and-tier husband beyond „aux
atiriitiny„ of , visitors. And she Haig slier,
heart wouldbreak, Ole knew it , wi . .lidt•Padt.
wept,hitterly.and lung. r, . , ‘.} , i
'rile Doctor„ , as All who ,know i hialtiath
anti leinAee - tlear4oineal'.arlii readily ',Maginot
'Wks, hut.., insensible. it' the mucking spc,ifal.
or hit ofiaikor. „owl, wkih all!' t r anlineflif ,
which. alwayll 018r2I:18/iZed fiill3, ti,t,give,
her Imshand a priyate a partroent,aad - il'iPi'l
aPecial FAIP ; and nig° q a . hield hint ff o ll.l
the , gime ,o( eurinailY.seekora .latlo. r , Pl4f
thiaol , publioinaliintlooq , , „, no. iv,
The lady. was, mot long in twanging,
terMs, „intermingled with tears,; alleles . ,
not ;ging, in pettifog the detailaof herilutt,
haud's,coulleetputit ; On, was not,long,,ith
' thottyof ,taktoll4ter. Pate, . *PICO^. aln,
6;lppett, into,, , herAtaritng4h. P , H e gilirh , '
kind hand, • of the: Dlictt,F, atm Lupe ter i
beautiful face toward!him. and cast,pinA ;
hint a, glance that was full of tellifttlfr,
netts and eolicitutle, and inspired him,ttnowc,
with admiration Ind flit.Y. ,h, , ~ , ,, , ?1 ' . ~ i i
,I'lle,earringe dross nwaY.,the yostor:A, 1
eyea„ following, ainid • the cloud', of ~d 940 i
which followed' itt its malo, until „ it„vv?4,,
entirely lost to view, Down trktilehrtdo,,
along ilie„ crowded itintroughhire t over Ake,
pebbiettl,Way of Vdtesbut etceete to ft Itkellr,
tonahleiewelrY e al ah l i ehmerlt nr .nr flllYto
the earmige, Ptwand) its sweertiroktiel/PIA,V,
inmate glaneing out and ; ' tailing within,
growing milreat with.:; a •thOught,tbar
requtretronoliter,ParagraPit Ir! learo-3 If , ".8
, ',:Site alighted, anti into ',be hagam
o( gold end silver and•, precious , stoueo,,
with all tire Adair linatislof 'a, q 'melt. 1 ,. OA*,
or; two of dip gentletqanly tittendants,iren.
to, fear hero wish Iltl Wattled .to aeleet -At
, , I
get of Aker ware, ,not, ton elaborate 1 9.4t1r,
stgitof workinanship,,tior yet I mp plwit. 7 ,,,
andlethig treat, tawlfuland belle' roll 400,4
was salecteo by„ the, lady or thp stpteiy.
tread, She,Oefrett the Ittlia!ef ,, P,ttt.YPv,k,
hill made onto and,,ahe would afflthl jt•ltr,
Her wishes were
,cieroplied with, andithen
lady, took out her elegant port.intintije,.hot, i
, alas ,I there were but about $4O in it. She
I• had pirked,up her wrong port.inennie, eho h ,
I sail with bewitching aweetne.s andiahe •
1 waq vexed, at her etntdditY• She . thOWeverrel
could; arrange „it. , Site was „t ile wire; of
Dr. ---- 7 , , the princspal physician of tin iii,
1 sane Hospital, and ,s he desire 4 her atten no
rilauctn accompany her, to that place,,whese
1 1 she would pay hint at once, , , VVho,cettlit ,
rosist,euzlia request front a :beattlifill w¢;;,
man—a requ.4s, Spoke% as !Ditch arith,ltio l ,
ryes as the voice. Not the FlerkovaiA,„
' IY• . • .., , ~, "trall,.. 1 )
The Iwo gut liii^ the earrine • tegfater.,l
oho' bark it, whirled to, the Hovpdal., ~Ther,,
lady, juiripell hum the carriage, ,apd„Wa,*-,
warmly greeled,,bY the bUCIU i ., ' .WiIIPWINtiI
ut the entrance,„, i , ~,
I , “Dhe'urt tide 4 . 1 ,UY ,1 " 1 4 91) 40!',8ia,i
ale, ? an , air at tine° sweet, gad, wor-
l roivr yid el, , .., • 1 , , fl., , 111 i 1 ..111 IV
Tliti l {In?! allendet); ' ,, arid, . lig Amu '
struck ,aghast,, 1 ;11,e, could not fathom ber m
Interning ,. „ „ , ~ . ~ , in,,:ora
!‘ What dia,y9u say, modem 1 1 ', be aMett! i
1 111 '1°00a he teat ,enelti t ,".tv,,4111 ditilYA44
mai' 1 ”, , , , 0 0 , , ' •1. A \v., ,i
, Ductor. this ,is, 44, husband :. please.,
take him itieha,rge.'! . • • ~, `,,,,;
~, „,,,
, -Tp , ' dpvii. m 00 3 ,0, l'am oskliool , iiooTo
band ; wl:iatklo yint,mean 17 ,
~,,, , ~;„„
. Ourating into team she sol*ptialood ‘Tr .,,,
1..11U has ii);11/111er !VIVI/1.41% ;hi, Inqi* A
,at ask. Oh 1. Doctor, if you hate .pity to . •
your flout st s PUrt , him* and wive yougitett.,l
;tic me frotn, vio l ence.”
~I! .1
' 111 v!lin 6 1, Pm' fellow altitimlo4 tre. , t
explain., lie tyre (tarried a10110he,,C44 , )
d,li, 34 ud in Lo it! room. mid cooked is:trowels 11.
—the wotnatj all the while followings:l4w ;
behind . weeping tie though her heart Would i'.
...ji b .
break. The Doctor au n t the lady return s , • ••= 1 ." , r 4
ed to the reception room, and iht hitter. ,
after giving the other an civilise of , the ,
peeutuarities of, her alledged hutibaptl'it
attatik'w, together with 89E110 directional io,,
reference to the care she desired - to have ,
bestowed, upon him, she loft, protaltikor,
to call again in ; a few day.. And oyar ~i
whirled the carriage, the silver, were, 1041„ ,
the lady, neither pf which hastalctO 4eettt,..
ol since.
The poor attondent wits cm** dm,
days before any one About tits If,,W i ts
meni could be induced Kr 4 041 11,, 11 ,“ hot
to hie iii,npliiyqes titii alt' duo Obit 4